HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030627UNE Amendment.pdfPECE;\'ED F;U::O r;l , ,,''.. t' 1 t, J Mary S. Hobson (ISB# 2142) Stoe1 Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoe1.com ""r."1:~!')r l!::,lUdJ 0;, (~ . ~: . . t I:: f:L.ITi~'::) COi"\!'i!3:J!ON Lance A. Tade Electric Lightwave, Inc. 4 Triad Center - Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 Telephone: (801) 924-6357 Facsimile: (801) 924-6363 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE, INC. FOR APPROV AL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 u.S.c. ~ 252(e) CASE NO.: USW-OO- APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (Unbundled Network Elements Combinations) Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") and Electric Lightwave, Inc. ("ELI") hereby jointly file this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for Collocation Available Inventory ("Amendment"), which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on October 11 , 2000 (the "Agreement"). A copy of the Amendment is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act" Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portiones) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 1 Boise-158744.l 0029164-00016 agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. ELI and Qwest respectfully submit this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore jointly request that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable ELI to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. ELI and Qwest further request that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 26th day of June, 2003. Qwest Corporation 1ji(/P Stoel Rives LLP, Attorneys for Qwest and Jenny Smith Electric Lightwave, Inc. APPLICA nON FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 2 Boise-158744.10029164-00016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 26th day of June, 2003 , I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 i i ewell~puc. state.id. Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Lance A. Tade Electric Lightwave, Inc. 4 Triad Center - Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 Telephone: (801) 924-6357 Facsimile: (801) 924-6363 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Mary Sullivan Legal Dept. / Contract Development and Services Qwest Communications International, Inc. 7800 East Orchard Road - Suite 250 Englewood, CO 80111 Phone: (303) 793-6642 Facsimile: (303) 793-6633 mmsull1 (Q),qwest. com Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email randi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 3 Boise-158744.10029164-00016 Amendment for Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations) to the Interconnection Agreement between Electric Lightwave , Inc. and Qwest Corporation for the State of Idaho This Amendment ("Amendment") is made and entered into by and between Electric Lightwave, Inc. ("CLEC"), a Delaware corporation , and Qwest Corporation (f/kJa US WEST Communications, Inc. ) (" Qwest"), a Colorado corporation. RECITALS WHEREAS , the Parties entered into an Interconnection Agreement, for service in the State of Washington, that was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission ) on October 11 , 2000 , as referenced in Case No. USW-00- Agreement"); and WHEREAS , the Parties wish to amend the Agreement by adding the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment Terms This Amendment is made in order to add to the Agreement the terms , conditions and rates for Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations), as set forth in Attachment 1 and Exhibits A, Band C , attached hereto and incorporated herein. This Amendment is adding terms, conditions and rates to the Agreement and is not replacing terms, conditions and rates contained in the Agreement. 2. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon Commission approval; however the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. To accommodate this need , CLEC must generate, if necessary, an updated Customer Questionnaire. In addition to the Questionnaire , all system updates will need to be completed by Qwest. CLEC will be notified when all system changes have been made. Actual order processing may begin once these requirements have been met. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 3. Amendments: Waivers The provisions of this Amendment , including the provisions of this sentence , may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any party of any default , misrepresentation , or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not , will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default misrepresentation , or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. 4. Entire Agreement This Amendment (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of this Amendment and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements amendments , or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral , to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of this Amendment. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts , each of which is deemed an original , but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. ---- Electric Lightwave, Inc. 1JA\)(Y'\LA Name Printed/Typed (j- ~loo L. T. Christensen Name Printed/Typed ?~( OW, Title Director - Business Policy Title II l(j~ Date Ce k'3/o Date May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 ATTACHMENT 1 Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations) 23.General Terms 23.Qwest shall provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access to combinations of Unbundled Network Elements including but not limited to the UNE-Platform (UNE-P) and Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL), according to the following terms and conditions. 23.Qwest will offer to CLEC UNE Combinations, on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Amendment and the requirements of Section 251 and Section 252 of the Act, the applicable FCC rules, and other Applicable Laws. The methods of access to UNE Combinations described in this section are not exclusive. Qwest will make available any other form of access requested by CLEC that is consistent with the Act and the regulations thereunder. CLEC shall be entitled to access to all combinations functionality as provided in FCC rules and other Applicable Laws. Qwest shall not require CLEC to access any UNE combinations in conjunction with any other service or element unless specified in this Amendment or as required for technical feasibility reasons. Qwest shall not place any use restrictions or other limiting conditions on UNE combination(s) accessed by CLEC except as specified in this Amendment or required by Existing Rules. 23.Changes in law, regulations or other "Existing Rules relating to UNEs and UNE Combinations , including additions and deletions of elements Qwest is required to unbundle and/or provide in a UNE Combination, shall be incorporated into this Amendment pursuant to the Agreement. CLEC and Qwest agree that the UNEs identified in the Agreement are not exclusive and that pursuant to changes in FCC rules state laws, or the Bona Fide Request process, CLEC may identify and request that Qwest furnish additional or revised UNEs to the extent required under Section 251 (c)(3) of the Act and other Applicable Laws. Failure to list a UNE herein shall not constitute a waiver by CLEC to obtain a UNE subsequently defined by the FCC or the state Commission. 23.In addition to the UNE combinations provided by Qwest to CLEC hereunder, Qwest shall permit CLEC to combine any UNE provided by Qwest with another UNE provided by Qwest or with compatible network components provided by CLEC or provided by third parties to CLEC in order to enable furnishing of Telecommunications Services. Loops or loop-transport combinations will not be directly connected to a Qwest tariffed special access service, whether found in a Tariff or otherwise , without going through a Collocation, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CLEC can connect its UNE Combination to Qwest'Directory Assistance and Operator Services platforms. May 20 2003/1cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 23.Where a CLEC has been denied access to a DS1 , or other high capacity Loop, as a UNE due to lack of facilities, and where CLEC has requested and been denied the construction of newJacilities to provide such Loop, CLEC may connect a similar bandwidth tariffed service that it secures in lieu of that UNE to a transport UNE that it has secured from Qwest. Before making such connection CLEC shall provide Qwest with evidence sufficient to demonstrate that it has fulfilled all of the prior conditions of this provision as stated in this paragraph. This provision shall be changed as may be required to conform to the decisions of the FCC under any proceedings related to the Public Notice referred to in document FCC 00-183. 23.When ordered as combinations of UNEs, Network Elements that are currently combined and ordered together will not be physically disconnected or separated in any fashion except for technical reasons or if requested by CLEC. Network elements to be provisioned together shall be identified and ordered by CLEC as such. When CLEC orders in combination UNEs that are currently interconnected and functional, such UNEs shall remain interconnected or combined as a working service without any disconnection or disruption of functionality. 23.1.4 When ordered in combination , Qwest will combine for CLEC UNEs that are ordinarily combined in Qwest's network , provided that facilities are available , or if facilities are not available at a location desired by CLEC to which Qwest has deployed facilities because all of such existing suitable facilities are in use serving other Customers , upon CLEC request Qwest will build facilities as required by Section 9.23.8 (Construction Charges) below. 