HomeMy WebLinkAbout4101-0101_Rules.docIDAPA 31 TITLE 41 Chapter 01 31.41.01 - CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES FOR TELEPHONE CORPORATIONS PROVIDING LOCAL EXCHANGE OR INTRASTATE MTS/WATS SERVICE IN IDAHO SUBJECT TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REGULATION BY THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITIES LAW OR THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1988 (THE TELEPHONE CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES) 012. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE—CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (Rule 12). Sections 701 through 703 incorporate by reference federal regulations issued by the Federal Communications Commission. The incorporated regulations are found in the Code of Federal Regulations available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Attn: New Orders, PO Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. The incorporated federal regulations are also available in electronic format at www.access.gpo.gov/nara. Incorporated materials are also available for inspection and copying at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission and the Idaho State Law Library. ( )T 0123. -- 099. (RESERVED). (BREAK IN CONTINUITY OF SECTIONS) 606. REMOVING CHARGES FOR IMPROPERLY CHANGING A CUSTOMER’S TELEPHONE COMPANY (Rule 606). If a customer objects to a charge for changing the customer’s telephone company, and contends that the customer did not authorize a change in the telephone company, the customer’s original service provider must be reinstated by the customer’s local exchange company upon customer request. Any charges for changing telephone companies shall be waived, credited or refunded to the customer but shall be imposed on the telephone company requesting the change unless it can verify the customer authorized the change and was informed of the charge for the change. (7-1-99) 6076. -- 999700. (RESERVED). RULES 701 THROUGH 800—SLAMMING PROVISIONS 701. THE UNAUTHORIZED CHANGE OF A CUSTOMER’S TELEPHONE COMPANY (Rule 701). Local exchange companies and interexchange carriers are prohibited from submitting or executing an unauthorized change in a customer’s selection of a provider of local or long distance telephone service. This practice is commonly referred to as “slamming.” The Commission will administer the Federal Communications Commission’s regulations regarding slamming. ( )T 702. ADOPTION OF FEDERAL SLAMMING REGULATIONS—(Rule 702). The Commission adopts the slamming regulations promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission and found at Sections 64.1100 through 64.1120, 64.1140 through 64.1170 and 64.1190, Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (October 1, 2000). Local exchange companies and interexchange carriers shall comply with applicable provisions of the federal regulations adopted by reference except as modified in Section 703 of these rules. ( )T 703. STATE PROCEDURES (Rule 703). The federal slamming procedures incorporated by reference in Section 702 of these rules are modified as follows: ( )T 01. Form. Complaints regarding an unauthorized carrier change may be filed with the Commission in person, by mail, by e-mail, or by telephone. E-mail complaint forms may be found at www.puc.state.id.us. A copy of the telephone bill(s) in dispute and other relevant evidence shall be provided to the Commission by the complaining party. The slamming complaint shall include the following information: ( )T Name, address and telephone number of complainant; ( )T Name/identity of the alleged slamming carrier; ( )T Name of the previous authorized carrier; ( )T Name of the billing entity; ( )T Date the alleged slamming occurred; ( )T Whether the customer has been restored to the preferred carrier; ( )T Whether the customer has paid any or all of the disputed charges; ( )T Efforts in attempting to resolve the alleged slamming; and ( )T Whether the customer was charged for changing carrier(s). ( )T Procedure. The Commission’s Consumer Assistance Staff shall be responsible for resolving slamming complaints under the Commission’s informal complaint procedures in Sections 21 through 24, IDAPA through .024. Not later than twenty-one (21) calendar days after notification of a slamming complaint, the alleged unauthorized carrier shall provide to the Consumer Assistance Staff a copy of any valid proof of verification of the carrier change and any other evidence relevant to the complaint. Use of the Commission’s informal complaint procedures are mandatory. ( )T Written Determination. When its informal investigation is complete, the Consumer Assistance Staff shall issue a written determination to the customer, alleged unauthorized carrier, and the authorized carrier. ( )T 04. Appeal of Staff Determination. A customer or carrier aggrieved by the Consumer Assistance Staff’s determination of a slamming complaint may file a formal complaint with the Commission pursuant to Section 54, IDAPA An appeal of Staff’s determination shall be filed with the Commission Secretary within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the Staff’s written determination. An aggrieved party’s failure to file a formal complaint shall constitute a waiver or abandonment of the slamming complaint. ( )T 704. -- 999. (RESERVED).