HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111122Application.pdf~ '-J at&t Rt~ AT&T Services,lnc. 645 E. Plumb Lane, C142 Reno, NV 89502 T: 775333 3991 F: 775 333 2364 janice.ono~att.com iOll 22 ~,¡:110: 45 in UTIUí November 21, 2011 -Tc.s -1"- ii -0 / Jean Jewell, Commssion Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83720-0074 Re: TC Systems, Inc. - Application and Request for Authority Dear Ms. Jewell, Enclosed please find the Application and Request for Authority of TC Systems, Inc. to be recognized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion (Commssion) as a telecommunications company that does not intend to provide basic local exchange service in the State of Idaho. TC Systems, Inc. wil provision transport facilities to its affiiate, AT&T Corp., which wil offer Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") service to business customers in Idaho. As AT&T Corp. wil only be providing business VoIP ("BVoIP"), an information service, to customers in Idaho, it is not seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or a registration with the Commssion. I am enclosing the original and three (3) copies, along with an extra copy and a self- addressed, stamped envelope. Please fie-stamp and return the extra copy to me in the enclosed envelope. Please contact John Sisemore (214-757-3244) if you have any questions or concerns regarding this filng. Sincerely, Enclosures USA C( Proud Sponsor of the u.s. Olympic Team REGElBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ZOJ 1 22 r~1,.h' 10= 4S IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF TC SYSTEMS, ) INC. TO REGISTER AS A ) WHOLESALE PROVIDER OF )TELECOMMUNICATIONS ) SERVICES WITHIN THE STATE OF )IDAHO ) CASE NO. APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for TC Systems, Inc. ("Applicant" or "TC Systems, Inc.") to be recognized by the Commission as a telecommunications company that does not intend to provide basic local exchange service pursuant to modified Commission Rule 114, IDAPA 3, as clarified in Procedural Order No. 32277 in Case No. GNR-T-11-0l. The following general information and exhibits are furnished in support thereof: 1. Applicant's name, address and form of business. A. Applicant is a competitive telecommunications company that intends to offer wholesale transport service to one of its affiliates in the state of Idaho. B. The Applicant, TC Systems, Inc., is incorporated in the State of Delaware and is in good standing under the laws of that state. Attached as Exhibit 1 to this Application is a copy of its Aricles of Incorporation and amendments thereto. A Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Secretary of State for the State of Delaware is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. C. Applicant's principal place of business is: One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921. D. The name and address of the Applicant's registered agent for service in Idaho is as follows: CT Corporation System 111 West Jefferson, Suite 530 Boise, ID 83702 E. Applicant is wholly-owned subsidiary of TCG New York, Inc., a Delaware Corporation ("TCG NY") located at One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921. TCG NY is in turn wholly owned by Teleport Communications Group Inc. ("Teleport"). Teleport is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T Corp., and AT&T Corp. is a wholly- owned subsidiary of AT&T Inc. F. The Applicant does not own or control any subsidiaries. G. The names and addresses of Applicant's Officers and Directors are: Officers Anthony Fea, President 200 S. Laurel Avenue, Bldg. D, Middletown, NJ 07748 Michael E. Todd, Vice President 360 Gees Mil, Business Pkwy NE, Conyers, GA 30013 George B. Goeke Treasurer 208 S. Akard Street, Rm. 2726, Dallas, TX 75202 Wayne A. Wirtz Secretary 208 S. Akard Street, Rm. 3024, Dallas, TX 75202 J ames Bradley Assistant Secretary One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Jeston Dumas Assistant Treasurer 208 S. Akard Street, Rm. 2725, Dallas, TX 75202 Elaine Lou Assistant Treasurer 208 S. Akard Street, Rm. 2712, Dallas, TX 75202 2 Robert Murphy Assistant Secretary One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Christopher Och Assistant Secretary One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Jeffrey Tutnauer Assistant Secretary One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Christopher Vrana Assistant Secretary One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Gary Wiggins Assistant Secretary One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 James F. DionneCFO One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Karen