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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190125Application.pdfAIso Admitted in New York Email : January 24,2019 VIA OVERNIG HT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ldaho 83702 Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed please find for filing an original and Communications, LLC dba TruConnect's Application Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Idaho. Re SAg-T- tQ-o t Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dba TruConnect Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys At Law I 725 Windward Concourse Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 :'l Jl 1- 1- 11/tr. f)-t l LLt i:i:Ji;i 25 Pii 3:t0 Telephone: (770) 232-9200 Facsimile: (770) 232-9208 two (2) copies of Sage Telecom for Designation as an Eligible I have also enclosed an extra copy of this letter to be date stamped and retumed to me in the enclosed, self-addressed, postage prepaid envelope. If you have any questions or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at770-232-7805 or Thank you. Respectfully submitted, illrtr* Heather Kirby Regulatory Specialist Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys for Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dba TruConnect Enclosures cc: Nathan Johnson .::,riili5SlCN BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of CASENO. sKC"- T- t?-o/ SAGE TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS, LLC DBA TRUCONNECT FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER Attorneys for Sage Te le com Communicat io ns, LLC dbo TruConnect January 24,2019 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION OF SAGE TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS, LLC DBA TRUCONNECT FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER Lance J.M. Steinhart Managing Attorney Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. 1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Phone) (770) 232-9208 (Fax) E-Mail: II TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND ......... A. Company Overview B. Proposed Lifeline Offering. C. Plan EnrolIment.................. D. Prevention of Waste, Fraud and Abuse E. The Commission Has Jurisdiction to Designate Wireless ETCs TRUCONNECT SATISFIES THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ETC.......... A. TruConnect Will Provide Service Consistent With the FCC's Grant of Forbearance from Section 214's Facilities Requirements.. B. TruConnect Is a Common Carrier.. C. TruConnect Will Provide All Supported Services.............. I . Voice Telephony Service......... 2. Broadband Internet Access Services..... D. TruConnect Requests Designation Throughout its Service Area............. E. TruConnect Will Advertise the Availability of Supported Services........ F. Service Commitment Throughout the Proposed Designated Service Area.........- Ability to Remain Functional in Emergency Situations..... Commitment to Consumer Protection and Service Quality Financial and Technical Capability ........ TruConnect Will Comply with the .l .J a.J .4 .6 .7 .9 III G. H. l0 t0 ll 1l t2 l3 l3 t4 l5 t6 t6 t7I. J.Lifeline Certification and Verification Requirements ............... K. TruConnect Will Comply With All Regulations Imposed By The Commission..... IV. DESIGNATION OF TRUCONNECT AS AN ETC WOULD PROMOTE THE PUBLIC TNTEREST A. Advantages of TruConnect's Service Offering.. B. The Benefits of Competitive Choice....... C. lmpact on the Universal Service Fund.......... l8 l8 .19 .19 .21 .22 .L)V.CONCLUSION.......... TABLE OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Certification..I Proposed Lifeline Offering .2 FCC-Approved Compliance Plan....J Coverage Area .......... Sample Advertisement............. Key Management Bios........... ................4 5 ..............6 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of CASE NO SAGE TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS, LLC DBA TRUCONNECT FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER APPLICATION OF SAGE TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS, LLC DBA TRUCONNECT FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER I. INTRODUCTION Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dba TruConnect ("TruConnect", or the "Company"), by its undersigned counsel, and pursuant to Section Ta@)Q) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"),l Sections 54.101 through 54.207 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"),2 and the rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"),3 hereby submits this Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC") in the State of Idaho. TruConnect seeks ETC designation solely to provide Lifeline service to qualifying Idaho consumers; it will not (and is not eligible to) seek access to funds from the federal Universal Service Fund ("USF") for the purpose of participating in the Link-Up program or providing service to high cost areas.4 | 47 U.S.C. $ 2la(e)(2) '? 47 C.F.R. S$ 54.101-54.207 1 See In the Mqtter of the Application of WWC Holding Co., Inc. d/b/a Cellular-one Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Caruier that may Receive F-ederal (lniversal Semice Supporl, OrderNo.2984l (August4,2005) ("Commission Order No. 29841"). a Given that the Company only seeks Lifeline support from the low-income program and does not seek any high-cost support, ETC certification requirements for the high-cost program are not applicable to the Company. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) TruConnect requests that its designation as an ETC include the authority to participate in and receive reimbursement from the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP). As demonstrated herein, and as certified in Exhibit I to this Application, TruConnect meets all the statutory and regulatory requirements for designation as an ETC in the State of ldaho, including the requirements outlined in the FCC's Lifeline and Link Up Reform Orders and Lifeline Modernization Order.6 Rapid grant of TruConnect's request, moreover, would advance the public interest because it would enable the Company to commence much needed Lifeline services to low- income Idaho residents as soon as possible. Accordingly, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously approve this Application for ETC designation. All correspondence, communications, pleadings, notices, orders and decisions relating to this Application should be addressed to: Lance J.M. Steinhart Managing Attorney Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys for Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dba TruConnect 1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Phone) (770)232-9208 (Fax) E-Mail: 5 In the Matter of Lifeline and Link (/p Reform and Modernization, Lifeline and Link Up, F-ederal-Stale Joint Board on Universal Service, Advancing Broadband Availabilily Through Digital Literacy Training, WC Docket No. I I -42, WC Docket No. 03-109, CC Docket No. 96-45, WC Docket No. 12-23, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC l2-11 (rel. Feb. 6,2012) ("Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order"). 6 In the Matter of Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernizalion, Telecommunication.s Carciers Eligible for Universal Service Supporl, Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 1l-42, WC Docket No. 00-197, WC Docket No. 10-90, Third Report and Order, Further Report and Order, and Order on Reconsideration, FCC l6-38 (rel. Apr.27, 2016) (herein afte1"I'hird Report and Order" or "Lifeline Modernization Order"). 2 II. BACKGROUND A. Company Overview TruConnect is a Texas Limited Liability Company,T with its principal office located at ll49 S. Hill Street, Suite H-400, Los Angeles, California 90015. Sage Telecom Communications, LLC is a subsidiary of TSC Acquisition Corporation ("TSC") and was formerly known as Sage Telecom, Inc. before a corporate restructuring in 2012. TSC also owns TruConnect Communications, Inc., formerly Telscape Communications, lnc., and the owners of TSC separately own TruConnect Mobile, LLC, which sells mobile hotspot devices and low-cost monthly data plans, as well as TruConnect Technologies, LLC, a mobile data analytics company that develops data intelligence products and services for wireless carriers, cable operators, content providers, and application developers. TruConnect provides prepaid wireless telecommunications services to consumers by using the underlying wireless networks of Sprint Spectrum, L.P. ("Sprint"), Verizon Wireless ("Verizon"), and/or T-Mobile USA, Inc. ("T-Mobile") (collectively, "Underlying Carriers") on a wholesale basis to offer nationwide service. TruConnect obtains from its Underlying Carriers the network infrastructure and wireless transmission facilities to allow the Company to operate as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator ("M\rNO"), similar to TracFone Wireless, Inc. ("TracFone") and Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. ("Virgin Mobile"), who have been granted ETC status by the Commission.8 TruConnect is currently designated as a wireless ETC in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, lowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, 7 TruConnect was organized in the State of Texas on December 5,2012. 8 See In the Matter of the Amended Application of TracFone Ll/ireless, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunicalions Carrier in the State of ldaho for the Limited Purposes of Offering Lifeline Service to Qualified Ilouseholds. Case No. TFW-T-09-01. Order No. 32586 (June 29, 2012) ("TracF'one ETC Order"); In the Matter of the Pelilion of Virgin Mobile USA for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier. Case No. VMU-T-11-01. Final Order No. 32645 (Sept. 19,2012) ("Virgin Mobile ETC Order"). J Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin. TruConnect has applications for ETC designation pending with the FCC and in Illinois. TruConnect's prepaid wireless services are affordable, easy to use, and attractive to low- income and lower-volume consumers, providing them with access to emergency services and a reliable means of communication that can be used both at home and while traveling to remain in touch with friends and family and for contacting prospective employers. TruConnect offers consumers simple and affordable prepaid calling plans, a variety of prepaid service plans, easy-to- use handsets and high-quality customer service. Given its pricing and marketing strategy and the demographics of its customers in other states, TruConnect anticipates that many of its customers will be from low-income backgrounds and will not previously have enjoyed access to wireless service because of economic constraints, poor credit history, or sporadic employment. TruConnect does not conduct credit checks or require customers to enter into long-term service contracts as a prerequisite to obtaining wireless service. By providing affordable wireless plans and quality customer service to consumers who are otherwise unable to afford them, or who were previously ignored by traditional carriers, TruConnect will expand the availability of wireless services to many more consumers, which is the principal reason that Congress created the universal service program. B. Proposed Lifeline Offering TruConnect has the ability to provide all services supported by the universal service program, as detailed in Section 5a.l0l(a) of the FCC's Rules (47 C.F.R. $ 5a.l0l(a)) throughout Idaho. TruConnect intends to be a leader in the prepaid marketplace by offering consumers exceptional value and competitive amounts of voice and broadband usage. The Company's Lifeline service offering will provide customers with the same features and functionalities enjoyed 4 by all other TruConnect prepaid customers, with one notable exception: TruConnect's prepaid Lifeline services will not require payment of an out-of-pocket foe by subscribers, but instead, TruConnect will receive support from the Lifeline program as compensation for providing those services. TruConnect commits that its Lifeline-supported voice services will meet or exceed the minimum service standards set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.408, including as such standards are updated going forward. TruConnect's Lifeline-supported broadband services will also meet the minimum service standards set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.408 for mobile broadband intemet access services, including for service speed and data usage allowance, as such standards are updated going forward. To the extent TruConnect provides devices for use with Lifeline-supported broadband service, such devices will meet the equipment requirements set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.408(f), and TruConnect will not impose an additional or separate tethering charge for mobile data usage below the minimum standard. