HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020814 Amendment.pdfMary S.Hobson (ISB#2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard -Suite 1900 i A Boise,ID 83702 Telephone:(208)389-9000 Facsimile:(208)389-9040 Ken Ross,Director Local Market Development Sprint Communications LP 6450 Sprint Parkway (MS KSOPHNO212) Overland Park,KS 66251 CASE REOPENEDTelephone:(913)534-6157 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CASE NO.SPR-T-01-1CORPORATIONANDSPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY,L.P.FOR APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C.§252(e) Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.("Sprint") hereby jointly file this Application for Approval of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho (the "Amendment").A copy of the Amendment is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntarynegotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2)of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that:the amendment (or portion(s)thereof)discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this amendment;or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion)is not consistent with the public interest,convenience and necessity. JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY,LP.FORAPPROVALOFTHEAMENDMENTTOTHEINTERCONNECTIONAGREEMENTFORTHESTATEOFIDAHOPURSUANTTO47U.S.C.§252(e)-Page l Boise-145290.1 0029164-00016 Sprint and Qwest respectfully submit that this Amendment,which adds terms and conditions for unbundled network elements combinations,provides no basis for either of these findings,and,therefore jointly request that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously.This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho,the Commission,the United States Congress,and the Federal Communications Commission.Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable Sprint to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. Sprint and Qwest further request that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing.Because this Amendment was reached through voluntarynegotiations,it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this day of August,2002. Qwest Corporation Mary bson Stoel es LLP,Attorneys for Qwest and Ken Ross Sprint Communications Company,L.P. JOINT APPLICATIONOF QWEST CORPORATION AND SPRINT COMMUNICATIONSCOMPANY,L.P.FORAPPROVALOFTHEAMENDMENTTOTHEINTERCONNECTIONAGREEMENTFORTHESTATEOFIDAHOPURSUANTTO47U.S.C.§252(e)-Page 2 Boise-145290.1 0029164-00016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this /day of August,2002,I served the foregoing JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY,L.P. FOR APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C.§252(e)upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary X Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission U.S.Mail 472 West Washington Street Overnight Delivery Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Facsimile Ken Ross,Director Hand Delivery Local Market Development X U.S.Mail 6450 Sprint Parkway (MS KSOPHNO212)Overnight Delivery Overland Park,KS 66251 Facsimile Phone:(913)534-6157 Debi Hartl,Manager Hand Delivery Legal Dept./Contract Development and Services X U.S.Mail Qwest Corporation Overnight Delivery 7800 East Orchard Road -Suite 250 Facsimile Englewood,CO 80111 Phone:(303)793-6610 dhartl@qwest.com Brandi L.Gearhart,PLS Legal Secretaryto Mary S.Hobson Stoel Rives LLP JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND SPRINT COMMUNICATIONSCOMPANY,LP.FOR APPROVALOF THE AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTFOR THE STATE OF IDAHO PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C.§252(e)-Page 3 Boise-145290.1 0029164-00016 Unbundled Loops,Loop Mux Combination,Special Request Process,Bona Fide Request Process and Single Point of Presence ("SPOP")in the LATA Amendment to the Interconnection Agreementbetween Qwest Corporation and SprintCommunications Company,L.P. for the State of Idaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment")to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"),a Colorado corporation,and SPRINT Communications Company,L.P. ("SPRINT"or "CLEC").SPRINT and Qwest shall be known jointly as the "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS,SPRINT and Qwest entered into an Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement")for service in the state of Idaho which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission");and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual terms,covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms and conditions for Unbundled Loops,Loop Mux Combination,Special Request Process,Bona Fide Request Process and Single Point of Presence ("SPOP")in the LATA as set forth in Attachments 1,2,3 and 4 and Exhibits A &B and C to this Amendment,attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Additionally,the Parties agree to replace Section (E)1.16.10 of the Agreement in its entirety as follows: (E)1.16.10 CLEC may request access to and,where appropriate,development of,additional UNE Combinations.For UNEs Qwest currently combines in its network CLEC can use the Special Request Process (SRP).For UNEs that Qwest does not currently combine,CLEC must use the Bona Fide Request Process (BFR).In its BFR or SRP request,CLEC must identify the specific combination of UNEs,identifying each individual UNE by name as described in this Agreement. This Amendment shall constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties,and supercedes all previous Agreements and Amendments entered into between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Amendment Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission;however,the Unbundled loop mux bfr srp spop Amd Sprint/ID 1 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution.To accommodate this need,SPRINT must generate,if necessary,an updated Customer Questionnaire.In addition to the Questionnaire,all system updates will need to be completed by Qwest.SPRINT will be notified when all system changes have been made.Actual order processing may begin once these requirements have been met. Further Amendments Except as modified herein,the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Neither the Agreement nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below,in multiple counterparts,each of which is deemed an original,but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. SprintCom nications Com L.P.Qwest Corporation Signature (For i-dlíard Morris)Signature W.Richard Morris L.T.Christensen Name Printedifyped Name Printed/Typed V,P,State External Affairs Director-Business Policy Title Title July 31,2002 Date Date / Unbundled loop mux bfr srp spop Amd Sprint/lD 2 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd Fiscal Authorization Financial Policy No.:20.1 Temporary Delegation of Approval Authority Exhibit A To:SVP-Controller,Sprint Í W.Richard Morris ,Vice President -State External Affairs Name Title in accordance with Financial Policy 20.1,Fiscal Authorization,do hereby delegate my fiscal approvalauthorityto: Craig T.Smith ,General Attorney Name Title For the followingexpendituretypes and amounts: Expenditure Type $Limit Tnterconnection Contracts $1,000,000.00 This delegation of authority is effective for the period July 29th through August 13th,2002 to and is necessary due to waration(reason,e.g.,absence,vacation,etc.). Si e of4ferson receiving temporary delegation(in ink)Date Cráig T.SmithPrintnameofperson receiving temporary delegation(in ink) $ignature of person whose adthority is being delegated (id ink)Date W,RichaTd MOTTis July 23,2002Printnameofpersonwhoseauthorityisbeingdelegated(in ink) lustructions:A copy of this completed form should accompany individual financial commitment orexpendituredocumentationapprovedunderthisabovetemporarydelegation. of 1 09/15/2000 1:56 PM ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1 9.2 Unbundled Loops 9.2.1 Description The Local Loop Network Element is defined as a transmission facility between a distributionframe(or its equivalent)in an incumbent LEC Central Office and the Loop Demarcation Point atanEndUserpremises.The Local Loop Network Element includes all features,functions,andcapabilitiesofsuchtransmissionfacility.Those features,functions,and capabilities include,butarenotlimitedto,Dark Fiber,attached electronics (except those electronics used for theprovisionofAdvancedServices,such as Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers),and lineconditioning.The Local Loop includes,but is not limited to,DSO,DS1,DS3,fiber,and otherhighcapacityLoops. "Loop Demarcation Point"-is defined for purposes of this section as thepointwhereQwestownedorcontrolledfacilitiescease,and SPRINT,End User,owner or landlord ownership of facilities begins. 9.2.2 Terms and Conditions Qwest shall provide SPRINT,on a non-discriminatory basis,UnbundledLoops,(unbundled from local switching and transport)of substantially the same qualityastheLoopthatQwestusestoprovideservicetoitsownEndUsers.For UnbundledLoopsthathavearetailanalog,Qwest will provide these Unbundled Loops insubstantiallythesametimeandmannerasQwestprovidestoitsownEndUsers.Unbundled Loops shall be provisioned in accordance with Exhibit B.and theperformancemetricssetforthinSection20andwithaminimumofservicedisruption. Use of the word "capable"to describe Loops in Section 9.2 meansthatQwestassuresthattheLoopmeetsthetechnicalstandardsassociatedwith the specified Network Channel/Network Channel Interface codes,as contained intherelevanttechnicalpublicationsandindustrystandards. Use of the word "compatible"to describe Loops in Section 9.2 means the Unbundled Loop complies with technical parameters of the specifiedNetworkChannel/Network Channel Interface codes as specified in the relevanttechnicalpublicationsandindustrystandards.Qwest makes no assumptions as to the capabilities of SPRINT's Central Office equipment or the Customer Premises Equipment. Analog (Voice Grade)Unbundled Loops.Analog (voice grade)Unbundled Loops are available as a two-wire or four-wire voice grade,point-to-pointconfigurationsuitableforlocalexchangetypeservices.For the two-wire configuration,SPRINT must specify the signaling option.The actual Loop facilities may utilize varioustechnologiesorcombinationsoftechnologies. If Qwest uses Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC)systems toprovidetheLocalLoop,Qwest will first attempt,to the extent possible,to makealternatearrangementssuchasLineandStationTransfers(LST),to permitSPRINTtoobtainacontiguouscopperUnbundledLoop.If a LST is not Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 3AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 available,Qwest may also seek alternatives such as Integrated Network Access(INA),hair pinning,or placement of a Central Office terminal,to permit SPRINT to obtain an Unbundled Loop.If no such facilities are available,Qwest will makeeveryfeasibleefforttounbundletheIDLCinordertoprovidetheUnbundledLoopforSPRINT. In areas where Qwest has deployed amounts of IDLC that are sufficient to cause reasonable concern about SPRINT's ability toprovideservicethroughavailablecopperfacilitiesonabroadscale,SPRINT shall have the ability to gain access to Qwest informationsufficienttoprovideSPRINTwithareasonablycompleteidentificationof such available copper facilities.Qwest shall be entitled to mediate access in a manner reasonably related to the need to protect confidential or Proprietary Information.SPRINT shall be responsible for Qwest'sincrementalcoststoprovidesuchinformationoraccessmediation. If there are state service quality rules in effect at the time SPRINT requests an Analog Unbundled Loop.Qwest will provide an Analog Unbundled Loop that meets the state technical standards.If necessary to meet the state standards,Qwest will,at no cost to SPRINT,remove load coils and Bridged Taps from the Loop in accordance with the requirements of the specific technicalstandard. Digital Capable Loops -DS1 and DS3 Capable Loops,Basic Rate (BRI)ISDN Capable Loops,2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops,ADSL Compatible Loops and xDSL-ICapableLoops.Unbundled digital Loops are transmission paths capable of carryingspecificallyformattedandlinecodeddigitalsignals.Unbundled digital Loops may beprovidedusingavarietyoftransmissiontechnologiesincluding,but not limited to,metallic wire,metallic wire based digital Loop carrier,and fiber optic fed digital carrier systems.Qwest will provision digital Loops in a non-discriminatory manner,using the same facilities assignment processes that Qwest uses for itself to provide the requisite service.Digital Loops may use a single or multiple transmission technologies.DC continuity does not apply to digital capable Loops.If conditioning is required,thenSPRINTshallbechargedforsuchconditioningassetforthinExhibitAifitauthorized Qwest to perform such conditioning. Qwest shall provide fiber and other high capacity Loops including but not limited to OC3,OC12,OC48 and OC192 Loops.With the exception of the digital Loops identified in Section,Qwest shall provide unbundledfiberandhighcapacityLoopstoSPRINTwherefacilitiesareavailableand existing on an ICB basis.Rates for OC3,OC12 and OC48 may be found inExhibitAofthisAmendment.Rates for OC192 will be provided as such facilities are made available.Qwest will provision fiber and other high capacity Loops in a non-discriminatory manner,using the same facilities assignment processes that Qwest uses for itself to provide the requisite service.DC continuity does not apply to fiber and other high capacity Loops provided under this Section.Qwest shall allow SPRINT to access these high capacity Loops at accessible terminals including DSXs,FDPs or equivalent in the Central Office,Customer premises,or at Qwest owned outside plant structures (e.g.,CEVs,RTs or huts)as defined in Section and recurring charges shall apply for fiber and other high capacity Loops provided under this Section as set forth in Exhibit A. