HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011Annual Report.pdfANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING 2011 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility: Rural Telephone Company Address of principal office: 97 tJ Mndiqnn Arp a1rris Ferry, TI) S7 Telephone Number Area Code(2O8_)366-2614 E-mailaddress: jess.logan@ruraltel.org Cities or towns served: Shoup; Boise River; Tipanuk; Three Creek; Atlanta; Prairie. Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: James R. Martell, President Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: Same as Above Organized under the laws of the State of: Th Date of organization: 07/27/1979 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation): Corporation If a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify: S. Corp. Name and address of controlling company, if any - Martell Enterprises, Inc. 892 W. Madison Ave Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. If there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title Name Address President James R. Martell 892 W. Madison Ave Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Vice-President Michael J. Martell 892 W. Madison Ave Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Secretary/Treasurer Carmela M. Martell 892 W. Madison Ave Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Rev 3/02 Page 1 4 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term Meetings Attended Name Will Expire This year and Address 892 W. Madison Ave Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 James R. Martell Non-Term 12 Carmela M. Martell Non-Trm 12 Michael J. Martell Non-Term 12 "Sa la ('rpnf Pr Non-Term 12 Andrea Roberts Non-Term 12 Mark R M.vtpll Non-Term 12 Matthew Martell Non-Term 12 Name of Chairman of the Board: - jaujac P. Mrt11 Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board: Carmela N. Martell Number of Meetings of the Board during the year: 12 Fees Paid During Year III: MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name Title James R. Martell President (rm1i M. Martell Secretary/Treasurer Michael J. Martell V-i --?rident Miii4 R Ma rt ell Administrative Manager Wages and Bonuses Paid $115,760.32 $60,044.64 $1 0 1 890 go $92,383.12 Rev 3/02 Page 2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Rev 3/02 Page 3 Rural Telephone Company Balance Sheet Assets and other Debits Year-End 2011 Balance Beginning of Balance at end Increase or of Year (Decrease) Year Current Assets 1120 Cash & Equivalents $ 792,188 $ 319,787 $ (472,401) 1130 Cash & Equivalents $ - $ - $ - 1140 Special Cash Deposits $ - $ - $ - 1150 Working Cash Deposits $ - $ - $ - 1160 Temporary Investments $ - $ - $ - 1180 Telecommunications Accounts Receivable $ 133,185 $ 130,551 $ (2,634) 1181 Accounts Receivable Allow- Telecommunications $ - $ - $ - 1190 Other Accounts Receivable $ 513,307 $ 647,879 $ 134,572 1191 Accounts Receivable Allow- Other $ - $ - $ - 1200 Notes Receivable $ - $ - $ - 1201 Notes receivable Allowance $ - $ - $ - 1210 Interest & Dividends Receivable $ - $ - $ - 1220 Materials & Supplies $ 429,484 $ 466,201 $ 36,717 1280 Prepayments $ 21,214 $ 4,947 $ (16,267) 1290 Prepaid Rents $ - $ - $ - 1300 Prepaid Taxes $ - $ - $ - 1310 Prepaid Insurance $ - $ - $ - 1320 Prepaid Directory Expenses $ - $ - $ - 1330 Other Prepayments $ - $ - $ - 1350 Other Current Assets $ 951,365 $ 1,434,394 $ 483,029 $ 2,840,743 $ 3,003,760 $ 163,017 Noncurrent Assets 1401 Investment in Affiliated Companies $ 4,198,501 $ 4,107,154 $ (91,347) 1402 Investment in Non-Affiliated Companies $ - $ - $ - 1406 Non-Regulated Investments $ 984,850 $ 1,236,095 $ 251,245 1407 Unamortized Debt Issuance Expense $ - $ - $ - 1408 Sinking Funds $ - $ - $ - 1410 Other Non-Current Assets $ 496,248 $ 506,088 $ 9,840 1438 Deferred Maintenance & Retirements $ - $ - $ - 1439 Deferred Charges $ - $ - $ - 1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets- Net $ - $ - $ - $ 5,679,599 $ 5,849,337 $ 169,738 Property, Plant & Equipment 2001 Telecommunications Plan in Service $ 22,914,134 $ 24,518,839 $ 1,604,705 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ - 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction- Short Term $ 1,578,775 $ 549,629 $ (1,029,146) 2004 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction- Long Term $ - $ - $ - 2005 Telecom Plant Adjustment $ - $ - $ - 2006 Non-Operating Plant $ - $ - $ - 2007 Goodwill $ - $ - $ - $ 24,496,909 $ 25,072,468 $ 575,559 Depreciation & Amortization Accounts 3100 Accumulated Depreciation $ (14,282,954) $ (15,579,831) $ (1,296,877) 3200 Accumulated Depreciation- Held for Future Use $ - $ - $ - 3300 Accumulated Depreciation- Non-Operating $ - $ - $ - 3400 Accumulated Amortization-Tangible $ - $ - $ - 3410 Accumulated Amortization- Capital Leases $ - $ - $ - 3420 Accumulated Amortization- Leasehold Improvement $ - $ - $ - 3500 Accumulated Amortization- Intangible $ - $ - $ - 3600 Accumulated Amortization- Other $ - $ - $ - $ (14,282,954) $ (15,579,831) $ (1,296,877) Page 4 TOTAL ASSETS $ 18,734,297 $ 18,345,734 $ (388,563) Rural Telephone Company Page 5 Balance Sheet Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Year: 2011 Balance Balance at end Increase or Beginning of of Year (Decrease) Year Current Liabilities 4010 Accounts Payable $ 453,253 $ 186,502 $ (266,751) 4020 Notes Payable $ - $ 178,706 $ 178,706 4030 Advance Billings and Payments $ 39,442 $ 37,902 $ (1,540) 4040 Customer Deposits $ 7,189 $ 7,219 $ 30 4050 Current Maturities- Long-Term Debt $ 782,600 $ 821,000 $ 38,400 4060 Current Maturities- Capital Leases $ - $ - $ - 4070 Income Taxes-Accrued $ - $ - $ - 4080 Other Taxes- Accrued $ 61,862 $ 65,786 $ 3,924 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes $ - $ - $ - 4110 Net Current Deferred Non-Operating Income Taxes $ - $ - $ - 4120 Other Accrued Liabilites $ 132,768 $ 133,522 $ 754 4130 Other Current Liabilities $ 113,716 $ 92,802 $ (20,914) $ 1,590,830 $ 1,523,439 $ (67,391) Long Term Debt 4210 Funded Debt $ 8,222,774 $ 7,511,717 $ (711,057) 4220 Premium on Long-Term Debt $ - $ - $ 4230 Discount on Long-Term Debt $ - $ - $ - 4240 Re-Acquired Debt $ - $ - $ - 4250 Obligations Under Capital Leases $ - $ - $ - 4260 Advances from Affiliated Companies $ - $ - $ - 4270 Other Long-Term Debt $ - $ - $ - $ 8,222,774 $ 7,511,717 $ (711,057) Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits 4310 Other Long-Term Liabilities $ - $ - $ - 4320 Un-Amortized Operating Investment Tax Credits- Net $ - $ - $ - 4330 Un-Amortized Non-Operating Investment Tax Credits- Net $ - $ - $ - 4340 Net Non-Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes $ - $ - $ - 4350 Net Non-Current Deferred Non-Operating Income Taxes $ - $ - $ - 4360 Other Deferred Credits $ - $ - $ - 4370 Other Juris., Liab., & Def. Credits- Net $ - $ - $ - Stockholders' Equity 4510 Capital Stock $ 56,900 $ 56,900 $ - 4520 Additional Paid-In-Capital $ 10,197 $ 10,197 $ - 4530 Treasury Stock $ - $ - $ - 4540 Other Capital $ 277,974 $ 277,974 $ - 4550 Retained Earnings $ 8,575,622 $ 8,965,507 $ 389,885 $ 8,920,693 $ 9,310,578 $ 389,885 TOTAL LIABILITIES & TOTAL CREDITS $ 18,734,297 $ 18,345,734 $ (388,563) Rural Telephone Company Page 6 Analysis of Telecommunications Plant in Service Total Company Basis Year: 2011 Balance