HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040702Application.pdf2 CHARlESGATE WEST BOSTON, MA 02215 617 -~~69- 1000 W\J\f\JIJ.tn c ii. com +TNCI June 30, 2004 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Ms. Jean Jewel Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ill 83702-5983 (208) 334-0300 71 AI-I- (J If' 0 Re:Trans National Communications International, Inc. Dear Ms. Jewel: (::::--! r"- ""',- " 1"1 --'iC. Pl. (/) ~:, c,.r)." :t:1J!~ . - ::tl:: ......- eJ) ;:' \JD(.I) - .C3 N:t: oio;"J Enclosed please find for the consideration of the Public Utilities Commission an original and three copies of Trans National Communications International, Inc' s Statement of Business Operations for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resale Facilities-based UNE-Service and Local Exchange Telecommunications Service within all local exchanges served by Qwest Communications in the state of Idaho. Please note that the company is currently authorized to provide Interexchange Service in the state of Idaho. I have enclosed an extra copy of this letter to be date stamped and returned to ll1e in the enclosed, self-addressed, postage prepaid envelope. If you have any questions or if I may provide you with any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted~~I Erick Robinson Regulatory Specialist ~ ~ ~ c n ~ ~ t r "..!l ~ ~ l" ~ ~j c! "'. =- "-d-; r,. ('~~::') c;:,) ;~";:' ~ i=;; i:~;~'!21 .,t,::.- (:".-(;""'~~::::".:: _'I""! f""" L""",J L:::J ST A TE OF IDAHO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION ***** In the matter of the application of Trans National Communications International, Inc. ) For a license to provide resale facilities-based UNE-P service and basic local exchange service throughout the state of Idaho in the zone and exchange areas served by Qwest Communications 7//(~r-.oLj~O I APPLICA TION OF TRANS NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNA TIONAL~ INC. Trans National Communications International, Inc. ("Trans National" or "TNCI" or "Applicant"), hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission or "IPUC") for a license to provide resale facilities-based UNE-P service and basic local exchange service throughout the state of Idaho in the zone and exchange areas in which Qwest Communications is the incumbent local exchange carrier ("incumbent carrier Trans National proposes to provide these services as a reseller, as well as provide non- licensed and unregulated telecommunications services on a competitive basis. Trans National's application seeking entry into the Idaho telecommunications market is in the public interest because it will provide Idaho consumers with an enhanced range of telecommunication services, will increase customer choice, will encourage carriers to provide more efficient service at lower prices, will provide users with greater reliability, and will create competitive pressure on carriers to provide more responsive customer service. Trans National respectfully submits that its entry will bolster competition for the provision of local telecommunications services, which is essential to the state s continued economic health and well being. Approval of this application will further the purposes of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("Federal Act"). Therefore, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission grant it a license to provide the local exchange telecommunications services described herein. In support thereof, Trans National provides the following information: NAME AND BUSINESS OF APPLICANT ..;; 1 c 1 e Applicant's address is: Trans National Communications International, Inc. 2 Charles gate West Boston, Ma 02215 (671) 369-1000 Correspondence concerning this application should be directed to Trans National's regulatory specialist: Mr. Erick Robinson 2 Charlesgate West Boston, Ma 02215 Telephone: (617) 369-1059Fax: (617) 369-1110 II.TRANS NATIONAL FULLY MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A LICENSE TO PROVIDE LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE. After notice and hearing, the Commission shall approve an Application for license if it finds that (a) the applicant possesses sufficient technical, financial and managerial resources and abilities to provide local exchange service to all residential and commercial customers within the geographic area of the license (b) the applicant intends to provide service within one year from the date the license is granted, and (c) grant of a license to the applicant would not be contrary to the public interest. As explained in further detail below, Trans National fully meets the requirements. Trans National's provision of local exchange services, including rates to be charged to Trans National's customers, will be dependent upon the negotiation of interconnection agreements with the incumbent carriers. Upon issuance of a license, and the competition of negotiation with the incumbent carriers, Trans National will promptly file a tariff that complies with all omission rules and regulations and lists the rates, terms and conditions of service. Description or identification of geographic area for which the license is sought. Trans National proposes to offer local exchange service within all local zone and exchange service areas presently served by Qwest Communications, Inc in the state of Idaho. ~ ~ t' C ' ~ t C R1.. ! i ,~~C,":;s ... W ,,- ~.... n i c t i e Trans National will service the exchanges as mapped and described by Qwest Communications, Inc. The local calling area