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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040324Stipulation for Augmentation of the Record.pdf';- ~ CE~ I VE 0 (II ~,- ! C, . , " Mary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 387-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 zeD'i') "' '! , 1 I . ' L4 if y. ,. ' UrE_ jj:~ .jC iI33101-, Morgan W. Richards Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields, Chtd. 101 South Capitol Boulevard - 10th Floor Boise, ID 83701 Phone: (208) 345-2000 Fax: (208) 385-5384 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMP ANY OF IDAHO, CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE, POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMP ANY and ILLUMINET, INe. Docket No. 30107 DC Docket No. QW-03- Respondents STIPULATION FOR THE AUGMENT A TION OF THE RECORD TO INCLUDE EXHIBIT 513 vs. QWEST CORPORATION Appellant. Pursuant to Idaho Appellate Rule 30 Appellant Qwest Corporation (Qwest) and Respondents, by and through their undersigned attorneys, stipulate that the Agency Record may be augmented to include documents attached to this Stipulation as Exhibit 513. Certain charges imposed by Appellant pursuant to the terms of its Access Services Catalog on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission are the focus of this appeal. Exhibit STIPULATION FOR THE AUGMENTATION OF THE RECORD TO INCLUDE EXHIBIT 513..! Page 1 Boise-I 68927. 1 0029164-00033 513 comprises certain of the Catalog pages from the relevant time period relating to those charges. Because these Catalog pages were on file with the Commission at the time of the administrative hearing, the parties submit that the Commission did not find it necessary that they be entered into the record. The parties to this Stipulation believe it would be more convenient for the Court to have the disputed Catalog provisions before the Court in the form of an exhibit. No party will be prejudiced by the augmentation of the record contemplated by this Stipulation. WHEREFORE, Appellant Qwest Corporation and Respondents request that the Court approve this Stipulation and augment the record with the addition of Exhibit 513. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 24th day of March, 2004. wi-.. Ih I h---- Mary S. obson Stoel Rives, LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Attorney for Qwest Corporation 'WJ G;. Morgan W Richards Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields Chtd. 101 South Capitol Boulevard - 10th Floor Boise, ID 83701 Attorney for Respondents STIPULATION FOR THE AUGMENTATION OF THE RECORD TO INCLUDE EXHIBIT 513 ..:! Page Boise-168927 ,1 0029164-00033 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 24th day of March, 2004, I served STIPULATION FOR THE SUBSTITUTION OF EXHIBIT 205 as follows: Weldon Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 LXJ Hand Delivery (----.-J U. S. Mail (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email F. Wayne Lafferty LKAM Services, Inc. 2940 Cedar Ridge Drive McKinney, TX 75070 Facsimile: (972) 548-5030 (----.-J Hand Delivery LXJ U. S. Mail (without attachments) (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Todd Lundy Qwest Services Corporation 1801 California Street - 47th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 896-1446 Facsimile: (303) 896-8120 (----.-J Hand DeliveryLXJ U. S. Mail (without attachments) (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Thomas J. Moorman Kraskin, Lesse & Cosson LLP 2120 L Street NW - Suite 520 Washington DC 20037 Phone: (202) 296-8890 Fax: (202) 296-8893 (----.-J Hand Delivery LXJ U. S. Mail (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Morgan W. Richards Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields, Chtd. 101 South Capitol Boulevard - 10th Floor Boise, ID 83701 Phone: (208) 345-2000 Fax: (208) 385-5384 LXJ Hand Delivery (without attachments) (----.-J U. S. Mail (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email STIPULATION FOR THE AUGMENTATION OF THE RECORD TO INCLUDE EXHIBIT 513 ... Page 3 Boise-168927.1 0029164-00033 Charles W. Steese Steese & Evans, P. 6400 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 1820 Denver, CO 80111 Telephone: (720) 200-0677 Facsimile: (720) 200-0679 (----.-J Hand Delivery LXJ u. S. Mail (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Clay Sturgis Moss Adams LLP 601 West Riverside - Suite 1800 Spokane, W A 99201-0663 (----.-J Hand Delivery LXJ U. S. Mail (without attachments) (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Lance Tade Citizens Telecommunications 4 Triad Center - Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 Facsimile: (801) 924-6363 (----.-J Hand DeliveryLXJ U. S. Mail (without attachments) (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street - Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 LXJ Hand Delivery (----.-J U. S. Mail (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Richard Wolf Illuminet, Inc. 4501 Intelco Loop SE O. Box 2909 Olympia, W A 98507 (----.-J Hand DeliveryLX) u. S. Mail (without attachments) (----.