Additions Plant Retired or Transfers and Balance at end Beginning of During Year Sold Adjustments of Year Year Analysis of Telecommunications Plant in Service 2111 Land 2112 Motor Vehicles 2113 Aircraft 2114 Special Purpose Vehicles 2115 Garage Work Equipment 2116 Other Work Equipment 2121 Buildings 2122 Furniture 2123 Office Equipment 2124 General Purpose Computers 2211 Analog Electronic Switching 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 2215 Electro- Mechanical Switching 2220 Operator Systems 2231 Radio Systems 2232 Circuit Equipment 2311 Station Apparatus 2321 Customer Premise Wiring 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 2411 Poles 2421 Aerial Cable 2422 Underground Cable 2423 Buried Cable 2424 Submarine Cable 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 2431 Aerial Wire 2441 Conduit Systems 2681 Capital Leases 2682 Leashold Improvements 2690 Intangibles TOTAL PLANT ACCOUNTS * rounding $ 197,054 $ - $ - $ - $ 197,054 $ 336,851 $ - $ - $ - $ 336,851 $ 898,386 $ 4,480 $ - $ - $ 902,866 $ 956,394 $ - $ - $ - $ 956,394 $ 186,341 $ 6,982 $ - $ (2,590) $ 190,733 $ 460,627 $ 4,208 $ - $ - $ 464,835 $ 2,822,594 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,822,594 $ 26,955 $ - $ - $ - $ 26,955 $ 5,115,759 $ 156,594 $ - $ - $ 5,272,353 $ 10,931 $ 4,211 $ 3,471 $ - $ 11,670 $ 10,437,775 $ 883,226 $ - $ (1) $ 11,321,000 $ 1,301,773 $ 517,122 $ - $ - $ 1,818,895 $ 162,694 $ 38,540 $ - $ (4,594) $ 196,640 $ 22,914,134 $ 1,615,362 $ 3,471 $ (7,185) $ 24,518,839 * $ 22,914,134 $ 1,615,362 $ 3,471 $ (7,185) $ 24,518,839 Rural Telephone Company Analysis of Telecommunications Plant in Service Idaho Operations Only Year: 2011 Balance Additions Plant Retired or Transfers and Balance at end Beginning of During Year Sold Adjustments of Year Year Analysis of Telecommunications Plant in Service 2111 Land $ 151,505 $ - $ - $ - $ 151,505 2112 Motor Vehicles $ 336,851 $ - $ - $ - $ 336,851 2113 Aircraft $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2114 Special Purpose Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2115 Garage Work Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2116 Other Work Equipment $ 898,385 $ 4,480 $ - $ - $ 902,865 2121 Buildings $ 522,653 $ - $ - $ - $ 522,653 2122 Furniture $ 186,341 $ 6,982 $ - $ (2,590) $ 190,733 2123 Office Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2124 General Purpose Computers $ 460,627 $ 4,208 $ - $ - $ 464,835 2211 Analog Electronic Switching $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2212 Digital Electronic Switching $ 1,151,705 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,151,705 2215 Electro- Mechanical Switching $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2220 Operator Systems $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2231 Radio Systems $ 26,954 $ - $ - $ - $ 26,954 2232 Circuit Equipment $ 3,527,217 $ 28,782 $ - $ - $ 3,555,999 2311 Station Apparatus $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2321 Customer Premise Wiring $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2362 Other Terminal Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2411 Poles $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2421 Aerial Cable $ 10,930 $ 4,211 $ - $ (3,471) $ 11,669 2422 Underground Cable $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2423 Buried Cable $ 6,158,117 $ 405,124 $ - $ - $ 6,563,241 2424 Submarine Cable $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2431 Aerial Wire $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2441 Conduit Systems $ 1,010,963 $ 242,387 $ - $ - $ 1,253,350 2681 Capital Leases $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2682 Leashoid Improvements $ 162,694 $ 38,540 $ - $ (4,594) $ 196,640 2690 Intangibles $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL PLANT ACCOUNTS $ 14,604,942 $ 734,713 $ - $ (10,655) $ 15,329,000 Page 7 Rural Telephone Company Page 8 Analysis of Entries in Accumulated Depreciation Total Company Basis Year: 2011 Balance Retirements Beginning of Depreciation Rate Credits During And Balance at End Year of Year Year Adjustments Analysis of Entries in Accumulated Depreciation 2112 Motor Vehicles 2113 Aircraft 2114 Special Purpose Vehicles 2115 Garage Work Equipment 2116 Other Work Equipment 2121 Buildings 2122 Furniture 2123 Office Equipment 2124 General Purpose Computers 2211 Analog Electronic Switching 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 2215 Electro- Mechanical Switching 2220 Operator Systems 2231 Radio Systems 2232 Circuit Equipment 2311 Station Apparatus 2321 Customer Premise Wiring 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 2411 Poles 2421 Aerial Cable 2422 Underground Cable 2423 Buried Cable 2424 Submarine Cable 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 2431 Aerial Wire 2441 Conduit Systems 2682 Leasehold Improvements $ 234,422 33.33% $ 47,264 $ 7,500 $ 274,186 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 505,457 14.309/. $ 60,431 $ 380 $ 565,508 $ 348,630 ID- 3.00% NV- 2.80% $ 27,824 $ - $ 376,454 $ 182,146 12.50% $ 8,587 $ - $ 190,733 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 438,077 20.00% $ 6,206 $ - $ 444,283 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 2,022,036 ID- 12.00% NV- 5.26% $ 169,308 $ - $ 2,191,344 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 13,101 20.00% $ 5,391 $ 19 $ 18,473 $ 3,229,552 ID- 10.00% NV- 5.26% $ 443,990 $ - $ 3,673,542 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00,$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 3,904 5.00% $ 550 $ - $ 4,454 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 6,397,635 ID- 6.50% & 5.00% NV- 4.00% $ 412,066 $ (379) $ 6,810,080 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ 394,768 ID- 7.00% NV- 4.00% $ 105,882 $ - $ 500,650 $ 51,021 3.00% $ 5,573 $ - $ 56,594 TOTAL PLANT ACCOUNTS $ 13,820,749 $ 1,293,071 $ 7,520 $ 15,106,300 Rural Telephone Company Page 9 Analysis of Entries in Accumulated Depreciation Idaho Operations Only Year: 2011 Balance Depreciation Creditd During Beginning of Rate Year Year Retirements And A.djustments Balance at End of Year Analysis of Entries in Accumulated Depreciation 2112 Motor Vehicles 2113 Aircraft 2114 Special Purpose Vehicles 2115 Garage Work Equipment 2116 Other Work Equipment 2121 Buildings 2122 Furniture 2123 Office Equipment 2124 General Purpose Computers 2211 Analog Electronic Switching 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 2215 Electro- Mechanical Switching 2220 Operator Systems 2231 Radio Systems 2232 Circuit Equipment 2311 Station Apparatus 2321 Customer Premise Wiring 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 2411 Poles 2421 Aerial Cable 2422 underground Cable 2423 Buried Cable 2424 Submarine Cable 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 2431 Aerial Wire 2441 Conduit Systems 2682 Leasehold Improvements $ 234,422 33.33% $ 470264 $ 7,500 $ 274,186 $ - 0.00%$ $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ 505,457 14.30% $ 601431 $ 380 $ 565,508 $ 173,124 3.00% $ 15,680 $ - $ 188,804 $ 182,146 12.50% $ 8,587 $ - $ 190,733 $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ 438,077 20.00% $ 6206 $ - $ 444,283 $ - 0.00%$ $ 683,903 12.00% $ 81,419 $ - $ 765,322 $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ 13,101 20.00% $ 5391 $ 19 $ 18,473 $ 2,393,760 10.00% $ 354,041 $ - $ 2,747,801 $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ 3,904 5.00% $ 550 $ - $ 4,454 $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ 3,483,780 6.50% & 5.00% $ 226,449 $ (2,098) $ 3,712,327 $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - 0.00%$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00%$ H $ - $ - $ 309,809 7.00% $ 85:,700 $ (1) $ 395,510 $ 51,021 3.00% $ 5,573 $ - $ 56,594 TOTAL PLANT ACCOUNTS $ 8,472,504 $ 897,290 $ 5,800 $ 9,363,994 INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401, 1402 and 1406. Identify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Description Date Acquired syringa 2001 Sol ix Telespire 2006 Fairfield Internet 2006 Pend Oreille Telephone 1997 Nehalem Telecommunications, Inc. 2004 NRTC 2005 Totals Book Cost of Book Cost of Investments Investments Disposed of Held at This year End of Year $821,400 $10,000 $2,500 $3,000 $2,599,697 $1,802,646 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1180, 1190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of Year Notes Accounts Name of Company Receivable Receivable Customers $130,551 CABS $52,289 ID 11SF $25.185 P1.td rf-hs $1,325,043 X4-r, $111,251 Totals $2,202,468 Rev 3/02 Page 10 S NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Interest Name of Creditor Date of Note Rate Due Date Face Amount Wells Fargo Equipment Finance 02/2010 5.9% 01/2014 $128,524 Toyota Financial 03/2010 0% 02/11/2013 s109861 US Bank Auto Loan 10/2010 4.49% 09/21/2015 $39321 Totals ,$478,706 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Amount Elmore County Tax Collector $52,049 Kiesling $10,102 Mid-States Consultants - 1L151_ Totals $221,431 Rev 3/02 Page 11 LONG - TERM DEBT Accounts 4210, 4240, 4250, 4260, 4270 and 4310 4 List the required data for each obligation included in these accounts, grouping them by account number and showing totals for each account. If any obligations mature serially or otherwise at various dates, give particulars in a note. Date Date Fact Premium! Discount Class & Series of of Amount Outstanding Year Interest for year of Obligation Issue Maturity Authorized Year-End Total Amortized Rate Amount RUS 1982 2017 $1,031,000 $225,891 2% $5,189.58 RTTS 1984-2011 2010-2016 $13,974,651 $8,434 3,734 5% $420,482.06 Less Current Portion: ($821,000) $7,445,322 Rev 3/02 Page 12 I CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. Include ni imber of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Number Outstanding per of Shares Par Value Balance Sheet Class & Series of Stock Authorized per Share Shares Amount Common Stock 2,500 $100.00 - 569 $56,900 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Rural Telephone Company Page 14 Income Retained Earnings Statement Year: 2011 Total Company Idaho Only TOTAL OPERATING INCOME $ 5,334,882 $ 3,366,859 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $ 4,493,995 $ 2,664,362 7100 Other Operating Income and Expense $ 47,795 $ 47,573 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits- Net $ - $ - 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes $ - $ - 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes $ - $ - 7240 Operating Other Taxes $ (181,586) $ (117,656) 7250 Prvision for Deferred Operating Income Taxes- Net $ - $ - 7200 Operating Taxes (TOTAL) $ (181,586) $ (117,656) 7310 Dividend Income $ 47,055 $ 18,822 * 7320 Interest Income $ 942 $ 377 * 7330 Income from Sinking and Other Funds $ - $ - 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction $ 22,357 $ 8,943 * 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property $ (2,795) $ (2,795) 7360 Other Non-Operating Income $ 164,274 $ 131,034 7370 Special Charges $ (27,200) $ (10,880) * 7300 Non-Operating Income and Expense $ 204,633 $ 145,501 7410 Non-Operating Investment Tax Credits- Net $ - $ - 7420 Non-Operating Federal Income Taxes $ - $ - 7430 Non-Operating State and Local Income Taxes $ - $ - 7440 Non-Operating Other Taxes $ - $ - 7450 Provision for Deferred Non-Operating Income Taxes- Net $ - $ - 7400 Non-Operating Taxes $ - $ - 7510 Interest on Funded Debt $ (425,482) $ (170,193) * 7520 Interest Expense-Capital leases $ - $ - 7530 Amortization of Debt Issuance Expense $ - $ - 7540 Other Interest Deductions $ (30,954) $ (12,382) * 7500 Interest and Related items $ (456,436) $ (182,574) 7610 Extraordinary Income Credits $ - $ - 7620 Extraordinary Income Charges $ - $ - 7630 Current Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items- Net $ - $ - 7640 Provision for Deferred Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items-Net $ - $ - 7600 Extraordinary Items 7910 Income Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences- Net 7990 Non-Regulated Net Income AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS *Allocated based on Company Access Lines. ** rounding $ - $ $ (11,519) $ (83,451) ** $ 443,773 $ 511,890 Rural Telephone Company Page 15 Operating Revenues Year: 2011 Total Company Idaho Only Local Network Services Revenue 5001 Basic Area Revenue $ 408,915 $ 236,252 5002 Optional Extended Area Revenue $ - $ - 5003 Cellular Mobiel Revenue $ - $ - 5004 Other Mobile Services Revenue $ - $ - 5010 Public Telephone Revenue $ - $ - 5040 Local Private Line Revenue $ - $ - 5050 Customer Premises Revenue $ - $ - 5060 Other Local Exchange Revenue $ - $ - 5069 Other Local Exchange Settlements $ 989 $ 207 $ 409,903 $ 236,459 Network Access Service Revenues 5081 End User Revenue (SLC, FUSC) $ 160,372 $ 66,387 5082 Switched Access Revenue (Interstate) $ 3,961,822 $ 2,511,824 5083 Special Access Revenue $ 128,230 $ 48,911 5084 State Access Revenue (Intrastate) $ 478,987 $ 342,321 Long Distance Network Services Revenues $ - $ - 5100 Long Distance Message Revenue-All $ 145 $ - $ 4,729,556 $ 2,969,442 Internet Services 5280.1 DSL Modem Revenue Idaho $ 5,794 $ 5,794 5280.2 DSL Modem Revenue Nevada $ 4,940 $ - $ 10,734 $ 5,794 Other Non-Regulated Revenues 5280.3 Fiber lease- Idaho $ 57,170 $ 57,170 5280.31 DWNM Circuit Equipment Lease $ 99,243 $ 99,243 $ 156,413 $ 156,413 Miscellaneous Revenues 5230.1 Directory Revenue Idaho $ 338 $ 338 5230.2 Directory Revenue Nevada $ 316 $ - 5210.1 I/S B&C Idaho $ 414 $ 414 5210.2 I/S B&C Nevada $ 507 $ - 5220.1 Intrastate B&C Idaho $ 467 $ 467 5220.2 Intrastate B&C Nevada $ 27,299 $ - 5260.1 Misc Revenue Idaho $ 1,470 $ 1,470 5260.2 Misc Revenue Nevada $ 2,439 $ - $ 33,251 $ 2,689 Uncollectible Revenues 5301 Uncollectible Revenue- Telecommunications $ (4,975) $ (3,938) 5302 Uncollectible Revenue- Other $ - $ - $ (4,975) $ (3,938) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $ 5,334,882 $ 3,366,859 Please Identify the following revenues: NECA USF $ 1,041,096 5081.21 & 5081.22 STATE USF $ 302,221 5084.21 Rural Telephone Company Page 16 Operating Expenses Year: 2011 Total Company Idaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses $ 19,228 $ 7,691 * 6112 Motor Vehicle Expense $ - $ - 6113 Aircraft Expense $ - $ - 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense $ - $ - 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expenses $ - $ - 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense $ - $ - 6120 General Support Expense $ 44,977 $ 17,991 * 6121 Land and Building Expense $ 