for Trans National's customers will be the same as the Incumbent Carrier s existing exchange boundaries. This means that Trans National's customers will have the same local calling area as if they remained customers of the Incumbent Carrier. Trans National intends to mirror the map and legal description sections of the tariffs filed by the incumbent carriers for the exchanges it proposes to serves. Trans National understands that Trans National will automatically mirror any future modifications to these exchange boundaries or legal description of these boundaries on a going forward basis. If not mirrored, new detailed maps and legal descriptions , on an individual exchange basis will be filed with the Commission for approval. B. Description of the Applicant's general financial, technical and managerial resources. Background Corporate Information. Trans National is a Delaware corporation and is authorized to transact business in the State of Idaho as a foreign corporation. A copy of Trans National' Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Authority are attached as exhibits. Trans National was incorporated August 1 , 1995. Current business and network plans call for market entry viaresold LEC and IXC facilities. Trans National is currently authorized to and is providing resold interexchange service in the contiguous 48 states and Hawaii. The company has authority to provide local exchange service in 18 states, and is in the process of obtaining authority in additional states. The officers and directors of Trans National are as follows: Brian Twomey William B. Weidlein Steven B. Belkin Monte Jaffe Pamela Hesse Marcy Raskind Joan W. Belkin President Treasurer & Director Chairman & Director CFO Controller Secretary Director All Officers and Directors may be contacted at the corporate headquarters address. Financial Qualifications. Applicant is financially qualified to possess a license to provide local exchange service. In particular, Applicant has access to the financing and capital ~ ~ t P t ~ ~ "'!::;:: C1 .n i c t i e necessary to conduct its telecommunications operations as specified in this Application. Trans National's financial strength and ability to offer the above service is demonstrated in Trans National's unaudited Financial Statements for years ended December 31 2003 and 2002 respectively, which are attached as an exhibit. As Trans National is a private corporation , its financial qualifications are considered confidential. Managerial Qualifications. Trans National possess the managerial qualifications to provide its proposed local exchange telecommunications services. The senior management of Trans National has extensive experience in telecommunications service provision, and its highly qualified technical staff will ensure that Trans national's operations will meet the most demanding standard for service quality and reliability. Technical Qualifications. Applicant is technically qualified to provide the proposed local exchange services in the state of Idaho. As mentioned above, the members of Trans National's management team have extensive management and telecommunications experience. Since Trans National will be providing local exchange service initially through resale only, Trans National will also rely upon the managerial and technical expertise of the incumbent local exchange carriers that have been certified and deemed technically and managerially able to provide local exchange service by the Commission. Trans National is currently authorized to and is providing resold interexchange service in the contiguous 48 states and Hawaii. The company has authority to provide local exchange service in 18 states and is in the process of obtaining authority in 13 additional states. Applicant has not been denied authority for any of the services for which it seeks authority in this Application. As the forgoing illustrates, Trans National possesses considerable telecommunications expertise and is well qualified to provide local exchange service in Idaho.C. Description of Applicant's technical, financial and managerial resources and abilities to provide local exchange service to all residential and commercial customers within the geographical area of the license. The Applicant has demonstrated in section B , above, that is possesses the requisite technical, financial and managerial resources and abilities to provide all forms of resold local exchange telecommunications services. " r, d ~, '"" '::j! , 't~ ,, ;'. Trans National seeks a license to provide resale facilities-based UNE- service and local exchange telecommunications services in the zone and exchange areas throughout the state of Idaho in which Qwest Communications, Inc is the incumbent local exchange carrier. Trans National intends to provide all forms of resold local exchange services to business and residential customers in Idaho. These services include two-way local lines/trunks, Centrex , ISDN and DSL services. Trans National also proposes to provide associated local calling (usage) for these access lines, including message rate service for business customers and the required calling options for residential customers. It will offer, also on a resold basis, operator assistance services, lifeline hearing impaired services, directory assistance and directories free 900 prefix call blacking and switched access services. It will also offer intraLA T A and interLA T A toll services on 1 + and 0+ basis. Additionally, Trans National will implement the procedures necessary to prevent deceptive and