HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180927Application.pdfilil MARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,pT-r-c THE COMMLAW GROUP ,J il .ilil I 7 T I ;L'*r $i:':September 26,20L8 VIA Overnioht Courier vcs- 1- t8-ol Diane Hanian Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Re: Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. - Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecom m u n iations @ rrier Dear Ms. Hanian: On behalf of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. ('ViasastJ, transmitted herewith is one (1) original and seven (7) copies of Viasat's Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in Idaho ('Application'). Please date-stamp the duplicate of this flling and return it in the self-addressed, postage- prepaid envelope. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectlully Michael P. Counselfor Wast Grier Seruices, Inc. Enclosures 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, Virginia 22102 P 703.714.1300 F 703.563.6222 w www.commlawgroup.com t mail@commlawgrou p.com lt STATE OF IDAHO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTIUTIES COMMISSION i"ifi{li":itvEt) iiil$ S[p 27 pH 3: lZ ii..-,,,':.j:-,1.1{-,, , ,:: rii ills.$l0p,j In the Matter of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Application of Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier to Receive Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) Suppott for Voice and Broadband Services case No. yLS f l g-o I AppucATroN oF vrAsAT CARRTER SERVICES, INC. FOR LIMITED DESTGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER TO RECEIVE CONNECT AMERICA FUND PHASE rr AUCTTON (AUCTTON 903) SUPPORT FOR VOrCE AND BROADBAND SERVTCES AND REQUEST FOR Et PEDTTED CONSIDERATION Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. ('Viasat" or the "CompanyJ respectfully submits this Application for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier CETC') to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('CommissionJ pursuant to section 2L4(e)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act1,1 Sections 54.20L and 54.2022 of the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission ('FCC'), and in accordance with the Commission's requirements as set forth in Order No. 29841 C trC Orde/).3 Viasat's parent company, Viasat, Inc. ('VSI), was selected as a winning bidder in Idaho4 under the FCC's Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) (the "CAF II AuctionJ.s However, Viasatt receipt of CAF II Auction funding is conditioned upon 147 U.S.C. 5 214(eX2). 2 47 C.F.R 55 54.201 and 54.202. 3 In the Matter of the Application of WWC Holding Co, Inc. d/b/a Cellulanone Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carier that may Receive Federal Universal Seruice Support, Order No. 2984t (August 4, 2005) C'trC Order). 4 Conned America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) Closes Winning Bidder Announced FCC Form 683 Due October 15 2018, AU Docket No, 17-182, WC Docket No. 10-90, Public Notice, DA 18-887, _ FCC Rcd (rel. Aug. 28, 2018) ('Audion 903 Results Noticd'), Attachment A at 10; see also https://auctiondata.fcc.gov/public/orojects/auction9O3/reports/all assigned census blocks (listing winning bidders). s See Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Scheduled for July 24, 2018; Notice and Filing Requirements and Other Procedures for Audion 903, Public Notice, FCC 18-6, 33 FCC Rcd 1428 (2018) ('Auction 903 Procedures Public Noticd'). 1 Viasat obtaining designation as an ETC in the eligible Census Blocks by February 25, 2079.6 Accordingly, Viasat seeks designation only in the Census Blocks for which it was awarded funding from the CAF II Auction, as identified in Exhibit A. Section 2L4(e)(2) of the Act authorizes the Commission to designate a company that meets the requirements of 47 U,S.C, 5 214(eX1), such as Viasat, as an ETC. In the ETC Order, the Commission endorsed the FCC's rules, with some modifications. As demonstrated in this Application, Viasat meets all state and federal requirements for ETC designation, and, as shown by the description herein of Viasat's planned voice and broadband deployment projects, designating Viasat as an ETC in the proposed areas would advance the goals of universal seruice and is in the public interest. In support of this Application, Viasat states as follows: I. BACKGROUND Viasat is a Delaware corporation headquaftered at 6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009. Viasat is filing a registration with the ldaho Secretary of State to qualify to do business in Idaho as a foreign corporation and will provide a copy of its Ceftificate of Authority as a soon as it is available. Viasat is a wholly-owned subsidiary of VSI, a Delaware corporation also headquaftered at 6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, C-alifornia 92009. Viasat will outsource technical, billing, installation, and customer seruice matters to VSI as doing so is more efficient and cost-effective than creating duplicative functions. Viasat will also rely on the significant managerial and technical expeftise of VSI. VSI is an innovator in broadband technologies and seruices. VSI's end-to-end platform of high- capacity Ka-band satellites, ground infrastructure and user terminals enables VSI to provide cost- effective, high-speed, high-quality broadband solutions to enterprises, consumers and government users around the globe. In addition, VSI develops and provides advanced wireless communications systems, 6 Auction 903 Results Notice, para. 15, n. 11 ("By February 25,20\9, the long-form applicant mustobtain from all the relevant states or the Commission a high-cost ETC designation(s) that cover its winning bid areas and upload the required documentation and a ceftification letter to its FCC Form 683."). 