HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111114Amended Application.pdfe . ~OLO(.~..(;/~~~~;:~~~ ~ "4- ~ ~ ,,'AC!EM~~ November 9,2011 Via Overnight Delivery RECEIVED 2011 NOV l 0 PH 2= 22 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington State House Boise,ID .83720-0074 Re: Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Amended Application to Provide Facilties-Based Local Exchange and Resale Interexchange Service Docket # TF-2011-0117 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fiing please find one original and three (3) copies of the amended application and proposed tariffs submitted on behalf of Spectrotel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications This amended fiing incorporates changes requested by Staff. The Exhibits were already submitted to the Commission with its initial application filing submitted on October 15,2011. Any questions you may have regarding this fiing may be directed to my attention at (407) 740-3031 or vit e-mail atsthoma~tminc.com. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by returning one copy of this transmittal letter date stamped in the self addressed stamped envelope enclosed for that purpose. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Sharon Thomas Consultant to Spectrotel, Inc. ST/im. Enclosure cc: R. Artle, Spectrotel (Ecopy) J. Mulln, Spectrotel (Ecopy) File: Spectrotel - ID CLEC Spectrotel - ID Access TMS: IDl1 i OOa 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 - Maitland, FL 3275 I P.O. Drawer 200 - Winter Park, FL 32790-0200 - Telephone: (407) 740 - 8575 - Facsimile: (407) 740 - 0613 ww.trnc.com e e BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Application of ) Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications )d/b/a Touch Base Communications ) Provide Facilities-based and Resale Local Exchange ) Services Throughout Idaho ) ) Case No.: APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIE FACILITIES-BASED AND RESALE LOCAL AND RESALE INTEREXCBANGE TELECOMMUICATIONS SERVICES Pursuant to Title 62 of the Idaho Code and IDAPA 31.01.111, Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications ("Spectrotel") respectflly requests that the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") to grant the Company a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide facilties-based and resold local exchange and resold interexchange telecommunications services within the State of Idaho. In support of its Application, Spectrotel submits the following: I. Introduction Spectrotel is requesting authority to provide basic resold and facilities-based local exchange services throughout the state of Idaho in all exchanges not exempt from competition as well as intrastate interexchange services statewide. Spectrotel proposes to provide local and interexchange telecommunications service to business and residential customers. Spectrotel plans to offer service through UNE-P facilities and resale arrangements with incumbent local exchange carriers. Applicant wil not provide operator assisted services; Applicant's underlying carrier wil handle calls that require operator assistance. Emergency calls placed by dialing 911 wil not be routed to or handled by Spectrotel. Such calls wil be routed through the underlying carrier to the appropriate emergency agency serving the originating location. Spectrotel sets the rates for its services and handles its own customer service. All services are offered twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Idaho Local Application of Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications Page 1 e e II. Form of Business: (a) Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications is incorporated in the State of Delaware. The main address of the corporation is: Spectrotel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications 3535 State Highway 66, Suite 7 Neptune, NJ 07753 Telephone: (732) 345-7000 Facsimile: (732) 345-7893 Toll Free: (888) 773-9722 (Bus)/(888) 700-5850 (Resi) Website: ww.spectroteLcom (b) All correspondence, notices, inquiries and other communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Sharon Thomas Consultant to Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Technologies Management, Inc. 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 Maitland, Florida 32751 Telephone: (407) 740-3031 Facsimile: (407) 740-0613 Email: sthomas~tminc.com (c) The Applicant is a Delaware corporation on February 29, 2000 and is authorized by the Idaho Secretary of State to transact business within the State of Idaho. The Company's Registered Agent in Idaho is: National Registered Agents, Inc. 1423 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706 (d) Offcers and Directors Offcers and Directors of Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications are provided as Exhibit C. (e) Stockholders Stockholders holding a 5% or greater interest in the Company are provided as Exhibit D. Idaho Local Application of Spectrotel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Page 2 e e III. Description of Service The Applicant anticipates it wil begin to provide service as soon as this application is approved by the Commission. Spectrotel proposes to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange and resold interexchange services through the combination of its own facilities and the resale of other carriers' facilities and network elements. The Company intends to offer service immediately upon certification and approval of its interconnection agreement. Spectrotel intends to offer service in the geographic areas currently served by Qwest Corporation dba Century Link QC. Spectrotel wil mirror the basic local callng scopes of the incumbent local exchange companies. IV. Financial, Technical and Managerial Qualifications Spectrotel possesses the managerial, technical and financial abilty to provide local telecommunications service in the state of Idaho. Spectrotel has the financial resources to enable the Company to successfully provide local and interexchange telecommunications service in the state of Idaho and