HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141105Notice of Relinquishment.pdfLryi ?BYi"#:?lI ?lif 3tl?,on o*,* Portland, OR 97201-5630 ,t p e r: i'' i i"-. i',I i , .. !., L- ; ,", !"'. _ , Mark p. Trinchero 503.778.5318 tel tr0ltiHov *S dH g: 37 503'778'52eerax marktrinchero@dwt. com l.j. lr-;, -, .i -j i ll. i'i-r : li iili,t;.t l;ib--lLi;i November 4,2014 \rIA EMAIL - jean.jewell@puc.idaho.gov and UPS OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 472West Washington Boise, ID 83702-0074 Re: T-Mobile West LLC - Notice of Relinquishment- Docket No. TMW-T-10-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: On behalf of T-Mobile West LLC, enclosed for filing are an original and seven copies of T-Mobile West LLC'S Notice of Relinquishment of its Eligible Telecommunication Carrier Designation pursuant to 47 U.S.C. $21a(e)(a). Very truly yours, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Mark P. Trinchero MPT/jan Enclosure cc: Service List DWT 25268238v I 0048 I 72-000324 I Anchorage I NewYork I Seattle I B"ttu*. I porttana I Shanst'ai I LosAngels I SanFranci*o I Washington,D.C. *www.dwt.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION i?, I T L: i.'":- iI 2ilil{ l{0'/ -5 fiH g: 3B In the Matrer of the Application of ) ,, t,1.i1l1l,.t'ti;,,;,;ri'jl,l.,., ) T-MOBILE WEST CORP. ) Docket No. TMW-T-10-01 ) For Designation as an Eligible ) Telecommunications Carrier ) ) T.MOBILE WEST LLC'S NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT OF ITS ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATION CARRIER DESIGNATION PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. $214(e)(a) Dated: November 4,2014 DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP Mark P. Trinchero 2400 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400 Portland, Oregon 97201 Tel. (s03) 778-s318 Fax. (503) 778-5299 Email : marktrinchero@dwt.com T-MOBILE USA, INC. Teri Y. Ohta Principal Corporate Counsel, State Regulatory Affairs 12920 SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 Tel. (425) 383-ss32 Email : Teri. Ohta@t-mobile.com DWT 2505 1 7 I 0v3 00481 7 2-000324 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) ) T-MOBILE WEST CORP. ) Docket No. TMW-T-10-01 ) For Designation as an Eligible ) Telecommunications Carrier ) ) T.MOBILE WEST LLC'S NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT OF ITS ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATION CARRIER DESIGNATION PURSUANT To 47 U.S.C. $21a(e)(a) Pursuant to 47 U.S. C. $21a(e)(4),47 C.F.R. $ 5a.205(a), T-Mobile West LLC (hereinafter, "T-Mobile" or the "Company") hereby submits this notice of relinquishment of its eligible telecommunications carrier ("ETC") designation in the State of ldaho, effective as of December 31,2014. As explained herein, this relinquishment of T-Mobile's ETC designation meets all applicable requirements and should be expeditiously granted. L COMMUNICATIONS REGARDING THIS NOTICE All pleading, correspondence and communications regarding this Notice should be addressed as follows: DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP T-MOBILE USA, INC. Mark P. Trinchero Teri Y. Ohta 2400 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400 Principal Corporate Counsel, State Regulatory Portland, Oregon 97201 Affairs Tel. (503) 778-5318 12920 SE 38th Street Fax. (503) 778-5299 Bellevue, WA 98006 Email: marktrinchero@dwt.com Tel. (425) 383-5532 Email : Teri. Ohta@t-mobile.com II. BACKGROUND On August 9,2011, the Commission designated T-Mobile as an ETC for purposes of receiving federal high cost and low income (or Lifeline) universal service support in the wire Page I - T-MOBILE NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT DwT 2505 I 7 I 0v3 0048 I 72-000324 centers listed in Exhibit A ("the ETC Service Area").r Subsequent to being designated an ETC in Idaho, T-Mobile has filed annually with the Commission ETC Certification Reports, pursuant to Order Nos. 29841 and32319, and