2 secure networking systems and cybersecurity and information assurance products and services. VSI's satellite network support broadband Internet access, video streaming, and voice over IP ('VoIPJ, among other applications. VSI provides broadband and VoIP seruices to customers in allfifty states and the District of Columbia. VSI has previously deployed several @nsumer broadband networks, stafting with the WildBlue-l networ( which was deployed in 2005 and has operated continuously since that time. In 2011, VSI deployed the ViaSat-l satellite networ( which VSI has used to provide high-speed, high-quality broadband seruices to consumers and other end users. In 2017, VSI deployed the ViaSat-2 satellite networ( which commenced seruice in April 2018. In addition, VSI has a new satellite under construction and ready for launch in the 2020 timeframe, ViaSat-3, which will allow Viasat to offer even higher speeds of broadband seruice and more capacity than ViaSat-2. VSI's satellite networks utilize geostationary-satellite orbit CGSO') satellite technologies. Last- mile connectivity is provided to end users through GSO user terminals that communicate directly with VSIt satellites. VSIt satellites also connect to satellite access nodes ('SANsJ that are located on the ground and intermnnect with the Internet, public switched telephone network CPSTN'), and other tenestrial networks using leased fiber. il. COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE Pleadings, orders, notices, or other correspondence and communications regarding this Application should be provided to: Jason Sophinos Associate Genera I C,ou nsel ViaSat, Inc. 349 Inverness Drive South Englewood, CO 80112, USA Tel: 720-493-6365 Emai I : Jason. Soohinos@viasat.com 3 With a copy to: Michael P. Donahue Alex Schneider Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Tysons, VA22L02 Tel: 703-7L4-L319 Fax: 703-563-6222 E-Mail : mpd@CommLawGroup.com ais@CommLawGroup.com III. VIASAT'S PROPOSED PARTICIPATION IN THE FCC'S CAF II AUCTION A. Background on the CAF II Auction On January 31, 2018, the FCC issued an Order on Reconsideration concerning its Connect America Fund initiative, which enabled the FCC to move fonruard with the CAF II Auction, in which seruice providers competed to receive up to $1.98 billion to offer voice and broadband seruice in unseryed high-cost areas.T That Order followed a series of orders establishing the details of the CAF II Auction.s Under this program the FCC will disburse up to $198 million annually for providers- including competitive providers such as competitive local exchange carriers, cable operators, fixed wireless ISPs, satellite broadband, or alternative providers such as electric utilities and governmental entities- to deploy broadband networks in high-cost, unserued price cap areas. B. Viasat's Selection as a Winning Bidder The FCC's August 28,20t8 Auction 903 Results Notice announced that VSI was among the winners of the recently-concluded CAF II Auction.e Specifically, the FCC designated VSI as a winning bidder in t27 Census Block Groups in Idaho. In accordance with the FCC's procedures,r0 VSI assigned its winning bid to Viasat. In order for Viasat to receive the C,AF II Auction support that it has been 7 ConnectAmerica Fund, etal., Orderon Reconsideration,33 FCC Rcd 1380 (2018). 8 9ee, e.9., ConnectAmerica Fund ef a/., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 31 FCC Rcd 5949 (2016) (" Phase II Audion Order); Connect America Fund, et al., Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 32 FCC Rcd 1624 (20L7) (" Phase II Audion FNPRM Order); Connect America Fund et a/., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 26 FCC Rcd 17663 (2011) ("USF/ICC Transformation OrderJ. e Auction 903 Results Notice, Attachment A at 10. 10 See Auction 903 Procedures Public Notice, para. 37. 4 awarded, it must demonstrate to the FCC that it has been designated as an ETC in the areas where it was the winning bidder. The FCC's deadline for submitting proof of the ETC designation is February 25,2079.t1 C. Need for Expedited ETC Designation The FCC did not require that CAF II Auction pafticipants be designated ETCs at the time they filed their applications, However, winning bidders must, within 180 days of being announced as winning bidders, obtain ETC designation in any areas for which they are awarded support and submit appropriate documentation of such ETC status to the FCC.r2 As noted, Viasat has been selected as a winning bidder in the CAF II Auction for L27 Census Block Groups in ldaho. Because the timeframe for Viasat to obtain ETC designation is shoft and the consequences of failure to do so are severe, Viasat respectfully requests that the Commission review this Application promptly and grant Viasat ETC designation in the Census Blocks identified in this Application on an expedited basis. ry. VIASAT AND ITS TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS A. ViaSat's Expeftise and Experience Viasat's parent company, VSI, is a leading provider of communications solutions across a wide variety of technologies (both terrestrial and satellite), and has played a significant role in expanding the availability of broadband services across the country. Among other things, VSI has revolutionized the satellite industry by reducing the "cost per bit" of delivering broadband seruice. As a result, VSI now provides high-quality broadband seruice to end users, and affords millions of Americans- including in rural and "high-cost" areas-an effective competitive alternative to wired and wireless terrestrial services, which rely on infrastructure that is often less cost-effective. rr Auction 903 Results Notice, para. 15, n. 11 ("By February 25,2019, the long-form applicant must obtain from all the relevant states or the Commission a high-cost ETC designation(s) that cover its winning bid areas and upload the required documentation and a ceftification letter to its FCC Form 683."). tz See 47 CFR 55 54.310(eX1), 54.315(bXS); see also Audion 903 Procedures Public Notice,33 FCC Rcd 7428, 1473 ("the [FCC] decided that an applicant need not be an ETC as of the initial short-form application filing deadline for Auction 903, but that it must obtain a high-cost ETC designation for the areas covered by its winning bids within 180 days after being announced as a winning bidder"); Audion 903 Results Notice, DA 18-887, para.34. 