HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070817Deanhardt exhibits 32-57.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Coldmission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 32 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Qwest Cpun~roposal " fTralfe Secret Data Begins Subject: Qwest Counterproposal Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 04:00:27 -0600From: Arturo Ibarra Jr .:::a.ib~est.com;::'Organization: US WEST Communications, IncTo: "jbalvanz~c1eodusa.com" .gba1vanz~cleodusa.com;::'CC: Audrey McKenney .:::axmcken~uswest.com;::' RECTI c. ~~~ 1... t.~uJ Arturo P-421/C-O2-197 - DOC 08-212 Trade Secret Attachment ~:. Pltase see attached. Name: 10 00 Qcounter.x1s10 21 00 Qcounter.x1s . Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (applicationlvnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA -;'. 0':' 1 of! 10/23/00 9: 13 AM "" " i. . . " " ; ' c . " ., , . '1 " " : " , " ") 7 ; . 2" : : Qw e s t . -'. , . , .: " , Wo r l d w i d e W h o l ~ s a l e M a r k e t s .. , QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L -v ' )0 - CI ) !T 1 (/ ) ;A I t: I 'b . Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n To t a l 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 28 % 24 % 17 % 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % Qw e s t t o M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " T a k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 $M ' Re v e n u e r a n g e s 17 8 - 18 8 2Q 1 - 22 3 22 3 - 25 4 Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s 18 9 - 19 8 22 4 - 24 6 25 5 - 30 5 Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s ov e r 1 9 9 ov e r 2 4 7 ov e r 3 0 6 Di s c o u n t R a t e 10 . 10 . 10 . Tr a d e S e c r e t D a t a E n d s ! "t I tI 1 3: : AI I o m e y C l l l n t P l l v l l e g e 10 . - 2 1 00 Q o o u n l 8 r . x 1 8 S h e e l 3 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 9 : 1 3 AM D E H Fo r D I . c U 8 . ' o n P u r p o . e . O n l y . D a t a E x c h a n g e d Be t w e e n T h e P e r t l . . Do . . N o t C o n s t i t u t e Of f e . . . . a w e . t R e . e r v e s T h e RI g h t t o R e v l . e / S u p p l e m e n t A n y T e n n o r C o n d l U o n C o n t e l n e d H e r e i n Idaho Public Utilities Cornrr.c. ~Iun Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 33 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Co~L-!f fulp.:..';;al . -;' '.' (Trade Secret Data Begms . Subject: Counter Proposal Date: Sat, 21 Oct 200012:38:37 0600From: Arturo Ibarra Jr c::aib~estcom;::'Organization: US WEST Communications, Ine To: bfisher(q)mc1eodusa.com, rrings~c1eodusa.com.,jba1vanz~cleodusa.com II .gba1vanz~c1eodusa.com~ CC: Audrey McKenney .:::axmcken~est.com;:' RECTI -~"' (Gut Please see attached. P -4 211C-02-197 pac 08-212 hmentTrade Secret Attac Name: 10 00 Qcounter.xIs10 22 00 Qcounter.x1s Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (applicationlvnd.ms-exceI)Encoding: base64 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CaNT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA 1 of 1 10/23/009:13 AM :: f - . :;: ;~ . ~, " r: - c ' - ' ; I~ i ; ; " 7:: - . ; ' C( , J ; ~ ~~ ' Qw . e~ t "; " ' - " ; ~ ;: f ' : ; ; i; C ! ' ;: ; j " 'Y ' \ W o r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e t s ). . tT 1 tT 1 ;; t J tT 1 t: I ;; ! '\ 1 0: 1 $: ; C1 1 -i . QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L ... ' ~ Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n To t a l 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 Mc L e o d t o O w e s t Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 28 % 24 % 17 % Ba s e /P r o j e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - - - r a k e o r P a y 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 % o r P r o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % Ow e s t t o M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " Ta k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y $M ' TI e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s 17 9 - 19 8 19 9 - 24 6 . 2 4 7 - 30 5 Di s c o u n t R a t e TI e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s 19 9 o r ~ 24 7 o r ~ 30 6 o r ; : . Di s c o u n t R a t e 10 . 10 . 0% 10 . Tr a d e S e c r e t D a t a E n d s J AI I o m e y C H e n l P r l v U o g e Fo r D I . c u . s l o n P u r p o s e s O n l y . D a t a Ex c h a n g e d B e t w e e n T h e P a r t i e . Do e . N o t C o n s t i t u t e O f f . r e . Qw . . t R e . e r v e . T h e 00 Q c o u n t e r . xla S h e e l 3 10 1 2 3 1 0 0 9 : 1 3 A M D E 8 t l g h t to R e v l . 8 I S u p p l e m e n t A n y T e n n o r C o n d i t i o n C o n t a i n e d H e r e i n Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offica of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 BOise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 34 Case No. QWE-06- AT&T - Mcleor'.: Business Case 42 I/C-O2-197 DOC 08-212Trade Secret Attachment (Trade Secret Data Begins Subject: Mcleod Business Case Date: Sat, 21 Oct 200015:16:41 -0600 From: Kathleen' Kochis C:::kkochis~est.net;::. To: axmcken~est.com, dhult~tcon1n.com, aibarra~uswest.ckkochis~uswest.com Ro bin.szeli ga($qw est. com; Attached for your review is the business case associated wit he Mnegotiations. I have shown scenarios under the proposed pricing with and without capital costs as well as a view with the regulated UNE-Ppricing. Please call me if you have questions. 453-1967.I am at home today (303) Thanks, Kathy Name: Mcleoud Business Case.xlsMc1eoud Business Case.xIs Type: Excel File (applicationlmsexcel) Encoding: base64 . NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A 1 of! 10/21/003:53 Mcleod Under New UNE- 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total REVENUE 220 198 246 288 952 COGS Maintenance 176Conversion Cost Vendor Plan UNE-P Policy Dispute Depreciation - Loops 119- Eamings Before Taxes 129 104 132 161 563Taxes 200Net operating income 100 326 Add back Noncash expense 119 Cashflow from operations 101 115 139 445Capital investments (87)(96)(84)(267) Total projected cash flow 101 178 NPV (2001-2003) NPV (2000-2003)141 DATA: Volumes 294 000 376 320 466 637 545 965 Cost/Line/Month Network Wholesale Total Recurring 10.10. 1.05 10. 9;50 1.05 10. Depreciation - $1 060 per loop over 15 year life Tax Rate Discount Rate Loop Cost 38% 10% 1060 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Mcleod Under New UNE- 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total REVENUE 220 198 246 288 952 COGS Maintenance 176Conversion Cost . 0 Vendor Plan UNE-P Policy Dispute Depreciation - Loops 119 Earnings Before Taxes 129 104 129 151 550Taxes195Net operating income 64 .318 Add back Noncash expense 119 Cashflow from operations 101 113 132 437 Capital investments (87)(96)(84)(267) Total projected cash flow 101 170 NPV (2001-2003) NPV (2000-2003)136 .