HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070817Deanhardt exhibits 9-12.pdfIdaho Pu~lic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 9 Case No. QWE-O6- AT&T 0002 . 9 0001 STATE OF MINNESOTA BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Complaint of the Minnesota Department of Commerce Against Qwest Corporation Regarding Unfiled Agreements Docket No. P-421/C-02-197 --- - - - -- -- - ----- - - --- -- - ----- - - -- - - --- --- PEPOSITION OF BLAKE FISHER - -- -- - - - --- ---- - --- - --- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- TAKEN AT:Van Cott , Bagley, Cornwall & McCarthy 50 South Main Street , Suite 1700 Sal t Lake City, Utah DATE:June 27 , 2002 TIME:12:16 p. REPORTED BY:Scott M. Knight, RPR APPEARANCES FOR QWEST: DOUGLAS R. M . NAZARIAN, ESQ. HOGAN & HARTSON 111 South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Suite 1600 MARTHA RUSSO, ESQ. HOGAN & HARTSON 555 Thirteenth Street, NW Washington, D. C. 20004 FOR MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE: STEVE ALPERT, ESQ. ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 525 Park Street, Suite 200 0003 0004 St. Paul , Minnesota 55103 FOR McLEOD: WARREN G. LAVEY, ESQ. SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER 333 West Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 & . FLOM Appearances Continued FOR THE WITNESS: LOREN E. WEISS, ESQ. VAN COTT , BAGLEY, CORNWALL & 6McCARTHY50 South Main Street , Suite 1600 Salt Lake City, Utah 84144 Also Present: Clay Deanhardt Dan Lipschultz (via telephone) INDEX Witness BLAKE FISHER EXAMINATION BY MR. NAZARIAN ............................. 5EXAMINATION BY MR. ALPERT .............................. 56FURTHER EXAMINATION BY MR. NAZARIAN ............................ 72FURTHER EXAMINATION BY MR. ALPERT .............................. Page EXHIBITSNumber Page1 ......................................... 21 2 ......................................... 21 3 ......................................... 44 4 ......................................... 60 0005 0006 0007 Deposition of Blake Fisher June 27 , 2002 PROCEED INGS BLAKE FISHER , called as a witness for and on behalf of Qwest , being first duly sworn was deposed and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY - MR . NAZARIAN :Q. Good afternoon, Mr. Fisher.A. Good afternoon.Q. We met a little while ago in the hall but my name is Doug Nazarian. I I m an attorney wi th Hogan & Hartson. I I m here representing Qwest. My colleague Martha Russo is here withme. I guess before we get started, has everybody who is in the room or their client~ at least signed the protective order in this case? MR. ALPERT: As far as I'm aware, forthe department, myself and Mr. Deanhardt have.MR. NAZARIAN: And McLeod has executed a protective order? MR. LAVEY: I MR. WEISS: I MR. NAZARIAN too. I just wanted to-- believe that I s right. haven't. I believe they have MR. WEISS: I haven't , so MR. ALPERT: I should clarify. To theextent the department had to sign one, we'complied. MR. NAZARIAN: I want to make sure we I re clear on the record that there are going to be topics covered in today's deposition that aregoing to include material that's considered tradesecret. We could go back later and designate line by line when we've done that or not done that, but I want everybody to be aware that it is subj ect to protective order and that Qwestreserves it I S rights under the prote~tive order to protect trade secret information that we talk about today. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. Mr. Fisher, have you ever had your deposition taken before?A. Yes.Q. SO you're familiar , generally,. with howthis all works?A. Yes.Q. And I will therefore spare youspiel about deposition procedure. But I caution you that I can talk fast. And my longwill will try not to do that for the sake of the reporter.But 0008 0009 if I do get going and you can t follow me, please, don't hesitate to say so. And I'll stopand calm down and--A. Okay.Q. - - say everything again. If you don'understand my question, would like me to rephrase it or repeat it , just say so and we 'll do that.And if for any reason you need to take a break or would like to stop for a little while, we can dothat. Just say the word. Okay?A. Okay.Q. Great. MR. LAVEY: I'm Warren Lavey. I'm hererepresenting McLeod. And as you said , in termsof Qwest' s right to designate material as trade secret, so too, McLeod would reserve its right to designate some aspects of the testimony as tradesecret. MR. ALPERT: And the department would reserve its right to challenge such designations.MR. NAZARIAN: Sure. Everybody reserves everything and we're on our way. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. Mr. Fisher , I understand you' recently retired , is that true?A. That I s true.Q. Congratulations.A. Thank you.Q. Before you retired , you worked at McLeodUSA, correct?A. Yes.Q. How long had you been employed by McLeod?A. Since February of '96.Q. And during the time you worked for McLeod , you--I know you say in your affidavit--and we'll show you that in a minute--that you held a number of senior executive positions, is thatright? A. Correct.Q. Tell me, if you could, what positions you held during your time at McLeod.A. The first position I held was chief financial officer. And following that, I became regional president of what ultimately became known as the western region. After that, I became group vice president and chief planning and development officer.Q. Okay. And that was the position you held when latter you retired in May? Yes. Is that right? To whom did you report at McLeod in the half of the year 2000? I always reported to Steve Gray, who 0010 0011 was president.Q. You reported directly to him?A. Yes.Q. And is there a chief executive officer to whom Mr. Gray reported?A. He reported to Clark McLeod.Q. I've heard of him. And just so we I re clear, when you say he reported to Clark McLeod this is during the latter half of 2000 , is thatright?A. Yes.Q. In your--in the latter half of 2000,you held the regional president and group vice president positions , is that right, or were youjust--just, to denigrate--you held one title--letme start again. In the latter half of 2000 , Mr.Fisher , you were- -were you the regional president for the western region, or were you the group vice president and the development officer?A. I became group vice president and chief planning and development officer in December of 1999, so from that point on.Q. SO in connection with agreements that were negotiated or signed in September, October of2000, you were- -your title was the group vice president title? A. That's correct.Q. Okay. In your capacity as group vice president--I won't spell the whole title out, butwe know what we're talking about--what was your authority to enter agreements on behalf of McLeod?A. The board of directors give--gaveauthority to somebody at my level , . authority up toa limit which I don't recall. And over and abovethat limit, we would have to go to the board of directors and get authority.Q. Do you have any rough understanding of where the limit was?A. My rough understanding would be in the range of $5 million of total commi tment.Q. Five million?A. Yes.Q. SO for any- - I'm not going do hold you to the exact figure, but your sense, as you sit here is, if you had a deal in the works that had a commitment value to McLeod, you know , in excessplus or minus $5 million, you would need to get approval to go ahead with that transaction , isthat right?A. That I s correct.Q. And you would need approval from the board of directors or from Mr. Gray or fromsomebody else?A. I would need approval from either Mr. Gray, Mr. McLeod, or the board, depending on the 0012 0013 level. Q. At what point--do you know or have any sense of what Mr. Gray I s authority to enter intoagreements or to approve agreements on behalf of McLeod might have been in that late 2000 time frame?A. I don't remember precisely, but I would estimate in the range of 10 million , Mr. Graywould have. Mr. McLeod would make a decision as to whether he felt he needed to go to the board.There's probably a defined number in the range of 25 million.Q. SO without , again , holding you to real precise dollar figures , is it fair to say that a deal that had excess of 25 commi tment recall?A. Yes.Q. When you--well, make the predicate. the course of your time at McLeod , did you haveoccasion to negotiate and enter agreements on behalf of McLeod?A. Yes.Q. You did that many times , I imagine?A. I did.Q. Were there some of those agreements that required you to seek advice or approval from the legal department at McLeod?A. As a matter of course , almost allagreements I worked on at McLeod there would be a legal representative involved.Q. SO it wouldn't be at all unusual--fact , it would be the normal course for the legal department at least to have reviewed and weighed in on agreements that you were involved in negotiating for McLeod?A. Yes.Q. In the course of your time at McLeod-- commitment value to McLeod of in 30 million dollars would require the the board of directors, as you let me--strike that. What was your authority during your time at McLeod to enter into oral agreements on behalf of the company?A. My agreements to enter--or my authorityto enter into oral agreements would parallel what we talked about earlier.Q. SO there were no other restrictions on your authori ty to enter into oral agreements beyond those you described generally when we talked a minute ago?A. No other restrictions I can think of.Q. In the course of your time at McLeod how many oral agreements did you enter into on behalf of the company, or negotiate?A. I don't know.Q. Do you not know because the number is 0014 0015 so big you can I t count , or you don't know becauseyou can't remember any?A. I have never attempted to count the oral agreements I entered into.Q. Well , take a moment, if you can- -andagain, I won't hold to you precise numbers, but I want to get an estimate. Have you entered intomore than ten oral agreements or negotiated more than ten oral agreements on behalf of McLeod during your time with the company?A. Probably more than ten.Q. Of those oral agreements, however many exactly there were, how many of them required the approval of Mr. Gray, Mr. McLeod, or the board ofdirectors?A. I don't recall.Q. Did any of them require the approval of Mr. Gray, Mr. McLeod , or the board of directors?A. I am--yes.Q. SO there is some number of oral agreements with which you were. involved duringyour time at McLeod that rose to a level of financial significance to the company that required approval beyond your authority; is that a fair statement?A. Yes.Q. And you--can you recall any of thoseagreements specifically?A. The agreements I can recall specifically would normally have been with investment bankers in my role as chief financialofficer.Q. Those oral agreements related to fees or the provision of financial services by those bankers into any that was to McLeod? Yes. Can you recall negotiating or entering oral agreement during your time at McLeod not with an investment banker? I can't at this time, no. MR. LAVEY: Let me just clarify the question. You I re asking in addition to the oral agreement that he's covering in his affidavit? MR. NAZARIAN: No, sir. I asked thequestion generally. MR. LAVEY: Let's clarify that for thewitness and ask him to answer that question. MR. NAZARIAN: Let me ask my follow-question , which I think might clarify. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. Is it fair to say, Mr. Fisher, then,wi th the exception of agreements you might havenegotiated with investment bankers--putting themaside- -that every agreement you negotiated on behalf of McLeod--McLeod entered into during your 0016 0017 0018 time at the company was ultimately reduced to some controlling writing or series of writings?A. When I was answering the questionearlier , . rightly or wrongly, I was excluding the agreement with Qwest that I discussed specifically in the affidavit.Q. SO you--A. That is the only one I recall having an oral agreement on.Q. Other than--A. Other than the ones with investmentbankers.Q. --with investment bankers?A. Yes.Q. SO that we re all on the same pagethen, in your six years at McLeod , you can recallnegotiating and entering into exactly one oral agreement other than those with investment bankers?A. Yes.Q. Okay. So it's fair to say, then, itwould have been unusual , outside of the investment banking context, for you to negotiate or McLeod to enter into an oral agreement with another company;is that right?A. Yes, it would have been unusual for meto do that.Q. And it's--is it also fair to say that it would generally be McLeod's practice to memorialize agreements with other companies particularly with telecommunications companies in wri ting?A. Yes. Q. Isn I t that correct?A. Yes, it would be.Q. Describe, if you can , Mr. Fisher, for , your perception of McLeod's relationship with Qwest in the year 2000. Was it a--an amicabletrusting relationship? Was it distrustful? Was it strained? How would you describe it?A. During the whole year of 2000, are youasking?Q. I've asked it that way, but if you want- - if it changed over the course of that year I'd ask you to break it out for me. I understandthere was a merger in that time period.A. Yeah , so you are asking me about Qwest,not US West. I'm just trying to understand yourquestion. Q. That's fair. It's a fair distinction. I guess the way I asked the question was by referring to Qwest over the course of a year where Qwest merged with US West.. In my head , Ihad both entities, Qwest and US West involved. 0019 0020 But maybe rather than asking it that way, let' go at it a different way. In the time period following the Qwest-us West merger, what was your perception of McLeod's relationship with the new entity?A. My perception, once the Qwest merged with US West, is that we had a developing positive relationship with Qwest. And itdeveloped from the time of the merger through thatyear.Q. SO before the Qwest-US West merger,your--is it fair to say McLeod's relationship with Qwest or US West or both was less than positive?A. Our relationship with Qwest prior to the merger--I had very little involvement until they announce the merger and once they announced the merger, before it was completed , we had somevery--I'd say positive discussions with Qwestmanagement. Q. Once you knew the merger was coming?A. Once we new knew the merger was coming. Prior to that, I had virtually no--I had veryIi ttle interaction with Qwest.Q. How about US West?A. With US West, from the time I became regional president , I would say it was--it was a strained relationship, but we were starting to have some productive discussions.Q. And then things started to improve in some fashion after the merger, is that what yousaid?A. The relationship with Qwest, after itmerged with US West, yes , our relationship definitely improved.Q. And it was in the - - in that pos t mergertime frame, then, that McLeod sought to expand or develop its business relationship with Qwest;isn't that right? A. No. We started to expand and develop our relationship with US West well before the' merger.Q. And then in the time period after the merger, those talks continued and--and led us up-- I mean, they've continued to this day, but they lead us up to the agreements that bring us here in September and October of 2000; is that right?A. Yes.Q. And the--and those agreements--andwe'll talk in more specific terms in a minuteabout what exactly what agreements we're talking about- -they did represent an expansion of the business relationship between McLeod and Qwest at that time, did they not?A. Yes.Q. In general terms, Mr. Fisher , it's not 0021 0022 at all uncommon for companies to enter agreements to settle disputes between themj is that right?A. It' s--I think it is common.Q. It is common for them to do that, yes?A. Yes.Q. And those settlements when companies enter them, can include agreements to pay money,right?A. Yes.Q. And they can include agreements to stop fighting with each other, correct?A. Correct.Q. And is it also fair to say, Mr. Fisher "that it is common "for companies to enter into agreements that contain confidentiality provisions?A. Yes , it is common.Q. If you're going to trade sensitive information, you want the other to honor that confidentiality, correct? Yes. MR. NAZARIAN: Let's mark this as Exhibi t 1, please. Exhibit-l marked MR. WEISS: You didn't bringeleven-teen copies. MR. NAZARIAN: I brought five , plusmine. Actually, Martha and I can share. MR. LAVEY: Do you want the witness tohave his own? MR. NAZARIAN: The witness will get theone with the sticker. Let's mark this as Exhibit No. Exhibit-2 marked BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. Mr. Fisher, I'm going to hand you two documents to see if our arms between us can getacross the table. MR. WEISS: It was designed that way. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. I've handed you what--two documents the reporter has marked as Exhibits 1 and 2 to your deposition. MR. LAVEY'Sorry, we only got one. MR. DEANHARDT: We got one. MR. NAZARIAN: I I m sorry. That'because 1'm hoarding all the copies here in myfolder. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. I've had the reporter mark and we' handed to you and now distributed in the room, Mr. Fisher, the two documents the reporter has marked as Exhibits 1 and 2 to your deposition. Do you recognize these?A. I recognize Exhibit 1 and Exhibi t 2. 0023 0024 Q. These are--these are documents that are both titled, "Purchase Agreement " correct?A. Correct.Q. And they were executed by Qwest and McLeod on October 26 , 2000, correct?A. Yes. The specific companies--Q. Yes.A. - - are McLeod Telecommunications Services and Qwest Communications Corp.Q. Fair enough.A. Okay.Q. Arid you executed both of thesedocuments on behal f of the relevant McLeod entity,correct? Correct. Q. There's your signature?A. Yes.Q. And you were the lead McLeod negotiator for these two agreements , were you not?A. Yes.Q. It's fair to say, Mr. Fisher- -and takewhatever time you need to go back over them, if you need to--that the commitment value of these agreements to McLeod exceed--exceeded your authori ty to enter into them yourself , correct?A. Correct.Q. Were these agreements approved by the board of directors of McLeod?A. My understanding is, yes. I the board meeting, but I was told thatQ. You were told by Mr. Gray or tha t they were?A. Mr. Gray.Q. Mr. Gray?A. Mr. Gray.Q. Got it. The word discount does not appearanywhere in ei ther of these documents , does it,Mr. Fisher?A. I don't remember. was not at they were. Mr. McLeod do you subj ect into a Okay. Do you want to take a look , or want to take my word for it? I'd rather take your word, of course, to check. That's fine. m not real good at--I'd have to go computer probably to check it.MR. WEISS: Search. THE WITNESS: Search, yeah. Search fordiscount. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. Subj ect to check , then, will you- -wouldyou agree with me--well , I guess anybody can read the document. We can see for ourselves. Butyou- - since you negotiated these documents, you 0025 0026 wouldn't expect to see the word discount, refundrebate, or anything--any similar word contained in these agreements, would you?A. No , I wouldn't expect to see that word.Q. These agreements committed Qwest and McLeod- -one agreement for Qwest and one for McLeod- -to purchase services from the othercorrect? MR. WEISS: On your document Batesstamped QII0116, last sentence on the page , I see the word , "discount. MR. NAZARIAN: The word, "discountdoes appear. THE WITNESS: Thank you , Larry.MR. WEISS: Thank you , Warren.MR. LAVEY: You're welcome. BY MR. NAZARIAN: Q. Well , these--let's clarify that , then.These documents are not- -neither of these agreements was designed or intended to memorialize a discount that Qwest would give to McLeod against the purchase of services, correct?A. I can't agree with thatcharacterization.Q. Is it fair to say- -well, let's back upa minute. When these agreements were negotiated by you on behalf of McLeod, is it fair to say that one of McLeod I s business goals in negotiatingthese agreements was to obtain the best possible. price for the services it needed from Qwest?A. Yes.Q. Okay. Is it fair to say that in the course of those negotiations , McLeod asked Qwestto enter into an agreement that specified McLeod would get a discount for the services it bought from Qwest, in writing?A. Could you repeat that? MR. NAZARIAN: Can I ask the reporterto read it back, please? (The last question was read. MR. LAVEY: Doug I I think it would helpthe witness if you could just define discount. think you'll get a better answer to your question if you do that. MR. NAZARIAN: Like him to try toanswer my question if he can. Then we'll unpack it if we have to. THE WITNESS: I asked Qwest- -and beforethat, US West--to provide us the best economic transaction they could for the services that they were providing to McLeod. And one of themechanisms that would have been acceptable to us from an economic perspective , would be to receive discounts off of pricing it was currently paying.BY MR. NAZARIAN: 0027 0028 Q. And that mechanism was proposed andrejected, correct? A. US West--and I can't remember the precise timing relative to the merger , maybefollowing the merger--did provide McLeod with various pricing proposals.Q. But those never ripened into actualagreements?A. Not until the interconnection agreements we entered into and the agreementsrepresented by Exhibit 1 arid 2 and in oral agreements that we entered into with Qwest.Q. Let's take those one at a time. Theinterconnection agreement deals with the nuts and bol ts of connecting the networks, right? Thatdoesnt deal specifically with price terms?A. No, that's incorrect.Q. What price terms are covered by the interconnection agreement , just generally. I can pull it out if you want to go through itbutA. In the interconnection agreement, there are pricings for what we refer to as UNE-M for each of the 14 states that Qwest operates in and provides local services.Q. And so it laid out the terms of thatinterconnection relationship and the UNE-Mpricing? Correct. And then at the same time , Qwest and McLeod entered these agreements that are marked 1and 2 to your deposition , correct?A. Correct.Q. And these agreements don't relate to pricing of services Qwest is selling to McLeod or McLeod is selling to Qwest , correct?A. No.Q. These agreements numbers 1 and 2 obligate Qwest to purchase certain amounts services from McLeod and McLeod to purchase certain amounts of services from Qwest, correct?A. They provide for that. You used theword relate in your initial question.Q. Okay. They don't specifically--let mestep back, then. The agreements marked as Exhibi ts 1 and 2 do not establish the price any particular Qwest or McLeod service to theother, correct?A. That is correct.Q. They--these two agreements--and they--one flows in one direction and one flows in the other, but they represent commitments of the two companies to buy certain amounts telecommunication services from the other,correct? ..-----..-.-.- . -_u... -- -..--.. -_.____m--_ 0029 0030 3 ' 0031 A. No.Q. Where did I go wrong?A. They are take-or-pay contracts thatprovide for financial payments.Q. I see. So if you don't meet the buy commitment, then you pay the difference? A. That's correct. Q. . Okay. Fair enough. Is it fair to say,Mr. Fisher , that the purchase of services under these agreements , or the payment in lieu of thepurchase, is a source of revenue to thesecompanies? In other words, if Qwest is agreeing to buy some dollar figures worth of services from McLeod each year and if it doesn't actually buythem then to pay the difference, that that isrevenue to McLeod. Is that a fair statement?A. Are you asking that question from an accounting perspective, or just do I consider it cash flow and revenue into the companies?Q. I'm not sophisticated enough in accounting terms to break--to be asking you at that level of nuance. Is there--Qwest--Qwest isagreeing, in the document marked as No.1, to buythings from McLeod and to pay money if it doesn 't, correct? A. That's correct.Q. And to the extent that Qwest had not previously been buying services from McLeod before it entered into this agreement, that would be new money to McLeod , correct, whether it I S a purchase or a payment in lieu of purchase?A. It would be revenue that had not occurred previously. That I s correct. Q. SO it would be a new source of revenueand I'm using that term in a general sense.A. Yes.Q. Now , is it fair to say, Mr. Fisher, that the commitment that Qwest made in the agreement that's marked as Exhibit No. represented a new commitment from Qwest to McLeod at the time of this agreement?A. To the best of my knowledge , yes.Q. . You were not aware that Qwest was making, shall we say, significant purchases of telecommunication services from McLeod at that time?A. No , I was not.Q. SO to the extent, then, that Qwest has now committed, in the agreement that's marked asNo.1, to either purchase a certain level of services or to pay the difference, Qwest has a new revenue commitment to McLeod , correct?A. Correct.Q. And that commitment comes in the made 0032 0033 context of a broader series of agreements that defined Qwest and McLeod's business relationship at the time , correct?A. Yes.Q. You mention the interconnectionagreement, we just talked about the Qwest purchase agreement No., and then there's the McLeodpurchase agreement which is No.2, right , in whichMcLeod made a similar take-or-pay commitment toQwest, right?A. They made a take-or-pay commitment thatwas much larger.Q. Yes. That's true. It's--over thecourse of three years, it was Trade Secret Begins $480 million,Trade Secret Ends correct?A. Correct.Q. And Qwest' s aggregate take-or-paycommitment over that same time period was--I'm notgreat at math,but somewhere in the Trade Secret Begins 53 million Trade Secret Ends plus or minus, range. Does that sound aboutright?A. Yes.Q. SO, right , McLeod's take-or-paycommitment to Qwest was greater than Qwest' scorrect?A. Correct.Q. Although at the time, Qwest--or McLeodalready was a customer of Qwest' s, right?Yes.Q. And it's fair to say, is it not , thatMcLeod anticipated in October 2000 that its purchases from Qwest would increase along the lines set forth in this agreement if it's businesscontinued to grow as it hoped?A. Along the lines in what agreement?Q. In the McLeod purchase agreement set forth as No.A. Exhibit 2?Q. Yes.A. No. Our purchases were expected to be substantially larger than specified in Exhibit Q. Okay. So at the very least , then , ifMcLeod's business grew as you anticipated, McLeod would be purchasing at least Trade Secret Begins$480 millionTrade Secret Ends services from Qwest over those three yearsnormal course?A. That was my expectation.Q. All rig~t. So we've talked about three agreements. We've talked about the interconnection agreement. We've talked aboutthese two purchase agreements 1 and 2. Nowyou've mentioned an oral agreement. Tell me exactly, Mr. Fisher, what the terms of this oralagreement are. I'd be glad to show you awriting, but it I S oral, so I--and you were the u._-- -- worth of in the .