HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221219Appellant Brief.pdfRichard Keary llZS?GteoEtty-n Drive Boise,ID E3?13 ITTCEIVED Iit?I0E[ 19 Pl,l 2: 09 iiiri"l0 PUBLIC i i ir,.tl I i: li CCh{ l-{ I SSIONII}A}IO SUPnIME C(XJRT RICHARD KTJAVY Aprpellrat Appcert'r Brhf v Srynme Cou* fucket # 49$4+ZUZ2 Public Lltiliti€s Cmrmissicrn # Qlt'E-T,3l-14 TDAHO PTIBIJI] I ITTT-ITIES CO*4MI$SION ad QIAIST CORP, dbCENIURYLINK COMM{.INICAIIONS, L.t{: et al Respondents" This is in resp*r,we to tks rweflt Suprernc CCIt*rt Ckdrrtn ulnditiclnally disuniss ttrc $-ce, This utll d$dm1* trl ourlim strc uf &r ttixrUaniaxtion esd dis$n.jcr"exhibit*l by participrits. The hormrable C*xr.*ts atienf.ic.rn to that rl.'f,'rislr l.Hf bdem LEpt m{il it mra,v te msful arrl cc*stnlttive. #1 IlB fdalur ftrhlic tltilities C+rrur*s#iso {P{-L } r$ected th[* case repeafedty firr ap4rrnximately, fil* yeamL lh'lwsl ir llmel}y n**r*s.i tu tx&e #w smrt{*rs xrrfu*r*i$1" *t3 cxl,lil'tg iL* pru,ue*s .firnmsl" ttey c*mditisned tlmt m.v eall fuN thr ixtiuwffiilsr t* hr rfu:'igffi*tfil m ksirn*l amxi ftw{:itt*s*ial tlrey r3*clirxtl *n*I :lsh.*al ntc ttr r*xtlil\'ci ^,Jrui dt'sig*ati,*r* .u:i l.tu3 to.ruid g* firr"tr*rrl, TI-tc tilrjrlttii e weri pct6n[.ti{Hud tr"r $:c tryl.tl;m.l r.vrfir&ll...wii& a}i iurfiuu$*ti*-rrr tuiu*g slur*;d i*lth eusry&xxlf *rd anyk*;'. ,{pryretlent as&erJ tle# 1}b* rat* lu ig€bd nra} t.h"ri t}w "t*risi*-xi *r;r Eh"i*h ffiffig*Ski tglw-U3.sjgdgf an; &,sr6nmrtr*ruls [ir. ic{t ISS}gqfu t*r ttrw $rrymr:tr Ct*u{t"e f,:3*di rlf Orrrbe {,.fi4ud}ki were dixnis,red" hy .lt.tt*ttt*ys f-rr"mev** (Afii and {'{ iC $irlf s, wcth*l*t. ll(lmwtenl- n*{.ir* {}r en,}- Crri*rt e*rr.*itr"m*rr{. H-t-** i:tl"ril "ah5 Cux* ft;A r+t'l}r'irt t} *r,usc'rl illx'uf -}urticr *rxl tra}*ritu? ? - Ths PtiC ptai,nl3' as$Errles and r:xesci.res all riglrrr aru! prwers rrf a District Crxrrl . = .uhile it eurdrryx {tH dep$*dri *l-tfus A}totrmry fierxftd t* r;ktlrtd ttw x*{irx ttf C*ntur-v i,ink a trtilitu thar is srrypttmd [ } $e su\irx:t !.n"r b,*Xi*t irgrluuirs:urtruet *'t-rr*;is&swx ti.lt]i l"iqqres4.'" gnrvS fuitfi us!&$ ft]ir draling- lkitlm'*f tlx rxrl,r tw* ninirc*l RtsprruLrrts is trp[x**ii*g tiaese,uheriutcri>&i*. 3 - Apilkusl ru.rirxnttrl frr: t+aisens fur tlrc s{Ee{xi' Ei}b{ t* ccpry ;rerr,} *r*rs'swra; rep*r"tf{l -{(X} FgFs of hf=f{1ltqE-A4lgqg_el#g| {a$r-mdins tr-r P[ l{- srnl-l'i qUfog;6. f oufi sfaIl" if'{ prrxir.rt*d cirgtu'{r$&*rrer lr*&x1t*xt*11, iwl[funt*tl tfue uqiri,rer $rur{ler trS rr. F{-lCJ"B[$r'iu[ C*w"{' ttri.iec*tiirri ...