the Commission has certified T-Mobile to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") each year to date. III. T.MOBILE'S REQUEST FOR RELINQUISHMENT OF ITS ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER DESIGNATION As an ETC eligible to receive both federal high cost and low income (or Lifeline) universal service support in Idaho, T-Mobile has utilized high cost universal service support to improve its network and make Lifeline discounted services available to eligible consumers. T- Mobile now wishes to relinquish its ETC designation in Idaho, effective December 31,2014. While T-Mobile will no longer receive high cost universal service support, or reimbursement for Lifeline discounts after the effective date of its relinquishment, it will continue to provide wireless service in Idaho as a non-ETC, meaning that existing and future subscribers can continue to receive wireless service from T-Mobile. A. T-Mobile's Relinquishment of ETC Designation Complies With Federal Law The Commission o'shall permit an eligible telecommunications carrier to relinquish its designation as such a carrier in any area served by more than one eligible telecommunications carrier:" 47 U.S.C. section 21aG)@) states in relevant part: (4) Relinquishment of universal service A State commission (or the Commission in the case of a corlmon carrier designated under paragraph (6)) shall permit an eligible telecommunications carrier to relinquish its designation as such a carrier in any area served by more than one eligible telecommunications carrier. An eligible telecommunications I In the Matter of the Application of T-Mobile West Corp. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, DocketNo.TMW-T-10-0l,OrderNo.323l9(hereinafter"the DesignationOrder"). InOrderNo.3258l, the Commission amended T-Mobile's ETC designation effective June 25, 2012,to reflect the change in its business name from T-Mobile West Corporation to T-Mobile West LLC. Page2 - T-MOBILE NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT DWT 2505 I 7 I 0v3 0048172-000324 \'' carrier that seeks to relinquish its eligible telecommunications carrier designation for an area served by more than one eligible telecommunications carrier shall give advance notice to the State commission (or the Commission in the case of a common carrier designated under paragraph (6)) of such relinquishment. Prior to permitting a telecommunications carrier designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier to cease providing universal service in an area served by more than one eligible telecommunications carrier, the State commission (or the Commission in the case of a common carrier designated under paragraph (6)) shall require the remaining eligible telecommunications carrier or carriers to ensure that all customers served by the relinquishing carrier will continue to be served, and shall require sufficient notice to permit the purchase or construction of adequate facilities by any remaining eligible telecommunications carrier. The State commission (or the Commission in the case of a common carrier designated under paragraph (6)) shall establish a time, not to exceed one year after the State commission (or the Commission in the case of a common carrier designated under paragraph (6)) approves such relinquishment under this paragraph, within which such purchase or construction shall be completed. In summary, the statutory requirements for relinquishing ETC designation are: (l) there must be more than one ETC serving in the area of the ETC seeking relinquishment; (2) the ETC seeking relinquishment must provide advance notice to the relevant state commission; (3) the customers served by the relinquishing ETC must continue to be served by an ETC; and (a) to the extent that additional facilities are required to serve any of the relinquishing ETC's customers, sufficient notice shall be provided to ensure that the construction or purchase can be timely completed. The relevant