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 is a summary table of the Company'sproposed Lifeline service offerings, showing that Lifeline customers can receive 1,000 voice minutes, unlimited text messages, and 2 gigabytes (GB) of data per month at a net cost of $0.00 after application of Lifeline support, or choose a discounted retail plan option with unlimited voice minutes and higher allotment of data. Customers will also be able to purchase additional minutes or data as needed. In addition to wholly-supported or discounted wireless services, prepaid Lifeline customers will receive a free handset or SIM card, as well as access to voice mail, caller I.D., call forwarding, 3- way calling, and call waiting features at no additional charge. Customers may use their minutes to place domestic long-distance calls at no additional charge, and calls to the Company's customer 5 service are free with no deduction of available minutes. Calls to 911 emergency services are always free, regardless of service activation or availability of minutes. As Exhibit 2 demonstrates, the Company's Lifeline offering will not only allow feature- rich mobile connectivity for qualifring subscribers at no cost to the subscriber, but also will bring a variety of rate plans into the reach of eligible customers that are comparable in minutes and features to those available to post-paid wireless subscribers - but at low Lifeline rates and without a the burden of credit checks or service contracts. TruConnect's prepaid offering will be an attractive alternative for consumers who need the mobility, security, and convenience of a wireless phone, but who are concerned about usage charges or long-term contracts. C. Plan Enrollment Customers interested in obtaining information on the Lifeline program will be directed to a toll-free telephone number and to the Company's website, which will contain information regarding the Company's Lifeline service plans, including a description of the Lifeline program and eligibility criteria. Customers may then request that an enrollment form (hereinafter also referred to as application or certification form) be mailed to them, complete the online application, download a form from the Intemet or retrieve a form in person at a Company event (or apply directly through the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier ("National Verifier"), once implemented in ldaho). TruConnect utilizes the standard Lifeline application/certification forms as required by FCC rules, and thus complies with the disclosure and information collection requirements in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.410(d).e Processing of consumers' applications, including review of all application forms and relevant documentation, will be performed underthe Company's supervision by managers e FCC lryireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance on Universal Formsfor the Lifeline Program, WC Docket No. 1l-42, Public Notice, "Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance on Universal Forms for the Lifeline Program," DA l8-l6l (rel. Feb.20,2018). The standard application/certification forms are available on USAC's website (See USAC, Lifeline Forms, 6 experienced in the administration of the Lifeline program. In addition, the Company will notify the applicant that the prepaid service must be personally activated by the subscriber and the subscriber must use their service every thirty (30) days. TruConnect will annually re-certify the continued eligibility of all of its Lifeline subscribers in accordance with federal and Commission regulations. See Exhibit 3 for additional enrollment information. D. Prevention of Waste, Fraud and Abuse TruConnect recognizes the importance of safeguarding the USF. TruConnect has implemented measures and procedures to prevent duplicate Lifeline benefits being awarded to the same household. TruConnect complies with the requirements of the National Lifeline Accountability Database ("NLAD") and section 54.404 of the FCC's rules. As such the Company (or Eligibility Administrator or National Verifier, where applicable) queries the NLAD for every enrollmentl0 to determine whether a prospective subscriber is currently receiving a Lifeline service from TruConnect or any other ETC, and whether anyone else living at the prospective subscriber's residential address is currently receiving Lifeline service.rl In addition, Company personnel emphasize the "one Lifeline service per household" restriction in their direct sales contacts with potential customers. Moreover, the FCC has taken steps to further curb abuse in the Lifeline program by establishing the National Verifier, which transfers the responsibility of eligibility determination '0 With the limited exception of states that have opted out of the NLAD. In those states, the Company will query the state duplicates database. tt See Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order\203. 7 away from Lifeline providers.12 TruConnect will rely on the National Verifier, once in place, to determine initial and ongoing eligibility of Idaho Lifeline subscribers. Consistent with federal regulations, the Company will not seek USF reimbursement for new subscribers until they have personally activated the service, either by initiation and/or actual use of the service, and will de-enroll any subscriber that has not used the Company's Lifeline service as set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.a07(c)(2). An account will be considered active if the authorized subscriber establishes usage, as "usage" is defined by 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.a07(c)(2), during the specified timeframe, currently a period of thirty (30) days, or during the notice period set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.405(e)(3), currently a period of fifteen (15) days. In accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.a05(e)(3), TruConnect will provide the subscriber advanced notice, using clear, easily understood language, that the subscriber's failure to use the Lifeline service within the notice period will result in service termination for non-usage. Customers that have been deactivated may participate in the Company's Lifeline service in the future by reapplying and re-establishing eligibility. To further protect the integrity of the USF, TruConnect contracts with a third party Lifeline service bureau, currently CGM, LLC, to edit all subsidy request data. CGM will process and validate the Company's subsidy data to prevent: (1) Duplicate Same-Month Lifeline Subsidies (Double Dip): any name/address that is already receiving a lifeline subsidy from the Company will be automatically prevented from receiving a second lifeline subsidy in that same month; and (2) Inactive lines receiving subsidy: CGM's systems compare all subsidy requests to underlying network status to ensure that subsidies are requested only for active lines. Moreover, TruConnect has implemented an intemal auditing process to review NLAD and CGM findings as a final layer of t2 See Lifeline Modernization Order, section III.C 8 fraud prevention. Through the processes described above, TruConnect ensures that it does not over- request from support funds. E. The Commission Has Jurisdiction to Designate Wireless ETCs. Section zla@)Q) of the Act provides state public utility commissions with the "primary responsibility" for the designation of ETCs.r3 Although Section 332(c)(3)(A) of the Act prohibits states from regulating the entry of or the rates charged by any provider of commercial mobile service or any private mobile service, this prohibition does not allow states to deny wireless carriers ETC Therefore, the Commission has the authority to designate TruConnect as an ETC. Pursuant to this authority, the Commission has designated numerous carriers as ETCs in the State of Idaho, including wireless carriers.15 Under the Act, a state public utility commission with jurisdictional authority over ETC designations must designate a common carrier as an ETC if the carrier satisfies the requirements of Section 2la(e)(l). TruConnect recognizes that Section 2la(e)(l)(A) of the Act states that ETCs shall offer services, at least in part, over their own facilities and that Section 54.201(i) of the FCC's Rules (47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(i)) prohibits state commissions from designating as an ETC a telecommunications carrier that offers services exclusively through the resale of another carrier's services. However, the FCC has granted forbearance from enforcement of this facilities requirement to carriers seeking Lifeline-only ETC designation.r6 Section l0(e) of the Act(47 U.S.C. $ 160(e)) provides: "[a] State commission may not continue to apply or enforce any provision of this chapter that the [Federal Communications] Commission has determined to forbear from applying under rr 47 U.S.C. $ 2la(e)(2). t4 USF Order, at 8858-59, fl 145. ts See e.g., TracFone ETC Order and Virgin Mobile ETC Order t6 See Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order atl368. 9 subsection (a) of this section." As such, the Commission is required by Section l0(e) to act in accordance with the FCC's grant of forbearance, and therefore, may not apply the facilities-based requirement to TruConnect. Therefore, the Commission has the authority under Section 2la@)Q) of the Act to grant TruConnect's request for designation as an ETC throughout the State of Idaho. III. TRUCONNECT SATISFIES THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ETC Section 25a@) of the Act provides that, "only an eligible telecommunications carrier designated under section 2la@) shall be eligible to receive specific federal universal service support." Section zla@)Q) of the Act authorizes state commissions, such as the Commission, to designate ETC status for federal universal service purposes and authorizes the Commission to designate wireless ETCs.rT Section 2la(e)(l) of the Act and Section 54.201(d) of the FCC's rules provide that applicants for ETC designation must be common carriers that will offer all of the services supported by universal service, either using their own facilities or a combination of their own facilities and the resale of another carrier's services, except where the FCC has forborne from the "own facilities" requirement. Applicants also must commit to advertise the availability and rates of such services,l8 and provide additional information set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.202(a). As detailed below, TruConnect satisfies each of the above-listed requirements. A. TruConnect Wiil Provide Service Consistent with the FCC's Grant of Forbearance from Section 214's Facilities Requirements Although Section 214 requires ETCs to provide services using their facilities, at least in part, the FCC has forborne from that requirement with respect to carriers such as TruConnect. In the Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order, the FCC granted forbearance from the "own-facilities" t7 See Federal-Slate Joint Board on Universal Service, First Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 8776, 8858-59, fl 145 (1997) (*USF Order"). t8 See 47 U.S.C. $ 2la(e)(1) and 47 C.F.R. S s4.201(dX2). t0 requirement contained in Section 2la(e)(l)(A) for carriers that are, or seek to become, Lifeline-only ETCs, subject to the following conditions:le (l) the carrier must comply with certain 911 requirements [(a) providing its Lifeline subscribers with 9ll and E9l1 access, regardless of activation status and availability of minutes; (b) providing its Lifeline subscribers with E9l l-compliant handsets and replacing, at no additional charge to the subscriber, noncompliant handsets of Lifeline-eligible subscribers who obtain Lifeline-supported services; and (c) complying with conditions (a) and (b) starting on the effective date of this Order]; and (2) the carrier must file, and the Bureau must approve, a compliance plan providing specific information regarding the carrier's service offerings and outlining the measures the carrier will take to implement the obligations contained in this Order as well as further safeguards against waste, fraud and abuse the Bureau may deem necessary. In accordance with the Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order, TruConnect filed a Compliance Plan with the FCC, which the FCC approved on December 26,2012.20 A copy of its FCC- Approved Compliance Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. TruConnect commits to providing Lifeline service in Idaho in accordance with its FCC-approved Compliance Plan and in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations, to the extent amendments thereto may supersede commitments made in the Compliance Plan. B. TruConnect Is a Common Carrier CMRS providers like TruConnect are treated as common carriers.2l C. TruConnect Will Provide All Supported Services Through its Underlying Carriers, TruConnect is able to provide all of the supported services te See Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order at flfl 368, 373, and379. 