HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020129Comments.pdfWELDON STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0318 ISB NO.3283 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W.WASHINGTON BOISE,IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )CASE NO.RUR-T-01-01RURALTELEPHONECOMPANYFORAN)ORDER INCREASING USF FUNDING.)COMMENTS OF THE )COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its Attorneyof record,Weldon Stutzman,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,and in response to the Notice of Application,Notice of Modified Procedure and Order No.28930 issued on January 15,2002, submits the followingcomments. BACKGROUND On May 30,2001,Rural TelephoneCompany filed an Application to increase its entitlement to Idaho USF funding.The increased fundingis to reimburse the Company for its costs and expenses in providing EAS to the Tipanuk,Prairie,and Boise River exchanges per Commission Order No.28114,Case No.GNR-T-97-9,dated August 20,1999.As originally filed,the Company's Application asked for an annual increase in USF fundingin the amount of $125,562.00.The Company subsequentlyrevised its request on November 16,2001 to an annual increase of $81,042.92.This request is based upon a total of the followingrevenue related elements: STAFF COMMENTS 1 JANUARY 29,2002 Grossed-up return on the related capitalized costs and expensesAnnualDepreciationExpense Annualized EAS Case Costs Access Revenue Reduction Shift in Federal Support to the State Revenue increase from change in local rates Staff and the Company now recommend that Rural Telephone be granted additional USF fundingin the annual amount of $68,274.00.After completing its audit,Staff had recommended that the annual amount be increased by $57,535.69.However,after reviewing Staff's original recommendation with the Company,the Company and Staff reached agreement on several contested issues that result in increased USF fundingof $68,274.00.Staff's original position and the now agreed upon position are presented in the attached audit report (Attachment No.1). EFFECTIVE DATE The parties did not agree on one remaining issue,as follows:Should the annual increase in payments from the USF to Rural Telephonebe retroactive to a specific date?If the increase in payments is retroactive,what is the appropriate date for the payments to begin? Staff identifies the followinglogical options for the beginning date of the payments. a.The date the EAS and customer rate changes became effective,February 14,2001 as Rural proposes. b.Thirty days after the May 30,2001 date of the Application Filing,which would beJuly1,2001. c.Thirty days after the November 16,2001 date that Rural revised its Application,which would be December 16,2001. d.Date of the Commission Order approving the increased USF funding. DISCUSSION AlthoughStaff supports prompt payment of USF funds to eligible telephonecompanies, any company claiming additional USF draws should be prompt in its request,and in providing the information required to verify its entitlement.In this case,Rural was perhaps dilatory in presenting its request,and Staff believes awarding USF funds retroactivelycould unfairly reward tardy business practices.In addition,the relevant USF statute requires that "[d]istributionsfrom the fund shall be made monthly."Idaho Code §2-610(4).Deviation from that statutory STAFF COMMENTS 2 JANUARY 29,2002 mandate,as would occur by distributing a lump sum to a retroactive effective date,should be based on compelling circumstances.It is true that the costs that justifyRural's request for increased fundinghad been incurred by the date of the EAS cutover,and it is reasonable for the Company to expect to be compensated for those costs as of that date.It is also reasonable, however,for the Commission to expect a company to be prompt in requesting such compensation.Rural must bear some of the responsibility for the relativelylate date of a Commission order for an increase in its annual USF draws. When the Commission considered approving the EAS at issue,it deferred a decision on the financial aspects of the case,other than consumer rates,primarily to obtain accurate costs for the construction and upgrades necessary to implement the approved EAS routes.The construction was essentially completed in October of 2000.Yet the Company's Application was not filed until May 30,2001,some seven months after completion of construction and four months after the cutover date. Another issue resulting in delay,for which Rural must bear some responsibility,came from an FCC order issued May 22,2001,prior to the filing of Rural's Application.A significant portion of Rural's initial funding request was for a reduction in federal support the Company anticipated due to the increase in intrastate minutes that occurs when EAS routes are approved. The FCC in its May 22 order placed a freeze in jurisdictional factors,which means Rural's federal support would not be reduced as much as anticipated.Staff contacted Rural's consultant, GVNW,and it was mutually agreed that the Application would be revised in light of the FCC order.Nonetheless,nearly four months passed before the revised Application was submitted. Staff understands that it may take some time after the completion of construction