Diorio Assistant Secretary-Tax One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 J. Mark Schleyer Vice President-Real Estate 208 S. Akard, Rm. 3414, Dallas, TX 75202 Richard J. Sinton Assistant Secretary-Tax One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Directors George B. Goeke Director 208 S. Akard Street, Rm. 2726, Dallas, TX 75202 Lawrence J. Ruzicka Director 208 S. Akard Street, Rm. 2726, Dallas, TX 75202 3 2. Company Contacts: The name, address, and telephone number for those persons responsible for customer complaints and inquiries, plus the toll-free telephone number for customer inquiries and complaints: For customer complaints:RM-EXECappeals (g att.com Toll Free Customer Contact Number: 866-288-7629 Yvonne Harrison One AT&T Way Bedminster, NJ 07921-2693 For regulatory inquiries:John Sisemore 208 S Akard, Rm. 2532 Dallas, TX 75202 Telephone Number: 214-757-3244 E-mail: john.sisemore(gatt.com 3. Interconnection Agreements: The Applicant has contacted CenturyLink and wil initiate interconnection negotiations upon submission of this application. 4. Compliance with Commission Rules: The Applicant has reviewed the Commission's rules governing telecommunications services in Idaho and wil provide service in accordance with these rules to the extent they are not preempted by the Federal Act. 5. Conservation of Telephone Numbers: The Applicant wil obtain numbering resources and acknowledges that as a non-paging telecommunications carier in the State of Idaho, Applicant wil be subject to numbering conservation measures, including mandatory one thousand (1,000) block pooling, pursuant to Commission Order No. 30425. 4 WHEREFORE, TC Systems, Inc., requests that the Idaho Public Utilties Commission recognize it as a registered wholesale provider of telecommunications service in Idaho pursuant to Commission Rule 114, IDAPA 3, as clarified in Procedural Order No. 32277 in Case No. GNR-T-11-01. Respectfully submitted this 21 st day of November, 2011 BY:~ an'ce L. Ono. a=:ry 645 E. Plumb Lane, C142 Reno, NV 89502 775-333-3991 (telephone) 775-333-2364 (facsimile) J anice.ono (g att.com For TC Systems, Inc. 5 EXHIBIT 1 TC SYSTEMS, INC. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED CPCN Ðefaware PAGE 1 rr !first State I, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWAR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED AR TRUE AND CORRCT COPIES OF ALL DOCUMNTS ON FILE OF "TC SYSTEMS, INC." AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMNTS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED: CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION, FILED THE TWENTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D. 1989, AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M. CERTIFICATE OF AMNDMENT, FILED THE FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 1996, AT 12 O'CLOCK P.M. AND I DO HEREBY FUTHER CERTIFY THAT THE AFRESAID CERTIFICATES AR THE ONLY CERTIFICATES ON RECORD OF THE AFORESAID CORPORATION, "TC SYSTEMS, INC.". 110905890 Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secretary of StateC TION: 89605192208190 8100H DATE: 08-10-11 You may verify this certificate onlineat corp. delaware. govlauthver. shtm .- , ..0( -,~q~'t3003 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION ...., ,l¡" ....... ~~......",- ~'i \\' ry1 of ,iaD SE 10 \'l L o~ Aldll _'1a-~..._~.. TC SYSTEMS, INC. ARTICLE I Name The name of the Corporation is TC Systems, Inc. ARTICLE II Registered Office and Registered Agent The registered office of the Corporation in the State of Del- aware is located at Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, in the City of Wilmington, County of NewCastle. The name of the Cor- poration' s registered agent is The Corporation Trust Company. ARTICLE III Corporate Purposes The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. ARTICLE iv Authorized Shares Section 1. Shares Authorized. The total number of shares of all classes of capital stock that the Corporation is authorized to issue is two thousand (2,000) shares, of which one thousand (1,000) shares shall be Common Stock, par value ten dollars ($10.00) per share ("Common Stock") and one thousand (1,000) shares shall be Pre- ferred Stock, par value ten doiiars ($10.00) per share ("PreferredStock") . Section 2. Rights and Restrictions of Preferred Stock. Autho- rity is hereby expressly vested in the Board of Directors of the Corporation, subject to the provisions of this Article iv and to the limitations prescribed by law, to authorize the issue from time totime of o.ne or more series of Preferred