$"hik apErrtrpi*te Fl"'C stelTlrrn demnrrxtrdssd i{ *rfitr*.iwfu rir,e* n*rt krxrw rx um]erbltrtd fullv arul rss&hdelv tm&ttcrxrilid.t 4 - Cerct*ry tr"iur&, Crxnu**l wr**e *nu* u'xr he*lm*f*f its utrtr"mt tfucrore ffiffit...{*re weiuld be rewlrre,I widmnt litigetic*. , .in exchangi {freykryF$} frrr P{ lf/AC $affl*nietrc-r as trr the dispxithrn *f a ! ,l $ffiO fine inrpo*ed against Ceotury Link because its lawyus failed to respond tirnely to an AG/PUC directive. Cedry I ink cotseel received fu directive but did not krrow wtm CI do wittr it so ttrey effectinely p* itaside for rmm than a wwh while Counsel deatt wtttr rneire irnpo*ant mattsrs. Crmvenierf,.ly COVID disructisns were used to beg ftn and have grantul retietl The tkle ras witffiffim h' fu PLIC/AG fcr reeorl thd it rrmdd not irnpose ary imperrtam bnnderi oa ttre Appellaut's oosE? The AG altoms) x'tw proposul tte fine nas clyt disnrissql. ? 5 - A rec€fit Appelknt corr*porxrenc€ tsrt to Counsel of resold was resurn*$ by thn tlSP$ ,*ue to tle pwty' dfonxed being otmkurru-" md rm &tivuab*a Whils tlwr is no sther &tail it rn4v he part cf ttrc latent coafucion :ri!l goirg on ns noted in itmr &4 aborc. 6 - Centry [.ink Counse] rmk with fdish a rktaild accorutt *f Apryrel]ant's dishanesty rrd imryiray' itrrportemse- False c:hims tr,ert: &liheralely aml pxpstr{ by both Cutursels of Rsc{r{d to acsrm th€ reakrs {exce$ the Sqprmme C{MBt?} thut $s Apdlmrt s}xnild he regardcd as reclless and untnrst*ortfuX with uii of lds er:.I{xinting- Arldirrg ttr ttxir drffirs vras their insi*tenle *tffi tlle Apgr*tl*r* "-ery proLr*trly Ss:gtet&$_yfr&_fu ts*isc Fo$fuel}rymrtm*mt (ef[]]et atl" Crntnry Lifik setffilugl3' rpprtrved *f tfust,&spit;lhfu taaiu aes, s$dde xls ryil]v* to er-*rmter rr strihe ttp fuurignity wlrn &taiis were Fd hrtbrr tlrt PliC and AG stall$. Nothing is knor*n or said to rrwredy tJx* joimt Cmrym*rt flirlue ul*int$"."en(r:$fi ryrhap* srrmw F{"IC,'AS cr}ehtafiun utxrut the rxgr*itiry tlwy nral h*ve rnlr,lte,I'.,t I.il,e tk matier *f net funrr*ing tr caing irtr*ut its rxail.ing *rf f*rrs r*pomsihilit*- . - - fhe *CIid saxffs xr* sa*x*}ng r+il$lrry tn plar rtunrb 6t rxut Caunrels ctmttmrpriblc umtics...hopitrg s*u:rue'*if[ ruu'ul{1 dturipi*l tlw,{ppella*t*s esse irappropriately? 7 - Tls. BPI) prlmryx slxruld tmve ftehically?,) {hrtran}*il ttrmir **tu*I M detsrikr, intslvement tu City proxx$*{rn$ fi}r cusiderati€il.. -ra*!tr tlrm plfl}irg dumh $. Ioa&ing the otlrer t'av, xr tr fhvrr tk tntirs rf Rerptrndnrt Ctunscl.' { hal u*nrmuriicat*l with tk RPf} rrn this tasc ftrr Scxrs tthile unry*, $i*,t *tK PLIC" fiqrt p*$tiryg tk murlfer:r rrf tyirtg urm{ huriu*xrum* rside. Csnt.r.ff}' Link ,*m,te (at iemgth ttt PljC {$*riagrir?f,nt} lur* tftc gxl}ice *rre signifiw*tl3 in hx*grit rvith Century Lin*. $1am,t inlereulh amd expei"-tu:r,I trr anrxruurxxla{e t*w drifu I trilri cxx*niur*i:.