FCC rule essentially reiterates the same requirements.2 T-Mobile's application for relinquishment of its ETC designation in Idaho complies with federal law and must be granted because: (1) there is currently more than one ETC serving the ETC Service Area; (2) T-Mobile is providing advance notice to the Commission of such relinquishment; (3) T-Mobile will continue providing service to its customers, and additionally, '47 c.r.R. g 5a.205(a). Page 3 - T-MOBILE NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT DWT 2505 I 7 I 0v3 00481 7 2-000324 the remaining high cost ETCs in the market should are able to serve the universal service needs of consumers within their respective designated service areas that cover the ETC Service Area; and (4) no additional facilities will need to be purchased or constructed by the remaining ETCs. 1. There Is More Than One ETC Currently Serving the ETC Service Area T-Mobile's ETC Service Area is currently served by more than one ETC.3 Because at least one other ETC (in addition to T-Mobile) serves in T-Mobile's ETC Service Area, applicable federal law requires the Commission to permit T-Mobile to relinquish its ETC designation. 2. T-Mobile Is Providing Advance Notice to the Commission Consistent with47 U.S.C. $21a(e)(a) and47 C.F.R. $ 5a.205(a), T-Mobile is filing this notice over one and a half months in advance of the requested effective date of relinquishment of its ETC designation. This advance notice satisfies the requirement to provide advance notice to the Commission of T-Mobile's intent to relinquish its ETC designation. 3. Both T-Mobile and the Remaining ETCs Will Serve Consumers T-Mobile will continue to serve customers throughout the ETC Service Area, providing unintemrpted service upon the effective date of its relinquishment of its ETC designation. To the best of T-Mobile's knowledge, the ILEC ETCs and CETCs in the ETC Service Area will also continue to serve customers in the ETC Service Area. Thus, all customers within T-Mobile's ETC Service Area will continue to be served by an ETC, consistent with 47 U.S.C. $ 21a(e). T-Mobile has approximately 70 Lifeline customers in Idaho. Following relinquishment of its ETC designation, effective December 31,2014, T-Mobile will provide notice to the former 3 See Exhibit A. T-Mobile's ETC service area includes wire centers served by incumbent local exchange carriers ("ILECs"), all of which are ETCs. In addition, a number of the wire centers in T-Mobile's ETC Service Area are also within the ETC service areas of other wireless competitive ETCs ("CETCs"). Page 4 - T-MOBILE NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT DWT 2505 I 7 I 0v3 00481 72-000324 T-Mobile Lifeline customers that it no longer participates in the Lifeline program. The notice will inform these customers that they will receive courtesy credits in the amount of their Lifeline discount for 45 days. After that period of time, these customers may select an alternative calling plan from T-Mobile or they may obtain discounted Lifeline service from another providerl If a former T-Mobile Lifeline customer decides to obtain service from another provider, T-Mobile will not impose an early termination fee on such customer. 4. No Additional Facilities Will Need to Be Purchased or Constructed by the Remaining Eligible Telecommunications Carriers To the best of T-Mobile's knowledge, none of the remaining ETCs will be required to purchase or construct additional facilities to continue to serve consumers within the ETC Service Area. Because the remaining ETCs currently serve the entire area in which T-Mobile is designated as an ETC in Idaho, the Commission need not provide notice to these carriers to permit them to purchase or construct facilities to ensure that T-Mobile's customers will continue to receive service. Through this notice, T-Mobile has complied with all requirements of 47 U.S.C. g2la(eXa) and 47 C.F.R. $ 54.205. There is no barrier to prevent T-Mobile from relinquishing