HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050719Compliance filing 1.pdf~ - RUS Project Designation: Idaho 515 -G 11 Rural LOAN AGREEMENT dated as of March 9 2005 between RURAL TELEPHONE CaMP ANY and ,,-, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERIC:;A. UNITED STATES DEPARTIvIENT OF AGRICULTURE RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE ~.. LOAN AGREEMENT THIS LOAN AGREEMENT (the "Agreement ) dated as of March 9, 2005, is betweenRURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY (hereinafter the "Borrower ) a corporation organized and existingunder the laws of Idaho and the UNITED STATES OF - AMERICA (hereinafter the "Government") acting through the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS. The Borrower has applied to RUS, requesting fmancial assistance (hereinafter theApplication) to provide telecommunications and/or broadband services in rural areas. RUS is willing to extend fmanciaI assistance, in the form of loans or loan guarantees to theBorrower, pursuant to the Rural Elec1rification Act of 1936 (7 D.C. 901 et seq.)(the Act, H) and allapplicable federal regulations, on the tenDS and conditions stated herein. THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants herein contained, theparties agree and bind themselves as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS The tenns defined herein include both the plural and the singular. Unless otherwisespecifically provided, all. accoup.ting terms not otheIwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them, and all determinations and computations herein provided for shall be made in accordance withAccounting Requirements. Accounting Requirements" shall mean the system of accounting prescribed by RUS in RUSRegulations. Advance" or "Advances" shall mean an advance or advances made or approved by RUS under its respective Note(s). Affiliate" or "Affiliated CompanyU of any specified pe,rson or entity means any other person or entity directly or indirectly controlling of, controlled by, under direct or indirect common control wi~or related to, such specified person or entity. For the purpose of this definition, "control" of any specifiedperson or entity 'means the power to direct the management and policies of such specified person or entity, directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of stock, by contract, or otherwise. Application" shall have the meaning as derIDed above in the second paragraph hereof. Broadband Loan" shall mean the broadband loan described in Section 3. Section 3. Broadband Loan Expiration Date" shall have the meaning as defined in Paragraph (a)(ii) of Business Day" shall mean any day that RUS and the Department of Treasury are both open for business. Construction Fund Account" shall have the meaning as derIDed in Paragraph (d) of Section Distributionsu shall have the meaning as dermed in Section 6. Event of Default" shall have the meaning as dermed in Article VllI. Interest ExpenseH shall have the meaning as defined in Attachment 3. Page 2 Laws" shall have the meaning as defined in paragraph (e) of Article II. Loan(s)" shall mean, collectively, the loans described in Section 3. Note(s). Loan Documents" shall mean, collectively, this Agreement, Security Documents, and the Material Adverse Effect" shall mean a material adverse effect on, or change in, the condition, financial or otherwise, operations, properties, business or prospects of the Borrower or on the ability of the Borrower to perfonn its obligations under the Loan Documents as deternrined by RUS. Net Income" or "Net Margins') shall have the meaning as derIDed in Attachment 3. Net Worth" shall have the meaning as defined in Attachment 3. Note(s)" shall have the meaning as deemed in Paragraph (a) of Section 3. Pennitted Encumbrances" shall have the meaning as deemed in the Security Documents. Pledged Deposit Account" shall have the meaning as defmed in Section 5.4. . " Prior Telephone Loan Contracts" shall mean all telephone' loan ,agreements previouslyentered into by RUS and the Borrower. Project" shall have the meaning as def~ed in Paragraph (a) of Section 3.4. RUS Regulations" shall mean the roles, regulations and bulletins of general applicabilitypublished by RUS from time to time, as such rules, regulations, and bulletins exist at the date ofapplicability thereof, and shall also include any rule and regulations of other Federal entities which RUS is required by law to implement. Any reference to specific RUS Regulations shall mean the version of andcite to such regulation effective at the date of applicability thereof. Security Documents" shall mean, collectively, any mortgage, security agreement, financingstatement, deposit account control agreement or other document providing collateral for the Loan(s). Subsidiaries" shall mean the subsidiaries listed in Schedule 1. Telecommunications Loan" shall mean the telecommunications loan described in Section Telecommunications Loan Expiration Date" shall have the meaning as defined in Paragraph (b )(ii) of Section 3. Telecommunications Loan Guarantee" shaH mean the teleconnnwrications loan guaranteedescribed in Section 3. TIER" shall mean the Borrower s total Net Income or Net Margins plus Interest Expense, payable for such year divided by Interest Expense payable for such year, as determined in Schedule 1hereto. TIER Conunencement Date" shall have the meaning as defined in Section 5.12. Total Assets" shall have the meaning as deified in Attaclunent 3. Page 3 ARTICLE II - REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Recognizing that RUS is relying hereon, the Borrower represents and warrants) as of the date of this Agreement, the following: (a)Organization; Power, Etc The Borrower: (i) is the type of organization specified in the first paragraph hereof. duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State identified in the fIrst paragraph hereof; (n) is duly qualified to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the transaction of its business make such qualification necessary; (Ui) has legal power to own and operate its assets and to cany on its business and to enter into and perform its obligations under the Loan Documents; (iv) has duly and lawfully obtained and maintained all material licenses, certificat~s, pernrits, authorizations, and approvals necessary to conduct its business or required by applicable Laws; and (v) is eligible to obtain the financial assistance from RUS contemplated by this Agreement. (b)A uthority. The execution, delivery and performance by the Borrower of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents and the performance of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all necessary actions and do not violate any provision of law or any charter. articles of incorporation organization documents or bylaws of the Borrower or result in a breach of, or constitute a default under; any agreement, secUrity agreement, 'hote of other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it may be bound. The Borrower has not received any notice from any other party to any of the foregoing that a default has occurred or that any event or condition exists that with the giving of notice or lapse of time or both would constitute such a default. (c)Consents. No consent, approval, authorization, order, ruing, qualificatio~ license, or permit of any governmental authority is necessary in connection with the execution delivery~ perfonnance, or enforcement of the Loan Documents, except such as have been obtained and are in full force and effect. (d)Binding Agreement. Each of the Loan Documents is, or when executed and delivered will be, the legal, valid, and binding obligation of the Bon-ower enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject only to limitations on enforceability imposed in equity or by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency. reorganization moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally. (e)Compliance with Laws. The Borrower is in compliance in all material respects with all federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and orders (collectively, "Laws. (f)Litigation. There are no pending or threatened legal, arbitration or governmental actions or proceedings to which the Borrower is a party or to which any of its property is subject which, if adversely determined. could have a Material AdverseEffect. (g) Information Submitted with Application. All information, reports, and other documents and data submitted t~ RUS in connection with the Application were. at the time the same were furnished. complete, and correct in 'all material respects. Ally financial statements or data submitted to RUS in colU1ection with the Application present fairly, in all material respects) the financial position of the Borrower and the results of its operations in conformity with Accounting Requirements. Since the date thereof, there has been no material adverse change in the fmancial condition or operations of the Borrower. Page 4 (h) (i) Section 3.1 Loans Location of Properties. All real property and interests therein of the Bon-ower are located in the states, counties , ' or parishes identified in the Security Documents. Principal Place of Business. The principal place of business and chief executive office of the Borrower is at the address of the Borrower specified in Schedule 1 hereto. Organization Number. The Borrower s organization number is correctly identified in Schedule 1 hereto. (k)Subsidiaries and Parent. Any subsidiaries or parent of the Borrower are disclosed on the attached Schedule 1. (I)Defaults Under Other Agreements. No default by the Borrower has occurred under any agreement or instrument to which the BolTower is a party, or to which any of its property is subject, that could have a Material Adverse Effect. (m)Title to Property. Except as disclosed in writing in the opinion of counsel, the