HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020423Amendment.pdfl0l S.Capitol Boulevard.Suite 1900STOELBoße.idaho 83702 ATTORNEYS AT LAW il22,2002 CURTIs D.McKENZIE Direct Dial (208)387-4224 emailedmckenzie@stoel.com CASE REOPENED Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No.SPR-T-01-1 Joint Application of Qwest Corporation and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.for Approval of the Advice Adoption,Amendment Language,Collocation Cancellation and Collocation Decommission Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho pursuant to 47 U.S.C.252(e) Dear Ms.Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission on behalf of Qwest Corporation and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.is an original and three (3)copies of the parties'Joint Applicationfor approval of the Advice Adoption,Amendment Language,Collocation Cancellation and Collocation Decommission Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho. The parties respectfully request that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed.Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sinc r , Enclosures cc:Debi Hartl (with pleading,with amendment)Or 3 Mr.Ken Ross (with pleading,with amendment)«a sh i n a ton Calilornia Litah Boise-138603.1 0029164-00016 I d a ho Mary S.Hobson (ISB#:2142) Curtis D.McKenzie (ISB#:5591):''3 Stoel Rives LLP 101 S.Capital Blvd.,Suite 1900 Boise,ID 83702 Tele:(208)387-4244 Mr.Ken Ross Local Market Development Sprint Communications,LP 6450 Sprint Parkway (MAILSTOP:KSOPHNO212) Overland Park,KS 66251 Tele:(913)534-6157 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST ) CORPORATION AND SPRINT ) COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY,L.P.FOR )CASE Nos.SPR-T-01-1 APPROVAL OF THE ADVICE ADOPTION,) AMENDMENT LANGUAGE,) COLLOCATION CANCELLATION AND ) COLLOCATION DECOMMISSION ) AMENDMENT TO THE ) INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR ) THE STATE OF IDAHO )CASE REOPENED PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C.§252(E)) Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"),formerly US WEST Communications,Inc.,and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.("Sprint")hereby jointly file their Application for Approval of the Advice Adoption,Amendment Language,Collocation Cancellation and Collocation Decommission Amendment ("Amendment")dated February 27,2002 to the Interconnection Agreement of December 3,2001,for the State of Idaho.A copy of the Amendment is submitted herewith. Application for Approval of the Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -1 Boise-138595.1 0029164-00016 The Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2)of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached throughvoluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that:the amendment (or portion thereof)discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement;or the implementation of such an amendment or portion is not consistent with the public interest,convenience and necessity. Sprint and Qwest respectfullysubmit that this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings,and,therefore jointly request that the Commission approve the Amendment expeditiously.The Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho,the Commission,the United States Congress,and the Federal Communications Commission.Expeditious approval of the Amendment will enable Sprint to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. Sprint and Qwest further request that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing.Because this Amendment was reached throughvoluntary negotiations,it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations.Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Application for Approval of the Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -2 Boise-138595.1 0029164-00016 Respectfully submitted this$day of April,2002. Mary S.Hobson Stoel Rives and Mr.Ken Ross Sprint Communications Company,L.P. Application for Approval of the Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -3 Boise-138595.1 0029164-00016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on thise day of April,2002,I served the foregoing JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION and SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY,L.P.FOR APPROVAL OF THE ADVICE ADOPTION,AMENDMENT LANGUAGE,COLLOCATION CANCELLATION AND COLLOCATION DECOMMISSION AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C.