23.When ordered in combination , Qwest will combine for CLEC UNEs that are not ordinarily combined in Qwest's network, provided that facilities are available, or if facilities are not available at a location desired by CLEC to which Qwest has deployed facilities because all of such existing suitable facilities are in use serving other Customers , upon CLEC request, Qwest will build facilities as required by Section 9.23.8 (Construction Charges) below to enable the combination of UNEs that are not ordinarily combined in Qwest's network and further provided that such combination: 23.Is Technically Feasible; 23.Would not impair the ability of other Carriers to obtain access to UNEs or to interconnect with Qwest's network; and 23.Would not impair Qwest's use of its network. 23.When ordered in combination , Qwest will combine CLEC UNEs with Qwest UNEs, provided that facilities are available , or if facilities are not available at a location desired by CLEC to which Qwest has deployed facilities because all of such existing suitable facilities are in use serving other Customers, upon CLEC request, Qwest will build facilities as required by Section May 20 200311cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 23.(Construction Charges) below to enable the combination of CLEC facilities with UNEs leased from Qwest and further provided that such combination: 23.Is Technically Feasible; 23.Shall be performed in a manner that provides Qwest access to necessary facilities; 23.Would not impair the ability of other Carriers to obtain access to UNEs or to interconnect with Qwest's network; and 23.6.4 Would not impair Qwest's use of its network. 23.Description UNE Combinations are available in, but not limited to, the following standard products: a) UNE-P in the following form: (i) 1 FR/1 FB Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), (ii) ISDN - either Basic Rate or Primary Rate, (iii) Digital Switched Service (DSS), (iv) PBX Trunks, and (v) Centrex; b) EEL (subject to the limitations set forth below); c) Loop MUX Combination (LMC). If CLEC desires access to a different UNE Combination CLEC may request access through the Special Request Process set forth in Exhibit B of this Amendment. Qwest will provision UNE combinations pursuant to the terms of this Amendment without requiring an amendment to CLEC's Interconnection agreement provided that all UNEs making up the UNE Combination are contained in CLEC' Interconnection agreement. If Qwest develops additional UNE combination products CLEC can order such products without using the Special Request Process, but CLEC may need to submit a New Customer Questionnaire amendment before ordering such products. 23.Terms and Conditions 23.Qwest shall provide non-discriminatory access to UNE Combinations on rates, terms and conditions that are non-discriminatory, just and reasonable. The quality of a UNE Combination Qwest provides , as well as the access provided to that UNE Combination, will be equal between all Carriers requesting access to that UNE Combination; and , where Technically Feasible the access and UNE Combination provided by Qwest will be provided in substantially the same time and manner" to that which Qwest provides to itself. In those situations where Qwest does not provide access to UNE Combinations itself, Qwest will provide access in a manner that provides CLEC with a meaningful opportunity to compete. 23.2 "UNE-POTS": 1 FR/1 FB lines are available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. UNE-P POTS is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop, Analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for POTS are available with UNE-POTS. For complete descriptions please refer to the appropriate Unbundled Network Elements Section in the Agreement. 23.UNE-PBX": PBX Trunks are available to CLEC as a UNE May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 Combination. There are two (2) types of UNE-PBX: Analog Trunks and Analog Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Trunks. UNE-PBX with Analog non-DID Trunks is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Analog - 2 wire Voice Grade Loop, Analog Line Side Port , and Shared Transport. UNE- PBX with Analog 1-Way DID Trunks is comprised of the following ,Unbundled Network Elements: Analog 2 wire Voice Grade Loop, DID Trunk Port, and Shared Transport. UNE-PBX with Analog 2-way DID Trunks is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Analog 4 wire Voice Grade Loop, DID Trunk Port and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for Analog and Analog DID PBX Trunks are available with UNE-PBX. For complete descriptions please refer to the appropriate Unbundled Network Elements Section in the Agreement. 23.3.4 "UNE-DSS": Digital Switched Service (DSS) is available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. There are two (2) types of UNE-P DSS: UNE- DSS with Basic Trunks and UNE-P DSS with Advanced Trunks. UNE-DSS with Basic Trunks is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: DS1 or DS3 Capable Loop, Multiplexing, Analog Line Side Ports, and Shared Transport. UNE-P DSS with Advanced Trunks is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: DS1 or DS3 Capable Loop, DS1 Local Message Trunk Port and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for Digital Switched Service are available with UNE-DSS. For complete descriptions please refer to the appropriate Unbundled Network Elements Section in the Agreement. 23.5 "UNE-ISDN": ISDN lines are available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for ISDN are available with UNE-ISDN. There are two types of UNE-ISDN:a) Basic rate (UNE-ISDN-BRI) is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Basic ISDN Capable Loop, BRI Digital Line Side Port and Shared Transport; and b) Primary rate (UNE-ISDN-PRI) - UNE-ISDN-PRI is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: DS 1 or DS3 Capable Loop, PRI ISDN Trunk Port, DS1 Local Message Trunk Port and Shared Transport. For complete descriptions please refer to the appropriate Unbundled Network Elements Section in the Agreement. 23.6 UNE-Centrex: - Centrex Service is available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. Centrex is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop, Analog Line Side Port, and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for Centrex service are available with UNE-Centrex. 23.CLEC may also request a service change from Centrex , Centrex Plus or Centron service to UNE-POTS. The UNE-POTS line will contain the UNEs established in Section 9.23.of this Amendment. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 23.Qwest will provide access to Customer Management System (CMS) with UNE-Centrex. 23.Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL) -- EEL is a Qwest-provided combination of Loop and dedicated interoffice transport and may aJ.so include multiplexing or concentration capabilities. EEL transport and Loop facilities may utilize DSO through OC-192 or other existing bandwidths. In addition, DSO , DS1 and DS3 bandwidths are defined products. Other existing bandwidths can be ordered through the Special Request Process set forth in Exhibit B. Qwest has two (2) EEL options: "EEL-Conversion " (EEL-C) and "EEL-Provision " (EEL-P). 23.Unless CLEC is specifically granted a waiver from the FCC which provides otherwise, and the terms and conditions of the FCC waiver apply to CLEC's request for a particular EEL, CLEC cannot utilize combinations of Unbundled Network Elements that include Unbundled Loop and unbundled interoffice dedicated transport to create a UNE Combination unless CLEC establishes to Qwest that it is using the combination of Network Elements to provide a significant amount of local exchange traffic to a particular End User Customer. The significant amount of local use requirement does not apply to combinations of Loop and multiplexing when the high side of the multiplexer is connected via an Interconnect Tie Pair ("ITP") to CLEC Collocation. 23.To establish that an EEL is carrying a "Significant Amount of Local Exchange Traffic " one of the following three (3) local service options must exist: 23.Option 1: CLEC must certify to Qwest that it is the exclusive provider of an End User Customer s Local Exchange Service and that the Loop transport combination originates at a Customer s premises and that it terminates at CLEC's Collocation arrangement in at least one Qwest Central Office. This condition or option , does not allow Loop-transport combinations to be connected to Qwest's Tariffed services. 23.Option 2: CLEC must certify that it provides local exchange and exchange access service to the End User Customer s premises and handles at least one-third (1/3) of the End User Customer s local traffic measured as a percent of total End User Customer local dial tone lines; and for DS 1 level circuits and above, at least fifty percent (50%) of the activated channels on the Loop portion of the Loop and transport combination have at least five percent (5%) local voice traffic individually; and the entire Loop facility has at least ten percent (10%) local voicetraffic; and the Loop/transport combination originates at a Customer premises and terminates at CLEC'Collocation arrangement in at least one Qwest Central Office; and if a Loop/transport combination includes multiplexing, each of the multiplexed facilities must meet the above criteria outlined in this paragraph. (For example , if DS1 Loops are multiplexed onto DS3 transport, each of the individual DS1 facilities must meet the May 20 2003/1cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 criteria outlined in this paragraph in order for the DS1/DS3 Loop/transport combination to qualify for UNE treatment). This condition , or option, does not allow Loop-transport combinations to be connected to Qwest's Tariffed services. 