Borrower holds good and marketable title to all of the collateral securing the Loan(s), free and clear of any liens, security interests, or other encumbrances except for Permitted Encumbrances. ! ' ARTICLE HI-THE LOANS (a)Broadband Loan. RUg agrees to make and the Borrower agrees to accept, on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement, a Broadband Loan, in the amount specified in Schedule 1 hereto. - .:' (i)Interest Rate. The portion of the Broadband Loan specified in Schedule hereto will bear interest at the comparable Treasury rate for comparable maturities, as determined by RUS, and the portion of the Loan specified in Schedule 1 hereto will bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum. (ii)Broadband Loan Expiration Date. The obligation of RUS to advance the Broadband Loan or any portion thereof shall expire on a date ("Broadband Loan Expiration Date ) five years from the date of the Note(s). No portion of the Broadband Loan will be advanced by RUS to the Bon-ower after the Broadband Loan Expiration Date. RUS, in its sole discretion, may approve an extension of the Broadband Loan Expiration Date, provided that the Borrower notifies RUS, in writing at least ten days prior to the Broadband Loan Expiration Date, of the reasons and need for an extension, together with a suggested revised Broadband Loan Expiration Date. (b)Telecommunications Loan. RUS agrees to make and the Borrower agrees to accept on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement, a Telecommunications Loan in the amount specified in Schedule 1 hereto. (i)Interest Rate. The portion of the Telecommunications Loan specified in Schedule 1 hereto will bear interest at the Cost-or-Money Interest Rate detennined by the Govenunent pursuant to 7 D.C. 935(d)(2)(A) of the Act and its implementing regulations, as amenq.ed tram time to time (7 R. 1735.31(c)) and the portion of the Teleconnnunications Loan Page 5 (c) (ii) specified in Schedule 1 hereto will bear interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum. Telecommunications Loan Expiration Date. The obligation of RUS to advance the Telecommunications Loan or any portion thereof shall expire on a date ("Telecommunications Loan Expiration Date ) five (5) years from the date of the Note(s). No portion of the Telecommunications Loan will be advanced by RUS to the Borrower after the Telecommunications Loan Expiration Date. RUS) in its sole discretion, may approve an extension of the Telecommunications Loan Expiration Date, provided that the Borrower notifies RUS, in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the Telecommunications Loan Expiration Date~ of the reasons and need for an extension, together with a suggested revised Teleconununications Loan Expiration Date. Telecommunications Loan Guarantee. RUS agrees to guarantee the loan identified in Schedule 1 hereto and the Borrower agrees to accept such guarantee, on the tenns and conditions stated in this Agreement. (i)Interest Rate. Each Advance of funds subject to the Telecommunications Loan Guarantee shall bear interest at the rate established by FFB at the time such Advance is made on the basis of the determination made by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to 12 V.C. 2285(b) of the Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973, as amended. (ii)Telecommunications Loan Guarantee Expiration Date. The obligation ofRUS to approve requests for Advances made under the Teleconnnwrications Loan Guarantee or any portion thereof shall expire on the Last Advance Date as specified in the applicable guaranteed Note. Section 3.2 Loan Documents Section 3.Payment (a) (b) The debt created by the Loan(s) will be evidenced by a note(s) ("Note(s)") executed by the Borrower and payable, as applicable, to the United States of America or, in the case of a loan guarantee, to the guaranteed lender. The Borrower shall repay the Loan(s) in accordance with the Note(s) which shall be payable and bear interest in accordance with its (their) tenDS. The Borrower shall execute the Security Documents covering all of the Borrower property, in fonn and substance satisfactory to RUS and such other security instruments as required by RUS. Except as otherwise prescribed by RUS) if any, the Borrower shall make all payments on theNote(s) utilizing elec1ronic funds transfer procedures as specified by RUS. Section 3.4 Pro) ect (a) (b) Loan Purpose. The Loan has been made solely to finance the project specifically described in the Application to furnish or improve telecommunications and/or broadband services in rural areas (the ccProject." Changes to Project. The Borrower shall obtain the prior written approval of RUS regarding any material change to the scope, loan design, construction, delivery of services, or objectives of the Project. Page 6 ARTICLE IV CONDITIONS OF LENDING Section 4.General Conditions In connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, each of the followingconditions shall be satisfied (all documents, certificates, and other evidence of such conditions are to be satisfactory to RUS in its discretion): (a)Legal Matters. AU legal matters incident to the consummation of the transactions hereby contemplated shall be satisfactory to counsel for RUS; (b)Loan Documents. Documents; RUS shall receive duly executed originals of the Loan (c)Filed and Recorded Security Documents. RUS shall have received the following documents securing the Loan(s): (i) executed, file~ and indexed financing statements covering all of the personal property and fixtures of the Borrower and (ii) executed, flied, and recorded counterparts of a mortgage covering all of the Borrower s real property; (d)Articles of Incorporation, Charter, Bylaws, and Organizational Documents. With respect to corporate and cooperative Borrowers, RUS shall have received copies of the Borrower s articles of incorporation, charter, and bylaws. With respect to limited liability companies or similar organizations, RUS shall have received copies of the Borrower organizational documents containing provisions reflecting the obligations of the ,Borrower in paragraphs (c) and (d) of Section 6. (e)AuthorizatiIJ1)S. RUS shall have received satisfactory evidence that all Loan Documents and proceedings of the Bonower necessary for duly authorizing theexecution, delivery, and perfonnance of the Loan Documents have been obtained and are in full force and effect; (f)Approvals. RUS shall have received satisfactory evidence that the Borrower has duly registered as required by law with all state, federal, and other public authorities and regulatory bodies and has obtained all authorizations, certificates, permits licenses, franchises and approvals necessary for, or required as a condition of, the validity and enforceability of each of the Loan Documents and for the construction and operation of the Project; (g) Title Evidence. RUS shall have received satisfactory evidence that the Borrower has good and marketable title to its property, including the Project, and holds suchfranchises, pennits, leases, easements, rights, privileges, licenses, or right-of-way instruments, reasonably adequate in fonn and substance, as may be requITed by law for the continued maintenance and operation of its existing facilities and the Proj ect, (h)Tariff Evidence. RUS shall receive evidence from each Bonower with rates imposed by tariff, that it has duly adopted a tariff, which (1) will provide for such grades of telephone service as RUS may approve, (2) does not include mileage or .zone charges on any telephone service provided by the Project, and (3) ,is designedwith a view to (i) paying and discharging all taxes, maintenance expenses ' andoperating expenses of the Borrower s system, (n) making all payments in respect of principal and interest on the Note(s) when and as the same shall become due, (in) providing and maintaining reasonable working capital of the BoITower, and (iv) producing and maintaining the TIER, specified in Schedule 1 hereto; Page 7 (i)Broadband Rate Evidence. For Broadband loans, RUS shall receive evidence that the Borrower has du1y adopted rates which are designed with a view to (i) paying and discharging all taxes, maintenance expenses, and operating expens~s of the Borrower s system, (ii) making all payments in respect of principal arid interest on the Note(s) when and as the same shall become due, (iii) providing and maintairllng reasonable working capital of the Borrower, and (iv) producing and maintaining the TIER, specified in Schedule 1 hereto. Opinion of Counsel. RUS shall receive an opinion of counsel for the Borrower (who shall be acceptable to RUS) in fonn and content acceptable to RUS; Section 4.Conditions to Advances The obligations ofRUS to make any Advances under its Loan(s) or approve any requests for Advances under its Loan Guarantee( s) are subject to the satisfaction of each of the following conditions precedent on or before the date of such Advance (all ,documents, certificates and other evidence of such conditions precedent are to be satisfactory to RUS in its discretion): " ' (a)Continuing Representations and Warranties. That the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in this Agreement be true and correct on and as of the date of such Advance as though made on and as of such date; .. - (b)Material Adverse Effect. That no event has occurred which has had or could have a Material Adverse Effect; (c)Event off)efault. That no Event of Default and no event which with the passage of time or giving of notice, or both, would constitute an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, or shall have occurred after giving effect to such Advance on the books of the Borrower; Cd)Requisitions and Supporting Documentation (1)Broadband Loans. That RUS shall have received a requisition for Broadband, loan funds, not more frequently than once a month, and supporting documentation from the Borrower in accordance with Rural Utilities Service RUS Bulletin 1738-Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Advance and Construction Procedures Guide as amended and supplemented from time to time (hereinafter "RUS Bulletin 1738- attached hereto as Attachment 1 or available at http://www.usda.gov/ rusitelecom/broadbandJrus-bulletin-173 8-web2-03 .doc; (2)Telecommunications Loan and Loan Guarantee. That RUS shall have received a requisition for Telecommunications Loan funds and Loan Guarantee funds not more frequently than once a month, and supporting documentation from the BoITower in accordance with RUS Regulations; (e)Flood Insurance. That for any Advance used in whole or in part to finance the construction or acquisition of any building in any area identified by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the Flood Disaster Protection Act 1973 (the "Flood Insurance Act") or any rules, regulations or orders issued to implement the Flood Insurance Act as any area having special flood hazards, or to fmance any facilities or materials to be located in any such building, or in any building owned or occupied by the BoITower and located in such a flood hazard area the Borrower shall have submitted evidence, in form and substance satisfactory to RUS or RUS has otherwise determined, that (i) the community in which such area is located is then participating in the national flood insurance program, as required by Page 8 .