HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050531Comments.pdf/~~biZ'! ot; 5/31105 MatthewCastrigno 3200 N GJen Stuart Lane Eagle, m83616 lean 0, Ie\veU Commission' Secretary IdaboPublicUtilities 412W . Washington Street Boise ID 83702...5983 ./ fA.i 110 u~s :;CCE'IVED ,-,," .' Ii . ,"", ;0 ' L;';"1 ';""""- ?Dfi5HJftY 31 AH1U:O1 IDFd-1O PUBLiC UTILITIES COMMISSION Re: Coaiments on and protest to, IPUCCaseNQ. TJ\M...T...O5... Dear Jean Please deliver theseoommentrntnd protest to tbeldaboPoblitUtiUties .Comnusstou.., Th~y are in. respon8e to above ret'erenced~pplicatiornmd the ~~NdticeofModified " "."...' ".!, " O~"".ro~ure"' CueT O. " I herbyprotesx to ,the HModifiedPro~ednre tJ~ingu$ed inptoces$ing tbisappii catiol1 al1d tftbe Cornnlissiotl does use the 4~ModmedPr()ced(lren ", that the co.mrnentperlodbe extended to provide time toaddre$$ certain issutSto be detailed bel()w. I also herby protest to the IdahoPublicUtilitiegCommissiQugrmting th.eapplioont it 'ritIe'2Iicerl~ to provide phone semce.. The "ModmedProcedure"" is, not ,appropriate' beca:t.1se, tbereare ,issues Or fact' with 'respect to this application mda publichearlng is n~ded$otbat theappUcant ,.canbequestioned on certain ques.tiot)s of tact under oath. The appHcatlot1 asserts that there Is aoompetitive carrier (frontier CotImll:micatlot);s) in and the area they arecurrendy servi:ql 'without a Jiceusc; 1 own 8, homelt1 ,tile TamaracK Resort where theappJicant is currendyprovidings~rvice, I btve made repeated attempts to secure telephone service from Fronder andeacbtimebave. been told that loan not get service from them in,tbellesort. ,I.hftveuked,tbe.applicant ifthere\vere,any alternative providers of telephone service and tb~yb~V'eindic&tedthattbere is not J beU~ve this i$$ue is a legitimate questiot1 offacttba,trequires a response from the~ppJicant under oath Mdwhere concerned parties cpbear thQSemlS"Vers, :Publiccolnrnent on Case 'No. T AM.;T -05,.,01 ... Page I of4 Another question or fact is the assertion by tbeapplicant thattney are goIng to provide V()ioo Over lute.met ,ProtooolH (VOIP), Current service oftered, bytheapplicantisnot VIOP as defined bytbe FCC Of as deflnedby tbe market place. Todes\;ribethe,$ervice they offer asVIO,P isfal$em1ddec~p'tj\le, Tbea,pU~t's0xistingfaci1itie~~rtently pro\~din8 ut11i~t'r~dph()rt~ seMceiItnOuot.. to., a.. S~gra.pbic~lty'. di$p~~" PBX (private branch c8:change) system. Whi~ethev()ice iSplcketited, (tt)iltl1e bytesmariged Ihm 1ft format, the cml never goes ,overtbe Intern~t.Jl1enC~d~f1iesVOIP 'IS a service provided on top of; orin addition to , . anlnte~1e:t~nnijt::ti~n, Notpadketized voice over a private network which is wbatthe~ppli~thaJcot1stm(zt~iattner~ort. In fact the unUoensed phone service is ofterea 38ft standalone prouuct-wltnoutatllnternet oormection.NoInternet c()ntlecti()n~ no VOIP, Even Whetlthe pbone service is bundled witbmtemet service thephonecaUs do not go over the Internet and hence is not VOIP" Tbemarketplaoo deflt1eS V OIP,servi~e as a Hat rate pboneservicetbat ,pftYvides a large number or unlimited number of minutes of usage for 'entire US, and ~metime$ Canftda, The service provided by theappUcant has'to!lcmuges tocaUm()stot~Idahoand beyol1d. 1 believe this issue l$ale~timatequestionoffact tnatrequire8 it; response from die applIcant under oath aud wbereoorn:remedpEt.t1j~$canfiear tboseans\\lers. Anotberreason for a public hearing, "'11011ot the ~~M:t1difiedProcedure" 1$ to have the applicmt respond 'Ltc) tbecompl.aint:sthatbavebeenfiled witb tbe PUC about the appli.cants UJ)li~ensed. (and, subsequently illegaI)pbone service. The staff's'bould share those complaints 'with the 'Commission ', a public 'b~mingMdapplicant ,should f$pond under oath. If tbe, Commission uses the (tModifiedProcedure ,)' theoommel1tperlodsbo1.11dbe extended 'for two, reasons. First, the ,Ippli~ation' isincomplete.l"beuotioo. and comment period ,bas commenced .witb theappncationnbtb~pgcompl~te.Ex:bibitsfor the amended appJi~tionare not on the webjtc.andasofthis'wtitittg, Only adrdtbnn oftbeeZ\nibit$ has been made available by chance' BvoweekS into the 'oommentpedod, Secondly,this applicitionaftects property o'wnersin a resort Inany(if n(lt most) of which ,live out of state. The normal noti6cationprocessis un1ikelytoreachthem. The property owners should be notified by-rowl, at the veryJeast tbose'persol1s who filed aoomplaint about the applicant's unlicensed pboneservice~bould bespooifitallynotifioo. The follovlinsare, other comments. that are independefitof reasons to not use the .t!