20 See FCC Public Notice DA 12-2063, 2063A1 Rcd.pdf. 2t Implementation of Seclions 3(n) and 332 of the Communicalions /cl, Regulatory T'reatment of Mobile Servrces, GN Docket No. 93-252, Second Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd 1411 , 1425 n 37 , 1454-55 n 102 (1994) (wireless resellers are included in the statutory "mobile services" category, and providers of cellular service are common carriers and CMRS providers);47 U.S.C. $ 332(c)(l)(A) ("mobile services" providers are common carriers); see also PCIA I'etitionfor F'orbearancefor Broadband PCE WT Docket No. 98-100, (Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 13 FCC Rcd 16857, 169l I fl 1l I (1998) ("We concluded [in the Second Report and Orderf that CMRS also includes the following common carrier services: cellular service, ... all mobile telephone sewices and resellers of such services.") (emphasis added). ll required by Section 54.101(a) of the FCC's Rules (47 C.F.R. $ 5a.101(a)) as follows: 1. Voice Telephony Service As set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.l0l(a)(l), eligible Voice Telephony Services must provide the following: Voiqe Grade Access to the Public Switched Tqlephone Network. TruConnect provides voice grade access to the public switched telephone network ("PSTN") through the purchase of wholesale CMRS services from its facilities-based underlying carriers. Local Usage At No Additional Charee. TruConnect offers rate plans that provide its customers with minutes of use for local service at no additionalcharge. Access to Emerqency Services. TruConnect provides 9l I and E9l I access for all of its customers to the extent the local government in its service area has implemented 9ll or E91l systems. As noted, calls to 911 emergency services will always be free and will be available regardless of service activation status or availability of minutes. TruConnect also complies with the FCC's regulations governing the deployment and availability of E9l I compatible handsets. Toll Limitation. In its Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order, the FCC provided that toll limitation would no longer be deemed a supported service.22 "ETCs are not required to offer toll limitation service to low-income consumers if the Lifeline offering provides a set amount of minutes that do not distinguish between toll and non-toll calls."23 Nonetheless, TruConnect's offerings inherently allow Lifeline subscribers to control their usage, as its wireless service is offered on a prepaid, or pay-as-you-go, basis. TruConnect's service, moreover, is not offered on a distance-sensitive basis and local and domestic long distance minutes are treated the same. 22 See Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order atl367 23 See id. atl49. t2 2. Broadband Internet Access Services Broadband Internet access service ("BIAS") is a supported service as of December 2,2016. The FCC has stated that BIAS consists of the ability for a user to receive "the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial- up Intemet access service."24 TruConnect provides BIAS to low-income consumers via resale of its underlying carriers' mobile services. D. TruConnect Requests Designation Throughout Its Service Area TruConnect is not a rural telephone company as defined in Section 153(37) of the Act (47 U.S.C. $ 153(37)). Accordingly, TruConnect is required to describe the geographic area(s) within which it requests designation as an ETC. TruConnect requests ETC designation that is statewide in scope (excluding tribal lands), to allow the Company to provide Lifeline service wherever its underlying, facilities-based providers have wireless coverage. The current zip code coverage footprint is attached hereto as Exhibit 4. TruConnect understands that its service area overlaps with rural carriers in ldaho, but maintains that the public interest factors described below justify its designation in these carriers' service areas, especially because it seeks ETC designation solely to utilize USF funding to provide Lifeline service to qualified low-income consumers. TruConnect is not eligible for and does not seek Link-Up or high-cost support. Therefore, designation of TruConnect as an ETC will cause no growth in the high-cost portions of the USF and will not erode high-cost support from any rural telephone company. In fact, the FCC has determined that "[d]esignation of competitive ETCs promotes competition and benefits consumers in rural and high-cost areas by increasing customer choice, innovative services, 2a See 47 C.F.R. $ 8.2(a). l3 and new technologies."25 While federal rules (47 U.S.C. $$ 160, 2la(e)(5) and 47 C.F.R. $ 54.207(b)) require that the service area of an ETC conform to the service area of any rural telephone company serving the same area (the 'oservice area conformance" requirement), the FCC's Lifeline and Link Up Reform Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 13-44 released April I 5, 2013) authorized forbearance from the service area conformance requirements with respect to carriers seeking to provide Lifeline-only service.26 In light of this forbearance, the Commission has the authority to designate ETCs such as TruConnect in rural areas without concern for the service area conformance requirement.2T E. TruConnect Will Advertise the Availability of Supported Services TruConnect will advertise the availability and rates for the services described above using media of general distribution as required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(d)(2) and the rules adopted by this Commission. TruConnect's advertising will comply with the requirements set forth in the Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order, as outlined in TruConnect's Compliance Plan.28 The Company will advertise its services in a manner reasonably designed to reach those likely to qualify for Lifeline service, using mediums for outreach such as print advertisements, direct marketing, social media and the Internet. TruConnect will engage in advertising campaigns specifically targeted to reach those likely to qualifu for Lifeline service, promoting the availability of cost-effective wireless services to this neglected consumer segment. TruConnect may also promote the availability of its Lifeline offering by distributing brochures at various state and local 25 See Western Llireless Corporation Petitionfor Designcttion as an Eligible Telecommunicalions Carrier in the Stale of Wyoming, Memorandum Opinion and Order, l6 FCC Rcd 48, 55 (2000). 26 See In the Matter of Telecommunications Carriers Eligiblefor Support, Lifeline and Link (/p Reform, WC Docket No.09-197, WC DocketNo. ll-42, Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 13-44 (rel. April 15,2013). 27 See 47 C.F.R. $ 54.207(c). 28 See Exhibit 3, section (4). See also Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order at Section VII.F. l4 social service agencies, and may partner with nonprofit assistance organizations in order to inform customers of the availability of its Lifeline service. In addition, TruConnect intends to utilize its network of retail partners (once established) to help promote the availability of its Lifeline plans, especially retail outlets that are frequented by low-income consumers. TruConnectwill provide retail vendors with signage to be displayed where Company products are sold, and with printed materials describing the Company's Lifeline program.2e TruConnect will explain in clear, easily understood language the following disclosures in all marketing materials related to the supported service: (a) that the service is a Lifeline-supported service; (b) that only eligible consumers may enroll in the program; (c) what documentation is necessary for enrollment; and (d) that the benefit is limited to one per household consisting of either wireline or wireless service and is non-transferrable. TruConnect will also explain that Lifeline is a government benefit program and willfully making false statements to obtain Lifeline benefits may be punished by fine or imprisonment or result in being barred from the program. Additionally, TruConnect will disclose the company name under which it does business and the details of its Lifeline service offerings in any Lifeline-related marketing and advertising. F. Service Commitment Throughout the Proposed Designated Service Area TruConnect will provide service in Idaho by reselling service which it obtains from its underlying carriers. These providers' networks are operational and largely built out. Thus, TruConnect will be able to commence offering its Lifeline service to all locations served by its underlying carriers very soon after receiving approval from the Commission. In accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 54.202(a)(1)(i), and by the attached certification, TruConnect commits to comply with the service requirements applicable to the low-income support that it 2e See attached Exhibit 5 for a sample advertisement. l5 receives. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 54.202(a)(l)(ii), a common carrier seeking designation as a Lifeline-only ETC is not required to submit a five-year network improvement plan as part of its application for designation as an ETC.30 G. Ability to Remain Functional in Emergency Situations In accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.202(a)(2), TruConnect has the ability to remain functional in emergency situations. As discussed, TruConnect will utilize the extensive and well- established Verizon, Sprint, and/or T-Mobile networks and facilities to provide its Lifeline services. The Company understands that the Underlying Carrier networks have access to a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source, are able to reroute traffic around damaged facilities, and are capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. lndeed, these Underlying Carriers have repeatedly certified to the FCC that their networks function in emergency situations.3l l'he Underlying Carriers provide the same functionality to TruConnect and its customers as these carriers provide to themselves and their own customers. H. Commitment to Consumer Protection and Service Quality Under FCC guidelines, an ETC applicant must demonstrate that it will satisfy applicable consumer protection and service quality standards, and wireless applicants may satisfy this requirement with a commitment to comply with the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association's ("CTIA") Consumer Code for Wireless Service.32 TruConnect hereby commits to 30 See also Lifeline and Link (lp Reform Order atl386. 3t See, e.g., Sprint Nextel Corporation Verified Filing in Compliance with 17 C.F.R. S 54.209, CC Docket No. 96-45, at 6 (filed Sept. 30, 20ll); In the Matter of T'elecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Seryice Support, Petition of T-Mobile USA, Inc. for Designation as a Low-lncome Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, et al., WC Docket No. 09- I 97, at 20 (released Aug. 16,2012). 32 See 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.202(a)(3). l6 comply with the CTIA Consumer Code for Wireless Service. I. TruConnect is Financially and Technically Capable In accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.202(a)(4), TruConnect is financially and technically capable of providing Lifeline-supported services. The Company has been offering telecommunications service since 1998 and began providing non-Lifeline wireless service in October 2012 and Lifeline-supported wireless service in May 2013. TruConnect already successfully provides wireless services nationwide, including Lifeline services in seventeen (17) states.33 TruConnect has not been subject to enforcement actions, and has not been subject to ETC revocation proceedings except as explained in the footnote below.3a The Company has operated as a telecommunications carrier for twenty years and has never had to file for bankrupcy protection, and is supported by the resources of its parent, TSC Acquisition Colporation ("TSC"). TruConnect does not, and does not intend to, offer exclusively Lifeline-supported services-and is therefore not exclusively dependent on USAC for its revenue. The result of TruConnect's efforts is that it is a 33 TruConnect is in the process of launching its wireless Lifeline service in the remaining states in which it has been designated as an ETC. 3a In a Memorandum dated October 18,2017 in Docket No. 3005-TI-102, Wisconsin Commission ("WI PSC") Staff noted concerns that the Company was not providing Lifeline service in Wisconsin and may have failed to inform the WI PSC of changes to contact numbers and web sites. TruConnect acknowledges that the Company should have informed the WI PSC of changes to contact numbers and web sites, a process which was overlooked due to internal restructuring and employee turnover in 2016 and 2017. TruConnect has put measures in place to ensure consistent, timely compliance going forward by contracting with the following independent third-party compliance vendors: FAS Tek Compliance Solutions, Inc. for ongoing regulatory compliance and reporting; Expert Telecom Compliance, Inc. for ETC-specific compliance, Telecom Professionals, Inc. for ongoing sales and use tax and E-91 1 compliance; and Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. for legal and regulatory services, including maintaining current contact information with regulatory entities, as well as legal advice regarding operations, marketing and compliance, rate changes and service area expansions, advice regarding state and federal ETC Lifeline rulemakings and rule changes, and general monitoring of Lifeline notices and proceedings that could potentially affect TruConnect. These third-party vendors will provide industry expertise and add a layer of accountability and protection regardless of unforeseen intemal personnel changes, although in addition, the Company has dedicated staff to work with these aforementioned compliance providers. Regrettably, as a result of TruConnect not updating its address with the WI PSC, the Company did not receive notice ofthe proceeding and proposed revocation ofits ETC designation, and therefore the Company's Wisconsin ETC designation was revoked effective December 19,2017 without input from TruConnect. However, TruConnect re-filed for ETC designation in Wisconsin on March 26,2018 which the WI PSC conditionally granted effective August 28, 2018. l7 profitable, liquid company, fully capable of honoring all its service obligations to customers and regulatory obligations to state and federal regulators. Furthermore, the senior management of TruConnect has great depth in the telecommunications industry and offers extensive telecommunications business technical and managerial expertise to