HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040210Amendment.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB# 2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson(q),stoel.com ;::." ",.:.1,;' !LEO 2u(Jtj FEB - 9 Pi; 3: I"~i' ("jL!0 uTIliTiES CCi"H1iSSION Jenny Smith Electric Lightwave, Inc. 9260 East Stockton Boulevard Elk Grove, CA 95624 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE, INC FOR APPROV AL OF A WIRE LINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 u.s. ~252(E) CASE NO.: USW-OO- APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") and Electric Lightwave, Inc. ("ELI") hereby jointly file this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement ("Amendment" which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on October 11 , 2000, (the Agreement"). A copy ofthe Amendment is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act" Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portiones) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. ELI and Qwest respectfully submit this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore jointly request that the Commission approve this Amendment APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 1 Boise-167223.10029164-00016 expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable ELI to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. ELI and Qwest further request that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 9th day of February, 2004. Qwest Corporation ../ &- t-z---- Mary S. son Stoel Rives LLP, Attorneys for Qwest and Jenny Smith Electric Lightwave, Inc. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 2 Boise-167223.l 0029164-00016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 9th day of February, 2004, I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 i i ewell(q),puc. state.id. us Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Jenny Smith Electric Lightwave, Inc. 9260 East Stockton Boulevard Elk Grove, CA 95624 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 3 Boise-167223.10029164-00016 Unbundled Dark Fiber (UDF) Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Electric Lightwave, Inc. and Qwest Corporation for the State of Idaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment") to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation (fIk/a U S WEST Communications , Inc. ) (" Qwest"), a Colorado corporation, and Electric Lightwave, Inc. ("CLEC"), a Delaware corporation. RECITALS WHEREAS , the Parties entered into an Interconnection Agreement, for service in the State of Arizona, that was approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission on October 11 2000, as referenced in Case No. USW-00-21 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement by adding the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms , conditions and rates for Unbundled Dark Fiber (UDF) as set forth in Attachment 1 , Exhibits A and B , to this Amendment attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Rates in Exhibit A that are "Under Development" shall be updated upon establishment of a rate. Rates in Exhibit A shall otherwise be updated to reflect legally binding decisions of the Commission and shall be applied on a prospective basis from the effective date of the legally binding Commission decision , unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. 2. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon Commission approval; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. To accommodate this need CLEC must generate, if necessary, an updated Customer Questionnaire. In addition to the Questionnaire , all system updates will need to be completed by Qwest. CLEC will be notified when all system changes have been made. Actual order processing may begin once these requirements have been met. January 8 , 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) 3. Amendments; Waivers The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties authorized representative. No waiver by any party of any default misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation , or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. 4. ChanQe of Law A. The provisions in this Amendment are intended to be in compliance with and based on the existing state of the law, rules, regulations and interpretations thereof, including but not limited to state rules, regulations, and laws, as of April 1 , 2003 (the Existing Rules). Nothing in this Amendment shall be deemed an admission by Qwest or CLEC concerning the interpretation or effect of the Existing Rules or an admission by Qwest or CLEC that the Existing Rules should not be changed , vacated , dismissed , stayed or modified. Nothing in this Amendment shall preclude or estop Qwest or CLEC from taking any position in any forum concerning the proper interpretation or effect of the Existing Rules or concerning whether the Existing Rules should be changed , vacated , dismissed , stayed or modified. To the extent that the Existing Rules are vacated , dismissed, stayed or materially changed or modified, then