HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012Annual Report.pdfz ANNUAL REPORT MARK MARTELL RURAL TELEPHONE Co DBA RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623-2372 NAME r\)C) O .r fl ADDRESS TOTHE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FORTHE YEAR ENDED 2012 ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING 2012 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility: RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Address of principal office:893 W.MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY tD 83623-2372 Telephone Number (Area Code - 208)366-2614 Cities or towns served: SHOUP, BOISE RIVER, TIPANUK, THREE CREEK, ATLANTA, PRAIRIE Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: JAMES R. MARTELL, PRESIDENT Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number:SAME AS ABOVE Organized under the laws of the State of:IDAHO Date of organization: 712711979 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation):CORPORATION lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify: S CORP Name and address of controlling company, if any MARTELL ENTERPRISES INC 892 W. MADISON AVE. GLENNS FERRY, ID 83623 Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: PEND OREILLE TELEPHONE COMPANY - SAME AS ABOVE NEHALEM TELECOMMUNICATION INC - SAME AS ABOVE OFFICERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title PRESIDENT Name JAMES R. MARTELL Address SAME AS ABOVE VICE PRESIDENT MICHAEL J. MARTELL SAME AS ABOVE SEC./TREASURER CARMELA M. MARTELL SAME AS ABOVE Rev 3/02 Page 1 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Name and Address Term Expired or Current Term WillExpire Meetings Attended This year Fees Paid During Year JAMES R. MARTELL NON-TERM $18,000 CARMELA M. MARTELL NON-TERM 12 $12.000 MICHAEL J. MARTELL NON-TERM 12 $16,800 ANGELA CARPENTER NON-TERM 12 $12.000 ANDREA ROBERTS NON-TERM 12 $18,000 MARK R. MARTELL NON-TERM 12 $12.000 MATTHEW MARTELL NON-TERM 12 $12,000 Name of Chairman of the Board:JAMES R. MARTELL Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board: CARMELA M. MARTELL Number of Meetings of the Board during the year:12 MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name JAMES R. MARTELL Title PRESIDENT Wages and Bonuses Paid 115.822.55 CARMELA M. MARTELL SEC./TREASURER 60.041.28 MICHAEL J. MARTELL VICE PRESIDENT 100,015.5'l MARK R. MARTELL ADMIN ISTRATIVE MANAGER 87,265.51 Rev 3/02 Page2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Rev 3/02 Page 3 Rural Telephone Company Balance Sheet Assets and other Debits Year-End 2012 Current Assets 7720 Cash & Equivalents 1130 Cash & Equivalents 1140 Special Cash Deposits 1150 Working Cash Deposits 1160 Temporarylnvestments 1180 TelecommunicationsAccounts Receivable 1181 Accounts ReceivableAllow-Telecommunications 1190 Other Accounts Receivable LL9L Accounts Receivable Allow- Other 1200 Notes Receivable L20L Notes receivable Allowance 1210 lnterest & Dividends Receivable 1220 Materials & Supplies1280 Prepayments 1290 Prepaid Rents 1300 Prepaid Taxes 1310 Prepaid lnsurance 7320 Prepaid Directory Expenses 1330 Other Prepayments 1350 Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets 1401 lnvestment in Affiliated Companies t4O2 lnvestment in Non-Affiliated Companies 7406 Non-Regulatedlnvestments 1407 Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense 1408 Sinking Funds L LO Other Non-Current Assets 1438 Deferred Maintenance & Retirements 7439 Deferred Charges 1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets- Net Property, Plant & Equipment 2001 Telecommunications Plan in Service 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction- Short Term 2OO4 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction- Long Term 2005 Telecom Plant Adjustment 2006 Non-OperatingPlant 2OO7 Goodwill Depreciation & Amortization Accounts 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 3200 Accumulated Depreciation- Held for Future Use 3300 AccumulatedDepreciation-Non-Operating 3400 AccumulatedAmortization-Tangible 3410 AccumulatedAmortization-CapitalLeases 3420 AccumulatedAmortization- Leasehold lmprovement 3500 AccumulatedAmortization- lntangible 3500 AccumulatedAmortization-Other 7,434,394 1,s29,244 s g+,ASO 3,003,760 4,L07,t54 1,236,0_9s 506,088 s 3,104,179 s 100,419 188,355 Page 4 Balance - Balance at endBeginning of of YearYear lncrease or (Decrease) s s s s s s s s s s s s $ s s s s s S s 319,787 130,551 647,879 466,20L 4,947 t40,926 s02,09s 612,748 7,425 10,375 (t4s,784l, L46,547 (3,5221 s s s S s S s S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s S S s s s s s s s s S s 3t7,74L 12,046) s 4,29s,s09 s s 1,391,919 s ss 33,535 S S s 155,824 @72,;*l S s s s S s s S s s s s s s s s 5,849,337 24,518,839 4,000 549,629 5,720,963 25,287,208 4,000 425,851 (t28,374!. 768,369 (L23,7781 s s s s s s S S s S S s S s 25,072,468 5 25,7t7,059 (1s,s79,831)(16,430,967) 644,59t (851,136)s s s s s s s S S S s s s s s s s s S S S s s S s (1s,s7s,831) s (15,430,s57) s (8s1,135) TOTAT ASSETS 5 78,345,734 S 18,111,234 S (234,500) Rural Telephone Company Balance Sheet Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Year:2072 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4050 4070 4080 4100 4110 4t20 4t30 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Notes Payable Advance Billings and Payments Customer Deposits Current Maturities- Long-Term Debt Current Maturities- Capital Leases lncome Taxes- Accrued Other Taxes- Accrued Net Current Deferred Operating lncome Taxes Net Current Deferred Non-Operating lncome Taxes Other Accrued Liabilites Other Current Liabilities Long Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Re-Acquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits Other Long-Term Liabilities Un-Amortized Operating lnvestment Tax Credits- Net Un-Amortized Non-Operating lnvestment Tax Credits- Net Net Non-Current Deferred Operating lncome Taxes Net Non-Current Deferred Non-Operating lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris., Liab., & Def. Credits- Net Stockholders' Equity Capital Stock Additiona I Paid-ln-Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings TOTAL LIABILITIES & TOTAT CREDITS Page 5 Balance Beginning of Year Balance at end of Year lncrease or (Decrease) S S S S s s s s s s s s S S s S s S s S s s s S s s s s s s s s S s s s 186,502 778,706 37,902 7,219 821,000 65,786 rsE,izz 92,802 552,745 24,228 42,702 7,752 857,899 44,637 rzt,igE 376,243 (t54,478) 4,800 (67) 36,899 (2r,1.491 (12,389) (92,8021 5 L,s23,439 s 1,660,496 s 6,9o2,547 L37,O57 (609,170)42LO 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 5 7,5L1,,717 S s s s s s s s S s S s S s s s s s s s S 7,51L,7L7 5 6,902,547 S s s s s s s s s s S S S S S (509,170) s s s s s s s 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 s s s S S S s s S s 56,900 70,L97 277,974 9,965,507 56,900 lo,t97 9,48'J,,O94 (277,9741 515,587 s S s s s s 9,310,578 s 9,548,197 237,673 (234,500)s 18,345,734 5 L9,t77,234 s .g EcEE3g PO'9 .' $E .,,.E Ege€ *EH= = v, = €E; FEEE sEEg g ,= 2iE Eg;ggIgsggEggE,TEsgfugsie E' I ;'=.st { ggB E=E*egis sd tnst(n sf 6 lno) o o (o oifrn slcndl co (Y) tn$ N \o (\ st0-6- ' , 'ol?yl\'\,n, ,ol@.' '(o-,\, , ,(o- rrt arm 0trno) (o (n No H co q) oFrfi1 o)o)d sf 6- ,/r q o. (\ NlnF{N H Ec,orf;o>9shoEco EoCP-6L6o)o, -tEE OT'ts< o Eo.!rood, tt (o CL 66coo>Ebot.EioL<E oobo!2cL*Egco booco @ c,o,G(L oI't o .g c€E c.9 >!q occtfEE--QF'A9^6o UcoEO>6; -EEGcl l- cL -.goE:gHSRgts;fcoots<F> 1r\ +t\ v| <t\ <,r\ 1J} ..r\ {4 <D <tt <u, ltt vt <tt <J} 1J} v> vl v} {./} {/} ltt V> llt 1r> 1tt 1ft 1rt 1rt 1rt !f> {, <rt <tt 1r> 4l\ 1tt <rr <h {o <tt <tt 1r> ll 1^lr <.i <r\ ct <t> vt 1n cr </t vl <lt let 9} {.r} g} 1tt 14 <r> 1r> <r, v\ {rt {) .,t\ lrt lrt <,lt <rr 14 <4 <rt <tt It> <rt vt 1rt 1rt 1r> v> 14 lrt <tt 1r-l 1r> <h 4t> 4t> 1r> lt vt rt> 1rt 6 <!1 1t\ 1l\ <.fi Ct {r> <r} lrt 1n 1r} <rt <rt !> <r> <)> <.ll 1r} p} !} <f} Vl </> <i> <r> <l> <f> 1rt 1)} 11, |t, 1rt .,t\ <r\ 1,ri 1t} 1r> lut <tt 1J\ li vt v> le> <r> 1r\ <i v> <,rt <,1> <rt vt 1/> 1r> v> <r> <l> 1r> lrt 9\ <h 1r> <rt <rt @sfsto)(o(no"o,o,to,<.,,N,F'F!.{HdlJ.)!n+F(n d (n (O !'{NNN <d (ot(f) rn sl Lnd) o o In ou.)u1 (OO)m (n O! r/)ln f\ O O) sfoco r @(ylN r oo r !1 r r o)d) r r r.o r o r @ r (o r-.d .l'dd .f' .i d6i j i oo' dctrot OrJ1o) (o N NN d N !-l OlFr d) o) or F.l sl 6- 6t dl @- !'