HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011009Application (Part C).pdfPart F Ancillary Services Coordinated Out of Hour Cuts areaccomplishedduringthebusinessdaypriortothecut.Questions orissuesregardingthecutshallbeaddressedthefollowingbusinessday. (F) Sprint will not incur additionalchargesforNon-Coordinated Out of Hours Cuts. (F) Order Process Sprint shall request Out of Hours Cuts bysubmittingaLocalServiceRequest(LSR)anddesignatinga1:00 a.m.FDT (Frame Due Time)which is outside of normal business hours.In theremarkssectionoftheLSR,Sprint will mark therequestasan"Out of Hours Cut,"and will identifythetypeofcut(e.g.,Non-Coordinated)in theremarkssectionoftheLSR. (F) Installation Intervals for non-coordinated INP willbefoundintheQwestInterconnectResourceGuideunderServiceIntervals.InstallationintervalsforcoordinatedcutoverswillbenegotiatedbetweentheParties. (F)1.3 Rate Elements For purposes of this Agreement,the Parties agree that the following coststructureisanacceptablemeasureofthecostsincurredbytheINPProvider.Cost recovery guidelines are pending FCC and/or Commissionrulings.Final,approved FCC cost guidelines or Commission imposed rateswillapplywhenavailable. (F)1.3.1 Number Ported -This cost is incurred per number ported,permonthperserviceorder.This cost represents a single call pathfromtheINPProvider's end office switch to the INP Requestorfortheportablenumber. (F)1.3.2 Additional Number Ported -This cost is incurred per month,per additional call path added to a particular ported telephonenumber. (F)1.3.3 Service Establishment -Per Route,Per Switch.This non-recurring cost is incurred for each INP Provider's end officeswitchthatisequippedtoprovideINPtotheINPRequestor. (F)1.3.4 Service Establishment -Per number ported or changes toexistingnumbers.This non-recurring cost is for every serviceorderissuedonINP. Page 196 Part F Ancillary Services (F)1.3.5 Each of the above costs shall be borne by the INP Requestor. (F)1.3.6 Switched Access Revenues Qwest and Sprint agree to use the previous Qwest and Sprint1997arbitrateddecisions,specific to the allocation of switchedaccessrevenuesforINP,in each of the 14 states within theQwestterritory,with the exception of Utah,where Sprint will usethestandardQwestformula,as set forth in Exhibit A. (F) Once the end office switch is converted to LocalNumberPortability(LNP),the switched accesscompensationwillnotbepassedtoSprint. (F) The Switched Access rate elements are identified in Qwest's Switched Access Tariff. (F) Qwest will use ARMIS data to determine theaverageMinutesofUse("MOU")by jurisdiction.ARMIS data is updated on a yearly basis.Average MOUs are used due to systemlimitations. (F) The number of lines to be used in the formula willbeextractedfromtheQwestcorporatedatawarehouseonceeachmonth.This databasecontainsbilledinformationforpostedorders. (F) Switched Access revenues will not be shared fortrafficthatissubjecttoreciprocalcompensation. (F) The formula populated with the appropriate datafortheprecedingmonthwillbeprovidedtoSprinttosupportthepayment.The pass throughamountswillbepaidbycheckandmailedtoSprintbytheendofthemonth.Disputes will beprocessedasthoughthiscreditedamountwereabilledamountunderthisAgreement. (F) This section is applicable for the states of Arizona(Arbitration Order Issue 3,pp.6-7);Oregon(Arbitration Order,Issue 2 at p.4);Washington(Arbitration Order,issue 2,at p.4);and Nebraska(Arbitration Order,Issue 4,p.16). (F) The Parties will establish a meetpointrelationship. Page 197 Part F Ancillary Services (F) Sprint will receive the end office charges (local switching),CCL andterminationcharges. (F) Transport will be shared by the Parties and charged on a meet pointbasistotheultimateenduserswitch on a percentage of route milesprovided. (F) Tandem switching will be recovered by Qwest along with the entrancefacilitycharges. (F) This section is applicable for the state of Colorado(Arbitration Order,Issue IV,at pages 10-13). (F) Sprint will receive the end office charges (local switching),CCL andterminationcharges. (F) Transport will be charged solely by Qwest until such time as Sprint files an appropriate access tariff and it isapprovedbytheCommission. (F) Tandem switching will be recovered by Qwest. (F) Qwest shall be entitled to the access revenues for local transport and anyadditionalswitchingandtransportfor RCF through the RCF cost recovery mechanism determined in Docket No.96S-250T. (F) This section is applicable for the state ofMinnesota(Arbitration Order,pages 14-15).ForSprintfacilities-based services and services builtwithcost-based,unbundled elements,Sprint isentitledtobothoriginatingandterminatingaccesschargesassociatedwithcallsterminatingtoported numbers assigned to Sprint subscribers.QwestretainsaccesschargeswhenSprintserviceisprovidedbyarebrandedwholesaleQwestsentice. In addition,pursuant to 47 CFR &51.515 whereQwestswitchingisusedpriortoJune30,1997,CCL and seventy-five percent (75%)of TlCchargeswillbepaidbySprinttoQwest. Page 198 Part F Ancillary Services (F) This section is applicable for the state of SouthDakota(Order in the AT&T/Qwest arbitration,Docket No.TC96-184,dated March 20,1997,Paragraph 218).The terminating carrier shallreceivethecarriercommonlineandlocalswitchingcharges.Transport charges shall besharedbasedonthemeetpointbillingarrangement. (F) This section is applicable for the state of NorthDakota(Arbitrator's Decision in the AT&T/Qwestarbitration,Case No.PU-453-96-497,dated March19,1997,pp.59-60).Qwest shall receivetransportchargesforeachportedinterexchangetollcall.Qwest and Sprint shall equally share theswitchingchargesforeachportedinterexchangetollcall.Sprint shall receive the Carrier CommonLineCharges(CCLCs)for each portedinterexchangetollcall. (F) This section is applicable for the state of NewMexico(Order in the AT&T/Qwest arbitration,Docket No.96-411-TC,dated March 20,1997,paragraph 330.Qwest will receive all revenueassociatedwiththetransportandswitchingofportedinterexchangetollcalls.Qwest will creditSprintwiththeapplicableCarrierCommonLineCharges(CCLCs). (F) This section is applicable for the state of Wyoming(Order in the AT&T/Qwest arbitration Docket Nos.70000-TF-96-319 and 72000-TF-96-95,datedApril23,1997,Priority 10,pp.34-38).TheterminatingcarrierclosesttotheenduserwillreceivetherevenueattributabletoswitchingchargesandtheCarrierCommonLineCharge(CCLC)for each ported interexchange toll call.Each Party will receive the revenue attributable to its portion of the transport charges for each portedinterexchangetollcall.Each carrier shall chargeone-half of its normal Residual interconnectionCharge(RIC). (F) This section is applicable for the state of Idaho(First Order Addressing Substantive ArbitrationissuesintheAT&T/Qwest arbitration,Docket No.Qwest-T-96-15/ATT-T-96-2,dated March 24,1997,Issue No.46,p.39).Until such time asthereisafinalandgenerallyapplicablemethodofcostallocation,Qwest and Sprint shall each beresponsibleforandshalltracktheirrespective Page 199 Part F Ancillary Services costs of providing number portability.When adefinitivemethodisdetermined,Qwest shall recover efficiently incurred costs for providing number portability for the period during whichrecoveryhasbeenheldinabeyance. (F) This section is applicable for the state of Montana. The Parties shall incorporate the language orprovisionsconcerningthisissueapprovedororderedbytheCommissionfollowingapprovaloftheexecutedagreementintheAT&T/Qwest arbitration,Docket No.D96.11.200 as such may be changed on reconsideration or rehearing.If theAT&T/Qwest interconnection agreement does not contain such language or provisions,Sprint mayrequestarbitrationoftheissuebythe Commission.For purposes of Section 252(b)oftheTelecommunicationsActof1996,the date oftherequestfornegotiationonthisissueshallbe deemed to be the date of execution of theStipulationandAgreementintheMatterofSprintCommunicationsCompanyL.P.'s Petition orArbitrationofInterconnectionRates,Terms,Conditions and Related Arrangements with Qwest Communications,Inc.Pursuant to 47 U.S.C.252, Docket No.D97. (F) This section is applicable for the state of lowa (AT&T/Qwest Interconnection Agreement -lowa,dated December 13,1996,Attachment 9,section 3.6.4,p.13).Qwest shall share with Sprint as the local senrice provider of the ported-to-number,in accordance with the FCC's Order on NumberPortability(Docket 95-116,paragraph 116)theterminatingaccesschargesforcallstransportedfromtheinterexchangecarriertotheported switch. (F)1.3.7 Rates are contained in Part H of this Agreement. (F)1.4 Ordering (F)1.4.1 The INP Requestor is responsible for all dealings with and onbehalfofitsendusers,including all end user account activity(e.g.end user inquiries and complaints). (F)1.4.3 The INP Provider will work cooperatively with the INPRequestortoensureasmoothendusertransitionandtoavoidunnecessaryduplicationofotherfacilities(e.g.,Loops). Page 200 Part F Ancillary Services (F)1.4.4 ff an end user requests transfer of service from the INPRequestorbacktotheINPProvider,the INP Provider may relyonthatenduserrequesttoinstitutecancellationoftheINPservice.The INP Provider will provide at least forty-eight (48)hours notice to the INP Requestor of the cancellation of INPservice,and will work cooperatively with the INP Requestor toensureasmoothendusertransitionandtoavoidunnecessaryduplicationofotherfacilities(e.g.,Loops). (F)1.4.5 Certain features are not available on calls passed through INPservice. (F)1.4.6 The INP Requestor's designated INP switch must returnansweranddisconnectsupervisiontotheINPProvider'sswitch. (F)1.4.7 Sprint shall have the right to use the existing Qwest 911infrastructureforall911capabilities.With respect to 911senticeassociatedwithportednumbersunderINP,Qwestagreesthatallporteddirectorynumbers(DN)will remain in thePublicServiceAnsweringPoints(PSAP)routing databases,until Sprint instructs Qwest differently.When RCF is used,both the ported numbers and shadow numbers for Sprint portedsubscribersshallbestoredinPSAPdatabases.Sprint shallhavetherighttoverifytheaccuracyoftheinformationinthePSAPdatabases. The INP Requestor will provide to the E911 database providerthenetworktelephonenumberthattheINPRequestorassignedtotheINPProvider-assigned,ported telephonenumber.Updates to and maintenance of the INP information totheE911databasearetheresponsibilityoftheINPRequestor.For consistency in administration,it is recommended that theINPRequestorenterintoaseparateagreementwiththeE911databaseprovider. (F)1.4.8 The INP Requestor will submit to the INP Provider a disconnectorderforeachportednumberthatisrelinquishedbytheINPRequestor's end users. (F)2.Local Number Portability (F)2.1 Upon implementation of Local Number Portability (LNP)pursuant to FCCregulations,both Parties agree to conform and provide such LNP.BothPartieswillalsoconformtoLNPindustry,Western Region LLC and stateguidelinesandagreementsincludingbutnotlimitedtotherequirementthatthePartiesobtainanLRN(Local Routing Number)for each toll rate center inwhichtheyprovideLNP.Qwest may charge any non-recurring andmiscellaneousLNPchargesinaccordancewithitstariffsorasmaybeagreedtobytheParties.Qwest and Sprint agree to one LRN per ratecenter. Page 201 Part F Ancillary Services (F)2.2 Once LNP is implemented pursuant to FCC or Commission regulation,either Party may withdraw,at any time,its INP offerings,subject to advancenoticetotheotherPartyandcoordinationtoallowtheseamlessandtransparentconversionofINPendusernumberstoLNP. (F)2.3 Qwest shall be the default carrier for LNP queries where Sprint is unable toperformitsownquery.Sprint shall be the default carrier for LNP querieswhereQwestisunabletoperformitsownquery.Qwest query services aredefinedinFCCTariffNo.5;default LNP End Office and Tandem QueryChargesarecontainedinSection13(Miscellaneous Service)and LNPDatabaseQueryChargesarecontainedinSection20(CCSAC ServiceApplications). (F)2.4 The LNP network architecture shall not subject alternate local exchangecarrierstoanydegradationofservicecomparedtoQwestinanyrelevantmeasure,including transmission quality,switching and transport costs,increased call set-up time and post-dial delay. (F)2.5 When an office is equipped with LNP,all NXXs in the office shall be definedasportableandtranslationswillbechangedintheParties'switches to openthoseNXXsfordatabasequeries.An NXX will be activated for LNP within180daysofthefirstrequestforLNPthatisreceivedforthatNXX.ThisprovisionisnottobeinterpretedtochangelocalcallingareaboundariesforeitherParty. (F)2.6 Sprint shall have the right to use the existing Qwest 911 infrastructure for all911capabilities.With respect to 911 service associated with portednumbersunderLNP,Qwest agrees that all ported directory numbers (DN)will remain in the Public Service Answering Points (PSAP)routingdatabases,until Sprint instructs Qwest differently.When RCF is used,boththeportednumbersandshadownumbersforSprintpodedsubscribersshallbestoredinPSAPdatabases.Sprint shall have the right to verify theaccuracyoftheinformationinthePSAPdatabases. (F)2.7 The LNP Requestor will provide to the E911 database provider the networktelephonenumberthattheLNPRequestorassignedtotheLNPProvider-assigned,ported telephone number.Updates to and maintenance of theLNPinformationtotheE911databasearetheresponsibilityoftheLNPRequestor.For consistency in administration,it is recommended that theLNPRequestorenterintoaseparateagreementwiththeE911databaseprovider. (F)3.911/E911 Service (F)3.1 Description (F)3.1.1 911 and E911 provides an end user access to the applicableemergencyservicebureau,where available,by dialing a 3-digituniversaltelephonenumber(911). Page 202 Part F Ancillary Services (F)3.1.2 Automatic Location identification/Data Management System(ALl/DMS).The ALl/DMS database contains end userinformation(including name,address,telephone information,and sometimes special information from the local serviceproviderorenduser)used to determine to which Public SafetyAnsweringPoint(PSAP)to route the call.The ALl/DMSdatabaseisusedtoprovidemoreroutingflexibilityforE911callsthanBasic911. (F)3.1.3.Qwest has contracted E911 database services with a thirdpartyagent("Qwest agent"),which has day to day responsibilityforadministrationoftheALl/DMS database.Should Qwest nolongerhavetheagencyrelationship,then all references toQwestagentinthisSectionshallbeunderstoodtobeareferencetoQwest. (F)3.2 Terms and Conditions (F)3.2.1 Basic 911 directly connects to the PSAP 911 calls from one ormorelocalexchangeswitchesthatserveageographicarea.E911 provides additional selective routing flexibility for 911calls.E911 uses end user data,contained in the ALl/DMS,todeterminetowhichPublicSafetyAnsweringPoint(PSAP)toroutethecall. (F)3.2.2 E911 functions provided to Sprint shall be consistent with thesup¢ort and services that Qwest provides to its end users forsuchsimilarfunctionality. (F)3.2.3 Qwest shall conform to all state regulations concerningemergencyservices. (F)3.2.4 Qwest shall route E911 calls to the appropriate PSAP. (F)3.2.5 For E911 Resale orders,Qwest shall use its current serviceorderprocesstoupdateandmaintainenduserinformationintheALl/DMS database. (F)3.2.6 ff required by Sprint,Qwest shall interconnect direct trunks fromSprint's network to the Basic 911 PSAP,or the E911 tandem.Such trunks may alternatively be provided by Sprint. (F)3.2.7 When Qwest is responsible for administering the ALl/DMSdatabaseinitsentirety,entries for the poned numbers shouldbemaintainedunlessSprintrequestsotherwiseandshallbeupdatedifSprintsorequests.Sprint shall provide informationinputfortheALl/DMS database for ported numbers. (F)3.2.8 When Remote Call Forwarding (RCF)is used to providenumberportabilitytotheenduserandaremarkorotherappropriatefieldinformationisavailableinthedatabase,the Page 203 Part F Ancillary Services shadow or "forwarded-to"number and an indication that thenumberisportedshallbeaddedtotheenduserrecordbySprint. (F)3.2.9 Sprint exchanges to be included in Qwest's E911 Databasewillbeindicatedviawrittennoticetotheappropriate911authority(state agency or PSAP administrator),where required, and will not require an amendment to this Agreement. (F)3.2.10 In counties where Qwest has obligations under existingagreementsastheprimaryproviderofthe911systemtothecounty,Sprint will participate in the provision of the 911 System as described below. (F) Each Party will be responsible for those portions of the 911 system for which it has total control,including any necessary maintenance to each Party's portion of the 911 system. (F) Qwest,or its agent,will be responsible formaintainingtheE911database.Qwest,or its agent,will provide to Sprint an initial copy of themostrecentMasterStreetAddressGuide (MSAG),and subsequent versions on a quarterly basis,at no charge.MSAGs provided outside thequarterlyschedulewillbeprovidedandcharged on an individual case basis.To the extent that Qwest provides other CLECs reports on a more frequent basis without charging for those reports, Qwest will do the same for Sprint.The data will beprovidedincomputerreadableformatusingthe current NENA format.Qwest shall provide Sprint access to the Master Street and Address GuidecompatiblewiththeaccessQwestprovidesto itself. (F) Sprint will negotiate directly with the PSAP fordeterminationofenduserlocationdataandtheappropriateemergencyserviceproviderfortheALl/DMS database. (F) For Sprint end user telephone number and routing updates,Sprint will negotiate directly with Qwest'sagentfortheinputandvalidationofthisenduserdataintotheALI/DMS database. (F) In most cases,in the Qwest territory the selective routing table updates and the ALl/DMS database will be managed by the same provider.Sprint assumes all responsibility for the accuracy of the data that Sprint provides for MSAG preparation Page 204 Part F Ancillary Services and E911 Database operation.Qwest's agent andSprintshallarrangefortheautomatedinputandperiodicupdatingoftheE911databaseinformationrelatedtoSprintendusers.Qwest'sagentshallworkcooperativelywithSprintto ensure the accuracy of the data transfer byverifyingitagainsttheMSAG.Qwest's agent shallacceptelectronicallytransmittedfilesormagnetictapethatconformtoNationalEmergencyNumberAssociation(NENA)format. (F) Sprint will provide end user data to Qwest's agentforQwestALI/DMS database utilizing currentNENAstandards,including RecommendedFormatsForDataExchange,RecommendedStandardForStreetThoroughfareAbbreviations,and Recommended Protocols For Data Exchange.Qwest will furnish Sprint any variations to NENArecommendationsrequiredforALl/DMS databaseinput. (F) Sprint will provide end user data to Qwest's agentforQwest's ALl/DMS database that are MSAGvalidandmeetallcomponentsoftheNENA Recommended Measurements For Data Qualitystandard. (F) Sprint will update its end user records provided toQwest's agent for Qwest's ALl/DMS database toagreewiththe911MSAGstandardsforitsservice areas. (F) Qwest will provide Sprint with the identification oftheQwest911tandemthatsenteseachgeographicareaservedbySprint. (F) The Parties will cooperate in the routing of 911trafficinthoseinstanceswheretheALl/ANIinformationisnotavailableonapadicular911call. (F) The primary 911 provider will provide the other Party with the ten-digit telephone numbers ofeachPSAPagency,for which the primary 911providerprovidesthe911function.ThesenumberscanbeusedbytheotherPartytoacquireemergencytelephonenumberssothatParty's operators can handle emergency calls in thoseinstanceswherethatParty's end user dials "O" instead of "911". Page 205 Part F Ancillary Services (F)3.2.11 If a third party (i.e.,LEC),is the primary service provider to acounty,Sprint will negotiate separately with such third partywithregardtotheprovisionof911servicetothecounty.AllrelationsbetweensuchthirdpartyandSprintaretotallyseparatefromthisAgreementandQwestmakesnorepresentationsonbehalfofthethirdparty. (F)3.2.12 If Sprint is the primary service provider to the county,Sprint andQwestwillnegotiatethespecificprovisionsnecessaryforproviding911servicetothecountyandwillincludesuchprovisionsinanamendmenttothisAgreement. (F)3.2.13 Sprint will separately negotiate with each county regarding thecollectionandreimbursementtothecountyofapplicableend user taxes for 911 service. (F)3.2.14 Sprint is responsible for network management of its networkcomponentstomeetthenetworkstandardsofQwestfor911calldelivery,which may also require compliance with theNetworkReliabilityCouncilRecommendations. (F)3.2.15 The Parties shall provide a single point of contact to coordinateallactivitiesunderthisAgreement. (F)3.2.16 Neither Party will reimburse the other for any expenses incurred in the provision of E911 services equal to the level of serviceprovidedbyQwesttoitself. (F)3.2.17 Pedormance Criteria.E911 Database accuracy shall be as setforthbelow: (F) Accuracy of ALl/DMS data will be measured jointly by the PSAPs and Qwest's database provider in aformatsuppliedbyQwest.The reports shall beforwardedtoSprintbyQwest's database provider when relevant and will indicate incidents when incorrect or no ALl/DMS data is displayed. (F) Each discrepancy report will be jointly researched by Qwest and Sprint.Corrective action will betakenimmediatelybytheresponsibleParty. (F) Each Party will be responsible for the accuracy of its end user records.Each Party specifically agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other Party from any claims,damages,or suits related to the accuracy of end user data provided forinclusionintheE911Database. (F)3.2.18 911 Information Page 206 Part F Ancillary Services (F) The Parties shall not use information providedunderthissectionforanyotherpurposethan911. (F) Qwest will provide Sprint the locations of QwestE911tandemswithCLLIcodes. (F) Qwest rate center information may be found in theLERG.Qwest wire center information may befoundintheGeneralExchangeTariff.ThePartiesimplementationteamswillwork cooperatively to address questions and concernsregardingthisinformation. (F) Qwest account team will work cooperatively toreview,where available,Qwest NXX overlay mapsanddetailedQwestNXXboundaries,as well as,where available,Qwest network map to confirmdiverseroutingforpurposesof911serviceprovisioning.The Parties will work together withthePSAPs,as necessary,to negotiate changes todiverserouting. (F) Qwest shall provide a point-of-contact for eachdatabaseadministrator,where Qwest is theprimary911provider.Qwest shall identify which Qwest ALl/DMS databases cover which states,counties,or parts thereof,and identify a point ofcontactforeachdatabaseadministrator. (F) Qwest will provide,at Sprint's request,interconnection to 911 selective routing switch (tandem)to route calls from the Sprint network tothecorrectPublicSafetyAnsweringPoint ("PSAP"). (F) Qwest must provide sufficient planning informationregardinganyanticipatednetworkimpactstotheE911networkwhichaffectsSprint. (F) Once a PSAP has identified their default PSAP toQwest,Qwest will provide translations for routing 911 calls to that default PSAP,as necessary.Qwest will work cooperatively with Sprint toprovidecurrentinformationthatQwesthasavailableregardingdefaultPSAPs.Sprint willcommittoverifyPSAPdefaults,as necessary. (F)4.Directory Assistance Qwest shall provide non-discriminatory access to Directory Assistance on an unbundledbasistoSprintfortheprovisionoftelecommunicationsservicesunlessQwestprovides Page 207 Part F Ancillary Services Sprint with Customized Routing or a compatible signaling protocol.Alternatively,uponrequest,Qwest shall make available to Sprint Directory Assistance Services underSection251(b)of the Act,at market rate.In the event Qwest is unable to provideCustomizedRoutingorcompatiblesignalingprotocoltoSprint,Qwest will provideDirectoryAssistanceonthefollowingterms: (F)4.1 Description (F)4.1.1 Directory Assistance (DA)service is a telephone number,voiceinformationservicethatQwestprovidestootherTelecommunicationsCarriersanditsownendusers. (F) Local Directory Assistance service permits Sprint'senduserstoreceivepublishedandnon-listedtelephonenumberswithintheirNPAorLATA,whichever is greater.The telephone numbersprovidedareonlythosecontainedinQwest's current DA database. (F) If Sprint selects the National Directory Assistanceserviceoption,the geographic area shall beexpandedtoincludetheentireUnitedStates.Thetelephonenumbersprovidedarethosecontained in Qwest's DA database as well as that of itsselectednationallistingsvendor. (F)4.1.2 In all cases of directory assistance service provided by QwesttoSprintpursuanttothisAgreement,and Local Services thatSprintoffersforresaleshall,at Sprint's sole discretion,bebrandedexclusivelyasSprintservices,or otherwise,as Sprintshalldetermine,as long as it is in compliance with theIntellectualPropertysection,at Sprint's expense.InaccordancewithFCCrules,if Qwest is unable to offer brandingofSprintservices,it shall unbrand all such services for itself and all other parties. (F)4.1.3 If Sprint elects to receive the custom Call Branding option, Qwest will provide custom Call Branding to Sprint,wheretechnicallyfeasible.Custom Call Branding provides the announcement of Sprint's name to Sprint's end user during theintroductionofthecallandatthecompletionofthecall. Custom Call Branding is an optional service available to Sprint. (F)4.1.4 If Sprint elects to receive the intraLATA Call Completionserviceoption,Qwest will provide Call Completion service,where available,using the Qwest intraLATA Toll network which allows Sprint's end user the option of completing the call to therequestednumberwithouthavingtooriginateanothercall.CallCompletionisanoptionalserviceavailabletoSprint. Page 208 Part F Ancillary Services (F)4.1.5 Directory Service shall provide up to two listing requests percalland,where available,at present or in the future,and ifrequested,shall complete the call to one of the providedlistings. (F)4.1.6 Qwest will design its network and processes to provideequivalentspeed-to-answer times as it provides its customers. (F)4.2 Terms and Conditions Qwest will provide access to Directory Assistance service via dedicatedmulti-frequency (MF)operator service trunks purchased from Qwest orprovidedbySprint.These operator service trunks will be connected directlytoQwest's Directory Assistance host switch or directly to a remote DirectoryAssistanceswitchviathetrunkside.Sprint will be required to order orprovideanOperatorServicetrunkforeachNPAserved. (F)4.2.1 Upon Sprint acceptance of Qwest price quotation and wheretechnicallyfeasible(at present or in the future),Qwest shallrouteSprintcustomerDAcallstoSprintDAcenters.Sprint willpaythereasonableandappropriatecoststoobtainthisservice. (F)4.3 Rate Elements The following rates are contained in Part H of this Agreement. (F)4.3.1 A per call rate is applicable for Local Directory Assistance andNationalDirectoryAssistanceServiceselectedbySprint.ThepercallrateincludesrecurringbrandingandcallcompletionchargesandmaybechangedfromtimetotimebyQwestandsuchchangesmayvaryfromstatetostate,but only upon thirty(30)calendar days prior written notice. (F)4.3.2 A non-recurring setup