-J Overnight Delivery (----.-J Facsimile (----.-J Email Llhk-- Mary S. bson Stoel Ri s LLP STIPULATION FOR THE AUGMENTATION OF THE RECORD TO INCLUDE EXHIBIT 513 -" Page 4 Boise-168927.1 0029164-00033 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 1 Page 18 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 1.2 15. 15. 15. 15. 15.3.1 15.4 15.4. 15, 15.5. 15. 15.5 . 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 1. ApPLICATION AND REFERENCE T ABLE OF COJ\'TENTS (Coot' SECTION 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) GENERAL DESCRIPTION. """"""""" """"'" ......... ......... ...,.......... .... SERVICE DESCRIPTION .................................................................... COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING ACCESS CAPABILITY (CCSAC) ....................,.. ............... """"'" .,.... .... ... ..................... RATE CATEGORIES """""'" ............ ........... ...... """""'" ................... CCSAC RATE CATEGORIES ....................................................... REpORT REQUIREMENTS... ............... ........... .......... ...... ...... .... .......... CCSAC NETWORK MANAGEMENT ............................................ ORDERING, SERVICE PROVISIONING AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS... ...,............ ....... ... ................. .......... ... ...... ....... ... .... CCSAC ORDERING REQUIREMENTS .......................................... CCSAC SERVICE PROVISIONING ............................................... CCSAC PERFORJ\1ANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................... TESTING REQUIREMENTS ..... """""'" """""""""'" """"'" ...... ........ CCSAC ACCEPTANCE TESTING REQUIREMENTS... """""""""" CCSAC ADDITIONAL COOPERATIVE ACCEPTANCE TESTING REQUIRElvfENT "" ........... ........... ....................... .,.... ...... CCSAC SERVICE APPLICATIONS """"""""""""".,,"...m............... CALL SET-UP... """"""""" """ ...... ...... ..." .........................".. .... FOREIGN DATABASE QUERIES.................................................... RATES AND CHARGES.......... ................ ........ ..................... .............. PAGE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITIAL NO. OI-Q3- SID2001.021 (T) (T) SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 1 Page 28 Release 2 Effective: 6/01101 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS (Coot' d) 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE ERL ESS etc. ETCA ETCB EXM FGA FOB FGC FGD Fill Ft. GPR HVP lAM ICB ICL IEEEE Inc. ISDN ISUP kHz LATA LOF - Echo Return Loss Electronic Switching System Etcetera - Exchange Telephone Company A . Exchange Telephone Company B - End User Exit Message - Frequency Federal Communications Commission Feature Group A Feature Group B Feature Group C Feature Group D Field Identifier Feet Foreign Exchange . Ground Potential Rise Horizontal - High Capacity - High Voltage Protection Hertz Initial Address Message Interexchange Carrier Individual Case Basis Inserted Connection Loss Identification That is Institute of Electrical and Electronics Incorporated Integrated Services Digital Network Integrated Services Digital Network User Part Kilohertz Local Access and Transport Area Letter on File Local Switching NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. Ol-O3- 5102001-021 (N) l.f SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 1 Page 31 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 1. ApPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS (Cont' TCAP TES TIM TLP TSP TSPS TST usee USWC V&H WATS WPM WSO Transaction Capabilities Application Part Telephone Exchange Service(s) Tariff Infonnation Management Transmission Level Point Telecommunications Service Priority or Tandem Service Provider Traffic Service Position System - Tandem Switched Transport - Tandem Transmission United States - Uniform Service Order Code - U S WEST Communications Vertical - Voice Grade Vertical & Horizontal - West - Wide Area Telecommunications Service(s) - Words-per-minute - W A TS Serving Office NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITI AL NO. 0 1-O3- SID2001-021 - ..--,,----, (N) Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTiON 2 Page 19 Release 2 Effective: 6/01101 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER10 JURISDICTIONAL REPORTS REQUIREMENTSB. Jurisdictional Requirements (Cont' 5. CCSAC When a customer initially orders CCSAC Service in a LATA, the customer shallstate in its order a PlU factor in a whole number (i., a number of 0 - 100). TheCompany will designate the number obtained by subtracting the projected PIUfactor furnished by the customer from 100 as the projected intrastate percentageof use. The projected PlU factor is used by the Company to apportion themessage, monthly and nonrecurring charges associated with the CCS Link, STP Port, Entrance Facility and Direct Link Transport between interstate andintrastate. If the customer does not provide a PIu factor, the Company will apply a default PIU .factor of fifty percent (50%). The Pfu factor will be used by the Company unti1 a revised PIU factor is reportedas set forth in C., following. A LATA-level PIU factor shall be provided forCCSAC Service provided within a LATA for the revised reports. 