unfair marketing practice, and will comply with applicable Commission service and billing standards. Trans National will comply with the applicable intraLA T A access requirements of incumbent local exchange telephone companies, and with all other applicable Commission rules, regulations and standards. As stated herein, Trans National's prices will depend significantly upon its costs, including, in particular, its costs of completing calls through the incumbent carriers ' existing networks , which will not be identified until after the conclusion of interconnection negotiations with the incumbent local exchange carriers. D. Demonstration of Applicant's intent to provide service within six months from the date the license is granted. Trans National intends to offer service within six months of the date a license is granted by the commission. Prior to the provision of service, in Idaho several important developments must occur. Among these developments are, the issuance of a license by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission; successful negotiation of interconnection agreements with the incumbent carrier; and, the completion and filing of a final tariff with the Commission for Trans National's regulated local exchange services. Each of these activities may be subject to delay and difficulties beyond the control of Trans National. E. Discussion of the impact on the public interest. Both the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the United States Congress have determined that it is in the public interest to promote competition in the provision of telecommunication services. As discussed above, the Federal Act was designed to promote increased competition in the telecommunications -1 '~ ""'" '" gR , ""',:, 'J \v" ~ ,,", 1 c t i '1 ,~ u t I market. Moreover, the Commission has already determined that the grant of applications for competing licenses to provide local exchange services is in the public interest. The recent experience with the introduction of competition to other telecommunications markets, such as long distance, competitive access, and customer premises equipment, has led to public interest benefits in those markets. Prior to the enactment of the Federal Act, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") had found ample evidence that competitive provision of interstate services (both interexchange and access) furthers the public interest. Trans National's proposed services will provide multiple public benefits by increasing the efficiency of incumbent carriers by providing users of telecommunications services with greater reliability, and by increasing the competitive choices available to users in the state. Enhanced competition in telecommunications services likely will further stimulate economic development in Utah. In addition, increased competition will create incentives for lower prices more innovative services, and more responsive customer service. Furthermore, the grant of a license will not adversely affect the incumbent carriers' service. As has been the case with other competitive initiatives in Idaho a grant of the instant authority will have minimal impact on the incumbent. In fact, incumbent providers have benefited from market incentives to improve the efficiency of their operations, and from increased usage of their services due to expansion of the total market spurred by competition and lower prices. Local exchange services competition also will stimulate the demand for the services supplied by all local service carriers, including those of the incumbent carrier. The incumbent provider will have market incentives to improve the efficiency of its operations, and it will benefit from the increased use of its services, due to the expansion of the total market and by their competitively driven prices. Furthermore as demonstrated above, the grant of this license will provide significant benefits to consumers in terms of carrier choice, price, increased reliability, responsiveness and the introduction of new services. Additionally, as competition has driven telecommunications prices downward, businesses have seen reductions in their operating costs and increases in their sales, which have contributed to the viability of the economy and employment levels. F. Compliance with Commission Rules. Applicant agrees to comply with the applicable provisions and all rules, regulations, and laws applicable to it, unless it has requested and received a waiver from the Commission. To the extent economically and technically feasible, Applicant is willing and able to provide service to all customers in the same service classification in its designated geographical service areas in i r n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"" , i '- "'" ::::'J ,,~, """ ~ \,.:.1 n i c t i e 1) 1 .