HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221109Appellant Motion for Extension of Time.pdfv RICHARD KEAVI P*itirrner- Apellaufr IDAHO PUBI.IC URLITIES COMITfiSSION d QWEST CORP, dbaCENTIIRYLINK COMMUMCATIONOS" LLC Respm&r*s- IDAHO SUPREME COURT iTECEIVED ?0?iHOY -9 PH Z,03 Docket No- 49E44-2022i ilAl-i* F U B LtCR#to: Lltilities CorniffiCibE S C $1,{ M ISSION Q\ME-T-z1-14 Mdim/Rrym fsmrctirreto rmpoad, rccrmulde eridw Hd by ths FLIC" ascertain Bar stamrlkg m perrdiq requcs*. ascerain AtryCea place on recffit relevamt estxrial @*labffiafion wi& several either states Pkimffireryrm Wto six (6)rMks{rwhafielrr€r dle'nmffifu csrt finds aryp,ryi*e.".fu tbse md o{her nffNrrns- Plernse- ThE FUC Frt ee sukarm *f this rceirnat$v o{f rtpeatally frx thc better part of six (6) yean- Th" wrCItr fhis y'ear of an wlitr allewrnxe, rery mueh inJbwr €tfus Eespnxfur*, &nd trkir &in& sx+'wuqrld vel{ injm* ur tr{}utile t}re kitionws rlarding, RespecafuIh- six urme mtfos x*ay well proerc cuxe rotl rd$#s'rE{€urffil dg.tf firr tlr Court. Pt,C trorrne*ion Gffirm rysrhd kdrry mum$Imd SfXi+,r- pa€s of Plaintiffry{se$ed. msrn*d selevaipd" FOIA dafim Erkt ilrzua*ts prywreut f{${s Pl*i$tift^ Hr rited Cr& eul Comsdsimr hste oo Fmt ifi tlle &ttrmirgiou mto qrlretler uraiving relatedco#t$ ee part of FLIC rurymm*i$lilif!. ftxiti,rmlm was imf,urxmnd that &ci*imm mm*s wittrr t$e C*r,smis.cirln Perftfuffi rna# ap*isariu#rcryrst t}uuryh tle Id# St*e Bar f*r Fruem$ hgml rosigzuee- Thc poees* cl*irnnil itwl'urke rmryfufu to trna ntrsh;s t$ Ect a rer$prqlb€ fru*n tbe applitatlau. hlothiry hn$ trsrffi rriltrffid im nrumt}*ti., A fu$&*w ry*S.rryiry, rrqrcest t* @*y Bar C.+.xrruel bas mt been returrd. Multipl€ qrm*ioou mI comrnents Ft to th PUC uBmtim* iffif i{s sate rwryloye*l anklrrry-s} kve nat hm rerynrerJ ftr mdr'or ffie Hrt pt eif the Agsnc-v Record- Petitis,rcr eoreern ar*d oqler*ic*l to furyu*aof .miseing afi#or grus.$ly i*xcrs:afs dftail, frtm the PtiCr'-dC, to the cuurt Md ot}ffi IM$ henn repffi as imratrrial M *mrixgly al'rxr r*se to tts c$$trl" A locafl re**'qpfsr rmtxm*er! nffiffib that tk tdfllt*>.Atkwer' {ie*enil hal jriincti rvith il d*zen +/- o&ers AmrrwS f at *rere*nime thE hnxfur,ssof tsry srdiftg. kmtfmsme- rnx udl regtrl*ftd- harmslry ca}tr #rse etffig with sigrifiuumt em*l rei*tet! riis$rtuneru". -rn:w1 in virrlrritxl trf gxrtl rxrler trd Ffu! tlo }it{ f-atl -*orrlenrs- Tne i**rsasr:e tf this urs* [S ah]ur hxr,ansring; negtiguni" di$nniffif;r* mt *tixhmmmt ffiamTt sert*d cnminuCIlfu' {da;}y} *n lddwrms eml UB P$i[i{ffir'- Tk k!*tr A#$ffiry &rrcr:xl erbl &ts {Etrnr trE likelS t$ {ft} $xrd r*crk in t&is runark*hly ntrg&ffi{€d iarcxign*ilxu Tllen {ird*rlg1* d n:mlts nill *},rl-v ret}eut rery* rnr*:}r aturut tk cuee ffirI thts peryU iu hu-hgr,or*x,I wt*lr aryufurty *:rrffi*vfhratsd h tlw hrum,:slcl.tt* nhuse &n*I P&ffie cr{Mr''irll$r* nhrrte ramsuxl ftrslxl ttr he urreorered Respectfully. Richard Kavy til?{22 t Cc: Co*ar*l CIf Idsho Conunissior