Stock and with respect to 898lC - 1 - ,:.;'.,;tl1';"."Si:',:,;,: ""~~)e;:": ' , - .:'j each such series to fix by resolution or resolutions the voting powers, full or limited, if any, of the shares of such series and the designations, preferences and relative, participating, optional or other special rights and the qualifications, limitations or re- strictions thereof. The authority of the Board of Directors with respect to each series shall include, but not be limited to, the de- termination or fixing of the following: (a) The designation of such series. (b) The dividend rate of such series, the conditions and dates upon which such dividends shall be payable, the relation which such dividends shall bear to the dividends payable on any other class or classes or series of the Corporation i s capital stock, and whether such dividends shall be cumulative or non-cumulative. (c) Whether the shares of such series shall be subject to redemption for cash, property or rights, including securities of any other corporation, by the Corporation at the option of ei ther the Corporation or the holder or both or upon the hap- pening of a specified event, and, if made subject to any such redemption, the times or events, prices and other terms and conditions of such redemption. (d) The terms and amount of any sinking fund provided for the purchase or redemption of the shares of such series. (e) Whether or not the shares of such series shall be con- vertible into, or exchangeable for, at the option of either the holder or the Corporation or upon the happening of a specified event, shares of any other class or classes or of any other series of the same or any other class or classes of the Corpo- ration' s capital stock and, if provision be made for conversion or exchange, the times or events, prices, rates, adjustments, and other terms and conditions of such conversions or exchanges. (f) The restrictions, if any, on the issue or reissue of any additional Preferred Stock. (g) The rights of the holders of the shares of such series upon the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. (h) The provisions as to voting, options and/or other special rights and preferences, if any. Section 3. Rights and Restrictions of Commn Stock. The powers, preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations or restric- tions thereof in respect to the Common Stock are as follows: 898lC - 2 - ".',." ...:~...:.'-~'..'-::~;-~.t¿J :;~~.:¡:..-'''.tj:lI~',r . (a) The Commn Stock is junior to the Preferred Stock and is subject to all powers, rights, privileges, preferences and priori ties of the Preferred Stock as herein or in any resolu- tion or resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to authority expressly vested in it by the provisions of Sec-tion 2 of this Article. (b) The Common Stock shall have voting rights for the election of directors and for all other purposes, each holder of Common Stock being entitled to one vote for each share thereof held by such holder, except as otherwise required bylaw. Section 4. Increase or pecrease in Amount of Authorized Shares. The number of authorized shares of any class or classes of capital stock of the Corporation may be increased or decreased by an amendment to this Certificate of Incorporation authorized by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of the Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon and, except as expressly provided in the Certificate of Incorporation or in any re- solution or resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to the authority expressly vested in it by the provisions of Section 2 of this Article with respect to the Preferred Stock and except as otherwise provided by law, no vote by holders of capital stock of the Corporation other than the Common Stock shall be required to ap-prove such action. Section 5. Shares Entitled to More or Less than One Vote. If,on any matter, any class or series of the Corporation i s capital stock shall be entitled to more or less than one vote for any share, every reference in this Certificate of Incorporation and in any relevant provision of law to a majority or other proportion of stock shall refer to such majority or other proportion of the votes of such stock. ARTICLE V Corporate Existence The Corporation is to have perpetual existence. ARTICLE VI Powers of Board of Directors In furtherance and not in iimitation of the powers conferred by statute, the Board of Directors of the Corporation is expresslyauthorized: (a) To make, alter, amend or repeal the By-Laws, except as otherwise expressly provided in any By-Law made by the holders of the capital stock of the Corporation entitled to vote there- 898lC - 3 - . . , ,;;i1:ri;C -,:~ :-:~:;'~~.::;~~:~--:."