this Amendment shall be amended to reflect such legally binding modification or change of the Existing Rules. Where the Parties fail to agree upon such an amendment within sixty (60) Days after notification from a Party seeking amendment due to modification or change of the Existing Rules or if any time during such sixty (60) Day period the Parties shall have ceased to negotiate such new terms for a continuous period of fifteen (15) Days, it shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution provision of the Agreement. It is expressly understood that this Amendment will be corrected, or if requested by CLEC amended as set forth herein , to reflect the outcome of generic proceedings by the Commission for pricing, service standards, or other matters covered by this Amendment. Any amendment shall be deemed effective on the effective date of the legally binding change or modification of the Existing Rules for rates , and to the extent practicable for other terms and conditions , unless otherwise ordered. During the pendancy of any negotiation for an amendment pursuant to this Section the Parties shall continue to perform their obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Amendment , for up to sixty (60) Days. If the Parties fail to agree on an amendment during the sixty (60) Day negotiation period , the Parties agree that the first matter to be resolved during Dispute Resolution will be the implementation of an interim operating agreement between the Parties regarding the disputed issues, to be effective during the pendancy of Dispute Resolution. The Parties agree that the interim operating agreement shall be determined and implemented within the first fifteen (15) Days of Dispute Resolution and the Parties will continue to perform their obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Amendment, until the interim operating agreement is implemented. For purposes of this section , " legally binding" means that the legal ruling has not been stayed, no request for a stay is pending, and any deadline for requesting a stay designated by statute or regulation has passed. January 8 , 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) B. In addition , but without limiting Section A above , nothing in this Amendment shall be deemed an admission by Qwest or CLEC concerning the interpretation or effect of the FCC's decision and rules adopted in In the Matter of Review of the Section 251 Unbundling Obligations of Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers; Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996; Deployment of Wireline Services Offering Advanced Telecommunications Capability, CC Docket Nos. 01-338, 96-98 and 98- 147 Report and Order on Remand FCC 03-, nor rules, regulations and interpretations thereof, including but not limited to state rules, regulations, and laws as they may be issued or promulgated regarding the same ("Decision(s)" ). Nothing in this Amendment shall preclude or estop Qwest or CLEC from taking any position in any forum concerning the proper interpretation or effect of the Decision or concerning whether the Decision should be changed , vacated, dismissed, stayed or modified. 5. Entire AQreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements , or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral , to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts , each of which is deemed an original , but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Electric Lightwave, Inc. ----' Authorized Signature L. T. Christensen Name Printed/Typed r~e~ Title 9- C6 Director - Interconnection AQreements Title 6lbY Date zj ~/f) cI Date January 8 , 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) ATTACHMENT 1 Unbundled Dark Fiber Description Unbundled Dark Fiber (UDF) is a deployed , unlit pair of fiber optic cable or strands that connects two points within Qwest's network. UDF is a single transmission path between two Qwest Wire Centers, or between a Qwest Wire Center and a CLEC Wire Center or between a Qwest Wire Center and either an appropriate outside plant structure or an End User Customer premises in the same LATA and state. UDF exists in three (3) distinct forms: (a) UDF Interoffice Facility (UDF-IOF), which constitutes an deployed route between two Qwest Wire Centers; and (b) UDF-Loop, which constitutes a deployed Loop or section of a deployed Loop between a Qwest Wire Center and an End User Customer premises; and (c) Extended UDF (E-UDF) which constitutes a deployed route between a Qwest Wire Center and a CLEC Wire Center. Deployed Dark Fiber facilities shall include Dark fiber Qwest has obtained with capitalized Indefeasible Right to Use (IRUs) or capitalized leases that do not prohibit Qwest's ability to provided access to another person or entity. Deployed Dark Fiber facilities shall not be limited to facilities owned by Qwest, but will include in place and easily called into service facilities to which Qwest has otherwise obtained a right of access, including but not limited to capitalized Indefeasible Right to Use (lRUs) or capitalized leases. Qwest shall not