HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220624PUC Clerk Certificate of Appeal.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise,lD 83720{1074 Brad littlg Governor Erlc Andercon, President John Chatburn, Commissloner John R. Hammond, Jr., Commissioner June24,2022 Via E-Mail and Interagency Mail suDremecourtdocuments@ idcourts.net Melanie Gagnepain Clerk of the Courts Supreme Court 451 W. State Street Boise, Idaho 83720-01 0l Re: PUC Clerk's Certificate of Appeal Supreme Court Docket No.:-2022 Dear Ms. Gagnepain, Enclosed for your information and action is the Clerk's Certificate of Appeal from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Also enclosed is the Notice of Appeal filed by Richard Keavy on June 14,2022, and the $94 filing fee. I have also enclosed copies of the two PUC Orders appealed from: Final Order No. 35351 and Reconsideration Order No. 35396. I anticipate that the Commission will issue and Order shortening the title on appeal pursuant to Appellate Rule 6. If you have any questions, please contact me at 334-0338. Sincerely(y Jan N Commission Secretary Enclosures cc: Chris Burdin, Deputy Attorney General l:\Legal\TELECOtvfl SUP-T-22-0 I Keary Appeal\'SC_CvrLtrJ0220624.docx P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 8372O-0OT4Telephone: (208) 334-0300, Fax: (208) 334-3762 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-4, Boise, ldaho 83714 IN THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN THE MATTER OF RICHARD KEAVY'S FORMAL COMPLAINT AGAINST QWEST CORPORATION DIBIA CENTURYLINK Supreme Court Docket No. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -2022 Idaho Public Utilities Commission No. QWE-T-21-14 RICHARD KEAVY, Appellant v IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES coMMrssloN, IDAHO ATTORNEY GENERAL, IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE, CITY OF BOISE, BOISE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, IDAIIO STATE BAR, LUMEN TECHNOLOGIES AKA CENTURYLINIVTT SWE ST/ET AL Respondents Appeal from the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, The Honorable Eric Anderson presiding. Case Number from Idaho Public Utilities Commission: QWE-T-21-14 Order or Judgment Appealed from: Final Order No. 35351 and Final Reconsideration Order No.35396 Attorney(s) for Appellant: N/A - Appellant Richard Keavy, pro se, 11282 W. Glen Ellyn Drive, Boise, Idaho 83713 Attorney for Respondent: Chris Burdin, Deputy Attorney General, Idaho Public Utilities Commission, P. O. Box 83720, Boise,ldaho 83720-0074 Appealed by: Richard Keavy Appealed against: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Notice of Appeal Filed: June 14,2022 Amended Notice of Appeal filed: N/A CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF APPEAL - I Notice of Cross-appeal Filed: N/A Amended Notice of Cross-appeal Filed: N/A Appellate Fee Paid: $94.00 (June 15, 2022) Respondent or Cross-Respondent's Appeal Request for Additional Record Filed: N/A Respondent or Cross-Respondent's Request for Additional Reporter's Transcript Filed: N/A Was Agency Reporter's Transcript Requested: No Estimated Number of Pages: N/A If so, name of each reporter of whom a transcript has been requested as named below at the address set out below: N/A Dated this 24ft day of June 2022. t (sEAL)Secretary of the lon CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF APPEAL - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE T HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THTS 24th DAY OF JUNE 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING Clerk's CertiJicate of Appeal, in IPUC Case No. QWE-T-21-14, ON THE FOLLOWING PERSONS, AS INDICATED BELOW: Richard Keavy 11282 W. Glen Ellyn Drive Boise,ID 83713 William "Tre" Hendricks Lumen Technologies/CenturyLink 902 Wasco St., Floor I Hood Nver, OR 87031 Steven R. Thomas Hawley Troxell 877 W. Main St., Suite 1000 Boise, lD 83702 x US Mail, postage prepaid, June?7,2022 US Mail, postage prepaid, June27,2022 E-Mail to cheapadvice@msn.com US Mail, postage prepaid, June27,2022 E-Mail to sthomas@hawleytroxell.com x x x x i Commission CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF APPEAL - 3 t Ridtard Keavy ProSe* 11282 W. Glen Ellyn Drive Boise,ID 83713 208-322-1383 Appellant: Richard Keavy vs Respondents: Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Idaho Attorney General, Idaho Secreury of State, City of Boise, Boise City Police Departnent, Idaho State Bar,* Lumen Technologies aka Cen turyL ink/US West/eul. i: f.li ll' CB IN THE PUBLIC UTILTTIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF TDAHO CASE NO. QWE-T-21-14 NOTICE OF APPEAL Appellant requests in addition a tort formlmeans so to include those parties who knowingly subomed, encouraged and provided the vehides by which the principal pafly, Lumen, did intentionally break promises and conracts while misleading willing law enforcement authorities and others who purposely ridiculed, jeopardized and obliged against consructive civil discord. TO: THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENTS INCLUDING THE IDAHO PUC,IDAHO ATTORNEY GENERAL, IDAHO SECRETARY OF STAIE, CTTY OF BOISE, BOISE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, PARTY ATTORNEYS MESSRS THOMAS OF HAWLEY TROXELL AND HENDRICKS OF LUMEN, IDAHO STATE BAR, THE CLERK (MS JAN NORTYUKI) AND OTHERS OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED ADIVIINISTRATTVE AGENCY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The above named appellant, Richad Keavy, does appeal against the above'named respondens to the Idaho Supreme Court due to &e Idaho Public Utilities Commission final Order #35396 (and otrer orderVcauses) signed the above-entitled proceeding on the 4ttr day of May 2022, by Honorable three Commissioners presiding at &at time. Notice was postd 515122 2. Appellant has a right to appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court, and frre judgments or orders described in paragraph 1 above are appealable orders under and pursuant to Rule te.g. (11(aX2)) or (12(a))l I.A.R. I 3. A preliminary statement of the issues on appeal which ttre appellant has outlined above under he title NOTICE OF APPEAL intends to assert in the appeal; provided, any such list of isues on appeal shall not prevent the appellant from asserting o&er issues on appeal. 4. I certify thar (5) Appellant will pay appellate filing fee promptly upon advice ttrat it is due. (6) Service is under way to all parties required to be served pursuant to Rule 20 Idaho Code and 5 67-1401(1). (7) Appellant has been and continues the proces of attempting to Sgqg$* legal counsel to manage the detail appropriately and respecdully before tlre Court. (8) Appeltant was generally instructed by the PUC Seoeary system trat it would determine what infonnation it wants the Court to see and would provide ttrat information directly to the court upon receipt of this initial appeal endeavor. DATED THIS 14ft day of June, 2022. Appellant Signanrre sate of ldaho ) County of ADA ) I Richard Keavy, being sworn, deposes and says: I am the appellant in ttre above+ntitled appeal and that all sratements in &is notice of appeal are true and conect to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Appellant Subscribed and Sworn to before me ttis 14th day of June, 2022. I 61t3122,8:05 PM Supreme Courl Appeal ol PUC 6-14-23 CERTTFTCAIE OF SERVICE I certify that I served true and accurate copies of the foregoing Appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court of ttre ldaho Public Utilities Commission Case #QWE-T-21-14 on the following persons, as indicated below: Name: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary,Idaho Public Utilities Commission Served by: I x ] Handdelivery ro 11331 W. Chinden Blvd, Bldg 8, Boise,ID 83714 on'lL4la? t 1 Deposit in the designatd courthouse mailbox t I By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: Name: Clerk of the Idaho Supreme Court of Appeals Served by: I x ] Hand-Delivery to 451 W. State, Boise, ID 83702 on 6lL4l22 t ] Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox t I By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: Name: William "Tre" Hendricks, Lumen Technologies/CenturyL ink Served by: t I Hand-delivery t I Deposit in the designated couthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6/15/22 addressed as follows: Wlliam Hendrick, Lumen TechnologieVCenturyLink 902 WASCO Sneet, Floor 1, Hood Rivel OR 87031 Name: Steven R. Thomas, Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, LLP Served by: t I Handdelivery t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail6/15122 addressed as follows: 877 W. Main Street, Suite 1000, Boise, tD 83702 Richard Keavy 6ll?f22,9:09 PM SuFeme court Appeal of PUC 6-14-25.docx CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I cenify that I served true and accurate copies of the foregoing Appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case #QWE-T-21-14 on the following persons, as indicated below: Name: LawrcnceWasden Served by: t 1 Handdelivery t I Deposit in the designated