{Nr.o=d Fr N (n sl u.) (D H N fr) sl Fl N r/) o d N d d d H N i i c{ 01 st (o d d d 6l oH H F{ FI H H N N N N FI H FI N (Y) (YI d N sT TN (O d N N N N N rr.) =f 6 OO OIFt H F{ Fl H H H Fl F{ Fl N N N N N N 01 (n (n d) (n st st st st sl sf st sf (o (o toN N N N f! 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G)o og,l bo!2cgL'=(!*.Eeco ooo)co XN>R Xooo ocqe qoooxrooq <f I zxoq N e xoq st I zsoct! oUsoU] (O o o@oo 6(o .E IU.E g CLOvocE(UE s+= I io-EP^n--.Lcl!o- = = (lo-c (o - P =i €E; EEE; gEEg g E2a.YEol Eg gags ggggIggggEggE,EgEEEigfi I iiITiHHHINNNNNxEft fi mHEIR$SRIxH >R>R>RXS NXXS NXS NXSSXXXXcnoooo oooo ooo oooooooocnooom ln000 000 00000000 S.i.j o J X i d H o 6 o o S 6 cj cj c, ci d cj'ri d NNoqc\ u1 ln zzzs88 ooooq(oSg Iodd oo(n (oor-{ lnr'{ lt> orltt or,(orn oroclnt,t r?tnrrrrr$ ri ro ct rttvt m lt mN6 0rrttvt € rt FrlF{rlnrtNrN$tntl lJtroo$Fl@mF lor\o,r rf or d]\N rndlr{ It n qNtYl <t| <r\ <l> <r> ar| 1r\ <,} {/} {,} <.r> <r> .l> <rt arl all <t} <,r> !} rJ\ {> <l> <r} <r> <rl <t} lit <t} 1l} tt} rlln@ rlo0Ndt-l {r} tt> Nr.l.@ F.'Fl Ol <r> <u> <lt <.r> 1r> <^r> <J| <r\ <r> <rt <.D <r> <,r| <lt 1,r| <l\ !\ 1r> <l\ {'r\ <J\ {> <lr <1, .Jt <r} <.r> 1r> 14 artllllllllllllllllllllllll NtilnF{(n (c, sf lo'or<.rNtnro rr't G1 Nst oo@Ctr sldi (')r\or(noNsttn+l,}ln(r1 ri@(o@+ r l' I\ u.) f\ r N | (rJ r r OO O r t rj oo- =f- d d Fa cri oo-r\NOO)tntNr'{(n(ONrt<l@.1 (n (n orlJ) (o o rlsf (n <i ln[>'io sf !n (n (o ot@ @ m (nq)(\ I r rNN r r<, ro r r(nN r r r r Ln I r{ I I rr\ol ri cri rri d ci ri d d; t:' '/i$(OF{@f\(OO (nN :R >R S >R ;S S >R X X X bR S N >R >R S >R >R X >s bR ;R ;e >R A X X A Etyr 6 O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O O O O O 6 O O O QQm o oomquloooooo ooooooooo qEecccq cr; d c, ci + d; c.i ci ci ci c.i ci d ci d d ci ct c, ci ci'ri d'ri c, o c, F. cri(t1 rl t-t N r'{ N F{ Od :Ro1,.! lc) (o @<fm (n N (nr{ st r\ ost6OOm@NNOtnNr{O) - r r t rn@N r N r (y) r | <l@ r r r r Sl I G) I I I |J1U1+ ,rioo'd + ,ri oo'Fa + .i 'ddN(oooolst(oF.tsfFlOtrnNLntir-rstN\\(n N(n Ect!Hh''oo>9*hoEco iPCCoroc!, trE<E P.=OE' o0c foEE' O'.f>E'o U co (l!o)'6!E&o-oo ooboE.s k*.EEco bDo@ o, q)o,o(L tr .o .gu Eo.0)oI' C) ! =r=(E!{9&->E-tr-q'=oYCIEtrl:O;EEEb t sO oAOl-';vN -1cl..d:-L = 9t qEi=y st Oror(n(o(n Or lt> <r\ ..r\ <.f> </| <U> <r\ r.r1 Vl. <.1\ <l\ 1J| </t <Jl <f> Ct 1n <n 1l> <rt <r\ <l\ <r1 .l> {> .e> 14 1l> 1f> <.r> <r> ar lh <r1 <r> ct <r\ <J) <r\ <.r> g\ <l| {t <r} <t} <D c> 1,r> !} <r> <,rl <rt <r> <J} <.r> {i <t, <lt <t> <f> <J| <r\ <r\ <t> <r\ <l> t > <,rl 1J\ <rr <r> .J\ <r> <rt <lt <J\ <l> <t> <l> <11 <r\ <f> <.f> .f> lt> <lr lfi o .g ECLOPoclr(r,t E+=ooE rs.*E Hg- o ;Eg;EEIggggEIgE,TgsEg*giEO > =.=E* g,gB .I.: -lr O -y l!;.= gbr;9-i?€ai asEE$€=J !iiHHEilT*iHHREft HilHHH!5$$$$$S$C! N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (N (N N N NN INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401,1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Book Cost of lnvestments Disposed of This vearDescriotion NRTC PATRONAGE SYRINGA NETWORKS, LLC SOLIX TELESPIRE FAIRFIELD INTERNET PEND OREILLE TELEPHONE NEHALEM TELECOMMUNICATIONS Totals Name of Gompanv CUSTOMER ADVANCES NECA CABS IDAHO USF MISCELLANEOUS MTC/TRI-STATE Totals Rev 3/02 Date Acquired 2005 2001 2006 2006 1997 2004 Notes Receivable Book Cost of lnvestments Held at End of Year $175,453 $1,200,965 $10,000 $2,500 $3,000 $2,169,034 $2,126,475 $5,687,427 Accounts Receivable $140,926 $11,012 $311,645 $76,773 $50,370 $51,355 $940 $643,021 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1180, 1190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of Year Page 10 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Name of Creditor !nterest Date of Note Rate Due Date Face Amount Totals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $'100.00 Name of Creditor AKT LLP ALLISON, MACKENZIE, RUSSELL BATTERY POWER SYSTEMS FIBER OPTIC SUPPLY INC IDAHO OPTIC TRANSPORT MID-STATE CONSULTANTS NTCA GROUP HEALTH PROGRAM NATIONAL FARMERS UNION NATIONAL RURAL NEONOVA NETWORK SERVICES NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION SYRINGA NETWORKS, LLC WATER WORKS CONSULTING INC OTHER A/P Totals Amount $27,448 $24,393 911,092 $10,533 $9,798 $s8,776 $36,319 $29,753 $27,563 $22,057 $9,717 $51,968 $10,758 $232,s70 $562,74s Rev 3/02 Page 11 +lor 6'=-<3ooU-6-E0r?+=.9ddio-o-J0)E6C+d9 U'(Doo,=.oo)=(<- Oog-(o99=='o= {. ='U'Ooeo)o--o<o-o)-. =.fO+CJ(,o^ail-oiri X-(, ti(oP67 rE- I40 =8€ 6o=' 5a(o ! =.:F O Feg -s 9ie -E I1'e i {Ei u* =--=':so =orm=-otrAi{ONa{lDoagU' CL=65 =35'o(o otrd o ;o)o) 0,oooc =- loo loBlgoE'r Bql= i6'o lFo g E *r l=lB" Bl=.*6 t< s @ lHp@ -a -- lTJ fla ts 8 -B "8 E.P A roroJoroliicJNO@O(o(,to)oo ItoI l<trI e 186 ls s @.d B lti lo(o(,t{-ll=5:-i-iGll@(o!N(o N E E * #H Dtvo2@iCX:NP nc*zzooz-{r-mOEgEPnz!-l-6tzz -{ J@@NINoo NN)N(IlAooo(oJJJ@oooN NoJ (l, INo J NNN@NooooJJIIqrsqr{ @ _cD(oN _cr){\tct) td ts Ic E. |*ul[ i,,, +ul#gsss$$ le 13IE@ s E @ !=o){o)rl=t+NON)O)N(,@J@{(ooq)o vo (l)oN 1l0)(oo N CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Class & Series of Stock COMMON STOCK Number of Shares Authorized 2500 Par Value oer Share 100 Outstanding per Balance Sheet Shares Amount 569 $56,900 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Rural Telephone Company lncome Retained Earnings Statement Year'.2012 TLOO 7zLO 7220 7230 7240 7250 7200 TOTATOPEMTING INCOME TOTAT OPERATING EXPENSE Other Operating lncome and Expense Operating Investment Tax Credits- Net Operating Federal lncome Taxes Operating State and Local lncome Taxes Operating Other Taxes Prvision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes- Net Operating Taxes (TOTAL) 73L0 Dividend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 lncome from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Non-Operating lncome 7370 Special Charges 7300 Non-Operating lncome and Expense 74lO Non-Operating lnvestment Tax Credits- Net 7420 Non-Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Non-Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Non-Operating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Non-Operating lncome Taxes- Net 74OO Non-Operating Taxes 7510 lnterest on Funded Debt 7520 lnterestExpense-Capitalleases 7530 Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense 7540 Other lnterest Deductions 7500 lnterest and Related items 76LO Extraordinary lncome Credits7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems- Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7600 Extraordinary ltems 79tO lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences- Net 7990 Non-Regulated Net lncome AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS *-Allocated based on Company Access Lines. ** rounding Page 14 Total Company ldaho Only 5,088,475 5 3,287,7L7 s 4,613,386 s 2,735,368 (3,2s2) s (1,464) sssssss (141,383) s 194,0771ss s s s s s s s s (141,383) S 4,477 s 1,969 s-s 5,2!9 5 (3s,198) s 439,231 s (31,268) s .94,077l/ 2,349 (15,839) 317,960 (14,071!, 2,0L5 * 886 * 384,430 s 293,300 s s s s s s s S s S s s s s s -s (394,893) s-s-s (21,199) s (L77,7O2) (g,s+o) s (416,092) s {].,87,2421 s s s $ s s s s s s S s 28,969 (sr,so+) 327,76t s Srr,SOZ Rural Telephone Company Operating Revenues Year:.2O12 5001 s002 5003 5004 5010 5040 5050 s060 s069 5081 5082 s083 s084 5100 lnternet Services 5280.1 DSL Modem Revenue ldaho 5280.2 DSL Modem Revenue Nevada Other Non-Regulated Revenues 5280.3 Fiber lease- ldaho 5280.3 DWNM Circuit Equipment Lease Miscellaneous Revenues 5230.1 Directory Revenue ldaho 5230.2 Directory Revenue Nevada 52t1.t l/S B&C ldaho 52L0.2 l/S B&C Nevada 5220.L lntrastate B&C ldaho 5220.2 lntrastate B&C Nevada 5260.1 Misc Revenue ldaho 5260.2 Misc Revenue Nevada 5301 s302 Please ldentify the following revenues: NECA USF Page 15 TotalCompany ldahoOnly [oca! Network Services Revenue Basic Area Revenue Optional Extended Area Revenue Cellular Mobiel Revenue Other Mobile Services Revenue Public Telephone Revenue Local Private Line Revenue Customer Premises Revenue Other Local Exchange Revenue Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Service Revenues End User Revenue (SLC, FUSC) Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) Special Access Revenue State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues Long Distance Message Revenue-All s s 5 s s s s s S 400,737 14,093 24L,248 L,346 s s s s s s s s s s 414,830 s 242,594 69,462 2,38L,467 52,962 336,835 s 163,783 s 3,685,483 s 