6. Switched Access Service Expanded Interconnection Channel Termination When a customer orders a Switched Access Service Expanded InterconnectionChannel Termination (as set forth in Section 21), the customer shall state in its order the PIU factor in a whole number (i.e., a number 0 - 100). The Company will designate the number obtained by subtracting the projected interstate percentage furnished by the customer from . 100 as the projected intrastatepercentage of use. The customer shall update the EICT PIU factor via a jurisdictional report as set forth in c., following. If the customer does not supply the reports, the Companywill assume the PIU factors to be the same as those provided in the last quarterly report and follow the steps as set forth in C., following. For those cases in whicha quarterly report has never been received from the customer, the Company willassume the PIU factors to be fifty percent (50%) until a revised PIU factor isprovided via a jurisdictional report. Upon receipt of the customer s report, theCompany will begin using the interstate percentage as set forth in C., following. NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- SID2001-O21 (C) Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 2 Page 70 Release 2 Effective: 6/01101 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS DEFINITIONS (Cont' Initial Address Message (lAM) Denotes a SS7 signaling message that contains the address and routing infonnation required to establish a point-to-point telephone connection. Inserted Connection Loss (ICL) Denotes the 1004 Hz power difference (in dB) between two points excluding anyswitching loss. Inte~ted Service Digital Network User Part CISUP) Denotes protocol that provides the mechanism for establishing the connections from the originating exchange to the destination exchange, without using the bearer circuit itself. Interexchange Carrier (lC) or Interexchange Common Carrier Denotes any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in intrastate communication by wire, fiber optics or radio between two or more exchanges. Intennodulation Distortion Denotes a measure of the nonlinearity of a channel. It is measured using four tones, and evaluating the ratios (in dB) of the transmitted composite four-tone signal power to the second-order products of the tones (R2), and the third-order products of the tones (R3). Interstate Communications Denotes both interstate and foreign communications. NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 01-03- 8102001-021 (N) (N) /'I Qwest Corporation Access Service, Catalog SECTION 2 Page 83 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS DEFINITIONS (Cont' Tenninating Direction Denotes the use of Access Service for the completion of calls from a customer premises to an end user s premises. Traffic Tvpe Denotes one of five Switched Access capacity types, Le., Originating, Tenninating, SWITCHNET 56 Service, CCC Originating and CCC Tenninating. See 6., following, for application. Transaction Capabilities Application Part nCAP) Denotes the design of non-circuit related messages. TCAP protocol provides ameans for reliable transfer of infonnation from one application at a switchlocation to another application within another network entity. Transmission Measuring 005 Type) Test LinelResponder Denotes an arrangement in an end office which provides far-end access to aresponder and pennits two-way loss and noise measurements to be made ontrunks from a near end office. Transmission Path Denotes an electrical path capable of transmitting signals within the range of the service offering; e., a Voiceband transmission path is capable of transmittingvoice frequencies within the approximate range of 300 to 3000 Hz. Atransmission path comprises physical or derived channels consisting of any fonn or configuration of facilities typically used in the telecommunications industry. Trunk Denotes a communications path common to numerous users. NOTICETHE INFQRMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- 5102001-021 .. ---'-" .. .., , (N) (N) SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 3 Page 13 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 3. CARRIER COMMON LINE ACCESS SERVICE RATES RATE PER ACCESS MINUTE . Terminating Per Access Minute . Originating Per Access Minute $0.020432 (R) 015303 (R) NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. Ol-O3- SJD2001-O21 "" .-_------",-- "" SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 6 Page 129 Release 2 Effecti ve: 6/0 1/01 6. SWITCHED ACCESS SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES SWITCHED TRANSPORT (Cont' C. Tandem-Switched Transport Usage Rates 1. Tandem Transmission RATE PER ACCESS MINUTEFIXED PER MILE MILEAGE BANDS Over 0 to 8 Over 8 to 25 Over 25 to 50 Over 50 $0.000431 000480 000490 000551 $0.000022 000023 000023 000024 RATE PER ACCESS MINUTE 2. Tandem Switching Charge 3. Common Transport Multiplexing $0.002469 (R) 000242 4. Access Tandem Trunk Port Charge, per port D. Nonrecurring Charges USOC P4TRX MONTHLY RATE $2. 