HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041229Response to Motion to Compel Payment.pdfWILLIAM J. BATT, ISB No. 2938 James B. Alderman, ISB No. 6422 BA TT & FISHER, LLP S. Bank Plaza, Suite 500 101 S. Capitol Boulevard Post Office Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 Adam Sherr Qwest Communications, Inc. 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 (206) 398-2507 Attorneys for Respondent/ Respondent on Appeal :ECEI\/ED r--' "....'j \ , F;J :runt; DEC 29 Pi'; 4: 39 , ,; " .. " .. : ,,- i ... ~C("I"""dr\L,jr\i' ~~ eu !,::'I,)I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF ROBERT RYDER, DBA RADIOPAGING SERVICE, JOSEPH MC NEAL, DBA AGEDA TE AND INTERP AGE OF IDAHO FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER AND RECOVERY OF OVERCHARGES FROM u. WEST COMMUNICATIONS , INC. -- -- - -- - --- - -- -- - - --- -- - ---- - - --- - -- -- -- - - -- ---- - - - - - - -- - -- ROBERT RYDER dba RADIO PAGING SERVICE, JOSEPH B. MC NEAL DBA AGEDA TE AND INTERP AGE OF IDAHO AND TEL-CAR, INC. Peti tioners- Appellants IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Respondent on Appeal and QWEST CORPORATION Respondent-Respondent on Appeal. SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. 29175 IPUC DOCKET NO. T -99- QWEST CORPORATION' RESPONSE TO MOTION TO COMPEL PAYMENT QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE TO MOTION TO COMPEL PAYMENT, P. 1 OR\G\NAL Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") hereby responds to the Motion to Compel Payment dated December 15, 2004 filed by Petitioners Ryder and McNeal ("Pagers The Pagers claim in their Motion to Compel Payment that the Commission has ordered Qwest to pay cash refunds of $57 467 to Petitioner Ryder and $97 463 to Petitioner McNeal, and claims that Qwest is "defying" the Commission s orders. The Pagers ask the Commission to enter an order compelling Qwest to make such cash payments to the Pagers. As the Commission is aware, this issue is presently hotly contested among the parties. Although the Commission has not yet reached a final decision, the issue is also already an issue raised by both the Pagers in their appeal to the Supreme Court, and in Qwest's cross-appeal. As this case evolved before the Commission, it became one in which the Commission undertook the task of determining, for each of the Pagers, the amounts by which Qwest's Idaho tariffed charges for paging interconnection should be reduced because those charges were, in part, preempted by rules of the Federal Communications Commission. The IPUC has made those calculations in a series of orders providing amounts by which the historical charges for each pager should be reduced. Qwest fully credited all amounts ordered by this Commission to the Pagers ' accounts. Now the Pagers seek cash payments of all those amounts that have already been credited. Qwest does not agree that it is or should be so obligated. If the Commission does clearly order Qwest to make cash payments of amounts that Qwest has already credited to the Pagers, Qwest will seek judicial intervention or review.l Until the issue is resolved before the Commission I Qwest reluctantly already raised the issue in its cross-appeal at the Idaho Supreme Court, even though the issue and record were not - and indeed are not yet - fully developed, because of procedural uncertainty applicable to a situation where the IPUC continues to issue Orders in a case where the appellate issues are already being developed and briefed before the Supreme Court. QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE TO MOTION TO COMPEL PAYMENT, P. 2 though, the Commission should bestow Qwest at least the procedural due process of denying the Pagers' Motion to Compel Payment. DATED this 29th day of December, 2004. Respectfull y S ubmi tted Adam Sherr Qwest Communications, Inc. 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 and Lv~ William J. Batt James B. Alderman Batt & Fisher, LLP U S Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Blvd. Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 331-1000 QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE TO MOTION TO COMPEL PAYMENT, P. 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 29th day of December, 2004, I caused a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document to be served, in the manner indicated, on the following: Jim Jones JIM JONES & ASSOCIATES 1275 Shoreline Lane Boise, Idaho 83702-6870 Telephone: (208) 385-9200 Fax: (208) 385-9955 Hand Delivery E U.S. Mail Facsimile Federal Express Bradford M. Purdy 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 384-1299 Fax: (208) 384-8511 Hand Delivery 21 U.S. Mail Facsimile Federal Express Don Howell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0312 Fax: (208) 334-3762 Hand Delivery D U.S. Mail Facsimile Federal Express By: William J. Batt QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE TO MOTION TO COMPEL PAYMENT, P. 4