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 4 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 If SPRINT orders a 2/4 wire non-loaded or ADSL compatibleUnbundledLoopforaCustomerservedbyadigitalLoopcarriersystemQwest will conduct an assignment process which considers the potential for a LST or alternative copper facility.If no copper facility capable of supporting therequestedserviceisavailable,then Qwest will reject the order. Non-Loaded Loops.SPRINT may request that Qwest provide a non-loaded Unbundled Loop.In the event that no such facilities are available,SPRINT mayrequestthatQwestconditionexistingsparefacilities.SPRINT may indicate on the LSRthatitpre-approves conditioning if conditioning is necessary.If SPRINT has not pre-approved conditioning,Qwest will obtain SPRINT's consent prior to undertaking anyconditioningefforts.Upon SPRINT pre-approval or approval of conditioning,and only ifconditioningisnecessary,Qwest will dispatch a technician to condition the Loop byremovingloadcoilsandexcessBridgedTapstoprovideSPRINTwithanon-loaded Loop.SPRINT will be charged the nonrecurring conditioning charge (i.e.,cableunloadingandBridgedTapsremoval),if applicable,in addition to the Unbundled Loop installation nonrecurring charge. Where Qwest fails to meet a Due Date as specified in Exhibit B for performing Loop conditioning,SPRINT shall be entitled to a credit equal to the amount of any conditioning charges applied,where it does not secure the Unbundled Loop involved within three (3)months of such Due Date.Where Qwest does not perform conditioning in accord with the standards applicableunderthisAmendment,SPRINT shall be entitled to a credit of one-half of the conditioning charges made,unless SPRINT can demonstrate that the Loop as conditioned is incapable of substantially performing the functions normally within the parameters applicable to such Loop as this Amendment requires Qwest to deliver it to SPRINT.In the case of such fundamental failure,SPRINT shall be entitled to a credit of all conditioning charges,except where SPRINT asks Qwest to cure any defect and Qwest does so.In the case of such cure,SPRINT shall be entitled to the one-half (1/2)credit identified above. When SPRINT requests a Basic Rate ISDN capable or an xDSL-I capable Loop,Qwest will dispatch a technician,if necessary,to provide Extension Technology that takes into account for example:the additional regenerator placement, Central Office powering,Mid-Span repeaters,if required,BRITE cards in order to provision the Basic Rate ISDN capable and xDSL-I capable Loop.Extension Technology may be required in order to bring the circuit to the specifications necessary to accommodate the requested service.If the Circuit Design requires Extension Technology,to bring it up to the design standards,it will be added by Qwest,at no charge.Extension Technology can also be requested by SPRINT to meet their specific needs.If Extension Technology is requested by SPRINT,but is not required to meet the technical standards,then Qwest will provide the requested Extension Technology and will charge SPRINT.Qwest will provision ISDN (BRI)Capable and xDSL-I capable Loops using the specifications in the Technical Publication 77384.Refer to that document for more information.SPRINT will be charged an Extension Technology recurring charge in addition to the Unbundled Loop recurring charge,if applicable,as specified in Exhibit A of this Amendment.The ISDN Capable Loop may also require conditioning (e.g.,removal of load coils or Bridged Taps). For DS1 or DS3 capable Loops,Qwest will provide the necessary Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 5 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 electronics at both ends,including any intermediate repeaters.In addition,SPRINT willhaveaccesstotheseterminationsfortestingpurposes. DS-1 capable Loops provide a transmission path between a Central Office network interface at a DS-1 panel or equivalent in a Qwest serving Central Office and the network interface at the End User location.DS-1 capable Loops transport bi-directional DS-1 signals with a nominal transmission rate of 1.544 Mbit/s.DS-1 capable Loops shall meet the design requirements specified in Technical Publication 77375 (Unbundled Loops)and 77375 (DS1). DS3 capable Loops provide a transmission path between a Qwest Central Office network interface and an equivalent network interface at an End User location.DS3 capable Loops transport bi-directional DS3 signals with a nominal transmission rate of 44.736 Mbit/s.DS3 capable Loops shall meet the design requirements specified in Technical Publications 77384 (Unbundled Loop) and 77324 (DS-3). Qwest is not obligated to provision BRI-ISDN,xDSL-l,DS1,or DS3 capable or ADSL compatible Loops to End User Customers in areas served exclusively by Loop facilities or transmission equipment that are not compatible with the requested service. Loop Qualification Tools.Qwest offers five (5)Loop qualification tools: the ADSL Loop Qualification Tool,Raw Loop Data Tool,POTS Conversion to Unbundled Loop Tool,MegaBit Qualification Tool,and ISDN Qualification Tool.These and any future Loop qualification tools Qwest develops will provide SPRINT access to Loop qualification information in a nondiscriminatory manner and will provide SPRINT the same Loop qualification information available to Qwest. ADSL Loop Qualification Tool.SPRINT may use the ADSL Loop Qualification tool to pre-qualify the requested circuit utilizing the existingtelephonenumberoraddresstodeterminewhetheritmeetsADSLspecifications. The qualification process screens the circuit for compliance with the design requirements specified in Technical Publication 77384. Raw Loop Data Tools.Qwest offers two (2)types of Raw Loop Data Tool.If SPRINT has a digital certificate,SPRINT may access the Wire Center Raw Loop Data Tool via www.ecom.qwest.com.The Wire Center Raw Loop Data Tool provides SPRINT the following information:Wire Center CLLI code,cable name,pair name,terminal address,MLT distance,segment (F1,F2), sub-segment (e.g.,1 of F1),segment length,segment gauge,Bridged Taps length by segment,Bridged Taps offset distance,load coil type,and pair gain type.SPRINT may also access the IMA Raw Loop Data Tool for Loop specific information.The IMA Raw Loop Data Tool may be accessed through IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI.This tool provides SPRINT the following information:Wire Center CLLI code,cable name,pair name,terminal address,MLT distance,segment (F1,F2),sub-segment (e.g.,1 of F1),segment length,segment gauge,Bridged Taps length by segment,Bridged Taps offset distance,load coil type,number of loads,and pair gain type. POTS Conversion to Unbundled Loop Tool.The POTS Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 6 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 Conversion to Unbundled Loop Tool is available to SPRINT through IMA-GUI orIMA-EDI.This tool informs SPRINT whether the facility is copper or pair gainandwhetherthereareloadsontheLoop. MegaBit Qualification Tool.The MegaBit Qualification Tool isavailabletoSPRINTthroughIMA-GUI or IMA-EDI.This tool provides a "yes/no" answer regarding the Loop's ability to support Qwest DSL (formerly MegaBit)service.If the MegaBit Qualification Tool returns a "no"answer,it provides abriefexplanation. ISDN Qualification Tool.The ISDN Qualification Tool is available to SPRINT through IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI.This tool permits SPRINT to viewinformationonmultiplelinesandwillinformSPRINTofthenumberoflinesfound. If an ISDN capable Loop is found,the tool identifies the facility and,if applicable, pair gain. Provisioning Options.Six (6)Provisioning options are available forUnbundledLoopelements.Charges for these Provisioning options vary depending onthetypeofLooprequested.Rates are contained in Exhibit A of this Amendment. Testing parameters are described below and in Qwest Technical Publication 77384. Basic Installation.Basic Installation may be ordered for new or existing Unbundled Loops.Upon completion,Qwest will call SPRINT to notifySPRINTthattheQwestworkhasbeencompleted. For an existing End User,the Basic Installation option is a"lift and lay"procedure.The Central Office Technician (COT)"lifts"the Loop from its current termination and "lays"it on a new termination connecting to SPRINT.There is no associated circuit testing performed. For new End User service,the Basic Installation option involves the COT and Field Technician (CSTINT)completing circuit wiring and performing the required performance tests to ensure the new circuit meets the required parameter limits.The test results are NOT provided to SPRINT. For basic installation of existing 2/4 wire analog Loops, Qwest provides a Quick Loop with or without Local Number Portability (LNP)option,that enables SPRINT to receive the Quick Loop installation interval as set forth in Exhibit B.Quick Loop installation without LNP includes only a simple lift and lay procedure.Quick Loop with LNPinstallationprovidesaliftandlay,and the LNP functions.Quick Loop is not available with cooperative testing,coordinated installation,or when unbundling from an IDLC to a copper alternative. Basic Installation with Performance Testing.Basic Installation with Performance Testing may be ordered for new or existing Unbundled Loops. For an existing End User,Basic Installation with Performance Testing is a "lift and lay"procedure.The Central Office Technician (COT)"lifts"the Loop from its current termination and "lays"it Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 7 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 on a new termination connecting SPRINT.The COT andImplementor/Tester perform the required performance tests to ensure thatthenewcircuitmeetsrequiredparameterlimits. The Qwest Implementor/Tester will read the test results toSPRINTonclose-out and email the performance test results within two(2)business days to a single,designated SPRINT office email address. For new End User service,the Basic Installation with Performance Testing option requires a dispatch to the End Userpremises.The COT and Field Technician complete circuit wiring and perform the required performance tests to ensure the new circuit meetstherequiredparameterlimits.These test results are read to SPRINT bytheQwestImplementor/Tester on close-out.Within two (2)businessdays,Qwest will email the performance test results to a single,designated SPRINT office email address. Coordinated Installation with Cooperative Testing.Coordinatedinstallationwithcooperativetestingmaybeorderedforneworexistingservice.For both new and existing service,SPRINT must designate a specific"Appointment Time"when it submits the LSR.On the Due Date (DD),at theSPRINTdesignated"Appointment Time",the Qwest Implementor/Tester contactsSPRINTtoensureSPRINTisreadyforinstallation.If SPRINT is not ready withinthirty(30)minutes of the scheduled appointment time,then SPRINT mustrescheduletheinstallationbysubmittingasupplementalLSRforanewDueDateandappointmenttime.If Qwest is not ready within thirty (30)minutes of thescheduledappointmenttime,Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for theinstallationoption,and the Parties will attempt to set a new appointment for the same day.If Qwest fails to perform cooperative testing due to Qwest's fault,Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option.If SPRINT still desires cooperative testing,the Parties will attempt to set a new appointment time on the same day and,if unable to do so,Qwest will issue a jeopardy notice and a FOC with a new Due Date. For an existing End User,Coordinated Installation withCooperativeTestingisa"lift and lay"procedure with cooperative testing. The COT completes the installation in the Central Office and performs testing that SPRINT requests.Upon completion of Qwest performance testing,the Qwest Implementor/Tester will contact SPRINT,read the Qwest test results,and begin SPRINT cooperative testing.Within two (2) business days,Qwest will email the Qwest test results to a single,designated SPRINT office email address.SPRINT will be charged for any Provisioning test SPRINT requests that is not defined in the QwestTechnicalPublication77384. For new End User service,Coordinated Installation withCooperativeTestingmayrequireadispatchofatechniciantotheEnd User premises.The COT and Field Technician complete circuit wiring and perform the required performance tests to ensure that the new circuit meets required parameter limits.Upon completion of Qwest performance testing,the Qwest Implementor/Tester will contact SPRINT,read the Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 8 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 Qwest test results,and begin SPRINT cooperative testing.Within two (2) business days,Qwest will email the Qwest test results to a single,designated SPRINT office email address.SPRINT will be charged for any Provisioning test not defined in the Qwest Technical Publication 77384. Coordinated Installation without Cooperative Testing. Coordinated Installation without