1. Line or Trunk Installation . Interface Groups 1 and 2 - First Line or Trunk - Each Additional Line or Trunk NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE NR61G $457. NR61K 70. NR61H 438. NR61L 51.00 NR611 435. NR6lM 48. . Interface Group 6 - First Line or Trunk - Each Additional Line or Trunk . Interface Group 9 - First Line or Trunk - Each Additional Line or Trunk NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- $102001-021 Ii) .,.--".., _.., SOUTHERN'IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 6 Page 136 Release 2 Effective: 6/01101 6. SWITCHED ACCESS SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Cont' LOCAL SWITCHING A. Local End Office Switching . LSI - Feature Groups A & B . LS2 - Feature Groups C & 0 RATE PER ACCESS MINUTE $0.016918 (R) 016918 (R) 000499 MONTHLY USOC RATE P4TWX $4. RATE $0.003500 003665 000694 000994 NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE N9E $103. N9GIX 25. N98AX 988. N98BX 035. . End Office Shared Port . End Office Dedicated Trunk Port, per trunk . 800 DB Access Service - 800 CIC, per call - Vertical Features . POTS Translation Charge, per call Call Handling and Destination Feature Charge, per query . 900 Access Service Customer Identification Charge, per call . 900 Access Service - Per first NXX, per End Officeffandem - Per each subsequent NXX, per End Officerrandem - Expanded 900 Option per End Office/Tandem with NXX Activity (available with FGD) - Expanded 900 Option per End Office/ Tandem without NXX Activity (available with FGD) NOTICETHE INFORMA TrON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITIAL NO. OI-O3- SID2001-021 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Index Page 1 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) SUBJECT Call Set-up. ................ ..... .......... ........... """"""""""'" .................... ............. CCSAC Acceptance Testing Requirements """""""""""""""""""""""" CCSAC Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing ................................ CCSAC Network Management ................................. ............................. ..... CCSAC Rate Categories """ ............. """"""""" .............,.... ..... ........... ...... CCSAC Service Applications """"""""""""" ................... ........... ........ ..... Common Channel Signaling Access Capability (CCSAC)......................... General Description........ ... ....... "'" ..... ... ....... ..... .,..... .,. ....... .... ...... ......... """ Ordering, Service Provisioning and PerfolTIlance Requirements................ Rate Categories.. .......... .... ................... ...... ........ .......... ........ ............ ..... ....... Rates and Charges.. ......... """""" .... ....... ........ ............ ........... ......... ..... ........ Service Description .... ......... ...... """"" ...... .....,. "....... ............... ................... Testing Requirements...... """ ""'" """ ..... ........ ........... ....... ........ ..... "'" .... .... PAGE (N) (T) (T) (D) (T) (T) (D) (T) (D) (T) (D) (T) (D) (T) (T) NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- 5102001-021 " ., -- -------- I"Z- Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 i Page 1 j Release 2 i Effective: 6/01101; SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) GENERAL DESCRIPTION Common Channel Signaling Access Capability (CCSAC) allows a customer to connect with the Company s SS7 network. CCSAC is used in conjunction withother SS7 based features and services. CCSAC provides the means fortransmitting SS7 out of band signaling information via Switched Access CCS Links between the customer s Signaling Point of Interface (SPO1) and theCompanys Signal Transfer Point (STP). The SIP provides translations androuting functions for SS7 signaling messages received from the Company network signaling points and the SS7 networks of other entities. There are two types of signaling messages. ISDN User Part (ISUP) messages are used for callset-up (establishing and closing transmission paths for voice and data calls over the public switched network). Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) messages are used to carry infonnation between signaling points for call related database services. CCSAC acts as a platform for the following applications. The customer s SPOI and the Company s STP wire center must be located within the same LA T A. A. Call Set- This application provides the customer the capability to send originating and terminating call set-up signaling information, via ISUP messages, between thecustomers designated premises, the Company s STP and other entities inassociation with message telecommunications service. Call Set-Up may beassociated with calls that utilize the Company s switched access network or maybe associated with calls that do not utilize the Company s switched accessnetwork. If the message trunks are provided by the Company, the customer must order the associated FGD trunks with SS7 Out