$.' the Flood Insurance Act and any related regulations, and (n) the Borrower has obtained flood insurance coverage with respect to such building and contents as may then be required p~suant to the Flood Insurance Act and any related regulations; (f)Current Financial Information and Certification of Authority. That RUS has received from the Borrower (i) its current, updated balance sheet, statement of cash flow, and income statement and (ii) a dilly authorized and executed certification Fonn675 , " Certification of Authority," designating an officer, employee, or agent of the Borrower as the person or persons authorized to execllte and submit, on behalf of the Borrower, REA Form 481 , " Financial Requirement Statement; (g) Fidelity Bond or Theft Insurance Coverage. That RUS has received from the BoITower, except BoITowers which are units of government, evidence, that the Borrower has obtained fidelity bond or theft insurance coverage in accordance with RUS Regulations; (h)Pledged Deposit Account. That, in coDDection with Broadband Loans (or with respect to Telecommunications Loans and Loan Guarantees when required on Schedule 1, or otherwise directed in writing by RUg), the Borrower has opened a Pledged Deposit Account under terms satisfactory to RUS; (i)Compliance with Deposit Requirements for Broadband Loans. That) in connection with Broadband Loans, RUS has received from the Borrower, evidence that the Borrower has maintained on deposit in account, fimds in the amount specified in Schedule 1 to cover operating expenses, in accordance with 7 C.R. Section 1738.20(b), and has prpvided RUS with an advance schedule for- such funds; (j) Compliance with Loan Documents. That the Borrower is in material compliance with. the Loari Documents; (k)RUS Loan Guarantee Requirements. In connection with the Telecommunications Loan Guarantee: (1)That RUS and the FFB have entered into a contract and that the FFB has agreed to make the loan to the Borrower, which will be guaranteed by RUS; (2)That RUS has received evidence that any conditions in the contract referred to above in subparagraph (1) have been satisfied; and (3)That RUS has received a promissory note payable to FFB in the amount to be guaranteed by RUg and a reimbursement note payable to the order of the Government, both duly authorized, executed and delivered by the BoITower within the time period prescribed by RUS; (1)Additional Documents. The Borrower agrees to provide RUg with such additional documents as RUS may request; and (m)Additional Conditions. The Borrower has met all additional conditions specified in Schedule I hereto. Section 4.3 First Advance to Pay Off Interim Construction Financing~ Restrictions on SubseQuen~ Advances Loan funds to payoff RUS approved interim construction fmancfug, if any, will be included in the fIrst loan advance. Thereafter no further advances will be made unless and until the Borrower has Page 9 furnished evidence, in fonn and content satisfactory to RU8, that such interiri1 construction financing has been paid in full and any associated liens have been duly discharged from record. SectionS.Generall'X ARTICLE V - AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by RUB, ~hile thi~ Agreement is in effect, the Borrower shall duly observe each of the affmnative covenants contained in this Article V. Section 5.2 Use of Advances The BolTower shall apply the proceeds of Advances in accordance with its Application with such modifications as may be mutually agreed to in writing by RUS and the Borrower. Section 5.' Unused and Disallowed Advances (a)The Borrower shall return forthwith to RUS any and all advanced portions of the Loan(s) or Loan Guarantee(s) not disbursed by the Bonower for the Project or not needed to complete the Project with any interest earned thereon when deposited in the.,Pledged Deposit Account or other account approved by RUS. (b)The Borrower shall reimburse RUS for any advanced funds whose original expenditure has been disallowed by a RUS loan audit. Disallowances shall be satisfied, as directed by RUS, by either administrative offset against. requests for Advances or repaying the disallowed amount directly to the United States Treasury. Such disallowed amounts shall accme interest payable to RUS from the date RUS delivers to the Borrower a written demand for payment. Interest shall accrue at the lesser of the following: the interest rate of the disallowed Advance or the then . cwrent United States Treasury rate as prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury in the Federal Register and the Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual Bulletin. Closeout of the Loan will not affect such right to disallow expenditures and recover in full, any amount on the basis of a subsequent audit, or other review or the Borrower s obligation to return any disallowed expenditures. Section 5.Deposit of Advances into Pled1!ed Deposit Account and Construction Fund Account (a)Broadband Loans. The Borrower of Broadband Loans shall open and maintain a deposit account pledged to RUg ("Pledged Deposit Account ) in a bank or depository whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other federal agency acceptable to RUS and shall be designated by the RUS name of the Borrower followed by the words "Pledged Deposit Account" The Borrower shall promptly deposit proceeds from all Advances of the Broadband Loan, including previously advanced funds whose original expenditure has been disallowed by a RUS loan audit, and other funds described on Schedule 1 hereto (hereinafter Additional Funds ) into the Pledged Deposit Account. Moneys in the Pledged Deposit Account shall be used solely for the purposes for which the Advance was made, for the purposes as set forth in Schedule 1 hereto (hereinafter "Additional PliIposes ) or for such other purposes as may be approved by RUS. Deposits and disbursements from the Pledged Deposit Account shall be made and recorded in accordance with Attachment 1 hereto~ RUS Bulletin 1738-, as amended and supplemented from time to time. (b)Telecommunications Loans and Loan Guarantees and Bank Loans. The BolTower of Telecommunications Loans and/or Loan Guarantees, when required on Schedule 1 or Page 10 otherwise directed in writing by RUS, shall open and maintain a deposit account pledged to RUS for Telecommunications Loans and Loan Guarantees. Such account shall be in a bank or depository whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other federal agency acceptable to RUS, and shall be designated by the corporate name of the Borrower followed by the words "Pledged Deposit Account." ,The Borrower shall promptly deposit proceeds from Loan Advances, including previously advanced funds whose original expenditure has been disallowed by a RUS loan fund audit, and any Additional Funds into the Pledged Deposit Account. Moneys in the Pledged D~posit Account shall be used solely for the purposes approved by RUS or other Additional Purposes and shall be withdrawn from time to time only as permitted by RUS. (c)First Lien on Pledged Deposit Account. The BoITower shall establish and maintain the Pledged Deposit Account as a deposit account and perfect a fITst and prior lien in such account for RUS, (pursuant to a deposit account agreement or similar agreement or mechanism for perfecting as provided by applicable law) in form acceptable to RUS. (d)Construction Fund Account. The Borrower shall promptly deposit Loan Advances not required to be deposited in a Pledged Deposit Account, including previously advanced Loan funds whose original expenditure has been disallowed by a RUS loan fund audit, in a bank or depository whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other federal agency acceptable to RUS. Such account (hereinafter called the Construction Fund Account) shall be designated by the corporate name of the Borrower followed by the words "Construction Fund Account." Moneys in the Constmction Fund Account shall be used solely for the purposes approved by RUS and shall be withdrawn from time to time only as permitted by RUS. Section 5.Use of Ooeratine: Funds Required in Connection with Broadband Loans The Borrower shall expend the operating funds required by 7 C.R. Section 1738.20(b), as approved by RUB. Section 5.Financial Books The Borrower shall maintain, at its premises, such books, documents, papers, or other records and supporting documents, including, but not limited to, invoices, receipts, and