~ "~ Jio "j; , , accordance with its tariff offerings. In accordance with the Commission s specific rules for local exchange telephone competition, Applicant will have procedures in place to prevent deceptive and unfair marketing practices and will comply with applicable service and billing standards and rules. It will also comply with applicable intraLA T A access requirements to the extent the incumbent LEC is required to do so. CONCLUSION Trans National Communications International, Inc. has demonstrated that is possesses sufficient technical , financial and managerial resources and abilities to provide local exchange service in the areas requested. Trans National has also demonstrated that its exercise of this authority will not adversely affect local exchange prices or network design and that it would not be contrary to the public interest. WHEREFORE, Trans National Communications International, Inc. respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order which: (1)Grants Trans National Communications International, Inc. a license to provide resale Facilities-based UNE-P service and local exchange service throughout the state of Idaho in the zone and exchange areas in which Qwest Communications, Inc. is the incumbent local exchange camero (2)Grants such additional or further relief as may be necessary or appropriate. By: Erick Robinson 2 Charles gate West Boston, Ma 02215 Telephone: (617) 369-1059Fax: (617) 369-1110 Dated: June 30, 2004 ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ - ~ 0 , ~,,;.. ! ci ,-:;:""" .o, LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1 - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION EXHIBIT 2 - AUTHORIZATION FROM SECRETARY OF STATE EXHIBIT 3 - TRANS NATIONAL'S CONTACT LIST EXHIBIT 4 - SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION EXHIBIT 5 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXHIBIT 6 - ESCROW ACCOUNT OR SECURITY BOND ,.," ,, ~ n J ~n l,a c 1 c 1 e i ~ ..;. ,~ 1", \;;:~ :;:,,,;;j ,,' "-~ U EXHIBIT 1 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION See Attached "'" "'" !'i~ "" ,= (" ~ o .:: '1 C U ~I!~ af'l U (~ ""~ cJ L, .1 \, ti ::::' PAGE Tl1.e :first State I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF "TRANS NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL INC. II FILED IN THIS OFFICE ON THE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, A.D. 1995 , AT 12:30 O'CLOCK P. c1\ ' , U4- ~fJ...h/,-"~t, ..-;.---._ /~~J 7.r A-~, "--, Harriet Smi,:r. Vvindsor, Sect"E:tary of State 2529585 8100 AUTHENTICATION: 2847791 030843570 DATE: 1- 0 5 - 0 4 STATE OF DELAWARE SECRETARY OF STATE 01 VISION OF CORPORA TI ONS FILED 12:30 PM 08/01/1995 950172965 - 2529585 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TRANS NA110NAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. The und~slgned, a natural persont for the purpose of organizing a corporation for conducting the business and promoting the purposes hereinafter stated; under the provisions and ~ubject to th~ requirements of the taws of the State of Delaware (particularly Chapter I, Title 8 of the Delaware Code and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, and known. identifLcd and reCctted to a~ the "G~neral Corporation Law of the. State of Delaware ), hereby certifies that: FIRST: The n~une of the corporalion (hereinafter called the "Corporation ) is TRANS NATIONAl.. COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. SECOND: The address, including Slrcct number, city t and county, of the r~gistered office of thc Corpot'ation in the State of D~La.wan: is 1209 Orange Strut, Corporation Trust Center, City ofWi1mington , County of New Castle; and the name of the registered agent of the Carper-adun in the State of Delaware is The Corporation Trust Company. THIRD: The nature of the busioe.!)s to b~ conducted Mid the purposes of the Corporation ate: To purchase or olhetwise iC4uire, invest in. own ~ lea.t)e) mortgage, pledge, selL assign and transfer or otherwise dispose of; ttad~ and deal in and with reat property and personal property of every kind I class and d~sctiption (including, without limitation. goods, wares and merchandise of every kind , class and description), to manufacture goods. wares and mercha.ndise of every kind , class and description, both on it~ own account aod for others; To make and perform agreements and contracts of every kind and description; and Ocncra.l1y to engag~ in any lawful act or activity or carryon any business for which corporations may be organized under the Delaware General Corpt.1ration Law or any successor ~talUl~. ~O'd SI0'ON 8~:~1 S6, 10 901J TVZZZVSl1g: Lt:t NI()3l 21NI~ MINTZ t LEVIN FOURTH: 4.1 ID :6175422241 AUG 01' - - \ Q "", I "-=- 12:3j \io. ,)!.;':- .--'".... . The total number of shares of capital stock which the Corporation shan have authority to issue is 10,000 shares of Common Stock with $.01 parvalue. Non"Complying Transfers Prohibited. No shares of common stock(It hares ) owned by any person or entity (a "Stockholder ) may be sold assigned. pledged. hypothecated, encumbered, gifted, devised or otherwisetransferred to any person or entity, \fo1untarily, or by operation of law court order, foteCJosufe, marital property division or otherwise except in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. Rights of First RefusaJ on Voluntary Transfers. Any Stockho)der who intends to seU, assign. transfer or otherwise voluntarily djspose 'of aU or part of any Sharcs (the "Selling Stockholder ), shall give wriU~n notice of such jntcnLion to Steven B. Bel1dn, his successors and assigns (tbe "Founding Stockholder ) and the Corporation. which notice shall include the name of the proposed transferee. the proposed purchase price per Share~ the terms of pa YJncntof such purchase price and all other matters relating to such sale and shaH be accompanied by a copy of the binding written agreement of the proposed transferee to purchase the Shares of the SelHng Stockholder. Such notice shall constitute a binding offer by the Se11ing StOtkhold~r to sell to the Founding Stockholder and the Corporation, or their assignees, such number of Shares then held by the Selling StockhoJder as are proposed 10 be sold in the notice at the monetary price per Share designated in such