HomeMy WebLinkAboutCANCELLED - SBC Long Distance LLC CLEC.pdfSBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Title Page Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 SBC LONG DISTANCE, LLC D/B/A SBC LONG DISTANCE D/B/A AT&T LONG DISTANCE RATES, RULES AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS FOR FURNISHING LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO All references to SBC Long Distance, LLC, SBC Long Distance, Inc., Southwestern Bell Communications Services, Inc., d/b/a SBC Long Distance, SBC Telecom, Inc. and d/b/a AT&T Long Distance are to be considered interexchangeable for purposes of these tariff schedules. This Price List (“Price List”) contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of competitive, presubscribed resold and facilities-based local exchange telecommunications services provided by SBC Long Distance, LLC (“Company”) within the State of Idaho. This Price List is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). Copies may be inspected during normal business hours at Company's principal place of business, 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Suite 13L, San Antonio, Texas 78215. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Check Page 2 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 CHECK PAGE The pages of this Price List are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective page. Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original Price List. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION Title Original 20 Original 40 Original Check Page 1 Original 21 Original 41 Original Check Page 2 Original 22 Original 42 Original Check Page 3 Original 23 Original 43 Original TOC 1 Original 24 Original 44 Original TOC 2 Original 25 Original 45 Original TOC 3 Original 26 Original 46 Original 1 Original 27 Original 47 Original 2 Original 28 Original 48 Original 3 Original 29 Original 49 Original 4 Original 30 Original 50 Original 5 Original 31 Original 51 Original 6 Original 32 Original 52 Original 7 Original 33 Original 53 Original 8 Original 34 Original 54 Original 9 Original 35 Original 55 Original 10 Original 36 Original 56 Original 11 Original 37 Original 57 Original 12 Original 38 Original 58 Original 13 Original 39 Original 59 Original 14 Original 15 Original 16 Original 17 Original 18 Original 19 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Check Page 3 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 CHECK PAGE, Continued Reserved For Future Use PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 60 Original 80 Original 100 Original 61 Original 81 Original 101 Original 62 Original 82 Original 102 Original 63 Original 83 Original 103 Original 64 Original 84 Original 104 Original 65 Original 85 Original 105 Original 66 Original 86 Original 67 Original 87 Original 68 Original 88 Original 69 Original 89 Original 70 Original 90 Original 71 Original 91 Original 72 Original 92 Original 73 Original 93 Original 74 Original 94 Original 75 Original 95 Original 76 Original 96 Original 77 Original 97 Original 78 Original 98 Original 79 Original 99 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Table of Contents Page 1 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE.............................................................................................................................Title CHECK PAGE.................................................................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................1 APPLICATION OF THE PRICE LIST...........................................................................................1 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS ...................................................................................................2 CONTACT INFORMATION..........................................................................................................3 PRICE LIST FORMAT...................................................................................................................4 1. DEFINITIONS.....................................................................................................................5 2. REGULATIONS................................................................................................................12 2.1. Undertaking of the Company.................................................................................12 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity........................................................................16 2.3. Conflicts Between Price List and Commission Rules ...........................................24 2.4. Provision of Equipment and Facilities...................................................................24 2.5. Obligations of the Customer..................................................................................28 2.6. Establishment of Service........................................................................................35 2.7. Billing and Collection of Charges..........................................................................46 2.8. Disputed Bills.........................................................................................................47 2.9. Late Payment Charges ...........................................................................................49 2.10. Cancellation of Service by Customer ....................................................................50 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company ....................................................................53 2.12. Reconnection of Customer's Service .....................................................................62 2.13. Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................63 2.14. Allowances Interruptions of Service......................................................................65 2.15. Returned Check Charge.........................................................................................67 2.16. Customer Service...................................................................................................67 2.17. Termination Liability.............................................................................................68 2.18. Service Provider Options.......................................................................................70 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Table of Contents Page 2 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued 3. APPLICATION OF RATES..............................................................................................71 3.1. Introduction............................................................................................................71 3.2. Service Trials and Special Promotions ..................................................................71 3.3. Individual Case Basis Arrangements.....................................................................71 3.4. Special Arrangements............................................................................................71 3.5. Business Rate Application.....................................................................................72 3.6. Residential Rate Application .................................................................................72 3.7. Rates Based Upon Distance...................................................................................73 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges ..........................................................................................74 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE......................................................................................81 4.1. Description.............................................................................................................81 4.2. General Regulations...............................................................................................82 4.3. Emergency Services (911/Enhanced 911) .............................................................83 4.4. Telecommunications Relay Service.......................................................................83 4.5. Business Service Offerings....................................................................................84 4.6. Residence Service Offerings..................................................................................87 4.7. Features-Description..............................................................................................88 4.8. Rates and Charges..................................................................................................92 5. WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY LISTINGS ......................................................................95 5.1. General Regulations...............................................................................................95 5.2. Descriptions ...........................................................................................................97 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE..........................................9 6.1. Operator Services...................................................................................................99 6.2. Operator Assisted Surcharges..............................................................................101 6.3. Directory Assistance............................................................................................102 6.4. National Listing Service ......................................................................................104 6.5. Rates and Charges................................................................................................105 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 1 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 APPLICATION OF THE PRICE LIST A. This Price List sets forth the Service offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable to the furnishing of intrastate communications Services by the Company to Customers within the local exchange Service area defined herein. B. The Company operates in some areas as a facilities-based provider of local exchange Service and, in others, as a reseller of the Services of a Local Exchange Carrier. C. The rates and regulations contained in this Price List apply only to the Services furnished by Company and do not apply, unless otherwise specified, to the lines, facilities, or Services provided by a Local Exchange Carrier or other common Carrier for use in accessing the Services of Company. D. The Company shall not be deemed to have waived or impaired any right, power, requirement or option reserved by this Price List (including, but not limited to, the right to demand exact compliance with every term and condition herein), by virtue of any custom or practice of the Company at variance with the terms hereof, or any failure, refusal or neglect of Company to exercise any right under this Price List or to insist upon exact compliance with its terms, or any waiver, forbearance, delay, failure or omission by Company to exercise any right, power or option hereunder. E. The provision of Services are subject to existing regulations and terms and conditions specified in this Price List and may be revised, added to or supplemented by superseding Price Lists. F. The Company reserves the right to offer its Customers a variety of Services as deemed appropriate by the Company. G. The Company will provide Services requested by Customers, which Services are not included in this Price List, depending on equipment and facility availability and economic considerations. Pricing for these Services will be accomplished on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) Contract. H. The Services included in this Price List are intended for purchase by end-use retail Customers. Interexchange Carriers (IXC) should consult the Access Tariff to order Services for resale purposes or enter into an ICB Contract. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 2 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) To signify changed condition or regulation (D) To signify deleted or discontinued rate, regulation or condition (I) To signify a change resulting in an increase to a Customer's bill (M) To signify that material has been moved from another Price List location (N) To signify a new rate, regulation condition or sheet (R) To signify a change resulting in a reduction to a Customer's bill (S) Indicates reissued matter (T) To signify a change in text but no change to rate or charge Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 3 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 CONTACT INFORMATION Company Contact Information SBC Long Distance, LLC 1010 N Saint Mary’s Street, Suite 13L San Antonio TX 78215-2109 Telephone: 1-877-430-7228 Facsimile: (210) 246-8789 Email: sm3745@sbc.com Customer Contact For establishment of service, complaints and inquires regarding service and billing, or reporting or inquiring about network outages or service problems, contact: Customer Service SBC Long Distance, LLC 1460 Round Table Dr Dallas TX 75247 Customer Service: 1-877-430-7228 Repairs: 1-877-430-7228 Facsimile: 1-210-246-8759 Commission Contact Matters concerning Price Lists, and regulatory affairs: Sam Maropis, Associate Directory – Regulatory SBC Long Distance, LLC 1010 N Saint Mary’s Street, Suite 13-33 San Antonio TX 78215-2109 Telephone: 1-210-246-8757 Facsimile: (210) 246-8789 Email: sm3745@sbc.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 4 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 PRICE LIST FORMAT A. Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right hand corner of each page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are added to the Price List from time to time. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. 1. B. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right hand corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised page 14 cancels the 3rd revised page 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the Commission follows in its Price List approval process, the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the Price List page in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are six (6) levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.1 A. 2.1.1 A.1 2.1.1 A.1.a 2.1.1 A.1.a.i D. Check Pages - When a Price List filing is made with the Commission, an updated check page accompanies the Price List filing. The check page lists the pages contained in the Price List with a cross-reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check page is changed to reflect the revision. An asterisk (*) designates all revisions made in a given filing. There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it. The Price List user should refer to the latest check page to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 5 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS Certain terms used generally throughout this Price List are defined below: Advance Payment: Part or all of a payment required before the start of Service. Applicant: Any entity or individual who applies for Service offered under this Price List. Authorized User: An end user authorized by the Customer to use the Service. Business Customer: A Customer that uses a Business Service Offering as set forth in this Price List. Carrier: A company authorized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to provide telecommunications Services. Central Office: A local exchange switching unit that is used to interconnect Exchange Access Lines within a specified area. Channel or Circuit: A path for transmission between two (2) or more points having a bandwidth and termination of Customer’s own choosing. Channel Mileage: Distance calculated using the telephone industry standard Rate Centers (“V” & “H”) between Company’s and Customer’s Premises. Collect Call: A billing arrangement where a call is billed to the called station. Commission: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Company: SBC Long Distance, LLC Contract: An agreement between Customer and Company in which the two (2) parties agree upon specifications, terms, pricing, and other conditions of Service. The Contract may or may not accompany an associated Service Order. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 6 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS, Continued Customer: A person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders or uses Service who, by receiving and using the Service, has agreed to honor the terms of the Service herein, and is responsible for the payment of rates and charges for Service to all Customer locations and for compliance with Price List regulations. Customer Premises Equipment (“CPE”): Equipment located at the Customer’s Premises for use with the Company’s Services. CPE can include, for example, a station set, facsimile machine, key system, PBX, or other voice and data communication equipment. Demarcation Point: Denotes the point of interconnection between the Company’s facilities and the wiring at the Customer’s Premises. Deposit: Refers to a cash or equivalent of cash security held as a guarantee for payment of the charges for Services. DID Trunk: A form of local switched access that provides the ability for an outside party to call an internal extension directly without the intervention of a Company operator. Digital: A method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic or optical pulses that represent binary digits (bits) 0 and 1. Digital transmission/switching technologies employ a sequence of discrete, individually distinct pulses to represent information, as opposed to the continuously variable signal of analog technologies. Direct Inward Dial (“DID”): A Service attribute that routes incoming calls directly to stations, by-passing a central answering point. Directory Assistance Service: A Service whereby Customers may dial a special directory assistance code or telephone number to reach an operator or automatic Interactive Voice System (“IVS”) that will provide available, published directory listings. DSL: Digital Subscriber Line. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 7 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS, Continued DS-1: Digital Service, Level 1. A 1.544 Mbps dedicated Digital transmission connection furnished by the Company that may either be a connection between a Customer’s Premises and the Company’s Premises or a connection between two (2) Customer Premises. DS-3: Digital Service, Level 3. The equivalent of 28 DS-1 Channels and capable of operating at 44.736 Mbps. (Also called a T-3) Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (“DTMF”): The signaling type employed by dial tone station sets. E-911/911: An emergency Service whereby a Customer dials a 911 emergency code or other emergency number and is then connected to an emergency agency responsible for the dispatch of emergency assistance. E911 and 911 are used interchangeably to refer to any emergency dialing arrangement. Exchange Access Lines: Central Office equipment and related facilities, including the Network interface, which provide access to and from the telecommunications Network. Exchange Area: A geographically defined area described through the use of maps or legal descriptions to specify areas where individual telephone exchange companies hold themselves out to provide local communications Services. FCC: Federal Communications Commission. Force Majeure: Causes beyond the Company’s control, including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood, explosion or other catastrophes; any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States Government, or of any other government, including state and local governments having or claiming jurisdiction over the Company, or of any department, agency, commission, bureau, corporation, or other instrumentality of any one or more of these federal, state, or local governments, or of any civil or military authority; national emergencies; insurrection; riots; wars; unavailability of rights-of-way or materials; or strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages, fraudulent acts of a third party, or other labor difficulties. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 8 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS, Continued Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Individual Case Basis (“ICB”): A Service arrangement in which the regulations, rates and charges are developed based on the specific circumstances of the Customer. Interexchange Carrier (“IXC”): A long distance telecommunications Services provider. ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network. A Digital technology that allows the provision of more than one (1) communication path, called a Channel, over the same copper wire arrangement that provides traditional telephone Service. Local Exchange Carrier (“LEC”): A provider of local telephone Service. LERG: Local Exchange Routing Guide. A Telcordia document which lists all North American Class 5 Offices (Central Offices; or end offices) and which describes their relationship to Class 4 Offices (Tandem Offices). Local Calling Area: The area within which a subscriber for local exchange Service may make telephone calls without incurring a long distance charge. Mbps: Megabits per second or millions of bits per second. Non-Recurring Charge (“NRC”): The initial charge, usually assessed on a one-time basis, to initiate and establish Service. NRC includes, but is not limited to, charges for construction, installation, or special fees for which the Customer becomes liable at the time the Service Order is executed. NPA: Numbering plan area or area code. NXX: The first three digits of a seven-digit telephone number. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 9 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS, Continued Operator Services: Assistance by an operator or automated Interactive Voice System (“IVS”) whereby Customers may request, for example, assistance in dialing a number, calling person to person, billing a call to a calling card or to a third number, or calling collect. PBX: Private Branch Exchange. Person-to-Person: A call for which the person originating the call specifies to the operator a particular person, department or extension to be reached. Person-to-Person charges only apply when the call is completed to the requested party, department, or extension or when the calling party agrees to talk to another person. Point of Presence (“POP”): Refers to a location or site containing telecommunications equipment that can include, but is not limited to, switches, multiplexers, modems, leased lines, and routers. A Carrier's Point of Presence usually means a location where the Carrier connects to other Carriers or its Customers. Premises: Denotes a building, a portion of a building in a multitenant building, or buildings on contiguous property (except railroad rights-of-way, etc.) not separated by a public thoroughfare. Private Line Service: Denotes non-switched point-to-point Service over fully dedicated lines. Rate Center: Denotes a geographically specified point used to determine distance dependent rates. Residential Customer: A Customer that uses a Residential Service Offering as set forth in this Price List. Recurring Charges: Charges that are assessed for Services included within this Price List on a recurring, monthly basis. Service: The telecommunications Services offered by the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 10 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS, Continued Service Area: The area in which the Company provides Service. Service Connection Charge: A one-time charge, which applies for Company work associated with activities to set up/change accounts, including, but not limited to, Service Order issuance, programming, billing, etc., for installations, moves, changes, or rearrangements of Services and/or equipment. Service Order: The request for facilities or Service by an Applicant or Customer. The request may be in writing, or orally, at the Company’s discretion. Acceptance by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this Price List, but the duration of the Service is calculated from the Services Start Date. Service Start Date: The first day following the date on which the requested Service or facility is available for use. Station: Telephone equipment from or to which calls are placed. Station-to-Station: Any operator handled call where the person originating the call does not specify a particular person to be reached, or a particular station, room number, department, or office to be reached through a PBX attendant. Telcordia: An independent telecommunications research company. Telecommunications Relay Service (“TRS”): Enables deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech- impaired persons who use a text telephone or similar devices, to communicate freely with the hearing population not using text telephone and visa versa. Termination of Service: Discontinuance of both incoming and outgoing Service. Third Number Billing: A billing option that allows a call to be billed to an account different from that of the calling or called party. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 11 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 1. DEFINITIONS, Continued Trunk: A communications path, connecting two (2) switching systems in a network, used in the establishment of an end-to-end connection. Two-Way: A Service attribute that includes dial capabilities for outbound calls and can also be used to carry inbound calls to a central point for further processing. V & H: Vertical and Horizontal geographic coordinates. White Pages Directory Listing: A directory listing found in the local White Pages telephone directory. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 12 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS 2.1. Undertaking of the Company 2.1.1. Scope A. The Company undertakes to provide and is only responsible for the Services offered in this Price List on the terms and conditions and at the rates and charges specified herein. The Company may offer various unregulated Services in conjunction with or ancillary to its regulated Services. The Company is not responsible to any other entity or its respective customers for any Service provided by the other entity that purchases access to the Company network or uses any of the Company’s facilities or Services, in order to originate or terminate its own Services, or to communicate with its own customers. 2.1.2. Shortage of Equipment and Facilities Service is offered subject to; the availability of facilities, equipment, or systems; the Company's ability to fulfill the request for Service and, the provisions of this Price List. Service is not offered where operating conditions do not permit. The Company reserves the right, without incurring liability, to refuse to provide or to limit Service to or from any location where the necessary facilities, equipment, systems, interconnection arrangements, billing arrangements, and/or switch software are not available. 2.1.3. Terms and Conditions A. Minimum Contracts 1. Except as otherwise provided herein, Service is provided and billed on the basis of a minimum period of at least one (1) month, and shall continue to be provided on a monthly basis until canceled by the Customer. Unless otherwise specified herein, for the purpose of computing charges in this Price List, a month is considered to have thirty (30) calendar days. All calculations of dates set forth in this Price List will be based on calendar days, unless otherwise specified herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 13 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS 2.1. Undertaking of the Company, Continued 2.1.3. Terms and Conditions, Continued A. Minimum Contracts, Continued 2. Except as provided in this Price List, the length of minimum Contract period for directory listings is the directory period. The directory period is from the day on which the directory is first distributed to the Customers to the day the succeeding directory is first distributed to Customers. 3. The Company may require a minimum Contract period longer than one (1) month at the same location in connection with special (non-standard) types or arrangements of equipment, or for unusual construction or special Service terms, necessary to meet special demands and involving extra cost or expense. B. Customers may be required to enter into written Service Orders which will contain or reference the name of the Customer, a specific description of the Service ordered, the rates to be charged, and the duration of the Services. Customers will also be required to execute any other documents as may be requested by the Company. C. Except as otherwise stated in the Price List or by Contract, at the expiration of the initial term specified in the applicable Service Order, or in any extension thereof, Service shall continue on a month to month basis at the then current Price List rates until terminated by either party. The Company and Customer may agree that the Service shall automatically renew for the term of the initial Contract. Any termination shall not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the Service Order and this Price List prior to termination. The rights and obligations that by their nature extend beyond the termination of the term of the Service Order shall survive such termination. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 14 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.1. Undertaking of the Company, Continued 2.1.3. Terms and Conditions, Continued D. Another telephone company or provider of telecommunications Service must not interfere with the right of any person or entity to obtain Service directly from the Company. The Customer is absolutely prohibited from reselling the Company’s Services unless done in compliance with state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and with written permission from the Company. E. The Customer has no property right to the telephone number or any other call number designation associated with Services furnished by the Company. Except as provided by state or federal requirements, the Company reserves the right to change such numbers, or the Central Office designation associated with such numbers, or both, assigned to the Customer, whenever the Company deems it necessary to do so in the conduct of its business. 2.1.4. Notification of Service-Affecting Activities Where possible, the Company may, at its sole discretion, provide the Customer reasonable notification of Service affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Provided, however, when the Company plans to interrupt Service for more than four hours to perform necessary repairs or maintenance, it will attempt to inform affected Customers at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled date and estimated duration of the Service interruption. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 15 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.1. Undertaking of the Company, Continued 2.1.5. Taxes, Surcharges, and Fees A. The Customer is responsible for the payment of any sales, use, gross receipts, universal service, excise, access, 911/E911, Idaho Telecommunications Services Assistance Program (ITSAP), subscriber line, franchise, occupation, business, license, privilege or other local, state, or federal charges or surcharges, however designated, whether assessed directly on the Company or assessed on another company or Carrier and passed on to the Company (hereinafter individually or collectively referred to as “Fees”), as determined and billed by the Company. The rates for Services provided in this Price List, unless otherwise specified herein, do not include Fees. Fees imposed by a particular jurisdiction (e.g., county or municipality) will be billed only to those Customers with lines in the affected jurisdiction. When the Company by virtue of collecting Fees incurs costs that would not otherwise normally be incurred, all such costs shall be determined by the Company and billed, insofar as practical, to the Customers with lines in the affected jurisdiction. The Customer is responsible for any Fees that become applicable retroactively. B. Should a local, state or federal jurisdiction assert a right to impose Fees on the Company’s operations, the Company may elect to bill the Customer and collect such Fees or it may elect not to do so, pending the conclusion of any challenges to such jurisdiction’s right to impose Fees. If it has billed and collected the Fees and the Fees later are found to have been invalid and unenforceable, the Company shall credit or refund such amounts to affected Customers, less a reasonable administrative fee, only if the Fees collected were retained by the Company or the Fees delivered to the jurisdiction in question were later returned to the Company. If the Fees were paid to the jurisdiction in question and not returned to the Company, the Customer agrees that his/her/its recourse is against the jurisdiction in question and not against the Company. The Customer specifically agrees to hold the Company harmless from any and all liability for Fees that were delivered to the jurisdiction in question and not returned to the Company. C. In addition to the rates and charges described in this Price List, the Customer may be responsible for payment of taxes, charges or fees ordered by the Idaho PUC, the Idaho State Legislature, or local and county governments. When the Company is authorized to collect such taxes, charges or fees from the Customer, theses taxes, charges and fees will be itemized separately on the Customer’s bill. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 16 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.1. Undertaking of the Company, Continued 2.1.6. Interconnection with Other Carriers Interconnection with the facilities or service of other Carriers shall be under applicable terms and conditions of an interconnection agreement. Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between facilities of the Company and other participating Carriers will be provided at the Customer’s expense. 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity 2.2.1. The Company shall not be liable to the Customer or Authorized User for, and the Customer and any Authorized User, jointly and severally, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from, any allegation, claim, loss, damage, liability, defect, cost or expense resulting from or involving: A. Libel, slander, or invasion of privacy from material, data, information or other content transmitted over the Company’s facilities; or B. Patent or trademark infringement or other infringement of intellectual property rights including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, arising from (1) combining (or using in connection with) Company-provided Services and equipment with any facilities, services, functions, or products provided by the Customer or Authorized User or (2) use of Services, functions, or products the Company furnished in a manner the Company did not contemplate and over which the Company exercises no control. In the event that any such infringing use is enjoined, the Customer or Authorized User at its expense, shall obtain immediately a dismissal or stay of such injunction, obtain a license or other agreement so as to extinguish the claim of infringement, terminate the claimed infringing use, or modify such combination so as to avoid any such infringement; or Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 17 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.1., Continued C. A breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted over its facilities; or D. Acts, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission over Company’s facilities or equipment; or E. Injuries to persons or property from voltages or currents transmitted over Company-provided facilities caused by Customer-provided equipment or Premises wire; or F. The disconnection of Service for failure to pay the charges billed to Customer, including but not limited to, any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, so long as such disconnection of Service complied with the applicable Commission rules and regulations; or G. Violations of the obligations of the Customer section of this Price List; or H. Defacement of or damage to Customer Premises resulting from the furnishing of Services or equipment on such Premises or the installation, maintenance, repair or removal thereof, unless such defacement or damage is caused by willful misconduct of the Company’s agents or employees; or I. The interruption of a call to any party or any other person in conjunction with use of the Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service as set forth in this Price List; or Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 18 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.1., Continued J. Any loss, destruction or damage to property of the Company, the Company’s agent, distributors or any third party, or the death of or injury to persons, including, but not limited to, employees or invitees of either the Company or the Customer, to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligent or intentional act or omission of the Customer, its employees, agents, representatives, invitees or Authorized Users; or K. Any delay or failure of performance or equipment due to a Force Majeure condition; or L. Misrepresentation of, or the failure to disclose, the lawful rates and charges published in this Price List, so long as the Company has complied with any applicable Commission rules and regulations related thereto; or M. Fees the Company delivered to a jurisdiction in question and not returned to the Company as provided in the Taxes, Surcharges, and Fees section of this Price List; or Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 19 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.1., Continued N. Any act, mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error, or defect caused by or contributed to by: 1. Another company or Carrier, or their agents or employees, when the facilities or equipment of the other company or Carrier are used for or with the Services the Company offers. This includes the provision of a signaling system or other database by another company; or 2. The Customer, or any third party acting as its agent, in connection with Company-provided or Customer-provided facilities or equipment, including, but not limited to, the Customer’s failure to take all necessary steps to obtain, install and maintain all necessary equipment, materials and supplies for interconnecting the terminal equipment or communications system of the Customer to the Company’s network; or 3. A third party. O. Any failures, errors, malfunctions or omissions of Caller ID Blocking as set forth in this Price List, whether or not arising from or relating to any ordinary negligence or other conduct by the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 20 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.2. The liability of the Company for damages arising out of the furnishing of, or failing to furnish, its Services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, disconnection, interruptions, delays, acts of a third party, errors, defects, or representations, whether caused by acts or omissions shall be limited to the extension of allowances for interruption as set forth herein. The extension of such allowances for interruptions shall be the sole remedy of the Customer and the sole liability of the Company. The Company will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages to Customer as a result of any Company Service, equipment or facilities, acts of a third party, or the acts or omissions, or negligence of the Company, its employees or agents. 