--- -u. ------ - 00341 of . up to about Trade Secret Begins $2.00 million Trade Secret Ends in 2001that would give McLeod approximately a 6 1/2 percent discount. And then there was an increment above4 that--and I don't remember the specific number5 it's on the exhibit--somewhere in the range of Trade Secret Begins 220 million up to--between 200 and 220 million TradeSecret Ends that would provide for an 8 percent discount, andthen above a certain level , approximately Trade Secret Begins 200million, Trade Secret Ends that would provide for a 10 percent10 discount.11 Then in 2002 and 2003 , McLeod had to12 purchase approximately Trade Secret Begins 200 million Trade Secret Ends to qualify for13 an 8 percent discount. Secret Ends14 approximately required to qualify for a 10 percent15 discount and in 2003 , over Trade Secret Begins 200 million Trade Secret Ends for an 816 percent discount, and over about Trade Secret Begins 250 million Trade Secret Ends for a17 10 percent discount.18 And the oral agreement provided that19 the way that McLeod would receive those amounts20 would be to look at the amount it received under21 Exhibit 1 and received revenue either above or22 below that according to that schedule I just23 described.24 Q. SO in other words, this discount you'25 described as this oral agreement was an umbrella 0035 guy who negotiated it.A. Yes, can I refer to my deposition?Q. Oh, you mean--A. Excuse me, affidavit.Q. Your affidavit? I'd like you to do itfrom your memory, since you were the guy whonegotiated it. A. . Okay. I'll do the best I can from my memory. We received from Qwest a document that was an exhibit to my affidavit that provided approximately for the years beginning in October of 2000 and specifically referring to 2001, 2002/2003, an estimate--excuse me--not an estimate, an amount of revenue that would run from McLeod to Qwest. And starting in 2001, there was a--whatwas referred to as a discount amount for purchases In 2002 , over Trade ~ecret Begins 230 million Trade discount. In other words , McLeod was entitled to this tiered discount, as you've described it. Andit might capture some of that through the performance of the take-or-pay marked as ExhibitNo.1. To the ext~nt it didn't then Qwest would pay the difference in cash? A. That's correct. Just for additionalclarification, you're right, that's for all ------.--...--. ..------.. ...-..------.... --.. -.--..------...---. . .16 0036 0037 services purchased from Qwest, whether local , longdistance. If we paid them for any type ofservice, then all of that was counted as revenue towards that volume commitment.Q. . Who at Qwest entered into that oral agreement? .A. Greg Casey and Audrey McKenney.Q. Did you hear agreement to those terms from both of their mouths directly?A. Yes.Q. And were you the only person on the McLeod side who agreed to this?A. No.Q. Who else agreed to it from McLeod?A. The other people involved in the negotiations were Jim Balvanz, who was vice president of finance Stacey Stewart , who was vice president of ILEC relations. 1'm sorry. I-L-E-Crelations. 1--1 discussed this agreement with Steve Gray, who was aware of the specifics of the agreement.Q. who was present for that handshake moment , or the--that precise point in time when this agreement was formed? In other words, Iknow that there was--over the course of over how many months you all had been talking there was talk about discounts, right?A. Yes.Q. But there came a point , you know--as understand your testimony- -and please , correct meif I don't have it right--that this discussion, inyour view , ripened into this oral agreement you' described, Gorrect?A. Yes.Q. Who exactly exchanged the handshake or the words that turned it into an agreement, inyour view?A. I have to describe three or four things that happened that led to the final agreement.Q. Well, you can do that , but please--A. The final--the specific answer to your question is the handshake agreement occurred over the telephone between Greg Casey and myself thenight before our board meeting. And I don'remember the date. I think it was October 25,but I'd have to check that.Q. It was before these agreements were signed by you and by Mr. Casey?A. Yes. And on the phone at the time for Qwest was Greg Casey, who I made the agreementwith, Audrey McKenney was on the phone as well,and for McLeod, Jim Balvanz, Stacey Stewart , andRandy Rings were on the phone.Q. SO it was a conference call?A. It was a conference call. 0.0.38 0039 Q. Why was McLeod willing to enter into an agreement of this magnitude without a writing?A. The interconnection agreement we entered into that I described earlier provided for pricing to McLeod that was - - would save roughly twoand a half million dollars a month for McLeod as compared to the pricing they previously had. Sothe interconnection pricing, on a stand alone basis, was an improvement economically. For McLeod to enter into Exhibit 2which was a take-or-pay contract with certain minimums, and in order to keep McLeod on what I'll call the Qwest network , by that , I includetheir loops and their switches--the volume pricing arrangement where we would receive what we've beendiscussing as a discount , in my judgment, economically was worthwhile for McLeod to continue to use the Qwest network. And I felt that Exhibit 1 provided financially a commitment by Qwest to provide McLeod a substantial part of that revenue. And had the word of Greg Casey that if we met the amounts of revenue to Qwest , that we would getthe incremental revenue. And that I viewed, asdid the other members of my team , a good economicarrangement for McLeod. If, for some reason, that arrangementbroke down, then McLeod had the option of continuing to build out its network , get off ofQwest switches and use its own. So overall , thebusiness arrangement provided options to McLeod and assuming Qwest honored its oral agreement with , provided a good mechanism for us to stay on Qwest network.Q. SO did McLeod not want the agreement in writing because it wanted to retain the option to build out its network?A. No. McLeod would have preferred to have this agreement in writing.Q. But Qwest would not enter into an agreement like that in writing, correct?A. That is correct.Q. Did the McLeod board approve this oral agreement, to your knowledge?A. I do not know. I was not at the boardmeeting.Q. Did Mr. Gray approve the oral agreement?A. Yes.Q. And he knew , as far as you know , thatit was oral and not written?A. Yes , he did.Q. You apprised him of that?A. Yes.Q. Did Mr. Gray tell you whether the board .--.----..-.---------_. -- 0040 0041 had peen advised that the agreement was oral?A. I don't remember.Q. Mr. Gray- -would Mr. Gray have been the person to advise the board on this agreement--thisoral- -alleged oral agreement?A. Yes.Q. SO he would know what the board was told or not told about it? A. That's correct.Q. SO put your chief financial officer hat back on, then, Mr. Fisher, if you would. Qwest made a payment to McLeod pursuant to this oral agreement that you've described, which was an agreement, as you described it , to give McLeod a discount against the purchases McLeod had made from Qwest , would you expect that-- MR. LAVEY: I'm sorry. I'm going to obj ect. I'm not sure if that properly characterizes his testimony. MR. NAZARIAN: Okay. Let ~e f ini sh the question. You can interpose your obj ection. The record will sort it out. BY MR. NAZARIAN:Q. You I ve testified- -and correct me if I 'wrong- -that McLeod and Qwest entered into this oral agreement you described, the purpose of which was to give McLeod a discount off of the services that it purchased from Qwest, correct?A. I've testified that it was--that we have a combination of agreements.Q . Okay.A. Okay.Q. But the oral portion of it created an overarching discount, some of which might be satisfied by the take-or-pay, but not necessarily,right? That is correct.Q. Okay. And under some set of facts,if--if McLeod purchased more in services from Qwest than the take-or-pay required, then as you've described this series of agreements , Qwestwould owe McLeod a payment in cash , correct?A. Yes.Q. In your capacity as the former chief financial officer of McLeod , would you expect that payment to be booked as revenue or as reduction costs?A. My view would be you have to look at the transaction as a whole. And the way this transaction was structured was for Qwest, underExhibit I , to make payments to McLeod, and to the extent McLeod made purchases at a higher level, then we would receive incremental revenue fromQwest. That was the oral understanding. to--up to the levels I described: 6 1/2, 8 0042 0043 0044 percent, 10 percent levels. So that's the waythe agreement was structured. The impact from a business perspective was that we--you could saythat was an offset to the cost, but because of the way it was structured, it was--I believe itwas revenue. Q. SO what you I re really saying, then , isthat Qwest made a commitment to pay revenue above and beyond what it said in the take-or-pay?A. That's correct.Q. Not to give McLeod a discount, that this revenue contribution would be measured by some percentage of the services that McLeod purchased from Qwest. Is that yourcharacterization of it now?A. That would be- -yes , that's consistentwith my characterization.Q. SO you would resist, then , descriptionof your oral agreement as being a discount agreement, correct?A. I think you're playing wi th words.Q. Well, I don't want to play with words. I want--I want to get at this , but I also knowthat Qwest is being accused of giving hidden oral di scounts to McLeod, so I want to hear- -you're theguy who negotiated this. I want to hear yourunderstanding. Is the oral agreement an agreement to provide, a discount?A. The oral agreement effect , okay, as demonstrated by the exhibit to my affidavit, wasto compute a discount- -a number of the total purchases that McLeod made from Qwest. Themechanism, which is different- ~themechanism to effect that agreement was to enter into the purchase agreement that I s Exhibit 1, and thenadjust the amounts that it would receive to equate to that level o~ discount.Q. SO maybe--is it fair to say that the oral agreement you I re describing is an extension of the take-or-pay commitment that Qwest made to McLeod?A. Yeah, I think--I think it's part of oran extension of. Q. Now , you mentioned in your affidavit,Mr. Fisher , that one of the conditions that Qwest put on McLeod to enter into this series of agreements that we've just been talking about, wasthat McLeod would have to agree to remain neutral with respect to Qwest' s application for Section 271 approval. Is that correct?A. Yes.Q. Is that agreement by McLeod to remain neutral vis-a-vis 271 written down anywhere, to your knowledge? 0045 0046 A. The only place I recall it beingwri tten down was in the term sheet that wediscussed. I think it was September 19.Q. But in terms of finalized, signedagreements, that--that provision or McLeod' agreement to remain neutral as to Qwest' s 271applications is not contained in a written agreement; is that correct?A. That--that I s correct. It was an oralagreement. MR. NAZARIAN: Let's mark thisdocument, please , as Exhibit No. Exhibi t - 3 marked BY MR. NAZARIAN Q. Let me hand you now , Mr. Fisher, what' been marked as Exhibit No., which is your affidavit. Do you recognize it?A. Yes, I do.Q. Take a look, if you would, Mr. Fisher,on page . 8 in paragraph number 24.A. Page . 8. Okay. You say in the last sentence of paragraph 24 that, "McLeodUSA agreed to remain neutral with respect to 271," which is what it refers back to the prior sentences, "provided Qwest complied with all of our agreements and with all applicable statutes and regulations.Do yousee where I'm reading?A. Yes, I do.Q. Okay . And does that fairly characterize McLeod's agreement to stay neutral with respect to Qwest' s 271 applications?A. Yes. Okay. So McLeod's agreement was condi tioned on two things , as I read yourtestimony. First of all, Qwes t had to complywith all of its agreements with McLeod. Andsecond, Qwest had to comply with all applicable statutes and regulations, right?A. Yes.Q. Okay. And if Qwest failed , forwhatever reason, not to live up to one of its agreements with McLeod, or failed to live up to applicable law, McLeod was free at that point to participate in Section 271 proceedings however it saw fit , correct?A. I wouldn I t characterize them as free at that point.Q. They wouldn't be bound by thisagreement, any way, not to participate?A. No , that's not correct.Q. Okay. Well, then what- -what would have bound McLeod to stay neutral?A. As part of the overall agreements that 0047 0048 we--between McLeod and Qwest, there was anescalation process. So if there was a dispute that arose which could include a dispute as to whether Qwest was complying with all statutes and regulations , then our escalation agreement provided that we go through that process--Q. I see.A. --before we'd be free.Q. Okay. Fair enough. So--so if--youknow, you could analyze it one way or another, Iguess, but if there was a dispute that couldn' be resolved through escalation mechanisms, orQwest couldn't satisfy McLeod in some fashion that it was complying with applicable law after going through that back-and-forth , then McLeod wouldhave the right to oppose 271 or participate however it wanted in those proceedings , correct?A. Tha t would be my unders tanding, yes.Q. If Qwest was complying with its agreements wi th McLeod and if Qwest was complying with applicable law, can you imagine that McLeodwould have an obj ection to Qwest' s 271application?A. Can I ask you to clarify? I mean,would McLeod have an objection , or would it beable to formally object? Q. No , in business terms , not whether itwould have the right to or not. Put--put asidewhether there had been any agreements one way orthe other. If--if McLeod--if Qwest had agreementswith McLeod that it was living up to and if, inMcLeod's view, Qwest was complying with the law and regulations that governed its business , wouldMcLeod as a business matter, have any obj ection toQwest's 271 application, do you think?A. Assuming this agreement's in place, ornot in place.Q. Assuming the set of agreements that are in place.A. If these agreements are in place , thenI do not believe McLeod would have a reason or want to obj ect . Q. Now , put yourself back in time before these agreements are entered. McLeod and Qwestdid have other agreements going on at that time,right?A. Yes.Q. Okay. If Qwest was complying withthose agreements and complying with the law, doyou imagine that, at that point, McLeod would havehad an obj ection to Qwest' s 271 application?A. I think it's very possible they would.Q. On what grounds?A. Well, there could be a number ofgrounds. - _. u_--- -.- 0049 0050 Q. Well , which can you think of?A. Ones I can think of is--primarilyrelate to their level of performance in providing services to McLeod. Whether they were consistent wi th regulations or not, we still could have considered them inadequate.Q. Do you know that McLeod, in the time prior to these agreements , did consider Qwest I sservices inadequate or are you- -are you sayingthat that could have been an issue at that point in time? A. There's no question in my mind that we considered their services inadequate.Q. Prior to these October of 2000 agreements?A. Yes.Q. Other than the service issues, what else might McLeod have wanted to raise in a Section 271 proceeding?A. We thought they were not only providinginadequate services , but they were not making best pricing available to the company.Q. What other issues?A. I would say that most, if not all, ofour obj ections would fall into the adequate-- whether service was adequate or whether pricingwas adequate. Q. And McLeod's decision to participate or not in the Section 271 process, assuming these agreements had not been entered into, would have been a matter of McLeod's business judgment backthen, right?A. Yes.Q. Mr. Fisher, it's true, is it not, that you did not author the first draft of your affidavit, which is now marked as Exhibit correct? That is correct.Q. That was drafted for you by Mr. Deanhardt; is that right?A. I received it from the attorneygeneral's department. It was represented to me that Mr. Deanhardt did the first draft. I don'know that for a fact.Q. Before you received the first draft of your affidavit from the attorney general's office,what contacts had you had with the Minnesota Department of Commerce?A. I'm sorry. I didn't hear that.Q. Before you received your draft--the first draft of your affidavit from the attorney general's office, what contacts had you had with anyone from the Minnesota Department of Commerce? A. We had a conference call that lasted-- my recollection is about an hour and a half prior 0051 18 ' 0052 to that draft being prepared.Q. Okay. Who participated in thatconference call?A. Would you allow me to refer to the--Q. I'm sorry?A. Would you allow me to refer to somenotes? I'd be happy to give them to you. I justwrote down who participated. referring If you will produce the notes to us-- Sure. - - I don't have any obj ection to you to them. Sure. Dan Lipschultz , Steve Alpert , ClayDeanhardt, and Tony Mendoza , on 6/6 of '02.Q. You had a conference call with those people to discuss these agreements that you I ve testified about today?A. Yes. Q. What did the department representatives tell you they wanted to know about these agreements?A. In general terms, they wanted me to explain to them how the agreements we'd entered into on October 26--well, I guess theY' effective October 2, but entered into on October26--interacted.Q. Did they tell--I'm sorry. I didn'mean to interrupt you.A. No, I'm done.Q. Did they tell you how theY'd come to learn about this cluster of agreements?A. I don't remember if they told me, but I knew.Q. How did you know?A. I knew because I was still at McLeod when the company received discovery requests fromthe state of Minnesota.Q. And so when you learned that the department had served discovery requests on McLeod, you came to learn that they wereinterested in these agreements?A. Yes.Q. And did you provide any information in response to those discovery requests at that time?A. Yes.Q. And do you remember when that was?A. I do not remember exactly. I left thecompany on May 15. I believe it was wi thin 60days prior to that.Q. Was it closer to your end date than 60 days before your end date?A. I don't know.Q. Sixty days in the life of this case covers filing to hearing. So I'm trying to get a 0053 0054 0055 feel. I don't remember the dates. MR. ALPERT: I would like the record to show that the filing 14, so I don't thinkrepresentation, if I BY MR. NAZARIAN: Q. Well , it was--February 14 was the filing, and the first hearing was April 24, sowhatever. The case is moving on a fast track.m just trying to get a feel , but you can' place it at any point in time?A. I can't remember.Q. Fair enough. Fair enough. So you--what else did you discuss with the department? You said you explained how these agreements all fit together. Tell me what else you discussedwith the--with the department during this telephone call on June the A. I think my affidavit covers everything I can remember we discussed.Q. Did the department provide you with any documents before you talked on the phone with the folks from the state?A. No.Q. Did you review any documents before you reviewed the draft of your affidavit?A. No. of the complaint was February 60 days is an accurate understood your statement. Q. Did you select the documents that wouldbe attached to your affidavit'A. No. Q. Did the department attach drafts of other documents--or attach other documents to earlier drafts of your affidavit that were--let mestart the question again. Did the earlier- -well, let me ask the predicate. How many drafts of your affidavit were there between the first one that you saw and the one that you executed?A. There might have been three drafts.Q. Did the earlier drafts of your affidavit provided to you by the department attach any documents other than the ones attached to the final version?A. Not that I recall.Q. Did you review the documents that were attached--that are attached to your affidavit before you executed the affidavit?A. Yes.Q. And they were sent to you by thedepartment?A. Yes. Q. Did the earlier drafts of the affidavit contain allegations or statements with which you 0056 0057 did not agree that you took out and--that you took out?A. I made edi ts to the document. If that represents disagreement, then the answer is yes.Q. Can you recall whether your edits were extensive or minor or somewhere in between?A. I would characterize them as minor. MR. NAZARIAN: This might be a goodtime to take a five-minute break.(Recess taken, 1:29-1:52 p. MR. NAZARIAN: We have a - - have someoutstanding, discovery issues with McLeod. We havenot yet received interrogatory responses or documents from McLeod that we've asked for. We may, after we see those documents, have additional things to raise with Mr. Fisher. Subject to reopening the deposition, if necessary, after weget,those materials, I have no further questions today. And I thank you , Mr. Fisher, for yourtime. next. THE WITNESS: You're welcome. MR. ALPERT: I just have a few, if I' MR. WEISS:It sounded like Columbo, didn't it? MR. ALPERT: Just one more thing. Justone more thing. EXAMINATION BY-MR. ALPERT:Q. Your affidavit-- MR. WEISS: Where' s the raincoat? MR. ALPERT: Is the suit sloppy enough? MR. DEANHARDT: It is. Let me cleanyou off. BY MR. ALPERT:Q. The affidavit and exhibits that you submitted--the signed affidavit and the exhibits that were attached to it, were those all true and correct to the best of your knowledge?A. Yes.Q. And do you have any changes, additions or corrections that you became aware of since that time , except for, I think, there might have beena blank referring to--in a reference to an exhibit number in the affidavit. Other than that being filled in at some point, were there any changes?A. No.Q. Counsel asked you about board approval and your authority to enter into agreements. Did you have a dollar limit authority on agreements where other companies were agreeing to pay McLeod for services as opposed to McLeod committing to purchase ' from other companies?A. No. When I referred to the limits, those would have been commitments McLeod would be 0058 17 ' 0059 making to somebody else.Q. SO when the board--when you went to the board for approval for a take-or-pay agreement and in this case the exhibit, I believe 2 , was asubstantial commitment without the oral agreement,if the board approved that, would the board need to approve a reduction from that amount?A. To clarify, are you asking me if we amended Exhibit 2 to some different number , wouldwe need board approval?Q. If you amended Exhibit 2 for a lower number, for example , if Exhibit 2 required you to spend so much money for services but you had some type of an amendment that would actually require the company to spend less--and again, I'm not an 'accountant either, but the net effect would be that the company would not be on the hook for asmuch. It's not very artful , but I guess it's theonly way I can say it--would you expect to have to go back to the board for additional approval?A. If the only impact was to reduce the commi tment, the answer would be we would not have a policy that required me to go back to the board.Q. During your negotiations with Qwest for the best pricing that you could obtain for your company, and during your negotiations for this volume discount that you say you entered into with Qwest on behalf of McLeod, did you ask Qwest for its agreement for the volume discount to be reduced to writing at some point?A. Yes, when we negotiated the term sheetthat's dated September whatever it is--I forget-- my request was to have those agreements bereflected in writing.Q. Who did you make that request to , ifyou can recall?A. The people present in those negotiations were Greg Casey and Audrey Q. What , if anything, did either McKenney or Mr. Casey respond regardingrequest?A. The response really occurred over a period of time from that date when we negotiated McKenney. Ms. your the term sheet until we finalized the agreements we entered into. And in effect, the response was, they preferred to use the mechanism of Exhibit 1 and our oral agreement rather than have a discount agreement that resulted from our volumepurchases put in writing.Q. Did they ever say- - I'm sorry. Iapologize.A. Put in writing.Q. Did they ever explain to you or state to you any reasons why they would prefer to have 0060 0061 it in that manner?A. They believed that the overall volume purchase agreements--this is what they indicated to me - - were confidential. They were entering intoit at the parent level , and that they felt they could do that and they would rather not put any wri ting because then they might be dealing with other CLEC or similar companies--C-L-E-C, allcapitals--that might want to claim they were entitled to something similar.Q. And those discussions were with both Ms. McKenney and Mr. Casey?A. Yes.Q. The term sheet that you have referred to in our discussion , is that Exhibit 2?Exhibit 2--no. It's an exhibit to--m sorry--exhibit to your affidavit. see if I can find those. If you could--I don't have that with Let me me. I might have it here. I think I might have it. Exhibit-4 marked THE WITNESS: Yes, it is Exhibit BY MR. ALPERT:Q. And what I've had marked as Exhibit-- Sorry, Mr. Court Reporter. THE REPORTER: Number 4. BY MR. ALPERT:Q. - - No., these are- -this is a copy ofyour four exhibits to your affidavit?A. Yes.Q. And so the Exhibit 2 to your affidavit which is now Exhibit 4 to this deposition , is theterm sheet that you were referring to in our discussion?A. That is correct.Q. Thank you. Prior to entering or execu ting Exhibi ts 1 and 2 in October of 2000 and prior to entering into the oral agreement that was part and parcel of those agreements, had you and Qwest already discussed volume discounts?A. Yes.Q. Prior to October 26 , when those three agreements were entered into , had you had discussions with both Audrey McKenney and Greg Casey wherein- -either discussions or correspondence wherein Qwest had made offers to McLeod of volume discounts for services to purchased by McLeod from Qwest? A. Yes , we had discussions about that.Q. And Audrey McKenney was integrally involved in those discussions?A. Yes.Q. SO even if there hadn't been an 0062 0063 agreement entered into , Ms. McKenney was part of offers made by Qwest to enter into volume discounts. Would that be a fair statement?A. She was involved in discussions with McLeodUSA and my team , yes.Q. Mr. Nazarian was asking you about the handshake moment and when that occurred , and youindicated that you needed to explain your answer by talking about a series of agreements is the way I recall it. Did you still feel a need to give any further explanation, or do you feel that you've had the opportunity to discuss that fully?A. What I was referring to was--Mr. Nazarian asked me for the moment. I gave himthat, which was the evening before the board meeting- -is that between September 19 and October , Greg Casey and I , and Audrey McKenney, with my team, had discussions about what the amount of the volume purchases would be and what level of benefi t McLeod could realize from those. And so there were--there was a moment in which we came to a final agreement, but there were a series of discussions that led up to that--I mean,effectively negotiations to get to those numbers. That was the augment that I was thinking about.Q. Why would Qwest care about whether McLeod stayed on its network or not? You talkedabout that being something that brought about these discussions, brought about this agreement? MR. NAZARIAN: I obj ect to asking this witness what Qwest would want or care about.BY MR. ALPERT:Q. From a business perspective, do you have an opinion as to why Qwest would care whether McLeod stayed on its network or not?A. I do have an opinion.Q. What is it?A. My opinion ~s that McLeod had several hundred thousand- -a couple hundred thousand lines that it effectively leased from Qwest--it waslines and switchboards. So if McLeod took all of its then business as of , say, middle of 2000 , and, it moved all of those customers off of Qwest' sswitch on to our new switches , that would have substantially reduced Qwest I s revenue. And it is my personal belief that would have had a big negative economic impact on Qwest. Q. Did Qwest--anyone from Qwest ever express that to you?A. Yes.Q. And who was that?A. Greg Casey.Q. And when--was that during thesenegotiations?A. Yes. 0064 0065 0066 Q. Mr. Nazarian was McLeod's agreement to stay Qwest express to McLeod atdiscussions whether or not asking you about neutral on 271. Did any time during the that part of the agreement was essential to anything else in termsof your discussions? In other words , did Qwestever state anything to the effect to McLeod that unless we have some type of an agreement on 271,we're not going to have agreement on othermatters?A. Yes. And if you refer to the term sheet that I talked about earlier , which wasExhibi t 2 Q. Exhibit 2 now to--. I'm sorry. Exhibit 2 to my affidavit, now Exhibit 4. Condition--the No.7 item in that term sheet indicated that this was a material provision of this overall--of this agreement.Q. I understand that's what the document says, but were there conversations specifically related to that where it was expressed to you by either Ms. McKenney or Mr. Casey that they really meant it when they said that? A. Yes. They really meant it.Q. And was that from both of them?A. Yes.Q. Early on, Mr. Nazarian was asking you about how many oral agreements you had entered into on behalf of McLeod that didn't relate to banking. And you had indicated one. But I have now heard you testify about the oral agreement that you entered into whereby Qwest would provide McLeod a volume discount. And I've also heardabout an oral agreement whereby McLeod agreed to remain neutral in 271 proceedings. Are those twoseparate oral agreements?A. I viewed those as two parts of one overall agreement.Q. He was asking you about this agreement to stay neutral in 271 proceedings, and I think he was asking you something about the fact that if Qwest complied with their contractual arrangements with McLeod, would McLeod expect not to have to go into 271 proceedings, or there would be no need for it. Do you recall that question and that discussion?A. Yes.Q. This oral agreement to pay McLeod- - to return to McLeod the 8 to 10 percent volume discount, is that one of those agreements that McLeod expected Qwest to comply with in order for McLeod to stay neutral in 271?A. Yes.Q. You indicated that after the merger, - ..