HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020830Amendment.pdfSTOEL Aprib22,200RIVES LLP fa 208 9.9040 ATTORNEYS AT LAW CURTIS D.McKENZIE Direct Dial (208)387-4224 email cdmckenzie@stoel.com Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission CASE REOPENED472W.Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No.SPR-T-01-1 Joint Applicationof Qwest Corporationand Sprint Communications Company,L.P.for Approvalof the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho pursuant to 47 U.S.C.252(e) Dear Ms.Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission on behalf of Qwest Corporation and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.is an original and three (3)copies of the parties'Joint Application for Approval of the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho.The parties respectfully request that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed.Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincer ly, urti D.cK ie Enclosures cc:Debi Hartl (with pleading,with amendment) Mr.Ken Ross (with pleading,with amendment) Oregon Washington Califori Ut a h Boise-139148.1 0029164-00016 I d a ho Mary S.Hobson (ISB#:2142) Curtis D.McKenzie (ISB#:5591) Stoel Rives LLP 101 S.Capital Blvd.,Suite 1900 Boise,ID 83702 Tele:(208)387-4244 Mr.Ken Ross Local Market Development Sprint Communications,LP 6450 Sprint Parkway (MAILSTOP:KSOPHNO212) Overland Park,KS 66251 Tele:(913)534-6157 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST )CORPORATION AND SPRINT )COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY,L.P.FOR )CASE Nos.SPR-T-01-1 APPROVAL OF THE DC POWER )REDUCTION PROCEDURE AMENDMENT ) TO THE INTERCONNECTION )CASE REOPENEDAGREEMENTFORTHESTATEOFIDAHO)PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C.§252(E)) Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.("Sprint") hereby jointly file their Application for Approval of the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment ("Amendment")dated March 21,2002 to the Interconnection Agreement of December 3,2001,for the State of Idaho.A copy of the Amendment is submitted herewith. The Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e)of the Application for Approval of the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -1 Boise-139149.1 0029164-00016 Communications Act of 1934,as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2)of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached throughvoluntarynegotiations only if the Commission finds that:the amendment (or portion thereof)discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement;or the implementation of such an amendment or portion is not consistent with the public interest,convenience and necessity. Sprint and Qwest respectfullysubmit that this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings,and,therefore jointly request that the Commission approve the Amendment expeditiously.The Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho,the Commission,the United States Congress,and the Federal Communications Commission.Expeditious approval of the Amendment will enable Sprint to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. Sprint and Qwest further request that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing.Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations,it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations.Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Application for Approval of the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -2 Boise-139149.1 0029164-00016 Respectfully submitted this ay of April,2002. Qwest Corporation Curtis D.enzie Mary S.Hobson Stoel Rives and Mr.Ken Ross Sprint CommunicationsCompany,L.P. Application for Approval of the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho betweenQwestandSprint-3 Boise-139149.1 0029164-00016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this day of April,2002,I served the foregoing JOINTAPPLICATIONOFQWESTCORPORATIONandSPRINTCOMMUNICATIONSCOMPANY,L.P.FOR APPROVAL OF THE DC POWER REDUCTION PROCEDUREAMENDMENTTOTHEINTERCONNECTIONAGREEMENTFORTHESTATEOFIDAHOPURSUANTTO47U.S.C.§252(e)upon all parties of record in this matter bymailingacopythereofproperlyaddressed,with postage prepaid as follows: Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Mr.Ken Ross Local Market Development Sprint Communications,L.P. 6450 Sprint Parkway (MAILSTOP:KSOPHNO212) Overland Park,KS 66251 Debi Hartl Manager -Contracts Qwest Legal Department Contract Development &Services 7800 E.Orchard Rd.,#250 Englewood,CO 801111 Stoel Rives LLP Application for Approval of the DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -4 Boise-139149.1 0029164-00016 DC Power Reduction Procedure Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement betweenQwestCorporationandSprintCommunications,LPfortheStateofIdaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment")to the Interconnection Agreement between