courthouse rnailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6/1522 addressed as follows: Anorney General Lawrence Wasden, 700 W. Jefferson, Boise, Id 83702 Name: Lawercnce Denney Sewed by: t 1 Hand-Delivery o t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6/1522 addressed as follows: Secreury of Sate, 450 N.4th, Boise,ID 83702 Name: Bradley Anfuews Served by: I x ] By deposit in &e U.S. MaiI 6/15122 addressed as follows: Bar Counsel, 525 W. Jefferson, Boise, ID 83702 Name: Lauren Mdean Served by: I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail6/15122 addressed as follows: Mayor Mclean, 150 N. Main, Boise ID 83702 Name: Ryan Lee Served by: [x] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6/1522 addressed as follows: Boise Chief of Police,333 N. Mark Stall Placg Boise, tD 83704 Richard Keavy Office of the Secretary Service Date MarchZ2,2022 BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PT]BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF RICHARD KEAYY'S FORMAL COMPLAINT AGAINST QWEST CORPORATION cAsE NO. QWE-T-21-14 0RDER NO. 35351 On Decemb er 2,2021 , Richard Keavy filed a Formal Complaint ("Complaint") against Qwest Corporation dlblal CenturyLink (QUfE) ("Company"). Mr. Keavy was unsatisfied with the outcome of the inforrnal procedures to resolve his inforrnal complaint and requested that the Commission open a formal complaint against the Company. At the December 20,2021, Decision Meeting, the Commission accepted Mr. Keavy's Complaint. On January 12,2022, the Commission mailed a Summons and copy of Mr. Keavy's Complaint to the Company via certified mail. See Certified Mail Receipr. On February 28,2022, after the Commission allowed additional time for the Company to respond,l a response was filed to Mr. Keavy's Complaint. See Response to Complaint. Having reviewed the record in this case, the Commission now issues this final Order dismissing the Formal Complaint for reasons explained below. FACTUAL SUMMARY l. The Complaint Mr. Keavy complained that the Company failed to follow through on providing a quality form of service related to "Call-Trace."2 Mr. Keavy alleged that through utilizing the Call Trace system, he formed a contract with the Company wherein the Company was obligated to provide him with the results of each *57 attempt that Mr. Keavy performed. See generally Keauy Complaint at L Mr. Keavy alleged that the Company failed to perfonn its obligations in an acceptable manner.Id. 2. The Company's Response The Company defines the "Call Trace" system as follows: I See Order No.35329 2 Call Trace is a system which allows a customer to dial *57 so that the called party can initiate an automatic trace of the last call received. See Company Response at2. ) ) ) ) ) ) 1oRDERNO.35351 Call Trace. Allows a called party to initiate an automatic trace of the last call received. Call Trace is available on a pay per use basis only. After receiving the call which is to be traced, the customer dials a code and the traced telephone number is automatically sent to the Company for further action. The customer originating the hace will not receive the traced telephone number. The results of a trace will be furnished only to legally constituted law enforcement agencies or authorities upon proper request by them.Mrarltal Trap and Trace is available where facilities permit.3 Company Response at2. The Company stated that Call Trace was not intended to stop untoward telemarketers from making calls, but rather, to provide law enforcement with an ability to address crimes against persons and property. Id. at 2-3. The Company stated that its contractual obligation is to provide the call information gathered from the call trace to law enforcement pursuant to a subpoena-not by Mr. Keavy's request. Id. at3. The Company argued that the Commission "does not adjudicate contract disputes unrelated to its primary jurisdiction." Id. The Company stated that Call Trace is a discretionary service; it is not a basic local exchange service as governed by Idaho Code $ 62-605. Id. at 4.The Company stated that discretionary services are non-regulated services; thus, Mr. Keavy failed to state a claim by which the Commission could grant relief. Id. T"he Company asserted that it provided the service consistent with its contractual terms of service, it did not violate any statute or rule in providing that service, and it properly advised Mr. Keavy of those terms. Id. The Company requested that the Commission (1) find that the Company has not violated any statute or Commission