be required to extend access in a manner that is inconsistent with the restrictions and other terms and conditions that apply to Qwest's access; however, in the case of access obtained from an Affiliate: (a) the actual practice and custom as between Qwest and the Affiliate shall apply, in the event that it provides broader access than does any documented agreement that may exist, and (b) any terms restricting access by CLEC that are imposed by the agreement with the affiliate (excluding good- faith restrictions imposed by any agreement with a third party from whom the affiliate has gained rights of access) shall not be applied to restrict CLEC access. Terms and Conditions Qwest will provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access to UDF in accordance with the Agreement. Qwest will provide UDF of substantially the same quality as the fiber facilities that Qwest uses to provide retail service to its own End User Customers. Qwest provides access to unbundled Dark Fiber at: Accessible terminations such as fiber distribution panels. Splice cases (except those that are buried and are not readily accessible without excavation) in the UDF-Loop and E-UDF subject to the following conditions: Unspliced fiber is available, subject to Section Available unspliced fiber is not ribbon fiber; Splice capacity is available in the Qwest splice case; January 8 , 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) 2.4 Space exists for CLEC splice case; Qwest will perform splice in Qwest splice case; CLEC shall not have access to Qwest's splice case; Qwest will provide a fiber stub for CLEC to splice the Qwest fiber stub to CLEC fiber strand in CLEC splice case; Qwest will perform all splices in Qwest splice case when CLEC is not providing fiber facilities; Qwest will not open or break any existing splices on continuous fiber optic cable routes. Where the end of a fiber optic strand exists in a splice case, Qwest will open that splice case and stub out the end of the Dark Fiber strand for CLEC;10 CLEC will perform splices in CLEC splice case per Technical Publication 77383;11 Qwest will perform all modifications associated with access to UDF via splicing under the terms of Exhibit A; and12 All access is subject to the Field Verification and Quote Preparation (FVQP). CLEC may request placement of a FDP at any building or controlled environment location in the Qwest network in order to access unterminated UDF pursuant to the Agreement. Qwest will provide CLEC with access to deployed Dark Fiber facilities. CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and connecting electronic equipment, whether light generating or light terminating equipment, to the Dark Fiber. Qwest will not remove and CLEC shall be permitted to use , regenerating equipment that already exists in mid- span.2.4 Qwest will provide Unbundled Dark Fiber to CLEC in increments of two (2) strands (by the pair). In addition , after May 31 , 2001 , Qwest will provide UDF to CLEC in increments of one (1) strand. CLEC may obtain up to twenty-five percent (25%) of available Dark Fibers or four (4) Dark Fiber strands, whichever is greater, in each fiber cable segment over a twelve (12) month period. Before CLEC may order additional UDF on such fiber cable segment, CLEC must demonstrate efficient use of existing fiber in each cable segment. Efficient use of interoffice cable segments is defined as providing a minimum of OC-12 termination on each fiber pair. Efficient use of Loop fiber is defined as providing a minimum of OC-3 termination on each fiber pair. Efficient use of E -UDF is defined as providing a minimum of OC -3 termination on each fiber pair. CLEC may designate five percent (5%) of its fibers along a fiber cable segment , or two (2) strands, whichever is greater, for maintenance spare, which fibers or strands are not subject to the termination requirements in this paragraph. Qwest shall not have an obligation to unbundle Dark Fiber in the January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) following circumstances:a) Qwest will not unbundle Dark Fiber that Qwest utilizes for maintenance or reserves for maintenance spare for Qwest's own use. Qwest shall not reserve more than five percent (5%) of the fibers in a sheath , or two (2) strands, whichever is greater, for maintenance or maintenance spare for Qwest's own use.b) Qwest will not be required to unbundle Dark Fiber if Qwest demonstrates to the Commission by a preponderance of the evidence that such unbundling would create a likely and foreseeable threat to its ability to meet its Carrier of last resort obligations as established by any regulatory authority. Qwest shall initiate such proceeding within seven (7) calendar days of denying CLEC's request (by written notice) to unbundle Dark Fiber where such fiber is available. In this proceeding, Qwest shall not object to using the most expeditious procedure available under state law, rule or regulation. Qwest shall be relieved of its unbundling obligations, related to the specific Dark Fiber at issue , pending the proceeding before the Commission. If Qwest fails to initiate such pending proceeding within such seven (7) day period , CLEC's request to unbundle Dark Fiber shall be reinstated and the ordering and Provisioning processes of Section 9.3 shall continue. Qwest will provide CLEC with access to the deployed Dark Fiber in its network in either single-mode or multi-mode. During the inquiry process, Qwest will inform CLEC of the availability of single-mode and multi-mode fiber. 