Cooperative Testing may be ordered for new orexistingservice.For both new and existing service,SPRINT must designate a specific "Appointment Time"when it submits the LSR.On the Due Date (DD),at the SPRINT designated "Appointment Time",the Qwest Implementor/Tester contacts SPRINT to ensure SPRINT is ready for installation.If SPRINT is not ready within thirty (30)minutes of the scheduled appointment time,then SPRINT must reschedule the installation by submitting a supplemental LSR.If Qwest is not ready within thirty (30)minutes of the scheduled appointment time,Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option and the Parties willattempttosetanewappointmenttimeonthesamedayand,if unable to do so, Qwest will issue a jeopardy notice and a FOC with a new Due Date. For an existing Unbundled Loop this CoordinatedInstallationwithoutCooperativeTestingisa"lift and lay"procedure without a dispatch,that offers SPRINT the ability to coordinate theconversionactivity.The Qwest Implementor advises SPRINT when the "lift and lay"procedure is complete. For new Unbundled Loops,Qwest may dispatch a technician to terminate the new circuit at the End User premises.The Field Technician will not remain on the premises to perform the coordinated installation once the circuit is in place.The COT completes the installation in the Central Office,and the COT and Implementor/Tester complete the required performance tests to ensure that the new circuit meets required parameter limits.SPRINT will not receive test results. When installation is complete,Qwest will notify SPRINT. Basic Installation with CooperativeTesting.Basic Installation with Cooperative Testing may be ordered for new or existing Unbundled Loops. For an existing End User,Basic Installation with Cooperative Testing is a "lift and lay"procedure with Cooperative Testing on the Due Date.The COT "lifts"the Loop from its current termination and "lays"it on a new termination connecting to SPRINT.Upon completion of Qwest performance testing,the Qwest Implementor/Tester will contact SPRINT,read the Qwest test results,and begin SPRINT cooperative testing.Within two (2)business days,Qwest will email the Qwest test results to a single,designated SPRINT office email address. SPRINT and Qwest will perform a Loop back acceptance test,accept the Loop and exchange demarcation information. For new End User service,Basic Installation withCooperativeTestingmayrequireadispatchtotheEndUserpremises. The COT and Field Technician complete circuit wiring and perform the Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 9 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 required performance tests to ensure the new circuit meets the requiredparameterlimits. If Qwest fails to perform cooperative testing due to Qwest'sfault,Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option.If SPRINT still desires cooperative testing,the Parties will attempt to set anewappointmenttimeonthesamedayand,if unable to do so,Qwest willissueajeopardynoticeandaFOCwithanewDueDate. Performance Testing.Qwest performs the following performancetestsforvariousLooptypes: 2-Wire and 4-Wire Analog Loops No Opens,Grounds,Shorts,or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss =0 to -8.5 dB at 1004 Hz Automatic Number Identification (ANI)when dial-tone is present 2-Wire and 4-Wire Non-Loaded Loops No Load Coils,Opens,Grounds,Shorts,or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss =0 to -8.5 dB at 1004 Hz Automatic Number Identification (ANI)when dial-tone is present Basic Rate ISDN and xDSL-I Capable Loops No Load Coils,Opens,Grounds,Shorts,or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss =5 40 dB at 40 kHz Automatic Number Identification (ANI)when dial-tone is present DS-1 Capable Loops No Load Coils,Opens,Grounds,Shorts,or Foreign Volts DS-3 Capable Loops Continuity Testing ADSL Compatible Loops No Load Coils,Opens,Grounds,Shorts,or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss =5 41 dB at 196 kHz Automatic Number Identification(ANI)when dial-tone is present Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/lD 10AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 Project Coordinated Installation:A Project CoordinatedInstallationpermitsSPRINTtoobtainacoordinatedinstallationforUnbundled Loops with or without LNP,where SPRINT orders Unbundled DS1 Capable, Unbundled DS3 Capable or twenty-five (25)or more DSO Unbundled Loops. The date and time for the Project Coordinated Installation requires up-front planning and may need to be negotiated between Qwest and SPRINT.All requests will be processed on a first come,first served basis and are subject to Qwest's ability to meet a reasonable demand. Considerations such as system down time,Switch upgrades,Switchmaintenance,and the possibility of SPRINT requesting the same Frame Due Time (FDT)in the same Switch (Switch contention)must be reviewed.In the event that any of these situations would occur,Qwest will negotiate with SPRINT for an agreed upon FDT,prior to issuing the Firm Order Confirmation (FOC).In special cases where SPRINT is ordering Unbundled Loop with LNP,the FDT must be agreed upon,the interval to reach agreement will not exceed two (2)days from receipt of an accurate LSR.In addition,standard intervals will apply. SPRINT shall request a Project Coordinated Installation by submitting a Local Service Request (LSR)and designating this order as a Project Coordinated Installation in the remarks section of the LSR form. SPRINT will incur additional charges for the Project Coordinated Installation dependent upon the coordinated time.The rates are based upon whether the request is within Qwest's normal business hours or Out Of Hours.Qwest normal business hours for Unbundled Loops are 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday.The rates for coordinated installations are set forth in Exhibit A.Where LNP is included,see Section F(2)of the Agreement. Qwest will schedule the appropriate number of employees prior to the cut,normally not to exceed four employees,based upon information provided by SPRINT.If the Project Coordinated Installation includes LNP,SPRINT will also have appropriate personnel scheduled for the negotiated FDT.If SPRINT's information is modified during the installation,and,as a result,non-scheduled employees are required, SPRINT shall be charged a three (3)hour minimum callout charge per each additional non-scheduled employee.If the installation is either cancelled,or supplemented (supp)to change the Due Date,withintwenty-four(24)hours of the negotiated FDT,SPRINT will be charged a one person three (3)hour minimum charge.For Project Coordinated Installations with LNP,if the Coordinated Installation is cancelled due to a Qwest error or a new Due Date is requested by Qwest,within twenty-four (24)hours of the negotiated FDT,Qwest may be charged by SPRINT one person three (3)hour minimum charge as set forth in ExhibitA. If SPRINT orders Project Coordinated Installation with LNP and in the event the LNP conversion is not successful,SPRINT and Qwest agree to isolate and fix the problem in a timeframe acceptable to SPRINT or the Customer.If the problem cannot be corrected within an Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 11 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 acceptable timeframe to SPRINT or the Customer,SPRINT may requesttherestoralofQwestservicefortheportedCustomer.Such restorationshallbeginimmediatelyuponrequest.If SPRINT is in error then asupplementalordershallbeprovidedtoQwest.If Qwest is in error,nosupplementalorderoradditionalorderwillberequiredofSPRINT. If SPRINT orders Project Coordinated Installation withLNP,Qwest shall ensure that any LNP order activity requested inconjunctionwithaProjectCoordinatedInstallationshallbeimplemented in a manner that avoids interrupting service to the End User. Multiplexing.Multiplexing is offered in DS3 to DS1 and DSI to DSOconfigurations.Except as specifically set forth in Section 9.2,SPRINT may ordermultiplexing,including conversion from special access or private line circuits,forUnbundledLoopsundertherates,terms and conditions for multiplexing of EnhancedExtendedLoop(EEL),as specified in the Agreement.The requirements with respect toprovidingasignificantamountofLocalExchangetrafficforEnhancedExtendedLoops(EEL's)shall not apply to conversions to Unbundled Loops. In order to properly maintain and modernize the network,Qwest maymakenecessarymodificationsandchangestoUnbundledLoops,ancillary and FinishedServicesinitsnetworkonanasneededbasis.Such changes may result in minorchangestotransmissionparameters.Changes that affect network InteroperabilityrequireadvancenoticepursuanttotheNoticesSectionoftheAgreement. If there is a conflict between an End User (or its respective agent)andSPRINTregardingthedisconnectionorProvisioningofUnbundledLoops,Qwest willadvisetheEndUsertocontactSPRINT,and Qwest will initiate contact with SPRINT. Facilities and lines Qwest furnishes on the premises of SPRINT's EndUseruptoandincludingtheLoopDemarcationPointarethepropertyofQwest.Qwestshallhavereasonableaccesstoallsuchfacilitiesfornetworkmanagementpurposes.Qwest will coordinate entry dates and times with appropriate SPRINT personnel toaccommodatetesting,inspection repair and maintenance of such facilities and lines.SPRINT will not inhibit Qwest's employees and agents from entering said premises totest,inspect,repair and maintain such facilities and lines in connection with suchpurposesor,upon termination or cancellation of the Unbundled Loop service,to removesuchfacilitiesandlines.Such entry is restricted to testing,inspection,repair andmaintenanceofQwest's property in that facility.Entry for any other purpose is subject toauditprovisionsintheAuditsectionoftheAgreement. Reuse of Loop Facilities When an End User contacts Qwest with a request to convert theirlocalservicefromSPRINTtoQwest,Qwest will notify SPRINT of the loss of theEndUser,and will disconnect the Loop Qwest provided to SPRINT.Qwest willdisconnecttheLooponlywhereQwesthasobtainedproperProofofAuthorization. When SPRINT contacts Qwest with a request to convert an EndUserCustomerfromtheircurrentCLEC(old CLEC)to them (SPRINT),SPRINT Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 12AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 is responsible for notifying old CLEC of the conversion.Qwest will disconnecttheLoopQwestprovidedoldCLECand,at SPRINT's request,where technicallycompatible,will reuse the Loop for the service requested by SPRINT (e.g.,resale service). SPRINT contacts Qwest with a request to convert an EndUserfromQwesttoSPRINT,at SPRINT request,Qwest will reuse the existing Loop facilities for the service requested by SPRINT to the extent those facilities are technically compatible with the service to be provided.Upon SPRINT request,Qwest will condition the existing Loop in accordance with the rates set forth in Exhibit A. Upon completion of the disconnection of the Loop,Qwest will send a Loss Notification report to the original competitive Carrier signifying completion of the loss. 9.2.3 Rate Elements The following recurring and nonrecurring rates for Unbundled Loops are set forth in Exhibit A of this Amendment.Recurring charges vary based on SPRINT selected installation options, conditioning,and extension technology. 2/4 Wire Analog Loop (Voice Grade)Recurring and Nonrecurring rates. 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loop Recurring and Nonrecurring rates. DS1 and DS3 Capable Loop,OC3,OC12,OC48,OC192,Basic Rate (BRI)ISDN,ADSL Compatible Loop and xDSL-I Capable Loop Recurring and Nonrecurring rates. DSO,DS1 and DS3 Capable Loop,OCn Conversion Nonrecurring rates associated with the conversion of special access or private lines to UnbundledLoops. Extension Technology Recurring and Nonrecurring rates for Digital Capable Loops,including Basic Rate (BRI)ISDN and xDSL-I Capable Loops. Conditioning Nonrecurring rates 2/4 wire non-loaded Loops,Basic Rate (BRI)ISDN,ADSL Compatible Loop and xDSL-I Capable Loop,as requested and approved by SPRINT. Miscellaneous Charges,as defined in Section (E) of the Agreement may apply. "Miscellaneous Charges"also means cost-based charges that Qwest may assess in addition to recurring and non-recurring rates set forth in Exhibit A,for activities SPRINT requests Qwest to perform,activities SPRINT authorizes,or charges that are a result of SPRINT's actions,such as cancellation charges,additional labor and maintenance.Miscellaneous Charges are not already included in Qwest's recurring or non-recurring rates. Miscellaneous Charges are listed in Exhibit A. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 13 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 Out of Hours Coordinated Installations. For purposes of service installation,Qwest's installation hours are8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. For coordinated installations scheduled to commence Out ofHours,or rescheduled by SPRINT to commence Out of Hours,SPRINT will incuradditionalchargesfortheOutofHourscoordinatedinstallationassetforthinExhibitA. 