HomeMy WebLinkAboutTTI National Inc.pdfTTI National, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3rd Revised Page CANCELS 2nd Revised Page 1 TARIFF OF TTI NATIONAL, INC. Effective June 1 , 2006 , TTI National , Inc. (TTI) will no longer offer long distance service to new customers. Effective October 26, 2006, customers currently subscribed to TTllong distance service will no longer be able move, add to, or make changes to their service. C/O C/O Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 6 2006 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 1 7 , 2006 Effective: October 26, 2006 Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 19th Revised Page 2 ______________________________________________________ Cancels 18th Revised Page 2 CHECK SHEET Pages 1 through 27.1 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages.Original and revised pages,as named below,comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. Revision 1 Original 2 19 * 3 Original 4 Original 5 Original 6 Original 7 Original 8 Original 9 Original 10 Original 11 Original 12 Original 13 Original 14 Original 15 Original 16 Original 17 Original 18 Original 19 Original 20 4 20.1 Original 20.2 Original 20.3 2 20.4 1 20.5 2 20.6 2 20.7 Original 20.8 Original 20.9 1 20.10 2 * 21 1 22 3 * 23 3 * 24 3 * 25 6 * 26 6 * 26.1 6 * 26.2 Original 26.3 4 * 26.4 4 *ldaoP:bc Ut Ues CeitUssgn 265 2 * 26 6 2 *ACCEPTED F-OR FlUNG SEP 1 5 2013 27.1 Original *New or Revised Page Issued:August 30,2013 Effective:September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW..Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7w.Page......... Cll.eclcSheet ........... Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TfI1i/f Fo17lUll Symbols. . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . App1it:atiDa of TfI1i/f. . . . . . Secdoa 1 Definitioa of Tenns and AbbreviDtions ....... Secdoa 2 - Regulations 1 - Underlaking of Carrier Limitations on Service 3 - Limitations on Liabilities . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - Cancellation or Discontinuance of Service by Carrier Cancellation or Tennination of S'ervice by Customer . . . . . . 6 - Restoration of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - Payment and Billing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - Deposits . . . . . . . . 9 'Advance Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Taxes ......... 11 - Tenninal Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - Interconnection . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - Inspection, Testing and Adjustment . . . . 14 - Interruption of Service . . . . . . Secdoa 3 - Description of Service . . . . . . . . . Availability of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing of Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - Dedicated-Access Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secdoa 4 - Rates and Charges . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initial Periods Basic Service Rates. 4 - Other Service Charges 5 - Employee Concessions . . . . Special Promotions . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . . . 7 ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ............................... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................. Issued: by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 - 1996 Boise. Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 4 TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revisioa Numbers Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to detennine the most cu"ent page version on filewith the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd revised Page 14. Because of the various suspension periods and deferrals the Commission follows in its tariff approval process, the most cu"ent page number on file with the Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Consult the check sheet for the page cu"ently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: (a) (a). 1. (a). I. (i) 1. (a). I. (i). (1) Check Sheets When a tariff filing is made with the Commission an updated check sheet accompanies the filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the cu"ent revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There shaH be no other symbols used on this page these are the only changes made to it. The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most cu"ent on file with the Commission. Issued: by: Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Charles J. Gardella, Vice President Office of the Secretary TTI National, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 515 East Amite Street J U N 1 - 1996 Jackson, MS 39201 Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 5 SYMBOLS Changes to this tariff shall be identified on the revised pagels) through the use of symbols. The foUowing are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C)To signify a changed regulation. (D)To signify a discontinued rate or regulation. (1)To signify an increase in rate or charge. (M)To signify material relocated from one page to another without change. (N)To ~gnify a new rate or regulation. (R)To signify a reduced rate or change. (S)To signify a co"ection or reissued matter. (1)To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. Issued: by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson , MS 39201 Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, IdaM TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 6 APPUCATION OF TARIFF This tariff contains the regulations, rates and charges applicable to the provision of interexchange telecommunications services by 1TI National, Inc.jor the use of Customers transmitting messages within the State of Idaho, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, located at 472 W. Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83792. In addition, this tariff is available for review at the main office of ITl National, Inc., located at 515 East Amite Street, Jackson, MS 39201. Issued: by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson , MS 39201 Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 7 SECTION 1 DEFINITlON OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access LiIIe Afacility arrangement which connects Customer s location to Carrier s network switching center. AccolUlt Code A series of digits entered by Customer to associate a call with a parlicular department, cost center, or client. A non-verified Account Code shaU be accepted if it contains the proper number of digits. A verified Account Code shall only be accepted if it can be matched wiih a number on the list of valid Account Codes provided by Customer. AuthoriZJltioa Code A numerical code, one or more of which are available to Customer to enable it to access Carrier s network, and which are used by Carrier both to prevent unauthorized access to its facilities and to identify Customer for biUing purposes. Multiple authorization codes may be assigned to identify individual users on the account. Carrier 1Tl Nationa1~ Inc. Conunissioa The Idaho Public Utilities Commission Con.enatioa Minutes For billing purposes caUs are billed based on Conversation Minutes, which begin when the called paTty answers, as detennined by answer supervision, and end when either paTty disconnects. Customer The company, individual, or other entity which orders or uses Service and is therefore responsible for the payment of charges due and for compliance with Carrier s tariff regulations. Day - From 8:00 AM up to but not including 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Noa-Day AU hours other than those included in the Day period, as indicated above. Off Pea/c The period of time during any given day that begins at 5:01 pm and ends at 7:59 am. This period is specified to categorize charges for communications usage. Pea/c The period of time during any given day that begins at 8:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm. This period is specified to categorize charges for communications usage. Issued: by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President ITI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 8 SECTION 1 DEFlNlTlON OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS pop A point-of-presence of the underlying carrier within the state or LATA. Service Any or all service(s) provided by Carrier pursuant to this tariff. Underlying Carrier The carrier that furnishes switches and transmission facilities for the carriage of the customer services upon the order of ITI National, Inc. Issued:Effective: idaho Public Utilities Commission Charles J. Gardella Vice President Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNGTTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 by: JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 9 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS llL1emldng of the C-!l1'Tie,. Service is furnished for telecommunications originating at specified points within the State of Idaho under the tenns and conditions of this tariff. Carrier shall instaU, operate, and maintain Service provided hereunder in accordance with the tenns and conditions set fonh in this tariff. Carrier neither owns nor operates telecommunications facilities within the State of Idaho, but rather resells telecommunications services provided by other carriers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer shall be considered a customer of Carrier, and not a customer of any other camero Carrier may, when authorized by , Customer, act as Customer s agent for ordering dedicated Access lines or facilities provided by other camers to allow connection of Customer s locations to the network of an underlying camero Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangements. Service is provided on a monthly basis unless ordered on a longer tenn basis, and is available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. LimiIIltions on Service Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and subject to the provisions of this tariff. Carrier reserves the right to discontinue furnishing Service, or to limit the use of Service, when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, when Customer is using Service in violation of the law or in violation of the provisions of this tariff, or for non-payment by Customer. Issued:Effective: I~~' P'i;Jfuik Utilities eDmmjssiM ' Charles J. Gardella, Vice President (Unite €tf the Secretary , , TTI National, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 JUN 1 - 1996 by: Boise. Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 10 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) LimiIIItions oa Service (Continued) Service provided under this tariff is directly controlled by Carrier, and Customer may not transfer or assign the use of Service, except with the prior written consent of Carrier. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption in the use or location of Service, and all regulations and conditions contained in this tariff, as well as all conditions for Service, shan apply to all such pennitted assignees or transferees. Service may not be used for any unlawful purpose. LimiIIItions oa Liabilities Carrier s liability shall be limited to damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing Service, and not caused by mistakes or errors of Customer. No liability shall commence prior to activation of Service. In no event shall such liability exceed an amount equivalent to the proporlionate charge to Customer for the period during which the aforementioned faults in transmission occur. Carrier shall not be liable for, and Customer indemnifies and holds Carrier hannless from, any and all losses, claims, demands, suits or other actions, or any liability whatsoever; whether suffered, made, instituted or assel1ed by Customer or by any other party, for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, for any loss, damage, defacement or destruction of the premises of Customer or any others, or for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyrights or patents, or for any other causes, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location, or use including, but not limited to, use in an explosive atmosphere of its Service or facilities, of the services, channels or equipment of others, provided that such occurrence is not the result of Carrier s negligence. No agents or employees of other carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of Carrier. Issued:Effective: , '--' Idaho Public Utilities Commission \ Charles J. Gardella, Vice President Office of the Secretary TTI National, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 JUN 1 - 1996 by: Boise. Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 11 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Limitations oa Liabilities (Continued) Carrier shall not be 'liable for any damages, including usage charges, that Customer may incur as a result of the unauthorized use of its communications equipment. The unauthorized use of communications equipment includes, but is not limited to, the placement of calls from Customer s premises, and the placement of calls through Customer-controlled or Customer-provisioned equipment, that are transmitted over Carrier s network without the authorization of Customer. Customer shall be fully liable for all such usage charges. The included tariff language does not constitute a detennination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a coul1 of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a coul1's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the coul1's responsibility to detennine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Ctuu:el1atioa or Discontinuance of Service by Cartier Without incurring any liability, Carrier may under the following conditions cancel Service prior to commencement or discontinue Service that is beingfumished, provided that, unless otherwise stated, Customer shall be given fifteen (15) days written notice of such cancellation or discontinuance of Service. 1 For noncompliance with or violation of any applicable State, municipal or Federal law, ordinance or regulation or noncompliance with or violation of any Commission regulation, provided that lesser notice may be required by order of such regulatory authorities. For Customer s refusal to provide reasonable access to Carrier or its agents for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by Camero For noncompliance with any of the provisions of this tariff governing Service. Issued:Effectj~M1u Pilbl'c llti!lt~1J$; C'iI.Q:tmi~\~ Office of the Secretary Charles J. Gardella, Vice President ACCEPTED FOR FILING TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street - 1996 Jackson , MS 39201 Boise. Idaho by: TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Cancel1ation or Discontinuance of Service by Carrier (Continued) For nonpayment of any sum due Carrier for more than thirly (30) days qfter delivery of an invoice to the custody of the U.S. Mail or other standard delivery service. Without notice, in the event of Customer s use of equipment in such a manner as to adversely offect Carner s equipment or Service to others. Without notice, in the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of Service. Whenever Service is discontinuedfor unauthorized use of Service, Carrier may, before restoring Service, require Customer to make, at its own expense, all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate unauthorized use and to pay to Carrier an amount reasonably estimated by Carrier as the loss in revenues to Carrier resulting from such unauthorized use plus claims lodged against Carrier by third parties. Without notice, by reason of any order or decision of a courl or other go~emment authority having jurisdiction that prohibits Carrier from furnishing Service to Customer. Cancel1ation or Tennination of Service by Customer Customer may cancel Service by giving notice to Carrier up to the day Service is scheduled to commence. 1/ Customer orders Service which requires special construction or facilities for Customer s use, and then cancels its order before Service begins, a charge shall be made to Customer for the non-recoverable portions of the expenditures or liabilities incurred on behalf of Customer by Carrier. by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson , MS 39201 Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUN 1 - 1996 Issued: Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 13 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Clllu:ellation or Terminlltioa of Service by Customer (Continued) Customer may tenninate Service by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice, provided that Customer shall be responsible for all charges incu"ed to the date of tennination, includi",g, but not limited to, all charges to Carrier by other carriers for Service provided to Customer, including, but not limited to, tennination charges. Restol'lllioa of Service The use and restoration of Service shall in all cases be in accordance with the priority system specified in Pan 64, Sub pan D, of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Payment and Billing Service is provided and billed on a monthly basis. Usage sensitive charges are billed in a"ears and fixed monthly recurring charges, if any, are billed one month in advance. Bills are due and payable upon receipt. Interest at the lesser of a rate of one and one-hal/percent (1.5%) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, shall be charged on any amount remaining unpaid after thirty (30) days from delivery of an invoice to the custody of the U.S. Mail or other standard delivery service. The security of Customer s Authorization Codes is the responsibility of Customer. All calls placed using Customer s Authorization Codes or using facilities owned or controlled by Customer shall be billed to Customer and must be paid by Customer. Carrier reserves the right to examine the credit record of an applicant or Customer. A Customer whose Service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills shall be required to pay any unpaid balance due to Carrier before Service is restored. Issued:Effective: , . . . ' Idaho Public Utilities CommlSSIOI1 ~ Charles J. Gardella, Vice President Office of the Secretary TTI National, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 515 East Amite Street JUN 1 - 1996 Jackson, MS 39201 by: Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 14 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Payment and BilUng (Continued) If notice from Customer of dispute as to charges is not received in writing Carrier within thirty (30) days after delivery of an invoice to the custody of the S. Mail or other standard delivery service, the billing will be considered co"ect. Deposits Carrier does not require or collect deposits from Customers. Advtlllce Payments Carrier does not require or collect advance payments for usage sensitive charges from Customers. Fixed monthly recurring charges shall be billed by Carrier to Customer no more than one (1) month in advance. 