23.Option 3: CLEC must certify that at least fifty percent (50%) of the activated channels on a circuit are used to provide originating and terminating local dial tone service and at least fifty percent (50%) of the traffic on each of these local dial tone channels is local voice traffic; and the entire Loop facility has at least thirty-three percent (33%) local voice traffic; and if a Loop/transport combination includes multiplexing, each of the multiplexed facilities must meet the above criteria. For example, if DS1 Loops are multiplexed onto DS3 transport, each of the individual DS1 facilities must meet the criteria as outlined in this paragraph in order for the DS1/DS3 Loop/transport combination to qualify for UNE treatment. This condition , or option, does not allow Loop-transport combinations to be connected to Qwest' Tariffed services. Under this option, Collocation is not required. Under this option CLEC does not need to provide a defined portion of the End User Customer s local service, but the active channels on any Loop-transport combinations , and the entire facility, must carry the amount of local exchange traffic specified in this option. 23.2.4 When CLEC certifies to Qwest through a certification letter, LSR order form , or other mutually agreed upon solution , that the combination of elements is carrying a Significant Amount of Local Exchange" Traffic, then Qwest will provision the EEL or convert the Special Access circuit to an EEL- C. For each EEL or Special Access circuit, CLEC shall indicate in the certification letter, LSR order form , or other mutually agreed upon solution, under which local usage option , set forth in paragraph 9.23., 9.23.2 or 9.23., it seeks to qualify the circuit. 23.5 CLEC's local service certification shall remain valid only so long as CLEC continues to satisfy one (1) of thethree (3) options set forth in Section 9.23.of this Amendment. CLEC must provide a service order converting the EEL to Private Line/Special Access Circuit to Qwest within thirty (30) Days if CLEC's certification on a given circuit is no longer valid. 23.In order to confirm reasonable compliance with these requirements, Qwest may perform audits of CLEC's records according to the following guidelines:a) Qwest may, upon thirty (30) Days written notice to a CLEC that has purchased Loop/transport combinations as UNEs, conduct an audit to ascertain whether those May 20 2003/1cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-000612-0162 Loop/transport combinations were eligible for UNEtreatment at the time of conversion and on an ongoing basis thereafter. b) CLEC shall make reasonable efforts to/cooperate with any audit by Qwest and shall provide Qwest withrelevant records (e., network and circuit configuration data , local telephone numbers) which demonstrate that CLEC'Unbundled Loop transport combination is configured to provide Local Exchange Service accordance with its certification. c) An independent auditor hired and paid for by Qwest shall perform any audits , provided, however, that if an audit reveals that CLEC's EEL circuit(s) do not meet or have not met the certification requirements, then CLECshall reimburse Qwest for the cost of the audit. d) An audit shall be performed using industry audit standards during normal business hours, unless there is a mutual agreement otherwise.e) Qwest shall not exercise its audit rights with respect to a particular CLEC (excluding Affiliates), more than once in any calendar year, unless an audit finds non- compliance. If an audit does find non-compliance, Qwestshall not exercise its audit rights for 60 days following that audit , and if any subsequent audit does not find non-compliance, then Qwest shall not exercise its audit rightsfor the remainder of the calendar year.f) At the same time that Qwest provides notice of an audit to CLEC under this paragraph, Qwest shall send a copy of the notice to the Federal Communications Commission. g) Audits conducted by Qwest for the purpose of determining compliance with certification criteria shall not effect or in any way limit any audit rights that Qwest may have pursuant to an Interconnection agreement between CLEC and Qwest. h) Qwest shall not use any other audit rights it may have pursuant to an Interconnection agreement between CLEC and Qwest to audit for compliance with the localexchange traffic requirements of Section 9.23. Qwest shall not require an audit as a prior prerequisite to Provisioning EELs.i) CLEC shall maintain appropriate records to support its certification. However, CLEC has no obligation to keep May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 any records that it does not keep in the ordinary course ofits business. 23.Qwest will not provision EEL or conv\3rt PrivateLine/Special Access to an EEL if Qwest records indicate that the Private Line/Special Access is or the EEL will be connecteddirectly to a Tariffed service or if, in options 1 and 2 above, theEEL would not terminate at CLEC's Collocation arrangement in at least one Qwest Central Office. 23.If an audit demonstrates that an EEL does not meet the local use requirements of Section 9.23.2 on averagefor two (2) consecutive months for which data is available, thenthe EEL shall be converted to special access or private line rates within thirty (30) Days. 23.If CLEC learns for any reason that an EEL does not meet the local use requirements of Section 9.23., thenthe EEL shall be converted to special access or private line rates within thirty 30 days. CLEC has no ongoing duty to monitor EELs to verify that they continue to satisfy the local use requirements of Section 9.23., except that if any service order activity occursrelating to an EEL, then CLEC must verify that the EEL continues to satisfy the local use requirements of Section 9.23.2. Anydisputes regarding whether an EEL meets the local userequirements shall be handled pursuant to the dispute resolution provisions of the Agreement. While a dispute is pending resolution , the status quo will be maintained and the EEL will not be converted to special access or private line rates. 23.10 No private line or other Unbundled Loop shallbe available for conversion into an EEL or be combined with other elements to create an EEL if it utilizes shared use Billing,commonly referred to as ratcheting. Any change to a private lineor other Unbundled Loop including changes to eliminate shareduse Billing for any or all circuits , prior to conversion of those circuits to EEL shall be conducted pursuant to the processes procedures, and terms pursuant to which such private line or Loop was provisioned. Any appropriate charges from such processes procedures, and terms shall apply (sometimes referred to as grooming charges 23.11 EEL-C is the conversion of an existing PrivateLine/Special Access service to a combination of Loop andtransport UNEs. Retail and/or resale private line circuits(including multiplexing and concentration) may be converted toEEL-C if the conversion is Technically Feasible and they meet the terms of this Section 9.23.7. Qwest will make EEL-ConversionCombinations available to CLEC upon request. Qwest will provide CLEC with access to EEL-Conversion Combinations according to the standard intervals set forth in Exhibit C. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 23.11.CLEC must utilize EEL-C to providesignificant amount of Local Exchange Service accordance with the three options listed under Section23. 23.12 EEL-P - EEL-P is a combination of Loop anddedicated interoffice transport used for the purpose of connectingan End User Customer to a CLEC Switch. EEL-P is a newinstallation of circuits for the purpose of CLEC providing servicesto End User Customers. 23.12.Terms and Conditions 23.12.2 CLEC must utilize EEL-P to provide asignificant amount of Local Exchange Service to each End User Customer served in accordance with the threeoptions listed under Section 9.23. 23.12.One end of the interoffice facility must originate at a CLEC Collocation in a Wire Center otherthan the Serving Wire Center of the Loop. 23.12.4 EEL combinations may consist ofLoops and interoffice transport of the same bandwidth(Point-to-Point EEL). When multiplexing is requested, EELmay consist of Loops and interoffice transport of differentbandwidths (Multiplexed EEL). CLEC may also ordercombinations of interoffice transport concentrationcapability and DSO Loops. 23.12.When concentration capability requested, CLEC will purchase the appropriateconcentration equipment and provide it to Qwest forinstallation in the Wire Center. 23.12.Installation intervals are set forth inExhibit C and are equivalent to the respective Private Line Transport Service on the following web-site address: http://www.qwest.com/carrier/guides/sig/index.htmi. 23.12.Concentration capability installationintervals will be offered at an ICB. 23.12.8 EEL-is available only whereexisting facilities are available. 23.Ordering 23.Reserved for Future Use. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 23. UNE- The following terms and conditions are available for all types of 23.11.1 UNE-P will include the capability to access long distance service (/nterLATA and IntraLATA) of CLEC's Customer's choice on a 2-PIC basis, access to 911 emergency services, capability to accessCLEC'Operator Services platform capability to access CLEC'Directory Assistance platform and Qwest customized routing service;and, if desired by CLEC , access to Qwest Operator Services andDirectory Assistance Service. 23.11.If Qwest provides and CLEC accepts operator services Directory Assistance, and IntraLATA long distance as a part of the basic exchange line, it will be offered with standard Qwest branding. CLEC isnot permitted to alter the branding of these services in any manner when the services are a part of the UNE-line without the prior writtenapproval of Qwest. However, at the request of CLEC and whereTechnically Feasible, Qwest will rebrand operator services and DirectoryAssistance in CLEC's name, in CLEC's choice of name, or in no name inaccordance with terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. 