HomeMy WebLinkAboutVerizon Avenue Corp.pdfVerizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page VERIZON AVENUE CORP. SCHEDULE OF GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR EXCHANGE SERVICES APPLYING TO THE COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES OF THIS COMPANY WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPT O FOR F\LING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho -----. _.' ....'" ..--.. " 0-- ...---- ... Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 2 CHECK PAGE All of the pages of this Tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the page. Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original Tariff. PAGE REVISION Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCE r:r~-~::r ~:: ' Q ILIN11.... t . h. .. u J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, ld3ho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 3 CHECK PAGE (continued) PAGE REVISION Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Idaho pubnc UWities Commission Office of the Seul;tary ACCt:cP"'("r' '~ w.'n' CI ! ~ l Iv ,,-Jf'\ r'IL . JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho _.,-,",.,. _.' ..'........-......--........,..-- Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 4 CHECK PAGE (continued) PAGE REVISION Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Idaho ~~biic Utilities Commissiontht'r.a ".( 1: . , II A; '.If :ne ecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, ld3ho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 5 PAGE CHECK PAGE (continued) REVISION 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Original Page Idaho Public Uti!ities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPT D FOR F1L\NG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Title Page....................................................................................................................................................... Check Page................................................................................................................................................ Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... Symbols .................................. .................... ........... ... ........................................... ........ .................................. Tariff Format ................................................................................................................................................ Section 1 - Definitions and Abbreviations.................................................................................................... Section 2 - Rules and Regulations............................................................................................................ .. 2.4 Application of the Tariff..................................................................................................................... Limitations On Service .................................................................................................................... 17 Limitation Of Liability ....................................................................................................................... 22 Use of Service ............................................................. ................................................................. . 29 Obligations of the Customer ............................................................................................................ 30 Obtaining Service ............................................................................................................................ 32 Advance and Assurance of Payments ..........................:................................................................. 39 Rendering Bill ................................................................................................................................... Dispute Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 42 Customer Service .......................................................... ............................................................... . 43 Credits ............................................................................................................................................. 44 Rates and Charges Computation .................................................................................................... 45 Taxes and Surcharges ..................................................................................................................... Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH F\LING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho . .. Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Section 3 - Description of Local Exchange Services...................................................................... ............4 7 3.4 Exchange Services.......................................................................................................................... . Service Charges .............................................................................................................................. 53 Restriction Services......................................................................................................................... 60 Custom Calling Features ................................................................................................................. 62 Enhanced Services.......................................................................................................................... 77 Directory Services ........................................................................................................................... 80 Operator Services............................................................................................................................ Miscellaneous Charges................................................................................................................... . Section 4 - Rates and Charges................................................................................................................... 4.4 Exchange Services.......................................................................................................................... . Service Charges ............................................................................................................................... Restriction Services.................................................................................................................... ..... . Custom Calling Features................................................................................................................. . Enhanced Services ....................................................................................................................... 101 Directory Services ..........................................................................................................................1 02 Operator Services ..........................................................................................................................104 Miscellaneous Charges .............................................................. ................ ..................... ............... 1 05 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004" Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Section 5 - Promotional Offerings.............................................................................................................100 General ................................................................................................. ........................................ 1 00 Market Trial Service Programs.......................................................................................................101 Section 6 - Individual Case Basis ..............................................................................................................102 General .........................................................................................................................................102 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the S2cretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004"'--- Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 9 SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: Changed listing, rule, or condition, which may affect rates or charges Discontinued material, including a listing, rate, rule or condition Increase Material has been relocated to another part of price list schedules with no change in text, rate, rule or condition New material including listing, rate, rule or condition Reduction Reissued matter Change in wording of text, but not a change in rate, rule or condition Id,aho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING 1 U L 1 - 2004 Baise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 10 TARIFF FORMAT A. Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the Tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. B. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised page 14 cancels the 3rd revised page 14. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are six levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1 (A) 1 (A). 1 (A). 1 (A). D. Check Pages - When a Tariff filing is made with the Commission, an updated check page accompanies the Tariff filing. The check page lists the pages contained in the Tariff with a cross- reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added , the check page is changed to reflect the revision. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Offit:e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F\L\NG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho , .... , ..-. ,- ,_..,....- ..-,.. Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Account Code: An Account code is a numerical code, one or more of which may be assigned to a Customer, to enable the Company to identify the origin of service user so it may rate and bill the call. All Account codes shall be the sole property of the company and no Customer shall have any property or other right or interest in the use of any particular Account code. Applicant: Applicant is any entity or individual who applies for service under this Tariff. Blocking: Blocking is a temporary condition that may be initiated by the Company so that the Customer cannot complete a telephone call. Business Customer: A Business Customer is a Customer whose use of Service is for a business professional, institutional , or occupational purpose. Class of Service: The type of calling associated with exchange service, such as measured or message rate or business or residential service. CLEC: CLEC stands for Competitive Local Exchange Carrier and is any carrier or reseller offering local exchange telecommunications services other than the LEC. Company: Company refers to Verizon Avenue Corp. d/b/a Verizon Avenue. Commission: Commission refers to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Credit Card: Credit Card refers to Visa(8), MasterCard(8), or other Credit Card companies as appropriate. Custom Calling Features: Custom Calling Services are optional features available for use in conjunction with a Customer s local exchange service. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho -' ..--...-......, .,,..-- Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 12 SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Customer: The Customer is a person or legal entity which subscribes to the Company s services and thereby assumes responsibility for the payment of charges and compliance with the Company s Tariff regulations. DUC: DUC stands for Designated Underlying Carrier. Directory Services: Directory Services are provided to help customers determine telephone numbers and to be reached by other customers. End User: End User is the person or legal entity that uses the service provided by the Company. Enhanced Services: Enhanced Services are optional services and features available for use conjunction with a Customer s local exchange service. Equal Access: Equal Access is the ability to access all long distance carriers by dialing 1 and not a string of long dialing codes. Equal Access provides the Company the ability to serve Customers on a presubscribed basis rather than through the use of dial access codes. Exchange: A geographical area established for the administration of communication services and consists of one or more central offices together with associated facilities used in providing exchange services. Exchange Area: An exchange area is the entire area within which are located the stations that a customer may call at the rates and charges specified in the Local Exchange Services. Exchange Services: Exchange services are lines and services that give Customers access to the telecommunications network. Facilities: Facilities means any central office equipment, supplemental equipment, apparatus, wiring, cables, and other materials and mechanisms necessary to or furnished in connection with telephone service. : F.C. stands for Federal Communications Commission. Feature Group D: Feature Group D is a class of service associated with Equal Access arrangements. Idi!ho ~~blic Utilities Commission O,flce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 13 SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Individual Case Basis: A service arrangement in which the regulations, rates and charges are developed based on the specific circumstances of the Customer s situation. InterLATA: An InterLATA call is any call that originates in one LATA and terminates in a different LATA. IntraLATA: An IntraLATA call is any call that originates and terminates within the same LATA. IXC: IXC stands for Interexchange Carrier. LATA: LATA stands for Local Access Transport Area that is a geographic boundary established by the Modification of Final Judgement. LEC: LEC stands for Local Exchange Carrier, which shall mean awest Communications; and other carriers certificated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Modification of Final Judgment: Modification of Final Judgment refers to the judicial opinion set forth at United States vs. American Telephone & Telegraph Company, 552 F. Supp. 131 (D.C. 1982). See United States v. Western Electric Co., 552 F. Supp. 131 (D. D.C. 1982), affd sub nom. Maryland v. United States, 460 U.S. 1001 (1983). Non-Recurring Charges: The one time charges for services or order processing including, but not limited to installation, special fees at time of ordering service. Operator Services: Operator services are operator provided services that help Customers to complete calls. Id'aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho , - - ".' - --- i Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 14 SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Person-to-Person: A Person-to-Person call is any call whereby the person originating a call specifies a particular person to be reached , or a particular station, room number, department, or office to be reached through a PBX attendant. Person-to-Person calls are provided by an operator. PIC: PIC stands for Primary Interexchange Carrier and is identified by a code number which is assigned by the LEC to the telephone numbers of all the Customers presubscribed to that carrier to ensure the calls are routed over the correct network. When a subscriber switches long distance carriers, it often is referred to as a PIC change. POP: POP is an acronym for Point-of-Presence and is the central office of where the LEC hands off the traffic of the Company Customers or where the Customer s access facility interconnects with the long distance network. Promotions: Promotions are offerings of service that may include waivers or reductions in rates that may be limited in term dates, times and locations. Presubscription: Presubscription is an arrangement whereby a Customer may select and designate an exchange carrier that it wishes to use for toll calling. Residential Customer: A Residential Customer is a Customer who subscribes to a Service for a non-business, non-trade, or non-professional purpose. Restriction Services: Restriction services allow Customers to customize the outbound calling capabilities of their lines. Service Charges: Service charges are charges for services performed by the Company with respect to establishment and altering of Customer s lines and associated services and features. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEP ""j"' ) 1('"'11 INGr \d \"~.. 11- - " JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho -'.--. - ...", , ..... '", ...., Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 15 SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Special Charges: Special charges are administrative fees associated with payment. State: State refers to the State of Idaho. Station.to.Station: For the purposes of this Tariff, Station-to-Station is any operator handled call that is not a Person-to-Person call. Terminate: Terminate means to permanently disconnect service. Underlying Carrier: Underlying Carrier refers to any carrier that provides local exchange services resold by the Company pursuant to this Tariff. V&H: V&H stands for Vertical and Horizontal. IDAHO PUC: Refers to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Id~ho P~b!ic Utilities Commission 2~;c~ of the SecretaryACCt:Pl ED FOH FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 _ Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 16 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Application of the Tariff This Tariff contains the description, regulations, and rates applicable to all local and intrastate telecommunications services offered by Verizon Avenue Corp. with principal offices at Two Conway Park, 150 Field Drive, Suite 300, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 and 12901 Worldgate Drive, Herndon, Virginia 20170. Service is furnished for communications originating and terminating at points within the State of Idaho under terms of this Tariff. The Company operates as both a reseller and a facilities-based provider. Where the Company operates as a reseller it resells the services of LECs and DUCs. The coverage area is the entire State. The Company Tariffs are on file at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and may be viewed at the Company offices. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission.c: ." ~, ; I ve OT Tne 0ccreIary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho ....,- Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 17 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitations on Service Availability of Facilities Service is offered subject to the availability of facilities, equipment, or systems, including those to be provided by the DUC(s), Company, CLEC(s) or LEC, the Company s ability to fulfill the order, and the provisions of this Tariff. The Company reserves the right, without incurring liability, to limit service to or from any location where the necessary facilities equipment, systems, and/or switch software are available or where the Company is unable to fulfill the order. When the Company is unable to supply telephone service as requested by an applicant it shall make available information pertaining to the application and reasons for denial. Limited Communication Shortage of facilities provided by the Company, a LEC or a DUC caused by emergency conditions may result in limitation on the length of communication. Company recognizes that underlying carriers may impose such limitation on service and reserves such right on their behalf. Third Number Calls A third number call is any call charged to a number other than that of the called or calling party. The Company reserves the right to refuse to process a third number call when the Company cannot confirm acceptance of charges at the third number or based on characteristics of the originating location. Idaho ~~blic Utilities Commission ;i';:l '" f\" J.v, J\.. lit: ,)"": ::;l8ryACCEPTED FOH FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 18 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitations on Service (continued) 2.4 Discontinuance of Service with Notice The Company reserves the right to discontinue service without liability, or to limit the use of service when necessitated by conditions beyond the Company s control , when the Customer or End User is using service in violation of the law or in violation of the provisions of this Tariff. The Company may discontinue or suspend service, with notice, under the following conditions: (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) Abandonment of the service. Failure of the customer to provide the Company with reasonable access to its equipment and property. Failure of the Customer to meet the Company s credit requirements or make suitable deposit as required by this Tariff. Non-payment of any sum due for exchange, long distance or other services. Use of service in such a way as to impair or interfere with the service of other customers. Abuse or fraudulent use of equipment or service including but not limited to (i) the use of equipment or service to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information without payment of the charge applicable for the service; or (ii) the obtaining, or attempting to obtain, or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain, long distance message telephone service, by rearranging, tampering with, or making connection with any facilities of the Company, or by any trick, scheme, false representation , or false credit device, or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever, with intent to avoid the payment, in whole or in part, of the regular charge for such service. (G)Customer violation or non-compliance with any order, rule or regulation of the Commission or any provision of the Company s Tariff or contract for service between the Company and the customer. Issued: June 21 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 2004 fdsho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FiliNG J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 19 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitations on Service (continued) Discontinuance of Service Without Notice Service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service. Company may deny service without notice for the following reasons: (A)Conditions on the Customer s premises determined to be hazardous. (8)Use of service in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of service by one or more other Customers. (C)Tampering with any facilities or equipment of the Company or the LEC or evidence of fraud. (D)Unauthorized use of service by any method which causes hazardous signals over the network of the Company, CLEC(s), LEC or DUC(s). (E)Illegal use of service or equipment including, but not limited to: use of the service with intent to frighten , abuse, torment or harass another; use of foul or profane language; impersonation of another person with fraudulent intent in application for or use of service; use of illegal equipment, services, or devices to place calls. Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 20 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitations on Service (continued) Discontinuance Procedures (A)No basic residential service shall be discontinued for local service charges until all the requirements are met. (8)No residential service can be discontinued for local service charges unless the Company has given the affected customer a written notice of the proposed discontinuance at least fifteen (15) days and a second written notice at least five (5) days before the proposed date disconnection. The notice must include: The name of the person whose service is to be terminated and the telephone number where service is being rendered; The rule or regulation violated and explanation thereof or the amount of the bill which the customer failed to pay; The date on or after which service may be terminated. The final payment date of the amount due; A telephone number which the customer may call for information about the proposed discontinuance and any deferred billing procedure which the Company may offer (if applicable); and The procedure for medical emergency waivers. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING l U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 21 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitations on Service (continued) Recording of Conversations Recording of telephone conversations of service provided by the Company under this Tariff is prohibited except as authorized by applicable federal, state, and local laws. Failure to Provide Notice or Insist Upon Compliance The Company s failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions herein , or the Company s grant of a waiver of any term or conditions herein , or the Company s grant to the Customer of an extension of time for performance, will not constitute the permanent waiver of any such term or condition herein. Each of the provisions will remain, at all times, in full force and in effect until modified in writing, signed by the Company and Customer. Id~hQ Public Utilities Commission (",' dii:ce OJ :; e ecrela, - '"\""-" :'~ ;-0 LING -~~ ~~" II""'! ~ _,,",' . JUL 1 - 2004 iroi~t, Idaho , ..'" ,.,.? Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 22 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. The Company s liability is limited as expressly assumed in the Sections 2.1 through 2. below. Fit for Purpose With respect to service provided hereunder, the Company hereby expressly disclaims, without limitation, all warranties not stated in this Tariff, whether express, implied or statutory, and in particular disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose. Contractors and Agents No contractors, agents or employees of connecting, concurring or other participating carriers or companies will be deemed to be contractors, agents or employees of the Company without the Company s written authorization. Company s Officers Under no circumstances whatsoever will the Company s officers, agents, or employees be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, actual consequential , special or punitive damages or lost profits. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho .. - - .. I Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 23 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability (continued) 3.4 Lim itations The Company will not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by the Customer against: (A)Any claim , loss, expense or damage for any interruption, delay, error, omission or defect in service, facility or transmission provided under this Tariff, if caused by the CLEC(s), LEC or DUC(s) or any other third party providing a portion of the service, or by an act of God , fire, war, civil disturbance, act of government, or due to any other causes beyond the Company s control, and no event absent a determination of willful misconduct through a judicial or administrative proceeding. (8)Any claim , loss, expense , or damage for defamation, libel , slander, invasion infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name or service mark, proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising out of the material, data or information transmitted. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 24 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability (continued) 3.4 Limitations (continued) (C)The use or abuse of any service described herein by any party including, but not limited to, the Customer s employees or members of the public. Use or abuse includes, but is not limited to, any calls placed by means of PBX-reorigination or any other legal or illegal equipment, service, or device. In the case of inbound service, this also applies to third parties who dial the Customer s inbound toll free numbers (e.g. 800/888/877) by mistake. (D)Any action , such as Blocking or refusal to accept certain calls, that Company deems necessary in order to prevent unauthorized, fraudulent, or unlawful use of its service. Compensation for any injury the Customer may suffer due to the fault of parties other than the Company must be sought from such other parties. (E)Any claim where the Customer indemnifies the Company pursuant to Section 2. of this Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 25 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability (continued) Liability for Damages The Company will use its best efforts to provide competent services consistent with industry standards. The Company will have no liability to the Customer for any loss of revenue or any other direct, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages the Customer may sustain resulting from the failure or inability of the Company to provide service to its Customers; negligent or defective services to Customers; equipment computer, network, or electrical malfunctions of any kind, breakdowns , or outages; or any other cause, whether or not within the control of the Company. The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions interruptions, delays, errors or defects occurring in the course of providing Service hereunder, where such damages were not caused by the Company s willful misconduct will in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the initial contract period charge to the Customer for services according to this Tariff during which such mistake, omission interruption, delay, error or defect occurred. Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('F (",- ."f i+,,- c.:" ~, ,, " ",A'etdIV ACC1"'.r !,' If''''1 If'''. ''''' r'- ~:: i.' lJ ~"'t r i JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho .. ..,.. --- Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 26 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability (continued) Liability for Message Content The Company does not undertake to transmit messages but furnishes the use of its services to its Customers for telecommunications. The Company is not liable for the content of Customer messages. Directory Errors and Omissions In the event of an error in the number published in the directory, the extent of the Company s liability shall be limited to the amount of actual impairment to the customer service and in no event shall exceed one-half the amount of the fixed monthly charges applicable to the local exchange service affected during the period covered by the directory in which the error or omission occurs. In cases of charged Directory Listings the liability of the Company shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the amount of charges for the charged listing in listings involved during the period covered by the directory in which the error or omission occurs. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOF~ FiliNG J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 27 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability (continued) With Respect to Emergency Number 911 Service The Company will take appropriate measures at all times to provision Emergency Number 911 Service. The Company relies on the LEC and its interfaces with Emergency Organizations to provide Emergency 911 service. As such, the Company assumes no liability of any kind for any claims, damages or suits for any personal injury, death , loss or damage caused by mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in the provision of service for portions of this service provided by the LEC , DUC, CLEC(s) or other third parties (including Emergency organizations) on behalf of the Company. Neither is the Company responsible for any infringement or invasion of the right of privacy of any person or persons , caused or claimed to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the installation , operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal presence, condition, occasion or use of enhanced 911 service features and the equipment associated therewith, or by any services furnished by the Company including, but not limited to, the identification of the telephone number, address or name associated with the telephone used by the party or parties accessing enhanced 911 service, and which arise out of the negligence or other wrongful act of the Company, the Customer, its Users, agencies or municipalities, or the employees or agents of anyone of them. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office 0'( the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FilING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004.,,--.. . Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 28 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Limitation of Liability (continued) With Respect to Non-Published and Non-Listed Telephone Numbers In conjunction with a non-published and non-listed telephone number, as described in Section 4 the Company will not be liable for failure or refusal to complete any call to such telephone when the call is not placed by number. The Company will try to prevent the disclosure of the number of such telephone, but will not be liable should such number be divulged through other sources including Caller ID display units and the Return Call custom calling feature. When a Customer with a nonpublished telephone number, as defined herein, places a call to the Emergency 911 Service, the Company will release the name and address of the calling party, where such information can be determined , to the appropriate local governmental authority responsible for the Emergency 911 Service upon request of such governmental authority. By subscribing to service under this tariff, Customer acknowledges and agrees with the release of information as described above. 10 With Respect to Busy Line Verification and Interruption In conjunction with the Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service as described in Section 4, the Company shall not be liable for any claim that may arise from either party to the interrupted call or any person. 11 Defacement of Premises The Company or its agents or employees is not liable for any defacement of, or damage , the customer s premises resulting from the furnishing of service or the attachment of equipment and facilities furnished by the Company or the LEC on such premises or by the installation or removal thereof, when the defacement or damage is not the result of negligence of the Company. Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret8fv ACCEPTED FOF~ FILING JUL 1 - 2004 . . Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 EffeCtive: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 29 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS 2.4 Use of Service 2.4.Service Availability The Company s services are available for use twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. 2.4.Allowable Uses The service offered herein may be used for any lawful purpose, including residential business, governmental, or other use. The use of service shall be restricted to the Customer, the Customer s employees and representatives in the case of business service, or the Customer, the Customer s family and persons residing in the Customer household in the case of residential service except as otherwise specified in this Tariff. The Company will have no liability to any person or entity other than the Customer and only as set forth herein. The Customer will not use nor permit others to use the service in a manner that could interfere with service provided to others or that could harm the facilities of the Company, CLEC(s), DUC(s), LEC or others as given in Sections 2.2.4 and 2.5 and will be liable for reimbursing the Company or LEC, CLEC or DUC for damages to any facilities or equipment caused by such negligence or willful acts. Service furnished under this Tariff is intended only for communications in which the Customer has a direct interest and shall not be used for any purpose for which a payment or other compensation shall be received by the Customer for such use or in the collection, transmission or delivery of any communication for others, except as otherwise stated in this Tariff. Id'aho t~blic Utilities Commission vfflce of the Secrei-afYACCEPTED FOR FILiNG JUll - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 30 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obligations of the Customer Indemnification of Company by Customer The Customer will indemnify, defend, and hold the Company harmless from and against all claims and liabilities against the Company: (A) (B) where the Company has stated a limitation of liability in Section 2.3 of this Tariff. resulting from Customer (or its employee s agent's or independent contractor actions hereunder, including, but not limited to breach of any provision in this Tariff misrepresentation of Company services or rates, unauthorized or illegal acts, or violations of right to privacy by the Customer its employees, agents, or independent contractor. (C)for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the provision of service, whatever shall be the cause and whether negligent or otherwise. for any and all liability not expressly assumed by the Company in Section 2.3 of this Tariff and arising in connection with the provision of service to the Customer and will protect and defend the Company from any suits or claims alleging such liability, and will pay all expenses and satisfy all judgments which may be incurred by or rendered against the Company in connection therewith. (D) (E)for any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, losses, damages, assessments or payments which may be asserted or demanded by third parties directly or indirectly authorized by Customer to use the service. Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho ", - -- Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 31 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obligations of the Customer (continued) Payment Obligations The intent of the Company is to observe all regulations concerning customers payment obligations. The Customer is responsible for payment for all applicable charges pursuant to this Tariff originated at the Customer s number(s), accepted at the Customer s number or incurred at the specific request of the Customer. The Customer is responsible for paying for all services the Company provides to or from the Customer s number(s), regardless of whether the Customer s facilities were used fraudulently. The termination or disconnection of service(s) by the Company does not relieve the Customer of any obligations to pay the Company for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished up to the time of termination or disconnection. The remedies set forth herein will not be exclusive and the Company will at all times be entitled to all rights available to it under either law or equity. The Customer will be responsible for the payment of all charges for services provided under this Tariff and for the payment of all excise, sales, use, gross receipts or other taxes that may be levied by a state or local governing body or bodies applicable to the service(s) furnished under this Tariff unless specified otherwise herein. Also see Section 13 of this Tariff for the Customer s obligations concerning taxes. 'd~ho ~;~~lic U!iiiti~s Commission 2"I....e of the SecretarvACCePTED FOR F(LfNG JUll - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 32 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service Application for Service To obtain service, the Company shall require the Customer to provide the Company with a signed letter of agency or third party verified verbal authorization of agency. Upon the Company s acceptance of this proof, all applicable provisions in the Company s Tariff, as amended from time-to-time which are lawfully on file, become the agreement for service between the Company and the Customer. Acceptance or use of service offered by the Company shall be deemed an application for such service and an agreement by the Customer to subscribe to, use, and pay for such service in accordance with the applicable Tariffs of the Company. Company reserves the right to refuse service to applicants per Sections 2.2.4 and 2. of this Tariff including those who are known to have been previously terminated by Company or by LEC or other CLECs or cannot establish credit satisfactory to the Company as given in Section 2.2 of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 33 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service (continued) Establishment of Credit (A)Applicant It is the intent of the Company to observe all regulations concerning establishment of credit and deposits. The Company reserves the right to require all Applicants to establish credit worthiness to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company. Upon receipt of the signed letter of agency or verbal third party verified authorization the Company, the Applicant will be deemed to have authorized the Company to obtain such routine credit information and verification as the Company requires. (B)Customer Under certain conditions an existing Customer may be required to establish additional credit. The Company reserves the right to examine the credit record and check the references of any Customer under these circumstances. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Vi r. ' a " t d.(,;~ I me. ;)ecretaiV ACCEPTED FOR FiLING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 34 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service (continued) Reserved for Future Use Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOf~ FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004' .. , Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 35 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service (continued) Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Q 1\'( +h C:Of,"foh- \,: ,:.., U, ul ' .'(",, :'::to.IJ ACCEPTED FOR FI LI NG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004" .. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 36 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service (continued) 6.4 Initial Contract Periods and Termination of Service (A)Initial Contract Periods Except as provided herein, the Initial Contract Period is one month. Service is provided and billed on the basis of a minimum period of at least one month, and shall continue to be provided until cancelled by the Customer, with written notification to the Company within a reasonable period in advance of the date of cancellation. Unless otherwise specified herein, for purposes of computing this tariff, every month is considered to have thirty (30) days. Initial Contract Periods begin on and include the day following the establishment of service. (B)Cancellation of Service When an application or request for service, including additions and changes is cancelled or changed in whole or in part before service is established , the customer may be required to reimburse the Company for all costs incurred in connection with that part of the application or request which is cancelled or changed , except as otherwise stated in this Tariff. The charge to the Customer shall not exceed the charges which would have applied to normal establishment of the original order and subsequent cancellation thereof. Service may be cancelled prior to expiration of the Initial Contract Period with written notification from the Customer to the Company within a reasonable period in advance of the date of cancellation. Upon such cancellation, the Customer will be responsible for the payment of all charges due for the service period. Service may be cancelled subsequent to the expiration of the Initial Contact Period with written notification from the Customer to the Company within a reasonable period in advance of the date of cancellation. Upon such cancellation the Customer will be responsible for the payment of all charges up to and including the date of cancellation. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Id.aho publrcffrn~H~~:c~~~s~ib~004 a "I ' " 1-.0 '~'~':f~ \-" '-' v ,11" ,",'-' L..C 'j ACCEPTED FOF~ FILING Issued: June 21 , 2004 J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 37 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service (continued) Provision and Ownership of Equipment and Facilities Company may use equipment and facilities for provision of services that are furnished in whole or in part by the Company, a LEC, A CLEC or a DUC. Such equipment and facilities located on the premise of a Customer remain the property of those providers whose employees or agents acting on behalf of the Company may enter said premises at any reasonable hour to install, repair and inspect equipment and facilities up to and including the Network Interface. In cases where the equipment and facilities beyond the Network Interface remain the property of the Building Owner or other entity, Agents and employees of the Company may enter the premises at any reasonable hour to install repair and inspect facilities and equipment beyond the Network Interface up to and including the inside wiring and the jack(s). Equipment and facilities utilized by the Company for the provision of services, termination of service shall be returned to their owner in good condition, reasonable wear and tear thereof expected. In the case of damage, loss or destruction of any aforementioned equipment and facilities, due to the negligence or willful act of the Customer or other Authorized Users, the Customer shall be required to pay the expense incurred by the Company in connection with replacement of the property damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed , or the expense incurred in restoring it to its original condition. Idaho Public Utilities Commission ".1' hp. (';;"~ r-"+1"'Jl.'l Lvv"'\,,VUII ACCEPTED FOR FfL!NG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 38 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Obtaining Service (continued) Installation , Maintenance and Repair All installation, service and repair expense is borne by the Company except as otherwise specified in this tariff. The Customer shall not install , disconnect, rearrange, remove or attempt to repair any equipment or facilities furnished by the Company or permit others to do so, except upon the written consent of the Company or as specified in this tariff. Non-Routine Establishment of Services At the Customer s request, establishment of services may be performed outside the Company s normal business hours and normal work intervals. In such cases, costs may be incurred that would not otherwise have been incurred. The Customer may be required to pay, in addition to the other rates and charges specified in this tariff, the amount of additional costs incurred by the Company as a result of the Customer s special requests. Provision and Ownership of Directories Directories are furnished by or on behalf of the Company to Customers as an aid to the use of services. The Company will furnish to its Customers without charge such directories as it deems necessary for efficient use of the services. Id-aho Pub!k Utilities Commission Office of (1'1,8 S\::Cietm' ACCEPTED FOI~ FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho . . Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 39 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Advance and Assurance of Payments Customers and applicants may be required to pay for service charges, installation and non- recurring charges of one month's fixed charge in advance of installation of their service. The amount of any advance payment is credited to the Customer s account and applied to indebtedness for the services ordered once provisioned. Customers may also be required to provide a guarantee of payment in the form of credit card imprint or other such guarantee of payment for future services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of H\~ ~r'r-re1'::Inl ACCEPTED 'FOR FilING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 40 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Rendering Bill General The Company uses cycle billing. The billing period is one month. Billing will include a statement of payment due date, the date after which interest charges will accrue and the interest rate for late payments. The Company uses direct billing by Company or authorized billing agent. Where billing systems allow, Credit Card billing and automatic withdrawal from Customer s checking or savings accounts are available. Direct Billing By Company Or Authorized Billing Agent Bills are sent to the Customer s current billing address no later than sixty (60) days following the close of billing. Call detail is included with the bill. Payment in full is due by the due date disclosed on the bill. Charges are payable only in United States currency. Payment may be made by check, money order, or cashier s check, which should be made payable as named on the bill and are sent to the address as listed on the bill. the bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the invoice date, the Company may impose a late charge on the delinquent amount. A interest rate of 1.5% per month applies to any past due balance. In instances where a check is returned by the bank and not accepted as payment, the Company may impose a returned check charge of $20. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 41 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Rendering Bill (continued) Credit Card Billing With Credit Card billing, the charges for services provided by the Company are billed on the Customer s designated and approved credit card bill. Charges are billed monthly in accordance with the terms and conditions between the Customer and the Customer designated Credit Card Company. Call detail will not be included in the Credit Card bill. Call detail will be provided by the Company in a separate mailing. 8.4 Automatic Withdrawal From Checking or Savings Account If the Customer utilizes automatic withdrawal, the charges for services provided by the Company are automatically debited to the Customer s designated checking account or savings account. Call detail will be provided by the Company in a separate mailing. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission ~' . '1(1 ,\,",('-I-"' ,"' ""'~'-' :'.JACCEPTED FOri FiLING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 42 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Dispute Procedures It is the intent of the Company to observe all regulations concerning customer disputes. Inquiries and disputes , including billing disputes, will be handled as follows: (A)The Customer shall pose the inquiry or dispute directly to the Company for resolution. Written communications should be directed to the Company s Customer Service department as per Section 2.10 of this Tariff. All undisputed portions of any outstanding balance due are to be paid while resolution of the inquiry or dispute is pending (B)The Company will investigate a Customer inquiry or dispute and report the findings to the Customer. (C)If the Company finds it's actions to be consistent with this Tariff, the Company will inform the Customer of it's no fault finding and require full payment of any outstanding balance due. (D)If the Customer is not satisfied with the Company s resolution of an inquiry or dispute, the Customer may refer the matter to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission , 472 West Washington, Boise, ID 83702. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOr~ FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 43 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Customer Service The Company maintains a Customer Service Department exclusively for Customers' questions, requests for service, compliments, complaints and trouble handling. The Company s Customer Service address and toll free number are printed on the Customer s bill. For Customers using Credit Card billing or automatic withdrawal from the checking or savings account, the Company Customer Service address and toll free numbers are provided with the Customer s call detail. Customers may contact the Company s Customer Service Department in writing or by calling a toll free number. The Customer Service Department is located at 12901 Worldgate Drive, Herndon, Virginia 20170. The toll free number is (866) 892-8368. Excluding holidays, Customer Service Representatives are available 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM eastern time Monday through Friday and an answering service on Saturday and Sunday. After hours and on holidays Customers are automatically forwarded to an answering service for messaging. Customer Service support for repair services is available twenty four (24) hours per day, 365 days per year at (866) 892-8368. After hours , trouble management teams will be paged by the answering service for immediate response to reports of trouble and repair needed. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOri FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 44 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Credits 11.Allowances for Interruptions The Company will take appropriate measures to assure minimal service interruptions. If service is interrupted, appropriate action will be taken to the extent possible to restore service within twenty four (24) hours following notification by the Customer. Interruptions of more than twenty four (24) consecutive hours, which are reported to or detected by the Company, and which are not due to the negligence or willful act of the Customer will be credited to the Customer s account in accordance with the applicable Rules of the Idaho PUC. 11.Credit for an Incomplete Call An incomplete call is a call where two-way communication was not possible between the called station and the calling station. When a Customer notifies the Company that the Customer has been inadvertently billed for an incomplete call, the Company will issue credit for the amount of the charge for that call. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 45 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Rates and Charges Computation Usage charges are based on usage used or billed as timed and recorded by the Company or the DUC. Chargeable time for the Customer begins when the called party answers and ends when the calling station hangs up thereby releasing the network connection. If the called station hangs up but the calling station does not, chargeable time ends when the network connection is released either by the automatic timing equipment in the telecommunications network or by the operator. For all services, fractions of a billing increment are rounded up to the next higher increment. Calls are measured in sixty (60) second increments. The usage charges for each completed call during a billing month will be computed. If the charge includes a fraction of a cent of $.005 or more, the fraction is rounded up to the next higher whole cent. Otherwise, the charge is rounded down to the next lower whole cent. 12.Rate Periods - General Different rates may be applicable to a call at a different time of the day and on certain days of the week, as specified in the appropriate rate schedule for that call. The rate periods shown in 2.12.2 below apply. 12.Day, Evening, and Night Rate Periods Times Applicable Rate Period From Days Applicable Day 8:00:00 AM 4:59:59 PM Monday - Friday Evening/Night 5:00:00 PM 7:59:59 AM Monday - Sunday 8:00:00 AM 4:59:59 PM Saturday, Sunday Idaho Public Utilities CGmmiss~on Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOli FILiNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho C..., .. '.." . '- i Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 46 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Taxes and Surcharges 13.State and Local Taxes and Surcharges (A)In addition to the charges specifically pertaining to services, certain state, and local surcharges, taxes, and fees apply to services. These taxes, surcharges and fees are calculated based upon the point of origination of the call , the point of termination of the call, the length of each call , and the taxing jurisdiction s rules and regulations. These surcharges, taxes and fees include, but are not limited to the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Plan, the excise tax to fund telecommunications devices for the deaf, the excise tax to fund emergency telecommunication service, the surcharge to fund the Universal Service Fund and the annual assessment to fund the Commission. (B)All state and local taxes, surcharges, and fees (Le., sales tax, gross receipts tax municipal utilities tax, etc.) are listed on the Customer s invoices, and unless otherwise specified herein, are not included in the rates listed in this Tariff. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 47 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Taxes and Surcharges (continued) 13.Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FiLING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 48 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Exchange Services Explanation of Terms and Regulations (A)Unlimited Calling Unlimited Calling is a flat rate service that provides unlimited local calling within the Customer s local calling area. Unlimited Calling is available on business and residential lines. Determination of a residential line is based on the character and usage of the service. Residential rates apply where the use of the service is of a domestic nature and where any business use is purely incidental. Business service is classified and charged where the use is primarily or substantially of a business, professional , institutional or occupational nature. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 _. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 49 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Exchange Services (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (B)Standard Line Standard Line is residential service for which message unit charges are based on the number of local calls placed. Determination of a residential line is based on the character and usage of the service. Residential rates apply where the use of the service is of a domestic nature and where any business use is purely incidental. Business service is classified and charged where the use is primarily or substantially of a business , professional, institutional or occupational nature. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 50 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Exchange Services (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (C)Local Usage Charges The Local Usage Charges are the message rate charges that apply to all local calls, if Standard Line service is selected. (D)Temporary Suspension Service Temporary Suspension is service that allows a Customer exchange telephone service to be temporarily suspended, at the customer s request without termination of contract. The minimum period of suspension is one (1) month; maximum period of suspension is six (6) months. (E)Local Exchange Service The Local Exchange Services offered within this tariff are available following the exchange boundaries and local calling areas specified by the Idaho PUC. Idi!ho Public Utilities Commission Off!c(~ of the Secretary ACCEPT D FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 51 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Exchange Services (continued) Application of Rates (A)Unlimited Calling Unlimited calling is charged at a flat monthly rate with no limit on the number of local calls that can be placed to the local service portion of a Customer exchange area. Service is billed one month in advance. (8)Standard Line Message rate lines have a component that is charged at a flat monthly rate. This portion of the service is billed one month in advance. Residential local usage charges apply on a message unit basis to all local calls. On standard lines, one residential message unit applies for each local message to standard lines in the local service portion of the customer s exchange area. Id'aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPT D FOF~ FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 52 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Exchange Services (continued) Application of Rates (continued) (C)Local Usage Charges For Customers subscribing to Standard Line service, the Local Usage Charge applies on a message basis for all calls placed within exchanges in the same local calling area. (D)Temporary Suspension Service The suspension rate is equal to 50 percent of the regular monthly rate for exchange services and the rates for other services. The charge for local messages is not affected. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office or the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 53 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges Explanation of Terms and Regulations (A)Line Connection Charge Line Connection Charge New Connection The Line Connection charge is a one time charge for the establishment of a Customer' account , order processing and connection of service associated with a Customer request for service. Line Connection Charge - Conversion The Line Connection Charge - Conversion is a one time charge for order processing and account establishment associated with a Customer request for service to switch local exchange service provider to the Company service. This charge also applies to relocation of a Customer s service to a different building served by the Company. (8)Line Restoral Charge Line Restoral - Voluntary This charge is associated with restoring normal service at the Customer s request after voluntary temporary suspension. Line Restoral- Denied Service This is a charge associated with restoring service after it has been suspended for denial of service from non-payment. Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 54 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (C)Move Add Change Fee A Moves Add Change Charge is a charge associated with moves, adds or changes to an existing Customer account including changes to any services or features that a Customer makes to their Local Exchange Service. (D)Record Change Fee A Record Change is associated with Customer initiated requests for changes in Customer records. Ideho PubHc Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOii FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 55 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (E)Change of Service Charge A Change of Service Charge applies to a change in class or grade of service and a change associated with fixed call forwarding. (F)PIC Change Charge A PIC Change Charge is associated with the changing of presubscribed long distance carrier for either interstate communications, intrastate-interexchange communications or both (at the same time). (G)Change in Billing Responsibility Charge A Change in Billing Responsibility Charge applies to a change in billing name responsibility subsequent to the initial installation of service. This charge will also apply to establish toll only accounts. (H)Telephone Number Change Charge A Telephone Number Change Charge is associated with the changing of a telephone number at the Customer s request. Id,aho Pub!ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretaiy ACCEF:1J"fED FOR FiliNG J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 56 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (I)Listing Service Change Fee A listing Service Change Fee is associated with changing to Non Listed or Non Published Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary r'~': "'- ~ iF ~P LiNG'v L. , I L- ,~ ... ,\ J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho . '.' . , .. Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 57 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges (continued) Application of Rates (A)Line Connection Charge Line Connection Charge New Connection Line Connection Charge - New Connection is a one time non- recurring charge that applies to the connection of an initial or additional lines as well as relocation of existing service to a different premise. Line Connection Charge - Conversion Line Connection Charge - Conversion is a one time non-recurring charge that applies to the conversion of initial and additional lines from another local exchange provider to the Company s service. Promotional Periods During specific promotional periods, the offer may be made to reduce line connection charges on a non-discriminatory basis, up to the full amount, for customers who order an additional line. (B)Line Restoral Charge A Line Restoral Charge is a one-time non-recurring charge that applies to the restoral of service to a specific line. Idi1ho Public Utilities Commission ffi :\ Hi':' ""t",:'d ,,'~ , ..." \)", 1...",0.'1ACCEPTED FOH FILiNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho , .... .."...., __, Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 58 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges (continued) Application of Rates (continued) (C)Move Add Change Fee A Move Add Change Fee is a service charge that applies each time a Customer makes a change to the services and features on their line subsequent to initial service installation. (D)Record Change Fee A Record Change Fee applies each time a Customer makes a change in their listings. (E)Change of Service Charge A Change of Service Charge is a service charge applicable each time a Customer requests a change in telephone number, change in class or grade of service, or makes a change associated with fixed call forwarding. (F)PIC Change Charge A PIC Change Charge applies each time a Customer elects to change their presubscribed long distance carriers. (G)Change in Billing Responsibility Charge A Change in Billing Responsibility Charge is a service charge that applies each time a Customer requests a change in billing name responsibility or a toll only account. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLiNG J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 59 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Service Charges (continued) Application of Rates (continued) (H)Telephone Number Change Charge A Telephone Number Change Charge is a service charge that applies each time a Customer requests a change in telephone number. No charge applies to change the telephone number due to annoyance calls or Company initiated number changes. (I)Listing Service Change Fee A Listing Service Change Fee is a service charge associated with changing to Non Listed or Non Published Service. The charge only applies to subsequent service order activity. It does not apply if the Customer subscribes to Non Listed or Non Published Service concurrent with the initial installation of basic service. Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Offic(~ of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 60 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Restriction Services Explanation of Terms and Regulations (A)900 , 976, 676 Restriction Service The 900, 976 , 676 Restriction Service is an arrangement which prohibits access to 900, 976, and 676 service telephone numbers from selected Local Exchange Service lines. (B)Long Distance Message Restriction Long Distance Message Restriction (LDMR) is available to residential customers only. It is an arrangement on a Customer s line that denies access to billable toll calls. Local directory assistance calls are allowed. Incoming traffic and billing arrangements are not affected by this service. It is available subject to the serving central office s capability to provide such service. LDMR does not relieve customers of any payment obligations for calls charged to their telephone number. The Company is not liable in any way for any consequences arising from customer s inability to access blocked services. (C)Billed Number Screening Billed Number Screening (BNS) prohibits collect and/or third number billing calls from being charged to BNS equipped numbers. Callers attempting to place a collect or third number billing call using a BNS number for billing will be advised by an operator that such billing is unauthorized and the call will not be completed until other payment or billing arrangements are made. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOf'~ FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 61 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Restriction Services (continued) Application of Rates (A)900, 976, 676 Restriction Service 900, 976, 676 Restriction Service is charged only on a non-recurring basis at the time of service request. (B)Long Distance Message Restriction Long Distance Toll Restriction is charged only on a non-recurring basis at the time of service request. (C)Billed Number Screening Billed Number Screening is available to the Customer at no charge. Id~ho Public Utilit!8S Cornmission Office of the Secn3tmy ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho ,- :..., -.. ,, Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 62 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations Custom Calling Services are optional features available for use in conjunction with Customer local exchange service. Feature availability is based on Central Office capability and may also depend on the Customer s premise equipment. (A)Anonymous Call Rejection Anonymous Call Rejection (ACR) is an arrangement that allows a called party to reject calls from parties that have activated Per Call Blocking to prevent display of the calling number/calling name to Caller ID with Name and Return Call subscribers. When ACR is active callers hear an announcement which says that calls from anonymous sources are not being accepted, the calling party is instructed to hang up and redial without activating per call blocking. The Customer s phone will not ring when such parties call. ACR may be activated and deactivated by dialing an activation code. (B)Incoming Call Blocking Incoming Call Blocking allows the Customer to block calls from up to fifteen (15) prespecified phone numbers. Callers from such numbers hear an announcement that the calling party is not accepting calls and the Customer phone will not ring. Id,aho Pub!ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 63 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (C)Call Forwarding Call Forward transfers incoming calls to another telephone number. Calls forwarded by Call Forward are subject to local and long distance message charges. These arrangements contemplate that normal transmission performance quality cannot be guaranteed to all calls forwarded. Call Forward - Don t Answer is equipped at the time of service order with a predetermined number of ringing cycles to be completed prior to the incoming calls being forwarded. These arrangements are made on a fixed basis and may only be rearranged by notifying the Company of the new telephone number to which calls are to be forwarded. A Line Change Charge will apply to such changes. Call Forward - Busy Line forwards all calls to a predetermined number when the line is busy. In order to change the Forward To number, the Customer must rearrange service with the Company. A Line Change Charge will apply to such changes. (D)Call Trace Call Trace allows the Customer to trace the last call received. The result of the trace is automatically logged to be sent to appropriate authorities upon request. The trace is not available to the Customer and the Company is not liable for damages if, for any reason, the Trace attempt is not successful. The trace log will automatically be sent to local law enforcement authorities after three successful traces. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sf~cmtafY ACCEPTED FOF, FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 , Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 64 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (E)Call Waiting Call Waiting allows a Customer that is on the phone to receive notification, by means of a tone signal, that another caller is trying to dial in. The Customer is able to alternate between calling parties by flashing the switchhook. Where facilities permit, the incoming call waiting tone may be blocked on a per call basis. At the end of the call , Call Waiting is automatically reactivated. Where facilities permit, Call Waiting may be activated on a pay per use basis. Idaho P~b!ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED ~:~npJ C:(~ ! . "-' d" ~L,1! U JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 65 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (F)Caller ID with Privacy Plus Caller ID with Privacy Plus identifies calls even if they are sent as "Private" or Unavailable" to the Caller ID display unit. A pre-recorded message explains to callers that the end user would like them to identify themselves by recording their name. Once the end user hears the distinctive Caller ID with Privacy Plus ring and listens to the recorded name, the end user has the option to take the call or not. If the end user doesn t take the call, the caller hears a message explaining that the end user is not available. If the end user has a voice message service the caller has the option to leave a message. (G)Call Waiting ID A Customer with Caller ID may receive name and/or number information on a call that is waiting. (H)Caller ID with Name Caller ID with Name allows the Customer to receive the calling telephone number and main listed name of the party initiating an incoming call. Customer Premise Equipment is required to display the information. The calling party can prevent display of telephone number information by using Per Call Blocking. If calling party information is not available or is being blocked, a message will so indicate on the Customer s display. There is no charge for Per Call Blocking. Caller ID customers may forward blocked calling party number callers to an announcement using ACR service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 66 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (I)Distinctive Ringing Distinctive Ringing is a feature that allows a Customer to have up to three separate phone numbers assigned to one local exchange line. Each telephone number will provide a distinctive ring on an incoming call to allow for identification of the number being called. A distinctive call waiting tone is also provided for each telephone number, where facilities permit. Distinctive ringing can provided with other custom Calling Service features and features associated with a master number are automatically associated with dependent numbers except call forwarding where all lines are forwarded to the same number, or only calls to the master number are forwarded , calls to dependent numbers will not be forwarded at all. (J)Line Block Line Block enables a customer to control the disclosure of his/her name and/or telephone number to a subscriber of Caller Identification (where technically feasible) by temporarily changing the public/private status indicator of the telephone number. Line Block is available on a per line basis. A Customer may change the indicator from private to public before each call. This one call unblock allows the name and/or telephone number to be sent for that one call only. 911 is not affected. (K)Priority Call Priority Call provides a single distinctive audio signal when a call is received from one of fifteen prespecified telephone numbers. When combined with call waiting, the usual call waiting tone is modified with a distinctive pattern. Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Issued: June 21 , 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 67 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (L)Repeat Call Repeat Call allows a Customer to redial the last number dialed automatically. If the line is busy, Repeat Call continues to attempt connection for a 30 minute queuing period until either both lines are idle or the queuing process expires. Repeat Call is billable once the feature is activated , whether the call is completed or not. (M)Return Call Return Call enables a Customer to return automatically the most recent incoming call whether it was answered or not. If the line is busy, Return Call continues to attempt connection for 30 minutes until either both lines are idle or the minutes expires. Return Call is billable once the feature is activated, whether the call is completed or not. (N)RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (0)RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 68 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (P)Three Way Calling Three Way Calling enables an existing call to be held and a second call to be established and added to the connection for conferencing. Where facilities permit, Three Way Calling is available on a pay per use basis. ftl,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING " . ~. J U L 1 - 2004 Bo~, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 69 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (Q)Reserved for Future Use Idi1ho Pub!ic Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 70 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (R)Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qtfi~~ of th~ Secretary ACCcIJ) fED i~OR FILING 1 U L 1 - 2004 t101:,C, i t;aho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 71 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (S)Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 72 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (T)Optional Convenience Packages: The Simple One The Simple One is a discounted feature package for Residential Customers and consists of a combination of Unlimited Calling, Call Waiting and Return Call. Customers subscribing to The Simple One are not eligible for the Residence Package discount. Features from The Simple One may not be added or deleted individually unless a Customer wishes to purchase the features a la carte. Other Custom Calling features may be added to an exchange line in addition to the package a la carte. The Standard One The Standard One is a discounted feature package for Residential Customers and consists of a combination of Unlimited Calling, Call Waiting, Return Call and Caller ID with Name. Customers subscribing to The Standard One are not eligible for the Residence Package discount. Features from The Standard One may not be added or deleted individually unless a Customer wishes to purchase the features a la carte. Other Custom Calling features may be added to an exchange line in addition to the package a la carte. The AII-in-One The AII-in-One is a discounted feature package for Residential Customers and consists of a combination of Unlimited Calling, Call Waiting, Caller ID with Name, Return Call and Voice Mail. Customers subscribing to The AII-in-One are not eligible for the Residence Package discount. Features from The AII-in-One may not be added or deleted individually unless a Customer wishes to purchase the features a la carte. Other Custom Calling features may be added to an exchange line in addition to the package a la carte. Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Or.J:'r. .! " .::~ o '( 16. vecretaryACCE~) I ED FOR FILING J U L 1 2004 Issued: June 21 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 73 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (T)Optional Convenience Packages (continued): The Simple Unlimited The Simple Unlimited is a discounted feature package for Residential Customers. The Simple Unlimited local usage service plan consists an unlimited number of local calls per month , non-published service, call waiting, return call, and local directory assistance for a fixed monthly rate. 1 + dialing and operator assistance will be restricted. Customers will have access to E911 and 800 dialing. Customers subscribing to The Simple Unlimited are not eligible for the Residence Package discount. The features from The Simple Unlimited may not be added or deleted individually, nor may additional services be added ala carte. This service is only available where technically feasible. The Simple Unlimited Plus The Simple Unlimited Plus is a discounted feature package for Residential Customers. The Simple Unlimited Plus consists of unlimited number of local calls per month, non-published service, call waiting, return call, voice messaging (an untariffed service) and local directory assistance for a fixed monthly rate. 1 + dialing and operator assistance will be restricted. Customers will have access to E911 and 800 dialing. Customers subscribing to The Simple Unlimited Plus are not eligible for the Residence Package discount. The features from The Simple Unlimited Plus may not be added or deleted individually, nor may additional services be added ala carte. This service is only available where technically feasible. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 2004 , , Issued: June 21 , 2004 . ~ Boise, Idaho J . Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 74 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (T)Optional Convenience Packages (continued): Reserved for Future Use Reserved for Future Use Id-aho ~~b'ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTf::D FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 75 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (T)Optional Convenience Packages (continued): Reserved for Future Use Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JUL 1 ,2004 Boise Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 76 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 3.4.Application of Rates Where rates are given for Residential or Business Lines, the feature is available. When a N/A is shown the feature is not available to that rate class. Some features are also available on a pay per use basis to Customers who do not subscribe to the feature on a monthly basis. When a feature is activated on a usage basis, the charge is applied for each attempt to activate the feature unless the serving central office is not equipped to provide pay per use. Some features are subject to installation charges as shown. Custom Calling features are also subject to Move Add Change Fees when added deleted or changed subsequent to initial establishment of service. When a Residential Customer subscribes to Additional Lines, Call Waiting, Caller ID with Name and/or Voice Dialing a discounted monthly rate will apply to Additional Listings Call Forward, Call Block, Repeat Call, Distinctive Ringing, Priority Call, Select Forward or Three Way Calling. The discounted rates for these Custom Calling features are specified in Section 5.4, following. The discounted monthly rate is applicable only to Residence rate class. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 77 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Enhanced Services Explanation of Terms and Regulations (A)Hotline Hotline is a feature that provides the Customer with the ability to automatically be connected with another predetermined telephone line in the circuit switched network. When the Customer s telephone goes off-hook, a switched connection is set up without further customer action. The predetermined number is selected by the Customer at the time service is established and can only be changed via service order. (8)Warmline Warm line is a feature that provides the Customer with time delayed automatic dialing. When the Customer s telephone goes off-hook and initiates dialing within the time-delay period (0-20seconds) the call proceeds as normal. If dialing does not commence within the time-delay period , a predetermined telephone number is automatically dialed without further customer action. The predetermined number and time-delay period are selected by the Customer at the time service is established and can only be changed via service order. (C)Remote Call Forwarding When Remote Call Forwarding is activated , all incoming calls are automatically routed to another customer selected telephone number. Remote Call Forwarding is subject to availability of suitable facilities. It is not available to be originated on a Centrex line. Call Forwarding is not available on a terminating station of Remote Call Forwarding. Classification of service for Remote Call Forwarding for usage rate calculations is based on the classification of the terminating phone number. Charges for calls from the originating number to the terminating number of the forward service are the responsibility of the Remote Call Forwarding Customer. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Idaho Pubi~f\~~H~~:c~nY~s~ib~004 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 2004 Issued: June 21 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 78 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Enhanced Services (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (D)Referral Referral is a recorded announcement that states the line number status and a referral number for calls placed to a disconnected or changed residence or business line number. This service is subject to the availability of facilities. The maximum term for this service is three months. (Residential Customers receive 90 days of free Referral Service. (E)Message Waiting Indication Message Waiting Indication is a feature that enables subscribers to receive a Message Waiting Indication on their lines. Message Waiting - Audible is an audible signal (stutter dial tone) on the subscriber s line notifying the subscriber that a message is waiting. Message Waiting - AudibleNisual is an audible signal (stutter dial tone) on the subscriber line as well as a visual signal notifying the subscriber that a message is waiting. Idaho ~!!biic Utilities Commissio (fl/",p' n" f"t' ,.....~ (,I Ie .A;cretaryEPTED FOH FILING JUll - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 79 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Enhanced Services (continued) Application of Rates (A)Hotline Hotline has an associated recurring monthly charge which is billed one month in advance. (8)Warmline Warmline has a recurring monthly charge which is billed one month in advance. (C)Remote Call Forwarding In addition to all installation and monthly usage charges, local usage charges apply for each call that is forwarded to a terminating phone number within the local exchange area. Local usage charges are given in the Local Exchange Service portion of this Tariff. For terminating numbers outside the local exchange area , toll charges may also apply. (D)Referral The charge for this service is billed in advance as a one-time charge on the final bill for that number, and is based on the length of time service is required. Residential Customers receive 90 days of free Referral Service. (E)Message Waiting Indication Message Waiting Indication is charged on a monthly recurring basis. Move Add Change Fees apply to additions or changes in this service. Idaho Pub/" 'l'~'i f ' ,.. IC ~1Il,eS Comrmssron e of the SecretaryCCEPTED FOf( FiliNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 80 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services Explanation of Terms and Regulations All Directory Services are resold from the LEC and subject to the Regulations of the LEC. A summary of applicable regulations is provided here. (A)Preferred Phone Number Service Preferred Phone Number Service provides for the assignment of a telephone number (last four digits) which is selected by the customer, rather than the telephone number normally assigned by the Telephone Company. Preferred Telephone Number Service may be established only in association with the initial establishment of a service, the relocation of an existing service, or a customer- requested change in an existing telephone number. The provision of a preferred number is based upon the current availability of that telephone number. Charges associated with this service do not give the Customer any property right in the telephone number selected. A telephone number which meets the criteria for a preferred number may be reserved either prior to or after it has been in service. Reserved Number charges will apply during the reservation period. When a telephone number for which a Customer has previously paid the service establishment charge for a Preferred Number is reserved and then put back into service immediately following the reservation period, a Preferred Telephone Number establishment charge is not applicable. Idaho P!