10 Taxes Service may be subject to state and/or local taxes at the prevailing rates, if Service originates and tenninates in the State of Idaho. All such taxes (e.g., gross receipts tax, sales tax, and municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items on the Customer invoice and are not included in the rates and charges listed herein. TenniMl Equipment Service may be used with or tenninated in Customer-provided tenninal equipment Customer-provided communications systems, such as a PBX or key telephone system. Such tenninal equipment or communications systems shall be furnished by and maintained at the expense of Customer, except as othelWise provided. Customer is also responsible for all costs at its premises incu"ed in the use of Service, including but not limited to equipment, wiring, electrical power, and personnel. When such tenninal equipment or communications systems are used, they shall in all respects comply with the generally accepted minimum protective standards of the telecommunications industry as endorsed by the Federal Communications Commission. Effective: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Charles J. Gardella Vice President Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINGTTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Issued: by: JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, Idaho - , TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 15 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) 12 Interconnection Service furnished by Carrier may be connected with the services or facilities of other carriers. Customer is responsible for all charges billed by other carriers in connection with the use of Service. Any special equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between carriers are the sole responsibility of Customer. 13 Inspection, Testing and Adjustment 13. 13. 13. Carrier may, upon reasonable notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to detenninewhether tariff requirements are being complied with in the installation, operation, and maintenance of Customer s or Carrier s equipment. Carrier may, without notice, interrupt Service at any time, as necessary, because of a deparlure from any of these requirements and may continue such interruption until its requirements have been satisfied. Upon reasonable notice, the facilities provided by Carrier shall be made available to Carrier by Customer for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary for their maintenance to a condition satisfactory to Carrier. Carrier shall not be liable to Customer for any damages for Service interruption pursuant to this Section. Customer shall not be entitled to any credit for interruption ' of Service pursuant to this Section when the interruption of Service is less than two (2) consecutive hours. Issued: by: Effective: fda'lro Pu uml1Ies ommiSSlOO Office (if the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUN 1 - 1996 Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Boise. Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 16 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) 14 lntenuptioa of Service 14. 14. 14. 14. Customer shall be given a credit allowance for any interruption of Service which is not due to (a) Carrier s inspection, testing or adjustment, if for period of two (2) hours or less; (b) mistakes or errors of Customer; or (c) the failure of facilities or equipment provided by Customer. Credit allowances shall be subject to the general liability provisions set fotth in Section herein. It shall be the obligation of Customer to notify Carrier immediately of any interruption of Service for which a credit allowance is desired. Before giving such notice, Customer shall ascettain that the trouble is not being caused by action or omission of Customer, or is not in facilities or equipment, if any, furnished by Customer and connected to Carrier facilities. For the purposes of credit computation, every month shall be considered to have seven hundred twenty (120) hours. No credit shall be allowed for any interruption of Service of a continuous duration of less than two (2) hours. Customer shall be credited for an. interruption of Service of thirty (30) minutes or more at the rate of 1/12Oth of the monthly non-usage sensitive charges for the Service affected for each half hour or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues. The fonnula for calculating credit shall be as follows: Credit = --L x B 120 " = Outage time in hours B" Total monthly fixed, non-usage sensitive charge for affected facility Issued: by: Effective: bl' I:JHloano l'u I~ Iltle~ n'n,I~~lon Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 - 1996 Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National , Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Boise. Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 17 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE A~ailability of Service Carrier offers resold interexchange telecommunications service to any person company within its service area who desires to be a Customer, subject to the tenns and conditions of this tariff. Service is available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Timing of CaIb Usage sensitive charges are based on the actual usage of Carrier s network. Such charges are measured in Conversation Minutes. Chargeable time for Customer shall begin when the called patty answers, as detennined by hardware answer supervision, provided that such capabilities are available from the local telephone company. If hardware answer supervision is not available, then Carrier wiD employ software answer supervision, and up to sixty (60) seconds of ringing will be allowed before biDing. Chargeable time for a call shall end upon disconnection by either patty. The initial period (minimum call duration) for billing purposes varies by service offering and is indicated in Section Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, usage for billing purposes is measured and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment after the initial period. No charges apply for incomplete calls. If Customer believes it has been incorrectly billed for an incomplete call, Carrier shall, upon notification, investigate the circumstances of the call and issue a credit when appropriate. Issued:Effective: Charles J. Gardella, Vice President Idaho Public Utilities commissi ~"- Office of the SecretaryTTI Nat1on~, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING515 East Armte Street Jackson , MS 39201 JUN 1 - 1996 by: Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 18 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Service Offerings Applicable rate schedules for the following services are provided in Section 4 - Rates. Dial Access Business Service Dial Access Business Service is a time-of-day outbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dial Access Business Service Customers utilize feature group access. Dial Access Business Service Plus Dial Access Business Service Plus is an outbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dial Access Business Service Customers utilize Feature Group access. 3. Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific is an outbound long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. Dedicated Access Business Service Dedicated Access Business Service is an outbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dedicated Access Business Customers utilize dedicated Access Lines. 5. Dedicated Access Business Service Carrier Specific Dedicated Access Business Service is an outbound long distance service provided through a specific carrier that is offered to business Customers. Dedicated Access Business Service Customers utilize dedicated Access Lines. Dedicated Access Business Service Carrier Specific is an outbound long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. Issued: by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Effective: lidafr~ r!l~f~ ti1tifiiti~ C0m~Office of the Swetafy ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 19 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTlON OF SERVICE (Continued) Service Offerings (Continued) 3.3.Dial Access 800 Service Dial Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dial Access 800 Service calls are tenninated over the Customer local telephone lines. Dial Access 800 Service Carrier ~pecijic Dial Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dial Access 800 Service calls are tenninated over the Customer local telephone lines. Dial Access 800 Service Carrier Specific is a long distance service using a specified underlying camero Dedkated Access 800 Service Dedicated Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dedicated Access 800 Service calls are tenninated over dedicated Access lines. 9. Dedicated Access 800 Service Carrier Specific Dedicated Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offered to business Customers. Dedicated Access 800 Service calls are tenninated over dedicated Access lines. Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific is a long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. 10 Travel Card Service Travel Card Service is an outbound long distance service offered to both residential and business customers. This service will enable the customer to call from locations other than the primary site using a specific access code. Issued:Effective: by:Charles J. Gardella, Vice President TTI National, Inc. 515 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 - 1996 Boise, Idaho TTI NATIONAL, INC. Service Offerings (Continued) Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page 20 Cancels 3RD Revised Page 20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 2 20Ot SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 11. Travel Card Service Carrier Specific Boise, Idaho Travel Card Service is an outbound long distance service offered to both residential and business customers. This service will enable the customer to call from locations other than the primary site using a specific access code. Travel Card Service Carrier Specific is an outbound long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. 