to collect the required data and post the financial transactions.It is also reasonable that analysis of a decision as significant as the FCC's May 22 order may require some time.Staff nonetheless believes the time involved in the Company's responses in this case are excessive.Under these circumstances,making the increased USF payments retroactive to the date of the EAS cutover, as requested by the Company,unnecessarily rewards slow business practices and complicates administration of the state USF. Considering that the Company reasonablyexpected some EAS costs to be recovered through increased USF draws,and the Company's failure to make a more timely request,Staff believes the appropriate effective date should be no earlier than July 1,2001,which is 30 days STAFF COMMENTS 3 JANUARY 29,2002 after the May 30,2001 Application filing date.This date recognizes the responsibility the Company has to file and pursue its claim in a timely manner. If July 1,2001 is the beginning date,a one-time payment representing eight (8)monthly payments (July2001 through February 2002)in the amount of $45,546.08 should be paid from the USF fund.Beginning March 2002,the monthlyUSF payment to Rural should be increased by $5,693.26 for 28 months,so that Rural is credited with the 36-month amortization for recovery of the case costs as discussed in Attachment No.1,Staff Audit Report.Thereafter,the monthlypayment should be reduced by $855.67 to reflect the cessation of recovery for the case costs. Respectfullysubmitted this B day of January2002. Weldon Stutzman Technical Staff:Joe Leckie Terri Carlock i:umisc:comments/rurt01.l wsjlte STAFF COMMENTS 4 JANUARY 29,2002 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 29TH DAY OF JANUARY 2002,SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF,IN CASE NO.RUR-T-01-01,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID,TO THE FOLLOWING: CONLEY WARD MICHAEL RICHMOND GIVENS PURSLEY LLP GENERAL MANAGER PO BOX 2720 RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY BOISE ID 83701-2720 704 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF AUDIT REPORT ON RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Prepared by Joe Leckie Auditor January 29,2002 Attachment No.l Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page 1 of 9 BACKGROUND On May 30,2001,Rural Telephone Company filed an Application to increase its entitlement to USF funding.The basis for the increase funding is to reimburse the Company for its costs and expenses in providingEAS to the Tipanuk,Prairie,and Boise River exchanges per Commission Order No.28 114,Case No.GNR-T-97-9,dated August 20,1999.The Company's original Application asked for an annual increase in USF funding in the amount of $125,562.00. Subsequently,the request was revised on November 16,2001,to ask for $81,042.92.This request is based upon a total of the followingrevenue related elements: Grossed-up return on the related capitalized costs and expenses Annual Depreciation Expense Access Revenue Reduction Annualized EAS Case Costs Shift in Federal Support to the State Revenue increase from change in local rates Based upon Staff's review,Staff is recommending that Rural Telephone be granted additional USF fundingin the annual amount of $68,274.00.Staff had originally recommended that the annual amount be increased by $57,535.69.However,after reviewing Staff's original recommendationwith the Company,the Company and Staff have reached an agreement on issues that results in the annual amount for increased USF fundingof $68,274.00. Below is a chart showing the revenue elements as requested by Rural Telephone,the amounts originally recommended by Staff,and the agreed upon amounts: Revenue Elements Requested by Rural Staff Recommended Stipulated AmountGrossedupReturn on Actual Capitalized Costs/Expenditures $49,428.47 $29,862.79 $38,705.64AnnualDepreciation Expense $32,317.18 $29,414.11 $29,646.39LostAccessRevenue$45,750.27 $45,750.27 $45,750.27ShiftinFederalSupport to the State $14,760.00 $14,760,00 $14,760.00AnnualizedCaseCost (3 year amortization)$9,643.41 $8,604.92 $10,268.00RevenueIncrease from Local Rates $(70,856.40)$(70,856.40)$(70,856.40)Totals $81,042.93 $57,535.69 $68,273.90 Attachment No.1 .Case No.RUR-T-01-1AttachmentAshowsthedetailedcalculationoftheseamounts.Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 2 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 1 JANUARY 29,2002 I.Grossed-up Return on Actual Capitalized Costs/Expenses A.Background Pursuant to Case No.GNR-T-97-9 and Order No.28114 issued August 20,1997,the Commission determined that Rural Telephoneshould provide EAS to the Boise River,Tipanuk, and Praire exchanges.The Commission stated in its Order "that it is in the public interest to support EAS for these exchanges in part by increased distributions from USF."In order to provide the EAS service,Rural Telephonewas required to upgrade its then existing facilities and equipment.The Company separated the upgrades to the three exchanges under three workorders:W/O No.10022-Tipanuk,W/O No.10023-Prarie,and W/O No.10024-Boise River. To determine the amount of additional USF funds the Company was entitled to receive, Rural Telephonetotaled all the costs and expenses it incurred to upgrade the facilities