...,~,.."" .:,~:-;:;d":;:l~~~;:d' - ¡..~.i.l.-~~ j . 'l 8981C " ,:.;.t:,~:' ~ on. Any By-Law maybe altered, amended or. repealed by the holders of the capital stock of the Corporation entitled to vote thereon at any annual meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose. (b) To authorize and cause to be executed mortgages and liens upon the real and personal property of the Corporation. (c) To determine the use and disposition of any surplus and net profits of the Corporation, including the determination of the amount of working capital required, to set apart out ofany of the funds of the Corporation, whether or not avai lable for dividends, a reserve or reserves for any proper purpose and to abolish any such reserve in the manner in which it wascreated. Cd) To designate, by resolution passed by a majority of the whole Board of Directors, one or more committees, each com- mittee to consist of two or more directors of the Corporation, which, to the extent provided in the resolution designating the committee or in the By-Laws of the Corporation, shall, subject to the limitations prescribed by law, have and may exercise all the powers and authority of the Board of Directors in the man- agement of the business and affairs of the Corporation and may authorize the seal of the Corporation to be affixed to all papers that may require it. Such committee or committees shall have such name ""or names as may be provided in the By-Laws or the Corporation or as may be determined from time to time by resolution adopted by the;Board of Directors. (e) To adopt such pension, retirement, deferred compensa- tion or other employee benefit plans or provisions as may, from time to time, be approved by it, providing for pensions, re- tirement income, deferred compensation or other benefits for officers or employees of the Corporation and of any corporation that is a subsidiary of the Corporation, or any of them, in consideration for or in recognition of the services rendered by such officers or employees or as an inducement to future ef- forts. No such plan or provision, which is not at the time of adoption unreasonable or unfair, shall be invalidated or in any way affected because any director shall be a beneficiary there- under or shall vote for any plan or provision under whiCh he may benef it. (f) To exercise, in addition to the powers and authorities hereinbefore or by law conferred upon it, any such powers and authorities and do all suca acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Corporation, subject, nevertheless, to the pro- visions of the laws of the State of Delaware and of the Certif- icate of Incorporation and of the By-Laws of the Corporation. - 4 - ... . .'- . r .::- ~ ,;:~ :-.~ .::,1.f~7/,:i:?;':~~:;:"?:,:_.:'-;':~~:'-'~:'.::,,:, .".". .""d';'~i~r- - .~ ',1 . ." -'," ARTICLE VII Limi tation of Directors' Liability; Indemnification by Corporation Section 1. Limitation of Directors' Liability. (a) No direc- tor of the Corporation shall be personally liable to the Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary du- ty as a director, except, to the extent provided by applicable law, for liability (i) for breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii) pursuant to Section 174 of the Delaware Gen- eral Corporation Law or (iv) for any transaction from which the di- rector derived an improper personal benefit. If the Delaware Gener- al Corporation Law is hereafter amended to authorize corporate ac- tion further limiting or eliminating the personal liability of di- rectors, then the liability of each director of the Corporation shall be limited or eliminated to the full extent permitted by the Delaware General Corporation Law as so amended from time to time. (b) Neither the amendment nor repeal of this Section 1, nor the adoption of any provision of the Certificate of Incorporation inconsistent with this Section 1, shall eliminate or reduce the ef- fect of this Section 1, in respect of any matter occurring, or any cause of action, suit or claim that, but for this Section 1, wou~d accrue or arise, prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision. Section 2. Indemnification by Corporation. (a) The Corpora- tion shall indemnify any person who is or was a director or officer of the Corporation, with respect to actions taken or omitted by such person in any capacity in which such person serves the Corporation, to the full extent authorized or permitted by law, as now or hereaf- ter in effect, and such right to indemnification shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director or officer, as the case may be, and shall inure to the benefit of such person's heirs, exe- cutors and personal and legal representatives; provided, however, that, except for proceedings tó enforce rights to indemnification, the Corporation shall not be obligated to indemnify any person in connection with a proceeding (or part thereof) initiated by such person unless such proceeding (or part thereof) was authorized in advance, or unanimously consented to, by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 8981C - 5 - -:~;:,~:A:;-""," -" . ~~-~.. ~,,",.' .;~L:;.;~.i?~'\:':;: ;:~,;r";-~~- 'Ò~~.,'." .,,,'::~'.Jij~~~~'\,:;~: . - :~.~ ! a . . ~. . (b) Directors and officers of the Corporation shall have the right to be paid by the Corporation expenses incurred in defending or otherwise participating in any proceeding in advance of its finaldisposition. (c) The Corporation may, to the extent authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors, provide rights to indemnification and to the advancement of expenses to employees and agents of theCorporation. (d) The rights to indemnification and to the advancement of ex- penses conferred in this Section 2 shall not be exclusive of any other right that any person may have or hereafter acquire under this Certificate of Incorporation, the by-laws, any statute, agreement, vote of stockholders or disinterested directors, or otherwise. (e) Any repeal or modification of this Section 2 by the stock- holders of the Corporation shall not adversely affect any rights to indemnification and to advancement of expenses that any person may have at the time of such repeal or modification with respect to any acts or omissions occurring prior to such repeal or modification. ARTICLE VIII Reservation of Right to Amend Certificate of Incorporation The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any provisions contained in this Certificate of Incorporation in the manner now or hereafter prescribed by law, and all the provi- sions of this Certificate of Incorporation and all rights and powers conferred in this Certificate of Incorporation on stockholders, di- rectors and officers are subject to this reserved power. ARTICLE ix The name and mailing address of the incorporator is Gary C. Dolan, World Financial Center, North Tower, New York, New York10281-1222. For the purpose of forming a corporation pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, the undersigned hereby de- clares and certifies that the facts herein stated are true; and ac- cordingly has hereunto set his hand this 18th day of September, 1989. 8981C - 6 - ~:r1A~"¡ ,. .'.-.- 'i':::..~;~~.~::',;~;.'~' :"!.":.-".. .:/f.'~:'/ STATE OF DELAWARE SECRETARY OF STATE 01 VI SI ON OF CORPORATIONS FILED 12;00 PM 10/04/1996 960289843 - 2208190 CERTI1":ICATE OP AKME OP CERT¡PICATB OF INCORPORATION OF TC SYSTEM, INC. TC SYSTES, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, DOES HEEBY CERTIFY: First; That the Board of Directors of the Corporation, on October 4, 1996, acting by unanimous written consent, adopted a resolution proposing and declaring advisable an amendment to the Certificate of incorporation of the Corporation and directing that sueh amendment be submitted for consideration by, and unanimous written consent of, the sole stockholder of the Corporation, at the convenience of such stockholder, in 1 ieu of a meeting of stockholders, Article III of the Certi!icate of Incorporation, as proposed to be amended by such resolution, is as follows: ARTICLB III CORPORATE PtJOSES The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organi~ed under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, inCluding, without limitation, constructing, owning, using and maintaining a line or lines of electric telephone wholly within or partly without the state, or to acquire and own any interest in any such line or lines, or any grants therefor or for any or all of suchpurpses. Second: That on October 4, 1996, in lieu of a meeting of stockholders, the foregoing proposed amendment was adopted ;''''Y unanimous written consent of the sole stockholder of the Corporation as permitted by Section 228 of the General Corporation Law of the Stàte of Delaware and under Article ~ I, Section 11 of the Corporation's By-Laws. '.JCT-1l4-", '- Thrd: That the foregoing amendment has been duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 242 of the General corporation Law of the State of Delaware. rN WiT.SS WHREOF, the Corporation has caused this certificate to be signed by a Senior Vice President, with its corporate seal to be hereunto duly affixed and to be attested by its Secretary thi s 4 th day of October, i 9 96 . '- ~.._-~By'- -. sen~;identi~ .