§252(e)upon all parties of record in this matter by mailing a copy thereof properly addressed,with postage prepaid as follows: Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Mr.Ken Ross Local Market Development Sprint Communications,L.P. 6450 Sprint Parkway (MAILSTOP:KSOPHN0212) Overland Park,KS 66251 Debi Hartl Manager -Contracts Qwest Legal Department Contract Development &Services 7800 E.Orchard Rd.,#250 Englewood,CO 801111 Stoel Rives LLP Application for Approval of the Amendment to Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and Sprint -4 Boise-138595.1 0029164-00016 Advice AdoptionLetter,Amendment Language,Collocation Cancellation and Collocation Decommission Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation andSprintCommunicationsCompany,L.P. for the State of Idaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment")to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"),a Colorado corporation,and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.("Sprint"or "CLEC").Sprint and Qwest shall be known jointly as the "Padies". RECITALS WHEREAS,Sprint and Qwest entered into an Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement")for service in the state of Idaho which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission");and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual terms,covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms and conditions for the Advice Adoption Letter process as set forth in Attachment 1 and Exhibits A &B to this Amendment,attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference,by replacing Section (A)3.26 in its entirety as specified on Attachment 2,attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference,and by adding terms and conditions for Collocation Cancellation and Collocation Decommission as set forth on Attachment 3 and Attachment 4,also attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission;however,the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution.To accommodate this need,Sprint must generate,if necessary,an updated Customer Questionnaire.In addition to the Questionnaire,all system updates will need to be completed by Qwest.Sprint will be notified when all system changes have been made.Actual order processing may begin once these requirements have been met. Further Amendments Except as modified herein,the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 1 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 Neither the Agreement nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below,in multiple counterparts,each of which is deemed an original,but all of which shallconstituteoneandthesameinstrument. Sprint Communications Company,L.P.Qwest Corporation Signature L Signature W,Richard Morris L.T.Christensen Name PrintedfTyped Name Printed/Typed Vice President -State External Affairs Director-BusinessPolicv M rch 14,2002 Title Date Date Ë / Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 2 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 Fiscal Authol,zation Financial Policy Wo.:20.1 Temporary Delegation of ApprovalAuthority Exhibit A To:SVP-Controller,Sprint i TJ.Richard Morris ,Vice President -State Externã1 Affairs Name Title in accordance with Financial Policy 20.1,Fiscal Authorization,do hereby delegate my fiscal approvalauthorityto: Ken S.Ross Director,State!External Affairs Name Title For the followingexpenditure types and amounts: Expenditure Type $Limit Interconnection Contracts $1,000,000.00 This delegation of authority is effective for the period Fores13 it,sis 2002 to and is necessary due to business and vacation (reason,e.g.,absence,vacation,etc.). March 12,2002 Signature of person receiving temporary delegation(in ink)Date Ken S.RossPrintnameofperson receiving temporary delegation (in ink) 3/12/02 Signatore of person whose authority is being delegated (in ink)Date W Richard MorrisPrintnameofpersonwhose authority is being delegated (in ink) Instructions:A copy of this completed form should accompany individual financial commitment or expendituredocumentation approved under this above temporary delegation. 1 of 1 09/15/2000 1:56 PM ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1 1.Sprint and Qwest agree that the Agreement can only be amended in writing,as set forth in Section (A)3.26 of the Agreement,executed by the duly authorized representatives of the Parties. 1.1 Notwithstanding the above,if the Commission orders,or Qwest chooses to offer and Sprint desires to purchase,new Interconnection services,access to additional Unbundled Network Elements,additional ancillary services or Telecommunications Services available for resale which are not contained in the Agreement or a Tariff,Qwest will notify Sprint of the availability of these new services through the Change Management Process ("CMP").Sprint must first complete the relevant section(s)of the New Product Questionnaire to establish ordering and billing processes.In addition,the Parties shall amend the Agreement under one (1)of the following two (2)options: 1.1.1 If Sprint is prepared to accept Qwest's terms and conditions for such new products,Sprint shall execute a form Advice Adoption Letter (the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A),to be furnished by Qwest,and include as an attachment,the discreet terms and conditions available on Qwest's wholesale web site,that Qwest has identified as pertaining to the new product.Sprint shall submit the Advice Adoption Letter to the Commission for its approval.Sprint shall also provide the Advice Adoption Letter to Qwest pursuant to the notice provisions in the Agreement and may begin ordering the new product pursuant to the terms of the Agreement as amended by such Advice Adoption Letter. 