HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016Annual Report.pdff :1 j 2 _ p _ I /,= RURAL TELEtrOM RTI.,' . "::i; f ii/f, !)E,92 W. Madison Ave., Glenns Ferrg, ltr El35?3 .l.i i ;r,"tl i I flii B: [2 April 10,2017 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention: Teni Carlock Dear Ms. Carlock: Enclosed you will find the 2016 IPUC Annual Report for Rural Telephone Company. Along with the Annual Report is the Telecommunications Utilities Form I. At this time Rural Telephone Company's Audited Financial Statements have not been completed. I will forward the finalized2015 Audited Financial Statements once they are completed. If you need further assistance, please contact me. Sincerely, Tom Halvorson Accountant Rural Telephone Company 208t366-2614 tom.halvorson@ruraltel. ors ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31,2016 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility:Rural Telephone Company Address of principal office:892 W. Madison Ave., Glenns Ferry, lD 83623-2372 Telephone Number Area Code (208) 366-2614 E-mailaddress: beverly.arrington@ruraltel.org Cities or towns served: Shoup, Boise River, Tipanuk, Three Creek,Atlanta. Prairie Name and title of otficer having custody of the general corporate books of account: James R. Martell, President Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number:Same as Above Organized under the laws of the State of:ldaho Date of organization 7t27t1979 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation): lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify Name and address of controlling company, if any: 892 W. Madison Ave., Glenns Ferry, lD 83623 Corporation Martell Enterprises, lnc. Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: Pend Oreille Telephone Company - Same as Above Nehalem Telecommunications, lnc. - Same as Above OFFICERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title President Name James R. Martell Address Same as Above Vice President MichaelJ. Martell Same as Above Sec./Treasurer Carmela M. Martell Same as Above Rev 3/02 Page 1 DIREGTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Name and Address Term Expired or Current Term WillExpire James R. Martell Non-Term Carmela M. Martell Non-Term MichaelJ. Martell Non-Term Anoela Carpenter Non-Term Andrea Roberts Non-Term Mark R. Martell Non-Term Matthew Martell Non-Term Name of Chairman of the Board: James R. Martell Meetings Attended This year 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Fees Paid During Year $18,000 $12,000 $16,800 $12,000 $18,000 $12,000 $12,000 Name of Secretary (or Clerk)of Board: Number of Meetings of the Board during the year: Name James R. Martell Title President Carmela M. Martell 12 MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Carmela M. Martell Sec./Treasurer Wages and Bonuses Paid $100,000.08 $60,000.00 $91,500.00 $86,820.00 MichaelJ. Martell Vice President Mark R. Martell Administrative Manaqer Rev 3/02 Page2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the propefi of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. *** Audited Financial Statements will be fonrvarded as soon as completed by our auditing firm. *** Rev 3/02 Page 3 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Debits Balance Balance at End of Year lncrease or (Decrease) (1 92,1 95.14) Title of Account Current Assets1120 Cash and Equivalents '1 130 Cash1140 SpecialCashDeposits 1 150 Working Cash Advances1160 Temporarylnvestments 1 180 Telecommunications Accts. Receivable1181 Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunications 1 190 Other Accounts Receivable1191 Accounts Receivable Allow. - Other1200 Notes Receivable1201 Notes Receivable Allowance1210 lnterest & Dividends Receivable1220 MaterialandSupplies1280 Prepayments1290 Prepaid Rents1300 Prepaid Taxes1310 Prepaid lnsurance1320 Prepaid Directory Expenses1330 Other Prepayments1350 Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets1401 lnvestment in Affiliated Companies1402 lnvestment in Nonaffiliated Companies1406 Nonregulatedlnvestments1407 Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense1408 Sinking Funds1410 Other Noncurrent Assets1438 Deferred Maintenance & Retirements1439 Deferred Charges1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets - Net Property, Plant and Equipment2001 Telecommunications Plants in Service2002 Prop. Held for Future Telecom. Use2003 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Short Term2004 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Long Term2005 Telecom. Plant Adjustment2006 Nonoperating Plant2007 Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts3100 AccumulatedDepreciated3200 Accum. Depre. - Held for Future Use3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating3400 Accumulated Amortization - Tangible3410 Accum. Amort. - Capitalized Leases3420 Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements3500 Accumulated Amortization - lntangible3600 Accumulated Amortization - Other tseg of inning Year 475 15s.86 282,960.72 116 154.53 100,421.81 (15,732.72) 573 720.23 544 941.17 (28,779.06) @ 7,643.05 424 761.26 6 750.