~bHc Utilities Commission Office of thA !), l'ra ," ......... c, . , ACCEPTED FOR FilING JUL 1,~ 2004 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 81 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (B)Directory Listing Directory Listings are alphanumeric listings provided in the alphabetical section of the telephone directory in accordance with the regulations and rates specified herein. Directory Listings are provided in connection with each customer service. The White Pages of the telephone directory consist of list of names customers in alphabetical order, designed for the purpose of informing calling parties of the telephone numbers of customers as an aid to the use of telephone service. Special position or arrangement of names is not offered. Listings must conform to the LEC's specifications and regulations with respect to its directories. The length of listings may be limited by the LEC and listings may be refused by the LEC if regarded as misleading, obscene or non-legal. The primary listing is provided without charge in connection with each account (including each Distinctive Ringing dependent number). The primary listing for business ordinarily the name of the customer or the name under which a business is regularly conducted. The yellow pages section of the telephone directory is designed to afford the public suitable listing information where a patron knows the nature of the business with which he desires to communicate but does not know the name of the customer. Listings in this section of the directory are grouped under headings showing the nature or class of the business. One listing will be allowed without charge in the yellow pages section of the directory for each primary white pages business listing. (C)Non Listed Number A Non Listed Number Service provides for the omission or deletion of the customer s telephone listing from the telephone directory, at the customer request. Such listings will be carried in the LEC's directory assistance and other records and will be given to any calling party. A non-listed number and associated name may be forwarded to called parties who subscribe to Caller ID with Name. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 2004 jd'~"f1 Publlt: Utilities Commission QWG~ ,$)f the SecretaryArf~(::~;r'f'R:~r FILINGFh'.:J~,pt". U i:G."J, Issued: June 21 , 2004 J U L 1 - 2004 6oise ldaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 82 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (D)Non Published Number A Non Published Number Service provides for the omission or deletion of the customer s telephone listing from the telephone directory and , in addition, the customer telephone listing will be omitted or deleted from the directory assistance records. The Company and the LEC will try to prevent the disclosure of the number of such telephone, but will not be liable should such number be divulged inadvertently. When a customer with Non Published Number Service places a call to the Universal Emergency Number 911 Service, the LEC will release the name and address of the calling party, where such information can be determined , to the appropriate local governmental authority responsible for the Universal Emergency number 911 Service upon request of such governmental authority. A non-published number and associated name may be forwarded to called parties who subscribe to Caller ID with Name. (E)Additional Directory Listing Additional Directory Listing is a service that provides for additional entries in the White Pages section of the phone book. In connection with business and residence service, regular additional listings are available only in the names of authorized users of the customer s service. Business additional listings are not permitted in connection with residence service. Residence additional listings at business rates are permitted in connection with business service that is located in a residence and for permanent guests residing in a hotel or club. Additional Yellow Page listings must be arranged directly with Yellow Pages. Id.aho ,!~blic Utilities Commission (:h"'G 1' : /" f1 ,' ":'::', ~ :.~"il .::. , )ecre ary \ Ct:i"fl:U I~OR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 83 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Explanation of Terms and Regulations (continued) (F)Directory Assistance The Company resells the Directory Assistance services of the LEC. Such services are furnished to give customers assistance in determining telephone numbers. Directory Assistance Services may be subject to an allowance of free calls for Residential Customers as specified in Section 4.6 (F) of this Tariff. Call allowances are not transferable between Customers or between separate accounts of the same customer. The Customer may request a maximum of two telephone numbers per call to Directory Assistance Service. (G)Call Completion Service Call Completion Service allows Directory Assistance Customers calling from Touch-Tone telephones to have the requested number automatically dialed by the Operator Services System. Customers may block this service using Call Completion Blocking. Call Completion is not available on lines that have Long Distance Message Restriction or are blocked from such calls by Toll Call Control. Requests for Call Completion to the following numbers will not be offered: 700 900, 915, 950, 976 and toll free numbers. Call Completion is only available on the second of the two telephone numbers that a Customer requests from Directory Assistance. (H)Reverse Directory Assistance Service The Company resells the Directory Services of the LEC. Where facilities permit Reverse Directory Assistance Service permits a customer to enter a telephone number to the Directory Assistance service, and receive the customer name and address associated with that telephone number. The name and address associated with the telephone number entered must be listed in Directory Assistance. Reverse Directory Assistance Service is available with both local and national directory assistance. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission , , " Omce of the Secretary ACCEP"TED FOR FILING JUL 1,~ 2004 Issued: June 21 , 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 84 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Application of Rates (A)Preferred Phone Number Service Residential Customers pay only a non-recurring charge at service activation. Business Customers have two payment options - they may choose to pay a non- recurring and monthly fee, or a one time fee. (B)Directory Listing There is no charge for the primary directory listing associated with any Customer s account. (C)Non Listed Number Non Listed Number service is chargeable on a monthly basis. (D)Non Published Number Non Published Number service is chargeable on a monthly basis. Irll,1hn PI~blic Utilities Commission 'r" :t~~I~~ ~~., the Secretary ACt;f:""J) ~ to FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 85 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Application of Rates (continued) (E)Additional Directory Listing There is a charge for all directory listings additional to the primary listing associated with any Customer s account. The initial contract period for additional listings where the listing appears in the directory is the directory period. Each directory period , with the appearance of the listing in the directory will constitute a separate initial contract period. Listings are automatically included in the directory unless otherwise requested by the Customer. Termination charges for additional listings are the charges associated with the remaining time in the initial contract period except where service is terminated or moved to a new location the additionally listed party contracts for service in their own name, or dies. Additional Directory Listing service is chargeable on a monthly basis. Id,aho P;~blic Utilities Commission Of!:c of the Serft:l A C f"'o. g'~ ..', '1~ ... v ,. ."lvt:P ED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 86 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Application of Rates (continued) (F)Directory Assistance Effective when facilities are generally available, the rates set forth following apply when customers request Directory Assistance in determining telephone numbers of customers who are located in the same local exchange area or who are not located in the same local exchange area but who are located within the same NPA. Customers have an allowance of one (1) free Directory Assistance Service call per dial tone line per month. For calls that are placed through an operator Local Operator Assistance charges apply, except when the call cannot otherwise be completed. Charges for Directory Assistance are not applicable in the case of residential service to calls to the Directory Assistance Service where the Customer or a member of the Customer s household, has been affirmed in writing as unable to use a directory because of a physical or reading handicap. Charges are also not applicable to calls made by such persons from their place of employment. Customers will receive credit for Directory Assistance calls when the transmission is poor or disconnected or the Customer is given the wrong telephone number. To gain such credit the Customer must notify Customer Service promptly after such call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office oJ the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 ' Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 87 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Directory Services (continued) Application of Rates (continued) (G)Call Completion Call Completion calls automatically connected are subject to a Call Completion surcharge and any other applicable rates for the call, including the Directory Assistance charge and any usage charges associated with the completed call. Charges for Call Completion are not applicable in the case of residential service to calls to the Call Completion Service where the Customer or a member of the Customer s household, has been affirmed in writing as unable to use a directory because of a physical or reading handicap. Charges are also not applicable to calls made by such persons from their place of employment where the telephone is used exclusively by that person. (H)Reverse Directory Assistance Service This feature is available on a pay per use basis only. The charge is applied for each attempt to activate the feature. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Ofllce ~f the SecretaryACCEPTt::D FOH FILING JUL 1,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 88 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Operator Services Explanation of Terms and Regulations (A)Operator Assisted Calling Operator Assisted Local Calls are calls placed within the customer s exchange area through a LEC operator. Local message charges for calls placed through an operator, will be charged the same as for local calls dialed direct by the customer. Charges for local messages transferred to message rate or measured rate services will not affect the normal allowance applicable to such service. Collect Calling allows the charges for calling to be reversed provided the charge is accepted at the terminating number. (8)Specialized Operator Services Upon request, subject to technical limitations, the operator will verify that a conversation exists on a line and will interrupt a communication in progress to announce that someone is trying to call. '~h(j yOlic Ut!iities Commission OfIV;$ of tne Secrp)ary CEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 ,2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 89 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Operator Services (continued) Application of Rates (A)Operator Assisted Calling Operator Assisted Calling charges are surcharges that apply per call in addition to any charges for local usage. Operator assistance charges do not apply to the following calls: calls to official Public Emergency Agencies, calls to Directory Assistance Service, calls from persons who are visually and/or physically disabled and who are certified with the Company. (8)Specialized Operator Services Charges for Specialized Operator Services apply on a usage basis when the Interruption or verification is completed. No charge will apply if, during the line verification , such verification indicates that a trouble condition exists and may be waived at the Company option in life-threatening or emergency agency situations. Once a call is completed, any charges for local message also apply to the call as usual. Charges may be billed to a third number but cannot designated as collect calls. 'd~h~ ~jJbHr H~iFf;f!S '"'nml~~i . " ~ ;:: ~tI :: ~I : I I ;)~ (1'If''O:-'l'r""""' '. ' "" "'", , --.." \~' (. ACCE;~Tr;c= ~ ~= )n"' ...,~~, t,J,jr\ JUL 1 - 2004 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004..' Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 90 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Miscellaneous Charges Explanation of Terms and Regulations (A)Dishonored Check Charge Dishonored Check Charge is a charge associated with a personal check remitted for payment that is not honored by the bank. (B)Late Payment Interest Charge A Late Payment Interest Charge is associated with accounts that are delinquent. Late Payment Interest Charge" means an additional charge, over the net total cost of service provided, which is applied to any past due bill as a percentage of that past due amount. Idaho ,P~tJiic Utilities Commission ... " I .r; " L I'; .:;.8crel.ary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 91 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Miscellaneous Charges (continued) Application of Rates (A)Dishonored Check Charge A Dishonored Check Charge applies when any negotiable instrument presented for payment for service or deposit becomes dishonored , and is returned to the Company from the bank. (B)Late Payment Interest Charge A Late Payment Interest Charge applies to any unpaid balance carried forward from the monthly bill to the next month's bill, including all charges billed on behalf of other carriers. An amount equal to 1.5% of the net unpaid balance will be applied to any portion of a previous month's bill not paid in a timely manner. Bill payment is considered late , or delinquent, if not paid by the Customer within 30 days after the date of invoice. Idaho P~blic .Utilities Commission Office 01' the Secretary Accr':pT~::n r=n INGI L....... I \')1 ~ L JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 92 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Exchange Services (A) (B) Per Line Per Month Unlimited Calling: Residential,............................... OM..........................$ 19. Business,................ ...............oo.............. OM.........oo..$ 39. Per Line Per Month Standard Line: Residential........................................................... $ 17. 1t1~~~ ~!~bfic Utilities Commission , qhlGE: of tn/:! Secretary ACCEP'TED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 93 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Exchange Services (continued) Per Call (C)Local Usage Charges: Residential Message Unit ...............-........-----....--...........--n/a (D)Temporary Suspension of Service Nonrecurring Charae Monthly Rate Suspension of Entire Service ......--....--......................,$ 20.50% of the Fixed Monthly Rate Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secl"etaryACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 94 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Service Charges Service Charge jper Occurrence) (A)Line Connection Charge: 1. Line Connection New Connection Residence 1 st Line. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00.. 0..... 0.. 0 0 0... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 ...--.....0'" 0 0... .$75. Residence Add'i Line at the same time....