notice, payable as provided in Section 4.2.4 hereof. Within thirty days after receipt of written notice from the Se1ling Stockho1der) the Founding Stockholder shall give written notice to the Selling Stockholder as to whether such offer has been accepted by the Founding Stock.ho1der. The Founding Stockholder may only accept such offer in whole and may not accept such offer in part. Such acceptance notice shall fix a timet location and date for the closing on such purchase (lfClosini Date") which shan not be less than seven nor mor~ than forty-five days after the giving of the acceptance notice. The place for such closing shan be at the principal office of the Corporation or such other location agreed to by the parties. At such c1osing, the Selling Stockholder shall accept payment as set forth in Section 4.2.4 and shall deli vcr to the Founding Stockholder in exchange therefor certificates for the number of Shares stated in the notice accompanied by duly executed instruments of transfer. - 2 - MINTZ ,LEVIN ID:6175LJ222l11 RUG 01'12 :34 No. 009 P . If the Founding Stockbolder sball fail to accept the off~r within the , thirty-day period~ then tb~ Corporation shall have fifteen days from the expiration of such not;cc period within which to accept in whole, but not in part, the offer of the Selling StoCkho1d~rt by giving to him written nouce as set forth above of tl1eir jntcnt to purcl1asc an, but not Jess than all, of the Shares proposed to be BOld as provided in the notice 10 the Founding Stockholder and the Corporation at. the monetary price per Share de.t;ignated in such notice, payable as provided in Section 4.4 hereof. The place for such c)osing sball be at the principal office of the Corporation or such other location agreed to by tbc parties. At the closing of such purchase and sa1e, the Selling Stockholder shalt accept payment as set forth in Section 4.2.4 and shan d~lt-ver to the COJporation jn exchange therefor certificates for the number of Shares stated in the notice accompanied by duly c"ecuted instnlments of transfer. If the Founding Stockholder and the Corporation t)hall fail to accept any ~ucb off~r, then (he Selling Stockholder shall free to ~ll all, but not less than aU, of the Shares set forth in his notice to th~ designated ' transferee at a price and on tenns no less favorabl~ to the Selling Stockholder than described iJ\ the Selling Stockholder" s notice, provided that such sate is consummated within six months aft~r the g",ing of notice by the Selling Stockholder to the, Founding Stockholder and the Corporation as aforesaid, but the transferee (and all iubseqm:nt tIanfifcrees) shan thereafter only be ptmI11Ued to scl1 or transfer Shares in accordance with the terms hereof. After the ~xpirntion of such six-month period the provisions of this Sectjon 4.2 ~hall again apply with respect to any proposed transfer of the SeUing Stockho1dcr s Shares. 2.4 Th~ purchase price of any Shares to. be acquired pursuant to this Section 4.shall be payable on the terms offcml to the Se11ing StockhoJder by the proposed tmnsferee (provided. lwwever, that the Founding Stockholder and the CO1'pOnstion shan not be required to meet any non-monetary teJTnS of the proposed trcU1sfert inc1uding~ without limitation, d~Uvery of other securities in ~xchal1ge for the Shares proposed to he sold). Death of a Stockholder. Within thirty daY5 af'ter the death of any Stockholder (other than the founding Stockholder) (the "Deceased Stockholder ), the executors or administrators of the estate of the Deceased Stockno1der and each transf~ree of the Deceased StoCkholder's Shares by virtue of such death shall give written notice thereof to. the Founding Stockholder and the Corporation offering to the Founding Stockho1der and the Corponrtion or any assignee of either of them all of the Shares owned by tlw Deceased Stockholder at the time of death. - 3 - MINTZ.LEVIN ID: 6175422241 AUG 01' 95 12 : 35 No. 009 P. Within thirty days after receipt of such notice, the Founding Stockholder or his assignee) may elect to purchase aU of the Shares so offered at a purchase price per Share determined in accordance with Section 4. h~n:of. Jf such Shares are nOt purchased by the Founding Stockholder they shan be offered in the S8n,e manner to the Corporation. Wjthin thirty days after the expiration of we Founding StOCkho1der s thirty-day period t the Corporation may elect to purchase al1 of th~ Shares 80 offered at a purchase prjce per Share determined in accordance with Section 4. hereof. If web Share..,; are ,not purchased by the Founding Stockholder or the Corporation, such Sha~s may retained by the estate of the Deceased Stockholder or by such transferees subject. to all other provisions nereof. Transfers by Ope~tion of Law. Iv the event that a Stockhold~r (i) fi1es a voluntary petition under any bankruptcy or insolvency law or a p~t.jtion for the appointment of a receiver or makes an assign111ent for the benefit of creditors, or (ij) is subjected involuntarily to such a petition or assignment or to an attachment or other legal or equitable interest wjth respect to his Shares and such involuntary petition or assignment or attachment is not discharged within thirty days after its date, or (Hi) i~ subjc:ct to a transfer of his Sbares by opcrntion of taw (except upon his death) the Founding Stockholder) th~ Corporation~ or their assignees) shall have the right to elect to purchase all of the Shares which an~ owned by the Stockholder at a purchase price per Share d~tennined in accordance with Section 4.7 