-----.--.-,.---. 0067 0068 there still was a problem in terms of McLeod obtaining adequate service levels from Qwest, oram I misstating what you had to say?A. I don't remember saying that.Q. After the merger, was there still a problem in McLeod receiving adequate service levels?A. In my view, Qwest needed to improve itsservice levels.Q. After you entered into the agreements in October of 2000 , if not sooner, there wasa--an escalation mechanism that McLeod was bound by; is that correct?A. There was an escalation mechanism agreed to between Qwest and McLeod.Q. SO McLeod would have had to have gone through the escalation process, even if there were terrible problems between the--between McLeod andQwest in terms of ci vil- -service levels, beforethey could have done anything further?A. You'd have to ask a lawyer if we had to or not. As a business matter, I felt that we should use our escalation process before we took any other action. Q. If McLeod had bypassed the escalation process and gone to a regulatory body as part of 271 or otherwise , would you have expected Qwest to comply with its oral agreement to pay McLeod the volume discount it had agreed to?A. I think the circumstances--the specific circumstances I'd have to understand before Icould answer that question.Q. If I could just sit out a moment here. During the negotiations that you had with Qwest , did Qwest ever provide you with any estimations as to which services of McLeod's theymight be purchasing as part of the--I believe it' the Exhibit 1 we'll call the McLeod purchaseagreement. I'm sorry, the Qwest purchaseagreement.A. I understand your question to be, did Qwest ever indicate to me what servicep they would purchase from McLeod--Q. That would be correct.A. --under Exhibit 1 prior to us signing the agreement?Q. Yes.A. I do not recall any discussion of any specific services that Qwest was going to buy.Q. And so would it be fair to say that there was no discussion or any documentation provided to McLeod by Qwest that would indicate any particular volumes that Qwest anticipated that it would be- -that it would be purchasing from McLeod? 0069 0070 A. I don't think that would be fair to say, because I am not the only person that Qwesthad dealings with at McLeod. I am personally notaware of any services that they were contemplating buying.Q. You were not provided anything from Qwest during your negotiations or as part of yournegotiations?A. Not that I recall.Q. You entered- -you had an agreement, in principle, with Qwest for a take-or-pay agreement,Exhibi t 2. You had an agreement, in principle with an oral agreement to get an 8-to-l0 percent discount off of the purchase price of all of those services you were going to be buying out of Exhibit 2. When did the discussion of the purchase agreement that is Exhibit 1 first come into being in relationship to your oral agreement for the 8-to-l0 percent discount?A. My recollection is that the discussions about the amount of volume purchase we would have to make in order to qualify for the discount occurred first , then following that , not longbefore October 26 , the specific process or procedure for dealing with it evolved. In otherwords, Exhibit 1 evolved late in the discussions.Q. Can you kind of walk through that just a little bit, though, so that we can kind of understand how the oral agreement and Exhibit 1 evolved from the discussions that resulted in Exhibi t 2? And again, Exhibi t 1 being the McLeodpurchase agreement from Qwest, and Exhibit 2 being the Qwest purchase agreement from McLeod. I' sorry, reverse--I'll get it right yet. MR. LAVEY: Do you want to say it , justfor the record. BY MR. ALPERT:Q. Yeah, for the record , we'll say thatagain. I believe that Exhibit 1 is the agreement that required Qwest to purchase services from McLeod. Exhibit 2 was the agreement that required McLeod to purchase services from Qwest.Thank you.A. Okay. Now I know which exhibit is which, can you-- MR. WEISS: What's your question? THE WITNESS: --can you restate thequestion? BY MR. ALPERT:Q. Yes, if you can kind of walk through a little bit of the time line of how those three agreements became one or how they became executed and/ or agreed to on or about October 26.A. Okay. In my mind , the time will startwith September 19. 0071 0072 Q. Okay.A. That I s when we had the outline of ten items that we were going to attempt to document.At that point in time, the concept of McLeod entering into a take-or-pay agreement with Qwest,Exhibit 2 , was fairly well understood. Okay? Weknew that we would make some level of minimum commitment to Qwest. And in exchange for meeting certain minimum targets--not--not the minimumtake-or-pay, because at the minimum take-or-pay,there wasn't going to be any reduction, okay- - anydiscount or any volume. That was not an adequate value commitment, from Qwest's perspective, toentitle us to payments back. So at that point,we had understood that Exhibit 2 would be a part of the arrangement. The 1 eve 1- - then next , the bus ine s sdiscussion revolved around how much would McLeod have to buy from Qwest in total services--localservices, long distance services, the wholeworks--in order to entitle McLeod to what at that time was considered a reduction or a discount.The last concept that came into being was Exhibit, okay? Exhibit 1 , then, was a mechanism to assure McLeod that it would get a certain amount of revenue. And the amount of revenue that was pegged in Exhibit 1 was at about the 8 percent discount level for certain targeted revenues. And the oral agreement , then, evolvedfrom that to say, okay, if we exceed this amount then instead of getting an 8 percent discount we 'll get a 10, if our levels are below a certainlevel, then we're getting a 6 1/2 percent discount. Or if it's lower than that , we won'get any discount. So that was the order thatthings occurred. 'Q. And again , these were discussions between you and Audrey McKenney and Greg Casey?A. And on McLeod r s s ide I each of the otherpeople I've identified in my affidavit.Q. But you had specific conversations with both Audrey McKenney and Greg Casey regarding,first of all, offers of this volume discounts to McLeod?A. We had specific discussions of receiving discounts tied to a certain volume of purchases and growth in our business with Qwest.Q. And then you also had discussions specifically related to the agreement itself,that--the agreements themselves came into being including the oral agreement with both Audrey McKenney and Greg Casey?A. Yes. MR. ALPERT: I have no further questions. 0073 0074 MR. WEISS: Jus t a couple more. FURTHER - EXAMINATION BY-MR. NAZARIAN:Q. I just have one. I just have one , Mr.Fisher , if you' ~l indulge me for a second. the purpose of the Qwest purchase agreement Exhibi t No., was to permit McLeod to capture this revenue stream that I know has been characterized as a discount I but what youcharacterized to me earlier as revenue--A. Yes.Q. --if the purpose of the agreement was to capture that revenue , why didn't McLeod insist that Qwest' s revenue commitment in Exhibit 1 reach this whole target--reached this whole, you know discount, these higher purchase levels that you- -that you were certain that McLeod would reach?A. Because the oral agreement waseffectively two-way. If we exceeded the amount that would generate an 8 percent discount, then Qwest was orally agreeing to give us additionalrevenue payments. If we didn't reach that level,McLeod was agreeing to give back the rebate downto the oral agreement. So it was , in effect, both of us taking risk by entering into , the oralagreement.Q. . I thought if McLeod did not meet its minimum purchase obligations , that Qwest I s obligations under the take-or-pay went away. Isthat .incorrect?A. I'm sorry. I didn't understand.Q. I thought these agreements were set up so that if McLeod didn't meet its purchase obligation to Qwest, then Qwest's purchase obligation to McLeod evaporated. Is that correct?A. I can't remember if the agreementsoperate that way, but there's an intermediatestep. Okay? We could very easily meet our obligations under Exhibit 2, the hundred fifty, hundred sixty, hundred seventy million, but if--let's--let me use an example that that's exactlyhow much we purchased from them. Then Exhibit 1, which still would have required , by my understanding, Qwest to make the payments to McLeod, my oral agreement would have been , ifthat's all I spent with Qwest , I would have had to pay them back the amounts that they paid me in Exhibi t 1, because I wouldn I t have met the level of revenue commitment that we'd made under our oral agreement.Q. SO the oral agreement I as you'characterizing it now , flows in both directions pegged to McLeod's purchases , from Qwest?A. Yes. ~---~-~--~--- ~_-,---- ._.U_~-_._. 0075 0076 , 8 Q. CQrrect? A. That's correct.. Q. And you testified a minute ago in response to Mr. Alpert's questions that the oralagreement also encompassed McLeod's agreement not to participate in Qwest I s 271 proceedings, correct?A. To remain neutral.Q. To remain neutral , correct. Are there any other aspects of the oral agreement that you recall' that you've not testified about today?A. The only other aspects of our oral agreement was to continue to build our business relationship in any manner we could, both by Qwestworking to improve its level of service to McLeod and for us looking at revenue opportunities inboth directions.Q. Okay. Were there specific--A. There were no specifics around that except as it related to their performance. There was a lot of specific negotiation about performance indicators and what we thought they should obtain and what they thought they should get and those occurred for many months post October. MR. NAZARIAN: Subject, again, topossibility of reopening, I don't have any furtherquestions. MR. ALPERT: I just had a couple unless, Larry, you had something in between. MR. WEISS: No. Not surprising. FURTHER - EXAMINATION BY-MR.ALPERT:Q. Mr. Fisher, when you were, I think, answering one of Mr. Nazarian's first questions after I got done, you were talking_ab~Qt_theR~agreements , and I think you might have ~aid something about McLeod giving something back toQwest. If you said McLeod giving back, did you really mean Qwest giving back?A. No, I meant--there were circumstances under which the payments that Qwest was making to McLeod under Exhibit 1 , our verbal agreement provided that we pay back to Qwest.Q. Maybe I'd have to go back. have real time, I I d have doing back and , but performance indicators, is that thing as saying something about servicestandards?A. Yes.Q. And so there were discussions continuing on with McLeod between Qwest and McLeod after October regarding service quality standards and specific performance indicators between the two companies? don'look at the same quali ty 0077 0078 A. Yes.Q. And so McLeod was working on trying to get some level of commitment to service quality from Qwest that was more than just parity as we call it? It was benchmarks and service qualitystandards? A. McLeod , because of its neutralitystand, was having discussions specifically with Qwest about how many customers would be brought back into service within 24 hours , for exampleand the level of service that we would like to obtain. We had discussions back and forth. Never , to my knowledge , had arrived at a finalagreement. And we certainly were aware that there were ongoing activities within each of the 14 states. And in some cases, groups of states, inorder to establish that. That was moving at asnail's pace , f~om my perspective. And so wewere continuing to try to work with Qwest to see if we could work out certain levels of service and the consequences associated with them not meeting certain levels. MR. ALPERT: I have nothing further. MR. NAZARIAN: I have no additionalquestions. MR. WEISS: I have none. I presumewe're adjourned. THE REPORTER: Who all wanted copies? MR. NAZARIAN: As soon as you couldconceivably do it. MR. ,ALPERT: I would like to get an electronic and a written copy and if you could just send it to that, I'll give an e-mailaddress, steve.alpert~state.mn.us. So it's myname, with a dot in between the first and last name , ~state.mn;us. MR. LAVEY: I'd like to get a copy. And there's my e-mail down here. (Deposition concluded at 2:25 p. Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 12.2002 Page I of 10 AFF1DA VIT OF BLAKE O. FISHER My name is Blake Fisher. I retired in May 2002 from McLeodUSA where I held a variety of senior executive positions, including, at relevant times. Regional President for the Western Region as well as Group Vice President and Chief Planning and Development Officer. I now live in Park City, Utah. This affidavit explains the circumstances surrOtmding the negotiation and implementation of an agreement with Qwest Corporation (uQwest"') to provide McLeodUSA with volume pricing for all purchases made by McLeodUSA from Qwest. The events described in my affidavit took place when I worked for McLeodUSA. I was McLeodUSA. s lead negotiator for the negotiations that resulted in ~ series of agreements, including the volume purchase agreement. Initially, I was negotiating with John Kelley at U S WEST. Later I was negotiating with my counterpart at Qwest. Greg Casey. Following the merger with U S WEST, Mr. Joe Nacehio, Qwest s CEO,anended a meeting in Cedar Rapids, Iowa., where. among other things, the possibility ofvolurne pricing was discussed. I also attended that meeting. Qwest representatives at that meeting infonned us that they Were meeting with many of Qwest s large customers. They also told us that Qwest intended to treat us as a large cUstomer. Mr. Nacchio explained that Mr. Casey was responsible for our wholesaJe relationship with Qwest. Mr. Casey told me that Mr. Nacchio had to give final approval to any significant transactions between Qwest and McLeodUSA. I-B L.er i DEPOSmON~rr Affidavit ofBlak~ O. Fisher June 12. 2002 Page 2 of 10 The US WEST negotiating team,. and 1at~ the Qwest negotiating team. also included Audrey McKenney, who reponed to Mr. Casey, and Arturro Ibarra, who reported to Ms. McKenney. Stephen Davis was occasionally involved in the negotiations. particularly when the topic turned to regulatory matters. The McLeodUSA negotiating t~ included Jim Balvanz, who was a Vice President . of Finance and Stacey Stewart, who was a Vice President ofILEC Relations and Performance Measurements at the time. This is the same team that had negotiated with U S WEST before the merger. Once Mr. Casey and I negotiated broad agreement parameters, the other members of our teams would work on negotiating the details of the agreementS. The genesis of the agreements that include the volume pricing occurred well before the Qwest / U S WEST merger. Prior to the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, McLeodUSA purchased Centrex Common Blocks from U S WEST under various state retail tariffs and fe-sold the services to our customers. On the eve of the signing of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, U S WEST withdrew its offering of Centrex Common Blocks to new customers in all of its 14 states. McLeodUSA sought state regulatory action to stop or reverse US WEST's unilateral withdrawal of its wholesale Centrex product. We,were largely successful inthese regulatory cases in retaining our right to resell U S WESTs Centrex product. McLeodUSA continued reselling U S WEST (and then Qwest) Centrex products in those states in which our right to resell the product was upheld. We also began reselling1FR and 1FB Wlder the resale provisions of the Telecommunications Act Later, we began to avail ourselves atONE-Platform products. Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 11.2002 Page 3 of 10 Financially, the Centrex Common Block products and the subsequent resale produCtS would not work for McLeodUSA over the long tmn. The margins on both forms of resale were too thin to sustain and grow the company. Before the merger, we approached U S WEST and told them that we wanted to convert all of our customers to UNE-, which had much better margins. US WEST said that we could not just convert our customers - that there would be a lot of work and cost involved - and that the conversion would be difficult and time consuming. I explained to U S WEST that all we really wanted to do was to leave our customers on the same lines that they currently had. with the same features, but to get the best pricing available. At the time that was UNE.P pricing and we told U S WEST we were entitled to such pricing for the services we were using. 10.U S WEST responded that it believed it could provide McLeodUSA with an acceptable product at pricing that worked across its region, so we began negotiating the parameters of the product and its pricing. 11.Prior to the Qwest / U S WEST merger, we were unable to agree on ,pricing that made economic sense for McLeodUSA. After the merger, however , Qwest expressed a desire to improve its relationship with McLeodUSA as a customer. Joe Nacchio indicated at the meeting in Cedar Rapids referenced above that Qwest recognized competition was developing in its local markets. Therefore, Qwest intended to strengthen its wholesale business and relationships with its wholesale customers. Specifically, Qwest indicated that it hoped to find a way to make it economically and operationally attractive to keep our traffic on Qwest' s network if possible. ..._---~,-_--.-.-.--.-------. .- Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 12 2001 Page 4 of! 0 12.The result of our continued negotiations was a product that Qwest calls UNE.M or UNE Star. UNE-M was intended to be a flat-rated, UNE platfonn product that allowed us to convert our resold Centrex lines directly to UNE-M lines. As we continued to discuss pricing, however, it was clear that the pricing Qwest offered was not good enough for McLeodUSA to warrant keeping our traffic on Qwest" network. , 13.When we pointed this out to Qwest, the concept of Qwest providing McLeodUSA with improved pricing on all of our purchases - based on volume commitments - was developed during our negotiations. I do not now recall whether Qwest or McLeodUSA fITst proposed the idea. but it became a central component of the agreements we were discussing. 14.After substantial negotiations with U S WEST first, and then With Qwest, Qwcst agreed to provide McLeodUSA the benefit of volume pricing on all of McLeodUSA' purchases from Qwest. The volume pricing applies to all products and services purchased by McLeodUSA from Qwest including access, wholesale long distance capacity trunking, private line, unbundled network elements ("UNEs ), collocation. resale services, and tariffed products and services. The volume pricing applies to all purchases made by McLeodUSA from Qwest inside and outside ofQwest s 14-state ILEC territory. IS.As a result of our ~egotiations, McLeodUSA and Qwest entered into a number of written agreements between September 19, 2000 and October 26 2000, including three that arc essential to understanding the volume pricing: -.-----.--.----------___ ___m______.-- -. ----------- -_u----------~...u. . .---.-.---.-.- --,-- -,---_._-uu_---,. -_.._- Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 12. 2002 Page 5 of 10 a. Purchase Agreement signed October 26, 2000 and effective October 2, 1000 covering purchases by McLeodUSA from Qwest (the "McLeodUSA Purchase Agreement" b. . Purchase Agreem~t signed October 26, 2000 and effective October 1, 1000 covering purchases by QWes1 from McLeodUSA (the "Qwest Purchase Agreement c. The 8th Amendrnent to the McLeodUSAlQwest interconnection agreement. 16.The 8th Amendment to the McLeodUSA interconnection agreement with Qwest set out the terms and conditions for the UNE Star product, including state-specific flat rate pricing negotiated by Qwest and McLeodUSA. 17.The McLeodUSA Purchase Agreement is a take or pay agreement. That is McLeodUSA committed to purchase a specified volume of products from Qwest during specified time periods. If McLeodUSA fails to make the requisite pUrchases, it is still obligated to pay Qwest the difference between the dol1ar amount of purchases it actually made and the minimum commitment amount in the purchase agreement. In Year 1 of the contract (ending on December 2001), the commitment was (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$ 1 50.000,000 (TRADE SECRET ENDS). By the end of 2002, the cumulative commitment is (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$310 OOO OOO(TRADE SECRET ENDS) and, by the end of 2003, it is ITRADE SECRET BEGINS)$480 OOO,00OITRADE SECRET ENDS). believed we could exceed these commitments and shared that view with Qwest Exhibit 1 is a true copy of the McLeodUSA Purchase Agreement, which was entered into by McLeodUSA and kept by it in the Donnal course of business. Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher Junl: 12. 2002 Page: 6 of 10 18.The QWl:st Purchase Agreement is also a "take or pay" agreement. In addition. Qwe:st orally agreed to increase its commiunent to give: McLeodUSA a volume: purchase discount of up to 10%, to provide an incentive for additional purchases under the McLeodUSA Purchase Agreement. In order to obtain a higher percentage McLeodUSA had to increase its purchases. 19.The percentage reduction depends on the volume of purchases by McLeodUSA from Qwest The table: below shows generally out how the voluml: pricing works: October 2000 through 2002 2003 December, 2001 Aggregate Percentage Aggregate Percentage Aggregate Percentagl: Purchases Reduction Purchases Rl:duction Purchases Reduction (TRADE SECRET BEGINS) 178-(TRADE (TRADE1 88/TRADE SECRET SECRETSECRETBEGINS)BEGINSIENDS!,$199-$199- (TRADE 23 Om)TRo\D 250m(TRAD E SECRET E SECRETSECRETENDS(ENDS(BEGINSI $189- 199mlTRADE SECRET ENDS) ITRADE 10%(TRADE 10%(TRADE 10%SECRET SECRET SECRET BEGINS) ::-BEGINSI ;:.BEGINSI ::- $199m(TRAD $230m)TRA S250mlTRAE SECRET I DE SECRET DE SECRETENDSIENDS)ENDSI 20.The volume pricing is applied to every purchase made by McLeodUSA. not just the purchases above the minimum. So, for I:xampll:, if McLeodUSA spends (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$200 OOO OOO(TRADE SECRET ENDS) with Qwest in 2002 it 23: Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 12.2002 Page 7 of 10 will be entitled to a (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$16(TRADE SECRET EJ"mS) million payment, calculated by multiplying 8% times every dollar sp~t. If Mcleod USA spends (TRADE SECRET BEGINSI$250,OOO OOOfTRADE. SECRET ENDS) with Qwest, then it will be entitled to receive (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$25(TRADE SECRET ENDS) million, calculated by multiplying 10% times every dollar spent. If McLeodUSA purchases fall below certain levels, there is no guaranteed payment. 21.I asked Qwest how I could be sure that it would live up to its agreement to provide the discount ifMcLeodUSA signed the Purchase Agreement. Qwest responded by suggesting a mechanism to guarantee that McLeodUSA would receive a payment of at least a portion of the agreed.to discount each year in, return for its minimum purchase requirements, that increased over time. 22.That mechanism suggested by Qwest is the combination of the Qwest and McLeodUSA Purchase Agreements. The Qwest Purchase Agreement requires Qwest to pUrchase (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$15.84(TRADE SECRET ENDS) million in products from McLeodUSA in 2001 , (TRADE SECRET BEGINS)$18.32(TRADE SECRET ENDSj million in products in 2002, and (TRADE SECRET BEGINSJSI9.92(TR.\DE SECRET ENDS) million in products in 2003. The Qwest Purchase Agreement identifies products offered by McLeodUSA. We did not discuss any specific products that Qwest would purchase from McLeodUSA. Thus, McLeodUSA viewed the Qwest Purchase Agreement as a mechanism to insure that McLeodUSA would receive some, if not all, of the benefit it was entitled to Affidavit of Blake: O. Fish~ June 11.2002 Pag~ 8 of 10 under the: oral volume pricing agreemc:nt The commitment amounts in the QweS1 Purchase Agreement were calculated by applying an 8% volume discount percentage (from Qwest and McLeodUSA's oral agrceme:nt) to the maximum McLcodUSA projected expenditures for that pc:rce:ntage. 24.Another component to completing the transaction that gave McLeodUSA access to UNE-M and the purchase volume pricing was McLeodUSA,'s agreement to remain ncutral regarding Qwest s Section 271 application. Qwest made it clear to me that for Qwest to enter into the UNE-M and volume pricing an-angements, McLcodUSA had to agree to remain neutral on Qwest s Section 271 applications, McLeodUSA agreed to remain neutral provided Qwest complied with all of our agreements and ....ith all applicable statutes and regulations, 25.Exhibit 2 to this affidavit is a true copy of a document titled "Outline of Major Tenns" and dated September 19 2000. This document was created jointly by Qwest and McLeodUSA at the September 19,2000 meeting. It is an accurate description of the tenDS that had been discussed between the parties as of that date, including the terms hammered out during an all-day negotiation session. 26.Exhibit 3 to this affidavit is a true copy of an e-mail I sent to Jim Balvanz, who forwarded it to Stacey Stewart on October 23 2000. Attached to Mr. Balvanz s e- mail is an October 21, 2000 e-mail from Audrey McKenney to Mr. Balvanz, Randall Rings (McLeodUSA's General Counsel) and me. Ms. McKenney s c-rnail included the attachment printed -out on the second page of Exhibit - ' Exhibit - was rece:ived and kept by me in the ordinary course of business. --.. ~~ -~ -~'~-r- ---..- . .-..-. -.-.-- --- ---- r' - Affidavit 0 f B lake O. Fisher June 12, 2002 Page 9 ofl 0 27.The second page of Exhibit 3 is an Execl spreadsheet prepared by Qwcst showing Qwest's counterproposal to a volume pricing proposed by McLeodUSA during the . negotiations discussed above. In this spreadsheet, Qwest proposed a discount rate ranging from 6.5% to 10%. 