and equipment.The Company then determined a grossed-up rate of return on the additional costs and expenses based upon its weighted cost of equity for the year 2000. Rural's Staff's StipulatedFundingComponentRequestRecommendationAmount Total Capitalized Costs Expenses $511,467.73 $461,707.05 $469,198.60 Weighted Cost of Equity-Attachment D 0.0474 0.042986 0.042986 Gross-up Factor Attachment E 1.6469 1.00014 1.412655 Grossed-up Revenues $49,428.47 $29,862.79 $38,705.00 Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 3 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 2 JANUARY 29,2002 Staff examined all the claimed costs and expenses,the weighted cost of equity,and the gross-up factor.Below is a comparison of these components as requested by Rural,as initially recommended by Staff and then as agreed to by Rural and Staff. B.Capitalized Costs and Expenses The capitalized costs and expenses for the workorders claimed by Rural Telephone totaled $511,467.73.After Staff s review,it recommends that $464,707.05 of the incurred costs and expenses be allowed for recovery.Rural Telephone and Staff now agree on recovery for capitalized costs and expenses in the amount of $469,227.98. Staff initially recommended adjustments reducing the total amount of capital costs and expenses requested by Rural Telephone by a total of $49,760.68.After reviewing those adjustments,Rural Telephone agreed with $34,718.82 of the adjustments and disputed the balance of $15,041.87. The disputed balance is attributable to allocation of two categories of expenses.First, Rural charged labor expenses and related employer contributions in the amount of $12,539.93 to the workorders that were not documented by employee time cards.It subsequently provided sworn affidavits from the individual employees who claimed their labor was in fact labor performed in relation to the workorders.The Company and Staff both agreed that the best documentation of the labor expense in question was the employees'time cards.However,based upon the affidavits,it does appear that some if not all of the labor expense is an appropriate allocation of expense.Since the actual amount of appropriate expense is not known,Rural and Staff agreed that a fair and reasonable allocation of the disputed labor expense was to allow one- half of the labor expenses and related employer contributions be recovered.The balance of $6,269.97 of labor expense would not be allowed for recovery from USF funds. Secondly,the Company employees who worked on W/O 10024-Boise River were allowed to charge their meals to Nester's,a local retail business.Employees did not submit receipts and Nester's did not maintain a detailed ledger of the employee charges,but only maintained a runningtotal ledger.The employees charged a total of $2,501.94 during the time period they worked on the Boise River project.Staff initiallydisallowed this claimed expense because there were no individual charge receipts showing a detailed description of each charge. After discussions with Rural Telephone,it is apparent that at least some of the charges are fair Attachment No.1RURALTELEPHONECOMPANYCaseNo.RUR-T-01-1STAFFAUDITREPORT3Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page 4 of 9 and reasonable for meals for the employees.It was agreed that one-half of the amount requested would be a fair and reasonable amount to allow for recovery,and that the balance of $1,250.97 should not be allowed for recovery from USF funds. Therefore,the total amount of capital costs and expenses that both Staff and Rural Telephoneagree to is $461,227.98.(See Attachment A for calculation of total capital costs and expenses.)(See Attachment C for an explanation of each adjustment to the cost elements of capital cost and expenses.) C.Weighted Cost of Equity Rural Telephone calculated a weighted cost of equity of.0474.This calculation was included in the information the Company filed with its amended Application.Attachment D is a chart showing Staff's calculations in determining the weighted cost of equity of .042986.The difference between the two calculations is based upon the amount of total shareholder equity. Greater shareholder equity will result in a higher weighted cost of equity,which will result in a greater revenue requirement. Rural Telephonedetermined its weighted cost of equity using the Company's equity figures of $3,405,058 as reported in its audited financial statements.Althoughit reported $3,656,194in its 2000 annual report,this amount was adjusted downwards by $251,136 and can be attributed to "a late audit entry for additional income tax distribution to the shareholders." Staff additionallyreduced the equity amount by $484,000.The Company's equity was increased by $484,000 in 1999,when the Company elected to be treated as a Subchapter S Corporation for tax purposes.By making this voluntaryelection,the Company reduced its deferred tax obligations to zero and increased the shareholders equity by $484,000.The deferred tax obligation of the Company is a ratepayer benefit that is a reduction to rate base currently.It will also be realized by the ratepayers as the deferred tax liabilityreverses in the future.Staff does not believe that it is equitable for the ratepayers to lose this benefit through a voluntary shareholder election,which will then subsequently benefit the shareholders.Therefore,the weighted cost of equity should reflect an amount that gives the ratepayers the benefit of the Company's deferred tax obligation.Thus,for the revenue requirement calculation,Staff used an equity amount of $2,921,058 ($3,405,058 -$484,000)to determine the weighted cost of equity. Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 5 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 4 JANUARY 29,2002 After reviewing Staff's determination of the weighted cost of equity,and its reasoning for such determination,Rural agreed to accept Staff s recommendation and use a weighted cost of .042986 (See Attachment D). D.Gross-up Factor: In its request,Rural Telephone calculated a gross-up factor of 1.6469.Staff calculated a gross-up factor of 1.00014.The difference between the two factors is attributable to the income tax rate assumed to determine the factor.The calculation of a gross-up factor requires that a tax rate be assumed.Rural Telephone assumed a tax rate of 34%on each dollar of revenue earned in its request,whereas Staff assumed a 0%tax rate in its recommendation.Staff reasoned that a 0% tax rate was more appropriate in this case for calculating the gross-up factor for the following reasons: a)Any corporation that is a Subchapter S Corporation has no legal tax obligation to pay any income taxes on either the federal or state level.(Subchapter S Corporations [S Corporation]are companies that are organized and taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code.Under this provision of the tax code,income earned by the S Corporation is "passed through"to their shareholders who pay taxes on their pro-rata share of the S Corporation gross income at each individual shareholder's tax rate.)Income earned by the Company will be passed through to the Company's shareholders and the income will then be taxed as part of each of the individual shareholder's income at the shareholder's personal income tax rate.Each individual shareholder's tax rate may range between 0%and the maximum individual rate of 46.9%(maximum federal rate -39.1%;maximum Idaho rate -7.8%). b)At the time of the Sub-Chapter S election,Rural Telephone showed a deferred future tax liabilityin the amount of $484,000.If the Company had not elected the Subchapter S status,the ratepayers could expect to have the benefit of tax expense for the Company being offset against the deferred tax liabilityto the extent of $484,000.Therefore,at a minimum,the tax rate for the Company's income should not reflect any tax burden for the first $484,000 of any Attachment No.1theoreticaltaxliability.Case No.RUR-T-01-l Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 6 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 5 JANUARY 29,2002 c)Tax treatment under the provisions of Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code was a voluntaryelection made by Rural Telephoneand its shareholders; therefore,Staff assumes that the shareholders were motivated to make such election because of benefits that would flow to them from the election.Any gross-up factor must acknowledge the reality of the following:If the assumed tax rate is greater than the actual tax rate,then a higher gross-up factor will result in a larger revenue requirement,thus the shareholders are granted a benefit and the ratepayers are being penalized. After discussions with Rural Telephone,Staff determined that it was a more fair and reasonable position to assume a tax rate based upon the effective tax rate paid by Rural Telephone's shareholders and then weighted to reflect only Rural Telephone's income in each shareholder's individual tax return.Attachment E-2 (confidential)showed the method of calculation to determine the assumed state and federal tax rate. Based upon these assumptions,Rural Telephone and Staff agreed that the assumed tax rate to calculate the gross-up factor in this case would be 24.97%for federal taxes and 5.64%for state taxes.Attachment E-1 is a calculation of the gross-up factor using all the agreed upon numbers and results in a gross-up factor of 1.412655. E.Grossed-up Revenues Rural Telephone,using its weighted cost of capital of .0474 and a gross-up factor of 1.6469,computed a grossed-up revenue requirement of $49,428.44.Staff using a weighted cost of capital of .042986 and a gross-up factor of 1.00014 computed a grossed-up revenue requirement of $29,862.79.Grossed-up revenues based upon the agreed upon weighted cost of capital of .0474 and the agreed upon gross-up factor of 1.412655 equals $38,705.64.