12. Combined Business Calling Plan Service Combined Business Calling Plan Service is an outbound, inbound (800) and travel card service. The Combined Business Calling Plan contains two options: Option A is geared towards residential and small business customers and Option B is geared towards medium- sized business customers. Conversation Minutes for Combined Business Calling Plan Switched Access Service are billed in eighteen (18) second initial increments and are rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment thereafter. Conversation Minutes for Combined business calling Plan Dedicated Access Services are billed in six (6) second initial increments and are rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment thereafter (except dedicated inbound (800) product calls are billed in thirty (30) second initial increments). Combined Business Calling Plan Travel Card Service is billed at an initial sixty (60) second increment and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment thereafter. Applicable rate schedules for Combined Business Calling Plan Services are provided in the section entitled RATES AND CHARGES. 13 Business Benefit Service (T) Business Benefit Service offers a unified service for single or multi-location Customers using switched and toll-free (in WATS) termination. The Business Benefit package includes the availability of outbound and inbound (toll-free). 13.Business Benefit Term Plan The Business Benefit Term Plan is a term plan, in lieu of all other tariffed term plans. This plan is only available to customers subscribing to Business Benefit Service. Customers who subscribe to service via the Business Benefit Term Plan are subject to the following conditions: Definition of Terms For purposes of the Business Benefit Term Plan, the following definitions apply. , Effective March 22, 2001 this feature is no longer available to new subscribers.(N) Issued: March 9, 2001 Effective: March 22, 2001 Randee Klindworth, Tariff Specialist 707 17Th Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 20. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Service Offerinos (Continued) 13 Business Benefit Service (Cont. 13.Business Benefit Term Plan (Cont. Qualifying Volume is the customer s total usage of the following, after the application of promotional and other discounts: domestic and international inbound; outbound; Card. Charges for the following are not included as Qualifying Volume and are not calculated in satisfaction of the Business Benefit Term Plan volume commitment: Directory Assistance usage and surcharges: recurring and non-recurring charges; Operator Assisted usage and surcharges; monthly recurring and non-recurring charges; and taxes. 13. 13. 13. ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Term Commitment and Renewal Options : A customer must commit to service for a term of either month-to-month, one or two years. The term of service will commence with the provisioning of service following the execution of the Business Benefit Term Plan agreement. A plan will automatically renew for an equivalent term and volume commitment upon expiration of its term, unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the Business Benefit Term Plan, which must be received by no more than 30 days after expiration of the existing term. If the customer cancels the existing term plan within 30 days after expiration of the existing term , the customer will receive the discounts for which the customer qualifies during the 30-day period following the expiration of the existing term of service. Volume Commitment : A customer must meet a monthly minimum usage requirement of $25.00 excluding taxes , fees monthly recurring and non-recurring usage charges. Underutilization Charoes : Beginning in the month following execution of the Business Benefit Term Plan, if at the end of any monthly period of the term of service, a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment, the customer must pay the difference between the customer s actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the customer monthly volume commitment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 2 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 12, 1999 Effective: October 22, 1999 Randee Klindworth, Tariff Specialist 707 17Th Street, Suite 3600 Denver , CO 80202 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 20. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Service Offerinas (Continued) 13 Business Benefit Service (Cont. 13.Business Benefit Term Plan (Cont. 13.1.4 Cancellation or Discontinuance With liabilitv : Discontinuance of all services furnished under the Business Benefit Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge as follows: Customers subscribing under an annual volume commitment will be required to pay a charge in an amount equal to (i) the Under-utilization Charge for the monthly period of termination and, (ij) the customer s monthly volume commitment for each month remaining in the annual period of termination. 3.4 Dedicated Access Lines Dedicated Access Lines may be required to connect Customer locations to the POP of an underlying carrier. Such dedicated Access Lines, when required , shall be the sole responsibility of Customer. Notwithstanding such responsibility, Carrier shall , upon Customer s request, order such dedicated Access Lines from the underlying carrier on behalf of Customer, and shall pass-through to Customer without mark-up all related recurring and non-recurring charges. Certain material previously located on page 20 can now be found on this page. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O'ffioe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 2 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 12 , 1999 Effective: October 22, 1999 Randee Klindworth, Tariff Specialist 707 17Th Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.I 2nd Revised Page 20.3 Cancels 1st Revised Page 20.3 SECTION 3-DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.5 Agency Program No.1 Agency Program No.1 offers 1+,dedicated outbound,inbound,and calling card service during all time of day rate periods.Customers may enroll in any one of the following program options:(1) one-year term plan for switched access service;(2)one-year term plan for dedicated access service;or (3)month-to-month plan for switched access service only. Term Plans Term plan customers are subject to the monthly minimums as follows: Switched access $25 Dedicated access 1000 Term plan customers are also subject to the following provisions: 1.Underutilization:For each monthly period of a customer’s term of service in which a customer’s Agency Program No.1 usage charges (including intrastate usage,but not including any other applicable charges imposed by the Company or a third party)fails to equal or exceed the applicable monthly minimum,the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between the customer’s actual usage and the applicable monthly minimum. 2.Termination with Liability:If a customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the customer’s term of service under this plan,the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the applicable monthly minimum for each monthly remaining in the customer’s term of service at the time of actual termination.These charges will apply in addition to all incurred usage charges. Billing Increments 1+,dedicated outbound,and inbound calls will be subject to an 18-second minimum duration. Calls that are more than 18 seconds will be billed in 6-second increments.Calling card calls will be subject to a 60-second minimum call duration,and calls that are more than 60 seconds will be billed in 6-second increments.If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent,the charge will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. Rates: 1+,Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service:Customers will be charged the following per minute rates for 1+,dedicated outbound,and inbound intralata/intrastate calls. Switched Inbound/Outbound Dedicated Inbound/Outbound Month-to-Month:$02080 Month-to-Month:$0.11 18 1-Year:$01950 1-Year:$01118 Calling Card:Customers will be charged $07500 (I)per minute for calling card calls.No per call surcharge will apply. Issued:February 18,2013 Effective:March 1,2013 H Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 13001 Street NW.,Suite 400w AC Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL , INC.Idaho Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page 20.4 Cancels Original Page 20.