HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100514Laine Direct.pdfBATI FISH.eft' PUSCH 8i ALDERMAN LLP AT T O.R N E Y SAN D C 0 U N S E L 0 ¡t SAT L A IV John R. Hammond Jr.. e-mail: jrh(a)battfisher.com May 13, 2010 s..r_::Q m~(DO -0-0 ~~c:::'0')~r.::(í(; !eoz ~~='~;.~("rn :2rf\;:; Via Hand Delivery :i J:.-N-Jean Jewell, Commission Secretar Idao Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise,'Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Prefilèd Direct Testimony of Julie Laine in Support of Application of Time Warner Cable Inf(Jrmation Services (Idaho), LLC's For a Certifcate of Public Convenience ami Necessity, Case No. TIM-T-08-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed arè thè original plus nine (9) copies ofthe Prefied Direc( Testimony of Julie Laine, Group Vice President, Regulatory of Time Warer Cable, in Support of Time Warer Cable Information Services(Idaho), LLC's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Competitive Facilities-Based Local and Interexchange Telecommunications Services Within the State ofIdaho. Kindly retu a fie stamped copy of this letter a~d testimony., , If you ,have any questions or need additional information,~lease do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, . LLP JR:dm Enèlosures cc: Yin Paladin T 208.331.1 000 . F 208.331.2400 . P.O.Box 1308 Boise, Id 83701 '. Suite 500, US Bank Plaza 101 S. Capitoll3lvd. . Boise, Id 83702 John R. Hamond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 Batt Fisher Pusch & Alderman LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 500 Post Office Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 Attorney for Time Warner Cable Information Services (Idaho), LLC R- r-r:i:jl ir-..,c:v...vi:u inlD HAY 13 PH 4: 21 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Application of ) ) TIME WARR CABLE INORMATION ) SERVICES (IDAHO), LLC ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) For a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Competitive Facilities- Based Local and Interexchange Telecommunications Services within the State ofIdaho Case No. TIM-T-08-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE ON BEHALF OF TIME WARER CABLE INFO~ATION SERVICES (IDAHO), LLC 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 Q. 7 A. 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME, TITLE, AN BUSINESS ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. My name is Julie Laine and I am Group Vice President, Regulatory of Time Warner Cable. My business address is 60 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10023. My telephone number is (212) 364-8482 and my email address isjulie.laineCÐtwcable.com. WHAT AR YOUR JOB RESPONSIBILITIES? I am responsible for legal and regulatory matters relating to Time Warer Cable's voice, video, and data services. PLEASE GIVE A BRIF DESCRIPTION . OF YOUR BACKGROUN AN EXPERIENCE. I am an attorney who has specialized in the area of communications. I began my law career asa law clerk in the U.S. Distrct Cour for the District of New Jersey and later served as an Adjunct Professor at the Seton Hall Law SchooL. I then practiced communications law in private practice in Washington, D.C. for several years. I later served as an Attorney Advisor in the Policy Division of the Federal Communcations Commission's Common Carier Bureau, where I worked on issues relating to local telephone competition, broadband deployment, and telecommunications mergers. I joined Time Warer Cable in 2002 after working for Net2Phone, Inc., an IP telephony provider, where I was Associate General CounseL. Prior to becoming Time Warer Cable's Group Vice President, Regulatory, I was Vice President and Chief Counsel, Telephony. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvana and my law degree from the College of Wiliam & Mar. I am a recent graduate of the Betsy Magness'Leadership Institute, Women in Cable Telecommunications' flagship executive DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 1 I 2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 Q. development program that provides intensive, yearlong training for senior-level women ready to take on significant leadership responsibilities. PLEASE BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR COMPANY'S CORPORATE STRUCTURE. Time Warner Cable Information Services (Idaho), LLC ("TWCIS") isa limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. TWCIS is a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of Time Warer Cable Inc. ("TWC"). DOES TIME WARR CABLE INC. HAVE OTHER SUBSIDIARIS OUTSIDE IDAHO THAT OPERATE AS CERTIFICATED COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHAGE CARRS' AN OFFER TELECOMMUICATIONS SERVICES COMPARLE TO THOSE THAT TWCIS SEEKS TO INTRODUCE? WHAT IS THE PUROSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 2 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 23 24 25 The purose of my testimony is to present evidence concernng TWCIS's application for a CPCN to provide local telecommunications service and intrastate toll