5 Viasat is qualified to meet applicable CAF II obligations given VSI's proven track record of technical and commercial success operating as a provider of satellite broadband services and associated equipment. VSI's technical qualifications have been reviewed by the FCC on numerous occasions, and the favorable results of such reviews are reflected in the multiple FCC licenses and authorizations granted to the company. VSI also holds a number of patents with respect to satellite technology, which cover, among other things, user terminals and networking and demonstrate the company's commitment to the development of innovative network solutions. Viasat is proud to have at its disposal VSI's extensive staff of experienced engineers with expeftise in the fields of communications technology, hardware design, software development, data analytics, and networking. This expeftise made it possible for Viasat to confidently pafticipate in the CAF II auction with the ceftainty that the company will be able to fulfill its obligations. Today, VSI serues customers in all fifty states, as well as the District of Columbia. These customers include almost 600,000 residential customers. In addition, VSI connects millions of personal electronic devices per month on aircraft that rely on satellite broadband for connectivity to the Internet. VSI also has extensive experience managing the technical and customer seruice-related issues associated with the provision of consumer broadband seruices. Notably, VSI monitors network performance on a 2417 basis and has implemented procedures to leverage its extensive engineering resources quickly and effectively. B. Viasat's Network Architecture VSI will use GSO network architectures and technologies to provide CAF ll-supported services. The same suppofted seruices will be provided in all suppofted areas, As such, the network description provided herein to each state in which suppofted seruice will be provided. VSI currently provides GSO seruices using the ViaSat-l and ViaSat-2 networks, VSI has also been authorized to provide service to the United States using two additional GSO networks at the 79o W.L. and 88.90 W.L. orbital locations. The ability to operate satellites at either or both of those 6 locations, along with associated ground equipment will allow Viasat to scale available capacity over time in order to accommodate the demand for CAF II- supported seruices. Each of Viasat's satellite networks is comprised of three principal segments: (i) a space segment consisting of communications links between Viasat's satellites and associated ground facilities (which in turn connect to Viasat's terrestrial network); (ii) a terrestrial network consisting of terrestrial data, management and control functions, and interconnection to the Internet; and (iii) a user segment, consisting of links between Viasatt satellites and the end user equipment. Satellite lntemet I End Usert 3 Terrestrial Network User Equipment {+ 1. Space Seoment The space segment consists of the communication links between VSI's GSO satellites located in space and gateway eafth stations or SANs located on the ground. As noted above, VSI currently provides consumer broadband seruice over two GSO satellites-ViaSat-l and ViaSat-2. Together, these satellites will allow Viasat to provide seruice to all suppofted areas. These satellites utilize Ka- band spectrum, and will provide capacity to facilitate the provision of suppofted seruices. . ViaSat-f is a "bent-pipe" Ka-band satellite, which uses relatively small "spot beams" that allow the efficient reuse of available spectrum resources. ViaSat-l provides at least 140 Gbit/s of total capacity. ViaSat-l currently communicates with 17 gateway earth stations. In addition to an antenna and associated radiofrequency ['RFJ and baseband equipment, each gateway contains a fiber link back to a core node, where data is fufther processed before connecting to the internet (as paft of the terrestrial network segment, described below). 7 . Viasat-2 is a newer satellite design than ViaSat-l. ViaSat-2 has a maximum potential capacity of approximately 260 GbiVs. ViaSat-2 has a unique design which allows ViaSat to allocate capacity among spot beams based on demand. ViaSat-2 currently communicates with 46 SANs, SANs are similar to gateway earth stations, except that in the case of SANs ceftain equipment (and related functions) are essentially relocated to the core node to increase operational efficiency. As noted above, VSI has been authorized to provide seruice to the United States using two additional GSO networks at the 79o W.L. and 88.90 W.L. orbital locations. Satellites operating at these locations will allow Viasat to scale available capacity over time to accommodate additional subscribers. 2. Terrestrial Network The terrestrial network segment peforms the transport, data processing, control, and management functions for VSI's GSO networks. The terrestrial network segment is physically implemented using core nodes, fiber optic transpoft links, and public cloud computing centers, . The transport network physically connects each gateway and SAN with its associated core node, and also connects the core nodes together to provide redundant data paths. The transpoft network is based on leased fiber wavelengths terminated into commercial off-the-shelf CCOTS') switching and routing equipment. o Viasat maintains several cote nodes across the country, which: (i) serue as aggregation points for data traffic routed through gateways and SANs; and (ii) interconnect with the Internet, the PSTN, and other terrestrial networG through leased fiber. The core nodes essentially operate as private data centers and use a combination of proprietary and COTS applications. . Control and management functions (e.9., provisioning, accounting, billing, network monitoring, and configuration management) are hosted in the public cloud. These B functions utilize a combination of proprietary software and customized COTS software products, Hosting these functions in the public cloud allows them to be highly available and easily expandable. 