148,154 S 44L,377 s5 Lz7 s s s s s s 5 4,438,924 5 2,840,726 3,6863,686s s 7.705 s s s s t1-,39l S 3,686 63,129 L3L,427 63,L29 131,427 s s s S S S s s s s s 194,556 s 22t s 37s s s18 s 616 s s19 s 2!,8t5 s 5,681 s 2,L69 s 194,556 22L 518 519 5,681 Uncollectible Revenues Uncollectible Revenue- Telecommunications Uncollectible Revenue- Other TOTAT OPERATING REVENUE (3,140) s (784) s 5,088,475 s 3,287,7L7 s s 31,9t4 s (3,140) 6,939 (784l,s s s 1,408,660 s081.21& s081.22 5 goz,zztSTATE USF 5084.21 Rural Telephone Company Operating Expenses Year:2012 6110 67L2 6113 61,L4 6115 5115 6L20 6L27 6t22 6L23 6t24 62LO 62LT 62L2 6215 6220 6230 623L 6232 6310 6311 634L 6351 6362 5410 64L1 6427 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 643L 644L Plant Specific Operations Expense Network Support Expenses Motor Vehicle Expense Aircraft Expense Special Purpose Vehicles Expense Garage Work Equipment Expenses Other Work Equipment Expense General Support Expense Land and Building Expense Furniture and Artworks Expense Office Equipment Expense General Purpose Computers Expense Central Office Switching Expense Analog Electronic Expense Digital Electronic Expense Electro- Mechanical Expense Operations System Expense Central Office Transmission Expense Radio Systems Expense Circuit Equipment Expense lnformation Origination/Termination Expense Station Apparatus Expense Large Private Branch Exchange Expense Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense Other Terminal Equipment Expense Cable & Wire Facilities Expense Pole Expense AerialCable Expense Underground Cable Expense Buried Cable Expense Submarine Cable Expense Deep Sea Cable Expense lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense AerialWire Expense Conduit Systems Expense TOTAT PTANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE *Allocated based on company access lines. Tota! Company ldaho Only L9,200 8,640 * Page 16 48,649 !83,253 2L,892 * 95,L43 257,957276,L63 4L9,602 290,556 563,110 304,085 5 L,509,977 5 978,274 Rural Telephone Comopany Operating Expenses Year:2072 6510 5511 65L2 5530 6531 6532 5533 6534 6535 5540 6s50 6561 6562 6563 6554 6565 Page 17 Total Company ldaho Only PIant Non-Specific Operations Expense Other Property/Plant/Equipment Expenses Propefi held for Future Telecomm Use Expense Provisioning Expense Network Operations Expense Power Expense Network Administration Expense Testing Expense Plant Operations Administration Expense Engineering Expense Access Expense Depreciation and Amortization Expense Depreciation Expense- Telecom. Plant in Service Depreciation Expense- Property held for Future Use Amortization Expense- Tangible Amortization Expense- lntangible Amortization Expense- Other Total Plant non-Specific Operations Expense Customer Operations Expense Marketing Product Management Sales Product Advertising Services Call Completion Services Number Services Customer Services Tota! Customer Operations Expense Corporate Operations Expense Executive & Planning Executive Planning General and Administrative Accounting and Finance External Relations Human Resources lnformation Management Legal Procurement Research & Development Other General & Administrative Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Corporate Operations Expense Total Plant Non-Specific, Customer & Corporate Total Plant Specific Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE *-Allocated based on company access lines. s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s (2t) 62,624 LL3,026 L70,907 48,709 L,324,667 gs,o+r 55,788 87,044 21,919 917,858 6510 5511 6612 6513 6620 662r 6622 6623 67L0 67L7 67L2 6720 672L 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6790 s s s s s s s s L,719,906 s 115,202 L37,682 L,tL7,650 51,841 * 83,375 s s s s s s s s S s S S s s s s s s s s s S S s s s s s s s s s s s 252,884 s 135,2L6 L25,O-97 * 298,150 * 67,843 13,138 277,9-94 652,555 L24,847 65,222 1,130,619 3,103,409 504,228 L,757,094 t,sog,977 978,274 4,613,386 5 2,73s,368 @ oo)o(L Iooo)-o.Eoo-ofo atoL oo oLo-o E =".r oETo{,Ft oLfo(l) oco ooo o -c= =aLo Eoo =o o Lo-oE)z @ ..too) .9,coz Lo Eo)E.oEfo-coz -c= =aL.. c)OCE":.Fo .!2 iJxa9o;i9= OEoz rl l3 3PtgE fiEE =AE E EgE; Elii5E 6 (oo(o tOr r(O rO)$ o)$ Loo!abE*h9E 6.q.=oc-C r\ c bcvoo'o,=!looO.Ylcd]ZAuJ el 3E_=oa 6.EoP q* Edt4 - ./D (o(5(,)F EE+J(,)@6 1,.-lsg Pl= s =lool EEl B'6 l+ =lFml '-b =Pk>J!i xailE<$z ooEP-€E =oU,P .r> :t(U>L o>. l() EoLI gE'- O- o(roFC. OJ!, -0)o='0r.5,E, oooC'o Eo o =(, o tro .Eo '6oso rirfl+lclb (o <.l n8:? E' E' l5l lo- J = o);l ,.t; I ; 5 EI EE E € E.=lJ .q Ai (J F pl Ee F E EElr; : s solr E r o o<lo= o- o o @o(o (o I Eoo-.gftrrtUEo ooE ooc\ I L .9)ooo x C'I.!lOIGI(Jl olEI =Iolo1c,lC'Iol<t uo-co -cljJ o.'= EL6 gx, (l)(!l€ sg' I.1 =o Ig t e -lEc O=irtro sj90(l)o oa-E _to.o,cl(u g :'Eo'E <-YOOoEtsEE-Eo r.u r,JJ P lrox, I-y -l o) EgEoo< o = =oootUt I c)a- F \fnO)59,.\ @ aNlalolvlx loIL..1 [oo o E Eoo oo E$z ao (E .9t, .=oo o'EFo<-trci6luoooi-g lr L6eJNSEFN Z-l!(r)ob ll Eoooo oo(E c! lo$(a @N lf, (9 -sfrHa 6.Eop ct Edtts o6 r38 ETs-aa6 @ c)o)o(L r- ..tEo .9,coz Lo Eo)E.a _o Jocoz tE =e..oocEt: 'E9 .9, i, b9ohiri5OEoz r- (9 t- (a No(') oi. I E J6o gEoo-o)tnA(5'Eo86€ EA EU(n- oa!EO' EIIOsc-a o EOE9FEEg d E 5Eozt I lq'c) oEoc(E EI ocoF Eo q..ot,e tE--cE()0x,ElIJ d)C,CE|.Oo' =olii5 l,_-l=ts slg I:l fi:*1 EE-'l (E'6 l+flrol '-b = gF >Jt E0.E<82 --oJ(L.fE(oE',t, slsi E E EEI;;,; P E 5 ol EE I P -o.El5E lo. b P $IEE E E Eol = E f o o<lo= (L o o L o)Eo _lo.orLl(E--t E E l,Eo'=l-YOgotsE "PEEo]ULu t-r(f) =8=!Yc(oQOIt .!/ap 1,.- E *lEEoJlE -91 PHI E; l* =tE=c(U>Jt (E o)!abBe=9E d.q =8EGPiEe6ZOuJ ooooo o Eo o =o o tro (E(, '6oso @o(o (o Iiioo.g Jo [rJoo ooE @'$oN I E.9ooo l^lals)lx loIL..1 Lfi- E E fil; a gor , s"l.E- P E*' *l gl E E ;E-tr' nltr E o=iDtr Olo o sllloo olz o ob-t <l g lrox, I.y -l ED.r(UO .g :E,Eoo< IoF =a FIU Ioo- F ao (E .9!,'; o o'EFO3€uJooo:igtr=o.3JNSE!-N Z-llt c9ob ll Eoooo o8tr E3ul(9@chgR @ q)o)o(L i5 Eo)-oLoo-oJoooL =oo Fo Lo-oE =".r o o(f)(J 0)Fd oL J o(D oco ooo o -c =Iq) Eooao o Lo)-oE)z ii, .E Go Eo o5o lroo .9, Coz oao ! .9, -ofo-coz I lq'o o !6co EIFocoF Eo .c. =aL..ooc.EDK 'EL.qd a99E(t=OEoz q..otg .E-.trEoox.ELu o) B5o' =(Elii5 .q33-'5_xo-g 6.ci1ro u,tr BEEd _rarNNrOii, -xc) Y-aa6 o o@ o@ oo!abBe=orEHhi.=oc-EoStFBEec0zor.u @N EtrE<OJ() z- oI-E8* EE =oa& 1,.- B *lEE oJl?, ol'6 E1 -F&,"1 FIJ I l,_-l!P Pl= I =l EF1 B'6 l+ =lrol '-b = tF =J+ :d)L=ao =J+ ooo(,(, o Eo o =o o tr .9 (Eo '6ogo ri5(L.l EEorN,-Oa'El-i g E ,l5lbrd j J oElLtx e t 5AEg P E -oq,t .= ts : ! o.ElJ -e At (J F pl Es F E E8l a5 .o * o-ElsE = 5 5{lO= (L () O @o @ (o I!,o)o.g:,o trJ E _9o al,c @$oN I E .o)oq)o x olr!lol(EIol olcl =lolololC'Iol<t o.o,C.I(E--tE e X,Eo'- <l(99u EEEEoruruO g lrox, Iy-lo) EgEoo<l.::.l.Dls)lx lo)IL..1 [q) Eg-o-\J '= cLE 6 SrF-oEllA e 5s'xlE E =5 r.le g ;e-lEtr c o=a,rrtro o .trjgoo)z o oaTE IoF =CJ) FlU 2B I<@ o) ^-O O- FF tto .! .9tt .=oo o'EFO<-trciEllJ o(Jong l!Lo9JNSE!r. N Z-l! c)oblt Eo()oo ooo ,ol 3+$-8_xoo 6.ch!, u,tr BEEo6 rO-OraBEPloa6 1,.-l=ts Pl= Ifl Hrd P = "'t (s'-ol+ =lFml xEtrE<E2 oEP TE=oo& 1,.- $ elEEoJlEfl ,.8&.1 El- g lrox, Iy-lo) EgEoo< -f-.P =-o>JLi oooo(, o Eo o3o o tr .9 (E(, '6o -go o)o) ..trcq)o-.g)(t I,IJE _eooE o'oc\l Ic .9)aoo x olrElol(El C'Iolrl =lol01ololol<l li;ls)lx loIL..lO_o)8+5X}JELU'=^>.g 2 frx,.q I 5g'E 9 =P roe g te-lEtr c OEirrtr(E (I) -clllooz o oa-t @ q, o)o TL ..too .9,coz LoEo-c.9,Efo-coz -c= =oL..oOe.Erk 'I.9.q (i Itoeb OEoz osi No(v) ou o oo-oLoo-ofoaoL =oo o Lo-oEfc EoF iriLJ (E o) o)Co ooq) o -c.= =oo..EEDQ -aEoobEho-6OEoz I lq'o o!6Co EI ocoF Eo o..ot,g .E.-trEoox.ELu o) B5 'PE (E 0)>9bBe=or=xd).=6c-EoSr'o,= !lo(l)O.Ylcd]zoUJ (os (f, rrt o$ '-b = eF>Jt--o L.r EE^r-, $le3 E E ;'EI;;,; g E 5 EI EE E € E.=l-r -e at (J F .el Es F E E8l e5 .e I o-El16a -o E Eol=c 3 0 0<lo= (L o o _lo.9ICl(U g :,8o'E f*99u EEEEoruruoxo = =ooo UJt Ioo- F ao o .9t, .Eo .!2<EFO3€ LtI ooorig 55JN flFF2-lIJ C{'obtt EooooEYtufruJ--E Or-r+3LlJ IdCD =o+NF 9t3E-s3 -F0)o 6.Eop u,* EdEo6 -U'@r$rOo(/)x0) = ttt@d @ oo)o(L ..too .9. Eoz LoEo)E.aE:fo-coz -c'= oL.. c)OCE': '89.q ;< Zto9E OEoz ii E0)-oLoo-ofooo)L) oo o o-oEf L6oF c)L =oo o)co o(Uo o != =oLo..EEDQ =-aEoob ELb^got =foz I,qbos.9?!oEEooLL;;ccooFFEEoo o ED =G oxUJ tr .9)o, ol! $N (f) (f, (a (f) I1., -l=ts Pl= I =l EEI B''6 I+ =lFol C\I,-b = gF >J!i (U 0)>pb8e:pE8.u.