28.Exiu"bit 4 to this affidavit is a true copy of an e-mail found by McLeodUSA in Mr. Balvanz's files in the course of responding to information requests &om the Department of Commerce. Mr. BalVanz DO longer works with McLeodUSA I was copied on this e-mail 29.Exhibit 4 con tams five questions asked of Mr. Balvanz by Gary Dupler, then our Gt-oup Vice President of Network Developmcnt., aDd Mr. Balvanz s handwritten responses to those questions. The questions all relate to the discount agreement with Qwest. At the time, Mr. Dupler was respoI1S1"ble for network planning at McLeodUSA I have n:ad tbrough each ofthc questions and responses on ExhI"bit 4. I am familiar with Mr. Balvanz s handwriting and recognize the handwriting on Exhibit 4 to be his. Based on my personal kno,?,ledge, Mr. Balvanz s handwritten responses to each question arc accurate and correct. 1 declare under pmalty of perjury under the laws of the United Stales of America and the state of Minnesota that the foregoing is true and correct. Further affiant sayeth nol .... ... Signed this j.l day of June, 2002 r:::; L'" ....---:- - 0 '-- ~ ~ Blake O. Fisher c:;, Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 12. 2002 Page: 9 of 10 27.The second page of Exhibit 3 is an Excel spreadsheet prepared by Qwest shov.lng Qwest s counterproposal to a volume pricing proposed by McLeodUSA during the: negotiations discussed above. In this spreadsheet., Qwest proposed a discount rate ranging from 6.5% to 10%. 28.Exhibit 4 to this affidavit is a true copy of an e-mail found by McLeodUSA in Mr. Balvanz s files in the course of responding to information requests from the Department of Commerce. Mr. Balvanz no longer works with McLeodUSA. I was copied on this e-mail. 29.Exhibit 4 contains five questions asked of Mr. Balvanz by Gary Dupler, then our Group Vice President of Network Development, and Mr. Balvanz s handwritten responses to those questions. The questions all relate to the discount agreement with Qwest. At the time, Mr. Dupler was responsible for network planning at McLeodUSA. I have read through each of the questions and responses on Exhibit 4. I . am familiar with Mr. Balvanz s handwriting and recognize the handwriting on Exhibit 4 to be his. Based on my personal knowledge, Mr. Balvanz s handwritten responses to each question are accurate and COITect. I declare under penalty ofpeIjury under the laws of the United States of America and the state of Minnesota that the foregoing is true and correct. Further affiant sayeth not. Signed this day of June, 2002 Blake O. Fisher Affidavit of Blake O. Fisher June 12, 2002 Page 10 of 10 Signed before me this day of June, 2002. Notary Public Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Exhibit # Contains Trade Secret Infonnation l="i$I.'Itj i DEPosmONEXH IT I . Au.-3D-ij J 1(J::~:il:I r rcm-Q\\HT L:UAL C:rAimElti ;:msw;H:;, ~z::/a::: i-;::: SliBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 403 Purchase A!!1"ecm c=nt (Trade Secret Data Begins " . This ~e Agr~mcnt (UP An) is made and entered into by and b:tw~n McL~odUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliat~ ("McLeodUSA'~ and QWe$! Communications Corp. and its subsidiaries rQw~st (collectivi:ly, the "PaniCs) effective on the 2nd day of October, 2000. (ji) ":'"oQ The ~arti~ have entered in to c:nt~ into this PA to facilitate and improve thcir busim:ss and operariocal activities, a.greemeni:s and rdationships. In' cozisidc:ranoD of the cov~ts agreements and promises contained bdow the Parties agree to the following: . 1. This PA is entered into between the Parties based on the following conditions, which are a material part of this agreement: This PA shall be binding on Qwest and McLeodUSA and e~ch of their r:sp~tive subsidiaries, affiliated corporations. successors and assigns. This P A may be amended or altered only by written instrument executed by an authorized representative ofborh. Partics. 1.3 The Parries, intending to be legally bound, have executed this PA c:Ef~ctivc as October 2 2000, mmultiple counterparts, each ofwbich is dc:md an original, but all ofwmch shall constitute: one and the: same instrument. . ., ..-"':' 1.4 Unless tc:rmiria.ted as provided in this section., the initial term of this PAis from the date of signing unril December 31, 2003 ("Initial Term") and this P A shall thereafter automat:ic::illy continue until either p~ gives aileas'( six (6) months advance written notice of te:rmmation. This is Amc=ndment can .only be:: terminat:d during the: Initial Term, or at any time thereafter, in the event of: a. matc:rial breach of the terms of the Agra:ments or this Amendment whichremaiIls unresolved and UIlcompe:nsated following application ofthc:: dispu:t.e resolution provisions ofmis ~cemcnt; 1.4.2 a. material change in the tel~mmun.icarions industry pricing structure that is so adverse to McLeodUSA so as to make this PA useless; or 1.4.a termination oftha! certain Purchase Agreement with a like ef!c:t:tive &t:: pursuant to which McLeodUSA puichas~ Produc:ts (defined. below) from Qwes!. 1.5 All factual pri:condirions and duties set forth in this P A are, are intended to be and are considered bythc:: Parties to be, rc:asocably related to, and dependent upon each other. If either party s performance of this P A or any obligation under this PAis prevented, restricted or interfered vvith by causes beyond such Parties reasonabl~ comot.. -"':' ~O~PLiBLlC DOCUMENT . ! - CO:\T.-\!~S TR.~DE SECRET DATA olInl1" : ""CO """"" --0 ~JJ~:~-'Jj : r ::Q-~:~i L~G.:.l ~E?A~i1'.:,~i :_~::.. :.;:.;:::: ~;~;z~zm:~~~n;: '::; SUBJECT TO RULE OF EvlDENCE 40& including but not limited to acts of God, fue, explosion, vandalism which reasonabl: 'DI':caurions couId Dot protect against, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulatio~ ~ction, action or requ~t of any unit of fed~ STate or local gov:rnm=nt, or of any civil or militaIy authority, or by national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strike or work stoppage or vendor failures, cable cuts ,shortages, breach or delays, then such parcy shall be excused from such perfonnance all a day-to-day basis to the c),.'tent of such pn:vcnrlon, r:.stricrion or intm~nce (a "Force Majeure"). . - 1.7 Without the prior written consent of the oiber party and except as set 'forth belowor to th:: extent required by law, neither party will disclose to any pc:non the existence or cOnt~tof this agreement, or material terms. of the agre~ent. In the event that either party concludes that disclosure is required by appliC3ble law. inclucfu1g but not limited to the regUlations of the Sc:curiti~ aDd Exchange Commissio~ such party v.ill provide the other party with prompt notice . thereof and an opportucity to CQmment on such disclosure prior to such disclosure and sut:b. pa..'1ywill disclose onJy the informarion that, in me opinion of its coUIlSel, it is requircd by sw:h law to disclose. In the event that either party or any of its Rc:pres~ntativcs is requin:d by a goVc:mn:ienta! authority or in connection with a. legal proceeding or pursuant to legal precess to disclose any of the Evalua:ti.anMaterial with respect to which such pany is the receiving party or any othc=r matter refi:IIed to in the irim1~diatcly prcc~g paragraph, it is agreed that such partywill provide ~e other parry with prompt notice of each such request or requirement so that suc:.hother party may seek promptly an appropriate protective order or otha- appropriate remedy and/or 'Waive compliance by such party subjcctto-such request or rcquircment v.ith L'!J.e provisions of this P A and the party giving notice shallusc its commercially reasonable efforts toassist the party seeking protection. In the event that such protective order or other remedy is not obtained promptly, such party subject to such requircm=nt may furnish that portion (and oDly that portion) of me P A or oilia informanon with. respect to such matter that, in the opinion of itscounsel. it is legally compelled,to disClose and Will exercise its commercially reasonable efforts to obtam reliable assurance that conndcntiaJ. treatment willbe accorded any inform.a:1i.on so furnished.. The term "person ' as used in this Agrc::ment shall be broadly interpreted to include: without limit:arion my corporation;companY;'Partnership; orga!liz.atioIl, bank, group, individwUor other entity. Neither party v.ill present itself as representing or joinIly I:DMk~ting services withthe oth~, or market its services usm.g:tb.e namc ofthe other party, Vtithout thc prior written consent of!he other party. ' :. ... -" .. 2. In consideration of the agrc:cm~nts and covenants set fonh above and !he enrire group of cov~ants provid~ in section 3 McLeodUSA agrees to purchase from Qwest, or one of its affiliate corporations, during the Initial Term of this P A, at lcast'$480 million worth of tc1c:commUDicatioDS, enhanced or informmon services, nctWork elements, mt!:rconne:crion or coUocarion services or clementS, capaCity, termination or origination servic=s, switching or fib~rrights (the "Products ), at prices previously' quoted by Qwest, including but not limited to, an any products 01' updated productS far wholi:saJc long. distance services purchased, the higheSt discount level available for thaI product, subject: to' the terms of this section 2. !\O~PLJBLIC DOCUYiENT . :; . CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 0 If-Oi 1 h ~'-"...;q rr::.!1-mH ~:liAL ~c;:':'~iLEji .,.:;mmm ?, uz:/m r-"cr1 SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE ~O8 2.1 Subject to thc provisions of this section 2, by Dec~mber 31 2001,McLcodUSA will purchas~ a minimum of$15D million of Products ~d in the eYeDtpu:rt:hases by McLeodUSA do Dot meet this minimum, McL:odUSA to make apayment to Qwest, no later than January' 2002, in an amoUnt eqUdl to the difference . . betwcen actual purcbas~ and the minimum. -...;,. Subject ro the provisionS of this section 2, from January 1, 2001 through Decemb~ 31, 2002, McLeodUSA will purch.2se It cumulative minimum of $31 0 millionof Products, aii.d in the event purchases by McLeodUSA do not IIleet this minimum,McLc:odUSA agrees to nW:c a payment to Qw~ no later than J a.nuary 15, 2003. in anamount equal to the: difference. beTWe~n actual purchas:=.s and the minimum.. 2.3 Subject'tO the provisions of this section 2, From January 1 , 2001 throughDecember 31,2003, McLeodUSA will purchase a cu:mularive m.inimum of$480 million. ofProduc:ts, and in rhc event purchases by McLeodUSA do not meet thiS miDbnum McLeodUSA agre..--s to make a payment to Qwest, no later than January 15 2004, in anamount cqual to the difference betw~n actual purchases and the :minlmum. ' . 2.4 The minimum purchase re.quirc:'mcms provided above shall bl: changedproportionally, but in no event to exceed $480 million in the cumulative aggregate , if thefollowing occur to a material d~gree; 2.4.1 A reduction in the rates for any of the ProduCtS. 2.4.2 Products are no longer offered without adequate substitution. 2.4./my sale of C1im:nt Qwest exch3nges where McLeodUSA isdoing business. c:. 2.4.4 Delays in the delivery of an ordered Product that caUSeMcUodUSA difficulty in meeting its minimum comminncms. 2.4.5 Release, sale. transfer or relinquishment of any currentcollocation back to Qwe:st by mutual agreement. 2.4.6 McLeodUSA's business is pr~cnted, restricted or interferedwith by a Force Majeure as descn"'bed in seCtion 1.7. 2.4.~ges in technology eliminating the Deed for certain services provided by Qwcst:. provided Qwest has the right offusr refusal to provide the: ~hnology. Th~ Panics will meet to discuss all propo~cd changes in requirl:DlCI1t5 or payments punuant to this section 2, and will resolve any disputes pursuant to EscalationProcedures to be developed by the Parties, before any payment or change in requirement ism~~ NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA (J11 ~'1'" AlJi-3Q-ai i I ;00401 Fr~tlESi LEGAL DEPAmE/(i Ho:mms;T-m p.D25ma ;-uQ3 SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE .(08 2. 6 The tak: e 0 r pay p urch as e rc q uirc m c: Il ts 0 f this s ec. ti 0 n at:: sp i:clfi ca.ll yconditioned on the rates offered for the Products as of the date of this P A remaining in cifC'"-t atlevels no higher than the rates quot~."""CI 3. In consideration of the agreements and covenants set forth above and the: entire group ofcovcn.ants provided in sCction 2. all taken as a :wholt; with StIch consid~on only beingadeq~ if all such agreem~ and, COVC1W1tS are made and are enforc~ablt; Qwcst a~e.s tomake the ~ducts available for purcp.asc by MCLeodUSA, at such rates and on such rerm.s andconditions as agreed. , -.',. --";-- rR~~der ofp~e intfmtic~'U 1buinkJ . ..'.. --., ......... . .."-'."." .'. . .~.. . .. - '..., '..... .'" - - .. ., .,... ... -. ...... . .. -.. -'" .'. '. ". '" .,. '.' .. '. "." '. .::. NONPUBLIC DOCWMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 110118I . Auc-jU-UI II :~Ula F(~-Q~~T LEGAL ~FAR~NT l~/~bJ~~~~ l~: ~I ~~L~~~~b~mm24SSS T-(9i p,DHnJa i-OO::::.u.J11/.J..!.M/I':'..J.:t:.XI/~ r~ 1:::: STJ:B1Ecr TO XULB OF ~ENCB 40& Tnde SKret Data Ends! Made md entered mto on the d.e.t:: written abov~ by McUocIDSA and Qwcrl. . - Mc:LeadUSA Te1ecO!l1IIlunicmoDS SemC:/!l, Ine. Qw~ Communications Corp. ~~~- Authoriurl Signature ,:;:; Awhorlzed Signature ""Q Blake O. Fisher. Yr. . N Im1C Printed!ryp Name PriDtcdtfypod GroUD Vice President Title Title adobe!" 26.2000 Date Od.ober 26. 2000 Date H:~TOl' i 02500 NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 0 LLq1J ~s~3a-\J1 II:Ollai ;:rom-Q~EST LEGAL DEPARnEliT r.dOi'Q)TEBT.:r;TTfGifiON SiJppogf - - . n. S'CJBkT1'O ill!.! OF EVtDsNCE 401 ' Hommes T-m P.D2IIm F-ao'3 - .--------- \Tc'UHo. 26' 00 i3:09/Si'. t3:07fiO, 4861183380? a M~c: ~..c:n:d mta en d4%= WtitIat ahtIVCl by Mc:U:od.USA =:d Qw=3t. -co M d.eua "'USA l' d etIJ m zn. D b f ea f:i 0 12 ! ServiC:r=1, he:..Qweat CDmmunia~n! Corp. A~ Signature Blake O. Fisher. If. N a!!1 == Prm tcdIT yPcl . - ; 0 ...~-. ,. ~e;;O~'f ""'1. C"I- se; . Name ~ypcd Gm~ Vice Pres1&nt TrtIc:J;X!!C I r.J-I'~ Title Octob::r 26 2000 lA'tz!O~beF 25. 2000D:t:, H.:Q:IIatqI'Dp I ~a:I - 5-NO~PUBLIC DO~UMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA ,..,,-,. ~C -.. .-...... OUQ1~ Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Exhibit #2 Contains Trade Secret Information I . ------"-'.- PRIVILEGED & CONFIDENTIAL - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES OUtlin~ of Major TI:I1ns September 19 2000 ' Q will provide billing tapes to allow 1\'f to bill access charges sL1rting with usage for themonth of October (or possibly Sc:ptc:mbc:r- Q to confinn) and going forward. M will notcharge Q access ratl:S on M platform lines at a rate highc:r than the rate Q charges M. Q willpay M (S 18 million) to settle a past billing dispute ovl:r access charges for the: (2d & 3dJ .quarter of2000 and a release of claims for a new M platform from the date oEM's request. . M will pay Q ($29 million) for conversion and termination fees associated with the changesto a new Mplatform created by the panics. (Judy and Stacey to work on platform issues anddetails) (Audrey needs to confirm whether 2d quarter settlement is available). Q will offer v.m. & DSL (& .net - to be confirmed by Q) to M region-wide at retail rat~. subj~t to paragraph 6. In addition, if any new products offered by Q the parties will meet to discuss product offerings through a business-to-business relationship. Q will develop state-by-state M local platform pricing for services (including & not limited to loops, ports, features, etc.for a 36 month period (M to identify features it desires to sell and provide to Q by 9/22) (Q to provide pricing by 9/29). M will provide information to allow Q to develop LD rates by 9/22 and Q will provide LD pricing by 9/29. Within 2 days after receipt of pricing, M wiU deliver a forecast based on the rate information and will propose a 36 month total revenue commitment to Q (including revenue from ail services and products purchased by M 1Tom Q, including & not limited to new M platformresale, LD, Private line, V.m., DSL, DIA. etc.) with a firm. substantial portion of the totalcommitment in the form of "take or pay." In the event of significant competitive pressuresthe parties agree to provide for a review of the pricing. The parties will address a review ofthe 'take-or-pay' amount in the event Q can not or docs not provide services substantially inaccordance with the agreement. Based on the proposed commitment by M, within 5 business days, Q will propose volume and term discounts bas~on quarterly revenue targets, to be paid back to M by Q on aquarterly basis. AI:. a condition to Q completing this transaction, 1\1 must take a neutral stance on Q 271relief and agree to develop a joint prc:ss release with Q announcing this arrangement. M and Q will work jointly on service standards. This is a material provision of this agreement. The parties will continue to work on a program for securitization of receivables to allowcapitalization by M (Audrey is working on these details and will provide input by 9/29). 9. The parties will continue work on an agreement to address M trunking needs. (Audrey to ""': ,;, investigate pricing issues and provide ideas for how M can help address these issues and M needs to update LIS forecast by 9/29). 10.The parties ,viII develop a clear escalation process to address problems, issues, disputes andconcerns raised by the parties. rn"IClnt:"ITI /\ Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Exhibit #3 Contains Trade Secret Information I . From:James T. Balvanz on 10/23/200009:39 AMTo: Stacey D. Stewart/MCLEOD(tYMCLEOD cc: Subject: Another proposal- with attachments Forwarded by James T. BalvanztMCLEOD on 10/2312000 09:43 AM --i L ; : : i.-t--1' Blake O. Fisherr:: U.,W. 10/21/200004:19 PM To:James T. BalvanzlMCLEOD(tYMClEOD cc: Subject: Another proposal - with attachments Jim, I have agreed to this. We will be having additional conversations about DSL and Voice Mail after this agreement is signed. I concluded we couldn t get anymore right now, but I think if we can find out of region stuff we have a great opportunity to get more. Please give me a call at 435-658-3338. . ---- Fol"Narded by Blake O. Fisher/MCLEOD on 10/21/200003:21 PM ---------- Audrey McKenney c;axmcken~uswest.com;:. on 10/21/200002:46:46 PM To:Randall E. Rings/MCLEOD!9)MCLEOD. Blake O. Fisher/MClEOD(g;!MCLEOD. James T. BalvanzlMClEOD~MCLEOD cc: Subject: Another proposal - with attachments Hi Folks - Here's the proposQl with the ~tt~chment. Thanks Audrey 00 Qcounter.xls CONFIDENTIAL , ' ,; ? ") . ' j . . :Q w e s t ~ ~ ~j : r . . . , , " ' ' (' ; " :" " Z ' :: ( : ?: : ": ~ ' ~ : ; -. : ~ , ~ " :" . :' : " ; , ': " , , , : " " , ; ' Wo r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e t s : ' QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n 20 0 0 To t a l 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 Mc L e o d fo Qw e s t Be f o r e S p l i t R o c k I o t h e r a c a u l s t l o n s Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 0% 28 % 24 % 17 % Ba s e /P r o j e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 6 73 2 'P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r - "T a k e o r P a y 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 I % o f P r o j e c l e d R e v e n u e 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % Qw e s t t o M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r . . " Ta k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Min i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e $M ' 20 0 1 17 6 - 18 6 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ba a e d Mc l e o d ' 18 9 - 19 8 Ov e r 2 3 0 Ov e r 2 5 0 Pr o p o s a l 10 . 10 . lo O w n l ov e r 1 9 9 Th e a b o v e l e v e l I s a n 10 . In t e r i m d e f a u l t l e v e l . B o l h Pa r t i e s a g r e e t o n e g o t i a t e fin a l r a l e l l b a l l e d o n ma r k e t c o n d U o n s o n a n en n u a l b a s i s a n d f o r t h e In l e g r a l l o n 0 1 S p l i t R o c k ol h e r a c q u l s U o n s . AU " " " y 0 M n 1 P r i v i l e g e -O O 1 5 5 4 7 . xl s S h e e l 3 5 1 2 3 / 0 2 3 : 0 6 P M D E H Fo r D i s c u s s i o n P u r p o s e s O n l y . D a t a E x c h a n g e d B e t w e e n T h e P a r t i e s 00 8 8 N o t C o n s t i t u t e O f f e r s . Q w e s t R e s e r v e s T h e RI g h t 1 0 R e v l l e f 5 u p p l e m e n t A n y T e r m o r C o n d l U o n C o n l a l n e d H e r e i n Docket No. P421/CI-OI-1371 Exhibit #4 Contains Trade Secret Information From: James T. Balvanz on 03101/2001 06:08 AM10: Gary E. DuplerlMCLEOD cc: Subject Re: Owest agreement From: Gary E. Dupler on 0212812001 02:24 &,f.I"t.A)"'*LI'7y - '!7 JU-?W. ~Iu !~" /~~ o.J. thi tL-fJ O~/D ?J;~(dlu.rr (Iff";"') Gary E. Dupler on 0212812001 02:24 , James T. BalvanzlMCLEOD(IDMClEOD Roy A WilkensIMCLEOD~MCLEOD. Eric W. WilkensIMCLEOD~MCLEOD. Howard W.O~~~~~~~~~~~ob ~~~~ ~~c;l~:r ~~~ ~C::~~~ ~J~~~e~~~p litrock. net(g? MCLE OD .loon ventonlMCLEODiWMCLEOO, Larry C. UtlJefieldlMCLEOD~MCLEOD . Jay D.GulicklMCLEOD~MClEOD Subject Owest agreement From: To: cc: Jim i have the following Questions related to the subject agreement and am copying a limited number of individuals with the understanding that this is considered highly confidential information. As i understand itthere is a 6-10% additional discount on the prices we pay for all qwest services. As such i need 10understand and all of those copied need to understand at least the following: 1 )How and under conditidns does this discount apply? l1Jt ~/ -h $~../. ~J!f-4 l(,p~" l2~r11 ~ _~...- ( 0'::52.. e-/t.u.f ,/.t!/ 7"1. ~~ .. 11- .A~ ~~ 10Y: 7b~ :. "2./..,(,('t 1- ~o Yf. 2~o4-." (&I '! /~y. f""" y~., ~~ ff, l.~tftf /0,/- 97. f';!'11 ~. ~c..J /J 1/)'\ 'q" Co.J t: 9-, Yt"to OJ. ,. (;" 'J. iO::J (. f)' J ?- U r: ., ~ .".;oc. ~ J '(d .: 2)Are you sure that it has already been incorporated in all of our network access budgets? for examplehow did it get applied to qwesl IXC producls we buy? ics. , ~ ~~vllt l,~ rL ;.... $~l MUu"",f- ~l ,tN;lt,JJ ~ d... 1~.oM...II..) r~slf3 2ct\oM.. /Df: 2D.".(A. o~ 10, ufc~l..h'", 3)How do we determine if this discount has been applied to new services we get quotes on from Owest ordo we know that it has not? lL.. Ir'/A.(. f! ~ 'S~~!f- - q~i ,:? ~ ~...f).J. t;o.d. It w/s.J.t ry vi!' 7'~ Mdll/~f..wIt;I..h4 I""~. (.p,f, Mvttj ii ,fr~,,- !.:f. If- .',Iop tf:. i.I e:- I rM"~-:t.. I- 07. rC.. :~,.~ 4)who makes sure that we are receiving the discount since it is not applied to a specific bill? /,:"../~~~~" .,,~.~. J;,M " 4. ~ 9 to ~7~ ~ /b7-.. . ' ~-t CJv... ;to f/~ Sll f~ ;~ rdJJ/ ..f., (~u.../.. f"nMCrnCMTI,., r "-'.- --. ---. -----.----, - - - -. ' 5)Are we sure it was included in the CO break-even analysis? . rt) MI 7J....;I- ~..~ 'II!, (0 r. a'1-rlU,i.t ~';:... i'.tJX 74. Z-.D~ I: ~"' these are basic questions, thai aU of us need to understand. Please advise how you wish to handle theresponse to these either in an emaU or a meeting. However, i must make sure that at least certain peoplein the network organization knows this information. . Gary flu 3/6 . ,,-." ".... CONFIDENTIAl suarEC' 'ItJ I1J1.E oF ~\c;L.~ i DEPOSmONEXH IT ...-::-- . brrbne A.~e.nt (tndc Sed'l'DIU Jclt8S 'IbIs Parcbas& ApctneJI c"p j is made 8nd m==:limo b)' and 'bctw=n M c!. ~ d! 1SA I' -r~nm Scrvi=s, Inc, md its ~c!;ml!$('"McLcadUSA") and C..........."";c-rl!'lD$Cmp. md ia sabsidia:ri= rQtllCSt") (cclkaMJy.1he ""Parties'") ~vc: tb' . day of 0dDbc:. 2000. 11= Parties have m1CRd in 'to cn= into mi5 P A 10 faci1it= aDd Uapravc thcjr business me! &di.,aDd In t'm'Io:i~an of tM =vcmmu. pramiscs bc1aw1bc aF= tD thI: foUawiDg: 1, 'Dds '1 A is === 'iDta beIw=IL 1bc Panics base.cl aa 11= fa UowiDg COtI ~ ri 0'\0:which ;rre %t'~l pet af'tbis . 1.-rmsPAsbaIl be bi:diDs em QwestmdMcI..cacruSA aDd each cfthcir ~~p.-tive ~~.....,~ .ftmtiM cmpc:I"'Dfi~..$I'" ..8Dd ..'l;SigTK- 1.2 "IbIs PA m&'! be ...."""~ or a1Im:d cmly by wriu= imtrumem ---.." 'by m ambariz=d ofbcnh Pittir:s. ,. l~ 11= wJ~"1D ba 1ep1Iy be=: 1mR !;:N:' ..1~tbis PA ~Ii~as of OdeD: 2. 2DOO; in =Wp18 each af wlUcb. is dc::=cd lED aripal. but all of wbic1i sba11 comUaIt& cma m4 1bt: am8 lA um..s 10-. ; 1..-(.-.3 8S pnmd8d isitis s=:t!cD. u:litiahcun of \his PAis fnm1 me de of siPc.UDIil Deo- '31i-2003 ('1Dm1 Tr:mj 1his E' A shaD. mv-"'" -1\1 u.. 1ZDIi1 c:i1hI:r Ji1ra ~ last ax (6) advmc=e anica or --..;.......... 'Ibis is P A em am, 'be: .........~ dmiDg the tnmal Tc::m. at at my ,1DDe 1l.w....4- m~lMSaf: 4.1 ama=ria1 bna:h oftDe1amS aftb: ~r~,,",1'Ift or this A~mn- .nzi d1 md1m, .. '1 'i -- 8pp1ic:adcm a f the dispa!8 ~.;...... .z...:-I'I:SCP .-..... row -- ~ 84Por . 'n, 4.2 , --"-1 cmmIe i:a.1bc ~fl'mft'i cmiam iudumy prici:uI mm:uo IhIf is advcse 1D Qwest sa am 1IW:a tis P A or A.3 ~"rm af 1hz Pun:h&sc AI;. ~ em wi1h & Db: ~.,.. daze pl&Ol ""(IYfa 1Ibicb Mr- y ~TS;4.pm:bascs Prcducts (gefme4 bclaw) &am 1.5 An fII=8J m4 c!ut!cs SII:t fartb. m. this 'PA lire. am w.-.r1-od 1D 1,.. mdlrC .......d~am bflhc hnk:s m be, ~"""'t~rc:1aIrA to, md. =r~~cadi ad=. .. 1 Ji If 8ithI=r pmtT' ~........ of this P A at arq cbJi p1icm 1mdcr 1b1s PAis p-" -;..-1 ar ~~a~wit:h by c.miC:S s=h Pmics R:aSCmIb1e caa1:ol, 1P..1n~batuat &mia:4 'EO aas af'God. m., 8Xplosi=.. V"""~.1;-which. rnlU'll'l."'l~ ~~ ~"G . -.. NONPUBL.IC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TR.ADE SECRET nATA Q.I10121 I . ';""010 .... SUSJECI'ro R.t:TlE OF E:VlDENa ~I ,-..-- .- -.. ,., .'-'-.- ~C pro=:: a.pinn, snmn or other similar any Law, a:dc'~cn. ~-Cti0!:., =ian or of m:y ~ t of fedcnl, m:t& or go ~ ~ In af any c::M1 at mili tz::y amhority, or by nmDD3l c:magcccie:s, rizns, W3IS, mike or wc:k vcu1ar .failm:s, cable CUtS, shatmces. bttach Dr delays. then sw:b party .shaIlbe frmn such em.. day - basis to the cn:m of such Z"..~n: nri c:tian Dr ~ ~ (a "'F arc: MaJ care VI" nbam the prier wduc1 CCI1SC1t at 1he a the: partY and c:x c:pt as Set f ann belowar to the cmm n:quirc:d by law, Ddtbcr pzn;y will disclasc to my pc:san the cxist== or comcnIof 1his at mm:n.l terms at the zpcmenL In tbc cwm 1b8t eitba pliny c:anrhu!es zMt disclc SIn is ~.,d by 1; ..... ~ ~ l&w ; D..1rr";., bm 1Wt Iim.iIm rc the :qn 1 m; of theand 'F 'ft" ~ gc c",.,.",,; t:eion.such pmy will pm vide the adu:r pzny wUh prampt no ticc . th=u! 1m d m tD f"t!!'Mft au such disc1oi1m: p:i or to such disda sure and. Inch. pmywiJl disd os: cmJy t1z ~ f\ n , . ~ n n in 11= opiDicn af its cr:nmsd. It is i, lot ~ -a by mcb law todi.v J ... se.1D 1hc m:m that eim=r party or my of its Jtl. ~ ~ is :rcq uU:d by a ~ ~ ambcrity czr m. ~....,.;" II vmb a 1cpI prot" ar pmsumr to Ie pI precess tDdisc1osc =1 af\he EVIImaian Man:::W 'With rapcctta Vo'hich scch J)anY ~ the:=Qvmc Jm'tY ormy ather DIm:z' n:fc=i tD in- the mm..A; - \y pmrgraph, it is ar;rczd !bat. su:h put)"will praYid.e tbc 01hcr pzsny with Irimpt z=i.cc of rZh such Ql' I"'"i t..;,.. r , ., "Ut so tha:t suds may leek pmmptly m ap;ropriIm ... u w'C anU:r cr cnhcr ~...."~ mJ/or WIh: by sut:h part)' subjc:ct 'to ~:rcqaest or wfrh thepDMsiaas of'lbls P A ADd pan;r eMDI shaD. we Us Z'CZIS1:mable cffi:Ins toassist 1b: pm;y s=kiDg Iz11hc CYCII!: 1hIt sm:!r. pnnediw ard= CD: ather remC4y is DOtobtaine4 promptlr. m:b p:my IUbjcct m s=h rcquirc:ment may that;artiaD (ad cm1rtb8t pam em) rsf the P A at mbcr- art widl'r=pcct tr;J , sua mm1:r' 11m. in the aphDan af itscznmsc1. it is lepJ1y c;mp..nM 10 disc1C1$C md 'IriI1 ex.crCse it! ~1c dramto obabn m!iIb1t: L-w.---- ~-.;~ 1ra!mI:m will be ."~ed q' iMnn,.,a1i~sa 1mui"""""'Thc == ~. as used in 1bis A:grcauClt sbaU bit b=uny fnta~..bod to fDchzd8without 1imi1mian 8D1 cmpamian. compauy. pzrmcmp. arg;m;~on,ban!; sm~ individDal.~01her cmity. NcizmrpaEty wi11 JRSC:Dt i1=lf lIS rcpf1:SClting ~ joiatly ~tWs scviClS wDh1be atb:r. or == its 2f'ViCes using Uzc name of the 0 the:r pany. witbam the prior WIiItcnI:OIISI:m af W: od= pes:,' . . 