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 954,313.16 6s5,s20.47 (298,792.69) 4,531,852.80 4,664,829.32 132,976.52 i6.o-iE @ 36,646.00 231,823.02 236,382.30 4,559.28 875.32 829.15 (46.17) 27 593 091.80 27,718,291.19 -;00030-57,487.28 125,199.39 0.00 0.00 57,487.28 (20,470,659.93)(21,431,223.58\(960,s63.65) TOTAL ASSETS 15,876,525.29 14 718 616.28 (1 ,1 57,909.01) Rev 3/02 Page 4 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity Title of Account 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080 41 00 4110 4120 41 30 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Notes Payable Advance Billings and Payments Customer Deposits Current Maturities - Long -Term Debt Current Maturities - Capital leases lncome Taxes - Accrued Other Taxes - Accrued Net Current Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Current Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Accrued Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Reacquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits Other Long-Term Liabilities Unamort. Oper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Unamort. Nonoper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Net Noncurrent Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Noncur. Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris. Liab. & Def. Credits - Net Stockholders' Equity CapitalStock Additional Paid-ln Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 or (Decrease) 362 739.60 363,228.75 489.1 5 58,604.34 6,347.21 57 921.25 (683.09) 6,627.21 280.00 666,893.67 697 699.58 30,805.91 425,328.00 (209,794.00)(635,122.00) 32,671.54 31 607.47 (1,064.07) 138 916.94 132,447.83 (6,469.1 1) 5 440 325.51 4,814,181.22 (626,144.29) 143 393.97 157 592.80 14 198.83 23 415.00 35,200.00 11 785.00 1 138 859.00 974,988.00 (163,871.00) (104,288.00)(5,353.00)98 935,00 14 897.00 14,897.00 0.00 56 900.00 56,900.00 0.00 10 197.00 10,197.00 0.00 7,461,324.51 7,580,275.17 118 950.66 15,876,525.29 14,718,616.28 (1 ,1 57,909.01) Balance Beginning of Year Balance at End of Year lncrease 431 0 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER CREDITS Rev 3/02 Page 5 1.r) c\i(oo @ro t--N ooc; rr)q N(f) (f) ,of.-o t'-N U'Fzlooo Fz o-J Fo o)@ @of.- lr)$N $(o ccio@oo(f) c.i No, C; @(ooo c\i qo@o, @f-- (o C;@O) @f.- N(o c"jc.)N @oOJtri (orosLr)o, @N c)n@o)aosoq N Nn(.)(o(o (o COo(o a? f.- N oqt-l--f.- @(oo, str)(fi(os_ o) @nN o c.i(Y) @ (oq$ c'l coN o(v) Nsro O)N s ci@@" tr)N(o (r)(o c"jtoo No)lr)Nro OsHpE fin; ottE fieEk,Eq F!' toNd N. @(A(o o@ai@oooN q F-O) s(o (oN c:iN sso-(o o)(o oi o)$ f-o) -P9.rrr- E'E A; L&b t uJo =z JoGO-(,eoe'* E ;iO E.E EH EE Oo- 3F, =(,EJ5s EPgp;E E=gA E.Pbr-rEl Lo z (o oo)oo_ 1oF-t-sO) @ss oic oiNs.os (f)ro F-rr)(f) (o oi$a?soN oq N (of.-(oon N tr) d@@s O)(orif-lr) @o,@ F-o so)aif-- o(oc! N N(r) oi@@oO) o.i (olr)s|r)o) @N N @ s.lr)|J.oq N (o(o (oNN $orr) (o (f)o(v)(r) N N orr)t-F-t-(o@o) (f)q (f)rOo No (f) ot I.E ocoo).s --eE g1s p--B _E! ",o_ EE,g,E ptp; € eE EE; PEE= :-=xFE E a n- = = nE ,n- .= '*- E * BgEEtggi* E n Bpr HScEsa-F55gF5 t'E .9 56xE 5**=,.5 esEtfi-fiiE8 ; s s E,as,s = E s e e sH Be s g : qF t p $,* i- Of (v) S 1r) (O r N (r) \t r N l.r) O r (\l r r r r N r r N (r) \t (O r r r N OE - r r r r r N N N N r r r N (Y)(fJ r N $ l.r) (o r N N NN N (f) $ @@O)E r r r r r r r r r r N N N N N N (o (f) (r) (f) (o <. !- $ i. !. i. $ <. (O (O (O<NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN l(, ri .d(\t N-(o o)ol(o(nt a' O) o;o)o-(no)ai, L)o?o tr)- @t(,t(o O)q @ot- 1r)sN toq @(f, @-oo$_ (ool t()(o(o- (o Or-(o ou? O)N (r) Nc\lt-t-qr-@o,(.i @qtloq(oN t*q $lo- (o$: Na(o(o(o- loNlo (o cf)cio(o-t- N t- c.j1I)(o- NN1r) $q (f) @$- o) @aN o-N(o(o cf)q loolo oqloolo- 1() ro OsEp E*,8 imo oco t- q) o)o(L oq N@N. @ N (o N (oq $ N.(, N oc?t-$q o)N s o@(o. loN(o oa? $:Et-3F!t -. tl !ttrgo-Ei=U,L& b qE E;E.=!r=<5 HE$ E E,= o zfoo(, Fz Jo- :t269P 5€Za)-l cL =o=oOIo<uJO JuJFlro 9,(rt J z (o|r) F-lO(f) $ o,q rOrO@|r)(f) o,o, F-N(f)- (f)o No) F-(f)(o- @!O @-(o Nlr) (o\(oort- N lo d@@+ (o ots(.)-soN @(f) c.j@o),t-(o(.). olo otN Co @q cr)sN. (f)No)(o @q $r() o)- @N F-q $rO (o$- (oq(oNN.sor, (oc?ooc?N N t- ciro(o. NNlo O)(f,riNrO.(o O)@ o z3ooo Fz o-J o gE EE; *gE; gr;s e Es 3E g g;SH ggggfigsgggggE,EgEgi;sgfia o(,.E oU' .= trfi, o-otro (U .9c =E =o(,go o .9,o.>Gc No(., ot r N d) $ l.r)(O- N d) $ - N tO O- N r r r r N F F N (f) +t (Os r r N Or F F - - - N N N N r - r N d) (Y)r N $ l()@ F N N N N N c) rt @ @O, - -F--r F-TFNNNNNNCO(f)(f)(o(,$$$ $$S $ $@(o(oN N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N6IN N N N N N N N N N $(f)+oro(o (f) o)^oN 1r)oci!o$_ o(f) N(f) F-(olo ro r.C)N. t-@ oo F- 1() @u? loo)o@ oart-o (f)scio .{,$o o, oo)d s(ossor-ro oa (o F*(o ro (o r.()+loo).(oN ooo soooN (olo.ftoo)(oN t-o! t-o).s(a @. N o)q o) o)$ t-riso) @s s(oqlo z sq N o r.() ^lroso)oo @- N oq N(ot- o)s (ocf)o(a(a t- N ooo No,+ No)oso, ro to \r +$ c\io,@ t- 'rio(0- (alo OLEo I(!trtEIJJLmo ee reEE!* I P.r.l (E E =Ec, o'@ o)o)o(L (o(o$ so+ z sro(oo (a|r)s@o,o@rO @ FoF E .9 (E'6vs6ELEo6 EqE' s,6g .r, e) _El o,tg bPo,'! o,-P=-E $E= Ee-;E =;EE E E? EEb! *=E =fEEE* EEg_EfiF # E E g g u fiegs= ggggg ggggE ggE, g gg E in gi ia - s- rr) <cl F N <rl S r N [o c> F N F F F F N F F N crl S (O r - NI r - F r r C! N N N F - r N d)d) r N $ lo (o r N N N N N (Y) $ @E r r - F r r r r - N N N N N N (O (f) (f)(OcO $ $ $ $ S $ $ t (O<T N N N N E{ C{ N N N 6I N c\I N c\| 6I N N N N N N C\l N E! N N N N N Nnlr)(o!o(o soo CO aavs @_ (f) sqs z so F-o N o,s@ c") sood oq(o@oooN ot-6(os- (a (f) s(oq ro z soo o o(a oir-t- 1,()(oo rr) (oq t-(o- (o soooc\l soro c.i @c! s@ oi z so c"jo $l$l oq t-\f (f, @ (f) c?Nt-(o-o(o so(as (ot-srr)$-(o@ (o\NNro $(o t- F-(orr) COrr)s .!2o(Etro.9e .EbE EEtEL66 FoF O 9'rP.= E! e) f;.PEm zo oulto-uloo UJ ==otsa=<o-(,=oa<UIeFz UJl!oao z s(9(o c"jcf) t-odo)(o- N@o) o, oo F-Na.o)No, Nc\l lr)o)o N 1o\ o)o rOt\s cfoooo -cooo o o (ULco o'o o o-oD (U =p .=E.s .9, EAEEnoi-t N|r,+Nro ro@(o CO o)t*(o(ot-$o) @q rycf)@@ l$lFl =l= oo CJ t- o,@o) @ o)+ ooo s(f)sslq r.c) ooooo oqo ooo oqo l$lIl= ooo@ @ o $ oq N(ot- o)st ooa ooo ooot-do(o- (f)rO (o\sl()a.