the management team in place to manage this operations. IV.A. Financial Qualifications (a) Spectrotel is financially and otherwise capable and qualified to offer and maintain all of its tariffed services in its territories. Spectrotel is providing the financial statements of the Company (Exhibit E) as proof of its financial abilty to provide service within the state of Idaho. (b) As a UNE-P CLEC, Spectrotel wil not build facilities and wil not incur any additional capital expenditures associated with providing service in the State. Nor wil Spectrotel require additional sources of funding for its State operations during its initial phase. IV.B. Managerial Qualifications (a) Spectrotel has an excellent senior management team, backed by experienced employees, who are competent in telephony engineering, operations and marketing. Attached hereto as Exhibit F are the biographies of the Spectrotel senior management team. Idaho Local Application of Spectrotel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Page 3 iv.C. (a) (b) (c) e e Technical Qualifications SpectroteI's services wil satisfY the minimum standards established by the Commission. The Company wil fie and maintain tariffs in the same manner and form as required of incumbent local exchange telecommunications companies with which Spectrotel seeks to compete. Spectrotel management team has had prior experience with competitive local exchange and interexchange service providers and possesses considerable telecommunications expertise. Based on the experience and proven track record of the Company's management team, Spectrotel is technically well-qualified to provide local and interexchange service in Idaho Spectrotel wil initially utilze resold services and combinations of network elements provided by the underlying carrier(s). Underlying carriers wil perform all local switching, routing and call completion functions. Company personnel have experience working with underlying carriers of long distance and local services. Applicant's technical and managerial personnel are well qualified to direct the delivery and biling of the proposed services. v. Customer Service Applicant is responsible for all customer inquiries and complaints. The telephone number for customer inquiries and complaints is provided by Spectrotel on the customer bil. Spectrotel's Customer Service Departent may be accessed through a toll-free number: (888) 773-9722 for business and (888) 700-5850 for residential customers. Customer service is available seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. The contact for resolution of customer complaints with the Commission is: Ross Artle, Chief Operating Offcer Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications 3535 State Highway 66, Suite 7 Neptune, NJ 07753 Telephone: (732) 345-7000 Facsimile: (732) 345-7893 Toll Free: (888) 773-9722 (Bus)/(888) 700-5850 (Resi) Website: ww.spectroteLcom Idaho Local Application of Spectrotel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Page 4 e e VI. Ilustrative Tariff The Applicant's proposed local and long distance tariff is included with this application as Exhibit H. The Applicant's access tariff is included with this Application as Exhibit i. VII. Service Territory Spectrotel intends to offer service in the entire state ofIdaho. VIII. Public Interest Standard Grant of Spectrotel's Application to provide basic resold and facilities-based local exchange services as well as interexchange services is in the public interest and serves the public convenience and necessity. In enacting the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, the United States Congress determined that it is in the public interest to promote competition in the provision of telecommunications services, including local exchange services. Experience with competition in other telecommunications markets, such as long distance, competitive access, and customer premises equipment, demonstrates the benefits that competition can bring to consumers. Consumers are enjoying increased services, lower prices, higher quality, and greater reliability. This is tre not only with respect to the service offerings of the new entrants, but also as a result of the response of incumbent monopoly providers to the introduction of competition. SpectroteI's proposed services wil provide multiple public benefits by increasing the competitive choices available to users in Idaho. Enhanced competition in telecommunications services likely wil further stimulate economic development in Idaho. In addition, increased competition wil create incentives for all carriers to offer lower prices, more innovative services, and more responsive customer service. IX. Waivers and Regulatory Compliance Spectrotel has reviewed all of the Commission's rules applicable to competitive local exchange service and interexchange service providers and agrees to abide by those rules including Commission Rule No. 11408 relating to Number Conservation and all reporting requirements of the FCC. Idaho Local Application of Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Page 5 e e X. Conclusion This Application demonstrates that Spectotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications possesses the technical, financial and managerial resources to provide local exchange service in Idaho. Wherefore, Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications respectfully requests that the Commission: I. grant Spectrotel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications authority to operate as a provider of resold and facilties-based. basic local exchange services within the state ofldaho; and 2. grant such other relief as it deems necessar and appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Speetrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d/b/a Touch Base Communications Ld- RdSs Artale, Chief Operating Offcer Spectotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Base Communications 3535 State Highway 66, Suite 7 Neptue, NJ 07753 Idao Loca Application of Spectrtel, Inc. d//a OneTouch Communications d//a Touch Bas Communications Page 6