2. In ..""";d-"';~of zhc and set fmIh Ihovc uzd the cavcnams pnMd:d m s=icm ~ .n rakJ:n a I Mm1c, witb such c:cmid:micm cnUy b:q adeqtme if' IIIsach:lll' ~ ~i"D ad o;Ow.~IZ'C made IDII ce udi..1...e.h1c. McLeocrosA agrees 10 mab'""""""'U'mD.....;....,." or mnw,..".rions=viecs. DmVOrk caD~ tcni=s ar dEmatl, ~y -..;...foI.cm a:E' ~lPft."I'\J:I.SCYices, IIDdfilw rilhzs ("'the naiIahl= fizr pm:hase by Qwat. . 3 . ID CGDIidcntiaa. of die 8t.o ~ =m:wm =: fan:h aha-te aDd 11Ia CO'VCI:ImtIpmvidcd In 2, 8I1 Wza as & wba1c, 9o'iIh sw:h ~ ~ .. --' " D ozUy bclq adr:qam: If.u$IJCh a~ cod arc made 11%14 8Z'C .....sbIe. Qwcst aen:= to purcbzs,a from .:1 - Q110I22 NONPUBLtC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA J . SlJJJiI:rro RIllE CIl' ~1!Nc::E (as ~.,...=--.------.. ..-.. .. McLeodUSA. or one aria ;zffi1ia.t:o during th: 1mria1 Tam of this P A. PIaduas a! Ficas &:Stab lish=1 by ~ t f ocrt!SA.sabj ca ,tQ 1iw =ms of this sc:a:icn.3- 3 .1 S 12bj cct to tba af this s=ian 3. Qwest wiIl. q IW t!o.o l:t pro pgni cm3l1mQUDI of no less than S 15.14 mi1.1.icn .. b8twr:c:L Jcmcy I, 2001 - D==bcr 31, :ZOOI md in the cvcm: the qam:rly pu:rcb.1ues by Qwcst do DCt %I2Cc:t tbis ,..;.,,;.,.,,'"\. Qwcst qr:cs m make a 'ED Mct.codUSA.in an amaam cq1W = tbe 'betwt= mual pnrdwcs U1d the prcporti amI amauat of'tIIe JI . : . .: . .... no --' '-u -- 3.7 - -SuDjcCf 'fbe.~ af1his sccdcm 3. Qwcst will pmW.se quancrly a P:OP=ic=l2mO=t af8d4~Pmc1ucts ta n'..p no less than $1132. milJioD bonvc= 1cmay 1, 2.001 m:1 31, 2002 _in 1b: C'I=t the 'l1Mu~.7 by Qw8s:t do DCJt == Ufs 101':' . 7 . , '""1.Qwat Iq;I=s II) mab & fI:I McLeodtJSA., In liD 8DICIImt 8quaJ III t!= &&.......... 1=wc= =ual purchasa the amc= of. ~..."'""... ., .. -. - 3.3 Suhje:: ID 11=prcMsicqss of1his RCiicm 3.Qw=st wfI1 purchase qu-~en ..,."I~'It"I~~az="no1i:ss than S19.92 million Ja:r:rmy 1, 2003 Dca:mb:r 31; 20 03 me! in the CVCDt the purcha.se:s by Qwcstdo DCltma:1his r: ",. Qwatapcsm mak= apcymcmU) Mr:t~in In ama:nmt cqaa11D'thc bc:;tWc= acmsl mil the ~af~n;;.. ;..:-' - '' , --. .. '.. - , ~"" 11= ;"""'l pzrchun~";lr...~p:n:r.idc4in 1his '-"""""t"'~ahaI1 beadjm::d prcpc:ticnaIly r:a= af'fc11cnrixII ~ch DQ::Ir. . ..---.. -.. --. 1: : A~-m:=::2r='fbr irq mUle Pro~ 3.4.2 ' Aily 'afm.: II%C 110 .1an;c:: a1fi::t=i. . 3.4..3 . Az1y ,.,hmm;.1 mcrease or dc::reasc in the ~,.... c(,iDcludmg bat !:lot limi!I:d~ 1bc scap= or ;coppb;y of services aff'c:rcd. by. McLeodDSA. ~:':;.: ..... 1a11, ddq in mi: d81iwzy of ID cmiI:ed PzDcmct. ." .. " . J.45 .. A:r oa!8ie arSts!e of"'cm af scrvi=- \VhQ baYcb=1c:dcnda:r . . . .: .' .... .3."'..6 !he basim:ss at Qwcst or Mc1.= dUS.A. is rcmi ctcd .at' ; "Yi"f f:..r....J wir1I br a Fo=: ~t:mI:.its ~~ m sc:ti= 1.9. Cbqa In =1m.aIagy t!tm."-ing the ==1 for c:c'tIin scniccI 'IhePa:ni:s wiIlmcct:m'disi:usS all !-,,,,,~ !!ft.mS""S n:q~~ NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT :aNT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA .3A. :$.4, paMdcd by Md.=dt1SA. QIIOl23 I . StD!JECT TO 1ttILE OF 401 - -- '--' :-=-=...-,-,--, ~ ---" pmsuaz: to 1his secd= 3, CII! 'CIriIl n:sa1vc aay c5spazcs p . . 10 J: 121i cro 1D be dcft1opcd by 1bc P m=. bcbc mJY paymcat or ehmp in !D8dL 1'1....cd pap -l\y b1zI2k) Tnd8 SIcftI Daa bdI) .-.--.--- - .- . ...-'---. - . - .~ -. '-.' ~.".:..-.--. --.-. ":"'~. - --...-'-.---. --..-. . , NONPUBUC DOCUMENT . - 4- CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA QI10124 .-- --.-,- -:- -. ~' fOlIID till ~.- Made m! cm:rcd i:= em '4w dal8111iu1::a ""'11, McLcadtJ'SA. Q\rtest. . )kLmd1JSA, T~IiI....II"IcaSoa. SenIca, lac. Carp. ';'~- ~A .. ~. ~ .--.- --. Ambari=I !jpamw . -' .. tS-" 0, ~'- 11". N8mtI - - - ::-:-::=-. ----:-'7' t4_.~. limaD Vtee 'Predt!mlt Tid8 'ntIa . .-. . - . . . 0c!01Jer 25.. 2OO(J I:I8i8 ~'beI" 25 ~MII - --.----.. -- -... ..-.. .., ".. 1tQ .. - ~ IGZ:86 ---"""'---'. ' . .-- 00. NONPUBLtC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Ql1012S -. /----- ~"~ nsDUOF IIao&wiuqlf"ia.. .,.., be. Mue -lIIIbnIIizIia - 1be UIr: Uowc be )lct.adUSA .....~ ~ ~ ~P'QaI Ida..... a. N8IIII ~'YIcr~~;~ rldc~x~.Da 1_-- --- .-- QIt8t t'....._.~..~tol.. ... Ca:p.. . . 6l~q M. t.'6'::;:fNez. b2!-( \J_ 1!di 0efB t- 2S. 2mmna: . . .1-NONPUBUC DOCUMENT ceNT AINS TlADE SECRET DATA QIIOl26 I . .urr~D~1 liJ::!~ ;. ca-QE Si 11 ~ t: AliTIUi -:-:~:izn~c..:;i-c:: ~,~Zj/~:: ~.;.:~ S tiB IE CT TO :iuJLE OF EY 1D EN CE 4a 3 i~L,U' DEPOSITION EXHIBIT -z..(!fJPuTcba.!e A...~I!r:m~t fTrade Seuet Data Berms This Pun:ha.!e Agr=:ment ("PAn) is made omd I:ttO by and b:~ Mcl.eodUSATcla:ommunicztions Savices, Illc. 1Uld its subsidiari:s and diiliateS ('"Mcleod USA") andQwe.st Commnnic:aticns CoIp. and its subsidiari:s rQwestj (collectively, th= ""Pani:sj effective on the 211d day ofOcrcber, 2000. --.:0. The :P2It:i:s ba.ve ent.ered. in to c:nt:r into this PA to facilitate and imp-:ove theIr busin~8l1d opcrztional activities. agn=mc:nI:s and Iclatianships. In' c:OIISiderarlon or the COVcuIlu,2g!eeInc:nt3 and proraises co.ntained below the Parties ag.rc:: to the following: 1. This PA is CDWed into b~ the Panies b2Sed on the: following conditions, which arca mat::riaI pUt of this agr:em:m: This P A shall be binding on Qwest I!11d McLeodUSA and each of their r:spcctiv=subsidiari:s, affiliaI=d cotporations, succ:sscrs ZIld assigns.. "Ims PA may be ainc:"nded or altCr-..d ocly by v."rinen instrument e=ceatt:d by anauthor.::zed r:p~cntativc of both Par1i::s. 1.3 The Parties, int..-ndbg to b: legally bound, have executed this P A effective as ofOc:tobc::r 2. 2000, in muhiple coUIltCIpM'ts, e.ach of which is d::m=d 1!11 original,. but all of whichshall coIJStitm:: one and the same imtrum::nt. . """=- 1.4 UDlcss teImiriated as provided in this seCtion. the initial tam of this PAis fromthe chu: of signing until Dec:mbc:r 31, 2003 ("hUtiaI T e:m and tbis P A .shall thereafterautomatically continue until either p~ gives at lem six (6) moI1!hs ad\'2I1c:: written notice oftemrimtion. This is Amendment can tmly be tcmUnu:d during the Initial Tenn. or at any time thc:re3.fter, in the event of: 1 a mat:ria.l breach of the: terms' of the A~ts or this Amc=ndme:mwhich unresolved a::ad unccmpensi!tc:d following application of the dispmc:resolUtion previsions of this agr::mcnt; a. matcial c:bi!Ilg: In the: tcl:commu:1iCil%ioIlS industry pricing structure thatis so adverse to MdeodUSA so as to make this P A useless; or 1.4.3 a ~;~:liion oftlw cmain Purclwe Agrc:nc:nt with a like c:ffc:ctive cht::plJmWlt to wbic:hMcl.codUSA purchases ProdUCts (dclined below) from QwCSt.1.5 AIl bctua1 preconditions and duties set forth in this I' A arc, arc intended to be,and ar: considered by the Pmi:s to be, re.asonably related to, and dcpl:I1dc:nt upon c:acl1 other. 1.6 Ifeitbc::rparty s pmoIIIWl&% o!tbis PA or any obligBIion under this I'A isprcvcn~ rcstric~ or int:rfe.--ed with by causes beYond such Pmies reasonable comro~ ~O;";PL.;BUC DOCUMENT - 1 -CO~TAI:\S TR...~DE SECRET DATA ()T1fU'~ ooq i:.Ir.:HI :=-a:~ L.:~ ~tiMi1:.'i .. :~;;:;:: ~!m;2m: --:~: ,: - ~~.:!~!: ;-;~: SUBJECT TO RULE OF EV1DENcr 40; including but not limited to iCtS of God, fire, explosion. vancWism which rea5Onabl= pr::4Utionscould DOt protect against, stetm or oth:r si:ni1ar occum:nc:, any law, ord:r, rcgu1ZIion, dir-...ctiOIl,action or requ:st of any unit of fedc3l, S".a!e or local gov::mm=m, or of a!lY civil or milituymthority. or by caticnal emcrg:ncics, in.surm:tiom, riots, Strike Dr weD.: Stopp:tge or vc:cdor failures, cable CUtS .mcrtages, breach or dcliIYS, then such Part)' sba1I b= :xcusd "b~such P af 0 Im me = en a day - to-day b i!Sis to the extW of sucl1 rev:mi 0 11, r- ..stri ~ en orintafa:nc: (a "'Perce Majeur:j. . , . 1.7 rthont the Frior WIitt:n COIlSClt of the other pany and cxc:pt as Set -forth belowor to th: e:a:nt required by law. neither party will disclose to any p=cn the existence or COIlt::!t of this ag!:Cmcnt, or m~'t*i11 tams of the agr:cmcnf.. In the event that either party conclud:s that disc1osur: is required by a:pp1iC3bJe law. includin: but norlimitM to the r=gulaUoIlS of theS ccmitics ;md Exchange Commission, such party will provide the cn&cr party with procpt noticetbcr:of and an opponucity to commClt on such disc1o.mre prior to such discloStrC and such pmywill disclose only the infomwion that. in the opinion of its counsel, it is required by such law tocfuclo~. In the evem: that cither party or my of its Rcpr:s=nw:ivcs is required by a gov::mmcnta.l a.utbcrlty or in c:o~on with a. legal prcce::dmg or p11rSU2nt to legal prcc:ss todisdose:my of the EvalU3!ion'Ma.teria1 with respect to which suchp2Ity is the receivingput)' orany ether man=r ro:rred to in the immclia.tcly prea:ding paragrzph. it is agreed that such partywill provid= the ether party with prOmpt netic: of each such request or requirement so that suchother Par!)' zmy seek promptly an ~opriatc protective order or other zppropriat: r:medyandlor \V2ivc compli.aJJce by Such party suDjc:ttO such!Cquest or r-..quir:ml:Ilt "'1m theprevisions of this P A and 1he party giving netic:: shan use its CcmmerciaI1y rl2SOnable efforts toassist tlt: party sc-..king prctectiou. In the ~vcnt ths:t sueh protective order or other Temed.y is notobtained promptly, such party scbjcct to such requircm.."'Ut ma.y fumish tb4tt portion (and onlythat portion) of the P A or other informanon with respect to such. matter that. in the opinion of itsCOWlS:!, it is legally compelled to ~clos= and will ex==is~ its commercially reasomble effortsto obtain relizble that conIidcntial tr2tm.=t wiIl be accorded any infcIm!.Iicn sofunrish:d. The term "pcrsou as usc:d in this Agr::mcnt shall be: broadly im:rpr:ced to include without limitarion any cOIporatio%1.;comp2DY;1JartnC!Ship~ org2::1ization, baclc. group, individualor otbc-. entity. - .. 1.8 Neither pa:rty will pres:D.t itself zs representing or jomtly mzrk.."'ting services wIthme other. or market its services us::ziithc wc ofthc other psIty. VtithOtIt the prior writtenconseIJt oitbe other party. - . 2. In ccmsideration of the a~...meDts and covc:rumts set fonh above and the e:Irire group orcoVenants provided in section 3.. Mcl.eodUSA agre~ to purchase from QwcSt. or ODe of itsaffilia%C corporations, during the 1citiaI-Tc:::m afIbis Pi\. at lca.st'S480 million worth oftclc:commucic:atiotlS, c:::zhaJxe.d or icfozma:non services, netWork elcm=nts. intcrcO:mc:c:tjon orcolloca:tioll services or elementS . capacity, ~rm;,,1!1jon Of origiIwion servic:s, switching or fi~rights (the "ProdUCtSj, at pnc:s pr:viously quoted by Qwest, including but not limited to . onany pt"Oducts or updated products fOf whcli:sale long. distanc:: scrvic:3 purchased, the highestdiscount level available for thaI produa, subjeCt to the terms of this sec:ti0Il2. ~O~PUBUC DOCUMENT . :! . CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA () 11 flIT r;. .....~. '.. ...,.., ,.r~H ;.:k).L ~;:A4"'j~j +mzmi:i i ..aU :" . :n:;-'~3 :..:~ St1BJEcr TO RULE: OF EVIDENCE .cO! 2. I Subject to the plOvhion, of tbU 'cajon 2, by D.c.mber 3 1. 2001 . M cLeodUsA MIl Jmn:base a mUUnwm of S 150 million of Pro- I!IId in rh. C"",,IJ!UIt:h.s.. by Md..eadus.A do not =t this mm ;"" ""- Mcl.eoc!USA to male. a paY=at In Qv=, no Iat:r than Januazy 15 2002. in an BmD"", oqua.I to the ~ - betwectz ac1nal PurcbasC$ md the minimum. 22 Snbj "'" to the promionS of this ~on 2, ftom January I, 2001 throu:bD=bcr 31, 2002. McLeodUSA will J'UrObzs. a etnImIative """' "'11m af S31 IIliIHQIJ of ProdUCts, azul in the CVI:IIt P!m:bases by McLeodUSA do .nOt m..,. this minimum,McleodusA "i'= to make: a pa= to Qw.sr. ""later than 1 8JD1cy 2003, .un ZIIlOUIlt equal to the difi'e:ren~ bcrw~ actual and nWrlmum.2.3 Sabj=: to the !JZtIVisiaos oftbis ==non 2, F= Ian""'Y I, 2001 through Dec:mber 31. 2003. Mcl:.oodUSA WiII)IDrI:bz,. . CUDmbIi"" of S48 0 million ofPmdDdS, and;" rho event J'UlChas0$ by MdcodUSA do nOt me:: this McLeodUSA &gro::,1tJ mala: a pa)'mcot1tJ Q-., DO -t&.nJ IIIIUaJy 15, 2004, hi at! Itmoum c:qua.t to the differezic: bctw==n a.c:tIL1J P1Itr:1uscs and the micimmn.24 The !!Unimum Purch.se rcquir-'.;".",. provided above shall be ch.oged proponiom!!ly, but in no evem to ==:d S480 DIiI!ion in the =uWive ~2r:gate, if th. followiDg occur to I! mau:rial de~: A redw:tion in the rat:s for any of the ProdUCts.4.2 ProduCtS are no 1011ger off'er=d withoUt adequat= subStitution. doing business.Ally sale of Qwesr excl1:mges Where McLeadUSA is 24.4 Delays the d:Iivcry of an ordered ProdUCt that cause Mc~odUSA difficulty in m-.-:t:ing its minimum co~c:ms. 5 Release, sale, transfer or re~l:I1t of any C'.2rrQt collo~tion back to Qwesr by mUtUal 2gre:mc:tt. 2.4.Mcl..c dUSA " business is preveot:d. tos2rleted or v,ith by a. Fort~ Majeure as descnDed in seCtion 1.7. 2.4., CWmges in t0dm01o gy e!;.";,,,tU!g the ne-.,j for cm.In services provided by Qwcsr. Jn1Widod Qw= bas m" right of fizst retiJsaJ to provide m" roehuo1oey.2.S 1lu; Parties WiI1 meet to db= all ""'~d change:! in r.qui:cmcnt:s Dr paym=s P=uant to t!Us UCtiOI1 2, ""d wil! =1.. ""Y dispm.S -t to E.cabui"" Pzoc.d",.. to be by the PartU:s, bor.", lUIy PI)'Du:nt or cbaoge in ~ent m. . J. NON PUB LIe DOC::UMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA f"'\, '1"\, ""7 Aul-JD-OJ II :003.11 r I I.E ill DE P A.rne1ri i'mZiZ4iii T-m P.Q2Sr..l! r-2~ SUBJEcT TO Rl1U: OF EYID EN CE 40 I 26 The t4kc or pay purchase ~Qts of tbis se::tion ar: sp:QDcal1ycondit:ioDed en the ratts offered for 'the Products as cfthe date aftbis P A I'm'~;T!hJg in dI=t atlevels no higher tban th: rm:s qt1OtCd.3. In camidcation of tb: md COVcwm m faItlub- znd to. ..,;,. gn:,1Ip CCVCWJts :provided in scca 0112 an taken as .1c. with such cans:id e:atian only b.. -in gadequate, if all such and. covcnana arc made and arc Clfarc:able, Qwest agrees tomake Products available for ptm:h!sc by Mc:LeodUSA at snch rates and on such tenns andCOI!ditions as , -.'.:' ,, ., ' PiAa;:ikd~or page intcmionmy~ti~J . '.- -. "0... ' .. ..... .,. .. ... . .. -. - '.' ..'. :'... .-. - . .. ., '. -.. -, .". - ". " ". 0' . , .....,. .. '. NONPUBLIC DOCrJME~ -4.CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA OllOll8 AIII""311-Ul II :IIU~ fr~n liW, CCF.4ineH11~/~~~~~ ~~:~, ~~bCb +1iIJZi2U&i j-'ii P .aZT/J3i ~~: ~II/..wJII/~I/!U.:I.I r-~ t:;: St1J3.JEC'r TO 1 tJ!.R OF S\'IDENc! .. 0 a Trade Seem Dati. Ends! M2dc and cnte::=d. imc CI11hc dat: WIitt:n ilbovc by McUodU5A and Qwerl. McLendUSA Te.te:o~DIU Serv1ee., IDe.Qwest CammW1icationl Carp. .A.ufl!:--d Si~ .Amhorlzed Si~ """=' Blab: O. Fi!ber. 1r. . NGn1: Name Prlmcdtr~ GTcnm Vi c:e Presi . Title Title Oc:taba- 26.2000 Date October 26. 2000 . Date 00: a: QwcrtQ T C11 a2!ca -,- NONPUBLlC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 0110fJQ , -, - 9-'""" . T~ii O2InJi .....,..., II ,"- ;'oroIEsT LEGII. IlEPAI1IEl!T - .------: ~..~:. ,~ . ~ -' iJilHIIW.:rJTfliAfiofi'ui pOir - . -.' 1n:'I1J 10. 2:' DD 13: DIISi'. 13 :071110. 4861!emO? :.~ . TO n.u 01 (QI Ma.!c ..a ""'=d Jot. ...:JDo ...,;".,. a!:ova Ioy Md "OdUS oo,j Qw.o~Tde=mZ=ZZIQfiam Scr9icCl he. S"~ Blab o. 1=;~: 1., NIZ!%= ~Y;:aI . -. ' Gm= Vie:: rrt!~ Dctob'5 'anI) ~Qa:m:z,:~ "'C -- .....- Q\nzt Comm~iqtia.D:I C'~ -k:::::l. ' r ~ .. . ~ ", Aoo1.. t:"" setNamC &~~. """ . . ;;'.Jr'tfc I tI.J1 TItle o~~- '26:. 2000l)u:. .$ . ~O~PUBLlC DOc;VMENT CONT AJNS TRADE SECRET DATA J U)T'")n Idaho Public Utilities Office of the Commission R E C E f v i~tary AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Testimony of Lori Deutmeyer Docket No. P-421/C-02-197; OAR No. 6-2500-14782- July ~, 2002 Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATNE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 FOR THE MINNESOTA DEP ART1vIENT OF COMMERCE 121 Seventh Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2147 In the Matter of a Complaint of the Minnesota Department of Commerce Against Qwest Corporation Regarding Unfiled Agreements MPUC Docket No. P-4211C-02-197 OAR Docket No. 6-2500-14782- TESTIMONY OF LORI DEUTMEYER My name is Lori Deutmeyer. I am the same Lori Deutmeyer who submitted an affidavit in Docket No. P-4211CI-01-1371; OAR No. 7-2500-14486-2 on June 12 2002. A true copy of my affidavit, including exhibits, is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. I have reviewed my affidavit and the statements therein are true and are based upon my own personal knowledge, except where otherwise stated. I submit my affidavit as my testimony in this proceeding. I declare under penalty ofpeIjmy under the laws of the United States of America and the state of Minnesota that the foregoing is true and correct. Further affiant sayeth not. Signed this JR day of July, 2002 tft. . LlJRJ.j-fJcLo Deutmeyer C~bJ~VE D ' "". . MN D ' .,... ep of Co;;:::t;crc MA..u:.~C'~ Signed before me this Testimony of Lori Deutmeyer Docket No. P-421/C-02-197; OAR No. 6-2500-14782- July 1!, 2002 Page 2 of 2 gfi 0/ ;if :ttY1:2 ~~? /l&d~ Notary Public ROBIN R. McVEIGH'-'L tl COMMISSION NO. 19S649 .. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 10Y/" . - . .,.. ... ........ .... Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 WCD- Affidavit & Exhibits of Lori Deutmeyer Contains Trade Secret InfoID1ation .~_~"._'.~ h_..'h' .' Q6/11/~2 16:34 FAX 319 790, J~Ol '. McLeodUSA LAW GROUP Affidavit of Lori Deutmeyer . June 11, 2002 Page 1 of 8 AFFIDAVIT OF LORI DEUI'MEYER My name is Lori Deutmeyer. I am the Local Line Cost Manager for McLeodUSA. I am responsible for reviewing and paying invoices from . Qwest Corporation ("Qwestj to McLeodUSA. I am also responsible for issuing invoices to Qwest from McLeodUSA related to the matters described in this affidavit. I have held this position during all the time described in this affidavit. This affidavit describes how McLeodUSA and Qwest interact on two issues: (1) the calculation and payment of a purchase volume discount by Qwest to McLeodUSA, and (2) the reconciliation of Qwest's bills to McLeodUSA for the UNE Star product with the actual cost of that product under our interconnection agreement. This affidavit is based on my personal knowledge and experience. In October 2000, Qwest agreed to give McLeodUSA a volume discount on all purchases made by McLeodUSA from Qwest, paid retroactively by Qwest on a quarterly basis. Qwest calls the discount a "Preferred Vendor Plan." Since then, I have been responsible for invoicing Qwest for the amount of the discount. Here is how the process of calculating the discount amount works. After the end of every financial quarter, either Arturro Ibarra or Anthony Washington at Qwest will send me an e-mail with Qwest's estimate of the amoUnt Qwest ~OO2 .06/11/02 ~~: 3 FJ\,X 319 790 7901 -. -. McLeodUSA LAW GROUP ~OO3 Affidavit ofLari Deutmeyer June II, 2002 Page 2 of 8 owes McLeodUSA under the discount agreement Mr. Ibarra and Mr. Wasbington both work for Audrey McKenney. Attached as Trade Secret Exhibit 1 to this affidavit is a true copy of spreadsheets setting out Qwest's estimates of the discounts it owed McLeodUSA for October 2000 through March 2001 and Apri12001 through June 2001. (The first discount payment by Qwest covered the fourth quarter of . 2000 and the first quarter of2001.) These spreadsheets were prepared Qwest and sent to me in the normal course of business. Exhibit 1 also includes the e-mail transmitting the estimates to me. What these spreadsheets show is a state-by-state estimate by Qwest of the discount earned by McLeodUSA based on the dollar amount of purchases made by McLeodUSA. Exhibit I, for example, begins with a summary sheet showing the discount owed under the Preferred Vendor Plan for April through June 2001, broken out by month and state, and totaled at the end. The next several charts (labeled "MOll 0% Refund" in the Excel workbook) show the 1 0% discount being applied by Qwest to different specific products purchased. by McLeodUSA from April through June 2001, again broken out by state. The next to last chart shows the subtotal of the discount amounts owed by Qwest based on the product-specific analysis. This figure is then augmented by the discount calculated in the last chart to reach the total set out on the summary page. .06/11/02 .).6:;3.4 .FAX 319 790 7901 McLeodUSA LAW GROUP ijJOO4 Affidavit ofLari Deutmeyer June 11, 2002 Page 3 of 8 I then calculate the amount I believe Qwest owes McLeodUSA by totaling the amount paid by McLeodUSA to Qwest during the quarter and applying the appropriate discount. The discount to be applied will be either 8% or 10% depending on the amount of money paid by McLeodUSA to Qwest during the year. The discount applies to all products and services purchased by McLeodUSA from Qwest, including access, unbundled network elements (U UNEs ), collocation, resale services, and tariffed products and services. The discount applies for all purchases made by McLeodUSA from Qwest inside and outside of its 14-state territory. If the number I calculate agrees with the number estimated by Qwest, then I prepare an invoice to Qwest for the agreed upon amount If there is a. significant disagreement, I work with Mr. Washington and/or Mr. IbaIra. reconcile our numbers. Attached as Trade Secret Exhibit 2 to this affidavit are true copies of the invoices I sent to Qwest for the discount between October 2000 and September 2001. These invoices were prepared and kept by me in the normal course of business. I send the invoices to Audrey McKenney at Qwest On June 22, 2001 Qwest paid McLeodUSA (TRADE SECRET BEGINS) $10 770 437.00 (TRADE SECRET ENDS) via wire transfer for the discount on purchases made by McLeodUSA between October 2000 and March 2001. . This payment corresponds to the first invoice in Exhibit 2 to this affidavit, which was derived from the spreadsheets attached as Exhibit 1. Attached as 06-Ll11q2 16: 35 FAX 319 790 7901 12. McLeodUSA LAW GROUP ~OO5 Affidavit ofLari Deutmeyer June 11 2002 Page 4 of8 Trade Secret Exhibit 3 is a true copy of the confirmation I received showing the wire payment made by Qwest. 10.On October 2, 2001 Qwest paid McLeodUSA (TRADE SECRET BEGINS) 630 879.00 (TRADE SECRET ENDS) via wire transfer for the discount on purchases made by McLeodUSA between April 2001 and June 2001. . This payment corresponds to the second invoice in Exhibit 2 to this affidavit which was derived from the spreadsheets attached as Exhibit 1. Attached as Trade Secret Exln"bit 4 is a true copy of the confirmation I received showing the wire payment made by Qwest. 11.On January 18 , 2002.QwestpaidMcLeodUSA (TRADE SECRET BEGINS) $5,649 513.00 (TRADE SECRET ENDS) via wire transfer for the discount on purchases made by McLeodUSA between July 2001 and September 2001. This payment corresponds to the third invoice in Exhibit 2 to this affidavit. Attached as Trade Secret Exhibit 5 is a true copy of the confinnation I received showing the wire payment made by Qwest. Qwest has not paid McLeodUSA the discount owed for the fourth quarter of 2001 or the first quarter of2002. On May 22 2002, Anthony Washington at Qwest infonned me via e-mail that the discount payments were put on hold until an undisclosed issue was resolved." A true copy of this e-mail is attached as Trade Secret Exhibit 6 and was kept by me in the ordinary course of business. -- 06/11/~2 16: 35 FAX 319 790 7901 McLeodUSA LAW GROUP 14)006 13. Affidavit of Lori Deutmeyer June 11 2002 Page 5 of8 I am also responsible for reviewing Qwest's invoices to McLeodUSA for McLeodUSA's purchase of the UNE Starprodnct. UNE Star is also called UNE-M. The rates that McLeodUSA is supposed to pay for UNE Star are set out in the 8111 Amendment to McLeodUSA' s interconnection agreement with Qwest, a copy ofwhich is attached as Exhibit 7 to this affidavit. 14.Qwest has never invoiced McLeodUSA for the correct amount for any of its UNE Star purchases. Instead of invoicing McLeodUSA for the amount set out in the 8th Amendment, Qwest invoices us for the resale price of the lines. That is, Qwest invoices us for the retail price oflines containing the same features, less the resale discount appropriate for each state. 15.After the end of every month, Qwest provides us with a spreadsheet to true up the difference between the resale rates it invoices and the amount it should have invoiced under the 8th Amendment. The spreadsheet Qwest created and e-mailed to me for September 2001 is attached as Trade Secret Exhibit 8. was sent to and kept by me in the normal course of business. The first page shows, for each state in Qwest's territory, the total debit or credit to McLeodUSA after comparing the invoiced resale amount to the interconnection agreement rates. The remainder of the document shows, for each state in Qwest's territory, the following information for each USOC representing an element or feature of the UNE Star line ordered by :.,~,. : . McLeodUSA: . :, ~6/Jl/02 16:35 FAX 319 790 7901 McLeodUSA LAW GROUP ~007 Affidavit ofLari Deutmeyer June 11 , 2002 Page 6 of8 a. Rev. Rev is revenue. This column states the total revenue invoiced by Qwest to McLeod associated with the identified USOC in the specified month. b. Qty. Qty is quantity. This is the quantity of the element or feature associated with each USOC. c. RsleRate. RslRate is resale rate. This is the rate applied by Qwest to the quantity aSsociated with each USOC to obtain the revenue amount for each USOC. UNEMrate. This is the rate that should have been applied to the element or feature associated with each USOC under the 81b Amendment. e. UNEMcost. This is the product of the quantity multiplied by the UNE- rates set out in the 8th Amendment These are the correct amounts that should have been invoiced by Qwest. f. True-up. This is the difference between the UNE-M Cost and the Revenue actually invoiced by Qwest. It is either a debit or a credit to McLeodUSA. A credit, the figures bounded by parentheses, shows amounts ovezpaid by McLeodUSA based on the 8th Amendment. A debit shows the amounts undezpaid by McLeodUSA based on the 81h Amendment. 16.Once I have received the monthly spreadsheet from Qwest, I review it, and if! find any potential errors, I communicate them to Qwest and negotiate until we arrive at an agreed-upon true-up amount Qwest then pays the true-up amount ; . - .Q6/~1I!J2- 1 1"-.;..:35 FAX 319 790 7901 McLeodUSA LAW GROUP ~OO8 Affidavit of Lon Deutmeyer June 11 , 2002 Page 7 of 8 via a wire transfer to McLeodUSA. The wire transfers occur outside of the . billing adjustment procedures specified in the interconnection agreement between McLeodUSA and Qwest, and do not appear as a billing adjustment in any subsequent invoices that Qwest issues to McLeodUSA. 17.In every month since McLeodUSA entered into the 81h Amendment, the true- up has resulted in a total credit to McLeodUSA, both for Minnesota specifically and Qwest's 14-state territory generally. 18.All a result of this true-up process, Qwest has refunded the following amounts to McLeodUSA for the following months for Qwest's entire 14-state territory. ITRADE SECRET BEGINS) October 2000 through $5,728 2451 March 2001 April ~ough June 2001 $3,137 615 July through September 095 878 2001 October through 379 182 November 2001 December 2001 through $2,452 775.56 January 2002 fTRADE SECRET ENDS) 1 In this first true-up, Qwest actually paid McLeodUSA (TRADE SECRET BEGINS) 832 900, (TRADE SECRET ENDS) which represented the total credit to McLeodUSA. We then paid Qwest ITRADE SECRET BEGINS) $2 104 655 (TRADE SECRET ENDS) as an offset representing the total debit to McLeodUSA. Subsequently, Qwest offset debits against credits before paying the credit amount to us. Q6/11/~2 16: 35 FAX 319 790 7901 McLeodUSA LAW GROUP 19. Affidavit of Lori Deutmeyer Jtme 11 , 2002 Page 8 of8 As a result of this true-up process, Qwest has refunded the following amotmts . to McLeodUSA for the following months forMinnesota.. ~RADE SECRET BEGINS) October 2000 through 750 706 March 2001 April through June 2001 028 951 July through September 259 212 2001 October through 366 831 November 2001 December 2001 through $1,311 168 January 2002 (TRADE SECRET ENDS) I declare under penalty of peIjury under the laws of the United States of America and the state of Minnesota that the foregoing is true and correct. . Further affiant sayeth not. Signed this llCh day of June, 2002 oJTI\D ~/ 4Lo Deutmeyer Signed before me this 11111 day of June, 2002. 