HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960930Certificate No 207.pdf.,-- Office of the Secretary Service Date September 30, 1996 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ~ LC;;~ 110- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INCORPORATED, FOR AN AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. CASE NO. SIL-96- CERTIFICATE NO. 207 TIllRD AMENDED IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity require, and will require, the Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., a corporation, its successors and assigns to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a telephone system , and supply telephone service to the residents of the following described territory: Starting at the So. E. comer of Sec. 15, T2S Bonneville County, Idaho, R46E thence W to SW comer of Sec. 18 T2S, R45E thence N to SW comer of Sec. , TIS R45E thence W to the SW comer of Sec. 13 TIS ofR44E thence to the NW comer of Sec. 1 of TI S R44E thence W to SW comer of Sec. 31 TIN R43E thence N to SW comer of Sec. 31 T2N R43E thence W to the SW comer of Sec. 36 T2N, R4IE, thence N to NW comer of Sec. 25, T3N, R4IE; thence E to NW comer of Sec. 25 T3N, R42E; thence N to NW comer of Sec. 1 T3N, R42E; thence E to NE comer of Sec. 4 T3N, R44E; thence So. to SW comer of Sec. 34 T3N, R44E; thence E to NE comer of Sec. 1 T2N R44E; thence S to SW comer of Sec. 36 TIN; R44E; thence E to NE comer of Sec. 3 TIS, R46E; thence S to SE comer of Sec. 15 T2S R46E or the original starting point; and The Wayan exchange, more specifically described as beginning at the NE comer of Sec. 24, T2S, R45E; thence West to the NW comer of Sec. 19, T2S R45E; thence North to the NE comer of Sec. 24, TIS, R45E; thence West to the NW comer Sec. 24, TI S , R45E; thence North to the NE comer of Sec. 2 TIS , R44E; thence West to the SE comer of Sec. 36, TIN, R42E; thence North to the NE comer of Sec. 1, TIN, R42E; thence West to the NW comer of Sec. 1 , TIN R4IE;thence South to the SEcomerofSec. 31, T4S R42E; thence West to the NW comer of Sec. 6, T5S, R4IE; thence Southeasterly to the NW comer of Sec. 5, T7S , R42E; thence East to the NW comer of Sec. , T7S, R42E; thence South to the West 1/4 comer of Sec. 11, T7S, R42E; thence East to the East 1/4 comer of Sec. 7, T7S, R46E; thence North to the NE comer of Sec. 7, T7S, R46E; thence East to the SE comer of Sec. 2, T7S R46E; thence North to the NE comer of Sec. 3, T6S, R46E; thence West to CERTIFICATE NO. 207 THIRD AMEND ED the NW comer of Sec. 6, T6S, R46E; thence North to the NE comer of Sec. , T2S, R45E, the point of beginning, and for such purposes to hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory a telephone system, to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., or which hereafter be granted to said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, by any franchise or permit conferred, or which may be hereafter conferred upon said Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., by the counties of Caribou and ----.------ - Horii1evl11e~ -any-iiiumcipamy of the - stafe orlaalio~-oiDy-any poflilcaI slibdlVlslonthereof. This amended Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the Order of this Commission, the same being Order No. 26579 issued the 28th day of August 1996 and Order No. 7076 issued the 4th day of October 1963, to which said Orders reference is hereby made. DATED at Boise, Idaho this .:3c day of September 1996. gJul RALPH ~LSON, PRESIDENT O~A J&r.. MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ENNIS S. HANS N, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ..// /7 /,~~~ ~~/ Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary bls/O-silt962.cer CERTIFICATE NO. 207 THIRD AMEND ED