=oc-Cr\CeE-ooE,EEEmzou xEtrE<o -j<) .. oOE9C')oo) =u,@& rif(L.l EE=r-,-Oa'6rtJ9orlSlsff i 5 6 El ,;'; g E 5 ol EE P € 6.El5E lo. b P EIE: E E Eol= E r o o{lO= (L (J () _loc),'El(E g :;Eo'e.l*99u EEEEorJJruO (9 (f) 1..,_-I elEFoJlE -gl &"1 El- *PE =Jt e lrox. I!-lo) EgEoo< -'oF =U) FIU =Ioo- !,o a! .9t, .Eo .9,<El-o<.coElll oooiigtrEo-3JNSE!rN2-uJ C,)ob ll Eoooo oo(E (\lo(") ot ooo(,o o Eo o =o o tro (!o ,6 o -go @o(o (o I Ec)o-.gfotU E -9ooc @$oN I H .ot)ooo x olrElol lEI(,l olEI5l olololC'Iol<I -c;.}J CL'= cL6 Srd)(EllE Eg'xi ^ =o Ig t e -lEE OEi,Eo r190(l)o oa-t S't>a<ob-okN l-l6lolvlx loIL..1 [ooiELo (ELcoo oo Eoz 938'-3 -=c)Q 6.Eop9* Edt4 ,^lJ)rrlOourEg€'6@di @ q)o)(EIL -c =9...oOCEt: E9.qd e9.98o+JOEoz lo ..too .9,coz opoE.q -o)ocoz 1,.-l=E sl= I p;1 F*'6 l+ =lrml , B- = eF>Jt @rrr) r(9 o)l.() q)lo xA(vE<E2 oEP9o =oV,& --oJ(L.! EE'rN,-tO(//.'N$lu* E g E'IlItx e ; 5;l Ee p p 60,l .= - = ! o.=lJ _e At C) F NISS E E E6lEE -o E Eol =c = o o<lo= (L o o _l(5o,'El(E--t.c BEg*99u EEEgorxuJO 1,.- $ elEE oJlEfl -B&"1 El- U lrox, Iy-lo) E.s=€oo< -oF =U) FtU -utecD I =@ d)::o cLtN a * eF>J!i 10oooo o Eoo o o tro (Eo '6o -go @o(o (o Iooo-.gfo UJ E -eooc @\fo Itc .9)ooo EI arl.Elol(El C'IolEI5I olololC'IOI<t l^l.hlo)lvlx lc)IL..1 [0),9E>Fg-o.UE 6 5r?oGll,q € €g'xiE q =5 r,ls E E€"rEo o -cslooz o oa-t t,o(! .9t, .E o .12<EFO<Eo6uJoOo =9,tr-=o9 JNSE!5N Z-llt (()oblt Eo(,oo oo(E No(', ot I I I iri J!o(l) r 99ILI eEI I aAI I (5'Ell 0r8lo E;':'O E a6g =O,-i9 oigEE E5E:: PTb E€€ E€€ .AEE EE= $xs 3EE oo>9bBe:EE 8-u.=oc-C ,\ C bc-oo'6,=!lo OO.c!EmzouJ tse>.=<J O)@611u2r\ilol-o)\r@(f) =o)$@.lI(O@tf)I\O@ocl(f)(f)c\l (or(OO)r@(f)r(os(o(o$l-tr)r OIOrO@S(o$o, lo(f,(o(r) alLI0)l'ElLI(ulol_t (ulslol_tololFIgold)l (Ulcl dl'=lolal (Elol_tolFI (Eo =(,z d,Do al,tUI =oFoDo ooulF UJJr =ooo olro tr, IJJE ==z dr(v)(OI\l()Gll{)j:(f)I\tr,@(oS(as@(o(o60)ross6t(OLTo)c (oo(ooo)o)c\l(oo)or(o@l-OS@(oCrlrCQf-N6lNr o([ og E oc J oooo :g) o,t< (Ulol_t(ElotolJr b-o E)z *EE $E ? 9E E<b5 No (f) oE. PB E-c (o \19 t seEE@IIJ$LlJ9!l@(o E $ i I5 f f9 E E i H =#;c.ic.i+d<oN t-(orO(9- S o)r 0)CDG(L o'Nrr ANNUAL REPORT FOR S]I'IALL TELEPHONE GOMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summarv of Customer Relations Rules for Teleohone Coroorations ldaho Teleohone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes_X_ No_ 1115112 &9115112 lncluded in directory Date of notification Yes X No Alternate method of notification NEWSPAPER MARCH SEPTEMBER DECEMBER Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company _4 Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill DenialiTermination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assignment Miscellaneous Rev 3/02 _3 Page 20 CERTIFICATE State of ldaho county ot ElnfL SS WE, the undersigned _ MICHAEL , J MARTELL and_ MARK R. of the_RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. (Officer in Charge Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this : ? day of fi At, , (Year) .2f l 43 . /ti ( / Mycommission expires W, (Year) JO/4- Rev 3/02 gdUexcel/jnelson/an ulrpts/telan nualrpt Notary Public Page21 [4n\'n Lifeline/Link-Up Telephone Assistance Programs are available to low-income individuals Lifeline-If you qualify for this program Lifeline can save you at least $13.50 a month in Idaho and $8.25 a month in Nevada on your phone bills, depending on what state you live in. Link-up assists with connection and installation charges. Call your RTI Offtce for more information or Depwtment of Social and Heallh Services. RTI 1{,88-i66-7821 ql6f rc' Are you eligible for our Lifeline program? Lifeline Assistance Provides discounts on basic monthly service for qualified telephone customers. These discounts can be up to $9.25 per month, depending on the customer's state. Hesidents who otherwise cannot afford telephone service can receive discounts on basic service. The program helps low-income and the elderly stay connected to emergency services and community resources. Call the following numbers in your state to see if you qualify: ldaho: 1.800.926.2588 Nevada: 1 .888.366.7821 Oregon: 1 .800.848.4442 Washington: 1 .888.636.2840 Beginning July 2012 RTI will no longer be providing Link-up support for non-tribal customers. Call our otfice if you need any additional information at 1.888.366.7821 Or check online with the following links http://lifel insu pport.orq? ls/am -i-eliqi ble.aspx \ \ \ i \ \ G \$"ult r"Nt iNl. aHll -:$f i s.ll:3; 'J*'.*01 i utt9r\ n"ttF'O\ i"ue$ft\ a s'l T...d -rePuov)..1,' --'cog ''r'B9E "I'oo[,,1?;;q *ta"lJ, III .-.Y*t:;14.- -f{r SERYICE RATES RII is a quatity telecommunications services provider who provides basic cnhanced services reasonable rates within its service territory. Basic services are offered at the following rates 'Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION County of Elmore State of Idaho ltu I, Coleen IV. Swenson, do solemnly swear that I am the Rrblisher of the: Residing in Mountain Home, Elmore County, Idaho. My commission expires LL-L7-2OL7. RTI Local Rcsidence Local Busiocss Fcd. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, I line) Fed. Subscriber Une (FCCAccess, l{ulti Line) Idaho Univcrsal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) Idaho Univ'ersal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) Sate of ldaho Assistance Program The above charges will have federal and local taxes added on. Touch Tone service is provided as a part of local s€rvice. $25i6 $42.00 $ 650 $ 920$ .12(Res)$ 20 (Bus)s .06 Toll Blocking is available at no charge for low income customers who qualify Emergency 9l I Sen'ices - Exchanges with charges in Idaho are: 394, 653,868, E64,a,.md796 There is a $1.00 per line charge. Mountain Home News A weekly newspaper of general circulation, published once a week, in Mountain Home, Idaho, that the notice attached hereto which is a part of publication thereof; was published in said newspaper for .< consecutive weeks, the_firg!publication having been made on thel-th day of //t.ff4<-,2OL2, ared the last I.ow income individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assistance Fograms may publication having been made on the cligiblefordiscountsfromftesebasiclocalservice chargesthroughstaEspecifiedtelcphone lLffh daV of y'/rl,U^/rt_ 20L2., evetcligiblefordiscountsfromftesebasiclocalservice chargesthroughstaEspecifiedtelcphone lLlth day of V/t+,t/n_ 20L2; everysista[ce plans. Please contact your local Health and Welfarc of0ce.;ista[ce plans. Please contact your local Health and welfarc oltice. ---'J * - -q{.u#' BasicservicesareofferedtoallconsumersintheRTlserviceterritoriesattherates,tcrms,and WedneSday iSSUe Of the papef dUring the ,nditions specified in the RTI tariffs and/or price lists. If you have any qucstions rcgarding thc period and time of publication and that theI'I's sewices- nlerse call us at l-888-365-7821-or visit ourbusiness officc at892W' Madison r ---- -fl's services, please call us at l-888-36G7821. or visit our business officc at 892 W'notice \\'as published in the paper proper andve. Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 for further information regarding services not in a supplement thereof. An Equal opffinity Employer And I further swear that the said Mountain ,ffir:[1i:il]l"i,ffiiif#:"*::11*yh1'fi1fffi"'#""ffi,Tffif"1i'ihlit[3]i" Home News has been continuousry and In accordance with Federal law and thc U.S. Department of,Agriculturc's policy, this institu- Unintef1.qptedly pUbliShed in Said ElmOfe rnisprohibitedfromdiscriminatingonthebasisof race,color,nationalorigin,sex,religion. - .t L... 1e,or disabili y (Not all prohibited 5'ases appty to all programs). Uounty ourlng tne perloo oI / d COnSeCUtrVe Tofileacomplaintof discrimination,writeUSDA,Director,Officeof CivilRights,Room Weeks priOf tO the lirSt pUbliCatiOn Of the!6W, Whittcn Building, 1400 Independence Avenue. SW, Washington, DC 20250-910, or il (2ff2)720-59il (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity providcr and employer.attached notice. a ."""l'tl;i;!'i'::', ",tr?'*n-;:r oa !'*i**-'-.o !- -i i;gT,,I,* t r{TI. (208) 366-2614n Did you know -TEfephole assistance Programs are available to low-income individuals. To qualiffTor Lifeline/Link-Up-Services, plcasc rotnilct-yolrliEtlEcdtSJfsJfare-QEtl. Lifeline/Link-Up Services are programs designed to assist low income households to afford rcal telephone service. Lifeline assists with monthly telephone bills and Unk-Up assists with rnnection and installation charges. Please contact your locel EcalfbJLllfdfare..l0nce Or CalI Toll Free l{d8E-366-7821a raTI- irst hrblication: Mareh 7.2012. ast Publication: Much L4,2012. #-h&J oqoo te ooII co (o .9 -o3o- oN \o o o o.II =o oO (u o.h on ! a >,O o = trEre64rr ^-d60! o:o:'oro^>EOo'6= =Eod!Oooi Po 'O "EhOtr€6ooP-->9:-a=o g >.3<!