1:L I? 7't!/ Notary Pu lic ROBIN R. McVEIGH ti)COMMISSION NO. 195649 .. MY COMMISSION EXPIRESow" '1.- ' Ii:QOO9 ,'C' Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A.Deutmeyer Exhibit # Contains Trade Secret Infonnation This message will be removed after 08/04:2002 ::." 7\1 f'l.r-.....1J r(,' :::::' HJ.~)U~ David R. Conn 06/05/2002 02:59 E'M To:Robin R. McVeigh/MCLEOD(QjMCLEOD cc: Subject: Re: vendor credit data Forwarded by David R. ConnlMCLEOD on 06/05/2002 03:03 PM ~l~~~f~mtWr%~~ml~~~~t~~l~tJ~II.I~~~~t~l~fll~~l~~It~~~~~~~~~~l~l~l~t~~i~~~~~J~~~~:~fE~~~t~t~~ To:David R. Conn/MCLEOD(QjMCLEOD cc: Subject: Re: vendor credit data Forwarded by Lori A. Deutmeyer/MCLEOD on 06/03/2002 02:03 PM Lori A. Deulmeyer 09/20/2001 11:38 AM To: cc: Anthony Washington -::axwashi(Q)qwesl.com::- Subject: Re: vendor credit data Thanks for the update. It looks good. I am just still questioning the huge credit that I saw for June on the Collo.'s billing out of the BART system. Lori From: Anthony Washington c::axwashi(Q)qwestcom:::- on 09/2012001 10:28 AM From: To: Anthony Washington -::axwashi(Q)qwesl.com::- on 09/20/2001 10:28 AM Lori A. Deutmeyer/MCLEOD~MCLEOD cc: Subject: Re: vendor credit data Out of region figures have been added to the end line total, 02 vendor credit attached. If you have any questions give me a call. Anthony W 303-896-8345 "ail. oz ttlA "",.:,J"Jr! . . ...0 ':'f':C" :' MO1 PREi=ERREbVENDDRPLAN~APRIL2001~JUNE2001t",~,:i";:'i~! '\."' State Apr-May-Jun-Q1'Total Address 10 I AZ.942 778 067 232 787 100000 303 712 293 970 279 012 .876 694 200000 . 476 163 482,703 494,940:453,806 COOOOO 68,423 214 289 i.206,926 .. 300000 . 303 873 312 377 319,131'935,382 MOOOOO 523 709 383, . .. ' 8 616 400000 . 024 358 846 '255 227 FOOOOO 936 356 998.112 290 800000 392'210 35,962 :. . .. 88.564 500000. 254 46,211 38,614 : .126,079 : ROOOOO 117 602 70,494 :"~20~.213 TOOOOO 242 91,052 107 695 289 989 . 600000 286 88,138 83,935 "' : p . 250 360., WOOOOO 802 73,922 101 250. .243,974 700000 80,781 ~.Out pf Region 121,659 138,532 . 340;972 Grand Total 839,348 888 133 903,397 .'. 5,630,879 RC: TOCDOOOOO EXTc:cn ':':::; Main Acct: 4010' :;" Sub Acct: 2199 6/11/20029:59 AM CONFIDENTIAL vendor credit Q2 (2) SmmryForQ2 III "'- QI( UNEM ,,', dill CAd' QI( CDlloe"'~ BART U.bLocp IIDm"'" CDlloe""". lABS Es"""", ,"""""""....." '"" HI'" TRlJE""P CALCULATION """""""""" Doo.OO Ja.- ,....",......"....."..".." "",""I """" Tm'JoZ.'.053 Oli2 22.""32.036 ....., 852 2S 1 'SO233.130 225.428 ""' III 213 "'" 280. 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"T.310 (19)275 523 2.709 383 . 411337 772 84,950 53,102 83,32'9'8 02'350 "', 640 41'16'35,38,221 '50 974 938 38,350 37,053N1.4 57D 64'324 \7,'57 575 O'D 39'2 21D 962 312,7..26,70'5'"310 65.258 41.254 48,211 "',"', 2885333209D8D3177572.207 7D,002 12.3'"'20 158'D'33$96,242 052 'D7,O'""'7 ,", 72,205 '00 56,'55 304 81,03,935 8T1,2C2W'f 1DO 157 56'ID',262,23'121. 190 6...02 73.922 ID',2SO 973,G..nO1"IO'606 '03 6",78'768500 2,e19,44'840,785 B71.645 717 746.6DI 822,28.D15.858'D,77D'37 289,90' Ace"Sh"" N....."SOC ADrif..' "...., J'no37""26 '2.677 12,077 577 51285089 255 255 255 51285'5.576 131 8D9 36638745 830 639289 2,2,41D 31103"44 64' 5720..70 13,805 6D5 3780823'300 300 300 36638758 15624178 354025 3D3.84436612"5 57D ... 512.3211'20,125 13D 2D.'25 5120327. "'734932 30228537 3OO7211D 384611 310.215 2'9 TOT"- BILLING 1.216.59'2 385,318 ..,, TOT,,-"',.,2..0.. "", 532 78' 6111/200' ID:DD vendor credit 02 (2) MO1 10'1W811n1 -. M. Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #2 Contains Trade Secret Infonnation McLeod USA 6400 C St. SW Cedar Rapids, fA 50406 319-790-6577 fax 319-790-7007 INVOICECustomer Name Owest Communications Attn: Audrey McKenneyAddress '1801' CaTifornia RM 2340---- u - -,- ---- ----------- City 'i5enver----Stat :.. ----...' .... un ZIP 80202Phone 51 fax # 303~896=747.'."----mn- ------,.._-- _,n -..-_n -----:_n - , ~_..--u__n____ ~_----- escription'_n__ _--_. --- - Tota'-- -----'--- PreTerred Vendor Plan ---- n -- n,-- """" -, '- ---.... - ,., -. $1'6 776 431:'--:-63:through March 2001 ;Wiring Instructions: . Firstar Bank ABA 042000013 McLeodUSA Inc. Account 121372734 . --.'" .-.... -.., ...., ,- -- .., -. n .- ,.-- . --------------,-- - - - - - - - McLeod USA 6400 C St. SW Cedar Rapids , IA 50406 319-790-6577 fax 319-790-7007 INVOICE Customer Name Qwesg:E.~- ~~_ ~~~~C?ns Attn l!~!.eY_~~~~~~ey ---._- Address 1801 California RM 2340 City Denv~ =~- --n State CO ~~._-- --- ZIP ~Q?':Phone 303-896-5851 fax # 303-896-7473____n_____--.-._n____._------------'-----'----_n__. -0_._._-r-----..- ----_m____- n--_____ --...----------. - ..__n- ---- ------ --- - -------..---.-- , Description Total~referredVen-cror-Plan-----__n_-- ----. ---- .------...- ----. $5~630~879~00April 2001 -- June 2001 . Wiring Instructions: . . Firstar Bank ABA 042000013 . McLeod USA Inc. Accounl121372734 - _. ....- -- - - . .-- ---n__. .._,..,... -. . -------------- McLeod USA 6400 C st. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 50406 319- 790-6577 fax 319-790-7007 INVOICE CustomerName Qwest Communications At ri:udr~ McKenney Address 1801 California RM 2340 City Denver State Phone 303-896-5851 fax # 303-896-7473 ZIP 80202 : Preferred Vendor Plan July 2001 - Sept. 2001 iTotal !Wiring Instructions: ~~~ cription : Firstar Bank :ABA 042000013 ! McLeod USA Inc. ,Account 121372734 ; -.------- -----------.---------.. . -_-n_.__- --- 1...----- -------..-..- -- - ---------.-..-- -.-..-.------. - ...- --- .-. Total 649 513. $334 891.00 . 984,404_ Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #3 Contains Trade Secret Infonnation ... '0. ",. ------------------- -...-- " yage 40 of 59 Amount 0- Da 1- Day Total: 2+ Day 480 859. Gust Ref AGH Credit Bank Ref Count: 470 000. MCLEOD lAC ACH ITEMS 010622 -SETT-PC ACHOO2 549.94 CD FUNDING ADJ. -PRIORDAY 062201 AC#0520005549 271. WESTERN UNION P Total:487 306. 00042680112 S 310 MiSe PAY 06220142140 Count: 3 770,437. WT INe 010622007972QWEST eORP 5325 ZUNI 8T RM 730 DENVER 80221- 713 952. . WrlNC 010622007949XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 0COMlv1UNICATION8 IN 34TH STR EET Target Balance Credit Total:431 036.Count: 327 246.327 246.00056683TRANSFER FROM 012137-2742 84.785.22 84,785.22 00056685TRANSFER FROM 012137-5646 300.300.00056675TRANSFER FROM 012136-3808 366.00057018TRANSFER FROM 041707-7438 459.00057242TRANSFER FROM 063610-8690 877.350.350.877.50 00057240TRANSFER FROM 063610-8455 Miscellaneous Fee Refund Total:27.Count: 27. REFUND NSF/OD FEES Miscellaneous Credit Total:77S OOO.Count: '-11 e://C:\firstar\olb\5.2\cbsApplet.html 6/25/01 . -..-------.------.--.---... Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #4 Contains Trade Secret Infonnation ' -. ... . -.. ..".';.., .. '". ,.. . ' c' . 630 879.00 'NT INC 011002006645QWEST CORP 5325 ZUNI ST RM 730DENVER CO 80221- ----- Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #5 Contains Trade Secret Information " m__- ,,". Q -t-.r ..y(. ~'-. \2- '-', ","u.. 649 513. WT INC 020118007890QWEST CORP 5325 ZUNI 5T RM 730 DENVER CO 80221- . -- .. - --- 29,758. BK TRNSFR 020118000301FIR5TAR BK IOWA F/B/O MC LEaD USA fi I e:/ IC: \firstar\ol b \5. 2\cbsApp lethtml .. . .-.-... . .----------... ..- .. .... ... --- .-.... ' .. u- .-- - ... ' '_"0__- -- . 1/21/2002 . ""-"'-:--. .. .. . ""-___n. Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 . Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #6 Contains Trade Secret Information . -.--.---.-.--.... Below is a note from Anthony regarding the 04 payment. Also, attached is the Feb.02 monthlY true up.Forwarded by Lori A. Deutmeyer/MCLEOD on 06/03/2002 02:01 PM $~ m:~IM iiI M:E:i i:;::'); iii:;;;i:;: j ;;;:) iii :ii iii;'!;;i i;. :; i; j; Mr. ;; ' This messag~ will be removed after 05/04:2002 ......... i\" ....." .,.1 J r.(' ;t.:::::. J.nC (;':UU UJJtj. " . David R. Conn 06/05/2002 03:02 PM To:Robin R. McVeigh/MCLEOD(Q)MCLEOD cc: Subject Re: vendor calc & RateDiff Forwarded by David R. Conn/MCLEOD on 06/0512002 03:06 (I m~!~ ttW~~)~~J~~~~! ~ I i~! ~i~ !~!ij II ~i ~~ li!l~i fl!,i i~ ~ii!,i iti! i ~~ 1~~!lti ii ti il Ii 1~ ~~ ti~i ~i ~~; ~ i~ i i ii To:David R. Conn/MCLEOD(Q)MCLEOD cc: Subject: Re: vendor calc & RateDiff To: cc: Anthony Washington o:::axwashi(Q)qwest.com:. Subject: Re: vendor calc & RateDiff I was aware of the meeting and I did know that we are going to be providing some information.we may want to continue to true up the amounts since they will probably need that information. From: Anthony Washington c:axwashi~qwest.com:::- on OS/22/2002 05:26 PM From:Anthony Washington oeaxwashi(Q)qwest.com:. on OS/22/2002 05:26 PM Lori A. Deutmeyer/MCLEOD(Q)MCLEODTo: cc: Subject: vendor calc & RateDiff Lori As I was working on the 40 vendor payment figures I was informed that ameeting between Owest and Steve Gray & Randy Rings, held on April 30th put a hold on completing the 40 payment until an undisclosed issue wasresolved, and that Jon Bartleson and Joseph Terfler will provide Owest with information, as a result of the April 30th meeting, regarding vendor payments. Nonetheless, I have included Februarys RateDiff and will provide March and April shortly. If you have any question let meknow. thanks - .. -. ' - AnthonyW- roDI I'.!az p.4zD( ... I thought ---------- ..- -.--____ __d_ . ---.... . '' '" . Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #7 Public .--.,..--- ~ : - McLeodVSA~ --.-... Law Depanment McLeodUSA Technoiogy Park 6400 C Street SW Cedar Rapids, LA.. 52406-3177 Phone: (319) 790-6480 Facsimile: (319) 790-7901 IE 2.1lIlJ) ~-;'" 1\: ... - _-e. .. --- December 20, 2000 Dr. Burl W. Haar - Executive Secretary Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 7th Place East, Suite 350 Sl Paul, MN 55101 . - . Re: In the Maner of me Joint Application for Approval of the Eighth Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. and Qwest Corporation. Dear Dr. Ha.ar: Enclosed for filing with the Minnesota Public Utilities COmmission are an original and sixteen copies of me above referenced amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. The original Interconnection Agreement was approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities ComriUssion on January 30, 1998. Also enclosed is an extra copy of this letter. Please date stamp the extra copy when filed; and return it to me in the enclosed self-addressed Stimped envelope. If youhave any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours :r: Harding Attachment cc: Attached Service List :'.:/. ~:'.i. ,."., . -. :... Qwest Exhibit ~fcLr;ODUSA TECHNOLOGY PUJC 6JOO C SiilET SW PO Box 3177 CmAA ~prDs. IA 52406-3171PHONE 31ge36J.OOOQ F.,~ J 19.790-70 15 hnp:l/www.mdcod~com . -.. - - -._u_.u__u_ STATE OF MINNESOTA BEFORE THE MINl\~SOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Gn:gory Scott Edward A. Garv'~Y joel Jacobs R. Marshall Johnson LeRoy KoppencL.-ayer Chairman Co~ssione: Commissioner COmmissioner Commissioner Re: In the Matter of the Jomt Application for Approval of the Eighth Amendmem to the Interconnection Agreement betwe:n McLeodUSA T elecommunkations Services, Inc. and QWe5t Corporation o ArrIDAVIT OF SERvlCE . o STATE OF ~"ESOTA ) ssCOUNn OF HENNEPIN Lauraine Harding, b=ing first duly swam, deposes and says: That on the 22nd day ofDece::nber, 2000, at the City of Cedar Rapids, State ofIowa, she served the annexed filing on the pan;: designated therein, by overnighting tothem a copy thereof, enclosed in an envelope, postage prepaid, directed to said address orlast known address. . ~~~; ~ne Harding . "~~ ~ 0 ' :: . ....~.., ~~ M. WOLF',. 0 ~1.* ~fTf',t?wlIs.sION (VIBES!~f-,~. - 0 Subscribed and sworn to me Tnis 20th day of December, 2000. (j?~o / ~11. U) . . ' Notary .Public -.., .., . -..",_,.... Service List Dr. Burl W. Haar Ivlinnesota Public Utiliri~s Com;nission 121 71.'" Place East, Suite 350 Sl Paul , . MN 55101 Linda Chavez Minnesota DeDanment of Public Service 121 7 Place East, Suite 200 St Paul, NfN 55101 Qwest Corporation Director - Interconnection Compliance 1801 California Str~t, Room 2410 Denver, CO 80202-1984 Qwest Corporation Ann: Jim Gallegos Corporate Counsel, Interconnection 1801 California Stre--t, 38m Floor Denver, CO 80202 Jason Topp Qwest Corporation 200 South Fifth Street, Room 395 Minneapolis, lv1N 55402 . - " --- AmendmcntNo.8 to the Interconnection Agreement Between McLeodVSA Telecommunic:ltions Services : Inc..and Qwest Corporation k.:t. U S WEST Communic:Itions~ Inc. for the Sure of Minnesota Tnis .o\!nenciment No.8 ("Amendment") is made and emer-eci into by and ~e:wee::McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services Inc. McL~odUSA") and QweS!Corporation f.k.a. US \VEST Com.rnunications, Inc. (uQweSt RECIT.liS V/HEREAS, McLeodUSA and Qwest entered Into an Imer::oD."1e:uon Agreerne,n forservice in the state oflvIinnesota. which was approved by the Mi11llesm:a P:loiic Utili-tiesCommission on January 30, 1998 (the "Agz:~emem ); and VlHEREAS, McLeodUSA .and Qwest desi:-e to amend the Agreeme:lt by adding theterms, conditions and rates contained herein. AGREEl'vIENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration or the mutUal te:ws, covenants and conditionscontained in this Amendment and other good al"ld vaiu.able consideratio"" the receipt andsufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Par-Lies agree as follows: 1. Amendment Terms. This Amendment is made in order to add te:;:ns, conditions and ~tes ror the business-LO-business relationship as set forth in Amendment 8 and' Anachment 3.2 attached heretoand incorporated hereir- 2. Effective date. This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the appropriate stare Commission; however, the Pa."1:ies ;lgree to impierr.~m th~ provisions or this . .;.. "TI~ndmem .effective Octebcr 1, 2000. 3. Further Amendments. Except as modified herein, the provisions or the .greemem shall remain in full force andeffect. Neither the Agreement nor this ..:\mename:lt may be further amended or altered0 except by \\' titten iIlStt'UII1ent executed by an aUthorized representative of both parties. . ... ., . 0,, :. :C;~: ;;';:;'':'=;;. "io -\:\IE:."iD~IE:\"T S D;TERCOE't~"ECTION AGREE-MEl\'T Aj\IEl\1)lYIE~l TER.:'\IS '" .-., - -. ' h This -"\,.-nendm~nt Agr~::m~t C.A..."Il:ndm~::1t ) is made and ~m~d into by ar.dbetwe::n McL~odUSA Teb:ornrnunications S~rvi~~. In:. ("McL~odt7SA") a;:d Qw::s:Corporation C"QWe5t") (coII~ctively, the "Pan:es ) on this 26th day of Octob:~. 2000. The Pani~s agr~: to file this A.Tnendm~nt as an ame:1dment all L~!=rcon.-:::::tionAgrc::mcnts ("Agreements'" and, singularly, "Agr~::ment") between the:n . no\v in eff~::tor enten~d into prior to Decemb~r 31 , 2003. with the Amc:ndm~nt COntaiLl!ng thefollowing provisions: . L This Amendment is ent~ed into between the Parti~s based on the followingconditions, and such conditions being integrally and inextricably are a material pan ofthis agre::ment: McLeodUSA purchased, as of the end of 1999 over 200 000 localexchange lines for resale from Qwest (throughout the I4-state area where Qwest is an incumbent local exchange carrier). 1.2 Qwest and McLeodUSA currently have an agreement, on a region-wide'basis, for the exchang~ ofloc:!l tram , including Int~rnet-n::lated traffic. on a "bill andke:p" basis, that provides for the mutual recovery of costs through the offs~tting ofreciprocal obligations for local exchange traffic which origim.t~s with a Customers of onecompany and terminates to a customer of the other company, provided however , thatthese provisions will not affect or avoid the obligations to pay the rates set out onAttachment 3. The Parties wish to establish a business-fa-business relationship and haveagreed th~t they will att~mpt to n::solve all differ~nces or issu~s that may arise under theAgre~m~nts or this Amendment under the escalation proc~ss to be established betweenthe:: parties, and modified if appropriate. 1.4 The Parties agree that the terms and conditions contain~d in this A..mendment are based on current characteristics of McLeod USA, which includ~s serviceto business and Centrex-related customers and includes a fair r~presentation of a1),businesses, '\vith no large propor-ion of usage going to a Particular type of business. The Parties agree that the tenns and conditions COntained in thisAmendment are based on the characteristics of McLeod USA' s trafiic patterns, whichdoes not include identifiable usage by any Particular type of user. 1.6 This Am~ndment shall be deemed effective on October 1 2000, subj!:Ct toapproval by the appropriate ,state commissions, and the panies agree to implement the. terms of the Amendment effective:: October I , 2000. This Amendment will be . . PACiE I . . . -\lVfENDi\:rE:\ T S incOr";)owted iri ;my futUre .g:-::m:nts, but ~cu.jng in :l.."1Y r-.:\y Agr:e:71e:;.t .....-i;: ~X:::::c.the termination d:lte of this A.rr.:ndm::nt or its t::rws beyond the t~:-m provide:: ~:::~:::.N~thing in this Am~drm::1.t v,;1I extend" th: :xpiration dat: of any ~xis~inginterconne::tion "agre:m=nt Tnis Amendment and the t1nd:::I:Jing Ag::::n~t shai! b:binding on Qwest and McLeodUSA aud their subsidi~tj:s. St1c::::ssors a.1d 2Ssig:1s. . 1.7 In interpreting this Am~dm~t, all attempts \ViII be w~de to ie::.c :.1:provisions of this .AunencL~ent consistent with Agre::~ents and all effe::tive am::..dw::::tS.In the event that then~ is a conflict between this .-\menchnent and an Ag::::-n en t or~vious amen9ments, the terms and conditions of this " p._ '1lendme~lt shaI1 supe:s::ce allpreVious documents. Except as modified herein, the provisions of the" "Agre:ments shall r::mainin full force and effect Neither the Agreements nor this Amendment may be !unheramended or altered except by written instrument execut:d by an authorized r-..pr:s:mtativeof both Parties. This specifically excludes amendmentS resulting from regulatory orjudicial decisions regarding pricing of unbundled netWork ele=nents, which shall have noc:ff~ct. on the pric:ng offered under this. Amendment, prior to termination of thisAmendment 1.9 The Parties intending to be legally bound hav: executed tris Amendment effective as of October 1, 2000, in multiple counterpar~, e:lcn or which is deemed anoriginal, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrum~t 1.10 Unless terminated as provided in this section, the initial t~ of thisAmendm~t is from the date of signing until December 31 2003 C"Initial Term ) and thisA...""!1endment shall thereafter automatically comi..,ue until either party gives at least six (6) months advance written notice of termination. This is Amendment can only be terminated during the Initial Term in the event the Parties agree. 1.11 In the event oftennination, the pricing, tenTIs, and conditions for allservices and" network elements purchased under this Amendment shall immediately beconverted, at the option ofMcLeodUSA, to either other prevailing prices for combinations of network elementS, or to retail services purchased at the prevailingwholesale discount In either case, if and to the extent conversion of service is necessary, reasonable and appropriate cost-based nonrecurring charges will apply. 1.12 - All factual preconditions and duties set forJ1 in this Amendment are , areint:nded to be, and are considered by the panies to be, re:lSonably reiated to, anddependent upon each other. ! . 13 To the extent any Agre:ment does not contain :l force majeure provision, then if either parry'perfonnance of this Amendment or any obligation under this~endment is prevente~ restricted or interfered with by causes beyond such p;mies r~onable control. including but not limited to acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism . PACe ~ n . .. - A;,yIE:'-1DME~"" 8 which r:::!SoI'.able pr::c:lutior.5 could not prot::::t against, storm or ct.ie: sir-....ilar oc:::u..-:-=:1c::my law, ard::r, r:gulation, direction, action or r::quest of ~y unit of fec:i~"'ill, ~wte or !OC::l!government; or of :my civil or military authority, or by national emergencies insurrections, riots, wars, strikes or work stoppages or vendor faiiures, cabie C'.J.tsshortag::s breach or delays, then such party shall b~ excused from such peri"Or::1ance on day-to-day basis to the eALent or such prevention, restriction or intci:rence (a "For:::eMajeure ). 14 Neither party "'v111 present itself as representing or jointly mark:!ing services with the oth~, or market its services using the name of the other party, withoutthe prior v;ritten consen~ of the other pany. 2. In consideration of the agreements and covenants set forth above and:the entiregroup of covenants provided in section 3 , all taken as a wholC? and fully integrated withthe terms and conditions described below and throughout this Amendment, with suchconsideration only being adequate if all such agreements and covenants are made and aT--enforceable, McLeodUSA agrees to the fol1dwing: To pay Qwest $43.5 million to convert to the Platform described her:inand in Attachment 3.2. Based on all the tenns and conditions contamed herein, McLeodUSA may also purchase DSL and voice mail (at full retail rates) :5-om Qwest for resale. During each of the three calendar years of this Amendment, to maintainfor the pwpose of providing servic~ to McLeodUSA's cUStomers, no fewer than 275;000local exchange lines purChased from Q-vest. and to maintain on Qwest local exchangelines to end users at least seventy percent (70%) (in terms ofphysical non-DSl/DS3facilities) ofMcLeodUSA's local exchange service in the region where Qwest is the incumbent local exchange service provider. In addition, beginning in 2001, at least 1000lines will be maintained in each state (including no less than 125 000 lmes in the state ofIowa) in which Qwest is the incumbent local exchange service provider. For pUlposes ofthis provision. local exchange lines purchased include lines purchased for resale and unbundled loops, whether purchased alone or in combination with othl:l" networkelements. This minimum line commitment wilI be reduced proportionally in the event Q\vest sells any exchanges where it is currently the incumbent local exchange serviceprovider. To place orders for the product offered in thIs amendment, and for features associated with the product. using (at McLeodUSA's option) primarily through eitherrMA or EDI electronic interfaces offered by Qwest. ,":,:",--,","" , 2.5'.To rem:tin on a "bill and keep" basis for the exchange oflocal traffic :1lld . PACiE J . - ,. :',~:. _;'." ._--_.~.- .-\~rEND~IT.~l 8 Internet-rebtd tr:Ufic, \\olth Qwesr, throughoUt the t~ITitori::swhe:-:: Qw::s~ :s :::::-:::.1'the incumD~t local exchi1!'.g~ service provide~ unnl Dec::mDe~ 31 , 2002. To em:r into and maintain int::-connecuon a~ments, or cr.:: :-:gionalagreement, covering the provision of ProductS in ::Jc!1_state of the emire re::1LOry W!ll:::Qwest is the incumbent local exchange sc:rvice provider. To provide Qwest ac:::urate daily working teJc:phone nu!nbe:s McLeodUSA customers to allow Qwest to provide daily usag~ information toMcLeodUSAso that McLeodUSA can hilI interexchange or other companies S"Nitchedaccess or other rates as appropriate. To provide Qwest with rolling 12 month forecasted line volumes to the central office level for unbundled loops, and otherwise where marketing campaigns are conducted, updated quanc:rly. To hold Qwest harmless in the event of disputes between McLeodUSA and other carriers regarding the billing- of access or other charges associated with usageme:lSUred by a Qwest switch; provided that Qwest agrees to cooperate in any investigation related to such a dispute to the extent necessary to determine the type and accuracy of SiJch usage. 3. In consideration of the a~ents and covenants set forth above and the entire group of covenants provided in section 2, all taken as a whole and fully integrated with the terms and conditions described below and throughout this Amendment, with such consideration only being adequate if all such agre~ments and covenants are made and are :nforceable, Qwest agre::s to the following: To waive and release all charges associated with conversion from n:sold servic~ to the unbundled neMork platform and for tmninaung McLeodUSA contracts for services purchased from Qwest for resale as described in this amendmClt. . 3.To provide throughout the tcnn of this Amendment the Platfonn and Products described herein and in Attachment 32, regardless of regulatory or judicialdecisions on components of an unbundled network element platform, upon the rates terms and conditions described herein and in Attachment 3.2. . 3 - To provide daily usage infonnation to McLeodUSA, for the workingtelephone numbers supplied to Qwest by McLeodUSA, so that McLeodUSA can billinterexch::mge or other companies switched access or other rates as appropriate. . . J.. . .' :.. .:",'-:. .,.. ' 3.4 To remain on a "bill and keep" basis for the exchange of local traffic C!l1dInternet-related tr:I.ffic with McLeodUSA, throughout the temtories where Qwest is currently the incumbent local exch:mge service provider until December 31 , 2002. . PAGE 4 . - -.---."... . 3.5 To provide (at McLt:OdUSA's option) IM..!...;:me:?2)I de:ctrocic ::::~2:::sto adequately support the: product dc:sc:-ibcd in sl:Ctlon 3. -... .~_.,._._.. - McLrodUSA T el~ommunications Servi~ Inc.Qwe:!t CorpOr3tion G~ ' --p. - A u th 0 riz cd Signature .-5 Authorized Signar.n-.. Blake O. Fisher Name PrintcdlTyped Name: Pr.n1~yP~ GroUP Vice msident Title Title October 26. 2000 Date October 26. 2000 Date (~;~~-?i(~: ~;;;;,::.*;;::;;::;;~;;~;:-::; . PAGE $ . . 3 .5 T a pre vide (&% McLco dUsA':s cpa on) IMA And ED I c . -:c SDppor: 1M product desc:rib::d Ie. J.2. . . ..." " M~ sillSA T ~:cuznnDctticiu S crvi eu..1D Co Qwe.t CDtpnl"StiaD A1%tb2Jrized Si~tIae Y-t. ../1 --1. .AtIth~ s.i~~ ('I" ~"~'f fl'f.C1"5'e'1'N~~ ~C. LIt!. TItIc B~ O. N~~ C:tnm V)a ~~t T.rt1= Oc:tt3~:26 2000 Date . - Pc:a'bo- 26.. 2000 D at::: ' n . . - IAGG ! . Att:lchmenr 3. P=rformance by McL~ociUSAof thec:oven,a..'1tS ::md agr ents~'"l s:~~o!: : of :h~-\m:ndment to which this Att:J.cn.."'Ilent is a part. II:P~:formancc by Qwest of the cov=nants and ag.--:::r6:n:s in s~tion 3 of theAmendment to which this At".achmcnt is a pari.. III.State recurring rates for lin:s, adjustments, chmges, other t~s and conditionsinduced and excluded platform featUres, arc at the end of this attachI:,.e:u, mc 2:::subject to and cI:lrified by the following: In determining state-wide usage McLeodUSA agr-..es to allow Qwesr toaudit its records of usage ofthc platform o~ a quarterly basis. If averageusage exceeds the 525 minutes per month for a three month period , or theagreed upon measurement perio~ on a state-by-state basis, all plaiformservice shall be mcrc:ased by the appropriate increment. The firstincrement audit will be conducted during Deccrnber 2000. If averageusage is above 525 minutes on a state-wide basis, the increm~ntal usage. .clement will not be applied fQr January, February and March usage, or theagreed upon measurement period. The second incremental audit 'Will beconducted in March of2001 based upon December, January and Februaryusage, or the agreed upon measurement period. If the average usage is above 525 minutes for that quarter, then the appropriate increment usage elemc:nt(s) wilI be applied to April, May and June usage, or the agr~dupon me:asuremc:nt period. AIl audits will follow on a rolling quartl:I'lybasis, and all incr=m.ents shall be applied on a rolling basis .at the statelevel. . , Tne rates provided for by this platform do not apply to usage associated with toll traffic: Additional local usage charges win apply to usage associated with toIl tranl - - Platfonn rates include only one primary listing per telephone number. R3tes for voic: messaging and DSL service are n:taiI rates and are offered conditioned on paragraph I above where such services are available. R3tes associates with miscellaneous charges, or governmental mandates. such as local number ponability, shall be passed through to McLeodUSA Tne Platform rates provided for in this Amendment shall only apply to additions to existing CENTREX common blocks established prior to October 1, 2000, and only apply to business local exchange customers served through this unbundled networkelemem platform wh~e facilitiesexist Appropriate charges for any new CENTREX-related services oraugmentS where facilities do not exist will apply. This Amendment only - - . PACE I) . ,-,-----------, - ____n______-------- Attachment 3_ - - 41ppiies to platform s~rvic:s provided for business USers and use;s ofe:xisting CENTREX common blocks. Qwest will not provide: McL:odlISAa."1Y new CENTREX common blocks. Appropri41te nonrecurring chargc:swill apply to any disconn~ts, charg:s or additions to this platform. Tnese rJtc:s do not apply to basic reside::lrial :~c?ange (lFR) s~c:. Arty features or functions not explicitly provid:d for in this Amendment shall be provided only for a charge (both recurring and nonrec1l4""ring).based upon Q-.vest's ratc:s to provide such serv1c: in accorcianc: with th:trnns-and conditions afme appropriat: tariff or Agre:::ment ror the applicable jurisdiction. PRICES. FOR OFFERING F'latform Additional charge recurring for e3C1 50 Minute increment;:. S2S MOU/Month AZ.30.0.280 295 26.0.270 33.0.2..05 27.0.205 34.300 28.30 260 35.300 27.140 25.170 29.345 22.60 195 wv.33.