bills of sale, adequate to identify the purposes for which and the ~nner in which Loan and other funds were expended on the Proj ect. The Borrower shall at all times keep and safely preserve proper books, records, and accounts in which full and true entries shall be made of all dealings, business, and affairs of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries (as listed in Schedule 1 hereto ) in accordance with any applicable Accounting Requirements. The BolTower shall maintain copies of all documents submitted to RUS in connection with the Loan until the Loan has been paid in full and all audits have been completed. Section 5.Ri2hts of Inspection The Borrower'shall afford RUS, the Office of Inspector General of USDA and the General Accounting Office, through their representatives, reasonable opportunity, at all times during business hours and upon prior notice, to access and inspect the Project, any other property encumbered by the Security Documents, and any and all books, records, accounts; including electronic books, records, accounts, and electronic mail messages, regardless of the physical fonn or characteristics, invoices, contracts, leases payrolls, canceled checks, statements, other documents, and papers of every kind belonging to or in any way pertaining to its property or business, including its Subsidiaries, if any, and to make copies or extracts therefrom. Page 11 - , Section 5.Annual and Special Financial Reports (a)One hundred twenty (120) days from the end of the Borrower s fiscal year in whicb. the first Advance is made and, thereafter, one hundred twenty (120) days from the close of each fiscal year of the Borrower, the Borrower shall cause to be prepared and furnished to RUS a full and complete annual report of its financial condition and of its operations in fOnD and substance satisfactory to RU8, and as provided in c.F.R. 1773, which is audited and certified by an independent certified public accoun~ant satisfactory to RU8, and accompanied by a report of such audit in form and substance satisfactory to RUS. (b)The Borrower shall also furnish to RUS fifteen (15) Business Days after March 31st of each year, and on such additional date ( s) as specified in Schedule 1 (hereinafter Additional Reporting Dates ) or'as otherwise requested in writing by RUS, balance sheets, income statements, statements of cash flow, or such other reports concerning the fmancial condition or operations of the BolTower, including its Subsidiaries, as RUS may request or RUS Regulations require. Section 5.Annual Compliance Certificate Commencing forty-five (45) days from the date hereof, and thereafter within forty-five (45) days after the clos6,.of each calendar year, or sooner if required in writing by RUS; the Borrower shall deliver to RUS, a written statement signed by its general manager managing member, or equivalent corporate official satisfactory to RUS, stating that, during such year the Borrower has fulfilled its obligations under the Loan Documents in all material respects or, if there has been a material default in the fulfillment of such obligations;'\specifying each such default known to such official .arid the nature and status thereof. ,';J' ~.. " " Section 5.10 Miscellaneous Reports and Notices The 'Borrower shall furnish to RUS: (a)Notice of Default. Promptly after becoming aware thereof, notice of the occurrence of any defaUlt under the Loan Documents or the receipt of any notice with respect to the occurrence of any event which with the giving of notice or the passage of time, or . both, could become an Event of Default hereunder or under the other Loan Documents. (b)Notice of Litigation. Promptly after the commencement thereof,. notice of the commencement of" all actions, suits or proceedings before any court, arbitrator, or governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality affecting the Borrower or any Affiliate which, if adversely detennined, could have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower. (c)Regulatory and Other Notices. Promptly after receipt thereof, copies of any notices or other communications received from any governmental authority with respect to any matter or proceeding which could have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower. (d)Material Adverse Effect. Promptly after becoming aware thereof, notice of any matter which has resulted or may result in a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower. (e)Corporate Document Changes. Thirty (30) days prior to their effectiveness, any amendments supplements or modifications to the Borrowee Articles of Page 12 Incorporation) Charter) Bylaws, Operating Agreement, Members Agreements or other Organizational Documents. (f)Other Information. Such other information regarding the condition, fmancial or otherwise, or operations of the Borrower as RUS may, from time to time, reasonably request. (a) Section 5.11 Tariff and Rate Desilm Tariff Requirements for Telecommunications Loan and Telecommunications Loan Guarantee BoITowers are as follows: (b) (1)Regulatory Approval Necessary. If regulatory approval is required to effectuate its telephone service tariff, the Borrower shall seek and use its diligep,t best efforts to obtain all regulatory body approvals necessary to place in effect and thereafter to maintain in effect a tariff for telephone service which (A) provides for such grades of service as RUS shall approve (B) does not include mileage or zone charges for any telephone service provided by the Project, and (C) is designed with a view to (1) paying and discharging all taxes, maintenance expenses, and operating expenses oithe BolTower s system, (2) making all payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Note(s) when and as the same shall become due, (3) providing and maintaining reasonable working capital for the Borrower, and (4) producing and maintaining the TIER specified on Schedule 1 hereto. The Borrower shall place such tariff into effect as soon as permitted by applicable laws and regulations and shall USe its diligent best efforts to obtain all necessary regulatory body approvals of such revisions of its tariff as may be necessary nom time to time to satisfy the requirements of this provision. (2)!1egulatory Approval Not Required. If regulatory approval is not required to effectuate its telephone service tariff, the Bon-ower shall design, charge and maintain in effect a tariff for telephone service which (A) provides for such grades of service as RUS shall approve, (B) does not include mileage or zone charges for any telephone service provided by the Project, and (1) pays and discharges all taxes, maintenance expenses, and operating expenses of the Bon-ower s system, (2) makes all payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Note(s) when and as the same shall becomedue, (3) provides and maintains reasonable worklng capital for the Borrower, and (4) produces and maintains the TIER specified on Schedule 1 hereto. Rate Requirement for Broadband Service. The Borrower shall design, charge, and maintain in effect rates for Broadband service which (i) pay and discharge all taxes maintenance expenses and operating expenses of its system, (n) make all payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Note(s) when and as the same shall , become due, (iii) provide and maintain reasonable working capital for the BolTower and (iv) produce and maintain the TIER specified on Schedule 1 hereto. Section 5.12 TIER Requirement From the date of this Agreement until the date specified in Schedule 1 , the Borrower will maintain a TIER of at least 1.0. Thereafter, starting on the date specified in Schedule 1 (hereinafter called the HTIER Commencement Date ) the Borrower shall maintain the TIER level(s) as specified in Schedule1. Page 13 - " Section 5.13 Corrective Action Within thirty (30) days of (i) sending the fmancial reports required by Section 5.8 hereof that shows the TIER specified by Section 5.12 was not achieved for the reported fiscal year or (ii) being notified by RUS that the TIER specified in Section 5.12 was not achieved for the reported fiscal year, whichever is earlier, the' Borrower, ill consultation uWith RUS, shall provide a -written plan satiSfactory to RUS settiiig forth the actions that shall be taken to achieve the specified TIER on a timely basis and shall promptly implement said plan. Section 5.14 Oblie:ations with Respect to the Construction~ Operation and Maintenance of the Project Funded bX the Broadband Loan (a) (b) ,,'1- Project Management an~ Operation. The Borrower shall be responsible for . managing the day to day operations of the Project and will operate the Project in an efficient and economic manner as well as maintaining the Project in good repair. Design Standards, Construction Standards, and Lists of Materials. The Borrower shall use design standards, constmction standards, and lists of acceptable materials in accordarl:ce with Attachment 1 hereto RUS Bulletin 1738-, as amended and supplemented from time to time. (c)Plans and Specifications. The Borrower shall submit plans and specifications for construction to RUS for review and approval in accordance with AttacIuhent 1 hereto, RUS Bulletin 1738-, as amended and supplemented from time t9 time. (d)Standard Forms of Purchase Contracts, Installation Contracts, Construction Contracts, and Engirzeering and Architectural Service Contracts. The Borrower shall use the standard forms of contracts promulgated by RUS for construction, procurement, engineering services, and architectural services in accordance with Attachment 1 hereto, RUS Bulletin 1738-, as amended and supplemented from time to time, and shall submit to R US such contracts for review and approval in accordance with such Attachment 1. (e)Contract Bidding Requirements. The Borrower shall follow RUS bidding procedures when contracting for construction or procurement in accordance