9.2.4 Ordering Process Unbundled Loops are ordered via an LSR.Ordering processes arecontainedintheSupportFunctionsSectionoftheAgreement.Detailed orderingprocessesarefoundontheQwestwholesalewebsite. Prior to placing orders on behalf of the End User,SPRINT shall beresponsibleforobtainingandhaveinitspossessionaProofofAuthorization. Based on the pre-order Loop make-up,SPRINT can determine if thecircuitcanmeetthetechnicalparametersforthespecificserviceSPRINTintendstooffer. Before submitting an order for a 2/4 wire non-loaded Loop,ADSLcompatibleLoop,ISDN capable Loop or xDSL-I capable Loop,SPRINT should use one of Qwest's Loop make-up tools available via IMA-EDI,IMA-GUI,or theweb-based application interface to obtain specific information about the LoopSPRINTseekstoorder. Based on the Loop make up information provided throughQwesttools,SPRINT must determine whether conditioning is required toprovidethexDSLserviceitintendstooffer.If Loop conditioning isrequired,SPRINT may authorize Qwest to perform such LoopconditioningonitsLSR.If SPRINT does not pre-approve Loopconditioning,Qwest will assume that SPRINT has determined that LoopconditioningisnotnecessarytoprovidethexDSLserviceSPRINTseekstooffer.If SPRINT or Qwest determines that conditioning is necessary,and SPRINT authorizes Qwest to perform the conditioning,Qwest willperformtheconditioning.SPRINT will be charged for the conditioning in accordance with the rates in Exhibit A.If Qwest determines thatconditioningisnecessaryandSPRINThasnotpreviouslyauthorized Qwest to perform the conditioning on the LSR,Qwest will send SPRINT arejectionnoticeindicatingtheneedtoobtainapprovalforconditioning.The SPRINT must submit a revised LSR before the conditioning work will commence.Once Qwest receives the revised LSR,the fifteen (15)business day conditioning interval will begin as described in Section For a 2/4 wire non-loaded Loop,ADSL compatible Loop,ISDN capable Loop or xDSL-I capable Loop,Qwest will return a Firm Order Confirmation (FOC)to SPRINT within 72 hours from receipt of a Unbundied loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 14AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 valid and accurate LSR.Return of such FOC will indicate that Qwest hasidentifiedaLoopassignment.Such FOC will provide SPRINT with a firmDueDatecommitmentorindicationthatappropriatefacilitiesarenotavailabletofillSPRINT's order. If SPRINT has pre-approved Loop conditioning,and conditioning is not necessary,Qwest will return the FOC withthestandardinterval(i.e.five (5)days). If SPRINT has not pre-approved Loop conditioning and Qwest determines that the Loop contains load coils,Qwest will notify SPRINT via a reject notification.SPRINT must submit and wait for a new version of the LSR approving Loopconditioning.In this scenario,the application date will correspondtodatethenewversionisreceivedbyQwest. Installation intervals for all Unbundled Loops are defined in Exhibit B.The interval will start when Qwest receives a complete and accurate LSR. The LSR date is considered the start of the service interval if the order isreceivedpriorto7:00 p.m.For service requests received after 7:00 p.m.,theserviceintervalwillbeginonthenextbusinessday. SPRINT places an order for an Unbundled Loop with Qwest that is complete and accurate,Qwest will reply to SPRINT with a Firm Order Confirmation within the time specified in (G)15 of theAgreement.The Firm Order Confirmation will contain the Due Date thatspecifiesthedateonwhichQwestwillprovisiontheLoop.Qwest willimplementadequateprocessesandprocedurestoassuretheaccuracyof the commitment date.If Qwest must make changes to the commitment date,Qwest will promptly issue a jeopardy notification to SPRINT that willclearlystatethereasonforthechangeincommitmentdate.Qwest will also submit a new Firm Order Confirmation that will clearly identify the new Due Date. Installation intervals for Unbundled Loops apply when Qwest has facilities or network capacity available. Upon SPRINT request,Qwest will convert special access or private linecircuitstoUnbundledLoops,with or without multiplexing,provided the service originates at the SPRINT Collocation in the Serving Wire Center.If multiplexing is not involved,then the Loop conversion ordering process applies.However,if the conversion includes multiplexing,then the ordering process associated with the conversion to EELs applies. The requirements with respect to providing a significant amount of local exchange trafficunderSection9.23.3.7 shall not apply to conversions to Unbundled Loop. When ordering Unbundled Loops,SPRINT is responsible for obtaining orprovidingfacilitiesandequipmentthatarecompatiblewiththeserviceSPRINTseeksto provide. The installation interval for xDSL Loops depends on the need to condition the Loop. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 15 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 When load coils and Bridged Taps do not exist,SPRINT mayrequestthestandardDueDateinterval,which will apply upon submission of acompleteandaccurateLSR. When load coils and/or Bridged Taps do exist,SPRINT willrequesttheminimumfifteen(15)business days Desired Due Date.SPRINT can determine the existence of load coils or Bridged Taps by using one of the Loopmake-up tools.SPRINT may pre-approve line conditioning on the LSR and,by doing so,SPRINT agrees to pay any applicable conditioning charges.If SPRINT did not request the fifteen (15)day interval and Qwest determines that conditioning is required,then the fifteen (15)business day interval starts when the need for conditioning is identified and SPRINT approves the conditioning charges. Out of Hours Coordinated Installations. For purposes of this Section,Qwest's standard installation hours are 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday.Installations requested outside of these hours are considered to be Out of Hours Installations. SPRINT may request an Out of Hours Coordinated Installation outside of Qwest's standard installation hours. To request Out of Hours Coordinated Installations,SPRINT will submit an LSR designating the desired appointment time.SPRINT must specify an Out of Hours Coordinated Installation in the Remarks section of the LSR. The date and time for Out of Hours Coordinated Installations may need to be negotiated between Qwest and SPRINT because of system downtime, Switch upgrades,Switch maintenance,and the possibility of SPRINT requesting the same appointment times in the same Switch (Switch contention). 9.2.5 Maintenance and Repair SPRINT is responsible for its own End User base and will have the responsibility for resolution of any service trouble report(s)from its End Users.SPRINT will perform trouble isolation on the Unbundled Loop and any associated ancillary services prior to reporting trouble to Qwest.SPRINT shall have access for testing purposes at the NID or Loop Demarcation Point.Qwest will work cooperatively with SPRINT to resolve trouble reports when the trouble condition has been isolated and found to be within a portion of Qwest's network.Qwest and SPRINT will report trouble isolation test results to the other.For Unbundled Loops,each Party shall be responsible for the costs of performing trouble isolation on its facilities,subject to Sections and When SPRINT requests that Qwest perform trouble isolation with SPRINT,a Maintenance of Service charge will apply if the trouble is found to be on the End User's side of the Loop Demarcation Point.If the trouble is on the End User's side of the Loop Demarcation Point,and SPRINT authorizes Qwest to repair the trouble on SPRINT's behalf,Qwest will charge SPRINT the appropriate Additional Labor Charges set forth in Exhibit A in addition to the Maintenance of Service charge. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 16 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 When SPRINT elects not to perform trouble isolation and Qwest performstestsontheUnbundledLoopatSPRINT's request,a Maintenance of Service chargeshallapplyifthetroubleisnotinQwest's facilities.Maintenance and repair processes are set forth in Section (G)8 of the Agreement.Maintenance of Service charges are setforthinPartHoftheAgreement. Qwest will maintain detailed records of trouble reports of SPRINT-orderedUnbundledLoops,comparing SPRINT provided data with internal data,and evaluatesuchreportsonataminimumofaquarterlybasistodeterminethecauseofLoopproblems.Qwest will conduct a quarterly root cause analysis of problems associatedwithUNELoopsprovidedtoSPRINTbyQwest.Based on this analysis,Qwest will takecorrectivemeasuretofixpersistentandrecurrentproblems,reporting to SPRINT on theanalysisandtheprocesschangesthatareinstitutedimplementedtofixtheproblems. Qwest shall allow access to the NID for testing purposes where access attheDemarcationPointisnotadequatetoallowtestingsufficienttoisolatetroubles;in theeventthatQwestchoosesnottoallowsuchaccess,it shall waive any trouble isolationchargesthatmayotherwisebeapplicable. 9.2.6.Spectrum Management Qwest will provide 2/4 Wire non-loaded Loops,ADSL compatible Loops,ISDN capable Loops,xDSL-l capable Loops,DS-1 capable Loops and DS3 capableLoops(collectively referred to in this Section 9.2.6 as "xDSL Loops")in a non-discriminatory manner to permit SPRINT to provide Advanced Services to its End UserCustomers.Such Loops are defined herein and are in compliance with FCCrequirementsandguidelinesrecommendedbytheNetworkReliabilityandInteroperabilityCouncil(NRIC)to the FCC,such as guidelines set forth in T1-417. When ordering xDSL Loops,SPRINT will provide Qwest with appropriateinformationusingNC/NCI codes to describe the Power Spectral Density Mask (PSD)forthetypeoftechnologySPRINTwilldeploy.SPRINT also agrees to notify Qwest of anychangeinAdvancedServicestechnologythatresultsinachangeinspectrummanagementclassonthexDSLLoop.Qwest agrees SPRINT need not provide thespeedorpoweratwhichthenewlydeployedorchangedtechnologywilloperateifthetechnologyfitswithinagenericPSDmask. SPRINT information provided to Qwest pursuant to Section9.2.6.2 shall be deemed Confidential Information and Qwest may not distribute,disclose or reveal,in any form,this material other than as allowed and described in subsections of The Parties may disclose,on a need to know basis only,SPRINTConfidentialInformationprovidedpursuanttoSection9.2.6.2,to legal personnel,if a legal issue arises,as well as to network and growth planning personnelresponsibleforspectrummanagementfunctions.In no case shall theaforementionedpersonnelwhohaveaccesstosuchConfidentialInformationbeinvolvedinQwest's retail marketing,sales or strategic planning. If SPRINT wishes to deploy new technology not yet designated with a PSD mask,Qwest and SPRINT agree to work cooperatively to determine Spectrum Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 17 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 1 Compatibility.Qwest and SPRINT agree,as defined by the FCC,that technology ispresumedacceptablefordeploymentwhenitcomplieswithexistingindustrystandards, is approved by a standards body or by the FCC or Commission,of if technology has been deployed elsewhere without a "significant degradation of service". Qwest recognizes that the analog T1 service traditionally used within itsnetworkisa"known Disturber"as designated by the FCC.Qwest will place such T1s, by whomever employed,within binder groups in a manner that minimizes interference.Where such placement is insufficient to eliminate interference that disrupts other services being provided,Qwest shall,whenever it is Technically Feasible,replace its T1s with a technology that will eliminate undue interference problems.Qwest alsoagreesthatanyfuture"known Disturber"defined by the FCC or the Commission will bemanagedasrequiredbyFCCrules. If either Qwest or SPRINT claims a service is significantly degrading theperformanceofotherAdvancedServicesortraditionalvoicebandservices,then thatPartymustnotifythecausingCarrierandallowthecausingCarrierareasonable opportunity to correct the problem.Upon notification,the causing Carrier shall promptlytakeactiontobringitsfacilities/technology into compliance with industry standards.Upon request,within forty-eight (48)hours,Qwest will provide SPRINT with binder groupinformationincludingcable,pair,Carrier and PSD class to allow SPRINT to notify the causing Carrier. If SPRINT is unable to isolate trouble to a specific pair within the bindergroup,Qwest,upon receipt of a trouble resolution request,will perform a main frame pair by pair analysis and provide results to SPRINT within five (5)business days. Qwest will not have the authority to unilaterally determine what Advanced Services technologies may be deployed or to resolve any dispute over spectral interference among Carriers.Qwest shall not disconnect Carrier services to resolve a spectral interference dispute,except when voluntarily undertaken by the interferingCarrierorQwestisorderedtodosobyastatecommissionorotherauthorizeddisputeresolutionbody.SPRINT may submit any claims for resolution under the DisputeResolutionSectionoftheAgreement. Where SPRINT demonstrates to Qwest that it has deployed Central Office based DSL services serving a reasonably defined area,it shall be entitled torequireQwesttotakeappropriatemeasurestomitigatethedemonstrableadverse effects on such service that arise from Qwest's use of repeaters or remotely deployed DSL service in that area.It shall be presumed that the costs of such mitigation will not be chargeable to any SPRINT or to any other Customer;however,Qwest shall have therighttorebutthispresumption,which it may do by demonstrating to the Commission by a preponderance of the evidence that the incremental costs of mitigation would be sufficient to cause a substantial effect upon other Customers (including but not limited to SPRINT securing UNEs)if charged to them.Upon such a showing,the Commission may determine how to apportion responsibility for those costs,including,but not limited to SPRINT taking services under this Amendment. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 18 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 2 LOOP MUX COMBINATION 9.23.8 Loop Mux Combination (LMC) Description The Loop Mux Combination (LMC)offering is a combination of anunbundledloopwithamultiplexerandcollocationlocatedwithinthesameQwestWireCenter.An EEL loop may also be connected to the LMCmultiplexer. LMC provides the SPRINT with the ability to access end usersandaggregateDS1orDSOloopstoahigherbandwidthviaaDS1orDS3multiplexer.There is no transport between the multiplexer and collocationwiththeLoopMuxCombination.This is also known as a Multiplexed LMC.The Loop Mux facility must terminate in a collocation.The Multiplexed LMC'sconnectiontocollocationisprovidedbyanITP(Interconnection Tie Pair). Qwest offers this UNE combination as a billing conversion or newprovisioning. Terms and Conditions Loop Mux Combinations will be provisioned where existing facilities areavailableorpursuanttotheprovisionsofSectionE(16)of the Agreement. Rate Elements Interconnection Tie Pair (ITP)charges apply to each circuit connected to the collocation.See Unbundled Loop for recurring charges. LMC Loop (also referred to as Loop with Mux in Exhibit A).The LMC Loop is the Loop connection between the end user customer premisesandtheMultiplexerintheservingWireCenterwhereSPRINTiscollocated. LMC Loop is available in DSO and DS1.Recurring and non-recurringchargeswillapply LMC Multiplexing (also referred to as Loop Mux in Exhibit A). LMC Multiplexing is offered in DS3 to DS1 and DS1 to DSO configurations. Recurring and non-recurring charges will apply. DSO MUX Low Side Channelization.LMC DSO Channel Cards are required for each DSO LMC Loop connected to a 1/0 LMC Multiplexer. Channel Cards are available for analog Loop Start,Ground Stad,ReverseBatteryandNoSignaling.See Channel Performance for Recurring Charges. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 19AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 Ordering Process Most UNE Combinations and associated products and servicesareorderedviaanLSR.Ordering processes are contained in this AgreementandinthePCAT.The following is a high-level description of the orderingprocess: Step 1:Complete product questionnaire withaccountteamrepresentative. Step 2:Obtain Billing Account Number (BAN)through account team representative. Step 3:Allow 2-3 weeks from Qwest's receipt of acompletedquestionnaireforaccurateloadingofUNEcombinationratestotheQwestbillingsystem. Step 4:After account team notification,place LMCordersviaanLSR. Prior to placing an order on behalf of each end user customer,SPRINT shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a ProofofAuthorizationassetforthinthisAgreement. Standard service intervals for UNE Combinations are either setforthinExhibitBofthisAmendmentorintheServiceIntervalGuide(SIG)available on www.qwest.com/wholesale. Due date intervals are established when Qwest receives acompleteandaccurateLocalServiceRequest(LSR)or ASR made throughtheIMA,EDI or Exact interfaces or through facsimile.For EEL,LMC,and allotherUNEcombinations,the date the LSR or ASR is received is consideredthestartoftheserviceintervaliftheorderisreceivedonabusinessdaypriorto3:00 p.m.For EEL,LMC,and all other UNE combinations,the serviceintervalwillbeginonthenextbusinessdayforservicerequestsreceivedonanon-business day or after 3:00 p.m.on a business day.Business daysexcludeSaturdays,Sundays,New Year's Day,Memorial Day,IndependenceDay(4*of July),Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. For UNE Combinations,SPRINT shall provide Qwest and QwestshallprovideSPRINTwithpointsofcontactfororderentry,problemresolution,repair,and in the event special attention is required on servicerequest. Billing Qwest shall provide SPRINT,on a monthly basis,within seven toten(7-10)calendar days of the last day of the most recent billing period,in anagreeduponstandardelectronicbillingformat,billing information including (1) a summary bill,and (2)individual end user customer sub-accountinformation. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 20AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 Maintenance and Repair Qwest will maintain facilities and equipment that comprise the service provided to SPRINT as a UNE Combination.SPRINT or its end user customers may not rearrange,move,disconnect or attempt to repair Qwest facilities or equipment,other than by connection or disconnection to any interface between Qwest and the end user customer,without the written consent of Qwest. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 21 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 Section 17.0 -BONA FIDE REQUEST PROCESS 17.1 Any request for Interconnection or access to an Unbundled Network Element or ancillaryservicethatisnotalreadyavailableasdescribedinothersectionsofthisAmendment,includingbutnotlimitedtoSection5inExhibitCoranyotherInterconnectionAgreement,Tariff orotherwisedefinedbyQwestasaproductorserviceshallbetreatedasaBonaFideRequest(BFR).Qwest shall use the BFR Process to determine the terms and timetable for providing therequestedInterconnection,access to UNEs or ancillary services and the technical feasibility ofnewldifferentpointsofInterconnection.Qwest will administer the BFR Process in a non- discriminatory manner. 17.2 A BFR shall be submitted in writing and on the appropriate Qwest form for BFRs.SPRINT and Qwest may work together to prepare the BFR form and either Party may requestthatsuchcoordinationbehandledonanexpeditedbasis.This form shall be accompanied bythenon-refundable Processing Fee specified in Exhibit A of this Amendment.However,Qwest will refund on-half of the Processing Fee if the BFR is cancelled within ten (10)business days ofthereceiptoftheBFRform.The form will request,and SPRINT will need to provide,thefollowinginformation,and may also provide any additional information that may be reasonably necessary in describing and analyzing SPRINT's request: 17.2.1 a technical description of each requested Network Element or newldifferentpointsofInterconnectionorancillaryservices; 17.2.2 the desired interface specification; 17.2.3 each requested type of Interconnection or access; 17.2.4 a statement that the Interconnection or Network Element or ancillary service will be used to provide a Telecommunications Service; 17.2.5 the quantity requested; 17.2.6 the specific location requested; 17.3 Within two (2)business Days of its receipt,Qwest shall acknowledge receipt of the BFR and in such acknowledgment advise SPRINT of missing information,if any,necessary to process the BFR.Thereafter,Qwest shall promptly advise SPRINT of the need for anyadditionalinformationrequiredtocompletetheanalysisoftheBFR.If requested,either orally or in writing,Qwest will provide weekly updates on the status of the BFR. 17.4 Within twenty-one (21)calendar Days of its receipt of the BFR and all information necessary to process it,Qwest shall provide to SPRINT an analysis of the BFR.The preliminary analysis shall specify Qwest's conclusions as to whether or not the requested Interconnection or access to an Unbundled Network Element complies with the unbundlingrequirementsoftheActorstatelaw. 17.5 If Qwest determines during the twenty-one (21)Day period that a BFR does not qualify as an Unbundled Network Element or Interconnection or ancillary service that is required to be Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 22AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 provided under the Act or state law,Qwest shall advise SPRINT as soon as reasonably possibleofthatfact,and Qwest shall promptly,but in no case later than the twenty-one Day period,provide a written report setting forth the basis for its conclusion. 17.6 If Qwest determines during such twenty-one (21)Day period that the BFR qualifiesundertheActorstatelaw,it shall notify SPRINT in writing of such determination within ten (10)calendar Days,but in no case later than the end of such twenty-one (21)Day period. 17.7 As soon as feasible,but in any case within forty-five (45)calendar Days after QwestnotifiesSPRINTthattheBFRqualifiesundertheAct,Qwest shall provide to SPRINT a BFRquote.The BFR quote will include,at a minimum,a description of each Interconnection,Network Element,and ancillary service,the quantity to be provided,any interface specifications,and the applicable rates (recurring and nonrecurring)including the separately stateddevelopmentcostsandconstructionchargesoftheInterconnection,Unbundled NetworkElementorancillaryserviceandanyminimumvolumeandtermcommitmentsrequired,and thetimeframestherequestwillbeprovisioned. 17.8 SPRINT has sixty (60)business days upon receipt of the BFR quote,to either agree topurchaseunderthequotedprice,or cancel its BFR. 17.9 If SPRINT has agreed to minimum volume and term commitments under the precedingparagraph,SPRINT may cancel the BFR or volume and term commitment at any time but maybesubjecttoterminationliabilityassessmentorminimumperiodcharges. 17.10 If either Party believes that the other Party is not requesting,negotiating or processinganyBFRingoodfaith,or disputes a determination or quoted price or cost,it may invoke theDisputeResolutionprovisionoftheAgreement. 17.11 All time intervals within which a response is required from one Party to another underthisSectionaremaximumtimeintervals.Each Party agrees that it will provide all responses totheotherPartyassoonasthePartyhastheinformationandanalysisrequiredtorespond,evenifthetimeintervalstatedhereinforaresponseisnotover. 17.12 In the event SPRINT has submitted a Request for an Interconnection,an UnbundledNetworkElementsoranycombinationsthereof,or ancillary services and Qwest determines inaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthisSection17thattherequestisTechnicallyFeasible,subsequent requests or orders for substantially similar types of Interconnection,UnbundledNetworkElementsorcombinationsthereoforancillaryservicesbySPRINTshallnotbesubjecttotheBFRprocess.To the extent Qwest has deployed or denied a substantially similarInterconnection,Unbundled Network Elements or combinations thereof or ancillary servicesunderapreviousBFR,a subsequent BFR shall not be required and the BFR application feeshallberefundedimmediately.Qwest may only require SPRINT to complete a New ProductQuestionnairebeforeorderingsuchInterconnection,Unbundled Network Elements orcombinationsthereof,or ancillary services.ICB pricing and intervals will still apply for requeststhatarenotyetstandardofferings.For purposes of this Section 17.12,a "substantially similar"request shall be one with substantially similar characteristics to a previous request with respecttotheinformationprovidedpursuanttoSubsections17.2.1 through 17.2.8 of Section 17.2above.The burden of proof is upon Qwest to prove the BFR is not substantially similar to apreviousBFR. 17.13 The total cost charged to SPRINT shall not exceed the BFR quoted price. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 23AmendmenttoCDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 17.14 Upon request,Qwest shall provide SPRINT with Qwest's supporting cost data and/orstudiesfortheInterconnection,Unbundled Network Element or ancillary service that SPRINTwishestoorderwithinseven(7)business days,except where Qwest cannot obtain a releasefromitsvendorswithinseven(7)business days,in which case Qwest will make the dataavailableassoonasQwestreceivesthevendorrelease.Such cost data shall be treated asConfidentialInformation,if requested by Qwest under the non-disclosure sections of theAgreement. 17.15 Qwest shall make available a topical list of the BFRs that it has received with SPRINTunderthisAmendmentoranInterconnectionAgreement.The description of each item on thatlistshallbesufficienttoallowSPRINTtounderstandthegeneralnatureoftheproduct,service, or combination thereof that has been requested and a summary of the disposition of the request as soon as it is made.Qwest shall also be required upon the request of SPRINT to providesufficientdetailsaboutthetermsandconditionsofanygrantedrequeststoallowSPRINTto elect to take the same offering under substantially identical circumstances.Qwest shall not berequiredtoprovideinformationabouttherequestinitiallymadebySPRINTwhoseBFRwasgranted,but must make available the same kinds of information about what it offered inresponsetotheBFRasitdoesforotherproductsorservicesavailableunderthisAmendment. SPRINT shall be entitled to the same offering terms and conditions made under any granted BFR,provided that Qwest may require the use of ICB pricing where it makes a demonstration toSPRINToftheneedtherefor. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp Amd Sprint/ID 24 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/6-18-2002 Attachment 4 ATTACHMENT 4 Single Point of Presence (SPOP)in the LATA is a Local Interconnection Service (LIS) Interconnection trunking option that allows CLEC to establish one physical point of presence in the LATA in Qwest's territory.Qwest and CLEC may then exchange traffic at the SPOP utilizing trunking as described following. 1.1 By utilizing SPOP in the LATA,CLEC can deliver both Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-lXC)and Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC) traffic and Exchange Service EASILocal traffic at Qwest's Access Tandem Switches. CLEC can also utilize Qwest's behind the tandem infrastructure to terminate traffic to specific end offices.The SPOP is defined as the CLEC's physical point of presence. 1.2 SPOP in the LATA includes an Entrance Facility (EF),Expanded Interconnect Channel Termination (EICT),or Mid Span Meet POI and Direct Trunked Transport (DTT) options available at both a DS1 and DS3 capacity. 