1.1.2 If Sprint wishes to negotiate an amendment with different terms and conditions than defined by Qwest for such new product,Sprint agrees to abide by those terms and conditions on an interim basis by executing the Interim Advice Adoption Letter (the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B)based upon the terms and conditions available on Qwest's wholesale web site that Qwest has identified as pertaining to the new product.The Interim Advice Adoption Letter will terminate when the final amendment is approved.The rates,and to the extent practicable,other terms and conditions contained in the final amendment will relate back to the date the Interim Advice Adoption Letter was executed.No new product offering or accompanying Interim Advice Adoption Letter will be construed to limit or add to any rates,terms or conditions existing in the Agreement. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 3 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 EXHIBIT A ADVICE ADOPTION LETTER Director of Interconnection Compliance C/O Heidi Higer Qwest 1801 California,Room 2410 Denver,CO 80202 Re:Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")New Product: Dear Sir or Madam: By its signature below,("Sprint")hereby agrees to be bound by the rates,terms and conditions that Qwest has offered and provided on its Web Site for the New Qwest Product identified above as an amendment to its InterconnectionAgreement with Qwest for the state(s)of Sprint certifies that the rates,terms,and conditions contained on Attachment A (attached hereto)are the rates,terms and conditions contained on Qwest's web site that have beenprovidedfortheNewProductidentifiedabove. Sprint By: Title: Date: Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/lD 4 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 EXHIBlT B INTERIM ADVICE ADOPTION LETTER Director of Interconnection Compliance C/O Heidi Higer Qwest 1801 California,Room 2410 Denver,CO 80202 Re:Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")New Product: Dear Sir or Madam: By its signature below,("Sprint")hereby agrees to be bound by the rates,terms and conditions that Qwest has offered and provided on its Web Site for the New Qwest Product identified above as an interim amendment to its Interconnection Agreement with Qwest for the state(s)of Sprint certifies that the rates,terms,and conditions contained on Attachment A (attached hereto)are the rates,terms and conditions contained on Qwest's web site that have been provided for the New Product identified above. Qwest acknowledges that Sprint believes that the rates,terms and conditions for the Qwest New Product should be altered and that Sprint enters into this Interim Advice Adoption Letter with the express intention to renegotiate the rates,terms and conditions associated with the Qwest New Product pursuant to the terms of the Advice Adoption Letter Amendment executed by the Parties.Sprint enters into this Interim Advice Adoption Letter without prejudice to or waiver of any of its rights to challenge the terms and conditions of this Interim Advice Adoption Letter under the Interconnection Agreement,the Act,FCC or state Commission rules. Sprint By: Title: Date: Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/lD 5 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 2 The Parties to this Amendment agree that Section (A)3.26,Amendment,of the Agreement is replaced in its entirety with the following language: (A)3.26 -Amendment Either Party may request an amendment to this Agreement at any time by providing to the other Party in writing information about the desired amendment and proposed language changes.If the Parties have not reached agreement on the requested amendment within sixty (60)calendar Days after receipt of the request,either Party may pursue resolution of the amendment through the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 6 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 Collocation Cancellation If terms and conditions for Collocation Cancellation are included in the CLEC Interconnection Agreement,and those terms differ from those set forth in this document,the terms of the Interconnection Agreement will prevail. 1.Description 1.1 Cancellation is available for all Collocation sites under a particular Billing Authorization Number (BAN)for which the CLEC has not received notification of completion from Qwest.A Cancellation will only occur upon request by the canceling CLEC. 1.2 Cancellation is offered for Caged Physical,Cageless Physical,Virtual,and ICDF Collocation. 