2.2.3. The liability of the Company's suppliers and vendors for damages arising out of the furnishing of, or failing to furnish, their Services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, disconnection, interruptions, delays, errors, defects, or representations, whether caused by acts or omissions of such suppliers and vendors shall be limited to the extension of allowances for interruption as set forth. The extension of such allowances for interruptions shall be the sole remedy of the Customer and the sole liability of the Company's suppliers and vendors. The Company's suppliers and vendors and their directors, officers or employees, will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages to Customer as a result of any Service, equipment or facilities, or the acts or omissions, or negligence of the Company's suppliers and vendors, its directors, officers or employees. 2.2.4. The entire liability of the Company for any claim, loss, damage or expense from any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed sums actually paid to the Company by the Customer for the specific Services giving rise to the claim, and no action or proceeding against the Company shall be commenced more than one (1) year after the Service is rendered. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 21 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.5. THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO ITS SERVICE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS PRICE LIST. 2.2.6. The liability of the Company for errors in billing that result in overpayment by the Customer shall be limited to a credit equal to the dollar amount erroneously billed or, in the event that payment has been made and Service has been discontinued, to a refund of the amount erroneously billed. 2.2.7. Emergency 911 Service A. This Service is offered solely as an aid in handling calls in connection with fire, police, and other emergencies. The Company is not responsible for any losses, claims, demands, suits or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or person for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether caused by mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in (1) the provision of this Service or (2) installation, equipment and facilities furnishing emergency 911 Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 22 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.7. Emergency 911 Service, Continued B. Neither is the Company responsible for any infringement or invasion of the right of privacy of any person or persons, caused directly or indirectly, by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, occasion or use of emergency 911 Service, features and the equipment associated therewith, or by any Services furnished by the Company including, but not limited to, the identification of the telephone number, address or name associated with the telephone used by the party or parties accessing emergency 911 Service, which parties include Customers with a non-published or non-listed telephone number as described in this Price List, and which infringement or invasion of the right of privacy arises out of the negligence or other wrongful act of the Company, the Customer, its users, agents or municipalities, or the employees or agents of any one of them. C. When a Customer with a non-published or non-listed telephone number, as described in this Price List, places a call to the emergency 911 Service, the Company will release the name and address of the calling party, where such information can be determined, to the appropriate local governmental authority responsible for the emergency 911 Service. By subscribing to Service under this Price List, Customer acknowledges and agrees with the release of information as described above. 2.2.8. Directory Listings A. The Company’s liability arising from errors or omissions in directory listings or in accepting listings presented by Customers or Applicants shall be limited to an abatement or refund of an amount not exceeding the charge for the Service during the period covered by the directory in which the error or omission occurs. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 23 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.2. Limitations on Liability/Indemnity, Continued 2.2.8. Directory Listings, Continued B. In conjunction with a non-published or non-listed telephone number as described in this Price List, the Company will not be liable for failure or refusal to complete any call to a telephone with a non-published or non-listed number when the call is not placed by number. The Company will try to prevent the disclosure of the number of such telephone, but will not be liable should such number be divulged. 2.2.9. The Company makes no warranty or representation of any kind whatsoever with respect to installations it provides for use in an explosive atmosphere. The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any entity or person(s), and for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location, or use of any installation so provided. The Company reserves the right to require each Customer to sign an agreement acknowledging acceptance of the provisions of this section as a condition precedent to such installations. 2.2.10. Exculpatory Clause THE INCLUDED EXCULPATORY LANGUAGE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A DETERMINATION BY THE COMMISSION THAT A LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IMPOSED BY THE COMPANY SHOULD BE UPHELD IN A COURT OF LAW. ACCEPTANCE FOR FILING BY THE COMMISSION RECOGNIZES THAT IT IS A COURT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ADJUDICATE NEGLIGENCE AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE CLAIMS. IT IS ALSO THE COURT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE VALIDITY OF THE EXCULPATORY CLAUSE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 24 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.3. Conflicts Between Price List and Commission Rules If this Price List contains provisions that deny or restrict a Customer’s rights otherwise protected by Commission rules, Commission rules supersede any conflicting Price List or price list provisions that deny or restrict any of those rights, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, court order, or statute. 2.4. Provision of Equipment and Facilities 2.4.1. General A. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to make Services available to a Customer on or before a particular date, subject to the provisions of and compliance by the Customer with the regulations contained in this Price List. The Company does not guarantee availability by any such date and shall not be liable for any delays in commencing Service to any Customer. B. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to maintain facilities that it furnishes to the Customer. The Customer may not, nor may the Customer permit others to, rearrange, disconnect, remove, attempt to repair or otherwise interfere with any of the facilities installed by the Company or an agent designated by the Company, except upon the written consent of the Company. The Company will have control over the installation, rearrangement, repair, maintenance, and disconnection of all network elements owned, headed or otherwise obtained to ensure the required level of Service. The Company may substitute, change or rearrange any equipment or facility at any time and from time to time, but shall not thereby alter the technical parameters of the Service provided to the Customer. C. Equipment installed at the Customer’s Premises for use in connection with the Services the Company offers will not be used for any purpose other than that for which the Company has provided such equipment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 25 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.4. Provision of Equipment and Facilities, Continued 2.4.1. General, Continued D. Unless otherwise set forth in this Price List, the Company will not be responsible for the installation, operation, or maintenance of any CPE. Where such equipment is connected to the facilities furnished pursuant to this Price List, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of facilities offered under this Price List and to the maintenance and operation of such facilities. Beyond this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for: 1. The transmission of signals by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission; or 2. The reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or 3. Network control signaling where such signaling is performed by Customer-provided network control signaling equipment; or 4. The electric power consumed by CPE which shall be provided by, and maintained at the expense of, the Customer; or 5. For ensuring that CPE connected to Company equipment and facilities is compatible with such equipment and facilities (the Customer is responsible for ensuring such compatibility). E. Any CPE attached to the Company’s network shall be in conformance with all FCC requirements, rules and regulations. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 26 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.4. Provision of Equipment and Facilities, Continued 2.4.2. Interconnection of Facilities Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities and equipment of the Company used for furnishing local exchange Service and the Channels, facilities, or equipment of others may be provided at the Customer’s expense. 2.4.3. Non-routine Installation At the Customer’s request, non-routine installation and/or maintenance may be performed outside of the Company’s regular business hours. Installation and/or maintenance in hazardous locations may be performed at the Company's discretion. In such cases, additional charges may apply. If installation is started during regular business hours but at the Customer’s request extends beyond regular business hours into time periods including, but not limited to, weekends, Holidays, and/or night hours, additional charges may apply. 2.4.4. Ownership of Facilities Title to all facilities provided in accordance with this Price List for provision of Service to the Customer remains with the Company or third party vendor providing facilities on behalf of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 27 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.4. Provision of Equipment and Facilities, Continued 2.4.5. Use of Service Service is furnished for use by the Customer and may be used by others only as specifically provided elsewhere in this Price List. A. Service shall not be used to transmit a message, to locate a person, or to otherwise give or obtain information, without payment of the charges applicable to such use. A Customer shall use no device with the Service or facilities of the Company for the purpose of avoiding payment of the applicable charge or defrauding the Company. B. Service shall not be used in any manner that interferes with other persons in the use of their Service, prevents other persons from using their Service, or otherwise impairs the quality of Service to other Customers. The Company may require a Customer to immediately cease use of Service if such use is causing interference with or impairing the Service of others. C. If a Customer’s use of Service interferes unreasonably with the Service of other Customers and that interference is believed by the Company to be related to the quantity or grade of Service that the Customer has purchased, the interfering Customer may be required to take Service in sufficient quantity, or of a different class or grade, or to cooperate with the Company to eliminate such interference. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 28 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer 2.5.1. General The Customer shall be responsible for: A. Payment of all applicable charges pursuant to this Price List, Contracts and special assembly or special construction; and B. Reimbursing the Company for damage to, or loss of, the Company’s facilities or equipment caused by the acts or omissions of the Customer; by the noncompliance by the Customer with these regulations; or by fire, theft or other casualty on the Customer’s Premises; and C. Providing at reasonable charge, as specified from time to time by the Company, any needed personnel, equipment, space and power to operate Company facilities and equipment installed on the Premises of the Customer, and the level of heating and air conditioning necessary to maintain the proper operating environment on such Premises; and Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 29 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.1. General, Continued D. Obtaining, maintaining, and otherwise having full responsibility for all rights-of-way and conduit necessary for installation of all cable and associated equipment used to provide local exchange Service to the Customer from the Premises entrance or property line to the location of the equipment space. Any costs associated with obtaining and maintaining the rights-of-way described herein, including the costs of altering the structure to permit installation of the Company facilities, shall be borne entirely by, or may be charged by the Company to, the Customer. The Company may require the Customer to demonstrate its compliance with this section prior to accepting an order for Service; and ensuring that its equipment and/or system or that of its agent is properly interfaced with the Company’s Service; that the signals emitted into the Company’s network are of the proper mode, bandwidth, power, data speed, and signal level for the intended use of the Customer and in compliance with the criteria set forth in this Price List; and that the signals do not damage Company equipment, injure its personnel or degrade Service to other Customers. If the Customer or its agent fails to maintain and operate its equipment and/or system or that of its agent properly, with resulting imminent harm to Company equipment, personnel, or the quality of Service to other Customers, the Company may, upon written notice, require the use of protective equipment at the Customer’s expense. If this fails to produce satisfactory quality and safety, the Company may, upon written notice, terminate the Customer’s Service without liability; and E. Providing a safe place to work, complying with all laws and regulations regarding the working conditions on the Premises at which Company employees and agents will be installing or maintaining the Company’s facilities and equipment. The Customer may be required to install and maintain Company’s facilities and equipment within a hazardous area if, in the Company’s opinion, injury or damage to the Company’s or third party vendor’s employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company or third party vendor. The Customer shall be responsible for identifying, monitoring, removing and disposing of any hazardous material prior to any construction or installation work; and Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 30 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.1. General, Continued F. Complying with all laws and regulations applicable to, and obtaining all consents, approvals, licenses and permits as may be required with respect to, the location of Company’s facilities and equipment in any Customer Premises or the rights-of-way for which Customer is responsible; and G. Granting or obtaining permission for Company agents or employees to enter the Premises of the Customer at any time for the purpose of installing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, or, upon Termination of Service as stated herein, removing the facilities or equipment; and H. Preventing liens or other encumbrances from being placed or maintained on the Company’s equipment or facilities or CPE leased by the Customer from the Company; and I. Making the Company facilities and equipment available periodically for maintenance purposes at a time agreeable to both the Company and the Customer. No allowance for interruptions in Service will be made for the period during which Service is interrupted for such purposes; and J. Promptly notifying the Company in writing, of any allegation, claim, loss, damage, liability, defect, fraudulent act of a third party, cost or expense for which the Company may be responsible and cooperating in every reasonable way to facilitate defense or settlement of such allegation, claim, loss, damage, liability, defect, cost or expense. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 31 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.1. General, Continued K. PBX Information Customer shall provide Company with detailed information related to multi-location private branch exchanges (“PBX”) and other parties PBXs operating within the Customer’s Premises or otherwise connected to Company’s telecommunication Service through Customer. Such information shall include the end-user addresses corresponding to all telephone lines operating through the PBX and such other information, as requested by Company, which will enable Company to determine, in the event of an emergency 911 call routed through a PBX, the physical location from which the call was made. Customer shall continually update this information and shall immediately notify Company of any changes related to this information. Customer shall indemnify and hold Company harmless from any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims, or liabilities resulting from the Customer’s failure to immediately provide or update this information to Company, including, but not limited to, any and all losses, costs, expenses, claims, liabilities or damages, including third party claims, related to the failure to respond to an emergency 911 telephone call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 32 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.1. General, Continued L. Automatic Number Identification In addition to providing the information requested in 2.4.1(L)(PBX information) above, Customer shall provide and continually update Company with the correct true automatic number identification (“ANI”) for each telephone line operating through a PBX on Customer’s Premises or otherwise connected to Company’s telecommunication Service(s) through Customer. Customer recognizes that it may be necessary to purchase and install additional equipment in order to provide the ANI information and that Customer is solely responsible for all costs and expenses related to this equipment. Customer shall indemnify and hold Company harmless from any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims, or liabilities arising from the Customer’s failure to immediately provide or update this information to Company, including, but not limited to, any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or claims, including third party claims, related to the failure to respond to an emergency 911 phone call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 33 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.2. Claims The Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company as set forth in the Limitation of Liability/Indemnity section of this Price List or as provided elsewhere in this Price List. 2.5.3. Inspections A. Upon reasonable notification to the Customer, and at a reasonable time, the Company may make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the Customer is complying with the requirements set forth in this Price List for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Customer-provided facilities and equipment connected to Company- owned facilities and equipment. No credit will be allowed for any interruptions occurring during such inspections. B. The Company will, upon request, provide the Customer with a statement of technical parameters that the Customer’s equipment must meet. If the protective requirements for CPE are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as it deems necessary to protect its facilities, equipment, and personnel. The Company will notify the Customer promptly if there is any need for corrective action. Within three (3) days of receiving this notice a Customer must take this corrective action and notify the Company of the action taken. If the Customer fails to do this, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of Service, to protect its facilities, equipment and personnel from harm. 2.5.4. The Customer shall not assert any claim against any other Customer or user of the Company’s Services for damages resulting in whole or in part from or arising in connection with the furnishing of Service under this Price List including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or other defects or misrepresentations, whether or not such other Customer or user contributed in any way to the occurrence of the damages, unless such damages were caused solely by the negligent or intentional act or omission of the other Customer or user and not by any act or omission of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 34 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.5. Fraud and Unauthorized Use of the Network. A. The Customer is liable for the unauthorized use of the network obtained through the fraudulent use of a Company calling card, if such a card is offered by the Company, or the fraudulent use of an accepted credit card, provided that the unauthorized use occurred as a result of inadequate safe keeping by the Customer. B. A Company calling card is a telephone calling card issued by the Company at the Customer’s request, which enables the Customer or any Authorized User to place calls over the network and to have the charges for such calls billed to the Customer’s account. C. An accepted credit card is any credit card that a cardholder has requested or applied for and received, or has signed, used or authorized another person to use to obtain credit. Any credit card issued as a renewal or substitute in accordance with this paragraph is an accepted credit card when received by the cardholder. D. The Customer must give the Company written or oral notice that an unauthorized use of a Company calling card or an accepted credit card has occurred or may occur as a result of loss and/or theft promptly upon Customer's discovery of same. E. The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for calling card Services furnished to the Customer or any Authorized User, unless due to the negligence of the Company. This responsibility is not changed due to any use, misuse or abuse of the Customer’s Service by third parties, the Customer’s employees or the public. F. The liability of the Customer for unauthorized use of the network by credit card fraud is equal to the applicable charges pursuant to this Price List or Contract for the property, labor or Services obtained by the unauthorized user provided that the unauthorized use occurred as a result of inadequate safe keeping by the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 35 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.5. Obligations of the Customer, Continued 2.5.5. Fraud and Unauthorized Use of the Network. , Continued G. The Customer is liable for the unauthorized use of the network obtained through the fraudulent access of a telephone system provided that the unauthorized use occurred as a result of inadequate safe keeping by the Customer. 2.6. Establishment of Service 2.6.1. Application for Service/Service Order A. An Applicant for Service may be required by the Company in its sole discretion to sign an application form requesting the Company to furnish facilities or Service in accordance with the rates, charges, rules and regulations as set forth in this Price List. This application for Service, where required by the Company, together with the provisions of this Price List, establishes the Contract between the Company and the Customer, which may not be assigned or transferred in any manner. B. If Customer's Service has been terminated and the Customer wishes to reestablish Service, payment of all unpaid, undisputed charges, as well as a Deposit and Advance Payment for all connection charges, may be required prior to re-establishing Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 36 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.1. Application for Service/Service Order, Continued C. Denial of Service The Company may refuse to establish Service if any of the following conditions exist: 1. The Applicant has an outstanding amount due for similar Services and is unwilling to make acceptable arrangements with the Company for payment; or 2. A condition exists which in the Company’s judgment is unsafe or hazardous to the Applicant, the general population, or the Company’s personnel or facilities; or 3. Refusal by the Applicant to provide the Company with a Deposit when the Customer has failed to meet the credit criteria for waiver of Deposit requirements; or 4. The Applicant is known to be in violation of the Company’s Price List s filed with the Commission; or 5. Failure of the Applicant to furnish such funds, suitable facilities, and/or rights-of-way necessary to serve the Applicant and which have been specified by the Company as a condition for providing Service; or 6. Applicant falsifies his or her identity for the purpose of obtaining Service. 7. The Company may refuse to provide Service at an address where Service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills for any Service subject to this Price List if it is determined that the non- payment Customer or real users of the Service still reside at the address. 8. The Service requested is not available under Section 2.1.2 of this Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 37 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.2. Establishment of Credit A. The Company may conduct a credit investigation of each new Customer or Applicant prior to accepting a Service Order. B. The Company may, in order to assure payment of its charges for Service, require Applicants and existing Customers to establish and maintain credit acceptable to the Company C. The establishment and reestablishment of acceptable credit does not relieve the Applicant or Customer from compliance with other provisions in this Price List as to Deposits, Advance Payments and the payment of charges due, and will in no way modify the provisions regarding disconnection and Termination of Service for failure to pay bills due for Service or facilities furnished. D. A Customer may be required to reestablish credit in accordance with this Price List when the amount of Service furnished or the basis on which credit was formerly established, in the sole discretion of the Company, has significantly changed. 2.6.3. Advance Payments To safeguard its interests, the Company may require an Applicant or Customer to make an Advance Payment prior to the provision or restoration of Service or facilities. The Advance Payment will not exceed the amount equal to the Non- Recurring Charge(s) and three (3) months Recurring Charges for the Services or facility to be provided. In addition, where special construction is involved, the Advance Payment may also include an amount equal to the estimated Non- Recurring Charges for the special construction and Recurring Charges, if any, for a period to be set by the Company and the Customer. The Advance payment will be credited to the Customer's initial bill. An Advance Payment may be required in addition to a Deposit. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 38 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits A. Business Service Applicants or an existing Customer for Business Service whose financial condition is not acceptable, or not known, to the Company may be required at any time to provide the Company a security Deposit. The Deposit requested will be in cash or, at the Company's option, the equivalent of cash, and will be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges. A Deposit does not relieve the Customer of the responsibility for the timely payment of bills. The Company reserves the right to cease accepting and processing Service Orders after it has requested a security Deposit and prior to the Customer's compliance with the request. The Deposit will not exceed an amount equal to two times the Customer’s estimated maximum monthly bill. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 39 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued B. Small Business Service1 Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 101.02, the Company will not demand or hold any Deposit as a condition of Service from any current small business Customer or Applicant for small business Service unless one (1) or more of the following criteria apply: 1. Any of the conditions listed in Section 2.6.4(C)(2) of this Price List are present. 2. The Applicant has not had previous Service with that telephone company. 3. The Customer was delinquent in payment two (2) or more times in the previous twelve (12) months. 1“Small Business Service” means telecommunication service furnished to a business or intuitional entity, whether an individual, partnership, corporation, association or other business or intuitional form, for occupational, professional, or institutional purposes, to customers who do not subscribe to more than five (5) local access lines within a building, i.e., Service provided to small business Customers a s defined in Section 62-603(11), Idaho Code. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 40 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued C. Residential Service: 1. The Deposit for Residential Service will not exceed an amount equal to two times the Customer’s estimated average monthly bill, or the average monthly bill for the Customer class for that Customer, whichever is greater. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 105.01, additional Deposits for damage or other reasons independent of usage may be in reasonable amounts. 2. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 101.01, the Company will not demand or hold any deposit from any current Residential Customer or Applicant for Service without proof that the Customer or Applicant is likely to be a credit risk or to damage the property of the Company. A history of late payment or lack of previous history with the Company does not, in itself, constitute such proof. The Company will not demand or hold a deposit under this rule as a condition of Service from a Residential Customer or Applicant unless one or more of the following criteria applies: a. The Customer or Applicant has outstanding a prior residential Service account with any telephone company that accrued within the last four (4) years and at the time of application for Service remains unpaid and not in dispute. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 41 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued C. Residential Service, Continued 2., Continued b. The Customer’s or Applicant’s Service from any telephone company has been temporarily denied or terminated within the past four (4) years for one (1) or more of the following reasons: i. Non-payment of any undisputed delinquent bill; ii. Misrepresentation of the Customer’s or Applicant’s identity for the purpose of obtaining telephone Service; iii. Failure to reimburse the telephone company for damages due to negligent or intentional acts of the Customer; or iv. Obtaining, diverting or using telephone Service without the authorization or knowledge of the telephone company. c. The Applicant does not have verifiable previous telephone Service that was in existence for a period exceeding twelve (12) months and does not pass an objective credit screen. d. Information provided by the Applicant is materially false or materially misrepresentative of the Applicant’s true status. e. The Applicant requests Service at a residence where a prior subscriber still resides and where any balance for Service to that prior subscriber incurred at that location is past due or owing. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 42 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued C. Residential Service, Continued 3. In lieu of a Deposit, a new Applicant may provide a letter of guarantee from an existing Customer with Service who is acceptable to the Company or a surety bond as security for the Company. The Company shall review and release an existing Customer as a guarantor for the new Applicant after twelve (12) consecutive months if no obligations are delinquent and Customer has maintained a timely payment history. 4. The Company may also require a Residential Customer to establish a Deposit if the Customer becomes delinquent in the payment of two or more bills within a twelve (12) consecutive month period or has been disconnected for Service during the last twelve (12) months. 5. The Company reserves the right to cease accepting and processing Service Orders after it has requested a security Deposit and prior to the Customer’s compliance with the request. D. Bankrupt Customers. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 101.03, if an Applicant for Service or a Customer, either residential or a small business, has sought any form of relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Laws, has been brought within the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court for any reason in an involuntary manner, or has had a receiver appointed in a state court proceeding, then a deposit may be demanded as allowed by the Federal Bankruptcy Act of 1978, and in particular 11 USC 366, or as directed by the state court. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 43 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued E. Deposits for Message Telecommunications Service and Other Services 1. MTS Billed by the Company. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 105.01, in addition to a Deposit allowed in section 2.6.4 A, B, or C, the Company may ask for a reasonable deposit for Message Telecommunications Service (MTS). Deposits for Customers expected to take Service for short periods of time (e.g., political campaigns, conventions, fairs) may be based on expected usage during the time in Service. 2. Monitoring Deposits Based on MTS Usage. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 105.02, the Deposit may be monitored for as long as the Deposit is required and may be increased when MTS usage billed by the Company in a one-month period exceeds by fifty dollars ($50) or more the portion of the Customer’s Deposit covering one month’s MTS usage. F. A Deposit may be required in addition to an Advance Payment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 44 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued G. Interest on Deposits 1. When a Service is discontinued the amount of any deposit held by the Company, plus accrued interest, will be applied to the Customer’s account and any credit balance remaining will be refunded. 2. Customer’s Deposit will be returned, with accrued interest, when the Customer has maintained good credit by making payments for all undisputed amounts due the Company before temporary or permanent disconnection for twelve (12) months. Any Deposit, plus accrued interest, may be applied to the Customer’s telephone account following completion of twelve months’ satisfactory payment. 