HomeMy WebLinkAboutTON Services Inc.pdfTON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Title Page TON SERVICES INC. TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST Toll-free Telephone Number: 877-866-7378 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the IntraLA T A and InterLA T A Resale Telecommunications Services provided by TON Services Inc. within the State ofIdaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Q'tfioe of the secretaf'l ACCEPTED FOR F\ OCT 111999 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: September 27, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 lDd9900 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 5th Revised Page 1 Cancels 41h Revised Page 1 CHECK SHEET Pages of this tariff, as indicated below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION Title Original 22.4 1 sl Rev. th Rev.2nd Rev. 1 sl Rev.th Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original 25.1 sl Rev. 1 sl Rev.25.Original 1 Sl Rev.25.Original 1 sl Rev.25.4 Original 1 sl Rev.25.Original Original 25.Original Original 25.Original Original Original Original 2nd Rev. 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. 2nd Rev. 1 sl Rev. 41h Rev. 3rd Rev. 3rd Rev. 41h Rev. 41h Rev. th Rev. 41h Rev. 22.1 2nd Rev. 22.3rd Rev. 22.3rd Rev. * - indicates those pages included with this filing Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise. Idaho ... ...' ..- .. ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CPO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 2 Cancels Original Page 2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TITLE PAGE ............................................................,....... Title CHECK SHEET............................................ ......................... TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................ ...................... EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS ...............................................,....... 3 PRICE LIST FORMAT ............................................................... SECTION1-TERMSANDABBREVIATIONS .......................................... SECTION2-RULESANDREGULATIONS ............................................. SECTION3-DESCRIPTIONOFSERVICEANDRATES ................................. SECTION4-PROMOTIONS ...................................................... SECTION5-GRANDFATHEREDSERVICES ..........................................27 (TIN) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 8 2001 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: May 8 , 2001 EFFECTIVE: May 18 2001 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 lDdOlOl TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 3 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: C - To signify Changed Regulation. D - Delete or Discontinue I - Change Resulting in an Increase to a rate M - Moved from Another Price List Location N - New R - Change Resulting in a Reduction to a rate S - Matter Appearing Elsewhere or Repeated for Clarification T - Change in Text But No Change to Rate or Charge Z - Correction Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission ' 01flc-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 111999 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: September 27 , 1999 -. . EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 lDd9900 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 4 PRICE LIST FORMAT Page Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However, new sheets are occasionally added to the Price List. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rd revised Sheet 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc., the most current sheet number on file with the Commission is not always the Price List page in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 1. LA. 2. 1. LA. 1. 1.1.A.1.(a). 2. 1. LA. 1. (a). 2. 1. l.A.1.(a).I.(i). A.l.(a).I.(i).(1). Check Sheets - When a Price List filing is made with the Commission, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the Price List filing. The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in the Price List, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (* There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc. remain the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The Price List user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Q'ffioe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 111999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: September 27, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 lDd9900 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 5 Cancels Original Page 5 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the Customer s location to a TON Services Inc. switching center or point of presence. Account Code - A number assigned to each Customer Account which serves as the only means of Customer identification and for proper Depletion of Customer Account Balances.(D) (D) Authorized User - A person, firm, corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer to communicate utilizing the Company s service. Available Account Balance - The amount of usage remaining on a Customer Account at any particular point in time. Each Customer Account has an Initial Account Balance which is stated in either u.S. dollars or Call Units, depending on the type of service. The Available Balance is depleted by the appropriate dollar amount or number of Call Units, respectively, based on the actual usage of the Company s service. Call Unit - A Call Unit is a measurement of usage, such that a specified quantity of Call Units equate to one minute of usage. For example, one Call Unit may equate to one minute of interstate usage, while several Call Units may equate to one minute of international usage. Call Units are depleted on a per-call, real time basis. Called Party - The person, individual, corporation, or other entity whose telephone number is called by the End user. Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Company or Carrier - TON Services Inc. ("TON") unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 6 Cancels Original Page 6 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Cost Deductions - Deductions in the dollar amount remaining on a Customer s prepaid card caused by using the prepaid card service. Customer - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity which uses telecommunications services under the provisions and regulations of this tariff and is responsible for payment of charges. Customer Account - A Company account which is not associated with a Local Exchange Carrier switched access business or residential line. Customer Accounts consist of prepaid balances which are depleted on a real time basis during each call placed on each account. Debit Card - A card issued by the Company which provides the Customer with a PIN and instructions for accessing the Company s network. (N) (N) Depletion - Reductions in the Available Balance based on usage of the Customer Account. Depletion of Dollar-Based service occurs on a real time basis at the tariffed per minute rates contained herein. Depletion of Unit-Based service occurs on a real time basis at the tariffed number of Call Units per minute contained herein. Dollar-Based Accounts - Service where the Initial Balance and Available Balance is expressed in u.s. dollars. The rates per minute contained in this tariff are expressed in U.S. dollars. End User - Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity which uses the services of the Company under the provisions and regulations of this tariff. The End User is responsible for payment unless the charges for the services utilized are accepted and paid by another Customer. Identification Number - A unique numerical code associated with each prepaid card. Initial Account Balance - The Available Balance of a Customer Account upon issuance of a PIN and before any Depletion for call activity. The Initial Account Balance is expressed in either u.s. Dollars or in Call Units. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDiO50 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 7 Cancels Original Page 7 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT'D. LEC - Local Exchange Company Personal Identification Number (pIN) - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer or Authorized User upon access to the Company s network which identifies the Prepaid Account from which charges for service shall be debited and which validates the caller s authorization to use the services provided. Prepaid Account - An account which consists of a pre-paid usage balance depleted on a real time basis during each Prepaid Service Call. Prepaid Card - A card issued by the Company which provides the Customer with a Personal Account Code and instructions for accessing the Company s network. Prepaid Card Service - A communications service provided by the Company. To use prepaid card service the Caller must first dial a preassigned toll free (i.e. 800/888) number to obtain access to the Company network. Once the Caller is connected to the TON network, the caller must then dial an authorization number and then the ten digit number ofthe called party. Prepaid Service Call - A service accessed via a toll free (i.e. "800/1-888") number or other access code dialing sequence whereby the Customer or Authorized User dials all of the digits necessary to route a call. Network usage for each call is deducted from the available usage balance on a Company-issued Prepaid Account. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2- 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDiOSOl (D) (D) (T) (T) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 8 Cancels Original Page 8 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Renewal- A method of replenishing the Available Balance with additional quantities as authorized and paid for by the Customer. Renewal of Available Balances may be limited by the amount or the class of service. Subscriber - A party who subscribes to prepaid card service. TON - Used throughout this tariffto mean TON Services Inc. unless clearly indicated otherwise by the text. Unit-Based Accounts - Service where the Initial Balance and Available Balance is expressed in Call Units. The rates per minute contained in this tariff are expressed in Call Units, inclusive of taxes. (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho .. -. - -,. ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 9 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of TON TON's services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLATA and inter LATA communications originating at specified points within the state of Idaho under terms of this tariff. TON installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. TON may act as the Customer agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the TON network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are available twenty-four hours per day, 7 days per week. Use Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff. TON reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 111999 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: September 27, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDd9900 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 10 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (Cont' Limitations, (Cont' 2.4 Liability 2.4. 2.4. All services and resold facilities provided under this tariff are directly or indirectly controlled by TON and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or refund as a result ofloss or theft of Prepaid Cards or Personal Identification Number (PIN) issued for use with the Company services. Nor will the Company be liable for any claim, loss or refund on any unused balance remaining on a Prepaid Card provided to a Customer before or after the expiration date assigned to each Prepaid Account. The included tarifflanguage does not constitute a determination by the Commission that limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. it is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O'ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 111999 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: September 27, 1999 ISSUED BY: EFFECTIVE: October 11, 1999 Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDd9900 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (Co nt' d) Payment for Service The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment furnished to the Customer or to an Authorized User of the Customer by The Company. All charges due by the Customer are payable to the Company or to the Company s authorized billing agent. Terms of payment shall be according to the rules and regulations of the billing agent and subject to the rules of regulatory agencies. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company or its billing agent. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. The Customer shall be responsible for all calls placed by or through Customer s equipment by any person. In particular and without limitation to the foregoing, the Customer is responsible for any calls placed by or through the Customer s equipment via any remote access features. The Customer is responsible for all calls placed via their authorization code as a result ofthe Customer s intentional or negligent disclosure of the authorization code. Customers who wish to contact the Idaho Public Utilities Commission concerning complaints or inquiries, may write or call the following: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Phone: (800) 432-0369 Taxes and Fees The Company shall charge the Customer an amount sufficient to recover any governmental assessments, fees, license, or other similar taxes or fees imposed upon the Company. For Prepaid Service, taxes or fees shall be included in the rates and charges stated in the Company s rate schedule for this service. For all other services offered by the Company, taxes and fees