and recording fee will be applicable forestablishingtheCustomCallBrandingoption.Such non-recurring charge must be paid prior to commencement of theservice. (F)4.3.3 Additional charges for Qwest intraLATA Toll Service may alsoapplyforcompletedIntraLATATollcalls. (F)4.4 Ordering Process Sprint will complete the "Qwest Operator Services/Directory AssistanceQuestionnaireforLocalServiceProviders"to request Directory Assistanceservice. (F)4.5 Billing Page 209 Part F Ancillary Services (F)4.5.1 Qwest will track and bill Sprint on a monthly basis for the number of calls placed to Qwest's Directory Assistance service by Sprint's end users. (F)4.5.2 For purposes of determining when Sprint is obligatedto pay the per call rate,the call shall be deemed made and Sprint shall be obligated to pay when the call is received by the Operator Services switch.Further,an end user may request and receive no more than two telephone numbers per Directory Assistance call.Qwest will not credit,rebate or waive the per call charge due to any failure to provide a telephone number. (F)5.Directory Listings (F)5.1 White Pages Directory Listings (F)5.1.1 Description White Pages Listings Service (Listings)consists of Qwest placing the names,addresses and telephone numbers of Sprint's end users in Qwest's listing database,based on end user information provided to Qwest by Sprint.Qwest is authorized to use Listings in Directory Assistance (DA)and as noted below. (F)5.1.2 Terms and Conditions (F) Sprint will provide in OBF standard,mechanized format,and Qwest will accept at no charge,one primary listing for each main telephone number belonging to Sprint's end users.Primary listings for Sprint will include the end user Listings for any resold services or wireless services and are further defined in Qwest's general exchange Tariffs.Sprint will be charged for premium and privacy listings,(e.g.,additional,foreign,cross reference,informational,etc.),at Qwest's general exchange listing Tariff rates,less the wholesale discount.If Sprint utilizes Remote Call Forwarding for local number portability,Sprint can list only one number without charge -either the end user's original telephone number or Sprint-assigned number.The standard discounted rate for an additional listing applies to the other number. (F) Qwest will furnish Sprint the Listings format specifications.All manual requests are considered a project and require coordination between Sprint and Qwest to determine time frames. Page 210 Part F Ancillary Services (F) To the extent that state Tariffs limit Qwest'sliabilitywithregardtoListings,the applicable stateTariff(s)is incorporated herein and supersedes theLimitationofLiabilitySectionofthisAgreementwithrespecttoListingsonly. (F) Qwest is responsible for maintaining Listings,including entering,changing,correcting,rearranging and removing Listings in accordancewithSprintorders.Qwest will take reasonablestepsinaccordancewithindustrypracticestoaccommodatenon-published and non-listedListingsprovidedthatSprinthassuppliedQwestthenecessaryprivacyindicatorsonsuchListings. (F) Qwest will include Sprint Listings in Qwest'sDirectoryAssistanceservicetoensurethatcallerstoQwest's Directory Assistance service have non-discriminatory access to Sprint's Listings. (F) Qwest will ensure Sprint Listings provided toQwestareincludedinthewhitepagesdirectorypublishedonQwest's behalf,in accordance withSprint's selection above. (F) Sprint agrees to provide to Qwest its end usernames,addresses and telephone numbers in astandardmechanizedformat,as specified byQwest. (F) Sprint will supply its ACNA/CIC or CLCC/OCN,asappropriate,with each order to provide Qwest themeansofidentifyingListingsownership. (F) Sprint represents and warrants the end userinformationprovidedtoQwestisaccurateandcorrect.Sprint further represents and warrantsthatithasreviewedallListingsprovidedtoQwest,including end user requested restrictions on usesuchasnon-published and non-listed.Sprint shallbesolelyresponsibleforknowingandadheringtostatelawsorrulingsregardingListings(e.g.,nosolicitationrequirementsinthestatesofArizonaandOregon,privacy requirements in Colorado),and for supplying Qwest with the applicable Listinginformation. (F) Sprint is responsible for all dealings with,and onbehalfof,Sprint's end users,including: Page 211 Part F Ancillary Services (F) All end user account activity,(e.g. end user queries and complaints). (F) All account maintenance activity, (e.g.,additions,changes,issuance of orders for Listings to Qwest). (F) Determining privacy requirements and accurately coding the privacy indicators for Sprint's end user information.If end user information provided by Sprint to Qwest does not contain a privacy indicator,no privacy restrictions will apply. (F) Any additional services requested by Sprint's end users. (F)5.2 Directory Assistance List (F)5.2.1 Description (F) Directory Assistance List (DA List)Information consists of all Qwest and,where available,the end user name,address and telephone number information of other LECs,along with other related elements required in the provision of DirectoryAssistanceservicetoSprint's end users.In the case of end users who have non-published listings,Qwest shall provide the end user's local numbering plan area ("NPA"),address,and an indicator to identify the non-published status of the listing to Sprint;however,the non-published telephone number shall not be provided. (F) Sprint grants Qwest a non-exclusive license to incorporate Listings information into its Directory Assistance (DA)database for the sole use of Directory Assistance listings.With this license Qwest will incorporate Listings in the DA database. (F) prior authorization is needed for Qwest to release Listings to directory assistance providers for the sole use of providing Directory Assistance. Qwest will incorporate Listings information in all existing and future Directory Assistance applications developed by Qwest.Listings shall not be provided or sold in such a manner as to segregate end users by carrier.Qwest will not charge for updating and maintaining the Listings Page 212 Part F Ancillary Services database.Sprint will not receive compensation from Qwest for any sale of Listings by Qwest. (F) From the time that Qwest receives the Sprint customer data,the processing interval forupdatingthedatabasewithSprintwillbeaccomplishedinthesamemannerandtimeliness as Qwest updates the database for itself. (F) Some LECs and CLECs allow Qwest to supplytheirDAListInformationtoSprintwithoutobtainingpriorapproval.Other LECs/CLECsrequireSprinttonegotiateseparateagreements for the use of their DA List Information.Qwest willprovideSprintwithalistofLEC/CLECs that mayrequireseparatenegotiation(s).In the latter event, Sprint may elect to obtain such authorization andprovideQwestasignedletterofauthorization before Qwest can release the LEC/CLEC's DA ListInformation.Sprint will give Qwest fourteen (14)days notice prior to the termination of any separateagreementfortheuseofDAListInformation. Upon the effective date of such termination,QwestwillnolongersupplySprintwiththeLEC/CLEC's DA List Information.Sprint's use of other LEC/CLEC's end user listings shall be inaccordancewiththetermsandconditionsoftheseparateagreementbetweenSprintandthat LEC/CLEC.Sprint has the right to assume,andQwestisresponsible,to have all appropriateauthorizationsforDirectoryListinginformationprovidedtoSprint. (F) Qwest will provide DA List Information via initial loads and daily updates either by means of amagnetictapeorNetworkDataMover(NDM)or as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Parties.Qwest will provide all changes,additions ordeletionstotheDAListInformationovernightonadailybasis.The Parties will use a mutually agreed upon format for the data loads. (F) DA List Information shall specify whether the subscriber is a residential,business,orgovernmentsubscriber. (F) In the event Sprint requires a reload of DA ListInformationfromQwest's database in order tovalidate,synchronize or reconcile its database,a reload will be made available according to the ratespecifiedinPartHofthisAgreement. Page 213 Part F Ancillary Services (F) Qwest and Sprint will cooperate in the designation of a location to which the data will be provided. (F)5.2.2 Terms and Conditions (F) Qwest grants to Sprint a non-exclusive,non- transferable,revocable license to use the DA ListInformationsolelyforthepurposeofprovidingDA service subject to the terms and conditions of thisAgreement.As it pertains to the DA List information in this Agreement,"DA service"shall mean the provision via either a live operator, mechanized voice,or electronic delivery of telephone number and address information for an identified telephone service end user or the name and/or address of the telephone service end user for an identified telephone number. (F)S.2.2.2 The Parties shall not use the DA List Information obtained under this Agreement for any other purpose whatsoever.By way of example and not limitation,DA List Information shall not be used by the other Party for soliciting subscribers, telemarketing,creating or distributing marketing lists or other compilations of marketing information,publishing any form of directory in any media whatsoever,or providing any Internet or on- line DA service. (F) Qwest shall retain all right,title,interest and ownership in and to the DA Listing Information it provides hereunder.Sprint acknowledges and understands that while it may disclose the names, addresses,and telephone numbers (or an indication of non-published status)of Qwest's end users to a third party calling its DirectoryAssistanceforsuchinformation,the fact that such end user subscribes to Qwest's telecommunications services is confidential and proprietary information and shall not be disclosed to any third party. (F) Sprint shall not sublicense,copy or allow any third party to access,download,copy or use the DA List Information,or any portions thereof,or any information extracted therefrom.Each Party shall take commercially reasonable and prudent measures to prevent disclosure and unauthorized use of Qwest's DA List Information at least equal to the measures it takes to protect its own Page 214 Part F Ancillary Services confidential and proprietary information,includingbutnotlimitedtoimplementingadequate computer security measures to preventunauthorizedaccesstoQwest's DA ListInformationwhencontainedinanydatabase. (F) Any disclosure of the fact that an end user subscribes to Qwest's telecommunications services or unauthorized use of Qwest's DA List information shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement and shall be resolved under the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement. (F) Within five (5)days after the expiration or earlierterminationofthisAgreement,Sprint shall (a) return and cease using any and all DA List Information which it has in its possession or control,(b)extract and expunge any and all copiesofsuchDAListinformation,any portions thereof, and any and all information extracted therefrom, its files and records,whether in print or electronicformorinanyothermediawhatsoever,and (c)provide a written certification to Qwest from anofficerthatalloftheforegoingactionshavebeen completed. (F) Sprint is responsible for ensuring that it has proper security measures in place to protect the privacy of the end user information contained within the DA List Information.Sprint must remove from its database any telephone number for an end user whose listing has become non-published when sonotifiedbyQwest. (F) Audits --In accordance with Part G of this Agreement,Qwest may request a comprehensive audit of Sprint's use of the DA List Information. In addition to the terms specified in (G)10,the following also apply: (F) As used herein,"Audit"shall mean a comprehensive review of the other Party's delivery and use of the DA List Information provided hereunder and such other Party's performance of its obligations under this Agreement.Either Party (the "Requesting Party")may perform up to two (2)Audits per 12-month period commencing with the Page 215 Part F Ancillary Services effective date of this Agreement. Qwest shall be entitled to "seed"or specially code some or all of the DA List Information that it provides hereunder in order to trace such information during an Audit and ensure compliance with the disclosure and use restrictions set forth above. (F) Qwest and Sprint shall cooperate to correct errors when they are identified in the DA database. (F)5.2.3 Rate Elements (F) Initial Database Load --A "snapshot"of data in the Qwest DA List Information database or portion of the database at the time the order is received. (F) Reload --A "snapshot"of the data in the Qwest DA List Information database or portion of the database required in order to refresh the data in Sprint's database. (F) Daily Updates --Daily change activity affecting DA List Information in the listings database. (F) One-Time Set-Up Fees --Charges for special database loads. (F) Output Charges --Media charges resulting from either the electronic transmission or tape delivery of the DA List Information including any shipping costs. (F)5.2.4 Ordering (F) Sprint may order the initial DA List Information load or update files for Qwest's local exchange service areas in its 14 state operating territory or, where technically feasible,Sprint may order by Qwest White Page Directory Code or NPA. (F) Special requests for data at specific geographic levels (such as NPA)must be negotiated in order to address data integrity issues. (F) Sprint shall use the Directory Assistance List Order Form found in the Interconnect &Resale Resource Guide. Page 216 Part F Ancillary Services (F)5.2.5 Billing Recurring and non-recurring rates for DA List Information arespecifiedinPartHofthisAgreement. (F)6.Toll and Assistance Operator Services Qwest shall provide non-discriminatory access to Operator Services on an unbundledbasistoSprintfortheprovisionoftelecommunicationsservicesunlessQwestprovidesSprintwithCustomizedRoutingoracompatiblesignalingprotocol.Alternatively,uponrequest,Qwest shall make available to Sprint Operator Services under Section 251(b)oftheAct,at market rates.In the event Qwest is unable to provide Customized Routing orcompatiblesignalingprotocoltoSprint,Qwest will provide Operator Services on thefollowingterms: (F)6.1 Description Listed below are the functions of Operator Services available to Sprint: (F)6.1.1 Local Assistance -Provide assistance to Sprint's end usersrequestinghelporinformationonplacingorcompletinglocalcalls,connecting to home NPA directory assistance,andprovideotherinformationandguidance,including referral to thebusinessofficeandrepair,as may be consistent with Qwest'scustomarypracticeforprovidingenduserassistance. (F)6.1.2 intraLATA Toll Assistance --Provide assistance to Sprint's end users requesting help or information on placing or completingintraLATATollcalls.Nothing in this Section is intended toobligateQwesttoprovideanytollservicestoSprintorSprint'sendusers.Qwest will direct Sprint's end user to contact theirprovidertocompleteIntraLATATollcalls.Subject toavailabilityandcapacity,access may be provided via operatorservicestrunkspurchasedfromQwestorprovidedbySprintviaCollocationarrangementstoroutecallstoSprint's platform. (F)6.1.4 Busy Line Verification ("BLV")is performed when Sprint's end user requests assistance from the operator bureau todetermineifthecalledlineisinuse.The operator will notcompletethecallfortheenduserinitiatingtheBLVinquiry.Only one BLV attempt will be made per end user call,and achargeshallapply. (F)6.1.5 Busy Line Interrupt ("BLl")is performed when Sprint's end userrequestsassistancefromtheoperatortointerruptatelephonecallinprogressafterBLVhasoccurred.The operator willinterruptthebusylineandinformthecalledpartythatthereisacallwaiting.The operator will only interrupt the busy line andwillnotconnectSprint's end user and the calling party.TheoperatorwillmakeonlyoneBLIattemptperendusercalland Page 217 Part F Ancillary Services the applicable charge applies whether or not the called party releases the line. (F)6.1.6 Quote Service -Provide time and charges to hotellmotel and other end users of Sprint for guest/account identification. (F)6.1.7 Coin Refund Requests -Provide information regarding Sprint's end users requesting coin refunds. (F)6.1.8 In all cases of operator service provided by Qwest to Sprint pursuant to this Agreement,and Local Services that Sprint offers for resale shall,at Sprint's sole discretion,be branded exclusivelyas Sprint services,or otherwise,as Sprint shall determine,as long as it is in compliance with the Intellectual Property section,at Sprint's expense.In accordance with FCC rules,if Qwest is unable to offer branding of Sprint services,it shall unbrand all such services for itself and all other parties. (F)6.2 Terms and Conditions (F)6.2.1 Interconnection to Qwest Operator Services from an end office to Qwest is technically feasible at two distinct points on the trunk side of the switch.The first connection point is an operator services trunk connected directly to the Qwest Operator Services host switch.The second connection point is an operator services trunk connected directly to a remote Qwest Operator Services switch. (F)6.2.2 Trunk provisioning and facility ownership will follow Qwest guidelines. (F)6.2.3 Operator Services Interconnection will require an operator services type trunk between the Sprint switch and the Interconnection point at the Qwest operator tandem. (F)6.2.4 The technical requirements of operator services type trunks and the circuits to connect the positions to the host are covered in the Operator Services Systems Generic Requirement (OSSGR),Bellcoreffelcordia document FR-NWT-000271, Section 6 (Signaling)and Section 10 (System Interfaces)in general requirements form. (F)6.2.5 Each Party's operator bureau shall accept BLV and BLI inquiries from the operator bureau of the other Party in order to allow transparent provision of BLV/BLI traffic between the Parties'networks,where technically capable to each operator. (F)6.2.6 Each Party shall route BLV/BLI traffic inquiries over separate direct trunks (not the local/IntraLATA trunks)established between the Parties'respective operator bureaus. Page 218 Part F Ancillary Services (F)6.2.7 Qwest will perform Operator Services in accordance withoperatingmethods,practices,and standards in effect for all itsendusers. (F)6.2.8 It is understood that Qwest shall not be obligated to providespecificoperatorserviceswheretherearefacilityortechnicallimitations.Qwest,in its reasonable discretion,may modify andchangethenature,extent and detail of specific operatorservicesfromtimetotime,but Qwest shall make available toSprintallOperatorServicesthatQwestprovidestoitsowncustomers. (F)6.2.9 Qwest shall maintain adequate equipment and personnel toreasonablyperformtheOperatorServices.Sprint shall provideandmaintainthefacilitiesnecessarytoconnectitsenduserstothelocationswhereQwestprovidestheOperatorServicesandtoprovideallinformationanddataneededorreasonablyrequestedbyQwestinordertoperformtheOperatorServices. (F)6.3 Rate Elements Qwest offers to Sprint the following two service/pricing options: (F)6.3.1 Option A -Price Per Message (F) Operator Handled Calling Card -For eachcompletedcallingcardcallthatwasdialed0-where the operator entered the calling cardnumber. (F) Machine Handled Call -For each completed callthatwasdialed0+where the end user entered therequiredinformation,such as calling card number. (F) Station Call -For each completed station call,including station sent paid,collect,third numberspecialbillingor0-calling card call. (F) Person Call -For each completed person topersoncallregardlessofthebillingusedbytheenduser. (F) Connect to Directory Assistance -For eachoperatorplacedcalltodirectoryassistance. (F) Busy Line Verify -For each call where theoperatordeterminesthatconversationexistsonaline. Page 219 Part F Ancillary Services (F) Busy Line Interrupt --For each call where the operator interrupts conversation on a busy line and requests release of the line. (F) Operator Assistance --For each local call completed or not,that does not potentially generate an operator surcharge.These calls include,but are not limited to:calls given the DDD rate because of transmission problems;calls where the operator has determined there should be no charge,such as Busy Line Verify attempts where conversation was not found on the line; calls where the end user requests information from the operator and no attempt is made to complete a call;and calls for quote service. (F) "Completed call"as used in this Section,shall mean that the end user makes contact with the location,telephone number,person or extension designated by the end user.A completed call shall be computed and recorded in accordance with the methods and practices of Qwest and the operating capacity and ability of Qwest's measuring equipment. (F)6.3.2 Option B -Price Per Work Second and Computer Handled Calls (F) Operator Handled -Per operator work second for all operator assisted services and functions of services.Sprint is charged per work second for all calls originating from its end users and facilities that go to Qwest's operator for handling.Work second charging begins when the Qwest operator position connects with Sprint's end user and terminates when the corinection between the Qwest operator position and Sprint's end user is terminated. (F) Machine Handled -Per call for all services which are handled solely by computers and Qwest equipment.Calls without live operator intervention are computer (machine)handled and include,but are not limited to,credit card calls where the end user enters the calling card number,calls originating from coin telephones where the computer requests deposit of coins,additional end user key actions,recording of end user voice,etc. (F)6.4 Ordering Process Page 220 Part F Ancillary Services Sprint will complete the "Qwest Operator Services/Directory AssistanceQuestionnaireforLocalServiceProviders"to request Operator Services.Sprint represents that the information provided is true and correct to the bestofitsknowledgeandbelief. (F)6.5 Billing (F)6.5.1 Qwest will track usage and bill Sprint for the calls placed bySprint's end users and facilities. (F)6.5.2 Qwest will compute Sprint's invoice based on both Option A(Price Per Message)and Option B (Price Per Work SecondandMachineHandledCalls).Qwest will charge Sprintwhicheverresultisless. (F)6.5.3 If,due to equipment malfunction or other error,Qwest does nothaveavailablethenecessaryinformationtocompileanaccuratebillingstatement,Qwest may render a reasonablyestimatedbill,but shall notify Sprint of the methods of suchestimateandcooperateingoodfaithwithSprinttoestablishafair,equitable estimate.Qwest shall render a bill reflectingactualbillablequantitieswhenandiftheinformationnecessaryforthebillingstatementbecomesavailable. (F)7.Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) (F)7.1 Description (F)7.1.1 AIN services are offered and available as an enhancement toSprint's SS7 capable network structure and operation of AINVersion0.1 capable switches. (F)7.1.2 Access to AIN Service Creation Environment-(AASCE)allowsSprinttoutilizeQwest's AIN service application developmentprocesstodevelopnewAINservicesorfeatures.The resultingIntellectualPropertywillbeownedbySprintandwillbecontrolledbySprint.AASCE is determined on an individualcasebasis.The elements are also combined on an individual case basis to meet Sprint's request.Services developedthroughtheAASCEprocesscaneitherbeimplementedinQwest's network or handed off to Sprint to be installed in itsownnetwork. (F)7.1.3 Access to AIN OSS/SMS (AAOS)-This service allows Sprint toprovidespecificQwestAINservices/features to its end users as well as any AIN service that is deployed for Sprint utilizingtheAASCEprocessinQwest's SCP.Qwest is responsible fortheprovisioningoftheseAINservices.Sprint will be able topopulatedataforprovisioningoftheCallProcessingRecords (CPRs)stored in the SCP for AIN services.The process to Page 221 Part F Ancillary Services provision,modify or update information in the AIN databases is predominately manual.At such time remote terminal access is available for Qwest,it shall also be available for Sprint. (F)7.1.4 AIN Query Processing (AQP)-TCAP queries are used to collect information from the AIN database for use in call processing of the AIN based services above.Sprint launches a query from an AIN capable switch over the SS7 network to the Qwest Signal Transfer Point (STP).Routing may be accomplished in two scenarios: From the Sprint Service Switching Point (SSP)through a Qwest Local STP and then to the Qwest Regional STP (RSTP). Through a Sprint RSTP to a Qwest RSTP arrangement. From the RSTP,the query is directed to Qwest's SCP to collect data for the response to the originating switch. (F)7.2 Terms and Conditions (F)7.2.1 Access to AIN Service Creation Environment (AASCE)- Since each proposed service is unique and complex,when AASCE is ordered,Qwest conducts a feasibility study which estimates the amount of time and cost necessary to develop the proposed service or enhancement.The charges associated with the feasibility analysis,development and implementation are negotiated under a separate contract.The service is developed and tested in a Qwest lab environment.If the service is implemented in Qwest's network,it goes through network test prior to implementation. (F)7.2.2 Access to AIN OSS/SMS (AAOS) (F) Prior to activation of the AIN feature,Sprint's switch point code must be activated for AIN processing on the CCSAC/SS7 link that is sending the AlN query. (F) Qwest will provide requirements for data load preparation and delivery by Sprint. (F) In order to make AAOS service work,service logic must be loaded to provision an AIN service on the platform for Sprint.Qwest is responsible for provisioning the Call Processing Record (CPR)in the SCP. Page 222 Part F Ancillary Services (F) Each end user line must be provisioned by thefacilityowner.Sprint is responsible for setting theAINtriggerinitsswitch. (F) AIN Query Processing Qwest will certify and test the Sprint switch for AIN message transmission to assure quality performance as described in Part E. Qwest and Sprint will test cooperatively. (F) Access to the Qwest AlN databases will beavailableforaccessthroughaQwestSTPby Sprint through either purchase of the Qwest local switching element or through the SS7 connection with Sprint's switch. (F)7.3 Rate Elements (F)7.3.1 Access to AIN Service Creation Environment (AASCE)-Hourly rates are applicable for each component of the AASCE service according to the estimates determined in the feasibility analysis.A separate contract will identify the specific charges for each component and specify the terms and conditions for payment. (F)7.3.2 Access to AIN OSS/SMS (AAOS)--AAOS is billed a monthly recurring and a one-time non-recurring charge for each AINfeatureactivated,per telephone number. (F)7.3.3 AIN Query Processing -The AIN service is billed a monthly recurring and/or a per query charge. (F)7.4 Ordering (F)7.4.1 AASCE is ordered on an individual case basis and is coordinated through the Qwest Account Manager and ProductManager.One-time and miscellaneous charges are detailed in the contract described above. Sprint and Qwest will negotiate all deliverables and associated dates so that a mutually agreeable schedule is established. Due date intervals are negotiated on an individual case basis. (F)7.4.2 AAOS is ordered using the LSR form. (F) In the event that miscellaneous charges apply, they will be applied consistent with the application used for equivalent senrices ordered by Qwest end users. Page 223 Part F Ancillary Services (F) The due date intervals will be consistent with the due dates used for equivalent services ordered by Qwest end users.Upon receipt of a complete and accurate LSR,Qwest will load the Sprint records into the AIN database to meet the negotiated due date for the service,with a maximum completion interval of ten (10)business days.Qwest will also establish translations at the STP to allow query access from the Sprint switch within ten (10) business days. (F) Completion notification will be either by e-mail or by fax. (F) Qwest will provide jeopardy notification under terms and conditions consistent with Qwest end users. (F) Qwest will provide Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) under terms and conditions consistent with Qwest end users. (F) The service order interval begins when a complete and accurate LSR is received in the Interconnect Service Center by 3:00 p.m.,Mountain Time. (F)7.4.3 AIN Query Processing (AQP)--is specific to the service ordered and must be established at the time of the AAOS ordering process. (F)8.Interconnection to Line Information Database (LIDB) (F)8.1 Description (F)8.1.1 Description -Line Information Database (LIDB)Storage. Line Information Database (LIDB)stores various telephone line numbers and Special Billing Number (SBN)data used by operator services systems to process and bill Alternately Billed Services (ABS)calls.The operator services system accesses LIDB data to provide originating line (calling number),billing number and terminating line (called number)information.LIDB is used for calling card validation,fraud prevention,billing or service restrictions and the sub-account information to be included on the call's billing record. Bellcore/Telcordia's GR-446-CORE defines the interface between the administration system and LIDB including specific message formats (Bellcore/Telcordia's TR-NWP-000029, Section 10). Page 224 Part F Ancillary Services (F)8.1.2 Description -Line Validation Administration System (LVAS)Access LVAS is the comprehensive administrative management toolwhichloadstheLIDBdataandcoordinateslinerecordupdates in Qwest's redundant LIDB databases.LVAS is the vehiclewhichauditsstoredinformationandassuresaccurateresponses. Development is currently in progress which will allow Sprint access to an electronic interface which will enable Sprint toadd,update,and delete Sprint end user line records.Until anelectronicinterfaceisavailable,Sprint will submit LIDB updatesviaamanualfaxore-mail process. LVAS access is available only to facility based CLECs. (F)8.1.3 Description -LIDB Query Service LIDB Query Service provides information to query originatorsforuseinprocessingAlternatelyBilledServices(ABS)calls.ABS call types include calling card,billed to third number,andcollectcalls. On behalf of Sprint Qwest will process LIDB queries from queryoriginators(Telecommunications Carriers)requesting Sprinttelephonelinenumberdata.Qwest allows LIDB query accessthroughQwestregionalSTPs.The terms and conditions whichapplytoLIDBQuerySenriceareinaccordancewithFCCTariff #5,Section 20. (F)8.1.4 Description -Fraud Alert Notification The WatchDog Fraud Management System (FMS)processestheLIDBquerydetailrecordstoestablishpatternsandidentifypotentialfraudulentsituations.WatchDog issues an alert to theQwestFraudInvestigationUnit(FlU).Qwest will notify Sprint ofsystemalertsonSprintenduserlines. (F)8.2 Terms and Conditions (F)8.2.1 Terms and Conditions -Line Information Database (LIDB) Storage Sprint will provide initial data,add,update or delete data,and license said data to Qwest for placement in Qwest's LIDB.Sprint will provide and maintain necessary information solely for the purpose of enabling Qwest to provide LIDB services.Sprintwillensure,to the extent possible,the accuracy of the dataprovidedtoQwestforstorageinQwest's LIDB,and supply updated and changed data in a timely manner. Page 225 Part F Ancillary Services (F)8.2.2 Normal requests for LIDB updates will be processed in the same manner and timelines that Qwest provides to itself,its affiliates,as required by law,or other similarly situated telecommunications carriers.Sprint may request of Qwest priority updates to Sprint LIDB data upon demonstration of critical need (e.g.,to support fraud protection,deny/restore, etc.). (F)8.2.3 Terms and Conditions -LVAS Access Sprint will provide Qwest with the following information: (F) The LlDB service requested (i.e.calling name, calling cards,Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS),ABS,etc.); (F) Sprint's Revenue Accounting Office (RAO), Operating Customer Number (OCN),and/or Local Service Provider Identification (LSPI); (F) The NPA NXX and signaling point codes for the operator or end office switches from which queries are launched; (F) The identity of Sprint's SS7 provider for Number Portability,ABS,OLNS and calling name; (F) The identity of Sprint's operator services provider for ABS queries; (F) The contact names and fax numbers of all Sprint personnel to be contacted for fraud notification, and LIDB data administration. (F) The establishment of Sprint line records will be provisioned through an interim manual process. An ASCil file must be e-mailed from Sprint to Qwest up to two times per day,at 12:00 p.m.and 5:00 p.m.Mountain Time. (F) After Qwest receives the file,Qwest will attempt to load the file into LVAS.If Qwest successfully loads the file into LVAS,the originator of Sprint's files will be notified by Qwest. (F) In the event that Qwest is not successful in loading the file because errors were detected, Qwest will e-mail the file back to Sprint with an error notice. Page 226 Part F Ancillary Services (F) Sprint will e-mail to Qwest all updates,adds, changes,and deletions,subsequent to the initial file for establishment. (F) Qwest will provide to Sprint the necessarymethodsandprocedureswhentheLVASelectronicinterfacebecomesavailable. (F)8.2.4 Terms and Conditions -LIDB Query Service (F) All LIDB queries and responses from operator services systems and end offices are transmitted over a CCS network using a Signaling System 7 (SS7)protocol (TR-NWT-000246,Bell Communications Research Specification ofSignalingSystem7).Qwest will not limit LIDB query and responses based on the switchingtechnologyused,so long as the LIDB queryfollowsTCAPguidelines. (F) The application data needed for processing LIDB data are formatted as Transaction CapabilitiesApplicationPart(TCAP)messages.TCAP messages may be carried as an application levelprotocolusingSS7protocolsforbasicmessage transport. (F) The SCP node provides all protocol and interface support.Sprint SS7 connections will be required to meet Bellcore/Telcordia's GR905,TR954 and Qwest's Technical Publication 77342specifications. (F) Qwest will include Sprint-provided data in Qwest's LIDB,and allow access to the data subject to Qwest negotiated agreements with Telecommunications Carriers,allowing Sprint's end users the same benefits of said agreements as enjoyed by Qwest end users.Qwest will updateSprintdata,as requested by Sprint.Qwest will perform services provided hereunder anddeterminetheapplicablestandardforthedata,in accordance with operating methods,practices andstandardsineffect. (F)8.2.5 Terms and Conditions -Fraud Alert Notification Qwest will notify Sprint of system alerts on Sprint end user lines.At the direction of Sprint,Qwest will institute a block topreventanyfurtheroccurrenceoffraudoruncollectabletoll charges in accordance with practices used by Qwest for its own Page 227 Part F Ancillary Services end users.Such practices include,but are not limited to, removing from valid data those data which incur fraud or uncollectable toll charges. (F)8.3 Rate Elements (F)8.3.1 Rate Elements -Line Information Database (LIDB)Storage LIDB Data Storage does not have a recurring charge.When electronic access becomes available,a one-time non-recurring fee will be charged for the initial load of Sprint's data into LlDB. (F)8.3.2 Rate Elements -Line Validation Administration System (LVAS) Access (F) LIDB Line Record Initial Load Charge -Qwest's vendor charges Qwest to format end user line record information data so that it may be loaded into LVAS.Qwest will pass this non-recurring charge along to Sprint. (F) Mechanized Service Account Update -LVAS Access is the product which allows Sprint to add, update and delete telephone line numbers from the Qwest LIDB for Sprint's end users.LVAS processing will be billed per each addition or update processed.No charge to delete. (F) Individual Line Record Audit -Sprint may verify the data for a given ten-digit line number using an inquiry on its end user data. (F) Account Group Audit -Sprint may audit an individual Account Group NPA-NXXusing a fax. (F) Expedited Request Charge for Manual Updates - An update request that is outside of the normal batch process and requires immediate action to the database (i.e.,deny PIN number). (F)8.3.3 Rate Elements -LlDB Query Service A query validation rate and a query transportation rate will apply to all LIDB queries for Alternately Billed Services (ABS)calls processed by an Operator Services Switch. (F)8.3.4 Rate Elements -Fraud Alert Notification Fraud Alert Notification will be billed on a per alert basis. (F)8.4 Ordering Process Page 228 Part F Ancillary Services (F)8.4.1 Ordering -Line Information Database (LIDB)Storage (F) Qwest will be responsible for loading and updatingSprint's line records into the LIDB database from the data provided by Sprint.The establishment ofSprintlinerecordswillbeprovisionedthroughaninterimmanualprocess.An ASCll file must be e- mailed from Sprint to Qwest.Updates,additions,changes and deletions subsequent to the initial fileforestablishmentcaneitherbee-mailed or faxed to Qwest.Sprint is responsible for the accuracy of the data which is sent to Qwest. (F) inquiries from Sprint must be faxed to Qwest using the approved forms appropriate for the type of inquiry requested. (F)8.4.2 Ordering-LVAS Access LVAS report queries from Sprint must be faxed to QwestMlDAScenterusingtheapprovedformsappropriateforthetypeofinquiryrequested. (F)8.4.3 Ordering-LIDB inquiry Service (F) LIDB requires a connection to the CommonChannelSignalingNetwork(CCSN),therefore, Sprint must have Common Channel Signaling Access Capability (CCSAC). (F) Provisioning of LIDB is done via the LIDB Access Request Form.In addition to the LIDB Request Form,Hub Providers requesting LIDB services onbehalfofendusersmustfurnishQwestaLetterofAgencytoprovethattheyhavecustomerauthorizationtoprovidetheseservices.This letter must be on file prior to provisioning. (F)8.4.4 Ordering -Fraud Alert Notification As part of the planning for LIDB Data Storage,Sprint willprovideQwestacontactforfraudnotification.The contact must be available 24 hours a day,7 days a week.Qwest willnottakeanyactionwhenfraudnotificationisreceivedother than to notify Sprint.Sprint may request that Qwest deny acallingcard.Any request of this type must be followed up by afaxasaconfirmation. (F)8.5 Billing Page 229 Part F Ancillary Services (F)8.5.1 Line Validation Administration System (LVAS)Access When electronic access becomes available,a per query rate will apply to each Mechanized Service Account Update, Individual Line Record Audit,Account Group Audit,and Expedited Request Charge for Manual Updates. (F)8.5.2 LIDB Query Service LIDB Query Service will be billed as outlined in FCC Tariff No. 5,Section 20. (F)8.5.3 Fraud Alert Notification A per occurrence rate will apply for each Fraud notification alert. (F)9.Access to Poles,Ducts,Conduits,and Rights of Way (F)9.1 Description (F)9.1.1 Pole Attachments -Qwest will lease available pole attachment space to Sprint for the placing of Sprint's facilities for the purpose of transmitting Telecommunications Services,on the same basis that Qwest provides itself or its affiliates.Cable and traditional associated facilities (i.e.,cable splice cases and cable terminals)are a permitted use.Antennas and associated wireless technology,and other non-traditional cable technologies,are permitted to the extent allowed by the National Electrical Safety Code,other applicable industry standards,general safety standards,and local ordinances.If Qwest rejects an application for an antenna or other wireless devices or other technologies,Qwest will identify the reason for rejecting said application. (F)9.1.2 Ducts and Conduits -Qwest will lease available underground ducts/conduits,for transmitting Telecommunications Services. A spare conduit will be leased for copper facilities only,and innerduct will be leased for the purpose of placing fiber cables. (F)9.1.3 Rights of Way (ROW)--Qwest shall offer the use of such ROW it has obtained from a third party to Sprint,to the extent that Qwest's agreement with the third party explicitly permits Qwest to grant such rights to Sprint.Qwest will review each ROW requested by Sprint to determine rights to convey an interest in the ROW. (F)9.1.4 When Sprint makes inquiry for using Qwest conduits,Qwest will provide Sprint with a drawing identifying manholes and distances beginning and ending as close to the beginning and Page 230 Part F Ancillary Services ending points as requested by Sprint,based on Qwest'savailablerecords. (F)9.2 Terms and Conditions (F)9.2.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement,Qwest agrees toissuetoSprintauthorizationforSprinttoattach,maintain,rearrange,transfer and remove at its sole expense its facilities on Poles,conduit or innerduct owned in whole or in part byQwest.Any and all rights granted to Sprint shall be subject toandsubordinatetoanyfuturelocal,state and/or federalrequirements. (F)9.2.2 Sprint shall provide a map of the requested poles,conduit orinnerductroute,including estimated distances between majorpoints,the identification and location of the poles,conduit orinnerductandadescriptionofSprint's facilities. (F)9.2.3 Except as expressly provided herein,nothing herein shall beconstruedtocompelQwesttoconstruct,install,modify or placeanyPolesorundergroundconduitstructureorotherfacilityfor use by Sprint.If the Parties agree to construct or modify polesorundergroundconduitstructurefortheirmutualbenefit,thePartieswilleachpayaproportionateshareofthecosts. (F)9.2.4 If Qwest terminates a facility arrangement for cause,or if Sprintterminatesafacilityarrangementwithoutcause,Sprint shallpayterminationchargesequaltotheamountoffeesandchargesremainingontheterminatedagreement(s)and shall remove its facilities from the Poles,Innerduct,ROW,or otherQweststructurewithinsixty(60)calendar days,or cause Qwest to remove its facilities from the Poles,Innerduct,ROW,or otherQweststructureatSprint's expense;provided,however,thatSprintshallbeliableforandpayallfeesandchargesprovidedforinthisAgreementtoQwestuntilSprint's facilities arephysicallyremoved."Cause"as used herein shall include butnotbelimitedtoSprint's use of its facilities in violation of anylaworinaidofanyunlawfulactormakinganunauthorizedmodificationtoQwest's Poles/Innerduct. (F)9.2.5 Qwest may abandon or sell any Poles/Innerduct at any time bygivingwrittennoticetoSprint.Upon determination by QwestthatitnolongerneedsPole/Innerduct,or upon a sale ofPoles/Innerduct to another party,and with the concurrence oftheotherjointuser(s),if necessary,Sprint shall,within sixty(60)calendar days of such notice,either apply for usage with the new owner or purchase the Poles/Innerduct from Qwest,or remove its facilities therefrom.Sprint will be given the option tobuyPoles/Innerduct that Qwest no longer intends to keep.Failure to remove its facilities within sixty (60)calendar days, or,in the alternative,to make other written arrangements with Page 231 Part F Ancillary Services Qwest,and where applicable,the property owner,shall be deemed an election to purchase the Poles/Innerduct at the current market value.If there is a dispute over the fair market value,the dispute resolution process will apply. (F)9.2.6 Qwest retairis the right to determine the availability of space on Poles,Conduits,innerduct and ROW.In the event Qwest determines that rearrangement of the existing facilities on Poles,Conduits,Innerduct and ROW is required before Sprint's facilities can be accommodated,the cost of such modification will be included in Sprint's non-recurring charges for the associated agreement ("Make-ready fee").Cost recovery shall follow the state prescribed methodology. (F)9.2.7 Qwest shall make manhole ingress and egress for Innerduct access available to Sprint.Qwest will perform a feasibility study to determine whether to provide a stub out via the pre- constructed knock out within the manhole,or to perform a core drill of the manhole.The Qwest standard duct is four inches in diameter,and a four inch diameter core shall be used for entry in Qwest manholes. (F)9.2.8 Where such authority does not already exist,Sprint shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary legal authority to occupy Poles,Conduit and innerduct on governmental,federal, Native American,and private rights of way.Sprint shall obtain any permits,licenses,bonds,or other necessary legal authority and permission,at Sprint's sole expense,in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement.Sprint shall contact all owners of public and private rights-of-way to obtain the permission required to perform the work prior to entering the property or starting any work thereon.Sprint shall comply with all conditions of rights-of-way and permits.Once such permission is obtained all such work will be performed by Qwest. (F)9.2.9 A POl manhole,placed near the Central Office manhole,will be used for Sprint to gain access to the Qwest Central Office.An entrance cable may be pulled through the Central Office manhole into the Qwest cable vault.Splicing will not be permitted in the Central Office manhole,but will be permitted in the POI manhole. (F)9.2.10 Sprint's facilities shall be placed and maintained in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the current applicable standards of Bellcore/Telcordia Manual of Construction Standards,the National Electrical Code,the National Electrical Safety Code,and the rules and regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act,all of which are incorporated by reference,and any governing authority having jurisdiction.Where a difference in specifications exists,the Page 232 Part F Ancillary Services more stringent shall apply.Failure to maintain facilities inaccordancewiththeaboverequirementsshallbecauseforterminationoftheagreement.Qwest's procedures governingitsstandardmaintenancepracticesshallbemadeavailableuponrequestforpublicinspectionattheappropriateQwestpremises.Sprint's standard maintenance practices for facilitiesshallbemadeavailabletoQwestuponrequest.Sprint shall in a timely manner comply with all requests from Qwest to bringitsfacilitiesintocompliancewiththesetermsandconditions. (F)9.2.11 If Sprint requests Qwest to replace or modify existing Poles,Conduit or Innerduct to increase its strength or capacity for thesolebenefitofSprint,Sprint shall pay Qwest the totalreplacementcost,Qwest's cost to transfer its attachments tonewPoles,Conduit or Innerduct,as necessary,and the cost forremoval(including destruction fees)of the replaced Poles,Conduit or Innerduct,if necessary.Ownership of new Poles,Conduit or innerduct shall vest in Qwest.Upon request,QwestmaypermitSprinttoinstallpoles,conduit or innerduct.Qwestreservestherighttorejectanynon-conforming replacementpole,conduit or innerduct installed by Sprint.To the extent that a modification is incurred for the benefit of multiple parties,Sprint shall pay a proportionate share of the total cost based ontheratiooftheamountofnewspaceoccupiedbythefacilitiestothetotalamountofspaceoccupiedbyallpadiesjoiningthemodification.Modifications that occur in order to bring poles,conduit or innerduct into compliance with applicable safety orotherrequirementsshallbedeemedtobeforthebenefitofmultiplepartiesandSprintshallberesponsibleforitsproportionateshareofthemodificationcost. (F)9.2.12 Notification of modifications initiated solely by or on behalf ofQwestshallbeprovidedtoSprintatleastsixty(60)calendardayspriortobeginningmodifications.Such notification shallincludeabriefdescriptionofthenatureandscopeofthemodification.Qwest shall bear the costs of such modification ifSprintprovidesQwestwithauthorizationtorearrangeSprint'sfacilitiesorcooperatesincoordinatingwithQwesttherearrangementofSprint's facilities.The Parties will mutuallyagreetoadateandtimefortherearrangement,which may belongerthansixty(60)days for Sprint to complete its work.ThePartiesagreetheywillnotwithholdreasonableaccommodationsfromeachother.If Sprint fails to respond toQwest's request for rearrangement of Sprint's facilities withinsixty(60)days after receipt of written notice from Qwestrequestingrearrangement,Sprint shall assume all liability forrearrangementoftheirfacilitiesandQwestshallnotberesponsibleforreimbursingSprintforthecostoftherearrangement.Nothing in this provision prohibits Qwest frommakingnecessaryrearrangementstocomplywithgovernmentobligations.Sprint will be obligated to reimburse Qwest for any Page 233 Part F Ancillary Services additional cost Qwest incurs due to Sprint's failure to respond to Qwest's request for rearrangements. (F)9.2.13 Qwest shall notify the Sprint control center to advise of routine maintenance,and construction affecting poles,conduit or innerduct that may impact Sprint facilities.In emergency situations,Qwest shall notify the Sprint control center at the earliest practicable time of performing such work. (F)9.2.14 Sprint shall provide written notice to Qwest,in advance,of the date when Sprint will complete construction of its facilities. Qwest shall advise Sprint in writing of the date when Qwest will conduct its final construction inspection.If,during its final inspection,Qwest identifies non-complying conditions,Qwest will notify Sprint in writing. (F)9.2.15 Upon final construction and notification of non-complying conditions by Qwest,if any,Sprint will take action to correct such non-complying conditions within the period of time agreed to by Qwest and Sprint.Sprint agrees to use its best efforts to expeditiously complete the necessary corrections.If corrections are not completed within the specified period, occupancy authorizations for the poles,conduit or innerduct system where non-complying conditions remain uncorrected shall terminate forthwith,regardless of whether Sprint has energized the facilities occupying said poles,conduit or innerduct system and Sprint shall remove its facilities from said Poles,Conduit or Innerduct in accordance with the provisions of this Section.No further occupancy authorization shall be issued to Sprint until such non-complying conditions are corrected or until Sprint's facilities are removed from the Poles, Conduit or Innerduct system where such non-complying conditions exist.If agreed in writing between both Parties, Qwest shall perform or have performed such corrections and Sprint shall pay Qwest the cost of performing such work. Subsequent inspections to determine if appropriate corrective actions have been taken may be made by Qwest. (F)9.2.16 Once Sprint's facilities begin occupying the Poles,Conduit or Innerduct system,Qwest may perform periodic inspections. Qwest shall bear the cost of such inspections unless the results of the inspection reveal any violation or hazard,or that Sprint has in any other way failed to comply with the provisions of this Agreement;in which case Sprint shall reimburse Qwest the costs of inspections and re-inspections,as required.If Qwest schedules any subsequent inspections or re-inspections to ensure Sprint's facilities are in compliance,.Qwest will provide Sprint at least forty-eight (48)hours written notice so they may accompany Qwest on such inspections and re-inspections. Page 234 Part F Ancillary Services (F)9.2.17 The costs of final inspections and inspections which arenecessaryduetotheexistenceofnon-complying conditions orunauthorizedoccupancyshallbeassessedtoSprint. (F)9.2.18 Final construction,subsequent,and periodic inspections or thefailuretomakesuchinspections,shall not impose any liability of any kind upon Qwest nor relieve Sprint of anyresponsibilities,obligations,or liability assigned under thisAgreement. (F)9.2.19 Should Qwest,under the provisions of this Agreement,remove Sprint's facilities from the poles,conduit or innerduct,Qwest will deliver the facilities removed upon payment by Sprint of the cost of removal,storage and delivery,and all other amounts due Qwest.If Sprint removes facilities from poles,conduit orinnerductforotherthanrepairormaintenancepurposes,noreplacementonthesamepoles,conduit or innerduct shall be made if there are any undisputed charges due Qwest forpreviousoccupancythathavenotbeenpaidinfull.Sprint shalladviseQwestinwritingastothedateonwhichtheremovaloffacilitiesfromthepoles,conduit or innerduct has beencompleted. (F)9.2.20 If any facilities are found attached to poles,conduit or innerductforwhichnoagreementisineffect,Qwest,without prejudice to its other rights or remedies under this Agreement,may assess a charge and Sprint agrees to pay a charge of $200.00 per pole,$200.00 per use of a conduit (a conduit may be anisolatedconduitorconduitsbetweenmanholesorother structures),and $200.00 per innerduct run (an innerduct run is the use of innerduct between two manholes),plus payment as specified in this Section.Sprint is required to submit in writing, within ten (10)days after receipt of written notification from Qwest of the unauthorized occupancy,a poles,conduit orinnerductapplication.If such application is not received by Qwest within the specified time period,Sprint will be required to remove its unauthorized facility within ten (10)days of the final date for submitting the required application,or Qwest may remove Sprint's facilities without liability,and the cost of such removal shall be borne by Sprint. (F)9.2.21 No act or failure to act by Qwest with regard to an unauthorizedoccupancyshallbedeemedastheauthorizationofthe occupancy.Any subsequently issued authorization shall not operate