HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130211Petition.pdfSILVER)'STAR COMMUNICATIONS Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary 472 W. Washington P0 Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Re: Petition for Amendment to Certificated Service Area BOUnd Dear Jean: Enclosed for filing and consideration are an original and seven copli Star Telephone Company, Inc.'s Petition for Amendment to its Certificated Boundary. Expedited treatment is requested. Questions concerning this P directed to Ron McCue at 307-883-6670 or to me at the number shown be Thank you. Sincerely, Michelle Motzkus Legal & Regulatory Administrator 307-883-6690 Enclosures Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. Michelle Motzkus, Legal & Regulatory Administrator P0 Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Ph: 307-883-6690 Fax: 307-883-2575 Email: mamotzkus@silverstar.net 7PI2FEB I I API 8:2 . T11 I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ) Case No. IL -r- i —( / SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY,) INC. FOR AMENDMENT OF ITS ) PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA ) CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY ) BOUNDARY Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. ("Silver Star") hereby petitions the Commission for an Order approving this Petition for Amendment of Certificated Service Area Boundary. In support hereof, Silver Star states as follows: Silver Star is a Title 61 regulated telephone corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wyoming, and is authorized to do business in Idaho and to provide basic and local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity issued to it by the Commission. Silver Star's principal place of business is in Freedom, Wyoming, where its main central office is located. Silver Star provides basic local exchange telecommunications services, MTS, transport services to interexchange carriers, special access services, broadband and other telecommunications services that its customers may from time to time request or require. On July 6, 1953, the Commission issued Order No. 2312 granting Silver Star's application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and simultaneously issued Silver Star Certificate No. 207, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Subsequently, Page 1 of 3 upon application by Silver Star and approval of the Commission, Certificate No. 207 was amended on August 30, 1960, on October 4, 1963 and on September 30, 1996. Copies of the Amended, Second Amended and Third Amended Certificates are attached hereto as Exhibits B, C, and D, respectively. Following an internal review and audit, Silver Star is aware that the exchange boundary descriptions on file with the Commission are in conflict with the actual exchange areas served by Silver Star. This Petition requests correction of its certificated exchange areas to accurately reflect its service areas, as shown on Exhibit E. The corrected boundaries are not in the vicinity of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed and, in fact, Silver Star has served the areas within these boundaries since at least 1963 and continues to be willing to serve, and is best able to serve, the customers within the corrected boundaries. A legal description for each of the amended certificated service area exchange boundaries being requested is attached as Exhibit F and G, respectively). A compact disc containing the legal descriptions in Microsoft Word format accompanies this Petition. The requested Certificate amendment will not affect the service area boundary of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and will not injure or interfere with the operation of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed. Silver Star requests that all notices and communications concerning this Petition be directed to the following individuals at the addresses given below: Ron B. McCue President and COO Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. P0 Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Page 2 of 3 Michelle Motzkus Legal & Regulatory Administrator Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. P0 Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 WHEREFORE, Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. respectfully requests an expedited Order of this Commission granting the amendment to Certificate No. 207 to incorporate boundary correction adjustments, as described in Exhibits F and G attached hereto, and granting such further relief as the Commission deems just, reasonable and necessary. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE Because this Petition seeks minor boundary changes, and will not affect the service area boundary of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and will not injure or interfere with the operation of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed, Silver Star further respectfully requests that this Petition proceed under Rules 201-204 of the Commission's Modified Procedure Rules 201 through 210. Dated this of February, 2013. Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. By Michelle Motzkus Legal & Regulatory Administrator 307-883-6690 P0 Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Page 3 of 3 BE1E THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILMES COHMISSION IN TEE 14TT3R OF THE .,IPLICATION OF V THE SILV2( STAR TELEPHONE COMPAHI, CASE NO. U-1038-1 INCORPORATED, for a CERTIFICATE OF CONTENMXE & NECESSITY. . . . . . . CERTIFICATE NO. 207 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, that the present and future public convenience and necessity require, and will require, The Silver Star Tele- phone Coaxiny, Inc., a corporation, its successors and assigns, to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire Lud to zaaintaln and operate a tele- phone system in, and supply telephone service to the residents of the north- eastern part of Caribou County and the southeastern part of Bonneville County, all laying within the Township 3 South, 4 South and 5 South in Ilenge 46 Lasto Buise-keridianj and for such purposes, to hold, construct, or other- wise acquire, and to maintain and operate within said territory a telephone system, to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., or which may hereafter be granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, by any franchise or permit conferred, or which may be hereafter conferred upon said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., by the counties of Caribou and Bonneville, any municipality of the State of Idaho, or by any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the Order of this Conniasion, the same being Order No. 2312 in the above entitled matter, made and entered on this 6th day of July, 1953, to which said Order reference is hereby made. EXHIBIT A DONE this 6th day of July, 1953, in the office of the Commission at Boise, Idaho. /s/ GEORGE R JONES P.SIDENT AZTEaT /s/ H. C. ALLEN CONNISSIONER /s/ STEPHEN L. GUICE SECRETAJ /s/ H. N. BEAHER COMMISSIONER bw W BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION) OF THE SILVER STAR TELEPHONE ) CASE NO. U-1038-2 COMPANY INCORPORATED FOR AN ) AMENDMEIT TO CERTIFICATE OF ) CERTIFICATE NO. 207 CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. ) AMENDED IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, that the present and future public convenience and necessity require, and will require, the Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., a corporation, its successors and assigns, to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a telephone system in, and supply tele- phone service to the residents of the following described territory: Starting at the So. K. Corner of Sec. 15, T2S Bonneville County, Idaho, R 46K Thence W to SW corner of Sec. 18 T2S, R 45E Thence N to SW corner of Sec. 18, T1S R 45E Thenàe W to the SW corner of Sec. 13 T1S of R 44K Thence to the NW corner of Sec. 1 of T1S R 44E Thence W to SW corner of Sec. 31 TIN R43E Thence N to SW Corner'-of Sec. 31 T2N R43E Thence W to the SW corner of Sec. 36 T2N, R 41E, Thence N to NW corner of Sec. 251 T3N 2 R41E; Thence E to NW corner of Sec. 25 T3N, B. 42K; Thence : . . N to NW corner of Sec. 1 UN, B. 42K; Thence K to.NE corner of Sec. 4 T3N, B. 44K;. Thence So. to SW corner •.. -• of Sec. 34 T314 R 44K; Thence K to. NE corner of Sec. 1 T219 R 4lE; Thence S to SW corner of TIN; R44E; Thence K to NE corner of Sec..3 T1S,R46;. Thence S to SEcorner of Sec. 15 T2SR46E:or the' original starting. point, and for such purposes to hold,. construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory a telephone exercise all rights and privileges *hichi have -is engranted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., or which may he±afterbeI. . granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc , its succssors. and assigns, by any franchise or permit conferred- be. hereafter conferred upon said Silver Star. Telephone .Goon€pany, Inc., by the counties of Caribou and Bonneville, any municipality of the State of Idaho, or by any political subdivision thereof.. . S This amended Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the order of this Commission, the same being Order No. 5712 in the above entitled matter made and entered on this. 30th day of August, 1960, to which said Order reference j EXHIBIT B M1UOFiLtvtD ATTEST: DONE this 30th day of