(o @ (o\NNto$(o s(f) (f) c.i(a OL He$EUJLoo egtstrPo E .E.EEPE .9 P-r.= (E E 5gc, o' tro .s t, gE oo o 9..o.= (E E EEg'Fr 6 lBlBl N oisco CO soolo (f)q N@ry@ oo C; ooo (ol() oit\(o lr) soo r"i (oa?Nt-qo(o so(f,+ soo c.j soo F- so) c")(os- o)rtN soodLL (f)NdNr() o)(o(o- sl sooo soooc\ t\d$o) @$ soo c.i oI t\o. No)o- (oq I- @-(o soooN soq N .>trootro (E o CLoo o zo o lrJto.uJoo UJF ==-G,llo=(r=<o, (., o<uJ il. z UJlroLU) z o,oo)Go_ (9ool.r)o F-o)l.r) c.i F|q Nq lr)o)o- N |qfl r()\ o)o roF*$ t\ F* 1r) oq t-sl (f) @ t- F-(oq(al()s No(o ot c)oooo ,c,(-)oo) Lo ooLc .o .oooLo-oE o =E .=E.c .9 oaoo(LI o o .EooECCL C)oEo od!, o'=.g o) P,g E *, Egg,, ggEEBggggEgEg, *gs g a; gi i".r ar) $ to (o r N rr) *t r N lf) o F N F r r r (\ F F N <.) s (o r r NE r - F r - N C! C! N - - r N (r) (9 r N *t lO (O r N N C{ N N (A $ @E r r F r r r r r r N N N N N N (A (f) CD (O (O $ S $ $ S S S tif (o<f N N N N N N N C{ N N N N N N N N N c\I N N N N OI N c\I N C{ N N INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401,1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Book Gost of lnvestments Disposed of This year Book Gost of lnvestments Held at End of Year 236 382.30 Description NRTC Patronage - 1410 Date Acquired 2005 Syringa Networks, LLC - 1406 2001 1 437 164.97 Solix - 1406 10 000.00 Telespire - 14Oo 2006 2 500.00 Fairfield lnternet - 1406 2006 3 000.00 Pend Oreille Telephone - 14Q1 1997 2,358,450.74 Nehalem Telecommunications - 1401 2004 2,307,207.73 Totals 6,354,705.74 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1 180, 1 190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Name of Companv Customer - 1 180 Amount at End of YearNotes AccountsReceivable Receivable 100,421.81 Customer - 1190 36,491.09 Advances - 1350 3,685.35 NECA - 1 190 357,959.00 CABS - 1 190 63 101.51 State USF - 1190 81 685.08 Miscellaneous - 1 190 4 764.29 Elmore County E911 - 1190 940.20 Totals 0.00 649,048.33 Rev 3/02 Page 10 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Name of Greditor Date of Note Interest Rate Due Date Face Amount Totals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Alerus Retirement Solutions Amount 18 118.57 Armada Administrators 5 228.00 AT&T 5,326.95 Comouter Technoloov. lnc.8.882.17 Fibrolan lnc.5,689.50 ldaho State Tax Commission 12,262.29 KGP Logistics, lnc.12,290.99 Little Valley Elk Ranch 23,129.05 Moss Adams LLP 12,096.40 National Rural 9,725.21 NECA 34,000.00 NeoNova Network Services, LLC 18,936.82 Nevada Bell 8,416.23 Pitney Bowes 10,065.56 Syringa Networks, LLC 58,271.23 Telmar Network Tech noloov 7 905.00 Universial Service Administrative Co 6,759.81 US Bank 33,102.93 Other tuP 60 351.75 Rev 3/02 Page 11 350 558.46Totals (\l o) CDo(L No (f) ot (or F(orr, soo)o)d (oqo@(o- to(a Nu? @t- F-(f) oNoN N o) (o oNr o) (f) @@o)l* =Eo)LoE'otr No)doo- N soo,o,d oN @(f, or- N(f) o,@do(f) o,(f, c!oNoN c\t (o oN o)N(o @ro+! =EoooLoLL (oc!(o@ c\T sot-os o so(o- to$ oNo o) c\i@ o) oN No lo-oc\l No cooJ .Yo JLF ooo !o N(9 F-@ soo)r (o o)o c\l(o q (a$-o(f) o) oN N - (f, oN @No ,=EoLo Lo U'tO Nq t-oo)- N soo)o) F- oq (f) o(f) o) c\i(a(o- @ro o)oNto$ soN N (f, (osi(o +t =oo)LooLoLr lot-oc\l@- soo)t-ci ooo NNdoro $(r) o,oN l()s soc\l N (f) t-(o +t =oooELoLL t-roo$N CO soo)o) F- roooi@ro CA(f) so)oilo(a lo(o o)oC\lrort s-oN N (f, o,N (o+t =EooELoLL oo? N(f) s(oNoq c{ @ro c.jo)(f) to oo(o$@ rr) sf(f)oN lo-oN @I IJd)tr) TLo Ia =t c\lo) c.jo,o, c.i so (o C? N $(9oN ro oc\t slqlo(oq c{N oq c{t-o) e.i(f) !J)I IJdId) (Lo Iaft (an$$q r s(o@(o ni s(f,oN ro oN (r,q @lr,tr) @tt oo c"jq Nlr, Y IJd)d) (Lo Iaft cot-d@o(o st-toto\c! (r) (f)oN sroN roc\lc\oo6i$N ooc;(aa@t-c\l (f) I IJd) co (Lo Iaf E, (oa(o (f) (f) c"j st lf)o c"j N(f)o CN (f) oc! @q $No,do oo F-1o (f) @C\l c{I IJdI co TLo Ialt r.()ro F- o)- s(f)t-(olo e.i No)$t-N.Nt- N oot- o,@ (a oc! 6t(f)oc! I IJdId) (L m Iaft (f) (f) @r (f)s|r)N soood rOro @t-o)o @-s ooo@(o_o(f)ol $ @ oNI(f) oN rr)ooc!Ic!@o) af E. sqt-(o r sooo c.i o)oq$c\tF (a ooooo (ao xg -'=l L8'EI R gl $Ol o,llDl- EI =l..ol slElrlol -lolol ol EI *IEI ElUEI EI .=lEI EIEI 6Io.! Ft E' EEI.E l:.lEsl=>to +icfoo(-)o -cooo Lo .9,oo o)c'= o-capco Lo)-oEfc cfoooooi BEcbI o)E.Eoo=fogEo)o-o-9ac>3o,9uiHgog aa-c=floc'E'-oo>0)eE'O?croa.='= -LbeooO)sEoo->-G6o'Eo0)o(,bEefs6(EE _a9-E.E =i!tsgL-ooos> irof= o (9tt,tr.Eo $ttd(0NtdroNtdtt$ttd Ntf o E oo(, Foulo =t LrJ Iozo -EEIfi EEI<El o 8o oOrl .i *l o0 .91{,al801 9ool t CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Class & Series of Stock Common Stock Number of Shares Authorized 2,500 Par Value per Share 100.00 Outstanding per Balance Sheet Shares Amount 569 56,900.00 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Item INCOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT TotalCompany ldaho Only TotalOperating lncome (from page 16) TotalOperating Expenses (from page 18) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expense 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7230 Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operating Other Taxes 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes-Net7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 7310 Dividend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 lncome from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Nonoperating lncome 7370 Special Charges7300 Nonoperating lncome and Expense 7410 Nonoperating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating lncome Taxes-Net7400 Nonoperating Taxes 4,979,455.72 4,668,977.13 (965.35) (11,785 00) (10,234.98) 