*1td rrith a p.dice Cs$sin mnd ix lemgth t+-ith hts I-ierrtens*t. My *"furctegt{vn *.rw thsl tte RPt} ra,$rrftf amnryr;e&*1 *un'w& C*m{ury Lir*. C*:*isls*is' *ults*r &cs{ii:ur*-v ir}s ri{sr*.ls tler r*tle irm.plic*trrl ia it. The BP[] i]alty re{ir.*nd t$ orirltr$K*}[ trncit$-v gitir:ag tlredit ** I&nt,.;p"rmu&rm$ {]r*c$nse.ls *infrrrmestl' Dislwasstt is a ttord, b} u*L tra,r', t:rmplw-sLae*J bf thr El*r *ml Jurtitiui C*un*el ttlrs* ir emnpl*i** i'q {iktl qptinx r '$i4|pg$' larrytr. i,ip wrvirx is gixwr kr thr tl}yxrry{ r}f ffiWI *fiile ss'$ffi,$ aahJl.lg tr.r fih;il is xmrw's*$na,* grrrnti*;*w&fy r*srstr{t" {A.}*u'*d ir it rr"l*$E+J $m[a*y irtvtrlii*'tg tte Bar#rxlicial (lgunsrl arxl C*oeral tr*kr{irrs. I}qr,*tr }is Crt.x*larxI is Sumitiiir- ".ar-xi *uh*arutia!fu iwd,iflurmt) &1*ik thm mir'rney i*e*p*uli**+ prCI*e*E lurry- pet*rt** L{hirrctr go i**rve sl;urr;rctral justi*e mxJ im{egrit1. ie hai u frekmg {i}r br}t& g$&e$illS uud a* urdi&etry mdertakirry . .*s lms brx* this 'sp{rydf "Fr$ces$ ' Accerr}i4g t*r l*ulir:ia! Crluxse} frrxrs.s tke ffiirlt*r: {rf r${l.ffi}r} ti'uhilitS' ftmElt"*ffi[al is Sq*st. dtdd.]rl:*setl lrtJirrr a u"rwrlrg laiurt i: prriffrrcri- Ifuth Crmrrsekrrs rcftr.*rlttlid {krrt resFi{ffid ttl firy r(Iqin,St {ix tlwir insx*rurre t*e*ails- * - I e{ke{t tt}s Ber ftir help sffuring FmBsrp Lrrurtsel. An applicalfun r*'as prrruiiled- c,trmplded i:rrcttnling a ltwd about lhe pnrcesi* taliing n couple,'v$Sr. bcfirre ir rerilxlilr(" That,wm rnturtks agu md mt ir. u,*nl hfi$ hrefl ret$n'wcl *r ,*Lurrerd *trrul it. l&Twt fS *rc plir* *f the offcr? t 9 - Centrry Link Cowsel wrotelqmtio*d ttre mregrfiy ard rolre of Sffi Faggs ttrc PLIC found pegwwwthy CIf mxsifuion Srr&is trc- The PLIC snd AG didr,mtrusporu*. Thcse g!CIilp$ w-ork for each dlrcr's mutual interes md canses. \*hy would ffre tske part in critieizing a comnittcd pertm:rs posturing in mid $trcffir? 10 - I esou$t€d rhal fu I&I*i Attwmy &mn&l hed jCIirmt with a &rmn +l- AC's ta umfualie sonrc kird tf *te,ntinn ttr h:rnassing cillls tht had b6en neg{ertd ta dme" 1 calld the AG's of}-rce lase wm& ttl Im,ru thfit the ffir).W tlf t*.u* gst $ugrtlm \!,u$ trirr.s*s i*,txist r,r'ry large ilcale, rn*tiom} sorxsr$s sd little tot&D *ith tlr ?xx'ar*sil6u*l lx;*irle*s $m t'mnrry ["ink serveri ag;ainst s]r. my fxnrifu and pltemti"rlly th*:llxlrd".; mf ldaistmns. Ttu prrso:m I w*s 8r*r*feryed to {in thr'Ctrnsumcr AtTair$ seeti$n) *ar*rngrnial. helpful arul grxerally *rnrt+kedgsahle. T[r*t 1x*wt l'*lw*re,ml wve?