the Company.3s TruConnect will be providing resold wireless service, and therefore will also rely upon the managerial and technical expertise of its underlying carriers. J. TruConnect Will Comply with the Lifeline Certification and Verification Requirements Section 54.410 of the FCC's Rules requires ETCs to certify and verify a Lifeline customer's initial and continued eligibility. TruConnect will certifo and verify consumer eligibility in accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 54.410, utilizing the streamlined eligibility criteria implemented by the Lifeline Modernization Order (see 47 C.F.R. $ 54.409), and will annually re-certifu the continued eligibility of all of its subscribers. K. TruConnect Will Comply With All Regulations Imposed By The Commission By this Application, TruConnect hereby asserts its willingness and ability to comply with all the rules and regulations that the Commission may lawfully impose upon the Company's provision of service contemplated by this Application. TruConnect commits to comply with applicable ITSAP regulations, including but not limited to required monthly reporting, as well as execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Health and Welfare. TruConnect further commits to remit required ITSAP funds to the ITSAP Administrator. As the Company is not seeking high-cost support for its wireless service, it hereby requests a waiver of the Commission Rules, Commission Order No. 29841 Section B.l (two-year network 35 See Exhibit 6 for key management bios. 18 improvement and maintenance plan based on high-cost support). Because the Company is not seeking high-cost support, this rule is not applicable and therefore should be waived. IV. DESIGNATION OF TRUCONNECT AS AN ETC WOULD PROMOTE THE PUBLIC INTEREST One of the principalgoals of the Act, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, is "to secure lower prices and higher quality services for American telecommunications consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies" to all citizens, regardless of geographic location or income.36 Designation of TruConnect as an ETC in Idaho will further that public interest. Whether because of financial constraints, poor credit history, or intermittent employment, many low-income consumers often lack the countless choices available to most consumers and thus have yet to reap the full benefits of the intensely competitive wireless market- The instant request for ETC designation must be examined in light of the Act's goal of providing low-income consumers with access to telecommunications services. The primary purpose of universal service is to ensure that consumers-particularly low-income consumers- receive affordable and comparable telecommunications services. Given this context, designating TruConnect as an ETC would significantly benefit low-income consumers eligible for Lifeline services in ldaho-the intended beneficiaries of universal service. A. Advantages of TruConnect's Service Offering The public interest benefits of TruConnect's wireless service include larger local calling areas (as compared to traditional wireline carriers); the convenience, portability and security afforded by mobile telephone service; the opportunity for customers to control cost by receiving a 16 Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, I I0 Stat.56. l9 preset amount of monthly airtime at no charge; the opportunity for customers to receive both the minimum service standards for voice andbroadband usage within the same rate plan; the ability of users to use the supported service to send and receive "SMS" or text messages; the ability for customers to purchase additional usage at flexible and affordable amounts in the event that included usage has been exhausted (and the courtesy of free low-balance alerts); the option to purchase international calling at affordable rates; the opportunity for customers to receive service without going through a credit check or deposit requirement, or committing to a long-term service contract; and access to 9l I and E9l I (where available) service in accordance with current FCC requirements. Low-income individuals can greatly benefit from the advantages offered by the Company's Lifeline service, which provides access to wholly-supported wireless service to assist in emergency situations, facilitate job search efforts, and to maintain contact with family members. It is a commonly accepted fact that in today's market all consumers, including qualified Lifeline customers, view the portability and convenience of wireless service not as a luxury, but as a necessity. Mobile service allows children to reach their parents, wherever they may be, allows a person seeking employment the ability to be contacted by potential employers, and provides end users with the ability to contact emergency service providers, regardless of location. TruConnect's prepaid wireless service is likely to be an especially attractive option for low-income consumers because it alleviates customer concerns regarding hidden costs, varying monthly charges and long- term contract issues. Providing TruConnect with the authority necessary to offer discounted Lifeline service to those most in danger of losing wireless service altogether undoubtedly promotes the public interest. 20 Finally, grant of TruConnect's Application will serve the public interest in increasing the number of ETCs in Idaho. By granting ETC status to TruConnect, the Commission will enable TruConnect to increase the number of Idaho residents receiving Lifeline support, thereby increasing the amount of USF money flowing into Idaho. In sum, ETC designation in the State of Idaho would enable TruConnect to provide all of the public benefits cited by the FCC in its analysis in the Virgin Mobile Order. Namely, TruConnect would provide "increased consumer choice, high-quality service offerings, and mobility,"37 as well as the safety and security of effective 9l I and E9l I services.3S B. The Benefits of Competitive Choice The FCC has acknowledged the benefits to consumers of being able to choose from among a variety of telecommunications service providers for more than three decades.3e Designation of TruConnect as an ETC will promote competition and innovation, spurring other carriers to target low-income consumers with service offerings tailored to their needs, ultimately resulting in improved services to consumers. Designation of TruConnect as an ETC will help ensure that quality services are available at'Just, reasonable, and affordable rates" as envisioned in the Introducing TruConnect into the market as an additional wireless ETC provider will afford low- income Idaho residents a wider choice of providers and available services while creating a competitive marketplace as ETCs compete for a finite number of Lifeline-eligible customers. Increasing the competitive marketplace of providers has the potential to effectively increase the penetration rate and reduce the number of individuals not connected to the PSTN. 37 See Virgin Mobile Order,24 FCC Rcd at 3395 !l 38. 38 See Id. at3391 123. 3e See, e.g., Specialized Common Carrier Services,29FCC Rcd 870 (1971). ao See 47 U.S.C. $ 254(bxl). 21 C. Impact on the Universal Service Fund TruConnect's request for designation as an ETC solely for purposes of participating in the Lifeline program would not unduly burden the USF or otherwise reduce the amount of funding available to other ETCs. With Lifeline, ETCs only receive support for customers they obtain. The amount of support available to an eligible subscriber is exactly the same whether the support is given through a company such as TruConnect or the Incumbent LEC operating in the same service area. The number of persons eligible for Lifeline support is the same the Company's designation as an ETC; TruConnect will only increase the amount of USF Lifeline funding in situations where it obtains Lifeline customers not already enrolled in another ETC's Lifeline program. By implementing the safeguards set forth inthe Lifeline and Link Up Reform Order and utilizing the NLAD and National Verifier (once in place), the likelihood that TruConnect's customers are not eligible or are receiving duplicative support either individually or within their household is greatly minimized. TruConnect's ability to increase the Lifeline participation rate of qualified low-income individuals will further the goal of Congress to provide all individuals with affordable access to telecommunications service, and thus any incremental increases in Lifeline expenditures are far outweighed by the significant public interest benefits of expanding the availability of affordable wireless services to low-income consumers. 22 V. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, designation of TruConnect as an ETC in the State of Idaho accords with the requirements of Section2la@)Q) of the Act and is in the public interest. WHEREFORE, TruConnect respectfully requests that the Commission promptly designate TruConnect as an ETC in the State of Idaho for the purpose of participating in the Lifeline program. Respectfully submitted, Lance J.M. Steinhart Managing Attorney Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. 1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Phone) (770) 232-9208 (Fax) E-Mail: Attorneys for Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect January 24,2019 23 EXHIBIT I Certification STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) )COUNTY OF LOS AI\GELES I, Nathan Johnson, the Co-CEO (Co-Chief Executive Officer) of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dlb/a TruConnect, hereby depose and state that I have read the foregoing Application and knows the contents thereof, and confirm that the statements made therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Co-CEO EXHIBIT 2 Proposed Lifeline Offering Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dlbla TruConnect Lifeline Offering Terms & Conditions maintained at * unl i m ite d I hr ot t le d dat a t he re afte r Plans Include o Free data-capable device or SIM card . Free calls to Company Customer Service . Free calls to 91 I emergency services o Free access to Voicemail, Caller-ID, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, and 3-Way Calling . Free Domestic Long Distance o Data at 3G speeds or higher Additional airtime available toruufchase Voice, Data, and International Talk refill options are maintained on the Company's website: https :// onal Plan Minutes Text Data Net Cost to Lifeline Customer Basic Lifeline PIan 1,000 Unlimited 2.0 GB s 0.00 Bundled Plan I Unlimited Unlimited 4.0 GB*$35.00 Before the FEDERAL COMMT]MCATIONS COMNdISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service WC Docket No. 09-197 Lifeline and LinkUp Reform Modemization WCDocketNo, ll42 RE\TSED COMPLIANCE PLAN OF SAGE TELECOM,INC. Sage Telecom, Inc. ("Sage"), by its attorneys, respectfirlly submits this Compliance Plan ('?lan") for the purposes of seeking federal Lifeline support for wireless service under the Universal Service Fund's Low lncome Program. In the Ltfeline Reform Order,l the Commission adopted rules and procedures through which it instituted *blanket forbearance" from the applications of the facilities requirement to all telecommunications carriers seeking a limited ETC designation to provide wireless Lifeline services. In order to qualify for this blanket forbearance, the Commission requires carriers to comply with certain 911 requirements and file and receive approval of a compliance plan providing specific information about its service offerings and procedures to safeguard against waste, fraud and abuse. Therefore, Sage respectfully submits this Plan in accordance with the Lifeline Reform Order and instructions set forth in the Wireline Competition Bureau Public Notice issued on ' In the Motter of Lifeline qnd Link Up Reform snd Modernbation Lfeline and Link llp, Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Selvice, Advancing Broadband Availability Through Digital Literacy Training, WC Docket No. 1142, WC Docket No. 03-109, CC Docket No.9645, WC Docket No.12-23, Report and Order and FurtherNotice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC I l-12,',|[ 172 (rel. Feb. 6, 2012) ("Lifeline Reform Ordet").-l- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) N75233916.2 February 29,2012.2 Sage seeks approval of this compliance plan only for the provision of Lifeline support to provide wireless services nationwide, as the company offers wireline service as a facilities-based carrier under the approval of state commissions. This Plan sets forth Sage's service offerings and the procedures and measures it will use to safeguard against waste, fraud and abuse. In support of this request Sage provides the following information: (l) Information about the carrier and the Lifeline plans it intends to offer: (a) names and identiliers used by the carrier, its holding company, operating company and all affiliates; Sage is a Texas corporation with offices located at 10440 N Central Expressway, Suite 700, Dallas,TX7523l.3 The company began operations as a competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC") providing traditional wireline service in 1998. Sage is authorized as a CLEC in 25 additional states and as an interexchange carrier in Colorado,o *d provides service in Arkansas, Califomi4 Connecticut,Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas and Wisconsin. Sage was authorized as an ETC in Texas in2002, and Sage also a provider of high speed Intemet services. Sage has also been designated as an ETC in a number of other states for the provisions of wireline seryice Lifeline service and currently has wireline Lifeline customers in five states for which it is reimbursed through state and/or federal programs, depending upon the state and the customer. Specifically, in California, Sage receives support only from the CPUC's Low Income Programs. Sage also receives support from state programs in Kansas, Texas and Wisconsin. Less than}0o/o of Sage's customers receive a subsidy from a low income 2 Public Notice, Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance for the Submissisn of Compliance Plans Pursuant to the Lifeline Reform Order, DA 12-314, (Rel. Feb. 29.2012). 