~.;. " ,......= ..1 , )) v-+, ,.I: , "+ ,:, ,. O\!IU~ .r~ure or oeA\enU" ,He, oonuneu1. ,peno , , , The amended application states in section II(3)that;~Ithasretain.ed the services of experienced, tel ecommuni cationsperso nnel to Inauageits'telecommunications, system. Names and resumes fortbese individuals willbetllrwinedto the Commission under set)!rate cover. ~'If this intonnationisrelevant to theappUca.tioJ1t then it should be made public and not Hprovided under separateoover Public comment on Case No. TAM..:T-O5..Page :2 of4 I would like to ask the CommIssion as to why the!p,licat'ttha.~b~enaU()wed toprQvide service witbo~t a license? TbeapplicDfb~s beenaUow~t()ooJleotrevenue~n8!ged inan business. If theapplicantlutd tim~C()nstrmnts theycouldba-ve not collected fees for the service until being l~gal. So not only havetbeynotbeenfi.ned tbeyhave collected money fi'om the public. As mentioned eadieI" the applicant ~ s cu.rrent facilities. amount. ;to .agoographicaUy dispersed PBX. As is typicaJly witha.PB~ the user t'U'tu;t dial a nine to get an ~~()utside linen which intbis Ca$e isifpbonecI11i.splacedtoapbone.outsideofthe resort It appears that such a dialingplW1 does not support ":911 "cIl1$. This. seeoosto be a. wety hazard especially sinQe so many users wiUbecoming ttPmother areas were "911" is in. use. Tbe lzCC has recentbt ruledtbatVOIPserviceprovide ':f.~llln. 1 would like the Cotllmission .toaddre5s .this issue with. the applicant.. and have the applicant provide answers underOltfl. Thestatu$ a'Sa Tide 62 telephone. serviteproviaerf'ortheappUcantseems inappropriate if not iliegal given the.l111ture oftbe.a.pplicantsoutside.plant Tbe.oompany tbat.h&s ownership oithe .appticant) Tamar~k&esortLLC) ~buj)tares()rt(setVicean~a) and teleoommu111 cations f(icilitiesthat effectively makes it impoS;sible foroompetition to exist. Theoove11antsmake itimpossibletor..tr~mit radio sipalsfor distribution without the. tppHc&1t'$ . owneri' spermission. The 's;ppUcant' s service area. has .no' public roadways or public. easements. yet homesandbome. sites are sold to the public. Essentially the properties o'Wned bytbe publ.icare islands .surroundedby a..sea.ofproperty owned and controUedby the applicant's owner, Th~outsideplantdoes not use traditional' oopperwires. for. phone service bot mthermultiplexes the signals ()I)tt). :fiber optic cables used for the delivery of other luJregulatedservicesprovide by the app1icaot Tbenetwotk. termination unit on thebom~$is subsequently atypical' as well as the cMtnti office equipment making it. ne~t to impossible for facilities to be shared. It appears that theappli cant) sownen;hip hu" treated ae,t'lvtronment with the deUber~te intention. prec1uding the possibility ofoo.mpet:ition. Competition is the essential differentiator of a Title' 62 provider. The previously mentioned draft of the applicantt sapplication exhibits shows a tariff for basic residen.tialpbone service of$52.50/month yet the currentpboneservice oftered . the applicanrcost S75JJQ/montn. I would like the Commission toa~k tneappticant to explain this situation, Another question about the current phone service versus tbe $C:rvice to be provided under the applied for Hcertse baste. do with tbe actualpbone CPE). Currently; 5ubscrlbersarerequired to use a proprietarypboneprovided by the applicant (Sbould the applicant testify that this is an ~'IP'; phone let me assure you that you connect this phone to your Internet connecdonitwUlnotworic. It is meant to. be used with phone manufatturersPBX.) Thequesti on tbatsbould be asked by the Commission is iftbelicensed service wiHrequire such apbone.. Tbisveryimportant question because tbecufrentservice requires subscribers to use a proprietary' pboneand payanadditionai Public comment on Case No. 'I'AM...r ...OS..!) 1 Page 3 of monthly charge for eacb additional pbol1e (not additionaJline) intbehome. It 1$ unclear if tbe~icensed servicewiU requir~ amond'dy charge for each phonein the home., I would like to thank the Commission for taking the titne to consider tbese. comments., Shoul dtheCommissiotlcboose to bave a,qbli (j heating 1 would appear at the Commission '$ request to tU1$wer e.nyquestions it may baveregarding tnesecommel1ts and protest Respectfully submitted, Matthew Castrigno Cc:Shelby Weimer T amarat,k Videotnd T el~om) l.;LC 960 Broadwa;y Averule1 Suite 100 :Boise Idabo 83706 Via US Mai1 Publ.ic OOID.ment onCa$e No. T AM,.:r...O5..Page 4 of It