service in Idaho, to explain that granting the application would benefit the public interest and be consistent with Idaho state law and policy, and to describè why TWCIS would be unable to enter the Idaho market, or offer a competitive alternative to entrenched ILEC services, in the absence of a CPCN. PLEASE DESCRIE THE SERVICES THAT TWCIS PROPOSES TO PROVIDE IN IDAHO. TWCIS. wil provide competitive, facilities-based wholesale and retail local intrastate telecommunications services for compensation within the State of Idaho. Such services may include point-to-point, private line, access, interconnection and transport services. In paricular, TWCIS's Local Interconnection Service will enable two-way interconnection between the facilities of TWCIS's customers and the public switched telephone network ("PSTN"). This service will be offered on a wholesale basis to facilities-based providers of interconnected VoIP services, and wil provide for, among other things, two-way interactive switched voice communcations that wil be transported and terminated in Idaho. Local Interconnection Service also wil provide TWCIS's interconnected VoIP provider customers with access to domestic and international toll services, operator services, telephone number resources, 911 calling, and related services and features. DOES TWCIS QUALIFY AS A "TELEPHONE CORPORATION" UNDER IDAHO STATE LAW? Yes. TWCIS's Local Interconnection Service, in addition to the other services TWCIS intends to offer in Idaho, falls within the statutory definition of "telecommunication service" under the Idaho Code. Thus, TWCIS is a "telephone corporation" as defined by DIRCT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Idaho law. Further, TWCIS's Local Interconnection Service should be classified as a "basic local exchange service" under Idaho Code § 62-603(1). Therefore, to the extent that Title 61 requires the actual provision of basic local exchange service at the time a CPCN is granted-a point that that TWCIS does not ccmcede-TWCIS has satisfied that requirement. HAS THE COMMISSION PREVIOUSLY GRATED CPCNS TO OTHER APPLICANTS THAT PROPOSED TO OFFER SERVICES COMPARLE TO THOSE PROPOSED BY TWCIS? Yes. The Commission has done so on several occasions. For example, in its application for a CPCN, ALEC Telecom, Inc. ("ALEC") proposed to offer "wholesale switching and interconnection services to other telephone service providers and similarly-positioned wholesale business customers."i The Commission granted ALEC's request for a CPCN. Similarly, in its application for a CPCN, Eltopia Communications, LLC ("Eltopia") represented that it would primarly provide high-speed data. services and protocol conversion services that did not require certification? Yet the Commssion granted Eltopia's application after noting that Eltopia had the capability to provide both voice and data services over the same tru, and recognizing the company's desire to maintain the flexibility to configure its service according to its customers' specifications.3 Whle Staff has' attempted to distinguish these applications from that submitted by TWCIS, the fact remains that, immediately following certification, ALEC and Eltopia provided the same 1 See Application of ALEC Telecom, Inc. for a Certifcate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange and Telecommunications Services, Case No. ALE- T-09-01, Order No. 30944, at 4-5 (Nov. 13,2009). Application of Eltopia Communications LLC for a Certifcate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange and Telecommunications Services, Case No. ECL- T-07-01, OrderNo. 30442 (Sep. 24,2007). Id. 2 3 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 4 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 types of services proposed by TWCIS.4 Yet, in those cases Staff supported certification. There is no justification for treating TWCIS differently. IN YOUR OPINION, WILL THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE TO TWCIS BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST? Yes. A CPCN will enable TWCIS to provide facilties-based wholesale and retail intrastate telecommunications services to commercial customers in Idaho. These services wil, in tum, be used to make available new and competitive service offerings that wil be available to residential and commercial consumers in Idaho, in fuherance of the public interest. It is well-established that increased competition leads to lower prices, service innovation, more responsive customer service, and other benefits that increase consumer utilty and stimulate demand for the services supplied by all providers, including the ILECs. Moreover, ILECs respond to robust competition by improving the efficiency of their operations and expanding the market to which they offer their services, ultimately benefiting consumers and the Idaho economy statewide. DOES THE ESTABLISHED PUBLIC POLICY OF THE STATE OF IDAHO FAVOR GRAT OF THEREQUESTED CPCN? Yes. The Idao Telecommunications Act of 1988 was enacted in large par to promote competition in the telecommunications marketplace