3 Due to a planned move of corporate oftices, this address is effective after October 26,2012.a Technically, the services provided by Sage in Texas are under the corporate entity Sage Telecom of Texas, LP, and services in all other states are provided by Sage Telecom, Inc. However, services are all offered to consumers under the trade name "Sage Telecom, Inc." -Z_ N752339t6.2 program. The company is planning to launch wireless service on a non-Lifeline basis, primarily in Texas, through an MVNO arrangement with Sprint. As the company would like to expand this offering to Lifeline customers, Sage seeks approval of a compliance plan to offer Lifeline service using this resold service. Sage is wholly-owned by TSC Acquisition Corporation ("TSC"). TSC also owns Telscape Communications, Inc., A CLEC based in Califomia that primarily serves customers in that state on both a wireline and wireless basis. Sage, through its common ownership with Telscape, has collective access to a broader market and combined subscriber growth. Sage is also affiliated with TruConnect Mobile, LLC ("TruConnect"), through partial common ownership. TruConnectis 40yo owned by TSC, Sage's parent company as described above. TruConnect provides mobile broadband data services and does not provide any services supported by the low income program. (b) detailed information demonstrating the carrier is financially and technicalty capable of providing the supported Lifeline services in compliance with the Commission's rules; As a long-time provider of wireline services, particularly in Texas, Sage has a proven record of technical and financial qualifications. The company provides facilities-based wireline service in numerous states and has sophisticated back-office, operational and support systems, which allows it to operate at lower costs and pass those savings on to its subscribers. As a carrier who has provided service for nearly 14 years, Sage possesses the financial viability, as well as the expertise to continue to provide affordable and quality service to customers and has the proven experience to maintain its compliance with all applicable federal and state regulatory guidelines. Sage derives the majority of its revenue from the telecommunications services it provides to its customers. Sage does not and will not rely exclusively on the Universal Service -3- N75233916.7 Fund ("USF") disbursements to operate, but rather relies on revenues it receives from providing non-Lifeline wireline (and soon wireless) service, the payment for service by Lifeline customers,s as well as high-speed Internet services. [n addition, Sage has not been subject to any type of enforcement action or ETC revocation proceeding by the FCC or any state utility regulatory commission. Sage is working with Sprint Spectrum to resell Sprint's wireless services to non-Lifeline customers in Texas and elsewhere. As a Lifeline service provider, Sage would continue to work with Sprint, who provides the necessary network infrastructure and wireless facilities nec€ssary for the operation of Sage's services as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator ("MVNO'). As the Commission is aware, Sprint is a large, nationwide carrier who provides similar service to other wireless Lifeline providers operating as MVNOs. Sage's agreement and parErership with Sprint further demonstrates its financial and technical capability to provide these seniices. (c) detailed information, including geographic locations, of the carrierts current service offerings if the carrier currently offers serwice; u As detailed in response to Question l(a) above, Sage currently provides local and interstate wireline and is planning to provide wireless services in numerous states, with a particular emphasis on Texas. (d) the terms and conditions of each Lifeline service plan offering, including rates, the number of minutes provided and additional charges, if any, for toll calls; At this time, Sage plans to offer the following wireless Lifeline plans and services, subject to state specific requirements or requests from state PUCs. These plans are offered to both Lifeline and non-Lifeline subscribers, with a discount applied to the Lifeline customer. Seryices will be offered on a prepaid basis, and potentially also on a postpaid basis. All services 5 All of Sage's Lifeline wireline customers currently pay a monthly fee for the discounted service. -4- N7s231916.2 will norrrally have an activation fee and will likely require a monthly payment from the customer. The prices listed below show the basic, non-Lifeline price and the price to the consumer with the $9.25 Lifeline credit applied. AII plans will likely require a monthly payment by the customer. Sage commits to providing a minimum of 250 minutes per month for the $9.25 subsidy. Sage is still determining the exact plans it will offer (reiterating the condition that plans will provide a minimum of 250 minutes for the $9.25 subsidy), but a sample plan would be as follows: ValuMobile PIus Price: $24.25 monthllifeline Price: $ I 5.00 Activation Fee: $25.00 Additional Minutes: For all service plans the customer can purchase additional voice, data, MMS, text minutes for $0.05 per minute with aminimum purchase of $5.00. For example, 100 additional minutes will cost 55.00. The customer will have the ability to purchase 100 minutes ($5.00); 200 minutes ($10.00); 300 minutes ($15.00) and 500 minutes ($25.00). For Unlirnited service plans the customer will not need additional voice or text but will need to purchase additional minutes for data and MMS. MMS is priced at $0.15 per minute and Data is $0.05 per MB. Text Messages: The service plans include text messaging; text messaging rates are assessed at I minute per text message sent and I minute per text message received. Other: Plans do not permit rollover minutes. Top Ups are available for a 30 day period as long as the customer renews the service at the normal plan rate. Plans do not allow roaming. The $25.00 Activation Fee includes selection of a basic handset which is activated and provided ready for use. Customers are allowed to call internationally but will be assessed the intemational rates. International text rates are $0.20 per minute for messages sent or received. Special Promotional offer: 10 MB data FREE for 3 months with the selsction of a data capable phone. CostFeatures 500 minutes Voice/Text Included Call Waiting Included Included3 Way Calling Caller ID Included IncludedVoiceMail Free9il 611 (Customer Service)Free $1.50Directory Assistance l./752339t6.2 -5- (e) all other certilications required under newly amended section 54.202 of the Commission's rules. Section 54.202 requires ETCs to (1) certifr that it will comply with the applicable service requirements; (2) file a five-year plan detailing proposed improvements or upgrades in the network unless the ETC is receiving only Lifeline support; (3) demonstrate that it will continue to function in emergency situations including reasonable back-up backup power and emergency haffic management; (4) demonstrate that the carrier will comply with applicable consumer protection and service quality standards; (5) demonstrate that it is financially and technical qualified to provide Lifeline services that comply with the applicable rules; and (6) provide information concerning the terms and conditions of the service plans offered to Lifeline customers. In response to item (1), Sage certifies that it will comply with applicable service requirements and regulations for Lifeline support. ln response to item (2), Sage is not required to submit a five year plan since it is seeking to obtain only Lifeline support for its eligible customers. In response to item (3), as a CLEC provider in multiple states for over 14 years, Sage has significant experience with emergency preparedness. Sage has detailed Emergency Action and Disaster Recovery Plans in place to respond to emergencies. In addition, Sage's agreement with Sprint provides for the continuation of services during emergencies and sets forth obligations for the service to remain functioning during disasters and similar emergency situations. [n addition, as a nationwide carrier and provider of wireless service, Sprint also remains subject to the Commission's authority and must, and does, comply with federal outage reporting requirements. N75233916.2 -6- In response to item (4), Sage certifies that it will comply with the applicable consumer protection and service quality standards. As an operating CLEC in many states, Sage is already subject to states consumer protection and service quality requirements. Sage's wireless Lifeline customers will also receive the same quality service and protections. Sage's response to items (5) and (6) are provided above and in the provided exhibits @ A detailed explanation of how the carrier will comply with the Commission's new rules relating to determinations of subscriber eligibility for Lifeline services, including all consumer eligibility, consumer enrollment and ro-certifiication procedures as required by Section VI and Appendix C of the Lifeline Reform Order, and a copy of the carrier's certification form; Under the Lifeline Reform Order, ETCs must comply with eligibility rules for Lifeline services, including initial eligibility, certification, and annual re-certification procedures. [n addition to the Commission's rules, Sage must also comply with all certification and verification requirements for Lifeline eligibility established by states where Sage is designated as an ETC. For states that do not have a Lifeline administrator or state agency responsible for determining eligibility and initial certifications and annual certifications, Sage certifies it will comply with the Commission's certification and verification requirements and will follow the procedures outlined below until such time as the Commission implements its planned National Lifeline Accountabil ity Database. N75D3916.2 -7- Procedures for Initial Elieibilitv Determination and Certificafion of Lifeline Subscribers. With respect to determining eligibility certification procedures, the rules provide that an ETC must determine a Lifeline applicant's eligibility and provide and receive certification forms with proper documentation from Lifeline subscribers, except where there is a state Lifeline administrator or a state agency responsible for eligibility verification. In states where there is a third party entity acting as the Lifeline administator (also refered to as the "Low Income Discount Administrator" or *LIDA" in Texas) who is responsible for determining the eligibility of consumers seeking to subscribe to Lifeline service, sending out certification forms, reviewing documentation and providing ETCs with the appropriate approval of a potential subscriber's eligibility for Lifeline, Sage will comply with the prograrn rules established in those states and will cooperate fully with any state Lifeline administrator. Based on Sage's history of providing Lifeline and non-Lifeline customers in wireline products, Sage's primary source of signing up Lifeline customers will be via telephone, although some customers may be signed up in person at temporary locations staffed by Sage employees. Visitors to Sage's website will be given information about the program but are required to contact Sage directly via telephone to complete the sign-up process. These callers speak to Sage employees who are specially trained on the Lifeline programs. Sage's customer services representatives will review incomer and program-based requirements with applicants via telephone contact. During the initial sign up for service, Sage will (a) require the applicant to confirm that he or she is not already receiving a Lifeline service and that no one else in the applicant's household is subscribed to a Lifeline service in order to avoid providing duplicate services; and (b) inform the applicant of both the income- and program-based eligibility requirements to determine initial eligibility and any state-specific requirements. -8- N752339t6.2 Customers are offered the choice to either sign up for service as a non-Lifeline customer pending confirmation of eligibility, or to have their application for service held pending confirmation of eligibilrty. In the event the customer chooses to proceed, they are processed as a new non-Lifeline customer and the verification process continues as described below. The customer would only be given the Lifeline discount when they have satisfied the verification process, either through the state administrator or Sage's internal process. If the customer is eventually deemed ineligible, they receive no credit. Where the customer chooses to wait for confirmation of eligibility before starting service, the employee will take down the relevant information from the consumer, including payment information, but the order is then held pending verification of eligibility. Only if the customer is