Rule; (2) dismiss the Complaint; and (3) find that the Call Trace service is discretionary that the Company is not required to continue providing----or-in the altemative, authorize the Company to discontinue providing the service to Mr. Keavy. Id. at 6. COMMISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION The Idaho Public Utilities Commission exercises limited jurisdiction and has no authority other than that expressly granted to it by the legislature. Washington Ylater Power Co. v. Kootenat, 99 Idaho 875,591 P.zd 122 (1979). This Commission has no authority under ldaho law to adjudicate the dispute between Mr. Keavy and the Company. The Company is a telephone corporation as defined n ldaho Code $ 6l-12l but is exempt from the requirements of Title 61 3 CenturyLink Idaho Catalog, Section 5.4.3.A. (https:iiwrru'.centurylink.com/tariffVsid_qc_ens c noJ.pd0 20RDERNO.3s351 public utilities laws.a See generally ldaho Code $$ 62-604 and62-605. For telephone corporations under the jurisdiction of Title 62ldaho Code $ 62-605(b) provides: The commission shall have the continuing authority to determine the noneconomic regulatory requirements relating to basic local exchange service for all telephone corporations providing basic local exchange service including, but not limited to, such matters as service quality standards, provision of access to carriers providing message telecommunication service, filing of price lists, customer notice and customer relation rules, and billing practices and procedures, which requirements shall be technologically and competitively neutral. Idaho Code $ 62-603(L) defines basic local exchange service as: [T]he provision of access lines to residential and small business customers with the associated transmission of two-way interactive switched voice communication within a local exchange calling area.s The Commission finds that "Call Trace" does not constitute a basic local exchange service; therefore, the Commission has no regulatory authority over such service. Accordingly, thQ Commission declines to adjudicate the dispute between Mr. Keavy and the Company. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Mr. Keavy's Complaint is dismissed. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the seryice date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See ldaho Code $ 6l- 626. a The Company removed its basic local exchange service from Title 6l regulation in July 2005. Notice of Election, Case No. QWE-T-05-13 (July 14,2005). s See also ldaho Code $ 62-603(13) ("'Telecommunication service' means the Eansmission of two-way interactive switched signs, signals. . . " aJoRDERNO.3535l DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 22"d day of March 2022. PRESIDENT JOHN CHATBI'RN, COMMIS SIONER IIAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Commisslqn I:\kgaI\TELECOIVAQWE-T-2 l-14 Kcavy\odas\QWET2 I l4-f nal-tb.docx 4oRDERNO.35351 Office of the Secretary Service Date May 4,2022 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF RICHARD KEAVY'S FORMAL COMPLAINT AGAINST QWEST CORPORATION D IB I N CENTURYLINK CASE NO. QWE-T-21-[4 oRDER NO. 3s396 On December 2,2021, Richard Keavy filed a Formal Complaint against Qwest Corporation dlblal CenturyLink QC ("Company"). Mr. Keavy claimed that the Company failed in its contractual obligations to him when he used the Company's Call Tracel (*57) system. Following formal proceedings, on March 22,2022, the Commission entered its Final Order No. 35351 ("Final Order") dismissing the Complaint for lack of jurisdiction. The Final Order provides: The Idaho Public Utilities Commission exercises limited jurisdiction and has no authority other than that expressly granted to it by the legislature- Washington Water Power Co. v. Kootenai, 99 Idaho 875, 591 P.zd 122 (1979). This Commission has no authority under Idaho law to adjudicate the dispute between Mr. Keavy and the Company. The Company is a telephone corporation as defined in ldaho Code $ 6l-12l but is exempt from the requirements of Title 61 public utilities laws. See generally ldaho Code $$ 62-604 and 62-605. For telephone corporations under the jurisdiction of Title 62ldaho Code $ 62-605(b) provides: The commission shall have the continuing authority to determine the noneconomic regulatory requirements relating to basic local exchange service for all telephone corporations providing basic local exchange service including, but not limited to, such matters as service quality standards, provision of access to carriers providing message telecommunication