&l tirrr{s thnt he/sfu tl*artd rrrt h€ grrying Cmrtrry I.ink .f L35 {to wrve its +5? sfi*p. rrry snr$asis) il$p{:i*tg g*$Ily tlut it wire mrrt ffre}i*} weltr *6crtt- lderr Is xme hmhgn'*r*d t}HS fus gsmef,all1- elrl.dsi a disiaterrsted PLICI&G snd sther rr& Resgxmden[*: Attwhsd ir* mr mhibit ctrtedrrg'*glirity" cm. $ry Cerrti*:j' I.iruk phrme bill sh.*wiag srrn* sixt}' {6*} call* t}ut tlw-r- t6** '!Tr$C" suryiciotrs caEs crvs t*re pt ?5 q*ny$. The *57 sys.em is See[*rx&ffif kr fui**-* u*r*wtfuing i#Jtp.*EtB$;* tt: D(} rrinh '"ilti;f[wt* *k$llete,ret **:tir.r&* Thrr g]rree wc]ftI rcticity is prt rlt rot4ghly l{ff}r"tx$ttrtsCrntlxy I"i**. dff}}trrikx* in ir* r*luirud qff}tret strusttn'i*g" ,4 P{IC m,*n*,g*r usk*$ a (l*m*w3 I fuill. ffir,as}eglr'r {tnflrmie.r,d} t{} de.scsihe u,-k;tt & '!$.].du+ful {ree" *iirsilrts uf- T}tc u{iiit3 rftsftager ,Se$i{ffiJ frt:rungr ttx PtlC qumtitr*" t-tia*1gu.I ttue suQiec{" wkil* prunidtmg a rll}#+*ffi}d{r$ uMffiifi;&g d*re4mi*urs xmi $*n}w $tiff{'&rx}r#x}.tr$. T?u: tr}LiC teltly lr**Sstl **e e*&rr r,t$\. trBI di'J urt*pusi.se illl-r iirw ul"e'r.amis*r{ir.ru tluii*igh ii: .Sfi *aff e${t mxxe imrymu$m. t*y with r,*1 nrru,irx srlftulmgtrTtrffit in tlr.c A{,i'x *$}ite., [,yimg t(] crrft*r]vn#r$* $*r ir r.lrtiil l*ais" u{r {.,jr*}€*,lerX fir*'s i&{-rils rpf **ic{l 5 ?:*r'u d}e,}d fir{.n1-q3a this Cc:rLi.rsy. [-ir*, pr*tdut md mte) s*m**l*J he hrryrmn* srltrffi t$ tt** $*hryie crf rntm ifue F$:![" *[&-aler ftr regnrtatr. 1}* ,{{; er#t ethtu s*ttrr mal *!t3 gLr'*L'r{rr;tei'}ta,I bsldtes :$*rulo! !rat* bc,r"rl gtttirt' ;tils."nlil* *nd rter*ch irturll,,*rl" l I - Ceaeq' [,ink qrtlte iirr thc AGIPLIf r*fartieg thrt {hr3, iiur rn"{ prtrtide A,\Y caller inf*nnotirx to tbir ctst*xncni ot unybrxlS elsc exrrry the pn*ice" Thrr ul+ is a li* thpt Cls PI^iC/AC had optrwtlrriq ttr !.emm nrh{ tK.} s{we*hi$g u*x:ut" {milM *:'f rh*}le*gir.qf*nfury l.inh arxtr it* [**3rru tq] hc li{"arffie ;iual rccurafr $}:up*r*,irrcinmit atltlxxi**s, r+r*li el*ry liurx t&imgs t}tr:y eiitrr fu'f $riderst#rg! *r r&.lrt't {tuefll ul k.