~' DATA: Volumes 294 000 376 320 466 637 545,965 Cost/Line/Month Network Wholesale Total Recurring Depreciation - $1,060 per loop over 15 year life Tax Rate 38% Discount Rate 10% Loop Cost 1060 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Mcleod Under New UNE- Without Sunk Cost 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total REVENUE 220 198 246 288 952 COGS Maintenance 176 Conversion Cost Vendor Plan UNE-P Policy Dispute Depreciation - Loops Earnings Before Taxes 150 130 162 190 669 Taxes 240 Net operating income 100 118 392 Add back Noncash expense Cashflow from operations 100 118 392 Capital investments Total projected cash flow 100 118 392 NPV (2001-2003)236 NPV (2000-2003)294 DATA: Volumes 294,000 376 320 466,637 545,965 Cost/Line/Month Network Wholesale Total Recurring 50. 1.05 . 38% 12% 1060 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT Depreciation - $1 ,060 per loop over 15 year life Tax Rate Discount Rate Loop Cost CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Mcleod Under Regulated UNE- 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total REVENUE 167 174 216 253 811 COGS Maintenance 176 Conversion Cost Vendor Plan UNE-P Policy Dispute Depreciation - Loops 119 Earnings Before Taxes 109 100 124 146 516 Taxes 182 Net operating income 297 Add back Noncash expense 119 Cashflow from operations 110 129 416 Capital investments (67)(96)(84)(267) Total projected cash flow 149 NPV (2001-2003) NPV (2000-2003)119 DATA: Volumes 294 000 376 320 466 637 545,965 Cost/Line/Month Network Wholesale 1.05 Total Recurring Depreciation - $1 060 per loop over 15 year life Tax Rate 38% . Discount Rate 12%NONPUBLIC DOCUMENTLoop Cost 060 CONT AINS TRADE SECRET"DA T A 10/21/004:06 PM Mdecud Business Case2 Regulated UNE-P MC L E O D T A K E - OR - PA Y S U M M A R Y ~\ 7 ~ o t'; ) 1 , 1 Lr _ -e o e J / 1: ( r o . ~ 1- . Ad d 0 1 I " k . ; : l To d a y 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 To t a l Mc L e o d P r o p o s e d T a k e - o r - Pa y V i e w An n u a l R e v e n u e 15 5 14 0 12 6 11 3 37 8 80 % o f ( $ 1 5 5 M * 3 ) Gr o w t h % 10 % 10 % 10 % Pr o p o s a l r e s u l t s I n 27 0 / . m k t s h a r e Gr o w t h $ (1 6 ) (1 4 ) (1 3 ) (4 2 ) lo s s . ( ( $ 1 1 3 M . $ 1 5 5 M ) / $1 5 5 M ) To d a y 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 To t a l Qw e s t P r o p o s a l An n u a l R e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 Mi n i m u m l e v e l I s l o d a y Gr o w t h % 28 % 24 % . 17 % . $ 1 5 5 M a n n u a l t e v e n u e Gr o w t h $ 13 3 st r e a m Ta k e o r P a y 78 % 63 % 54 % Ta k e o r P a y R e v e n u e 15 5 15 5 15 5 46 5 -- J 0 '1 : : 1 (/ ) .. . . , t o . c : tT J 0 C/ ) 0 tr 1 () C 7J 3: : -i Z ):0 - .. . . , ):0 - ~ o \0 \ 1 . ", ' i " /7 ' ) "I i Z, ~ 5~ . :! p -- - " ' -. ' -. . - - - - - . ..- . . 