=x ^o€,EI;-E e E#i€9"€-B=Ego!ts3E5oo: oo-NhccE!'I .'o doE:o=>>cda>:6 a .l '.ro=v -Y-Le .="=E(hrC rEl ;6. (,ti co L:.r Oo (!Lt _ =Eo.=ts*E€!,O.r'iEv2 a-.atEoL-<,r.-Eo= ;.=-E:-c:- .=odLE- 5v-EJ-= .- 11, >. crEu.l; d 99 s PE-E*FE, '/zu $a E \P.sA;: 1 \r.?EEE€ \Fiu-b:;ci \16,,^o-6Fl>'6v! E -og:uEE;$ E9E":Ed; ^hEegaE; {O = o-= i o d 'q aa - - - E Ioi-Eq^!\b = a o S, Ef\$i E He:} * = o'-C=o a)\'- E o 'i:si:l;! -l -t€ - o ';iSrEEEg /E # E $tls ? /9: 3 E €x-/, € ; '! f ; E.^U;t",gorue u;:€E ^oq!i -c o0='- E coEIt;E E";,i :: H.g e- E{rdgdcIgrEe;;u';8.=9.; e3=odd- 1-1F{o -l-.)dO -o50i+ro iJ dE E o i> s.F* E ox=5d E =ye=Jbxo^qGF-o-o o 6;f 5 L - d,r CFc=a;o F _o : a=::aU9€oh !o Jtr. qoolrl .5 LO'aU t:oIS €EH3E?Iot -l9 EE =oooE: Eg9. '=+ t =699E E6 >o EE Ho E9- Lo-8E;=E} gE g#EE I E =iiEeEB oo6-ASEEor ..= Eb.EE=(/)>(oE E b c=.=U,O6 $ EE: =:ra 5,glEssH EE;H EEESI Bo gE6C Psstg(86€3>!6tEal EICn8! *!!o>e!o):-cl >-g-E9eto,ChcoSEOatroEi,a9u;lL o) 8'9 l9 cE**<i or .SCJ9bo..!o6o=FJ b LL LLU' U)ffoocD o)ooEEo()a=@aOEcc5lTL ]Loooo E'Eoo,@U' (E(EaaoQ) cclloo-c -co(oEE o)c =f !;oo)(,o o)c: (l)-o oo-ofU) EiolL oc a/;oo)oo (J()u- o,c: o,-o(,o-oJa Eq)1r g B €8 *di'E P=5=aE a= EF-o'E E()E Q E3$i$"* BE="6a* $ggEsg ET a'EEs flE-3ea E i eE.E; * ; g.E 3 E PiE $EggEF tt*eiBaEr5'aPE E EEE EHE (oga E(u cns(L ooc(o 6'6o oEop oo (oa ERA9EEvE$toeNid (oo\qro stc{$@6 EO)qr' -coe6(u-cocd) 3E'6b -BEo(uOU'EO't .ogeo-opB FRdcoEaooo.'E..O0)oo-6oooE.-e&o c.- 3 3E 6.e 6 qE g E a5 $5Fs trlBoE flEE= H =OO 5lE E; [oI6.9.s qo=9 d.eiq,E - (D-E O,E;EH BE fl o UJL d IJJo t u,lq Fd tt,oo)c'6 fdl (trooJ oocoEao,t (oooJ ldaho Statesman Th. trrsrp.pGr ot tt. Tr..ru.G V.llcylD FosratEtMAil.coM PO Box 40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE Senrice Rates RTI is a quality telecornrnunications services provicler r,vho provides ba- sic enhanced iervices at reasonable rates within its service territorv. Ba- sic services are offered at the follooring rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: Residential & Business Rates Local Residence Local Business Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, 1 line) Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, Multi Line) ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharse (IUSF) ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (lUSFl State of ldaho Assistance program Basic services-are offered to all consurners in the RTI seruce territories at the rates, terrns, and conditions specified in RTI's tariffs and/or price lrsts. lf you have any questions regarding RTI's services, please call us at l-88&3_66-;82_7, -o,t_v!sit our business office at 892 UJ. h{adison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, lD 83623 for further inforrnation regarding services. 0000590483-01 Pub. March 1O24, 2012 . . JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, Stale of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterrupledly published in said County during a period of twelve conseculive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that sald notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginning issue of: 0311012012 Ending issue of: 0312412012 STATE OF TDAHO ) couNTY oF ADA ) On this 24 day of March in the year of 2012 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she execufed the same. !""4L41,-^,,t; Notary Public for ldaho Residing at: Boise, ldaho My Commission expires: $ 25.76 s 42.00s 6.50$ 9.20S .12 (Res)S .20 (Bus)s .06 The above charses wll have federal and local taxes added on. Touch Tondservice is provided as a part of local service. Toll Blocking is available at no charge for lovr inconre 'ryho qualify. -- - ^Erneigency 911 Services - Exchanges with charges in ldaho are: 5g4,'gSg, 868, and 796 -There is a $1."00 per line char*e. Low inconre individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assisteance proBrarns rnay be eligible for discounts frorrr these basic lo- qrrl service charges. through .state .spec-rfied telephone assistance plcrnscrrl service charges through state specrfied telephone assistance plcrns Please contact ydur local Flealth and Welf are office. cu stomer s Accounl #qd Number dentification ro Amount Cols Llnes 112511 1000590483 -EGAL NOTICE Rates $124.21 2 33 zlozlLotV \munt #qd Numbet dentifietion PO Amount Cols'Llnes 112511 1000590482 LEGAL NOTICE EEOE $67.73 1 29 ldaho Statesman Th. N.w.p.pGi ot lhG Tr..3ur. V.llcyIDASOSTATESdAi.COM PO Box 40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE RTI r,viih its nrain office located at 892 W. JUladison Avenue, Glenns Ferrv. lD 83623, conrplies and ad- herds to the follor,ving statenrents under the U.S. Dept" of Agriculture guidelines.- ln accordance with Federal law and the U"S. Dept. of Asriculture's policy, this institution is*prohibited frorn discrirninating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, re- ligion, age, or disability {Not all prohibited bases apply to all pr0- grarnsl"-To file a conrplaint of discrinrina- tion, lvrite USDA, Director, 0ffice of Civil Rights, Roonr 326i,V, lvhit- ten Buildiiis, '1400 lndependence Ave. SlV, Wirshington, DC 20250-9410, or call 202-72F5964 (voice or TDDI. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and enrploy- er. {2081 366-2614 An Equal Opporhrnity Ernployer 'f,i JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Stalesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been contin uously and uninlerrupledly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginning issue of: 03110120'12 Ending issue ot, 0312412012 .SS couNTY oF ADA ) On this 24 day of March in the year of 2012 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the per'son whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. r{TI Puh. March 10,24, ?0I2 d"'lt *1'^,1^ Notary Public for ldaho Residing at: Boise, ldaho My Commission expires: 0000590482{ r Qoalu,q ldaho Statesman ThG N!erp.p.r o, thc Trersu.s V.lloylDAxosTArE3uaN,cou POBox40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 €i LEGAT NONCE DID YOU KNO!,U... Telephone Assistance Progranrs are available to lolv-inconre individuals. To qualify for LifelineAink-Up Services, please contact your local Health and Welfare Office. Lifeline/Link-Up Services are prograrns designed to assist lolv inconre households afford local telephone service. Lifeline assists r,vith rnonthly phone bills and Link-Up assists uath connection and installation charges. Ptease coniact your local Healtr & Weffare Office catt rott rr"" fjagg-360-7821 JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutlve months prior to the first publication of lhe notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginning issue of: 03110120'12 Ending issue of: 03124120'12 .SS couNTY oF ADA ) On this 24 day of March in the year o12012 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. il-"'U*1r,,^r*; Notary Public for ldaho Residing at Boise, ldaho My Commission expires: J?TI. Pub. March L0,24,201? qur,rtt- 0 (Lesars cl€rk) : STATE OF IDAHO ) *0000590481 -01 \ccolot #{d Numbor ldentrficalion PO Amounl Cols Lln6s 112511 1000590481 LEGAL NOTICE LIFELINE $76.43 2 14 .6f AR YT-.t ^.(J PUEU}zloalznrl ldaho Statesman Thc l{cwrp.pcr ot th. Tr...!r. vrllcyIDABOSTATESMAX.COM PO Box40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE Service Rates RTI is a quality telecotmnunications services provider ,,vho provides ba- sic enhanced iervices at reasonable rates tvithin rts service territory. Ba- sic seruices are offered at the follo,,,rtng rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: Residential & Business Rates Local Residence Local Business Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, i lrnel Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, tvlulti Linei ldaho Universal Ser.uice Fund Surcharee (lUSFi ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge {lUSFi State of ldaho Assistance progranr The above charges lvill have federal and localtaxes added on. l-ouch Tone serv-ice is provided as a pad of local seruice" Toll Blocking is available at no charge for low incorne custorners oualifv. Emeisencv 9Ll. Services - Exchanees ,flith charees in ldaho are:394.b53: 868. 