41 185.00 (122,854.801 163,871.00 60 181.22 7,513.26 27.18 541.92 (550.00) 824 030.80 (25,114.96) 807,448.20 (106,151.00) (29,572.00) 935.00) (234,658.00) (274,885.39) (31,270.91) (306,156.30) 0.00 (267,370.70) 368,957.66 2,611,586.03 2,384,113.63 (434.411 (11,785.00) 11 548.36 41 185.00 (e0,636.e5) 73,741.95 24,053.36 3,380.97 12.23 1 1,446.55 (274.50\ 370,813.86 (1 1,301 73) 364,077.38 (47,767.95) (13,307.40) (44,520.75) (105,596.10) 7510 7520 7530 7540 7500 lnterest on Funded Debt lnterest Expense-Capital Leases Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense Other lnterest Deductions lnterest and Related ltems (123,698.43) (14,071.91) (137,770.341 7610 Extraordinary lncome Credits 7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net7600 Extraordinary ltems 7910 lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS 0.00 (292,593.23\ Rev 3/02 Page 14 79,209.06 Item OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only 5001 5002 5003 5004 5010 5040 5050 5060 5069 Local Network Services Revenues Basic Area Revenue Optional Extended Area Revenue Cellular Mobile Revenue Other Mobile Services Revenue Public Telephone Revenue Local Private Line Revenue Customer Premises Revenue Other Local Exchange Revenue Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Services Revenues End User Revenue (SLC) Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) Special Access Revenue State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues Long Distance Message Revenue - All 502,035.19 11,980.51 514,015.70 201,445.18 3,243,443.53 11,663.61 723,919.12 91.95 4,180,563.39 4,742.50 7,130.85 11,973.35 57 170.O4 200,168.00 257,338.04 9.60 54.09 216,273.61 11,547.26 227,820.87 5081 5082 5083 5084 88,711.65 1,672,241.62 0.00 359,972.95 51 00 lnternet Services 5280.10 DSL Modem Revenue ldaho 5280.20 DSL Modem Revenue Nevada Other Non-Regulated Revenues 5280.30 Fiber Lease ldaho 5280.31 DWNM Circuit Equipment Lease 2,120,926.22 4,742.50 4,742.50 57 170.O4 200,168.00 257,338.04 5230.1 0 5230.20 5220.10 5220.20 5260.10 5260.20 Miscellaneous Revenues Directory Revenue ldaho Directory Revenue Nevada lntrastate B&C ldaho lntrastate B&C Nevada Misc Revenue ldaho Misc Revenue Nevada 9.60 54.09 12,424.40 624.36 2,370.06 15,482.51 Uncollectible Revenues 5300.10 Uncollectible Revenue ldaho 5300.20 Uncollectible Revenue Nevada 70.35 't12.38 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 4,979 ,455.72 Please identify the following revenues: NECA USF $1,101,500.00. To what account were they booked? 5081.21 & 5081.22 State USF $ 302,220.96. To what account were they booked? 5084.21 624.36 688.05 70.35 0.00 70.35 2,611,586.03 Rev 3/02 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES Item TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 6112 Motor Vehicle Expense 61 13 Aircraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 6210 Central Otfice Switching Expenses 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 621 5 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Cucuit Equipment Expense 6310 lnformation Origination/Termination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense 21 113.29 51 773.04 215,122.44 159,944.28 531 528.01 60.68 669,074.23 1,648,615.97 Page 16 23,297.87 9,500.98 194 075.27 123,623.95 223.564.95 60.68 266,202.71 Rev 3/02 TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE 840,326.41 Item OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 651 0 Other Property/PlanUEquipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm. Use Expenses 6512 Provisioning Expense 6530 Network Operations Expense 6531 Power Expense 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 6540 Access Expense 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom. Plant in Service 6562 Depreciation Expense-Property Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense - Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense - lntangible 6565 Amortization Expense - Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses Customer Operations Expense Marketing Product Management Sales Product Advertising Services Call Completion Services Number Services Customer Services Total Customer Operations Expense 1,042.10 468.95 65,876.05 38,030.27 113 765.67 71 147.69 60,216.27 38 754.77 88,309.45 39 739.25 1 224 765.32 706,882.81 1,553,974.86 895,023.74 661 0 661 1 6612 6613 6620 6621 6622 6623 116 892.32 52 601.54 123,824.14 65 097.86 240,716.46 117,699.40 Corporate Operations Expense 6710 Executive and Planning 6711 Executive 6712 Planning 6720 General and Administrative 6721 Accounting and Finance 67 22 External Relations 6723 Human Resources 67 24 lnformation Management 6725 Legal 6726 Procurement 6727 Research and Development 6728 Other General and Administrative 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Gorporate Operations Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 276,348.27 124,356.72 778,356.30 350,260.34 1 10,692.36 53,693.02 60,272.91 2,754.40 1,225,669.94 531,064.08 Rev 3/02 Page 17 3,020,361.16 1,543,787.22 o(o(o (o o o elB_xooilcEg g 3' did)t6 -a(U(,Et* =urra6 ,-b =qE - xaeE<E2 oEP €# s@& @ o)o)o(L Nijo .9.coz LoEo ! .9, _ofo-cozE.= =oL..oOCE":'89 .o /iJYa99E OEoz lr) o)$ N o tf r.- I NN in f (oo$ georo -q)a.a(U'Eoo-a6€ EOEgEEoatrtroEttosc-a o F:8:9EEg d E5EtJzl- rl lo' ,'(Jqb.,ortgEtr! (tr.E--.cEtsl"gguoq) B5 5.OFF =(u(Ulii5i5 o)$ Eo>9bE*k9E6.o.=oc-EOEb'6,= !2ooo.Yrcmzotx E.!u o)+\t .r> lr(E>(Loc =ogo9gfi '6 m oo lo c)6Eo.LCOJ:9gEjPg-u,lob Ip ee,(E(U.9qqEEErOO(L(_)o --o =t Eoa or -l3la tr 'sl n folgEol .