3. Deposits held will accrue interest at the rate of two percent (2%) per annum beginning on the date of Deposit during the year 2004. Deposit interest will change annually following Commission’s annual determination of Deposit interest amounts. H. Inadequacy of Deposits If the amount of a Deposit is proven to be less than required to meet the requirements specified herein, the Customer shall be required to pay an additional Deposit upon request. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 45 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.6. Establishment of Service, Continued 2.6.4. Deposits, Continued I. Refund of Deposits 1. Customer’s Deposit will be returned, with accrued interest, when the Customer has maintained good credit by making payments for all undisputed amounts due the Company before temporary or permanent disconnection for twelve (12) months. Any Deposit, plus accrued interest, may be applied to the Customer’s telephone account following completion of twelve months’ satisfactory payment. 2. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 107.02.b, Small Business Deposits and accrued interest, will be either credited to the Customer’s account, or be refunded when the Small Business Customer maintains good credit and is not delinquent more than once in the previous twelve (12) months. 3. When a Residential or Business Service or facility is discontinued, the amount of a Deposit, if any, will be applied to the Customer’s account and any credit balance remaining will be refunded. Before the Service or facility is discontinued, the Company may, at its option, return the Deposit or credit it to the Customer’s account. J. Retention During Dispute. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 107.03, the Company may retain the Deposit pending resolution of a dispute over termination of Service. If the Deposit is later refunded to the Customer, the Company will pay interest at the annual rates established in Section 2.6.4(G)(3) for the entire period over which the Deposit was held. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 46 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.7. Billing and Collection of Charges 2.7.1. Bills will be rendered monthly to the Customer. 2.7.2. All Service, installation, monthly Recurring, and Non-Recurring charges are due and payable upon receipt. 2.7.3. The Company shall present invoices for Recurring Charges monthly to the Customer, in advance of the month in which the Service is provided. 2.7.4. For new Customers, or existing Customers whose Service is disconnected, the charge for the fraction of the month in which Service was furnished will be calculated on a pro rata basis. For this purpose, every month is considered to have thirty (30) days. 2.7.5. Payment of all bills is due twenty five (25) days after the date of invoice unless the Customer has been identified as a candidate for potential fraudulent activity, or the Customer has been under treatment for twenty five (25) days. In those instances, payment is due fifteen (15) days after the date of mailing. Amounts not paid by this date (the “due date”) will be considered past due. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 47 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.8. Disputed Bills 2.8.1. Any Customer who disputes a portion of a bill rendered for Company Services shall pay the undisputed portion of the bill and notify the Company that such unpaid amount is in dispute within thirty (30) days of receipt of the bill. If such notice is not received by the Company within thirty (30) days as indicated above, the Company shall consider the bill statement to be due and payable in full by the Customer. Payment of the amount due by the Customer does not constitute a waiver of the Customer’s rights under the provisions of IDAPA to challenge any billing amount due or paid to the Company. 2.8.2. Upon notification of a dispute, the Company will notify the Customer within five (5) working days of its receipt of the written dispute notice and shall undertake an investigation of the disputed charges. At the conclusion of the investigation, the Company will notify the Customer of any amount determined by the Company to be correctly charged and Customer shall pay such amount to the Company within five (5) working days. The Company may suspend/terminate Service if the Customer fails to pay the amount determined by the Company to be properly charged. Amounts determined by the Company to be correctly charged also will be subject to the late payment charge specified in this Price List. 2.8.3. In the event a Customer and the Company cannot resolve a billing dispute to their mutual satisfaction, the Customer may contact the Idaho PUC and proceed in accordance with the Idaho PUC’s Rules. The address and telephone numbers for the Idaho PUC are: Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise Idaho 83720-0074 334-0300 (within the local calling area) 1-800-432-0369 (from outside the local calling area) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 48 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.8. Disputed Bills, Continued 2.8.4. When a Customer cannot pay a bill in full, the Company may continue to serve the Customer if the Customer and the Company agree on a reasonable portion of the outstanding bill to be paid immediately, and the manner in which the balance of the outstanding bill will be paid. 2.8.5. In deciding on the reasonableness of a particular agreement, the Company will take into account the Customer’s ability to pay, the size of the unpaid balance, the Customer’s payment history and length of Service, and the amount of time and reasons why the debt is outstanding. 2.8.6. Payments are to be applied to the undisputed balance owed by the Customer. A Customer may designate how a payment insufficient to pay the total balance due shall be applied. If applicable, and in the absence of instructions from the Customer, a partial payment shall be allocated first to local exchange Services. [See IDAPA.31.41.01 Rule 306.06.] Such payments shall be applied first to the oldest undisputed balances. 2.8.7. If a Customer fails to make the payment agreed upon by the date that it is due, the Company may, but is not obligated to, enter into a second payment arrangement. 2.8.8. A Customer’s failure to pay for undisputed MTS charges billed by the Company may result in loss of 0+, 0- and 1+ dialing access to MTS Services until such time as the Customer pays the undisputed charges and applicable reconnection charges, if any. 2.8.9. Customer failure to pay undisputed charges for other Services may result in discontinuance of those Services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 49 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.9. Late Payment Charges 2.9.1. Customers will be assessed a late fee on past due amounts in the amount of the lesser of 1.5% per month or the maximum lawful rate under applicable state law. 2.9.2. Late payment charges do not apply to those portions (and only those portions) of unpaid balances that are bona fide Disputed Amounts. Undisputed amounts on the same bill are subject to late payment charges if unpaid and carried forward to the next bill. 2.9.3. Late payment charges do not apply to final accounts. 2.8.4. Collection procedures and the requirement for a Deposit or Advance Payment are not affected by the application of a late payment charge. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 50 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.10. Cancellation of Service by Customer Cancellation of Service by the Customer can be made either verbally or in writing. 2.10.1. Cancellation Prior to Start of Design of Work or Installation of Facilities If, prior to cancellation by the Customer, the Company incurs any expenses in installing Service or preparing to install Service that it would not otherwise have incurred, a charge equal to the cost the Company incurred will apply. In no case will this charge exceed the charge for the minimum period of Services ordered, including installation charges and Non-Recurring Charges, and all amounts others may charge the Company that would have been chargeable to the Customer had Service been initiated. 2.10.2. Cancellation Associated with Special Construction Where the Company incurs an expense in connection with special construction before it receives a cancellation notice, or where special arrangements of facilities or equipment have begun before the Company receives a cancellation notice, a charge equal to the costs incurred applies. In such cases, the charge applies to allow the Company to recover the otherwise non-recoverable costs of engineering, labor, material, equipment and other related expenses. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 51 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.10. Cancellation of Service by Customer, Continued 2.10.3. Cancellation During Installation If cancellation occurs between start and completion of installation, the Customer will be responsible for the estimated cost incurred, not to exceed the charge for the minimum period of Services ordered and the total Non-Recurring Charges, including termination charges, applicable to the entire Service, equipment and facilities ordered. 2.10.4. Cancellation After Installation but Prior to Service Start-up If cancellation notice is provided after completion of installation but prior to connection for Service, the Customer is responsible for the charges applicable as if the items involved were actually connected for Service and immediately ordered disconnected, including; A. All regularly applicable Service Connection Charges and Non-Recurring Charges, and B. All regularly applicable basic termination charges in full, and C. All regularly applicable minimum Service charges, and D. Any other amounts as may be specified in the Price List covering the items involved, and F. Any other amounts that were incurred as a result of expedited orders, or as a result of the cancellation, modification or deferral at the Applicant/Customer’s request. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 52 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.10. Cancellation of Service by Customer, Continued 2.10.5. Cancellation of Service After Service Start-up A Customer who wishes to have Service discontinued shall give at least 5 days oral or written notice to the telephone company, specifying the date on which it is desired that Service be discontinued. The Customer shall retain responsibility for Service and equipment charges until the day and time on which Service is requested to be discontinued. If the Customer fails to provide the Company with proper notice or access to the Premises, the Customer shall continue to be responsible for equipment and Service rendered. 2.10.6. Subsequent Order Charges Due to Modification In the case of a Customer-initiated modification of Service, charges for the subsequent order are in addition to the costs incurred before the Customer changed the original order. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 53 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11 Cancellation of Service by Company Without incurring liability, the Company may disconnect Service to a Customer or a particular Customer location, or may refuse to provide Service, under the following conditions: 2.11.1. Termination of Service Without Notice Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 303, the Company may deny or terminate Service without prior notice to the Customer or Applicant and without the Customer’s or Applicant’s Permission for one (1) or more of the following reasons: A. A condition immediately dangerous or hazardous to life, physical safety, or property exists, or it is necessary to prevent a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes. B. The Company is ordered to terminate Service by any court, the Commission, or any other duly authorized public authority. C. Service was obtained, diverted or used without the authorization or knowledge of the Company. D. The Company has tried diligently to meet the notice requirements of Section 2.11.6.(B) of this Price List, but has been unsuccessful in its attempt to contact the Customer affected. E. The Customer has misrepresented the Customer’s identity for purposes of obtaining Service and has no or an inadequate security deposit on file with the Company and has an outstanding bill exceeding one hundred Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 54 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.2. Termination of Local Exchange Service With Notice Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 302, the Company may deny or terminate local exchange Service to a Customer or Applicant without the Customer’s or Applicant’s permission, but only after adequate notice has been given in accordance with Section 2.11.6, for one (1) or more of the following reasons: A. The Customer or Applicant did not pay undisputed delinquent bills for local exchange Services or paid a delinquent bill for local exchange Services with any dishonored check. B. The Customer or Applicant failed to make a security Deposit, when one is required. C. The Customer or Applicant failed to abide by the terms of a payment arrangement. D. The Customer or Applicant misrepresented the Customer’s or Applicant’s identity for the purpose of obtaining telephone Service. E. The Company determines as prescribed by relevant state or other applicable standards that the Customer or Applicant is willfully wasting or interfering with Service through improper equipment or otherwise. F. Customer is using Service(s) for which the Customer or Applicant did not apply. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 55 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.3. Termination of MTS or Other Services Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 314: A. The Company will comply with Sections 2.11.6, 2.11.1, 2.11.5(B) and (2.11.5(C), and IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 312 in connection with denial, restriction, modification, or termination of MTS or other Services. The Company will provide reasonable notice before terminating or restricting access to such Services, except as provided by Section 2.11.1. The Company will provide reasonable notice before modifying a Customer’s existing MTS Service. Nothing in this rule abrogates Customers’ rights under the Company’s Price Lists or filings, written agreements with Customer, or obligations otherwise imposed by statutory or common law. B. A Customer’s failure to pay for undisputed MTS charges billed by the Company may result in loss of 0+ or 0- and 1+ dialing access to MTS Services until such time as the Customer pays the undisputed charges and applicable reconnection charges. C. Customer failure to pay undisputed charges for other Services may result in loss of those Services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 56 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.4. Insufficient Grounds for Termination of Local Exchange Service Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 310, no Customer will be given notice of termination of local exchange Services nor shall the Customer’s local exchange Service be terminated if: A. The Customer’s unpaid bill cited as grounds for termination is less than fifty ($50) dollars. B. The unpaid bill cited as grounds for termination is for Service to any other Customer or former Customer (unless that Customer has a legal obligation to pay the other bill) or for any other class of Service. C. The unpaid bill cited as grounds for Termination of Service results from the purchase of MTS and other Services, including but not limited to 1. Directory advertising; 2. Information Services, operator Services or other Services not provided by local exchange companies; 3. Leased or purchased Customer premises equipment or other merchandise; or 4. Inside wire maintenance. D. The Customer lives at a residence where another person lives and the other person has an unpaid balance for Service, except when the Customer has a legal obligation to pay the other person’s bill. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 57 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.5. Restrictions on Termination of Local Exchange Service Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 311: A. When Termination of Not Allowed Unless the Customer affected has consented in writing, local exchange Service will not be terminated on any Friday after twelve noon or on any Saturday, Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the state of Idaho, or after twelve noon on any day immediately before any legal holiday. Service may not be terminated at any time when the Company’s business offices are not open for business, except as authorized by Section 2.11.1(A) and 2.11.1(B), or for non-Residential Customers, as authorized by any 2.11.1. Local exchange Services may be terminated only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except as authorized by Sections 2.11.1(A) and 2.11.1(B). B. Service to Persons Not Customers If local exchange Service is provided to a residence and the account is in the name of one who does not reside there, the Company, prior to termination, will notify the person(s) receiving Service and afford the person(s) a reasonable opportunity to negotiate directly with the Company to purchase Service in the resident’s(s’) own name(s). C. No Termination While Complaint Pending Except as authorized by order of the Commission or of the Judiciary, local exchange Service will not be terminated for failure to pay amounts in dispute while a complaint over that Service is filed pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 402 is pending before the Commission. Nor will it be terminated while a case placing at issue payment for that Service is pending before a court in the state of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 58 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.6. Notice Requirements Before Termination A. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 301, if the Company intends to deny an available Service to an Applicant, the Company will provide the Applicant with a written explanation of its refusal to serve. The written explanation will include: 1. the reasons for denial of the Service; 2. actions the Applicant may take in order to receive the denied Service; and 3. a statement that the Customer may file an informal or formal complaint concerning denial of the Service with the Company or with the Idaho PUC. B. Notice Requirements Before Termination of Local Exchange Service Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 304. the following are requirements for notice before termination of Local Exchange Service: 1. Seven-Day Notice If the Company intends to terminate local exchange Service under Section 2.10.2, it must send to the Customer written notice of termination mailed at least seven (7) calendar days before the proposed date of termination. This written notice must contain the information required by IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 306. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 59 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.6. Notice Requirements Before Termination, Continued B. Notice Requirements Before Termination of Local Exchange Service, Continued 2. Twenty-Four Hour Notice At least twenty-four (24) hours before actual termination, the Company must diligently attempt to contact the Customer affected to apprise the Customer of the proposed action and steps to take to avoid or delay termination. This oral notice must contain the same information required by IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 306. 3. Additional Notice If the Company has not terminated Service within twenty-one (21) days after the proposed termination date as specified in a written notice, the Company will again provide if it still intends to terminate Service. 4. Failure to Pay - Payment with Dishonored Check No additional notice of termination is required if, upon receipt of a termination notice: a. The Customer makes a payment arrangement and subsequently fails to keep that arrangement; or b. The Customer tenders payment with a dishonored check. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 60 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.7. Serious Illness or Medical Emergency Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 308, (Rule 308). A. Medical Certificate - Postponement of Termination of Services The Company will postpone termination of local exchange or MTS Service to a Residential Customer for thirty (30) days from the date of the receipt of a current certificate by a licensed physician or public health official with medical training that states: 1. The Customer, a member of the Customer’s family, or other permanent resident of the premises where Service is provided, is seriously ill or has a medical emergency or will become seriously ill or have a medical emergency because of Termination of Service; and 2. Termination of Service would adversely affect that Customer, member of the Customer’s family, or resident of the household. B. Contents of Medical Certificate This certificate must be in writing and show clearly the name of the person whose serious illness or medical emergency would be adversely affected by termination, the nature of the serious illness or medical emergency, and the name, title, and signature of the person giving notice of or certifying the serious illness or medical emergency. C. Restoration of Service Due to Medical Certificate If local exchange or MTS Service has already been terminated when the medical certificate is received, the appropriate Service must be restored. The Customer must receive local exchange and necessary MTS Services for thirty (30) days from the Company’s receipt of the certificate. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 61 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.11. Cancellation of Service by Company, Continued 2.11.7. Serious Illness or Medical Emergency, Continued D. Payment Arrangements. Before the expiration of the medical postponement, the Customer must make payment arrangements with the Company in accordance with IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 312. E. Second Postponement. The Company must postpone termination of local exchange and necessary MTS Service upon receipt of a second certificate stating that the serious illness or medical emergency still exists, unless during the period of the first certificate excessive or unwarranted MTS calls were incurred and not paid or the Customer refused to enter into payment arrangements. F. Verification of Medical Certificate. The Company may verify the authenticity of the certificate and may refuse to delay Termination of Service if the certificate is a forgery or is otherwise fraudulent. 2.11.8. Medical Facilities - Shelter Care Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 309, where local exchange or MTS is provided to a Customer known by the Company to be or identifying itself as a medical care facility, including a hospital, medical clinic with resident patients, nursing home, intermediate care facility or shelter care facility, notice of pending termination will be provided to the Commission and to the State Department of Health and Welfare as well as to the Customer. Upon request from the Commission, a delay in termination of no less than seven (7) calendar days from the date of notice shall be allowed so that action may be taken to protect the interests of the facility’s residents. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 62 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.12. Reconnection of Customer's Service 2.12.1. Restoral of Customer’s Service Service shall be restored when the causes of suspension or discontinuance have been removed and when payment or satisfactory arrangements for payment of all proper charges due from the Customer or Applicant, including any proper Deposit, have been made as provided for in the Price List; or as the Commission may order pending resolution of any bona fide dispute between the Company and the Customer or Applicant over the disconnection. Residence Business Restoral Fee, per occurrence $25.00 $40.00 2.12.2. Personnel to Authorize Reconnection Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 311.02, the Company will have personnel available after the time of termination who are authorized to reconnect Service if the conditions cited as grounds for termination are corrected to the Company’s satisfaction. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 63 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.13. Miscellaneous 2.13.1. Special Conditions or Requirements Where special conditions or special requirements of a Customer involve unusual construction or installation cost, the Customer may be required to pay a reasonable proportion of such costs or expense. 2.13.2. Telephone Numbers Unless otherwise required by state or federal requirements, the Company may change the telephone number of a Customer for engineering, technical, or other reasons. In the event of a dispute between two (2) or more parties regarding use of a number, the decision of the Company will be final and binding on all parties, unless otherwise required by federal or state law. 2.13.3. Ownership and Access to Facilities Facilities furnished by the Company are the property of the Company or a third- party vendor. The Customer will provide employees, distributors and agents of the Company access to such facilities, at all reasonable times, for the purpose of installing, rearranging, repairing, maintaining, inspecting, disconnecting, removing or otherwise servicing such facilities. 2.13.4. Installation, Rearrangement, Repair, Maintenance, Disconnection and Removal of Facilities The Company will have control over the installation, rearrangement, repair, maintenance, and disconnection of all network facilities and network elements, owned, leased or otherwise obtained to ensure the required level of Service. 2.13.5. Transfer and Assignments The Customer may not assign or transfer its rights or duties in connection with the Services and facilities provided by the Company without the written consent of the Company and payment of the applicable charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 64 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.13. Miscellaneous, Continued 2.13.6. Notices and Communications A. The Customer will designate an address to which the Company will mail or deliver all notices and other communications. The Customer may also designate a separate address to which the Company’s bills for Service will be mailed. B. The Company will designate on the bills an address to which the Customer will mail or deliver all notices and other communications. Company may designate a separate address on each bill for Service to which the Customer will mail payment on that bill. C. All notices or other communications required to be given pursuant to this Price List will be in writing, unless otherwise provided. D. The Company or the Customer will advise the other party of any changes to the addresses designated for notices, other communications or billing, by following the procedures for giving notice set forth herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 65 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.14. Allowances for Interruptions in Service A credit allowance will be given for interruptions of Service, subject to the provisions of this section. 2.14.1. Credit for Service Interruptions A credit allowance will be made when an interruption in Service occurs. An interruption in Service is considered to exist when the local Service quality deteriorates to such an extent that the Customer cannot make local calls or cannot receive local calls or cannot use the Service for voice grade communications because of cross talk, static or other transmission problem. An interruption period begins when the Customer reports a circuit, Service or facility to be interrupted and releases it for testing. Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01. Rule 503.01, A. The Company must restore Service: within sixteen (16) hours after the report of the outage if the Customer notifies the telephone company that the Service outage creates an emergency; or B. within 24 hours after the report of the outage if no emergency exists. C. Outages reported between noon on Saturday and 6:00 p.m. on the following Sunday must be restored within forty-eight (48) hours or by 6:00 p.m. on the following Monday, whichever is sooner. D. If the Company does not restore Service within the times required by this paragraph, the Company will credit the Customer’s account for an amount equal to the monthly rate for one (1) month of basic local exchange Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 66 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.14. Allowances for Interruptions in Service, Continued 2.14.2. Limitations on Allowances Pursuant to IDAPA 31.41.01 Rule 503.02, no credit allowance will be made for: A. interruptions due to the negligence of the Customer, or noncompliance with, or acts of omission regarding the provisions of this price list by the Customer, authorized user or joint user; B. interruptions of Service during any period in which the Company is not given full and free access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of investigating and correcting interruptions; C. interruptions of Service during a period when the Customer has released Service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in Service arrangements; or D. interruption of Service due to circumstances or causes beyond the control of the Company and affecting large groups of Customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 67 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.15. Returned Check Charge When a check which has been presented to the Company by a Customer in payment for charges, including Deposits and Advance Payments, is returned by a financial institution which refuses to honor it for insufficient funds or a closed or non-existent account, the Customer will be assessed a charge: Charge Per Returned Check $20.00 2.16. Customer Service Correspondence from the Customer to the Company must be addressed to the attention of the Company’s Customer Service department and sent to the appropriate office as listed on the Customer bill. The Customer may also contact the Company’s Customer Service department by calling a toll free number provided on the Customer bill. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 68 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.17. Termination Liability 2.17.1. Customers who discontinue Services provided under a volume and/or term Contract, prior to the expiration of the Contract, may be subject to a termination charge. 2.17.2. Payment of the termination charge does not release the Customer from other amounts owed to the Company including the balance of any Non-Recurring Charges that have been spread over the term of the Contract. 2.17.3. Early Termination Liability A. If a Customer discontinues Services provided under a term pricing plan prior to the completion of the term, the Customer will be liable for an early termination charge. The termination charge will be the lesser of: 1. The present value of all monthly charges remaining under the term plan; or 2. The dollar difference, including interest, between (1) the current Monthly Charge(s) for the longest term pricing plan that could have been completed based on the time the Customer actually received the Service and (2) the Monthly Charge(s) under the term pricing plan currently in effect; multiplied by the number of months (any partial month to be represented by a fraction) that the Customer received the Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 69 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.17. Termination Liability, Continued 2.17.3. Early Termination Liability, Continued B. The Customer will also be responsible for paying any Non-Recurring Charges the Company originally waived that the Customer would have been charged if the Customer had initially obtained Services on a Month- to-Month basis (or, if Service is not available on a month-to-month basis, under the shortest term available for the Service). Such amount will bear interest as set forth below. C. The Customer will also be responsible for payment in full of any Non- Recurring Charges that the Company had agreed to spread out over the term of the plan, such amounts to bear interest as set forth below. D. For purposes of this section, interest and present value will be calculated using the Prime Rate as reported in the Wall Street Journal on January 1st for the year during which Service is discontinued. E. All early termination liability set forth above is due and owing within thirty (30) days of Termination of Service. F. For example, suppose the Customer discontinues a thirty-six (36) month Contract during the twentieth (20) month of Service. Suppose, further, the sixty (60) month, thirty-six (36) month, twelve (12) month and month-to- month terms were available. The Customer's termination charge under this section would be the difference between the twelve (12) month rate and the thirty-six (36) month rate, multiplied by the twenty (20) months the Customer received Service, plus (1) any Non-Recurring Charges the Company had waived, with interest, and (2) the remaining balance on any Non-Recurring Charges the Company had agreed to spread out over the term, with interest. 2.17.4. Prior to the completion of the selected Service term plan, the Customer may renew or change to a different term plan without incurring early termination charges, provided the new term plan: (1) is for an equal or greater number of Circuits than the number ordered originally, and (2) is greater in length than the number of months remaining on the original Service term. Monthly Charges for the new term plan will be based on rates in effect at the time the new plan is ordered. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 70 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 2. REGULATIONS, Continued 2.18. Service Provider Options 2.18.1. No Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) Option Customers have the option of not selecting a toll provider as primary Carrier for intraLATA and/or interLATA toll traffic, thus requiring the Customer to use an access code to obtain toll providers’ Services (i.e., 1010-XXX). 2.18.2. Two PIC Option Customers will be able to select one toll provider for intraLATA toll calls and, if so desired, the same or another toll provider for interLATA toll calls. 2.18.3. Preferred Carrier Freeze (PCF) The Company offers a free Service called Preferred Carrier Freeze. This Service is available to all Customers. PCF allows Customers to designate their local long distance (intraLATA) provider, long distance (interLATA) provider, and a local exchange Service provider as permanent choices which may not be changed absent further authorization from the Customer. The Company will send a letter to each Customer upon initiation or transfer of Service, which informs the Customer of the option to freeze his/her intraLATA, interLATA and local Service provider choice(s). At the time a Customer contacts the Company to establish a freeze, a representative will advise him/her on how to facilitate a change of provider(s) on a frozen account. 2.18.4. Carrier Change Charge After the initial 30-day period, or at any time after an initial Carrier selection has been made, any Carrier selection or change is subject to a Non-Recurring Charge, per change, per line: Per Change Charge 5.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 71 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES 3.1. Introduction The regulations set forth in this section govern the application of rates for Services contained in other sections of this Price List. The Company will notify the Commission of the rates and charges and the terms and conditions of any promotion. 3.2. Service Trials and Special Promotions The Company may conduct technical trials of its Service on a limited basis to test and evaluate Service capabilities, implementation procedures, and technical processes. The Company may also offer special offerings for market research, rate experimentation, or promotional purposes. These trial/promotional offerings may include waiving or reducing the applicable charges for the Service. The trial or promotion may also be held for a limited duration for specific locations within the state. The waiver of any charge, other than a Nonrecurring Charge, shall not exceed one (1) year. 3.3. Individual Case Basis Arrangements When the Company furnishes a facility or Service for which a rate or charge is not specified in the Company’s Price List, or when the Company offers rates or charges which may vary from Price List arrangements, rates and charges will be determined on an Individual Case Basis (ICB). The rates and charges for ICBs will be specified by Contract between the Company and the Customer. 3.4. Special Arrangements Where the Company furnishes a facility or Service for which a rate or charge is not specified in the Company’s Price List, charges will be based on the costs incurred by the Company and may include: (1) non-recurring type charges; (2) recurring type charges; (3) termination liabilities; and (4) combinations thereof. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 72 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.5. Business Rate Application 3.5.1. The term “Business Line” denotes Service provided when any of the following conditions exist: A. The line is used primarily or substantially for a paid commercial, professional, governmental, educational or institutional activity; or B. The line is situated in a commercial, professional or institutional location, or other location serving primarily or substantially as a site of an activity for pay; or C. The line uses a Service number listed as the principal or only number for a business in any telephone directory; or D. The line is used to conduct promotions, solicitations, or market research for which compensation or reimbursement is paid or provided. The use of a line without compensation or reimbursement for a charitable or civic purpose will not constitute business use or render such line a “Business Line”; or E. The line does not otherwise qualify as a Residential Line (as defined herein). 3.6. Residential Rate Application 3.6.1. The term “Residential Line” denotes Service provided when any of the following conditions exist: A. The line does not qualify as a Business Line, or B. It is used primarily and substantially for social or domestic purposes; and C. The line is located in a residence, or, in the case of a combined business and residence Premises, is located in a bona fide residential quarters of such Premises and a separate Business Line is located in the business quarters of the same Premises. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 73 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.7. Rates Based Upon Distance Where charges for a Service are specified based upon distance, the following rules apply: 3.7.1. “V and H Coordinates” Distance between two (2) points is measured as airline distance between the Rate Centers of the originating and terminating telephone lines. The Rate Center is a set of geographic “V” and “H” coordinates associated with each NPA-NXX combination (where NPA is the area code and NXX is the first three digits of a seven-digit telephone number). The “V” and “H” coordinates for each Rate Center are found in the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) issued by Telcordia. Where there is no telephone number associated with an access line on the Company’s network (such as a dedicated 800 or WATS access line), the Company will apply the Rate Center of the Customer’s main billing telephone number. The airline distance between any two (2) Rate Centers is determined as follows: A. Obtain the “V” (vertical) and “H” (horizontal) coordinates for each Rate Center from the LERG. B. Compute the difference between the “V” coordinates of the two (2) Rate Centers; and the difference between the two (2) “H” coordinates. C. Square each difference obtained in step B. above. D. Add the square of the “V” difference and the square of the “H” difference obtained in step C. above. E. Divide the sum of the squares by 10. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 74 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.7. Rates Based Upon Distance, Continued 3.7.1. “V and H Coordinates”, Continued F. Obtain the square root of the whole number result obtained above. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the airline mileage. G. FORMULA (V1-V2)2 + (H1-H2)2 10 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges 3.8.1. Maintenance and Repair Charges A. Non-Designed Services The Customer shall be responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of any terminal equipment, communications systems or Premises cable and wire on the Customer’s side of the Demarcation Point. As such, a Trouble Isolation Charge will apply for each repair visit by a technician to the Customer’s Premises where the local exchange Service difficulty or trouble is not found to be on the Company’s side of the Demarcation Point. In such instances, the Customer may utilize any entity of their choosing to make the necessary repairs to alleviate the problem. This charge will not apply when the trouble is found to be in the Company’s facilities. Charge Trouble Isolation 50.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 75 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges 3.8.1. Maintenance and Repair Charges, Continued B. Designed Services The following charges are applicable to designed Services for work performed that is considered above and beyond normal Circuit design, installation and maintenance activities. 1. Additional Engineering Additional Engineering will be provided by the Company at the request of the Customer only when: a. A Customer requests additional technical information after the Company has already provided the technical information normally included on the Design Layout Report; b. The Company engineers a Customer’s request for a customized Service that is not considered by the Company to be a standard offering. 2. Overtime Installation Overtime installation is that part of the Company installation effort that takes place outside of normally scheduled working hours. 3. Stand-by Time Stand-by Time includes all time in excess of one-half (1/2) hour during which Company personnel stand by while the Customer or third party makes installation acceptance tests or performs cooperative tests with a Customer to verify facility repair on a given Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 76 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges, Continued 3.8.1. Maintenance and Repair Charges, Continued B. Designed Services, Continued 4. Testing Time Additional testing, maintenance or repair of facilities which connect to facilities of other Service providers which is in addition to the normal effort required to test, maintain or repair facilities provided solely by the Company. 5. Maintenance of Service When a Customer reports a trouble on a designed Service to the Company for clearance and the trouble is not found to be on the Company’s side of the Demarcation Point, the Customer shall be responsible for the payment of a Maintenance of Service Charge for the period of time Company personnel are dispatched to the Customer’s Premises. No charge will be applied if the trouble is found in the Company’s facilities. When the Company dispatches personnel to the Customer’s Premises, and the trouble is found to be in equipment or communications systems provided by another Service provider, the Maintenance of Service Charge shall include all time for technicians dispatched, including technicians dispatched to other locations for the purposes of testing with those dispatched to the Customer Premises. A dispatch of Company personnel at a time period not consecutive with their scheduled work period is subject to Overtime and / or Premium charges. The Maintenance of Service Charge is applied and billed in increments of thirty (30) minutes. No credit allowance will be applicable for the interruption of Service involved if the Maintenance of Service Charge applies. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 77 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges, Continued 3.8.1. Maintenance and Repair Charges, Continued B. Designed Services, Continued 6. Non-Productive Dispatch The period of time a technician is dispatched, but is unable to complete the requested work because the technician is denied access to the Premises. 7. Additional Labor Labor that is requested by the Customer in the provisioning or maintenance of Service that is not classified as any other type mentioned above. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 78 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges, Continued 3.8.1. Maintenance and Repair Charges, Continued B. Designed Services, Continued 8. Charges First Half Hour* Each Add’l Half Hour* a. Additional Engineering - Basic Time $ 50.00 $ 35.00 - Overtime 77.00 51.00 b. Overtime Installation - Overtime 225.00 120.00 - Premium Time 300.00 160.00 c. Stand-by Time - Basic Time 0.00 85.00 - Overtime 0.00 120.00 - Premium Time 0.00 160.00 d. Testing Time - Basic Time 85.00 55.00 - Overtime 100.00 80.00 - Premium Time 110.00 90.00 * or fraction thereof. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 79 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges, Continued 3.8.1. Maintenance and Repair Charges, Continued B. Designed Services, Continued 8. Charges, Continued First Half Hour* Each Add’l Half Hour* e. Maintenance of Service - Basic Time 82.00 50.00 - Overtime 96.00 64.00 - Premium Time 110.00 78.00 f. Non-Productive Dispatch - Basic Time 85.00 55.00 - Overtime 100.00 80.00 - Premium Time 110.00 90.00 g. Additional Labor - Basic Time 85.00 55.00 - Overtime 100.00 80.00 - Premium Time 110.00 90.00 * or fraction thereof. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 80 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 3. APPLICATION OF RATES, Continued 3.8. Miscellaneous Charges, Continued 3.8.2. Change Order Charges The following charges will apply on a per order basis, unless otherwise specified, for the changes / actions specified. TYPE CHARGE Change a Directory Listing $ 7.50 Add Directory Listing 7.50 Change To or From Hunting 10.00 Rearrange Hunting, per line 3.00 Change Telephone Number 25.00 Change Class of Service 25.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 81 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 4.1. Description 4.1.1. The Company’s local exchange Service provides the Customer with the ability to connect to the Company’s switching network which enables the Customer to: ƒ access 911 or E-911 (where available); ƒ access other telecommunication Carriers; ƒ place or receive Operator Service calls; ƒ place calls to Directory Assistance; ƒ place calls to toll free 8XX telephone numbers; ƒ access TRS; (using 711, where available) ƒ access 900/976 numbers; ƒ obtain a copy of the local White Pages Directory; and ƒ include a listing in the local White Pages Directory. 4.1.2. The following capabilities are also provided with the Company’s local exchange Service: ƒ Caller ID Blocking, per call (using *67 at no charge) ƒ Caller ID Blocking, per line (available to qualified Customers where required, e.g., abuse hotline) ƒ 900/976 Blocking, per line (upon Customer request at no charge) ƒ Touch-Tone Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 82 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.2. General Regulations 4.2.1. Service Area A. Exchange access Services are provided in the portions of Idaho served by Verizon and Qwest. B. The Company’s description of Service area in no way compels the Company to provide any Service in an area where facilities or other extenuating factors limit the Company’s ability to provide Service. 4.2.2. Availability Services are provided subject to technological availability and compatibility with Customer facilities. Services, rates, and Contract conditions may not be available in all areas. 4.2.3. Local Calling Areas A. The Company will provide Service in all Qwest and Verizon exchanges as defined in Section 12. As technical and/or economic feasibility permits, this section will be modified to reflect additional areas in which the Company will offer Service. B. The Company concurs in Verizon and Qwest’s Exchange Areas filed in their local exchange tariffs filed with the Commission. Local Calling Areas for Customers whose Premises are located in the exchanges listed under Section 12, will be the same as Verizon and Qwest’s Local Calling Areas. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 83 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.3. Emergency Services (911/Enhanced 911) 4.3.1. Emergency Service (911/Enhanced 911) allows Customers to reach appropriate emergency agencies including police, fire and ambulance Services. 4.3.2. Emergency Service (911/E911 Service) is an arrangement of Company Central Office and trunking facilities whereby any telephone user who dials the number 911 will reach the emergency report center for the telephone from which the number is dialed or will be routed to an operator if all lines to an emergency report center are busy. If no emergency report center exists for a Central Office entity, a telephone user who dials the number 911 will be routed to an operator. The telephone user who dials the 911 number will not be charged for the call. 4.4. Telecommunications Relay Service 4.4.1. Telecommunications Relay Service enables deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech- impaired persons who use a Text Telephone (“TT”) or similar devices to communicate freely with the hearing population not using TT and visa versa. A Customer will be able to access the state provider to complete such calls by either dialing the applicable telephone number directly or by dialing the number 711, where available. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 84 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.5. Business Service Offerings 4.5.1. Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 85 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.5. Business Service Offerings, Continued 4.5.3. Local Usage (Business): Provides the ability to place and receive locally dialed calls over the public switched network. This capability is an inherent feature of SBC Phone Solution for Business, SBC Multi-Line for Business and Basic Business Line Services. It is provided on an unlimited, flat rate basis. 4.5.4. Access Advantage Plus Trunk: Provides the Customer with local access to the public switched network, with a trunk-side Digital voice-grade connection. The transport facility, from the Customer Premises to the serving Central Office, is provided via Access Advantage Plus Service and provides for inward and/or outward capability. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) functionality is provisioned along with a single telephone number per Trunk group. Section 7, of this Price List, includes rates and regulations for Access Advantage Plus. 4.5.5. Access Advantage Plus Line: Provides the Customer with local access to the public switched network, with a line-side Digital voice-grade connection. The transport facility, from the Customer Premises to the serving Central Office, is provided via Access Advantage Plus Service. One telephone number is provided. Section 7, of this Price List, includes rates and regulations for Access Advantage Plus. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 86 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.5. Business Service Offerings, Continued 4.5.6. Optional Features (Business): The following are available as additional optional features for Basic Business Line Services, as indicated, at an additional charge. All features may not be available in all areas. Toll Restriction 1,2,4 4.5.7. Basic Business Line5: Provides the Customer with a single, voice-grade, DTMF communications Channel. Each local Channel will include a telephone number and unlimited usage. This line has the capabilities listed in 4.1, preceding. Any of the available optional features offered may be ordered and associated with this line at rates and charges stated in 4.8, following. Basic Business Line(s) is/are available to Customers purchasing five (5) or more lines at a single location or to Customers who have purchased another Company offered local exchange Service offering at the same location. 1 Reserved for future use 2 Reserved for future use 3 Reserved for future use 4 Available as an option with Basic Business Line. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 87 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.6. Residence Service Offerings 4.6.1. Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 88 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.7. Features – Description Anonymous Call Rejection – prevents calls that are blocked (*67 per call blocking or per line blocked call) from reaching the phone of the user. The phone never rings and the caller hears a message stating that the number dialed will not receive blocked calls. Auto Redial – calls back the last number called, whether to re-contact a person or because of a busy signal. If the line is busy, Auto Redial will continue to try the number for up to 30 minutes. When the line becomes free, the call will be placed and a special ring will notify the user. Calls can be placed or received while Auto Redial is at work. In addition, more than one number can be re-dialed at a time. Call Blocker – allows the user to reject calls from up to ten numbers, including the last number called if the user so designates. When a call from the list comes in, the user’s phone does not ring while the caller hears a recording indicating the call will not be accepted. Call Forwarding – directs all incoming calls to any Customer designated phone number. Call Forwarding/Busy Line – Don’t Answer (BLDA) – allows incoming calls that encounter a busy condition or are not answered after a customer-designated interval, to be automatically forwarded to another telephone number. The subscriber designates the number(s) when the Service is ordered. The Busy Line and the Don’t Answer functionality may be ordered as separate features. Call Forwarding Selective – forwards up to 10 numbers to the number designated by the user. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 89 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.7. Features – Description, Continued Call Forwarding Simultaneous - forwards more than two calls that come in at the same time. With all other Call Forwarding Services, only two calls can come in at the same time without the caller getting a busy signal. A Simultaneous Call Forwarding user can choose from 3-99 calls being forwarded at one time without receiving a busy signal. Call Return – calls back the last incoming number that called, even if the user does not know the name or number of the caller. If the line is busy, Call Return keeps trying for up to 30 minutes. When the line is free, Call Return gives a signal with a special ring, and then proceeds to place the call. Calls can be placed or received while Call Return is at work. In addition, more than one number can be called back at a time. Call Trace – initiates a trace on the last call received. The number from which threatening or obscene calls are made will be provided to the local law enforcement authorities should the user wish to file a complaint. Call Trace is available on a pay per use basis. Call Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting – alerts the user with a special tone when there is an incoming call. The initial call can be placed on hold while the incoming call is answered. Cancel Call Waiting, a free feature of Call Waiting, temporarily turns off Call Waiting by the user pushing *70 before the call is made. Call Waiting ID – allows the subscriber to see the name and number of the incoming call when Call Waiting activates. The caller can then answer the call or choose to not answer it. Type 2 or higher CPE is needed for this Service to function properly. Caller ID Blocking – blocks the Customer’s name and number from being transmitted on all outgoing calls from a particular line. Per call blocking is achieved by pressing *67 prior to each call, while per line blocking blocks the name and number of every outgoing call. Dialing a special code prior to dialing the number of the person being called can unblock the number and name. Caller ID Blocking is provided at no charge. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 90 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.7. Features – Description, Continued Caller ID Name and Number – displays and records both the name and number of anyone who calls. Display equipment is required and must be purchased separately. Hunting-Circular – allows a complete hunt over all the access lines in a prearranged access line hunt group. If no idle access line is encountered the hunting will continue until it reaches the access line that was originally called. Hunting-Series Completion - hunting for an idle access line starts with the called access line in a prearranged hunt group and ends with the last access line in the hunt group, completing the call to the first idle access line encountered. Unless the first access line in the hunt group is called, only a portion of the access line group is hunted. International Call Blocking - blocks the Customer from being able to place an outgoing call from a particular line to an international number. Message Waiting Indicator - provides both stutter dial tone and a visual indicator that lets the user know there is a message in the voice mailbox. The visual indicator requires type 2.5 or higher CPE. AT&T Multi-Line for Business – an additional voice grade DTMF communications Channel to SBC Phone Solution for Business. It also provides Caller ID Name and Number, Three-Way Calling, and the Customer’s choice of hunting options (circular or series completion) and unlimited local usage. AT&T Multi-Line for Residence – an additional voice grade DTMF communications Channel to AT&T Phone Solution for Residence and provides unlimited local usage. Priority Call - allows the user to program the phone to recognize calls from specific numbers. A special ring is heard when one of those numbers calls. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 91 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.7. Features – Description, Continued Remote Access to Call Forwarding (RACF) - allows the user to control and change Call Forwarding from any touch-tone phone. Speed Calling 8 - allows the user to quickly dial up to 8 local or long distance numbers with the pressing of one button. Three Way Calling - connects three people in three different places at the same time. In addition, the user can put one person on hold while speaking to the third party. Toll Restriction - is a Central Office feature that blocks all calls preceded by a 0 or 1 and denies access to Operator Services. However, calls to Inward WATS Services and 1+ calls to the Company business offices, repair Services and 911 are not blocked. 900/976 Blocking -blocks the Customer from being able to place an outgoing call from a particular line to a number with a 900/976 prefix. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 92 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.8. Rates and Charges 4.8.1. Business Rates Monthly Rate Nonrecurring A. Basic Business Line1per line 39.00 62.00 B. Local Usage (Business),, per line/ Channel 2 0.00 0.00 1 May not be available in all areas. 2 No Charge (unlimited) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 93 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.8. Rates and Charges, Continued 4.8.1. Business Rates, Continued E. Optional Features (Business)1: per line/ Channel Monthly Rate Nonrecurring Caller ID Blocking-Per Line NC NC Toll Restriction 15.00 10.00 900/976 Blocking1 0.00 0.00 900/976 Blocking2 0.00 15.00 1 When services are orders on the initial new order. 2 When services orders on subsequent change orders. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 94 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 4. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES, Continued 4.8. Rates and Charges, Continued 4.8.2. Residence Rates – Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 95 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 5. WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY LISTINGS 5.1. General Regulations 5.1.1. Primary Listing The Company shall provide for a single White Pages Directory Listing, termed the “primary listing,” in the local White Pages telephone directory published by the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) in the Customer’s Exchange Area. The primary listing will be the telephone number that is designated as the Customer’s main billing number. White Pages Directory Listings of additional Customer telephone numbers associated with the Customer’s Service will be provided for a monthly recurring charge per listing. 5.1.2. Length of Directory White Pages Listing The Company reserves the right to limit the length of any White Pages Directory Listing by the use of abbreviations when, in its judgment, the clearness of the listing or the identification of the Customer is not impaired thereby. Where more than one (1) line is required to properly list the Customer, additional charges will not apply. 5.1.3. Right of Refusal The Company may refuse a White Pages Directory Listing which is known not to constitute a legally authorized or adopted name, where obscenities or offensive material appear in the listing, or any listing which, in the opinion of the Company, is likely to mislead or deceive calling persons as to the identity of the listed party, or is a contrived name used for advertising purposes or to secure a preferential position in the directory or is more elaborate than is reasonably necessary to identify the listed party. The Company, upon notification to the Customer, will withdraw any White Pages Directory Listing that is found to be in violation of its rules with respect thereto. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 96 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 5. WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY LISTINGS, Continued 5.1. General Regulations, Continued 5.1.4. Sections Each White Pages Directory Listing must be designated as either “Government”, “Business” or “Residence” so that it can be placed in the appropriate section of the White Pages Directory. In order to aid the user of the White Pages Directory, and to avoid misleading or deceiving the calling party as to the identity of the listed party, only business listings may be placed in the Business section and only residential listings in the Residential section. The Company, upon notification to the Customer, will withdraw any White Pages Directory Listing that is found to be in violation of its rules with respect thereto. 5.1.5. Schedule In order for listings to appear in an upcoming White Pages Directory, the Customer must furnish the listing to the Company in time to meet the directory- publishing schedule. 5.1.6. Other Requirements The Customer's White Pages Directory Listing may be subject to other requirements imposed by the ILEC publishing the telephone directory. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 97 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 5. WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY LISTINGS, Continued 5.2. Descriptions White Pages Directory Listings are provided in connection with each Customer Service as specified herein. 5.2.1. Primary Listing A primary listing contains the name of the Customer, or the name under which a business is regularly conducted, as well as the address and telephone number of the Customer. A primary White Pages Directory Listing is provided in connection with local exchange Service at no additional charge. 5.2.2. Additional Listings In connection with Business Service, additional listings are available to be printed in the White Pages Directory in the names of Authorized Users of the Customer’s Service, as defined herein. Rates for additional listings are specified in this Price List. 5.2.3. Non-published Listings Listings that are not printed in the White Pages Directory are referred to as Non- published Listings. These types of listings are not available from Directory Assistance and are omitted or deleted from Directory Assistance records. Non- published Listing Service will be furnished, at the Customer’s request, subject to the provisions of and charges in this Price List. 5.2.4. Non-listed Service Non-listed Service will be furnished at the Customer’s request, providing for the omission of the Customer’s listing from the White Pages Directory. Such listings will be maintained in the Directory Assistance database and other records and will be provided upon request to callers of Directory Assistance. Charges for Non- listed Service are specified in this Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 98 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 5. WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY LISTINGS, Continued 5.2. Descriptions 5.2.5. Dual Name Listings In the case of a residence, where two persons sharing the same surname and residing at the same address, or for a person known by two first names may be listed in the directory with a surname, two first names, address and telephone number. In the case of a business enterprise, the name of the business or of a member, officer, employee, or representative thereof, or the name of another business that the Customer owns, controls, or represents may be listed along with the address and telephone number. 5.2.6. Rates Monthly Rate Nonrecurring A. Business, per line Primary Listing NC NC Additional Listing $1.50 NC Non-Published Listing NC NC Non-Listed Name NC NC Dual Name Listing NC NC B. Residence, per line Primary Listing NC NC Additional Listing 1.50 NC Non-Published Listing 1.50 NC Non-Listed Name NC NC Dual Name Listing NC NC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 99 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE 6.1. Operator Services 6.1.1. There are three types of Operator handled Services: Non-Automated: Non-automated Service is where the person originating the call calls the Company operator who dials the number and collects billing information for the call. Operator handled charges apply. Semi-Automated: Semi-automated Service is where the person originating the call dials zero plus the desired telephone number and the operator assists in completion of the call. Surcharges apply. Fully Automated: Fully automated Service is where the call is completed without the assistance of an operator. Surcharges apply to fully automated alternately billed calls. Fully automated alternate billing includes calling card, collect, and Third Number Billing. 6.1.2. Operator Assisted Calls A. Person to Person The Service where the person originating the call specifies to the Company operator a particular person, Service point, department or office to be reached: 1. When the connection is established, the person originating the call requests or agrees to talk to any person other than the person or point specified, the classification of the calls remains Person-to- Person; and 2. The Company does not utilize a messenger to bring to a Service point, a called person who cannot be reached at the Service point. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 100 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE, Continued 6.1. Operator Services, Continued 6.1.2. Operator Assisted Calls, Continued A. Person to Person, Continued 3. There are two levels of Person-to-Person Service. They are: a. Operator-handled: Operator-handled Service is where the person originating the call requests the operator to dial the number. The operator collects the necessary information to process the call. b. Operator-assisted: Operator-assisted Service is where the person originating the call dials zero and the telephone number. B. Station-to-Station: Station-to-station calls are those calls where the person originating the call to a telephone company operator or dials to a particular telephone number to be reached does not specify any particular person, station point or department. Station-to-Station Services offered are as follows: 1. Dial Station-to-Station is where the person originating the call dials the telephone number desired and the call is completed without the assistance of a Company operator. The call is billed to the originating number. When an operator places a call for the calling party who has attempted to complete the call but has been unable to do so due to network technical difficulties, the dial rate applies. 2. There are three types of Station-to-Station Operator Assistance Services: Non-Automated; Semi-Automated; and Fully Automated. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 101 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE, Continued 6.2. Operator Assisted Surcharges The following Services incur surcharges applied on a per call basis: 6.2.1. Calling Card The Service where a caller requests the call to be charged to an authorized telecommunications calling card. An authorized card is one where the Company can perform billing validation. The Called party can option to have the operator charge the call to the Called parties calling card or third number. Calling Card Services can be non-automated, semi-automated or fully automated. A Calling Card call is either Person-to Person or Station-to-Station. 6.2.2. Third Number Billing The Service where a caller requests the billing to a telephone number other than the calling and called telephone number. The call is completed with the assistance of an operator. The Called party can choose to have the operator charge the call to the Called parties calling card or third number. The Company may refuse Customer Third Number Billing capability if the Company determines the Customer’s Billing Telephone Number has Call Forwarding activated. Third Number Billing is either Person-to-Person or Station-to-Station. 6.2.3. Collect Calling The Service where a caller request the charge be reversed to the called number provided the charge is accepted. The Called party can option to have the operator charge the call to the Called parties calling card or third number. The Company may refuse the Customer Collect Call capability if the Company determines the Customer’s Billing Telephone Number has Call Forwarding activated. A Collect Call is either Person-to-Person or Station-to-Station. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 102 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE, Continued 6.2. Operator Assisted Surcharges, Continued 6.2.4. Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service which is furnished where and to the extent that facilities permit, provides the Customer with the following options: A. Busy Line Verification Upon request of the calling party, the Company will determine if the line is clear or in use and report to the calling party. B. Busy Line Verification with Interrupt The operator will verify the called line to determine if busy and then interrupt the call on the called line only if calling party requests interruption. 6.3. Directory Assistance AT&T furnishes Directory Assistance Service whereby Customers may request assistance in determining local listing information. 6.3.1. Call Allowances Customers are allowed one (1) local Directory Assistance call per line per month without a charge. The same allowances and limitations apply to each line, regardless of the number of lines per Customer. Subsequent Directory Assistance calls incur a charge. Call allowances are not transferable between lines or between separately billed accounts of the same Customer s. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 103 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE, Continued 6.3 Directory Assistance, Continued 6.3.2. Listings Per Call The Customer will be able to request a maximum of two (2) telephone numbers per each call to Directory Assistance. A. No credit will be given for any unused portion of the Customer's allowance. No credit will be given for requested telephone numbers that are non-published or non-listed. No credit will be given for requested telephone numbers that are not found in the directory. B. Customers whose physical or visual handicaps prevent them from using the telephone directory are excluded from charges upon presentation of a certificate signed by any physician or issued by any agency recognized by the state as having the authority to certify such handicaps. 6.3.3. Operator Assisted Directory Assistance Call A. Where the Customer places a call to the Directory Assistance attendant via an operator and where the Customer experiences technical difficulties, the call placed shall be considered as Customer dialed. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 104 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE, Continued 6.3 Directory Assistance, Continued 6.3.4. Directory Assistance Call Completion A. Directory Assistance Call Completion (DACC) is a Service that provides the Customer with completion of local calls when the Customer requests a telephone listing from the Directory Assistance operator. The call may be completed automatically or by the Directory Assistance operator. B. Exceptions 1. Where facilities permit, DACC will be offered to all classes of Service with the following exception: a. DACC is not available from Customer Owned Pay Telephone Service. b. DACC is not offered with requests for Non Local Service requests for Directory Assistance. c. DACC is not available on a restricted line (e.g. coin hotel, inmate, and certain types of PBX). 6.4. National Listing Service This Service provides the Customers access to Directory Assistance listing information outside the Local Calling Area anywhere in the United States. Call allowances apply to only Local listings and are not applicable to National Listings. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Idaho PUC Price List No. 8 Original Page 105 Issued: December 23, 2005 Effective: January 23, 2006 Issued by: Carol Paulsen, Director-Regulatory Relations 1010 N. St. Mary’s, Room 13-L. San Antonio, Texas 78215-2109 6. OPERATOR SERVICES AND DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE, Continued 6.5. Rates and Charges 6.5.1. Directory Assistance Charges Call type Rate per call Local DA with Call Completion $0.90 National Listing Service DA 0.90 6.5.2. Operator Assisted Charges (Semi-Automated or Fully Automated) Call Type Per Call Rate Third Number $ 4.00 Calling Card 1.50 Collect Calls 4.00 6.5.3. Operator Assisted Charges (Non-automated) Call Type Per Call Rate Third Number $ 5.00 Calling Card 5.00 Collect Calls 5.00 Person-to-Person 8.95 Busy Line Verification 13.00 Busy Line Verification with Busy Line Interrupt 13.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 23, 2006 Boise, Idaho