retroactively or constitute a waiver by Qwest of any of its rights or privileges under this Agreement or otherwise. Sprint shall be subject to all liabilities of the Agreement in regard to said unauthorized occupancy from its inception. (F)9.2.22 Each Party shall provide the other Party access to its poles, ducts,ROW and conduits it controls on terms,conditions and Page 235 Part F Ancillary Services prices comparable to those offered to any other entity pursuant to each party's applicable tariffs and/or standard agreements. (F)9.2.23 Any authorization to use or modify a pole line or conduit system or other pathways to allow access to and egress from the system shall not be unreasonably restricted,withheld,or delayed. (F)9.2.24 The Parties will take no action to intervene against,or attempt to delay,the granting of permits to the other for use of public ROW's or access with property owners.The Parties may assist each other with ROW acquisition,and will compensate each other for time and expenses associated with ROW acquisition. (F)9.2.25 Application Fees related to engineering surveys for potential ROW use shall be cost-based as defined by the FCC rules. (F)9.2.26 Qwest will allow Sprint's facilities to enter Qwest's manholes through conduit break-outs as specified by Qwest.Entrance to conduits or innerduct will only be permitted at manholes. Qwest will allow Sprint to make inspections of manholes to verify usage and space availability.The splicing of Sprint's facilities will be permitted in the Qwest manholes when such manholes are designed to accommodate splices. (F)9.2.27 Qwest will provide information on the location of,and the availability of pole attachment or innerduct occupancy,to Sprint when requesting such information,within 10 calendar days after the request.The information Qwest provides to Sprint will be based on Qwest's records and not on field verification. (F)9.2.28 The Parties shall not attach,or knowingly permit other entities to attach facilities,on each other's existing facilities without the other's prior written consent. (F)9.2.29 Qwest shall make available to Sprint,by lease or license,an entire innerduct for that section of innerduct between manholes, as requested by Sprint. (F)9.2.30 The Parties shall provide a single point of contact to the other for negotiating structure leases and ROW agreements. (F)9.2.31 On any new build,relocation or modification in which Sprint participates,Sprint shall have the option to be present at the field survey and Qwest shall provide Sprint at least 24 hours notice prior to the start of such field survey.During the field sunrey,Qwest shall allow Sprint personnel to enter manholes and equipment spaces and view pole structures to inspect such structures in order to confirm usability or assess the condition of the structure. Page 236 Part F Ancillary Services (F)9.2.32 At Sprint's request and Sprint's acceptance of a Qwest costestimate,Qwest shall relocate and/or make ready existingROW,conduit or pole attachments where necessary andfeasibletoprovidespaceforSprint's requirements.Subject totherequirementsabove,the PartÍes shall mutually agree uponthetimeframeforthecompletionofsuchwork.If the Partiesareunabletoagreetoaschedule,the Parties shall use thedisputeresolutionprocessunderthisAgreement. (F)9.2.33 Sprint may,at its option,make pole attachments using Sprint orSprintdesignatedQwestapprovedcontractorstoattachitsequipmenttoQwestpoles.The approval of any third partycontractorshallnotbeunreasonablywithheld. (F)9.2.34 Upon receipt of notification from Qwest of its intent to modify oralteranyROW,conduit or pole line which contains Sprint'sfacilities,Sprint will notify Qwest within twenty (20)calendardaysthatitintendstoaddtoormodifyitsfacilitiesinassociationwithQwestadditionormodification.The Partieswillcoordinatetheirworkeffortsandtimeframes.Sprint shall bear its proportionate share of the costs incurred by Qwest inmakingsuchfacilitiesaccessible. (F)9.2.35 In the event of a relocation necessitated by a governmentalentityexercisingthepowerofeminentdomain,when suchrelocationisnotreimbursable,each Party shall bear itsproportionatecostofrelocatingtheROW,conduits or poles. Qwest is responsible for the costs of moving the structure and its facilities,while Sprint is responsible for the costs to move itsfacilitieslocatedonorinthestructure.To the extent that SprinthasaseparatepermitforaROW,Sprint will be responsible forobtaininganewpermit.If Sprint elects to add new facilities during the relocation effort,Sprint shall pay the costs of any new Sprint facilities and the costs of installation of thosefacilitiesinthenewlyrebuiltQwestROW,conduits or poles. (F)9.3 Rate Elements (F)9.3.1 Inquiry Fee -A non-refundable charge used to recover thecostsassociatedwithperforminganinternalrecordreviewtodetermineifarequestedrouteand/or facility is available for lease. (F)9.3.2 Field Verification Fee -(Request Phase)A non-refundable charge which recovers the cost for the field survey required for a site investigation and to determine scope of any required make-ready work. (F)9.3.3 Make-Ready Work-A non-refundable charge which recovers the cost of necessary work required to make the requestedfacilityavailableforlease.For innerduct leases this could Page 237 Part F Ancillary Services include,but is not limited to,the placing of innerduct in conduit/duct systems or core drilling of manholes.For pole attachment requests this could include,but is not limited to the replacement of poles to meet required clearances over roads or land. (F)9.3.4 Pole Attachment Fee -An annual fee which is charged for the occupancy of space on a pole. (F)9.3.5 innerduct Occupancy Fee -An annual fee which is charged for the occupancy of an innerduct on a per foot basis. (F)9.4 Ordering The Ordering Process has three distinct steps: (F)9.4.1 Inquiry -Upon request for either Pole Attachment or Innerduct Occupancy,Qwest will provide Sprint with a document of General Information,Terms and Conditions for Pole Attachment and Innerduct Occupancy Form along with a description of the application process.Sprint will review the documents and provide Qwest with a diagram of the Sprint requested route, including the beginning and ending points.Sprint will include the appropriate Inquiry Fee with its inquiry. (F)9.4.2 Inquiry Review -Innerduct.Qwest will complete the database inquiry and prepare a duct structure diagram (referred to as a "Flatline")which shows distances and access points (such as manholes).Along with the Flatline will be estimated costs for field verification of available facilities.These materials will be provided to Sprint within ten (10)calendar days or within the time frames of the applicable federal or state law,rule or regulation.This time frame is applicable to the standard inquiry of thirty (30)Utility Holes sections or fewer.An Inquiry which exceeds the standard will have negotiated completion dates. The Innerduct Review quotation shall be valid for ninety (90) calendar days. (F)9.4.3 Request -Innerduct.Sprint will review the Inquiry results and determine whether to proceed with field verification.If desired, Sprint will sign and return Attachment 1 of the General Information document along with a check for the estimated verification costs.Upon payment of the estimated Field Verification Fee,Qwest will provide the requested information which may include the following as needed:a review of public and internal ROW records for restrictions and to identify to Sprint what additional ROW permission is required;a field survey and site investigation of the Innerduct,including the preparation of distances and drawings,to determine availability of existing Innerduct;identification of Make-ready costs required to provide Innerduct;the schedule in which the Make- Page 238 Part F Ancillary Services ready work will be completed;and the annual recurring prices associated with the attachment of facilities.Such estimates shall be provided and shall be completed within thirty-five(35)calendar days for a standard inquiry of Thirty (30)Utility Hole sections or less,or as negotiated between Qwest and Sprint and identified in the Cost Quotation. (F)9.4.4 Agreement --Poles and Innerduct.Upon completion of the procedures described above,Qwest shall provide Sprint a statement of Make-ready costs and yearly lease rates.The review,signing and return of Attachment 2 of the General Information document,along with payment of the Make-ready and prorated lease charges for the current year,shall be accepted as an agreement for the attachment or occupancy. Upon receipt of the accepted agreement from Sprint and applicable payment for the Make-ready fees identified,Qwest will assign Sprint's requested space and complete the Make- ready work which may be required.Qwest will notify Sprint when Poles/Innerduct are ready for attachment of facilities. Upon request from Sprint,Qwest may negotiate to perform the work of attaching Sprint's facilities. (F)9.4.5 Make-ready Cost for Poles,Conduit or Innerduct -The estimated costs included in the REQUEST Quotation are used to cover the actual costs incurred by Qwest in determining if space is available to meet Sprint's request.Likewise, estimates of Make-ready in the agreement are used to cover actual costs.When Qwest becomes aware that the actual costs of the requested work will exceed estimated costs by more than ten percent (10%),Qwest will notify Sprint.If the Parties disagree on how the cost overrun will be resolved,the Parties will invoke the Dispute Resolution process under this Agreement.If the actual costs are less than the estimate,an appropriate credit will be issued upon request.If Qwest denies the poles,conduit or innerduct request,Qwest shall do so in writing,specifying the reasons for denial along with all relevant evidence supporting denial pursuant to 47 USC Section 224(f)(2)and will also refund the difference between the costs incurred and those prepaid by Sprint,if any. (F)9.5 Billing Sprint agrees to pay Qwest poles and innerduct fees as specified in Part H. Fees will be computed in compliance with applicable local,state and federal guidelines.Such fees will be assessed annuallyas of January 1 of each year.Fees are not refundable except as expressly provided herein. (F)9.6 Maintenance and Repair In the event of any sentice outage affecting both Qwest and Sprint,repairs shall be effectuated on a nondiscriminatory priority basis as established by Page 239 Part F Ancillary Services local,state or federal requirements,or where such requirements do not exist,repairs shall be made in the following order:electrical,telephone (local),telephone (long distance),and cable television,or as mutually agreed to by the users of the affected Poles/Innerduct. (F)10.InterNetwork Calling Name (F)10.1 Description InterNetwork Calling Name (ICNAM)is a Qwest service that allows Sprint to query Qwest's ICNAM database and secure the listed name information for the requested telephone number (calling number),in order to deliver that information to Sprint's end users. ICNAM database contains current listed name data by working telephone number served or administered by Qwest,including listed name data provided by other Telecommunications Carriers participating in the Calling Name Delivery Service arrangement. (F)10.2 Terms and Conditions (F)10.2.1 In response to queries properly received at Qwest's ICNAM database,Qwest will provide the listed name of the calling party that relates to the calling telephone number (when the information is actually available in Qwest's database and the delivery thereof is not blocked or otherwise limited by the calling party or other appropriate request).Sprint is responsible for properly and accurately launching and transmitting the query from its serving office to the Qwest database. (F)10.2.2 In response to proper signaling queries,Qwest will provide Sprint with ICNAM database end user information if the calling party's end user information is stored in the Qwest ICNAM database.The effect being that the called party end user can identify the calling party listed name prior to receiving the call, except in those cases where the calling party end user has its ICNAM information blocked. (F)10.2.3 Qwest will allow Sprint to query Qwest's ICNAM database in order to obtain ICNAM information which identifies the calling party end user. (F)10.2.4 The ICNAM service shall include the database query and transport from Qwest's regional STP to Qwest's SCP where the database is located.Transport from Sprint's network to Qwest's local STP is provided via Links which are described and priced in the CCSAC/SS7 Section of this Agreement. (F)10.2.5 Sprint warrants that it shall send queries conforming to the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI)approved Page 240 Part F Ancillary Services standards for SS7 protocol and per the following specificationstandarddocuments: BellcoreTTelcordia-SS7 Specification,TR-NPL-000246 ANSI-SS7 Specifications Message Transfer Part T1.111 Signaling Connection Control Part T1.112 Transaction Capabilities Application Part T1.114 Bellcore/Telcordia-CLASS Calling Name Delivery Generic Requirements,TR-NWT-001188 Bellcore/Telcordia-CCS Network Interface Specifications,TR-TSV-000905 (F)10.2.6 Sprint acknowledges that transmission in the above protocol is necessary for Qwest to provision its ICNAM services.Sprintwilladheretootherapplicablestandards,which includeBellcore/Telcordia specifications defining service applications,message types and formats.Qwest reserves the right tomodifyitsnetworkpursuanttootherspecificationstandardsthatmaybecomenecessarytomeettheprevailingdemandswithintheUnitedStatestelecommunicationsindustry.All suchchangesshallbeannouncedinadvanceandcoordinatedwithSprint. (F)10.2.7 All queries to Qwest's ICNAM database shall use a subsystemnumber(the designation of application)value of 250 with atranslationtypevalueof5.Sprint may elect to use their own its own subsystem value.Sprint acknowledges that suchsubsystemnumberandtranslationtypevaluesarenecessaryforQwesttoproperlyprocessqueriestoQwest's ICNAM database. (F)10.2.8 Sprint acknowledges and agrees that SS7 network overloadduetoextraordinaryvolumesofqueriesand/or other SS7networkmessagescanandwillhaveadetrimentaleffectontheperformanceofQwest's SS7 network.Sprint fudher agreesthatQwest,in its sole discretion,shall employ certain automaticand/or manual overload controls within the Qwest SS7 network to safeguard against any detrimental effects.Qwest shallreporttoSprintanyinstanceswhereoverloadcontrolsareinvokedduetoSprint's SS7 network,and Sprint agrees in such cases to take immediate corrective actions as necessary to cure the conditions causing the overload situation. (F)10.2.9 Qwest shall exercise best efforts to provide Sprint accurate andcompleteICNAMinformation.Qwest does not warrant orguaranteethecorrectnessorthecompletenessofsuchinformation;however,Qwest will access the same ICNAMdatabaseforSprint's queries as Qwest accesses for its ownqueries.In no event shall Qwest have any liability for system Page 241 Part F Ancillary Services outage or inaccessibility or for losses arising from the authorized use of the ICNAM data by Sprint. (F)10.2.10 Sprint shall arrange its Calling Party Number based services in such a manner that when a calling party requests privacy, Sprint will not reveal that caller's name or number to the called party (Sprint's end user).Sprint will comply with all FCC guidelines and,if applicable,the appropriate state Commission rules,with regard to honoring the privacy indicator.Sprint agrees to indemnify and hold Qwest harmless for any claims by third parties resulting from Sprint's failure to comply with this provision. (F)10.2.11 Qwest retains full and complete ownership and control over the ICNAM database and all information in its database.Sprint agrees not to copy,store,maintain or create any table or database of any kind from any response received after initiating an ICNAM query to Qwest's database.Sprint will prohibit its end users from copying,storing,maintaining,or creating any table or database of any kind from any response provided by Sprint to its end user after Sprint initiated a ICNAM query to Qwest's ICNAM database. (F)10.2.12 Qwest reserves the right to temporarily discontinue the ICNAM service if incoming calls are so excessive as determined by Qwest that the ICNAM database cannot operate in a quality manner.Such discontinuance will affect all carriers,including Qwest,on a non-discriminatory basis. (F)10.3 Rate Elements Rate elements for ICNAM services are contained in Part H of this Agreement. (F)10.4 Billing Sprint agrees to pay Qwest for each and every query initiated into Qwest's ICNAM database for any information,whether or not any information is actually provided.If Sprint experiences an unacceptable level of improperly formatted responses or failed queries it may at it's option dispute billing and seek resolution with Qwest. ICNAM rates will be billed to Sprint monthly by Qwest for the previous month. (F)11.Custom Local Area Signaling Services (CLASS) (F)11.1 CLASS services as retail services offered by Qwest and CLECs are not included in this Section of the Agreement.This Section pertains to the Interconnection of the Parties'networks for purposes of transporting inter- company CLASS related data. Page 242 Part F Ancillary Services (F)11.2 Upon request by Sprint the Parties will engage in joint planning to identifythenecessarytranslationstoaccomplishthetransportofCLASSdata.ThiswillrequireSprinttohaveSS7capabilityandmeettheconnectivityrequirementscontainedinPartEofthisAgreement. Page 243 Part F Ancillary Services Part F -EXHIBIT A -FORMULA Switched Access Compensationwith INP 1.Average MOUs by jurisdiction per line.(Source:ARMIS) a.Interstate/InterLATA terminating MOUs per line,monthly b.Intrastate/InterLATA terminating MOUs per line,monthly c.Intrastate/IntraLATA terminating MOUs per line,monthly 2.INP lines eligible for Switched Access (Source:Qwest CHQ DB) a.Total INP lines b.minus INP lines associated with ISPs c.Eligible lines 3.Calculate Total Terminating INP MOU by Jurisdiction (Multiple average MOU by total INP eligible lines) a.Total Interstate/InterLATA MOU per State (Step 1a x Step 2c) b.Total Intrastate/InterLATA MOU per State (Step 1b x Step 2c) c.Total Intrastate/IntraLATA MOU per State (Step ic x Step 2c) 4.Sprint Revenue Distribution by Rate (a)Interstate (b)lntrastate c)Intrastate/ Element Factors InterLATA InterLATA IntraLATA Switched Switched Switched Access Access Access*Carrier Common Line 100%100%100%*Local Switching 100%50%50%*lnterconnection Charge 100%100%100%*End Office Shared Port 100%NA NA*Tandem Transmission 50%50%50%*Tandem Switching 0%0%0%*(Rates for Interstate/InterLATA,Intrastate/InterLATA and Intrastate/IntraLATA rate elements are ídentified in the appropriate Qwest switched access tariffs) 5.Total Due I Interstate/InterLATA Switched Access $ (Step 3a)x (Tariffed Rate x Revenue Distribution identified in 4a) Intrastate/InterLATA Switched Access $ (Step 3b)x (Tariffed Rate x Revenue Distribution identified in 4b) Intrastate/IntraLATA Switched Access (Step 3c)x (Tariffed Rate x Revenue Distribution identified in 4c)$= Total $ (Minus Local Compensation Charges previously paid to Sprint in (-)accordance with Interconnection Agreement/Commission Order)= Total Due to Sprint $ Page 244 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions PART G-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (G)1.Network Security (G)1.1 Protection of Service and Property -Each Party shall exercise the samedegreeofcaretopreventharmordamagetotheotherPartyandanythirdparties,its employees,agents or end users,or their property as it employs toprotectitsownpersonnel,end users and property,etc. (G)1.1.1 Each Party is responsible to provide security and privacy of communications.This entails protecting the confidential natureoftelecommunicationstransmissionsbetweenendusers,during technician work operations and at all times.Specifically, no employee,agent or representative,shall monitor any circuitsexceptasrequiredtorepairorprovideservice,of any end user at any time.Nor shall an employee,agent or representative disclose the nature of overheard conversations,or whoparticipatedinsuchcommunicationsoreventhatsuchcommunicationhastakenplace.Violation of such security mayentailstateandfederalcriminalpenalties,as well as civilpenalties.The Parties are responsible for training theiremployeesonsuchsecurityrequirementsandpenalties. (G)1.1.2 Each Party's telecommunications network is part of the nationalsecuritynetwork,and as such,is protected by federal law.Deliberate sabotage or disablement of any portion of theunderlyingequipmentusedtoprovidethenetworkisaviolationoffederalstatuteswithseverepenalties,especially in times ofnationalemergencyorstateofwar.The Parties are responsiblefortrainingtheiremployeesonsuchsecurityrequirementsandpenalties. (G)1.1.3 Qwest will review the security requirements and hours of access with Sprint.This will include issuing keys,ID cards,andexplainingtheaccesscontrolprocesses,including but notlimitedto,the requirement that all Sprint approved personnel are subject to trespass violations if outside of designated andapprovedareasoriffoundtobeprovidingaccesstounauthorizedindividuals.Sprint personnel found outside ofdesignatedandapprovedareaswillbeescortedawayfromthosenon-approved areas and reported to Qwest Security. Repeated violations will result in denial of access to Qwestfacilitiesandapossibilityofcriminalpenalties. (G)1.1.4 Qwest will use the appropriate contact noted on the SprintquestionnairetoinformSprintbytelephoneofanyemergency related activity that Qwest or its subcontractors may beperformingwhichcouldpotentiallyaffecttheequipmentinthecollocatedspaceoccupiedbySprint. Page 245 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions ((G)1.1.5 Qwest shall provide access to existing eyewash stations, bathrooms,and drinking water within the collocated facility on a twenty-four (24)hours per day,seven (7)days per week basis for Sprint personnel and its designated agents. (G)1.1.6 If,during installation,Qwest determines Sprint activities or equipment do not comply with the NEBS standards listed in this Section or are otherwise unsafe,non-standard or in violation of any applicable laws or regulations,Qwest has the right to stop all Collocation work until the situation is remedied.If such conditions pose an immediate threat to the safety of Qwest employees,interfere with the performance of Qwest's service obligations,or pose an immediate threat to the physical integrity of the conduit system,cable facilities or other equipment in the Central Office,Qwest may perform such work and/or take action as is necessary to correct the condition at Sprint's expense.Qwest will notify Sprint's Collocation Manager in person or by telephone,at its earliest practicable time,of such action and will confirm such action with written notice. (G)1.1.7 Inasmuch as both Qwest and Sprint employees will be working in Qwest Central Offices,both Qwest and Sprint share responsibility for security and network protection.Each Party's employees,agents or representatives must secure its own portable test equipment,spares,etc.and shall not use the test equipment or spares of the other Party.Unauthorized use of such test equipment or spares without written permission constitutes theft and may be prosecuted.Exceptions are the use of Qwest ladders in the Wire Center,either rolling or track, which Sprint may use in the course of work operations.Qwest assumes no liability to Sprint,its agents,employees or representatives,if Sprint uses a Qwest ladder available in the Wire Center. (G)1.1.8 Each Party is responsible for the physical security of its employees,agents or representatives.Providing safety glasses,gloves,etc.must be done by the respective employing Party.Hazards handling and safety procedures relative to the telecommunications environment is the training responsibility of the employing Party.Proper use of tools,ladders,and test gear is the training responsibility of the employing Party. (G)1.1.9 In the event that one Party's employees,agents or representatives,inadvertently damage or impair the equipment of the other Pady,prompt notification will be given to the damaged Party,by verbal notification between the Parties' technicians at the site or by telephone to each Party's 24 x 7 security numbers. Page 246 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)1.1.10 Each Party shall comply at all times with Qwest's legal andreasonablesecurityandsafetyproceduresandrequirements.Such procedures and requirements will be provided to Sprint. (G)1.1.11 Qwest will allow Sprint to inspect or observe spaces whichhouseorcontainSprintequipmentorequipmentenclosuresatanytimeandtofurnishSprintwithallkeys,entry codes,lockcombinations,or other materials or information which may beneededtogainentryintoanysecuredSprintspace,in a manner consistent with that used by Qwest. (G)1.1.12 Qwest will limit the keys used in its keying systems for enclosedcollocatedspaceswhichcontainorhouseSprintequipmentorequipmentenclosurestoitsemployeesandrepresentativestoemergencyaccessonly.Sprint shall further have the right tochangelockswheredeemednecessaryfortheprotectionandsecurityofsuchspaces. (G)1.1.13 Keys may entail either metallic keys or combination electronicID/key cards.It is solely the responsibility of Sprint to ensurekeysarenotsharedwithunauthorizedpersonnelandrecoverkeysandelectronicID/keys promptly from dischargedpersonnel,such that office security is always maintained.Qwest has similar responsibility for its employees. (G)1.1.14 Sprint agrees to enforce the following Qwest safety and securityrequirements: (G) Train its employees,agents and vendors onQwestsecuritypoliciesandguidelines. (G) When working on Qwest ICDFs or in Qwestequipmentline-ups,Sprint employees,agents andvendorsagreetoadheretoQwestqualityandpedormancestandardsprovidedbyQwestandasspecifiedinthisAgreement. (G) Report to Qwest all property,material andequipmentlossesimmediately,any lost cards or keys,vandalism,unsecured conditions,securityviolations,anyone who is unauthorizedto be in theworkareaorisnotwearingtheQwest identification/access card.All security incidents are to be referred directly to local Qwest Security - 1-888-Qwest-SECURE.In cases of emergency,call 911 and 1-888-Qwest-SECURE. (G)i.1.14.4 Require its employees to wear theidentification/access card above the waist so it isvisibleatalltimes. Page 247 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G) Ensure adherence by its employees,agents and vendors to all Qwest environmental health and safety regulations.This includes all firellife safety matters,OSHA,EPA,Federal,State and local regulations,including evacuation plans and indoor air quality. (G) Secure and lock all doors and gates. (G)1.1.15 Sprint's employees,agents and vendors