HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180103Application.pdfJohn Sisernore AT&T Services. lnc. [ 62 Roseheart San Antonio. TX 78259 AT&T January 2,2018 Ms. Carolee Hall Telecommunications S ection Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83720-0074 Te5*T*rt-ol RE: Numbering "Safety Valve" request for Teleport Communications America, LLC ("TCAL") Dear Ms. Hall On behalf of Teleport Communications America, LLC ("TCAL"), we respectfully request that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") review the decision of the NeuStar Pooling Administration ("PA") denying TCAL's application for five thousand- blocks of numbers to be used to serve alarge business customer in the Idaho Falls rate center. This request is based on the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") rules per 47 C.F.R. 52.15(dg) and pursuant to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines and the Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines published by the Industry Numbering Committee ("fNC"). The customer is requesting 5,000 numbers for the Idaho Falls rate center. TCAL has developed a communications plan that the customer will implement and assign the numbers as soon as they are made available. A copy of the customer's Letter of Intent ("LOI") is attached as ATTACHMENT A. This document is considered CONFIDENTIAL and therefore has been printed on yellow paper and sealed in an envelope attached to this letter. On December 13, 2017, TCAL submitted the "Thousand Block Application Form Part 1A" to the PA for 5,000 numbers (ATTACHMENT B). TCAL received a denial error message indicating the request did not "meet the MTE ("months-to-exhaust") and/or Utilization requirements" and advised that TCAL could request a state waiver from the Idaho Commission if not in agreement with the decision. While TCAL met the MTE threshold, it did not meet the Utilization requirement. Documentation of this request/denial is enclosed. TCAL currently owns only 208-497-6 with approximately 502 available numbers. TCAL respectfully requests that the Idaho Commission overturn the PA's decision expeditiously in the interest of our customer, as we are unable to satisfy the numbering needs T: (210) 545-3519 M: (214) 202-s067 j ohn. sisemore@att.corn -: t""r'-t C, i:",.- @r1!j k frrrl: fu. m',; r C)r-;-"'. fr) mq'-,.:.1 ?::iiu H ria:i-- (f(J1() 3*()co ;! * of this customer without such an exception. Any correspondence with the PA in this matter may be brought to the attention of the PA responsible for the geography in question: Ms. Dora Wirth NeuStar, Inc - Pooling Administrator (92s) 363-76s3 dora.wirth@neustar.biz Sincerely, )t* -,5-C John D Sisemore Enclosures ATTACHMENT A [CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT A FILED UNDER SEPARATE COVER] PartlA Page 1 of5 '['rackins Number: 208-IOAHOFALLS-lD-1055205 Thousands-Block Application Form - Part lA Revised: January 4,2016 Type of Application: lndividualBlock Request ,' NeW change' Dirconne"t General Application Information 1. I Contact Information: Block Applicant: c-ompany TELEpoRT coMMUNrcATroNS AMERTcA - rD - LLcName: T:1dq*trs one Ar&r wavAddress: Ciw: Bedminster State: NJ ZIP:07921 Contact:,""'*-" Tammv Brvant1\ame: Contact 35g ord Main streetAddress: City: Asburv State: NJ ZIP:08802 Phone: 908637-0179 Fax:210{93-2281 E-mail: tbryant@att.com Pooling Administrator:ii Contact Name: Contact Address: John Auerbach 1800 Sufter St. Ste. 780 City: Concord State: CA Phone: 925-3634706 Fax:925-363-7684 E-mail: iohn.auerbach@neustar.biz ZIP:94520 I .2 General Information: Check one : No LRN needed LRN needediii: hups ://www.nationalpooling.com/pas/print_form j sp 12n3/2017 PartlA Page 2 of 5 NPA: 20S LATA: 652 OCN'": 808G Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested : 5 Switch Identifi cation (Switching Entity/POI'): Rate Centervi: IDAHOFALLS 1.3 Dates: Parent Company's OCN 7125 Date of Application'ii:- 121',t3t2017 Requested Eflbctive Date'iii: oil13t2018 Requested Expedited Treatment? (See Section 8.6) Yes No X By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requesting the Thousands-Block a) Type of Service Provider : CAP OR CLEC (LEC, IXC, CMRS, Other) b) Primary Type of Service Blocks to be used for : llYireline c) Thousands-Block(s) (N)fi-X) assignment preference (Optional) 208-710-1-7 MUST HAVE CONSECUTTVE BLK'S ASSTGNED 208-70{-2-6 MUST HAVE CONSECUTIVE BLK'S ASSIGNED d) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment, if any e) If requesting a code for LRN purposes, indicate which block(s) you will be keeping (the remainder of the blocks will be given to the pool) i.5'Iype of Request Initial block for rate center : Yes If Yes, attach evidence of authorization and proof of capability to provide service within 60 days. Growth block for rate center : Yes X If Yes, attach months to exhaust worksheet By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am willing to accept a block in:,,:7 and explicitly understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the NPAC on the block etlbctive date. Type of change (Mark all that apply) https :/iwww.nati onalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp tzlt3l20t7 PartlA Part 18 Page 3 of5 OCN: Intra-company'' Switching Id OCN:Inter-company* EffectiveDate Change block: Yes If Yes,listNPA-NXX-X 1.6 Block Return : a) b) c) Is this block Contaminated: Yes - No -If Yes how many TNs are NOT available for assignment :_ Have all new Intra SP ports been completed in the NPAC: Yes _ No _ Tammy Bryant Sr. Specialist - Network Support Signature of Block Applicant Title d) Has this block been protected from further assignment: Yes No _ Disconnect block : Yes -lf Yes, list NPA-NXX-X Remarks: I hereby certifu that the above information requesting an NXX-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines AT13-0300066 available on the ATIS web site (www.atis.org/inc) or by contacting inc@atis.org as of the date of this application. 12t13t2017 f)ate lnstructions fbr filline out each Section of the Part 1A form: Section 1.1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under "Block Applicant" the company name, company headquarters address, a contact within the company. an address where the contact person may be reached, in addition to the correct phone, fax, and e-mail address. The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Se vice Provider to frll in the Pooling Administrator's name. address, phone, fax and e-mail. Section 1.2 Service Providers who need a thousands-block assignment or for an I.ocation Routing Number (LRN) are required to fill in this section. If needed for an LRN, a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA. The Service Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access I'ransport Area (LA'IA), which is a three-digit number that can be found in the Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv (iconectiv'rM1 LERGTM Routing Guide'i. The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN of its parent company. An OCN is a four-character alphanumeric NECA-assigned Company Code or a four-character alphanumeric identifier https ://www. nationalpool ing. c om/pas/print_form j sp 12n3/2017 PartlA Page 4 of 5 assigned by the iconectivrM Telecom Routing Administration (TRA). In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied. The Switch ldentification. Explanations of these tcrms may be found in the footnotes. Section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the application should be entered in this section, as well as the Effective Date of the requested thousands- block. Section 1.4 Service Providers should indicate their type, e.g., local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier, interexchange carrier, CMRS or VolP. Also indicate the primary type of business in which the numbering resource is to be used. Service Providers may indicate their preference for a particular thousands-block, e.g., 321-9XX^X, or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e.9., 321 -6XXX. Section 1.5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands-blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC. Section 1.6 Service Providers must indicate the updated/current information in regards to contaminated TNs on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over 107o contamination (101 TNs or more) shall not be returned to the pool except when a service provider is exiting the market or is exchanging a block that was identified as being over 10Yo contaminated. If the block being returned is over l0oZ contaminated, the PA shall seek a new block holder. If question c andlor d have a response of No, the request for return shall be denied. The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date. Footnotes: ildentifi, the type of change(s) in Section 1.5. iiThe Pool Administrator is available to assist in completing these forms. iiiA CO Code application will also need to be submitted to the PA. i'Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524-1020) to be assigned a Company Code(s). Since multiplc OCNs and/or Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to TRA (732-699-6700). uThis is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the I I character CLLITM Code of the switch iPOt. uiRate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center. uiiAcknowledgment and indication of disposition of this application will be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application. An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. https ://www. nationalpooling.com/pas/print_form j sp t2lt3/2017 PartlA Page 5 of5 uiiiPlease ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be associated with this block (s) is/will be active in the PSTN prior to the effective date of the block(s). i' Select if you are the current Block Holder. * Select if you are not the current Block Holder *iCommon Language@ and Telcordia@ are registered trademarks and CLLITM, LERG1M Routing Guide and iconectivrM are trademarks and the Intellectual Properly of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv. https ://www. nationalpooling. com/pasiprint_fbrm j sp 12il312017 MTE Block Page I of3 Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines (TBPAG) - Appendix 3 Revised: January 412A16 MONTHS TO EXHAUST and UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN Levelr (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 208-IDAHOFALLS-ID-1055205 Date: Egd4gd4y, OCN:g,EG Company Name:EEEEI December 13.2017 COMMUNICATIONS AMERICA - ID - LLC Rate Center: I}!