within Idaho-in recogntion of the many benefits of competition, including those that'I have just identified. Consequently, Title 62 reflects a clear state policy in favor of promoting "effective competition," i.e., "substantive and meaningful competition throughout the incumbent telephone corporation's local exchange calling area." See Idaho Code §62-601(2). In fact, 4 For example, while ALEC represented to the Commission that it planed to provide other services in the future that fell within the category of "basic local exchange service," the fact remains that it was not providing any retail local exchange servce at the time it received a CPCN, thus undercutting any assertion that the provision of such a retail service is a prerequisite to certification. DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 5 I 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Q. 24 25 26 A. encouraging entry by new service providers, such as TWCIS, is the overrding objective of the Act-and one that the Commission has broad authority to pursue. DOES ANTHING IN IDAHO STATE LAW PRECLUDE THE COMMISSION FROM GRATING THE REQUESTED.CPCN? No. Even if TWCIS'sLocal Interconnection Service were not deemed a basic local exchange service-which would mean that Idaho Code § 62-604 would exempt TWCIS from the requirement to obtain a CPCN in order to provide this service-nothing in that exemption forecloses TWCIS from seeking a CPCN on a voluntar basis. As TWCIS has explained, it is not seeking certification for the purpose of subjecting itself to burdensome regulations, but rather is seeking a CPCN because such authority is necessary for TWCIS to enter the Idaho telecommunications market. Nothing in. the Idaho Code compels TWCIS to forego, orthe Commission to deny, this vital prerequisite. In fact, as just explained, clear state law and policy compel the opposite result. WILL TWCIS BE ABLE TO ENTER THE IDAHO MART, AN DELNER THE PUBLIC INTEREST BENEFITS THAT YOU HAVE DESCRIED, WITHOUT A CPCN? No. A CPCN is critical to enable TWCIS to obtain inputs and assistance critical to its ability to operate in Idaho. For example, incumbent LECs wil refuse to interconnect with an entity that does not hold a CPCN granted by the relevant statecoimission. Without such interconnection, TWCIS wil be unable to complete local telephone calls or otherwise provide a viable service offering. Therefore, TWCIS's ability to interconnect with other carrers is a fundamental requirement of its proposed business activities. HAS TWCIS ATTEMPTED TO ENTER INTO ANY INTERCONNCTION AGREEMENTS WITH INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE CARERS OPERATING IN IDAHO? Yes. TWCISrecently attempted to enter into an interconnection agreement with Verizon, DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 to the point of submitting signed interconnection agreement documents for Verizon to counter-sign. However, Verizon refused to do so on the grounds that it had not received the "required certification information" demonstrating that TWCIS holds a CPCN, making clear its view that the absence of certification made the otherwise-acceptable interconnection agreement "non-operationaL."s TWCIS informed Verizon of ths Commission's ruling that TWCIS did not require a CPCN to obtain interconnection, but Verzon refused to accept any alternative to a CPCN as sufficient to demonstrate TWCIS's entitlement to interconnect as a qualified telecommunications carrer. WILL TWCIS FACE ANY OTHER OBSTACLES IF IT DOES NOT OBTAI A CPCN FROM THE'COMMISSION? Yes. In addition to precluding interconnection, the denial of a CPCN would leave TWCIS without the ability to obtain telephone numbers, route calls, and obtain other inputs necessar to operate as a CLEC.6' For instance, when a carer requests telephone number blocks, that entity's status as a holder of a CPCN is verified by the numbering authority before number blocks' are assigned.. Similarly, TWCIS could not be listed in the Local Exchange Routing Guide, which. is essential to routing local calls, without an Operating Company Number ("OCN"), and the National Exchange Carier Association assigns such OCNs only to entities that hold CPCNs. Without anOCN, TWCIS will be unable to obtain company codes that identify it and permit it to pay and collect access charges for the traffc it intends to car or to be listed in industr databases that are necessary for the provision of service to customers. For example, TWCIS must have a CPCN to obtain Local Routing Numbers ("LRNs"), which convey essential end user call 5 See Letter from Scott Miles, Contract Management, Verizon Global Wholesale to Mark Swan, Time Warner Cable (Apr. 29,2010) (attached hereto as Exhibit A). 