HomeMy WebLinkAbout980309.docx HAND DELIVERED March 9, 1998 Mary S. Hobson, Esq. Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 RE:Stipulation Regarding the Submission of Exhibits, Supreme Court Docket No. 24349 Dear Mary, On or about March 4, 1998, I forwarded for your signature a draft Stipulation regarding the submission of exhibits in the above referenced Supreme Court case.  That Stipulation generally asserted that there were no exhibits which are relevant to the issue on appeal.  Unfortunately, there is in fact one pertinent exhibit, Staff Exhibit No. 126 (attached).  Consequently, I have modified the Stipulation to reflect that there is one exhibit to be filed with the attached Stipulation. I apologize for the inconvenience of submitting this revised Stipulation.  Because I have not received the initial draft Stipulation with your signature, I trust that the revised Stipulation can be filed without disruption.   If this Stipulation meets with your approval, please date and sign it, and return it to me.  If you would like a date-stamped copy of the filed Stipulation, please let me know. If you have any questions, please call me at 334-0312. Sincerely yours, Donald L. Howell, II Deputy Attorney General Enclosures bls/L:hobson.dh5