HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190315Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:MATT HUNTBR DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: MARCH 15,2019 SUBJECT:APPLICATION OF TELIAX, INC. TOR REGISTRATION AS A R-ETAIL AND WHOLISALE LOCAL TELBCOMMUNICATIONS PROVIDER IN IDAHO; CASE NO. TLX-T-I8-01. On November 21,2018, Teliax, Inc. ("Teliax") filed an Application with the Commission, per Procedural Order No. 32277 and IDAPA 3 I .01 .0 I . I 14, for registration/certification as a retail and wholesale provider of tele communications service in Idaho. Application at 2. THE APPLICATION Teliax is a provider of telecommunications services incorporated in the State of Colorado and lists its principal place of business as Denver, CO. Id. at 2. Teliax proposes to offer wholesale and retail competitive telecommunications service, including local exchange and exchange access services, within the State of ldaho using its own facilities and services available from othcr facilities-based carriers. /d. While Tcliax is requesting statewide authority, it intends to initially provide service in areas where CenturyLink is the incumbent local exchange carrier. /d It intends to utilize its own srvitching facilities, as well as leased and resold transport facilities and services from other carriers.ld. Teliax provided its current profit and loss statements. /d., Ex. D. It also provided a copy of its switchcd access service tariff (an updated version was provided to the Commission on March I I , 2019) and a website link to its rates, terms, and conditions. /d., Ex. E. On March 8, 2018, Idaho's Secretary of Siate certified that Teliax is authorized to transact business in Idaho. Id.,Ex. A. While Teliax does not maintain a place of business in ldaho, it lists Corporation Service Company, I2550 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83713, as its registered agent in ldaho. Id. at2. DECISION MEMORANDUM I TO: Teliax provided additional information related it its primary contact for Idaho customer cornplaints and interconnection agreement(s). Id. Finally, Teliax stated that it will comply with all Idaho laws and Commission Rules and Regulations and acknowledges lhat if it obtains numbering resources in ldaho, it will be subject to numbering conservation, pooling, and utilization measures. Id. at 3. STAFtr' RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission process 'felioi, Inc.'s Application under Modified Procedure with a 2l-day comment period and 7-day reply period. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to process Teliax Inc.'s Application under Modified Procedure with a 21-day comment period and 7-day reply period? Matt l'lunter Deputy Attomey Oeneral I U^grnTEL[P, lONffLX.T.l l.0l\lLXll l0l_mb dffi 'lDECISION MEMORANDUM