hereof. Within thirty days after receipt of such notice, the Founding Stockholder or his assignee, may elect to purchase an of the Shares 80 offcml at a purchase price per Share determined in accordance with Section 4.hereof. If such Shares are not purchased by the Founding StockhoJder, they shall be offered in th~ same manner to the CotpoIlltion. Within thirty days after the expiration of the Founding Stockholder s thirty-day ~rjodt tb~ Corporation may elect to purchase an of the Shares so offered at a puTChas~ price per Share detennined in accordance with S~cti()n 4.7Iwrcof. Failure of l~ Founding Stockholder and the CotpOntion to elect to purchase the Sharcs under this Section 4. shall not affect t.bcjr rights to purchase the sa~e Shares under Section 4. in the event of a proposed saJ~1 assignment, transfer. or other disposition by or to any receiver, pc~ti()ner, assignee, transferee or other person obtaining an interest in the Sha~s. prohibition on Bnc\1mbrance.~. No StockhoJder may pJedgc) hypothecate or otherwise encumber his Shares. Violation of Restrictions. If any transfer of Shares is made or attempted contrary to th~ provisions of this Agreement or if any Share.~ are not MINTZ,LEVIN 7.1 I D : 6175422241 ~UG 0 l' 95 12 : 35 No. 009 P. 06 offered as req\lired by these provision~. the Founding Stockholdor and the Corporation shan have the right to purchase the Shares from the owner thereof or his transferee at any time before or after the. transfert as hereinafter provided. In addition to any other lega1 or equitable remecHes, the Founding Stockholder and the Corporation may enforce this right by actions for specific perfoll11ance (to the ~tent pcnnitWd by Jaw). The Cotporation may also refu~ to recognize any such transt'eree Dr Stockholder as one of its stockholders for any purpose, including without Hmitation for purposes of cUvidend and voting rights, until all applicable:: provisions of these restrictions have been complied with. Purchase Price. &cept with respect to purchases made under Section 4.2, th~ purchase price of each Share purchased hereunder shan be the fa1r market value per Share dctcnnined by appraisal as follows. Within thirty days after the election to purchase pursuant to Section 4.3 or 4., the Founding Stockholder or the Corporation, as the case may be1 shall appoint an appraiser, the Stockho1der whose Shares are being purchased (or his legally appointed representatives) shal1appoint a second appraiser, and the two appraisers 80 appointed shall appoint. a third appraiser, or if any party or the apprai~rs fail to act within such period , any l1nappointed appraiser or appraisers shan be appointed by the American Arbitration Association Boston, Massachusetts, uponappHcatioD of any patty or apprai~er. Bach appraiser shall independently detennine the value of the shares of the Stockholder whose Shares are being purchased as of a convenient date selected by the three apprai~rs. Th~ faiT market value of the Shares shall be the average of the two closest appraised values, and such defemination shall be final and binding upon all interested persons. The Corporation shalJ promptly furnish to the appraisers such infonnation concerning its , fInancial condition. eanrings, capjtaHzation, business prospects and sales of its cap1tal stock as they may reasonably request. The appraiscrs 'shall promptly notify in writing the Founding StoCkholder, the CorpOI11t1on and the Stockholder whose Shares are being purchased (or hig legally appointed representatives) of the appraisers' final detennination of value. The parti~ shan each bear the fees and expenses of the appraiser appointed by or for each of them, and the fees and expenses of the third appraiser shall be borne onc.ba1f by the Stockholder whose Shares arc being purchased (or his l~gany appointed representatives) and one-half by the purchaser of the Shares~ Tenders. The StDckho1d~r whose Shares are being purchased pursuant Section 4.3 or 4.4 (or his legally appointed representatives) shall tender a1l Shares being purchased hereunder to the Founding Stockholder or the - 5 - MINTZ ,LEVIN ID :6175422241 RUG 01 '12:36 No.OO9 P. Corporation, or to on~ or morc assignees designated by the purcha~r ~ at the principal office of tbe COTpOration at a reasonable date and time specified by it (in any cv~nt within thirty days of the purchaser' s election), by delivery of certificates representing S\1cb Shares endorsed in blank and in proper form for tnnRfcr against payment of the purchase price in cash or by certified or bank checks. Waiver; Disposition of Shares. From time to time the Corporation may waive its rights hereunder ejth~r generaUy or with respect to one or more specified transfers which have been proposed, attempted or made. action to be; taken by the Corporation hereunder shall be taken by vote of majorjty of its Directors then in office. Any Share.s which the Corponrt1on has e1ected to purchase hereunder may b~ disposed of by its Board of Directors in 81Jch manner as it deems appropriate, with or without further restrictions 011 the transfer thew!. Subchapter S Restrictions. If the Corporation has elected to be an S OOIporation pursuant to Sea;on 1362 of th~ Internal Revenue Code 1986~ as amended, then as long as ~ucb an election is in effect no Shares may be sold) assigned, pledged or otherwise transfened to any person or entity if th~ tmnsfer would cause the termination of such eJection. FIFTH: The name and mailing address of the so1e incorporator is as foJ1ows: Anne T. Leland Mint1.. Levjn, Cohn, Ferns, Glovsky and Po~, P. One Financial Cen~r Boston, MA 02111 SIXTH: The Corporation is to have petpetua1 exi~tence. SEVENTH: For the management of the busjn~ and for the conduct of the affairs of the Corporation, and in further definition and not in limitation of the powers of th~ CotpOratioll and of its directors and of its stockholders or any class thereof, as the ca.