HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100908sixth_amended_certificate_no_284.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 284 TO REFLECT ITS NAME CHANGE TO RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY DBA RTI SIXTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 284 CASE NO. RUR-IO- On July 23, 2010, Rural Telephone Company notified the Commission that it had changed the name under which it does business from Rural Telephone Company to Rural Telephone Company dba RTI. The Commission approved this name change to Certificate No. 284 by Minute Order, in Case No. RUR-I0-0l. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this Sixth Amended Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 284 is issued to Rural Telephone Company dba RTI. IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity requires , or will require, Rural Telephone Company dba RTI, an Idaho corporation, its successors and assigns, to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate facilities for telephone service in and around the Big Smoky area in Camas and Blaine Counties Idaho, as more fully set out in Appendix "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part thereof; to exercise all rights and privileges that have been, or may hereafter be, issued to Rural Telephone Company dba RTI , it successors and assigns, by a city or village, by any county, by the State of Idaho, or any political subdivision thereof. SIXTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 284 DA TED at Boise, Idaho this ATTEST: ill n D. Jewel. ommission Secretary gf*day of September 2010. . KEMP SIDENT ~TH bls/O:RUR-IO-Ol Amend 284 SIXTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 284 Elmore County Tl N, R6E TIN, R7E TIN, R8E TIN, R9E TIN, RI0E T2N, R4E T2N, R5E T2N, R6E T2N, R7E T2N, R8E T2N, R9E T2N , RI0E T2N, RilE T3N, R4E; T3N, R5E T3N, R6E T3N, R7E T3N, R8E T3N, R9E T3N, RI0E T3N, RilE T3N, R12E T4N, R9E T4N, RI0E T4N, RilE T4N, R12E T5N, R9E T5N, RI0E T5N, RilE T5N, R12E T6N, R9E T6N, RI0E T6N, RilE T6N, R12E SIXTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 284 APPENDIX " Except Sections 6, 7 , and 31 That part in Elmore County except Sections 34, 35 , and 36 All of Sections 1 through 30 All of Sections 1 through 30 and 32 through 36 Those portions in Elmore County That portion of West of the Camas/Elmore County Line That portion of West of the Camas/Elmore County Line Tl S, R4E All of Sections 12, 13 , and 36 TIS, R5E All of Sections 7 through 36 TIS, R6E All of Sections 3 , 4, 5, 7 through 10, 15 through 22, and 27 through 34 Tl S , R9E All of Sections 1 through 5, 8 through 17 20 through 29, and 31 through 36 TIS, RI0E T2S, R4E All of Sections 1 , 12, 13, 24 , 25, and 36 and the east one-half of Sections 11 , 14 , and 36 and Section 2 both the southeast and the south 12 of the northeast 14. T2S, R5E All of Sections 1 through 24 and 28 through 33 T2S , R6E All of Sections 3 through 10 and 15 through 22 T2S , R9E T2S, RI0E T3S, R4E All of Sections 1 , 12, and 13 and the east one-half of Sections 2 , and 14 T3S, R5E All of Sections 4 through 9 and 16 through 18 T3 S , R9E All of Sections 1 through 30 T3S , RI0E All of Sections 1 through 30 Twin Falls County All of Range 15E lying westerly of Salmon Falls Creek and all of Ranges 12E, 13E, and 14E of Townships 13S , 14S, 15S, and 16S. OwYhee County All of Range 7E lying easterly of the main form of the Bruneau River and all of Ranges 8E, 9E 10E, liE, and 12E in Townships 13S, 14S , 15S, and 16S. Lemhi County T24N, R21E Sections 18, 19, and 30 SIXTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 284 T24N, R20E T24N, R20E T23N, R19E T24N , R19E T25N, R19E T22N, R18E T23N, R18E T24N, R18E T23N, R17E T24N , R16E CamaslBlaine Counties T2N, R12E T2N, R13E T2N, R14E T2N, R15E T2N, R16E T3N, R12E T3N, R13E T3N, R14E T3N, R15E T3N, R16E T4N, R12E T4N, R13E T5N, R13E SIXTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 284 Sections 6, 7, and 13- Section 31 Sections 6-9 and 15- Sections 1-7 and 12- Section 36 Sections 2, 3 , and 15 Sections 1-, 7-, 16-27-, and 33- Sections 12-24-, and 34- Sections 9-, 19-, and 30 Sections 10-, and 22- Sections 1- Sections 25-