23.11.CLEC may order Customized Routing in conjunction with UNE-P for alternative operator service and/or Directory Assistanceplatforms. CLEC shall be responsible to combine UNE-with allcomponents and requirements associated with Customized Routingneeded to utilize related functionality. For a complete description ofCustomized Routing, refer to that Section of the Agreement. 23.11.4 Qwest shall provide to CLEC , for CLEC's End UserCustomers, E911/911 call routing to the appropriate Public SafetyAnswering Point (PSAP). Qwest shall not be responsible for any failureof CLEC to provide accurate End User Customer information for listings in any databases in which Qwest is required to retain and/or maintain End User Customer information. Qwest shall provide CLEC's End UserCustomer information to the ALI/DMS (Automatic LocationIdentification/Database Management System). Qwest shall use itsstandard process to update and maintain , on the same schedule that ituses for its End User Customers, CLEC's End User Customer serviceinformation in the ALI/DMS used to support E911/911 services. Qwestassumes no liability for the accuracy of information provided by CLEC. 9.23.11.CLEC shall designate the Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) assignments on behalf of its User Customers for InterLA T A andIntraLATA services. CLEC shall follow all Applicable Laws, rules andregulations with respect to PIC changes and Qwest shall disclaim anyliability for CLEC's improper PIC change requests. 23.11.Feature and InterLATA or IntraLATA PIC changes oradditions for UNE-, will be processed concurrently with the UNE-P orderas specified by CLEC. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 23.11.CLEC may order new or retain existing Qwest DSLservice on behalf of End User Customers when utilizing UNE-POTSUNE-Centrex, and UNE-PBX (analog, non-DID trunks only)combinations , where Technically Feasible. The price for Qwest DSL provided with UNE-combinations is included in Exhibit 'A to thisAmendment. Qwest DSL service provided to internet service providersand not provided directly to Qwest or CLEC's End Users is not availablewith UNE-P combinations. 23.12 If CLEC is obtaining services from Qwest under an arrangementor agreement that includes the application of termination liability assessment (TLA) or minimum period charges, and if CLEC wishes to convert such servicesto UNEs or a UNE Combination, the conversion of such services will not be delayed due to the applicability of TLA or minimum period charges. Theapplicability of such charges is governed by the terms of the original agreement Tariff or arrangement. 23.13 For installation of new UNE combinations CLEC will not beassessed UNE rates for UNEs ordered in combination until access to all UNEsthat make up such combination have been provisioned to CLEC as acombination, unless a UNE is not available until a later time and CLEC elects to have Qwest provision the other elements before all elements are available. Forconversions of existing resale services to UNE-P Combinations, CLEC will bebilled at the UNE-P rate, and Billing at the resold rate will cease , on the DueDate scheduled for the conversion, so long as the Due Date of the conversionwas a standard or longer interval, unless CLEC has caused or requested a delay of the conversion. 23.Reserved for Future Use. 23.15 When End User Customers Switch from Qwest to CLEC, or toCLEC from any other competitor and is obtaining service through a UNECombination, such End User Customers shall be permitted to retain their current telephone numbers if they so desire. 23.16 In the event Qwest terminates the Provisioning of any UNECombination service to CLEC for any reason , of which it will provide CLEC 30days notice before doing so , CLEC shall be responsible for providing any and all necessary notice to its End User Customers of the termination. In no case shall Qwest be responsible for providing such notice to CLEC's End User Customers.Qwest shall only be required to notify CLEC of Qwest's termination of the UNE Combination service on a timely basis consistent with Commission rules andnotice requirements. 23.17 CLEC , or CLEC's agent, shall act as the single point of contactfor its End User Customers ' service needs , including without limitation , salesservice design , order taking, Provisioning, change orders, training, maintenance trouble reports, repair, post-sale servicing, Billing, collection and inquiry. CLEC shall inform its End User Customers that they are End User Customers of CLEC. CLEC'' End User Customers contacting Qwest will be instructed to contactCLEC, and Qwest's End User Customers contacting CLEC will be instructed to May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 contact Qwest. In responding to calls , neither Party shall make disparagingremarks about each other. To the extent the correct provider can be determined misdirected calls received by either Party will be referred to the proper providerof Local Exchange Service; however, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemedto prohibit Qwest or CLEC from discussing its products and services with CLEC' or Qwest's End User Customers who call the other Party seeking suchinformation. 23.Reserved for Future Use. 23.Rates and Charges 23.4.The rates and charges for the individual Unbundled NetworkElements that comprise UNE Combinations are contained in Exhibit A of thisAmendment for both recurring and nonrecurring application. 23.4.Recurring monthly charges for each Unbundled NetworkElement that comprise the UNE Combination shall apply when a UNECombination is ordered. The recurring monthly charges for each UNEincluding but not limited to, Unbundled 2-wire Analog Loop, Analog LineSide Port and Shared Transport , are contained in Exhibit A. 23.4.Nonrecurring charges , if any, will apply based upon thecost to Qwest of Provisioning the UNE Combination and providing access to the UNE Combination. These nonrecurring charges, if any, aredescribed in Exhibit A. 23.4.If the Commission takes any action to adjust the rates previously ordered , Qwest will make a compliance filing to incorporate the adjusted ratesinto Exhibit A. Upon the compliance filing by Qwest, the Parties will abide by theadjusted rates on a going-forward basis , or as ordered by the Commission. 23.4.CLEC shall be responsible for Billing its End User Customersserved over UNE Combinations for all Miscellaneous Charges and surchargesrequired of CLEC by statute, regulation or otherwise required. 23.4.4 CLEC shall pay Qwest the PIC change charge associated withCLEC End User Customer changes of InterLATA or IntraLATA Carriers. Anychange in CLEC's End User Customers' InterLATA or IntraLATA Carrier must berequested by CLEC on behalf of its End User Customer. 23.4.If an End User Customer is served by CLEC through a UNEcombination, Qwest will not charge, assess , or collect Switched Access chargesfor InterLATA or IntraLATA calls originating or terminating from that End User Customer s phone after conversion to a UNE Combination is complete. Qwestwill send the switched access records for UNE-P customers through the dailyusage feed. The records will mirror the 11-01 EM' format. 23.4.Qwest shall have a reasonable amount of time to implementsystem or other changes necessary to bill CLEC for Commission-ordered ratesor charges associated with UNE Combinations. Qwest will true-up back to the May 20, 200311cm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 effective date of the Commission order. 23.Ordering Process 23.Most UNE Combinations and associated products and servicesare ordered via an LSR. Ordering processes are contained in the Agreementand in the PCAT (formerly known as UNE Combination Resource Guide). Thefollowing is a high-level description of the ordering process: 23.Reserved for Future Use. 23.Reserved for Future Use. 23.Step 1: Complete product questionnaire with accountteam representative. 23.1.4 Step 2: Obtain Billing Account Number (BAN) throughaccount team representative. 23.Step 3: Allow 2-3 weeks from Qwest's receipt of acompleted questionnaire for accurate loading of UNE combination rates to the Qwest Billing system. 23.Step 4: After account team notification , place UNEcombination orders via an LSR or ASR as appropriate. 23.Additional information regarding the ordering processesare located at:http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/solutions/clecFaGility/une -- c. htm I 23.Prior to placing an order on behalf of each End User Customer CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof ofAuthorization as set forth in the Agreement. 23.Standard service intervals for each UNE Combination are setforth in Exhibit C. For UNE Combinations with appropriate retail analoguesCLEC and Qwest will use the standard Provisioning interval for the equivalentretail service. CLEC and Qwest can separately agree to Due Dates other than the standard interval. 23.5.4 Due date intervals are established when Qwest receives acomplete and accurate Local Service Request (LSR) or ASR made through the IMA, EDI or Exact interfaces or through facsimile. For UNE-POTS, UNE-Centrex, and UNE-ISDN-BRI , the date the LSR or ASR is received considered the start of the service interval if the order is received on a businessday prior to 7:00 p.m. For UNE-POTS , UNE-Centrex, and UNE-ISDN-BRI , the service interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 7:00 p.m. on a business day. For UNE-DSS , UNE-ISDN-PRI , UNE-PBX , EEL, and all other UNE combinationsthe date the LSR or ASR is received is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received on a business day prior to 3:00 p.m. For UNE-DSS May 20 2003/1cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID,docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 UNE-ISDN-PRI , UNE-PBX , EEL , and all other UNE combinations, theservice interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 3:00 p.m. on a business day. Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays , New Year s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 23.The Parties' obligations and responsibilities for providing and maintaining End User Customer listings information are contained in the Listings and E911/911 Emergency Services sections of the Agreement. Nevertheless , tothe extent that the option is available to CLEC to specify that the End UserCustomers existing listing(s) be retained upon conversion to Unbundled LocalSwitching elements or UNE-P Combinations, Qwest shall be responsible forensuring that the End User Customer s listing(s) is retained "as is" in Qwest'listings data bases. 23.When Qwest's End User Customer or the End User Customernew service provider orders the discontinuance of the End User Customer existing service in anticipation of moving to another service provider, Qwest willrender its closing bill to the End User Customer effective with the disconnection.If Qwest is not the local service provider, Qwest will issue a bill to CLEC for that portion of the service provided to CLEC should CLEC's End User Customer, anew service provider, or CLEC request service be discontinued to the End User Customer. Qwest will notify CLEC by FAX, ass interface, or other agreed uponprocesses when an End User Customer moves to another service provider.Qwest shall not provide CLEC or Qwest retail personnel with the name of the other service provider selected by the End User Customer. 23.For UNE Combinations, CLEC shall provide Qwest and Qwestshall provide CLEC with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution repair, and in the event special attention is required on service request. 23.Billing 23.Qwest shall provide CLEC , on a monthly basis, within seven to ten (7-10) calendar Days of the last day of the most recent Billing period , in anagreed upon standard electronic Billing format, Billing information including (1) a summary bill, and (2) individual End User Customer sub-account information consistent with the samples available for CLEC review. 23.Maintenance and Repair 23.Qwest will maintain facilities and equipment that comprise the serviceprovided to CLEC as a UNE Combination. CLEC or its End User Customers may notrearrange, move, disconnect or attempt to repair Qwest facilities or equipment, otherthan by connection or disconnection to any interface between Qwest and the End User Customer, without the written consent of Qwest. 23.Construction Charges Qwest will conduct an individual financial assessment of any request that requiresconstruction of network capacity, facilities , or space for access to or use of UNEs. May 20 200311cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 When Owest constructs to fulfill CLEC's request for UNEs, Qwest will bid thisconstruction on a case-by-case basis. Owest will charge for the construction throughnonrecurring charges and a term agreement for the remaining recurring charge, asdescribed in the Construction Charges Section. When CLEC orders the ,same orsubstantially similar service available to Qwest End User Customers, nothing in thisSection shall be interpreted to authorize Qwest to charge CLEC for special constructionwhere such charges are not provided for in a Tariff or where such charges would not be applied to a Qwest End User Customer. If Qwest agrees to construct a NetworkElement that satisfies the description of a UNE contained in this agreement , thatNetwork Element shall be deemed a UNE. 23.Loop Mux Combination (LMC) 23.Description 23.The Loop Mux Combination (LMC) offering is a combination of an unbundled loop with a multiplexer and collocation located within the same Qwest Wire Center. An EEL loop may also be connected to the LMC multiplexer. 23.LMC provides the CLEC with the ability to access end users and aggregate DS1 or DSO loops to a higher bandwidth via a DS1 or DS3 multiplexer.There is no transport between the multiplexer and collocation with the Loop MuxCombination. This is also known as a Multiplexed LMC. The Loop Mux facility must terminate in a collocation. The Multiplexed LMC's connection to the collocation is provided by an ITP (Interconnection Tie Pair). 23. provisioning. Qwest offers this UNE combination as a billing conversion or new 23.Terms and Conditions Loop Mux Combinations will be provisioned where existing facilities are available or where you have CLEC Requested UNE Construction per the terms and conditions of your Interconnection Agreement. 23.Rate Elements 23.Interconnection Tie Pair (ITP) charges apply to each circuitconnected to the collocation. See Unbundled Loop for recurring charges. 23.LMC Loop (also referred to as Loop with Mux in Exhibit A). TheLMC Loop is the Loop connection between the end user customer premises and the Multiplexer in the serving Wire Center where CLEC is collocated. LMC Loop is available in DSO and DS 1. Recurring and non-recurring charges will apply 23.LMC Multiplexing (also referred to as Loop Mux in Exhibit A).LMC Multiplexing is offered in DS3 to DS1 and DS1 to DSO configurations.Recurring and non-recurring charges will apply. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 23.3.4 DSO MUX Low Side Channelization. LMC DSO Channel Cardsare required for each DSO LMC Loop connected to a 1/0 LMC Multiplexer. Channel Cards are available for analog Loop Start, Ground Start . ReverseBattery and No Signaling. See Channel Performance for Recurring Charges. 23.9.4 Ordering Process 23.9.4.Most UNE Combinations and associated products and servicesare ordered via an LSR. Ordering processes are contained in this Agreementand in the PCA T. The following is a high-level description of the ordering process: 23.9.4.Step 1: Complete product questionnaire with account team representative. 23.9.4.Step 2: Obtain Billing Account Number (BAN) throughaccount team representative. 23.9.4.Step 3: Allow 2-3 weeks from Qwest's receipt of a completed questionnaire for accurate loading of UNE combination rates to the Qwestbilling system. an LSR. Step 4: After account team notification, place LMC orders via 23.9.4.Prior to placing an order on behalf of each end user customer CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof of Authorization as set forth in this Agreement. 23.9.4.Standard service intervals for UNE Combinations are either set forth in Exhibit C or in the SIG available on www.qwest.com/whoiesale. Due date intervals are established when Qwest receives acomplete and accurate Local Service Request (LSR) or ASR made through the IMA, EDI or Exact interfaces or through facsimile. For EEL, LMC, and all other UNE combinations , the date the LSR or ASR is received is considered the startof the service interval if the order is received on a business day prior to 3:00 p. For EEL, LMC , and all other UNE combinations , the service interval will begin onthe next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 3:00 p.m. on a business day. Business days exclude Saturdays , SundaysNew Year s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. For UNE Combinations , CLEC shall provide Qwest and Qwest shall provide CLEC with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution repair, and in the event special attention is required on service request. 23.5 Billing 23.Qwest shall provide CLEC , on a monthly basis , within seven to May 20 2003/1cml ELl/UNE Combinations-ID,docAmendment to CDS-000612-0162 ten (7-10) calendar days of the last day of the most recent billing period , in anagreed upon standard electronic billing format, billing information including (1) a summary bill, and (2) individual end user customer sub-account information. 23.6 Maintenance and Repair 23.Qwest will maintain facilities and equipment that comprise the service provided to CLEC as a UNE Combination. CLEC or its end usercustomers may not rearrange, move , disconnect or attempt to repair Qwestfacilities or equipment, other than by connection or disconnection to any interface between Qwest and the end user customer, without the written consent of Qwest. May 20, 2003/lcm/ ELI/UNE Combinations-ID.doc Amendment to CDS-00O612-0162 Exhibit A Idaho /Amendment '.. '. .' ':,. Recurring Non-Recurring Notes . ' 0 Resale Wholesale Wholesale Discount " Discount Percentage Percentage Recurring Nonrecurring Charges Charges1 Wholesale Discount Rates IntraLATA Toll 18,25%Listinas, CO Features & Information Services 18,25%0 Interconnection 7.4 Multiolexina 7.4,DS3 to DS1 $201,$298,7.4,DS1 to DSO $199,$291, 0 Unbundled Network Elements tUNEs! 