will comply with Qwest Central Office fire and safety regulations,which include but are not limited to,wearing safety glasses in designated areas, keeping doors and aisles free and clean of trip hazards such as wire,checking ladders before moving,not leaving test equipment or tools on rolling ladders,not blocking doors open, providing safety straps and cones in installation areas,using electrostatic discharge protection,and exercising good housekeeping. (G)1.1.16 Smoking is not allowed in Qwest buildings,Wire Centers,and all other Qwest facilities.No open flames shall be permitted anywhere within the buildings.Failure to abide by this restriction will result in immediate denial of access for that individual and will constitute a violation of the access rules, subjecting Sprint to denial of unescorted access. (G)1.1.17 No flammable or explosive fluids or materials are to be kept or used anywhere within the Qwest buildings or on the grounds. (G)1.1.18 No weapons of any type are allowed on Qwest premises. Vehicles on Qwest property are subject to this restriction as well. (G)1.1.19 Sprint's employees,agents or vendors may not make any modifications,alterations,additions or repairs to any space within the building or on the grounds,except as provided for in the Collocation Section of this Agreement. (G)1.1.20 Any Qwest employee may request Sprint's employee,agent or vendor to stop any work activity that in their reasonable judgment is a jeopardy to personal safety or poses a potential for damage to the building,equipment of services within the facility. (G)1.1.21 Qwest is not liable for any damage,theft or personal injury resulting from Sprint's employees,agents or vendors parking in a Qwest parking area. (G)1.1.22 Sprint's employees,agents or vendors outside the designated Sprint access area or without proper identification will be asked to vacate the premises and Qwest Security will be notified. Page 248 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions Continued violations may result in termination of accessprivileges. (G)1.1.23 Building related problems may be referred to the Qwest WorkEnvironmentCenters: 800-879-3499 (CO,WY,AZ,NM) 800-201-7033 (all other Qwest states) (G)1.1.24 Sprint will submit a Qwest Collocation Access Application form for individuals needing to access Qwest facilities.Sprint and Qwest will meet to review applications and securityrequirements. (G)1.1.25 Sprint employees,agents and vendors will utilize only corridors, stairways and elevators that provide direct access to Sprint'sspaceandotheressentialfacilities.Such access will be covered in orientation meetings.Access shall not be permitted to any other portions of the building. (G)1.1.26 Sprint will collect identification/access cards for any employees, agents or vendors no longer working on behalf of Sprint andfonvardthemtoQwestSecurity.If cards or keys cannot be collected,Sprint will immediately notify Qwest at 800-210-8169. (G)1.1.27 Sprint will assist Qwest in validation and verification ofidentificationofitsemployees,agents and vendors by providing a telephone contact available 7 days a week,24 hours a day. (G)1.1.28 To the degree that Qwest employees are required to do so,Sprint employees,agents and vendors will notify Qwest ServiceAssurance(800-713-3666)when gaining access into a Central Office after hours.Normal business hours are 7:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. (G)1.1.29 Sprint will notify Qwest if Sprint has information that itsemployee,agent or vendor poses a safety and/or security risk. Qwest may deny access to anyone who in the reasonable judgment of Qwest threatens the safety or security of facilities or personnel. (G)1.1.30 Sprint will supply to Qwest Security,and keep up to date,a list of its employees,agents and vendors who require access to Sprint's space.The list will include names and social security numbers.Names of employees,agents or vendors to be added to the list will be provided to Qwest Security,who willprovideittotheappropriateQwestpersonnel. (G)1.2 Revenue Protection -Qwest shall make available to Sprint all present andfuturefraudpreventionorrevenueprotectionfeatures.These features include,but are not limited to,screening codes and call blocking.Qwest Page 249 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions shall additionally provide partitioned access to fraud prevention,detection and control functionalitywithin pertinent Operations Support Systems and signaling which include but are not limited to LIDB Fraud monitoring systems. (G)1.2.1 Uncollectable or unbillable revenues resulting from,but not confined to,provisioning,maintenance,or signal network routing errors shall be the responsibility of the party causing such error or malicious acts,if such malicious acts could have reasonably been avoided. (G)1.2.2 Uncollectible or unbillable revenues resulting from the accidental or malicious alteration of software underlying Network Elements or their subtending operational support systems by unauthorized third parties that could have reasonably been avoided shall be the responsibility of the party having administrative control of access to said Network Element or operational support system software. (G)1.2.3 Qwest shall be responsible for any direct uncollectible or unbillable revenues resulting from the unauthorized physical attachment to loop facilities from the Main Distribution Frame up to and including the Network Interface Device,including clip- on fraud,if Qwest could have reasonably prevented such fraud. (G)1.2.4 To the extent that incremental costs are directly attributableto a Sprint requested revenue protection capability,those costs will be borne by Sprint. (G)1.2.5 To the extent that either Party is liable to any toll provider for fraud and to the extent that either Party could have reasonably prevented such fraud,the causing Party must indemnify the other for any fraud due to compromise of its network (e.g.,clip- on,missing information digits,missing toll restriction,etc.). (G)1.3.Law Enforcement Interface Qwest provides emergency assistance to 911 centers and law enforcement agencies seven days a week/twenty-four hours a day.Assistance includes, but is not limited to release of 911 trace and subscriber information;in- progress trace requests;establishing emergency trace equipment,release of information from an emergency trap/trace or *57 trace;requests for emergency subscriber information;assistance to law enforcement agencies in hostagelbarricade situations,kidnappings,bomb threats,extortion/scams, runaways and life threats. (G)i.4 Qwest provides trap/trace,pen register and Title lli assistance directly to law enforcement,if such assistance is directed by a court order.This service is provided during normal business hours,Monday through Friday.Exceptions are addressed in the above paragraph.The charges for these sentices will Page 250 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions be billed directly to the law enforcement agency,without involvement ofSprint,for any lines served from Qwest Wire Centers or cross boxes. (G)1.5 In all cases involving telephone lines served from Qwest Wire Centers orcrossboxes,whether the line is a resold line or part of an unbundled switchorLoopelement,Qwest will perform trap/trace Title Ill and pen registerassistancedirectlywithlawenforcement.Sprint will not be involved ornotifiedofsuchactions,due to non-disclosure court order considerations,aswellastimelyresponsedutieswhenlawenforcementagenciesareinvolved.Exceptions to the above will be those cases,as yet undetermined,whereSprintmustparticipateduetotechnicalreasonswhereinitscircuitrymustbeaccessedormodifiedtocomplywithlawenforcement,or for legal reasonsthatmayevolveovertime.Sprint will provide Qwest with a 24 hour a day,7daysaweekcontactforprocessingsuchrequests,should they occur. (G)2.Access To Operational Support Systems (OSS) (G)2.1 Description (G)2.1.1 Qwest will provide Operational Support Systems (OSS)interfaces using electronic gateways.These gateways act as amediationorcontrolpointbetweenSprint's and Qwest's OSS.These gateways provide security for the interfaces,protectingtheintegrityoftheQwestOSSanddatabases.Qwest's OSSinterfaceswillsupportPre-ordering,Ordering and Provisioning,Maintenance and Repair and Billing.Included below is adescriptionoftheproductsandfunctionssupportedbyQwestOSSinterfacesandthetechnologyusedbyeach.This section describes the interfaces that Qwest will provide to Sprint.Additional technical information and details shall be provided byQwestintrainingsessionsanddocumentation,such as the"Interconnect Mediated Access User's Guide".Qwest willcontinuetomakeimprovementstotheelectronicinterfacesastechnologyevolves,providing notification to Sprint consistentwiththeprovisionsofthisSection. (G)2.1.2 Through its electronic gateways,Qwest shall provide SprintnondiscriminatoryaccesstoQwest's operational supponsystemsforpre-ordering,ordering and provisioning,maintenance and repair,and billing for resale and unbundlednetworkelements.For those functions with a retail analogue,such as pre-ordering and ordering and provisioning of resold services,Qwest shall provide Sprint access to its OSS insubstantiallythesametimeandmannerasitprovidestoitself.For those functions with no retail analogue,such as pre- ordering and ordering and provisioning of unbundled elements, Qwest shall provide Sprint access to Qwest's OSS sufficient to allow an efficient competitor a meaningful opportunity to compete. (G)2.2 OSS Support for Pre-Ordering,Ordering and Provisioning Page 251 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions The Parties agree that the preferred method of exchanging information is electronic exchange.Where electronic exchange is not available,the Parties may exchange orders via a manual process. (G)2.2.1 Local Service Request (LSR)Ordering Process (G) Sprint shall use electronic interfaces for orders placed using the LSR Ordering Process for the services it supports.The electronic interface gateways include both the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)interface and the Interconnect Mediated Access (IMA)Graphical User Interface (GUI). (G) The EDI interface provides a single interface for Pre-Order and Order transactions from Sprint to Qwest and is transaction based,rather than batch based.The interface standards for EDI are based upon the Order &Billing Forum (OBF)Local Service Order Guidelines (LSOG),the Telecommunication Industry Forum (TCIF) Customer Service Guideline and the American National Standards Institute/Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI ASC)X12 with exceptions as specified in the IMA and EDI disclosure documents which are provided in conjunction with the implementation responsibilities contained in this Section. (G) The IMA GUI also provides a single interface for Pre-Order and Order transactions from Sprint to Qwest and is browser based.The IMA GUI interface is based on the LSOG and utilizes a WEB standard technology,Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML),JAVA,and the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)to transmit messages. (G) The products that can be ordered via either the SOAR EDI or the IMA GUI interface are listed in the Interconnect &Resale Resource Guide. (G) Functions (G) Pre-ordering refers to the set of activities performed in conjunction with placing an order.Pre-order consists of the following functions: validate address,check service availability,review Customer Service Page 252 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions Record (CSR),check facility availability,reserve telephone numbers,and schedule appointments.The electronic interface gateways provide on-line capabilities to perform these functions.Not all functions apply to all products. (G) The function of validating an address will verify the end user's address.No detailed facility information (i.e.,cable pair)will be returned as part of this transaction. (G) Service Availability will return the list of (1)POTS products and services available in the Central Office switch serving a particular end user address,which will indicate to Sprint,among other things,which products and services are authorized for resale in the Central Office switch serving a particular end user address and (2) non-switched-based products and sentices that Sprint is authorized to provide according to its interconnection Agreement with Qwest. (G) Review Customer Service Record (CSR)gives Sprint the ability to request a display of local exchange services and features (CPNI)Qwest is currently providing to an end user. (G) Check Facility Availability will provide an indication of whether existing facilities are available or if new facilities are required,and if a technician must be Page 253 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions dispatched to provide the facilities requested at the end user's address.This transaction does not reserve facilities and does not guarantee that facilities will or will not be available when the order is submitted. (G) Reserve Telephone Numbers provides Sprint with the ability to select an end user's telephone number.If the end user requests a specific number, range of numbers,or a vanity number,Sprint must call Qwest's ISC and the request will be handled manually and in the same manner Qwest provides to itself. (G) The reservation process is further divided into telephone number avail- ability,selection,exchange and return functionality. Expiration period for selec- tion and submission of Telephone Number are: A period up to thirty (30)minutes in which to make a telephone number selection.If this time limit is exceeded,and no attempt has been made to select the telephone numbers,the telephone numbers are sent back to the OSS and an error message is displayed on the LSR.A new query will need to be performed for available telephone numbers. Page 254 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions When a telephone number has been reserved,there is a twenty-four (24)hour period that the tele- phone number may be included on an LSR.If the time limit is exceeded,the tele- phone number is returned to the OSS. (G) Schedule Appointment allows Sprint to retrieve acalendarofavailable appointments and to reserve an appointment date and time so that a technician can be dispatched for premisesand/or non-premises work. (G) Expiration period for selection and submission of Appointment Reserva- tion are: A selection must be made within a thirty (30) minute period.If anappointmenthasbeen selected and the time limit was exceed-ed,an error message will display.If the error message displays,an updated list of available appointments will need to be requested.If an appointment has al- ready been reserved for this Purchase Order Number,the Appoint- ment Confirmation window will be dis- played and will be pre- populated with con- firmation number, appointment date and time,expressed in after and before times. Page 255 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions Appointments are reserved for a 24-hour period.If the appointment is not attached to a submitted order within 24 hours, the appointment is returned.When theappointmentissuc- cessfully reserved, confirmation of the appointment will be displayed to Sprint. (G) Ordering and Provisioning Submitting an LSR will result in the provisioning and installation,if necessary,of an end user's service. The functional set associated with ordering is:Create New LSR,Open LSR,Query LSR Status and FOC Return. (G) Create New LSR allows entry of information specific to the LSR,including required OBF forms, validates information and submits the LSR for processing. (G) An open LSR allows Sprint to save in a pending status, for up to thirty (30)calendar days,an LSR that Sprint is not ready to submit for processing.When an LSR is saved as pending,all the data in all the forms associated with the LSR is saved.This feature permits Sprint to access, edit,submit,re-save,and purge a pending LSR. (G) Sprint may also supple- ment or cancel an LSR that is in progress. Page 256 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G) Query LSR Status allows Sprint to obtain the status of the LSR.Status is provided to Sprint upon inquiry.Order status functions include the following:Submitted,in Review,Issued,Rejected, Errored,Completed and Jeopardy. (G) FOC Return returns a Firm Order Confirmation to Sprint.The FOC confirms that Qwest has received a SR,issued an order,and provides the assigned order number for tracking.(G) Forecast of Usage (G) Sprint shall supply Qwest with a forecast of products and volumes anticipated to be ordered through the electronic interface gateways on a quarterly basis. (G) Qwest will use Sprint's forecast to provide Sprint sufficient capacity to provide the services and elements requested.If Sprint exceeds its capacity without sufficient notification to enable Qwest to make appropriate adjustments,and to the extent that the increased usage causes degradation to other users' response times,Sprint's use of its capacity on the IMA or EDI senter may be in jeopardy of limitation until a resolution can be mutually agreed to by both Parties.Qwest will notify Sprint prior to any limitation of Sprint's use of the IMA or EDI server;however Qwest reserves the right to discontinue use if all efforts to mitigate the problems have been unsuccessfullyexhausted. (G) When Sprint requests from Qwest more than twenty SecurelDs,Sprint shall use a Ti line instead of dial-up capabilities. Page 257 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G) Access Service Request (ASR)Ordering Process (G) The Exchange Access Control and Tracking (EXACT)system may be used for orders placed using the ASR process.EXACT is based upon the OBF Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG).The EXACT interface accepts a batch file that is transmitted via a Network Data Mover (NDM)connection to Qwest from Sprint.It is Sprint's responsibility to obtain the appropriate software to interface with Qwest's EXACT system. (G) Facility Based EDI Listing Process The Facility Based EDI Listing Process is a single interface from Sprint to Qwest.This interface is based upon the OBF LSOG and ANSI ASC X12 standards,version 4010.This interface enables Sprint listing data to be translated and passed into the Qwest listing database.After Qwest's daily batch processing,a Confirmation/Completion record (for every PON provided on input)is returned to Sprint via an EDI 855 transaction. (G)2.2.2 Maintenance and Repair (G) Maintenance and Repair electronic interfaces support the tracking and resolution of end users' repair and maintenance needs as reported to Sprint.They facilitate the exchange of updated information and progress reports between Qwest and Sprint while the Trouble Report (TR)is open and a Qwest technician is working on the resolution. (G) Sprint shall use the electronics interface gateways for reporting trouble.The electronic interface gateways are comprised of either the Mediated Access System Electronic Bonding (MEDIACC EB)interface or the IMA GUI interface. (G) The MEDIACC EB interface uses CMIP protocol over X25 packet switching network using ANS T1M1.5 227/228 standards. Page 258 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G) The IMA GUI also provides a single interface fortroublereportingfromSprinttoQwestandis browser based.The IMA GUI interface uses aBerkleySocketinterfacebaseduponANSIT1M1.5 227/228 standards.The IMA GUI usesJAVAasthestandard.The IMA GUI intedacecurrentlysupportstroublereportingforresaleand UNEs. (G) Functions (G) Maintenance and Repair -The functions,processes and systems used in repair are based on a Trouble Report (TR),which is anelectronicdocumentmaintainedin one or more OSS.A TR containsinformationabouttheenduser,the trouble,the status of the work on thetroubleandtheresultsofthe investigation and resolution efforts. These business processes will be made available to Sprint in thefollowingfunctionalset:open a trouble report,modify a trouble report,notification of status change, view trouble report status,or cancel a trouble repod,receive a trouble report history,resubmit/delete an erred trouble report and close a trouble report. (G) Open Trouble Report is the mechanism that captures information needed to resolve the trouble.Once a TR has been opened,if Sprint is using MEDIACC EB,Qwest sends an electronic transaction to Sprint identifying information about the TR (e.g.,commitment date and tracking number). (G) In IMA for POTS,and in Electronic Bonding Test Access (EBTA)for POTS and designed services, Modify Trouble Repod allows Sprint to modify the Page 259 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions trouble severity (for example;change from "service affecting"to "out of service")and trouble narrative on a TR until it has been cleared. (G) Status Change Notification provides notification to Sprint that the status of a previously opened TR has changed.If Sprint is using MEDIACC EB,Sprint will receive this notification via an electronic transaction.If Sprint is using the IMA GUI interface,Sprint will receive this notification via email and/or fax. (G) View Trouble Report Status/Trouble Report Status Request allows Sprint to view the status of an opened Trouble Report if Sprint is using IMA GUI. If Sprint is using MEDIACC EB,Qwest sends an electronic transaction to Sprint with the status of an opened TR after Sprint sends an electronic transaction to request the status. (G) Cancel Trouble Report allows Sprint to request cancellation of a previously opened TR.Once a request to cancel is received,an orderly cessation of the trouble resolution process begins. If Qwest has completed any work before the trouble resolution process is stopped,charges to Sprint may apply. (G) The IMA Trouble Report History provides Sprint with Page 260 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions historical information on up to the last three trouble reports.For resale,the disposition and trouble report date and time are provided.For design senrices and UNEs,the trouble report date and time,a text description of the disposition,the Qwest Trouble Report Number, and the trouble type are provided. (G) Resubmit/Delete allows trouble reports to be resubmitted or deleted via IMA GUI if,prior to entering Qwest's OSS,the transaction fails or errors. This transaction is only valid if the TR has not entered Qwest's OSS. This transaction is currently available only via IMA GUI. (G) Close a Trouble Report,for resale,allows Qwest to close the TR once work is complete.For design services and UNEs,Qwest sends Sprint a request for verification to close.Sprint then authorizes or denies the closure.Sprint has twenty-four (24)hours to respond.If a response is not received within that time frame,the TR will automatically be closed. Qwest provides notification to Sprint that a TR has been closed because the trouble was resolved. Additional information (e.g., disposition,disposition description,outage dura- tion,maintenance of service,charge indicator)is also included.If Sprint is using MEDIACC EB,Sprint Page 261 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions will receive this response via an electronic trans- action.If Sprint is using the IMA GUI interface, Sprint will receive this response via email and/or fax. (G) Metallic line test (MLT) results give Sprint the ability to request a loop test for POTS service via EBTA.When Sprint submits a TR through IMA, the technician handling the TR will order a MLT test in appropriate situations. (G)2.2.3 Hours of Operation Qwest's OSS interfaces are typically available 23 hours a day. The following times represent the period when Qwest commitsthatitwillhavepersonnelavailabletoassistSprint: All referenced times are Mountain Time. Function Monday -Friday Saturday Sunday IMA Pre-Order &Order 06:00 -20:00 Exact Order 06:00 -19:00 07:00 -17:00Repair02:15 -23:15 07:00 -21:00 13:00 -17:00 Qwest shall notify CLECs regarding system downtime through mass facsimile distribution and pop-up windows in the IMA GUI.Sprint may call any maintenance and repair issues to the applicable repair center 24 hours per day,seven days per week.Qwest shall provide Sprint current repair contact numbers. (G)2.2.4 Billing (G) For products billed out of the Qwest Interexchange Access Billing System (IABS)system,Qwest will utilize the existing CABS/BOS format and technology for the transmission of bills. (G) For products billed out of the Qwest Customer Record Information System (CRIS),Qwest will utilize the existing EDI standard for the transmission of monthly local billing information. EDI is an established standard under the auspices of the ANSI/ASC X12 Committee.A proper subset Page 262 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions of this specification has been adopted by theTelecommunicationsIndustryForum(TClF)as the "811 Guidelines"specifically for the purposes oftelecommunicationsbilling. (G)2.2.5 Outputs Output information will be provided to Sprint in the form of bills,files,and reports.Bills will capture all regular monthly andincrementallusagechargesandpresenttheminasummarizedformat.The files and reports delivered to Sprint provide moredetailedinformationthanthebills.They come in the followingcategories: Usage Record File Line Usage Information Loss and Completion Order Information Category 11 Facility Based Line Usage InformationSAG/FAM Street Address/Facility Availability Information (G) Bills (G) CRIS Summary Bill -The CRIS Summary Bill represents a monthly summary of charges for most wholesale products sold by Qwest. This bill includes a total of all charges by entity plus a summary of current charges and adjustments on each sub-account.Individual sub- accounts are provided as billingdetailandcontainmonthly,one time charges and incremental/call detail information.The Summary Billprovidesonebillandonepayment document for Sprint.These bills aresegmentedbystateandbillcycle. The number of bills received by Sprint is dictated by the product ordered and the Qwest region in which Sprint is operating. (G) lABS Bill -The IABS Bill represents a monthly summary of charges. This bill includes monthly and one time charges plus a summary of any usage charges.These bills are segmented by product,LATA,billing account number (BAN)and bill cycle. Page 263 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G) Files and Reports (G) Daily Usage Record File provides the accumulated set of call information for a given day as captured or recorded by the network switches.This file will be trans- mitted Monday through Friday, excluding Qwest holidays.This information is a file of unrated Qwest originated usage messages and rated Sprint originated usage messages.It is provided in Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solution (ATIS)standard (Electronic Message Intedace)EMI format. This EMI format is outlined in the document SR-320;which can be obtained directly from ATIS.The Daily Usage Record File contains multi-state data for the Data Processing Center generating this information.Individual state identifi- cation information is contained with the message detail.Qwest will provide this data to Sprint with the same level of precision and accuracy it provides itself.This file will be provided for the following list of products: Resale Unbundled Switch Port (G) The charge for this Daily Usage Record File is contained in Part H of this Agreement. (G) Routing of in-region intraLATA Collect,Calling Card,and Third Number Billed Messages -Qwest will distribute in-region IntraLATA collect,calling card,and third number billed messages to Sprint and exchange with other CLECs operating in region in a manner consistent with existing inter- company processing agree-ments. Whenever the daily usage information is transmitted to a Page 264 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions carrier,it will contain these records for these types of calls as well. (G) Loss Report provides Sprint with adailyreportthatcontainsalistof accounts that have had lines and/or services disconnected.This may indicate that the end user haschangedCLECsorremoved services from an existing account. This report also details the order number,service name and address, and date this change was made. Individual reports will be provided for the following list of products: Interim Number Portability Resale Unbundled Loop Unbundled Line-side Switch Port (G) Completion Report provides Sprint with a daily batch report of the prior day's activity.This report is used to advise Sprint that the order(s)for the service(s)requested is complete.It details the order number,service name and address and date this change was completed.Individual reports will be provided for the following list of products: Interim Number Portability Resale Unbundled Loop Unbundled Line-side Switch This report media is described in Exhibit C. (G) Category 11 Records are Exchange Message Records (EMR)which provide mechanized record formats that can be used to exchange access usage information between Qwest and Sprint.Category 1101 series records are used to exchange detailed access usage information.