1.3 Where there is a Qwest local tandem serving an end office that CLEC intends to terminate traffic,the following conditions apply: 1.3.1 CLEC may interconnect for the exchange of local/EAS traffic at either the Qwest access tandem or the Qwest local tandem,at the CLEC's option.When CLEC is interconnected at the access tandem and where there would be a DS1's worth of local traffic (512 CCS)between CLEC's switch and a Qwest local tandem or a Qwest end office subtending the Qwest access tandem,CLEC will order a direct trunk group to that Qwest local tandem or end office. Qwest will allow interconnection for the exchange of local traffic at Qwest's access tandem without requiring interconnection at the local tandem, at least in those circumstances when traffic volumes do not justify direct connection to the local tandem. When a CLEC has an NXX that subtends a local tandem,but the anticipated traffic to and from the NXX is less than 1 DS1s (512 CCS)worth of traffic,the CLEC may choose to use the access tandem for local traffic in the circumstances described above in 1.3.1.The CLEC will be required to submit an electronic letter on CLEC letterhead to Qwest stating at which local tandems they will not interconnect.This letter should include,the local tandem CLL1(s) and the CLEC specific NPA-NXXs for the local tandems.In addition,CLEC will provide a revised electronic letter to Qwest of any changes in the network configuration or addition/deletions of NPA-NXXs of the aforementioned local tandems. 1.3.2 Connections to a Qwest local tandem may be two-way or one-way trunks. These trunks will carry Exchange Service EASILocal traffic only. 1.3.3 A separate trunk group to the Qwest access tandem is necessary for the exchange of non-local Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-lXC)traffic and jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC)traffic. 1.4 Where there is no Qwest local tandem serving a Qwest end office,CLEC may choose Unbundled loop mux bfr srp spop Amd Sprint/ID 25 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd Attachment 4 from one of the following options: 1.4.1 A two-way CLEC LIS trunk group to the Qwest access tandem for CLEC traffic terminating to,originating from,or passing through the Qwest network that combines Exchange Service EASI Local,Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-lXC)and Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC)traffic. 1.4.2 A two-way CLEC LIS trunk group to the Qwest access tandem for CLEC Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC)traffic terminating to and originating from the IXC Feature Group (FG)A/B/D network through the Qwest network and an additional two-way trunk group to the Qwest access tandem for the combined Exchange Service EAS/Local and Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-lXC)traffic terminating to,originating from,and transiting the Qwest network. If the CLEC uses two way trunking,Qwest will send all Exchange Service EASILocal,Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-IXC)and Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC)traffic delivered to the Qwest access tandem on the same combined trunk. 1.4.3 A one-way terminating CLEC LIS trunk group to the Qwest access tandem for CLEC traffic destined to or through the Qwest network that combines Exchange Service EASILocal,Exchange Access (Intra LATA Toll Non-IXC)and Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC)traffic. 1.4.4 CLEC may utilize a one-way LIS trunk group to the Qwest access tandem for Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC)traffic terminating to the IXC FG A/B/D network through the Qwest network,and an additional one-way trunk group to the Qwest access tandem for the combined Exchange Service EAS/ Local,Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-lXC)traffic terminating to,originating from,and transiting the Qwest network. If CLEC orders either of the above one-way trunk options,Qwest will return the traffic via one combined Exchange Service EAS/Local,and Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll Non-lXC)trunk group. 1.4.5 To the extent Qwest combines Exchange Service (EASILocal),Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll carried solely by Local Exchange Carriers),and Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA calls exchanged with a third- party IXC)traffic on a single LIS trunk group,Qwest,at CLEC's request,will declare a percent local use factor (PLU).Such PLU(s)will be verifiable with either call summary records utilizing Calling Party Number information for jurisdictionalization or call detail samples.CLEC should apportion per minute of use (MOU)charges appropriately. 1.5 CLEC must have SS7 functionality to use SPOP in the LATA. 1.6 Qwest assumes CLEC will be originating traffic destined for end users served by each Qwest access tandem in the LATA,therefore,CLEC must order LIS trunking to each Qwest access tandem in the LATA to accommodate routing of this traffic.Additionally, when there is more than one Qwest access tandem within the LATA boundary,the CLEC must order LIS trunking to each Qwest access tandem that serves its end-user Unbundled loop mux bfr srp spop Amd Sprint/ID 26 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd Attachment 4 customers'traffic to avoid call blocking.Alternatively,should the CLEC accept the conditions as outlined in the SPOP Waiver (Exhibit A),trunking will not be required to each Qwest access tandem in a multi-access tandem LATA.The CLEC needs trunking to each local tandem where they have a customer base if not utilizing the option of interconnecting at the access tandem for local as described in 1.3.1.The 512 CCS rule and other direct trunking requirements will apply for direct trunking to Qwest end offices. 1.7 If Direct Trunked Transport is greater than 50 miles in length,and existing facilities are not available in either Party's network,and the Parties cannot agree as to which Party will provide the facility,the Parties will construct facilities to a mid-point of the span. 1.8 CLEC will provide notification to all Co-Providers in the local calling areas of CLEC's change in routing when the CLEC chooses to route its traffic in accordance with Qwest's SPOP interconnectiontrunking. 1.9 Ordering 1.9.1 SPOP in a LATA will be ordered based upon the standard ordering process for the type of facility chosen.See the Qwest Interconnection and Resale Resource Guide for further ordering information. 1.9.2 Sprint will issue ASR's denoting change activity for existing trunk groups converting to SPOP trunk groups in the same LATA. 1.9.3 SPOP elements,such as EF;DTT;EICT ;and multiplexing will be billed in accordance with the interconnection agreement (see Exhibit A). Unbundled loop mux bfr srp spop Amd Sprint/ID 27 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd Attachment 4 SINGLE POINT OF PRESENCE WAIVER Qwest will waive the requirement for CLEC to connect to each Qwest Access Tandem in the LATA with this waiver amendment. CLEC certifies that it will not originate any traffic destined for subtending offices of Qwest's Access Tandems for which CLEC seeks a waiver.Or,if CLEC does originate such traffic,that CLEC will route such traffic to a Non-Qwest network.In addition,CLEC certifies that it has no end users in the serving area of the Qwest Access Tandem for which CLEC seeks a waiver. CLEC will send an electronic letter to Qwest indicating the Qwest access tandems subject to this waiver at the time of ordering trunks required to implement SPOP in the LATA.In addition,CLEC will provide a revised electronic letter to Qwest advising of any changes in the network configuration of the aforementioned access tandems.Should CLEC desire to begin serving end users in the serving area of a Qwest access tandem currently under this waiver, CLEC must first establish trunking to the Qwest access tandem.Additionally,should CLEC desire to originate traffic destined to a Qwest end office subtending a Qwest access tandem currentlyunder this waiver,CLEC must first establish trunking to the Qwest access tandem. Under this waiver any CLEC originated traffic destined for an end office subtending a Qwest tandem under this waiver will be billed separately,by Qwest to CLEC,via a manual bill. Misrouted usage under this waiver will be billed,a penalty of $.21 per MOU. Additionally,a manual handling fee of $100 or 10%of total billing,whichever is greater,will be charged for each such manual bill rendered. Late Payment charges will apply as outlined in the existing Interconnection Agreement currentlyin effect between the Parties. Should this traffic occur,the Parties agree to meet within forty-five (45)days of Qwest's identification of such misrouted traffic to discuss methods for avoiding future misrouting on that trunk group or groups.CLEC will then have thirty (30)days from the date of meeting to correct such misrouting on that trunk group or groups.If further misrouting occurs or continues after that date on the same trunk group or groups as the original misrouting identified,the Parties agree to meet again within thirty (30)days of Qwest's identification of such misrouted traffic to discuss methods for avoiding future misrouting on that trunk group or groups.CLEC will then have thirty (30)days from the date of meeting to correct such misrouting.If further misrouting occurs or continues after that date on the same trunk group or groups,Qwest will consider this waiver null and void and all requirements in Attachment 1 or in the existing Interconnection Agreement currently in effect between the Parties will be reinstated.If the parties disagree about whether the traffic identified by Qwest was actually misrouted,the Parties agree to avail themselves of the dispute resolution provision of their interconnection agreement.Nothing in this provision affects or alters in any way CLEC's obligation to pay the rates,the manual handling fee,and the late payment charges specified above for misrouted traffic. Unbundled loop mux bfr srp spop Amd Sprint/ID 28 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd Exhibit AIdaho* Select the appropriate type of contract below.For cost docket changes,leave blank: Amendment ¯¯¯ 9.2 Unbundled Loops 9.2.1 Analog Loops 2-Wire Voice Grade See installation Options Zone 1 $15.81 Zone 2 $24.01 Zone 3 $40.92 4-Wire Voice Grade See Installation OptionsZone1531.02 Zone 2 547.12 Zone 3 $80.29 9.2.2 Non-loaded Loops 2-wire Non-loaded Loop See installation Options Zone 1 $15.81 Zone 2 $24.01 # Zone 3 $40.92 # 4-wire Non-loaded Loop See Installation OptionsZone1$31.02 # Zone 2 $47.12 # Zone 3 $80.29 # Loop Unloading $9.00 Loop Conditioning $22.00 I9.2.3 Digital Capable Loops Basic Rate ISDN /xDSL-I Capable /ADSL Compatible Loop See Installation Options Zone 1 $15.81 # Zone 2 $24.01 # Zone 3 $40.92 # DS1 Capable Loop See Installation OptionsZone1$86.68 # Zone 2 $86.66 # Zone 3 $100.19 # DS3 Capable Loop See Installation OptionsZone1$944.96 #Zone2 $958.10 # Zone 3 $1,268.60 # OC n Capable Loop See Installation Options OC -3 $896.76 5 OC -12 $1,382.03 5 OC -48 $3,659.55 5 OC-192 ICB 2-Wire Extension Technology $22.00 9 2.4 Loop Installation Charges for 2 &4 wire Analog /Non-Loaded,ADSL See related Compatible,ISDN BRI Capable and xDSL -I Capable Loops where monthly conditioning is not required.recurring Loop charges. Basic Installation First $11.03 Each Additiona!$6.07 Sprint Amenament July 19,2002 Exhibit Aidaho* Basic installation with Performance Testing First $17.72 Each Additional $8.99 Coordinated installation with Cooperative Testing /Project Coordinated Installation (25 or more DSO Unbundled Loops) First $171.87 # Each Additional $94.09 # Coordinated Installation without Cooperative Testing I Project Coordinated Installation (25 or more DSO Unbundled Loops) amch Additional 3 Basic installation with Cooperative Testing First $142.10 # Each Additional $94.09 # 9.2.5 DS1 Loop Installation Charges See related monthly recurring Loop charges. Basic Installation First $184.09 1 Each Additiona!$125.75 1 Basic Installation with Performance Testing First $323.48 1 Each Additional $222.40 1 Coordinated installation with Cooperative Testing /Project Coordinatedinstallation First $365.04 1 Each Additional $222.40 I 1 i Coordinated Installation without Cooperative Testing /Project Coordinatedinstallation First $193.56 1 Each Additional $135.22 1 Basic Install with Cooperative Testing First $323.4E 1 Each Additional $222.4£1 9.2.6 DS3 Loop Installation Charges See related monthly recurring Loop charges. Basic Installation First $184.09 1 Each Additional $125.75 1 Basic Installation with Performance Testing First $323.48 1 Each Additional $222.40 1 Coordinated Installation with Cooperative Testing /Project Coordinatedinstallation First $365.04 1 Each Additional $222.40 1 Coordinated Installation without Cooperative Testing /Project Coordinatedinstallation First $193.56 1 Each Additional $135.22 1 Basic Install with Cooperative Testing First $323.48 1 Each Additional $222.40 1 Sprint Amendment July 19,2002 Exhibit AIdaho* 9.2.7 OC 3,12,48 Loop installation Charges See related monthly recurring Loop charges. Basic Installation First $184.09 5EachAdditional$125.75 5 Basic Installation with Performance Testing First $323.48 5EachAdditional5222.40 5 Coordinated installation with Cooperative Testing First $365.04 5EachAdditional$222.40 5 Coordinated Installation without Cooperative Testing First $193.56 5EachAdditional$135.22 5 Basic Install with Cooperative Testing First $323.4E 5EachAdditional$222.40 5 9 nv te2Line to Unbundled Loop Conversions $41 5 9.23.5 UNE Combinations Loopwith MUX Combination (LMC) ITP DS1/DS3 See UNE Rates Loop with MUX DSO 2/4 Wire Analog $246.30 1LoopwithMUXDSOWire2/4 Wire Analog Each Additional $160.09 1 Loop with MUX DSO 2-Wire Analog Zone 1 $15.81 # Zone 2 $24.01 #Zone 3 $40.92 # Loop with MUX DSO 4-Wire Analog Zone 1 $31.02 #Zone 2 $47.12 #Zone 3 $80.29 # DS1 Loop with MUX $310.29 1DS1LoopwithMUXEachAdditional$227.18 1 DS1 Capable Loop Zone 1 $86.68 #Zone 2 $86.66 #Zone 3 $100.19 # Private Line to Loop MUX Conversion $41.14 1 LMC DS3to DS1 Multiplexer $255.22 $206.49 1LMCDS1toDSOMultiplexer$228.07 $206.49 1 DS1/DSO Low Side Channelization See UDIT Section 17.0 Bona FIde Request Process 17.1 Processing Fee $2,128.00 NOTES:*Unless otherwise indicated,all rates are pursuant to the Qwest and AT&TInterconnection Agreement approved bythe Idaho Public Utllities Commission in Docket Number USW-T-96-15,Commission Order Number 27738,effective September 17,1998. #Denotes voluntary rate reduction. [1]Rates proposed in Cost Docket testimony filed on 6/29/01 &11/16/2001.