HomeMy WebLinkAboutTalk America Inc Tariff No 5 CANCELED 10-22-07.pdfTALK AMERICA INe. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Title Sheet LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES This Price List, Idaho PUC Price List No., issued by Talk America Inc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone and also d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications cancels and replaces Local Idaho PUC Price List No., issued by Talk America Inc., in its entirety TALK AMERICA INe. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications RATES, RULES and REGULATIONS for FURNISHING NONREGULATED LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICE FEATURES WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO Filed with the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF IDAHO This price list contains the descriptions, regulations and rates applicable to the furnishing of intrastate local resale common carrier communications services provided by Talk America Inc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone and also d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications between points within the State ofIdaho. Nonregulated service consists of service to locations with more than five local access lines and features associated with basic local service and nonregulated local service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission QUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FE8 2 - ZO07 Boise, Idaho ..- Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2, 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 1 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES CHECK SHEET The Pages of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages, as named below, contain all changes from the original tariff that are in effect on the date thereon except as otherwise noted. Sheet Revision Title Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * - Indicates pages submitted with most recent filing. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 -- 2007 Boise, Idaho '-'_n.._.. ..-..._."-,,.... Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 ILLO701 TALK AMERICA INc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 2 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right hand corner of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. From time to time new pages may be added to the tariff. When a new page is added between existing pages a decimal is added to the preceding page number. For example, a new page added between Pages 3 and 4 would be numbered 3. Explanation of Symbols - When changes are made in any tariff sheet, a revised sheet will be issued canceling the tariff sheet affected. Changes will be identified on the revised page(s) through the use of the following symbols: (C) - To signify changed regulation. (D) - To signify discontinued rate, regulation or text. (I) - To signify increased rate. (M) - To signify material relocated from one page to another without change. (N) - To signify new rate, regulation, or text. (R) - To signify reduced rate. (T) - To signify a change in text, but no change in rate or regulation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - 2007 Boise, Idaho -..--- ..,..-. -- Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2, 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 3 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Cover Check Sheet Table of Contents Section 1 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations Section 2 - Rules and Regulations Section 3 - Service Description and Rates Idaho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . .. "~:.~ EB 2- ZOOI Boise, Idaho -----......."... ' Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 4 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES APPLICATION OF EXCHANGE AND NETWORK SERVICES This Exchange and Network Services price list contains the descriptions, regulations and rates applicable to the furnishing of intrastate local resale common carrier communications services by Talk America Inc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone and also d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications between points within the State ofIdaho. Regulated local exchange service (basic service with five or fewer access lines) is offered under the Company s Price List No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - ZO07 Boise, Idaho - ,. Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 5 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the Customer s telephone to a Company designated switching center or point of presence. Authorized User - A person, firm, corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer to utilize the Carrier s service. Company or Carrier - Talk America Inc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone and also d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications, unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Customer or End User - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders, cancels, amends or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with the Company s tariff. Customer Premises - One Customer premises is all space in the same building occupied by a Customer and all space occupied by the same Customer in different buildi~gs on contiguous property. Exchange Area - An area for which a separate local rate schedule is provided. """ Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OHlce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - ZOOl Boise, Idaho Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, V ice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 ",- --- J ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 6 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' LEC - Local Exchange Company. Local Exchange Service - A service which provides one-way and/or two-way telecommunications and features among points within a local calling area. Local Service Area - That area within which a Customer of Local Exchange Service can make telephone calls without the payment of long distance telecommunications charges. A local Service Area may be made up of one or more central office areas, exchange areas, municipalities and/or counties. PUC Id. - Public Utility Commission ofIdaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING F EB 2- ZOOl Boise, Idaho Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 .___ ILLO701 TALK AMERICA INc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 7 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company The Company s nonregulated local services are furnished for intrastate local telecommunications originating at specified points within the State ofIdaho under terms of this price list. The Company installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided herein after in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. The Company may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the Company com network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this price list. The Company reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this price list or of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Of~ice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING , ". -'~ , FEB 2 - 2007 Boise, Idaho -"-""""", ... ......