~:~-.:~~~~-t:\~: .... , - -;s ~ ~-; ~ -i:~ ~~. -~:~~ ~ ~~. ê~ ~~': :..,,,- =.~ ~~ ""_':z. ",;; _~.. ."" ~ ~ .... '" :,a".':~ ~~.7 ~''','':'' ~ttesi;: '_..~,"."d. ~'':~''.''. ,.;"~"'\: . Thomsonretary EXHIBIT 2 TC SYSTEMS, INC. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED CPCN State of Idahoi I CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF tc SYSTEMS, INC. ,'" :'Fi';,'~¿~bér~C;t91d9ò., . '~--~'. . ,'.h ._ ~_ ." H" ~. -;, ~ ~ ~ "_,~,, ~. , I, BEN YSURSA.~;:S~et~~'øt:sfàtØ;bi~;e~tËfOf ~c;~~ hereby certify that an ,/ _ .;-....." ,'~'~ .. .":, '~. ..,. ""',. ,_.~. "-r"" ,-~ --J ;.'" Application for Certifiçàtl'OfÅÙíhórl,. dulY ,exáéJiè:d~pUrsuant t(Ùhe provisions of the'.N ." 'h'i,~,.~.' ,'; - " ~ '" ,.-.... ,." -"',' ~".. "--".~,-,,.~. i/-," $., .', ~.. ' .. ~.",. .~'_~ "'~- ""', e'""',-,,. '..Idaho Business Corpration Act. has beefueceivedirfthls òffièe ari is found to conform to law. ~; '" . ". :';,. .,,' '~,;;""'.-, ~'~ r ,:¡:~ ,,' .' '.. , . '" . .. ..~ .. -, ACCORDING~X eh~lb~'~riue ~fihé'à~thèri~êst~in;.i~by:iaw, I issue this Certificate of AuthÓritY;ìo;'fr~nsaCih~ne$~ ,iri:thi~Siktå ~hdãft~êhb1reto a duplicate of the application for SÚPh'ae~;f¡C~t~~:;:: ~;~ ;:. -: ,:/i,::-::'::; ,'d"'n' ,.',. -.-,.! " ... .,..~ ~ ,', .." ,,,-, ',-,,(.'-, ~ Dated: August 2, 2011 "',~-.~; _. " ~ .. ,Wf"~ ~~ SECRETARY OF STATE By æ(~ 202 .". """.," APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE " OF AUTHORITY (For Profit) ,. " (lnstructlort on Back of Appiicaton) f f AUG -2 AM fO= 8 :..: L.í\E IARY Of S STATE OF IOAH 'i L The undersigned Corpratin applie for a Cei1e of Au1fori and &fles as foll: 1. The name of th corporion Is: TC Syste, Inc. 2. The nae wh it sh us In Idaho is: TC Syste, Inc. Dela "3. II Is Inrpate uner Ihe law of 4. 11$ dat of Incrpra 18 9l21989 5. The adres of JI prci oØ Is: On AT&T Way, 8cinte, NJ 071 6. Th adss to whh copondnc shod be add, If difre fr Itm S. ia: 8. Th name and reve busa adre of it dir and of 81: Næ Sec Auacb üst Ti Bues Adress Da~. ~2~~~~~ Typ Nam: An ea Ca . Prtpø "(1 sl mU ". . dJ or /I oI of Ih tJ CUI Ac l:1.....-.Sel8 of Sl .. on III IIt SECRTAR II STATE.8/82/2811 85... CK: 21919 &1: 28166 III: 12"'" 1 . 1... = 1... AU PR . 2_0, ~_CT__OI Cit¡ iqro Directors I Oficers Report As of 81112011 TC Systems, loc. Directors Ge B. Goe Dir Pr Adsl:20 S. Ak Str Dalas. TcUi 7520 Lawrence J. Ruzka Dlrer Priary Adie 208 S. Ak St Dalla, Telu 7520 Oficr. AntboDyFea Presdent Pdme Add..:20 S. Lal Ave.. BulinlDMidd1 New Jers 0'48 MIhael E Todd Vice Prt Primary Ad 36 Ge Mil Busins Pay NB Co Oegi 30013 Gerg B. Goeke TrerePrfry Ad:20 S. Ak Str Dallu, Tex 7520 Wayne A. Wirt SePrima Ad 208 S. Ab 8ii Dalu, Texu 7520 Jam Bradley Ast SePrl8r Adii On AT&T Way Bemli. New JeI 0721 Jeston Duma Ast Trasrer Prlmary Adre:208 S. Ab Su= Dallu, Tcu 7520 EJ8lneLou ÅMnt Trer Prlma Adr..:20 S. AJ Sir Da. Tcu 75202 Robert~y Ast Se Pr Addr OnAT&TWlyBelnsie. New Im 011 CJll ØlIA2I' 2:40 PM ". ,olR Directors I Oficers Report As of 81112011 TC System, Inc.Cbritopher Ocb Astat Secreta PrlaryAd: On AT&T Way Bens. Ne 1m# 0791 Jet Tutoauer Asnt Sela Prima Ad On AT&T Wiy Bemite, New Je 07 I Chripher Vrana Asistant Setary Pifary Adre One AT&T Wiy Be, New Jeø 07921 Gar wtalns Asistat Se PilryAddre8: On AT&T Way Bein. New hn 071 James F. DIonne CFO Prma Ad..: One AT&T Way Bedte. New Jese 0792 1 Kan Diorio Ast See. Tax Pi1 Adss On AT&T Way Beminste, New Jery 071 J. Ma Sdeyer PrII1 AdnJ Vice Prldeal-Re Este 20 S. Ak Str Dalia Tex 7520 Rkar J. SlDtoa Asist Secta.. Tax Prlll Ad..: On AT&T Way Beinte. New 1e 0191 G-.l1tf I:Ø:PA ""Zø!' 'De faware PAGE i fJ :Frst State I, JBFFr". BULLOCK, SECR2'ARr OF S2OAn: OF 2'D S2OAT.& 0,. DB.L, DO B1r CD2'IIT "rc srsflBI, INC." is DUr INCO.RO.R2'D URDU fiBS LA"S 0,. 2'D srAD OF DB AN is IN GOD STANDING AN BA Jl LBGJ CORP.R2' EXS7!CB so FAR AS flBE RECORDS OJ! sis OBTCI SHOf, AS 0,. 2'D FIRS2' DAr OF AUGUS2', A. D. 2011. AN I DO REUBr I'2'R.R CB2'IIT !lD2' 2'1Æ F1BISB 2'AUS HAY! BEEN PAID 2'0 DAn:. AN I DO BEREr I'f'DR CDrilT f'Df" f'Jm ANAL RBORf'S DVE BE 'IUD ro DA2'E. 2208190 8300 110879487 Yøv ..y Wli:~ this oeti.t1c:te o.!neat corp. delalf. gov/authWlr. sll At1D DA2'B: 08-01 -11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 21st day of November, 2011, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be served upon the following individual( s) via overnight mail: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Weldon Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 ~