HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070817Nagrosst direct.pdfMolly O'Leary (ISB No. 4996) RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 North 27th Street O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: 208.938.7900 Fax: 208.938.7904 Mail: molly~richardsonando1eary.com Theodore A. Livingston Dennis G. Friedman MAYER, BROWN, ROWE & MAW LLP 71 South Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606-4637 Telephone: 312.782.0600 Fax: 312.706.8630 Mail: dfriedman~mayerbrown.com Dan Foley General Attorney & Assistant General Counsel AT&T WEST P. O. Box 11010; 645 E. Plumb Lane, B132 Reno, Nevada 89520 Telephone: 775.333.4321 Fax: 775.333.2175 Mail: df6929~att.com RECEIVED zuni F:.UG t b 5: 0 I ,j/\;\ UTILiTIES iON Attorneys for Complainant AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN ) STATES , INC. Complainant vs. QWEST CORPORATION Respondent. August 16, 2007 CASE NO. QWE-06- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GREGORY W. NAGROSST ON BEHALF OF AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. INTRODUCTION Please state your name for the record. My name is Gregory Nagrosst. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by AT&T Services, Inc. as Executive Director - Accounting. that capacity I have familiarity with the payment records of AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. Please briefly describe your job responsibilities. Currently and for the last few years, I have been the Executive Director Accounting in AT&T Services, Inc. Controller s organization with responsibility for overseeing the accounting for traffic compensation between carriers, including inter and intrastate access and local service products such as UNEs. This includes accounting for the payments to access providers, such as Qwest, and international carriers for use of that provider s network. Please briefly describe your educational background. I am a Certified Public Accountant as well as Certified Management Accountant with an MBA from Farleigh Dickenson University in 1993 and Bachelor of Science degree from Kean University in 1987. As a CPA, I am required to take continuing professional education annually. Please briefly describe your work experience. Beginning July 1987, I worked for the State of New Jersey as an auditor. I then spent a year as an internal auditor for First Atlantic Bank Corp. After leaving First Atlantic Bank Corp., I began work for AT&T Corp. My total career with Nagrosst. Di- AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. II. AT&T spans over 16 years in the accounting department performing various functions. My first role with AT&T was as an assistant manager responsible for consolidations and eliminations of inter-company transactions. Since that time I have held positions with a wide variety of responsibilities ranging from revenue accounting and recognition to accounting policy, including writing the schedule of authorizations. For the past four years I have had my current responsibilities. What is the purpose of your testimony? My testimony is offered to describe the services AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., purchased from Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") in Idaho during the time period from November 1 2000, through December 31 , 2005, as well as variations ofthis timeframe. For ease ofreference, I will refer to AT&T Communications of the Mountains States, Inc., as "AT&T." I also discuss the amount AT&T would have saved if given the opportunity to take the same 10% discount on the services it purchased from Qwest that Qwest gave to certain other carriers. AT &T'S COMPLAINT GENERALLY Are you generally familiar with AT&T's complaint against Qwest in this proceeding? Yes. I understand that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission found that Qwest offered at least two competitors of AT&T (McLeodUSA and Eschelon) secret discounts in undisclosed interconnection agreements. I understand that McLeod and Eschelon essentially enjoyed a 10% discount on all the services they Nagrosst. Di- AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. III. purchased across the Qwest territory, including in Idaho. AT&T was not given the opportunity for and did not receive a similar deal in Idaho or in any of the Qwest in-region states. AT&T's complaint is based upon these deals. What is AT&T asking the Commission to do in this case? I am not an attorney or offering a legal opinion, but it is my understanding that AT&T's position it that because AT&T , under its interconnection agreement with Qwest" should have had an opportunity to opt into these discount agreements but was prevented from doing so by Qwest, AT&T is asking the Idaho Commission to award it relief as is proper and explained in AT&T's complaint. AT&T'S PURCHASE OF SERVICES FROM QWEST What services did AT&T purchase from Qwest in Idaho during the November 2000 through December 2005 time frame, roughly the original term of the agreement between Qwest and Eschelonf Throughout that time frame AT&T purchased wholesale local services and intrastate switched and private-line access services from Qwest. During that same time frame, did AT&T purchase similar services across the Qwest 14-state territory? Yes, it did. Do you know the approximate total amount AT&T paid Qwest across its 14- state territory for those services during the November 