-.. .., -"..- Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2, 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INe. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 8 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Use SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. 2.4 Liability of the Company 2.4. 2.4. The Company s liability for damages arising from any failure of service shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the Customer for the period during which the failure occurs. The Company shall not be liable for any claim or loss not directly caused by negligence ofthe Company. The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the facilities, equipment or services used in connection with the services provided by the Company. The Company shall not be liable for the use or abuse of a Customer s service by any party including, but not limited to, the Customer s employees or members of the public. "Use or abuse" includes, but is not limited to, any calls placed by means of a PBX-re-origination or other legal or illegal equipment, service or device. The Company shall not be liable for any action, such as blocking or refusal to accept certain calls, that it deems necessary to take in order to prevent unlawful use of its services. Compensation for any injury the Customer may suffer due to the fault of parties other than the Company must be sought from such other parties. he above tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity ofthe exculpatory clause. No third party provider or their directors, officers or employees that are directly or indirectly associated with the Company s performance of our services shall be liable to the Customer for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, reliance, exemplary, punitive or other damages arising out of a service failure.Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING -,: . FEB 2 - ZOO? January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 F e_rY;007Issued: By: .. ---... ""'"-'" ---..'.., - .._' i ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 9 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Deposits and Advance Payments The Company does not require a deposit or advance payment at this time. ."- Idaho Public Utilities Commission I Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2- 2007 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2, 2007 - ..... ILLO701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 10 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D. Taxes, Fees, Surcharges and Billing Format All state and local taxes (i., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program (lTSAP) In compliance with Idaho Code Sec 56-901 et.seq., a monthly surcharge is assessed on each end user residential and business access line. The surcharge contributes towards funding for the Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Fund The surcharge remains effective until otherwise modified, changed or cancelled by the IPUc. Monthly Surcharge Rate Per Access Line:$0. Terminal Equipment The Company s service may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer-provided communications systems, such as a telephone set, PBX or key system. Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the . Customer, except as otherwise provided. The Customer is responsible for all costs at his or her premises, including personnel, wiring, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of the Company s service. When such terminal equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with the generally accepted minimum protective criteria standards of the telecommunications industry as endorsed by the Federal Communications Commission. Installation and Termination Service is installed upon mutual agreement between the Customer and the Company. The service agreement does not alter rates specified in this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 -- 2007 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 1'007 .... :,.___ ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 11 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D. Payment for Service The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment furnished to the Customer or to an Authorized User of the Customer by the Company. All charges due by the Customer are payable to the Company or to the Companys authorized billing agent. Terms of payment shall be according to the rules and regulations of regulatory agencies, including the P.C. Id. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company or its billing agent within sixty days after receipt of bill. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. All invoices are due and payable within fifteen (15) days after the postmark date of the bill. All amounts owed after the due date are subject to late payment penalty charges of 1.0% per month. The late payment fee will not be assessed on unpaid penalty charges and any payment received shall first be applied to any bill for services rendered. Idaho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 ~ ZOOl Boise, Idaho '-"-.. - Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2, 2007 , " ,:...._ ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 12 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Refusal or Discontinuance by Company The Company may refuse or discontinue service under the following conditions. (a) (b) For non-compliance with and/or violation of any State or municipal law, ordinance or regulation pertaining to telephone service. F or the use of telephone service for any other property or purpose other than that described in the application. (c)For failure or refusal to provide the Company with a deposit to insure payment of bills in accordance with the Company s regulations or failure to meet the Company s credit requirements. (d)For neglect or refusal to provide reasonable access to the Company for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by the Company. Such action shall be taken only when corrective action negotiated between the utility and customer has failed to resolve the situation. (e)For non-compliance with and/or violation of the P.C. Id.'s regulations or the Company rules and regulations on file with the P.u.e. Id. (f)For non-payment of bills for telephone service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - ZO07 Boise, Idaho . ~_..._ Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2, 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INe. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 13 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Refusal or Discontinuance by Company, (Cont' (g) In the event of Customer use of equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect the Company s service to others. Such discontinuance of service may be made without notice if a dangerous condition relating to Company service exists which could subject any person to imminent harm or result in substantial damage to the property of the Company or others. In such case, the Company shall notify the Customer immediately in writing and, if possible orally of the reasons for the termination or refusal. (h)In the event of tampering with the equipment furnished and owned by the Company. (i)In the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of service. The Company may terminate service without notice to the Customer if it has evidence that such Customer has obtained unauthorized service by illegal use or theft. The Company shall within twenty four (24) hours after such termination send written notification to the Customer of the reasons for such termination. Whenever service is discontinued for fraudulent use of service, the Company may, before restoring service, require the Customer to make, at his own expense, all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate illegal use and to pay an amount reasonably estimated as the loss in revenues resulting from such fraudulent use. (j) For failure of the Customer to make proper application for service. A customer who has complied with P.D.C. Id. regulations shall not be denied service for failure to comply with the utility's rules which have not been made effective in the manner prescribed by the P .C. Id. (k)For Customer s breach ofthe contract for service between the Company and the Customer. (1)When necessary for the Company to comply with any order or request of any governmental authority having jurisdiction. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - ZOOl Boise, Idaho ., _u Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 ILL0701 February 2 2007 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 14 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D. Inspection, Testing and Adjustment Upon reasonable notice, the facilities provided by the Carrier shall be made available to the Carrier for tests and adjustments as may be deemed necessary by the Carrier for maintenance. No interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made when the interruption is less than twenty-four consecutive hours. Tests, Pilots, Promotional Campaigns and Contests The Carrier may conduct special tests, pilot programs, waivers and promotions at its discretion to demonstrate the ease of use, quality of service and to promote the sale of its services. Interruption of Service Interruptions of service and trouble reports are subject to the general liability provisions set forth in Section 2.4 herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - ZO07 Boise, Idaho ---... ..1 Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INe. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 15 LOCAL TELECOl\1MUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTION AND RATES In addition to basic local services contained in this Price List, the Company also offers auxiliary services as described in this price list. In addition, the Customer may subscribe to long distance calling service contained in the Company s long distance price list. Services are available in conjunction with the long distance services or on a stand-alone basis. Services contained in this price list are not available on a stand-alone basis. Custom Calling Services The Company resells the following Customer Calling Services of the incumbent LEC, where available: Call Waiting Call Forwarding Three-Way Calling Monthly Charge $4. $3. $3. Touch-Tone Calling Service Touch-Tone Service is available from any central office of the incumbent LEC equipped for the origination of telephone calls by means of tone-type address signaling instruments and is provided at no charge with an access line. Flat Rate Service is a classification of exchange service for which a stipulated charge is made regardless of the amount of use for calls to the limited local calling area. The Company provides only individual line service, such that only one main station shall be served by the line connecting such station with the central office or other switching unit. Flat Rate Local Exchange Service is available to both residential and business customers. The Company provides residential local exchange service to Customers who have been (or would be) classified by the incumbent LEC as residential customers. The Company provides business local exchange service to all other Customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2-Z007 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February., 2007 - -- ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INc. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 16 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTION AND RATES, (CONT' Local Operator Assistance Calls between locations within the same local scope may be completed or billed with operator assistance. A per call charge applies to each completed call, as described below Northern Idaho Customer Dialed Calling Card (mechanized) Per Call $0. Customer Dialed Calling Card, operator assisted $0. Operator Assisted Station to Station $1.30 Operator Assisted Person-to-Person $3. Southern Idaho Customer Dialed Calling Card (mechanized) Per Call $0. Customer Dialed Calling Card, operator assisted $0. Operator Assisted Station-to-Station $1.30 Operator Assisted Person-to-Person $3. Idaho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 2 - 2007 Boise, Idaho .. - ,.. c.., ... Issued: By: January 22 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 2007 ILL0701 TALK AMERICA INC. d/b/a Cavalier Telephone d/b/a Cavalier Business Communications Idaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet 17 LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTION AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Local Access Service for More than 5 Lines The following schedule of monthly rates is applicable to Local Exchange Service where the Customer orders more than 5 access lines. Groups are determined by the total number of main station lines and PBX trunks in the limited local calling area. Northern Idaho Monthly Group I (0 - 5 000)$21.49 Group 2 001 - 25 000)$24.49 Southern Idaho Group 3 (0 - 5 000)$26. Group 4 001 - 30 000)$28.49 Group 5 (over 30 000)$31.10 Group 6 (over 30 000)$31.10 Directory Assistance is available to Customers of Local Exchange Service at $0.35 per call, Business Customers will receive a local allowance of one (1) call per month at no charge for each Access Line. There will be no charge for Directory Assistance to Customers who have been certified by a physician or appropriate agency as unable to use a telephone directory because of a visual or physical handicap. The following Service Charges apply to the ordering, installing, moving, changing, rearranging or furnishing of telecommunications services: Service Ordering Charge - Applies to work done in receiving, recording and processing information necessary to execute a Customer s request for the establishment of service, or moves, changes or additions to existing service. All work is performed on a firm quote basis ICB Idaho Public Utilities Commission GUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING F EB 2-- 2007 Boise, Idaho ----, ..'-------,- - ,- ~-,-_ Issued: By: January 22, 2007 Effective: Marty Clift, Vice President Regulatory Affairs 2134 W. Laburnum Richmond, Virginia 23227 February 2 , 2007 ILL0701