HomeMy WebLinkAbout19971223Hobson Letter.doc December 23, 1997 VIA FACSIMILE Mary S. Hobson, Esq. Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capital Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 RE: Supreme Court Docket No. 24349 Dear Mary, At our meeting yesterday, we discussed whether the Commission possesses [a]ll tariff and catalog submissions . . . that deal with the U S WEST products and offerings known as Toll Restriction, Teen Link and Custom Solutions. U S WEST Notice of Appeal, Addendum A. The Commission Secretary has determined that the Commission does have a set of canceled U S WEST/Mt. Bell tariffs dating back to approximately 1984. These tariffs are contained in three banker boxes and are available for your perusal here at the offices of the Commission. We also discussed Addendum item No. 1 concerning a discovery request. Id. I have included with this facsimile for your review the Staffs Production Request No. 444 and the Companys Response. Finally, item No. 7 of your Addendum A requests the Commission Secretary to provide any IPUC order or minute entry made in response to the decision memorandum dated November 20, 1992 enclosed with the Addendum. The Commission Secretary has informed me that there is no order or minute entry pertaining to the decision memo. However, the Secretary has located the decision meeting minutes pertaining to this item. If you desire a copy of the minutes, you can include this request with your amended request for specific agency records. Sincerely, Donald L. Howell, II Deputy Attorney General Enclosures cc: Cheri Copsey Myrna J. Walters bls/L:hobson.dh