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) New Business Benefit Service New Business Benefit Service offers a unified outbound and inbound service for single or multi- location Customers using switched, dedicated , and/or New Business Benefit calling card access. The New Business Benefit package includes the availability of outbound, inbound (toll free) and calling card services. New Business Benefit Switched Outbound Service, Dedicated Outbound Service, Switched Inbound Service, and Dedicated Inbound Services are billed in an eighteen (1 8) second initial increment and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment, Switched Inbound Service is billed in an eighteen (1 8) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment. New Business Benefit Calling Card Service is billed at an initial sixty (60) second increment and rounded to the next higher six 16) second increment thereafter, All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. Rates and Charqes Customers will be charged the following per minute usage charges for New Business Benefit Service Switched Outbound and Switched Inbound Service. Switched Outbound/lnbound available on a Month-to-Month basis: Option 1 : Available to all customers of New Business Benefit Service on a month- month basis. InterLATA/lntraLATA: $0.2015 (I) Option 2: Available to eligible members of a qualified services affinity group on a month- to-month basis. . InterLATA/lntraLATA: $0.1430 (I) Option 3: Available to eligible members of a qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group on a month-to-month basis. InterLATA/lntraLATA: $0.2015 (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of tile Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: July 16 , 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 . . Edwin Reese , Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW., Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 HI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 20.5 Cancels 1st Revised Page 20.5 SECTION 3-DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.6 New Business Benefit Service (Cont.) Rates and Charges Switched Outbound/Inbound available on a Month-to-Month basis:(Cont.) Oøtion 5:Available to new and existing residential and business customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Switched Access on a month to month basis that agree to meet a $25.00 minimum monthly usage agreement. InterLATA/IntraLATA:$2080 Dedicated Outbound/Inbound Option 4:Available to all customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Dedicated Access who commit to a 1 or 2 year term and a monthly volume usage commitment of $1,000. lnterLATAIIntraLATA:$0.11 18 Calling Card Service The following per-minute rate will apply to card usage:$0.7500 (I) Issued:February 18,2013 Effective:March 1,2013 Waho Pubhc Uttifti ComI.orfEdwinReese,Tariff Administrator o1300IStreetNWSuite400wACCE°J4GWashington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page 20. Cancels 1 st Revised Page 20. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) New Business Benefit Service (Cont.) Term Plans: TermNolume Commitment Customers who access New Business Benefit Service via dedicated access (Option 4) must subscribe to the Service under a term plan , which equals or exceeds 1 year. The qualifying volume usage of a customer who accesses New Business Benefit via Dedicated access must equal or exceed 000 in each monthly period of the Term of service. Qualifying volume usage only includes Dedicated Inbound/Outbound service. UnderUtilization Charqe If at the end of any monthly period of the term of Service, a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume usage commitment, the Customer must pay the difference between the customers actual volume usage in the monthly period and the customers monthly qualifying volume usage commitment of $1 ,000. (Applies to Option 4 only. Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liabilitv Discontinuance of all services furnished under the New Business Benefit Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge as follows: Customers subscribing under an annual volume commitment will be required to pay a charge in an amount equal to i) the Underutilization Charge for the monthly period of termination, and ii) the customer=s monthly volume commitment for each month remaining in the annual period of termination. New Business Benefit Service Option 3A Savinqs Plan New Business Benefit Service Option 3a Savings Plan I offers reduced in-state Dial-1 rates for an additional monthly recurring charge. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA and interLATA Dial-1 calls at the rate of $0.1430 (I) per minute. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged an additional $3.00 monthly Recurring charge. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 16, 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edwin Reese, Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW., Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No, 1 Original Page 20. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Business Success Service: Provides outbound and toll free switched and dedicated service and calling card service to single or multi-location Customers, Service Availability Service Types: Business Success Service Switched Outbound and Inbound , which is outbound and toll free service which originates and terminates , respectively via switched access; Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and Inbound , which is outbound and toll free service which originates and terminates , respectively via dedicated access; Business Success Service Outbound Calling Card Service, which is service which originates via calling card access, Service Option Availability: Business Success Service Switched Outbound and Inbound , and Outbound Calling Card Service, is available on a month-to-month basis, Customer may enroll in Business Success Service Outbound Calling Card Service without enrolling in other Business Success Service offerings, Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service is available under a 1 or 2 year term of service under a Business Success Service Dedicated Service Term Plan, Custoemrs who subscribed to service via this term plan are subject to the following conditions: Definition of Terms For purposes of the Business Success Service Term Plan, the following definition applies: Qualifying Volume is the customer s total domestic and international Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound Service usage after the application of promotional and other discounts, The following are not included as Qualifying Volume: Directory Assistance charges; monthly recurring and non-recurring charges; and taxes, All material on this page is new,I"aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 5 - 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: January 18, 2002 Effective: February 5 , 2002 Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 20. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Business Success Service (Cont.) Term Commitment and Renewal Options A Customer must commit to service for a term of 1 or 2 years, The term of service will commence with the provisioning of service following the execution of the Business Success Service Dedicated Service Term Plan by a customer and the Company, A plan will automatically renew for an equivalent term and volume commitment upon expiration of its term unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the Business Success Service Dedicated Service Term Plan , which must be received by the Company no more than 30 days after expiration of the existing term, If the customer cancels the existing term plan within 30 days after expiration of the existing term , the customer will receive the discounts for which the customer qualifies during the 30-day period following the expiration of the existing term of service. Volume Commitment: A customer s Qualifying Volume usage must equal or exceed $3 000,00 in each monthly period of the term of service, Beginning with the fourth month after customer enrolls in this service, Underutilization Charqe: If during any monthly period of the term of service, a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment, the customer must pay the difference between the customer s actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the customer s monthly volume commitment. Cancellation or Discontinuance with Liability: Discontinuance of all services furnished under the Business Success Dedicated Service Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan, Customers subscribing to the Business Success Service Dedicated Term PLan who discontinue the plan will be required to pay a charge in an amount equal to i) the Underutilization Charge for the monthly period of the termination and ii) the customer s monthly volume commitment for each month remaining in the annual period in which termination occurs. Monthly minimum charqe: Business Success Service Switched Outbound and Inbound , and Outbound Calling Card Service: A $25,00 per-account per-month minimum charge will apply if a customer s usage charges under this plan are less than $25,00 per account per month, This per-account charge will be applied against the customer s Business Success Service usage in the month it is charged, Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service For switched outbound and toll free service: No minimum charge will apply to this service, All material on this page is new, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 5 - 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: January 18, 2002 Effective: February 5 , 2002 Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 TTI NATIONAL, INC. Idaho Tariff No. 1st Revised Page 20. Cancels Original Page 20. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Business Success Service (Cont.) Rates and Charqes: Usage Sensitive Charges: Business Success Service switched and dedicated outbound and inbound service: Dial-1 and Toll Free Rate Per Minute: (Measured in 18-second initial and 6-second additional increments) Switched: Dedicated: $0.1680 (I) $ 0.0606 (I) Business Success Service Calling Card Service: Customers may elect either Business Success Calling Card Option 1 or Business Success Calling Card Option 2 as describe bellow. All Calling Card calls are measured in 18-second initial and 6-second additional increments: Business Success Calling Card Option 1: Customers of Business Success Calling Card Option 1 will receive a per minute rate of $0.1807 (I) and a per call surcharge of $0.00 for all Business Success Service direct dial Calling Card Calls. Business Success Calling Card Option 2: For a monthly recurring charge of $0., customers of Business Success service will receive a per-minute rate of $0.1287 (I) and a per-call surcharge of $0.00 for all Business Success Service direct dial calling card calls. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ofiJ:e Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: July 16, 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edwin Reese, Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW., Suite 400w Washington , DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC. Idaho Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 20.10 Cancels 1st Revised Page 20.10 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.8 Advanced Call Service Advanced Call Service is a Switched Outbound Dial 1,and Switched Inbound Toll Free 800 service with a Switched Outbound Calling Card service available to customers with single or multiple locations on a month-to month basis.No monthly minimum and no monthly recurring charges will apply to this service,Usage sensitive charges will apply 24 hours a day,7 days a week.All Dial 1 and Toll Free calls are measured in 60 second initial increments and 60 second additional increments.All Calling Card calls are measured in 18 second initial increments and 6 second additional increments. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http:!/consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreemenUres_domesticservices.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $500.(N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges: Outbound (Dial 1):$0139 Billing Period:60 seconds,initial 60 seconds,additional Inbound (Toll Free 800):$0139 Outbound (Calling Card):$07500/minute Billing Period:18 seconds,initial 6 seconds,additional Directory Assistance:$0.85!per call Idaho Puhc Utihtes Gonvnisso Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Issued:August 30,2013 Effective:September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL , INC,Idaho Tariff No, 1 151 Revised Page 21 Cancels Original Page 21 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES General Except where noted, conversation minutes, reflecting usage sensitive charges resulting from use of Service, are billed in increments of six (6) seconds. Following the initial period (minimum billing period), as defined in Section 4., all charges are rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment for billing purposes. 1 .1 .1 Business Benefit Service Billing Increments: Business Benefit Switched Outbound Access Service is billed in six (6) second increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment with an eighteen (18) second per call minimum, Business Benefit Switched Inbound Access Service is billed in six (6) second increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment with an eighteen (18) second per call minimum; All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. There are no installation charges or monthly recurring charges for these services, other than the pass-through installation charges and/or monthly recurring charges associated with the use of dedicated Access Lines provided by an underlying carrier, Initial Periods Unless otherwise noted, the initial period for all services is six (6) seconds. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F\LIN MAR 2 9 1999 Baise. \da\1G Issued: March 19, 1999 Effective: March 29 , 1999 Randee Klindworth, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 91h Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 UL UC U I1..’UUUU Ufl e t td JACCEPTEDORLUNG TTI NATIONAL,INC Idaho Tariff No 1 SLP 1 2013 3rd Revised Page 22 __________________________________________ jpise._j Cancels 2nd Revised Page 22 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4 3 Basic Service Rates 4 3 1 Dial Access Business Service Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http’//consumer mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges ($Per Increment of Seconds) Day Day Non-Day Non-Day First 6 Add I 6 First 6 Addl 6 0.0891 00297 00714 00238 4 3 2 Dial Access Business Service Plus Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http’//consumer.mci com/mci_service_agreemenresdomesticservices Isp, except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0 4377 4 3.3 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific -WilTel Service A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http I/consumer mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services jsp,I I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute Peak $04081 Off Peak $0 4081 4 3.4 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific -WilTel Service B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http’//consumer mci com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic,,,services jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute Peak’$0 3505 Off Peak $0 3505 4.3 5 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific -WilTel Service C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http I/consumer.mci.com/mci,service_agreement/res_domestic_services jsp,I I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute Peak $0 4252 Off Peak $0 4252 Issued August 30,2013 Effective September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 Idaho Public Iltihtics Cornms n Office of the SecrehryTTINATIONAL,INC.ACCEPTED FOR LNC Idaho Tariff No 1 SEP 1 u 3rd Revised Page 23 _____________________________________________ Cancels 2nd Revised Page 23 cSECTION4-RATES AND HARàES (Continued) 4 3 Basic Service Rates 4 3 6 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific -IXC Service A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementires_domesticservices jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0 3079 (I) 4 3 7 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific -IXC Service B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http://consumer mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0 2645 (I) 4 3 8 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific -IXC Service C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http f/consumer mci com/mci_service_agreemenUres_domesticservices jsp, except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0 3208 4 3 9 Dedicated Access Business Service Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http.//consumer mci com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services jsp,I I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0 1410 4 3 10 Dedicated Access Business Service Carrier Specific -WilTel Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http I/consumer mci.com/mci_service_agreemenUresdomestic_services jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rates Per Minute Peak $0 1976 Off Peak.$0 1780 Issued August 30,2013 Effective September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 Idaho Pubhc UUhties Cornia TTI NATIONAL,INC OftVo of fh euera Idaho Tariff No 1 ACCEPFLL F )i L1NG 3rd Revised Page 24 ______________________________—______________ LOJ Cancels 2nd Revised Page 24 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARES (Continued) 4 3 Basic Service Rates 4 3 11 Dial Access 800 Service Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(l) http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_servicesjsp,except that customers I I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0 3025 Non-Usage Sensitive Charges Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 43 12 Dial Access 800 Business Service Carrier Specific -IXC Service A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(I) http I/consumer mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services jsp,except that customers I I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0 3194 Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 4 3 13 Dial Access 800 Business Service Carrier Specific -IXC Service B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge as specified in (N)(l) http I/consumer mci com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services jsp,except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0 2810 Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 4 3 14 Dial Access 800 Business Service Carrier Specific -WiITeI A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(I) http//consumer mci com/mciservice_agreemenUres_domestic_services jsp,except that customers I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak $04081 Off Peak $0 4081 Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 4 3 15 Dial Access 800 Business Service Carrier Specific -WilTel B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(I) http I/consumer mci com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services ISP except that customers I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute Peak $0 3505 Off Peak $0 3505 Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 Issued August 30,2013 Effective September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 Office oft e ACCEPTED FCF FIUNC TTI NATIONAL,INC Idaho Tariff No 1SLP16thRevisedPage25 Cancels 5th Revised Page 25 Boise,Idaho SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4 3 Basic Service Rates 4 2 16 Dial Access 800 Business Service Carrier Specific -WilTel C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute Peak $0 4252 Off Peak $0 4252 Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 4 3 17 Dedicated Access 800 Service Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http//consumer mci com/mci_service_agreement!res_domestic_services jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0 1410 Non-Usage Sensitive Charges: Per 800 Number Per Month $200 4 3.18 Dedicated Access 800 Carrier Specific Service -WilTel Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in http I/consumer mci com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services jsp except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak.$01976 Off Peak $0 1780 Per 800 Number Per Month $2 00 4.3 19 Travel Card Service Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http I/consumer.mci,com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp,I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5 00 (N)(I) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments) Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0 7500 Non-Usage Sensitive Charges Per Call Charge $0 40 Issued August 30,2013 Effective September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 6th Revised Page 26 Cancels 5th Revised Page 26 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.3 Basic Service Rates (Continued) 4.3.20 Travel Card Service Carrier Specific -TTI Service A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(I) http://consumer.mci .com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers I I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(I) Usage sensitive charge per call:$07500 Measured in 6 Second Increments Per Call Charge $.40 4.2.2 1 Travel Card Service Carrier Specific -TTI Service B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(l) http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers I I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(I) Usage sensitive charge per call:$07500 Measured in 6 Second Increments Per Call Charge $.40 4.3.22 Travel Card Service Carrier Specific -TTI Service C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(I) http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers I I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(I) Usage sensitive charge per Call:$07500 Measured in 6 Second Increments Per Call Charge $.40 4.3.23 Combined Business Calling Plan Service Options:Customers subscribed to these options must pay a monthly minimum usage charge.as (N)(I) specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that I I customers who are subscribed to these options and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.I (N)(l) Option A Base Rates Switched Dedicated Outbound .2028 .1141 Inbound (800).2028 .1141 Option B -Base Rates Switched Dedicated Idaho Public l!tiesCrssc. Outbound 2231 1256 r9 ‘ Inbound (800).2231 .1256 rtE_?r)e Travel Card Option A $7500/mm Option B $7500/mm Boise,Idaho Option C $7500/mm Issued:August 30,2013 Effective:September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 6th Revised Page 26.1 Cancels 5th Revised Page 26.1 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4,3 Basic Service Rates (Continued) 43.24 Business Benefit Service Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(I) Rate Per Minute Switched Outbound and Inbound $03380 Intralata $03380 4324.1 Business Benefit Service Term Plan Customers will receive the following per minute rates based upon term commitment: Month-to-Month $02704 1 and 2 Year $02620 Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan The Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan is a term plan,in lieu of all other tariffed term plans.This plan is only available to customer subscribing to Business Benefit Service who can demonstrate to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction that 100 percent of the customer’s usage which is calculated in satisfaction of the customer’s monthly volume commitment under this Term Plan is usage carried by an interexchange telecommunications carrier other than TTI National prior to the customer’s enrollment in this Term Plan.Customers who subscribe to service via the Business Benefit Term Plan are subject to the following conditions: Definition of Terms:For purposes of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan,the following definitions apply. Qualifying Volume is the customer’s total usage of the following. after the application of promotional and other discounts: domestic and international inbound;outbound;Card.Charges for the following are not included as Qualifying Volume and are not calculated in satisfaction of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan volume commitment:Directory Assistance usage and surcharges:recurring and non-recurring charges;Operator Assisted usage and surcharges;monthly recurring and non-recurring charges;and taxes. Issued:August 30,2013 Uffce S’ot:’,’ Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator ACCEP’iE[’)FCR FHLI G 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No, 1 Original Page 26. Basic Service Rates (Continued) SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 24 Business Benefit Service (Cont.) 24. 24. Business Benefit Month to Month On Iv Term Plan (Cont. 24. 24.2.4 Term Commitment and Renewal Options: A customer must commit to service for a term of either month-to-month, one or two years. The term of service will commence with the provisioning of service following the execution of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan agreement. A plan will automatically renew for an equivalent term and volume commitment upon expiration of its term, unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan, which must be received by no more than 30 days after expiration of the existing term. If the customer cancels the existing term plan within 30 days after expiration of the existing term, the customer will receive the discounts for which the customer qualifies during the 30-day period following the expiration of the existing term of service. Volume Commitment: A customer must meet a monthly minimum usage requirement of $25.00 excluding taxes, fees, monthly recurring and non-recurring usage charges. Underutilization Charges: The following charges will apply. Beginning in the month following execution of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan, if at the end of any monthly period of the term of service, a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment, the customer must pay the difference between the customer s actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the customer monthly volume commitment. (All material on this page is new) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 2 2000 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 2, 2000 Effective: March 12, 2000 Randee Klindworth, Tariff Specialist 707 17Th Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 4th Revised Page 26,3 ______________________________________________ Cancels 3rd Revised Page 26.3 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.3 Basic Service Rates (Continued) 4.3.24 Business Benefit Service (Cont.) Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan (Cont.) Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability: Discontinuance of all services furnished under the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge as follows: Customers subscribing under an annual volume commitment will be required to pay a charge in an amount equal to (i)the Under-utilization Charge for the monthly period of termination and,(ii)the customers monthly volume commitment for each month remaining in the annual period of termination. Rates:Customers will receive the following per minute rates based upon term commitment: Month-to-Month $02080 4.3.25 Wholesale Affinity Program Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(I) The Wholesale Affinity Program is a benefit package which allows individual users who are members of participating business entities to take advantage of the per minute usage rates below.Calls will be billed in six-second increments and rounded to the next higher six-second increment with an eighteen-second per call minimum.All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.Customers who select direct billing via credit card will receive the Calling Card Service rate,all other customers will receive the Standard rate.Calling Card calls will be billed in six-second increments and rounded to the next higher six-second increment with a sixty-second per call minimum. Idafo Pubhc LrtIIt cou’nisshm Office of the Secr.atary Outbound and Inbound Switched Voice Service $0 2028 ACCLPTLJ rc Fl)N0 Calling Card Service $01450 Standard Calling Card Service $07500 Boise,Idaho Issued:August 30,2013 Effective:September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No,1 4th Revised Page 26.4 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 26.4 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.3 Basic Service Rates (Continued) 4,3.26 Affinity Programs Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(l) http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp:except that customers I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be I charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(l) The Company offers discounts ranging from 1%to 25%off its Combined Calling Plan Service or reduced per unit rates to members of entities which agree to sponsor or otherwise promote the Company and its service offerings.The actual discount level(s)or rate(s)per unit will vary depending on total number of members and/or total combined membership billings. Affinity Programs Option A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(l) specified in I I http://consumer.mci .com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except I I that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company (N)(l) for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Under this plan members of Affinity Program Option A are Customers who subscribe to service through a Sponsor,which is not a Customer under this Option. Rates:Switched outbound and switched inbound call charges are subject to an 18-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments.If the computed charges for a call include a fraction of a cent,the fraction will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. The following per-minute usage charges will apply: Call Type Per-Minute Rate Switched Outbound $02028 Switched Inbound $02028 4.3.27 TTI/ICG Service Plan II TTI/ICG Service Plan II offers service for outbound,inbound (toll free)and calling card service for single or multi-location Customers formerly subscribed to service provided by ICG Inc.prior to October 1,2000.A Payphone Use Charge and Directory Assistance per-call charge will apply to this service in lieu of standard Catalog Scheduled charges in this Catalog Schedule for those services. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in (N)(l) http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers I who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(l) Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 second increments): Dial 1 Rate Per Minute Idaho Pubi c U (Measured in 6 second initial and 6 second additional increments)0fffte Intralata and Interlata Dial-i:$02535 ACCEPI t--..,., Calling Card:.,.- (Measured in 30-second initial and 6-second additional increments)SE1 I Rate Per Minute (All rate periods):$07500 tose kiahPerCallCharge:$0.00 , Payphone Use Charge:$0.30 Directory Assistance:$0.50 . Issued:August 30,2013 Effective:September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 26.5 Cancels 1st Revised Page 26.5 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.3 Basic Service Rates (Continued) 43.28 Agency Program No.1 1+,Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service:Customers will be charged the following per minute rates for 1÷,dedicated outbound,and inbound intraLATA/intrastate calls. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as (N)(I) specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;I except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the I Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(l) Switched Inbound/Outbound I nterLATA I ntraLATA Month-to-Month:$2704 $2704 1-Year:$2535 $2535 Dedicated Inbound/Outbound 1-Year:$1453 Calling Card:Customers will be charged $07500 (I)per minute for calling card calls,No per call surcharge will apply. Idaho Puhhc iThlltes CGmrnisson Office of the t.ecretary ACCEPTED FOR FI’LI•NG Issued:August 30,2013 Effective:September 15,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 26.6 Cancels 1st Revised Page 26.6 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.3 Basic Service Rates (Continued) 4.3.29 New Business Benefit Service Customers will be charged the following per minute usage charges for New Business Benefit Service Switched Outbound and Switched Inbound Service. Options:Customers subscribed to these options must pay a monthly minimum (N)(I) usage charge,as specified in I http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic services.jsp;except that I customers who are subscribed to these options and who have selected the Company for I intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00.(N)(I) Option 1:Available to all customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Switched Access on a month-to-month basis. InterLATA:$2620 IntraLATA:$2620 Option 2:Available to eligible members of a qualified services affinity group subscribing via Switched Access on a month-to-month basis. InterLATA’IntraLATA:$.1859 Option 3:Available to eligible members of a qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group subscribing via Switched Access on a month-to-month basis. InterLATA:$2620 IntraLATA:$2620 Option 3a:Available to eligible members of a qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group on a month-to-month basis. IntraLATA/InterLATA:$0.1 859 Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged an additional $3.00 monthly recurring charge. Option 4:Available to all customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Dedicated Access who commit to a 1 or 2 year term and a monthly volume usage commitment of $1,000. InterLATA/IntraLATA:$.1453 Option 5:Available to new and existing residential and business customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Switched Access on a month to month basis that agree to meet a $25.00 minimum monthly usage agreement. InterLATNlntraLATA:$0828 Calling Card Service The following per-minute rate will apply to card usage:$07500 Issued:August 30,2013 tçj,t013 UffcE Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 TTI NATIONAL,INC.Idaho Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 26.7 Cancels 1st Revised Page 26.7 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.3 Basic Service Rates (Continuedi 4.3.30 Business Success Service Business Success Service provides outbound and toll free switched and dedicated service and calling card service to single or multi-location Customers. 30.1 Monthly Minimum Charoes Business Success Service Switched Outbound and Inbound,and Outbound Calling Card Service: A $25.00 per-account per-month minimum charge will apply if a customers usage charges under this plan are less than $25.00 per account per month.This per-account charge will be applied against the customer’s Business Success Service usage in the month it is charged. Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service for Switched Outbound and Toll Free Service:No minimum charge will apply to this service. 30.2 Rates and Charoes Usage Sensitive Charges: 30.2.1 Business Success Service Switched and Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service: Dial-I and Toll Free Service: Measured in 18-second initial and 6-second additional increments. Switched:$0.2183 Dedicated:$0.0788 30.2.2 Business Success Service Calling Card Service: Customers may elect either Business Success Calling Card Option I or Business Success Calling Card Option 2 as described below.All Calling Card calls are measured in 18-second initial and 6-second additional increments. Business Success Calling Card Option 1:Customers of Business Success Calling Card Option I will receive a per-minute rate of $07500 (I)and a per- call surcharge of $0.00 for all Business Success Service Direct Dial Calling Card Calls. Business Success Calling Card Option 2:For a monthly recurring charge of $0.99,customers of Business Success service will receive a per-minute rate of $07500 (I)and a per-call surcharge of $0.00 for all Business Success Service direct dial calling card calls. 4.3.31 UI Service Default Product: This product applies to existing customers of UI service who cancel their UI account or service, but who nevertheless continue to complete calls over the Company’s network by dialing I +or 1010555 before the phone number.Customers who had subscribed to service under this Tariff Schedule]and canceled their account will be charged a per-minute rate of $1.27 for such calls beginning on the date the Company first received the service cancellation request.No per-call surcharge shall apply.For Directory Assistance calls,a per-call charge of $1.99 will apply. Issued:February 18,2013 Effective:March 1,2013 Edwin Reese,Tariff Administrator dhn Pibic Utites Commssioo 1300 I Street NW Suite 400w Washington DC 20005 ACC G TTI NATIONAL, INC,Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page 27 Cancels 5TH Revised Page 27 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES (Continued)Idaho ~blic Utilities Commission ACC ' Ice of tire Secretary PTED FOR FlUNG SEP 9 I 2002 4.4 Other Service Charges Account Codes4.4. 4.4, 4.4, 4.4.4 Monthly Charge for Non-Verified Account Codes:None Boise, Idaho Monthly Charge for Verified Account Codes:$1 0, Re-establishment of Service Non-Recurring Charge for Re-establishment of Service:$ 20. Returned Check Returned Check Charge (Per Check):$ 20. Directorv Assistance:A customer may obtain Directory Assistance in determining telephone numbers by calling the Directory Assistance operator, One number may be requested per each directory assistance call. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call , regardless of whether or not the Directory Assistance operator is able to furnish the requested telephone number, (N) (N) Charge Per Directory Assistance Call:$ 1, 4.4.4,1 Business Benefit Service $1, Employee Concessions No employee concessions are offered under this tariff, Special Promotions Carrier ma)(, from ti~e to time, waive or vary the rates and charges associated with certain services for promotional , market research, or other similar purposes. In no' case, "'sl1~rthe resulting rates and charges exceed the rates and charges listed in this tariff for the same services. Business Benefit Term Plan Promotion Beginning October 22 , 1999 and ending October 31, 1999, TTI National , Inc., will offer the following promotion to new customers of Business Benefit service. Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion , customers must demonstrate to the Company s reasonable satisfaction that 100 percent of the customer usage which is calculated in satisfaction of the customer s monthly volume commitment under the Business Benefits Term Plan to which the customer subscribes under this promotion must be usage carried by an interexchange telecommunications carrier other than TTI National Inc., prior to the customer s enrollment in this promotion. Term of Service Commitment: Customers who enroll in this promotion must subscribe to a Month to Month Effective March 22, 2001 this feature is no longer available to new subscribers. Effective: September 9 , 2002Issued: August 30, 2002 Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 TTI NATIONAL, INC.Idaho Tariff No. Original Page 27. SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Soecial Promotions Business Benefit Promotion Beginning March 12, 2000 and ending June 12, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to be available for new customers of Business Benefit Service. In order to be eligible for this promotion , customers must enroll in the Business Benefit Term Plan. Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive the Business Benefit Term Plan month-to-month rate for calling card calls. Customers using the calling cards are subject to a $.35 per call surcharge, for domestic Business Benefit Switched Calling Card Service usage. All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 22000 Boise. Idaho Issued: March 2, 2000 Effective: March 12 , 2000 Randee Klindworth, Tariff Specialist 707 17Th Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202