3, User Seoment The user segment refers to the poftion of the network that connects each individual user to one or more of VSI'S GSO satellites and, therefore, the larger satellite network. It is the rough analog of the "last mile" in terrestrial wireline networks. Relevant equipment (other than the satellite itself) includes the following : . The user terminal is the ground-based equipment employed by an individual user to access the Viasat satellite network. The user terminal consists of an indoor unit (IDU), outdoor unit (ODU), inter-facility link (IFL), and power supply (which are depicted in the figure below). (r. a IFL Figure: Viasat User Terminals The indoor unit (or IDU) performs client-side functions related to Internet access (e.9., those related to use of transmission control protocol (TCP) and hypeftext transfer protocol (HTTP)), as well as ceftain signal conversion, modulation, and amplification functions. The IDU also incorporates a WiFi router that can be accessed by end users (and their communications devices) in the same manner as other WiFi routers. The IDU interfaces with the ODU through the inter-facility link (described 9 Wireless Router RF Transceiver Power Supply IDU Antenna Mount ODU below). . The outdoor unit (or ODU) performs ceftain signal conversion, modulation, and amplification functions, and transmits signals to and receives signals from the satellite. The ODU is typically mounted on a roof or a pole and interfaces with the IDU through the inter-facility link (described below). . The inter-facility link (or IFL) is a 75 Ohm coaxial cable that carries the communications signal and electrical power between the IDU and ODU. V. VIASAT MEETS THE STATE AND FEDERAL STATUTORY AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR ETC DESIGNATION, INCLUDING OFFERING SERVICE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Viasat meets all applicable federal and state requirements for designation as an ETC including, 47 U.S.C. 5 214(e) and47 C.F.R. 5 54.201, etseq., and the ETCOrder. Specifically: STATUTORY DESTGNATION REQUI REM ENTS 1) Common Carrier: For purposes of this designation, Viasat will provide seruice on a common carrier basis, Viasat currently provides broadband Internet access seruice and VoIP seruice. As to customers and locations where Viasat is awarded CAF II Auction support, Viasat will provide its voice seruice on a common carrier basis. As such, Viasat is a common carrier (47 U.S.C. 5 214(eX1); 47 c.F.R. S s4.201(d)). 2) Provide Universal Seruices: As required by 47 C.F.R. S 54.101, Viasat will offer the voice telephony and broadband seruices suppofted by federal universal seruice support mechanisms, including the following capabilities: Voice Grade Access To The Public Switched Teleohone Network - Viasat meets this requirement through its provision of an interconnected VoIP service that includes minutes of use for local seruice provided at no charge to end users (r.e., plans are generally unlimited usage within the U.S.) and access to emergenry seruices via 911 or E-911, wherever available from local government or public safety organizations. Viasat will also provide toll limitation 10 services to qualifying low-income consumers as provided in the Commission's Rules (47 C.F.R. 5 s4.101(aX1)). Broadband Internet Access Seruices - Viasat's broadband Internet access seruice provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data by wire or radio from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications seruice (47 C.F.R. 5 54.101(aX2)). Viasat commits to provide these seruices consistent with applicable high-cost universal seruice suppoft rules (47 C.F.R. 5 54,101(c)). Viasat will also offer Lifeline service as required by the FCC's rules at all locations where it has been awarded support (47 C.F.R. 5 54,101(d)). 3) VSI is a facilities-based satellite provider with its own fleet of satellites, eafth stations, gateways, switching facilities, and other associated facilities and, therefore, Viasat will offer the supported services using its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale of another carrier's seryices (47 U,S.C. $ 214(e)(1)(N; a7 C,F.R. S 54.201(dX1)). 4) Viasat will offer voice telephony as a standalone seruice and at rates that are reasonably comparable to urban rates,13 5) Viasat will provide the supported services throughout the designated CAF II Auction awarded service areas(47 U,S.C. 5 214(eX1);47 C.F.R. S 54.201(d)). 6) Adveftising: Viasat will advertise the availability of its universal service offerings and charges for such offerings using media of general distribution (47 U.S.C. $ 214(e)(1)(B); 47 C.F.R, S 54.201(d)(2)), namely through a combination of digital and traditional media, such as the Internet, outbound Email, adveftising via radio, newspapers, magazines or other print adveftisements, outdoor advertising, or direct marketing, and will also publicize the availability of Lifeline service in a manner reasonably designed to reach those likely to qualify for the seruice (47 c.F.R. 5 s4,40s(b)). L3 IJSFfiCC Transformation Order,26 FCC Rcd at L7693, paras. B0-81; see also 47 C.F.R. S 54.101(b). 11 7) Public Interest: ETC designation is in the public interest. In the FCC's recent Order on Rrconsideration concerning the Connect America Fund program, the FCC described holding the CAF II Auction as a step to "the goal of closing the digital divide for all Americans, including those in rural areas of our country."la As a winning bidder in the CAF II Auction, Viasat is eligible to receive $4,402,040 in funding to bring high-quality, innovative voice and broadband services to consumers in underserued poftions of Idaho, By selecting Viasat as a recipient of CAF II Auction funds, the FCC has recognized that the voice and broadband seruices Viasat proposes to deploy with the funds would advance the goal of the CAF II Auction, and thereby advance the goals of universal seruice, Granting Viasat's Application will serve the public interest through the deployment of broadband and voice services to unserved and underserved high-cost areas in Idaho, support investment in facilities and equipment, and expand the number of competitive providers serving rural areas in ldaho. Designating Viasat as an ETC will permit the company to receive CAF II Auction funds designated for ldaho, directly advancing the goals of the FCC's Connect America Fund and the Auction. Viasat's resulting deployments will bring expanded voice and broadband connectivity to rural areas in Idaho, helping to close the digital divide for residents of Idaho, and expanding economic oppoftunity for communities that will benefit from increased connectivity. Viasat's satellite technology allows Viasat to expand the reach and capacity of seruice options available to consumers, and to overcome obstacles that create barriers to service improvements for traditional wireline-based service providers. Designating Viasat as an ETC will also help promote economic and job growth in Idaho through the employment of Viasat's network of independent installers and dealers. Because granting Viasat's Application will allow it to use the CAF II funds as intended to expand voice and broadband seruice in Idaho, designating Viasat as an ETC is in the public interest. 