with Attachment hereto, RUS Bulletin 1738-, as amended and supplemented from time to time. (f)Construction in Accordance with Loan Design. The Borrower shall cause the Project to be constructed and completed in accordance with the loan design submitted with the Application. (g) General Insurance Requirements. The Borrower shall take out and maintain insurance on the Project and any other property acquired with the Loan in accordance with 7 CFR Section 1788 as well as maintaining the fi4elity bond or theft insurancC? coverage required in Section 4.2 paragraph (g) hereof. Section 5.15 Obli2'ations with Respect to the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Project Funded by the Telecommunications Loan and Telecommunications Loan Guarantee (a)Project Management and Operation. The Borrower shall be responsible for managing the day to day operations of the Project and will operate the Project in an efficient and economic manner as well as maintaining the Project in good repair. Page 14 (b) (e) Design Standards, Construction Standards and List of Material. The Borrower shall use design standards) construction standards, and lists of acceptable materials iri accordance with RUS Regulations. (c)Plans and Specifications. The Borrower shall submit plans and specifications for constmction to RUS for review and approval in accordance with RUS Regulations. (d)Standard Forms of Purchase Contracts, Installation Contracts, Construction Contracts, and Engineering and Architectural Service Contracts. The Borrower shall use the standard forms of contracts promulgated by RUS for construction procurement, engineering services, and architectural services in accordance with RUS Regulations and shall submit to RUS such contracts for review and approval in accordance with RUS Regulations. Contracts for Toll Traffic, Operator Assistance Services, and Extended Area Service. The Borrower shall submit contracts for toll traffic, operator assistance services and contracts for extended area service to RUS for review and approval in accordance with RUS Regulations. (f)Contract Bir;iding R,equil"ernents. The Borrower shall follow. RUS bidding procedures when contracting for construction or procurement in accordance with RUS Regulations. (g) Construction in Accordance with Loan Design. The Borrower shall cause the Project to be constructed and cofupleted in accordance with the loan design submitted with the Application. (h)General Insurance' Requirements. The Borrower shall take out and maintain insurance on the Project and any other property acquired with the Loan as well as maintaining fidelity bond or theft insurance coverage in accordance with RUS Regulations. Section 5.16 Oblit:ations Applicable to Telecommunications Loan and Telecommunications Loan Guarantee Borrowers with Resnect to Area Coveraee of Telephone Service The Borrower shall furnish adequate telephone service to the widest" practicable nwnber rural users in the Borrower s telephone service area, as such area is shown on the map which is a part of the Borrower s application for the Telecommunications Loan or Telecommunications Loan Guarantee and which map, as revised by agreement between the Borrower and RUS, is incorporated herein by reference thereto. In the performance of this obligation, the Borrower shall: (a)furnish service to all applicants for telephone service included in the Project funded by the Telecommunications Loan, or Telecommunications Loan Guarantee, without payment by such applicants of any extra charge as a contribution to the cost of construction of facilities to provide such service; and (b)take all action that may be required to enable it to extend service, without payment to the Borrower of any extra charge as a contribution to construction of facilities to provide such service, to every unserved rural applicant for service in its telephone service area if the cost of constructing the required line extension for such applicant will not exceed seven times the estimated aDnuallocal service revenues from such applicant. Such service shall be furnished with the use of such funds as may ftom time to time be available to the Borrower, either from surplus earnings, increased equity capital, additional loans made by lenders other than the Government, or otherwise as the Borrower may elect, pursuant to terms and conditions set forth in Page 15 the Borrower s tariff, as duly filed with or approved by regulatory bodies having jurisdiction in the premises, or in the absence of any such regulatory body, as adopted by the Borrower; provided that the Borrower shall not file with or submit for approval of appropriate regulatory bodies or adopt any proposed tariff, or continue in effect any existing tariff not required to be continued by any regulatory body, unless under such tariff the Borrower will be obligated to serve unserved rural applicants as provided herein. Section 5.17 Presetvation of-Existence and:Rights The Borrower shall, until the Loan is repaid in full, take or cause to be taken all such actions as ftam time to time may be necessary to preserve its existence and to preserve and renew all franchises contracts, rights of way, easements, permits, and licenses now or hereafter to be granted or conferred upon , with respect to the Project, the loss of which would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower. Section 5.18 Compliance with Laws The Borrower shall operate and maintain the Project and its properties in compliance in all material respects, with all applicable Laws. Section 5.19 NondiscriInination , ,. (a)Equal Opportunity Provisions in Construction Contracts. The Borrower shall incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any construction contract, as defined in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 and implementing regulations, which is paid for in whole or in part with funds obtained from RUS, or borrowed on the , credit of the United States pursuant to a grant, contract, loan, insurance or guarantee or undertaken pursuant to any RUS program involving such grant, contract, loan insurance or guarantee, the equal opportmrity provisions set forth in Attachment 2 hereto, entitled Equal.opportunity Con1ract Provisions. (b)Equal Opportunity Contract Provisions Also Bind the Borrower. The Borrower further agrees that it shall be bound by such equal opportunity clause in any federally assisted construction work which it performs itself other than through the permanent work force directly employed by an agency of government. (c)Sanctions and Penalties. The Borrower agrees that it shall cooperate .actively with RUS and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of contrac~ors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor, that it shall furnish RUS and the Secretary of Labor such informati~n as they may require for the supervision of such compliance, and that it shall otherwise assist the administering agency in the discharge of RUg' primary responsibility for securing compliance. The Borrower further agrees that it shall refrain from entering into any contract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 with a contractor debmed from, who has not demonstrated eligibility for, Government contracts and federally assisted construction contracts pursuant to Part II, Subpart D of Executive Order 11246 and shall carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by RUS or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part ', Subpart D of Executive Order 11246. In addition, the Borrower agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings RUS may cancel, terminate or suspend in whole or iIi part this Agreement, may refrain from extending any further assistance under any of its programs subject to Executive Order 11246 until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received fi:om the Borrower, or may refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. Page 16 Section 5.20 Buy American The Borrower shall use or cause to be used in connection with the expenditures of funds if such funds were obtained in whole or in part by a loan being made or guaranteed by RUS only such unmanufactured articles, materials, and supplies as have been mined or produced in the United States or any eligible country, and only such ,manufactured articles, material, and supplies as have been manufactured in the United States or any eligible country substantially all from articles, material, and supplies mined, produced' or manufactured~as' the case may be, in the United States or any eligible country, except to the extent RUS shall determine that such use shall be impracticable or that the cost thereof shall be umeasonable. For purposes of this section, an "eligible cmmtry" is any country that has with respect to the United States an agreement ensuring reciprocal access for United States products and services and United States suppliers to the markets of that Country, as determined by the United States Trade Representative. Section 5.21 Additional Affirmative Covenants The Borrower shall comply with the additional affirmative covenants set forth in Schedule hereto. ARTICLE VI - NEGATIVE COVENANTS Section 6.1 General Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by RUS,while this Agreement is in effect, the Borrower shall duly observe each of the negative covenants set forth in this Article VI. Section 6.Mere:er~ Consolidation anq Transfer ofPropertI The Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of RUS, take or suffer to be taken any steps to reorganize, consolidate with, or merge into any other corporation, or to sell, lease or transfer (~r make any agreement therefor) all or any part of its property, including, without limitation, the Project. Section 6.Covenan~tv Companies and Similar Borrowers Borrowers which are limited liability companies or similar orgamzations agree that: (a)The dea~ retirement, resignation, expulsion, termination, bankruptcy, or dissolution of any member or the occurrence of any other event that terminates the continued membership of any member shall not cause the Borrower to be dissolved or its affairs to be wound up; (b)Prior to the date on which any and all obligations owed to RUS or the guaranteed lender with respect to Telecommunications Loan Guarantees, including the note evidencing the Loan, are discharged in full, the Borrower shall not be dissolved ortenninated' (c)The organizational documents of the Borrower shall contain provisions reflecting the obligations of the :Borrower in paragraphs (a) and (b) innnediately above and such provisions shall not be amended without the prior written consent of RUS; and (d)No direct or indirect addition, issuance, or transfer of any membership units (or any other ownership interest) in the Borrower may be made by the Borrower or its members without the prior written consent ofRUS. Pagel7 Section 6.4 Additional Indebtedness The Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of RUS, incur additional indebtedness in the event: (a)The Borrower is not maintaining a TIER of 1.0 or if the additional indebtedness will cause the Borrower s TIER to fall below 1.0; or (b)An Event of Default as defined in 'Section 8.1 (b) hereof has occurred and is continuing. Section 6.Negative Pled~e The Borrower shall not create, incur, or suffer any ~en, mortgage, pledge, assignment, or other encumbrance on, or security interest in its property, other than Permitted Encumbrances. Section 6.6 Contracts The Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of RUS, enter into any contract or contracts for the operation or maintenance of all or any part of its property, including, without limitation the Project, and shall not enter into any conlract for the use by others of all or any part of its property, including, without limitation, the Project. Section 6.7 Salaries , Salaries, wages and other compensation paid by the Borrower for services, and directors members , managers' or trustees' fees , shall be reasonable and in confonnity with the usual practice', of entities of the size and nature of the Borrower. Section 6.8 Extension of Credit Except as specifically authorized in writing in advance by RUS, the Bonower will make no advance payments or loans, or in any manner otherwise extend its credit, either directly or indirectly, with , or without interest, to any of its directors, trustees, officers, employees, stockholders, members, managers Affiliates or Affiliated Companies; provided, however, the Borrower may make an investment for any purpose described in section 607(c)(2) of the Rural Development Act of 1972 (including any investment in or extensi(~m of credit, guarantee or advance made to an Affiliated Company that is used by such Affiliate for such 'purpose) to the extent that, immediately after such investment, (1) the aggregate of such investments does not exceed one-third of the Net Worth and (2) the Bonower s Net Worth is at least twenty percent (20%) of its Total Assets. Section 6.9 Distributions or Withdrawals (a)Corporations and Cooperatives. Corporate or cooperative Borrowers shall not without the prior written approval of RUS, make any dividend, stock, capital, or other distribution in the nature of an investment, guarantee, extension of credit advance, or loan, nor make a capital credit distribution (all such distributions being hereinafter collectively called "Distributions;provided, however;J. Distributions may be made in each calendar year as follows: (1)Aggregate, annual Distributions not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of prior calendar year s Net Income or Margins may be made if, after such aggregate annual Distributions, the Borrower s net worth is at least one p~rcent (1 %) of its Total Assets; Page 18 (2) (3) . ,..,.. ,....,.. ,"'.. (4) (b) Aggregate aruma! Distributions not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the prior calendar year s Net Income or Margins may be made if, after such aggregate annual Distributions, the Borrower s Net Worth is at least twenty percent (20%) of its Total Assets; Aggregate annual Distributions not to exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the prior calendar year s Net Income or Margins may be made if, after such aggregate annual Distributions, the Borrower s Net Worth is at least thirty percent(30%) of its Total Assets; or ,... .. . There is no limit on aggregate, annual Distributions if, after making such aggregate, annual Distributions, the Borrower s Net Worth is at least forty percent (40%) of its Total Assets. ..... ...., , Limited Liability Companies. Borrowers which are limited liability companies shall not, without the prior written approval ofRUS, make any membership withdrawals unit redemptions, or other type of profit allocation to its members and shall not, without the prior written approval of RUS, make capital distributions in the nature of an investment, guarantee, extension of credit, advance, or loan (all such actionsbeing hereinafter collectively called "Distributions;provided, however ;!. Distributions may be made in each calendar year as follows: - . (c) (1)Aggregate, annual Dis1ributions not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) ofthe prior calendar year s Net Income or Margins may be made if, after such aggregate annual Distributions, the Bonower s Net Worth is at least one percent (1 %) of its Total Assets; (2)Aggregate annual Distributions not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the prior calendar year~ s Net Income or margins may be made if, after such aggregate annual Distributions, ~e Bon-ower s Net Worth is at least twenty percent (20%) of its Total Assets; (3)Aggregate annual Distributions not to exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the prior calendar year s Net Income or Margins may be made if, after such aggregate annual Distributions, the Borrower s Net Worth " is at least thirty percent (30%) of its Tot~ Assets; or (4)There is no limit on aggregate, annual Distributions if, after maIdng such aggregate, annual Distributions, the Borrower s net worth is at least forty percent forty percent (40%) of its Total Assets. In addition to the Distributions authorized under the immediately) precedmg subsections, the Borrower may make any Distribution or investment as provided in 7 CFR 1744 SubpartD. Section 6.10 Chan1!inl!: Principal Place of Business~ Place of Conducpnl!: Business, or Type of Ort!:aniz~tion The Borrower shall not change its principal place of business, place of conducting business or type of organization without the prior consent ofRUS. Section 6.11 Chant!:in2 Name or Place of Incorporation or Or2anization The Borrower shall not change its legal name or place of incorporation or organization without giving RUS sixty (60) days prior written notice. Page 19 Section 6.12 Chane:ine Rates or Tariffs RUS. The Borrower shall not file for or change its rates or tariffs without prior written approval by Section 6.13 Historic Preservation The Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of RUS, use any Advance( s) to construct any facility which shall involve any district, site; building, structure or object which..is included , or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Historic Sites Act of 1935 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Section 6.14 Limitations on Usint! non-FDIC Insured Depositories Without the prior written approval of RUS, the Borrower shall not place the proceeds of theLoans or any loan which has been made or guaranteed by RUS, in the custody of any bank or other depository that is not insured by the Federal "Deposit Insurance Corporation or other federal agencyacceptable to RUS. Section 6.15 Affiliated Transactions The Borrower shall not enter into any transaction, contract, or dealing with an Affiliate of the Bon-ower or with the Borrower s or Affiliate s directors, trustees, officers, managers, members (if the Borrower is a limited liability company), or other corporate officials, without the prior written consent ofRUS. ,. Section 6.16 Obli~ations with Respect to Nonduplicatjon of Faciljties for TeJecommunicagons Loan and Telecommunications Loan Guarantee Loan Borrowers If the Borrower has outstanding Telecommunications Loan(s) or Teleconununications Loan Guarantee(s) and provides telephone service in any state in which there is no state regulatory body with authority to regulate telephone service and to require certificates of convenience and necessity to the Borrower, the BolTower shall not use any portion of such Loan(s) for the construction of telephone facilities to furnish or improve service to persons located in such state receiving telephone service from any other telephone company at the time the BoIrower proposes to furnish or improve service to such persons except that the Borrower may provide or improve service to persons receiving service through facilities acquired or to be acquired by the Borrower, and except to the extent RUS, on the basis of evidencesubmitted to it by the Bonower, shall have determined that service by the Borrower to such persons willnot result in duplication of lines, facilities or systems providing reasonably adequate service. Section 6.17 Additional Ne1!ative Covenants hereto. The Borrower shall comply with the additional negative covenants set forth in Schedule 1 ARTICLE vn - LENDER'S RIGHTS Section 7.Termination of Loan Offer RUS, in its sole discretion, may terminate the offer to make the Loan( s) if Loan Documents dilly executed on behalf of the Borrower, are not received and all other conditions in Section 4.1 hereof are not satisfied within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date hereof. Page 20 Section 7.Audits and Comnliance Reviews After giving prior notification to the Borrower, RUS has the right to conduct compliance reviews