= ttrl-J o =l ; <-> 8I E€ol jJ f9l (, oOl r E(l O= _l(u .oco g:Eo'- i-YOgoEE EE_Eo uJ r,rJ .r> =(E =L o9orFC OJ1roo.'ar6 E, idEIox I.-- o) _e s, -9E:OEoo< xo =EooEot q)o- F EO.IL =cO =J+ ooo(,(, o Eo o3o o tro o() '6 ogo oooN(o (0 i,oo.s =ctuloo oac x ol.Elol(Elol orl o 518ol .' 8l E,ol u,crl o<lo .!ilo. EL(EHx5e rLI -LttoZ lor'.Y i t=(J:z-r>.O=artrrj90(Do(/)Tx !,o t! .9E .soo o'EFo<sciElUo()oi-gtrE J(os5FN 2-uJ a)ob .Ct Eoooo oo(! No (f, ot Eo= =aoo o (U cc)o tC')(9I€o(\a:,(,cLo o.x69.. (Looso6L Eoo o 0) Eoz Nr-(o o)$ tif 9t, I -Xc)Q 6.E o)PEH E tra - tl,(5(,Xo)E;8 @6 o @ oo)oI sc! oo .9 Loz Lo Eo-c .9. -o =o-Eoz E.=3aL..oOCEDX,89 .9, i a9ebx_ooEaz N @N (aN(9s t +N o(0 E J6(l)@ ge OE -0)aao'Eoo -at6€EA.= (ntEA-o(5tro) EllOg=-a o EC)EobE EE =E 5Eozt rl lsqb..ort,gEtr! o.E---cEt()00x,l,tuoror 35 E.OFF =(E(o8i515 (oN(f) .l> lJ (u>(L ,-b EEE n xaiE<$z ,f> =(E>L Eo,tE oc = EtEg6 '6 =o o oEPooo) E'6 (o@& Nooc =aoF Eoo- Eoo oao .E -JEoEo coo, Eoo @ aoc =oco-cCLooF .9 -of(L rif(L .f Eoa Els dfls r il uEol .= ttrl J o) =l ao frlE g ol oEOl f c{lO = _lo.o L(E a;xfis o*o'. <*99u EEEEo [rJ rJJ O oC'OFC OJt, -9OZ'o6E, oEIox I-Y- cn E s=€ oo< o = 'o Go =ido- F ..> =gh=J+ ooooo o Eo o =o o tr .9 oo '6 oso @oo(\t (0 r0 i,oo-.sfo I.JJ Eg o U'c x C'I.slol(EI crlolo.El3JI Nol- EI E,.JlU)()l o)<lo .> CL ELGr -lql =g x S < lgEp-l 9OEi,Dtrsi90(t)oaTx !,o o .9E' .E oo o'EFO<roE llJ o<)oiig lr L6gJ(OSEFN Z-u.l coobll Eoo6'o oo(E $ -co= =a o)oEo Ecoo (,,ro(o Ic,Lo)o6t E,GoS).9xIE.. (L o)o o (E c0)O oo Eoz Noo o,t Loo>9k!2.rtLv u s9EU.q.=oc-EoSb'6,8!lo oO.clEgjZouJ o)(o(f, (r) o _sfr EfiE =t6 -ao(,l:oEfi-adi Efl"rI ,-b =g{ ,- xA.YE<82 oEP E# ua& (oo @ oo)o(L i,o .9.coz ooo-c.oEfo- Loz !'= aL..oOCED: i:9..9 ii a9oh!JX OEoz r{) (o(o c! $ iriLf (u(l)o 9.9oo-o(4.-oo'Eoo-a6€ EAEatpA-ootroEDOuc6 0 EOEobEEhro_6 -6 EE ==bl)zt rl lSqb .. (j) -ct gEtr=(E(E--.CEtseEeuoo B5 5o' 'Xo(Elii5i5 (o(o oo>9bBe=tuo)= x 0).=oc-E ,\ c tsE-ooE,EEEd]zo[u E!o c.l1r aa .f> =(tr=o-o .EJ g1o,oPg6,6 o o ON83,cc.hJ=9PE5PP:(/,lo-b P LLL (E.9gq6EEfOO(Loo ri =o_.l Eoa or j- 3la I '=l n fot !lEot .= tEI J O)Il acr frlE s EI 3E(lO = E.9couxfig oEo'E f-YOgC,EtsEEEOuJtx .l> l(E>Lo(Jo FC OJ!r -got Z,ar6u OrEIox I-Y- o) EgEoo< (,E Booo =a,o F =Ph>J+ ooo(,(, (,tr o o5o o tr .9 (!(, '6 o -go oooN(0 (o iioo-.gfq uJo -oGoC EIolrElol .Elol ol o .=13Jl (\t sl aGrl (,crl o<lo a EL(ErulrElE or' =E x S < l.EEs-l 9O!-(,EEi90(I)oa-E t,o (E .9!,.; .12<EFo<ECIElUoo.0;-glr L6sJ.O<EtrHi Z-Lu i)ob .ct Eoooo oo(E (\lo(, otr !() =aooEo Eco)o (0 C" t00eN--# =e8.#:.o .. (Loo +o (EL Eo)o o 0) Eoz @ oo)o(L (\o(') (l,t iriLfEt ge OE -o)aao'Eoo 6€EO=,^=fiLU)loiEtro EDOsE*a o EOPobE EE =E EE =f6QZt- sf i)o .9 Eoz LoEo-c .at,Efo-coz -c= =aL..oOCED: '89.q (i i99Eo=OEoz l,lqb..orteEtr!o(E--.cEEieeuooEccgt.o .o.OFF =(EGlIi-i5 rr) $ t- o$ o$ L(Uo>9bBe:o)=xo).=oc-C r\ c Ec-oo'6,=9o(DO.Crccozotu o o o o o _sfr EfiE.t4 -aOU'xo +f(,)F@6 .f> :r(EEo- tsfsI ,b =.g.F *>Jt xA(YE<82 oEE E# e@& .a> f(U>(L E4e ,-> =gh=J+ oC:g1 tl)o9o.; ,6 o oOcrFC OJEoOZara E, oooo() o Eoo o oc .9 (E(, '6o -go NcAEEoaccaD'==g PEJPP:u,lo-6 Pp ae(u.e*3_otrtraOO(Loo oooN(o (0 i,oCL.g =ouJEo ooc ri Jt Eoa Er djlE r .=l n folgtol .= etrlJ o)rl ao HIE g ol (,) ool f c{lO = EIol.Elollglololo.=lR ul aOl u)ol o)<lo _l(o .ocog:Eo'= I--oOoEEEEEo]utu OrEIox I-Y- c,, EgEoo< CL EL(Egx5g E < le6p-l 9O!irtrsi90(1)a)a-E xo =EooE'ot ir,o- F -co2 =aoo o Ecoo rooI.-PE.(L --.l)oo99.x:-c).. (Loo o E E0)o oo Eoz Eo G .9t,.; .!2<TFO<EciEuo9EtL=bEJ(0SE!5N Z-uJ.noblt Eoooo ooo @ E$$-l"l"l-l o c! oo - tl,GU) =o)ifi.a6 .l> :r(E5o- Ef,.oI =.e.F ->JHi xA(YE<82 o)EPtE s=o"@& @ c,o)oTL f.-i,o .9.coz Lo Eo-c.oEfocoz -c.; aL..oOCE': E.h.9 ii a9eb OEoz (f) 1() @(f) iri =ooc) ge OE-oa, -oo'Eoo-ao= EA=,^=iiLA-o(trtro EDOssi6o Eo9obE EE =E EE =fi)ozt- rl lsqb..ortgEtr! oaE--.CtsEg.g Euoro B6 5.OFF =oolIi5i5 @(f) (5o>9bBehe',E8-U.=oc-C /\ c Fc-oo'6,=!lo(DO'YZccoZOrU Eo(cl+ cr) oC =a9o9o:= '6 m t(v' EEFEcth ==gPEJ9e:u,lob g LLL (Eoo-o_EEEfOO(Loo dft E0)aor i3ls tr El ,. >i;I UEot .= EEI J d)5l ac> HIE g ()l u, oOl f c(lO = o.ocouxfig otso'- <-YggoEtsEE-Eoultu .l> f(E>Lo(roFC OJEo OZ,Atat otrlox I-Y- o) EgEoo< xo =Eoo!,ot oo- F ,.> =Pk>J+ ooo(,(, (1, Eo o o o tro IEo '6 oso oooN(9 (o iioo-.gfctIU E -0)ooc EIol.Elol(Elol ol o 5tHol - EI E,ol(,)ol 0)<lo EL EL(Ersl(EIE ar' =E x S < leEp-l IO=4,DtrEi900)OATE Eo o.9!t '; th <'=FO<sciE LlJ oOoi- -!PIL:o-zJ(oSEF(\r 2-IJJ CIoblt Eoooo oo.E (\lo(') ot -co =a o)oELo (ELco)o ta.o€IooN .:{,tgP o.X <Y.. (LooEo Eco C) oo Eoz (o ufic-l"l"l.l o c{ oo - tl,o(,,xoEf.a6 .f> =oEO Ef; .", I ,-b =.g.F ->Jt xanE<$z oEP E# sa& @ oo)o(L sl i,o .9.coz opoE .9, -o =o-coz -c= =aL.. o)OCE": 89..qd a99E(., +fotaz (f) (f) loro t(v) il)Lfoo@ geoo -q)a9o'Eoo -a6€E .1, EaeEoautroEttobc6 0 EOEobE Ehfo6'6EEffoozt rl lSqb .. C) -ct,gEtr! o(E--.CtsECroo uoq) B5 5o' ' =(u(EEi5i5 |oro o0)!abBe:pE8-u.= oc-EoSb'o,=!io oO.cJc.d)zor.u t.!u co+ro oE =o .9.o9ga '6 m NNEENccat) =:gPE5Pg-n,lo-b Pp a-(U.9qqEEErOO(Loo ria(L.a E(l,a Er ifl5 r .El i; xol o Hgl5 E =l a <-> flE sOl (,,EOl f c{lO = _l(U .9C(u '-:XEE,rPo'- <-YoOoEE E-B-Eo r.u ru .l> f(E>(Lo(ro FCOr!, -9ozoii)t orlox I-Y- cn EgEoo< so*=3o(! (, =iDo- F =orE=EG>J+ ooq,o() o Eo o o o Eo (!o '6 og(, ooooa(o (0 i)oo.g =u LUo -0)ooE EIolGIolrElololo .=13Jl 6tol .: EI E,ol (,)ol o<lo .> EL EL(!relql =g xI < lpEe-l IOEartrri90(t)l)@-E Eo G .9E.; .9<lFO<.EciE ltJ oC)o=9,tJ.=o9J(o<=trH 2-uJ c)ob .Cttr oooo ooG (\oo ot !o =aoo Lo EL Eo)o o(ooI€oc{ Aaoo'F#dE.. (LooELo o coo oo Eoz o, oo)(E(L ro o)(o rf) o$ (oo)@N o,toNrt o@(f)N (oc! (oN(o@ o)(f) c\t(o t-@(aN sN F(o @ros (oto(oo Nto(f) (a(a(a tse>.