determined to be eligible is the order processed. The Verification process varies by state, in states with a Lifeline administrator, if a new applicant indicates that he or she is eligible for Lifeline service, Sage will provide the applicant's relevant information to the adminishator in conformance with any state or Lifeline administator specific mles. The Lifeline administator will provide the requisite forms and will be responsible for processing those forms when returned and ensuring the documentation is satisfactory as set forth in state regulations. Sage will not provide Lifeline service or seek reimbursement for providing services to such applicant until it receives a certification of eligibility from the Lifeline administrator. In states where there is no Lifeline administrator or state agency responsible for determining initial eligibility and certiffing Lifeline applicants, Sage will require all applicants to demonstrate either: (1) the applicant's household income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines based on the income-eligibility criteria set forth in Sections 54.409(a)(l) or -9- N?5233916.2 (aX3) or (2) the applicant participates in Medicaid, Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income, Federal Public Housing Assistance, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, National School Lunch Program or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. As required to prevent suspected duplications, Sage will also require the customer to complete the Lifeline Household Worksheet issued by USAC to ensure that duplicate support is not provided to any household. Sage will inform the applicant that any information provided will be submitted to USAC as necessary under the Commission's rules to verify the household is not receiving duplicate Lifeline support. After confirming initial eligibility either in person or over the phone, Sage will provide the individual with an application via mail requiring him or her to provide certain information and certify that they meet either the income-based eligibility requirements or the program-based requirements, make certain certifications and submit documentation. Specifically, Sage's Lifeline application form will collect the following information from the potential Lifeline customers: (i) the subscriber's full name; (ii) the subscriber's full residential street address (P.O. Boxes will not be acceptable); (iii) whether the residential address is permanent or temporary; (iv) the subscriber's billing address, if different; (v) the subscriber's date of birth; (vi) the last four digits of the subscriber's Social Security number (or Tribal identification number if the subscriber is a member of a Tribal nation and does not have a Social Security number); (vii) if the subscriber is seeking to qualiff for Lifeline under the program-based criteria, the name of the quali$ing assistance program from which the zubscriber, or his or her dependents, or his or her household receives benefits; and (viii) if the subscriber is seeking to qualiff for Lifeline under the income-based criterion, the number of individuals in his or her household. -10- N75233916.2 In addition, as part of the Lifeline application, Sage will require all Lifeline applicants to certifr, under penalty of perjury, that: the applicant meets the income-based or progftrm-based eligibility criteria for receiving Lifeline either because the household receives benefits from a state or federal assistance program (and list the name of the program) or has income at or below 135Yo of the Federal Poverty Guidelines; the applicant has provided documentation to Sage that correctly and accurately confirms the subscriber's household income or participation in the aboveJisted program(s); the applicant will notify its carrier within thirry (30) days if, for any reason, he or she no longer satisfies the criteria for receiving Lifeline including, as relevant, if the applicant no longer meets the income-based or program-based criteria for receiving Lifeline support, the applicant is receiving more than one Lifeline benefit, or anottrer member of the subscriber's household is receiving a Lifeline benefit. The applicant will also certifl that they understand this requirement and may be subject to penalties if they fail to notiff Sug"; if the applicant moves to a new address, he or she will provide that new address to the eligible telecommunications carrier within thirty (30) days; if the applicant provided a temporary residential address to the eligible telecommunications carrier, he or she will be required to veriff his or her temporary residential address every ninety (90) days; the applicant acknowledges that the subscriber will be required to re-certifr his or her continued eligibility for Lifeline at any time, and the applicant's failure to re-certifu as to his or her continued eligibility will result in de-enrollment and the termination of the applicant's Lifeline benefi ts; the applicant's household will receive only one Lifeline service and, to the best of his or her knowledge, the subscriber's household is not already receiving a Lifeline service; the information contained in the applicant's certification form is true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge, that providing false or fraudulent documentation or information in order to receive assistance if punishable by fines, imprisonment, de- enrollment or being barred from the program; That a violation of the one-per-household rule constitutes a violation of FCC rules and will result in their de-enrollment from the Lifeline progam the applicant understands that Lifeline is a non-transferable benefit and the service may not be transfers to anyone else; and the applicant understands their information, including name, telephone number and address, will be given to the Universal Service Administrative Company ([JSAC) and/or its agents for the purpose of verifuing the applicant and the applicant's household do not -11- a a a a a a a O N75233916.2 receive more than one Lifeline benefit and consenting to the inclusion of that information into a Lifeline database. A sample Sage application is attached hereto as Exhibit A. This application is mailed by Sage to the customer for completion and is retumed to Sage for review and certification. All applications are reviewed by Sage employees. Should Sage engage sales agents to assist in signing up customers, those applications will also be reviewed by Sage employees to ensure the applicant's eligibility.6 This review includes a review to determine eligibility as well as a duplicate review process described below. Sage will make itself available as a direct point of contact with all Lifeline applicants. In addition, all Sage ernployees who have contact with potential Lifeline customers will be fully trained on the state and Commission Lifeline eligibility rules. If Sage cannot determine a prospective subscriber's eligibility through a review of an appropriate federal or state database, Sage personnel will require the submission of appropriate documentation required to establish income-based and program-based eligibility and will review each subscriber's documentation for compliance with the eligibility criteria- If documentation is not sufficient or if the application is incomplete, then Sage will deny the application and inform the applicant of the reason for such rejection. For applicants submitting proof of income- eligibility or program-based eligibility, Sage will not retain copies of such documentation but will maintain accurate records detailing how the customer demonstrated his or her eligibility.T In addition, if the subscriber provides Sage with a temporary address, it will veriry with the subscriber every 90 days that this address remains valid. If the subscriber fails to respond to the Sage within 30 days, the subscriber will be de-enrolled from the Lifeline program. u In states with a Lifeline Administrator, this process would be handled pursuant to the procedures of the Administrator. 47 C.F.R. $ $ s4.4 I 0(bX I Xiixiii) and 54.4 I 0(c)( I XiD-Gii).-12- 7 N757339t6.2 Procedures for Annual Re-Certification. Similar to the initial certification process, an ETC must annually certifr all subscribers, unless there is a Lifeline administrator that is responsible for re-certification. [n states where a Lifeline administrator is responsible for completing annual re-certifications, Sage will rely on such administrator completing the annual certification. If the Lifeline administrator provides notice to Sage that a current subscriber did not re-certifu, then Sage will comply with the de-enrollment requirements required by the FCC's rules. Sage will cooperate fully with any Lifeline administrator and take any necessary steps to ensure it is in compliance with both state and federal re-certification procedures. ln states where there is not a Lifeline administator, Sage will require its Lifeline subscriber to annually re-certiff their eligibility as set forth in Rules 54.410(DQ) and (f)(5) and 5a.a05(e)(a). Sage may complete the re-certification process on a rolling basis throughout the year. If Sage cannot determine on-going eligibility by accessing a qualifying database, Sage will re-certiff the continued eligibility of its subscribers by contacting them in person, in writing (by mail), by phone, by text message, by email or otherwise through the Internet.s Alternatively, beginning in 2013, Sage may elect to have the USAC administer the annual self-certification process.9 As part of the re-certification process, Sage will inform its Lifeline subscribers that they must confirm eligibility to retain Lifeline benefits, when Lifeline benefits will be terminated if confirmation of eligibility is not provided and how to contact Sage for more information or assistance. If a Lifeline subscriber does not respond to the notice within 30 days, Sage will send Lifeline Reforn Order,\ 130. [d.,1t33. -l 3- l/752339t6.2 8 9 a notice of impending termination. Subscribers who do not respond to the impending termination notice will be de-enrolled from the Lifeline program within five business days.r0 (3) A detailed explanation of how the carrier will comply with the forbearance conditions relating to public safety and 911/E-911 access; The Commission conditioned its grant of forbearance on an ETC (a) providing its Lifeline subscribers with 911 and E911 access, regardless of activation status and availability of minutes; (b) providing its Lifeline subscribers with E91l-compliant handsets and replacing, at no additional charge to the subscriber, noncompliant handsets of Lifeline-eligible subscribers who obtain Lifeline-supported services-ll Sage's wireless service currently complies with these requirements and will continue to comply with these conditions. Specifically, Sage provides its wireless subscribers with 9l l/E911 access at the time their service is initiate4 regardless of activation status and availability of minutes and provides its subscribers with E9ll-compliant handsets. It is the company's practice to provide access to 9l l/E9l I to the extent these services are available from the underlying carrier, Sprint. Sage also enables 911 emergency calling from all properly activated handsets regardless of whether the account associated with the handset is active, suspended to terminated. Sage will transmit all 911 calls initiated from any of its handsets even if the associated account has no remaining minutes. In addition, all phones provided by Sage are 911/E9l I compliant. Sage uses phones from Sprint that, based on representations made to Sage by Sprint, have been through the applicable certification process in the company's labs. In the event that a customer does not have an E911- complaint handset, Sage will replace it with a compliant handset at no charge. All new 47 C.F.R. $ sa.a0s(e[a). Lifel i ne Refor m Order, \ 37 3. -14- N'l52139t6.2 t0 ll customers who qualifi for Lifeline services with Sage will receive a9lllE9ll-compliant handset free ofcharge. (4) A detailed explanation of how the carrier will comply with the Commission's marketing and disclosure requirements for participation in the Lifeline program; Sage has experience in providing clear, concise and consistent marketing and disclosure information to its wireline Lifeline to its customers. With respect to its wireless services, Sage will emphasize in clear, easily understood language: (a) that the service is a Lifeline-supported service; (b) that only eligible consumers may enroll in the program; (c) what documentation is necessary for enrollment; and (d) that the benefit is limited to one per household consisting of either wireline or wireless service and is non-transfenable. Sage will also explain that Lifeline is a govemment benefit progarn and willfully making false statements to obtain Lifeline benefits may be punished by fine or imprisonment or result in being barred from the program. Sage has and will continue to clearly disclose its name (Sage or Sage Wireless) on all marketing materials. A sample advertisement to be used as a model for creation of state-specific advertisements is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Please note that the two pages of the exhibit represents the front and back of single page document. (5) A detailed explanation of the carrier's procedures and efforts to prevent wastg fraud and abuse in connection with Lifeline funds, including but not limited to, procedures the carrier has in place to prevent duplicate Lifeline subsidies within its own subscriber base, procedures the carrier undertakes to de-enroll