**r,r,v- I ut*$#{iffiiletr rep*ater$'l'1, til rnN lr,ith SI-:{-l s*ufTand slrtwr'exgrlain tk*t wfuitk e.!tbrh$ t&,ern. TtwS rlas*d hew $*,FIlr& *t*ll *:*'-ranl ilte reqx*sihititS' th*t I$ tIwfrns k.r au&Jrels s$td t-*:r r"fw' I,vrry r$f, {rsmr i* r*tr t*.:r *-lw r$gfut fn *ry**,'in [Ils A$'r *$ffi*e. {"*ltr datalinli,*mur{i*rir n"rmti**lr gir.ell xp inr**rvr}iafr}3 tr3 Ce*tr.u3 it*t".li*l; t"hc3 >*,a t&r,u d+;lt't d*:! irrcIurfu; & {rii&e$. ctlffiit&et, tlats" tiumc *fl*try" [t rh**rs W r*h a s,t${*r lS g#ewr i**d wu* uclil* a*rttxnd.Ldfu tcr l-lirct 'l'Vfcrr !sde's- -Ylt,qitslitElEl q.!kti:,e-j.p _U+t!trg-ti: !he-8i.'C._#q.ld Saftt lurl3nrrd-uipfg f}rsrl*,s*i r{q }ryiryp,l$$,ry$4sl arimd fuc,trdirry ]yi.raE Crr,r$.umytr,ia*,-.""4fur*9"*.*{Il ik fuw*sg tgffiUpl...={} d_.dpl*-t{ng $rq-r-*h"M.t}qf-gqt{Idi.rg irs$el&tBtX -Jamakift' hcs celled appruri*rat*l*1 i?-i ttm*s fr**t CIrar*ren t.,*k # irx;ludiog 8?#" ff.*ugldy 951,i, *f tiw*e cxtrls has treen *57 *tr&.ed,' My wnrltip{e s*}hi t*.r ISr s*,l* + a*kiCIg ftn thm **il [xrch rarch c*n*rart <i*ail grsararltsrh, is, *raather Ii*, fit;ri [r{{.{dlr$ h,*r utro{ te'ii}r,e*! u crli l* i?t*? ;({: ${*nxi,te&I- a"{?er the thin$ txll is tr&rrL in prn*xt*y e )rdr. btirw i$l lural$ing" f,hrli[**t'ull ti**"rrli*n culls ,*ets pln"ed to my g*xrne, gerl:-13_:ffi9d" firtNn IQi?4n] to ] lEfr??. ;l As best as I can detennine Ceqtwy Lin*, Srlnot DO:ru dr.eJ-€Grkqs-qfltly u$CImised re$ghly q thoqsmdtl000) ti*m. Ttry L'uow-- it Ttrir kwyere h,rnrw ir Tle AC,?UC know ir Tk Courtlrs wlteld tiilt nrd has ctxseque*t$' mtrted to t*rss the cas withowt ar). equit!, f,or this iqiurrxl pw,fy *fua$rxt*r.-.let nltrme n tlrsmnnrl ru:iffiru sut$crt tu tk sanx hind *f ahu.r,u? Excessi*iar grn*r ffiegtigernlr mt denepion lnt'**t'tng s haff *{txlea m* Bn}.SrI agenctes tgot a &x pass k, F{sf ifur*b:i fc,r nnxre tk firE !*rs- I&r* txr eryth e*n xxnething srr hriaeu be tre&l€ral r*irt sur* frixt*iiy ard *:crr*enrp? Ctmtur,t Liof imf tkir itk like tu impll they cannr* rkr (or flutly r,eft**e ttr t**) n$)thi{tg sb*ut nta$} ldffitifled {at }*arit irl pnrt) l,mrxn*ing c'*lls. In this m.se hi*trpry tlfftf $"irut *fs{minr rxrigfx*, k vmorc ahrut lyir;g trr the 'Di*tri*t' ftffid thr Snpmne Court. I kliert ttlal if a CeuhES [-is]k '"i** pr*rsid*n: slxrrn*d *p i* thrir rfuht er$ice- *ith f?sf fuII of ider{tfiry pasr*L ttu{ *E lpoixr"t*rn+si*}, md tireit ""'f thr hasr;..xrrnt-..right Centrr-r Lir*, mrighl tltritc tm rkring t&eit thing"."t*. i.dr"r#i$ iwd pttwec,*t$ t}.{ r*lcs"*teix- im;ilrr+ii}mate wise guysi Ttm ma* umi uiffi?eal. mk C'*x*ry I.,l$*" [;ii umixqg is alrur*t tfrecqrtfuir.l ruad in+{it}Lrerre. \yhils thr denial ami tri*kx Cextury' $-in*. hil$ fxxlilrnl n*iay he s{lw{ttq&nt rrut-side tl"re reguterorder ftr th* PUC da3 to day r*ul,t'ning it &*uhl not h*te hrrr hlrri *"vorl" lur th* .