7 Specifications, interfaces and parameters for Dark Fiber are described in Qwest's Technical Publication 77383. Qwest. CLEC is responsible for trouble isolation before reporting trouble to CLEC shall not use UDF that is part of a Loop-transport combination , as substitute for special or Switched Access Services, except to the extent CLEC provides "a significant amount of local exchange traffic" to its End Users over the UDF as set forth by the FCC (See 9.23.2).10 Upon thirty (30) calendar days notification to CLEC , Qwest may initiate a proceeding to reclaim Dark Fiber strands from CLEC that were not serving End User Customers at the time of Qwest's notice to CLEC. In such proceeding, Qwest shall have the burden to prove that Qwest needs such fiber strands in order to meet its Carrier of last resort obligations as established by any regulatory authority. In such proceeding, CLEC shall not object to using the most expeditious procedure available under state law rule or regulation. CLEC shall be entitled to retain such strands of UDF for any purpose permitted under this Amendment pending the proceeding before the Commission; provided , however, that such use shall be at CLEC's sole risk of any reclamation approved by the Commission, including the risk of termination of service to End User Customers. CLEC may designate five percent (5%) of its fibers along a fiber cable segment, or two (2) strands, whichever is greater, for maintenance spare, which fibers or strands are not subject to the reclamation requirements in this paragraph. January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) Reserved for Future Use.12 CLEC must have established Collocation or other Technically Feasible means of network demarcation pursuant to the Agreement at both terminating points of the UDF-IOF or at the Serving Wire Center of either the UDF-Loop or the E -UDF unless Loop and transport combinations are ordered. Qwest will provide fiber cross connects at the Serving Wire Center to connect UDF-Loop or E-UDF with the UDF-IOF if such elements are ordered in combination. No Collocation is required in intermediate Central Offices within a UDF or at Central Offices where CLEC's UDFs are cross connected. CLEC has no access to UDF at those intermediate Central Offices. 12.1 CLEC-to-CLEC connections with UDF for the mutual exchange of traffic is permissible pursuant to the provisions in this Amendment.13 For UDF-Loop, CLEC is responsible for all work activities at the End User premises. All negotiations with the premises end user and or premises owner are solely the responsibility of CLEC.14 For a UDF-Loop terminating at an existing End User premises FDP Qwest will provide to CLEC an optical "jumper , not to exceed thirty (30) feet in length connected to the Qwest UDF-Loop FDP.15 The Remote Collocation provisions of the Agreement apply where CLEC needs to gain access to UDF at an outside plant structure.16 CLEC will incur all costs associated with disconnecting the UDF from its side of the network Demarcation Point.17 Qwest and CLEC will jointly participate in continuity testing within the Provisioning interval established in Exhibit B. Qwest and CLEC must coordinate on the date and time for this continuity testing. As part of their respective duties regarding this continuity test, Qwest shall furnish a light detector at one termination point of the UDF and CLEC shall furnish light generating equipment at the other termination point of the UDF as described below: 17.1 UDF-IOF: Qwest and CLEC shall mutually agree on the Wire Center at which Qwest must provide a light detector and the Wire Center at which CLEC must provide light generating equipment. 17.2 UDF-Loop: Qwest will provide the light detector at the Serving Wire Center, and CLEC will provide the light generating equipment at the appropriate outside plant structure or End User Customer premises. 17.3 E-UDF: Qwest will provide the light detector at the Serving Wire Center, and CLEC will provide the light generating equipment at the CLEC Wire Center. 