(G) Category 1150 series records are used to exchange summarized Meet Point Billed access minutes-of-use. Page 265 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions These mechanized records are available from Qwest in the following formats: NDM (direct connect or dial- up) Comet Tape Cartridge (G) SAG/FAM Files.The SAG (Street Address Guide)/FAM (Features Availability Matrix)files contain the following information: SAG provides Address and Serving Central Office Information. FAM provides USOCs and descriptions by state (POTS services only),and USOC availability by NPA-NXX with the exception of Centrex. InterLATA/IntraLATA carriers by NPA-NXX. These files are made available via a download process.They can be retrieved by ftp (file transfer protocol),NDM connectivity,or a Web browser. (G)2.2.6 Modifications to OSS Intedaces Sprint and Qwest agree to discuss the modification of OSS interfaces based upon evolving standards (e.g.,data elements, protocols,transport networks,etc.)and guidelines issued by or referenced by relevant ATIS committees.Establishment of new,or changes to,industry standards and guidelines will be reviewed on as needed basis or,at a minimum,quarterly.The review will consider standards and guidelines that have reached final closure as well as those published in final form. Both Parties agree to evaluate evolving standards anddeterminetherelevantmodificationtobeimplementedbased upon the latest approved version adopted or the latest versionreflectingfinalclosurebytherelevantATIScommitteeor subcommittee.As a result of the review,Qwest shall draftappropriateinterfacespecificationsthatshallbemade available to Sprint through the electronic gateway disclosure Page 266 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions document.Changes shall be implemented in the next releaseafterthedistributionoftheelectronicgatewaydisclosuredocumenttotheCLECs. (G) In the course of establishing operational ready system interfaces between Qwest and Sprint to support local service delivery,Sprint and Qwest may need to define and implement system interface specifications that are supplemental to existing standards.Sprint and Qwest will submit such specifications to the appropriate standards committee and will work towards their acceptance as standards. (G) Release updates will be based on regulatoryobligationsasdictatedbytheFCCorCommission and,as time permits,business requirements. Qwest will provide to Sprint the targeted final features list for modifications to the interface. Final specifications for interface modifications will be provided to Sprint three weeks prior to the release date.Sprint is required to upgrade to the current release within six months of the installation date.If Sprint demonstrates mitigating circumstances in regard to the six month install date,the Parties will make a best effort to cooperatively set a date.Qwest will provide multi- versioning on at least the current and one past version with Release 4.2.Qwest is considering a maximum of three multi-version capability. (G)2.2.7 Sprint Responsibilitiesfor Implementation of OSS Interfaces (G) Before any Sprint implementation can begin, Sprint must completely and accurately answer the New Customer Questionnaire.This questionnaire is provided by the Qwest account manager and details information needed by Qwest to establish service for Sprint. (G) Once Qwest receives a complete and accurate New Customer Questionnaire,Qwest and Sprint will mutually agree upon time frames for implementation. (G) If using the EDI interfaces,Qwest will provide Sprint with a copy of the Production Readiness Verification Document.Sprint is obligated to meet the requirements specified in the Production Readiness Verification Document regardless of Page 267 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions whether Sprint chooses to participate in the Production Readiness Verification Test. (G)2.2.8 Sprint Responsibilities for On-going Support for OSS Interfaces (G) If using the IMA GUI interface,Sprint must work with Qwest to train Sprint personnel on the IMA GUI functions that Sprint will be using.Qwest and Sprint shall concur on which IMA GUI functions should be included in Sprint's training.Qwest and Sprint shall make reasonable efforts to schedule training in a timely fashion. (G) An exchange protocol will be used to transport EDI formatted content.Sprint must perform certification testing of exchange protocol prior to using EDI. (G) If Sprint is using EDl,Qwest shall provide Sprint with a pre-allotted amount of time to complete certification of its business scenarios.It is the sole responsibility of Sprint to schedule an appointment with Qwest for certification of its business scenarios.Sprint must comply with the agreed upon dates and times scheduled for the certification of its business scenarios.If the certification of business scenarios is delayed due to Sprint,it is the sole responsibility of Sprint to schedule new appointments for certification of its business scenarios.Conflicts in the schedule could result in certification being delayed.If a delay is due to Qwest,Qwest will honor Sprint's schedule through the use of alternative hours. (G) If Sprint is using the EDI interface,Sprint must work with Qwest to certify the business scenarios that Sprint will be using in order to ensure successful transaction processing.Qwest and Sprint shall mutually agree to the business scenarios for which Sprint is required to be certified.Certification is granted only for a specific release of EDI.New releases of EDI may require re-certification of some or all business scenarios. A determination as to the need for re-certification will be made by the Qwest coordinator in conjunction with the release manager of each EDI release.Notice of the need for re-certification will be provided to Sprint three weeks prior to the release date. (G) In the event of electronic interface trouble,Sprint shall use its best effods to isolate and resolve the Page 268 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions trouble using the guidelines provided in the Production Readiness Verification document.IfSprintcannotresolvetheproblem,then SprintshouldcontacttheLocalServiceProvider(LSP)Systems Help Desk.The LSP Systems Help Desk is Sprint's Single Point of Contact for electronicinterfacetrouble. (G)2.2.9 Sprint Support (G) Qwest shall provide adequate assistance to SprintforSprinttounderstandhowtoimplementandusetheOSSfunctionstowhichQwestisproviding access.This assistance will include training,documentation,and a LSP Help Desk.The LSPHelpDeskwillprovideasinglepointofentryforSprinttogainassistanceinareasinvolving connectivity,system availability,and file outputs. The LSP Systems Help Desk is available MondaythroughFriday,6:00 a.m.until 8:00 p.m.Mountain Time,excluding Qwest holidays.The Help Desk areas are further described below. (G) Connectivity covers trouble with Sprint's access to the Qwest system for hardware configuration requirements with relevance to EDI and IMA GUl;software configuration requirements with relevance to EDI and IMA GUl;modem configuration requirements,Ti configuration and dial in string requirements,firewall access configuration,SecurlD configuration,Profile Setup,and password verification. (G) System Availability covers system errors generated during an attempt by Sprint to place orders or open trouble reports through EDI and IMA GUI.These system errors are limited to:POTS;Design Services and Repair. (G) File Outputs covers Sprint's output files and reports produced from its usage and order activity.File outputs system errors are limited to: Daily Usage File;Loss /Completion File,IABS Bill,CRIS Summary Bill, Page 269 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions Category 11 Report and SAG/FAM Reports. (G) Additional assistance to CLECs is available through various web sites.These web sites provide electronic interface training information and user documentation and technical specifications. (G)2.2.10 Compensation/Cost Recovery On-going and one-time startup charges,as applicable,will be billed at rates to be specified by the Commission at the completion of appropriate cost docket hearings.Qwest shall establish rates for any systems charges not included in appropriate cost docket hearings. (G)3.Access To Telephone Numbers (G)3.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed in any manner to limit or otherwise adversely impact either Party's right to the request and assignment of any NANP number resources including,but not limited to, central office (NXX)codes pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines published by the Industry Numbering Committee ("INC")as INC 95-0407-008,formerly ICCF 93-0729-010).The latest version of the Guidelines will be considered the current standard. (G)3.2 It shall be the responsibility of each Party to program and update its own switches and network systems pursuant to the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG)to recognize and route traffic to the other Pady's assigned NXX codes.Neither Party shall impose any fees or charges whatsoever on the other Party for such activities.The Parties will cooperate to establish procedures to ensure the timely activation of NXX assignments in their respective networks. (G)3.3 Each Party shall be responsible for notifying its end users of any changes in numbering or dialing arrangements to include changes such as the introduction of new NPAs or new NXX codes. (G)3.4 Each Party is responsible for administering NXX codes assigned to it.Each Party is responsible for arranging LERG input for NXX codes assigned to its switches.Each Party shall use the LERG published by Telcordia (Bellcore) or its successor for obtaining routing information and shall provide through an authorized LERG input agent,all required information regarding its network for maintaining the LERG in a timely manner. (G)4.Dialing Parity Page 270 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions The Parties shall provide dialing parity to each other as required under the Act and FCCrules.This Agreement does not impact either Party's ability to default intraLATA Toll via a specific dialing pattern until otherwise required by the Act. (G)4.1 Qwest shall make N11 services it deploys in its network available asrequiredbytheActandFCCRules,to the extent technically available. (G)5.Qwest Dex Qwest and Sprint agree that certain issues outside the provision of basic white pagedirectorylistings,such as yellow pages advertising,yellow pages listings,directory coverage,directory distribution,access to call guide pages (phone service pages),applicable listings criteria,white page enhancements and publication schedules will bethesubjectofnegotiationsbetweenSprintanddirectorypublishers,including QwestDex.Qwest acknowledges that Sprint may request Qwest to facilitate discussions between Sprint and Qwest Dex. I This Section Intentionally Left Blank to Maintain Correct Pagination This Section Intentionally Left Blank to Maintain Correct Pagination (G)6.Notice of Changes (G)6.1.If a Party plans a change in its network which it believes will materially affecttheinter-operability of its network with the other Party,the Party making thechangeshallprovideadvancenoticeofsuchchangetotheotherPartyin accordance with the applicable FCC regulations. (G)6.2.Examples of changes that Qwest must provide notification of include but are not limited to:any pending tandem moves,NPA splits,or scheduledmaintenanceoutagesinadvance.Notices should provide enough time forSprinttoreact. Notice will be written and provide pertinent descriptive information of such changes,within the limitations of confidentiality and disclosure,such that theotherPartycanevaluatepotentialeffects.Also included with the written notice should be contact names and phone numbers for subsequent discussions. (G)7.Referral Announcement When an end user changes from Qwest to Sprint,or from Sprint to Qwest,and does not Page 271 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions retain its original main/listed telephone number,the Party formerly providing service totheenduserwillprovideatransferofserviceannouncementontheabandonedtelephonenumber.Each Party will provide this referral service consistent with its Tariff.This announcement will provide details on the new number that must be dialed to reachthisenduser. (G)8.Maintenance and Repair (G)8.1 Service Levels (G)8.1.1 Qwest will alarm its equipment that carries Sprint's traffic in the same manner that Qwest alarms its equipment that carries Qwest's traffic. (G)8.1.2 Both Parties agree to manage their network switches inaccordancewiththeBellcore/Telcordia LSSGR. (G)8.1.3 Qwest will provide repair and maintenance for all servicescoveredbythisAgreementinamannerequaltothatwhich Qwest provides for itself. (G)8.1.4 During the term of this Agreement,Qwest will providenecessarymaintenancebusinessprocesssupporttoallowSprinttoprovidesimilarservicequalitytothatprovidedby Qwest to its end users. (G)8.1.5 Qwest will perform repair service that is equal in timeliness and quality to that which it provides to its own end users. (G)8.2 Branding Should Qwest need to use various forms for communication with Sprint end users (while out on premise dispatches on behalf of Sprint,for example), Qwest will use unbranded forms. (G)8.3 Service Interruptions (G)8.3.1 Each carrier has the duty to aled the other(s)to any network events (planned/unplanned outage)that can result or have resulted in service interruption,blocked calls,changes innetworkperformance,within a reasonable timeframe appropriate to the degree of the nature of the outage. (G)8.3.2 The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits,facilities or equipment of either Party connected with the services,facilities or equipment of the other Party pursuant to this Agreement shall not:1)intedere with or impair service over any facilities of the other Party;its affiliated companies,or its connecting and concurring carriers involved in its services; 2)cause damage to their plant;3)violate any applicable law or regulation regarding the invasion of privacy of any Page 272 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions communications carried over the Party's facilities;or 4)createhazardstotheemployeesofeitherPadyortothepublic.Each of these requirements is hereinafter referred to as an"Impairment of Service". (G)8.3.3 If it is confirmed that either Party is causing an Impairment of Service,as set forth in this Section,the Party whose network or service is being impaired (the "Impaired Party")shall promptlynotifythePartycausingtheimpairmentofService(the"Impairing Party")of the nature and location of the problem. The impaired Party shall advise the impairing Party that,unlesspromptlyrectified,a temporary discontinuance of the use of any circuit,facility or equipment may be required.The Impairing Party and the Impaired Party agree to work together to attempttopromptlyresolvetheImpairmentofService.If the impairing Party is unable to promptly remedy the impairment of Service, the Impaired Party may temporarily discontinue use of theaffectedcircuit,facility or equipment.The impairing Party shallprovidetheimpairedPartyapropodionatepriceadjustmentonthesamebasisthatit's own customer would be entitled to a price adjustment. (G)8.3.4 To facilitate trouble reporting and to coordinate the repair of theserviceprovidedbyeachPartytotheotherunderthisAgreement,each Party shall designate a repair center for such service. (G)8.3.5 Each Party shall furnish a trouble reporting telephone number for the designated repair center.This number shall give access to the location where records are normally located and where current status repods on any trouble reports are readilyavailable.If necessary,alternative out-of-hours procedures shall be established to ensure access to a location that is staffed and has the authority to initiate corrective action. (G)8.3.6 Upon Sprint's request,Qwest shall provide,at the same level itprovidesitself,its affiliates to the extent required by law,or similarly situated third party telecommunications carriers,status reports so that Sprint will be able to provide end-user customers with detailed information and an Estimated Time ToRepair("ETTR").Qwest will close all trouble reports with Sprint.Sprint will close all trouble repods with the end-user. (G)8.3.7 Before either Party reports a trouble condition,it shall use its best efforts to isolate the trouble to the other's facilities. (G) In cases where a trouble condition affects a significant portion of the other's service,the Parties shall assign the same priority provided to other interconnecting CLECs and itself. Page 273 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G) The Parties shall cooperate in isolating trouble conditions. (G) will cooperate with Sprint to show Sprint how Qwest screens trouble conditions in its own centers,so that Sprint will employ similar techniques in its centers. (G)8.4 Trouble Isolation (G)8.4.1 According to applicable state Tariffs,Qwest will bill appropriate Trouble Isolation Charges for dispatched work done by Qwest where the trouble is found to be on the end user's side of the NID or trouble is found to be in Sprint's portion of the network. (G)8.4.2 Other Trouble isolation Charges may also be imposed by Qwest on Sprint for other internal repair work incurred on behalf of Sprint and later found to be in Sprint network components. (G)8.5 Inside Wire Maintenance Except where specifically required by state or federal regulatory mandates, Qwest will not perform any maintenance of inside wire (premise wiring beyond the end user's NID)for Sprint or its end users. (G)8.6 Testing/Test Requests/Coordinated Testing/UNEs (G)8.6.1 Qwest will make the decision to test an end user's line or circuit.The test systems used by Qwest are finite,and their capacity has been designed according to Qwest's operating standards. (G)8.6.2 Although some types of trouble reports typically will not require a test,Qwest usually runs certain standard tests on each line on which trouble has been reported. (G)8.6.3 Prior to any test being conducted on a line,Qwest must receive a trouble report from Sprint. (G)8.6.4 Qwest end users are not given test results.On manually- reported trouble Qwest will not provide to Sprint the test results for its trouble reports.For electronically-reported trouble,Sprint may see various basic test results. (G)8.6.5 Qwest's test systems do not support testing of unbundled network elements.Sprint shall isolate the trouble condition on UNE end users to Qwest's portion of the end user's service before Qwest accepts a trouble report for that end user. (G)8.7 Work Center Interfaces Page 274 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions Qwest and Sprint shall work cooperatively to develop positive,close workingrelationshipsamongcorrespondingworkcentersinvolvedinthetroubleresolutionprocesses. (G)8.8 Misdirected Repair Calls (G)8.8.1 Sprint shall inform its own end users as to where to report theirtroubleconditions.Any misdirected repair calls will be advisedtocalltheirowntelephoneserviceproviderandwillbeprovidedthecorrecttelephonenumberforthatpurpose(this referral mayoccurwithinavoiceresponsesystemorotherinteractivesystems). (G)8.8.2 Sprint and Qwest will employ the following procedures forhandlingmisdirectedrepaircalls; (G) Sprint and Qwest will provide their respective end users with the correct telephone numbers to callforaccesstotheirrespectiverepairbureaus. (G) End users of Sprint shall be instructed to report all cases of trouble to Sprint.End users of QwestshallbeinstructedtoreportallcasesoftroubletoQwest. (G) Misdirected repair calls for local services will bereferredtotheotherPartywhenthePartyreceivingtherepaircallknowsthattheotherParty is the end user's local sentice provider. (G) Sprint and Qwest will provide their respective repair contact numbers to one another on areciprocalbasis. (G) In responding to repair calls,neither Party shallmakedisparagingremarksabouteachother,norshalltheyusetheserepaircallsasthebasisforinternalreferraisortosolicitenduserstomarket services. (G) Performance targets for speed of repair call answering will be the same as Qwest'sperformancetargetsforitsownendusers. (G)8.9 Major Outages /Restoral /Notification (G)8.9.1 Qwest will notify Sprint of major network outages as soon as ispractical.This notification will be via e-mail to Sprint'sidentifiedcontact.With the minor exception of certainproprietaryinformation,Qwest will utilize the same thresholds Page 275 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions and processes for external notification as it does for internal purposes.This major outage information will be sent via E-mail on the same frequency schedule as is provided internally within Qwest.Service restoration will be non-discriminatory,and will be accomplished as quickly as possible according to Qwest and/or industry standards.These procedures will conform to national standard treatment of Telephone Service Priority (TSP) restoration.Sprint services will be treated at parity with Qwest and other carriers'services. (G)8.9.2 Qwest will meet with associated personnel from Sprint to share contact information and review Qwest's outage restoral processes and notification processes. (G)8.9.3 Qwest's emergency restoration process operates on a 7X24 basis. (G)8.10 Protective Maintenance (G)8.10.1 Qwest will perform scheduled maintenance equal in quality to that which it provides to itself. (G)8.10.2 Qwest will work cooperatively with Sprint to develop industry- wide processes to provide as much notice as possible to Sprint of pending maintenance activity.Such process work will include establishment of reasonable thresholds and notification standards. (G)8.11 Hours of Coverage Qwest's repair operation is seven days a week,24 hours a day.Not all functions or locations are covered with scheduled employees on a 7X24 basis.Where such 7X24 coverage is not available Qwest's repair operations center (always available 7X24)can call-out technicians or other personnel required for the situation. (G)8.12 Escalations (G)8.12.1 Qwest will provide trouble escalation procedures to Sprint. Such procedures will be based on the processes Qwest employs for its own end users.Qwest escalations are manual processes.Qwest requires,prior to escalation,that a trouble ticket has been created. (G)8.13 Dispatch (G)8.13.1 Qwest will provide maintenance dispatch personnel on the same schedule as it provides for its own end users. (G)8.13.2 Upon the receipt of a trouble report from Sprint,Qwest will do all that is reasonable and practical,according to internal and industry standards,to resolve the repair condition.Qwest will Page 276 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions dispatch repair personnel on occasion to repair the condition.It will be Qwest's decision whether or not to send a technician out on a dispatch.Qwest reserves the right to make this dispatch decision based on the best information available to it in thetroubleresolutionprocess.It is not always necessary to dispatch to resolve trouble;should Sprint require a dispatch when Qwest believes the dispatch is not necessary,appropriate charges will be billed by Qwest to Sprint for thosedispatch-related costs. (G)8.13.3 For POTS lines Qwest will not request authorization from Sprint prior to dispatch.For lines supported by Qwest's designed services process,Qwest may accept Sprint authorization to dispatch.Qwest's operational processes are regularly reviewed and may be altered in the future.Should processes be changed,Sprint will be notified. (G)8.14 Intervals Similar trouble conditions,whether reported on behalf of Qwest end users or on behalf of Sprint end users,will receive similar commitment intervals. (G)8.15 Jeopardy Management Notification to Sprint will be given as soon as Qwest becomes aware that a trouble repon interval is likely to be missed.This process will be the same as that used by Qwest for its own end users. (G)8.16 Maintenance Standards (G)8.16.1 Qwest will cooperate with Sprint to meet the maintenance standards outlined in this Agreement. (G)8.16.2 On manually-repoded trouble,Qwest will inform Sprint of repair completion as soon as is practical after its completion.On electronically reported trouble reports the electronic system willautomaticallyupdatestatusinformation,including trouble completion,across the joint electronic gateway. (G)8.17 End User Interfaces (G)8.17.1 Sprint will be responsible for all interactions with its end users including service call handling and notifying its end