150,601 $ 143,559 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense $ - $ - 6123 Office Equipment Expense $ - $ - 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense $ - $ - 6210 Central Office Switching Expense $ 276,703 $ 250,432 6211 Analog Electronic Expense $ - $ - 6212 Digital Electronic Expense $ - $ - 6215 Electro- Mechanical Expense $ - $ - 6220 Operations System Expense $ - $ - 6230 Central Office Transmission Expense $ 516,395 $ 325,627 6231 Radio Systems Expense $ - $ - 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense $ - $ - 6310 Information Origination/Termination Expense $ - $ - 6311 Station Apparatus Expense $ - $ - 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense $ - $ - 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense $ - $ - 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense $ - $ - 6410 Cable & Wire Facilities Expense $ 463,936 $ 246,966 6411 Pole Expense $ - $ - 6421 Aerial Cable Expense $ - $ - 6422 Underground Cable Expense $ - $ - 6423 Buried Cable Expense $ - $ - 6424 Submarine Cable Expense $ - $ - 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense $ - $ - 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable Expense $ - $ - 6431 Aerial Wire Expense $ - $ - 6441 Conduit Systems Expense $ - $ - TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE $ 1,471,840 $ 992,265 *Allocated based on company access lines. Rural Telephone Comopany Page 17 Operating Expenses Year: 2011 Total Company Idaho Only Plant Non-Specific Operations Expense 6510 Other Property/Plant/Equipment Expenses $ - $ - 6511 Property held for Future Telecomm Use Expense $ - $ - 6512 Provisioning Expense $ 874 $ - 6530 Network Operations Expense $ - $ - 6531 Power Expense $ 66,548 $ 38,352 6532 Network Administration Expense $ 75,945 $ 37,515 6533 Testing Expense $ - $ - 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense $ - $ - 6535 Engineering Expense $ 156,500 $ 81,432 6540 Access Expense $ 37,965 $ 15,186 * 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expense $ 1,293,071 $ 897,290 6561 Depreciation Expense- Telecom. Plant in Service $ - $ - 6562 Depreciation Expense- Property held for Future Use $ - $ - 6563 Amortization Expense-Tangible $ - $ - 6564 Amortization Expense- Intangible $ - $ - 6565 Amortization Expense- Other $ - $ - Total Plant non-Specific Operations Expense $ 1,630,903 $ 1,069,775 Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing $ 128,025 $ 51,210 * 6611 Product Management $ - $ - 6612 Sales $ - $ - 6613 Product Advertising $ - $ - 6620 Services $ - $ - 6621 Call Completion Services $ - $ - 6622 Number Services $ - $ - 6623 Customer Services $ 129,336 $ 73,993 Total Customer Operations Expense $ 257,361 $ 125,203 Corporate Operations Expense 6710 Executive & Planning $ 281,302 $ 112,521 * 6711 Executive $ - $ - 6712 Planning $ - $ - 6720 General and Administrative $ 706,530 $ 282,612 * 6721 Accounting and Finance $ 110,618 $ 72,507 6722 External Relations $ - $ - 6723 Human Resources $ - $ - 6724 Information Management $ - $ - 6725 Legal $ 35,442 $ 9,478 6726 Procurement $ - $ - 6727 Research & Development $ - $ - 6728 Other General & Administrative $ - $ - 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable $ - $ - Total Corporate Operations Expense $ 1,133,892 $ 477,118 Total Plant Non-Specific, Customer & Corporate $ 3,022,155 $ 1,672,097 Total Plant Specific Expense $ 1,471,840 $ 992,265 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $ 4,493,995 $ 2,664,362 *Allocated based on company access lines. CENTRAL OFFICE DATA as of December 31, 2011 (unless otherwise indicated) Name of Central Office: Shoup Prefix (es): :202-394 Central Office Switch Type: Rarlrnm MDX Check all that apply: Check one: Check one: Stand Jones, Digital Electronic Host_ Analog_ Electro-Mechanical Remote_ Other:_____________ S Access Line Capacity Design: Installed/Equipped: Classification of Customer Access Access Lines In Use Customer Lines:66 (Include Centrex, PAL, Semi-Pub.) Public Telephone Lines 6 Company Official Lines Company Test Lines0 Beginning of Year New Connects Disconnects End of Year Residence Multi- Single Line Line Multi- Subtotal 1-Party 1-Party Party Residence o 39 0 39 o 11 0 11 __ (1 __ 0 o 50 0 50 Business Multi- Single Line Total Centrex Line Multi- Subtotal Residence N.A.R. 1-Party 1-Party Party Business & Business 0 5 0 12 51 ____ (.) 4 0 4 15 o 0 0 0 0 _____ 7 9 0 16 66 Foreign Exchange: Dial Tone from this C.O.:_______ Dial Tone from another C.O.:_______ Custom Calling: Number of customers with at least one feature:______ Total number of features subscribed to:_____ Directory Listings: Number of Customers with Nonpublished or Nonlisted:9 Rev 3/02 Page 18 CENTRAL OFFICE DATA as of December 31, 2011 (unless otherwise indicated) Name of Central Office: Boise River Prefix (es): 208-653 Type: Metaswitch Type:Metaswitch Check one: Check one: Digital ElectronicjL Analog_ Electro-Mechanical_ Other: AccessLinesinUse Customer Lines: 347 (Include Centrex, PAL, Semi-Pub.) Public Telephone Lines 16 Company Official Lines 6 Company Test Lines 2 Central Office Switch Check all that apply: Stand Alone Host Remote- emote Access Line Capacity Design: 7 1 04R Installed/Equipped:06/16/2008 Business Multi- SingleLine Total Centrex Line Multi- Subtotal Residence N.A.R. 1-Party 1-Party Party Business & Business 0 17 19 0 36 338 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 4 2 0 6 6 0 13 17 0 30 Classification of Customer Access Residence Multi- SingleLine Line Multi- Subtotal 1-Party 1-Party Party Residence Beginning of Year 0 302 0 3' New Connects 0 15 0 15 Disconnects 0 0 _________ p End of Year 0 317 0 317 Foreign Exchange: Dial Tone from this C.O.:_ Dial Tone from another C.O.: Custom Calling: Number of customers with at least one feature:______ Total number of features subscribed to: Directory Listings: Number of Customers with Nonpublished or Nonlisted: 1_6 Rev 3/02 Page 18 CENTRAL OFFICE DATA as of December 31, 2011 (unless otherwise indicated) Name of Central Office: Atlanta Prefix (es): 208-864 Central Office Switch Metaswitch Check all that apply: Check one: Check one: Stand Alone Digitalj Electronic Host Analog_ Electro-Mechanical_ Remote Other: Access Line Capacity Access Lines in Use Design: 2,048 Customer Lines:4 1 (Include Centrex, PAL, Semi-Pub.) Installed/Equipped: 06/16/2008 Public Telephone Line s 4 Company Official Lines 3 Company Test Lines 1 Classification of Customer Access Residence Multi- Single Line Line Multi- Subtotal 1-Party 1-Party Party Residence Beginning of Year p 33 0 New Connects 0 0 0 0 Disconnects 0 End of Year 0 33 0 33 Business Multi- Single Line Total Centrex Line Multi- Subtotal Residence N.A.R. 1-Party I-Party Party Business & Business 2 2 0 4 37 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 6 4 8 4 41 Foreign Exchange: Dial Tone from this C.O.:_______ Dial Tone from another C.O.:_______ Custom Calling: Number of customers with at least one feature:______ Total number of features subscribed to:_____ Directory Listings: Number of Customers with Nonpublished or Nonlisted:3 Rev 3/02 Page 18 CENTRAL OFFICE DATA as of December 31, 2011 (unless otherwise indicated) Name of Central Office: Three Creek Prefix (es): 208-857 Central Office Switch Type:Redcom MDX Check all that apply: Check one: Check one: Stand Alone Digital Electronic Host Analog Electro-Mechanical Remote_ Other:______________________ Access Line Capacity Design: 1,700 Installed/Equipped: Classification of Customer Access Access Lines in Use Customer Lines: 47 (Include Centrex, PAL, Semi-Pub.) Public Telephone Lines 2 Company Official Lines 3 Company Test Lines 3 Residence Multi- Single Line Line Multi- Subtotal 1-Party 1-Party Party Residence Beginning of Year 0 43 0 43 New Connects 0 0 0 0 Disconnects 0 7 0 7 End of Year 0 36 0 36 Business Multi- Single Line Total Centrex Line Multi- Subtotal Residence N.A.R. 1-Party 1-Party Party Business & Business 0 6 6 0 12 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 (1 6 1 0 5 0 11 47 Foreign Exchange: Dial Tone from this C.O.:_______ Dial Tone from another C.O.:_______ Custom Calling: Number of customers with at least one feature: Total number of features subscribed to:_____ Directory Listings: Number of Customers with Nonpublished or Nonlisted: 3 Rev 3/02 Page 18 CENTRAL OFFICE DATA as of December 31, 2011 (unless otherwise indicated) Name of Central Office: Tipanuk Prefix (es):208-746 Central Office Switch Type:Metaswitch Check all that apply: Check one: Check one: Stand Alone Digital Electronic Host_ Analog_ Electro-Mechanical_ Remote Other:_____________ Access Line Capacity Design: 2,048 Installed/Equipped: 0 6 .11 6.1200 9 Classification of Customer Access Access Lines in Use Customer Lines: 88 (Include Centrex, PAL, Semi-Pub.) Public Telephone Lines 0 Company Official Lines2 Company Test Lines' Residence Business Multi- Single Line Multi- Single Line Total Line Multi- Subtotal Centrex Line Multi- Subtotal Residence 1-Party 1-Party Party Residence N.A.R. 1-Party 1-Party Party Business & Business Beginning of Year 0 88 0 88 0 7 2 0 9 97 New Connects 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 Disconnects 0 11 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 End of Year 0 72 0 72 0 8 3 0 ii. 88 Foreign Exchange: Dial Tone from this C.O.:_______ Dial Tone from another C.O.: Custom Calling: Number of customers with at least one feature: Total number of features subscribed to: Rev 3/02 Directory Listings: Number of Customers with Nonpublished or Nonlisted:1 0 Page 18 CENTRAL OFFICE DATA as of December 31, 2011 (unless otherwise indicated) Name of Central Office: Prairie Prefix (es): 208-868 Central Office Switch Type: Metaswitch Check all that apply: Check one: Check one: Stand Alone Digital__. Electronicx Host Analog_ Electro-Mechanical_ Remote_ Other:_____________ Access Line CaDacity Design: 2,048 Installed/Equipped: Access Lines in Use Customer Lines: 63 (Include Centrex, PAL, Semi-Pub.) Public Telephone Lines 2 Company Official Lines 2 Company Test Lines2 Classification of Customer Access Residence Business Multi- Single Line Multi- Single Line Line Multi- Subtotal Centrex Line Multi- Subtotal 1-Party 1-Party Party Residence N.A.R. 1-Party 1-Party Party Business Beginning of Year ____ 57 52 0 1 4 0 5 New Connects 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 Disconnects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End of Year 0 58 0 58 0 1 4 0 Foreign Exchange: Directory Listings: Dial Tone from this C.O.: Number of Customers with Nonpublished or Nonlisted:s Dial Tone from another C.O.: Custom Calling: Number of customers with at least one feature: Total number of features subscribed to:_____ Rev 3/02 Page 18 Total Residence & Business 57 6 0 Al Local Exchange I Boise 2 Shoup 3 Tipanuk Three Creek 5 Atisnfi 6 Prairie NUMBER OF CALLS COMPLETED BY CUSTOMERS DURING (Year)2011 Average # Local Calls Toll Calls Oriciinated (Total of all Carriers) of Customer Number Avg./ Avg./ Lines in Use (1000s) Line Intrastate Interstate Total Line 347 N/A 22,625 15,220 37,845 109 66 N/A 10,326 16,060 26,306 400 88 N/A 1,124, 7,010 8,134 92 47 N/A 25,449 11,647 37,096 789 41 N/A 19,043 5,285 24,328 593 63 N/A 3,530 7,112 10,642 169 a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Rev 3/02 Page 19 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, gnii CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summary of Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Corporations Idaho Telephone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes x No_____ Included in directory Yesx No_____ Date of notification March/June/September/December Alternate method of notification Newspaper Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company 0 Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assignment Miscellaneous Rev 3/02 Page 20 LEGAL NOTICE DID YOU KNOW.. Telephone Assistance Programs are available to low-income individ uals. To qualify for Lifeline/Link-Up Services, please contact your local Health and Welfare Office Lifeline/Link-Up Services are programs designed to assist low income households afford local telephone service. Lifeline assists with monthly phone bills and Link-Up assists with connection and installation charges. Please contact your local Health & Welfare Office or Call Toll Free 1-888-366-7821 Rural Telephone Company T1.. Pub. Mar. 8,15, 2011 0000542674-01 Idaho Statesman The Newspaper Of the T..as.... Valley I DAHOS TATESMAN.COM P0 Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account # Ad Number identificahon P0 Amount Cola Lines 112511 0000542674 LEGAL NOTICE LIFELINE $93.75 2 15 Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 JANICE HILDRETH, being duty sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: 2 Insertions Beginning issue of: 03/0812011 Ending issue of: 03115/2011 O (Legals Clerk) STATE OF IDAHO) SS COUNTY OF ADA) On this 15 day of-March in the year of 2011 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice HHdreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: ...d •,-9 I01AR-," % D O ft" t : : J .,.. 7'B OF Idaho Statesman The Newspaper of the Treasure Valley ID AHOSTATESUAN.COU P0 Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account # I Ad Number Identification IPO I Amount I Cots Lines 112511 0000542675 LEGAL NOTICE EEOE $74.40 1 1 27 Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE An Equal Opportunity Employer RTI with its main office located at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Fer- ry, ID 83623, complies and adheres to the following statements under the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture guide- lines. In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's poli- cy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability (Not' 11 prohibited bases apply to all prNscrimina.tion,s). To file a complaint write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 3267W, Whitten Build- ing,1400 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call 202-720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. RT11. (208) 366-2614 Pub. Mar. 8,15, 2011 000026751 JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: 2 Insertions Beginning issue of: 03/0812011 Ending issue of: 03/1512011 egai4e 2 STATE OF IDAHO) .ss COUNTY OFADA) On this 15 day of March in the • year of 2011 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. (SAJ)64 Notary Public for Idaho Residing at Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: %RING 01'AR}-% Wodw : % \ /O / .. J>••........