7.2.18 If, within ten (10) days of the date Qwest provisioned an order for UDF CLEC demonstrates that the UDF pair(s) provisioned over requested route do not meet the minimum parameters set forth in Technical Publication 77383, and if the trouble is in the Qwest UDF facility, not due to fault on the part of CLEC , then Qwest will at no January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) additional cost, attempt to repair the UDF as it relates to Qwest cross connects and jumpers. If Qwest cannot repair the UDF to the minimum parameters set forth in Technical Publication 77383 , Qwest will replace the UDF if suitable UDF pair(s) are available , at no additional nonrecurring charge. If Qwest cannot replace the UDF upon receipt of a CLEC disconnect order, Qwest will refund the nonrecurring charges associated with the Provisioning excluding IRI, FVQP and Field Verification and will discontinue all recurring charges.19 Qwest shall allow CLEC's to access UDF Loops, or sections of UDF Loops , at accessible terminals including FDPS or equivalent in the Central Office Customer premises or at Qwest owned outside plant location (e.g. CEV, RT or hut).20 Qwest shall allow CLEC to access Dark Fiber that is a part of a Meet Point arrangement between Qwest and another Local Exchange Carrier if CLEC has an Interconnection agreement containing access to Dark Fiber with the connecting Local Exchange Carrier. Qwest rates, terms and conditions shall apply to the percentage of the route owned by Qwest. Ordering Processes Ordering processes and installation intervals are as follows: The first step of the UDF ordering process is the inquiry process. The UDF inquiry is used to determine the availability of UDF between any two requested locations: between two (2) Qwest Wire Centers, between a Qwest Wire Center and an End User premises, or between a Qwest Wire Center and an appropriate outside plant structure, or a Qwest Wire Center and a CLEC Wire Center. CLEC must submit a UDF inquiry through its account team. CLEC must specify the two (2) locations and the number of fibers requested. Qwest will notify CLEC , within the interval set forth in Exhibit B of this Amendment, that: (i) UDF is available to satisfy CLEC's request, (ii) UDF is not available to satisfy CLEC's request; or (iii) Qwest, in writing, denies CLEC' request pursuant to Section 9.5(b), Qwest shall provide written notice of denials pursuant to (Hi) above. If there is UDF available, the UDF Inquiry Response will contain up to five (5) available UDF routes between the CLEC-specified end locations. additional routes are available, Qwest will notify CLEC that such additional routes exist and negotiate how that additional information will be made available. CLEC will establish network Demarcation Points to accommodate UDF optical terminations via Collocation or other Technically Feasible means or network demarcation pursuant to the Agreement. If Collocation and or other network demarcation arrangements have not been completed CLEC must have obtained preliminary APOT address information (CFA - Carrier Facility Assignment) for its network Demarcation Points in each Qwest Wire Center where the UDF terminates prior to placing an order for UDF. When preliminary APOT has been established and delivered to CLEC , Qwest can begin processing the UDF Provisioning order upon receipt of the UDF Provisioning request. If the preliminary APOT address is changed by January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) CLEC , a new Provisioning time line for UDF must be established. Based on the CLEC request (UDF-Loop, UDF-IOF or E -UDF), there are two (2) possible termination scenarios. Termination at an Outside Plant Structure: If CLEC requests UDF-Loop going to an outside plant structure such as Controlled Environmental Vault (CEV), or Remote Terminal (RT), the Remote Collocation provisions of the Agreement will apply. Qwest will prepare and submit to CLEC a quote along with the original Field Verification Quote Preparation form (FVQP) within the interval set forth in Exhibit B. Quotes are on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) and will include costs and an interval in accordance with Exhibit B. Reserved for Future Use. Termination at Qwest Wire Center, End User premises or CLEC Wire Center: If spare fiber is available, and CLEC chooses to proceed , and the request is for UDF-IOF, UDF-Loop going to an End User premises , or E-UDF going to a CLEC Wire Center, Qwest will begin the Provisioning process upon notification from CLEC to proceed and the receipt of fifty percent (50%) of the nonrecurring charges. The notification to proceed is accomplished by completing, signing and returning the original inquiry request to the account manager. Provisioning intervals for this type of request are set forth in Exhibit B. CLEC will be notified that Provisioning is complete and the remaining nonrecurring charges and associated recurring charges will be billed.3.4 An order may be canceled any time up to and including the Service Date. Cancellation charges will apply. CLEC may reserve Dark Fiber for CLEC during Collocation builds. Prior to reserving space, CLEC must place an inquiry pursuant to Section 9.1 of this Amendment and receive a UDF Inquiry Response that reflects that the route to be reserved is available. CLEC is also strongly encouraged to request a Field Verification that the route to be reserved is available. If CLEC does not obtain Field Verification CLEC assumes the risk that records upon which the UDF Inquiry Response is based may be in error. CLEC may reserve UDF for thirty (30), sixty (60), or ninety (90) days. CLEC may extend or renew reservations if there is delay in completion of the Collocation build. All applicable