1.3 All other types of collocation to be cancelled will be handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB)by contacting the appropriate Qwest Wholesale Collocation Project Manager. 1.4 A request for Cancellation is irrevocable once Qwest has accepted the application. 2.Terms and Conditions 2.1 The canceling CLEC,may only submit a Cancellation Application if a Collocation quote has been accepted and the initial payment has been paid.The collocation Cancellation may only be initiated if the Collocation job is in progress and not yet complete. 2.2 Qwest will stop work on a job in progress upon receipt and acceptance by Qwest of a valid Cancellation Application. 2.3 Based on when the Cancellation Application is received by Qwest,the completion status of the Collocation job and the determination of the amount paid to Qwest,the following will occur:Qwest will cancel the Collocation job in progress,conduct an inventory,and issue a final revised quote setting forth the amount due or the appropriate adjustments.The revised final quote will be issued within 30 calendar days of Qwest's acceptance of the Cancellation Application. 2.4 The Quote Preparation Fee (QPF)for the original Collocation Request must be paid,if the job is cancelled. 2.5 In the event Splitter Collocation with the BAN of the collocation site is to be canceled, such Splitter Collocation will be cancelled automatically pursuant to the submitted Cancellation Application. 2.6 In the event that CLEC has requested Direct CLEC-to-CLEC with the BAN of the collocation site to be cancelled,such Direct CLEC-to-CLEC will be cancelled automatically pursuant to the submitted Cancellation Application. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 7 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 ATTACHMENT 3 3.Rate Elements 3.1 Pursuant to the standard terms of the Facility Cancellation Agreement,Qwest will not charge for the cancellation service except as specifically provided herein. 4.Ordering 4.1 Cancellation requires submission of a "Cancellation,Decommission,Change ofResponsibilityApplicationForm". 4.1.1 The Application form is located on the Qwest web site at: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/pcat/collocation.html 4.1.2 The Application must be submitted to colo qwest.com and rfsmet@qwest.com 4.1.3 Qwest will follow its standard Cancellation order validation procedures,providing acknowledgment of acceptance or rejection within one business day of receipt of a valid and complete Application. 5.Procedures 5.1 Upon receipt and acceptance by Qwest of the Cancellation Application,Qwest will cease all work,with the exception of the elements that are then in the process of being built.The installation of such elements will be completed and CLEC will be billed accordingly. 5.2 Upon Cancellation,materials owned by CLEC and utilized in building the Collocation site will not be returned unless CLEC requests their return in writing (indicated in the Notes section on the Cancellation,Decommission,Change of ResponsibilityApplication Form). 5.3 In the situation where CLEC equipment is on the site prior to the scheduled "Ready For Service"(RFS)date,CLEC shall be notified to remove CLEC equipment. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 8 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 4 Collocation Decommission If terms and conditions for Collocation Decommissioning are included in the CLEC Interconnection Agreement,and those terms differ from those set forth in this document,then the terms of the InterconnectionAgreement will prevail. 1.Description 1.1 Decommissioning refers to the deactivation of a Collocation site occupied by CLEC and removal of CLEC equipment there from. 1.2 Decommissioning is offered for Caged Physical,Cageless Physical,Virtual,and ICDF Collocation. 1.3 All other types of collocation to be decommissioned will be handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB)by contacting the appropriate Qwest Wholesale Project Manager (WPM). 1.4 A request for Decommissioning is irrevocable once Qwest accepts the application. 2.Terms and Conditions 2.1 A Collocation site will be considered eligible for decommissioning after the site is built- out and accepted by CLEC.See completion and account billing process in the Qwest Product Catalog (PCAT). 2.2 Qwest requests the vacating CLEC remove equipment prior to submitting a DecommissioningRequest. 2.3 If CLEC does not remove equipment within thirty calendar days from Qwest's acceptance of the Decommissioning Application,Qwest will send a notification stating the equipment is considered abandoned. 2.3.1 Upon receiving notification of abandonment from Qwest,CLEC will have fifteen calendar days to notify Qwest that the equipment is not abandoned and remove equipment. 