{C ttr lirx! and sssess a:ccunfahility - 12 - Csm*lry Limk lawyr,nr uirolc eet thry cmd*I rwt move t$ n*"x{vr tle case h*ause tlrey were rurt given an1 vnlne reretly ts *orii *ith" I thinl( tlut du{xk er}d *L-*IgF tanguage is s*mething ot' a $x$il$lri arxl rtamrlsnt rnay tt fttfl de$l r,*,ith liability. Tlrc Pt-i.C,'AG kslq* berBr lrut n*a5 not hare *t*sed r* nigltt rfr?ffir*1" r#rrf,{T* s*}rirt fiIutrry i*c }m}frrme rxith the Crmxt I rep*rtrd lc'ng ago [Iut rru,rgtrfu T{K} uerll* hrr*t tr;rym snutusml axsl 'triiwl,i&tr' affirtr *,km*,e xwe$&i [t;m* hxm kept sufb$ by C.rrtrsy I-k*. . *trr lus& tx&xrcrw# t* ca.h-*l*te r-al*se +rf tsu: reiwres" A ledm*t {t-}t'} rtxie is seid Li.r dfur fi,s a $trffi ryft51x*nrd pm $m*slrct;"ryai**e dn:s nlxr E:xrtici&l*e* i* ltarxssing call sul rela*n* a*wse. "Flst ?ffi) $+.rta!* r*l'*H}ffixr} {'trsfrrrt-}{h,BE nr*} }.$ *lcirer ttr *$$S iutf;il*nt s*sm[r' "ffire cmtr* rv** *aio"I tqr ]u *ri*lils.t-'ic ir*ifirr al*"g juriscl,irti*m. It r-eine tr: nn s{iru*i*n *{'}Ine }{}ers *g*l tlurf d-r"er*rutr ,tf+:rfi:sl {Gfuf} lr.at nr;# llft}r'e$ t* strtd rn3 pen$i${L f io err*ggeia*iiur rr euibd$ir{r$Iffi*i in tkac 'r+**rlr i x'lr St$ ahi** arn} axli*E*re liuni tle lfurm Bt*r md Sfifl tr*E lcttm trf eitts*r. k rtrfi]ffi* fi,*rd t]HL* wmh *m indcrx.{6e rer,\i srftftd kwl3' :*fu"rrufiufl hlil rrf sf,gru$fm..aml itld*sm,k{ $r"r laiffi epx{bl'flcecue{xlt ruldtlde.l pwuetiti*r*l*rs"..i"eciud.fury t}le {dn}m Rer srxl itn ltxq li*t of ragm}!trr r=turMs. - .ir*}uliqg *fu* Iudirial Crxuffil a* r*ell as the C*wts- S*Htld siffiitartli-rfxirir6 ir gn*i:ulg rtfi.Wai& '***r* intqntl ilu,rr.kl tr,*rc rqu*w p*rt i* thr &mling- $S{ ffi} irs fut3rrs s{}ffin#bfuI n "vst&nrm.d' knJ t*rm. plme *rxlu* I ? y**rx mrlier- t a.s&*d ftlrtrg,Hllr,* rL*E]6tr{*xrl} ;sc}i,'rxe+g:rx$ *rff *}*,!}* thn** *d.$e'*fi iur wgrp*xtr".mt ;+ru,fiu:i,trmfirr. **fammir.h rtanl*I irmrl usrrr&nrurl {xl{rlrird, ffu* uiuch $ *at *Iki id$Lcsx]c{$$ umrurn[ liir, I o"*Lr*rl T]l*-r clafumrsd @ did ncrt k*rv"'txrt ttst 'tffih' n*w pi*l t* r-ste rxr * *pecilir Str*day..'* 4 da-r tt:ii.la"v tttx*,ml- I esL*l tatrse tle'slr;h'deiilery t*xr& pi*x...in &!ir&igur:, C*iiiirrniaqrr trdah*. The-v cla'irmed mf tr.r l.ruru nrd fu$itxl tLw qkfai"ts ds*] nq* r?,ffitf;*T- ..umfu' **efrrffirc,r"tffrtirrtm mmttcnd rnd I sltnluttl rxmt bq,: &rLi,ng. I g*& trefifess f,E'{},*H [tre futi&l S&*ur{{i ;tiktrlvrii.tmtti**l $r;tt tfucre s*,rL+ or.r trmtfer of *iLE rqtraiiiin* rrerrrus rr**utrl lreqcr ttre {i&I p:*n&rn pLru ttl wH nr} *in u*y y-,ear. Th* XRS t:leifiefff t$r5 did ikq Bgl e*lt,t a*.