users oftroublestatusandresolution. (G)8.17.2 All Qwest employees who perform repair service for Sprint end users will be trained in non-discriminatory behavior. (G)8.18 Repair Call Handling Page 277 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions Manually-reported repair calls by Sprint to Qwest will be answered with the same quality and speed as Qwest answers calls from its own end users. (G)8.19 Single Point of Contact (G)8.19.1 Qwest will provide a single point of contact for Sprint to report maintenance issues and trouble reports via electronic interfaces seven days a week,twenty-four hours a day. (G)8.19.2 For manually-reported trouble reports,a single 7X24 trouble reporting telephone number will be provided to Sprint for each category of trouble situation being encountered. (G)8.20 Network Information (G)8.20.1 Qwest maintains an information database,available to Sprint for the purpose of allowing Sprint to obtain information about Qwest's NPAs,LATAs,Access Tandems and Central Offices. (G)8.20.2 This database is known as the ICONN database,available to Sprint via Qwest's Web site. (G)8.20.3 CPNI information and NXX activity reports are also included in this database. (G)8.20.4 lCONN is updated every two weeks. (G)8.21 Maintenance Windows (G)8.21.1 Generally,Qwest performs major switch maintenance activities off-hours,during certain "maintenance windows". (G)8.21.2 This work usually takes place in the early morning hours and/or on weekends. (G)8.21.3 Generally,the maintenance window is between 10:00 PM through 6:00 AM Monday through Friday and Saturday 10:00 PM through Monday 6:00 AM,Mountain Time. (G)8.21.4 Although Qwest normally does major switch maintenance at these times,there will be occasions where this will not be possible. (G)8.21.5 Planned generic upgrades to Qwest switches are included in the ICONN database,available to Sprint via Qwest's Web site. It is here that Sprint can find the information needed to plan for its own network requirements.The Qwest Account team assigned to Sprint will answer other inquiries. (G)9.Bona Fide RequestProcess Page 278 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G)9.1 Any request for Interconnection or access to an Unbundled Network Element that is not already available as described herein shall be treated as a Bona Fide Request (BFR).Qwest shall use the BFR Process to determine the terms and timetable for providing the requested Interconnection or access to UNEs,if available,and the technical feasibility of new/different points of Interconnection.Qwest will administer the BFR Process in a non-discriminatory manner. (G)9.2 A BFR shall be submitted in writing and on the appropriate Qwest form for BFRs.Sprint and Qwest will work together to prepare the BFR form.This form shall be accompanied by the non-refundable Processing Fee specified in Part H of this Agreement.The form will request,and Sprint will need to provide,at a minimum:(a)a technical description of each requestedNetworkElementornew/different points of Interconnection;(b)the desired interface specification;(c)each requested type of Interconnectionor access; (d)a statement that the Interconnection or Network Element will be used toprovideaTelecommunicationsService;(e)the quantity requested;(f)the specific location requested;(g)if the requested unbundled Network Element is a proprietary element as specified in Section 251(d)(2)of the Act,and the applicable FCC rules,Sprint must submit documentation that demonstrates that access to such Network Element is necessary,that the failure to provide access to such Network Element would impair the ability of Sprint to provide the services that it seeks to offer,and that Sprint's ability to compete would be significantly impaired or thwarted without access to such requestedproprietaryelement;and (h)if the requested unbundled Network Element is a non-proprietary element as specified in Section 251(d)(2)of the Act,Sprint must submit documentation that demonstrates that denial of access to suchunbundlednon-proprietary Network Element would decrease the quality or increase the cost of the service sought to be offered by Sprint. (G)9.3 Within fifteen (15)business days of its receipt,Qwest shall acknowledge receipt of the BFR and in such acknowledgment advise Sprint of missinginformation,if any,necessary to process the BFR.Thereafter,Qwest shall promptly advise Sprint of the need for any additional information required to complete the analysis of the BFR. (G)9.4 Within thirty (30)business days of its receipt of the BFR and all information necessary to process it,Qwest shall provide to Sprint a preliminary analysis of the BFR.The preliminary analysis shall specify Qwest's conclusions as to whether or not the requested Interconnection or access to an unbundled Network Element complies with the unbundling requirements set forth above. (G)9.4.1 If Qwest determines during the thirty (30)business day period that a BFR does not qualify as a Network Element or Interconnection that is required to be provided under the Act, Qwest shall advise Sprint as soon as reasonably possible of that fact,and Qwest shall promptly,but in no case later than ten business days after making such a determination,provide a written report setting forth the basis for its conclusion. Page 279 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)9.4.2 If Qwest determines during the thirty (30)business day period that the BFR qualifies under the Act,it shall notify Sprint in writing of such determination within ten (10)business days. (G)9.4.3 As soon as feasible,but in any case within ninety (90)business days after Qwest notifies Sprint that the BFR qualifies under the Act,Qwest shall provide to Sprint a BFR quote.The BFR quote will include,at a minimum,a description of each Interconnection and Network Element,the quantity to beprovided,any interface specifications,and the applicable rates (recurring and non-recurring)including the separately stated amortized development costs and construction charges of the Interconnection or the Network Elements and any minimum volume and term commitments required. (G)9.4.4 If Sprint agrees to pay the development and construction costs, and requests Qwest to proceed: (G) Qwest will additionally refund those development and construction costs,on a prorated basis,as set forth below,up to the next nine parties,which may include Qwest,who place an initial order within two years after Sprint for the same interconnection or Network Element. (G) A refund to Sprint will be made two years after Qwest provides Sprint with the requested interconnection or Network Element if other CLECs take advantage of the same interconnection or Network Element purchased by Sprint.This refund amount will be determined using the proration chart set forth below and is the aggregate of all percentages shown for the total number of requestors.Qwest shall not be obligated to make any additional refunds with respect to the development costs of a particular interconnection or Network Element after two years from the date when Qwest first makes the particular interconnection or Network Element available to Sprint.All refunds will be made subject to subsequent requestors paying their share of the development and construction costs. (G) Refund Table Development and/Refund Requestor or Construction Cost Portion Refund to Sprint 100%NA NA 2nd 50%50.00%Sprint 3rd 33.33%16.67%Sprint 4th 25%8.33%Sprint Page 280 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions Sth 20%5.00%Sprint 6th 16.67%3.33%Sprint 7th 14.29%2.38%Sprint8th12.50%1.79%Sprint 9th 11.11%1.39%Sprint 10th 10%1.11%Sprint No Further Refunds for additional Requestors (G)9.5 When Qwest provides Sprint with a BFR quote,which may include aminimumvolumeandtermcommitment,then within thirty (30)business days of its receipt of the BFR quote,Sprint must either agree to purchaseunderthatcommitment,cancel its BFR,or request Qwest to negotiate other terms.If the Parties cannot reach an Agreement,then Sprint can seekdisputeresolutionunderthetermsofthisAgreement. (G)9.6 If Sprint has agreed to minimum volume and term commitments under theprecedingparagraph,Sprint may cancel the BFR or volume and term commitment at any time,but in the event of such cancellation Sprint will payQwest's reasonable development costs incurred to the date of cancellation in complying with Sprint's request for Qwest to provide the Interconnection or Network Element,to the extent not otherwise amortized. (G)9.7 If either Party believes that the other Party is not requesting,negotiating or processing any BFR in good faith,or disputes a determination,or quotedpriceorcost,it may seek arbitration pursuant to the Dispute Resolution provision of this Agreement. (G)10.Audit Process (G)10.1 "Audit"shall mean the comprehensive review of: (G)10.1.1 Data used in the billing process for services performed, including reciprocal compensation,and facilities provided under this Agreement;and (G)10.1.2 Data relevant to provisioning and maintenance for services performed or facilities provided by either of the Parties for itself or others that are similar to the services performed or facilitiesprovidedunderthisAgreementforInterconnectionoraccessto UNEs. (G)10.1.3 The extent of review shall be determined on a case by case basis depending on business needs. (G)10.2 The data referred to above shall be relevant to any pedormance standards that are adopted in connection with this Agreement,through negotiation,arbitration or otherwise.This Audit shall take place under the following conditions: (G)10.2.1 Either Party may request to perform an Audit. Page 281 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)10.2.2 The Audit shall occur upon thirty (30)business days written notice by the requesting Party to the non-requesting Party. (G)10.2.3 The Audit shall occur during normal business hours. (G)10.2.4 There shall be no more than one Audit per identified area of operation requested by each Party under this Agreement in any 12-month period or as mutually agreed to by the parties. Should the auditing party find an aggregate variance of greater than one percent (1%)of the total annual billed amount,the auditing party may perform an additional audit in the same 12 month period to verify resolution of the issue. (G)10.2.5 The requesting Party may review the non-requesting Party's records,books,and documents,as may reasonably contain information relevant to the operation of this Agreement. (G)10.2.6 The location of the Audit shall be the location where the requested records,books and documents are retained in the normal course of business. (G)10.2.7 All transactions under this Agreement which are over 24 months old are no longer subject to specific Audit unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.However,should a problem be discovered during the course of an audit that is older than 24 months,the auditing party shall have the right to review the problem back to its origin subject to state or federal regulation or law. (G)10.2.8 Each Party shall bear its own expenses occasioned by the Audit,provided that the expense of any special data collection shall be born by the requesting Party. (G)10.2.9 The Party requesting the Audit may request that an Audit be conducted by a mutually agreed-to independent auditor.Under this circumstance,the costs of the independent auditor shall be paid for by the Party requesting the Audit. (G)10.2.10 In the event that the non-requesting Party requests that the Audit be performed by an independent auditor,the Parties shall mutually agree to the selection of the independent auditor. Under this circumstance,the costs of the independent auditor shall be shared equally by the Parties. (G)10.2.11 The Parties agree that if an Audit discloses error(s),the Party responsible for the error(s)shall,in a timely manner,undertake corrective action for such error(s).All errors not corrected within thirty (30)business days shall be escalated to the Vice- President level. Page 282 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)10.3 All information received or reviewed by the requesting Party or theindependentauditorinconnectionwiththeAuditistobeconsideredProprietaryInformationasdefinedbythisAgreement.The non-requestingPartyreservestherighttorequireanynon-employee who is involved directlyorindirectlyinanyAuditortheresolutionofitsfindingsasdescribedabovetoexecuteanondisclosureagreementsatisfactorytothenon-requestingParty.To the extent an Audit involves access to information of othercompetitors,Sprint and Qwest will aggregate such competitors'data beforereleasetotheotherParty,to insure the protection of the proprietary natureofinformationofothercompetitors.To the extent a competitor is an affiliateofthePartybeingaudited(including itself and its subsidiaries),the Partiesshallbeallowedtoexaminesuchaffiliates'disaggregated data,as requiredbyreasonableneedsoftheAudit. (G)11.Data Exchangefor Billing and Recording of Call Information (G)11.1 There are certain types of calls or types of interconnection that requireexchangeofbillingrecordsbetweentheParties,including,for example,alternate billed and Toll Free Service calls.The Parties agree that all calltypesmustberoutedbetweenthenetworks,accounted for,and settledamongtheParties.Certain calls will be handled via the Parties'respectiveoperatorsenticeplatforms.The Parties agree to utilize,where possible andappropriate,existing accounting and settlement systems to bill,exchangerecordsandsettlerevenue. (G)11.2 The exchange of billing records for alternate billed calls (e.g.,calling card,bill-to-third number and collect)will be distributed through the existingCMDSprocesses,unless otherwise separately agreed to by the Parties. (G)11.3 Inter-Company Settlements ("lCS")revenues will be settled through theCallingCardandThirdNumberSettlementSystem("CATS").Each PartywillprovideforitsownarrangementsforparticipationintheCATSprocesses,through direct participation or a hosting arrangement with adirectparticipant. (G)11.4 Non-lCS revenue is defined as intraLATA collect calls,calling card calls,and billed to third number calls which originate on one service provider'snetworkandarebilledbyanotherserviceproviderlocatedwithinthesameQwestLATA.The Parties agree to negotiate and execute an agreement forsettlementofnon-ICS revenue.This separate arrangement is necessarysinceexistingCATSprocessesdonotpermittheuseofCATSfornon-ICSrevenue.The Parties agree that current message distribution processes,including the CMDS system or Qwest in-region facilities can be used totransportthecallrecordsforthistraffic.Until such time that systemdevelopmentiscompletedforthesenon-lCS revenues,the Parties agree tousebillandkeep. (G)11.5 Both Parties will provide the appropriate call records to the IntraLATA TollFreeSemiceprovider,thus permitting the service provider to bill its endusersfortheinboundTollFreeSemice.No adjustments to bills via tapes,disks or NDM will be made without the mutual agreement of the Parties. Page 283 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)11.5.1 Retention Qwest shall retain its AMA data history files,in accordance with applicable law and regulation,but not less than 45 days.At Sprint's request,recorded usage data may be recreated from the AMA data history files. (G)11.6 Both Parties will return local/IntraLATA unbillable or misdirected messagesforcorrectiontotheoriginatingPartyvianormaldataexchangeprocesses. Further adjustments,such as uncollectables and the data elements to beincludedwiththereturnedmessagedetail,will be based upon OBF standards. (G)11.7 A charge will apply for Category 1101XXand 1150XX records sent by Qwest to Sprint in an EMR mechanized format.These records are used to provide information necessary for Sprint to bill the Interexchange Carrier for jointly provided Switched Access Services and 8XX database queries.The charge is for each record created and transmitted and is listed in Part H of this Agreement. (G)11.8 Any IXC casual billing records (EMI records)received by Qwest that actually bill to a Sprint resold or UNE (with switching port)customer will be rejected by Qwest back to the issuing IXC using industry standard disconnect rejection code.The Parties will provide the Operating Company Number ("OCN")of the associated ANI.The OCN is needed so that the IXC will know which local company provides service for the working telephone number. (G)11.9 Alternate Billing.Provided Sprint uses Qwest for Operator Services for alternately billed Local/IntraLATA type calls,Qwest will provide to Sprint the unrated message detail that originates from a Sprint subscriber line but which is billed to a telephone number other than the originating number (e.g.,calling card,bill-to-third number,or collect).Qwest will transmit such data to Sprint on the Daily Usage File. (G)11.10 Local Measured Service (LMS)and IntraLATA Toll Usage Data (G)11.10.1 When Sprint purchases Local Measured Service (LMS), IntraLATA toll from Qwest via resale,or switching as a UNE, Qwest will provide to Sprint all available originating Recorded Usage Data from Sprint Customers (business and residence). Recorded Usage Data may include,but is not limited to,the following categories: All completed calls,including resold IntraLATA calls by customer. Use Of CLASS/LASS/Custom Features which are sold on a pay per use basis 976 Calls To Information Providers Reached Via Qwest Facilities Page 284 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions Calls To Directory Assistance Where Qwest Provides Such Service To Sprint's Local Service Customer Calls Completed Via Qwest-Provided Operator Services Where Qwest Provides Such Service To Sprint's Local Service Customer For Qwest-Provided Centrex Service,Station Level Detail (G)11.10.2 All records shall include complete call detail and complete timing information,as applicable. (G)11.10.3 Qwest shall provide to Sprint Recorded Usage Data for Sprint's customers only. (G)11.10.4 Recording Failures (G) Sprint Recorded Usage Data determined to have been lost,damaged or destroyed as a result of an error or omission by Qwest in its performance of the recording function or due to an aberrant switch overload of limited duration and frequency,shall, upon Sprint's request,be recovered by Qwest at no charge to Sprint.If Qwest discovers such failures,Qwest shall notify Sprint upon discovery. In the event the data cannot be recovered by Qwest,Qwest shall estimate the messages,with assistance from Sprint,based upon the method described below.This method will be applied on a consistent basis,subject to modifications agreed to by Qwest and Sprint.This estimate will be used by the Parties to determine adjustments to amounts owed by Sprint to Qwest for services provided by Qwest in conjunction with the failed recorded usage data. (G) Partial Loss. Qwest shall review its daily controls to determine if data has been lost.When there has been a padial loss,actual message and minute volumes shall be reported,if possible.Where actual data are not available,a full day shall be estimated for the recording entity,as outlined below.The amount of the partial loss is then determined by subtracting the data actually recorded for such day from the estimated total for such day. (G) Complete Loss. Estimated message and minute volumes for each loss consisting of an entire AMA tape or entire data volume due to its loss prior to or during Page 285 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions processing,loss after receipt,degaussed before processing,receipt of a blank or unreadable tape, or lost for other causes,shall be reported. (G) Estimated Volumes. From message and minute volume reports for the entity experiencing the loss,Qwest shall secure messagelminute counts for the four (4) corresponding days of the weeks preceding that in which the loss occurred and compute an average of these volumes. (G) Exceptions. If the day of loss is not a holiday but one (1)(or more)of the preceding corresponding days is a holiday,use additional preceding weeks in order to procure volumes for two (2)non-holidays in the previous two (2)weeks that correspond to the day of the week that is the day of the loss.If the loss occurs on a weekday that is a holiday (except Christmas),Qwest shall use volumes from the two (2)preceding Sundays.If the loss occurs on Mother's Day,Christmas or the Monday after Thanksgiving,Qwest shall use volumes from that day in the preceding year,unless Sprint volumes have changed over the prior year,in which case the estimate change will be factored in. (G)12.Construction Charges (G)12.1 All rates,charges and initial service periods specified in this Agreement contemplate the provision of network Interconnection services and access to UNEs to the extent existing facilities are available.Except for modifications to existing facilities necessary to accommodate Interconnection and access to UNEs specifically provided for in this Agreement,Qwest will consider requests to build additional or further facilities for network Interconnection and access to UNEs as described in the applicable Part of this Agreement. (G)12.2 All necessary construction will be undertaken at the discretion of Qwest, consistent with budgetary responsibilities,consideration for the impact on the general body of end users and without discrimination among the various carriers. (G)12.3 A quote for Sprint's portion of a specific job will be provided to Sprint.The quote will be in writing,will include the specific project timeframes and delivery date,and will be binding for ninety (90)business days after the issue date.When accepted,Sprint will be billed the quoted price and construction will commence after receipt of payment.If Sprint chooses not Page 286 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions to have Qwest construct the facilities,Qwest reserves the right to bill Sprint for the expense incurred for producing the engineeredjob design. (G)12.4 In the event a construction charge is applicable,Sprint's service application date will become the date upon which Qwest receives the required payment. (G)12.5 When Qwest builds additional facilities for Sprint under this section of the Agreement,Qwest will develop a quote associated with the work.Before the work is started,the quote must be paid by Sprint.A portion of the amount paid under the quote by Sprint will be refunded by Qwest to Sprint if additional CLECs or Qwest,rather than Sprint,utilize the additional facilities constructed on behalf of Sprint. (G)12.6 A refund to Sprint will be made two years after Qwest provides Sprint with the requested interconnection or Network Element if other CLECs take advantage of the same interconnection or Network Elements constructed and paid for by Sprint.This refund amount will be determined using the chart set forth below and is the aggregate of all percentages shown for the total number of requestors.Qwest shall not be obligated to make any additional refunds with respect to the construction costs of a particular interconnection or Network Element after two years from the date when construction is completed.All refunds will be made subject to subsequent requestors paying their share of the original construction costs. If either Party has information that indicates there are at least three additional requestors,then the Parties agree to negotiate a mutually agreeable date for a partial refund based on the Refund Table below:A final true-up will be made two years after Qwest provides the Interconnection or Network Element to Sprint. Refund Table Refund Requestor Construction Cost Portion Refund to Sprint 100%NA NA 2nd 50%50.00%Sprint 3rd 33.33%16.67%Sprint 4th 25%8.33%Sprint 5th 20%5.00%Sprint 6th 16.67%3.33%Sprint 7th 14.29%2.38%Sprint 8th 12.50%1.79%Sprint 9th 11.11%1.39%Sprint 10th 10%1.11%Sprint No Further Refunds for additional Requestors (G)13.Service Performance (G)13.1 General Provisions Page 287 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions Qwest will provide reports of service indicators which will assist in an evaluation of the service provided to Sprint.The purpose of Service Pedormance measurements is to allow the Parties to efficiently manage and continuouslyimprove their businesses.The purpose of this section is to identify how the Parties will report results,what measurements will be reported,and how Qwest and Sprint will collaboratively work to improve results reponed in the Service Performance measurements. (G)13.1.1 In no instance shall this Agreement be construed to require Qwest to provide superior levels of service to Sprint in comparison to the level of service which Qwest provides to itself or its own end users. (G)13.1.2 As further specified in this Section,Qwest will provide results for the list of performance indicators identified for the following Standard Service Groupings: Resale: Residential POTS Business POTS ISDN Centrex and Centrex-like services PBX trunks DID Digital Switched Service (DSS) DS-0 DS-1 DS-3 Interconnection and Other Services: LIS Trunks Interim Number Portability Local Number Portability Unbundled Network Elements: Unbundled Loop Unbundled Switch;and Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) Operational Suppon Systems (OSS) (G)13.1.3 As specified in this Section,Qwest will provide results on an aggregated basis for the following types of Orders: C =Change in existing sentice or billing number N =New connection for service T =To or transfer of service from one address to another (G)13.2 Service Performance Indicators Page 288 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions Results for Service Performance Indicators listed and defined in the Service Performance Indicators (SPI)will be reported as described therein to Sprint upon request,but no more frequently than once per month,subject to the provisions of this Section. To the extent that Qwest makes available additional standard performance indicators in this state during the term of this Agreement,the Parties agree that Sprint will receive these additional standard performance indicators. Qwest will provide Sprint with all additional performance indicators that the state law requires. To the extent Sprint desires additional performance measures,the Parties will meet to determine whether the requested measures should be added to the Qwest list of standard measures.If the Parties determine that the requested additional measures are unique to Sprint,then Qwest will provide Sprint an estimate of the cost to develop the measures.Whether the measurements are standard or unique to Sprint,an estimate of the time it will take to complete the work will be provided.Development of a unique measurement will begin upon payment by Sprint.If,within a two year timeframe from the beginning of the development of a measure unique to Sprint,Qwest adds the measure to its standard list of measurements,Qwest will refund the development cost to