HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150316Request to Update Certificate.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jean Jewell Monday, March 16, 2015 11:17 AM Jean Jewell FW: Emailing: Time Warner Telecom Of ldaho name change.pdf Time Waner Telecom Of ldaho name change.pdf 78i5 H,{R I 5 Ail ll: 30 -----Oniginal Message-- --- Fnom: HoIIick, Pamela Imailto:Pamela.Hollick{0level3.com]Sent: Monday, March 76, 2Ot5 11:01 Avl To: Gnace Seaman Cc: Thayer, Rick; Pamela HoIIick (Pamela.hollj"ck@Ievel3.com) Subject: Emailing: Time Waner Telecom Of Idaho name change.pdf Grace, Here is the original letter sent back in 2008 that advises the commission that Time Wannen Telecom of Idaho had changed its name to tw telecom of Idaho. Let me know if you need anything else to update certificate 377 to neflect our name, as it appeans it didn't get updated in youn system. With this name change update, then, I assume thene is no issue with the broadband tax credit applications ? I've also copied Rick Thayer and between the two of us, we will make sure the contact information fon the Level 3 owned companies gets updated. Rick, the system has your phone numben as 720-888-2620 (a woman's voice on voicemail) and 317-7L3-8977 (which is my phone number and that is how Grace reached me). Grace had a hard time tracking someone down. When the annual repont is filed, will you venify the contact information? Regards, Pamela Hollick Associate General Counsel State Public Policy Leve1 3 Communications p:317-7L3-8977 c:377-703-0882 e: Pqmela , Hollicl(@leygl}-,5.gm (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6eI2 (Fo) McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers 42O West Bannock Street P.O. Box ?564-83701 Boise,Idaho 83702 Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. (oe) Miller May 6, 2008 Via US. MaiI JeanJewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utillties Commission 4T2W.Washingron Sr. Boise,ldaho 83720 Re: InformationalFiling Regardiog , Name Change of An Aurhorized Telecommunications Provider Dear Ms.Jewdl: Time Warner Tdecom of Idaho LLC., byits counsel, hereby respectfully advises the Idaho Public Utiliries Commission that it changed its name, effecrive March 12, 2008, to Ew telecom of idaho llc. There will be no change in conErol, operations or management of Time Warner Telecom of Idaho. Time Warner Telecom, now known as nv telecom, will continue to offer the same sendces at rhe sarne rates, terms and condirions as atpresenE. Customers were provided a written notice of rhe name change on March 12, 2008. All required documents have been filed with the Secretary of State. We wiil be filing price Iists reflecring our new name on May 15, 2008. We believe the name change does noc require prior Commission approval. Should the Cornmission believe that any acrion is required, we respectfully request that the Cour:rrission notify the undersigned at its ear[est convenience. In the absence of any response from the Commission, we will proceedwith our plan to consummaEe the name change and begin using the name on or beforeJuly l, 2008. Respectfully submitted DJM/hh