UDF recurring charges specified in Sections 9.will be assessed at the commencement of the reservation. Nonrecurring charges for Provisioning and cross connects will be assessed at the time of installation. Maintenance and Repair 7.4.The Parties will perform cooperative testing and trouble isolation to identify where trouble points exist. CLEC Cross Connections will be repaired by CLEC and Qwest Cross Connections will be repaired by Qwest. Maintenance and Repair processes are contained in the Support Functions Section of the Agreement 7.4.If it is determined that the UDF does not meet the minimum parameters of Technical Publication 77383 without fault of CLEC , and if the trouble is in the Qwest UDF facility, then Qwest will attempt to repair the UDF as it relates to Qwest cross January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) connects and jumper at no additional cost. If Qwest cannot repair the UDF to the minimum parameters set forth in Technical Publication 77383, then Qwest will replace the UDF at no additional cost if suitable UDF pair(s) are available. If Qwest cannot replace the UDF with available pairs , then it, upon receipt of a CLEC disconnect order, will discontinue the recurring charges effective as of the date of the commencement of the trouble. Rate Elements Dark Fiber rates are contained in Exhibit B of this Amendment and include the following elements:a) Initial Records Inquiry (IRI). This rate element is a pre-order work effort that investigates the availability of UDF. This is a one-time charge for each route check requested by CLEC. A simple IRI determines if UDF is available between two Qwest Wire Centers or between a Qwest Wire Center and Qwest Customer premises. A complex IRI determines if UDF is available between a Qwest Wire Center and an outside structure (CEV, Hut, etc.) along the Loop fiber route. Qwest will bill CLEC the IRI immediately upon receipt of the inquiry. The IRI is a record search and does not guarantee the availability of UDF.b) Field Verification and Quote Preparation (FVQP). This rate element is a pre-order work effort to estimate the cost of providing UDF access to CLEC at locations other than Qwest Wire Centers or an End User premises. Qwest will prepare a quote which will explain what work activities, timeframes, and costs are associated with providing access to this FDP location. This quote will be good for thirty (30) calendar days. The FVQP is not necessary when the request is between Qwest Wire Centers or between a Qwest Wire Center and Customer premises (Le., IRI). If FVQP is applicable pursuant to this Section and CLEC orders UDF that has been reserved after a Field Verification has been performed then the charge for FVQP will be reduced by the amount of the Field Verification charge assessed in the context of the reservation.c) Field Verification. This rate element is a work effort performed at CLEC's option before placing a request to reserve UDF to verify the availability of UDF that CLEC desires to reserve. The following rate elements are used once the availability of UDF has been established and CLEC chooses to access UDF. Unbundled Dark Fiber - IOF Rate Elements a) UDF-IOF Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This rate element a recurring rate element and provides a termination at the interoffice FDP within the Qwest Wire Center. Two UDF-IOF terminations apply per pair. Termination charges apply for each intermediate office terminating at an FDP or like cross connect point. b) UDF-IOF Fiber Transport, (Per Pair) Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and a nonrecurring component and applies per pair. This rate element provides a transmission path between Qwest January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) Wire Centers. The recurring component of this rate element is mileage sensitive based on the route miles of the UDF rounded up to the next mile. c) UDF-IOF Fiber Cross-Connect Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and nonrecurring component and is used to extend the optical connection from the IOF FDP to CLEC's optical Demarcation Point (ICDF). A minimum of two (2) UDF-IOF fiber cross connects apply per pair. Cross-connect charges apply for each intermediate office terminating at an FDP or like cross connect point. The nonrecurring rate will not be charged for cross connects already in place prior to CLEC' order for UDF-IOF. Unbundled Dark Fiber - Loop Rate Elements a) UDF-Loop Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This rate element is a recurring rate element and provides a termination at the interoffice FDP within the Qwest Wire Center and at either the Customer premises or an appropriate outside plant structure. Two UDF-Loop terminations apply per pair. b) UDF-Loop Fiber (Per Pair) Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and a nonrecurring component, and it applies per pair. This rate element provides a transmission path between the Qwest Serving Wire Center and either the Customer premises or an appropriate outside plant structure. c) UDF-Loop Fiber