and audits of the Borrower to assure compliance with the Loan Documents and RUS Regulations. Section 7.Disallowed Expenditures Upon a determination by RUS that the Bonower did not utilize the Loan in the manner and "",..,.." ",.. exclusively for the Project as approved by RUS, RUS"may, in-its sole discretion: (a) (b) (c) Disallow all or a part of the expenditures and disbursements of the Loan and require the Borrower to deposit such funds in the Construction Fund Account or in the Pledged Deposit Account, to be applied toward other approved Project purposes or to reimburse the Government, as provided in Section 5.3 hereof; Suspend making Advances; and/or Take any other action RUS determines to be necessary including, without limitation exercising any right or remedy available under the Loan Documents or at law. Section 7.4 Suspension of Advances , " RUS may, in its absolute discretion, suspend making or approving Advances hereunder, if RUS detennines that an event has occurred that is likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower. .. "' Section 7.Payment Extensions RUS may, at any time or times in succession without notice to, or the consent of, the Borrower and upon such terms as RUS may prescribe, grant to any perso~ finn or entity who shall have become obligated to pay all or any part of the principal of or interest on any Note held by, or indebtedness owed to, RUS or who may be affected by the lien created by the Loan Documents, an extension of the time for the payment of such principal or interest. After any such extension the Borrower will remain liable for the payment of such Note or indebtedness to the same extent as though it had at the time of such extension consented thereto in writing. ARTICLE VIII-EVENTS OF DEFAULT Section 8.1. Events of Default The following shall be Events of Default under this Agreement: (a)Representations and Warranties.Any representation or warranty made by the Bon-ower in the Loan Documents or in the Application, any certificate furnished to RUS thereunder, shall prove to have been incorrect in any material respect at the time made; (b)Non-Pavment.The nonpayment of any required and due installment of interest on, or principal of, any Note, whether by acceleration or otherwise, which continues for five (5) Business Days, as such term is herein defined; (c)Corrective Actions. Default by the Borrower in the observance or performance of Section 5.13; Page 21 Cd) (e) ","""", '.0 ,- ,.... "" (f) Section 9.Generally Limited Liability Companies Default by the Bon-ower or its members in the observance or performance of Section 6. Other Covenants. Default by the Borrower in the observance or performance of any other covenant or agreement contained in any of the Loan Documents, which shall remain unremedied for thirty (30) calendar days, after -written notice thereof had been given to the Borrower by RUS; , "0"' :Adverse Effects . The Borrower shall forfeit or otherwise be deprived of its charter articles of organization, franchises, permits, easements, consents, or licenses required to carry on any material portion of its business, or the Borrower files for, or an event occurs, which can reasonably be expected to result in its dissolution or termination; (g) Other ' Obligations.Default by the Borrower in the payment of any obligation whether direct or contingent, for borrowed money in 'excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or in the performance or observance of the tenDS of any instrument pursuant to which such obligation was created or securing such obligation which default shall have resulted in such obligation becoming or being declared due and payable .prior to the date on which it would otherwise be due and payable; (h) ~. A court having jurisdiction-in the premises shall enter a decree or order for relief with respect to the Borrower in an involuntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, or other similar law now or hereafter in effect: (1) appointing a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator, or similar official, or (2) ordering the winding up or liquidation of its affairs; or the Bon-ower shall commence a voluntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or under any such law, or consent to the appointment or taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian or trustee, of a substantial part of its property, or make any general assignment for thebenefit of creditors; (i)Dissolution or LiQuidation. Other than as provided in the immediately preceding subsection, the dissolution or liquidation of the Borrower, or the filing of such by the Borrower; (j) Impaired Business.The failure by the Borrower to promptly forestall or remove any execution, garnishment or attachment of such consequence as shall impair its ability to continue its business or fulfill its obligations and such execution, garnishment or attachment shall not be vacated within thirty (30) days; or Payment of Final Judgment.A final judgment in an amount of ten thousand dollars ($10 000.00) or more shall be entered against the Bon-ower and shall remain , unsatisfied or without a stay in respect thereof for a period of thirty (30) days. ARTICLE IX - REMEDIES Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, RUS may pursue all rights and remedies that are contemplated by the Loan Documents in the manner, upon the conditions, and with the effect provided in the Loan Documents, including, but not limited to, a suit for specific performance, injunctive relief, or damages. Nothing herein shall limit the rights of RUS to pursue, jointly or severally, all rights and remedies available to 'a creditor following the occurrence of an Event of Default listed in Article VITI hereof. Each right, power, and remedy of RUS shall be cumulative and concurrent, and recourse to one or more rights or remedies shall not constitute a waiver of any other right, power or remedy. Page 22 Section 9.Remedies In addition to the remedies referred to in Section 9.1 hereof, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default RUS may: (a)Refuse to make any Advance or further Advance on account of the Loan(s), but any Advance thereafter made by RUS shall not constitute a waiver of such default; or ""'"' -. - ....,""', "." . --..' (b)Declare all unpaid principal of and all interest accrued on the Note( 5) to be.... immediately due and payable and upon such declaration all such principal and interesfshall become immediately due and payable. ARTICLE X - MISCELLANEOUS Section 10.1 Notices All notices, requests, and other communications provided for herein including, without limitation, any modifications, waivers, requests, or consents under, this Agreement shall be given or made in writing (including, without limitation, by telecopy) and delivered to the intended recipient at the Address forNotice(~~~cified below; or, as to any party, at such other address as shall be designated by such party in a notice to each other party. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all such conununications shall. be deemed to have been dilly given when transmitted by telecopier or personallY delivered or, in the case of a mailed notice, upon receipt, in each case given or addressed as provided for herein. The Addresses for Notices of ~e respective parties are as follows: RUS , Rural Utilities Service United States Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue, S. Washington, D.20250-1500 Attention: Administrator Fax: (202) 720-1725 BOIrower See Schedule 1 With a COpy to See Schedule 1 With a copy to See Schedule 1 Section 10.Exuenses To the extent allowed by law, the Borrower shall pay all costs and expenses of RUS including reasonable fees of counsel, incurred in connection with the enforcement of the Loan Documents or with the preparation for such enforcement if RUS has reasonable grounds to believe that such enforcement may be necessary. Section 10.3 Late Payments If payment of any amount due hereunder is not received at the United States Treasury in ' Washington, DC or such other location as RUg may designate to the Borrower within five (5) Business Days after the due date thereof, or such other time period as RUS may prescribe from time to time in its policies of general application in connection with any late payment charge (such unpaid amount being herein called the "delinquent amount", and the period beginning after such due date until payment of the delinquent amount being herein called the Ulate-payment period ) the Borrower shall pay to, RUS in addition to all other amounts due under the terms of the Notes, the Security Documents and this Agreement, any late payment charge as may be fixed by RUS Regulations from time to time on the delinquent amount for the late-payment period. Page 23 Section 10.4 Filius: Fees .., ..... '.. .. To the extent permitted by law, the Borrower agrees to pay all expenses of RUS (including the fees and expenses of its counsel) in connection with the filing or recordation of all financing statements and instruments as may be required by RUS in connection with this Agreement, j,ncluding, without limitation, all documentary stamps, recordation, transfer taxes, and other costs and taxes incident to recordation of any docuYnent or instrument in connection herewith. Borrower agrees to save hannlessand indemnify RUS from and against any liability resulting from the failure to pay any required docmnentary ,.stamps" recordation and transfer taxes, recording cost~; or any other expenses incurred by RUS.. connection with this Agreement. The provisions of this section shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the payment of all other amounts due hereunder or due on the Notes. Section 10.5 No Waiver No failure on the part of RUS to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, any ~ght hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise by RUS of any right hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right Section 10.Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by andc()nstrue4 in accordance with applicable federal law and, in the absence of controlling federal law, by the laws of the State identified in the first paragraph herein, except those that would render such choice oflaw ineffective. Section 10.Holiday Pavments If any payment to be made by the Borrower hereunder shall become due on a day which is not Business Day, such payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day and,such extension of time shan be included in computing any interest in respect of such payment. Section 10.8 Rescission The Borrower may elect not to borrow the Loan, in which event RUS shall release the Borrower from its obligations hereunder, provided the Borrower complies with such terms and conditions as RUS may impose for such release. Section 10.Successors and Assie:ns (a)This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Borrower RUS, and their respective successors and assigns, except that the Borrower may not assign or transfer its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent ofRUS. (b)Pursuant to federal claims collection laws, RUS' claims hereunder may be transferred to other agencies of the United States of America; in the event of such a transfer, all rights and remedies hereby granted or conferred on RUS shall pass to and inure to the benefit of any such successor agency. Section 10.10 Complete Ae:reement; Waivers and Amendments Subject to RUS Regulations, this Agreement and the other Loan Documents are intended by the parties to be a complete and fInal expression of their agreement. However, RUS reserve the right to waive its rights to compliance with any provision of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents. No amendment, modification, or waiver of any provision hereof or thereof, and no consent to any departure of the Borrower herefrom or therefrom, shall be effective unless approved in writing by RUS in the fonn of Page 24 either a RUS Regulation or other writing signed by or on behalf of RU8, and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given. Section 10.11 Prior Telephone Loan Contracts With respect to all Prior Telephone Loan Contracts, the Borrower shall, commencing on the delivery date hereof, prospectively meet the affmriative and negative covenants as set forth in this Agreement rather than those set forth in the Prior Telephone Loan Contracts. In addition, any remaining obligation of-RUS to make or approve additional advances on promissory notes of the Borrower thathave been previously delivered to RUS under Prior Telephone Loan Contracts shall, after the date hereof, be subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between any provision set forth in a Prior Telephone Loan Contract and any provision in this Agreement, the requirements as set forth in this Agreement shall apply. Nothing in this section shall, however, eliminate or modify (i) any special condition, special affumative covenant or special negative covenant, if any, set forth in any Prior Telephone Loan Contract or (ii) alter the repayment terms of any promissory notes which the Borrower has delivered under any Prior Telephone Loan Contract, except) in either case, as RUS may have specifically agreed to in writing. Section 10.12 Headine:s The headings and sub-headings contained in the titling of this Agreement are intended to be used'for convenience only and do not constitute part of this Agreement Section 10.13 If any tefII\ provision, condition, or any part thereof, of this Agreement, Note(s) or the Security Documents shall for any reason be found or held invalid or unenforceable by any governmental agency or court of competent jurisdiction) such invalidity or unenforc~ability shall not affect the remainder of such tenn, provision, or condition nor any other tenn, provision, or condition, and this Agreement, the Note( s), and the Security Documents shall survive and be cons1rued as if such invalid or unenforceable term, provision or condition had not been contained therein. Section 10.14 Rie:ht of Setoff Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, RUS is hereby authorized at any time, without prior notice to the Bonower, to exercise rights of setoff-or recoupment and apply any and all amounts held or hereafter held, by RUS, owed to the 'Borrower, or for the credit or account of the Borrower against any and all of the obligations of the B9IrOWer now or hereafter existing hereunder or under the Note(s). RUS agrees to notify the Borrower promptly after any such setoff or recoupment and the application thereof, provided that the failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of such setof'f: recoupment or application. The rights of RUS under this section are in addition to any other rights and remedies (including other rights of setoff or recoupment) which RUS may have. Borrower waives all rights of setoff, deduction, recoupment, or counterclaim. Section 10.15 Schedules and Attachments Each Schedule and Attachment attached hereto and referred to herein is each an integral part of this Agreement. Section 10.16 ~horitv of Represent!tives ofl!!lli In the case of any consent, approval, or waiver from RUS that is required under this Agreement or any other Loan Docwnent, such consent, approval) or waiver must be in writing and signed by an authorized RUS representative to be effective. As used in this section , " authorized RUS representative" means the Administrator of RUS or any person to whom the Administrator has officially delegated specific or general authority to take the action in question. Page 25 Section 10.17 Anlendment of Laws and RUS Ree:ulations Nothing contained herein shall restrict in any way RUS' right to amend , rescind, or supplement any of the RUS Regulations or to seek such changes to existing Laws. Section 10.18 Term This Agreement shall remain in effect until one of the following two events has occurred: (a) (b) The Borrower and RUS replace this Agreement with another Mitten agreement; or All of the Borrower s obligations under this Agreement have been discharged and' paid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto ~ve caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year fIrst above written. e:;:j,.t)mG".:f .l??19 A: T /:;--:-.i- .i- itle: ?~135 i D~NIea Attested to by: / ~~~~.&2: Secretary L TELEPHONE CO~ ANY J;. TIIE UNITED-STATES OF AMERICA by /1 'l~?-V":"l-v~.- ;'/.;' ,(--;~ / 1 . ~cting Assistant Administrator Telecommunications Program Page 26 SCHEDULE 1 Article II Representations and Warranties Paragraph (i) Borrower s address:892 West Madison Avenue Glenns Ferry, Idaho 83623 Paragraph (j) Borrower s Organization Number:C61691 Paragraph (k) Borrower s Subsidiaries:Pend Oreille Telephone Company, Nehalem Telecommunications, Inc. Paragraph (k) Borrower s Parent: Martell Enterprises, Inc. Article III The Loans Broadband Loan Section 3.1(a) Broadband Loan amount: $0 Section 3. 1 (a) (i) Broadband Loan portion at the cost-of-money interest rate: $0 Section 3. 1 (a)(i) Broadband Loan portion at the four percent (4%) rate of interest: $0 ,-' . Telecommunications Loan Section 3.(b) Telecommunications Loan amount: $17,425,000 Section 3. (b)(i) Telecommunications Loan amount at the cost-of-money interest rate: $0 Section 3.1(b)(i) TelecOlmnwrications Loan amount five percent (5%) rate of interest: $17,425,000 Telecommunications Loan Guarantee Section 3.1(c) Telecommunications Loan Guarantee amount: $0 Bank Loan Section 3.1(d) Bank Loan amount: $0 Article IV Conditions of Lending Section 4.2(i) funds required on deposit by Broadband borrower in accordance with 7 C.R. 1738.20(b): N/A The additional conditions to advance referred to in Section 4.2(m) are as follows: No advances for new toll facilities will be advanced until connecting company concurrences have been received from: (a)Syringa Networks, Inc., for the new fiber toll connections with Tipanuk and BoiseRiver (b)Filer Mutual Telephone Company for the location of a fiber terminal in their Rogerson office for the Three Creek toll route; and (c)Citizens Communications for a new fiber connection with their Elko exchange to the new Tuscarora and North Fork toll route. Page 27 No advances for outside plant construction will be advanced until the final route maps and approvals have been granted by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Boise, Regulatory Office, the State Historical Societies of Idaho and Nevada, the Boise National Forest, the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest ,and the Salmon-Challis National Forest, the Bureau of Land Management and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services of Idaho and Nevada; as outlined in RUS' letter dated September 15,2004. Article V Affmnative Covenants ection 5 A\a) Additiomil Funds: None Section 5.4(a) Additional Purposes: None Section 5.4(b) Pledged Deposit Account IS NOT required. Section 5.8(b) Additional Reporting Date(s): None Section 5.12 TIER: 1.50 Section 5.12 TIER ConnnencementDate: December 31,2008 The additional affinnative covenants referred to in Section 5.21 are as follows: None Article VI Negative Covenants1. The a.dditional negative covenants referred to in Section 6.17 are as follows: None Article X Miscellaneous Section 10.1 Borrower s addre~ for purposes of notification: Mr. James R. Martell President 892 West Madison Avenue Glenns Ferry, Idaho 83623 . Telephone: (208) 366-2614 Fax: (208) 366-2615 Section 10.1 Address for Borrower s notification copy: . Givens Pursley LLP Attorney 601 W. Bannock Street Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 Section 10.1 Address for RUS' notification copy: Rural Utilities Service United States Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue, S. Washington, D.C. 20250-1500 Attention: Administrator Fax: (202) 720-1725 Page 28