HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080404Compliance filing.pdf892 W MAISON AVE.D ~ L GLENNS FERRY, IDAHO 83623 IV I' " (208) 366-2614' FAX (208) 366-2615 TEL E P H 0 NEe 0 M PAN Y WWRTCI.NET RECEIVED 20GB APR - 4 êt'i 8: 08 April 3, 2008 R.uR :(-ò'--ol Joe Cusick Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Dear Mr. Cusick: Pursuant to the Idaho PUC Order No. 29566, Rural Telephone Company is forwarding copies of their request for fuds from Rural Utilties Service (RUS). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 208-366-2614. l'. ereiy" ..J) 11. Ji,,BevA~pY Sr. Accounting Specialist Rural Telephone Company 892 WI MADISON AVE. GLENNS FERRY, LDAHO 8%2:\ (208) 366.2614 . FAX (208) 366.2615 TE L E P H 0 NEe 0 M PAN Y W'X'W.RTCI.NET ~.....~L RECE1VED zona APR -I, A~l a.B6 Ru~~-otl-o( April 3, 2008 Ms. Aylene Mafnas, Chief Nortwest Engineering Branch - RUS STOP 1595 1400 Independence Ave. SVV VVashington, DC 20250-1595 RE: Idaho 515 (O-Loan Request for Funds) Dear Ms. Mafnas: Enclosed, is RUS Form 481, Financial Requirement Statement (FRS) No. 69. We are makng a request of loan fuds to be drawn from our approved "0" Loan for the following budget purose line items: 1.a. Approved Work Orders $595,930.00 Please see attched RUS Form 771, Sumares 1. 1.f. Special Equipment Contract 0-35 1.g. Special Equipment Contract 0-36 $228,197.00 $428,474.00 Please encumber and approve for advance fuds to be drawn from the RUS money loan. I would like to request this advance to be transferred to our Constrction account using the following ban information: Farers National Ban Routing Number: 124102509 Account Number: 76020922 con fOR YDUR lllfO\UAAnOI We are reporting interest eared on our constrction fuds of $1147 as reflected on budget purose 11 b. VV e are also requesting increases in the amount advanced for budget purose 1 c, OP Force Account CT F-32 for $1147, for a net advance effect of$O. Than you for your attention in regards to these matters. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at any time. If you are unable to reach me, please call Bev Argton to discuss any questions. ~ 1f;Wei a:~~~~ Marell Rur Telephone Company COpy FOR YOUR INFORMATION Accing to the Paperwrk Redudion Ad of 1995, an agency may not condud or sponsor, and a person is not reuire to respond to, a colladion of information unless ~ displays a valid OMB contl number. Th valid OMB control numbe for this infrmation colladion is 0572-023. The time reuire to complete this infion collecon is estimated to averae 2 hours per response, including the time fo reviewng insrudions, searcing existing dat sorcs, gatering and maintining th dat need, and completing and reviewing the colladion of infrmaton. USDA.RUS FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT STATEMENT (RUS; RTB; FFB) mST. - Submit an original & 2 copies to RUS. See Bull. 327-1 RUSUSEONLYDATE RECENED RUS NUER FORM APPROVED OMS NO. 0572-0023 BORR. DESIG. I STATEMENT NO. ¡DATE PREPARD ID 515 I 69 Apr. 3, 2008 BORROWER NAME AND ADDRESS Rur Telephone Company 892 W. Madison Ave Glenns Ferr, lD 83623 APPROVED PURSES (Use Supplementa Sheets as necessar) AMOUNT ENCUERED RUSUSEONLY TOTAL WITLD ON APPROVED CONTRACT FOR ADVANCE(I) (2) TOTAL ADVANCES TO DATE (3) ADVANCES NOW REQUESTED (4) RUS USE ONLY ADVANCES CURNTLY APPROVED (5) TOTAL DISBUREMNTS & CREDITS AS OF FEB-8 (6)I. Conston a. approved work orders b. c. OP. CT F-32 FAP d. e. f Speial Eauipment G-35 g. Speial EauiDment G-36 2. Engineering-a 1)28E b. Pre-loa Eng c. Post-Lo eng CT G-33E 3. Ooetig Equip. b. 4. General-a b. c. RTB Stock 5. Oprating Funds 6. Debt Retrement 7. Acquisitions-a. b. Lad and Buildings 8a. Close Budget-Unaudite 8b. Closed Budget-Audite 9 Subtotas-All Funds 10. Sale of Propert I i. Oter-a.Req'd Non-Loan b. Interest Income c. 12. Net Totas - Loan Funds 1,563,924 1,563,924 595,930 1,04,546 1,020,210 1,147 228,197 428,474 8,075 8,075 120,000 120,000 1,980,000 355,526 1,562,420.00 995,050.00 8,075.00 120,000.00 355,526.00 13. RUSLOAN 14. RTBLOAN 15. FFBLOAN 16. TOTAL TOTAL LOAN 26,678,00 8,153,647 8,153,647 12,866,192 11,221,382 1,253,748 (4,110)(4,110)-c (4,326)(4,326)(1,147) 12,857,756 11,212,946 1,252,601 UNDER NOTE PREVIOUSLY ADVANCED 17. Cash Bal. Per Gen Ledger ADVANCED THIS FR 18. Adv. Not Deposited FRS 68 26,678,000 11,212,946 19. Oter Adjusents (Speify) 8,153,647.00 11,194,718.00 (4,110.00) (5,473.00) 11,185,135.00 26,748.00 26,678,000 20. Tota Item 12,Col 6+17,18&19 26,678,000 