=<J c\tt-(o (f,Nc\l lr)so)oN rO(olO@ anlLI0)l'ElLl(Ulol_t6l Ebl E8<ol ,oN5lUol .91ol o@Ltr'61 .g S'-l a q,ol Eolc (EIol_tol oFr .gKgroo Ec rrfso) (0 oN a!o oztrfoot IJJ =oFo =o oouJF LlJ o. =ooo olrotuJo =Dz EP>.=ot4 ):lolol_t(UlololJlb6'-ooEO =o2= -l-l-l.l-l-lr+EE $E ? 96 E(s.!-oJ @(oo 0) L'6 (L $(o@ (uco t-rOovo)c)Lo c) EEF (oo,N -vfcootr (f)lr)(o Lo tro .9,od) oq)co!oxIU69sYCD(oa =o-ga C\Io (r) o)t ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016. CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summary of Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Corporations ldaho Telephone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes X lncluded in directory Yes X Date of notification Monthly included on customer billing. No No Annuallv orinted in directorv (coov attached) Alternate method of notification Newspaper publications: (copies attached) Times News - Twin Falls. |D.211112016, 5t 13t2016, 8t20t2016,',t 1 I 1',t t2016 Record Herald - Salmon, lD.21111201 6, 81 18t2016. 1 1 I 10t2016 Mountain Home News - Mountain Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assignment Miscellaneous ldaho Statesman - Boise ID 2t9t201 5114t201 ID 2t10t2016 5t1812016 8t17t201 1 6t2016 11t30t2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rev 3/02 Page 20 GERTIFICATE State of ldaho County of WE, the undersigned MichaelJ. Martell Mark R. Martell of the RuralTeleohone Com pany utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this f.1| day of , (Year) Jnt\ . Notary blic SS and My Commission expires \]c ^. ?-.,, (Year)-f,nr rJ Page 21 ^..$[ii"t:i:YiiireT __: j goTA4y 1, u-_ =i_.-:: aa;*$Rev 3/02 gdUexcel/jnelson/an u lrpts/telan nualrpt -r l; . 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C)ILotoz Eso- G oF tro .E .N o E oU tr .9 .gooooo x(oro6 ooE'6(dl'LEoo.o.fU) Eocoo (o()o o .Eco'=a 0)o oE Eoo (oroo oEoo u) o 6ooo (oroo coa .9.Eoc6 FooFo6 c0)O (or)o 4fo[J Eo(- C; oco 6Eoc (o(r)o oo =o(Uuo =od o!(6O (oroo ooo(6 o)J (g=o(!o (v)@ro@ ac0) Eo, ooE E6so)o(s o)J (f) (o@ oo I)'6 c(E c $(or)@ Eo) Eaf, E Co '.@ loo r)(or)@ c .9 .E .N o E dco .goooq)o (E oF F.t-N.roc! o,r)r) ;|oro $@@- I.- (o _(o_ @ (r)o)@_(o cf)o)@_(o (o o)t-- o(f)\ol o+odlo N@o-(o(o o,(f, '1 c{c{ NNc9N.oN 1l)No- No{ (\l ro@c) o<io- rl)N \t(t)<t-!tc) N6N-h strt @-N @@to o;+ to,olo|o(o !t@6lN oNo)ot silo@-g,c) (oN dotrt) o(o(r)- c) (,o@(o rt@6 N (9o)ao(o (o @^ ao ts)(oo- @oN. 6o@(oe) t(ocr- C"6l (r'@6t @q) I\Nro |.JN f..o,ro- @ @o$-r) $\tF.No- o-co(o I o@-. o)@@- rooN @o)\(oF.AL c! @N+^NN o(r)\or, (olt)o_ o,@ IDo\t)lr)N o)C\lN(o(,, No),n- @ o)ao(\!.o N +-+e) log)II)+rt N@or- @N (oo+-lo +r\oo !iNo (D o.Dao)€@- looN IDo)\(oNN.N @N+FiN (ott+ott ttl(odro ooo-loo o (r,6l(r)^ GI GOF eF-@- cr)(r) aror) a o o o,N- (f) o(o o)-o @(o cr)- O) o o o o o sorr_o oo,@-(9 r)oN No)6_ (f) o (0F.N-N (oN od@ ot @-(o roo) os o r\oq NNlo o o o o @ o-(D6 (\i ot (o t ro o F.@ c',ol (f,t ro @ f.-@ o)oC!N oiN d(\l $(\l dN <;N F.N (I; C\T oiot o,(!o N (6r, t,o =tr tro(, IJJoz IJJo.x uJ zF tr uJo.o otrI E(,oc (, Eoo o xxID6 oc o)I6 x @o ooo'- oa o 6 o)oo xN(o@ (6!o. o).a .9oJ(L-ooo i5 xN(o6 Eo'6o(uo o) .EE.9Ef(L eooo i5 xN(oo co'o) oIo.g!.o =f(L eooo i5 xc!(o@ o)al'c,ctil oo(L o!ooo.E 0)U) (9c!(o@ o@:)1'c LrJ E.9oo6 C) 06 Eo E 6tL (r)N(o(o oolECuJa'=oc OJ =m (r) C\l(o(o ccxO oo IL opooo Eq)a CON(o (Ixoco oooO oa coE 6L (ool(o (Ixo-'5oC o =(D (fJ N(o co 6 .9 .E EE c'oo (fJ N(o oI(L q)J.oF oFooo joE (f)N(o oo o_ aoo EooJ ooo jo(E (f)N(o oO 06 iE 0)=o cnoo j o)(I N(o Eb OJa c,oo j 0)(I cr,N(o O 06() trxo c,)oo to cc (f)N(o oO t.lJJo E'6 La E o 06 (n (f)N(o oo Eoa oEo @fo oco cr)N(ot6 otro G oCLo (, Eoo)o 6 oF oc.9 (g (,(lo 0,(! oo oo xxN6 oE.E c(d (L od o) fo0)xuJ x f.-(6 o 6 .9.EE:o odt 0)co(, xNt..(o ooco)o.xtll co E0) o)q) a uJ @Nt.ao oEo G oTLo 0, .E o.L oo 6 oF ooocoCLxul olc G ooo o o I coa ILoaooo EfoLll !cfTL q)o.E (l,(t) (6Io El 0)oE(taoa co ooccoo o),E6: tuEo 6 oF ooocooxlr.l olc G (,oo (! o @ o(ooo,(U(L @ o F- o)o,(u(L C!ol@- f.-ro NNq l.-|o o(oo-(, (r)f.._o-o$ c) o-roN lr) o-()N $co\f d c!r)qr, Nroq ro <t@ c,ic) !to c,i(o @@r)- (or) oN|o- G'N o)(oo- @(9r) o)loodr!)lo (9 ()- lr)o toro|o-Nolo r,O)oqr)F' |ooo"|or\ Nro @- t-(,lo-ro \f oN (r)o(7)- N\f e)AIc)- e)N (9(\l(r)-(,N F-qloor) o)f.-\oolr, qNNdN[t 0)f- 00I (')\toloF. p)llNot- NF.\@(') NNF. ao(' No\ (f,N ororo- ot F.ro c.io Nro ^io N+ F.-_ @ () -+-(, ', loo C')-o(r) lo(,)q(l,o N1t)-N Nroti (r)a? F.(o e, ro- c) s$@-oF- tttoor\ (()t.@-\i (t)@ (o(o o)(, cf,N t,)|o rtN NoN o No(\{ (o @oq o, No,od oo-(9 F,. oo F)r\ o <t_ c)6ro (o \tlf,rr- (or) !tlolo- lo() so,rr-()o) o o o o qg, ro-(oo N(o\@(r) ool(o- (o s$ rir.,- o vtl rJt- I.o.o_t- O .o(\lo(D r\to- o,(r, a a !io^t)F' N (.,\f r)(o N @ O)o ol (.)r+r)@ F.@ (f,rt ro @ N @ lrJoo IJJx Foz tulo-o oox(gF G o,E0)o ottNN t 0)o-o (L o$(\N a '6o0)(r aoo(, o$C!N 0)0)LL Of o_ o$NN ao)otL 0).9coc(d tI o\tNN oso o$NN oc)x(EF (E G'c0,o (E oF to! =(, Go oox(!F 0) Eoos xxNN F LL ca Fg) @o C)co q) Eooc q)z @*oo.s toltao + !ootE 0)U'(6 (Dta o)co o +ooo .E dEellGxGFto sq @ (g co 5o Fa oCONF- + riooto o)odm l-- LL o)co +(\t o, o .E -g.ct(gxGFFII ooo N (0 u) oo.s c E o*ltoNNN ooc, (g!oEo.xtL ahaoI oF Eo E'd o o_o NF.. @ o @oCD(!