of Band Signaling option as setforth in Section 6, preceding. Call Set-Up associated with calls that do not utilize the Company s switched access network is referred to as transient call set-up and the customer must have message trunks with SS7 capabilities. CCSAC Service as set forth in this section is required to provide both capabilities. B. Foreign Database Queries This service provides the customer the ability to query foreign databases(databases not maintained by the Company) by sending signaling information via TCAP messages between the Company s SIP, the customer s designated premisesand the foreign database. CCSAC Service as set forth in this section is required to provide this capability. (M) Material moved to Page 2. NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- SID2001-O21 (T) (C) (C) (N) (N) (M) Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 2 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) SERVICE DESCRIPTION 15.COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING ACCESS CAPABILITY (CCSAC) A. CCS Link CCSAC is provided by a CCS Link. The CCS Link provides digital bidirectional transmission and operates at a DSO-A level (i.e., 56 kbps of CCS7 signaling data and 8 kbps of control/supervisory data). Each DSO-A channel (link) occupies asingle DSO (i., 64 kbps) channel of a 24 channel DS 1 digital transmission system. The DSO-A channel (link) is multiplexed into a OS 1 format for hand off at the customer s SPO!. One STP Port is required for each 56 kbps signaling linkutilized for CCSAC at the Company SIP. The STP Port is the POT to the signalswitching capability of the STP and is dedicated to the customer. The CCS Link is transported via an Entrance Facility and a Direct Link Transport (OL T) facility asdescribed in 1. and 2., following, and is utilized exclusively for connecting the customer s CCS network and the Company s CCSN for the transmission ofnetwork control signaling data only, 1. Entrance Facility The Entrance Facility provides the connection from the customer s SPOI to theserving wire center (SWC) of the customer s SPOI on a dedicated OS 1 facility ordered as set forth in this section and is utilized exclusively for the transmission of network control signaling data only. The customer may utilize an existing OS! Entrance Facility previously ordered from this section for additional CCS Links or order a new OSI Entrance Facility from this section. The customer may also choose to utilize a portion (Le:, OS 1) of an existing OS3 facility under the regulations of Shared Use. The OS3 facility can only be ordered from Section 6 preceding, or Section 7, of the Interstate Access Service Tariff, F.C. No.Multiplexing arrangements and the associated regulations are set forth in 6. preceding. When the customer chooses to use a portion of an existing OS3 facility, the customer must allocate, at a minimwn, one dedicated OS 1 for the provision of the signaling links. Rate applications for Shared Use are set forth in , preceding. (M) Material moved from Page 1. (M 1) Material moved to Page 3. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONT AlNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL, NO. 0 I-O3- 5/02001-021 (M) (M) (Ml) t"\ Qwest Corporation Access Service Catalog SECTION 15 Page 3 Release 2 Effective: 6/01101 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) 15.SERVICE DESCRIPTION 15.COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING ACCESS CAPABILITY (CCSAC) A. CCS Link (Cont'd) 2. Direct Link Transport (DL T) The DLT provides for the transmission facilities between the SWC of thecustomers SPOI and the Company's STP. The customer has the option ordering a DS 1 DL T facility from this section, utilized exclusively for thetransmission of network control signaling data only, or a single DSO-A channel (Le., 64 kbps) of a 24 channel DS 1 facility. The customer may utilize an existing DS 1 DL T facility previously ordered from this section for additional CCS Links or order a new DS 1 DL T or a DSO DL T facility. Company hubbing arrangements can be utilized for CCSAC, If the customer hasan existing DS3 facility between the SWC of the customer's premises and aCompany Hub, ordered and provisioned as set forth in Section 6, preceding, or Section 7, of the Interstate Access Service Tariff, F.c. No., the customer mayutilize a portion (i., OSI) of the existing DS3 facility for the CCS Link(s) under the provisions of the Shared Use regulations as set forth in 2., preceding. Inaddition, the customer must order the OS 1 or DSO DL T from the Company Hubto the Company STP. When the customer orders a DS 1 DL T facility from the SWC of the customer SPOI or a Company Hub to a Company STP, it is dedicated to, and controlled by, the customer. The customer must order a DS 1 to DSO Multiplexer at theCompany STP for termination into the STP Port. Multiplexing rates are set forth in 15., following. When the customer orders a DSO DL T channel, the Company will provide themultiplexing equipment at a location determined by the Company as part of its overall network design at no additiona1 charge. When