10 / 1 9 1 0 0 1 1 : 5 6 P M Fo r D i s c u s s i o n P u r p o s e s O n l y . D a t a E x c h a n g e d Be t w e e n T h e P a r t i e s Do e . N o t C o n s t i t u t e O f f e r s . Q w e s t R e s e r v e s T h e Ri g h t t o R e v i s e / S u p p l e m e n t A n y T e n n o r C o n d i t i o n C o n t a i n e d H e r e i n pr i c i n g s c e n a r i o s T o P f o r M O l .. . ; Z )- 0 -- z t5 '1 ; 1 "; t: I rr 1 t: I en 0 rr 1 () :; 0 ~ rr 1 tr 1 -J Z ~. ... ; C; ' . ( 9~ ~ r- - -l . i: , . \ " ', ~ ~ ~ t -o f '" ~ \' ) ~ - '- . . ,C , . ~ . Q . \' ~ . ~ C: ~ -6 c ; : - .. . . ! j. . ) ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ' ; ; ' ~' , '" - ' j ~ "3 l ': : e- t ~~ f~ ~ ' 5 J . ~ i ; ~ h ~ ~ ~ ) ~ J: : -\. . . ;: : : : 'h AI : t , '" ~ ~ N ~~ ~ ~ ~ t , , - if ~ ~ ~ ~ 9J d~ ~ jt ~ - d ' ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~J ~~ ~ r - ~, (, : ~ t , , f\ - ~: ~ : ~ , - . '- \. ,. \. . t" ' " . . " - ~ i R ' ~. \ ' ~" ' : 2- ' " (~ ~ r~ ~ 0( ) .. . J -. . . Mcleod Under New UNE- Without Sunk Cost 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total REVENUE 220 198 246 288 952 COGS Maintenance 176 Conversion Cost Vendor Plan UNE-P Policy Dispute Depreciation - Loops Eamings Before Taxes 150 130 165 200 682 Taxes 245 Net operating income 102 124 400 Add back Noncash expense Cashflow from operations 102 124 400 Capital investments Total projected cash flow 102 124 400 NPV (2001-2003)242 NPV (2000-2003)299 DATA: Volumes 294,000 376 320 466 637 545 965 Cost/Line/Month Network Wholesale Total Recurring 10.10.10. . 1. 10. Depreciation - $1 060 per loop over 15 year life Tax Rate Discount Rate loop Cost 38% 12% 1060 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Mcleod Under Regulated UNE- 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total. REVENUE 167 174 216 253 811 'COGS Maintenance 176 Conversion Cost Vendor Plan UNE-P Policy Dispute Depreciation - Loops 119 Earnings Before Taxes 109 100 124 146 516 Taxes 182 Net operating income 297 Add back Noncash expense 119 Cashflow from operations 110 129 416 Capital investments (87)(96)(84)(267) Total projected cash flow 149 NPV (2001-2003) NPV (2000-2003)119 DATA: Volumes 294 000 376,320 466,637 545,965 Cost/Line/Month Network - Wholesale Total Recurring Depreciation - $1,060 per loop over 15 year life Tax Rate 38% Discount Rate 12% Loop Cost 060 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA ' .j . . ?~ t" S ~ cell r'tLL (JYt /1ItCIJLDJ . - I' '/ Ul P Uv'H-L "t- ~+ pitYA Cf !No (Q --to ...:u ifi~ ch cJ -f' D.Iv\ rJ d1,vL. ~'-J -1~Mv.t-~ (3o~J 69(P 8~r (W) ~ ':, 7- 09:2.-8 Pc, ";) NONPUBLTC DOCUMENT 77- ~;).. =:;t-f CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 9;: 4-1 - 7qq 15 ~O1V\~ -: j (I ) -: j (T I (T I tT 1 t: I QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L Ke y F i n a n c i a l I n d i c a t o r s : ( $ M ' 20 0 1 Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n 20 0 3 To t a l . 20 0 1 . 20 0 3 20 0 0 20 0 2 Mc L e o d t o Qw e s t Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 0% 28 % 24 % 17 % Ba s e /P r o j e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 6 24 6 28 8 73 2 Ip r e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " " a k 8 o r p 8 V 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 1 0/ . o f P r o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % "t I c: : t: I 3: : (T I -: j Qw e s t to M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " Ta k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e 11 e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e 11 e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e ~M : s 1~ . 22 4 - 24 6 ) 0o / ~ ov e r 2 4 7 10 . 22 3 - 25 4 ~4 \ ' - 25 5 - 30 5 ov e r 3 0 6 10 . 17 ~ - 18 8 .. 6 . 