8) Tribal Notification: Viasat has not yet initiated discussions with Tribal authorities in Idaho. Viasat will provide a copy of this Application to affected Tribal authorities and will comply La Connect America Fund, et al., Order on Reconsideration, 33 FCC Rcd 1380, para. 1 t2 with the FCC, Commission and, as applicable, Tribal requirements for seeking ETC designation in census blocks that overlap Tribal lands, ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREM ENTS 9) Viasat ceftifies that it meets all of the applicable requirements for designation as an ETC under 47 C.F.R. S 54.202. 10) Commitment and Ability to Provide Suppofted Services: Viasat ceftifies that it will comply with the service requirements applicable to the suppoft that it receives,rs including the requirements of the CAF II Auction. Viasat certifies that it will provide seruice on a timely basis to requesting customers within the service area, If a potential customer requests service and is outside existing network coverage, Viasat ceftifies that it will follow the six-step process specified in 47 C.F.R. 54.202(a)(1)(i), to the extent possible. 11) The FCC waived the requirement for a winning bidder to flle a five-year plan (47 C,F,R. 5 54,202(a)(1xii)) as part of the ETC designation process.16 Accordingly, Viasat is not required to submit a two-year plan, because the two-year plan requirement in Idaho is based on the FCC's five-year plan requirement.lT LZ) Ability to Remain Functiona! in Emergencies: VSI has been providing high speed internet seruice to customers on 24 hours x 365 days a year mode for more than thifteen years. As part of providing this commercial service, it is necessary to have in place contingenry plans for credible emergency situations for each of the major network facilities that are geographically distributed across the United States. These plans contain activation, required staffing, escalation, and communication procedures to deal with such emergencies, as well as plans on addressing potential traffic spikes in emergency situations. Additionally, all the ground-based facilities are 1s 47 C.F.R. 5 s4.202(aX1Xi). 16 WCB Reminds Connect America Fund Phase II Applicants of the Process for Obtaining Federal Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carier, WC Docket Nos. 09-197, 10-90, Public Notice, DA lB-774, at 4-5 (rel, July 10, 2018) ("FCC ETC Procedures Noticd'). 17 See ETC Order at B. 13 equipped with independent power generators and sufficient fuel to operate for several days so as to mitigate power outages. The design of these facilities contains multiple levels of redundancy and autonomy that also mitigate the need for dedicated human interaction. Viasat plans to apply this successful model to its CAF II Action seruices and customers. 13) Commitment to Consumer Protection and Seruice: The FCC waived the requirement to demonstrate satisfaction of consumer protection and seruice quality standards.ls Nonetheless, Viasat certifies that it will comply with all applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules. 14) Local Usage Plan Description: Viasat will offer high-speed Internet access seruice and high-quality, unlimited VoIP calling in its seruice plans. Viasat's pricing will be reasonably comparable to the price of similar services in urban areas. Viasat's interconnected VoIP seruice will provide unlimited local and interstate calling, so it will not include usage charges for local or toll calls. In addition, Viasat is required to set prices for its offers that are reasonably comparable to prices in urban areas. Accordingly, Viasat will offer calling plans comparable to those offered by incumbent local exchange carriers in the areas in which Viasat seeks designation. REPORTING REQUIREM ENTS 15) Annual Repofting: Viasat will comply with the annual reporting requirements of the Commission. 16) Two-Year Network Improvement Plan and Progress Repoft: The FCC will not require the two-year plan. See Response to Section VI, #11 above. l.7) Outages: Viasat will comply with the requirement to report on outages to the Commission. 18 See FCC ETC Procedures Notice, DA lB-774, at 4-5; see also Connect America Fund, et al., ETCs Annual Reports and Certifications, WC Docket Nos. 10-90, 14-58, Report and Order, 32 FCC Rcd 5944, 5944-5948, paras. 3-14 (20L7). 74 18) Unfulfilled Seruice Requests: Viasat will comply with the requirement to repoft unfulfi lled service requests. 19) Customer Complaints: Viasat will comply with the requirement to report complaints. 20) Seruice Quality and Consumer Protection Ceftification: Viasat will comply with the requirement to ceftify compliance with consumer protection and service quality standards and rules, See Response to Section VI, #13 above. 2L) Descriptions of Loca! Usage Plan and that of ILEC: Viasat will comply with the requirement to include a description of the local usage plan and ILEC local usage plan in the annual repoft. 22) Ceftification: Viasat ceftifies that, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. $ 254(e), it will use federal universal seruice support only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and seruices for which the suppoft is intended. vI. CONCLUSION For the reasons stated herein, Viasat respectfully requests that the Commission designate Viasat as an ETC in the area identifled in Exhibit A on an expedited basis and order such other relief as may be appropriate. Respectfu I ly su bm itted, Viasat Carrier Seruices, By: Michael P. Donahue Alex Schneider Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Tysons, VA22L02 Tel: 703-7L4-L3L9 Fax: 703-563-6222 15 Dated: September 26, 20LB E-Mail : mpd@CommLawGroup.com ais@CommLawGroup.com 16 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I, Robeft Blair, state that I am the President of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Ceftification on behalf of Viasat Carrier Servies, Inc.; that the foregoing Application of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications C.arrier was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and