6 See, e.g., Telephone Number Requirements for IP-Enabled Services Providers, Report and Order, 22 FCC Rcd 19531, at' 12' (2007) (noting that NANP A "provides numbers only to entities that are licensed or certificated as carers under the (Federal DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 7 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Q. 19 A. routing information. Moreover, to paricipate in number porting, TWCIS must have an OCN and provider proof of its CPCNto obtain a Service Provider Identification Number ("SPID") from the Number Portability Administration Center ("NP AC") and register as a user for the NP AC' s Service Management System ("SMS"). DOES FEDERAL LAW PRECLUDE THE COMMISSION FROM GRATING THE REQUESTED CPCN? No. To the contrary, the Communcations Act of 1934, as amended, establishes a clear nationwide policy in favor of competition and expressly prohibits state legal requirements that prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting competitive. entr by new service providers.7 Moreover, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") has made clear that that "providers of wholesale telecommunications services" such as TWCIS "enjoy the same rights as any 'telecommunications carrer' under. . . the Act."s As noted above, state law and policy are fully consistent with these federal objectives. In any event, where, as here, a state commission's refusal to grant aCPCN would result in prohibiting the applicant from providing telecommunications services in fuherance of Congress'sprocompetitive objectives,. such action would be subject to preemption under Section 253 of the Act. DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY? Yes. Communications) Act. "). 7 See 47 U.S.C. § 253(a). 8 Time Warner Cable Requestfor Declaratory Ruling that Competitive Local Exchange Carriers May Obtain Interconnection Under Section 251 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, to Provide Wholesale Telecommunications Services to VoIP Providers, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 22 FCC Rcd 3513, at' 9 (WCB 2007) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JULIE LAINE - 8 RECElV iUlßl1AY l 3 PM 4: l¡1 EXHIBIT A Scott Miles Contract Management Verizon Global Wholesale \ ~ë1.~onVIA FEDEX OVERNIGHT Verizon Global Wholesale 600 Hidden Ridge HQWMNOTICES Irving, TX 75038 Phone 972-718-3689 Fax 972-719-1519 ScotL.Miles(§verizon.com April 29, 2010 Time Warner Cable Mark Swan 7800 Crescent Executive Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 Subject:NOTICE OF NON-OPERATIONAL DOCUMENTS AND RETURN OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS On September 3, 2009, Verizon received executed signature pages for Time Warner Cable Information Services (Idaho), LLC's ("TWCIS") Interconnection Agreement documents for the State of Idaho. However, despite several requests for the information, we have not received the required certification information needed to execute, deliver and fie the Interconnection Agreement documents. Therefore, Verizon considers the Interconnection Agreement documents non-operationaL. Enclosed are your voided, executed signature pages. Once TWCIS has received certification to be a provider of local exchange service, please submit a written request for Negotiations to: Kathleen Robertson Verizon Global Wholesale - Interconnection Negotiations 600 Hidden Ridge, HQE03D44 Irving, TX 75038 Telephone: 972-718-6452 Fax: 972-719-1519 E-Mail: contract.management(gverizon.com NOTICE OF NON-OPERATIONAL DOCUMENTS AND RETURN OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (lCIS) April 29, 2010 As per the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the request date will be the date Verizon receives the written request. Sincerely, .xtøl. :JU Scott Miles Contract Management Verizon Global Wholesale Enclosures (4) Cc: Time Warner Cable Julie P. Laine 60 Columbus Circle New York, NY 10023 2 SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the Effective Date. TIME WARNER CABLE INFORMATION ::~li¡iiJ VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. By: Printed: Gerald D. Campbell Printed: Jeffrey A. Masoner Title: EVP, Commercial Services Title: Vice President - Interconnection Services 2009_11_05_ TWCIS (ID) VZ Comprehensive ICA Ver3.3-1-ID.doc 27 SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the Effective Date. TIME WARNER CABLE INFORMATION SERVICES (IDAHO), LLC r ¿II By~~¡1\Ø ¡ VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. By: Printed: Gerald D. Campbell Printed: Jeffrey A. Masoner Title: EVP, Commercial Services Title: Vice President - Interconnection Services 2009_11_05_ TWCIS (10) VL Comprehensive ieA Ver3.3-1-10.doc 27 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the Amendment Effective Date. TIME WARNER CABLE INFORMATION SERVICES (IDAHO), LLC By: 6J!f Printed: Gerald D. Campbell Tite: EVP, Commercial Services Rate Plan B Amendment v062708 VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. By: Printed: Jeffrey A. Masoner Tite: Vice President -interconnection Services 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the Amendment Effective Date. TIME WARNER CABLE INFORMATION SERVICES (IDAHO), LLC BY~~l\) Printed: Gerald D. Campbell Title: EVP, Commercial Services Rate Plan B Amendment v062708 VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. By: Printed: Jeffrey A. Masoner Title: Vice President - Interconnection Services 5