HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031203Exhibit B-1 Effective 03-12-03.pdfExhibit B1 Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B1, 1ST Revision March 12, 2003 - 1- PO-20 – Manual Service Order Accuracy Purpose: Evaluates the degree to which Qwest accurately processes CLECs’ Local Service Requests (LSRs), which are electronically-submitted and manually processed by Qwest, into Qwest Service Orders. Description: Measures the percentage of Qwest service orders that are populated correctly, in specified data fields, with information obtained from CLEC LSRs. • Includes only service orders created from CLEC LSRs that Qwest receives electronically (via IMA- GUI or IMA-EDI) and manually processes in the creation of service orders, regardless of flow through eligibility, subject to exclusions as specified below. • Includes only service orders, from the product reporting categories specified below, that request inward line or feature activity (Change, New, and Transfer order types), are assigned a due date by Qwest, and are completed/closed in the reporting period. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all C orders with “I” and “T” action-coded line or feature USOCs. • Service orders evaluated in this measurement are either (1) those selected randomly NOTE 1 and manually inspected for accuracy as defined herein, or (2) when Qwest develops mechanized capabilities for this measurement as specified in the Availability section below, all service orders satisfying the above criteria. • A service order will be classified as “accurate” and thus counted in the numerator in the formula below when evaluation determines that the fields specified in the Service Order Fields Evaluated section below (per the indicated phases), when populated on the LSR, are all accurate, as applicable, on the service order. Accuracy is defined as the contents of the specified fields, in the service orders involved in provisioning the service, matching the information from the relevant fields as provided in the latest version of associated LSRs. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide Formula: [(Number of accurate service orders) ÷ (Number of evaluated service orders completed in the reporting period)] x 100 Exclusions: • Cancelled service orders. • Orders generated from LSRs with non-fatal errors. • Orders that cannot be matched to a corresponding LSR. Product Reporting: • Resale POTS and UNE-P (POTS) • Unbundled Loops (Analog and Non-Loaded 2- wire) Standard: 95 percent Availability: Under Development: • Phase 0 - Manual, random sampling approach: Jun 02 results reported in the Jul 02 report. • Phase 1 - Mechanized approach, replacing manual approach: TBD Notes: 1. Manually-selected orders will consist of 20 random, qualifying orders per day per product reporting category, specified above, from throughout Qwest’s 14-state local service region. Exhibit B1 PO-20 – Manual Service Order Accuracy (continued) Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B1, 1ST Revision March 12, 2003 - 2- Service Order Fields Evaluated (by Phase of implementation) Phase 0 – (01 Jun 02 Forward) Random sampling approach; Manual comparison of the fields from the Service Order to the LSR: Field Code Field Name Remarks CCNA CLEC ID Order entry validated from LSR Form D/Tsent Date sent to help ID App Order entry validated from LSR Form Name Name of Customer Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable SANO Service Address Number Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable SASD Service Address Direction Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable SASN Service Address Street Name Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable LD1 LOC Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable LV1 LOC # Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable City City name Order entry validated from End User or Directory Listings Forms, when applicable PON Purchase Order Number Order entry validated from LSR Form Date/ FOC’d date Due Date on Order Order entry validated from LSR FOC sent to the CLEC Phase 1 – (Dates TBD) First phase of mechanized measurement: Field Code Field Name Remarks Same as Phase 0 Same as Phase 0 Future Phase – TBD in Long Term PID Administration; Additional fields included in mechanization, if any: Field Code Field Name Remarks TBD TBD