oorrect to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and mrrect. Executed this 25th day of September, 2018, 4+--l* st-4-_ Robed Blair President Viasat Canier Seruices, Inc. 349 Inverness Drive South Englewood, CO 80112 ) ) LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A - List of Census Blocks Where Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. was Awarded CAF II Auction Suppoft EXHIBIT A List of Census Blocks Where Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. was Awarded CAF II Auction Suppoft 16073950200L2LL 160799602007470 1605700ss001045 160139603001129 16049960400t223 160699400002122 1601s9502002370 16029960100s272 160259701001951 160799604006061 1605700s50020s7 160739502004047 160499604001041 160299601004028 160399601002928 160299601005348 160159502001928 160799602007535 160399601002100 160699607001099 160399604001186 160599702002022 t602t9702004018 160739s02001679 160699607001080 160159s02003s75 160079s01003294 160799602006357 160499604001114 160599702003254 160799602006096 160739s0200s076 160799602002018 160639501002387 160399601001867 16083001s001184 160859701003787 160859701002268 160179s06001303 160739s02003816 160799602002040 1607s9601001090 160830015003563 160619400022022 160399604001281 160479601001256 16069960700LL37 16017950600L245 160739502004112 160499603002065 16039960100201s 160459601001037 160419701001757 150159502003554 150739502003219 160159502002409 160799602007372 160379602001126 160079501004176 16005001900448s L604L9702004010 160739502002012 160859701001739 160299601004331 1605700ss002t28 160830015003515 16047960100163s 160859701003543 1607996020062s4 16077960t002320 160039501001003 L602t9702004040 160139601001058 160199715001406 160099501001262 160499601002699 160599702003202 160299601005206 160830015003495 160639501002074 16083001s001316 160079501004s30 160099501001064 160699400002037 160139601001066 160419701001t17 160379602002281 160639s01002386 160199701001510 160499601002280 16041970100L294 160739502003237 160259701001261 160050019004482 15039960s00112s 160830015003362 1604996010023s3 150099s01001116 1607395020030s8 160799603004063 160379602002045 160399601002932 160179506001358 160199701001433 160619400022040 160499604001258 160599702003270 160399604001301 1600s001900445t 160399601002s67 160739s0200s062 160299602001695 160699607001096 160359701002648 16083001s002s4s 160079501004t62 160139603002221 L60779601002389 160799602003006 160799602007361 160739502001389 t60779602001323 160799602006119 160199701001508 160799602007t78 160739502004023 16025970100L77L 160299601005332 160139601001062 L604L9702004005 160739s02003273 160799603004038 160050019004424 160359701002368 16025970100L454 16073950200t2L2 160499604001068 160799602007s29 160739502003264 160119503002263 160859702001036 160570055002180 160639501001164 160399601002384 160499601002692 160299601005128 160419701001346 160399603004128 160859703001354 1603s9701002444 160139603002170 160799603004026 16061940002205t 16061940002L023 160419701001341 160399601001689 160219701001062 160499601001666 160479601001319 160699400003123 160179506002161 16019970100L432 160499603002158 160399604002511 16083001s002ss2 160499604001268 160299602002t7L 160159502003576 160859703002346 160499601002227 160739502003121 160419701005012 L60799602007054 160799602007s42 160399604002327 L60499604001490 16029960100s236 160399604002563 160010105011303 160499601002532 160859703002893 160799602007435 150599400002767 160079s02002411 160399604002s69 16073950200s066 16029960100s3s2 160299602001191 150399502001182 160159s02003127 160079s02002296 160499604001667 160159502003903 160499601002310 16007950200219s 160299601004043 160419701001108 160739502004022 160739502004042 160799602002047 160259701001466 160739s02003029 150539s01001107 160799602006151 160739s0200s182 160119502001209 160799602007308 160399601002307 160159502002446 160119502001215 160079502002t21 160699607001129 160399601002739 1603996040027t4 160299602001266 16039960100211s 1605997010018ss 160419701001259 160499602004248 160099501004238 160199701001503 1603s9701001329 160739502003066 160179506001242 16029960100s234 160699400002L46 1608s9701003733 16073950200L947 160399601001t97 160499601002658 160119400001272 160799602002051 160499604001040 160699607001032 160059400002198 160739s02004118 160830015003386 160619400022007 160759601001093 160799602006465 160499601002717 160799602006031 1601s9502001910 160830003001140 160119400001141 160499604001708 160799602006172 160499601001698 160379602001058 160499400005135 160859701002050 160499603002204 160599702003267 160079501004005 160259701001465 160499604001355 160399601002666 160159502002073 160459601001785 160099501001155 160759601001069 16061940002L037 16035970100L327 1602L9702004022 160399604002957 160399601002050 16049960400t445 160859701003793 160859702002094 160399601002130 160399601002268 160299601004047 160139601002268 160099501004367 160399602001186 160479601001980 160139603002t9L 160439701001860 160159s02003574 160399601001686 160639501001136 160499604001701 160799602007t75 160499601001134 160699607001140 160739s02004978 160499601001584 1608s9701001852 16049960200s2s2 160699400002091 16011950200L224 1601s9s02003066 1603s9701004628 160259701001458 16029960200137s 160010105031369 160699400002128 16073950200L675 160050019004474 160739502003381 160050019004454 160419701001231 160859703002551 160079501003057 160699400002168 160499601002251 160830015003394 160159502004233 160259701001978 1607395020013s5 160299601004068 160859701002546 160699607001069 160699607001089 160699607001144 7604L970L001311 160119502001419 16039960400L279 160059400002064 16049960200s219 160799602002027 160859703002258 160479601001296 160299601004095 160179s06002218 160799602006020 160079s02002076 160830015003399 160619400022006 160859703001376 160379602001097 160119503002001 160399601002121 160399602001171 160270223003351 160859703002463 160299601004244 160499601002s4t 160739502003674 1607s9601001061 160419701001250 160159502003326 160779601002t77 160599702003008 160299601004309 160799602006203 160699400002169 160179s06001089 160779601002236 160419701001084 160479601001155 160599701001604 160299601004060 160050019004468 160179506001289 160179s06001386 160739502004396 L6077960t002165 t6077960t002378 160499601002223 160079501004519 160499601001670 16029960100ss18 160599701001428 