shall be added pro-rata insofar as practical, to the rates and charges stated in the Company s rate schedules and listed as separate line items on the Customer s bill for services provide ?daho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILIN OCT 111999 Boise, Idaho EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999ISSUED: September 27, 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDd9900a TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (Cont' Miscellaneous Rates and Charges The Company may adjust its rates and charges or impose additional rates and charges on its Customers in order to recover amounts it is required by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities to collect from or pay to others in support of statutory or regulatory programs. Examples of such programs include, but are not limited to, the Universal Service Fund, the Primary Interexchange Carrier Charge, and compensation to payphone service providers for the use of their payphones to access TON service. Deposits TON does not require deposits. The prepayment of service immediately available, such as prepaid card service, does not constitute a deposit. Return Check Charge The Company reserves the right to assess a return check charge of up to $20.00 whenever a check or draft presented for payment of service is not accepted by the institution on which it is written. This charge applies each time a check is returned to the Company by a bank for insufficient funds. In addition, the Company reserves the right to place the Available Usage Balance for the Customer Debit Account on hold until the check or draft clears or is paid. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Q'ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 111999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: September 27, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDd9900 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 13 Cancels Original Page 13 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Cancellation by the Customer Customers may cancel service at any time, either verbally or in writing. Customers are responsible for all charges up through the actual disconnect date. Charges may be avoided by dialing another carrier s access code. For prepaid services, the Customer may cancel service by fully depleting the available balance of the Customer account and/or by not renewing a renewable account. Billing Entity Conditions When billing functions on behalf of TON are performed by local exchange telephone companies credit card companies or others, the payment conditions and regulations of such companies apply, including any applicable interest and/or late payment charge conditions. Other Rules The Company may temporarily suspend service without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain cities or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain PINs when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its service. The Company will restore service as soon as service can be provided without undue risk. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 2nd Revised Page 14 Cancels 1 st Revised Page SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES General TON offers prepaid card services for communications originating and terminating within the State of Idaho under terms of this price list. Exclusions. The following call types may not be completed with TON's Debit Card service: Calls to 700 numbers Calls to 800 series numbers Calls to 900 numbers Busy Line Verify and Busy Line Interrupt Calls requiring the quotation of time and charges All Operator Services Calls Conference Calls (T) (D) Except as may be specifically referenced therein, calls made utilizing TON's Debit Card services are not included in any specialized service offerings nor promotions. Determination of Charges Call Timing Long distance usage charges are based on actual usage of TON's network. Usage measurement and rounding is specified on a per-product basis in Section 4 of this Price List. There will be no billing applied for incomplete calls, including ring no answer and network announcements. Should a call originate in one rate period and terminate in another rate period the entire call will be billed by the rates in effect at the time of connection based on the originating rate period. Rate Periods The Company s services are not time of day or day of week sensitive. The same rates apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idat1o ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDiO50 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 15 Cancels Original Page 15 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Public Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company s expenses to comply with the FCC's pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97-37l), an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and international calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company s services. This surcharge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable service charges and surcharges associated with the Company s service applies for the use of the instrument used to access The Company service and is unrelated to the Company service accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies independent companies and other interexchange carriers. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any re-originated call (i., using the "#" symbol). Whenever possible, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a carrier that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge does not apply to calls placed from pay telephones at which the Customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call.(D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 4 - 2000 Boise, Idaho EFFECTIVE: March 4, 2000ISSUED: February 23, 2000 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDdOOOl TON Services Inc.Idaho Price Listth Revised Page l6 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 16 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions 3.4.Prepaid Card Service - Schedule A Prepaid Card Service - Schedule A permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. Schedule A Cards are not rechargeable. The Available Usage Balance expires 180 days from the date of activation of the Card. Schedule A cards are sold in $5 , $lO, $20, $40, $60, and $100 increments. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer Prepaid Account is non-refundable. (T) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (1) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule A Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. Price per Unit: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.109 1 Unit 7 Units (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, IdatJo ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005.. . . . .. ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 3rd Revised Page Cancels 2nd Revised Page 17 3.