•• 'S.D I 7'E o1 Idaho Statesman The Newspaper of theT,es,ue Valley I DAN OSTATESMAN.COM P0 Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account if I Ad Number I Identification P0 I Amount I Cots I Lines 112511 0000542676 LEGAL NOTICE Rates $139.00 1 2 1 31 Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE Service Rates RTI is a quality telecommunications services proñder who provides basic enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory. Basic serv- ices are offered at the following rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: Residential & Business Rates Local Residence $ 25.76 Local Business $ 42.00 Fed. Subscriber Line FCC Access, I line) 5 6.50 Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, Multi Line) 5 9.20 JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County. State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) S .12(Res) : 2 Insertions Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) $ .20 (Bus) State of Idaho Assistance program $ .06 Beginning issue of: 03/0812011 The above charges will have federal and local taxes added on. Touch Tone service is provided as a part of local service. Ending issue of: 03/1512011 Toll Blocking is available at no charge for low income customers who qualify. Emergency 911 Services - Exchanges with charges in Idaho are: '57 & 864- There is a S1.00 per line charge. ' (Legats Clerk) Low income individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assisteance programs may be eligible for discounts from these basic local TATE OF IDAHO) service charges through state specified telephone assistance plans. Please SS contact your local Health and Welfare office. Basic services are offered to all consumers in the RTI service territories at COUNTY OF ADA the rates, terms, and conditions specified in RTI 3s tariffs and/or price lists. If On this 15 day of March in the you have any questions regarding RTIs services, please call us at 1-888- year of 2011 before me, a Notary 366-7821, or visit our busiress office at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Public, personally appeared Ferry, ID 83623 for further information regarding services, before me Janice Hildreth known Pub. Mar. 815, 2011 : or identified tometobethe 0000542676-01 person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: A. )c .' '. , .S•s .d • • '4. #. .. : \ PZJB$''/O / ., 7'E 0? f, \V s•a TIMES-NEWS CIO LEE ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 742548 CINCINNATI OH 45274-2548 (877) 291-7156 Advertising Invoice and Statement RTI Amount Paid: Comments: 892 WEST MADISON GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 PIsus Return Upper Portion With Payment D3/17/11 ' 1011973 IRTI SERVICE RATES RTI 2X 50.0C 2 LEG 03/10,17 100.00 145.50 145.50 145.50 COMBO: NET TN SERVICE RATES 3/17/11 1011973 LEGAL AFFIDAVIT 2X 50.O 2 LAF 03/10,17 0.00 9.00 9.00 COMBO: NET TN Statement of Account -Aqlnq of Past Due Due date: 04/01/11 I N/A IN/A I N/A I N/A I 1 154.50 TIMES-NEWS (877) 291-7156 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS) SS. I, Ruby Aufderheide, being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say that I am Legal Clerk of the TIMES-NEWS,published daily at, Twins Falls, Idaho, and do solemnly swear that a copy of the notice of advertisement, as per clipping attached, was published in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for two consecutive , commencing with the issue dated 10th day of March, 2011 and ending with the issue dated 17th day of March, 2011 And I do further certify that said newspaper is a consolidation, effective February 16, 1942, of the Idaho Evening Times, published theretofore daily except Sunday, and the Twin Falls News, published theretofore daily except Monday, both of which newspapers prior to consolidation had been published under said names in said city and county continuously and uninterruptedly during a period of more than twelve consecutive months, and said TIMES-NEWS, since such consolidation, has been published as a daily newspaper except Saturday, until July 31, 1978, at which time said newspaper began daily publication under said name in said city and county continuously and uninterrupted And I further certify that pursuant to Section 60-108 Idaho Code, Thursday of each week has been designated as the day on which legal notice by law or by order of any court of competent jurisdiction within the state of Idaho to be issued thereof Thursday is announced as the day on which said legal will be published. STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS On this 17th day of March, 2011, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Ruby Aufderheide, known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at Twin Falls, Idaho. My commision expires: --/9 ) p a LINDA CAPPS-MCGUtRE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OFIDAHO Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Lenthi RICKY G. HODGES being first duly swjn.-doses and says he is one of thetiJQshers (printers) of The Rec/iseld, .. wspaper published weekly at Salmon, Lem hi Coh Idaho, and of general 4lierein. That the SERVICE RATES, a true printed copy which is attached to ma inhereof, has been and was correctly printed and published in the regular and entir every number ofsaid newspaper and not in any supplement thereof or thereto fo consecutive issue(s), commencing 'With the issue dated 3- 10-2011 and ending ue dated 3-10-2011. STATE OF IDAHO 55. County of Lemhi On this 11th day of March in this year of 2011 before me, A Notary Public, personally appeared RICKY G. HODGES, known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Rdblic for Idaho Residing At Salmon, Idaho My Commission expires: 01-16-2013 JON G:t 1OTA,?. q1 L OF Publication Fee $114.24 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ss, County of Lemhi RICKY U. HODGES being first duly swjp 1-doses and says he is one of thtbishers (printers) of The Recorder Herald, aiwspaper published weekly at Salmon, Lemhi oy Coiiht Idaho, and of general circulatiflerein. That the SERVICE RATES, a true printed copy o? which is attached to the man hereof, has been and was correctly printed and published in the regular and entire isy{e of every number of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof or thereto for NE (1) consecutive issue(s), commencing'With the issue dated 3- 10-2011 and ending ith the issue dated 3-10-2011. STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Lemhi On this 11th day of March in this year of 2011 before me, A Notary Public, personally appeared RICKY U. HODGES, known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Pilblic for Idaho Residing At Salmon, Idaho My Commission expires: 01-16-2013 JOH% 4\ OTAj+ jp\C OF Publication Fee $114.24 AD SiZE_____________ COLUMNS TIMES (x) _____________ INCHES TOTAL_______________ INCHES NO WORDS AD STARTS ___ AD ENDS NO. INSERTIONS______ 1234567 8 9 10 11112 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 30 31 cc\ \C)Gal 0 PAID CAICK /CC MOUNTAIN HOME NEWS NAME ADDRESS CHARGE MOUNTAIN HOME, ID 83647 CITY &STATE 0 AOJUSTMENT_ :\ \ CONTACT ____________________ PHONE 0 NO CHARGE t (i., DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER PUBLJCATIONS_______________________ AD DESCRIPTION: INSTRUCTIONS: )\( . REC'D SEP23 