August, 1960, in the office of the Commission at Boise, Idaho. PRESIDENT. EXHIBIT B BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) THE SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, ) CASE NO. U-1038-4 INCORPORATED, FOR AN AMENDMENT OF ) CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND ) CERTIFICATE NO. 207 NECESSITY ) SECOND AMENDED IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, that the present and' future public convenience and necessity require, and will require, the Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., a corporation, its successors and assigns, to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a telephone system in, and supply tele- phone service to the residents of the following described territory: Starting at the So. E. Corner of Sec. 15, T2S Bonneville County, Idaho, R 46 E Thence W to SW corner of Sec. 18 T2S, R 45 E Thence N to SW corner of Sec. 18, T1S R 45 E Thence W to the SW corner of Sec 13 T].S of R 44 E Thence to the NW corner of Sec. 1 of T1S R 44 E Thence W to SW corner of Sec. 31 TIN R 43 E Thence N to SW Corner of Sec. 31 T2N R 43 E Thence W to the SW corner of Sec. 36 T 2N31 R 41 E, Thence N to NW corner of Sec 25, T 3 N, R 41 B, Thence E to NW corner of Sec. 25 T3N, R 42 B, Thence N to NW corner of Sec. 1 T3N, R 42 E, Thence E to NE corner of Sec 4 T3N, R 44 B, Thence So to SW corner of Sec. 34 T3N, R 44 E; Thence E to NE corner of Sec 1 T2N R 44 E, Thence S to SW corner of Sec. 36 TIN; R 44 E; Thence E to NE corner of Sec. 3 T1S, R 46 E; Thence S to SE corner of Sec. 15 T2S R 46 E or the original starting point, and the Community of Wayan and surrounding rural area in Caribou County, Idaho, and for such purposes to hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory a telephone system, to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., or which may hereafter be granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, by any franchise or permit conferred, or which may be hereafter conferred upon said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., by the counties of Caribou and Bonneville, any municipality of the State of Idaho, or by any political subdivision thereof This amended Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the order of this Commission, the same being Order EXHIBIT C teove entitled matter made and entered on this 4th d of October, 1963, to which said Order reference is hereby made. DATED AT Boise, Idaho, this 4th day of October, 1963. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ~v PRESIDENT COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER ATTEST: 'SECRETARY sg EXHIBIT C MICQfML; 1969 Office of the Secretary Service Date September 30. 1996 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) CASE NO. SIL-T-96- THE SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, ) INCORPORATED, FOR AN AMENDMENT OF ) CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND ) CERTIFICATE NO.-42Q NECESSITY. ) THIRD AMENDED IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity require, and will require, the Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., a corporation, its successors and assigns to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a telephone system in, and supply telephone service to the residents of the following described territory: Starting at the So. E. corner of Sec. 15, T2S Bonneville County, Idaho, R46E thence W to SW corner of Sec. 18 T2S, R45E thence N to SW corner of Sec. 18, TI R45E thence W to the SW corner of Sec. 13 TI of R44E thence to the NW corner of Sec. 1 of TI S R44E thence W to SW corner of Sec. 31 TIN R43E thence N to SW corner of Sec. 31 T2N R43E thence W to the SW corner of Sec. 36 T2N, R41 E, thence N to NW corner of Sec. 25, T3N, R41 E; thence E to NW corner of Sec. 25 T3N, R42E; thence N to NW corner of Sec. I T3N, R42E; thence E to NE corner of Sec. 4 T3N, R44E; thence So. to SW corner of Sec. 34 T3N, R44E; thence E to NE corner of Sec. I T2N R44E; thence S to SW corner of Sec. 36 TIN; R44E; thence E to NE corner of Sec. 3 TI S, R46E; thence S to SE corner of Sec. 15 T2S R46E or the original starting point; and The Wayan exchange, more specifically described as beginning at the NE corner of Sec. 24, T2S, R45E; thence West to the NW corner of Sec. 19, T2S, R45E; thence North to the NE corner of Sec. 24, T1S, R45E; thence West to the NW corner Sec. 24, TI S. R45E; thence North to the NE corner of Sec. 2, TI S, R44E; thence West to the SE corner of Sec. 36, TIN, R42E; thence North to the NE corner of Sec. 1, TIN, R42E; thence West to the NW corner of Sec. 1, TIN, R41E; thence South to the SE corner of Sec. 31, T4S, R42E; thence West to the NW corner of Sec. 6, T5S, R4IE; thence