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 IDi050l TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 3rd Revised Page 18 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 18 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. Prepaid Card Service - Schedule C Prepaid Card Service - Schedule C permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. Schedule C Cards are rechargeable either by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $5. The maximum twenty-four (24) hour recharge amount by phone order is $50. The Available Usage Balance expires 180 days from the date oflast use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. (T) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (9) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule CRates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. Price per Unit: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg.per call: $0.099 7 Units 7 Units (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 ~ 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTtVE: Juiy 2.0b5 '. ". ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 4th Revised Page 19 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 19 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' Prepaid Card Service - Schedule D Prepaid Card Service - Schedule D permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be tenrunated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. Schedule D cards are rechargeable by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $25. The maximum twenty-four (24) hour recharge amount is $100. The Available Usage Balance expires one (1) year from the date oflast use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Schedule D Cards are rechargeable in any increment within the constraints for recharging by phone as noted above. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. (T) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (4 Prepaid Card Service - Schedule D Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 0 Unit 9 Units (R) (R) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 4th Revised Page 20 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 20 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' Bank Card Service - Schedule E Bank Card Service - Schedule E permits Customers to use their own bank-provided debit card from which telephone call charges are deducted from their account on a daily basis. Customers access Schedule E service by dialing a Company-specified access code. (T) Schedule E Cards are refreshable. The card may be used at any time there are sufficient funds in the Customer s bank account ($25 minimum) or until the account is closed. The available funds are verified during the call at various increments and again at the end of the call. Calls in progress will be terminated if the bank account balance is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. (T) (T) (D) (D) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (11 14) Bank Card Service - Schedule E Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the account. A maximum of 100 units may be used for each call. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 9 Units (R) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2 , 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4l85 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price Listth Revised Page 21 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 21 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' Prepaid Card Service - Schedule F Prepaid Card Service - Schedule F permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. The Available Usage Balance expires one (1) year from the date oflast use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Schedule F Cards are rechargeable by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $25. The maximum twenty-four (24) hour recharge amount is $100. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable.(T) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (10) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOI~ FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTNE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 4th Revised Page 22 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 22 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Service Descriptions, (Cont' Prepaid Card Service - Schedule F (cont' Prepaid Card Service - Schedule FRates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.059 None 12 Units (R) (I) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUl 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 2nd Revised Page 22. Cancels 1 st Revised Page 22. 3.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 ~ 200S Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 IDi0501 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 3rd Revised Page 22. Cancels 2nd Revised Page 22. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. Prepaid Card Service - Schedule H Prepaid Card Service - Schedule H permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. The Available Usage Balance expires one (1) year from the date oflast use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Schedule H Cards are rechargeable by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $25. The maximum twenty-four (24) hour recharge amount is $100. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. (T) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (7) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule H Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 9 Units (R) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTNE: July 2 2005 .- - - ' ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 3rd Revised Page 22. Cancels 2nd Revised Page 22. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' 3.4.Bank Card Service - Schedule I Bank Card Service - Schedule I permits Customers to use their own bank-provided debit card from which telephone call charges are deducted from their account on a daily basis. Customers access Schedule I service by dialing a Company-specified access code. Schedule I Cards are refreshable. The card may be used at any time there are sufficient funds in the Customer s bank account ($25 minimum) or until the account is closed. The available funds are verified during the call at various increments and again at the end of the call. Calls in progress will terminated if the bank account balance is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (13) Bank Card Service - Schedule I Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the account. A maximum of 100 units may be used for each call. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 9 Units Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: June 22 , 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 (T) (T) (T) (D) (D) (R) (I) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 22.4 Cancels Original Page 22.