2000 through December 2005 time frame? . The secret discount agreements between Qwest and Eschelon and Qwest and McLeod discussed herein are the same agreements discussed at length by Mr. Deanhardt in his direct testimony. Nagrosst. Di- AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. Yes, as indicated in confidential Exhibit Nagrosst - 76 , which shows AT&T's relevant aggregate purchases from Qwest by month, for the November 2000 through December 2005 timeframe, it was CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS () END CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION related to intra-state access and local traffic with the balance being paid for inter-state access services. How much did AT&T pay Qwest in Idaho for the services it purchased during that same time frame? The attached confidential spreadsheet, Exhibit Nagrosst - 76, details the amount AT&T paid to Qwest for intra-state access and local wholesale local services for each relevant month in Idaho. From November 1 2000, to December 31 , 2005 AT&T paid to Qwest CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS ( ) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS for intra-state access and local traffic. Had AT&T received a 10% discount on the services it purchased in Idaho from November 1 2000, through December 31 2005, how much money would it have saved? For the relevant services, AT&T and would have saved CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS ()CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS for intrastate access and local traffic. N agrosst. Di- AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. How much did AT&T pay Qwest in Idaho for the services it purchased during the November 2000 through December 2003 time frame, roughly the original term of the agreement between Qwest and McLeod? As demonstrated in the attached confidential spreadsheet, Exhibit Nagrosst - 76 from November 1 2000, through December 31 , 2003 , AT&T paid to Qwest CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS () CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS for intra-state access and local traffic. Had AT&T received a 10% discount on the services it purchased in Idaho from November 1 2000, through December 31 2003, how much money would it have saved? AT&T would have saved CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS ) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS on intra-state access and local services. How much did AT&T pay Qwest in Idaho for the services it purchased during the November 2000 through June 2002 time frame, the actual term of Qwest's agreement with McLeod? As demonstrated in the attached confidential spreadsheet, Exhibit Nagrosst - 76 from November 1 , 2000, through June 30, 2002, AT&T paid to Qwest CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS (CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS for intra-state access and local traffic. Nagrosst. Di- AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. Had AT&T received a 10% discount on the services it purchased in Idaho from November 1,2000, through June 30, 2002, how much money would it have saved? AT&T would have saved CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS ( ) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS for intra-state access and local services. Please describe how you arrived at the amount AT&T purchased from Qwest in Idaho. I reviewed the payments AT&T made to Qwest for services rendered to AT&T from November 1 , 2000, to December 31 , 2005; the payments were categorized by state by month for inter-state and intra-state access and local traffic. determine the savings AT&T would have received had it been given a 10% discount, for the time frames listed above, I multiplied each relevant category - intra-state and local - by 10%. If you were to add interest to the amount AT&T would have saved, how much interest would that be? The interest that AT&T would receive on the discount amount for the services that AT&T purchased from Qwest during the November 1 , 2000, to December 31 2005 timeframe is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS ( CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS. The interest that AT&T would receive for the discount amount on the services that AT&T purchased from Qwest during the November 1 2000, to December 31 , 2003 timeframe is Nagrosst. Di- AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. IV. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS () CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENDS. The interest that AT&T would receive for the discount amount from the services that AT&T purchased from Qwest during the November 2000, to June 30 , 2002 time frame is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BEGINS () CONFIDENTIAL INFO RMA TI ON ENDS. Please describe how you arrived at that amount. First I calculated the 10% discount off payments AT&T made to Qwest for the purchase of intra-state access and local traffic for each month and then applied 5% simple interest or 18% annually to the 10% discount amount. The interest was calculated from one month after the service period until the end of June 2007. Why did you use 1.5% interest rate? Section 3 of the Agreement for Local Wireline Network Interconnection and Service Resale between AT&T and Qwest (U S West) in the State of Idaho for the relevant time period sets forth the payment provisions, including late payment charges. Exhibit N agrosst - 77. Pursuant to this section, if AT&T pays the billed balance on time, but the amount of the billed balance is reasonably disputed by AT&T, and it is later determined that a refund is due AT&T, interest shall be payable on the refunded amount in the amount of 1.5% per month. CONCLUSION Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Nagrosst. Di- 7 AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Bolss, Idaho EXHIBIT NAGROSST - CON FIDENTIAL File! !