Southeasterly to the NW corner of Sec. 5, T7S, R42E; thence East to the NW corner of Sec. 2, T7S, R42E; thence South to the West 1/4 corner of Sec. 11, T7S, R42E; thence East to the East 1/4 corner of Sec. 7, T7S, R46E; thence North to the NE corner of Sec. 7, T7S, R46E; thence East to the SE corner of Sec. 2, T7S, R46E; thence North to the NE corner of Sec. 3, T6S, R46E; thence West to CERTIFICATE NO. 207 THIRD AMENDED -1- EXHIBIT the 1W corner of Sec 6, T6S, R46E, thence North to the NE corner of Sec 24, T2S, R45E, the point of beginning, and for such purposes to hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory a telephone system, to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., or which hereafter be granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, by any franchise or permit conferred, or which may be hereafter conferred upon said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., by the counties of Caribou and Bonneville, any municipality of the state of Idaho, or by any political subdivision thereof. This amended Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the Order of this Commission, the same being Order No 26579 issued the 28th day of August 1996 and Order No 7076 issued the 4th day of October 1963, to which said Orders reference is hereby made. DATED at Boise, Idaho this 3' 64 day of September 1996. RALPH LSON, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER S. HANSEN, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary bls/O.si1t962.cer CERTIFICATE NO. 207 THIRD AMENDED EXHIBIT WYOMING SUMER*STAR COMMUNICATIONS - 44 £ 12 MR 41 C 14441£ T S3 44 E T 43 £ T 44 £ T 43 C iii T44 £ T43 C _- IRYIN TI44 £ 1444443£ 1444446£ T44144 £ EXCHONGI .I T4443 C T4444 C 1ft43 £ TlR46 C £ T4442 £ T43 C T4444 C T4445 C T4446 £ EXHIBIT E I I TNSIII ISaac isaac L___I I .e.t I ecu.. I t I rac j Tea.. I I.e.. I Too. . I Bonre v Je L Ta... usa I ,..a Togo C ruse c Ta_a fl Ta_ac react Teas. I Ta... I rae.. rasa • f Ca... I ru__c I t qua. I r.... reac I I too. t I TuNa I I Ta.. & race. race. Tom. II I reset I vu... Tome react reuse au.. reac isa, aal Cant — SILVEP)MTAP COMMUNICATIONS Uj F— co >< LU IRWIN EXCHANGE Beginning at the SE corner of Section 34, T1S, R46E, thence west to the SW corner of Section 31, T1S, R45E, thence north to the NE corner of section 24, T1S, R44E, thence west to the NE corner of section 23, us, R44E, thence north to the NW corner of section 1, uS, R44E, thence west to the SW corner of Section 36, TiN, R41E, thence north to the NW corner of Section 25, T3N, R41E, thence east to the NE corner of Section 25, T3N, R41E, thence north to the NW corner of Section 6, T3N, R42E, thence east along the township line between townships 3N and 4N to a point where the said line bisects the top or comb of the Big Hole mountain range, thence following along the top or comb of the said mountains in a southeasterly direction to the west line of the state of Wyoming, thence south along said west line of the state of Wyoming to the SE corner of Section 34, T1S, R46E and to the Point of Beginning. Wii•it!1U1 WAYAN EXCHANGE Beginning at the NE corner of Section 1, US, R45E, thence west to the SE corner of Section 36, T1S, R44E, thence north to the NE corner of section 24, T1S, R44E, thence west to the NE corner of Section 23, T1S, R42E, thence north to the NE corner of section 2, 115, R44E, thence west to the NW corner of section 6, 115, R42E, thence south to the SW corner of Section 31, T6S, R42E, thence east to the NW corner of Section 5, US, R42E, thence west to the SW corner of Section 20, US, R42E, thence east to the SW corner of Section 24, US, R43E, thence south to the SW corner of Section 24, T85, R43E, thence east to the SW corner of Section 21, T8S, R44E, thence south to the SW corner of Section 9, 19S, R44E, thence east to the SW corner of Section 11, T9S, R44E, thence south to the SW corner of Section 2, T10S, R44E, thence east to the SW corner of Section 1, T10S, R44E, thence south to the SW corner of Section 13, T11S, R44E, thence east to the SE corner of Section 14, T11S, R45E, thence north to the NE corner of Section 11, IllS, R45E, thence east to the SW corner of Section 2, T11S, R46E, thence north to the NE corner of Section 35, 19S, R46E, thence west to the SW corner of Section 30, T95, R46E, thence north to the NE corner of Section 1, 175, R45E, thence east to the SW corner of Section 36, T6S, R45E, thence north to the NE corner of Section 24, T4S, R45E, thence west to the NE corner of Section 23, T4S, R45E, thence north to the NE corner of Section 23, T3S, R45E, thence east to the SE corner of Section 13, T3S, R45E, thence north to the NE corner of Section 1, 12S, R45E and to the Point of Beginning. EXHI BIT G