Cross-Connect Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and nonrecurring component, is applied per pair, and is used to extend the optical connection from FDP to FDP. The nonrecurring rate will not be charged for cross connects already in place prior to CLEC's order for UDF-Loop. Extended Unbundled Dark Fiber Rate Elements a) E-UDF Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This rate element is a recurring rate element and provides a termination at the interoffice FDP within the Qwest Wire Center and at the CLEC Wire Center. Two E-UDF terminations apply per pair. b) E-UDF Fiber (Per Pair) Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and a nonrecurring component, and it applies per pair. This rate element provides a transmission path between the Qwest Serving Wire Center and the CLEC Wire Center. c) E-UDF Fiber Cross Connect Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and nonrecurring component, is applied per pair, and is used to extend the optical connection from FDP to FDP. The nonrecurring rate will not be charged for cross connects already in place prior to CLEC's order for E-UDF. January 8, 2004/pdd/ELI/UDF/ID Amendment to CDS-000612-0162- (From 7-25-02 ID SGAT) Exhibit A Idaho Amendment Contract Notes ReClming Non-Recurring Notes Unbundled NetworK Elements (UNEs) Unbundled Dark Fiber (UDF) Initial Records Inquiry (IRI) Simple $262. Complex $308. Field Verification and Quote Preparation (FVQP)049. Field Verification (Engineering Verification)$360. 7.4 UDF - Single Strand UDF - Interoffice Facility (UDF-IOF) - Single Strand Intentionally Left Blank Intentionally Left Blank Fiber Transport, per Mile Strand $88. Temlination, FIXed, per Strand/OfficelTemlination $5. Fiber Cross-connect, per Strand/Office $2. UDF - Loop Charges - Single Strand Intentionally Left Blank Intentionally Left Blank Fiber Loop, per Route/Strand $5. Temlination, Fixed, per Strand/Office $5. Temlination, FIXed, per Strand /Premise $196. Extended Unbundled Dark Rber (E UDF) -1 Fiber Intentionally Left Blank Intentionally Left Blank Fiber Transport, per Route/I Fiber $5. Temlination, Fixed 1 Fiber/OfflCe $5. Temlination, Fixed 1 Rber /Prem $196. UDF-IOF - per Pair UDF-IOF Charges - per Pair Order Charge per First Pair Route/Order $618. Order Charge Each Additional, per Pair Same Route $282. Fiber Transport, per Mile Pair $74. Temlination, Fixed Per Pair Office Temlination $7. Fiber Cross-connect Per Pair Office $4.$22. UDF-Loop Charges - Pair Order Charge per first Pair Route/Order $618. Order Charge Each Additional Pair Same Route $282. Fiber Loop, per Route $169. Temlination, Fixed per Pair Office $8. Temlination, Fixed Per Pair Premise $7. Fiber Cross-Gonnect Per Pair OffICe $4.$22. Extended Unbundled Dark Fiber (E-UDF) Order Charge per 1st Pair Route Order $618. Order Charge Each Additional, per Pair Same Route $282. Fiber Transport, per Route/Per Pro $169. Temlination, Fixed Per Pr.lOffice $8. Temlination Fixed Per Pr./Prem.$7. Fiber Cross-Gonnect Per Pr.lOffice $4.$22. Dark Rber Splice $689. Notes Denotes voluntary rate reduction. Unless otherwise indicated, all rates are pursuant to the Owest and AT&T Interconnection Agreement approved by the Idaho Public Util~ies Commission in Docket Number USW-96-15, Commission Order Number 27738, effective September 17, 1998. Rates addressed in Cost Docket 6129/01 11/16/2001. (TELRIC) Market-based rates. ICB, Individual Case Basis pricing. Rates per FCC Guidelines. Rates not addressed In Cost Docket (TELRIC) Regional TELRIC based where required. A special request is a request by the customer to perfoon something that is technically feasible but the process and pricing are not yet in place. Rates found in FCC Tariff #1 The preliminary engineering and planning costs are included in the caged/cageless construction charges. These charges are also included in the caged/cageless QPFs. Upon completion of construction. these QPFs will be credited to the final construction charge for job. The credit will apply to whichever QPF is applied. This exhibit currently lists multiple QPFs based on what has been proposed on the cost docket and what was approved in the AT&T agreement. CEC may choose either QPF at this time. Additional reduction to voluntarily reduced rates. Owest will not charge for this element until the Commission has an opportun~y to review and approve a rate in a cost proceeding. CMS - Exhibit A Idaho - 1-16-04 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Dark Fiber Interval Table: Installation Guidelines apply where facilities/network capacity is in place, on Qwest-owned, in region facilities. Where non-Qwest locations are involved , intervals are handled on an Individual Case Basis - (lCB). Product Activity! Features Services Ordered FOC Guidelines Installation Guidelines Repair Guidelines mar'lc:R iber. . Initial Records Inquiry (IRI) (simple & complex) Field Verification And Quote Preparation FVQP Provisioning (non- FVQP requests) Ten (10) business days N/A Twenty (20) business days N/A N/A Twenty (20) business days Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision , Exhibit B May 24 , 2002 Page