~60 FEATURES INCL IN FLAT RATED UNE- BUSINESS Can Hold CaD Transfer Three-Way CalfinQ, - Call Pickup Call Waiiin9fCancel Call Wailing Distinctive Ringing Speed ~I Long - Customer ChangeStation Dial Confe~ncing (S-Way) Call Fol'N3rding Busy Une aD Forwarding Don't Answer Call Forwarding Variable Can Forwarding Variable Remote Call Parte (Basic - SIor8 & ReDieve) . Message Wailing Indication AN - ..., . . "AGE 7 . " .,,",. .-.---.-----.-.,.,..-. . ___._n _--___ Attachment 3. F""cA.TURES INCI:IN EXISTING CENTREX COMMON BLOCKS Call Hold Call Transfer Three-Way Caf\ingCall Pickup Cau Waitin9lCancei Call Wailing Oistinctive Ringing Speed Cafl Long - Customer Change Stalion Dial Conlerenong (6-Way) Call Forwarding Busy Une Call Forwarding Don' Answer Call Forwarding Vartable Call Park (Basic - Store & Retrieve) Message Waiting Indication.eN Centrex Management System (CMS) Station Mssg Detail Reco:eing (SMDS) Data Cau Protection. Hunting Bming . Individual Une BOOng Intercept Intrclsystem Calling Intercom Night Service Outgoing Trunk Queuing Une Restric!!ons louch Tone Directed CaD Pidcup AIOC Dial 0 Automatic Can Back Ring A;air: Direct Inward Diafing Direct Outward marlng :.xe~tive Busy Override Last Number Reclial Make Set Busy Network Speed can Primary Usling . ._,.. . . c: - -..--",.... . . - .-. . . P...CE S . .--- .-_u..--.-. . "..-_... '-.. -.. - . -... .. ..-.. .;;' /;i!f.: ~:;:~;~ Docket No. P421/CI-Ol-1371 Affidavit of Lori A. Deutmeyer Exhibit #8 Contains Trade Secret Infonnation This m~ssag~ will b~ r~moved alter 08/0412002 ""."'. 7\).n.I"'o.AJ r~' j\,",:::::' .!.nC If:UU UUt1. " .. David R. Conn 06/05/200203:00 PM To:. cc: Subject: Robin R. McVeigh/MCLEOD(Q)MCLEOD Srpt True-up Forwarded by David R. ConnlMCLEOD on 06/05/2002 03:04 PM t~m~llimtmii~l~~~~~~i~~~~~~~!~~~~i!ltit~~fl~i~i~~l!Jli~~ti~i~i~L1~~!ll~~ili~~~11~~~~liii~~~~;~~r;:;j~~~~~t~~ To: cc: Subject: David R. Conn/MCLEOD(Q)MCLEOD Srpt True-up Sept 01 Forward~d by Lori A. Deutmeyer/MCLEOD on 06/03/2002 02:06 PM Anthony Washington o:::axwashi(Q)qwest.com::- on 11/09/2001 04:56 PMFrom: To:Lori A. Deutmeyer/MCLEOD(Q)MCLEOD cc: Subject:Srpt True-up Lori Attached is the September true-up. ,.01 ~"'" 01""'- ...',_. +~~' :/f ~~:/\;':::j; MCLEOD. RATE DIFF FOR September.O1."L;'j:i:;~;;J'i!!.(!: ";' . TOTAL TOTAL NET RATE DIFF - CREDIT TO MCLEOD Sep- (161 963) (223,270) (83 862) (735 710) (16,949) (43,243) (80,191) (234,673) (134.749) (1,714,610) RATE DlFF - DEBIT TO MCLEOD 330 850 35,767 094 63,202 20.201 455 115 (1,259,496) ~;o ~~~_ ooo .'i :;/';':~~:' :i" ~~~~:~~ ~ ~~~O ~~;~%~..; L;i- WIRED 6/11/2002 9:56 AM '"-~ ' Totai"::_q : . AddresS True-up ::"" Code (161 963) ... 100000 :.(223 270) . . 200000 (83;862) 300000 . (735,710) MOOOOO - (16 949) '"'00000 :~, (43,243) . ~OOOOO (80 191)'. . 500000 . (234,673) 600000 (134 749)" WOOOOO- :__ J~.z.14 ~~9l . ". - j3CCS50-""" COOOOO . 35.767 FOOOOO. ,-,:...-",;":,"':. 094q ,. . . ROOOOO' ;~::.. : 63,202; :~." TOOOOO: ' ".. ' . 20~201 - ?OOOOO' . ;",..::". ~3.~!J1:4.: (1,2~9.496) M01 lru-up Sept 01 SeptO1 Month 9/1/2001 UNE Star (All) StateUSOC (All) Product All) MCLEOD TRUE UP Data State Usoe Rev Qty RsleRate UNEMRate UNEMcost True-up 1FB 553 446 14.30.106,137 584 9PZLC (0) 9PZLX 753 568 (753) 9ZR 108 063 13,132 (108 063) A2Y 153 13,30.339 185 AFD 149 6.48 178 AFK 131 144 138 14.30.281,450 150 307 B1A1X 18.18. B1AFX 13.13. B1APX 19.19. CLT 636 663 2.47 631 (5) DTLBX 156 144 476 12.(156 144) E1N 1.23 (1) E3D 332 (332) E.8C 124 2.47 (124) EO3 350 712 (13 350) ES6 (7) ES7 148 (148) ESC 734 525 734) ESM 240 619 (14 240) ESX .4,498 732 (4,498) EVB 367 149 2.46 (367) EVBHG 2.46 (5) EVD 480 372 (4,480) EVDHG 377 115 (377) EVF 020 888 020) EVFHG 131 (131) EVK 228 (228) EVO 170 402 170) EVOHG (46) FAL 181 180 (1) FBJ 126 2.47 (126) FDJ 561 174 (561) FDJHG (54) FVJ 790 175 (790) FVJHG (24) HCKPG 2.46 (22) HFB 149 14.32.328 179 HRLA 1 29.29, HRLA3 24.29. HRLAM 221 27.29.240 HRLBM 54.60. HTG 25,742 913 6.58 235 (25,508) M1W (15) MBB 235 365 12.12.17 ,404 169 MBJ 11.11. MBWCD (10) MV5 (1) MVP (79) MVP11 512 (512) MVPBL 213 32 ' 6.(213) MVPCF (28) ::.:""-,,--_....... MVPCW (6)MVPSR (7) MWN 219 046 (219) N6S 10. NCE 26 . 9 (24) NLT - - NLUBR 16.(15) NLUBT 16,(46) NLUY1 (84) NLUY2 (47) NMO1A 11.11.0 . NMO2A 28.28. NNK 576 018 448 (6,129) NPU 220 148 1.48 219 (1) NSD 699 924 100 599) NSK (81) NSQ 333 542 2.46 275) NSS 202 (180) NSY 190 (177) OC4 3.42 OVDXX (17) OWM (12)PGOCL 438 47.30.248 189) PORXX 580 978 0.43 (5.580) RCFVH 203 15.(203) RCFVT 19.(38) RCFWT 156 15.(156) REB3X (32) REB8X (0) RGG1A 117 (110) RGG2B (9) RNCEP 2.46 (1) RNCSP (1) RTVXY (1) RTY 460 112 (460) SEA SRG VBS 275 275 VFN 141 141 VGT VJMXU 192 12.12.192 VJMXW 19,19. VMC1X VPH XLL RXB 725 200 38.30.160 565)RGG2C (4) MVPDA 3.46 (14) ER5 (6) AZ Total 580,646 75,708 418 683 (161.963) 1FA 29.34. 1FB 130 799 449 29.40 34.151 266 20,467 1MB 15.34. HM,15.34, 9PZLC (5) 9PZLX 270 483 (270) 9ZR 594 982 183 (594 982) t\2Y 341 15.48 34.748 407'AFD.220 310 AFK 311 225 636 29.34.361 624 399 AFV 699 229 29.34.786 087 ALM 15.34. B1APX 19.19. CLT 624 636 627CUD1X. 7 241 904 (7.241)CUD2X 924 239 (9.924) CUD3X 361 308 107 (351 308) D1E1X 812 122.812)E1N (1) E3D 536 174 (536)E3N 110 (23)E3P (2)E8C 201 (201) EM5 EO3 526 566 (10,526) ER4 (12) ERB (4) ERD (3) ES7 (87)ESC 163 697 163) ESCPK (3) ESHC3 0.26 (1)ESHC6 . 0 (0)ESM 515 075 3.42 (10 515)ESX 634 905 634)EVB 205 100 (205)EVBHG (29) EVD 758 729 2.41 758) EVDHG 424 177 2.40 (424) EVF 790 517 3.46 790) EVFHG 179 3.45 (179) EVK 196 4.45 (195) EVKHG (15) EVO 767 988 757) EVOHG (94)F5GPG 517 84.517) FAL 021 748 017 (3)FBJ 412 200 (412)FBJHG (21)FDJ 179 911 39 .179)FDJHG 514 214 2.40 (514)FHGPA 75.75. FHZPA 135 15.15.135 FPKXR 218 (205)FVJ 970 856 (2,970)FVJHG 299 3.44 (299)HFB 346 34.34.346 (0) HLA (3)HRl.A1 29.29, HRLA5 29.29. HRLAM 31.29.(4) HRLBM 66.50.(5) HRLC5 68.51.(7)HRLCM 71.00 70.(7) HTG 622 177 311 (14 311) HYE 910 33.(910) HYS 438 33.(438)JUF 11.34. LAWPA (232)540 (0.43)232LBS . .~. (4) M1W (12) M53 882 576 882) . "_hum. ... MBB 373 229 12.12.420 MBH MBJ 11.11. MVP11 127 (127)MVPCF (17) MVWJ 242 1,425 (242)N6S NCE (20) NLT 1.22 (0)NLUBR 13.(13) NLUY1 (26)NLUY2 (15)NNK 002 377.122 (46 880)NPU 111 712 111 NSD 8,470 651 178 292) NSK (70)NSQ 242 067 223 019)NSS 810 756 232 578)NSY 999 324 08.(921) OBK6X (0)OC4 OVDXX 4.40 (31)OVM1M (4)PFY 794 (64)PGOCC 354 25.34.476 122PGOCL22345.34.918 (305)PORXX 996 111 0.43 (27 996) R4N 658 399 399 15.34.1,475 566 817,167 R5G 576 15.34.292 716 RCA 668 18,15.339 (329) RCFVF 992 160 18.15.2,408 (584) RCFVT 056 18.15.843 (213) RCFWT 214 19.49 15.166 (49) REB3X 186 162 (186) REB8X (10)RGG1A (64)RGG28 (3) RKY 092 5,472 15.34.186 048 102 956RNCAF RNCEP RNCSP 120 (24)R1VXY (3)RiY 493 436 3.42 (1,493)S85 SEA 131 157 . SFJXM 80,412 574 (80,412)VBS 520 104 520 VFN 194 195VFS VGT 237 237 VJMXU 216 12.12.216 VJMXW 19.19. VMC1X VMC2X VPH X5G 537'15.34.190 653 XLL ZCB1X 902 298 902)ZC82X 313 14.313)ZCB3X 126 21.(126)PGOCA ' 26.34. CO Total 2,462,544 338,816 239.274 (223.270) 1FB 053 227 26.26.911 (142) 9PZLC 583 (25) 9PZLX 202 367 (202) 9ZR 626,499 129 981 (626,499) AFD -"- AFK 537 256 25.26.666 130 CLT 768 470 35,415 353) CUD 454 718 124,769 (454 718) 01 E1X 927 238 129.(30 927) E3D (14) E3G (0) E3N 0.41 (0) E3P (7) E6A (2) E6GUR (2) E6N (17) E8C (27) E9GUR (3) EO3 (18) ESF (1) ESHC6 (1) ESM (76) ESX (36) EVB (3) EVD (2) EVF (3) EVO (29) F5GPG 8,476 104 81.(8,476) FAL 105 524 983 (122) FAO 0.41 0.41 FBJ (11) FDJ (4) FHZPA 288 8.46 258'(30) FNA 663 219 664 HCKPG 1.47 (55) HLA (3) HLN (4) HTG 587 190 (575) HYE 793 32.793) HYS 119 32.119) KX9 (33) LBN (18) LBS (6) M1W (1) M62 998 136 (998) M63 39,903 347 (39 903) MBB 563 750 12.12.563 MBH 156 148 (7) MBWCD (2) MHM 418 (415) MLN (1) MVP11 (6) MIfW"oI (1) N2W (8) NCE (5) NKM (79) NLT 215 170 216 NNK 820 309 649 (97,171) NPU 498 723 3,480 (17) NSD 983 785 (2,974)1 NSK (6)NSQ 151 045 (6,149)NSS 131 639 118)NSY 224 537 1.77 950 (274) OBK6X (14) OVDXX - - PFY 494 168 (494)PGJA7 (92)(4.82) PGSA7 (92)PORXX 54,498 126 741 0.43 (54,498) R4H 599 364 125,021 12.26.255 547 656,183R4N30020.26.391 R5S 12.26. RCA 100 11.10.072 (28) RCF 894 359 13.13.004 111 REB3X (6)RGG1A (4)RHN 019 309 13.26.046 027RUB55522.26.651 SRG VBS 320 320 VFN VGT 120 120 VJMXU 108 12.12.108 VMC2X VPH X5G 16.26. X5S 883 176 10.26.583 700 XLL 207 054 204 (3) IA Total 017 406 572 139 348.256 330 850 1FB 830 203 26.33.106 179 21,349 1FL 226 28.33.265 9PZLC (0) 9PZLX 172 (95)9ZR 877 135 (77,877) A2Y 110 13.33.265 155 AFO AFK 183 039 928 26.42 .33.229 663 46,624 AFV 188 158 26.33.238 050 ALM 14.33. 81A1X 18.18. CLT 495 914 4,488 (8)E30 335 4.47 (335) E8C 115 (115)EO3 230 082 (10 230) ER4 (8) ERD - 0 (7) ES7 (69) ESC 287 511 4.48 287) ESCPK 4.47.(31) ESM 514 003 (13,514) ESX 702 442 (2,702) EVB 176 2.45 (176) EVBHG (10) EVD 606 187 (606) EVDHG 223 (223) EVF 824 183 (824) EVFHG 122 (122) EVK (78) EVO 065 469 065) EVOHG 118 (118) .""' FAL 769 158 768 (1) FBJ 155 2.46 (155) FBJHG 2.45 (5) FDJ 021 312 021) FDJHG 258 3.27 (258) FHGPA 75.75. FHZPA 15.15. FPKXR (35) FVJ 195 265 195) FVJHG 171 (171) HCKPG 2.45 (19) HFB 263 29.32.47 292 HRLA3 29.29. HRLAM 192 31.29.180 (12) HRLBM 66.60.(6) HTG 311 249 195 (21 116)LBS .(6) LMB 166 16.33.332 166 M1W (7) M4H 55.55. MBB 873 12.46 12.893 MBH MVP11 (64) MVPBL (10) MVPCD (2) MVPCF (3) MVPCU (1) MVPCW (5) MWW 478 (96) N6S NCE (5) NLT NLUBR 16.(15) NLUY1 (34) NLUY2 .(9) NMO1A 11.11. NNK 8,400 297 6.48 570 830) NPU 100 NSD 194 521 138) NSK (16) NSQ 902 245 (875) NSS 220 (197) NSY 162 (151) OVDXX PGOCL 443 19.33.762 320 PORXX 4,450 350 0.43 450) REB3X 1.15 (71) RGG1A (89) RGG1B (6) RGG2B (26) R1VXY (3) RTY (54) SEA 123 115 (8) SRG vas VFN VGT VPH RXB 22.05 .33. RGG2C (4) MVPDA (4) _'-n__ ____-- NL1 10 Total 434,904 46.451 351 041 (83.862) 10T 320 227 50,096 26.320.227) 1FB 299 358 633) 1TM 19.27. 9PZLC 463 - - (5) 9PZLX 130 248 (130) 9ZR 929 872 (18 929) AR5 (80) AR9 184 14.184) ARH 454 14,(1.454) ART 757 123.757) B1A1X 18.18. BGMAL 305 372 (305) BGMFL 305 148 (305) BRT 254 310 (254) C2U 372 506 52,473 (372 506) CLT 125 107 924 (201) CM901 742 37.742) CM903 149 37.149) CMT 325 792 . (325) CPVBA 686 112 (31 686) CZBPS 140 (140) D1E1X 776 173.(6,776) , DRR 267 104 31.41 267) E1N (2) E3D 542 981 (1,542) E3N 183 919 (183) E3P 212 444 (212) E6A 942 270 (942) E6C (0) E60 (2) E6N 639 768 639) E8C 2.47 (40) EAB 0.49 (4) EAJBE (58) EAPRR 351 499 351) EAT 366 16,479 (30 366) EC8 375 139 24,27.753 378 EEA 206,002 995 27.349,865 143,863 EEF 27.594 558 EMC 618 19.(618) EML 980 140 (980) EO3 165 (165) ER4 (5) ES7 (12) ESC (37) ESF (11) ESHC3 330 1,415 (3.330) ESHC6 830 106 (830) ESHT3 2.47 (12) ESHT6 (1) ESM 682 180 (682) ESS 694 61.694) ESX 556 887 556) ESZ (2) EVB 2.47 (25) EVD 2.47 (72) EVF (69) EVFHG (7) EVO (86) EWS 584 (584) EXM 835 943 14.27.79,461 626 FAL 739 557 2.40 612 (127) FBJ 2.47 (7) FDJ 2.47 (42) FDJHG 2.47 - - (5) FHGPA 61.61. FNA 101 (5) FVJ (74) FVJHG (12) HCKPG 2.47 (75) HLA (3) HTG 268 385 245) LMB 17.27.108 M1W (q) M4H 45.45. M63 630 959 13.(12 630) MBB 751 903 12.48 12.263 512 MV5 (1) MVP11 4.41 (13) MVP14 (12) MVP6C (4) MVPCF (4) MWN 359 812 (359) N2W (7) NLRXW (1) NLT (2) NNK 251 005 200 (27 051) NPU 035 512 983 (52) NSD 918 719 5.45 841) NSK (27) NSQ 5,465 862 201 264) NSS 843 735 226 618) NSY 939 279 (871) OVDXX (4) PFY (5) PGJA7 (268,495)907 (4.89)268,495 PGOCL 220 54.27.108 (112) PGSA7 ' 268 520 912 (268 520) PORXX 702 125 0.43 (23,702) RCA 771 210 13.12.652 (119) RCF 569 419 13.12.342 (227) RGG1A (6) SAK 357 482 342 (14)vas 520 104 520 VFN 258 261 VGT 260 107 2.43 321 VJMXU 204 12.12.204 VJMXW 19.19. VMC1X VMC2X VPH XLl 377 390 363 (14) MN Total 254 309 448,473 518.599 (735 710) 1FB 742 630 28.34,019 277 9PZLX 723 564 0.46 (723) 9ZR 13,612 480 (13,612) A2Y , 16 16.40 34. AFK 26,863 950 28.34.33,203 339 AFV 340 28.34.419 ALM 16.26 34. CLT 342 166 340 (1) E3D (20) E8C (28) EO3 021 209 021) . ES7 (6) ESC 207 - - (207) ESM 206 295 206) ESX 492 121 (492) EVB (20) EVD 221 135 (221) EVF 251 123 04.(251) EVK 140 (140) EVO 356 207 356) FAL FDJ (20) FYJ (41) HTG 346 353 65 .325) LMB 16.34. M1W (1) MBB 944 154 12.12.964 MBJ 11.11. MVP (5) MVP11 (34) MVPBL (10) MVPCF 2.46 (2) MIJ'VIN 109 (22) NCE (3) NLT 1.23 NLUY2 (9) NNK 575 244 6.46 107 (1,468) NPU 2.46 (1) NSD 190 (187) NSK 0.20 (8) NSQ 209 2.46 (200) NSS . 46 (41) NSY (31) PGOCL 45.34.(20) PGOCM 245 40.34.210 (36) PORXX 694 614 0.43 (694) RCA 23.(71) RCFYH 23.(24) REB3X 1.15 (13) RNCAF RTY 115 (115)vas VFN VGT VMC2X VPH ZNB 042 513 042) MT Total 634 343 5.48 58,685 (16.949) 1DT 26,640 011 26.(26,640) 1FB 583 31.28.415 (168) 9PZLC 235 (2) 9PZLX (27) 9ZR 188 215 22,119 (188,215) AR5 (21) AR9 120 14.(120) ARH 120 14.(120) ART 247 123.(247) C2U 7,411 038 (7,411) CLT 190 561 12,062 (128) CM901 37.(37) CM903 37.(74) CMT 0.41 (20) CPVBA 627 012 (627) CUD 670 663 (68,670) D1E1X 3,434 149.434) DRR 31.41 (63) E3D (26) E3N (2) E3P (2) E6A (9) E6N.(32) EAJ EX EAPRR 10B (57) EAT 602 280 (602) EC8 126 13.28.255 129 EEA 075 989 28.989 914 EH6 . (36) ESHC3 (37) ESHC6 (10) ESM (18) ESS 61.(62) ESX 147 140 (147) EVD 2.47 (2) EVF (9) EVO (10) EWS (8) EXM 731 14.28.443 712 F5GPG 839 83.(839) FAL 852 173 844 (7) FNA 318 315 (3) FVJ (6) HTG 7.48 (22) HYE 235 33.(235) HYS 168 33.(168) KX9 (1) M1W (1) M63 507 552 507) MBB 565 360 12.12.590 MBJ 11.11. MV5 (1) MWI/V (14) N2W (5) NLT (0) NNK 029 961 181 (30 848) NPU 451 268 453 NSD 792 126 (778) NSK 0.20 (3) NSQ 748 006 109 639) NSS 1 ,435 491 151 284) NSY 494 131 (462) PFY 109 361 (109) PGJA7 274)077 (4.90)274 PGSA7 274 077 (5,274) PORXX 826 22,850 0.43 826) R4H 253,347 661 11.28.613 006 359 660 R4N 420 20.28.594 174 R5G - . 16.28. R5S 540 11.28.330 790 RCA 14.14.(1) RCF 760 13.13.762 REB3X 1.15 (1) RKY 16.28. RNCSP (34) SAK vas 110 110 VFN VGT VPH XSG 168 16.28.283 115 X5S 129 11.28.311 182 XLL 011 197 906 (105) NO Total 633 717 111.333 669.484 35,767 1FB 165 086 830 28.35,209 589 503 1TM 14.35.144 9PZLC (0) 9PZLX 143 (78) 9ZR 276 915 (39 276) AFD 6.42 32 . ATF' B1A 1X 18.18. CLT 616 333 615 (1) 01 E1X 145 145.(145) E3D 172 (172) E3P (1) E8C (89) EAJBE 1.46 EO3 964 231 964) ESC 945 290 (945) ESM 469 357 (5,469) ESX 225 277 225) EVB 177 2.42 (177) EVBHG 2.42 (7) EVD 875 271 (875) EVDHG (48) EVF 684 154 (684) EVFHG (27) EVK (24) EVKHG (16) EVa 322 340 322) EVOHG (14) FAL 207 233 FBJ 2.42 (77) FBJHG . 1 (3) FDJ 353 419 353) FOJHG 139 (139) FHGPA 75.75, FNA FVJ 234 278 4.44 234) FVJHG (75) G EXAX HLA (6) HRLAM 31.29.(2) HTG 908 615 157 (17 751) KX9 129 (75) LMB 567 29 ' 20.35.043 456 M1W (1) M4H 55.55. MBB 12.12. MVP11 254 (254) MVP14 (15) ------- -------- MVPBC (47) MVPCF (33) MVPCU 87 .(6) MWN 471 (94) N2W (35) NCE - - (3) NKM (38) NLRXR 1.41 (1) NLT NLUBR'16.(30) NLUBT 16.(15) NLUY1 (7) NLUY2 0.44 (9) NNK 053 635 0.44 279 773) NPU 175 2.47 2.46 175 (1) NSD 012 332 976) NSK 0.20 (40) NSQ 663 205 (641) NSS (66) NSY 103 0.24 (96) OBK6X 10.43 10.43 OC4 PGOCL 263 45.35.007 (257) PORXX 562 963 0.43 562)RCF.13.13. REB3X (1) RGG1A (23) RiVXC 13 .(13) RiVXY (0) SB5 13 . 2 SFO 259 37,35.252 (7) SRG 2.42 2.42vas VGT VPH XLL 221 220 (1) RiVX9 (2) NE Total 258 547 022 215 304 (43.243) 1FB 653 112 29.27.191 (2,463) 9PZLX'(44) 9ZR 766 106 . (37 766) A2Y 17.27.109 AFD AFK 501 743 29.74,472 028) AFV 627 36.27.462 (166) ALM 21.27. ATF CLT 695 327 693 (2) E3D 3.40 (65) E8G-(68) EO3 332 653 (3,332) ER4 (6) ES7 000 (29) ESC 529 153 3.45 (529) ESM 547 832 547) ESX 280 193 280) EVB 258 101 (258) EVBHG (18) EVD 170 344 3.40 170) . :" EVDHG'398 117 (398) EVF 392 298 392) EVFHG 229 (229) FAL (74) FBJ (51) FBJHG (3) FDJ 112 3.40 (112) FDJHG - - (61) , FVJ 126 (126) FVJHG (23) HCKPG (15) HFB 34.(34) HRU\1 29.29. HRLBM 122 61.60.120 (2) HTG 11,713 722 103 (11 610) LMB 13.40 27. M1W (2) MBB 761 454 12.12.789 MBJ 11.11. MVP (10) MVP11 O~OO (56) MVPBL (10) MVPCW (3) MWW 349 (72) N6S NCE (3) NLT NLUY1 10.(7) NNK 499 372 164 335) NPU (0) NSD 994 156 (977) NSK (17) NSQ 246 (236) NSS (56) NSY (36) OC4 PGOCL 297 49.27.163 (134) PGOCM 170 42.43 27.109 (61) PORXX 688 926 0.43 (1,688) RlVXY (0) RTY 398 134 (398) SEA (2) VBS 111 23 .115 VFN VGT VJMXU 12.12. VPH XLL (1) ZNB 306 867 1.15 (3,306) NM Total 193,206 598 113,015 (80,191) 1FB 104,808 063 20.26.136,195 31,367 1FL 398 103 20,26.56,571 172 9PZLX (51) 9ZR 58,481 029 (58,461) A2W 14.26.161 A2Y 253 14.26.484 231 AFD CLT 570 395 569 (1) E1N (1) EO3 096 730 (6,096)Ese,543 202 (543) ESF 207 (207) ESL 337 144 (337) ESM 375 558 375) ESX 1,402 507 402) EV2 (3) EVB (62) EVBHG (1) EVD 931 597 (931) EVF 722 370 (722) EVFHG (23) EVK 16 0:00 (16) EVO 204 192 ,, (204) FAl 1.24 FBJ (26) FDJ 250 160 (250) FDJHG (2) FVJ 220 113 (220) FVJHG (3) HFB 26.40 (26) HLA (1) HRLA3 29.29. HSO 2,400 264 136 (2,265) . JBG 866 24.26.942 JBH 432 20.26.565 133 LMB 14.26. lML 14.26. M1W 00 .(9) MBB 895 622 12.12.931 MBJ 11.11. MVP11 223 4.45 (223) MVPCF (26) MVPCW (3) MWN 416 (83) NLT NLUY1 (25) NLUY2 0.44 (9) NNK 788 613 269 (3,519) NPU (0) . NSD 679 116 (666) NSQ 636 272 (607) NSS (46) NSY (88) OBK6X OC4 PGOCL 214 42.26.135 (80) PGOCM 38.26.(24) PORXX 092 192 092) RAJC2 (30,456)136 (5.93)30,456 RAJC3 (16,226)2,429 (6.68)16,226 RAJC5 (26)(1.85) RGG1A (44) RGG1C (11) RGG2A (4) RGG2B (4) RGG3B (4) RTVXY (2) RTY 131 (131) SB5 5.42 SCFBT 472 (38) SEA SEQ1X 153 119 (33) TBX 855 448 28,079 224vas155155 VFN VGT VJMXU 12.12. VJMYJN 19.19. VMC2X VPH - - XLL 143 1.45 144 OR Total 228 019 150 4.49 233 113 094 JUL 1FB 1,484 36.29.45 207 (276) 9PZLC 501 (2) 9PZLX (26) 9ZR 130 161 666 (130,161) CLT 182 811 182 CUD 763 319 (66 763) D1E1X 377 168.(3,377) E3D (8) E6A 2.41 (14) E6GUR (1) E6N 1.18 (2) E8G (61) EAT (3) ESM (5) EVO (23) F5GPG 338 84.(338) FAL 809 150 776 (33) FHZPA 15.15. FNA 147 147 HCKPG (32) HLA (5) HLN (1) HTG 120 (119) HYE 270 33.(270) HYS 270 33.(270) KX9 (10) M63 333 455 13.(6,333) MBB 676 12.12.676 MBH MV5 (1) MI/'JIN (5) N2W (5) NLT NNK 886 108 366 (19,519) NPU 504 199 503 (0) NSD 680 265 (1,652) NSQ 217 361 178) NSS 334 113 (300) NSY 209 (196) PFY 143 783 (143) PGJA7 (148)(7.81)148 PGSA7 148 (148) PORXX 974 463 974) R4H 180 012 16,314 11.29.45 480 447 300,435 R4N 16.29.45 R5G 16.29.45 R5S 230 29.45 707 477 RCA 13.13. RGF 557 13.13.554 (2) REB3X 1.15 (1) RHN 12.29. VBS VFN VGT X5G 16.29.45 X5S 177 11.29.45 471 294 XLL 756 149 755 (1) SD Total 434,211 77.202 497.413 63.202 1FB 693 987 22,112 706 101 013 9PZLC (0) 9PZLX 154 275 (154) 9ZR 155 023 550 (155.023) A2Y 22, AFD 105 118 AFK 032 233 22.299 066 268 034 ATF (0) B1A1X 18.18. B1A2X 33.33. CLT 283 372 538 255 DTLBX 264 346 199 14.(264 346) E1N (1) E3D 904 206 (904) ESC 208 (208) EO3 712 307 (22 712) ER4 (14) ES7 ('44) ESC 548 035 548) ESM 842 509 (15 842) ESX 335 869 335) EVB 407 231 (407) EVBHG (33) EVD 031 585 031) EVDHG 418 237 (418) EVF 172 445 172) EVFHG 139 (139) EVK 148 4.48 (148) EVKHG (9) EVO 133 747 133) EVOHG 405 115 (405) FAL 472 251 472 (0) FBJ 213 121 (213) FBJHG (39) FDJ 387 788 387) FDJHG 466 265 (466) FHGPA 55.48.(7) FVJ 610 612 (1,610) FVJHG 200 (200) GEXAX HCKPG (76) HFB (73) HLA (2) HRLA1 150 29.29.150 HRLA3 29.29. HRLA5 29.29. HRLAM 479 31.29.449 (30) HRLBM 66,60.(6) HTG 18,189 174 310 (17 879) JND 11. JUF 22. M1W (9) M4H.25.21.(3) MBB 313 184 12.12.346 MBH MBJ 11.11. MBWCD (3) MVP (28) MVP11 356 (356) MVPBL (84) MVPCD - - (4\ MVPCF (19) MVPCU .0.41 (2) MWN 258 186 (258) N6S NCE (23) NLT NLLJBR 17.(33) NLUBT 17,(16) NLUY1 10.49 (3D) NMO1A 11.11. NMO2A 116 28.28.116 NNK 111 (105) NPU 371 234 402 NSD 8,469 283 138 330) NSK (75) NSQ 920 350 (883) NSS 323 105 (291) NSY 419 107 0.24 (393) OC4 3.47 OWM (5) PGOCl 261 52.22.(148) PGOCM 43.22.(43) PORXX 865 290 . 0.43 865) REB3X 171 149 (171) RGG1A (29) RGG1B (6) RTYXY 139 (13) RTY 456 175 (456) SB5 SEA (5) vas VFN VGT VJMXU 12.12. VJMXW 19.19. VPH XLL ZNB 55,103 281 (55,103) ZNBFX 963 183 16,(2,963) ZNBHX 307 693 (25,307) RXB 46.22,(49) OVD2X (1) HRLC1 74,67.(7) PGOCH 29.22.(7\ UT Total 654 913 120 212 5.45 420.240 (234.673) 1FB 322,550 043 22.24.337 032 14,482 9PZLC (1) 9PZLX 115 205 (115) 9ZR 105 564 382 (105 564) A2Y 215 11.24.432 217 AFD ATF 1 . ,0 " ,.. CLT:762 897 753 (8) E3P (1) EO3 788 887 (14 788) . . ESC 399 163 2.45 (399)ESF 416 (416) ESL (74)ESM 723 389 2.40 723) ESX 936 810 936) EV2 (16) EVB 114 134 (114) EVBHG (2) EVD 307 350 307) EVF 988 933 988) EVK (33) EVO 331 193 (331) FAL FBJ (31) FDJ 392 229 (392) FHGPA 225'75.75.225 FNA (0) FVJ 449 211 (449) FVJHG (2) HCKPG HFB 26.(81)HLA (2)HRLA3 29.95.40. HRLAM 30.40. HSHPT 105 HSO 193 825 290 JBG 275 22.24.288 LMB 127 15.24.192 M1W (7) M4H 165 55.55.165 MBB 698 313 12.12.741 MBJ 11.11. MV5 (1) MVP11 (17) MWN 225 053 (225) N6S 10. NLT 0.43 0.42 (0) NLUY1 10.(36) NNK 058 746 328 730) NPU 128 (1) NSD 594 406 (2,551) NSQ 489 191 (468) NSS (80)NSY 123 (115) OVDXX (0) PGOCL 281 46.24.144 (137) PORXX 069 116 0.43 (6,069) PUN (9) RD5 13.13.(0) REB3X 1.15 (3) RGG1A 0.45 (65) R1VXY (3) RTY 311 182 (311) SEA (0) VBS 390 390 VFN 201 201 VGT 105 105 VJMXU 12.12. VMC1X VMC2X VPH 111 111 I~LL 0.43 0.42 (1) RXB 275 39.24.168 (107) WA Total 492 957 62,667 7-87 358.208 (134 749 'NY 1FB 672 228 20.49 33.40'615 943 9PZLC 534 (20) 9PZLX - - (17) 9ZR 239 007 979 (239 007) AFK 312 261 20.33.40 717 406 CLT 983 177 11,495 (489) CU03X 100 542 263 (100 542) 01 E1X 176 130.176) E30 (5) E8C (4) EO3 (42) ESC.(51) ESM 418 4.40 (418) ESX 350 (350) EVO (7) EVO 169 (169) F5GPG 545 90.(545) FAL 635 125 660 FOJ (7) HCKPG (3) HTG 767 107 (760) HYE 269 33.(269) HYS 32.(33) LBS 992 832 992) M1W (2) M63 1,426 193 (1,426) MBB 586 595 12.12.586 MVPCU (18) MWN (4) NLT NNK 45,405 6,480 849 (42,556) NPU 728 202 711 (17) NSO 020 30!)987) NSK (14) NSQ 259 207 130 (4,129) NSS 654 212 (589) NSY 616 155 (578) PFY 396 (32) PORXX 12,292 28,586 0.43 (12,292) QURF1 (160)(2.75)160 QURF2 (36)(7.25) QURF3 (104)(13.00)104 R4N 411 907 170 16.33.40 840 678 428,771 R5G 548 154 16.33.40 144 596 RCA 173 19.(173) RCFVH 19.(58) RCFVT 305 19.(305) RCFWT 19.(58) REB3X 1.15 (3) REB8X (9) RGG1A 7.45 (7) RKY 333 126 18.33.40 208 876 RTVXY (1) R1Y 101 (101) SEA 4.40 vas 100 100 VFN VGT . .,".. VJMXU 12.12. VMC1X 0 . VMC2X VPH X5G 109 16.33.40 238 129 XLL - - (4) ZCB1X 105 13,(1,105) ZCB2X 561 22.(561) ZCB3X 058 40.(1,058) ZNB 849 543 0.29 849) 'NY Total 872 249 148 595 892.450 20,201 Grand Total 12,593 261 109,709 4.49 11.333.765 (1.259.495) - -----._- Idaho PU~/ic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. QWE-06- AT&T r\'ta-j,D-ul IO::2~;: r ce-QYC ST 11 c:. ..\ illE lIT -:-mm~c::ii H:: ~ - mn:: ~..:~ i!.l.,\T i DEPOSITION Purcb:ue A..~ecment j ~rr (if) JTrade Secret Data Bqins - This Purt;b.a!e Agrc:rricnt ("PJ.:'made m1d CIltCmi Into by and b~ M~eodUSA. Tcle.coIDIIllJIlicarions Savices., Inc. and its suhsidia.ri:s and miliateS CuMcLeodUSA") and Qw~ Communications Corp. and its subsidiari::s r~j (collcctivcly, the ""Pani:sj effective an the 2nd day of October, 2000. SUBJECT To irut.E OF EV1D'ENc:E 408 ""'00 The ~2rti:s ~vc cmered in to en!:!' into this P A to facilitate md imp!ove thcir busillc:ss 8I1d opcra.tional activities, agreements and tclarlonsbips. In - consideration or the COV~ ~ecmcnts and promises contained bdow the Parties a.grc:e to the following: 1. This PAis ~ered into b=tWe:n the Parnes based on the: following canditi ons, which arc a matroal part ofthls agr-..em:m: This P A sh.aIl be bindiDg on Qwest and McLcodUSA and each of their r:spccrlv: subsjdiari:s, affiliated corparatioDS, sUcc::ssors and assigns.- 1.2 This P A may be amended or alt~d only by v;rinen iDsttumc:nt cxccu!-..d by an authorized r:p~entat:ive cfOOm Parti~. The Panics, in~nrim~to be legally bound, have executed this P A effective as of October 2, 2000. in muhiplc counterparts; each of which ls dc::m=d !.Il original, but all of wbich sb.all constitu:tc one and the same mst:rUm:at. - . '"""=' Unless tenniriatl:d as provided in. this section, the initial t:rm of this PAis from the dau: ofsigIring until Dec:mbcr 31, 2003 ("Initial Term) and this PA sball thae.aftc:r automatically contiIIue until either party giVI:S at le:ast six (6) months adV2Ilc:: written notice te:rmination. This is Amendment can"ODly be termina.t:d during thl: Initial Term, or at any timeth~, in. the event of: 1.4.a matc:rial brc.ach ofth: tcrms ofthe Agre:::::nents or this Amendment which r:mams unresolved and uncompensated following application of the clispU1e resolUtion provisioJJS of this agre:mc:nt; - ' 1.4.amatmal change in th: t:l::commu:1icarlons industry pricing structure that is so adverse to McLeodUSA so as to makl: this P A useless; or . 1.4.a teIminarlon of th21 certain Purchase Agr=ment with a 1ilce c:ff~ve ciat: pumwlt to whic:hMdcodUSA purchases Products Cdl:fin~ below) from Qwest. 1.5 All facroal pre.:ondirions and duties set forth in this P A aIel intended to be, and ax: ctjnsidered by the Pmi=s to be, rC2SoI12.bly related to, and dependent upon each otbcr - 1.If either partY s performance oftbis P A or any obligation under this PAis prevented, ~cted or intcrfe::::d v.ith by W1S~ beyond such Parties rasonablc comrol, '"""=' ~O~PCBUC DOCU:v1ENT . 1 -CO;-';TAl~S TR.-\DE SECRET DATA OJ1fl4 ' :"""'=--:' t.l;r-.:.:-.!i ~::GI-:Eri L.:~ ~~?Mn:;~j:..:.i~. =~m24::: _.;~: ~~~m: ;-:;= SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 40; including but not limited to acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism which reasonabl: pr:~onscould not prota:t against, stcrm or other similar occum:nce, any law, ordex, regulation, dir-..ctiOIl.action or n:qu~t of any unit of f~ S!al:e or local gOV:I'I1II1:m, or of any civil or militu'y!UIh.ority. or by national em~q;:ncic:s, insum:ctions, riots, wars. Strik~ or work StoPD:1.ge orvendor failures, c:able cuts ,sbonages, breach. or delays, then such parry shall b:: =xcusd fumsuch perfoIIIlmlC::: on a daY-To-day basis to the ~'tent of such prcv:mion, r-..stric:"dOtl orintafu:nc:: (a "Foret:: Maj~). . 1.7 rthout the prior writt:n consent of the other party and exc:pt as s~ 'forth below or to ~ ~nt required by law. ncithe:rparty will disclose to any pa:.on the existence or contl:Il!oftbis ag:r::emC:Dt, or maIe:rial tmns ofthe: ~c::mcnL In tht eveD! that either pany concludesthat disclosure is rcqujrcd by applicable law. including but norlUnited. to the regulations of the S c:curi 11 cs and Ex chang ceo mmissi 0 ~ such P arty w:il1 provide the other p any \1w'i th prompt no ti c etbe:r-..of and an oppornmity to comml:Ilt on such disclosure prior to such disclosure and such pmywill disclose only the: wormarloD that. in the opinion of its counsel, it i! required by such law todisdo~. In the ev~nt that either party or any of iIS Rcpr:scntsri.vcs is required by a gov=mme:ntal aUthority or in CoDD.