QwestCorporation("Qwest"),a Colorado corporation,and Sprint Communications,LP ("Sprint").SprintandQwestshallbeknownjointlyasthe"Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS,Sprint and Qwest entered into an Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement")forserviceinthestateofIdahowhichwasapprovedbytheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission("Commission");and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditionscontainedherein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual terms,covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency ofwhichisherebyacknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms,conditions and rates for DC PowerReductionProcedureassetforthinAttachment1andExhibitAtothisAmendment,attachedheretoandincorporatedhereinbythisreference. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission;however,thePartiesmayagreetoimplementtheprovisionsofthisAmendmentuponexecution.Toaccommodatethisneed,Sprint must generate,if necessary,an updated CustomerQuestionnaire.In addition to the Questionnaire,all system updates will need to be completed by Qwest.Sprint will be notified when all system changes have been made.Actual orderprocessingmaybeginoncetheserequirementshavebeenmet. Further Amendments Except as modified herein,the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.Neither the Agreement nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except bywritteninstrumentexecutedbyanauthorizedrepresentativeofbothParties. DC Power Reduction Amd Sprint/ID 1AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd 3-21-2002 The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates setforthbelow,in multiple counterparts,each of which is deemed an original,but all of which shallconstituteoneandthesameinstrument. S ri Co mu icati s,LP Qwest Corporation Signature Signature W.Richard Morris L.T.ChristensenNamePrinted/Typed Name Printed/Typed Director,State External Affairs Director -Business PolicyTitleTitle Date Date DC Power Reduction Amd Sprint/ID 2AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd 3-21-2002 Attachment 1 ATTACHMENT 1 DC POWER REDUCTION PROCEDURE 1.Description 1.1 Qwest's Power Reduction Procedure offers Sprint the option to reserve a fuse or breakerpositiononthepowerboardorBatteryDistributionFuseBay(BDFB)when reducing a multiplefeedtozero.Sprint's payment of the Monthly Power Maintenance charge will provide an optiontoholdtheexistingpowercablingandfusepositionforSprint's future power augment requestsasdescribedinsection2.7 below. 2.Terms and Conditions 2.1 If Sprint wishes to reduce its amount of power and will not require it for future use,QwestwillprocesstherequestasastandardaugmentorderandnotasaDCPowerReductionrequest. 2.2 Applications for DC Power Reduction may be submitted only for collocation sites thathavebeenpreviouslyacceptedbySprint.Power reductions to sites under construction or forsitesnotpreviouslyacceptedbySprint,will follow standard change or augment procedures andrates. 2.3 Before submitting a power reduction application,Sprint's financial obligations withrespecttothecollocationsitemustbecurrent,with the exception of formally disputed charges.Sprint's financial obligations include payment of one hundred percent (100%)of all non-recurring quoted charges for the collocation site and all applicable monthly recurring chargesthataremorethan30dayspastdue. 2.4 Collocation applications for new,change and augment requests must be submitted totheCollocationProjectManagementCenter(CPMC)on the form provided by Qwest atwww.gwest.co./wholsale/pcat/collocation.html.apform.The CPMC will notify Sprint of anydeficienciesintheapplicationwithinten(10)days of receipt.A nonrefundable QuotePreparationFee(QPF)in the amount defined in Exhibit A of this amendment must be submittedwiththepaymentofthequotednonrecurringcharges. 2.5 Qwest will perform a walk through prior to quote preparation to determine the amount ofworkrequiredtoperformthepowerreduction. 2.6 When eliminating any additional power lead(s),Sprint may purchase the option to havethepowercableandfusepositionheldforitsfutureuse.Sprint will be required to pay amonthlyPowerMaintenanceChargeuntilsuchtimeasSprintnotifiesQwestthatitwisheseithertoreenergizethefeedortodiscontinuetheoption.In instances where a shortage of fusepositionisimminent,Qwest reserves the right to notify Sprint of the need to exercise its optionorrelinquishthefusepositiontoQwest.Upon receipt of such notification,Sprint will have theoptionofenergizingthesecondaryfeedtoatleast20ampsorreturningthefusepositiontoQwestwithinthirty(30)days of receipt of the notification. 2.7 Sprint assumes all responsibility for outages and/or impacts to Sprint-provided serviceandequipmentduetothereductioninDCPower. 