2 Unbundled Loops Analoo Looas Wire Voice Grade Zone 1 $15, Zone 2 $23, Zone 3 $40, 4-Wire Voice Grade Zone 1 $30, Zone 2 $46. Zone 3 $79.47 Nan-loaded Loops 2-wire Non-loaded Looo Zone 1 $15, Zone 2 $23, Zone 3 $40, 4-wire Non-loaded Loop Zone 1 $30, Zone 2 $46, Zone 3 $79.47 Loop Unloadina $9,Lop a Conditionino $22, Diaitai Caoable Looas Basic Rate ISDN xDSL-i Capable ADSL Compatible LoaD Zone 1 $15. Zone 2 $23, Zone 3 $40, DS1 Capable Loop Zone 1 $86.48 Zone 2 $86.46 Zone 3 $99, DS3 Caoable Loop Zone 1 $941. Zone 2 $955, Zone 3 264, OC n Capable Loop OC-$896,OC-382.OC-659, 8 Shared Transoort Per Minute of Use - TELRIC Based Rate $0,001110 11 Local Switchlna 11,Local Switchino - TELRIC Based Rates Analoa Line Side Port, First Port $1,$10,Each Additional Port (ordered concurrentlv with an unbundled 1000\$1,$5.49Premium Port $4,Each Additional Premium Port $4, Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16, 2002 Page 1 of7 Exhibit A Idaho :: ," ",.,...,. .""" Recurring No~- Recurring Notes 11.4 Vertical Features 10XXX Direct Dialed Blockino $0,Account Codes - oer system $0,$83,Attendant Access Line - per station line $0,$1.20Audible Messaoe Waitino $0,$1,Authorization Codes - per system $0,$248,Auto Callback $0,Automatic Line $0,$0,Automatic Route Selection - Common Eouip, per system $0,183,Blockino of pay per call services $0,Bridging $0,Call Drop $0,$0,Call Exclusion - Automatic $0,$1,Call Exclusion - Manual $0,$0,Call Forward Don t Answer - All Calls $0,Call Forwardinolncoming Only $0,Call Forwardino Intra Group Only $0,Call Forwardino Variable Remote $0,Call Forwardino: Busy Line Expanded)$0,Call Forwardino: Busy Line Extemal)$0,Call Forwardino: Busy Line External) Don t Answer $0,Call Forwardino: Busy Line Overflow)$0,Call Forwardino: Busy Line Overflow) Don t Answer $0,Call Forwarding: Busy Line Proorammable)$0,Call Forwardino: Busy Line/Dont Answer Proorammable SyC, Establishment $16.29CF DON'T ANSWERlCF BUSY CUSTOMER PROGRAMMABLE - PER LINE $1.05Call Forwardino: Busy Line/Don t Answer (Expanded)$0,Call Forwardino: Don t Answer $0,Call Forwardino: Don t Answer (Expanded)$0,Call Forwardino: Don t Answer (Proorammable)$0,Call Forwardino: Variable $0,Call Forwardino: Variable - no call complete option $0,Call Hold $0,Call Hold/3-WaY/Call Transfer $0,Call Park (Basic - Store & Retrieye)$0,Call Pickup $0,Call Transfer $0,Call Waitino Dial Orioinatino $0,Call Waitino Indication - oer timing state $0,$1,Call Waitino Orioinatino $0,Call Waitino Terminatino - All Calls $0,Call Waitino Terminatino - Incomino Only $0,Call Waitino/ Cancel Call Waitino $0,CENTREX COMMON EQUIPMENT 254,Centrex Manaoement System (CMS)$0,Centrex Plus DID numbers per number $0,Centrex Plus to Centrex Plus $0,Centrex Plus to IC Carrier $0,Centrex Plus to PBX/Key Blacked $0,Centrex Plus to PBX/Key Non-Blacked $0,CFBL - All Calls $0,CFBL - rncomino OnlY $0,$39,CFDA Incomino Only $0,$39.44CLASS - Anonymous Call Rejection $0,CLASS - Call Trace $0,CLASS - Call Waitino 10 $0,CLASS - Carlino Name & Number $0,CLASS - Callino Number Deliyerv $0,CLASS - Callino Number Deliyery - Biockino $0,CLASS - Continuous Redial $0,CLASS - Last Call Return $0,CLASS - Priortty Callino $0,CLASS - Selective Call Forwardino $0,CLASS - Selective Call Reiection $0,Conference Callino - Meet Me $0,$44,Conference Callino - Preset $0,$44,Custom Rinoino First Line (Short/Lana/Short)$0,Custom RiMino First Line (Short/Short)$0,Custom Rinoino First Line (Short/Short/Lana)$0,Custom Rinoino Second Line (Short/Lana/Short $0,Custom Riiiaino Second Line (Short/Short)$0,Custom Rinoino Second Line (Short/Short/Lana)$0,Custom Rinaino Third Line Short/Lono/Short)$0,Custom Riiiaino Third Line (Short/Short)$0,Custom Rinoino Third Line (Short/Short/Lana)$0,Data Call Protection roMS 100 $0,Dir Sta SeliBusy Lama Fld per arranoement $0,$0, Owest Idaho SGAT Third Reyision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16, 2002 Page 2 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho , "'.., . m Recurrhlg ."", '.,, Non. Recurring Notes .,. Directed Call Pickup with Barge-$0,$20,Directed Call Pickup without Barge-$0,$20,Distinctive Ring/Distinctive Call Waiting $0,$41.93Distinctive Ringing $0,EBS - Set Interface - per station line $0,Executive Busv Override $0,Expensive Route Waming Tone- per system $0,$74,Facility Restriction level - per svstem $0,$46,Feature Displav $0,Group Intercom $0,$0.47Hot Line - per line $0,$1.05Hunting: Multiposition Circular Hunting $0,Hunting: Multiposition Hunt Queuing $0,$40,Hunting: Multiposition Series Hunting $0,Hunting: Multiposition with Announcement in Queue $0,$40,Hunting: Multiposition with Music in Queue $0,$42,Incoming Calls Barred $0,Intemational Direct Dial Blocking $0,ISDN Short Hunt $0,$1,Line Side Answer Supervision $0,loudspeaker Paging - per trunk group $0,$183,Make Busv Arrangements - per group $0,$0,Make Busy Arrangements - per line $0,$0,Message Center - per main station line $0,$0,Message Waiting Indication AudibleNisual $0,Message Waiting Visual $0,$0,Music On Hoid - per svstem $0,$24.Network Speed Call $0.Night Service Arrangement $0,Outgoing Calls Barred $0,Outaoing Trunk Queuing $0,Privacy Release $0,$0.49Querv Time $0,$0,Speed Calling 1 Digit Controller $0.Speed Calling 1 Digit User $0,Speed Calling 1# List Individual $0,Speed Calling 2 Digit Controller $0,Speed Callina 2 Digit User $0,Speed Calling 2# List Individual $0,Speed Calling 30 Number $0,Saeed Calling 8 Number $0,Station Camp-On Service. per main station $0.$0,Station Dial Conferencing (6 Way)$0, Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)$0,Three Way Cailing $0,Time and Date Display $0,Time of Day Control for ARS - per system $0,$130.Time of Dav NCOS Update $0,$0,Time of Day Routing - per line $0,$0,Toll Restriction Service $0,Trunk Answer Any Station $0,Trunk Verification from Designated Station $0,$0.41UCD in hunt group - per line $0.$0,UCD with Music After Delay $0.CMS - SYSTEM ESTABLISHMENT -INITIAL INSTALLATION 010,CMS - SYSTEM ESTABLISHMENT - SUBSEQUENT INSTALLATiON $505,CMS - PACKET CONTROL CAPABILITY, PER SYSTEM $505,SMDR-P - SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT CHARGE, INITIAL INSTALLATION $352,SMDR-P. ARCHIVED DATA $184, 11.3 Subseauent Order Charge $13, 11.4 Diaital Line Side Port (Supporting BRI ISDN First Port $13,$243,Each Additionai Port $13,$243,Premium Digital Port $15, 11,Digital Trunk Ports DS1 local Message Trunk Port $53,Message Trunk Group, First Trunk $178.44Messaae Trunk Group, Each Additional $49,DS1 PRIISDN Trunk Port $198,$652.26DS1/ DID Trunk Pert $2.43 $218, 11,DSO Analog Trunk Port Unbundled Analog DSO Trunk Port, Fst Port $14,$130, Each Additional Port $14,$31, Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16, 2002 Page 3 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho ..".' ,.. '' '., .,.. Recurrlng Non- Recurring I 'Notes 'i' , ". ,. ' 11,Local Usage, per Minute of Use $0,001343 11,Local Switchina - Market Based Rates These rates are only available in Zone 1 Wire Centers 12 Customized Routina 12.Development of Custom Line Class Code - Directory Assistance or Operator 324, Services Routina Oniv 12,Installation Charge, per Switch - Directory Assistance or Operator Service 237, Routing Only 12,All Other Custom RoutinQ iCB ICB 23 UNE Combinations 23,UNE - P Line Splittinq Basic installation Charqe for UNE-P Line SDlittinQ $37, 23,UNE-P Conversion Non-Recurrinq Charces UNE-P POTS, CENTREX, AnaloQ PBX Trunks First $0, Each Additional $0, UNE-P Pal Manual First $16, Each Additional $2, UNE-P PBX DID Trunks First $25, Each Additional $3, UNE-P iSDN BRI First $27, Each Additicnal $3, UNE-P ISDN PRI, DSS per DS1 Facility $24, UNE-P ISDN PRI, DSS - oer Trunk First $25, Each Additional $3. 23,UNE-P New Connection Non-Recurrinc Charces UNE-P POTS Centrex, Analoc PBX Trunks First $57, Each Additional $16, UNE-P PAL Manual First $85, Each Additional $19.26 UNE - P PBX DID - per Trunk $182, Comolex Translations Dicits Outoulsed ChanQe SiQnalinQ $14, DID Complex Translations Siqnalinc Chance $34.42 DID Block Compromise $25, DID Grouo of 20 Numbers $34, DID Reserve Sequential # Block $25, DID Reserve Non Sequential TN $24, DID Trunk Termination $22, DID NonSeauential TN $36, UNE - P ISDN BRI $348, UNE - P Trunks DSS Basic Trunk - In OnlY, Out Only, or Two Way $86.44 DSS, ISDN PRI Adv, Trunk - In only w/DID & Hunting, or 2 Way $86, w/DID, Hunting & Answer Sup DSS, ISDN PRI Mv, Trunk - Out Only w/Answer Sup $86.44 Facilities for UNE - P DSS, UNE - P ISDN PRI DS1 Loop Facility (for Basic Trunk) + Multiplexinq $444 DS1 Loop Facility (for Advanced Trunks)$152.75 DS3 Looo Facilitv $152, UNE - P PRI Confiqurations UNE-P PRI Dedicated PRI 23 + 0 $711, UNE-P PRI Dedicated PRI 24 $682, UNE-P PRI Dedicated PRI 23B + Back-Up 0 Confiquration - 5E $686, Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16, 2002 Page 4 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho ~;m " '" ,..." Recurring Non'Recurrlng Notes 23.4 UNE - P awest OSL See applicable awest retail Tariff, catalog, a price list 23,UNE-Combination Private Line OSO/OS1IDS3JOCN/lntenrated T-1 Existino Service $34, 9.23,Enhanced Extended Looo (EEl) EEL Link Loon with Multinlexino EEL OSO 2-Wire $266,. and 1OSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $198, Loop with MUX OSO 2-Wire $245, Loop with MUX OSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $160, Zone 1 $15, Zone 2 $23, Zone 3 $40, EEL OSO 4-Wire $266,OSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $198,Looo with MUX OSO 4-Wire $245,Loop with MUX OSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $160, Zone 1 $30. Zone 2 $46, Zone 3 $79.47 OS1 EEL $327.26OS1 EEL Each Additional $244,Looo with MUX OS1 $310,Loop with MUX OS1 Each Additional $227, Zone 1 $86.48 Zone 2 $86.46 Zone 3 $99, OS3 EEL $352, OS3 EEL Each Additional $269, Zone 1 $941.95 Zone 2 $955, Zone 3 264. 23,EEL C and Loon MUX Conversion $41.14 ,.,;.. ~!'ICurrlng "Re.c~IJ:i~'gpe.r N~"~~~rripg C=... "'../,/:' ' FlxecF'Mile ;";; 23,EEL Transnort OSO OSO 0 to 8 Miles $24,$0, OSO Over 8 to 25 Miles $24,$0, OSO Over 25 to 50 Miles $24,$0, OSO Over 50 Miles $24,$0, OS1 OS10t08Miles $36.43 $3, OS1 Over 8 to 25 Miles $37.