the customer chooses toorder multiplexing equipment at a specific location, the customer is assessedmultiplexing rates as set forth in 15.8, following. The facility used to transportthe DSO channel(s) is controlled by the Company and may contain other network control signaling channels as determined by the Company. (M) Material moved from Page 2. NOTICETHE fNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 01-03- 8102001-021 , """----,-,(~) (T) (M) Qwest Corporation Access Service Catalog SECTION 15 Page 4 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15.3 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) RATE CATEGORIES 15.CCSAC RATE CATEGORIES CCS Link rates and charges are set forth in 15., following. Carrier Common Line, as set forth in Section 3, preceding, and Switched Access rates, as set forth in Section 6, preceding, are not applicable. A. Nonrecurring Charges Each CCS Link is assessed a nonrecurring charge per link provided on a first and each additional basis, per order. Any change in CCSAC Service, except a change in jurisdiction, will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an installation of a new service. Minimum period requirements are as set forth in 5.5, preceding. B. Monthly Rates The Entrance Facility monthly rate is assessed on a per DS 1 facility providedwhen the Entrance Facility is ordered from this section for CCSAC. When thecustomer has Shared Use facilities, the monthly rates are apportioned as set forth in 2., preceding. For each D L T facility provided, DSO or DS I, a fixed monthly rate, per mile band and a monthly rate per mile is assessed. When the customer has Shared Use facilities, the rnonthly rates are apportioned as set forth in 2.7, preceding. Mileage measurement is calculated on a airline mile basis, using the V & H coordinates method, between the SWC of the customers spar and the Company s SIP. When DL T facilities of different capacities are connected by a multiplexer at a Company Hub, mileage is measured separately from the SWC of the customer s premises tothe Company Hub, where multiplexing occurs, and then measured from the Company Hub to the Company STP. An STP Port is provided for each CCS Link and each STP Port is assessed a monthly rate. EF and DTT multiplexing equipment is assessed a monthly rate per arrangementprovided. When the customer has Shared Use facilities, the monthly rates are apportioned as set forth in 2., preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- 5102001-021 (N) (1) (1) (N) (1) SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 5 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) 15.RATE CATEGORIES 15.3.CCSAC RATE CATEGORIES (Coot' C. Message Charges Message charges, as set forth in 15., following, are assessed based on the type of message protocol, ISUP or TCAP. ISUP messages are associated with call set-up,while TCAP messages are used to query call related databases. ISUP message charges are assessed per call set-up request and TCAP message charges are assessed per data request. (N) Message charges do not apply for TCAP messages 'switched by the regional STPsto the Company provided 800 Data Base, LIDB or LNP Data Base. Query charges are assessed in lieu of message charges. Query charges for 800 Data Base are assessed as set forth in 6., preceding. When TCAP messages are destined for a foreign database, including a non~company provided LNP Data Base, message charges are assessed in lieu of query charges. Message charges are assessed in the following manner. 1. Signal Formulation An ISUP Signal Formulation charge is assessed, per call set-up request, for formulating signaling messages in association with call set-up. 2. Signal Transport An ISUP Signal Transport charge is assessed, per call set-up request, forsignaling messages transported to or from the Company STP in association with call set-up. A TCAP Signal Transport charge is assessed per data request transported to or from a Company STP and destined for a foreign database. 3. Signal Switching An ISUP Signal Switching charge is assessed per call set-up request that is switched at the Company STP. A TCAP Signal Switching charge is assessed for each data request that is switched by the Company STP and destined for a foreign network or database.(N) (M)(M) Material moved to Pages 6 and 7. NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITI AL NO. 0 I-O3- 8102001-021 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 6 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15.4 15. 15. 15. 