(TELRIC) (6]Rates not addressed in Cost Docket (TELRIC) Sprini Amenomeni July 19,2002 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 1.0 Unbundled Loops,Line Sharing and Line SplittingService Interval Table': (a)Established Service Intervals 2/4 Wire Analog (Voice Grade),2-Wire Analog DistributionLoop: a)1-8 lines 5 Business days b)9-16 lines 6 Business days c)17-24 lines 7 Business days d)25 or more ICB (b)Established Service Intervals for 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops,Basic Rate ISDN CapableLoops,and ADSL Compatible Loops that do not require conditioning: a)1-8 lines 5 Business days b)9-16 lines 6 Business days c)17-24 lines 7 Business days d)25 or more ICB (c)Established Service Intervals for xDSL-l/BRI ISDN Capable Loops that do not requireconditioning: a)1-8 lines 5 Business days b)9-16 lines 6 Business days c)17-24 lines 7 Business days (d)Established Service Intervals for existing DS-1 Capable Loops,DS1 Capable FeederLoop: a)1 -24 lines 9 Business days b)25 or More ICB (e)Established Service Intervals for existing DS3 Capable Loops: a)1-3 lines 7 Business days b)4 or more ICB (f)Established Service Intervals for Line Sharing and Line Splitting that do not requireconditioning: a)1-24 lines 3 Business days d)25 or More ICB 1 The intervals for line sharing are subject to change based on:changes to PID definitions andbenchmarks;changes to Qwest retail DSL intervals;and changes in provisioningprocesses that maytranslateintoadecreaseinthetimerequiredforQwesttoprocesslinesharingordersfromCLECs. Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 1 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* (g)Conditioned Loops for 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops,ADSL Compatible,Basic Rate ISDNCapable,xDSL-I Capable Loops,Line Sharing and Line Splitting: a)1-8 lines 15 Business days b)9 or more ICB (h)Established Repair Intervals for Basic 2-wire Analog Loops,Line Sharing,Line Splitting,and Shared Distribution Loop: 24 Hours OSS 48 Hours AS (i)Established Repair Intervals for 4-wire Analog Loops,2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops, Basic Rate ISDN Capable Loops,and ADSL Compatible Loops,xDSL-I Capable Loops,DS1 Capable Loops,DS3 Capable Loops,and Ocn Capable Loops: 4 Hours (j)Quick Loop a)1 to 24 Lines Three (3)Business Days b)25 or more Lines ICB Quick Loop with Number Portability a)1 to 8 Lines Three (3)Business Days b)9 to 24 Lines Four (4)Business Days c)25 or more Lines ICB (k)OCn Loop 1 or more Lines ICB (I)Shared Distribution Loop 1 or more Lines Five (5)Business Days Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 2 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 2.0 Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT)Service Interval Table: Installation RepairProductServicesOrderedCommitmentsCommitments DSO 1 to 8 High Density:Five (5)4 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Six (6)4 hrs.Low Business Days Density 9 to 16 High Density:Six (6)4 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Seven (7)4 hrs.Low Business Days Density 17 to 24 High Density:Seven (7)4 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Eight (8)4 hrs.Low Business Days Density 25 or more ICB ICBDS11to8HighDensity:Five (5)4 hrs High Business Days Density Low Density:Eight (8)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 9 to 16 High Density:Six (6)4 hrs High Business Days Density Low Density:Nine (9)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 17 to 24 High Density:Seven (7)4 hrs High Business Days Density Low Density:Ten (10)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 25 or more ICB 4 hrs DS3 1 to 3 Circuits High Density:Seven (7)4 hrs High Business Days Density Low Density:Nine (9)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 4 or more Circuits ICB 4 hrs OC3 and Higher 1 or more Circuits ICB 4 hrs UDIT AND EUDIT Facility Single Band Width UDIT Interval +3 days Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 3 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 3.0 Unbundled Local Switching Service Interval Table: Installation RepairProductServicesOrderedCommitmentsCommitments Unbundled Switching-Line Side 1 to 8 High Density:Five (5)24 hrs.HighAnalogWithLineClassCode(LCC)Business Days Densityalreadysupportedinrequested switch.Low Density:Six (6)24 hrs.Low I |Business Days Density 9 to 16 High Density:Six (6)24 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Seven (7)24 hrs.Low Business Days Density 17 to 24 High Density:Seven (7)24 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Eight (8)24 hrs.Low Business Days Density25ormoreICB24hrs.Unbundled Switching-Line Side 1 to 19 Two (2)Business Days 24 hrs.OOSAnalog-Existing-Vertical 48 hrs.ASFeature(s)(Features change without 20 to 39 Four (4)Business Days 24 hrs.OOSinwardlineactivityandnotimpacting48hrs.ASthedesignofthecircuit.)40 or more ICB 24 hrs.OOS 48 hrs.ASUnbundledSwitching-Line Side ICB 24 hrs.AnalogNew Line Class Code (LCC) ordered through customized routingUnbundledSwitching-BRI-ISDN 1 to 3 Lines High Density:Seven (7)24 hrs.HighLine-side Port.With a US WEST Business Days DensitystandardconfigurationandLine Class Code (LCC)already supported Low Density:ICB 24 hrs.LowintherequestedswitchDensity 4 or more ICB 24 hrs.Unbundled Switching-BRI-ISDN 1 to 3 Lines High Density:24 hrs.HighLine-side Port.With non-standard Seventeen (17)DensityconfigurationandLineClassCodeBusinessDays(LCC)already supported in the (includes 10 days forrequestedswitchcomplextranslations.) Low Density:ICB 24 hrs.Low Density 4 or more ICB 24 hrs.Unbundled Switching-BRI-ISDN ICB 24 hrs.Line-side Port.Non supported Line Class Code (LCC)ordered through Customized Routing Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 4 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* Unbundled Switching-DS1 Trunk 1 to 8 Ports High Density:Five (5)24 hrs.HighPortBusinessDaysDensity Low Density:Six (6)24 hrs.LowBusinessDaysDensity 9 to 16 Ports High Density:Six (6)24 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Seven (7)|24 hrs.Low Business Days Density 17 to 24 Ports High Density:Seven (7)24 hrs.High Business Days Density I Low Density:Eight (8)24 hrs.Low I Business Days Density 25 or more Ports ICB 24 hrs.Unbundled Switching-Message High Density Seven (7)Business 24 hrs.Trunk Groups Days Translation questionnaire 1 to 24 required 25 to 48 Eight (8)Business Days 24 hrs. Routing to trunks is ordered 49 to 72 Ten (10)Business Days 24 hrs.separately as Customized 73 to 96 Twelve (12)Business 24 hrs.Routing Days DS1 trunk port &UDIT in place.97 to 120 Fourteen (14)Business 24 hrs. Days 121 to 144 Fifteen (15)Business 24 hrs. Days 145 to 168 Sixteen (16)Business 24 hrs. Days 169 to 240 Eighteen (18)Business 24 hrs. Days 241 or more ICB 24 hrs.Low Density Eighteen (18)Business 24 hrs. 1 to 24 Days 25 to 72 Nineteen (19)Business 24 hrs. Days 73 to 120 Twenty (20)Business 24 hrs. Days 121 or more ICB 24 hrs.Unbundled Switching-Two Way 1 to 8 Trunks High Density:Five (5)24 hrs.HighandDIDEquivalentGroupBusinessDaysDensity(add/changelincrease) DS1 trunk port in place Low Density:Six (6)24 hrs.Low Business Days Density 9 to 16 Trunks High Density:Six (6)24 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Seven (7)24 hrs.Low Business Days Density Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 5 EXHIBIT BSERVICEINTERVAL TABLES* 17 to 24 Trunks High Density:Seven (7)24 hrs.HighBusinessDaysDensity Low Density:Eight (8)24 hrs.Low Business Days Density25ormoreTrunksICB24hrs.Unbundled Switching-PRI-ISDN 1 to 8 High Density:Five (5)4 hrs.HighCapableTrunk-Side Business Days DensityDS1Trunkportinplace Low Density:Six (6)4 hrs.LowBusinessDaysDensity 9 to 16 High Density:Six (6)4 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Seven (7)4 hrs.Low Business Days Density 17 to 24 High Density:Seven (7)4 hrs.High Business Days Density Low Density:Eight (8)4 hrs.Low Business Days Density25ormoreICB4hrs.Unbundled Packet Switching Design changes -New service request -24 hrs 8 Business days 10 Business days Non-design changes -5 Business days Service changes - 5 Business days Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 6 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 4.0 Unbundled Dark Fiber Interval Table: Installation RepairProductActivitylServicesFOCGuidelinesGuidelinesFeaturesOrderedGuidelines Initial Records N/A Ten (10)N/AInquiry(IRI)Business Days(simple&complex) Field Verification N/A Twenty (20)N/AAndQuoteBusinessDaysPreparation (FVOP) Provisioning(non-N/A Twenty (20)FVOP requests)Business DaysOC3andHigherN/A ICB Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 7 EXHIBIT BSERVICEINTERVAL TABLES* 5.0 Unbundled Network Elements Platform (UNE-P)Service Interval Table: RepairProductServicesOrderedInstallationCommitmentsCommitmentsUNE-P POTS 'New'-Two (2)Business Days 24 hrs OOSSoftDialTone(SDT)(regardless of the time of day 48 hrs AS[Where available]the request is received)Facility Check indicates "AVAILABLE (SDT)"and DISPATCH "NO" UNE-P POTS 'New'-Residence 1 to 39 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrs OOSFlowThrough,Fully Electronic 48 hrs AS(N,T Orders)40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOSFacilityCheckindicates48hrsAS"AVAILABLE"and DISPATCH "NO" UNE-P POTS 'New'-Business 1 to 19 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrs OOSFlowThrough,Fully Electronic 48 hrs AS(N,T Orders)20-39 Lines Four (4)Business Days or 24 hrs OOSFacilityCheckindicatesnextavailableduedate,48 hrs AS"AVAILABLE"and DISPATCH thereafter as indicated by"NO"Appointment Scheduler. 40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P POTS 'New'-Residence 1 to 39 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrs OOSSimpleCOFeatures,or Number 48 hrs ASChangeswithoutinwardline40ormoreLinesICB24hrsOOSactivity,or Hunting changes 48 hrs ASwithoutinwardlineactivity UNE-P POTS 'New'-Business 1 to 19 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrs OOSSimpleCOFeatures,or Number 48 hrs ASChangeswithoutinwardline20-39 Lines Four (4)Business Days 24 hrs OOSactivity,or Hunting changes 48 hrs ASwithoutinwardlineactivity40ormoreLinesICB24hrsOOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P POTS 'New'-Customers with Next Business Day 24 hrs OOSSuspend/Restore service placed on 48 hrs AS"vacation" Treatment for Non-Same Business Day as 24 hrs OOSpaymentissuespaymentreceiptvalidated48hrsASUNE-P POTS 'New'-Residence 1 to 39 Lines Next available due date as 24 hrs OOSNewInstalls,Address Changes,indicated by Appointment 48 hrs ASChangeswithinwardlineactivitySchedulerFacilityCheckindicatesNote:Appointment Scheduler"AVAILABLE DISP.REQ"and minimum default interval is 3DISPATCH"YES"(Three)Business Days. 40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs AS Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 8 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* UNE-P POTS 'New'-Business 1 to 19 Lines Next available due date as 24 hrs OOSNewInstalls,Address Changes,indicated by Appointment 48 hrs ASChangeswithinwardlineactivitySchedulerFacilityCheckindicatesNote:Appointment Scheduler"AVAILABLE DISP.REQ"and minimum default interval is 3DISPATCH"YES"(Three)Business Days. 20-39 Lines Four (4)Business Days or 24 hrs OOS next available due date 48 hrs ASthereafterasindicatedbyAppointmentScheduler. 