HomeMy WebLinkAbout5101-0101_CHECKLIST FORM.docRULEMAKING CHECKLIST FORM Docket Number (Assigned by the Office of Administrative Rules): 31-5101-0101 IDAPA, Title, and Chapter Number and Chapter Name : 31.51.01 OPERATOR SERVICES AND PAY TELEPHONE RULES Agency: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Agency Contact and Phone Number: JOHN HAMMOND (334-0357) Legal Authority for rulemaking - Idaho Code Section(s): 61-507, 62-601 and 62-622(5) This rulemaking is a: (Check at least one. It may be necessary to check more than one.) Negotiated Rule _X_ Proposed Rule X Temporary Rule Effective Date of Temporary Rule: Temporary Rule Justification (See Idaho Code Section 67-5226): Protection of the public health, safety, or welfare; or ___ Compliance with deadlines in amendments to governing law or federal programs; or Conferring a benefit. Pending Rule ____ Date Pending Rule Will Become Effective: __________ Correction to Pending Rule ____ Vacation of Rulemaking ____ Amendment to Temporary Rule ____ Rescission of Temporary Rule ____ Does any portion of this rulemaking impose or increase a fee or charge? If yes, provide a specific description along with the citation of the statute authorizing the imposition or increase. No Does this rulemaking necessitate changes in other rules? If yes, please specify. No Does this rulemaking incorporate by reference other documents? Specify an exact description of document(s) incorporated by reference. Americans with Disabilities Act 42 U.S.C. §  12181 through 12189 (September 22, 2000); Telecommunications for the Disabled Act of 1982, Pub.l. 97-410, 96 Stat. 2043 (January. 3, 1983); 28 C.F.R Part 36 (October 1, 2000); 47 C.F.R Parts 68.1 through 68.318 (October 1, 2000); and the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities 36 Part C.F.R 1191, Appendix A, §§ 4.1.3(17), 4.31.1-4.31.9 (July 1, 2000) HAVE YOU. . . X 1. Had your legal counsel review your rulemaking? X 2. Received Director, Board or Commission approval for the rulemaking? X 3. Provided nine hard copies of the Notice of Rulemaking and the text of the rule changes to the Legislative Services Office? HAVE YOU INCLUDED . . . X 1. An approved Proposed Administrative Rules Form? X 2. A 3 1/2 inch diskette containing the Notice of Rulemaking and the complete text of the rule changes in Word Perfect or Microsoft Word? X 3. An 8 1/2 by 11 hard copy of the Notice of Rulemaking and the complete text of the rule changes?