Sprint. (G)13.2.1 Qwest Service Performance Indicators The following Service Performance Indicators will be provided monthly,subject to the provisions of this Section. (G) Electronic Gateway Availability GA-1 GatewayAvailability -IMA GA-2 Gateway Availability -EDI GA-3 Gateway Availability -EB-TA GA-4 System Availability --EXACT (G) Pre-Order /Order PO-i Pre-Order/Order Response Times PO-2 Electronic Flow-through PO-3 LSR Rejection Notice Intental PO-4 LSRs Rejected PO-5 Firm Order Confirmation (FOC)Interval PO-6 Completion Notices Transmitted within 24 hours PO-7 Completion Notice Interval PO-8 Jeopardy Notice Interval PO-9 Timely Jeopardy Notices (G) Ordering and Provisioning OP-1 Speed of Answer -Interconnect Provisioning Center Page 289 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions OP-2 Calls Answered within 20 Seconds - Interconnect Provisioning Center OP-3 Installation Commitments Met OP-4 Installation interval OP-5 New Senrice Installations without Trouble Reports OP-6 Delayed Days OP-7 Coordinated Cutover Interval -Unbundled Loop OP-8 Number Portability Timeliness OP-8 Delayed Orders More than 90 Days Past Commitment (G) Maintenance and Repair MR-1 Speed of answer -Interconnect Repair Center MR-2 Calls Answered within 20 Seconds - Interconnect Repair Center MR-3 Out of Sentice Cleared within 24 Hours - Non-Designed Repair Products MR-4 All Troubles Cleared within 48 hours - Non-Designed Repair Products MR-5 All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours - Designed Repair Products MR-6 Mean Time to Restore MR-7 Repair Repeat Report Rate MR-8 Trouble Rate MR-9 Repair Appointments Met MR-10 Customer-caused Trouble Reports (G) Billing BI-1 Mean Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records BI-2 Mean Time to Deliver Invoices Bl-3 Billing Accuracy-Adjustments for Errors (G) Database Updates DB-1 Time to Update Databases DB-2 Accurate Database Updates (G) Directory Assistance DA-1 Speed of Answer -Directory Assistance DA-2 Calls Answered within 10 Seconds - Directory Assistance (G) Operator Services OS-1 Speed of Answer -Operator Services OS-2 Calls Answered within 10 Seconds - Operator Services (G) Network Performance Page 290 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions NI-1 Trunk Blocking NP-1 NXX Code Activation (G) Collocation CP-1 Installation Interval CP-2 Installation Commitments Met CP-3 Feasibility Study Interval CP-4 Feasibility Study Commitments Met CP-5 Quote Interval CP-6 Quote commitments Met (G)13.3 Service Quality Performance Results Reports (G)13.3.1 For Resale,UNE and Interconnection,and ancillary services, Qwest will provide service performance results for performance indicators as described above for Sprint,all CLECs in aggregate,Qwest end users,and to the extent required by law, for Qwest affiliates. (G) Performance results will be provided for LIS trunks procured by Sprint that have utilized joint planning with Qwest in procuring LIS trunks,for Qwest's local exchange interoffice trunks,and for LIS trunk services that Qwest provides to its affiliates which furnish Telecommunications Services. (G) If Sprint does not participate in joint forecasting and joint planning,only Sprint results will be compared to the results of other CLECs that have not participated in joint planning. (G)13.4 The performance results provided to Sprint by Qwest shall be consistent with the most current version of the Qwest SPI,as amended from time to time during the term of this Agreement.These descriptions shall be the exclusive description used by both Sprint and Qwest when discussing performance results.Changes required in the SPI as a result of state regulatory rulings will apply to this Agreement. (G)13.5 The performance results provided under this Agreement are to be used solely for the purposes set forth herein,and shall be treated as "Proprietary Information"as provided in Section (A)3.15 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding this provision,Sprint may share their performance measurement results with other similarly situated telecommunications carriers under a non-disclosure agreement.Sprint's performance measurement results will not be directly or indirectly shared with any other party. (G)13.6 Service Performance -Reponed Events Page 291 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)13.6.1 When applicable,Qwest will report service-related performance results for all "events".An "event"is the activity that generates the measurement. (G)13.6.2 Qwest will report Sprint results referenced above that Sprint has ordered and is utilizing the services reported. (G)13.6.3 Qwest will provide the final reports on a calendar monthly basis as soon as available,but not to exceed thirty (30)calendar days of the close of the reporting month. (G)13.7 Self Executing Remedies The purpose and focus of remedies provisions under this Interconnection Agreement shall be to resolve significant differences in service quality that have been identified through appropriate comparisons of the service performance results reported for the core performance indicators defined above.Self-executing remedies are those actions,defined herein,that Qwest will undertake in good faith and in cooperation with Sprint to respond to such differences immediately,without waiting for determination of whether actual discrimination may exist. (G)13.7.1 For this purpose,actionable differences shall be considered to be those that are determined to be statistically,operationally, and materially significant in each of three (3)or more consecutive months and that reflect a probability that inferior service was provided to Sprint,based on the relevant comparison of performance indicator results.Statistical significance shall be determined as defined below.Operational and material significance shall be established by including for comparison only those results that have (a)minimum sample sizes of 30 each,and (b)a relevant comparison demonstrating a service performance difference of a magnitude that can be reasonably considered to have a perceptible effect on end users or Sprint operations. (G)13.7.2 Determination of the statistical significance of any difference in appropriately comparable results shall be based on statistical testing for (1)differences in means (where performance indicator results are reported as averages)or (2)difference in proportions (where performance indicator results are reported as percentages),as follows: (G) Determination of the significance of a difference in mean values of each monthly service performance indicator results shall be based on a "permutation" test using what is commonly referred to as a "Z" statistic and a maximum of 1,000 randomly selected permutations of the samples.Where sample sizes exceed 600,the "Z"test using the "modified Z statistic"may be used instead of the Page 292 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions permutation test.Where used,the modified Z statistic will be based on the statistical variance associated with Qwest's retail performance results,where applicable,or on the variance associated with Sprint aggregate performance results,where there are no retail pedormance results. (G) The significance of a difference in proportional measurements shall be based on direct calculation of the probability of the observed difference using the binomial distribution with a pooled p value. (G) A difference in results by either test type (i.e., differences in means or differences in proportions) will be deemed statistically significant if the appropriate one tailed test indicates,with ninety- five percent (95%)confidence,that the performance indicator results being compared appear to be from different populations of performance.In other words,that service being provided to Sprint appears to be inferior to that represented by the comparable results (such as, results representing senrice provided to CLECs in aggregate or to Qwest retail). (G) The Parties do not contemplate any payments, credits,fines or other penalties associated with any of the performance measurements included in this section.However,nothing in this Agreement shall preclude Sprint from benefiting from any Commission mandated payments,credits,fines or other penalties associated with actionable differences in service performance results.Unless the Commission orders otherwise,pedormance measurement results used to calculate mandated penalties shall be based on a ninety-nine percent (99%)statistical confidence interval.Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude Qwest from appealing any Commission or coud order mandating payments,credits,fines or other penalties associated with service performance results. (G)13.7.3 For each case in which a statistically significant difference as defined in Section (G)13.7.2 has occurred,Qwest shall: (G) Immediately investigate to determine the cause(s) of the difference and,where feasible,begin good- faith efforts to resolve the difference; Page 293 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G) Within ten (10)business days,following the issue date of a monthly report containing a statistically significant difference,Sprint may request a written explanation as to cause(s)of the difference and, as applicable,an action plan describing (i)what has and will be done to resolve the difference,(ii) what cooperative actions and timelines on the part of Sprint are needed to facilitate or expedite resolution,and (iii)listing key milestones for use by the Parties in tracking progress.Qwest will provide such explanation within fifteen (15) business days of its receipt of the request from Sprint; (G) Offer and meet with designated Sprint representatives monthly to discuss progress on resolving the difference(s); (G) Escalate to vice president level any significant difference that has or is not projected to be resolved within two months of the difference first being identified as statistically and operationally significant as defined in Section (G)13.7.2,with commitment at the vice presidential level to direct due diligence toward removing obstacles and expediting resources where feasible and necessary to resolve the difference as soon as possible. (G) If the statistically and operationally significant difference in trend results is not corrected within two (2)months of the difference first being identified as statistically and operationally significant,the Dispute Resolution provision of this Interconnection Agreement shall apply without the escalation requirement. (G)13.7.4 If a statistically and operationally significant difference has occurred in the trend results for any particular performance indicator,the Parties shall allow two (2)additional months from when the statistically significant difference is identified to correct the difference in the trend results.If a statistically and operationally significant difference in results for a particular performance indicator is corrected within two (2)months of the difference being identified,no further action,formal or informal, will be taken by either Party with respect to that difference. (G)13.8 Delaying Events Page 294 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions (G)13.8.1 If a Delaying Event prevents either Party from performing a measured activity,then such measured activity shall be excluded from the performance indicator(s). (G)13.8.2 A "Delaying Event"means: (G) Failure by Sprint to perform any of its obligations that directly or indirectly impacts performance results;as set forth in this Agreement, (G) Any delay,act or failure to act by an end user, agent or subcontractor of the other Party that directly or indirectly impacts performance results, or (G) Any Force Majeure Event that directly or indirectly impacts performance results.. (G)13.9 Records Retention for Senrice Performance Indicators Each Party shall maintain complete and accurate records consisting of the raw data used to calculate performance measurements (except for trouble reports)for the specified review period of its performance under this Agreement for each measured activity.Each Party shall provide such records to the other Party in a self-reporting format.Each Party shall provide such records in the format kept in the performing Party's ordinary course of business.The Parties agree that such records shall be deemed "Confidential Information". (G)13.10 Cost Recovery Each Party reserves the right to recover the costs associated with the creation of the above measures,indicators,and reports through a future proceeding before a regulatory body.Such a proceeding may address a wide range of implementation costs not otherwise recovered through charges established herein. (G)14.Network Standards (G)14.1 The Parties recognize that Qwest services and network elements have been purchased and deployed,over time,to Bellcore/Telcordia and Qwest technical standards.Specification of standards is built into the Qwest purchasing process, whereby vendors incorporate such standards into the equipment Qwest purchases.Qwest supplements generally held industry standards with Qwest Technical Publications. (G)14.2 The Parties recognize that equipment vendors may manufacture telecommunications equipment that does not fully incorporate and may differ from industry standards at varying points in time (due to standards development processes and consensus)and either Party may have such equipment in place Page 295 Part G Miscellaneous Provisions within its network.Except where otherwise explicitly stated within this Agreement,such equipment is acceptable to the Parties,provided said equipment does not pose a security,service or safety hazard to persons or property. (G)14.3 Generally accepted and developed industry standards which the Parties agree to support include,but are not limited to: (G)14.3.1 Switching GR-954-CORE LIDB GR-2863-CORE AIN GR-1428-CORE Toll Free Service GR-1432-CORE TCAP GR-905-CORE ISUP GR-1357-CORE Switched Fractional DSi GR-1298-CORE AIN Switching System Generic Requirements GR-1299-CORE AIN Service Control Point Adjunct Interface Generic Requirements TR-NWT-001284 AIN 0.1 Switching System Generic Requirements GR-905-CORE Common Channel Signaling Network Interface Specification GR-1432-CORE CCS Network Interface Specification Bellcore TR-TSY-000540,Issue 2R2 GR-305-CORE GR-1429-CORE GR-2863-CORE FR-64 LATA LSSGR GR-334-CORE Switched Access Service TR-NWT-000335 Voice Grade Special Access Services TR-TSY-000529 Public LSSGR TR-NWT-000505 LSSGR Call Processing FR-NWT-000271 OSSGR TR-NWT-001156 OSSGR Subsystem SR-TSY-001171 System Reliability Analysis (G)14.3.2 Transport Bellcore FR-440 TR-NWT-000499 (TSGR)Transport Systems Generic Requirements GR-820-CORE Generic Transmission Surveillance;DS1 and DS3 Performance GR-253-CORE Synchronous Optical Network Systems (SONET) TR-NWT-000507 Transmission TR-NWT-000776 NID for ISDN Subscriber Access TR-INS-000342 High Capacity Digital Special Access Service ST-TEC-000051 &52 Telecommunications Transmission Engineering Handbooks Volumes 1 &2 Page 296 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions (G)14.3.3 Loops TR-NWT-000057 Functional Criteria for Digital Loop Carrier Systems Issue 2 TR-NWT-000393 Generic Requirements for ISDN Basic Access Digital Subscriber Lines GR-253-CORE SONET Common Generic Criteria TR-NWT-000303 Integrated Digital Loop Carrier System Generic Requirements TR-TSY-000673 Operations Interface for an IDLC System GR-303-CORE Issue 1 Integrated Digital Loop Carrier System Generic Requirements TR-NWT-000393 Generic Requirements for ISDN Basic Access Digital Subscriber Lines TR-TSY-000008 Digital Interface Between the SLC 96 Digital Loop Carrier System and a Local Digital Switch TR-NWT-008 and 303 TA-TSY-000120 Subscriber Premises or Network Ground Wire GR-49-CORE Generic Requirements for Outdoor TelephoneNetworkInterfaceRequirements TR-NWT-000239 Indoor Telephone Network Interfaces TR-NWT-000937 Generic Requirements for Outdoor and Indoor Building Entrance TR-NWT-000133 Generic Requirements for Network Inside Wiring (G)14.4 The Parties will cooperate in the development of national standards for Interconnection elements as the competitive environment evolves. Recognizing that there are no current national standards for Interconnection network elements,Qwest has developed its own standards for some network elements,including: #77342 --Common Channel Signaling (CCS)Network Interface Specification #77350 --Telecommunications Equipment,Installation and Removal Guidelines #77351 --Qwest /US WEST Communications,Inc.Engineering Standards General Equipment Requirements #77355 --Grounding-Central Office and Remote Equipment Environment #77367 --Central Office Hazardous Material Handling Procedures (Combined with Tech.Pub.77350 --No longer in effect) #77384 --Qwest /US WEST Interconnection -Unbundled Loop #77386 --Expanded Interconnection and Collocation for Private Line Transport and Switched Access Services #77389 --Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transpod Page 297 Part G MiscellaneousProvisions #77389C --Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport;(Note:Version C was replaced by Version D on 3/1/00) #77390 --Competitive Local Exchange Carrier,Installation/Removal Guidelines (Combined with Tech.Pub.77350,No longer in effect) (G)14.5 Qwest Technical Publications have been developed to support service offerings,inform end users and suppliers,and promote engineering consistency and deployment of developing technologies.For a complete listing and to place orders for Qwest Technical Publications,contact: Faison Office Products Company 3251 Revere Street,Suite 200 Aurora,CO 80011 800-777-3672 Fax:303-340-1905 (G)15.Complex Firm Order Confirmation (G)15.1 Qwest will provide confirmation,via a Complex Firm Order Confirmation ("FOC") that Sprint's LSR has been received and successfully processed.The FOC will confirm the schedule of dates assigned by Qwest for the provisioning of service requested.The Complex FOC will be issue no later than seventy-two hours after receipt of a complete and accurate LSR for the requested non-loaded,xDSL-1, ISDN,ADSL and DSi unbundled Loops.If the results of the verification process show the loop to be fully functional,Qwest will provide the FOC to Sprint upon such verification.If a facility issue is identified,the standard held order process will be initiated,or a new installation,interval will be provided,based upon the type of work needed to provision the service .e.g.conditioning. Page 298 Part H Rates PART H -RATES (H)1.RATES AND CHARGES --GENERAL PROVISIONS (H)1.1 For Interconnection,Resold Services and Unbundled Network Elements, Sprint and Qwest agree to use state-specified permanent rates where established,or where no state-specified permanent rate exists,Sprint agrees to use the state-specified interim rates where established.Where no state-specified permanent or interim rates exist,Sprint agrees to use the lowest ordered and approved rates as interim rates until such time as the state Commission issues an order in a generic proceeding or arbitration, implementing approved rates,whether those approved rates are interim or final.Upon issuance of such an order,Qwest will move Sprint to such approved rates for those states and,where required by the commission, true up the amounts charged to that point.If either interim,permanent or approved arbitrated rates are later modified ,if required by the commission an additional true up,will occur.For purposes of this Agreement,"Rates" include rate structure.Rates for services described herein shall be documented in this section of this Agreement. (H)1.2 Sections of this Agreement referring to TELRIC are agreements in principle on their use of TELRIC.References to TELRIC in this Agreement include the condition that the parties do not necessarily agree to a specific TELRIC methodology.The Parties agree to utilize the specific methodology that is ultimately ordered by the arbitrators/regulators. (H)1.3 Qwest will not charge Sprint any non-recurring charges incurred as a result of Qwest implementing network redesigns/reconfigurations or electronic system redesign/reconfigurations solely initiated by Qwest to its own network or systems.However,any redesign or reconfiguration expenses required by a regulatory body may be recovered by Qwest as permitted by a regulatory body on a non-discriminatory basis. (H)1.4 The underlying provider of a resold service shall be entitled to receive,from the purchaser of switched access,the appropriate access charges pursuant to its then effective switched access tariff.For the purposes of this paragraph,Unbundled Elements as defined in this Agreement and the Act are not considered as resold services. (H)1.5 All Individual Case Basis (ICB),or Time and Material based charges will be accompanied by sufficient documentation to verify charges when billed. (H)1.6 The Following Section is Applicable for the State of UTAH Only (UTAH Order,p.3)The Division of Public Utilities'Avoided Cost Study will be used to establish interim wholesale discounts for resale services.Interim prices for unbundled network elements will be based on Qwest's TELRIC,modified to reflect the Commission's prescribed depreciation rates and cost of capital. Rates for unbundled network elements,reciprocal compensation,and avoided cost wholesale discounts are interim and subject to surcharge or refund based upon future determinations to be made in Docket 94-999-01. Page 299 Part H Rates (H)1.7 The parties will work cooperatively to maintain the current and correct rate schedules resulting in a signed rate sheet reflecting the new rates. (H)1.8 If a provision references prices and there are no corresponding prices already set forth in this section for such item,such price shall be considered "To Be Determined"("TBD").With respect to all TBD prices,prior to Sprint ordering any such TBD item,the Parties shall meet and confer to establish a price.If the Parties are unable to reach agreement on a price for such item, an interim price shall be set for such item that is equal to the price for the nearest analogous item for which a price has been established.Provided, however,that if the Parties are unable to agree on what is the nearest analogous item for purposes of setting an interim price or if there is no such analogous item,the Parties shall follow the dispute resolution provision for purposes of establishing an interim price in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Agreement.Any interim prices so set shall be subject to modification by any subsequent decision of the Commission.If an interim price is different from the rate subsequently established by the Commission, any underpayment shall be paid by Sprint to US WEST,or any overpayment refunded by US WEST to Sprint,within forty-five (45)days after the establishment of the price by the Commission. (H)1.9 Rate Sheets See Following Section Page 300 Part I Signature REVISIONS SINCE JULY 27,2000 Date Section Page Revision 8 /24 /2000 (A)3.21 36 Deleted Minnesota specific text from textbox 8 /24 /2000 (G)5 267-268 Deleted Minnesota specific text from textbox 8/30/2000 (E)5 146-151 Replaced partial Exhibit C (Service Interval Tables) with the full Exhibit C.This table was inadvertantly inserted with only partial data. 8/30/2000 (E)Changed references to "Exhibit A"to references to "Part H"(Rates Section) 11/27/2000 (C) 70 Inserted Oregon language box regarding reciprical compensation per OPUC November 9,2000, Docket ARB 238 at Page 19 12/01/2000 (E)1.16.1 110-114 Inserted language boxes regarding UNE-P and through (E)UNE-P NRCs per mutual agreement October 2000. Page 301 Part i Signature PART I -SIGNATURE Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matter hereof,for the states of Arizona, Colorado,Minnesota,and Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed bytheirrespectivedulyauthorizedrepresentatives. SPRINT Communications Company L.P.Qwest Corporation Signature Signature Name Printed/Typed Name Printed/Typed Title Title Date Date Page 302 Part I Signature PART I -SIGNATURE Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matter hereof,for the state of Oregon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed bytheirrespectivedulyauthorizedrepresentatives. SPRINT Communications Company L.P.Qwest Corporation Signature Signature Name Printed/Typed Name Printed/Typed Title Title Date Date Page 303 Part i Signature PART I -SIGNATURE Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matter hereof,for the states of Idaho,Iowa,Montana,Nebraska,New Mexico,North Dakota,South Dakota,Utah,and Wyoming. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed bytheirrespectivedulyauthorizedrepresentatives. SPRINT Communications Company L.P.Qwest Corporation Signature Signature Name Printedifyped Name Printed/Typed Title Title Date Date Page 304 Part l Signature REVISIONS SINCE JULY 27,2000 Date Section Page Revision 8 /24 /2000 (A)3.21 36 Deleted Minnesota specific text from textbox 8 /24 /2000 (G)5 267-268 Deleted Minnesota specific text from textbox 8/30/2000 (E)5 146-151 Replaced partial Exhibit C (Service Interval Tables) with the full Exhibit C.This table was inadvertantly inserted with onlypartial data.8/30/2000 (E)Changed references to "Exhibit A"to references to "Pan H"(Rates Section) 11/27/2000 (C) 70 Inserted Oregon language box regarding reciprical compensation per OPUC November 9,2000, Docket ARB 238 at Page 19 12/01/2000 (E)1.16.1 110-114 Inserted language boxes regarding UNE-P andthrough(E)UNE-P NRCs per mutual agreement October 2000. , Page 301 Part I Signature PART I -SIGNATURE Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undedakings with respect to the subject matter hereof,for the states of Arizona,Colorado,Minnesota,and Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed bytheirrespectivedulyauthorizedrepresentatives. SPRINT Communications Company L.P.Owest Corporation Signature Signature Name Printed/Typed Name Printed/Typed Title Title Date Date Page 302 Part I Signature PART I -SIGNATURE Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matter hereof,for the state of Oregon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed bytheirrespectivedulyauthorizedrepresentatives. SPRINT Communications Company L.P.Qwest Corporation Signature Signature Name Printed/Typed Name PrintedTEyped Title Title Date Date Page 303 Part l Signature PART I -SIGNATURE Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matter hereof,for the states of Idaho,lowa,Montana,Nebraska,New Mexico,North Dakota,South Dakota,Utah,and Wyoming. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed bytheirrespectivedulyauthorizedrepresentatives. SPRINT Communications CompanyL.P.Qwest Corp a on Signature 'Signature w.Richard Morr-im L.T.Christensen Name Printed/Typed Name Printed/Typed Vice President Local Markets Director -Business Policy Title Title Date Date A Page 304