40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P POTS 'New'-1-10 Listings Two (2)Business Days ·Directory Listings Changes 11 to 20 Listings Five (5)Business Days(R Orders)21-50 Listings Ten (10)Business Days51-100 Listings Thirty (30)Business DaysOver100ListingsSixty(60)Business Days Add Voice Mail to Three (3)Business Days POTS line =Voice Mail Conversions to UNE-P POTS-1 to 39 Lines Three (3)Business days 24 hrs OOSPOTSResidencetoUNE-P 48 hrs AS -Conversion as Specified 40 or more lines ICB 24 hrs OOS -Simple CO Features 48 hrs AS Conversions to UNE-P POTS-1 to 39 Lines Same Business Day if 24 hrs OOSUNE-P to UNE-P POTS received before 12:00 p.m.,or,48 hrs ASResidenceNextBusinessDayifreceived -Conversion as Is later than 12:00 p.m. 40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASConversionstoUNE-P POTS-1 to 19 Lines Three (3)Business days 24 hrs OOSPOTSBusinesstoUNE-P 48 hrs AS -Conversion As Specified 20 to 39 Lines Four (4)Business Days 24 hrs OOS -Simple CO Features 48 hrs AS 40 or more Line ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASConversionstoUNE-P POTS-1 to 39 Lines Same Business Day if 24 hrs OOSUNE-P to UNE-P POTS received before 12:00 p.m.,or,48 hrs ASBusinessNextBusinessDayifreceived -Conversion As Is later than 12:00 p.m. 40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P Line Splitting--1 to 8 Lines High Density:Five (5)24 hrs OOSUNE-P POTS to UNE-P POTS Business Days 48 hrs ASwithLineSplitting -Conversion As Specified Low Density:Six (6)Business Days Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 9 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 9 to 16 Lines High Density:Six (6)Business 24 hrs OOS days 48 hrs AS Low Density:(9)Business Days 17 to 24 Lines High Density:(7)Business 24 hrs OOS Days 48 hrs AS25-39 Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs AS40ormoreLinesorICBHighDensity:Five (5)24 hrs OOSifConditioningisBusinessDays48hrsASrequired UNE-P Line Splitting-1 to 8 Lines High Density:Six (5)Business 24 hrs OOSPOTSResidenceorPOTSdays48hrsASBusinesswithLineSharingto UNE-P POTS with Line Splitting Low Density:Six (6)Business -Conversion as Specified Days 9 to 16 Lines High Density:Six (6)Business 24 hrs OOS days 48 hrs AS Low Density:Nine (9) Business Days 17 to 24 Lines High Density:Seven (7)24 hrs OOS Business Days 48 hrs AS Low Density:Ten (10) Business Days 25-39 Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs AS 40 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P PBX 'New'-1 to 8 Trunks Five (5)Business Days 4 hrs 9 to 16 Trinks Six (6)Business Days 4 hrs 17 to 24 Trunks Seven (7)Business Days 4 hrs 25 or more Trunks ICB 4 hrsConversionstoUNE-P PBX -1 to 8 Trunks Five (5)Business Days 4 hrsConversionAsSpecifiedor Conversion As Is 9 to 16 Trunks Six (6)Business Days 4 hrs 17 to 24 Trunks Seven (7)Business Days 4 hrs 25 or more Trunks ICB 4 hrsUNE-P DSS 'New'-1 to 3 Nine (9)Business Days 4 hrsT1Facility4ormoreICB4hrsUNE-P DSS 'New'-1 to 3 Lines Twelve (12)Business Days 4 hrsTrunks4to6LinesSixteen(16)Business Days 4 hrs 7 to 9 Lines Twenty (20)Business Days 4 hrs Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 10 EXHIBIT BSERVICEINTERVAL TABLES* 10 to 12 Lines Twenty four (24)Business¯ 4 hrsDays 13 or more Lines ICB 4 hrs Conversions to UNE-P DSS-1 to 3 Nine (9)Business Days 4 hrsT1Facility4ormoreICB4hrs Conversions to UNE-P DSS-4 to 6 Lines Sixteen (16)Business Days 4 hrsTrunks7to9LinesTwenty(20)Business Days 4 hrs10to12LinesTwentyfour(24)Business 4 hrs Days 13 or more Lines ICB 4 hrs UNE-P ISDN BRI 'New'-1 to 10 Lines Thirteen (13)Business Days 24 hrsNewInstalls,Address Changes,11 or more Lines ICB 24 hrsChangetoaddLoop(N2Q) UNE-P ISDN BRI 'New'-1 to 10 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrsAddorChangeFeature(s),Add 11 or more Lines ICB 24 hrsPrimaryDirectoryNumber(PDN )to established Loop (N2Q), Add Call Appearance Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 10 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrsBRI-11 or more Lines ICB 24 hrsConversionAsls Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 10 Lines Three (3)Business Days if a 24 hrsBRI-Loop is not involvedConversionAsSpecified(or) Thirteen (13)Business Days if a Loop is added or changed 11 or more Lines ICB 24 hrsUNE-P ISDN PRI 'New'-1 to 3 Nine (9)Business Days 4 hrsT1Facility4ormoreICB4hrs UNE-P ISDN PRI 'New'-1 to 3 Lines Twelve (12)Business Days 4 hrsTrunks4to6LinesSixteen(16)Business Days 4 hrs 7 to 9 Lines Twenty (20)Business Days 4 hrs 10 to 12 Lines Twenty four (24)Business 4 hrs Days 13 or more Lines ICB .4 hrsConversiontoUNE-P ISDN 1 to 3 Nine (9)Business Days 4 hrsPRI-4 or more ICB 4 hrs T1 Facility Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 3 Lines Twelve (12)Business Days 4 hrsPRI-4 to 6 Lines Sixteen (16)Business Days 4 hrsTrunks7to9LinesTwenty(20)Business Days 4 hrs Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 11 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 10 to 12 Lines Twenty four (24)Business 4 hrs Days 13 or more Lines ICB 4 hrsUNE-P Centrex 21 -1 to 10 Lines Five (5)Business Days 24 hrs OOSNonDesigned-48 hrs ASConversionsasSpecified11ormoreLinesICB24hrsOOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P Centrex 21 -1 to 10 Lines Five (5)Business Days or 24 hrs OOSNonDesigned-[Facility check Next available due date 48 hrs ASNewinstallationsindicates"Available thereafter as indicated by Dispatch Required"Appointment Scheduler. and Dispatch "Yes".] 11 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs AS UNE-P Centrex Plus /UNE-P 1 to 10 Lines -No Twenty (20)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentronOptionalFeatures48hrsAS[Centron is MN only]1 to 10 Lines -w/ICB 24 hrs OOSCommonBlockConfigurationOptionalFeatures48hrsASRequired(i.e.,ARS,DFls, -Establish Common Block SMDR,UCD,etc.) 11-21 Lines -No Twenty (20)Business Days 24 hrs OOSOptionalFeatures48hrsAS 11 to 21 Lines --ICB 24 hrs OOSw/Optional Features 48 hrs AS (i.e.,ARS,DFis, SMDR,UCD,etc.) 22 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOSwithorwithout48hrsASOptionalFeatures UNE-P Centrex Plus I UNE-P 1 to 10 Lines Twenty (20)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentron48hrsAS[Centron is MN only]11 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOSCommonBlockConfiguration48hrsASRequired -Feature Additions requiring Common Block activity per Common Block UNE-P Centrex Plus /UNE-P Per Common Block Five (5)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentron(must be existing 48 hrs AS[Centron is MN only]Line Class Common Block Configuration Codes(LCCs)/Required CATINCOS/DPAT) -Line Class Codes (LCCs)/ CATINCOS/DPAT additions/changes requiring Common Block work. If new Twenty (20)Business Days 24 hrs OOSLCC/CAT/NCOS or 48 hrs AS DPAT Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 12 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* UNE-P Centrex Plus I UNE-P New Common Twenty (20)Business Days N/ACentronBlocks&Cust ID's (after the initial Common Block[Centron is MN only](lines installed at the &associated lines areCommonBlockConfigurationsametimetheinstalled)Required Common Block is -Centrex Management System installed)(CMS) UNE-P Centrex Plus I UNE-P Tie Lines/DFl/FX Thirteen (13)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentron(may be longer due to facility 48 hrs AS[Centron is MN only]due date requirements)Common Block ConfigurationRequired -Designed Services subsequent to initial Common Blockinstallation UNE-P Centrex Plus I UNE-P Additional/New Five (5)Business Days after N/ACentronStationLinestobelineisinstalled[Centron is MN only]added to CMS No Common Block Additions Five (5)Business Days N/AConfigurationRequiredChangefromNonICBN/A -Centrex Management System Blocked to Blocked(CMS)ServiceNetworkAccessRegisters (NARs) UNE-P Centrex Plus /UNE-P 1 to 10 Lines per Five (5)Business Days or 24 hrs OOSCentronlocationNextavailableduedate48hrsAS[Centron is MN only]thereafter as indicated byNoCommonBlockAppointmentScheduler.ConfigurationRequired -Station Lines (subsequent to the establishment of the Common Block)Includes: Conversions New Lines Moves NOTE:On conversions'11 to 20 Lines per Ten (10)Business Days or 24 hrs OOS ¯ numbers are "chipped"into the location Next available due date 48 hrs ASCommonBlockatthetimeof.. ..thereafter as indicated byinstallation.Appointment Scheduler. 21 or more Lines per ICB 24 hrs OOS location 48 hrs ASUNE-P Centrex Plus /UNE-P 1 to 19 Lines Three (3)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentron48hrsAS[Centron is MN only]20 or more Lines ICB 24 hrs OOSNoCommonBlock48hrsASConfigurationRequired Line Feature changes/additions/ Removals Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 13 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* UNE-P Centrex Plus /UNE-P Tie Lines/DFI/FX Thirteen (13)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentron(may be longer due to facility 48 hrs AS[Centron is MN only]due date requirements)No Common BlockConfigurationRequired Designed Services subsequent to initial Common Block installation UNE-P Centrex Plus /UNE-P Subsequent to Twenty (20)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentronCommonBlock(may be longer if the activation 48 hrs AS[Centron is MN only]Installation of ARS is tied to a Private Line No Common Block facility installation)ConfigurationRequired Changes to Business Days:24 hrs OOSAutomaticRouteSelectionPatterns:Five (5)days 48 hrs AS(ARS)1 to 25 changes Ten (10)days 26 to 50 changes Twenty (20)days 51 or more changes Adding new Patterns Twenty (20)Business Days 24 hrs OOS 48 hrs ASUNE-P Centrex Plus I UNE-P Per Request Thirteen (13)Business Days 24 hrs OOSCentron48hrsAS[Centron is MN only] No Common BlockConfigurationRequired Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) UNE-P Centrex Plus I UNE-P Blocks Five (5)Business Days N/ACentron(No limit on amount [Centron is MN only]of numbers.) No Common BlockConfigurationRequired Additional Numbers subsequent to initial Common Block installation NOTE:Additional numbers are "chipped"into the Common Block at the time of request. Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 14 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES* 6.0 Enhanced Extended Loop Service Interval Table (EEL): RepairProductServicesOrderedInstallationCommitmentsCommitmentsEnhancedExtendedLoop1to8HighDensity:Five (5)4 hrs High(EEL)-Business Days DensityDSOorVoiceGrade Equivalent Low Density:Six (6)Business 4 hrs LowDaysDensity 9 to 16 High Density:Six (6)Business 4 hrs High Days Density Low Density:Seven (7)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 17 to 24 High Density:Seven (7)4 hrs High Business Days Density Low Density:Eight (8)4 hrs Low Business Days Density25ormoreICB4hrsEnhar¯ced Extended Loop 1 to 8 High Density:Five (5)4 hrs High(EEL)-Business Days DensityDS1 Low Density:Eight (8)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 9 to 16 High Density:Six (6)Business 4 hrs High Days Density Low Density:Nine (9)4 hrs LowBusinessDaysDensity 17 to 24 High Density:Seven (7)4 hrs High Business Days Density Low Density:Ten (10)4 hrs Low Business Days Density25ormoreICB4hrsEnhancedExtendedLoop1to3CircuitsHighDensity:Seven (7)4 hrs High(EEL)-Business Days DensityDS3 Low Density:Nine (9)4 hrs Low Business Days Density 4 or more Circuits ICB 4 hrs Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 15 EXHIBIT BSERVICEINTERVALTABLES* Enhanced Extended Loop ICB 24 hrs OOSConversions(EEL-C)-48 hrs ASPrivateLine(PLTS) -Conversion as is *Installation Guidelines apply where facilities/network capacity is in place.Where facilities/networkcapacityarenotinplace,intervals are handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB). Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit B December 10,2001 Page 16 Em -BIT C -SPECIAL REQUEST PRG-..:SS 1.The Special Request Process shall be used for the following requests: 1.1 Requesting specific product feature(s)be made available by Qwest that arecurrentlyavailableinaswitch,but which are not activated. 1.2 Requesting specific product feature(s)be made available by Qwest that are notcurrentlyavailableinaswitch,but which are availablefrom the switch vendor 1.3 Requesting a combination of Unbundled Network Elements that is a combinationnotcurrentlyofferedbyQwestasastandardproductand: 1.3.1 that is made up of UNEs that are defined by the FCC or the CommissionasanetworkelementtowhichQwestisobligatedtoprovideunbundledaccess,and; 1.3.2 that is made up of UNEs that are ordinarily combined in the Qwestnetwork. 1.4 Requesting an Unbundled Network Element that does not require a technicalfeasibilityanalysisandhasbeendefinedbytheFCCortheStateCommissionasanetworkelementtowhichQwestisobligatedtoprovideunbundledaccess,but for whichQwesthasnotcreatedastandardproduct,including,but not limited to,OC-192 (andsuchhigherbandwidthsthatmayexist)UDIT,EEL between OC-3 and OC-192 and newvarietiesofsubloops. 2.Any request that requires an analysis of Technical Feasibility shall be treated as a BonaFideRequest(BFR),and will follow the BFR Process set forth in this Agreement.If it isdeterminedthatarequestshouldhavebeensubmittedthroughtheBFRprocess,Qwest willconsidertheBFRtimeframetohavestarteduponreceiptoftheoriginalSpecialRequestapplicationform. 3.A Special Request shall be submitted in writing and on the appropriate Qwest form,which is located on Qwest's website. 4.Qwest shall acknowledge receipt of the Special Request within two (2)business days ofreceipt. 5.Qwest shall respond with an analysis,including costs and timeframes,within fifteen (15)business days of receipt of the Special Request.In the case of UNE Combinations,the analysisshallincludewhethertherequestedcombinationisacombinationofnetworkelementsthatareordinarilycombinedintheQwestnetwork.If the request is for a combination of networkelementsthatarenotordinarilycombinedintheQwestnetwork,the analysis shall indicate toCLECthatitshouldusetheBFRprocessifCLECelectstopursueitsrequest. 6.Upon request,Qwest shall provide CLEC with Qwest's supporting cost data and/orstudiesforUnbundledNetworkElementsthatCLECwishestoorderwithinseven(7)businessdays,except where Qwest cannot obtain a release from its vendors within seven (7)businessdays,in which case Qwest will make the data available as soon as Qwest receives the vendorrelease.Such cost data shall be treated as Confidential Information,if requested by Qwestunderthenon-disclosure sections of this Agreement. Qwest Idaho SGAT Second Revision,Exhibit C December 10,2001 Page 1