(See calculations in Attachments A-1 and A-2.) III.Total Annual Depreciation The amount of depreciation is agreed upon based upon the agreed upon adjusted amount of allowable capital costs and expenses.Annual depreciation for the additional capital costs and expenses is $29,646.39.Attachment No.l Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 7 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 6 JANUARY 29,2002 IV.Annual Case Costs Staff agrees that the Company should recover the Company's case costs over three years. Rural Telephone originally asked for case costs in the amount of $9,643.41 as the annual recovery for three years.Staff recommends that the annual case cost recovery be $8,604.92 for three years.Rural Telephone subsequently reported total case costs of $53,841.40 subject to a yearlyseparation percentage.This amount reflects actuals through 2001 and estimates to finalize this case in 2002.After reviewing the claimed case costs,Staff and Rural Telephoneagree that the fair and reasonable case costs to be recovered by Rural Telephoneover three years are $30,804.00.Thus the annual recovery over three years would be $10,268.00 per year for three years. V.Access Revenue Reduction Rural Telephone has calculated that it has reduced revenues in the amount of $45,750.27 resulting from the EAS extensions.Staff reviewed Rural's calculations of this amount and recommends that the Commission accept this number. VI.Shift in Federal Support Rural Telephonehas calculated that it has a shift in federal support in the amount of $14,760.00 resulting from the EAS extensions.Staff reviewed Rural's calculations of this amount and recommends that the Commission accept this number. VII.Revenue Increase from Local Rates Rural Telephonehas calculated that it has increased revenues from the increase in local rates in the amount of $70,856.40resulting from the EAS ordered by the Commission.Staff reviewed Rural's calculations of this amount and recommends that the Commission accept this number.This amount should be deducted from the revenue requirements in calculating the additional USF payment. Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 8 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 7 JANUARY 29,2002 LETTER AGREEMENTS Rural Telephone sent two letters detailing the agreement between the Staff and the Company.The first is related to deferred taxes and tax rates to be used in this case and going forward (Attachment F-1).The second is the agreement on the annual revenue requirement associated with the first-year EAS revenue requirement of $68,274.23 (Attachment F-2). Rural also states its position on the effective date for USF payments to begin in Attachment F-2.However,this issue was not resolved and is discussed in Staff Comments. Attachment No.1,A-F i:umisc/auditrpt and umisc comments/rurt01.1wsjlte Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1/29/02 Page 9 of 9 STAFF AUDIT REPORT 8 JANUARY 29,2002 RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Application for EAS Funding Determination of EAS Costs and Revenue Requirements Total per Total per Request Staff Stipulated Line #Description Ex-1;Rev-2 Adjustments Amount 1 Actual Capital Costs/Expenditures 6 Total Actual Capital Costs $511,467.73 $461,707.05 $469,227.98 7 Less:Retirements $-$- 8 Less:Accumulated Depreciation $32,317.18 $29,414.11 $29,646.39 9 Less:Deferred Taxes $17,474.36 $17,474.36 $15,823.85 10 Total Subtractions:$49,791.54 $46,888.47 $45,470.24 11 Net Capital Costs (Ln 6 -Ln 10)$461,676.19 $414,818.58 $423,757.74 Grossed up Return 12 Rural's Request (Ln 11 x10.71%ROR)$49,428.47 Staffs Recommendation(Ln 11 x7.1992%ROR)$29,863.62 Stipulated Amount(Line 11 x 8.9724%ROR)$38,705.64 (See Attachment A-2) 18 Total Annual Deprecation $32,317.18 $3,414.11 $29,646.39 19 Other Revenues/Expenditures: 20 Lost Access Revenue $45,750.27 $45,750.27 45750.27 Federal support Lost 21 (shift in IIS to State)$14,760.00 $14,760.00 $14,760.00 22 Annual Case Cost $9,643.41 $8,604.92 $10,268.33 Total Annualized EAS Costs 23 (Lns 12+18+20+21+22)$151,899.33 $128,392.92 $139,130.63 24 Less revenue increase from change in Local Rates $70,856.40 $70,856.40 $70,856.40 25 Increase in Idaho USF (Ln 23 -24)$81,042.93 $57,536.52 $68,274.23 ATTACHMENT A -1 Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment A-1 I RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY USF Funding for EAS -Boise River,Tipinuk,Prairie Calculation of Grossed-up Rate of Return-Comparison A B C D E Grossed-up Weighted Weighted Weighted Total Grossed -upGross-up Cost of Cost of Cost of Weighed CostFactorEquityEquityDebtofCapital A×B C+D Per Rural Telephone 1.6469 0.0474 0.07806306 0.029 0.107063 Per Staff 1.00014 0.042986 0.042992018 0.029 0.071992 Per Stipulation 1.412655 0.042986 0.060724388 0.029 0.089724 See Attachment E ATTACHMENT A-2 Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment A-2 RÀL TELEPHONE COMPANY Application for USF Funding--EAS Adjusted Costs for all Work Orders as Rer Staff Account Account Number Description W/O #10022 W/O #10023 W/O #10024 Totals Transmission/Circuit 2230 Equipment $21,114.51 $2,002.52 $78,060.36 $101,177.392410FiberandOther$1,277.14 $295,758.13 $297,035.272410Conduit$288.32 $63,206.07 $63,494.39 $22,679.97 $2,002.52 $437,024.56 $461,707.05 ATTACHMENT B-1 Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment B-1 RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Application for USF Funding--EAS Adjusted Costs for WlO 0022 Account Account Specific General Totals by Total byNurnberDescriptionMaterialsLaborOverheadOverheadDescriptionAccount Trans./Circuit 2230 Equipment $19,433.15 $839.97 $-$841.38 $21,114.50 $21,114.502410Fiber$801.65 $34.65 $-$34.71 $871.012410OtherFiber$-$-$-$- 2410 Other $373.80 $16.16 $-$16.18 $406.14 $1,277.152410Conduit$265.36 $11.47 $-$11.49 $288.32 $288.32 $20,873.96 $902.25 $903.76 $22,679.97 I ATTACHMENT B-2 Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment B-2 RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Application for USF Funding--EAS Adjusted Costs for W/O | 10024 Account Account S General tais b Total byNumberDescriptionMaterialsLaborOverheadOverheadDescriptionAccount Trans./Circuit 2230 Equipment $52,582.01 $9,489.67 $15,988.68 $78,060.36 $78,060.362410Fiber$97,199.00 $42,184.99 36.542410OtherFiber$13,076.51 $4,503.33 $4,012.84 $21,592.682410Other$4,753.09 $1,633.70 $1,442.12 $7,828.91 $295,758.132410Conduit$38,324.97 $13,218.77 $11,662.33 $63,206.07 $63,206.07$205,935.58 $71,030.46 $97,357.82 $62,700.70 $437,024.56 H B- Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment B-3 MATERIALS No adjustments are proposed. LABOR EXPENSE Rural Telephone asked for labor expenses for W/O #10024 in the amount of $82,169.83.After review of the labor charges the followingadjustments are proposed: W/O 10024 Adjustment Labor Expense Amount Total Re uested $82 gAdiustment1$ Ad ustment 2 $987. Adjustment 3 $(34.00)Total Adjustments Total Ad¡usted Amount $71,030.46 Adjustment#1 Employee Steve Ireland on the 10/17/00 to 10/31/00 time sheet,recorded 63.5 hours oflaborchargedtoW/O #100024 that should not have been charged to this work order.HistimesheetshowedthathewasinNevadafor47.5 hours during this pay period;and herecordedanadditional16hoursofworktimewithoutdocumentinghisactivitiesduringthis16hours.Therefore W/O #10024 should not be charged with any of this time. For this 63.5 hours,Mr.Ireland received a his normal wage rate for 59 hours and apremiumovertimeratefor4.5 hours;and his gross compensation was $1,117.75.Therefore,the labor charges for this work order should be reduced by $1,117.75. Adjustment#2 Rural Telephonewas asked to produce time sheets showing all the employees and theirrespectivehourschargedtoW/O #10024 for the months of July,August,September andOctoberintheyear2000.From the time sheets Rural produced,the followinglaborexpensewaschargedtoW/O #10024 that was not supported by a time sheet. Pay Period Employee Labor Expense Charged7/14/00 Michael Martell $2,256.94WaylonSullivan$704.00 7/31/00 Michael Martell $1,538.838/31/00 Matthew Martell $1,670.98 Waylon Sullivan $770.00 10/13/00 Michael Martell $1,354.16 10/31/00 Michael Martell $1,692.71 $9,987.62 Attachment No.l 1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment C-1,1 of 4 Since the Company was unable to document the above labor expense,$9,987.62 shouldbeexcludedfromthelaborexpense. Adjustment#3 During the pay period of September 16 to 30,2000,Steve Ireland received 4.0 hours ofovertimepremiumthatwaschargedtoW/O #10024.Mr.Ireland did not exceed the 40hoursperworkweekthresholdforanovertimepremiumfromSeptember16toSeptember24,therefore no overtime premium from this time period should be allocated to W/O #10024.Therefore,Mr.Ireland's overtime premium of $34.00 should not be charged tothisjob. SPECIFIC OVERHEAD For W/O #10024,Rural Telephonecharged a total of $120,631.07 to the specific overhead account.Staff proposes only one adjustment proposed to this: Adjustment#4 On October 31,2000,the specific overhead account for W/O #10024 was charged$23,273.25 as a reclass rental.The invoice documented this as a purchase of an aircompressor.The purchase of an air compressor should not have been charged to anyspecificoverheadaccount,but to an equipment account.Therefore the specific overheadforW/O #10024 should be reduced by $23,273.25. GENERAL OVERHEAD For W/O #10024,Rural Telephonecharged a total of $76,571.49 to the general overheadaccount.Each of the reported charges was checked to verify the amount and relevance totheproject.Based upon that examination the followingadjustments are proposed: Total Other Overhead Charged to WlO 10024 Adj_ustment #5 12._16) Adjust ent #6 $2_&O1 94) Adjustment #7 ($2,332.05 Adjustment #8 ($5,662.44) Adj_ustment #9 $1,715.05)Adjustment #10 ($807.16) Total Adjustments $13,870.80 Total Ad usted Allocation $62,700.69 Attachment No.1 2 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment C-1,2 of 4 Adjustment#5 Employer FICA/Medicare contributions on the labor expense charged to this project were charged to this account.Pursuant to the proposed adjustments to labor expense thefollowingadjustmentistheFICA/Medicare portion of those labor expense adjustments: Total wage adjustment (see Labor Expense Adjustment #1,2,3) Adjustment #1 ($1,117.75) Adjustment #2 ($9,987.62) Adjustment #3 ($34.00) Total ($11,139.37) Employer contribution portion is 7.65%of the total labor expense: 7.65%x ($11,139.37)=($852.16) Adjustment#6 The followingthree charges were charged to this account by the Company: 7/31/00 Nester's Mtn Mart &Polaris $1,089.48 8/31/00 Nester's Mtn Mart &Polaris $1,133.45 10/31/00 Nester's Mtn Mart &Polaris $279.01 Documentation for these charges was requested;all that was provided by the Company was a runningledger sheet not showing any detail supporting any of the charges to therunningtotal.The Company indicated that it did not have any supporting documentationforanyofthecharges.Therefore,the total S 2,501.94 should not be charged to this workorder. Adjustment#7 On October 31,2000,the Company purchased a 3M EMS II Locator and a duct-proofingtoolfor$2,332.05.The Company responded to Staff's request for additional information on this purchase that this should not be charged as "other overhead"to W/O #10024;but should be charged to "Other Work Equipment"in the general ledger.