~ may be, confeJTed by the State of Delaware, it is further provided that: A. Themanagenmnt of the business and the ~nduct of thc affairs of the Corporation shall be vested in its Board of Directors. The number of directors which shat1 constitute the whole Board of l)jrectorS shal1 be fixed by. or in th~ manner provided in. the By..Laws. The phrase "whol~ Board" and the phrase "total number of directors" sha11 be deemed to have th~ same meaning, to wit. the total Dumber of directors which the Corporation would have if there were no vacancies. No election of directors need be by writtcu bal1Dt. - 6. MINTZ ,LEVIN ID :6175422241 AUG 01' 95 12:37 No.DO9 P. B. After the original or other By-Laws oftbc Corporation have been adopted, aTnended or repealed, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Section) 09 of the General CoIVOration Law of the State of Delaware. and. after tbe Corporation has received Itny payment for any of its stock, the pOwer to adopt., amend, or repeal the By..Laws of the Corporation may be exercised by Board of Directors of the Corporation. C. The books of the corporntion may be kept at such place within or without the State of D~1aware as the By-Laws of the Corporation may provide or as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. ElGHTH~ Whenever a compromi~ or arrangement is proposed betw~n this Corporation and its creditors or any class of them and/or between tbis Corporation and its stockholders or any class of them~ any court of equjtabl~ jurisdiction wit,hin the Stat~ of DeJaware tnay, on the appljcation 111 a summary WRY of this Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder thereof or on th~ application of any receiver or rccejver~ appointed for thi8 Corporation under the provjs1ons of Section 291 of TItle 8 of the ~)aware Code or on the appJica1ion of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for this Corporation under the pnwisions of Section 279 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code) ord~r a tneeting of the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of this Corporation, a~ the case may be. 1.0 be summoned in such manner as the said court directs. If a majority in number rep~nting three-fourths in value of the creditors or class of creditors, and! or of' the stockhold~rs or class of stockholders of this CotpOration) as the case roay be, agree to any coJ)1prOm1~ or arrangement, and to any reorganization of this Colporation as consequence of such compromise or arrangement, the said compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization shall. if sanctioned by the court to which tho sa1d application has been made, be binding on aU the creditors or class of creditors, and/or on aU the stockholders or class of stockholders, of this Corporation, as the case may be, and also on this Corporation. NINTH: The Corporation shall, to the ful1est e;r;tent permjUcd by the provisioi1s of Section 145 of the G~neral ColVOration Law of thc State of De1aware, as the same l1'\ay be amended IWd supplemented from time to time, indemnify any and an persons whom it s11aH have power to indemnify under Mid section from and agajn~t any and all of the expenses, Jiabi1ities or other matters refcned to in or covelOO by said section as amended or supplemented (or any 511cce.~r). and the indemnification provided for herein shan not be deel~ed exclusive of any otJu~r rights to which those indemnified may be entitled under any By-Law, agreement, vote of stockholders or diS1nteJested director& or otherwise. both as to action in his offida1 capacity and as to action in anoUwr capacity while holding such office) and shan continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director, officer t anployee or agent and shall inure to the, ben~fit of the heirs, executors and adminjstratoJ's of such a person. TENTH: No director of tb15 Corponltion shall be liable to the CoIpOration or its stockholders for monetary damages fOT breach of fiduciary duty as a dire.ctor except to the extent that. exculpation from liabil1ty is not pennitted under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware as in effect at the time such JiabUity is detennined. No amendment or ~peal this Article shan app1y to or have any effect on tbe liability or allcged liabHity of any director of the CoYpOtation for or with respect to any acts or Ol11issiOJ1f~ of such dlrcctor occurring prior - 7 - MINTZ, LEVIN tt3 ID :5175422241 AUG 01' 95 13:43 No.O14 P. to s\lch amCJ\dment or r~1. if the General Corponfum Law of tile Slate of Delaware is amended after approval by the stuckhtllders of this Article to autbori7.e corporalf: action further eliminatin:; or limiting the personal liability of directorS. thlm the liability of a director of the COJPornlion shall be f:limina.tcd or limited to the fullest extent Jlf:rmitted by the General corporation Law of the State of De1aware, as so amended. ELEVENTH: Fro'" time 10 time any of the provisions of th1s Certificate of Incorporation may be amended, altered or repealed, and other provisions authoril.ed by the laws of the State of Delaware at the time in force may be added or inserted' in the manlier and at the time pre~cribcd by said lawS, and all rights at any time eonferrcd upon the stuckholders of the Corporation by this Certificate of Incorporation are &rantcd subject 10 the provisions of this Article. 