HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960816.docx August 16, 1996 VIA FACSIMILE (904-668-2731) Ben Johnson, President Ben Johnson Associates, Inc. 1234 Timberland Road Tallahassee, FL 82312 Dear Mr. Johnson: The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission is seeking technical assistance for a general rate case filed by U S WEST Communications.  U S WEST has filed its first rate-of-return rate case in more than ten years.  The Staff is seeking to retain an outside consultant to assist in the examination of issues, preparation of testimony, and, if necessary, serving as a witness for the Commission Staff.  The enclosed material provides a brief overview of the rate case, identification of the major topics, and the specific assistance the Staff is seeking.  If you have any questions or require further elaboration, please do not hesitate to contact Joe Cusick at (208) 334-0333. If you and your firm are interested in submitting a proposal, the proposal should be forwarded to the Commission no later than September 4, 1996.  The Staff looks forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Donald L.  Howell, II Deputy Attorney General DLH/vld:LJohnson:dh Enclosure cc:Joe Cusick