its ETC designation in Idaho. Therefore, the Commission should accept T-Mobile's notice of relinquishment. Page 5 - T-MOBILE NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT DwT 2505 I 7 I 0v3 00481 72-000324 IV. CONCLUSION Consistent with all applicable requirements, T-Mobile respectfully requests the Commission expeditiously accept T-Mobile's notice of relinquishment of its ETC designation in Idaho effective December 31,2014. T-Mobile has demonstrated that it meets the requirements for relinquishment of its ETC designation. Dated this 4th day of November, 2014. Respectfully submitted, T-Mobile West LLC DAVIS WRIGHT TREMATNE LLP 1300 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300 Portland, Oregon 97201 Telephone: 503-778-53 I 8 T-MOBILE USA, INC. Teri Y. Ohta Principal Corporate Counsel, State Regulatory Affairs 12920 SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 Tel. (425) 383-5532 Email : Teri.Ohta@t-mobile.com Page 6 - T-MOBILE NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT DWT 2505 1 7 I 0v3 0048172-000324 AttachmenE A T-Mobile !daho ETC Service Area felco ComDanv Name Wrecentet ALEION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS ATBNIDXC ALMOIDXC ARCOTDXC ETBAIDXC HLBKIDXC HOWETDXC MALTIDXC MCKYIDXC MLCYIDXC MOORTDXC RFRVIDXC :ENTURY.GEM STATE-lD BRUNIDXC GRVWIDXC RCFDIDXC :ENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC.LEDRIDXC NFRKIDXC SLMNIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OT IDAHO HMDI-IDXC ,.. HRBNIDXC MCCLTDXC MRNGIDXC NWMDIDXC PARMIOXC RGNSIDXC SPFDIDXC swETtDxc wHERtDXX WLDRIDXC TARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO, FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO, FRLDIDXX NUARIDXC FILRIDAA HLSTIDXC :REMONTTELCOM CO STATDMA VIUD TAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOICATION, INC,DUBSTOXC HAMRIDXC KLGRIDXC MNVWIDXC TRTNIDXC JLTTIDXA KNDRID)'C( TELEPHONE CO., INC, Page I of 4 MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOP. ASSOCIATION, I NC,MNDKIDXC NRLDIDXC OKLYIDXC PAULIDXC RPRTIDXC T-Moblle ldaho ETC Service Area AMFLIDMA BLTTIOMA BLSSIOMA BOISIDMA BOtSIDNW BOtStDSW BOISIDWE BRLYIDMA BUHLIOMA CTWLIOMA CSFRIDMA DECLIDMA DWNYIDMA DYTNIDMA EAGLIDNM EDHZIDMA EMMTIDMA FKLNIDMA FRTHIDMA GDNGIDMA GLFYIDMA HALYIDMA HGMNIDMA IDFLIDMA INKMIDMA JERMIDNM KMERIDMA KTCHIDMA KUNAIDMA THSPIDMA LSMNIDMA MCCMIDMA MOTNIDMA MELBIDMA MRDNIOMA MRIGIDMA MTHOIOMA MTHOIDSO NMPAIDMA NPMOIDMA PCTLIOMA PCTLIDNO Page 2 of 4 T-Mobile ldaho ETC Service Area PSTNIDMA PYTflDMA RBRTIDMA RGBYIDMA RIRIIDMA RVSDIDMA RXBGIDMA SHLYIDMA SHSHIDMA sTARIDNM TWFLIDMA WESRIDMA WNDTIDMA I.APWDOl LSTNIDSH DRGSIDMA IRWNIDXC WAYNIDXC BWWToXX CBALIDXX GENSIDXX HYLKIDXX MSCWTDXX PSFLIDXX RTHDIOXX .SNPNIDXX Page 3 of 4 Spokane ETC and Licensed Areas Telco Provider ILEC Wlrecenters I ALatoH relepHoNE co. DBAATc coMMUNrcATroNSI cENTURY-eEMsrATE-rDI ceruruRweloF rDAHo,rNc. l.-; ctrzeHsreLEcoM IDAHo-FRoNTTER coMM oF toAHoI FARMERS MUTUALTELEPHoNE co.T FILERMUTUALTELEPHoNEco.I FREMoNTTELcoMcoI uuo urE lELEpHoNE coopERATIvEAssorcATroN, rNc,I PorLATcHTELEPHoNEco.,tNc.I PRoJEcTMUTUALTELEPHoNEcooP.ASSocIATIoN, INc.D owesrcoRploI srtvenstenr:l-roI veazoru NwEsrlD LicensGd Aroa iF..Mobile. Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on November 4,20I4,I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document upon: Telephone: 503-778-5263 Facsimile: 503-778-5299 Email: janbrooker@dwt.com Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 j ean j ewell@puc.idaho. gov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax UPS Email U U U lxl Ix] Cynthia A. Melillo, Esq. cam@camlawidaho.com Hand Delivered U U.S. Mail UFax UUPS UEmail lxl Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP PO Box 2564-83701 Boise,ID 83702 j oe@mcdevitt-miller. com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax UPS Email U U U U [x] $)'F-( N\\all\ r \ooker, Davis, Wright T Do Sw 5tn Ave Ste 24oo ne LLP DWT 17464956v1 00481 72-000324