{'rir:* f,ttrrr fi}f *Fr-'r"* e Lr;cfirs.f,rr *f txv q*x*I}{Ierl rrn*n*;' fru*r tlre conrlm*r3 trl $H. Bi'*fu *f th,rrse ag*tlri,c$ rvrrr*t h- uilr*i*,oit tt3 Sld rrl ;nry *rth r'{xrlm**igam" I vutt* am{i,c*p*#k'ag gwivm$n, ***t^qfu,{e crqx*sll*..l fi&f vx'm* Xu"*trruim& t* !.d"re ,.&-N}} rup ;rrgr*ii.rrt llry,w iintits ...wiifirss kgai r"*uuset The lddxl 8sr wat *tmir esfti i$k$gfsftrc{ shi} t*} dr*r;}'utmtegSr *l: €omt$sr*i&r1'. I n'*s ard a.ar rtitl xuEui"*eC alrlr# t!*!. ]\ic{ tt}et tfud} EE ? $r rnsrrt find c'rxr*el help hru{ th$ thry *rmrld SfANT ti}"-"as a rnattesof pr,efessienal tr}ffiner. Ms Cras*tand i* fami}iar witfl thd carr &re*.it imtta$etl eumfig tr{.Iw thing$. Er $rffitr ef lying to tlrat sourt ru nrell ard t ard to this tlay url$He lxrw-sorething so disor&al; can end was disr*setl witbout csffimerlt. I r*'ruie up a urrmplfuim ftrr tln Fe{*Eral tx}urt, that a trirst year hw $turde$t $*ghl rsgant a* m*rSly tacli-v. The frs&rel murJ in B*is* ilsrr.${id tfue c**rylnixt mnd m,t #fffi" Thfi F€derat Bar thund a &w:d larnyer tthu tk lda$sl Bsr e*l.dd tx r*rx&{ ctr*} *}rn *rfu$ }re t*uulrl rupnxer$ rxe Prs Baer...trecuup it rmyhave*.w* his initid ass.ur*pti*rr lhflt tiM ranuld pa.r'his tkm" T?rc l-rdrrni B*m un*lerstntxl tlw i*itiul ku$urur c*etditi*n- Alts:r sr"srx* tkre u{ bis retier,r, *ixI pr*turing ffiftms*.* kwd*ts* ff! srry Fsr;ng kin: *qeff$ *le prmrft' uf rny pre,smrerl r*xeile,rtmx*y *f ttre prxtsirxr {rk}m} I agrirtj t* t}ne o**n&* h-*t.xure I lllul rm rua*"wx}"th alternspliuc- I leeuxsd s*rne tixre la&er, fu*ni ttc $s*""rr, B*r" thd €aliffisl did{i-t t*11*},mrr a*xrut his hrr&mrr'iir*it*h lix nrs to p*a3 hirx. flri+krlt$ i!*a$ nag sr-rrrMhirrg tlaey u+w{d txr*rm$y !l**+rt xhcNrt. ? T}ttr*e uIq{ai*s are rtl+w* aham, gflstrrril crxkru*in$img b1 Btr ffit jC &pd" mul nnx $ix3*r,mr$Iil hN rrN*. I'he ffitrSep-E!ffi l'F_q5.i$-tbn-jf .riqli.tgtry Xfut_{$jg6ggl:6 *lllEfuy" 'l'}ee *y,*tcru sexming}y &:ern't gir,e an inqxr*zurt lnr* *lmr* tytmg; red*reprr*er+tatiun -rtirl gEtxitm"tsly m*$,ing thinge up tlw rmmy lre u[.rrsg e$8rti*rffi]e{}t nrm f+$ ffi$H q$s*flr-fig*ih{t $.ryeur. I }:nru* atrxr&etrdiec$ t*mt there ham r,s.{. }lrsr".n tingrr-ttuiru l*giilr*al* *$fiwt ."r*n ptmtr r',f t*x A{ifUf, OR.t},.r* r;lh,r pwrti*s t}lat Sl$uhlbgt bis ltq*get[,rat Rt*prmu&xmn. 