HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010530Application.pdfRECEivED E ConleyWard,ISB #1683 FILEDGIVENSPURSLEYLLP 277 North 6th Street,Suite 200 2001 MAY 30 PM W 26 P.O.Box 2720 UBLICBoise,ID 83701 L OMMISSION(208)388-1200 (208)388-1201 (fax)NEW CAM Attorneys for Rural Telephone Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE pg p.pggyPETITIONSOFCUSTOMERSOFI ITHERURALTELEPHONEi CASE NO.-GNPA'-99-9--COMPANY TO JOIN THE TREASUREVALLEYEXTENDEDSERVICE ICALLINGAREA. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION GASE--NOWNR=T=98-18 OF CUSTOMERS OF THE RURALTELEPHONECOMPANYBOISE RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY'SRIVEREXCHANGETOJOINTHEMOTIONFORINCREASEDIDAHOUSWESTMOUNTAINHOMEUSFFUNDINGEXCHANGEAND/OR THE TREASURE VALLEY EXTENDEDSERVICECALLINGAREA. Rural TelephoneCompany("Rural Telephone"or "Applicant"),by and through its attorneys Givens Pursley LLP,makes this Motion pursuant to this Commission's Order No.28114 in the above entitled proceeding.In support of its Motion,Rural Telephonestates as follows: 1.This case was initiated by two petitions from Rural Telephone'sTipanuk and Boise River customers seekingextended area service ("EAS")between their exchanges and Qwest'sBoise calling area.On August 20,1999,the Commission issued Order No.28114 granting the petitions. 2.Order No.28114 provided that Rural Telephoneshould recover the Rural Telephone's Motion-1 increased costs attributable to EAS partly through an increase in local rates to $24.10 per month for residential customers and $42.00 per month for business customers.The Order further provided that,given the strong community of interest and the necessityof upgrading facilities even in the absence of EAS,"it is in the public interest to support EAS for these exchanges in part by increased distributions from [the Idaho Universal Service Fund ("USF")]."Order No.28114 at 11. 3.On February 14,2001,Rural Telephoneand QwestimplementedEAS and Rural Telephoneraised its local rates to the levels specified in Order No.28114. After giving effect to the increase in rates,Rural Telephone,calculates that it will fall $125,562 short in recoveringthe annual revenue deficiency attributable to the implementation of EAS.The attached testimony and exhibits of Ray Hendershot provide further details regarding the determination of this amount. 4.For the calendar year 2001 only,Rural Telephonerespectfully requests that the increase in the Company'sannual USF distributions be paid in a simple lump sum payment of $125,562 on July 1,2001.This lump sum paymentwill partially compensate Rural Telephonefor the lag in recovery of the substantial expenditures it has made in response to the Commission's Order.Beginningon January 1,2002,distributions would be paid monthly in the normal manner. 5.Rural Telephonedoes not request oral argument or a hearing on this Motion.In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings on this Motion are necessary,Applicant stands ready for immediate hearing. WHEREFORE,Rural Telephonerespectfully moves this Commission for an Order: Rural Telephone's Motion-2 1.Authorizing Rural Telephoneto recover the additional sum of $125,652 per year from the Idaho Universal Service Fund,beginning with a lump sum payment on July 1,2001 for the calendar year 2001. 2.Granting such other relief as the Commission deems just and reasonable in this matter. DATED this 30th day of May,200 Con ey War GIV NS P LEY LLPAttorneysforApplicant Rural Telephone's Motion-3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 30th day of May,2001,I caused a true andcorrectcopyoftheforegoingtobeservedupon: Jean Jewell,SecretaryIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission 472 W.Washington Street Boise,ID 83702 by hand delivering the same to the above-named at the last known address(s)as setforthabove. Rural Telephone's Motion-4 RECElVED ConleyWard,ISB #1683 FILED GIVENS PURSLEY LLP :26277North6thStreet,Suite 200P.O.Box 2720 PUBLilBoise,ID 83701 UTiLÙ S COffilSSION (208)388-1200 (208)388-1201 (fax) Attorneys for Rural Telephone Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THEPETITIONSOFCUSTOMERS OF I THE RURAL TELEPHONE i CASE NO.GNR-T-97-9COMPANYTOJOINTHETREASURE,'VALLEY EXTENDED SERVICE I ICALLINGAREA. IINTHEMATTEROFTHEPETITION CASE NO.GNR-T-98-18OFCUSTOMERSOFTHERURALTELEPHONECOMPANYBOISERIVEREXCHANGETOJOINTHEUSWESTMOUNTAINHOMEEXCHANGEAND/OR THETREASUREVALLEYEXTENDEDSERVICECALLINGAREA. TESTIMONY OF RAYMOND A.HENDERSHOT FOR RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 Q:PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS. 2 A:My name is RaymondA.Hendershot.My business address is 2270 3 LaMontana Way,P.O.Box 25969,Colorado Springs,Colorado 80936. 4 Q:BY WHOM ARE YOU EMPLOYED AND IN WHAT CAPACITY? 5 A:I am a Vice President for GVNW Inc./Management("GVNW"). 6 Q:FOR WHOM ARE YOU APPEARING IN THIS PROCEEDING? 7 A:I am appearingon behalf of Rural TelephoneCompany("Rural"or 8 "Company")in this case. 9 Q:HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY FILED DIRECT TESTIMONY IN THIS CASE? 1 0 A:Yes. 1 1 Q:WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS TESTIMONY? 1 2 A:My testimony calculates the cost of providing EAS and the financial impact 1 3 on the Companyof providing this service.I also calculate the revenue 1 4 deficiency that the Companyis entitled to recover from the Idaho Universal 1 5 Service Fund.("USF"). 1 6 Q.HAVE YOU PREPARED AN EXHIBIT THAT SUMMARIZES THESE 1 7 CALCULATIONS? 1 8 A.Yes.Exhibit No.1 lists the actual cost of EAS by capital and expense 1 9 categories.The workpapers supporting these calculations have been 2 0 reviewed by the Commission Staff. 2 1 Q WOULD YOU PLEASE DESCRIBE EXHIBIT NO.1? 2 2 A.The exhibit is quite straightforward.The total capital cost of the 2 3 necessary improvementsappear on Line 6 and total $511,467.After R.Hendershot--Page 1 Rural Telephone Company Case No.GNR-T-97-9 1 appropriate subtractions,the net capital cost is $461,676 (Line 11). 2 The net increase in return is $45,124 (Line 12),and annual 3 depreciation charges add an additional $32,317 (Line 17)to the total 4 costs.The annual costs for lost access revenues,lost federal support, 5 and litigation costs appear on Lines 18-20.The total annual cost 6 increase of $196,507 is listed on Line 22.Subtracting the annual 7 revenue gain from the increase in rates required by Order No.28114 8 (Line 23),produces a net annual revenue deficiency of $125,652 (Line 9 24). 1 0 Q.HOW SHOULD THIS REVENUE DEFICIENCY BE RECOVERED? 1 1 A.Order No.28114 states that the Companyis entitled to recover this 1 2 deficiency by increasing its annual USF draw.In fairness,the 1 3 Companyshould be allowed to recover the 2001 deficiency in an 1 4 immediate payment as partial compensationfor the substantial time 1 5 lag between the Company'scapital expendituresand its recovery of its 1 6 costs.We suggestthat a single payment on July 1,2001 for the 1 7 calendar year 2001 is reasonable and appropriate. 1 8 Q DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY? 1 9 A.Yes,it does. R.Hendershot-Page 2 Rural Telephone Company Case No.GNR-T-97-9