~t . . IAT "I bAt-tC Page I of 100008: 0110 USW ATT AGREEMENT WITH LINKS States: 10 . ILEG-RBOG: US West (n/kla Owest Corporation) GLEG: AT&T (pre-merger) Signed: 8/12/1998 Filed: 7/11/1998 Approved: 9/15/1998 Archived Negotiated NewEntrant Files: 01 10 USW ATT AGREEMENT WITH LINKS 0210 USW ATT Price list 0310 USW ATT Signatures 10 Owest-ATT Amendment No.Description: 10 Owest-ATT Amendment No, 1 Approval Order Interconnection Agreement - US West/AT&T. 10/19/00 Amendment No.1 filed 11/13/00 and 1/25/01 Amendment No, 10 Owest-A IT Amendment No. 1 Approval Order. Amendment No.2 added 7/20/01. Amendment No.3 added 10/28/02. 10 Owest-ATT Amendment No. IdahQP-rUblitkUWi~i?e, ~mjssL9&n cmtjc.e:-o',1t~~~c.re~fY / RJ~_:G::E~iV:~q . o 11 f1 ?Jm17 Boise. Nagrosst, G. - Exhibit 77 Case No. QWE-O6- AT &T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. http://www.1ga.att.comlfcas/ica/FileListaspx71O=10ooo8 3/14/2006 AGREEMENT FOR LOCAL WIRELINE NETWORK INTERCONNECTION AND SERVICE RESALE Between AT&T Corp. and U S WEST Communications, Inc. in the State of Idaho TABLE OF CONTENTS RECITALS SCOPE OF AGREEMENT OEFINITIONS 1. General Provisions 2. Most Favored Nation Terms and Treatment 3. Pavment 4. Taxes 5. Intellectual Property 6. Severability 7. Responsibilitv for Environmental Contamination 8. Branding 9. Independent Contractor Status 10. Referenced Documents 11. Publicity and Advertisinq 12. Executed in Counterparts 13. Headinqs Not Controllinq 14. Joint Work Product 15. Survival 16. Effective Date 17. Amendment of Aqreement 18. Indemnification 19. Limitation of Liabilitv USWCIAT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho Page 07/27198 Page 18 After there is a final court determination interpreting Section 252(i) of the Act, the Parties agree to revise this Section to reflect such interpretation Payment In consideration of the services provided by US WEST under this Agreement, T& T shall pay the charges set forth in Attachment to this Agreement. The biFfing procedures for charges incurred by A T& T hereunder are set forth in Attachment to this Agreement. Amounts payable under this Agreement, unless reasonably disputed, are due and payable wffhin thirty (30) days after the date of WESTs invoice or within twenty (20) days receipt of the invoice, whichever is later. If the payment due date is not Business Day, the payment shall be made the next Business Day. late payment charge of 5% applies to all billed balances, not reasonably disputed, which are not paid wffhin the applicable time period set forth in Section above. To the extent T& T pays the billed balance on time, but the amount of the billed balance is reasonably disputed by AT&T, and, it is later determined that refund is due AT&T, interest shall be payable on the refunded amount in the amount of 1.5% per month. To the extent AT&T pays the billed balance on time, but the amount of the billed balance is reasonably disputed by T& T, and, it is later determined that no refund is due T& T, no interest shall be payable on the disputed amount. 3.4 Late payment charges shall not be used as a credit" to deposit, if any, without the express approval of WEST. Unless specified otherwise in this Agreement, U WEST shall bill all amounts due from T& T for each resold service in accordance with the terms and conditions as specified in the U WEST tariff. Taxes Any federal, state or local excise, sales, or use taxes (excluding any taxes levied on income) resulting from the performance of this Agreement shall be borne by the Party upon which the obligation for payment is imposed under applicable law, even if the obligation to collect and remit such taxes is placed upon the other Party. Any such taxes shall be shown as separate items on applicable billing documents between the Parties. The Party so obligated to pay any such taxes may contest the same in good faith, at its own expense, and shall be entitled to the benefit of any refund or recovery, provided that such Party shall not permit any lien to exist on any asset of the other Party by reason of the contest. The Party obligated to collect and remit taxes shall cooperate fully in any such contest by the other Party by providing records, testimony and such additional information or assistance as may reasonably be necessary to pursue the contest. To the extent sale is claimed to be for resale tax exemption, the purchasing Party shall furnish the providing Party proper resale tax exemption certificate as authorized or required by statute or regulation by the jurisdiction providing said resale tax exemption. Failure to timely provide said resale tax exemption certificate will result in no exemption being available to the purchasing Party during the applicable reporting period. Intellectual Property 07/27/98 12 Per Third Order, at pp. 1- USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho