HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150121Application.pdffanuary L9,20LS fean )ewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.0. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 Dear Grace, 5 Zqn-ls-o1 RE: Broadband InvesfinentTax Credit- Syringa Networks, LLC for 2OL4 I have attached our filing for the Broadband Investment Tax Credit for 2014. We invested a total of $3,261,077 for the year ended December 3t,20L4. I have attached the detailed report of our investments along with relevant footnotes for your review. These assets were operational in 2014. Please let me know if you have any questions relating to the information that I have submitted. Sincerely, Financial Controller Syringa Networks, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SYRINGA NETWORKS, LLC., FOR BROADBAND INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION Case No: SYRINGA NETWORI(S, LLC,s APPLICATION Syringa Networks, LLC files this Application for an ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastmchrre tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Synnga Networks, LLC states as follows: 1) Syringa Networks, LLC is a provider of wholesale broadband telecommunications seryice, and other telecommunications services in southern Idaho with maximum transmission speeds of 10-Gig per second. 2) During the calendar year?Ot4, Syringa Networks, LLC made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment''within the meaning of Section 63-3029(D(3Xb), Idaho Code. ExhibitA -2004 (B), attached hereto, describes Syringa Networks, LLC's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representation required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. 3) Communications regarding this application should be addressed to: Laurie Harada Syringa Networks, LLC t230l W Explorer Dr Boise,lD 837L3 4) Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter, and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, Syringa Networks, LLC requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the insalled equipment in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029t,ldaho Code. PECTFULLY SUBMITTED, This 19th day of fanuary,Z0LS. 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