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) REpORT REQUIREME~TS CCSAC NETWORK MANAGEMENT The customer shall provide semiannually a CCSAC Network Management Report. The CCSAC Network Management Report requirements are described in Technical Reference 77342. The Company will use the report infonnation in its own effort to further project CCSN facility requirements, ORDERING, SERVICE PROVISIONING AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS CCSAC ORDERING REQUIREMENTS When a customer orders CCSAC, the customer must specify the customer SIP premises, the number of CCS Links and the service (application) requiringCCSAC connectivity. One SIP Port is provided for each link ordered. In addition, the customer must specify, at a minimum, infonnation for the Entrance Faei1ity and the OL T as described following. The customer must have capacity available on an existing OS 1 Entrance Facility (ordered and provisioned from this section) or a OS3 facility (ordered and provisioned from Section 6, preceding or Section 7, of the Interstate Access Service Tariff, F.C No.1.) between the customer s SPOl and the SWC of the customer's SPOI with a compatible interface or request a OS 1 Entrance Facility. If the Entrance Facility is existing, the customer shall provide the Circuit Facility Assignment (CF A) of the existing facilities thatwill be utilized. In addition the customer must specify the type of DL T facility, OS I or OSO, to be utilized or provided between the SWC of the customer s SPOl and the Company s STP. (M) Material moved from Page 5. (Ml) Material moved to Pages 7 and 8102001-021 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. Ol-o3- (M) (T) (1) (T) (T -M) (Ml) Qwest Corporation Access Service Catalog SECTION 15 Page 7 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERi'; IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. COi\t:\'ION CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) 15.ORDERING, SERVICE PROVISIONING AND PERFORl"IANCE REQUIREMENTS 15.CCSAC ORDERING REQUIREMENTS (Cont' The Company will allow Company provided hubbing arrangements in association with CCSAC. If the customer has an existing OS3 facility (ordered and provisioned from Section 6, preceding, or Section 7, of the Interstate Access Service Tariff, F.C. No.) to a Company Hub, the customer may use a portion of the OS3 facility (Le" OSI) for the CCS Link(s) from the SWC of the customer's SPOI to the Company Hub and then order the OS 1 or OSO OLT from the Company Hub to the Company s STP. If the customer requestsa OSI OLT, multiplexing equipment must be ordered at the Company s STP.CCSAC orders are subject to the provisions (e., access order intervals modification charges, cancellation charges and minimum periods) specified in Section 5, preceding. When a customer orders CCSAC in association with other services (e., FGDwith SS7 Out of Band Signaling for call set-up), separate orders shall be issued. 15.CCSAC SERVICE PROVISIONING CCSAC transmission specifications, diversity requirements, testing parameters and design requirements for STP Links (Le., CCS Signaling Links) are setforth in Technical References GR-905-CORE, GR-954-CORE and 77342. CCSAC network interface specifications between the Company STP location and the customer s STP location supporting Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) signaling are described in Technical Reference GR-905- CORE. CCSAC is provided from either the customer s Signaling Point (SP)which requires a minimum of two STP Links and two STP Ports or from the customers STP which requires a minimum of four STP Links and four STP Ports. A group of signaling links that connect the same two signaling points is described as a link set. There are a ma.ximum of 16 signaling links locatedwithin one link set. The quantity of CCS Links required is based upondiversity requirements. Diversity is provided as mutually agreed upon by the Company and the customer based upon the availability of facilities from the customer s SPOI location to the Company s STP. If applicable, SpecialConstruction regulations and charges apply. CCSAC interconnection is avai1able only in suitably equipped Company STP locations. (M) Material moved from Page 5. (Ml) Material moved from Page 6. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- 5102001-021 (M) (T) (T) (M) (N) (Ml) (T) (T) (T) (T) (M!) (0) Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 8 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) ORDERING, SERVICE PROVISIONING AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS(Coot' CCSAC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The Company supports the perfonnance standards for CCSN as defined inTechnical References GR.905-CORE and 77342. The overall end-to-end CCSN network objective from any SP to any other SP is less than ten minutes unavailable access per year based on design and diversity requirements and the performance objective for any single SP, including a Service Control Point(SCP), is less than three minutes unavailable access per year. The combined link set from the SCP to the Signal Transfer Point (STP) has a perfonnance objective ofless than two minutes unavailable access per year. The Company will administer its CCSN network to ensure acceptable serviceprovision levels. The Company maintains the right to apply protectivecontrols to its CCSN as a result of occurrences such as failure or overload of CCSN facilities, natural disasters, mass calling or national security demands.In the event that the protective controls applied by the Company result in the complete loss of CCSAC Service by the customer, the customer will beentitled to a credit allowance for Switched