~on v.ith a legal proce~dlng or pursuant to legal prcc:ss todisclose any of the Evaluation.Material with respect to which such pmy is the: re:cc:iving p~ any oilia matt::r rd::rrc:d to in the imm~tfu.tc:Iy pre:c:aling paragraph, it is agreed that such party\VilJ. provid: the: otha pany with prOmpt notic:: of each such request or requirement so that suchother parry may seek promptly an appropri~ protective order or other appropriat:: remedyand/or \Va.ive compliance: by Such party subject'tO such request or requir:ml:Ilt \J,ith the:provisions of this P A and the: party giviDg DOtic~ shan use its commercially r~ona.blc: efforts toassist the: party seeking protection. In the event that such protective: order or other remedy is notobtained promptly, s~h party subject to S1lc:h requirc:m=nt ma.y:funilih tbDt portion (and onlythat portion) oime P A or other informanon with r~ect to such matter that. in the: opinioD afitScounsd, it is legally compelled to cUsc1os: and will cx:::-cise its commercially :reascma.bl~ efforts to obtain reliable assuranc:: that c:onndl:I1tlal treat:me:nt wUfbc accorded any infonns.rlon sofu..~hed.. The trnn "person . as used in ibis A~ment shall be broadly im::rpreted to include -.=r"itbout limitarlon any corporatio~'comp:mY;'Partnl:!Ship; or~tio~ baDk, group, individualor other entity. Neither party will pr~sc:nt itself as representing or jointly mark~ting saviccs withthe: otbe-r, or mark~ its sCIVic:es ushig the n.a:inc oime othcr party, \1tithout the prior writtenconsent oime other party. 2. In consid~tion of the agr=:mi:ms and CovClaDtS set fonh above and !he e::u:ire group coVeJJants provided. in section 3 MdeodUSA agrees to purchase from Qwest, or one of itsaffi Ii ate c 0 rpo ra.ti 0 ns, durin g th e Ini rial -T C::In 0 f this P A. at 1 c:ast . $ 4 8 0 mi ill 0 Il worth 0 fu:lc:cotmriumcatlons., c::Ihanced or infonnmon services. network elem~ts, intcrcODn~tjon 01"colloca:rion servkcs or elemc:nr.s, ca.pacit)., t.cIIDimtion or originarioIl serv1c:s, switching or fiberrights (the: "Products"). 8.I prices pr--viously quoted by Qwest, including bUt not limited to, onany products or updated products for who1C:sa1e long. dista.ct:c smiC::3 purcwe:d, the highestdiscount levc:l available for that product, stibjea to the terms of this section 2. XO~PLJBLlC DOCU~ENT . ~- CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA nl1rl1 "... ~v '.. .....a;,;rr:'r~ni :.:u..\L j;~rAit,L€ij ..3D!ZiZH:;i-J3; ? . :m~H r-~:: SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 408 Subject to the provisions of this ser:tion 2, by Dec..-mber 31,2001,McLe:odUSA Will pmcha.s= ami:cimum afS150 million ofPradUCts zmd in cv:ntpurchases by McLeodUSA do not meet this miDimum, McLeodUSA agrees to mm apayment to Qwest, DC lat:r then JanU3l)' 15, 2002. in an amount ~ual to diifae:nce .bet-.veen actual purchases md the IDinimum. ....". 22 StIbjea to the: provisionS cfthis se:ction 2, tram January 1,2001 throughDcconber 31,2002, McLeodUSA will pnrch2sc a cUImIlative minimum of S3 I 0 miIlionofProducu, ami m the event purchas~ by Mcl.eodUSA do nOt meet this minim1nn,McLeodUSA agrees to DlAke a paymCIlt to no l2ter th3n January 1 S. 2003 , in anamount equal to the differe:nc=, bC!We~ actual pun:has:s and th:: nilirimum. 2.3 Subject to the provisicm.s of this se:tion 2, From Januaxy 1,2001 throughDec:mbc:r 31, 2003. McLeodUSA will purchase a cumulative mixUmum of$480 millionof Products, and in the event purchases by McLcodUSA do not mc:t this minimum, McLeodUSA s.gI'e:3to make apaymcntto Qwest:, no 12rtbanJanuaxy 15 2004, in anamount equal to t11e difference betw~ act:1W purchMes and the miIrimum. 2.4 The minimum pW'Chasc requir~L:II!S provided above: shall be c:h.!mgcd.proportionally, but in no event to exc-~d 5480 million in the cumulative ~n'"-gate . if thefollowiIJg occur to a ma!eri.al degre~: A reduction in the: rates for any oftbe Products. 2.4.2 Products are no loDger off~ withoUt adequate substitution. doing business. 2.4.3 AIJ.y sale of CUIreIlt Qwesr cxcbanges where Mc:LeodUSA is oc. 4.4 Delays in thc delivery of an order~ ProdUCt tha! caUSeMcLeodUSA difficulty in m~ting its minimum commitm~. 2.4.5 Rcll2Se, sale, transfer or Ie~uisbmcnt of any c:urr::ltcollo~tion back to Qwest by mutual agreement 6 McLeodUSA's business is prcvent:d, reStricted or int:ri'::redv.ith by a Force Majeure as dcscn"bcd in seCtion 1. 2..4.Cb.anges in technology eliminating the need for cenam servicesprovide.d by QwCSt, provided Qwest bas the right of first refusal to provide the ~bnology.2.5 Th~ Panics will meet to discuss aU proposcd changes in ~uimnl;I1~ or .payments punuant to this section 2. and will resolve any disputes pursuant to Es::a1aticn Proc:cduxcs to be dcvelope.d by the Parties. b:for: any payment or change in ~cme:nt made. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT .3.CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA f"'\" , /"\' ""' Aul-JD-OI II :DOa r r CI:'-QE Ii LE ill DE P AmEKi +ln~Zmi&i T-m P.Q2S/m r-~ii SUBJECT TO RUlE OF EVIDENCE.(tII 26 The take orp~ purclwc r:quhem~ oftbis section ar: sp:ciDcaJJyc ondi ti ODed 011 the rates 0 fi' ered for the Pro ducts as 0 f the: d ate of this P A ~ 1'M in g in df =t atlevels no higher than th: ratJ::s quoted.3. Ie. cons:idaation of the agreements zmd coven.a.ms forth above cmd th= emi.rc group ofcovcnmts provided in section 2. all taUJ1 as a whole, with such ccmside:ration only beingadequate. if all such aDd COVc:nmt3 m: made and are enfurt::able. Qwest agrees tomake tb: ~ducts available far parchB.sc by McLeodUSA, at such mc:s and on such terms ;mrl, conditiCIlS as :.-, .' "" ~~dcr of page mteutionillY;bIiinkJ , ..- 0' . "-... '.. . ."".... .'" . ' "'. 0 . . '. "..'.' .-- - . ." .. - '- '.. "'.. ... " . , 0 . - . NONPUBLIC DOCtJME~T CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 0110'1~ AUI-jU-UI II :UU45 fr~ST LEGAL GCr~Tl~/:lbntltltl ~tI:;:II 1S~J.~b~+3D3znU6i j-m p.azTmi ~~::.u.J1 r/.J~'~II~ r-~ I:~ St.1BJECr TO 1 ULB 0 F ~:E:NC:3 C 0 i Trade Secret Data Ends! Mme and cnte::d. into en 1hc dat: written above by McLecatISA and Qwc.rl. . - MeLee dUS A T e1 eco I'a:municm D l1! SeMeeJ, In ~Qwe:rl: Communications Corp. ~~-? ,;;:;. Authario:ed Si~ !j- Atnhcrlzed Signa.tute """'=' Blab: 0, Fisher. TT.. N~ ~::d NJm1! PrimcdlTypod Vi CQ :?rcsi dent Title True October 20.2000 Date October 26. 2000 . Date E-.Qw=lQTOJ'l a2!aJ NONPUBLlC DOCUMENT .,. CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA aunt I . ..,-3""~'DI.. " !!~'!_LE~ .DE~~ - ,----_.":"""', . HI; P.l2""" ~a' ~ --. f~il!rQmj-mfGATIOK SUPPORT (TO'UI 10.26' DO I3:09/RT. t3:D7/11~ 486I!C3320? 2StJBJRcrTC lllt2 01 !VIPsN1;2 (01 Mad: cod ~ ~ an da1 co Wri t%e:t &ho 1,y M d ~ SA ad Qw=s "'"" '1'dt=mI!UlDit:lltia~ Scr"iccf lne. Qww ClJmmuDil;l~%U C:~1j1. t:::l- .. Z,"" Blab OL FT~: Nm:= ~yP:d " .. -. - ". ..... - ." /j;i.! B; CJ ~ " M. c: ",. s - Name ~yPcd Gm = V 1 c:e Pre-si d!:ut Trtle E" x'€c' 1.1-1'. TItle Octob=:r 25 :~UJOO Qdtt~~ 2S- ::mcoDe" c:l1C1rCI' C:zl! aI ~O~PliBUC DO~UMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA ,........ ..c -.... .....-- ()1101..,0 Idaho ~~~lic Utilities Commissionof the Secretary CE/VED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Mcleod USA Monthly Summary 421/C-02-I97 DOC 08-210 TRADE SECRET ATTACHMENT Sep- (Trade Se State Current Past Due Total Due % Currentret Data Begins Charges Charges Iowa $ . 745 497.674,597.4,420 095.85% Minnesota 2,414 261.584 263.998 524.81% South Dakota 555,41'6.493,198.048,615.53% North Dakota 714 495.64 - 388,039.102,53"5.65% Wyoming 861,454.757.942 212.91% Colorado 261,006.240 708.501.,715.90% Nebraska 244 099.122.315 222.77% Idaho 629.974.164,603.59% Arizona 766.726.493.12.85%Utah.262 291.260,124.522,416.50%Washington 855.62,539.117,394.47%Oregon 29,122.970.52,093.46 56% Montana 196.199.395.50% To1al ~ 11 LI fI'J":.JW ~:JL LL.j.:Ii 14 LL4 .jlt!.I ':J"la Oct- State Current Past Due ITotal Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 728 522.(863,605.79)864 916.130% . Minnesota 345 521 ;28 (443,832.73)901,688.123% South Dakota 545,727.(38 168.42)507,559.108% North Dakota 708 784.845.712,629.99% Wyoming 857 828. $. . (30,537.28)827 291.104% Colorado 331,359.131,847.2A63 207.85 95% Nebraska 224,436.325.17.226,762.99% Idaho 111,856.299.117,156.95% Arizona 40,526.133.659.100% Utah 342,738.007.65)338 730.101% Washington 76,075.629.88,705.86% Oregon 37,812.(70,348.44)(32 535.54)116% Montana 202.213.. 95% Total $ 11,351,393.$ (1,294 407.40)$ 10 056 986.113% V.L va J,IDCS$ N'YU SNIV lNO~ .;;;:: . -'- . .' '.. - , rWNON The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. II is intended for use by Owest only Nov- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 840,088.107,001.947 090.97%Minnesota 2,409,161.(262,140.73)147 020.112% South Dakota 543,102.(39 580.37)503,522.108%North Dakota 715,820.73,930.789,750.91%Wyoming 897 288.43,029.940,317.95%Colorado 264,292.194,091.458 383.92%Nebraska 292,829.372.295,202.99%Idaho 139 828.121.142 949.98%Arizona 893.005.899.97%Utah 392 884.503.46 396 387.99%Washington 123,173.200.125 374.98%Oregon 023.437.55,461.96%Montana Mexico 14,790.518.15,309.97%Total $ 11,748 376.132,503.11,880 880.99% Dec-OO State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 794 022.(131,736.48)662,286.104%Minnesota 343,260.(399,331.93)943 928.121% South Dakota 543 177.(34 497.63)508,680.107%North Dakota 718,589.428.720 018.100%Wyoming 848 541.363,277.211,818.70%Colorado 631,109.301 570.932 679.90%Nebraska 307,460.868.308,329.100%Idaho 195 666.719.196,386.100%Arizona 88,617.482.89,100.99%Utah 535,334.087.44)526,246.102%Washington 144 298.123,173.267,472.54%Oregon 96,562.866.97,428.99%Montana 518.11.529.98% New Mexico 27,660.847.28,507.97% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Total $ 12,274 820.13 $218 593.50 $ 12 493 413.98% The information contained herein should not be disclosed 10 unauthorized persons.1t is intended for use by Owest only Jan- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 786,590.207,843.994,433.95%Minnesota 2,426,407.(168 686.46)257,720.107%South Dakota.548 817.76,832.625 649.88%North Dakota 723 045.320 688.043 734.69%Wyoming 881,903.122,699.004 602.88%Colorado 734 082.347,294.081,376.89%Nebraska 323,648.(334.34)323,314.100%Idaho 261,123.783.262 907.99%Arizona 188,641.(719.68)187,921.100%Utah 636 255.552.48)632,702.101%Washington 279,539.601.281 141.99%Oregon 142 933.156.144 089.99%Montana Mexico 375.568.943.99%Total $ 13,017,407.907,193.13,924 601.93% Feb- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 452,970.(143,540.42)309,430.104%Minnesota 333,597.(276 671.90)056,925.113%South Dakota 5~3, 106.(28,129.67)524,977.105%North Dakota 730,656.(6,913.37)723,743.101%Wyoming 484 441.57,236.541,678.98%Colorado 866,980.281,732.148 713.91%Nebraska 307,577.176.308 754.100%Idaho 329,105.979.330 085.100%Arizona 229,607.115.229,723.100%Utah 642,118.926.644,045.100% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADESECRfiT DATk-- Washington 332,977.134.337,111.99% Oregon 163 850.930.166 780.98% Montana New Mexico 100,491.062.103 554.97% Total $ 14,527 734.(101 928.71)14,425 805.101% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.1t is intended for use by Owest only Mar- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 779 827.(204,597.58)575,230.106% Minnesota 2,442,558.31,479.474 038.99% South Dakota 533,885.(35,031.08)498,854.107% North Dakota 731,412.496.737,908.99% Wyoming 059,373.680,067.739 441.61% Colorado 817,452.381,609.199 061.88% Nebraska 316,536.883.318 419.99% Idaho 332,984.1 ,538.334 522.100% Arizona 326,911.(1,521.22)325,390.100% Utah 677,458.029.678,487.100% Washington 363,110.726.366,836.99% Oregon 189,779.185.191,964.99% Montana (223.47)(223.47)100% New Mexico 122,376.215.124 591.98% Total $ 13,693,443.871,080.14,564 523.94% Apr- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 894 877.(154,614.93)740,262.104% Minnesota 515,377.(256 074.09)259 303.111% South Dakota 560,337.11,088.571 425.98% North Dakota 749,005.999.765,004.98% Wyoming 639,966.470,921.110,888.58% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Colorado 886,764.315 805.202 569.90% Nebraska 335 855.170.337 026.100% Idaho 402 385.302.411 688.98% Arizona 412 432.674.415,106.99% Utah 771 913.083.776,996.99% Washington 414,402.190.415,592.100% Oregon 224 267.528.226 795.99% Montana . 3 812.(223.47)588.106% New Mexico 165 459.322.167,781.99% Total $ 13 976,856.427,174.14,404,031.97% Wyoming current charges reflects $400K in adjustments that were on past due. The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.1t is intended for use by Owest only May- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 839,247.(150,521.01)688,726.104%Minnesota 560,951.(203,643.53)357,308.109% South Dakota 546,939.456.548,396.100%North Dakota 766 549.336.778,886.98% Wyoming 843 874.(13 938.81)829,935.102% Colorado 972 407.(18,792.98)953,614.101% Nebraska 327,056.106.329,163.99%Idaho 407,145.18,768.425,913.96%Arizona 409 101.663.411,765.99%Utah 549 909.506.559,416.98%Washington 443,286.817.445 103.100%Oregon 228,788.674.230 463.99%Montana 29,340.527.29,868.98% New Mexico 166 310.(1,092.09)165 218.101% Total $ 14 090,908:47 (337,130.68)13,753,777.102% Jun- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 775,445.(150,558.61)624,886.104% Minnesota 730,160.(258 108.24)472,052.110% NONPUBLlC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA South Dakota 553,584.771.558,356.99% North Dakota 773 972.12,037.786,009.98% Wyoming 881,682.(19 659.01)862,023.102% Colorado 004 138.(33 501.07)970,637.101% Nebraska 321 968.840.323,809.99% Idaho 456 681.747.483,429.48 94% Arizona 520 486.732.529 218.98% Utah 853 963.(212,782.22)641,181.67,133% Washington 517,136.021.525 157.98% Oregon 233,719.147.241 867.97% Montana 56,544.775.58,320.97% New Mexico 194,711.191.195 902.99% Total $ 14 874,197.(601 343.78)14,272 853.104% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended for use by awest only Jul- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 682,173.(162,893.02)519 280.105% Minnesota 909,326.758.944 085.99% South Dakota 557,273.830.560,103.99% North Dakota 722,398.12,057.734,455.98% Wyoming 982,315.210.1 ,029,526.95% Colorado 048,092.184,999.233,091.94% Nebraska 326,916.643.328,559.99% Idaho 623,786.26,649.650,435.96% Arizona 542,891.(8,801.08)534 090.102% Utah 862,611.(8,954.66)853;657.101% Washington'597,969.218.606,187.99% Oregon 204,182.552.212,735.96% Montana 58,270.324.594.98% New Mexico 201,662.(620.07)201,042.100% Total $ 16,319,870.146,976.16,466 846.99% Minnesota total higher due to cost docket discount change to 9- NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET D, Aug- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 3,470 870.44 (81,492.53)389 377.102%Minnesota 761 716.42,018.803 735.99%South Dakota 524 508.428.526 936.100%North Dakota 590 710.4;568.595 278.99%Wyoming 814 573.34,470.849 044.96%Colorado 886 003.(37 114.94)848 888.101%Nebraska 389 338.320.391 659.99%Idaho 560 187.271.588 458.95%Arizona 601 071.(10 963.51)590 107.102%Utah 883 752.(13,941.40)869,810.102%Washington 572,088.389.584,478.98%Oregon 261,164.8,414.269 578.97%Montana 879.336.215.100%New Mexico 225 604.403.99)224 200.101%Total $ 14 630,469.699.21)620 769.100% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended for use by Owest only Sep-Q1 State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa #DIV/O!Minnesota #DIV/O!South Dakota #DIV/O!North Dakota #DIV/O! Wyoming #DIV/O!Colorado #DIV/O!Nebraska #DIV/OIIdaho#DIV/O!Arizona #DIV/O!Utah #DIV/OIWashington#DIV/OIOregon#DIV/OI NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT ~ONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Montana #DIV/O!New Mexico #DIV/O! Total #DIV/O! Oct- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa #DIV/O!Minnesota #DIV/O!South Dakota #DIV/O!North Dakota #DI\110!Wyoming #DIV/O!Colorado #DIV/O!Nebraska #DIV/O!Idaho #DIV/O!Arizona #DIV/OIUtah#DIV/O!Washington #DIV/O!Oregon #DIV/OIMontana#DIV/O! New Mexico #DIV/OITotal#DIV/O! The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It is intended for use by Owest only Nov- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa #DIV/OIMinnesota#DIV/OI South Dakota #DIV/O!North Dakota #DIV/OIWyoming#DIV/O!Colorado #DIV/O!Nebraska #DIV/O!Idaho #DIV/OI NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Arizona #DIV/O!Utah #DIV/O!Washington #DIV/O!Oregon #DIV/O!Montana #DIV/O!New Mexico #DIV/O!Total #DIV/O! Dec- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa #DIV/O!Minnesota #DIV/O!South Dakota #DIV/O!North Dakota #DIV/O!Wyoming #DIV/O!Colorado #DIV/OINebraska #DIV/O!Idaho #DIV/OIArizona #DIV/OIUtah #DIV/O!Washington #DIV/OIOregon #DIV/OIMontal1a #DIV/OfNew Mexico #DIV/OITotal #DIV/OI The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended for use by Owest only Jan- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa #DIV/OrMinnesota #DIV/OISouth Dakota #DIV/OrNorth Dakota #DIV/Or NONPUBLlC DOCU\.1f: " I CONTAINS TRADE SECRE . r, Wyoming #DIV/O!Colorado #DIV/O!Nebraska #DIV/O!Idaho #DIV/OIArizona #DIV/O!Utah #DIV/O!Washington #DIV/O!Oregon #DIV/O!Montana #DIV/O!New Mexico #DIV/O!Total #DIV/O! Feb- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa #DIV/O!Minnesota #DIV/OISouth Dakota . #DIV/OINorth Dakota #DIV/OIWyoming #DIV/OIColorado #DIV/OINebraska #DIV/OIIdaho #DIV/O!Arizona #DIV/O!Utah #DIV/O!Washington #DIV/O!Oregon #DIVlO!Montana #DIV/OINew Mexico #DIV/OITotal #DIV/OI The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It is intended for use by Owest only NONPUBLIC DOcuMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA MEMEDIN EDIN Me I eo d m 0 nth I sum m a ry Adm in. i 5 06/21/02 10:08 AM ....................................................................,............................................""""""""""""""""""""""""................."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"......,.........................................................."""""""""""""""""""""""".............................................................."..............................................................""""""""""""'" ......................... ............. ..............,................................................................................. ...... ...................................................................... ....""""""""'" ..... ................................................."""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""'""""""""'".... 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"""""""""""".. """""""""""'".......................................................... ........................... ... ............................................................................. .........................................................""""""""""""'"............................""""""""""""""...................................................................................."""""""""'"................................................................."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",""""""'" ........... ...... ......................................................""""""""""""""""""""'""""........ ......... ......... ..........."""""""""""""""""'"""""""....................................."""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""'...........................,......................................."""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""'" NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CaNT AJNS ~E SECRET DATA Mcleod USA Monthly Summary Administrative Nav- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 21,359.20,932.292.51%Minnesota 967.024.992.49% South Dakota 213.218.4,431.50%North Dakota 144.182.326.50%Wyoming 110.206.317.48%Colorado 451.17,978.21,429.16%Nebraska 811.766.577.51%Idaho 204.576.781.67%Arizona 688.693.382.50% lotal :ji ::t~U.btS 4::t ~I:SU.tj3 tSb,~31.. 43UDee- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 936.144.31,080.87%Minnesota South Dakota 170.170.100%North Dakota 197.199.397.92%Wyoming 088.206.76)(118.26)920%Colorado 721.(21 111.41)(16,389.93)29%Nebraska 801.801.100%Idaho 474.(719.98)754.195%Arizona 657.657.100% Total 42,090.(18 630.95)459.179%Jan- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa 24,850.553.403.94%Minnesota 062.(6,228.17)165.31)50%South Dakota 075.(2,250.60)(175.46)1183%North Dakota 258.(8,738.89)(6,480.48)35%Wyoming 295.(2,281.45)(985.82)131%Colorado 369.(14,922.01)(9,552.61)56%Nebraska 801.(2,410.49)608.90)50%Idaho 470.661.83)(1,190.99)123%Arizona 23.23.100% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA, Total 207.(37 939.92)267.1773% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It is intended for use by awes! only Feb- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 243.521.55,764.45%Minnesota 983.270.31)(4,287.05)-46%South Dakota 398.(175.46)223.108%North Dakota 569.(8,877.79)307.83)-41%Wyoming 109.(1,071.93)37.2928%Colorado 874.(66,472.75)(57 597.95)15%Nebraska 803.(2,410.49)(1,606.93)50%Idaho 478.(2,579.22)(1,100.68)-134%Arizona 668.351.020.22% Total 45,130.(54 985.32)854.55)-458% Mar- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 404.24,684.088.51%Minnesota 966.(4,287.05)320.96)-85%South Dakota 323.223.546.51%North Dakota 526.(6,307.83)781.63)67%Wyoming 549.(58,041.70)(53 492.16)Nebraska 841.606.93)(765.13)110%Idaho 561.100.68)460.339%Arizona 673.(2,341.03)(1,667.11)-40% Total 958.(46,740.11)781.37)708% Apr- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 25,142.(25,404.79)(262.12)9592%Minnesota 112.(2,320.96)(208.01)1016%South Dakota 140.223.10)(82.92)2581%North Dakota 702.(3,781.63)(1,079.31)250% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA ".. ;- Wyoming 117.366.484.75%Colorado 684.(56 047.39)(54,362.42)Nebraska 788.(765.13)22.3440%Idaho 462.113.09)(650.35)225%Arizona 689.667.11)(978.03)70% Total 37,840.(93 956.64)(56 115.78)67% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.1t is intended for use by Owes! only May- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 22,578.(262.12)316.101%Minnesota 998.(208.01)790.112%South Dakota 133.406.59)(272.93)782%North Dakota 631.(1,079.31)552.170%Wyoming 704.095.800.60%Nebraska 788.788.27 100%Idaho 465.(650.35)815.180%Arizona 684.(978.03)(293.30)-233% Total 38,180;77 (1,476.96)36,703.104% Jun- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 027.22,316.343.52%Minnesota 988.790.10 778.53%South Dakota 107.(272.93)834.115%North Dakota 590.552.143.63%Wyoming 126.369.495.75%Colorado 585.788.373.43%Idaho 453.583.037.71%Arizona 685.(293.30)392.175% Total 38,721.31,906.70,628.55% Jul.Q1 State Current Past Due Total Due % Current NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Charges Charges Iowa 23,471.(19.04)23,452.100%Minnesota 974.974.100%South Dakota 155.155.100%North Dakota 535.535.100%Wyoming 131.(505.19)626.181%Colorado 666.771.438.40 49%Nebraska 699.699.100%Idaho 451.21.472.99%Arizona 700.700.100% Total 786.268.43,054.90% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended for use by Owes! only Aug- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 887.552.439.23%Minnesota 291.133.424.69%South Dakota 935.361.296.18%North Dakota 807.056.864.21%Wyoming 170.769.940.60%Colorado 016.438.40 23,454.82.60%Nebraska 597.668.265.49%Idaho 238.64J:.885.41%Arizona 269.10,625.894.33%Washington 277.355.632.26%Oregon 218.176.394.41%Utah 240.45,837.52,077.12%New Mexico 946.325.272.31%Montana 379.030.410.11% Total 276.106,976.150 253.29% Sep-Q1 State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 30,726.174.36,901.83%Minnesota 071.598.670.78%South Dakota 033.033.100%North Dakota 189.(1,679.30)509.429% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA Wyoming 283.940.223.40%Colorado 858.23,457.35,315.34%Nebraska 237.237.100%Idaho.740.665.405.38%Arizona 905.13,937.843.33%Washington 959.589.11,549.26%Oregon 750.357.107.34%Utah 10,745.48,976.59,722.18%New Mexico 401.272.674.28%Montana 275.3,410.685.27% Total 83,177.124,700.207 878.40% The intonTIation contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended tor use by awest only Oct-O1 State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 810.546.61,357.40%Minnesota 059.446.506.59%South Dakota 154.154.100%North Dakota 193.453.646.83%Wyoming 106.(342.93)763.145%Colorado 11,793.14,322.26,115.45%Nebraska 972.237.209.44%Idaho 827.697.524.85%Arizona 878.(1,204.93)673.126%Washington 891.461.353.54%Oregon 319.(27.02)292.101%Utah 445.739.184.31%New Mexico 560.475.035.77%Montana 596.596.100% Total 73,607.79,804.153 411.48% Nov-O1 State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A Iowa 625.30,631.256.45%Minnesota 065.1,435.500.59% South Dakota 998.154.152.48%North Dakota 217.646.863.46% Wyoming 121.763.884.59%Colorado 11,508.12,099.608.49% Nebraska 145.209.355.34%Idaho 475.537.012.43% Arizona 898.577.10,476.56%Washington 981.257.239.36%Oregon 522.292.815.52%Utah ; 10,617.184.44,801.24%New Mexico 742.732.474.50%Montana 1 ,632.596.228.51% Total 73,551.106,117.179,669.41% . The infonnation contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended for use by Owest only Dec- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 24,760.30,445.55,206.45%Minnesota 096.440.536.59% South Dakota 880.880.100%North Dakota 840.840.100%Wyoming 121.121.100%Colorado 11,843.306.12,150.97%Nebraska 119.119.100%Idaho 435.185.621.45%Arizona 314.234.549.96%Washington . 2,813.817.631.77%Oregon 515.78.594.97%Utah 10,162.23,739.901.30% New Mexico 693.172.866.91%Montana 665.665.100% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T.~ Total 265.78 $420.39 $134 686.54% Jan- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 954.820.26)18,134.132%Minnesota 048.048.100%South Dakota 931.931.100%North Dakota 967.967.100%Wyoming 070.070.100%Colorado 081.11,081.100%Nebraska 118.118.100%Idaho 3,417.145.563.45%Arizona 864.(329.72)535.106%Washington 785.(817.65)967.142%Oregon 842.(226.75)616.109%Utah 160.694.855.36%New Mexico 686.(101.56)584.106%Montana 481.481.100% Total 412.543.956.83% The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.!t is intended for use by Owest only Feb- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 22,945.945.100%Minnesota 054.054.100%South Dakota 833.833.100%North Dakota 944.944.100%Wyoming 073.073.100%Colorado 11,244.(2.71)11,242.100%Nebraska 135.135.100%Idaho 327.327.100%Arizona 067.067.100%Oregon 095.095.100% NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Utah 10,526.756.282.93%New Mexico 684.684.100%Montana 566.566.100% Total 675.844.75,520.99% - . Mar-Admin and DML Summary Bills added together starting this month State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa 35,001.285.38,287.91%Minnesota 495.262.11,758.98% South Dakota 793.107.900.64%North Dakota 391.391.100%Wyoming 288.288.100%Colorado 901.(6.79)894.100%Nebraska 134.134.100%Idaho 217.(226.89)990.103%Arizona 501.501.100%Washington 11,229.067.14,297.79%Oregon 867.867.100%Utah 15,686.(27.89)658.100%New Mexico 177.177.100%Montana 350.350.100% Total 137,036.461.145 498.94% Past Due amount due to movement of accounts. The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It is intended for use by Owest only Apr- State Current Past Due Total Due % Current Charges Charges Iowa #DIV/OIMinnesota#DIV/OI South Dakota #DIV/OINorth Dakota #DIV/OIWyoming#DIV/OIColorado#DlV/OINebraska#DIV/OI NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA .----... ""--.. --. Idaho #DIV/O! Arizona #DIV/OI Washington #DIV/OI Oregon #DIV/OI Utah #DIV/O! New Mexico #DIV/O! Montana #DIV/O! Total #DIV/OI May- State Current Past Due Total Due % CurrentChargesCharges Iowa #DIV/OIMinnesota#DIV/O! South Dakota #DIV/OINorth Dakota #DIV/OI Wyoming #DIV/OIColorado#DIV/OINebraska#DIV/OIIdaho#DIVlO! Arizona #DIV/O!Washington #DIV/O!Oregon #DIV/O! Utah #DIV/OI New Mexico #DIV/OIMontana#DIV/OI Total #DIV/OI Trade Secret Data Ends' The information contained herein should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It is intended for use by awest only NONPUBLlC DOCUMENT CONT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA - -------.