2.3.2 Qwest will review CLEC responses and assess if the equipment has been abandoned in Qwest's reasonable discretion.If CLEC does not remove the equipment in question and Qwest determines that the same has been abandoned,Qwest will send a final notification and bill for the labor charges associated with Qwest's removal of the abandoned equipment. 2.3.3 In the case of Virtual Collocation,Qwest will automatically remove all equipment within ninety calendar days. Qwest will negotiate with CLEC for the pick up of the equipment. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 9 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 ATTACHMENT 4 For Virtual Collocation,there will be no cost for the removal of CLECequipment. 2.4 Prior to submitting a Decommissioning Request,financial obligations with respect to thecollocationsitetobedecommissionedmustbecurrent,with the exception of formally disputed charges. 2.4.1 CLEC financial obligations include payment of 100%of all non-recurring quoted charges and all applicable monthly recurring charges that are more than 30 days past due. 2.5 CLEC must disconnect all services from the Collocation site to be decommissioned prior to submitting the Decommissioning Request.Services to be disconnected by CLEC include,but are not limited to:Unbundled Network Elements,administrative lines,finished services,and line sharing services.Services will need to be disconnected via ASR/LSR.If CLEC does notdisconnectservices,all charges with respect to such site will continue to accrue and the Decommissioning Application will be rejected. 2.6 Prior to disconnecting the circuits associated with the Collocation site CLEC must notify, in writing,all current end users and service customers of the discontinuation of service. 2.7 CLEC must submit an e-mail notification attached to the Decommissioning RequestrepresentingtoQwestthatallendusersandservicecustomershavebeenproperlynotified. Failure to include such representation will result in the rejection of the Decommissioning Request. 2.8 Terms in the Interconnection Agreement with Qwest must contain finalized terms and conditions associated with the decommissioning of a collocation site. 2.9 When submitting a Decommissioning Request for a Collocation site that also has a Direct CLEC-to-CLEC arrangement: 2.9.1 Qwest requires that the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC Connection be disconnected at the same time that Qwest performs the decommissioning. 2.9.2 The CLEC submitting the Decommissioning Request must: Submit a Letter of Authorization signed by both the vacating CLEC and partnering CLEC that authorizes Qwest to disconnect the installed Direct CLEC- to-CLEC cabling. If a copy of the required Letter of Authorization is not attached to the Decommissioning Request,the application will be rejected as incomplete. 2.10 CLEC will be eligible for reimbursement on the re-usable elements (cable terminations including DSO,DS1,DS3,fiber terminations,and splitter cabling)for up to one calendar year from the Decommission Application submit date.An inventory will be completed by Qwest and furnished within 90 calendar days of the Decommission Application acceptance identifying the re-useable elements and the potential credit. Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 10 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002 ATTACHMENT 4 2.11 CLEC is required to return the space to turnover condition.Turnover condition is defined as the same condition in which CLEC originally assumed the Collocation site. 3.Rate Elements 3.1 Under the standard terms of the Facility Decommissioning Agreement,Qwest will not charge for the decommissioning service provided herein,unless equipment has been abandoned or the Collocation space has not been returned to turnover condition. Rates : 3.1.1 Miscellaneous labor hourly charges as defined below will apply, 3.1.2 Additional dispatch charges,will apply for unmanned offices,as defined below. 4.Ordering 4.1 The decommission process requires the submission of a "Cancellation,Decommission, Change of ResponsibilityApplication Form". 4.1.1 The Application form is located on the Qwest web at: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/pcat/collocation.html 4.1.2 The Decommissioning Application should be submitted to:colo@qwest.com and rfsmet@qwest.com. 4.1.3 Qwest will notify CLEC within one business day if the prerequisites have been met.Qwest will validate the order within two business days from receipt of the application. Idaho *Per 1/2 hour or fraction Recurring Non Recurring thereof *Additional Labor Other -Basic $28.50 1 *Additional Labor Other -Overtime $38.06 1 *Additional Labor Other -Premium $47.64 1 Additional Dispatch $86.88 1 [1]Rates addressed in Cost Docket 6/29/01.(TELRIC) Advice Adoption-Colos Amd Sprint/ID 11 Amendment to CDS-010905-0050/dhd/2-27-2002