Access Service interruptions as set forth in 2.4., preceding. TESTING REQUIREMENTS CCSAC ACCEPT At'iCE TESTING REQUIREMENTS At no additional charge, the Company will cooperatively test with the customer, at the time of installation, network compatibility and otheroperational tests for CCSAC as described in Technical Reference 77342 and GR-905-CORE. When C1ear Channel Capability on FGD Service is ordered as described in 3.1 , preceding, the Company will cooperatively test with the customer, at thetime of installation, CCSAC network compatibility and other operational tests for ISDN interworking as described in Technical Reference GR-905-CORE, atno additional charge. Successful completion and acceptance of all testing requirements must occur in order to receive CCSAC Service. (M) Material moved from Page 6. (Ml) Material moved from Page 7. (M2) Material moved to Page 10. 5102001-021 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITIAL NO. OI-O3- "----"._---..,,.. - -,,--- ,_..",-_.. (M) (T) (M) (Ml) (T) (T) (Ml) (M2) -u, Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 9 Release 2 Effective: 6/01/01 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) TESTING REQUIREMENTS (Coot'd) CCSAC ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS COOPERATIVE ACCEPT ANCE TESTING Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing will be performed on acooperative basis with the customer. Additional Cooperative Acceptance testsfor CCSAC are described in Technical References 77342 and GR-905-CORE. Rates and charges for Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing aredescribed in Section 12, preceding. CCSAC SERVICE ApPLICATIONS CALL SET- This application provides the customer the capability to send originating and tenninating call set-up signaling information, via ISUP messages, between thecustomers designated premises, the Company s STP and other entities inassociation with message telecommunications service. Call Set-Up may be associated with calls that utilize the Company s switchedaccess network or may be associated with calls that do not utilize theCompanys switched access network. If the message trunks are provided bythe Company, the customer must order the associated FGD trunks with SS7 Out of Band Signaling option as set forth in Section 6, preceding. Call Set- associated with calls that do not utilize the Company s Switched Accessnetwork is referred to as transient call set-up and the customer must havemessage trunks with SS7 capabilities.CCSAC Service as set forth in this section is required to provide both capabilities. FOREIGN DATABASE QUERIES This service provides the customer the ability to query foreign databases(databases not maintained by the Company) by sending signaling information via TCAP messages between the Company s STP, the customer s designatedpremises and foreign databases (those not owned by the Company). CCSAC Service as set forth in this section is required to provide this capability. (M) Material moved from Page 7. (Ml) Material moved to Page 11. 5102001-021 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. OI-O3- (M) (T) (T -M) . (N) (N) (Ml) 'Z1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/0 Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 10 Release 1 Effective: 6/01/0 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) 15.RATES AND CHARGES (M) Common Channel Signaling Access Capability MONTHL V USOC RATE 1. Entrance Facility . Per DSI EFYIX $ 125. . PerDS3(1)EFY3X 350. 2. Direct Link Transport MONTHLVRATE MILEAGE BANDS USOC FIXED PER MILE a. DSO Facility CCA2A Over 0 to 8 CCA2B $ 26.$ 0.17 Over 8 to 25 CCA2C 26. Over 25 to 50 CCA2D 26. Over 50 CCA2E 26. b. DSI Facility CCAIA Over 0 to 8 CCAIB 86.13. Over 8 to 25 CCAIC 111.21 14. Over 25 to 50 CCAID 116.14.51 Over 50 CCAIE 130.15. c. DS3 Facility(l) CCA3A Over 0 to 8 CCA3B 724.78. Over 8 to 25 CCA3C 724.78, Over 25 to 50 CCA3D 724.80. Over 50 CCA3E 815.91.74 (1) For Shared Use only as set forth in 2.7, preceding. (M) Material moved from Page 8. (M) NOTICE THE INFORMA nON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. Ol-O3- 5102001-021 v.-- -"..._..---"" Qwest Corporation Access ServiceCatalog SECTION 15 Page 11 Release I Effective: 6/01101 SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed: 5/17/01 15. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING NETWORK (CCSN) 15.RATES AND CHARGES A. Common Channel Signaling Access Capability (Cont' 3. CCS Link . First CCS Link . Each additional 4. STP PORT, per port 5. Multiplexing . DSI to Voice . DS3 to DS1(1) B. Message Charge 1. Signal Fonnulation . ISUP, Per call set-up request 2. Signal Transport . ISUP, Per call set-up request TCAP Per data request 3. Signal Switching . Per ISUP, Per call set.up request . Per TCAP Per data request USOC N ONRECURRIN G CHARGE NRBS 1 NRBSA PT8SX $567. 180. Q MVXX QM3XX (1) For Shared Use only as set forth in 2., preceding. (M) Material moved from Page 9. MONTHLY RATE $465. 218.40 255. RATE $0.000829 000559 000418 001162 000460 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 01-O3- 5102001-021 (M) (M) (N) (N) (M) z:?