864. and 796 ]There is a S1.00 oer line chi394,853, 868, 864, and 796 rlhere is a S1.00 per line charse. Low incorne individuals eligible . for- Lifeline and Link-Up telephoneLow incorne individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-Up teTephone ;sisteance programs rnay be eligible for discounts frorn these basic lo-assisteance programs rnay be eligible for discounts frorn these basic lo qal service charges.through .state .s.pecjfied tglephone assistance plans.cal service charses throueh state soecified teleo Please contact vEur local l-l-ealth and Welfare office. Basic services are offered to all consurners in thr , it-4rr-Ir't'l 'j] t'l t, i l' ,) l't'i ) to all consurners in the RTI service territories JANICE HILDRETH, being duly swom, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Stratesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginning issue of: Ogl17l2012 Ending issue of: 0912412012 STATE OF IDAHO ) .ss couNTY oF ADA ) On this 24 day of September iri lhe year of 2A12 before me, a Notary Publig personally appearod before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whosB name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly swom, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. $ 25.76s4200S o.so$ e.205 .12 (ResiS .20 {Busl$ .06 'lho {,u-::}i-}4fr}, at the rates, terms, and conditions specified in RTI's tariffs and,/or price lists. lf you have any questions regarding RTI's services, please call us at 1-88&365-7827, or visit our business office at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Ferry,lD 83523 forfurther information regarding services. Pub. Sept. 17,24,2012 00006 14376-01 \@unt#Ad Numbar ld6ntifiEtion PO Amont Cols Llnas 112s',11 0000614376 LEGAL NOTICE Rates $124.21 2 33 \ccount #Ad Numbar ldantili€tion PO Amount Cols'Lln6s 112511 0000614377 LEGAL NOTICE EEOE $67.73 I 29 ldaho Statesman t'rG X.Dtp.p.. ot thc Tr..rur. V.llcylDAxoSTATEsuax.coM PO Box 40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE An Equal Opportrrnity Ernployer RI with its nrain office located at 892 \,V. ltv{adison ,A,venue. Glenns Ferry, lD 83623, conrplies and ad- heres to the following statenrents under the U.S. Dept. c,f Agriculture guidelines. ln accordance with Federal larru and the .U.S, De-pt. of Agricu.lture'sand the U.S. Dent. of Asriculture's policy, this institution is-prohibited from discriminatins 0n the basis of ir i from-discriminating on the basis of racer color, national origin, sex, re- ligion, dEE, prohibited b afl0nat oflErn,or disabilitv rsES aoolv iorsES apply QWM".rlr/il,lhlic:YYI_ i.; i JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaperhas been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginning issue of: 0911712012 Ending issue of: 0912412012 STATE OF |DAHO ) .ss couNTY oFADA ) On this 24 day of September in the year of 2012 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly swom, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. at: Boise, ldaho expires: a (Not all all pro- f;-'- TtTill a cornplaint of discrirnina- tion, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Roorn 32+W, Whit- ten Buildine, 1400 lndeoendence Ave. SW, Whshington, DC 20250-9410, or call- 202-72O5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and ernploy- er. {208) 366-2614 r"TI Pub. Sept .\V ,24,2012 Lr--il*^il*^r./; Notary Public for ldaho 00005143774r zlozlr,t Account *Ad Number ldentifBtim PO Amunt Cols.Llnss 1125',t1 0000614378 LEGAL NOTICE LIFELINE $76.43 2 14 ldaho Statesman fh. il.wrp.p.r o, th. Trc..!.. V.ll.yI oa HoS t^rcs r a i -coM PO Box40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE DID YOU KNOW... Telephone Assistance Progranrs are avatlable to lo'n-incorne individuals. To qualify for LifeliqeTLink-Up Services, please contact your local Health and Welfare Office. Lrfeline/Link-Up Services are prograrns designed to assist low incorne households afford local telephone seruice. Lrfehne assists wrth rnonthly phone bills and Link-Up assists ,,vith connection and installation charges. Please contact your local Health & Weffare Office call Toll Fr"" fige-360-7gz l €-\ 'D ;r ,r '!t i',' JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and unintemrptedly published in said County during a period of twelve mnsecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The ldaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginning issue of: 0911712012 Ending issue of: 0912412012 (Legals Clerk) STATE OF IDAHO ) .SS couNTY oF ADA ) On this 24 day of September in lhe year ot 2012 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within inslrument, and being by first duly swom, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executgd the same. I il"J/*.ll*. Notary Public for ldaho Residing at: Boise, ldaho Uy Commission expires: I?TI. Pub. Sept. 17,24,2012 0000514378-01 t'+rr;'::l.*&j 'rr,,, f,,,Yl.rr.r.. zlr,a)u,'( Rcsldentinl & Businesr lhter Local Residcnce l,ocal Business Fed. Subscriber Line (FCCAcccss, I line) Fed. Subscriber Linc (FCC Acccss, Multi Line) Idaho Universal Scrvice Fund Surcharge (IUSF) Idaho Universal Scrvice Fund Surcharge (IUSD State of Idaho Assistance Program The above charges will have fedcral and local taxes addcd on, Touch Tone servicc is provided as a part of the local se'rvice. RTI SerYice Ratcs Ril is a quality telecommunica(ons serviccs provider who provides basic enhanced serviccs at reasonable rates within its servicc tqritory. Basic services are offcred at the following rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Arces: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION County of Elmore state of Idaho 'f'uu I, Coleen W. Swenson, do solemnly swear that I am the Publisher of the: Mountain Home News A weekly newspaper of general circulation, published once a week, in Mountain Home, idaho, that the notice attached hereto which is a part of publication th_ereof; was published in said newspaper for J consecutive weeks, the first publicatiorl having been made on the I Jl tt day of JhatL, 2ot2, and the last publication havins b'een.made on the- lqth day of 7,{rt-,2o12; every Wednesday issue of the paper during the period and time of publication and that the notice was published in the paper proper and not in a supplement thereof. And I further swear that the said Mountain Home News has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said Elmore County during the period of 78 consecutive weeks prior to the first publication of the attached notice. Residing in Mountain Home, Elmore County, Idaho. My commission expires LL-L7-2OL7. sLs16 $42.00 $ 650 $ 920$ .12 (Res)$ .z) (Bus)$ .06 Toll Blocking is available at no charge for low income customers who qualify. ., Emergency 9ll Services - Exchanges with charges in ldaho arc: 394,653, E68, t64 ranllTXi There is a $L00 per line cbargc, Low income individuats eligibld for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assistrnce programs mry be eligible for discounts from thesc basic locsl service charges through state specified tclcphone .J,J.-a:nmCffiffiS:ftme ffutff,urtocuf*HrkmdWelfaroefifice. -----:::--=... ..- Basic services rre offered to all consumers in thc RTI servicc tcnitorica at thc rrtcs, Ermg,and conditions specified in the RTI tariffs rnd/or pricc lists, Ifyou hrvc rny qucstions rcgrrding &c RTI's services, please call us at I-8E8-36G7E21, or visit our busincss of6cc at 892 \1r. Mrdigon Ave. Glenns Ferry ,ID 83623 for fir4tcr information regarding scrviccs, RII Rrrw*hirsmain.,u"",*iloT,,l;;:J:^:::::]o*r.,,y,rosr623,comp,ics and adheres to the following stsEmcnd undcr the U.S. Dcpartmcnt ofAgicultrrc guirblincs, In accordance with Fcderal law dnd the U,S, DcparEnent of Agriculsre's policy, this hstitu- tion is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, natimrl origin, scx, religion, age, or disability (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint of discriminarion, writc USDA, Dircctor, Officc sf Civil Rights, Rmm 326W Whitten Building, l4{D Indepcndence Avenuc, SW, Washington, DC 2OZiG9l0, or call (2O2)72G5964 (voice orTDD). USDAis an equal opportunity providcr urd cmploycr.alilTI" (20E)ffi-26r4 Did you know Telephone Assistrnce Programs arc avaitablc to low-incomc individuals. To qualify for Lifeline/Link-Up Services, please contrct yonr lotd lrcdth rnd Wclf,era Oftce. Jifeline/L- ja\--UL Seryice9. 