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Service Descriptions, (Cont' 10 Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTNE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 (T) (D) (D) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 2nd Revised Page 23 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 23 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' 3.4 Service Descriptions, (Cont' 3.4.11 Prepaid Card Service - Kardlink Management (T) Prepaid Card Service - Kardlink Management is offered for those Customers who wish to purchase prepaid cards in bulk. This offering is designed primarily for business Customers who provide pre-paid cards for use by their employees. Kardlink Management includes a web-based service that allows the Customer to control the amount of money spent each month for phone usage. Kardlink Management Cards are rechargeable via the Company s website. The Available U sage Balance expires one (1) year from the date oflast use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Payment for Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. Payment may be made via automatic bank draft, check or money order. Calling time will then be added to the applicable Kardlink cards in the Customer s account. The Customer may allot a predetermined amount of time each month to be used for long distance calling for each card. Card renewal may be accomplished either by adding time manually or by setting defaults to add calling time automatically via the Company s Internet web page. Default settings may be changed for all cards on the account or for individual cards. As part of the service, call detail is made available through the Company s Internet web page. The Customer may view and print statements and receipts on all financial transactions via the web. The Customer may obtain call detail for each individual card or receive a summary of all the cards in the Customer s account. Call charges are deducted from each card on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated ifthe balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 8 2001 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: May 8, 2001 EFFECTIVE: May 18 2001 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDdOlOl TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 4th Revised Page 24 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 24 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. 11 Prepaid Card Service - Kardlink Management, (cont' For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges 'are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (8) Prepaid Card Service - Kardlink Management Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0. 12 Units (R) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 ":" 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 2nd Revised Page 25 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 25 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Co nt' d) 3.4 Service Descriptions, (Cont' 3.4.12 Prepaid Card Sponsor Program (T) The Prepaid Card Sponsor Program, where available, is offered to organizations or commercial entities for distribution to their members, patrons or customers. The marketing vehicle and expiration period is selected by the Sponsor upon joint agreement between the Company and the Sponsor. The Sponsor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for the use of any trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. The Sponsor may distribute the Company s Prepaid card accounts at reduced rates or free of charge to end users. At the option of the Sponsor, these cards may not be replenishable. The Company reserves the right to approve or reject any image and to specify the customer information language and use of the Company s trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 8 2001 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: May 8, 2001 EFFECTIVE: May 18 2001 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDdOlOl TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 st Revised Page 25. Cancels Original Page 25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. 13 Prepaid Card Service - Schedule K Prepaid Card Service - Schedule K permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of5 minutes and 1 minute of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. A call will not be processed if the card has less than $1.03 balance remammg. Schedule K Cards are rechargeable either by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $5. The maximum twenty-four (24) hour recharge amount is $50. The Available Usage Balance expires 180 days from the date oflast use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. (T) For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (22) 13.1Prepaid Card Service - Schedule K Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per minute basis. Price per minute: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.039 $0. $0. $0.(I) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaf1o ,- " - -," '" - , , - I EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005ISSUED: June 22, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. 14 Prepaid Card Service - Schedule L Prepaid Card Service - Schedule L permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 units and 1 unit of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. A call will not be processed if the card has less than $0.792 balance remaining. Schedule L Cards are rechargeable in person only, and may not be recharged over the phone. The minimum recharge amount is $5. The Available Usage Balance expires 360 days from the date of last use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non- refundable. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (18) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule L Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. Price per Unit: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.104 $0. $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, IdaM ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTNE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 (N) (N) ,. " TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' 3.4.15 Prepaid Card Service - Schedule M Bank Card Service - Schedule M permits Customers to use their own bank-provided debit card from which telephone call charges are deducted from their account on a daily basis. Customers access Schedule M service by dialing a Company-specified access code. Schedule M Cards are refreshable. The card may be used at any time there are sufficient funds in the Customer s bank account ($25 minimum) or until the account is closed. The available funds are verified during the call at various increments and again at the end of the call. Calls in progress will be terminated if the bank account balance is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. F or debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (24) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule M Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the card. Price per Unit: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 none 9 Units Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - ZOOS Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 (N) (N) , - " " -- TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 25.