HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110325ITA-CTC Motion In Limine.pdfCynthia A. Melilo (ISB No. 5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 -- E-Mail: camtagivenspursley.com ;5 Attorneys for Idaho Telecom Allance (! Molly O'Leary (ISB No. 4996)_ Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 0: 515 North 27th Street a P.O. Box 7218Boise, ID 83707 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 E-Mail: mollytarichardsonandoleary.com RECI2/l/&:O. . ~11. ~.,I! 11419 24 Pl1 4: 36 Attorneys for CTC Telecom, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF APPLICANT TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC. FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER CASE NO.: TFW-T-09-01 INTERVENORS' MOTION /N LlM/NETO EXCLUDE CERTAIN EVIDENCE FROM THE RECORD OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO COMPEL TRACFONEWIRELESS, INC. TO ANSWER INTERVENORS' SECOND JOINT PRODUCTION REQUEST The Idaho Telecom Allance ("ITA"), by and through its attorney of record, Givens Pursley LLP, and CTC Telecom, Inc., dba CTC Wireless, by and through its attorney of record, Richardson & O'Leary, PLlC (collectively, "Intervenors"), in accrdance with IDAPA, jointly file this MOTION IN LIMINE or, in the alternative, this MOTION TO COMPEL TracFone Wireless, Inc. to fully answer Intervenors' SECOND JOINT PRODUCTION JOINT MOTION IN LIMINE OR, ALTERNATIVELY, MOTION TO COMPEL OF THE IDAHO TELECOM ALLIANCE AND eTC TELECOM, INC., - 1 TFW-T -09-1 REQUEST. Pursuant to Rule 256 of this Commission's Rules of Proceure ("lPUCRP"), Intervenors hereby request expeditious relief from the Commission regarding the substance hereof. IDAPA PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND Intervenors served their SECOND-JOINT PRODUCTION REQUEST ("Second Joint Request") upon TracFone on March 9, 2011. That Production Request is attached hereto as Exhibit A. In essence, Intervenors requested that TracFone provide all communications that it or its agents have had with Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter and Idaho Representative Wendy Jacquet, and lor their agents, concerning the letters submitted to this Commission by Governor Otter and Representative Jacquet, respectively, that purport to be in support of the application that is the subject of this proceeding. TracFone timely filed an Objection to Intervenors' Second Joint Request on March 23, 2011. That Objecion is attached hereto for ease of the Commission's reference, as Exhibit B. In essence, TracFone objects to Intervenots Second Joint Request on the grounds that the information requested is not relevant to this Commission's determihation as to whether TracFone meets the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC") eligibilty criteria set forth in Appendix A to this Commission's Order No, 29841, in Case No. WST - T -05-01 ("Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order"). ARGUMENT The conduct of discovery in a proceing before this Commission is govern by the Idaho Rules of Civil Procdure. IDAPA The scope of discovery permissible under Rule 26 of the Idaho Rules of Civil Procure ("IRCP") is broad: "It is not ground for objecion that the information sought wil be inadmissible at the trial if the information sought JOINT MOTION IN LIMINE OR, ALTERNATIVELY, MOTION TO COMPEL OF THE IDAHO TELECOM ALLIANCE AND CTC TELECOM, INC., - 2 TFW- T -09-01 appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence." IRCP 26(b)(1). "Parties may obtain discovery regarding any matter which is relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action." Id. Thus, for TracFone to claim that the Intervenors' request for all communications with Governor Otter and Representative Jacquet regarding their respective letters of support for TracFone's application is not relevant, is tantamount to TracFone admitting that the letters themselves are not relevant to this Commission's determination. (Intervenors agree that political pressure should be irrelevant in any proceeding before this Commission.) In light of TracFone's position, Intervenors respectfully move this Commission to strike the letter of Governor Otter and the letter of Representative Jacquet from the record before it and to not consider either of those letters in its deliberations. In the alternative, the Intervenors move this Commission to compel TracFone to fully answer Intervenors' Secnd Joint Request no later than 5 p.m. MDT on Monday, March 28, 2011. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 24th day of March 2011. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP ~ A.¿J J!/J, cýñ iãelilo Attorneys for Idaho Telecm Allance RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLCt~ß~ l--Mo O'Leary ~ Attorneys for CTC Telem, Inc., dba CTC Wirele JOINT MOTION IN LIMINE OR, ALTERNATILY, MOTION TO COMPEL OF THE IDAO TELECOM ALLIANCE AND CTC TELECOM, INC., - 3TFW-T..1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE WE HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 24th day of March, 2011, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 jean.jewelltapuc.ldaho.gov Du.s. Mail D Overnight Mail i: Hand Delivery DFax D Electronic Mail Neil Price Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Neil.pricetapuc.ldaho.gov D U.S. Mail D Overnight Mail D Hand Delivery DFax i: Electronic Mail Mitchell F. Brecher Debra McGuire Mercer GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 2101 L Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20037 brechermtagtlaw.com mercerdmtagtlaw.com D U.S. Mail D Overnight Mail D Hand Delivery DFax i: Electronic Mail Dean J. Miler McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 joetamcdevitt-miller.com Du.s. Mail D Overnight Mail D Hand Delivery DFax i: Electronic Mail c~~~l1JJ JOINT MOTION IN LIMINE OR, ALTERNATIVELY, MOTION TO COMPEL OF THE IDAHO TELECOM ALLIANCE AND CTC TELECOM, INC., - 4 TFW-T -0-01 . , EXHIBIT A Cynia A. Meli (ISB No. 5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 Wes BannSlr P.O. Box 2720 Bo. ID 83701 Teleho: (20) 388-1200 Facil: (208) 381300 E-Mai: camaigivenspursley.com Att fo Idho Tel Alnc Moly O'le (188 No. 499) Ricarso & O'leary PllC 515 No 2-¡ St P.O. Bo 7218 Bois, ID 83707 Tel: (20) 938790 Facile: (20)93..790 E-MH: mollvfrichardsonandoleary.com Attfo eTC TeI, Inc. BEFOR THE IDAH PUBUC SERVE COI IN THE MATTER OF THE APPliCATION OF APIC TRCFONE WIRELESS, INC. FOR DESIGNTION AS AN ELIGIBLE TElECOMNICATf(NSCARIER CASE NO.: TFW..T-01 seCOND JOINT PROCT REQUEST OF THE IDA TELECOM ALNCE AND CTC TELEOM, INC., DBA CTC WIRELESS, TOTRCFONE WIRELESS, INC. Th Id Tel Alnc. by and thro it att of re. GiVPulL; and eTC Telco, Inc., dba CTC Wi(fo dba Sne Ri PC),. byand.th it at .of.re. Ri & ..Q'leø. PllC, jotl reue. th .Traon Wi. Inc \Traon").pr th fO.do an in as so .. po, bu no la th . tw (21) da.fr th da of se he, in ac wi IDA SE JØ PRTI ReST OF TH IDA TE AlE AN CTC TE IN., DB CTC 'MLESS, TO TRON WIRELSS, INC. - 1TFT-o1 This Production Request is to be considered continuing, and TracFone is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that wil augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations and the name, job title and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please identify the name, job title, location and telephone number of the record holder. Please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas actated. REQUEST NO. 51. Please provide copies of all communications (whether oral, writen or otherwise) with Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter and Representative Wendy Jaquet, andlor anyone in their respectve offices, that have not otherwise been published on the Commission's website. A request for the descrption of oral communicatins shall be deeed to include a request for the following information with respe to each of said oral comunicatis: 1. The date and place of such communication. 2. Whether said communication was in persn or by telephone. 3. A desiption of each person who participated in or heard of said communication. 4. The substance of what was said by each person who participated in said communication. 5. A chronologicl description of all documents or recordings summarizing, confirming or in any manner refernng to said communication. SECOND JOINT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO TELECOM ALLIANCE AND CTC TELECOM, INC., DBA eTC WIRELESS, TO TRCFONE WIRELESS, INC. - 2 TFW- T-01 DATED this. gt day of Marc 2011. GIVNS PURSLEY Ll ktL7'Attys fo Id Tel AI RICHARDSON & O'LEAY, PLlC ~aiii h At fo CTC Teleco, In,dba CTC Wl SE JO PRRE OF TH IDA TEECO.Al AN eTC TELE, IN., DB CTC WILESS, TO TRON WIRELESS. INC. - 3 TFT .