(See Confidential Attachment C-2,¶7,Rural Telephone letter dated 10/16/01.) Adjustment#8 The November statement for the Pitney Works credit card showed a charge to Full Compass System LTD on October 12,2000 for the purchase of camcorder camera in theamountof$5,662.44.The Company responded to Staff's request for additionalinformationonthispurchasethatthisshouldnotbechargedas"other overhead"to W/O #10024,but should be charged to "Other Work Equipment"in the general ledger.(SeeConfidentialAttachmentC-2,¶3,Rural Telephone letter dated 10/16/01) Adjustment#9 The Company charged the "other overhead"account for a monthly allocation of Account6110.00-Vehicle and Other Work Equipment.The monthlyallocation of this account to a specific work order is based upon a percentage of monthly labor expense charged to the Attachment No.13CaseNo.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment C-1,3 of 4 specific work order as compared to the total monthlylabor expense for the Company.Therefore the monthlypercentage changes for each month's allocation.Staff has reviewed all the expenses originally charged to the account and had determined that the expenses detailed in Attachment A should not have been charged to the 6110.00 account and therefore not allocated to "other overhead".Attachment C-3 is a table showing a comparison of the Company's allocation and the Staff's adjusted allocation. Adjustment#10 The Company charged the "other overhead"account for a monthly allocation of Account 8200.00-Benefits.The monthlyallocation of this account to a specific work order is based upon a percentage of monthlylabor expense charged to the specific work order as compared to the total monthly labor expense for the Company.Therefore the monthly percentage changes for each month's allocation.Staff has review all the expensesoriginallychargedtotheaccountandhaddeterminedthattheexpensesdetailedin Attachment A should not have been charged to the 8200.00 account and therefore not allocated to "other overhead".Attachment C-4 is a table showing a comparison of the Company's allocation and the Staff s adjusted allocation. Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 4 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment C-1,4 of 4 AT"ACI-21HT,C-2 IS CONFIDITTTIAL Attachment C-3 Allocation of Account #6110.00-Vehicle and Other Work Equipment Below is a table showing a comparison of the amount of Account 6110.00 that was allocatedbytheCompanyandtheallocationasrecommendedbyStaffforW/O #10024.SpecificexpensesthatweredisallowedbyStaffareinStaff's workpapers. Total Monthly Expenses Allocation Allocation AdjustedMonthAllocatedAdjustmentsAdjustedTotalPercentagePerCompanyAllocation Jan.$7,627.09 $-$7,627.09 3.40353%$259.59 $259.59Feb.$10,618.43 $-$_10,618.43 1.98400%$210.67 $210.67'March $9,621.90 $114.02 $9,507.88 0.00000%$-$- Ap $16,076.73 $834.20 $15,242.53 0.00000%$-$- May $¾8.32 $875.96 $12,142.36 0.00000%$-$June $15,284.81 $849.20 $14,435.61 39.05119%$5,968.90 $5,637.28July$7,508.16 $849.20 $6ß58.96 38.76955%$2,910.88 $2,581ß5August$15,030.58 $1,087.70 $13,942.88 27.10534%$4,074.09 $3,779.27Sept.$20,312.69 $5,455.29 $14,857.40 9.08403%$1,845.21 $1,349.65Oct.$15 22.65 $849.20 $14,773.45 27.98232%$4,371.58 $4,133.95Nov.$17,639.10 $2,172.20 $15,466.90 1.20539%$212.62 $186.44Dec.$20,809.58 $849.20 $19,960.38 0.00000%$-$-TOTALS $169,170.04 _$13,936.17 $155,233.87 $19,853.54 $18,138.49 Difference Mtwo INai and Adjusted Allocat $(7 5 05) Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment C-3 Attachment C-4 Allocation of Account #8100.00-Benefits Below is a table showing a comparison of the amount of Account 8100.00 that was allocatedbytheCompanyandtheallocationasrecommendedbyStaffforW/O #10024.SpecificexpensesthatweredisallowedbyStaffareinStaff's workpapers. Total Monthly Expenses Allocation Allocation AdjustedMonthAllocatedAdustrnentsAdjustedTotalPercentagePerCompanyAllocation Jan.$5,499.29 $2,082.73 $3,416.56 2.26993%$124.83 $77.55Feb.$3,293.38 $1,267.76 $2,025.62 1.31567%$43.33 $26.65March$35,920.09 $2,627.12 $33,292.97 0.00000%$-$-gril $5,847.23 $223.75 $5,623.48 0.00000%$-$- May $9,085.06 $314.28 $8,770.78 0.00000%$-$June $6,760.77 $123.26 $6,637.51 26.71885%$1,806.40 $1,773.47July$83,392.44 $191.44 $83,201.00 25.18671%$21,003.81 $20,955.59gustB,240.16 $2 361.78 $3,878.38 14.93375%$931.89 $579.19Sept.$11,912.29 $1,521.93 $10,390.36 6.18143%$736.35 $642.27Oct.$7,122.73 $1,089.89 $6,032.84 18.68637%$1,330.98 $1,127.32Nov.$68,859.18 $1,481.85 $67,377.33 0.78399%$539.85 $528.23Dec.