2.8 Restoration of the desired power is contingent upon desired power and fuse positionavailability. DC Power Reduction Amd Sprint/ID 3AmendmenttoCOS-010905-0050/dhd 3-21-2002 Attachment 1 3.Rate Structure 3.1 Collocation charges will be based upon the information provided to Qwest by Sprint ontheCollocationApplicationForm.Below is an example of additional charges that are unique toaPowerReductionRequestandwillbeprovidedtoSprintviaaquote: 3.1.2 Based on this evaluation of work provided in the quote,the rates provided in Exhibit A tothisAmendmentwillapply.One QPF per application/per collocation site will be charged.Whenmultiplefeedsatthesamecollocationspacearereducedoreliminated,Sprint will pay one QPF.Other nonrecurring and recurring charges may apply as reflected in Sprint's InterconnectionAgreement. 3.1.3 Qwest will provide Sprint a quote for additional nonrecurring charges associated with thePowerReductionProcedurebasedupontheratesprovidedinExhibitA.100%of the quotednonrecurringchargesmustbepaidwithinthirty(30)Days from the quote.Such paymentconstitutesSprint's quote acceptance and authorizes Qwest to perform the work to effect therequestedpowerreduction. 3.1.4 Billing to Sprint for initial power value at the collocation site will be modified to reflect thereducedamountuponreceiptofpaymentofthequotedchargesandwillbemadeeffectivebacktothedateofacceptanceofthePowerReductionApplicationbytheCPMC. 3.1.5 Recurring billing for the Power Maintenance Charge will terminate on the day SprintenergizesthefeedorreturnsthefusepositiontoQwest. 3.2 Nonrecurring Charges 3.2.1 QPF:Includes the cost of performing a feasibility study and producing the quote forfulfillingthePowerReductionrequest.It covers the project,order and support managementassociatedwiththeadministrativefunctionsofprocessingtherequest. 3.2.2 Power Reduction Charge:Includes costs associated with reducing the fuselbreaker size.Rates are categorized in this manner based upon the work involved and power distribution point(e.g.,BDFB or power board)and are set forth in Exhibit A of Sprint's InterconnectionAgreement.Where additional work is needed,such as rewiring the power lead at the powersource(or some cases may require relocation of the feed),rates will be calculated on anIndividualCaseBasis(lCB)basis.These rates will be provided to Sprint on the quote prior toworkbeginning. 3.2.3 Power Restoration Charge (assessed if power is restored):ICB Charge associated withrestoringthepowercabletothepowersourceandiscontingentuponwhetherthedesiredpowerandfusepositionisavailable.Qwest will evaluate work required to perform the PowerRestorationrequestandprovideSprintaquoteutilizingstandardpowerelementcharges(forexample,DC power usage,labor,and cabling charges)included in Exhibit A of Sprint'sinterconnectionAgreement. 3.3 Recurring Charge 3.3.1 Power Maintenance Charge:Monthly recurring charge associated with option to hold thepowerinfrastructurefromasecondaryfeedinplaceforpotentialSprintrequests. DC Power Reduction Amd Sprint/ID 4AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd 3-21-2002 Attachment 1 4.Ordering 4.1 Sprint should submit the "Collocation Application for New,Augment or Change"andindicatespecificpowerfeedstobereduced(e.g.,eliminate or reduce multiple feeds from 60 tozeroampsorreducemainfeedfrom60to20amps).Under the "type of request"categorySprintshouldindicatethatthisisanAugment. DC Power Reduction Amd Sprint/ID 5AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd 3-21-2002 Exhibit A EXHIBIT A I Power Feed Initial Voltage Work Performed ApplicableChargesTypeValue Reduce Primary Initial amount less Changing fuse QPF-$441.00 (approximate)or secondary than 60 amps value at BDFB-Power reduction chargefeedvalueNote:Must maintain No cabling work $346.00 (in Interconnection20ampminimumrequired.Agreement)primary feed.Total Charge:$787.00InitialfeedatpowerChangingbreakerQPF-$441.00 (approximate)board and with at Power plant Power reduction chargereductioncable$587.00 (in InterconnectionstaysatpowerAgreement)board.Total Charge:$1028.00ReductionofpowerRequirespowerWalkthroughwilldetailworkrequiresachangeincablingchangesandelementsneededtolocationfrompoweranddetailedperformreduction.Quote willboardtoBDFB.engineering work be provided on an ICB utilizingperformed.standard power element charges (DC power usage, cabling etc.)as defined in Sprint's InterconnectionAgreement.Secondary May be reduced to Power restored to $68.92 is added to above non-Feed zero and held in Qwest inventory.recurring power reductionplaceforfuturebasedoninitialvalueofaugmentrequests.Fuse position and secondary feed. cabling held for QPF-$441.00futureuse.Monthly recurring charges of$37.00 to hold fuse position. Category Description Rates/ChargesPowerQwestwillevaluateworkrequiredtoICBChargewithstandardRestorationperformPowerRestorationofthepowerpowerelementcharges(e.g.,cable to the power source contingent on DC power usage,labor,andwhetherthedesiredpowerandfusecablingcharges)as defined inpositionisavailable.Exhibit A of Sprint's Interconnection Agreement. DC Power Reduction Amd Sprint/ID 6AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd 3-21-2002