@p!L!! List all Codes NPA(s)-NXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s)2:@3![6 Name of Block Applicant:lg4gq1@gg! Signature: Tammv Brvant Fax: @ g Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 22gq$l2 Title:Sr. Snecialist - Network Sunoort 893-2281 Phone: 908-537-0179- E-Mail : tbrvantfd.att.com A. Available Numbers:502 B. Assigned Numbers: l$ C. Total Numbering Resources:]@ D. Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (inuements of 1,000 or 10,000) and excluded from the Utilization calculation 3:0 List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): https ://wwwlationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp t2lt3l20t7 MTE Block E. Growth History - Previous 6 monthsa F-. Forecast - Next 12 5006 monthss H. Months to Exhaust6 Numbers Available for Assignment to Customers (A) Average Monthly Forecast (G) Available Numbers 502 1502 2SA2 3502 4502 Page 2 of3 Months'fo Exhaust 0.598 1.79 2.981 4.172 5.364 G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months # 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):839.333 Block Requested I 2 3 4 5 I UtilizationT Assigned Numbers{B)X 100: 49.3 Total Numbering Resources (C)-Excluded Numbers (D) Explanation: lA copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditing pu{poses, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. 2Report on all resources for the requested geographic area, including newly acquired blocks/codes. 3Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks and/or codes received from the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 TNs (e. g.: 2 blocks received:2,000 and 1 code received:10,000). https : //www. nationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp t2/13/2017 MTE Block aN"t.h*ge in TNs no longer available lbr assignment in each previous month, starting with the most distant month as Month I, and Month 6 as the current month. sForecast of TNs needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month 1. 6To be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (47 CFR $ 52.1 5 (g) (4) (iii)). TNewly acquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilization calculation (47 CFR $ 52.15 (gX+) (ii)) hups ://www. nationalpooling.com/pas/print_form j sp tzlt3l20t7 Page 3 of3 Part 3 2OS.IDAHOFALLS. rD-1055205 12t13t2017 12t13t2017 Effective Date: Date of Response:12,fit2017 Page I of2 Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines (TBPAG) - Part 3 Revised: January 412016 Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation Tracking Number : Date of Application: Date of Receipt: Service Provider Name: (LERGTM Routing Guider) oCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID : TELEPORT COMMUNICATIONS AMERICA - ID. LLC 808G 7125 Pooling Admi nistrator Contact Information: John Auerbach Phone: Signature of Pool ing Administrator John Auerbach Fax: Name (print) Email:john.auerbach@neustar. biz Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected : 925-363-8706 925-363-7684 NPA-NXX or _NPA-NXX-X : _ Block Contaminated (Yes or No): If yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (1 -1 000): Switch Identifi cation (Switchin g/POl)2 https : //www. nationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp BOISIDMAXNX 1211312017 Part 3 Page2 of2 Rate Center: Form complete, request denied. IDAHOFALLS X Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE and/or Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new block is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State tlYaiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. lf you are in dieagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. _Request Withdrawn. Explanation: _ Assignment Activity Suspended by Administrator. Explanation: Remarks: lTelcordia@ is a registered trademark and LERGTM Routing Guide and iconectivlu are trademarks and the Intellectual Properfy of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv. 2 This is an eleven -character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the Common Language@ Location Code (CLLITM Code) of the switching entity/POl shown on the Part 1A form. Common Language@ is a registered trademark and CLLI is a trademark and the Intellectual Property of Telcordia Technol<lgies, Inc. dba iconectiv. https : //www.nationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp 1211312017