subscribers receiving more than one Lifeline subsidy per household, information regarding the carrier's toll limitation service, if applicable, and the carrier's non-usage policy, if applicable. Sage fully understands and shares the Commission's commitment to minimize waste, fraud and abuse with respect to the Lifeline program. Sage derives less than a quarter of its revenue from Low lncome service, and does offer a wireline low income service in a number of states both with and without and administrator. Nonetheless, Sage has focused its operations in a _15_ N75233916.2 few states, with a goal of focused growth, to be offered initially in Texas, and then into other states in which Sage is already a wireline ETC. This approach has allowed Sage to refine its business practices and to implement policies consistent with the Commission's goal of minimizing waste, fraud and abuse before launching its service nationwide at some time in the future. Prevention of Duplicates In Saee's Subscriber Base. At time of initial sign up of a new subscriber, the subscriber's service address is validated for accuracy against the USPS ("United States Postal Service') database and saved in the USPS-approved format which permits the Sage subscriber database to more accurately prevent duplicates by preventing variations of the same address from appearing multiple times in the database. Once the address is validated for accuracy and format, Sage can check it in available databases or provide it to the Lifeline administrator, where applicable, to be checked against addresses for all Lifeline customer addresses for the entire state. In addition, while it is anticipated that Sage and its affrliate, Telscape will only operate in different states, to the extent that they have Lifeline customers in the same state, customers can be checked against each company's records to further avoid duplication. Activation and Non-Usage Policy. Sage will not consider a wireless subscriber activated until the customer has chosen a non-Lifeline service plan, activates their service by paying the activation fee, and then applies for and is approved for a Lifeline service plan. Adhering to this "prequalification guideline" prevents waste, fraud and abuse by requiring customers to first sign up for service at regular rates and then only provide discounted service once the customer's eligibility has been confirmed through verification or a Lifeline adminisfrator. As such, Sage will not seek reimbursement for any wireless subscriber until the subscriber activates service and -16- N752339t6.? is approved by the Lifeline administator or by Sage, in states without a third parfy Lifeline administrator. Customers who wish to be confirmed as an eligible Lifeline subscriber prior to commencing service can place a non-Lifeline order and have the order held pending verification of eligibility as described above. Because customers do not receive their handset and service until they have an order processed and the activation fee is paid, customers receive activated handsets. Thus, there is no possibility of Sage receiving reimbursement for a customer who does not have an active handset. After the order is processed, Sage personnel activate, configure and test the handsets before they are sent to the consumer. Thus all customers receive an activated handset. As required by the Lifeline Reform Order, Sage has implemented a non-usage policy under which it will de-enroll Lifeline customers that have not used the Sage's Lifeline service for 60 consecutive days. When consumers sign-up for Sage's service, Sage will inform them about the usage requirement. If a Sage Lifeline customer's accotrnt does not reflect any usage during any consecutive 60-day period, Sage will deactivate the customer's Lifeline service. Accounts will be deemed active if the Lifeline subscriber: (a) completes an outbound call; (b) purchases minutes or an additional month of service to add to the subscriber's Lifeline service plan; (c) answers an incoming call from a party other than Sage, its agent or representative; or (d) responds to a direct contact from Sage and confirms that he or she wants to continue receiving the Lifeline service. I 2 For Lifeline subscribers failing to use their Lifeline service for a 60-day corsecutive period as described above, Sage will provide a clear, easily understood notice that the subscriber's failure to use the Lifeline service within the 30-day notice period will result in t2 See Lifeline Rdorm Order,\261;47 C.F.R. $ 54.!07(c)(2). -17- N752339t6.2 service termination for non-usage. Sage will not terminate service to Lifeline subscribers that use their Lifeline service within 30 days of Sage providing said notice.13 Cooperate with Federal and State Regulators and Lifeline Administrators. Sage will cooperate with the Commission and has and will continue to cooperate with state regulators and Lifeline administrators to prevent waste, fraud and abuse. Sage will, for example: As applicable, participate in industry working groups conducted by or in coordination with state commissions and Lifeline administators; Respond to requests from the Commission, USAC or state commissions concerning consumers' eligibility to be enrolled in Lifeline service, among other matters; Upon having a reasonable basis and/or upon any notification from federal or state commissions and/or Lifeline administators, timely investigate iszues concerning a Sage Lifeline customer receiving service from another carrier or customers receiving more than one Lifeline subsidy per household; As applicable and when available, access the National Lifeline Accountability Database to determine if an applicant is currently receiving Lifeline service from another carrier or if another person residing at the applicant's residential address is receiving Lifeline service; and Comply with federal and state audit requirements. ll 47 C.F.R. $ sa.a05(eX3). a a a a a N75233916.2 -1 8- CONCLUSION Sage respectfully submits that the foregoing Compliance Plan fully satisfies the conditions set forth in the Lifeline Reform Order. Accordingly, Sage respectfully requests approval of this Compliance Plan so that Sage can provide essential Lifeline wireless service to eligible low-income customers nationwide. Respectfrrlly submitted, /s/ electronically signed Douglas D. Orvis II Kimberly A. Lacey Bingham McCutchen LLP 2020K Sreet, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 Date: December 19,2012 ,.r152339t6.2 -19- E}GIIBIT A CERTIFICATION TORMS FEDERAL LIFELINE CERTIFICATION FORM Lifeline Informationo Lifeline is a federal benefit and that willfully making false statements to obtain the benefit can result in fines, imprisonment de-enrollment or being barred from the program- o Only one Lifeline service is available per household. o A household is defined, for purposes of the Lifeline program, as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses.o A household is not permitted to receive Lifeline benefits from multiple providers.o You must use your phone every 60 days to maintain service. Usage includes making an outbound call, answering an incoming call. Usage can also include the purchase of additional minutes or payment of your monthly bill. Ifthere is no usage on your account for 60 days you will be de-enrolled from the program. o Lifeline is a non-hansferable benefit and the subscriber may not transfer his or her benefit to any other person. Lifeline Qertifi cation Instructions Step l. Fill out the Customer Information Section. You must provide the last four digis of your Social Security Number and Date of Birth. Step 2- Indicate How You Ouali8 for Lifeline. Choose whether you participate in a oualifoing program or if you household income falls within the guidelines. You MUST send photocopies demonstrating that you participate in the qualiffing program or if you quali$ based on your household income, you must provide docurnentation of income that covers one full year. Documentation that does not cover a full year, such as paystubs, the customer must present the same type of documentation covering Three Consecutive Months within the previous twelve months. Step 3. Determine If You Oualifu for Tribal Land. Not all customers will be eligible for the Tribal Land benefit. To be eligible for Tribal Lands a customer must reside on Tribal Lands and participate in one of the following prognrms: Tribally Administered Frce School Lunch Program, Tribally Administcrcd Tcmporary Assistancc for Necdy Pamilies, Food Distribution Program on Indian Rcservations, Hcad Start (those mecting incomc standard), and Burcau of Indian Affairs General Assistancc. Stcp 4. Certito Customer Elieibility. Each customer r.rust certifu, under penalty of perjury, for receiving Lifeline support, by initialing ALL areas under this section. Step 5. Sien Cedification Form. You must print your name and sign the certification form indicating that you are complying with the Lifeline rules. Step 6. Supportins Documentation. Don't forget that you must include supporting documentation which can include a copy of an award letter or card in the qualifying prognm based. Income documentation could include the prior year's state or federal tax return, paycheck stubs for the most recent 3 months, social security statement of benefits, child support document, retiremenUpension statement of benefits, unemploymenUworkmen's compensation statement of benefits, Federal notice letter of participation in General Assistance, and other official document. Step 7. Send the Certification Form. When completed, you may mail the form to: Sage Teleconl lnc. I 0440 N Central Expressway Suite 700 Dallas, TX7523l-222E AK t2lq20t2 Saqe FEDERAL LIFELINE CERTIFICATION FORM Step 1. Customer Information Section Name of Applicant: Account Number: Applicant's Service Address (May NOT be a P.O. BOX): o Pleasc check this box ifthe abovc is a Temporary Addrcss. Telephone Number: Date of Birth: Last Four Digits of SSN: Billing Address (if different from Service Address): Step 2. Determine How You Oualifv For Lifeline (Choose either #l or #2) Ifthe person who receives the benefit is not the Sage account holder, then please provide the name ofthe person in your household who is receiving the benefits: (#l).IqualifrforLifelineunder@becauseIparticipateinthefolIowingprogram. Check only ONE box below: o Mcdicaid (not Medicare) u Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) o National School Lunch Program (Free Lunch Program) o Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) o Supplemental Security Income (SSI) o Tcrnporary Assistance forNeedy Families OANF) c Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8) (#2). I qualify for Lifeline under the Income'Based Criteria because my annual household income is at or below 135Y" of the federal poverty level guidelines. The number of individuals in my residential household is: (Numbcr in houschold) Annual Income 135% of Federal Poverty Level Thresholds Based on Household Size I 2 J 4 5 For each additional person $15,080 s20,426 $2s,772 $31,1l8 s36,464 +S5,346 per person Step 3. Determine If You Oualify for Tribal Lands (If Applicable, Choose either#l or#2) My Tribal ID Number:Check ONE box below: (#1) o I qualify for Tribal Lifeline service as an eligible resident on federally recognized tribal land. (#2) I participate in the following tribally administered program. o Tribally Administered Free School Lunch Program o Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Need Families o Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations o Head Start (those mecting income standard) o Bureau of Indian Attar-rs General Assistance AK l2t 0l2 Saqe StCp 4. CERTItr"Y APPLICAI\T'S ELIGIBILITY Please @f or Initial AII the statements below to certifr your eligibility. I certify, under penalqt of perjury, thtt: --: I meet the income-based or program-based eligibility criteria- _: I must notifr Sage within 30 days if for any reason I no longer satisfu the criteria for receiving Lifeline including, as relevant, if I no longer meet the income-based or program-based criteria for receiving Lifeline support, I am receiving more than one Lifeline benefit or another member of my household is receiving a Lifeline benefit. I understand this requirement to notiS Sage if my eligibility changes and that I may be subject to penahies if I fail to follow this notification requirement- _: When I move to a new address. I must provide that my new address to Sage within 30 days. _; I acknowledge that a household is eligible to receive only one Lifeline service and, to the best of my knowledge, no other member in my household is currently receiving wireline or wireless Lifeline service. _: The information contained in this Lifeline certification form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _: I acknowledge that providing false or fraudulent information on this certification form, to receive Lifeline benefits, is punishable by law. _: I acknowledge that I may be required to recerti$ my eligibility for Lifeline at any time, and failure to recertiff as to my continued eligibility will result in the de-enrollment and termination of my Lifeline benefits pursuant to the Code ofFederal Regulation Section 5a.a05(eXa). _: I understand that if violation of the one-per-household rule constitutes a violation of FCC rules and will result in my de-enrollment from the Lifeline program. _: If I provided a temporary address, I will be required to verifo my temporaq/ address every 90 days. ==-: I authorize Sage to release information concerning my service necessary to administer the Lifeline program (such as name, address, telephone number) to the Universal Service Administrative Company. I give consent to Sage to veri$ with the National Lifeline Accountability Database my eligibility in certain low-income assistance programs or verifu my income to qualifo me for Lifeline service. Sage shall maintain the information in this form and any information received about me from the National Lifeline Accountability Database as confidential customer account information. Failure to provide consent will result in being denied the Lifeline service. Step 5. Sien Certification Form. You must print yow name and sigrr the certification form indicating that you are complying with the Lifeline rules. Signaure Printcd Namc Date You may mail the completed Lifeline form to:Sage Telecom, Inc. 10440 N Cenhal Expressway Suite 700 Dallas, TX7523l-2228 AK r2r920t: For Srge Telccom, Ioc.'s Usc Only! Lifeline Ccrtificarion Approval / Denial Service Order Provisioned By _ Date Supporting Documcntation Provided FEDERAL LIFELINE RECERTIFICATION FORM Lifeline Information o All Lifeline subscribers must annually recerti$ their continued eligibility in the Lifeline program. o Lifeline is a Federal bencfit and willfully making false statcmcnts to obtain the benefit can result in fines, imprisonmcn! de-enrollmsnt or being barred from the program. o Only one Lifeline service is available per houschold- A household is define4 for purposes ofthe Lifeline progrsrn, as any individual or group of individuals who live together at thc same address and share income and expenses. o A household is not permined to receive Lifclinc benefits from multiple providers (wireline or wircless).o You must use your phonc cvery 60 days to maintain servicc. Usagc includcs making an outbound call, answering an incoming call. Usage can also include thc purchase of additional minutes or payment of your monthly bill. If there is no usage on your account for 60 days you will be de-enrolled from the program. o Lifclinc is a non-transferable benefit and the subscriber may not transfer his or her bcnefit to any other person. o Failure to rccertiry will result in being de-enrolled from the program and loss of the Lifeline credits. Instructions for Completins the Attached Lifeline Recertification Form Step l. Fill out the Customer Information Section. You must provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number and date of birth. Step 2. lndicate How You Continue to Oualify for Lifeline. Choose whether you continue to participate in a qualiffing proeram or if your annual household income remains at or below the income guidelines. Please choose Proeram-Based or IncomeBased elisibilitv. but not both. Step 3. Determine If You Continue to Oualifr for Tribal Lifeline. (If Applicabte) Not all customers will be eligible for the Tribal l,and benefit. To be eligible for Tnbal Lifeline seryice, the applicant must reside on Federally reco gnized Tribal tand. Step 4. Certifu Customer Eligibilitv. Each applicant must certiff, under penalty of perjury, to receive Lifeline service, by initialine or checting ALL items under this section. Step 5. Sim Certification Form. You must print your name and sigrr the certification form indicating that you are complying with the Lifeline rules. Step 6. Send in the Certification Form. Upon completion, please mail the completed form to: Sage Teleconr, Inc. 10440 N Central Expressway Suite 700 Dallas, TX7523l-222E All steps required except Step 3 above for processing of your recertification form. Please send the completed Lifeline Recertification Form to Sage within 30 days upon receipt. AK t2l 0l2 Saqe Saqe FEDERAL LIFELINE RECERTIFICATION FORM Step 1. Customer Information Section Name of Applicant:Number: Account Number:Date of Birth: Applicant's Service Address (May NOT be a P.O. BOX): o Please check this box ifthe above address is a temporary address. last Four Digits of Crty:Zip Billing Address (if different from Service Address): Step 2. Indicate How You Oualifv For Lifeline (Choose either #1- or #2) If the person who receives the benefit is not the Sage account holder, then please provide the name of the person in your household receiving the benefits: (#l). I qualifu for Lifeline under the Prosram-Based Criteria because I participate in the following program(s): Check only ONE box below: o Medicaid (not Medicare) o Supplemeirtal Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) o Supplemental Securiry Income (SSI) o Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8) o Low Incomc Heat Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) o Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ([ANF) o National School Lunch Program (Free Lunch Program) (n). I qualifi for Lifeline under the [ncome-Based Criteria because my annual household income is at or below 135% of the federal pov€rty level guidelines. The number of individuals in my residential household is: (Numbcr in household) Annual Income 135% of Federal Poverly Level Thresholds Based on Household Size I 2 3 4 5 For each additional person $15,080 s20,426 $2s,772 $31,1 t8 $36,464 +$5,346 per p€rson Step 3. Determine If You Oualifv for Tribal Lif-eline (If Applicable, Choose either #1 or#2) My Tribal ID Number is:Check ONE box below: (#l) o I qualiff for Tribal Lifeline service as an eligible resident on federally recogrrized tribal land. (#2) I qualiff for Tribal Lifeline service as I participate in the following tribally administered program. o Tribally Admin Free School Lunch Program o Tribally administered Ternporary Assistance for Needy Families o Head Start (thosc meeting income standards) tr Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance o Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) AK 12t92012 Qrata. Step 4. CERTIFY APPLICANT,S ELIGIBILITY Please Check or Initial AII the statements below to certifu your continued eligibility. I certify, under penallt of perju4t, that: _: I continue to meet either the income-based or prograrn-based eligibility criteria. _: I must notify Sage within 30 days if, for any reason, I no longer satisfu the criteria for receiving Lifeline including, as applicable, if I no longer meet the income-based or program-based criteri4 I am receiving more than one Lifeline service, or another member of my household is receiving a Lifeline service. I understand this requirement to notiff Sage if my eligibility changes and that I may be subject to penalties if I fail to follow this notifi cation requirement. _: When I move to a new address. I must provide my new address to Sage within 30 days. _: I knowledge that my household is eligible to receive only one Lifeline service and to the best of my knowledge, no other member in my household is currently receiving wireline or wireless Lifeline service. _: The information contained in this Lifeline certification form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _: I acknowledge that providing false or fraudulent information on this certiflrcation form, to receive Lifeline service, is punishable by law. _: I understand that I may be required to recertiff my eligibilify for Lifeline at any time, and failure to recerti$ my continued eligibility will result in the de-enrollment and termination of my Lifeline service, pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulation 47 Section 5a.a05(eXa). _: I understand that if violation ofthe one-per-household rule constitutes a violation of FCC rules and will result in my de-enrollment from the Lifeline program. _: If I provided temporary address, I will be required to veriff my temporary address every 90 days. _: I authorize Sage to release information concerning my service necessary to administer the Lifeline progrirm (such as name, address, telephone number) to the Universal Service Administrative Company. I give my consent for Sage to veriff with the National Lifeline Accountability Database whether I participate in certain low-income assistance progmms or veriff my income to qualiff me for Lifeline service. Sage shall maintain the information in this form and any information received about me from the National Lifeline Accountability Database as confidential customer account information. Failure to provide consent will result in being denied the Lifeline service. Step 5. Sien Certification Form You must print your name and sign the certification form indicating you are compllng with the Lifeline rules. Signature Printed Name Dale You may mail the completed Lifeline form to:Sage Telecom, Inc- 10440 N Central Expressway Suite 700 Dallas, 'fX75231-2228 AK t21920r2 For Srge Telecom, Inc.'s Use Only! Lifelinc Recertification Approval. / Denial Lifeline Participaring Program / Income B"s.d".ia Servicc Order hovisioned By _ Date {mr-ilno t ammr]m{ raoz t0 oXV Bing B C,tB=drF HE E= oa =o oqr E; i7tfiz 32zD snl 6T Effi =X #="'P n= 6== "" 18-Tr37 a FD ffi ! €x ililtj u o)'uPq :1.t :-!:.La!{ >i 0.1bbis6.I OE EEc;6 = !r;.E (g 6C;cj(t ! C:- c)Crc,to-f{,bb Pi,T 3E?l e O'E d; Et ;9i?a'-- c.F.Ef':5 o)'iHqA.l: r :) ::' r: ,E (]3L::I*riiu/> -a:u6 f,'5 $F Dll'J -r:::-1:lE tr,; c) CD l: .- !.1Y -"t; i(}- {}'h I Pti .ei f E: & (U ?i*3,1)F?.)16-c)c>v';icE>a=l ! 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Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dlbla TruConnect Executive Bios Nathan R. Johnson, Co-Chief Executive Officer Nathan R. Johnson is Executive Chairman of the Board and an investor in Sage Telecom Communications, LLC dlb/a TruConnect, where he oversees the strategic vision and effective governance of the organization. Mr. Johnson is also a Managing Partner of Gemini Partners, a middle market investment bank, where he has financed, sold, and advised several small and middle market telecommunications companies including Telemac, Distributive Networks, and Pulse Entertainment among others. Prior to Gemini Partners, Mr. Johnson served as Vice President in investment banking at Deutsche Bank, where he advised several Latin American companies including Telefonos de Peru and a Venezuelan phone company in their efforts to take the companies private. Mr. Johnson received his MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with a concentration in Finance and Multinational Management. He also received his MA from the University of Pennsylvania with concentrations in Latin America and Spanish. Matthew H. Johnson, Co-Chief Executive Officer Matthew Johnson is Managing Partner of Gemini Partners and a Board Member and investor of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/aTruConnect. At Gemini Partners, a middle market investment bank, Mr. Johnson has financed, sold, and advised several small and middle market telecommunications companies including Telemac, Distributive Networks and Pulse Entertainment, among others. Previously, Mr. Johnson was a Vice President in lnvestment banking at Credit Suisse First Boston where he financed numerous telecommunications companies specifically located in Latin America, including Bestel Communications, a company that operated fiber loops stretching from the US to Mexico, and Globopar a telecommunications and media conglomerate based in Brazil. Mr. Johnson holds an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management. David Wilder, Chief Financial Officer David Wilder is a CPA with over 30 years of broad industry experience that has included extensive financial as well as operational responsibilities. David has held positions as President/CFO/Controller with a variety of public and privately held companies in varying industries. They included both US and international assignments. David's initial professional experience out of college was as a CPA with Deloitte & Touche, 5 years, and Arthur Andersen, 2 years. David left Deloitte & Touche in December of 1988 as a Manager working in the Emerging Business Group. David graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Business Administration. Lucy Sung, General Manager, Global Operations Ms. Sung is the General Manager of Global Operations for of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect and leads the Legal, Compliance, Customer Care, Sales Operations, Human Resources, and Billing Operations teams. She has over 30 years of experience in the wireless carrier industry, and has 15 years of experience managing the operations and expansion of wireless ETCs. She has held senior management positions in companies that include AT&T, among others. Ms. Sung holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Aleksandr Gudkov, Chief Technology Officer Mr. Gudkov istheChief TechnologyOfficerforSageTelecom Communications, LLC dlblaTruConnectand leads all Business lntelligence, data warehouse, and technology related initiatives. Mr. Gudkov has over 18 years of experience in information technology supporting private, state and local governments. He has managed several large-scale integration and migration initiatives forthe California Lifeline program, CEL child care eligibility system, and Arizona APS energy income eligibility program. Mr. Gudkov holds a Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering from National Research Nuclear University, Moscow Russia. Danielle Perry, Chief lnformation Officer Danielle Perry is the Chief lnformation Officer for Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect and is responsible for leading all technology related aspects of the business; from software development to data analytics. Ms. Perry has over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications field, with 8 of those years being focused on Lifeline. ln her previous position she was the Chief lnformation Officer at Blue Jay Wireless.