11,212,946 21. Funds Not Released UNCUMERED RESERVES (This Spac For RUS Use Ony) Genera and Contigency Speial Projed Funds Not Desite (CR) Tota Unencumbered Reserves 1,063.00 11,212,946.00 Centr Offce Equipment Outide Plant and Station Equipment Lad and Buildings Enl!neering-a CERTIFICATION On behaf of the designed borrower, I request that the amoun set forth as "Advanes Now Requested" (Item 12, Col. 4 above) be adaned undr the loa conttut. "Lo contract" includs in adtion to the RUS an RTB loan contacts, the Federal Finaing Ba - RUS Loan Commitment Agreement, an the related Commitmnt Notice an correspondnce concerning loan terms an conditions, I certfY tha the amoun so requested is for a purpose or puses "Or which fu hae either been approved for adane or for which approval is requested herewith; that the amoun adanced will be deposited in the Trutee, RUS Constrtion Fun accoun of the corpration in the Farers Natona Ban bti W1 IS a member of the FDIC; tha the loan an other jU requrea tooe aeposltea In such ban accoun will be aisbursea only lor the puses an not to exceed the amoun approved for each purpose in Column (2) "Total Approved for Advane" of the Finacia Requirement Staements; tha the cash balae shown hereon is the balane of the Constrtion Fun-Trutee account of the general ledger as of Febru 29,2008 ; an that the disbursements reported in Column (6) were mae in the amouns staed for etuh purse; all in accordace with thê provisions oj thê loa contact. COPY FOR INfORMJ YOUR ION - SIG~TU~ (ORIGINAL MUST A!PE~N EACWA~)/ "' fA - _ æ ff /, AÁø 7' /. / TITLE (Authorized Corprate Ofcer or Mager) President RUS ~ 481 (Rev. 5-03)PAGE I OF _I_PAGES COpy I - SEN TO RUS According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor. and a person is not required to respond to, a co11ection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information co11ection is 0572-0059. The time required to complete this information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources. gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the co11ection of information. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RURA UTILITIES SERVICE SUMMARY OF WORK ORDERS SYSTEM DESIGNATION (Inspection By RUS Field Engineer)Idao 515 Rural G INSTRUCTONS - Prepare 3 copies. Original to be forwarded to Area Ofce of RUS afler RUS Field SUMMARY NUMBEREngineer has approved construction. For detailed instructions see RUS Bulletin 382-2, 1ADpendixB. APPROVAL IS REQUESTED FOR THE ENCUMBRANCE OF LOAN FUNDS AS SHOWN IN COLUMN "h" FOR COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION OF SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS OR FOR PURCHASES OF STATION APPARATUS AND EXEMPT MATERIALS: COST OF CONSTRUCTION LESS ADVANCES NOT REQUIREDWORK NETORDERLABOR AND REUSABLE STATION ADVANCESMATERIALSAPPARATUS & OTHERNO.OTHER MATERIAL TOTAL COST SALVAGED EXEMPT MAT'L.(Explain)REQUIREDabcdef9h 1075333 17,118.28 17,118.28 33.81 17,084.47 1076861 73,021.90 31,458.47 104,480.37 31,458.47 820.64 72,201.26 1076461 53,410.63 222,958.39 276,369.02 222,958.39 1,631.26 51,779.37 1076611 50,105.25 26,911.68 77,016.93 1,200.43 75,816.50 1076431 1,292.88 40,375.45 41,668.33 82.31 41,586.02 1075331 9,393.01 5,628.85 15,021.86 103.34 14,918.52 1079611 68,336.88 70,019.69 138,356.57 2,421.5 135,935.22 1076831 33.81 17,084.47 17,118.28 33.81 17,084.47 '076911 24,275.38 15,538.46 39,813.84 1,946.77 37,867.07 077031 9,759.80 31,359.02 41,118.82 242.70 40,876.12 '056931 56,121.65 928.07 57,049.72 2,276.51 54,773.21 1079631 2,166.74 33,912.61 36,079.35 71.26 36,008.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.()O TOTAL 347,917.93 513,293.44 861,211.7 0.00 254,416.86 10,864.19 595,930.32 CERTIFICATION i certif that, (l) the total costs and net requirements for the construction included above are the actual costs and net requirements for loan.f reflected in the permanent records of this _'00 ~J -=- if..""dW "''' 'M" dCDmSL_by R'" ¡. _.. RUS_ I'J ~" areas not included in existing loans, has been approve by RUS, (2 a11 the reiuired acceptance iests hae been made on the construction and JlfiSjåc/OI) "5) ara corrections required on the portions 0t. construction that were fiel -inspected ave been made on a11 the construction mcluded in the sum . ,.lJØJe ri iremen the'" UJ¡ American" proision have been comle iedwith where a'Z0reign made materials or equipment were used in the construction. lfirth. erti lalo bod --'._"" Ji"'" ~."";oo ¡" - ""."' "", ,"" ¡".. 