$3, OS1 Over 25 to 50 Miles $39,$1, OS1 Over 50 Miies $37,$0, OS3 OS3 0 to 8 Miles $238,$54, OS3 Over 8 to 25 Miles $242,$16, OS3 Over 25 to 50 Miles $223,$21, OS3 Over 50 Miles $235,$14, OC- OC-3 0 to 8 Miies $768,$191, OC-3 Over 8 to 25 Miles $774,$60, OC-3 Over 25 to 50 Miles $744,$79. OC-3 Over 50 Miles $763,$55, OC- awest Idaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16, 2002 Page 5 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho" , " :"c,Recurring Non.Recurrlng NotesC d ,-', ,:,,':' OC-120t08Miles $2,143,$79,OC-12 Over 8 to 25 Miles 143,$82.42OC-12 Over 25 to 50 Miles 143,$92,OC-12 Over 50 Miles 143,$110.45 OC- OC-48 0 to 8 Miles 071,$266.42OC-48 Over 8 to 25 Miles 071,$275.49OC-48 Over 25 to 50 Miles 071.62 $333,OC-48 Over 50 Miles 071,$428, ..; i.." '.",; c", , , ,c' :;;;:;;, c,,'-Non-Recurrlng ..,:,/" Recurring;;.' ,cc, ;", " ;;c' , ' 23,MultiplexinQ DS1 to DSO $228,$271,DS3 to DS1 $255,$271,Loop MUX DS3 to DS1 $206.49Looo MUX DS1 to DSO $206.49 23,DSO Channel Performance DSO Low Side Channelization $13,DS1/DSO MUX, Low Side Channeiization $7, 23,Concentration Capabilitv ICB 10.0 Ancillary Services 10.3 911/E911 No CharQe 10.4 White Paces Directory Llstinos Facility Based Providers 10.4,Primary ListinQ No CharQe10.4.2 Premium/Privacy Listings General Exchange Tariff Rate, less wholesale discount 10.5 Directorv Assistance Facility Based Providers 10,Local Directory Assistance. Per Call $0,10,National Directory Assistance, per Call $0,10,Call BrandinQ Set- UP and RecordinQ $10 500,10,5.4 LoadinQ Brand /Per Switch $175.10,Call Completion Link, per Call $0, 10.6 Directorv Assistance List Information 10,Initial Database Load, per ListinQ $0.02510,Reload of Database, per Listing $0,02010,Dailv Updates, per Listino $0,05010,6.4 One-time Set-Up Fee $82, 10,Media Charoes for File Delivery Eiectronic Transmission $0,002 Tapes (charges only apply if this is selected as the normal delivery $30,medium for daily updates) (per tape) ShippinQ CharQes (for tape delivery)ICB 10.7 Toll and Assistance Operator Services Facility Based Providers 10,Option A - Per Messaoe Operator Handled Callino Card $1.45Machine Handied CailinQ Card $0,Station Call $1,Person Call $3,Connect to Directory Assistance $0,Busv Line Verifv, per Call $0,Busv Line interrupt $0,Operator Assistance, per Call $0, 10,Ootion B - Per Operator Work Second and Computer Handled Calls Operator Handled, per Operator Work Second $0,028Machine Handled, per Call $0,Call Brandino, Set-Up & Recordino $10 500, LoadinQ Brand/Per Switch $175, 12.0 Operational Support Systems 12.1 Development and Enhancements, per Order No charge at thi, time Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16 2002 Page 6 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho ;;'' ../:;; I Recurrin~Non- Rec:urrlng Notes"c' .:-;,;,;:':-;' :.:-;'' ';;, 12,2 Ongoing Maintenance, per Order No charge at thi time 12.3 Dallv Usaae Record File ner Record $0,0009 12.4 Trouble Isolation Charge See MSC Charoes 17.0 Bona Fide Reauest Process 17,1 Processino Fee $2,507, NOTES: Unless otherwise indicated. all rates are pursuant to the Owest and AT&T Interconnection Agreement approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Docket Number USW-96-. Commission Order Number 27738, effective September 17 1998,Denotes voluntary rate reduction, Additional reduction to the voluntary reductions reflected in the August 5, 2002 exhibit (1) (2) (3) (5J (101 Rates proposed in Cost Docket testimony filed on 6/29/01 & 11/16/2001. (TELRIC) Market-based rates, ICB, Individual Case Basis pricing, Rates not addressed in Cost Docket (TELRIC) Owest will not charge lor this element until the Commission has an opportunity to review and approve a rate in a cost proceeding, Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision Exhibit A Third Amended October 16, 2002 Page 7 017 EXHIBIT B - SPECIAL REQUEST PROCESS The Special Request Process shall be used for the following requests: Requesting specific product feature(s) be made available by Qwest that are currently available in a switch, but which are not activated. Requesting specific product feature(s) be made available by Qwest that are not currently available in a switch , but which are available from the switch vendor Requesting a combination of Unbundled Network Elements that is a combination not currently offered by Qwest as a standard product and: that is made up of UNEs that are defined by the FCC or the Commission as a network element to which Qwest is obligated to provide unbundled access and; that is made up of UNEs that are ordinarily combined in the Qwest network. 1.4 Requesting an Unbundled Network Element that has been defined by the FCC or the State Commission as a network element to which Qwest is obligated to provide unbundled access, but for which Qwest has not created a standard product, including,but not limited to , OC-192 (and such higher bandwidths that may exist) UDIT, EELbetween OC-3 and OC-192 and new varieties of subloops.2. Any request that requires an analysis of Technical Feasibility shall be treated as a Bona Fide Request (BFR), and will follow the BFR Process set forth in this Agreement. If it isdetermined that a request should have been submitted through the BFR process, Qwest will consider the BFR time frame to have started upon receipt of the original Special Request application form.3. A Special Request shall be submitted in writing and on the appropriate Qwest formwhich is located on Qwest's website.4. Qwest shall acknowledge receipt of the Special Request within two (2) business days of receipt.5. Qwest shall respond with an analysis, including costs and timeframes, within fifteen (15)business days of receipt of the Special Request. In the case of UNE Combinations, the analysis shall include whether the requested combination is a combination of network elements that are ordinarily combined in the Qwest network. If the request is for a combination of networkelements that are not ordinarily combined in the Qwest network , the analysis shall indicate to CLEC that it should use the BFR process if CLEC elects to pursue its request.6. Upon request, Qwest shall provide CLEC with Qwest's supporting cost data and/or studies for Unbundled Network Elements that CLEC wishes to order within seven (7) businessdays, except where Qwest cannot obtain a release from its vendors within seven (7) business days , in which case Qwest will make the data available as soon as Qwest receives the vendor release. Such cost data shall be treated as Confidential Information , if requested by Qwest under the non-disclosure sections of this Agreement. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24 , 2002 Page 1 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Network Elements Platform (UNE-P) Service Interval Table: For UNE-P POTS , Saturday due dates are available under following circumstances: The Saturday Desired Due Date (DDD) must be at least the standard interval. For dispatched orders , a Saturday appointment must be available and reserved in Appointment Scheduler. For UNE-P POTS non-dispatched orders , Saturday is counted as part of the standard installation interval, even if a Saturday due date is not desired. For example: when the standard interval is 2 (two) business days , an LSR submitted on a Friday morning may have a due date as early as the following Monday. Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P POTS Twenty-four (24) Three (3) business days hrs OOS New Installs, Address Changes Forty-eight (48) hrs or Change Requests adding new lines. Facility Check indicates "AVAILABLE (SDT)" and DISPATCH "NO" Forty-eiQht (48) Addition , removal , or change of Three (3) Business Days Twenty-four (24) CO Features, PIC/LPIC change hrs OOS number changes without inward Forty-eight (48) hrs line activity, or hunting changes without inward line activity UNE.P POTS Customers with Next Business Day (includes Twenty-four (24) Suspend/Restore service placed on Saturday)hrs OOS vacation 48 hrs AS Deny/Restore Treatment for Non-Same Business Day if request Twenty-four (24) payment issues received before noon MT hrs 008 otherwise next business day Forty-eight (48) hrs (includes Saturday) Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision , Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P POTS Next available due date as Twenty-four (24) New Installs, Address Changes indicated by Appointment . hrs OOS Changes with inward line activity Scheduler Forty-eight (48) hrs Facility Check indicates Note: Appointment Scheduler AVAILABLE DISP. REQ" and minimum default interval is 3 DISPATCH "YES"(Three) Business Days. UNE.P POTS Same business day Directory Listings Changes Simple (Non-complex) Listings - Simple Straight Line and/or Straight-Line Under (SLU) Listings Conversion as Specified Depends on changes Twenty-four (24) Retail, Resale , or UNE-P POTS requested. For instance hrs OOS to UNE-P POTS addition of another line would Forty-eight (48) hrs follow New Installs guidelines. Conversions to UNE-P POTS-1 to 39 Lines Same Business Day if Twenty-four (24) UNE-P POTS to UNE-P POTS received before noon MT, or hrs OOS - Conversion as Is Next Business Day if received Forty-eight (48) hrs later than noon MT. UNE-P Line Splitting -24 hrs OOS UNE-P POTS to UNE-P POTS 3 business days Forty-eight (48) hrs with Line Splitting - Conversion As Specified Qwest Idaho SGA T Third ~evision, Exhibit C May 24 2002 Page 2 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P Line Splitting - POTS Residence or POTS 3 BUSINESS DAYS Business with Line Sharing to UNE-P POTS with Line Splitting - Conversion as Specified UNE-P PBX 1 to 8 Trunks Zone 1: Five (5) Business Four (4) hrs New Install Days Zone 2: Six (6) business days Conversion As Specified 9 to 16 Trunks Zone 1; Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2: Seven (7) business Changes (ex. PIC/LPIC or days feature changes, etc.), and 17 to 24 Trunks Zone 1: Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs days Suspend/Restore ZONE 2: EIGHT (8) BUSINESS DAYS 25 or more Trunks ICB Four 4) hrs business days business days business days UNE-P DSS 1 to 3 Facilities Nine (9) business days Four (4) hrs T1 Facility Installation 4 to 6 Facilities Twelve (12) business days Four /4) hrs 7 to 9 Facilities Thirteen (13) business days Four 4) hrs 10 to 12 Facilities Seventeen (17) business days Four 4) hrs Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24 , 2002 Page 3 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P DSS 1 to 3 Facilities Twelve (12) business days Four (4) hrs Trunk Installation when ordered 4 to 6 Facilities Sixteen (16) business days Four(4) hrs with new T1 Facility 7 to 9 Facilities Twenty (20) business days Four (4) hrs (Note: The number of facilities ordered drives the due dates for both facilities and trunks. 