HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141216Application Supplement.pdfMorgan, Lewis & Bockius t-t-p 2020 K Street, NW Washington, District of Columbia 20006-1806 Tel. 202.373.6000 Fax: 202.373.6001 www.morganlewis,com Russell M. Blau Partner +1.202.373.6035 Russell.blau@morganlewis.com Jeffrey R. Strenkowski Of Counsel +1.202.373.6002 Jeffrey.strenkowski@morganlewis.com December 15,2014 Via Overnisht Courier Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 secretary@puc. idaho. gov Re: Docket No. TAL-T-14-01 SUPPLEMENT Talk America Services, LLC Application for Operating Authority Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter is intended to supplement the application for operating authority filed on behalf of Talk America Services, LLC ("TAS) on or about September 23,2014. As part of that application, TAS stated that the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO') of the company is Anthony W. Thomas. Windstream recently named Mr. Thomas as its CEO, and as such, Mr. Thomas has resigned his position as CEO of TAS, as well as TAS's parent company, Communications Sales and Leasing, lnc. ("CSL"). TAS and CSL are curTently in the process of hiring a new CEO. We will provide an update with the new CEO's biographical information when the new TAS CEO has been hired. For your reference, we are attaching a press release issued by Windstream conceming the management change, Francis X, "Skip' FranE remains Chairman of the Board, and Jeffery W. Small remains Senior Vice President - Corporate Development and Operations. An original and seven (7) copies of this supplement are enclosed. A copy of this filing has also been submitted in electronic format. Please date-stamp the enclosed extra copy and retum it in the envelope provided. Should you have any questions conceming this filing, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Jeffrey R. Shenkowski .-' Counselfor Talk America Services, LLC Enclosure Morgan kwis COUNSEI-ORS AT T,AW Houston London Los Angeles Miami Moscow Silcon Valley Tokyo Washington Wlmington Almaty Astana Beuing Boston Brussels Chicago Dallas New York Orange County Paris Philadelphia Pittsburgh oubai Frankfurt Harrisburg Hartford Princeton San Francisco Santa Monica Windslreom Appoinls Tony Thomos os Chief Execulive Officer Jeff Gordner resigns os Presidenf ond CEO Compony remoins commifted fo RE/Ispinoff Releose dote: Dec. I \,2O14 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Windstreom Holdings, lnc. (Nosdoq: WIN) todoy onnounced thot Tony Thomos hos been oppointed president ond chief executive officer ond o director of Windstreom, effective immediotely. Thomos succeeds Jeff Gordner, the compony's current president ond CEO, who will stoy on os senior odviser to the CEO ond os o member of the Boord of Directors through Feb. l, 20,l5, to ensure on orderly tronsition. Thomos hos principolly served os Windstreom's chief finonciol officer over the post eight yeors ond most recently os the compony's president of reol estote investment trust (REIT) operotions. "l om proud to hove led Windstreom from its creotion in 2005. lt hos been o privilege to work with our Boord, leodership teom ond tolented ossociotes ocross the orgonizotion," soid Jeff Gordner. "The Boord ond I ogree thot o chonge in perspective is needed in order to occelerote the poce of chonge within the compony ond to more effectively respond to the ropidly evolving needs of our customers. The Boord's confidence in lony is well ploced. His leodership ond strong finonciol ocumen will benefit investors ond customers os he leods Windstreom in the future." Jeff Hinson, Choirmon of the Windstreom Boord of Directors, soid: "On beholf of the Boord, I thonk Jeff for his contributions to the compony over the post decode. He led the compony's successful spinoff from Alltel Corp. ond its tronsformotion from o rurol wireline telephone business to o FORTUNE 500 compony ond notionwide provider of odvonced network communicotions ond technology solutions. He olso hos served os o leoding odvocote for the telecom industry. Tony Thomos' telecom experience ond in-depth knowledge of Windstreom give the Boord confidence thot he is the right executive to leod the compony, position the enterprise ond consumer businesses for long-term success ond drive revenue growth." "l om honored by this oppointment ond by the Boord's confidence," soid Tony Thomos. "lt hos been o privilege to work with Jeff Gordner throughout my coreer. I olso remoin intently focused on executing the REIT spinoff, which will enoble Windstreom to occelerote network investments, provide enhonced services to customers ond moximize shoreholder volue." Windstreom Director Froncis X. "Skip" Frontz will leod the process to select o new president ond CEO of the REIT. As previously qnnounced, Frontz will serve os choirmqn of the REIT's Boord. He will leove the Windstreom Boord upon close of the trqnsoction, which is onticipoted to occur in the first holf of 20.l5. Aboul Tony Thomqs Tony Thomos, 43, hos more thon 20 yeors experience in the communicotions industry. He wos instrumentol in the development of Windstreom's REIT spinoff ond hos served os president of reol estote investment trust operotions ot Windstreom since October 2014. Thomos served os the chief finonciol officer for Windstreom from August 2009 through September 2014. During his five-yeor tenure os CFO, Thomos ployed on integrol role in Windstreom's exponsion by completing seven ocquisitions totoling more thon $5.6 billion in tronsoction volue. ln oddition, Thomos hos deep copitol morket expertise, hoving led olmost $,l0 billion in debt tronsoctions. Thomos joined Windstreom os controller following the spinoff from Alltel Corp. He held o voriety of finonciol ond operotionol leodership roles of Alltel ofter joining the compony when it merged with 360 Communicotions in 1998. Before entering the communicotions industry, he wos o senior ouditor with Ernst & Young in the telecom proctice. He holds o moster's degree in business odministrotion from Woke Forest University ond o bochelor's degree in occountoncy from the University of lllinois. Aboul Windslreom Windstreom, o FORTUNE 500 ond S&P 500 compony, is o leoding provider of odvonced network communicotions ond technology solutions, including cloud computing ond monoged seryices, to businesses notionwide. The compony olso offers broodbond, phone ond digitolTV services to consumers primorily in rurol oreos. For more informotion, visit the compony's online newsroom ot news.windstreom.com or follow on Twitter of @WindstreomNews. Windstreom cloims the protection of the sofe-horbor for forword-looking stotements contoined in the Privote Securities Litigotion Reform Act of 1995. Forword-looking stotements ore subject to uncertointies thot could couse octuol future events ond results to differ moteriolly from those expressed in the forword- looking stotements. Forword-looking stotements specific to the proposed spinoff ond formotion of the REIT, include, but ore not limited to, stotements regording the completion of the tronsoction, the expected closing dote of the tronsoction ond the expected benefits of the tronsoction. Such stotements ore bosed on estimotes, projections, beliefs ond ossumptions thot Windstreom believes qre reosonoble but ore not guorontees of future events ond results. Actuol future events ond results moy differ moteriolly from those expressed in the forword- looking stotements os o result of o number of importont foctors. Foctors thot could couse octuol results to differ moteriolly from those contemploted in the compony's forword-looking stotements include, omong others: the onticipoted timing of the closing of the pending tronsoction ond proposed spinoff; the expected tox treotment of the pending tronsoction ond proposed spinoff; the obility of eoch of Windstreom (post-spin) ond the new REIT compony to conduct ond expond their respective businesses following the proposed spinoff; ond the obility to receive, or deloys in obtoining, the regulotory opprovols required to complete the proposed spinoff. ln oddition to these foctors, octuol future performonce, outcomes ond results moy differ moteriolly becouse of more generol foctors including, omong others, generol industry ond morket conditions ond growth rotes, economic conditions, ond governmentol ond public policy chonges. Windstreom undertokes no obligotion to updote or revise ony forword-looking stotements, whether os o result of new informotion, future events or otherwise. The foregoing review of foctors thot could couse Windstreom's octuol results to differ moteriolly from those contemploted in the forword-looking stotements should be considered in connection with informotion regording risks ond uncertointies thot moy offect Windstreom's future results included in other filings by Windstreom with the Securities ond Exchonge Commission of www.sec.gov. -end- Medio Contoci: Dovid Avery, 501 -7 48-587 6 dovid.overy@windstreom.com !nveslor Contoct: Mory Michoels, 501 -7 48-7 578 mory.michoels@windstreom.com