--..o..........................$25. Residence Add'i Line later..............................o.......................$75. Business Each Line $75.000.0..... 0.....0.. 0.... 0 0 0....................." 0 0 0 0......'2. Line Connection - Conversion Res id ence ........... 0....................0................0000000000000........... 0 0 0 0 .$50. Bus iness ...............0......0.0.....00.0..0.........000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0.0..........0000.$50. * The customer may elect to pay Line Connection New Connection of Line Connection - Conversion charges in three monthly installments , without interest. Deferred charges will be payable monthly during the deferral period. All deferred amounts must be paid in full if the customer disconnects service prior to the expiration of the deferral period. Lin Connection charge includes any location and/or premises work and materials which may be necessary. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1,- 2004 Issued: June 21 , 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 95 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Service Charges (continued) (B)Line Restoral Charge:1. Line Restoral - Voluntary Residential......oo............... moo. - - -.... - -..... - -.............. $ 1 0. Business...... no........... no.......... oo... oo... oo...... moo...... $ 25. Line Restoral- Denied Service Residential....... no.....-.... oo. oo mm oo oo........ oo.......m .-oo $ 1 0. Business............ ...-.... oo........................... oo........... $ 32. Issued: June 21 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOf-( FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 96 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Service Charges (continued) (C) (D) Service Charge .coer Occurrencel Move Add Change Fee: Residential,....................................................................... $ 15. Business,.......................................................................... $ 15. Record Change Fee: Residential,....................................................................... $ 15. Business ,...... ........... ..... .................................................... $ 15. (E)Change of Service Charge: Residential ,............... ........................................................ $ 15. Business ,.............. ................ ...................................... ...... $ 27. (F)PIC Change Charge Residential,......................... ......................... ..................... $ 5. Business ,. .................................. ....................................... $ 5. (G)Change in Billing Responsibility Residential ,.............. ......................................................... $ 15. Business,.......................................... ................................ $ 15. (H)Telephone Number Change Charge - Customer Requested Residential ,....................................................................... $ 1 5. Business,....................................... ....................... ............ $ 27. (I)Listing Service Change Charge Residential,....................................................................... $ 15. Business ,. ......................................................................... $ 15. Issued: June 21 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 2004 Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 97 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Restriction Services (A) (B) (C) Installation Charae (per Line) 900, 976, 676 Restriction Per Residence Individual line - free at initial install,--............ $ 10. Per Business Individual line ..........................----................... $ 0. Long Distance Message Restriction Per Residence Individualline ................----..................--....... $ 10. Per Line Per Month Per Business Individualline ................................................ $ 5. * A Business Installation Charge of $27.50 applies in addition to the monthly rate. Billed Number Screening Per Residence Individualline .......--............................--........ $ 10. Per Business Individual I ine................--................--............. $ 0. Id.aho P;!blic Utilities Commission Qfl:~;~ ~f the SecretaryACCEPT f::D FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise,ldaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 98 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Custom Calling Features 4.4. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Monthly Rates Residence Business Anonymous Call Rejection To Caller ID with Name and Return Call Customers,mnmm.mmmn.m.....m........m$ 3. Incoming Call Blockmmm.mmmmnnmm.m.m..m......$ 5. Call Forwarding --nmm._..._........-......................m..m.$ 4. Call Forward BusY................m..........mmmmmmm._.$ 2. Call Forward Busy/DA,m_m..........mm....mm.--.--.m.m$ 3. Call Forward DA.m...mmmmmm._.._.........m....m--mn$ 3. Call Trace (per use) $ 1.00 (Residence) $ 1.00 (Business) Call Waiting - - - -.... _m...... - - - - - -........ - - - -.... -... _m 00 00...... m..$ 4. Call Waiting, per use.n....m................m..mm...m...m.$ 1. (F)Caller ID with Privacy Plusm..m.--.--.--.....--mmm.....m $ 5. $ 5. $ 5. $ 6. $ 8. $ 5. $ 6. $ 1. $ 9. $10. Id,aho P~blic Utilities Commission ACC ~ ~T E8h ~wwr LI N G JUL 1 ,2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 (G)Call Waiting ID...............mm.....--mn--._mmmm..........$ 5. (H)Caller ID with Name..........--._nmmmnmmmn........mn$ 6. Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 99 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) Monthly Rates (continued) Residence Business (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (0) (P) Distinctive Ringing, 1 st Line ----------------....-----....------..$ 6.25* Distinctive Ringing, 2nd and 3rd Line ------..--..---.......... $ 3.50* Line Block ....... ........................ --........... --.................... $11 . Priority Call .................---.......---......... ---. ---. ---........ ---... $ 5. Repeat Call ,. --......................................... -.... .--....... ... $ 4. Return Call ..... --........................................ -....... --...... $ 4. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Three Way Calling ---..---.-----------------------------......---.....$ 3. Three Way Calling, per use ,..........---------.....------.------.. $ 1. * An Installation Charge of $17.50 applies in addition to the Move Add Change Fee. N/A N/A $13. $ 6. $ 6. $ 5. $ 5. $1. Id'aho P~b!ic Utilities CommissionOffIE;~f th~. ~ecietary ACCEP! cD i~OR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 100 SECTION 4. RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Custom Calling Features (continued) 4.4.Monthly Rates (continued) (Q) (R) Reserved for Future Use Optional Convenience Packages: Residence Jper month) The Simple One.mm.m.mm..m........m.m..m.....m.... $ 25. The Standard Onemmmmmm......mm..mm.....mm..$ 31. The AII-in-One ..m..mmmmm...........mm.mm.m....... $ 39. The Simple Unlimited m...............mmmm...mm.mm.$ 25. The Simple Unlimited Plus........mm.._mm_....m..mm $ 31. 4.4.Custom Calling, Per Occurrence (A) (B) (C) Residence Call Trace ...........................-.....-..................--....-......$ 1. Repeat Call * __.m_.....m._....mm..m.._..m......mm....m..$ 1. Return Call *._.....mm_m..m_mmmm_._.......m__mm_m..$ 1. Business $ 1. $ 1. $ 1. Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho * Usage basis Repeat Call and Return Call are pricing options which will be available where facilities perm it. Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 101 Enhanced Services (A) (B) (C) (D) SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Installation Per Charae Month Hotline Per Residence Individualline ......................................, $ 0. Per Business Individualline ........................................, $ 0. Warmline Per Residence Individualline...............................oo.....,$ 0. Per Business Individual line ........................0................$ 0. Remote Call Forwarding Per Remote Call Forwarding arrangement .................. $40. Per Call Charge......................................................o...,$0. $ 2. $ 2. $ 2. $ 2. $20. Referral (per equipped line) Residential ,.................... 0...0 0....................................0..............0....$ 0. Business ,............ .......................................................... 0."......"" ,$ 0. (E)Message Waiting Indicator Audible Signal , Per Individual Line Residential ,.......... ......... ..............................00............ ..,$13. Business ,........ 0."0"....."......."'.....'...".."..."""'" 0....... .$13. $ 0. $ 0. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Of!ice of tn8 Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 102 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Directory Services (A)Preferred Phone Number Service Non-recurrina Charaes Per Month Residence Services, per preferred telephone number ,.................................................. ...., $ 50. Business Services, per preferred telephone num ber ,... ................................................... , Nt $ 0. NtA (B)Directory Listing No Charge for primary listing. (C)Non Listed Number Per Non Listed Number Residential.................................................................. $ 9.25* Business ........ .......... ............. ...................................... $ 22.00* $ 1. $ 1. Id-aho Pt!biic Utilities Commissi OV..., ~h ";!!J OJ u.c ,)ecretarvACCEPTED FOR FiLiNG JUL 1,- 2004 Boise, Idaho * The Non-recurring Charge applies only to subsequent service order activity. This charge does not apply if the Customer subscribes to Non Listed Number concurrent with the initial service order activity to install basic service. Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 103 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Directory Services (continued) Non-recurrinQ CharQes Per Month (D)Non Published Number Per Non Published Number Residential.................................................................. $ 9.25*$1. Business ............................... "'8O"""""""""""'.......... $ 22.$1. (E)Additional Directory Listing Non-recurrinQ CharQes Per Month Residence Services, per Add ition al listing,...................................... "8O""'.....'" ..,$ 8. Business Services, per Add itional listing,.... ................................................... .., $22. $ 1. $ 1. (F)Directory Assistance Direct Dialed Directory Assistance Service Calls , per call*,................ $ 0. Residential Directory Assistance Allowance Free Direct Dialed Calls per month .......................................................... (G)Call Completion Service Call Completion Service, per call completed,..................................... $ 0. (H)Reverse Directory Assistance Service Reverse Directory Assistance Service , per call .................................. $ 1. * The Non-recurring Charge applies only to subsequent service order activity. This charge does not apply if the Customer subscribes to Non Published Number concurrent with the initial service order activity to install basic service. ** This charge applies to those calls exceeding the monthly allowance specified below. Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Effective: July 1 , 2004 laaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2004 Issued: June 21 2004 ~se, !daho Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 104 Operator Services (A) (B) SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Operator Assisted Calling Station-to-Station (collect, third party or operator dialed)m___....m..$ 1. Person-to-person . - - - - - - - - - - n_- - - - - - n - -..... - -........... - n nn_. - - - - - -..... n - _n. - _...$ 3. Per m in ute charge - - - - - - - -- -......................... -. - - - - - - - - - - n -. -...... - - - - - - - - --.. .. $ 0. Specialized Operator Services Busy Line Verification , each requestnmn__..m.m..m_--.m..mm--n_..$ 5. Busy Line Verification with Interrupt, each requestn--mmm_m_m...$ 7. Id~ho Public Utilities CommissionJ:' t! (' rIce 0 c:l€ ,A~cre_ary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis, President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 105 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Miscellaneous Charges (A) (B) Dishonored Check Charge, per instrument, per return...mm..mm$ 20. Late Payment Interest Charge ......mm....mm--mm......m..--m--....5% of the total outstanding balance due per month Id,aho Pl~b!ic Utilities Commission O~f ~f th~= Se~retaryACCEP! eO r~OR FfLING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive , Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 106 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONAL OFFERINGS General From time-to-time, the Company may engage in Special Promotional Offerings designed to attract new Customers , retain existing Customers, win back former Customers, stimulate Customer usage, test potential new services and/or increase existing Customer awareness of the Company s services. Promotional Offerings may include reducing or waiving applicable service charges for the promoted service. Promotional offerings will be available on a non-discriminatory basis but may be limited to certain dates, times of day, customers eligible to receive the promotion and/or locations determined by the Company. Promotions will be filed with the Commission as a tariff revision , and will state a beginning and an ending date. Market Trial Service Program Reserved for Future Use nI...k~ .D !.; i.~w 'V; . .' I, !Fi~ .....-. , "/: , ~ ~~,, ;?~If.ij~~ ~!1SSt:QnOI#,;iyi ~'t;~It-i" , , ' -j;, fJ. ' ,:, , '~'dJ!' ,HIe ;)E!'Crelary ~f;...l'J~: t9T1f:~t;, ""'...." '..., ",, ",'" IL !' J U L 1 , -:: 2004 B'Oj~, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 , 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 107 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONAL OFFERINGS Market Trial Service Programs Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOi~ F!LING JUL 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Verizon Avenue Corp.Idaho PUC Tariff No. Original Page 108 SECTION 6 - INDIVIDUAL CASE BASIS General Arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis in response to a bona fide special request from a customer or prospective customer to develop a bid for a service not generally offered under this tariff. ICB rates will be offered to the customer in writing and on a non-discriminatory basis. _t6B~ ,~r.$~t i~;t~N,;"""l1""'m ~~t- ' , """""", U,,~t"L~, 1u,I.j1it6' .~~~ lJtf.it$ of Hl!~ Secmtary ACC~:Pl'ED FOR FILING JUL 1 ,-: 2004 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 21 , 2004 Effective: July 1 2004 Andrea L. Custis , President Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045