4-re,pr9cr!g-r!.-49qg4ed !o ssist low ilcome households-afford- local tileph-onJservice. Lifciine aisiscs -witii'ironfuficlcph6nc bills aril Unk-UD assists with connection and installation charges. Please cortact yonr lotal HedlLlkiWrlhrrgEcs or Cett IbIl Frce l-Et&366-7t21,a l?TIil First Publication: September 12,2012. Last Publication: September 19,2012, - r!llIal!rr- .+'lT s*'l-,r''j",- 5f 1Lloo.oo"..',)O,'\^r .l-.'' n -/7, cj'.\.-or,L- r-' o- a- aad_; -_o- -..O t A1( I- ." ::;Y'r^i: 3 c.ae' ; ; do-9i -:" pusu\c i i="*a arrd sworn to me ui, l*fu)a^, Affi davit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ) couNTY oF TWIN FALLS) SS. I, Ruby Aufderheide, being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say that I am lrgal Clerk of the TIMES-NEWS,published daily at, Twins Falls, Idaho, and do solemnly swear that a copy of the notice of advertisement, as per clipping attached, was published in the regulu, and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for two consecutive - , ' ,.U { r , commencing with the issue dated 13th day of September, 2012 and ending with the issue dated 20th day of September, 2012 And I do further certiff that said newspaper is a coruolidation, effective February 16, 1942, of ttre Idaho Evening Times, published theretofore daily except Sunday, and the Twin Falls News, published theretofore daily except Monday, both ofwhich newspapers prior to consolidation had been published under said names in said city and county continuously and unintemrptedly during a period of more than twelve consecutive months, and said TIMES-NEWS, since such consolidation, has been published as a daily newspaper except Saturday, until July 3f, 1978, at which time said newspaper began daily publication under said name in said city and county continuously and uninterrupted. And I funher certify that pursuant to Section 60-108 Idaho Code, Thursday of each week has been designated as the day on which legal notice by law or by order of any court of competent jurisdiction within the state of Idaho to be issued thereof _lhursdav is announced as_the-(av on which said legal will be published. RTI SERVICE RATESRTI is a qtiality telecommunications services provider who provides basic enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory, Basic seMces are offered at the following rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: Resldentlal & Buslness Rates -ocal Residence $25.76 -ocal Business $42.00 =ed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, 1 line) $ 6.50:ed. Subscriber Une (FCC Access, Multi Line) $ 9.20 ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) $.12 (Res) ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) $.20 (Bus) State of ldaho Assistance Program $ .OO fhe above charges will have federal and local taxes added on. Iouch Tone service is provided as a part of local service. l-oll Blocking is available at no charge lor low income customers who qualify. imergency 91 1 Services - Exchanges with charges in ldaho are: 857 & 864 There is a $1 .00 per lin6 charge. :ow in@me individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assisiance programs'may be eligible lor discounts from these basic local service charges through state specified telephone assistance plans, Please contact your local Health and Welfare office. 2, before me, I Ruby Aufderheide, rrson whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly herein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. LINDA CAPPS.McGUIRE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO Residing at Twin Falls, Idaho. 3asic services are offered to all consumers in the RTI service territories ar the rates, terms, and conditions specified in the RTI My cornmision ,*pirrr, /7 *i 4 - I { tariffs and/or price lists. lf you have any questions regarding the RTI's services, please call us at 1-888-366-7821, or visit our business ofrice at 892 W. Madison Ave., Glenns Ferry, lD 83623 for further information regarding services.. RTI. An Equal Opportunity EmployerlTl with its main office located at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, lD 83623, complies and adheres to the following statements under the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines: n ac@rdance with Federal law and the U.S. Department ot Agricuhure's policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability (Not all prohibited bases apply to all t8tfl'X1?;o,aint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, otriceof Civil Rights, Boom 326-W, Whitten Building, '1400 lndependence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, orcall (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.,UBLISH: September 13 and 20,2012 al€ O >E C = o'-d3gtr=oo oE22- X=e*6= -..o9eFF ^d;O-oi^>ao oE!5 icsA Oa-.< q;-Y oOBLE.E* oso! o€€! "oioocF:!-X;d9to -ciroor!i* EEJVoo€a o=.=o>:qx -{oo.--aa CE!6'I i qoEor X.! o.o;cE F.6itY-iY- o_(, 6 U0)n.oO+ l/,XE!vooLT--o-E'.{ 7 o\J >v 5 tr:E=O>or = E ;9=i6 E ;.;=-" -=Edoi< 9€-!-:6c=o'; U o e'9 E na o o6t o o br) o 6 N oN aa o) o6 o o o0 o o Eoo o o oo50,Eao-.:oE=a-E €; =ob00o= o ooE o o o o d o d o d o osq o oE !o o oo o (! ! 6 ooE 6 c-: oo € Eo o o Eo o G o o .E o.o ui IJIF u UJo;tr. uJ@ l!o uJotroz d oo o o d o oor) r5 d d )h (-) = oJ o d(n voo o o o oo6o =6 6 o ! o oo o F o o o .o ao o o o d =6 o o o = oO o,o U) o o VU EoJ U tro +)dO o={ -o-)Rr(r{ o {-J s E (r)\N c{o oo,t! o (E ell o- o oxo = = U o a o0 ='aod. oI o f!o UF FU) EsI iEls EBE: $I; ";,El 4 F G E gl.E,, iEile=: EEIEHg'- -lc=e(I) =l .-: .JEaBdgg qleE E'E-l ; -6>.ol '6= o-atJaya..iJOl (t,E6.o7l oE9 iEf,EEgHI F E E,E E:I600-fpiilY ri I -:'- El(L e 6 3P=ist i q'E 691 E.E g s EEI E E?3EHE I EEEE;Hg -EqEEg EE:E EE EH e?E EisEErg;FE*E Ig*agiErgglgA ;EfI-EEfiEFEBR IEgggEggEEggrg $i EEga.'t 8EpE3 E;Evn' '=o=Pg frE38: ij ooj.E H 6 888 fiEs t.EE9 6.s o.si E E H *;E I E; E; fr p o 5 g,EEr ,= O, o !!.(r) E co BE BT:EE.o otE+l9or sEqasEEa o I o.9H.in99 c,CEEB E e ;TEEE E 3;EEBSr'5 >F 9 oI E ge E"ag = EgE g$* C D0)1JEooox(E 6(-)o Ec(o 6oEo o, (o-c.; a(l)o, (E o o) o-o(, o F ;--o @ ooOJ0((D 6to-N@6 (oo\gr.) c!NS€r 4, 'o 6)or -co, fi(E-cEco) 3Eoo3eU,(uoo1ro'5.99ao.oeBFE6coEaooaE.oo)6qre 6.o !) o)B::r BHcoEo=(J'=-o.= (l)or (l) 5 it oi .E B.d H5F.e 43;E B-gEE H=oo:iE 3; q6E q, €io=9 d.Elie,E - qr-E C,tr.g8 gB>O dEE g t.l. LLa(nlf ooo) cD(uC'CE(-) o au) I'Ecc I.L ILoo)C'(JEEooaaG6ooo(l).> .:c.c:)lqs oo9E o.g = U;oooo 0) =o.o ()o-o =od(D TL aD uJF d uJo E,lrJo Ftr oa)oCOoolCCoao5d@ (UaE()c)ooJJ ffi3i9_23E-L=ro6ao= ,j9a = FJ: Ec-6o6 AEE 6 o .= o",;z i oE 4.i-=.5-O. ; o= z!e€o I I I I t-{o +-)d C) (1 Fr+ro {J CTE IH o E.a ,Yd o€ .h; jj\.:Z7 I tr U l4tqo $t4 0,oL o (! e o- otr=v) on ='aod, JrOE L FOth C) oaLee:E " g* ?vLi -o=:EE- ^LX;atr -P-EPoo;,--EE_69.I O5:',ls""E -!e- LVJFIJ(, LIJ =-o(?i=Eo;d;orOc-:oo=-Y o=iOri=-+-J:.'E>.;E .1 >rr, ar E:6:;; =s-.l-=a=^a ,.)o!va5; *I-3; E a f 55E3 A Z-z.Efi'4)(JUd66 er EE+ ffiEE Bc EE'EBE iHEiB$' (og @ qEag EAE-@- ; (oo\qlo $lc{te6 adololE] co{clal]Idrlold EI()lEI.dol E0,(l)-co-6o.EEc(D 3E'60 8E6(Eou)EO't.9eao- o)P3 F.E6toEaooaE.oo6o! 6o(DO't-o> (JDc--g) o:iooE5.8 5E; a f>FE Eo5Fso-co-lu (uE€E>E L=oo7 A+Y6od.9 so=E.e ii q, - O-!E:E96 rt,o{l)caaco Eoo oEIkd LlJo =tr IJJo trt o, = ==aioooo o =(D -ooa.o U) riol. o)ocoro'dou (!oo il Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ) couNTY oF TWIN FALLS) SS. I, Ruby Aufderheide, being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say that I am Legal Clerk of the TIMES-NEWS,published daily at, Twins Falls, ldaho, and do solemnly swear that a copy of the notice of advertisement, as per clipping attached, was published in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for two consecutive ol 'r t , , commencing with the issue dated 20th day of December,2012 and ending with the issue dated 27th day of December,2Ol2 And I do further certify that said newspaper is a consolidation, effective February 16, 1942, of the Idaho Evening Times, published theretofore daily except Sunday, and the Twin Falls News, published theretofbre daily except Monday, both ofwhich newspapers prior to consolidation had been published under said names in said city and county continuously and uninterruptedly during a period of more than twelve consecutive months, and said TIMES-NEWS, since such consolidation, has been published as a daily newspaper except Saturday, until July 31, 1978, at which