160459601001243 160399601002197 160139601001099 160859703001138 16035940000108s 160699607001143 160799603004066 160259701001164 160499604001075 160399604002824 160299601004230 160299601004328 160419701001391 160859701003266 160599701002106 160459601001198 160079501004178 160079s01003230 160570055002036 16083001s003867 1608s9701003313 160799602007457 160379602003303 160259701001932 160119400001184 1607395020016L7 160619503001073 160079502002138 160159502002594 160079502002380 160739502001642 160099501004059 160739s020037t2 L6047960L001183 160499602005135 160399601002192 160399601002106 160059818001072 160739502003140 160399604001239 160399601002002 160050019004076 16083001500t229 160799602006176 160859702001015 1601sgs02002027 160299601004223 160859701001843 16085970100t827 160499603002199 160739502004040 160830015003s39 160399601001783 160639501001071 160739502003027 16029960100ss38 160799602006208 160399602001s43 16069960700L747 L60799602006125 160399601002937 160259701001002 160139601002294 160239701001282 160830015003558 160459601001305 16029960100s086 160859701003423 1602s9701001066 1602597010012L2 160079501003002 16049960100L947 160419701001498 160499601002111 160799602006206 160499602005426 160299601005555 16073950200L2L7 1608s97030023s7 160299601005139 160119503002004 1608s9703002352 160119503001206 t60879702001092 160739502001623 16079960200646L 160499602005357 160099501004225 160159502001927 160079s02002129 16041970100L423 160739502001s96 160179506002168 1604995040010s2 160299602001738 160399601002249 160419701001356 160499603002129 1603996020012t4 1601s9502003067 160739502001394 160619400021011 160s70056001093 160259701001488 160739502004039 160499602005209 1603s940000s097 160179s06001067 160419701005039 160739s02001346 160159s0200218s 16041970100t270 160s99702003213 160159502004368 160299601005311 160359701004008 160739502001939 160830015003402 160159502002337 160859701003161 16061940002L020 160299601005263 160499400004082 160399601002383 160759601001191 16085970100342L 160299601004L48 160859701002584 160739502004245 160699400003125 160699400003039 160399601002t32 1603597010042L0 160739502003825 160799602006267 160079501003245 160399604002730 160619400022032 160739502004983 160859701003186 1608s9701002712 16049960400t446 1608s9703002695 160179506001050 160419701001376 160299601004008 160439701001837 160739s02004310 160799602007458 160499603002t79 160159502002289 160159502002873 160299601004231 160399601002000 160459601001331 160079s01004210 160859701001623 160s99703003181 160799602006053 16087970100245L 160699400002094 160399604001338 160739502001613 160159502002397 160459601001113 160399601002162 160799602007s08 160319s06002491 160399601002070 160699607001103 t60799602006042 160299601004214 160299601005259 1608s9703002074 160499603002166 160099501001191 160739s02004049 160399602001205 160299601004010 160419701001233 160379602003286 160399604002356 160799602006036 160499602005229 160159502002741 160479601001564 160779601002381 160739s02001567 160499603002209 160399604002001 160799602006037 160699400005098 160739s02001436 160439701001862 160599701001ss4 160499603002188 160099501001284 16011950200L273 160050019004447 160619400021022 160739502001349 1608s9701002937 1608s9701001360 160379602002330 160619400022068 160079501004s02 160219701001L22 1604996010029L7 160799602007320 160079501004s17 160499602005157 160799602007362 160419701001463 160119s03001085 160830015003176 160739502003141 160399601002004 160119s02001456 160859701003610 160739s02003098 160399604002s33 160079502002179 160299601004093 160879701002435 160499604001213 16059970200329s 16049960400108s 160499601001646 160499602005324 160299601004064 160159502004236 160859701002535 160159502003933 16049960400L437 160459601001058 160799602007423 160499601001627 160739502002061 160139603001020 160159502003288 160859701002519 160259701001180 160299602001317 160099501001283 160099501004233 160739502003269 1603996010023s9 160439701001488 1608s9701001004 160499601002777 160739502005070 160079502002297 160599703002142 16061940002200t 160179506001153 160479601001286 160699400002143 1603s9701001804 1603996040026s4 16011950200t279 160499602004274 16083001s003s36 160499601002008 160159502004382 L60799602006L62 160399604002580 16029960100ss12 160s700ss001049 160859703002806 16069940000s082 160099501004L45 160159502004386 160319506002485 160599702002027 160419701001105 160739502001586 160799602007387 160039501001115 160499601002s61 L60379602002269 16049960400L734 t60779601002050 160419701001062 160739502001182 160739s02003621 1602s9701001461 160039501001644 160799602006262 160859701003151 160599701001440 160159s02004340 160099501004020 160619400022272 160859701001057 160599701001222 1608s9702001021 160299601004013 160399601001723 160499601001645 160079501004518 160799602007163 160499601002311 160519400022209 160619400023185 160419701001381 160879703001094 160699607001132 160119400001173 160639s01001092 160179s06002148 160739502001630 160799604004077 160399603004148 160799604006002 160779601002703 L60799602007454 160499601001482 160159502002205 160399601003L24 160299601003160 1601s9s02002333 160859701001876 160299601004164 160619400022042 160859701001875 L60799602002060 160299601003082 160499604001105 160859701001025 16049960200s221 160799604006020 160499602005143 160050019004477 160830015003854 160259701001459 160759601001014 160599702003022 160499601002292 160619400021028 160139601001023 160299601005223 160119503001100 160399602001213 16049960400147L 1602s970100tt76 160499601002685 160639501002002 160859703002900 160059400002011 160499601001720 160739502003612 160039501001262 160799602006487 160779601002183 160419701005405 160359701002362 160739502001390 160319506002487 160499604001395 16017950600L322 160s99703002t32 1607996020072s2 16059970100L777 160099501001007 160619400022031 160399602001187 160079501004509 160499604001209 160619400021009 160059400002066 1608s9701001752 160099501004061 16079960400s137 160739502004046 160859701002s1s 160739502003244 160859701002714 160779601002248 160599703003539 160079501004s06 150499601002234 160699607001095 160739502004250 160739502002049 1607996020064s8 160399601002094 160499601001661 160079501004192 160039501001113 160699400002179 160699607001048 160499603002L44 16029960100ss40 160499601002705 160319506002494 1601s9s020040s1 160739s02004976 160799602005014 