10 to 12 Facilities Twenty four (24) business Four (4) hrs days Conversions to UNE-P DSS-Five (5) business Days Four (4) hrs As Is See intervals for type of Four (4) hrs change requested Conversion As Specified UNE-P DSS-1 to 8 Trunks Five (5) business Days Four (4) hrs Add/Change Trunks on existing facilities 9 to 16 Trunks Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs 17 to 24 Trunks Seven (7) business days Four (4) hrs Each Additional 8 One (1) business Day for each Four (4) hrs Trunks UNE-P ISDN BRI 1 to 10 Loops Thirteen (13) business days Twenty-four (24) New Installs, Address Changes hrs Change to add Loop (N2Q)11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs UNE-P ISDN BRI 1 to 10 Loops Three (3) business days Twenty-four (24) Add or Change Feature(s), Add hrs Primary Directory Number (PDN 11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) ) to established Loop (N2Q),hrs Add Call Appearance Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 10 Loops Three (3) business days Twenty-four (24) BRI-hrs Conversion As Is 11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 10 Loops Three (3) business days if a Twenty-four (24) BRI-Loop is not involved hrs Conversion As Specified (or) Thirteen (13) business days if a Loop is added or changed 11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs UNE-P ISDN PRI 'New 1 to 3 Nine (9) business days Four (4) hrs New Facility and Associated Trunks (With this activity, the number of facilities ordered drives the due dates for both facilities and trunks. See table below. Qwest Idaho SGA T Third ~evision , Exhibit C , 2002 Page 4 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments 4 to 6 Twelve (12) business days Four (4) hrs 7 to 9 Thirteen (13) business 1 0 to Seventeen (17) business Over 12 Add 4 business days for each additional 3 facilities (13-16=21 days 17 -20=25 days, etc. UNE-P ISDN PRI New 1 to 3 Trunks Twelve (12) business davs Four (4) hrs Trunks 4 to 6 Trunks Sixteen (16) business days Four (4) hrs 7 to 9 Trunks Twenty (20) business days Four (4) hrs 10 to 12 Trunks Twenty-four (24) business Four (4) hrs days 13 or more Trunks Facility due date plus 5 days Four (4) hrs Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision , Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 5 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments Conversion to UNE-P ISDN See intervals for type of change Four (4) hrs PRI- As Specified requested Five (5) business days Four (4) hrs As Is UNE-P ISDN PRI- Add/Change 1 to 8 Five (5) business daysbusiness Four (4) hrs Trunks on Existing Facility days 9 to 16 Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs 17 to 24 Seven (7) business days Four (4) hrs Over 25 ICB Four (4) hrs UNE-P Centrex 21 -Five (5) business days Twenty-four (24) Non Designed-hrs OOS Conversions as Specified Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex 21 -(Facility check Next available due date as Twenty-four (24) Non Designed-indicates "Available indicated by Appointment hrs OOS New Installations , Address Dispatch Required"Scheduler Forty-eight (48) hrs Changes, and Change and Dispatch Note: Appointment Scheduler Requests adding new lines Yes minimum default interval is 3 (Three) business days. UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-1 to 21 Lines - No Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron Optional Features hrs aas (Centron is MN only)Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Required 1 to 21 Lines - w/ICB Twenty-four (24) - Establish Common Block Optional Features hrs OOS (i.e., ARS , DFls Forty-eight (48) hrs SMDR, UCD , etc. 22 or more Lines ICB Twenty-four (24) with or without hrs oas Optional Features Forty~eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-1 to 10 Lines Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron hrs oas (Centron is MN only)Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Required 11 or more Lines ICB Twenty-four (24) - Feature Additions requiring hrs aas Common Block activity per Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision , Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 6 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Per Common Block Five (5) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron (must be existing hrs oas (Centron is MN only)Line Class .' Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Codes(LCCs)/ Required CAT /NCaS/DP A - Line Class Codes (LCCs)/ CAT/NCaS/DPAT Additions/changes requiring Common Block work. If new Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) LCC/CA T/NCOS or hrs OOS DPAT Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-New Common Twenty (20) business days N/A Centron Blocks & Cust ID'(after the initial Common Block (Centron is MN only)(lines installed at & associated lines are installed) Common Block Configuration the same time the Required Common Block is - Centrex Management System installed) (CMS) UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Tie Lines/DFI/FX Thirteen (13) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron (may be longer due to facility hrs aas (Centron is MN only)due date requirements)Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Required - Designed Services subsequent to initial Common Block installation UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Additional/New Five (5) business days after line N/A Centron Station Lines to be IS installed (Centron is MN only)added to CMS No Common Block Additions Five (5) business days N/A Configuration Required Change from Non ICB N/A - Centrex Management System Blocked to Blocked (CMS)Service Network Access Registers (NARs) Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 7 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-1 to 10 Lines per Five (5) business days or Next Twenty-four (24) Centron location available due date thereafter hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)as indicated by Appointment Forty-eight (48) hrs No Common Block Scheduler. Configuration Required - Station Lines (subsequent to the establishment of the Common Block) Includes: Conversions New Lines Moves NOTE: On conversions 11 to 20 Lines per Ten (10) business days or Twenty-four (24)numbers are "chipped" into the location Next available due date hrs OOSCommon Block at the time of thereafter as indicated by Forty-eight (48) hrsinstallation.Appointment Scheduler. 21 or more Lines per ICB Twenty-four (24) location hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE.1 to 19 Lines Three (3) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)Forty-eight (48) hrs No Common Block Configuration Required 20 or more Lines ICB Twenty-four (24) Line Feature changes/additions/hrs OOS Removals Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Tie Lines/DFI/FX Thirteen (13) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron (may be longer due to facility hrs OOS (Centron is MNonly)due date requirements)Forty-eight (48) hrs No Common Block Configuration Required Designed Services subsequent to initial Common Block installation UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Subsequent to Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron Common Block (may be longer if the activation hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)Installation of ARS is tied to a Private Line Forty-eight (48) hrs No Common Block facility installation) Configuration Required Changes to business days:Twenty-four (24) Automatic Route Selection Patterns:Five (5) days hrs OOS (ARS)1 to 25 changes Ten (10) days Forty-eight (48) hrs 26 to 50 changes Twenty (20) days 51 or more chanaes Adding new Patterns Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 8 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Per Request Thirteen (13) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)Forty-eight (48) hrs No Common Block Configuration Required Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE.Blocks Five (5) business days N/A Centron (No limit on amount (Centron is MN only)of numbers. No Common Block Configuration Required Additional Numbers subsequent to initial Common Block installation NOTE: Additional numbers are chipped" into the Common Block at the time of request. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision , Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 9 EXHIBIT C SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Enhanced Extended Loop Service Interval Table (EEL): Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments Enhanced Extended Loop 1 to 8 Zone 1: Five (5) business day Four (4) hrs (EEL)-Zone 1 DSO or Voice Grade Zone 2: Six (6) business days Equivalent Four (4) hrs Zone 2 9 to 16 Zone 1: Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 1 Zone 2: Seven (7) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2 17 to 24 Zone 1: Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 1 Zone 2: Eight (8) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 2 25 or more ICB Four (4) hrs Enhanced Extended Loop 1 to 8 Zone 1: Five (5) business days Four (4) hrs (EEL) Zone 1 DS1 Zone 2: Eight (8) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2 9 to 16 Zone 1: Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 1 Zone 2: Nine (9) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2 17 to 24 Zone 1: Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 1 Zone 2: Ten (10) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 2 25 or more ICB Four (4) hrs Enhanced Extended Loop 1 to 3 Circuits Zone 1: Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs (EEL) days Zone 1 DS3 Zone 2: Nine (9) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 2 4 or more Circuits ICB Four (4) hrs Enhanced Extended Loop ICB Twenty-four (24) Conversions (EEL-C) hrs OOS Private Line (PL TS)Forty-eight (48) - Conversion as is hrs AS Installation Guidelines apply where facilities/network capacity is in place. Where facilities/network capacity are not in place, intervals are handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB). Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision , Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 10