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont'd. 16 Prepaid Card Service - Schedule N Prepaid Card Service - Schedule N permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of5 minutes and 1 minute of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. A call will not be processed if the card has less than $0.71 balance remammg. Schedule N Cards are rechargeable either by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $5. The maximum twenty-four recharge amount by phone is $50. The Available Usage Balance expires l80 days from the date oflastuse of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (22) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule N Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per minute basis. Price per minute: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 $0. $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 H- 2005 Boise, tdaito ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDiOSOl (N) (N) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' 17 Bank Card Service - Schedule 0 Bank Card Service - Schedule 0 permits Customers to use their own bank-provided debit card from which telephone call charges are deducted from their account on a daily basis. Customers access Schedule 0 service by dialing a Company-specified access code. The card may be used at any time there are sufficient funds in the Customer s bank account ($25 minimum) or until the account is closed. The available funds are verified during the call at various increments and again at the end of the call. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance in the account is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (26) Bank Card Service - Schedule 0 Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the account. The payphone compensation charge is waived for calls made from TON payphones. Price per Unit: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.079 9 Units Idaho Public Utilities Camm ' , Off 15Slon ACCEpce of the Secretary TED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 - ERFECTJ:yp:,!uly?, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 (N) (N) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' 18 Employee Service - Schedule P Employee Service - Schedule P rates are available to corporate employees and selected fleet customers. Schedule P permits Customers to use their own bank-provided debit card from which telephone call charges are deducted from their account on a daily basis. Customers access Schedule P service by dialing a Company-specified access code. The card may be used at any time there are sufficient funds in the Customer s bank account ($25 minimum) or until the account is closed. The available funds are verified during the call at various increments and again at the end of the call. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance in the account is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. The card may be used at any time there are sufficient funds in the Customer s bank account or until the expiration date on the bank-provided prepaid card or until the bank account is closed. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. ( 25 ) Employee MasterCard Service - Schedule PRates Calls are measured and consumed on a per unit basis. A unit equals one minute for the purpose of debiting the account. A maximum of 100 units may be used for each call. Price per Unit: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: $0.049 $0.750 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTNE: July 2, 2005- ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDiOSOl (N) (N) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Service Descriptions, (Cont' 3.4.19 Prepaid Card Service - Schedule Q Prepaid Card Service - Schedule Q permits Customers to purchase a prepaid card from which call charges are deducted on a real-time basis. Customers access the service by dialing a Company-specified access code. All calls must be charged against a prepaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Customers will be provided with a "Usage Remaining" message each time they utilize the card. They will also receive a reminder message when the card has a usage balance of 5 minutes and 1 minute of value remaining on the card. Calls in progress will be terminated if the balance on the prepaid card is insufficient to cover the charges associated with the call. A call will not be processed if the card has less than $1.05 balance remaining. This card has special rates available for use with international service to Mexico. Dialing instructions are available in both English and Spanish. Schedule Q Cards are rechargeable either by phone or in person. The minimum amount that may be recharged by phone is $5. The maximum twenty-four recharge amount is $50. A monthly recurring charge applies for each month in which the card has a balance, regardless of usage. The Available Usage Balance expires 90 days from the date of last use of the new card or replenished card, whichever is applicable. Payment for Retail Prepaid Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Prepaid Account is non-refundable. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (27) Prepaid Card Service - Schedule Q Rates Calls are measured and consumed on a per minute basis. Price per minute: Access Fee, per call: Payphone Compensation Chg., per call: Monthly Recurring Service Fee: $0.039 $0. $0.750 $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTNE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDiO501 (N) (N) TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 26 SECTION 4 - PROMOTIONS Demonstration of Calls From time to time the Company shall demonstrate service by providing free test calls of up to four minutes duration over its network. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O'ffic-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 111999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: September 27, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 11 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Joseph R. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDd9900a TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 2nd Revised Page 27 Cancels 1 st Revised Page SECTION 5 - GRANDF A THERED SERVICES Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi050 1 TON Services Inc.Idaho Price List 1 5t Revised Page 28 Cancels Original Page 28 SECTION 5 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2- 2005 Boise, IdatJo ISSUED: June 22, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 2, 2005 ISSUED BY:Gary Barlow, Treasurer & CFO 4185 Harrison Boulevard., Suite 301 Ogden, Utah 84403 IDi0501 (T) (D) (D)