2011 ci LOCAL ci CLASS DISPLAY ci NATIONAL ci POLITICAL 0 CLASSIFIED FiEGAL QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT CODE - SUB TOTAL TAX TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 93 '31 IVOICE 65487 Week SALESMAN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION County of Elmore State of Idaho I, Coleen W. Swenson, do solemnly swear that I am, the Publisher of the: Mountain Home News A weekly newspaper of general circulation, published once a week, in Mountain Home, Idaho, that the notice attached hereto which is a part of publication thereof; was published in said newspaper for ? consecutive weeks, the first publicatipn having been made on the ILth day of ,2011, and the last publication havin been made on the dayof 2011; every Wednesday issue of the paper during the period and time of publication and that the notice was published in the paper proper and not in a supplement thereof. And I further swear that the said Mountain Home News has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said Elmore County during the period of 78 consecutive weeks prior to the first publication of the attached notice. n Ptib11ier Subcrfted and sworn to me this ( day ofAi2..t ,2011.,i Residing in Mountain Home, Elmore County, Idaho. My commission expires 11-17-2011. ..•.se•••s.4 ! - ••• •% % — - . .•% 2. •- ' • - S. O/:.,•eSaS.•s••• 1 ",, /bA 110 TIMES-NEWS C/O LEE ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 742548 CINCINNATI OH 45274-2548 (877) 291-7156 Advertising Invoice and Statement RTI Amount Paid: Comments: 892 WEST MADISON GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 9/22111 1035505 RTI SERVICE RATES RTI 2X 47.00 2 LEG 09/15,22 94.00 136.7 COMBO: NET TN PO# SERVICE RATES 9/22/11 1035505 LEGAL AFFIDAVIT 2X 47.0 2 LAF 09/15,22 0 0 COMBO: NET TN 136.77 136.7 9.00 9.0 REC'D SEP 2 82011 ttement of Account -Aging of Past Due Amounts N/A N/A N/A IES-NEWS T7) 291-7156 529185 09/2011 Due date: 10/07/11 N/A 145.77 * UNAPPUED AMOUNTS ARE IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 22067 22067 TI 0, Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ) COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS) SS. I, Ruby Aufderheide, being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say that I am Legal Clerk of the TIMES-NEWS,published daily at, Twins Falls, Idaho, and do solemnly swear that a copy of the notice of advertisement, as per clipping attached, was published in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for two consecutivejjj _, commencing with the issue dated 15th day of September, 2011 and ending with the issue dated 22nd day of September, 2011 And I do further certify that said newspaper is a consolidation, effective February 16, 1942, of the Idaho Evening Times, published theretofore daily except Sunday, and the Twin Falls News, published theretofore daily except Monday, both of which newspapers prior to consolidation had been published under said names in said city and county continuously and uninterruptedly during a period of more than twelve consecutive months, and said TIMES-NEWS, since such consolidation, has been published as a daily newspaper except Saturday, until July 31, 1978, at which time said newspaper began daily publication under said name in said city and county continuously and uninterrupted. And I further certify that pursuant to Section 60-108 Idaho Code, Thursday of each week has been designated as the day on which legal notice by law or by order of any court of competent jurisdiction within the state of Idaho to be issued thereof Thursday is announced as the day on which said legal will be published. 14 R '*L(J ub A 1e eide, Le I lerk STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS On this 22nd day of September, 2011, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Ruby Aufdeheide, known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the ftatements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Pu$ic for Idaho Residing at Twin Falls, Idaho. My commision expires: -( 7 ) F sS p pppp A CAPPS-MCGUIRE OTARY PUBLIC TATEOF IDAHO Waho Statesman The Newspaper of the Treasure Valley I DAHOS TATESMAN.COM P0 Box 40 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 377-6200 Account Number: 112511 RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY, ID 83623-2374 1.21 U I.EU U U U BILLED UTIMES U U START STOP ORDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRODUCT SAU SIZE UNITS RUN RATE AMOUNT Balance Forward $0.00 09/14 09/21 10000568387-0914 Rates PO# Rates C Legal Liner $124.21 09/14 09/21 10000568387-0914 Rates PO# Rates Idaho Statesman 2.00 x 35 Li 70 1 $0.78 $109.21 Idaho Statesman 09/14 09121 10000568387-0914 Rates P0# Rates Idaho Statesman 2.00 x 35 Li 70 2 $0.78 $109.21 Affidavit /$$124.21 15.00 Total for Order: 09/14 09/21 10000568388-0914 EEOE POe EEOE Idaho Statesman 1.00 x 40 Li 40 2 $1.43 $57.00 Affidavit ,4i 5.00 Total for Order: / $72.00 09/14 09/21 10000568389-0914 LIFELINE P0# LIFELINE C Legal Liner $73.50 09/14 09/21 10000568389-0914 LIFELINE PO# LIFELINE Idaho Statesman 2.00 x 20 Li 40 1 $013 $58.50 Idaho Statesman 09/14 09/21 10000588389-0914 LIFELINE P0#. LIFELINE Idaho Statesman 2.00 x 20 Li 40 2 $0.73 $58.50 Affidavit /$73-50 fl Total for Order: RECD OCT 3 2011 I INVOICE AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT AGING OF PAST DUE ACCOUNTS * UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE SaITM 211 CURRENT NET AMOUNT 5 1 DUE DATE 1221 30 DAYS 60 DAYS Over 90 DAYS * UNAPPUEO AMOUNT 23 ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $269.71 $269.71 10/15/2011 SALES REPIPHONE 4 24 1 ADVERTISER INFORMATION Shirley George 208-373-6622 1 BIWNG PERIOD 6 BILLED ACCOUNT NUMBER 7 ADVERTISERICLIENT NUMBER 2 1 ADVERTISER/CUENT NAME 08/29/2011 -09/25/2011 112511 1 112511 RTI MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE IDAHO STATESMAN 1'. 0. BOX 40 BOISE, ID 83707 Idaho Statesman The Newspaper of the Treasure Valley IDAHOS TATE SM AN .COM P0 Box 40 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 377-6200 ADVERTISING INVOICE and STATEMENT A monthly service charge of 1.5%, 18% annual, will be charged on the balance due 28 days from the end of the billing period. PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE BIUJNG PERIOD 2 1 ADVERTISERICUENT NAME 08/29/2011 - 09/25/2011 RTI TOTAL AMOUNT DUE • UNAPPUED AMOUNT 3 TERNS OF PAYMENT $269.71 $0.00 Net + 20 NET AMOUNT . 221 30 DAYS 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS $269.71 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 WWNG ACCOUNT NAME AND ADDRESS 9 I REMITTANCE ADDRESS 4 I PAGE U 5 I DUE DATE RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY, ID 83623-2374 IDAHO STATESMAN P.O. Box 40 BOISE, ID 83707 1 of 2 10/15/2011 61 BIU.ED ACCOUNT NUMBER 112511 ADVRTISERICUENT NUMBER 112511 A A N 225 0000112511 0000112511 81689-0926 000026971 3 .'tesman spaper of the Treasure Valley IDAHOS TATES MA N. C 0 M P0 Box 40 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 377-6200 Account Number: 112511 RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY, ID 83623-2374 12J [Li] I.2L±J [Lii Lis Lii BILLED [IZITIMES LiJ Liii START STOP ORDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRODUCT SAU SIZE UNITS RUN RATE AMOUNT PREVIOUS AMOUNT OWED: $0.00 NEW CHARGES THIS PERIOD: $269.71 CASH THIS PERIOD: $0.00 DEBIT ADJUSTMENTS THIS PERIOD: $0.00 CREDIT ADJUSTMENTS THIS PERIOD: $0.00 Thank you for advertising with the Idaho Statesman. Tearsheets are now delivered electronically. Please add tearsheets©ldahoStatesman.com to the safe sender list in your email spam filter. If you have any questions please contact your account executive. 