$136,833.08 $2,821.97 $134,011.11 0.00000%$-$TOTALS $380,765.70 $16,107.76 $364,657.94 $26,517.44 $25,710.28 Difference between Compa A cat n and Adjusted Allocation $07 6 Attachment No.l Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment C-4 RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY USF Funding for EAS -Boise River,Tipinuk,Prairie Determination of the Cost of Capital As of December 2000 Capital Capital Weighted Line Description Amount Ratio Cost Cost (CxD)#(A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 1 Long Term Debt RUS 12010-12020 $618,489 0.0728 0.0200 0.001456RUS11080,11081, 12030-12084 $4,954,569 0.5833 0.0500 0.029165 2 TOTAL DEBT $5,573,058 0.6561 0.030621 3 Other $--0.1250 - 4 Equity $2,921,058 0.3439 0.1250 0.042986 5 TOTAL EQUITY $2,921,058 0.3439 0.042986 6 TOTAL DEBT &EQUITY $8,494,116 1.0000 0.073607 ATTACHMENT D Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment D \RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY USF Funding for EAS -Boise River,Tipinuk,Prairie Determination of the Gross-up Factor for ROR As of December 2000 Line #Description 1 Rate Base (per 1997 audit)$1,115,858.00AdditionstoRateBaseperIPUCOrder 3 28114 Per Rural Telephone's Application $511,767.73 Less:PUC Staff Adjustments $42,239.76 4 Total Additions with Adjustments $469,527.97 5 TOTAL RATE BASE $1,585,385.97 6 Weighted Cost of Equity 0.042986 7 Authorized Revenue Return $68,149.40 8 Less Bad Debt (.0136%)$9.27 9 Taxable income $68,140.13 10 Less State Income Tax (5.64%)$3,843.10 11 Federal Taxable lncome $64,297.03 12 Less:Federal Tax (24.97%) $16,054.97 13 After Tax Revenue $48,242.06 14 Investment Tax Credit 0 15 After Tax Income $48,242.06 Gross Up Multiplier:1.412655255AuthorizedRevenueReturn(Ln 6)$68,149.40AfterTaxIncome(Ln 14)$48,242.06 A ac.hment E-1 Attachment No.1 Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment E-1 A AC l I T E T E- 2 IS CO N F I D E N T I A L 01/23/2002 12:07 FAI 12083662615 RURAL TELEPHONE 001 L 704 W.MADISON GLENNS FERRY,IDAHO 83623TELEPH0NEC0MPANY(208)366-2614 FAX(208)366-2615 January 17,2002 Ms Terri Carlock "SENT VIA FACSIMILE" Audit Section Supervisor Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Dear Ms Carlock: Per an agreement with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)staff RuralTelephoneCompanywillmaintain(off books)a deferredtax amount of $484,000.The deferred tax amount of $484,000 was adjusted to zero (on the books)in 1999duetothecompany's corporate tax status changingto an "S"Corporation.The deferred tax amount must be allocatedbetween the company's telephone operations in Idaho and Nevada,as this will allow the company's ratepayers in each state to benefit from this deferred tax.The Idaho deferred tax amount would be used to offset the company's total rate base in future IPUC revenue requirementratemakingcalculations. In return,the IPUC staff has agreed to include in the Company's revenuerequirementtherelatedstateandFederaltaxes,based on the shareholderscompositetaxrate,but,not to exceed maximum state and Federal rates of 8%and34%respectively. Sincerely, Chris J.Dennison,CPA Controller CC:Andy Schein,Consultant GVNW Michael T.Richmond,General ManagerRural Telephone Company Attachment No.l Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment F-1 01/23/2002 12:03 FAI 12083662615 RURAL TELEPHONE 001/001 L 704 W.MADISON GLENNS FERRY,IDAHO 83623TELEPH0NEC0MPANY(208)366-2614 FAX(208)366-2615 January 23,2002 "SENT VIA FACS1MILE" Ms.Terri Carlock Audit Station SupervisorIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE:Order #28114 EAS to Treasure Valley Dear Terri: The Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Order #28114 approved Rural Telephone Company exchangesofBoiseRiver,Tipanuk,and Prairie to have ExtendedArea Service Calling (EAS)to the Treasure Valley.The Order stated (pg.10)that the company must raise monthly local service rates to meet 125%of thestatewideaverageratestoreceiveIdahoUSFfunding.The Order also states that Rural TelephonecustomersreceivingEASshallhavetheirmonthlylocalserviceratesincreasedto$42.00 for businessand$24.10 for residential customers to compensate the company for EAS.The Commission stated intheOrder(pg.11)that the company after raising the local service rates as noted above shall be able torecoveranyrevenuedeficienciesfromimplementingEASbyincreasingitsdistributionsfromtheIDUniversalServiceFund(USF). On February 14,2001,Rural Telephone and Qwest (USWC)implemented EAS and raised the monthlylocalserviceratesinaccordancewiththetermsofOrder#28114.The company implemented theCommission's EAS Order in good faith with reliance on the assurance that it would be allowed to recoveranyrevenuedeficiencycausedbytheEAS.The company calculates its revenue deficiency at$68,274.23 and respectfully submits that pursuant to the Order it is entitled to immediate recovery fromtheIdahoUSF.The company further requests that the increase in the company's USF distributions($71,118.99)be made in a special one lump sum payment for period February 14,2001 through Februanj28,2002,payable to the company by February 28,2002.This lump sum payment is for the first year andthesecondhalfofFebruary2002.The company believes this would be appropriate due to the extensivecapitaloutlayrequiredbyRuralTelephoneininstitutingEASasrequestedbytheCommission. Joe Leckie and you have reviewed the company's supporting papers and said you concur with thecompany's revenue requirement and ID USF deficiency calculations. 1 am forwarding a copy of this letter to Conley Werd,EQ at Givens Pursley LLP and requesting that he filethisrequestbywrittencomment. Best Regards, Chris J.Dennison,CPAController CC:Conley Ward of Givens,Pursley &Huntley,LLP Attachment No.1MichaelT.Richmond,General Manager Rural Telephone Company Case No.RUR-T-01-1 Comments/Staff Audit Report 1/29/02 Page Attachment F-2