'tr'n*th mur} lirwly ru*dnr&'{+ k&s fixilc.d utls*r*[riy'. knd 12-19-?: ee: Cotrml of Record (.USPS) PLJC Secretary Rictffid Kerry l2l[9i72 I F F CenturyLink' 14 OCTOS .I :39P TO T'CALLTBACE 4l Torat lor m8-'r / I rotal ol hemlzod calli / TolalcenturyLlnk Local Ueage Accounl Number: -- o'v 1.Centurylink Local Usage Local Call DBtall No Date Time Locatlon Number Type Plan Mln Prlce ,' tD 2o8' Page: 4 ol 6 BillDale: Ad..07,2A22 -t' f (TBncED )D% tl 1.25 17.50 17.50 17.50 AutoPay Crll Typc co&r DD - Ditect Call rf\\B \Af Set it and foroet it. ucp vv{P{\c?- oeF &nAu iir.oru rrv r1ur1tunrua3 rzr,z o'*oo,p,!oJ"ini6uuel llleodEd sulluo pu3 ilooqcoll I0l luul';eiqpnuoqr4loc'{ull&nuec'mmary/:du{ eos 'scFoll tno$lm uoll.rfinP elos q! le'8or3 eques lq ue$ furn ro ,rac!iles puo crollo qtllqsqmIo'lscuec'etuoqc Aeu {ullArlryIaJ ,4u5tun1u"O +:13 sz'r sz r. $Z',l 9Zr 9el 9Ztszt gz',l sz'r 9Zr 9Ar sar szr t 0O{ GO 00 00 oo oo 00 00 c0 00 00 UU 00 902 ot )02 09 r0z ocioz 'll'12 Otaol ]P"At EAN)z ottz ol JOZ QI 302 AN l0z AN ca oh ob .h % % ca cb ca % 3CVU1l]VC 3CWr.l'lvc 3CVU1 l"lVC 3CVBI_'l'lVC 3CVU11'lV3 33VH1't'lv3 3CVH1't1V0 f cvut ]'Ivc fcvHL l]vc 33VUt ]]VCtcvul l'rvctcw1rlvc 3Cru]]VC ol_ d,o:zor d09: I 01 vsr: I I 01 v6E: B 01 wz:8 or \02:6 o1 dsag 01 d00z 01 doE:, ol_ dt8:t 01 dzs:l 01 vsl:0tor v6z:8 0E d3s Et 6Zd3S Zr 6Z dfs $ BZ d3S 0r zz d3s 6ild3s I 0t d3s L 0r d3s I 60 dts I 80 d3s , 80 d3s e 90 dfs z 90 d3s r ssapede6 o9 W r'-"tr-I hE-ooud uln uBld od^l rcqunN uollBx,'l ourll olBo oN F,!I entury Link. 0 . , taitil llD6 Page: 4 ol 6 Bill Date: Nov. 07,2022 Account Number: CemuryLlnk Local Usage Local Call D'etall No Date Tlme Locatlon Number Type Plan Mln Prlce fi"rnnc€D 18 OCT 28 11:55A To CALLTRACE lD 19 OCT29 1;48P To CALLTRACE NY 20 OCT 31 1 'l :29A To CALL TRACE lL2t NoV 01 't :52P To .tcALL TRAoE ll JM 22 NOV01 2:03PTo CALLTRACE GA 23 NOVO2 zIOPTo CALLTRACE NJ 24 NOV 03 12:06P To CALL TRACE lDTotrttor20eG Total ot [cmlzed C.llE Total CenturyLlnk Local Usage C.ll Typ. Codes DO - Dir€ct Call Set it and forget it. zAL :n'. 208 20e . 208 , 20&i 208-. 208- l oD%DD%DD%DD% DD olc DD%DD lo 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 30.00 30.00 30.00 tr€Fse'f + + AutoPay *7 ..I',ril:KU erACfrf" Account Number' CenturyLlnk Local Usage Local Call llotall No Date Tlme Locatlon Numbsr Type Plan llln prlce Page: 4 ol 6 BillDate: Dec.07,2A22 € Z(tt 18 NOv21 19 NOV21 20 NOV23 1:34P To CALL TBACE lD 208- 1:sBP To 'l cntl TRecE'l lD 208-, 1:57P To CALLTBACE JM 208.i DD DD DD DD 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 26,26 % % 1c %21 ,/ NOV30 7:38ATo CALLTBACE NY 208-i Totll tor a08.322- Torrl ol lremlr.d Crll3 Total CenturyLlnk Local Usage AutoPay Set it and $17.50 l'.ll ?t a6 a^,a^.{^ ,.^, ^* l+