1. the under si gncd. ~in!: the sole incorporator. for the purpose off orming a Corporation under the Jaws of the State of Delaware. do mak~, file and record this Certificate of Jncorporation. to certify that the facts herein stated arc true, ami accordingly have herelO set my hand' lhis day of August, 1995, nI5fJWi7. - 8 . fL..-, I'( Anne T. Leland EXHIBIT 2 AUTHORIZATION FROM SECRETARY OF STATE See Attached i n l ,, ~= ~ ~"" ,di J, ("'- ~ y 10 l;",J do . ,;;:)) State of Idaho " . Otfi.ce ofthe Secretary of State . '" .. '. .. . , CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TRANS NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. File Number C 130790 I PETE T. CENARRUSA, Secretary ~f State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions , ' of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the Application for such Certificate. Dated: October 14, 1999 17' -- .Nt.u.Ar-' " SECRETARY OF STATE ,-- EXHIBIT 3 TRANS NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC' CONTACT LIST See Attached TRANS NATIONAL COMMUNCIA TIONS INTERNATIONAL CONTACT INFORMA TION General Issues Contact: Erick Robinson, Tax and Regulatory Specialist 2 CharlesGate West Boston, MA 02215 P (617) 369-1059 F (617) 369-1110 Customer Service Contact: Jeff Cahill, Service Operations Manager 2 CharlesGate West Boston, MA 02215 P (617) 369-1099 F (617) 369-1040 Technical Service Contact: Chuck Luca, SVP Operations 2 CharlesGate West Boston, MA 02215 P (617) 3691138 F (617) 369-1040 Tariff Contact: Brenda Macdonald, VP Operations 2 Charles Gate West Boston, MA 02215 P (617) 369-1229 F (617) 369-1111 Registered Aeent: National Registered Agents, Inc 1423 Tyrell Lane Boise, ill 83706 i n 1 c t i e EXHIBIT 4 TRANS NATIONAL SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION See Attached n i c t i TNCI, Inc. Shareholders Steven B. Belkin Amy Jill Belkin Trust Julie Ann Belkin Trust 4- = (,1 n ': e 9 r' a t~ \2 d Address 8 Rocky Ledge Road 02493 c/o Christopher Palmer 30 Colpitts Road c/o Christopher Palmer 30 Colpitts Road Weston, MA Weston , MA Weston, MA 02493 02493 Ownership 77.10% 11 .45% 11 .450 100.000 i, i J ~ it'; ::J I g t" t;~ U EXHIBIT 5 FINANCIAL INFORMATION See Attached V" i~ .'" ~ """, .11" ~ ,po.i"': U j. &YO '~! o l~~ e;j L j, tJ " J TRANSNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONSINTERNATIONAL, INC. Trans National Communications International, Inc. Balance Sheets December 31 (in thousands) 2003 2002 Assets Current Assets: Cash And Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable, Net Other Current Assets $167 $303 170 753 289 238 626 294 594 657 200 242 511 656 931 849 Total Current Assets Fixed Assets, Net Due From Affiliated Company Other Assets, Net Total Assets Liabilities And Shareholders' Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable And Accrued Expenses Current Portion Of Loan Payable Loan Payable 632 190 667 230 680 278 Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Shareholders' Equity: Common Stock $0.01 Par Value; 10 000 Shares Authorized; 473 Issued And Outstanding; and Capital In Excess Of Par Accumulated Deficit 235 235 251 571 931 849Total Liabilities And Shareholders' Equity See accompa1'!Jing notes. TRANs NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS.,. INTERNHIONAL, INC. Trans National Communications International, Inc. Statements of Operations Year Ended December 31 (in thousands) Revenue Direct Costs 2003 2002 $43 154 $37 393 147 037 007 356 245 722 762 634 175 338 587 296 Selling, General And Administrative Expenses Income From Operations Before Depreciation And Amortization Depreciation And Amortization Income From Operations Other Income/ (Expenses): Incentive Compensation Plans Interest Expense Interest Income Discontinued Operations (53) (313)(288) 274 (43) 384 1 ,320 $341 Net Income Before Discontinued Operations Net Income/QLos~ See accompaf!Ying notes. TRANs NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS .,. INTERNATIONAL, INC. Trans National Communications International, Inc. Statements of Cash Flows Years Ended December (in thousands) 2003 2002 Operating Activities: Net Income/ (Loss) Reconciliation To Cash Flow. Depreciation And Amortization O1ange In: Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets Accounts Payable And Accrued Expenses Due From Mfiliated Company $341 175 338 583 474) (51)(116) (558)(212) 191 871 (J5) Total Adjustments Net Cash Provided By / (Used In) Operating Activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities: Purchase Of Fixed Assets Other Assets (253) (J14) (264) (844) Net Cash Used In Investing Activities (967)108) Cash Flows From Financing Activities: Proceeds from Capital Contributions Due From Mfiliated Company Borrowings Loan Repayments 000 000) 130 (40)173 (40) (136)226) 303 529 $167 $303 Net Cash Used In Financing Activities Net Decrease In Cash And Cash Equivalents Cash And Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash And Cash Equivalents, Ending S ee aaompa~mg nou~ EXHIBIT 6 ESCROW ACCOUNT AND SECURITY BOND Trans National is a well-established provider of interexchange and local exchange telecommunications services in 18 states. Applicant is financially viable as is evident by Applicant's financial statements attached as exhibit 5. Applicant is well positioned to provide reliable service and poses no risk to the public. n i c t i