time said newspaper began daily publication under said name in said city and county continuously and uninterrupted. And I further certify that pursuant to Section 60-108 Idaho Code, Thursday ofeach week has been designated as rhe day on which legal notice by law or by order of any court of competent jurisdiction within the state of Idaho ro be issued thereof Thursday is announced as the day on which said legal will be published. RTI SERVICE RATES RTI is a quali$ telecommunications services provider who provides basic enhanced seMces at reasonable rates within its bewice territory. Basic services are offered at the following rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: Resldential & Buslness Rates Local Residence Local Business $25.76 $42.00$ 6.s0 $ 9.20 Fqd. Subscriber Une (FCC Access, 1 line) Fed. Subscriber Une (FCC Access, Multi Line) State of ldaho Assistance Program HatiffigfilVErsaIsbiviie Fiiffd SuichCrg'e 0USD $'12 (Res) ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) $.20 (Bus) , before me, Ruby Aufderheide, :rson whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me tirst duly :rein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.The,dbove charges will have lederal and local taxes added on. Touch,Tone seriice is provided as a part of local seMce. Toll Hocking is available at no charge lor low income customers who'qualify. Emergency 91 1 SeMces - Exchanges with charges in ldaho are: 85-r-& 864 There ls a $1.00 per line charge. Low income individuals eligible lor Ufeline and Link-Up_telephone $ .06 rbe.eligibJe for discounts llgl-tl9:: ""ry for Idaho assistance plans. Please contact your local Health and ing at Twin Falls, Idaho assistance programs may be eligible tor discoufis.lrom !1eS€ ot.,basic local service charges through state specilied telepnone aqsistnnce nlans Please conla.l vour local Health and Vvglf6lg esto office. Basic services are oflered to all consumers in the RTI service-6;riiori,;;;iih; At*;i;rd ino con?tioni specilied in the RTI tv commrsron exprres: lanffQ and/or price lists. ll you have any questions regarding the RTI's1 services, please call us at 1-888-366'7821, or visit our business oflice at 892 W. Madison Ave., Glenns Ferry, lD 83623 lor further informaiion regarding services, ''.'i* rt. " . '. RTl ,.r',.:rr,ir" 1'- . ., rr'::r.A]l Equal Opportunity Employer RTl,with'its main olfice located at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, lD 83623, complies and adheres to the following Satements uiider the U.S. Departmenl of Agricuhure guidelines:- ln acbordance, with qederal hw. and the U.S: Department ol Agriculture's policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin' sex, religion, age or disability (Not all prohibited bases apply to all pograms). tb tite a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of' Civil Hights, Hoom 326-W, 'Whitten Building' 1400 lndependence Avenue, SW, Washington, Dc 20250-9410, or cal (2021 720-596/' (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 5 *l {*/T LINDA CAPPS.MCGUIRE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO F (L + a L: f C- I,ts .i o- N o-I n N odF N o co5 oooc E o et? oo cEG c c C! o q ! N o N o,4a -, I:6a F oN F , io N 6i ,I\6 a I oq A o { 5c o II a I 0c En N e N t"!It \ Nq o I N- o oiioE U o o F o cCE c c o f oFct f !\ I oq ,i I I I oo f , i Fo @ i t 2 ts N cq 6 II a ! I oo t o 4 @N oq o ,N o oF oe f o qan a oo, t N E ots9-,o;o '! q F NNN ..j '?,o n cJ a d N Eo(,, o o F E 5t rii =z z o. =o o oz oz ^t:i o u E e ol,,! oo E E oJ o ! e + c E t) @ U EE otl o EF xx fI: L co E n E E tcc I 5 \ c) t E E q) 6 J xo o 5 ot 6e !o c e o 'o oo tr Exx @xx = otr oo E) ! o 6o U ots !q E a F 6bco N c fC) F Eoc 6 E I N F E c o z 6 o F c tr C z o Eo = qo z 6 o a I aa a o s Nl b NE {ta q N. I F ',|t: trotrG ocl)o GoGEg E J o Eo @ N o F l6N d NE" a i ,4 ? ,{4 N 4, o n{u N = ot-Ir ,6 i E o a oou , @ t- Nc.i , 4c oc , o o0 i Ia a a {)q t, a o D l E,! D EE oooo o E E0 s 6 I c: o @ \ o {E a , 6 EdF !E, I :o\j,\ o 6 F ot EuooA oo{ s o 5i N aI II +q: tro u =o I { F e N s-aa,\ a ? oo f t-N of, = oF EcE cc o ua oaD coa oo't) N od@o6i oo N ,o @ Ori a!i r a oI Na E N oo o.: ai N tt J oz o oz cz E E Eo trIJj Eh E o E o o !o a J) cEc( o Ee EEEcU I( !! ! I! ! ! o'= oo .E c d 6 EF oo c t .aE 5 '=d c6E oo 4 c E c E ! : Ed T * Fp oo Ef o oo o oofn !c o =oNN cs =E s c E c oo t o5c o Gt0 dtoq oF ! IJ rl tI!a zi(JI o E I oo ao tc xxE E a b oo F .ioa oc '= a Ec FNF 66 totr I,D otr6i!iJ Etr tt) G ol iJ l tr'6 IcaFi U F o ) !, o o,gJ oao l c'6 vcf Fx N k 4 E4 !!c ; t IIVtr5: Eot E, iI ! b E )) 9 u0-oEo 6 + ts o 2!) ) oko F oNoo tL F o o I ,,j, \\I t\{ { i N Eo eE \ N o.i ,IaDn! o'5'6 oooo 6o6E :E Eoo) a i t n4E 6 t ,ioN N a t 5 { a a q o! NINl aJI)J c I oq Ica I ,DI 4oa t 2rl '62 E Eo ; q c,no ts ,l !,iN: ,_c,t EoE oooo o N NN NN o !, a a t 1j nl;tolf-l tt I c! N i I ! nJIJi oqD o6 { \\o N ,N s- 2{ 5 2 E '-o o ( N\ q no "j{4 cI N+ l: N i tE 5Nd o_ a 0€E oF 6Ed o o u 0 N F @ o o o o \t o o-\ F <, ci :, a otrJ o a o o ^i oo ! 6 a ! oFo c oF L =!6oE o EEoo o.qJ oo Eoftt k !oo C: ! !fa1I F o l C6 vc e tx+N ) o, oo YcaI b crN o cc !c ;Iti ! s E a) G 9 o6 { o o oJ o C) 5Eo oo .EpEE ooJ oEci Fc ( I E ccccF G cE oE6 E o E d troE6oo oo o a ! booil E ED n b E bol \ 5'6 cGFo oR Eo xN o'= U c o 5 Ebc x 6 I E c6oE i.) x o oE Eo & ! E EI o ooJ o cE) ft coE oo EoEco 6 J oN 6EcG s ll 5 a6 5 dz 5I co NEo !o E Ef eo I 5 6F !E,I o F ai o ! tt EcE( cc c( t,(I n N-No?o o a NN a i \Et N d?e q a n!I )I0 a ! ! It?\oN 2( B{ 2 E Ec iu !E e II t{I N q N E ts !iots EoE oooo !! f \I.lo N N E\ E o N oo"!oaa ,JIJJ oco o oa q q ? N I c 2( a 2 E Eo 5;A o a i N 9 c P ,:,,!\N C (o ot! oF oEE oo) 9 a o oE6 b a q t at N c5 i ! s"I! E oN cn (o { J cz I ooz oz E 3 oIJI CcEc 4I 3 Uf UA UIUt =(tuL) oc oqc 6oq', c Ixx ( E = I boo =a g o N c ocE '= oo E E() x o 6U ci'Eot EbE xx o = L = o xx oeo L o! o o o E oo oz d xx Ec Ea5oI ! E Co!! :oz )JJo o6I 5 oE E oc € 6E oqoo x a otr b; o 6 tro F o! boo 5'6 t Fo o6 Eoo EIJ E :dtr) tr a I =!6 o J '6 o @ c E o o EpEco J ooatr = t cotr I ? E 6 d oE NEo a{ o o o 5 o o o a \ocaJ f, n F 6 F N o- troE6oooo 6oEt goJ o q o n( U N ,q oF goqa ooo( 9 o ' o ! ,4 No_ , ol N 4;i ts 6€ ooo o E o 9 q oo o\\E I a Ii e r: o A o( qN i o o !o o ( !N , 2 ),q tN P ol oq o I oF cE c o oa ofo oE o o aa ! ! F6 F o @o a N! to,Fq N o 6(n trj oz ,N .iN o N o oz oz ,I o trfo I )J ccEc o !n zllI ! 1It!I 5E ooo o Eo fo xx oc! E '6 5oc oaL b o xN Na l cJ d l- o c = l) No locU 5 Eo€ coF =L \a I cr EE o,ot t\a j =oc E E !o E ,EEE tr'6o N do L .? F EF t E. N o I o E d oJ o ( ox i g ! o E o { oY \o og ! .)Jt) ci I ,N o UJJo od0- F o Ado N 't bo b E fo so N coE oo Eo IJ e o E o o oo! J qc E E{ U x F .E € 6 c xNF 6 R! io =ot) ?! : o oo o oo o o 6 EIuo I o, E3 5 'to 0- t Bu ugaf , .J' el c t oF6o .g6'a o E o qootrooxLrlo '{:6ooo GoF ts o @ o I E o N ? o@@ F t , , , c,a f{- ? ci d Eo56Loooo GootE Eo J ao ci,t , E:E q{ It n ta\ itl o{u t a a uoon oouoa E a @ o Eocu: D6ooo( IE a a 6 N I ,nn 6o o5 oeoo o 6 o I N5 ! i,n Noo C D qoo 6ooI EIcE E{q a gI I q aa a o 5 , 5 ooc,' o oouu{ on on I I,4 Nc : oCod o€g oF oFG o I !a o: o ooo F @ F. 6 N n i na, t o .gJ oz j N d oz oz E 3 uor o o J F IJJooulx F(9ztr d IJJo- E o\ ! oo/ o:, 5 N oL fI oI cGI o 6E) 5 N o F o E(, ,o oo E o q 6 oo It i E r @ E ! oz oq E Eo ir- J + d eEo 11:t, Ec o + .s d oE FF6 s s 5E .:I N + do QEo o 6o =I 5c + t ;6 ! =I =oo E6 I5 N t E E! l,) c o o E J I t I oEGoooo 6o6bc ! n{! nJIJJ 2{ { 2 E E@ g ;A og a o E =0J ci t, ,o c o o t N{ N ooN ?'-ooN N oF ooo ot i 6E( b cI t 66cr,l tsn{ 6N I l nJLJJ ooo 6 o ( o o.! ooEo oo EoE uJ o o F o 5E oooE ;o eotEo B o E E F o i o F 5N 2o c a,jt N a I o,,il n 2{ a 2 E go Eo o o F J] o o oa e c oNq Nq a D o o?,,, ",1,o o q I oc E 0F otr oo) o n o do o0 EE o a A tE o a D_l N.!II ooocc ttt,: t,a,t o ooooo N N N N c,iq 1 C , 2 t c\c? c,E oEo a o( otrJ o J N N {,o o o E E Jo o I :d I iiiz iL o oz \,N \\N N o,\ E E c Bo( l,t)I L!n{ E L =I)I ? 0tro u of ooo Eo 6.L Eo56 6Elo EI No Itt, lo f o oac =lJa b lJ6 Gls !ano ! oEo oo ILo o EIJlc 9 E o P e =coE EU i5 F o 6EJo L uoo'6oo Eoo 6 Io l)Eo f tr6 itra ootroE Eo Y fo 5E E oI :)o €6fqU f otr E =D EootrN c 5 5 I oEo Ig l.E =6 5ox oo EE L o Ef c'a doE': e ooo oJE o ao cf oJ 6 ox.g fr o to 6 oaEq -u = E foq + E o E trotrtNI I E g tro !oI c GE oc ot I J o! o lo 5 oD oo '5r;E= locUJ*'=oc o Ein I J 6 Eotr E o 6 EFoE.+0-o 6'o a doJo- b I c Ru 't a oo o 5c ! o) ol E o ?