(L otro G 6)aoo.C6p o (0 =,ooEt,o 6 oooo o o o- Irl' (r, o Ioooulc, oooou?o ooooroci oooro <i ooolo G' ooo[i G, o\a@ I\e, !t(t) d ooNct (oro o('rqo o.co fooJ o o- co o oCIo o UI N\c)ro _!t- N N. ait6 + @tfNoc, o Go6 E (, .Eoa! E o u$Fc!xdJ oooroNo oooloNo ooorllNo t\roq t${ (oloF)-oc,o- N6lo)o) N ooN roo o,6t oo6l uto@-(DG' @o.D +6lo N@6lC'ro 6'(! o 6'c ol- No -.t- ro @- rtro@loao oIroc!o ooolo.!o oooro6lo ot14,qo oIroGOci Fot roco- ooorI}qo oNordNq. oa?lo(\l cot o oo t F @@oJo C'o !totoN o) Nr/trl'eo (,r\_ (o roo6t o, !)ll EooooiioEc IJJ G!) (, ,CF ol! I o! a!oF oEo 6 6'd.o oF oob- =a otro (! Gooo @oro-too|o" ro oooooq too e Ioooc)o; Ioooc,6J Iotc,oJ tc!octcl Iao@-(o(orI)- rI, Iooooq I I q I g (oN+_(o\6l o @c,N N c) ro oo o)N(o- N6t6) oo(', o)o @ c,oN@-N(\t() Ioe) Nrorod(o o Noolo I P o-u, oE oc J oz N (f)\f ro @ F.6 o o (r)\t r)(o N @ C')c;N N NN siN +ot d(\,t d(\l F,.ol dot O)N o(f,(, 6'oz oz O)ool (\l (\IN {N (o(\l F-ol o@N -oO)ol (!o(9 t)oc)(f)N(9 tr IJJFo =F =o- ==Eolrloo co rL oooo Io o EG Go-co EG CLoa E!o- fo ool oao l.E lJa oo6IfJ(t) b(U =c(E- tLLa 0)o6co Cf, o)-oEo)ooo lL(L U) 0)o(Um TL(La q) =aoo- Eoo co) 5o TUoEo.co)'6 =(oo)(t) oo)3 .E E0) Eo'=oUJ Eo(oF o co fo LrJo1'o =.90)3c = oo6LL l,tJoo'6oo.Eoo Eo lo lo ool co- Jcft-o(,c6!oxt1l co o)Eo =fo ooEo) CE aoI fo oo()oo E =ouJ oT'coooa !o =o(!1'c(6a o d o)oo fo o).s=o= =at) Eo!c(!F lo co.F 6pq) coox o o) (1, Eo =o fc =co 6Io) coox o(, (, EG(!o. o.Co oocfooC)oo Eo(E ': @ aoo cto6J E0)6 (goo)6cf o{, =E0, ll,c. E -g toooo et o @(d coc.9 (Uoo E'c o)I (0 oolEcLrlcoo Q)6o o5 coc 6o- IExoc.ooo oO 06 coE (!IL aoo6coo otooo oUt oof, c LrJ oI(L o!ooo.E o)a (Exo oI TL 0)E'oo.9z0)o 6o.E Co() '=ftEgl E6 q)of,EE uJ bfdc o =in (Ex() =ETc ul Eb oc)cn6oo0) =oFo(E+(L U) do (L do ooo(goo(, EooJa l,tl oo(!ooo oo(Ut!ooEooxtil -a) (, (D ooo(.)o (d'o 0)o.a oa s)JI oo(6tr o)ocooxulo0)o,- C)U) o6ooo 0),o oEcul oof oac) f.c ooo)oo AFFIDAVIT OT PUBLICATIONRTI County of Elmore 1...xfi ig r qurtity tcrocommunic&rions -ffi:-* provirhr bncic cdancod serviccs at State of Idaho .flr ' r€arooitlc rrtca vithin its scrvicc tcnitory. Ersic scrviccs er!, fu rrho follorlng ntcs for Shory, Boise Rivcr, Prriric,Atlanta rnd TiponuUOesis ldalo'n dd.dd & Rrrhro. Rrr.. " I, Brenda M. Fincher, do solemnly swear that I am the Publisher of the: Local Rssidcnco Local Busincss Fcd. Subscribcr Linc (FCEAcccss, I linc) Rd. SmriDor Uac (FCCAcccs*, Multi Linc) Id&'Unitcnal $cMcc Fund Surcharsc 0USD Idaho Uuivrrrat Sorvicc FUrd Srmturge (USft Stetc of ldrhoAsrissanc! h.o3r.m The abore chrlor *ill heve fcdcral and locrl axes eddcd on. Tbuch fbnc scrvice is provided as e port of thc locd scrvicr. Toll Blocking is availeblc at no cherge for lorr incomc customas vho qualif. 9U Sowics - E,rchangos wisr chargcs in ldaho are: 39'6J3' 868' 864'r&d?96. lffiiii r $125 p*linoolr4e. $tatc spccifcd tdcfhdc Mountein Hone lilewg A weekly newspaper of general circulation, published once a week, in Mountain Home, Idaho, that the notice attached hereto which is a part of pubiicatiqn thereof; u'as published in said newspaper for I consecufive wggks, the first pyblication having been made on thetOtv. day of Fr\f . 2016. ata tf,e last publication having been made on the [i\<r da1'of FrCr , ZOto: every Wednesda-"- issue of the paper during the period and time of publication and that the notice was published in the paper proper and not in a supplement thereof. And I further swear that the said Mountain Home News has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said Elmore County during the period of 78 consecutive weeks prior to the first publication of the attached notice. )retrr locd ltrcalth ad cosnnprs in thc RII $25.?6 t42.00 $ 650t9-a scrvicc tcrribriarat thc .t.res.kor.rnd s st .t2{8!6) .&Bt$) -fi} Brdc conditioos rpociflcd ia drc Rfl erifrs endlor prie lists. If you trvc rny Erc*ioar egrrdiag ttc RTI'r safvicc8, dossc call uc rt I-EEE-36&7821, or vieit oor burinoca offcc at Egl llr. Mrdison Aw. Glcnqs Forry, D 83623 for furthcr information rc*@ng scrviccs. RII' AnEqurtOPPottmttYEoPloy"" MI with its mein offico loceted rt 892 W. Madison Avcnue;Glcms Forry, ID 83623 ' complies to 6c apply to all programr). rvritc USDA, Dirtctor, OfEco of Civil Rights. Room 326- Infucn&nco Avonuc, SW, Wrshington, DC 20250''9410, or call Notary 720r5!X4 (voico or TDD). USDA is en equal opporamity providcr and cmployer Dldpu Residing in Mountain Home, Elmore County, Idaho. My commission expires ll-17-2017. SON ST /4)/.yf/z/- hrblleher Subscribed 20t6. sworn to me this lbe a^v or FIL*., Tclcphooc Assistarcc Prognms 8r? evaileblc to iow-incomc individuals. To qgrli$ for Ufclinc Sorviccs, flcasc L"l8'liig is e pmgram dcsigrod tq 6sist low incourc houscbolds rffod loc.l tclephone scrvicc. llftitno essieu witlr noMlv tolophono billr rnd Unk-Up $sists wtth c&nc.tion rnd inotalla- tion chrrges. Pkacc conhct your locat Eoll[r&ltrrtrrlr0Ecs or Colt IUI Srps l-Et&3667821-6 , o olilTI" Qaq Poiliqdqqi.ryqrrtY 10, p,l6 rcano ltate3man lh. il.!rt.r., !a ll. lr..rrr. Y.tlrtlolioira?:lxar.coI POBox40, Boke, lO 83707.0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account #Ad Number ldentrncaton l,U AmounI Cols Lines 264023 0002258320 LEGAL NOTICE RTI Service Rates RTI is Service Rates $133.28 3 48 Attention: Sandy Stump RTI - RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY, ID 836232374 & Budrrou Retr: Access. us at available to low-incorneconta(t to as$st lo{,v of Pub. Feb.9, 2Ol6 LEGAL NOllCE RTIS*vice Rates teleconrmunicalions services provider who provides basic enhanced service territory. Basic services are offered at the followng rates for JANICE HILDRETH, being duly swom, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 1 lnsertions Beginning issue of: 0210912016 Ending issue of: 0210912016 STATE OF IDAHO ) .SS couNTY oF ADA ) On this 11th day of February in the year of 2016 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Residing at: Boise, s25.76s42.OOs 6.50 s 9.20 I 2 (Res) .20{Bus}s .03l services at reasonableAtlanta & Three Creek service. Lrfeline as- on. rncome with charges in 8@, 864 erd 79O. There is for Lifeline and telephone assistance progranrs may be eligible {or drscomts charges ttrough state specrfied telephone assistance plans. Hease contact servtceS,informationfrther RTI at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, lD 83623, conrplies and adheres the U.S. Deoarbnent of Agricdture euidelirps.and the U.S. Deoartrnent-of Aericulhure's odicv. ttris rnstitution is prolrbrted of race. color. national ongin. 