service, filing of price lists, customer notice and customer relation rules, and billing practices and procedures, which requirements shall be technologically and competitively neutral. Idaho Code $ 62-603(1) defines basic local exchange service as: [T]he provision of access lines to residential and small business customers with the associated transmission of two-way interactive switched voice communication within a local exchange calling area. I Call Trace allows a customer to dial *57 to initiate an automatic trace of the last call received. See Company Response at2. ) ) ) ) ) ) oRDERNO.35396 ! The Commission finds that "Call Trace" does not constitute a basic local exchange service; therefore, the Commission has no regulatory authority over such service. Accordingly, the Commission declines to adjudicate the dispute between Mr. Keavy and the Company. Order No. 35351 (footnotes omitted). Pursuant to ldaho Code $ 61-626 and Rule 331, IDAPA, interested persons were given twenty-one (21) days following entry of the Final Order in which to petition for clarification and/or reconsideration. On April 12, 2022, Mr. Keavy emailed the Commission Secretary and Commission counsel a correspondence titled: "Motion for Reconsideration of 'closed' Case #QWE-T-21-14 on 411212022." The Company was not included as a recipient of the email. Having reviewed the record, the arguments of the parties, and all submitted materials, the Commission denies Mr. Keavy's "Motion for Reconsideration" ("Petition"). COMN{ISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION The Commission finds that Mr. Keavy's Petition does not meet the substantive nor procedural requirements for a petition for reconsideration. Rule 331.01 provides: Petitions for reconsideration must set forth specifically the glound or grounds why the petitioner contends that the order or any issue decided in the order is unreasonable, unlawful, erroneous or not in conformity with the law, and a statement of the nature and quantity of evidence or argument the petitioner will offer if reconsideration is granted. IDAPA (emphasis added). [n the Petition, Mr. Keavy does not set forth any specific gtounds for reconsideration conceming the Commission's jurisdiction, nor does he indicate the nature and quantity of evidence he would offer to show the Commission's Final Order was "uffeasonable, unlawful, erroneous[,] or not in conformity with the law." Id. Rule 331.03 provides that "the petition must state whether the petitioner requests reconsideration by evidentiary hearing, written briefs, comments, or interrogatories." TDAPA The Petition does not contain a request for an evidentiary hearing, written briefing, additional comments, nor a request for interrogatories. Additionally, the Commission finds that the Petition was not properly served on all parties. Pursuant to Rule 63, "[a]ll [petitions] . . must be served upon the representatives of every party of record concurrently with filing with the Commission Secretary." IDAPA Similarly, Rule 64 provides that "[e]very document that is filed with the Commission and intended to be part of the record for decision must be attached to or 2ORDERNO.3s396 accompanied by proof of service . .." IDAPA The Commission finds that Mr. Keavy failed to serve his Petition on all parties or provide the Commission with proof of service. Pursuant to Rule 332, "[g]rounds for reconsideration or issues on reconsideration that are not supported by specific explanation may be dismissed." IDAPA Further, Rule 65 provides that "[d]efective, insufficient or late pleadings may be returned or dismissed . . .." IDAPA Based upon the Petition's lack of specific grounds for reconsideration, supporting argument, and proper service, the Commission denies the Petition. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Petition for Reconsideration is denied. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER DEI\IflNG RECONSIDERATION. Any party aggrieved by this Order or other final or interlocutory Orders previously issued in this case may appeal to the Supreme Court of Idaho pursuant to the Public Utilities Law and the ldaho Appellate Rules. See ldaho Code $ 6l-627. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 4ft day of May 2022. no_ ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT :fr/"- lfrhW*: JOHN CHATBURN, COMMISSIONER R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER ATTEST t*g lHNoriluti) Commission Secretary I:\Lcgal\TELECOIvflQWE-T-21-14 Kavy\ordea\QwET2l-14_Fo_Remidratioo_cb.dc 3ORDERNO.35396