160079502002301 160599701001591 160499603002133 160399601002049 1600s9818001101 160399601002554 160399604002296 160119502001418 t602t9702004016 160139603002155 16083001s002170 16083001s003s66 16069940000s200 160799602006044 160499602005423 160830015003572 160299601004305 160499602005331 160299601004276 160859703002437 1600s9400002195 160699400002124 160619400021084 160219701001030 1601s9502004109 1601s9s02003300 160359701001301 160499602005198 160499604001016 160399601001811 160739502004290 160179506002031 160399602001051 16061940002t087 160499601002768 160419701001496 16049960400L727 160399601001781 160119s03002007 160499601001159 16073950200367t 16049960200s178 160499601002t87 160499603002198 160859702001029 160379602001042 L60379602002298 160699607001135 160039s0100161s 1604s9601001301 1600795010032s0 1608597030027t3 160859702002101 160399604001288 1606395010011s8 160739502001056 160799602007405 160399601003118 160599703003012 160179s06001380 160739s02001605 160079501004497 160739502003011 16079960200608s 160099501004228 160499601001702 160419701001329 160399604002897 16079960400s032 160859701001008 160619400022052 160399602001s79 160639501001166 1601195020014s2 160799602007053 160179s06002033 160599703003339 16039960400202s 160399602001370 160739502001611 160359701001300 160359400006047 160699400005111 160599703003014 160739502001403 160399604002704 160739s02004280 160159502002343 160399603004L21 16049960200s393 160499601002500 160179506001353 160799603003037 1602s9701001939 160179506001411 160739502005037 160799602006958 150399601002087 160459601001053 160159502003215 160499601002282 160039501001116 160479601001290 160399604001289 16049960300220s 16025970100t487 16077960100223L 160139601002028 16049960200s339 160159502003208 160639s01001122 160739502003057 160739s02003271 160739502003708 16049960100113s 16029960100ss13 160479601001184 160259701001037 160499601001535 160639s01001068 160499400005144 160399601002198 160859703002874 160699607001184 160499604001893 160739s02005199 15013960s002426 160079502002055 L60799602007591 160119s03001083 1602s9701001000 160259701001814 16047960100LL74 160299601005061 160399604002899 160499604001s49 160399602001089 160139603002139 160799602006473 t6079960200748t 160299602001566 16041970100t482 160399601001810 160619400022008 16025970100L448 160399604002s59 160499601001696 160419701001383 160739502003122 160299602002169 1608797010024t7 160139601002269 160859701002147 160879701002452 1603s9701001562 160499602005265 16039960400273t 160379602001001 16029960200t759 16039960100257L 160010105031383 160179506001053 160599702003310 16035970100237L 160139605002004 160499604001447 1604796010011s1 160319506002457 16061940002t025 160739502003839 160619400021019 16063950100L067 160879701002098 16017950600L225 1602996010042t7 160050019004459 160199701001384 160859701001982 160079502002295 160799602007366 160859701002t16 160759601001066 160159502004183 160739502004037 160099501004018 160499603001016 160859701002608 160179s06001356 160399501002209 160139601001017 76o2tg7o20o4o2l 160859701002089 16025970100L644 160039501001937 160830015003561 160459601001061 16059970100L874 1602t9702004028 160259701001483 160499601002752 160639501002020 160499601002248 160119503002010 160119400001255 160159502002862 16005981800L074 160739s02003814 160079501004494 160179506001384 160299601005533 160739s02003131 160799604004021 160039501001373 160050019004464 160859703001131 160159502002131 160299601005526 160799602007s07 160379602003317 160399601002L94 160699400002126 160399601001780 160119s02001203 160099501001266 160739s02002003 160299601004256 160399604001s39 160599701001s87 160499601002372 160139601003180 160079501004159 1608s9702001060 160119503002264 L6025970L001486 1607996040040L4 16061940002302s 160179506001160 16079960200s013 160599703003s38 160799604005065 160399601002348 160739502003847 160399604001541 160399604001402 16013960s002029 160419701001405 160179506001326 160799602006937 160119400001244 160299601005339 160499602005440 160399602001118 160119400001266 16039960100218s 160010105031314 160159502004079 150539501001165 160879701002506 16009950100t226 160799602007s10 160099501004275 160399602001207 160259701001026 160419701001107 160499602004286 160059818001065 160399604002707 160399604002s13 16041970100L374 16073950200207L 16015950200429L 160459601001040 160859701002000 160399601001743 16085970300288s 160499602005202 160399601002326 160859701003103 160499601002839 160619400022009 160399601002LL2 160830015003400 160599701001381 160s99702003278 160399601002537 16057005s0020s9 160119400001170 160859701002190 160399601002020 160499601002583 160399601002085 160139603002106 160099501004035 160459601001108 160859701001013 160499601001100 1600795010043s7 160859703002690 1601595020044L5 160399601002159 160499602005211 160059818001087 160599701001593 160779601002374 160399601002083 160059400002308 160299601004143 160319506002443 16003950100L267 1606194000220ss 160599701001273 160299601003162 160219701001028 160399604002716 160830015003172 1604s9601001224 160779601002057 160599703003536 160619400022232 160599701001429 160079502002125 160859701003736 160570056001056 160799602002011 1607395020039s1 160159502004398 160799602006163 160259701001821 1607395020020s4 160739s02001183 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160739502004174 160399601002345 160879702001L67 16011940000L262 160399602001087 160859701001451 160079s01003296 160499604001104 16039960400t287 160379602002329 160s99702003131 160499604001196 160059400002068 16029960200tL47 160739502004L70 160399604001470 160419701001403 1600s9400002023 1601s9s02003000 160179506001065 160739502004L23 160159502002184 160079501004369 160699607001136 160859703002674 16061940002L002 160739502004387 160619400021181 160599702003018 160639s01002000 16049960200s309 160739502003809 160859703001382 160799604004018 160699607001113 160479601001006 160299601005096 160079501004368 160399604002748 160619400022053 160399601002265 160499604001033 16045960100126s 160879702001083 160639501001079 160799602007406 160099501001024 160299601003071 160499601002228 1608797020011s3 160399601002563 160139603001030 160739502003s9s 160399601002247 160739s02001602 160499601001606 160619400021089 160639s01001060 160119503002009 L60799602007456 160399604002876 160499604001299 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