-1 CERTIFICATE OF SERyiCE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 9lt day of Mar 2011, I case to be se a tr and coec co of the foreing by the me inic be, and addre tottfong: Je JeU Idah Public Utili Commissio 472 Wes Washingt Str Bo, ID 83702 iean.jewelltBpuc.ldaho.gov o U.S. Mal D Ovight MaD Han Deiv o Fax 18 Elic Mail Mitl F. Breer Dera Mcui Merc GREENBERG TRURIG, LlP 2101 L Str. NW, Sui 100 Was, DC 20037 brechermtBgtlaw.co mercerdmtBgtlaw.com 8U.S.MaOvmitMaIo Han De DFax~ El JMiI De J. Mill McEVTT & MilLER LLP 420 we BaI1 Strt. Bo, ID 83702 ioemcdevit-miller.com Du.s. Ma o Ovig Mai 8 Ha DeFax~. EIe Ma ~.arl. .~MeIHk SECO JO PRTI RE OF TH ID TEAI ANCTC TElE, IN., DB CTC WIREL, TO TRON WI INC. - 4TF T-o1 . . EXHIBITB FILE COPl Dea J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDEVI & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. BOX 2S6483701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7S00 Fax: 208-336-6912 j~cdevtt-miller.com RECEIVED 20r, MAR 23 PH 3: 28 f D li. r"iO . ~:; L! ;';,; UT1LfTU::S COPI~'ft1 Mitchell F. Brecer (Admtted Pro Hac Vice)Deb McGu Mer GREENERG TRURG, LLP 2101 L Str NW, Suite 1000 Wasgton, D.C. 20037 Tel: 202-331-3100 Fax: 202..331-3101 brhe~gt;aw.commer~gtlaw.com Attorneysfor TracFone Wireless, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTS COMMSSION IN TlMATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TRCFONE WILESS, INC. FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMCATIONS CARR. ) CASE NO. TFW-T-0..0t ) ) TRCFONE WILESS, INC.'S ) OBJCTONS TO SECOND ) JOIN PRODUCTON ) REQUEST OF THE.mAHO ) TELECOM.ALIACE AN ) CTC TELECOM, INC. DBA erc ) WILESS Put to IDAPA, TraFone Wireless, Inc. (''TraFone") files the following objecons to the Secnd Joint Prouction Request of th Idah Telecm Alliance and CTC Telecm, In. dba CTC Wirles. REQUEST NO. 51. Plase provide copie of aD eODlDlluucations (whether ora writtn or otherwse) with Goverior C.L. "Buteh" Oter and Represntatie WODdy Jaquet, amd/or anyone m their respecve offs, that have not otherwse ben publihed on the CODUssion's website. A request for the desripti of oral commuiucations shal be deeme to mclude a request for the followig mformtin wi repeel to each of said ora eommunieatloDs: 1. The date amdplaee of sueh eommuùatlon. 2. Whether said commwueation was m persn or by telephone. 3. A desriptlon of eaeh penon who partelpated m or hear of.ai eomm1lcation. 4. The substamee of what was said by each persn who parcipate m said eommlUatln. 5. A chronologal desription of aD documnts or reordip sulla, eODßrlor ùi aDY Dl8ler referrg to saieomm1UeatloD. Old..: TracFone objec to ths reuet to the extent that it seks inormation th is not relevant to th deertion of wheer TraFone meets the federal reuients of 47 U.S.C.§ 214(e)(1) and (2) for designtion as an ETC or the Idaho requients for designation as an ETC conta in the Appix to In th Ma of the ApRlicn. of WWC . HoldlgCo.. .ú. DBA ceilWar-Oieæl Se& Depation as an Eligible Teecmmuntins Caer Th Max ReeeFedUniveiSeice Syrt Orer No. 29841, Case No. WST-T-OS-l (Idah Pub. Utilities Com'n: Augut 4, 2005) (~ETC Checklist"). Resly submtted, DeaJ. 'ler(ISBNo.1968) McDEVITT & MILER. LLP 420 West Ban Str P.O. BOX 256483701 Boise, Ida 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208..336-6912 joecdevtt..miller.coM 2 Marh 23, 2011 Mitchell F. Breer Deb McGuire Mer GREENERG TRURG, LLP 2101 L Str NW, Suite 1000 Wasgton, D.C. 20037 Tel: 202-331-3100 Fax: 202-331-3101 brechen~gt;aw.coininer~gtaw.co Attorneys for TracFone Wireless, Inc. 3 ... CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEl , I hery cerfy tht on the 1J day of Marh, 201 1, I caed to be sered via the metodes) incated below, tre and corr coies of the foregoing docuent, upon: Jea Jewell, Sec Idao Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washigton Stree P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-()74 jjewellW2c.sta.id.us Neil Prce, Esq. Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 Wes Wasngtn Str P.O. Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-074 Neil.PricgUC.idO.lov Molly O'Le, Es. Richan & O'Lear, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707mpl1yclnaolea.çom Cyntha A. Melillo, Esq. Given Puley LLP 601 N. Banock Str P.O. Box 2720 Boise ID 83701caBiveney.C( Hand Deliver U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Expres Email \iuuuu Han Deliver ..u U.S. Mail U Fax ..u Fed. Expr .. FíEmai Han Deliver ..u U.S. Mail ..u Fax ..u Fed. Expr U Email ~ Han Deliver ..u U.S. Mail ..u Fax ..u Fed. Expr U Emai )£