5ex, religron, ag6, or disability (Not all prohibit- wrrte USDA, Director, Office of Civil Richts, Roonr 326-W, Whtten Buil4 , Wastrnrgton, DC 2025G94I0, or cal[(202) 72G5964 (voce or TDD). and mployer. ,lrrrllllrtr \\ go My Commission expires:t/3 ^ *x* Fq"g*o?i rutr Pub]icatEr.:utl *t(* Twin Falls Times-News 132 Fairfield St W, Twin Falls, ldaho 8330'1 RUBY AUFDERHEIDE, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of the Times-News, a daily newspaper printed and published at Twin Falls, Twin Falls County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: lnsertions RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 892 WEST MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY, ID 83623 ORDER NUMBER 23936 (Legals STATE OF |DAHO ) .SS couNTY oF TW|N FALLS ) onthis/Alday of Y/|, n in the year o*7\lbbefore me, a NotaryP-ublic,pbrsonSifiEplf arelbef orsmeRubyRLf 6.rt.ia. known or identified to me to(5e the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. hl., r, ),,-U,,.-,.s$$xdt!i1 i ," oorAPy' 'i. '? : i '3,o- ;3 =,.'a. PugutG ," s; ,,arpr1".1t?s Notary Prdic rbn to'arro ,4 Residing at: Twin Falls, ld56o 4 tt .tlMy Commission expires: PUBLISHED ON: 05/1 2/201 6 TOTAL AD COST: FILED ON: 205.42 st1212016 Plovicles baslc at IEaSOflADE t6FE:Eu rr l alB b'fieEd'at fte followingits setvice raEs for Shoup, Boise Fliwr, Prairis, Aflanta,Thr€e .Cre€k and Tipanulo0asis ldaho. Etaairlrnlid I Ffrriine*c Loca! Hesidence $25.76 Local Business $42.00AccessHecoveryCharge $3.0o Fed. subscriber Line (FCC Access, l line) $o.so Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, Multi Lins) $9i20 ldaho Univeeal Service tund Surcharge (IUSF) $.12 (HeE) ldaho Universal Service Fund Surchaqe{IUSF) $.20 (Bus) Staia of ldaho Assistanca Program $,OS The above chaqes will haue bdenal and local bxes added on., Touch Tone service is povided as- a part of tre looat sErvice. Toll Blocking is available at no chaqe for low income custcmers who qualify- Emeqenoy 911 Srrvices - Exchanges with chaqes in ldaho I ale:39{,65I},868, ffi,857 and 736. Thet6 is a $'1.,25 per line charge. Low income individuals eligible lbr Liblineand blephone assistance pmgrams may be.eligible tur discounts llom these basic local service chaqes through shib specifred telephone assistance plans. Please contaet your local Health and Wqlfare ofiice. Basic services ate ofiered to all consumers in tre RTI .service tenitories at the rabs, brms, and conditons specified in the HTI tarifis and/or price lists, If you have any questions regading the HTI's services, please call us at 1-888€66-7821; orvisit our business ofrce at 892 W. Madison Arre. GlEnns turry lD 8iil623 brfurther information regarding,servicqs. RTI An Equal Opportunity Employer ln accordance with FEderal civil rights lawand U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDAIcivil rights r-egqlatloqs and policies, the USDA, itsAgencies, oftces, and emplqy€es, and in stitutions parlicipating in or administering USDA prcgEms are prohibitgd from discriminating based on rape, color, national origin, teligion, sor, genderidentity (inoluding gphder expression); io<ual orientation, disability, age, madtal shtrs, hmily/parental status, income deiivrird from a public assisbnce program, political beliefs, o; oprisal gr retaliaton br pdor civil rights activity, in any progrdm or activity conducled or funded by USDA (hot all bases apply to all pogams). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary W program or incident. Persons with disabilities who reguin albmatiw means of communication forpogram inbrmation (e.9., Braille, laqe print, audiotape, American Sign Lhnguage, eb.) should contagt the psponsible Agency or USDAsTAHGET @nbr al(292\72o-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA hrough the Fedeal Ftelay Service at (800)877€39s. Additionally, progmm inbrmation may be made avaihble in languages ' otherthan English. USDA is an equal oppcirtunity povidgr, emplgryer arid lender. lf you wish to file a Givil Hights program complaint of discrimination, complete. tu USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at [tp:/A,vww.ascr,usda.gov/complainlfi ling_custhtml, of al any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to requgst the form. You may also write a letbrcontaining all otthe.information rcquested in the brm. Serid your completed complaint form or lettar to us by mail at U"S. Department of .Agriculture, Directot Office of Adjudioation, 1400 lndependenoeAvenue, l S.W., Washingfton, D.C.2O25O-941O, by fax (ZOZ) 6g}-74p,z or email at program.intake @ usda.gov. Did you 1oour.........,.,...,,.rr.;.r,,!.r...rrr Telephone Assistance Prcgrams are available.tc low-in@-me individuals. To qualify for Lifeline Services, please cohtact vour local Health and Wblfare Ofice. Lifeline is a program designed b assistlow income households afford local telephone service; Libline assists witt monthly telephone bills and Linft-Up assists with connedon and installation chaqes. Please contact your local Health &Welfare Office or Call Toll fre€ 1-888€66-782r