00 1"- "" '" _"' of"" '"~ = " ...-Æ~'-. / ..~ ice-Pres den "' l~~~ATUREANDTITLE0119 -08 Rural Tel 0 . omnany DATE // NAME OF BORROWER APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION \. The above con.~truction or purchae has been reviewed and is approved front an engineering standpoint. --. !EVEWD _ c;FR. DATE RUSFIE ~INigR 1.!4 J 6L ACCOUNTING VERIFICATION (RUS USE ONLY) COPl fOR OU RUS Form n1 (Rev. 10-75) ~\Otl t R -WfJr,k c;,.~~- fß - SIS~SJ/"/¥ol' !i..L- /6,c.: The following work orders were performed to provide a better link for our customers for toll puroses and to offer enhanced services. VVO# 1075333 This work order in the Boise River (Pine), Id exchange was for Central Offce Electronics. It is a T elstrat ESA Server and Softare. Ths equipment will allow us to connect this exchange to our new soft switch that is being installed in our new Central Offce in Glenns Ferr. This work order was completed 09/30/07 VVO# 1076861 Ths work order includes all labor and overhead that was involved in instaling new microwave equipment on Triity Mountain in the Praie, Id exchange side. The equipment was purchased under Special Equipment Contract G-35. Ths work order was closed out 12/31107. VVO# 1076461 This work order includes all labor and overhead that was involved in instaling new microwave equipment on James Creek in the Atlanta Id exchange side. This equipment was purchased under Special Equipment Contract G- 35. This work order was closed out 12/31/07 VVO# 1076611 This work order includes all equipment, labor and overhead that was involved in bringing fiber into Glenns Ferr to our new CO building. VVe placed 13773 feet of conduit, 6440 feet if 72 Fiber, 7600 feet of 48 Fiber and all associated handholes. This placement will allow us to connect our new switch to most of our Idaho exchanges through our new CO. This work order was closed out 12/1107. VVe have a 773 Contrct on fie for Ear Energy for varous 2007 projects. VVO# 1076431 Ths work order in the Atlanta ID exchange was for Central Offce Electronics. It is a Telstrat ESA Server and Softare. This equipment will allow us to connect this exchange to our new soft switch that is being instaled in our new Central Offce in Glenns Ferr. This work order was completed 09/30/07 VVO # 1075331 This work order in the Boise River, ID exchange includes all equipment, labor and overhead to instal a Digita Loop Carer. Ths DLC was placed in the Elk Valley Subdivision in Boise River. This work order was completed 08/31107. WO# 1079611 This work order in the Tipanuk, ID exchange includes all materials, labor and overhead involved in placing 36390 feet of Fiber Optic Cable, Conduit, 16472 feet of 6x22 cable, 682 feet of 12x22 cable, 1578 feet of 25x22 cable and all associated hand holes. Ths work order was closed out 12117/07. . VV e have a 773 Contract on fie for Ear Energy for varous 2007 projects. VVO# 107683 i This work order in the Prairie, ID exchange was for Central Offce Electronics. It is a Telstrat ESA Server and Softare. This equipment will allow us to connect this exchange to our new soft switch that is being instaled in our new Central Offce in Glenns Ferr. Ths work order was completed 09/30/07. REVEWD Joe D. Bradley - G~ DATE:.J'-~.L COpy FOR YDUR INfORMATlOll ~~ uJ ' ~ tf c)#" et r - JßSII"_S:i~0? ß..J& ~ ,f:i VVO# 2076911 This work order in the Red Rock, NV exchange includes all materials, labor and overhead involved in placing conduit and cable. Ths work order was completed 12/31/07. I have removed the charges for Mautner Constrction of$ 1250.00 from the requested advances as we don't have a 773 Contract for them. VVO# 2077031 This work order in the Antelope Valley, NV exchange includes all materials, labor and overhead involved in placing a Digita Loop Carer at Alum Rock subdivision. Ths work order was closed 09/30/07 VVO# 2056931 Ths work order in the Red Rock, NV exchange includes all materials, labor and overhead involved in expanding and remodeling the Central Office Building. Ths work order was completed 12/31/07. VVe have a 773 contract for Steve Hoeft for this project. VVO# 1079631 This work order in the Tipanuk, ID exchange was for Central Offce Electronics. Itis a Telstrat ESA Server, Softare and GPON-2420. Ths equipment will allow us to connect ths exchange to our new soft switch that is being installed in our new Central Offce in Glenns Ferr. This work order was completed 12/31/07. COpy FOR YOUR INfORMATION REVEWD Joe D. Bradley - G:~DATE:-./..i