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PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE BlUiNG PERIOD 2 1 ADVERTISER/CUENT NAME 08/29/2011 -09/25/2011 RTI TOTAL AMOUNT DUE UNAPPUED AMOUNT 131 TERMS OF PAYMENT $269.71 $0.00 Net + 20 T AMOUNT 1221 30 DAYS 1 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS $269.71 1 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 8 I BlUiNG ACCOUNT NAME AND ADDRESS 9 I REMITTANCE ADDRESS 4 I PAGE 0 5 I DUE DATE RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY, ID 83623-2374 IDAHO STATESMAN P.O. Box 40 BOISE, ID 83707 2of2 10/1512011 61 BILLED ACCOUNT NUMBER 112511 ADVERTISERICUENT NUMBER 112511 A A N 225 0000112511 0000112511 81689-0926 000026971 3 Statesman 0 T!aN ewspap, of the Treasure Valley IDAHOS TATESMAN .COM P0 Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account# I Ad Number I Identification P0 Amount Cots Lines 112511 0000568387 LEGAL NOTICE I I Rates $124.21 1 2 1 33 Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE Service Rates RTI is a quality telecommunications services provider who provides ba- sic enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory. Ba- sic services are offered at the following rates for Atlanta & Three Creek Areas: Residential & Business Rates Local Residence $25.76 Local Business $42.00 Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, 1 line) S 6.50 Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, Multi Line) $ 9.20 Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (IUSF) $ .12 (Res) Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (ILJSF) $ .20 (Bus) State of Idaho Assistance program $ .06 The above charges will have federal and local taxes added on. Touch Tone service is provided as a part of local service. Toll Blocking is available at no charge for low income customers who qualify. Emergency 911 Services - Exchanges with charges in Idaho are: 394, 653, 868, and 796 -There is a $1:00 per line charge. Low income individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assisteance programs may be eligible for discounts from these basic lo- cal service charges through state specified telephone assistance plans. Please contact your local Health and Welfare office. Basic services are offered to all consumers in the RTI service territories at the rates, terms, and coiditions specified in RTI's tariffs and/or price lists. If you have any questions regarding RTI's services, please call us at 1-888-366-7821 or visit our business office at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, ID §3623 for further information regarding services. Pub. Sept. 14,21, 2011 0000568387-01 JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: 2 insertions Beginning issue of: 09114/2011 Ending issue of: 0912112011 (Legate Clerk) STATE OF IDAHO) .SS COUNTY OF ADA) On this 21 day of September in the year of 2011 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: Idaho Statesman IØ . The Newspaper of the Treasure Valley I DAM OSTATESUAN.COM P0 Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account# I Ad Number I Identification I P0 Amount Cola I Lines 112511 0000568388 LEGAL NOTICE EEOE $72.00 1 29 Attention: Kelley Rodgers RT1 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE An EqualOpporbinity Employer RTI with its main office located at 892 W. Madison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 complies and ad- heres to the following statements under the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture guidelines. In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Dept. of Agricultur&s policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, re- ligion, age, or disability (Not all prohibited bases apply to all pro- grams). To file a complaint of discrimina- tion, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whit- ten Building, 1400 independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20250- 9410, or call 202-720-5964 (voice or TDD. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employ - er. (208) 366-2614 TL Pub. Sept. i42 1., 2011 JANICE 1-IILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That She is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein., and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: 2 Insertions Beginning issue of: 09114/2011 Ending issue of: 09121/2011 (Legais Clerk) STATE OF IDAHO) .SS COUNTY OF ADA) On this 21 day of September in the year of 2011 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: P d#aho Statesman The Newspaper of the Treasure Valley IDAHOS YATES MA N CO U P0 Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account# I Ad Number I Identification 1po Amount I Cots Lines 112511 0000568389 LEGAL NOTICE LIFELINE $73.50 2 14 Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 .... . GAL NOTICE DID YOU KNOW... Telephone Assistance Programs are available to low-income individuals. To qualify for Lifeline/Link-Up Services, please contact your local Health and Welfare Office Lifeline/Link-Up Services are programs designed to assist low income households afford local telephone service. Lifeline assists with monthly phone bills and Link-Up assists with connection and installation charges. Please contact your local Health & Welfare Office or Call Toll Free 1-888-366-7821 F?Tt. Pub. Sept. 14,21, 2011 0000558389-01 Ii JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: 2 Insertions Beginning issue of: 09/14/2011 Ending issue of: 09/21/2011 (Legals Clerk) STATE OF IDAHO) .SS COUNTY OF ADA) On this 21 day of September in the year of 2011 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Lemhi RICKY G. HODGES being first duly sworn, deposes an e of the publishers (printers) of The Recorder Herald, a newspape ished weekly at Salmon, i County, Idaho, and of general circulation therei at the NOTICE OF SERVICE RATES, true printed copy of which is attached t lie margin hereof, has been and was correctly prin d and published in the regular an ,thtire issue of every number of said newspaper and not I any supplement thereof or th eto for TWO (2) consecutive issue(s, commencing with th issue dated 9-15-2011 and nding with the issue dated 9-22-2011. STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Lemhi On this 23rd day of September in this year of 2011 before me, A Notary Public, person- ally appeared RICKY G. HODGES, known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary ublic for Idaho Residing At Salmon, Idaho My Commission expires: 01-16-2013 ,j3OHIVS0 Publication Fee $212.99 114TE PU Of 0 CERTIFICATE State of Idaho ) ) ss County of WE, the undersigned .Tqmpq R. Martell and Mark R. Martell of the Rural Telepbona Company utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this day of 224?.J , (Year) c 2 242. L/ Notary Public THERESA M WSON Notary Public tate of Idaho My Commission expires - , (Year) Rev 3/02 gdk/excei/jnelson/anulrpts/teIannuairpt Page 21