18 9 - "9 8 . ov e r 1 9 9 10 . AI I o m . ~ C U . n l P r l v l l . g e 00 Q c o u n t e r S h e e t 3 10 1 2 1 / 0 0 3 : 5 7 AM D E H Fo r D i s c u s s i o n P u r p o s e . O n l y . D a t a E x c h a n g a d Be t w e e n T h e P a r t i e s Do e . N o l C o n s t I t u t e O f f e r s . Q w e s t R e s e l Y e s T h e Ri g h t t o R e v i s e / S u p p l e m e n t A n y T e r m . o r C o n d i t i o n C o n t a i n e d H e r e i n S( ) . . \ I . " i ' ~ V OO t l l ' L/€ / \ ' : A "" " .. , , ~ tI 1 (T I .. , .. , ~z t , ~~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; i; : g T ! ! " ' , " ' , . , , " " , , , " :: , ~~ c rl d w t~ l ;~ ~ ~~ k ~~ " Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ke y F i n a n c i a l I m p a c t s : I S M ' To d a y IL E C Bi l l i n g Re s a l e 11 0 Co l l o c a t i o n ( N o n - Re c u r r i n g ) CO l e r I n l e r c o n n e c t In t e r c o n n e c t 13 5 SW A C C / P L T S To t a l l L E C 17 0 Ou t - o r - Re g i o n IT o t a l Q w e s t 17 5 1 To t a l 20 0 Q 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 "2 0 0 1 - 20 0 3 Re v e n u e Hi g h 22 0 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 Lo w 22 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 46 0 CO G S Ma i n t e n a n c e 11 2 Co n v e r s i o n C o s t Pu r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g Ve n d o r P l a n Hi g h Lo w UN E - P P o l l e y D i s p u t e To t a l C O G S - H i g h 17 3 To t a l C O G S - Lo w 14 4 EB I T D A - Hl g h 11 1 u r c h a s 8 A c c o u n t i n g 15 0 14 2 18 7 23 0 55 9 wt Q P u r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g , 1 8 3 16 2 20 9 24 9 62 0 Pa g e 1 Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : St r a t e g y : St r e n g t h e n b u s l n e s s - t a - b u s l n e s s r e l a t i o n s vs . r e g u l a t o r y Mi t i g a t e e c o n o m i c a n d r e g u l a t o r y r i s k r e l a t e d to . US W " R e s a l e t o U N E - P c o n v e r s i o n p o l i c y Gr o w t o p - li n e r e v e n u e b y k e e p i n g c u s t o m e r on - n e t " Re s o l v e 21 1 re l a t e d I s s u e s ,\ ) I; Y , "'0 c: : : c: : : tT 1 .. , St r u c t u r e : - 2 se p a r a t e c o n t r a c t s Am e n d I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n ag r e e m e n t s fo r n e w UN E - P p r o d u c t Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n Wh a t t h i s d e a l d e l i v e r s : No o b j e c t / o n t o 27 1 - wi l l d i s c u s s b u s i n e s s t o bu s i n e s s t o re s o l v e Ad d i t i o n a l 1 4 4 M I n 2 0 0 0 r e v e n u e 11 1 M c a s h re l a t e d t o " US W " b u s i n e s s p o l i c y d i s p u t e s Ye a r re v e n u e a g r e e m e n t ra n g i n g f r o m re q u i r e d m i n i m u m o f $4 B O M t o u p to 1 1 3 0 M AI I " " " ' 1 C U n P r i v i l e g e mc l e o d u n e d e a l s u m m a r y S h e e l 1 10 1 2 1 / 0 0 4 : 4 7 N I o DE H ;p o C/) , ~ tT 1 tT 1 tT 1 ;p o ;p . ,t q ' ' , " , " ." " !: " "" " "'- ~" " Qw e ~ t ~'; ' ; ; :~ t l 1 : ! f J / : ! ' ' " ' . " : " " Wo r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k ~ t s - ; . Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : St r a t e g y : - D e v e l o p pr i c i n g pa c k a g e 1 0 ke e p cu s t o m e r fr o m m i g r a t i n g fr o m re s a l e to un r e a s o n a b l y lo w UN E - P p r i c e p r e s c r i b e d by re g u l a t o r s Ob t a i n I m m e d i a t e co s t r e c o v e r y f o r f e a t u r e s at T E L R I C b a s e d pr i c i n g vs . - fr e e ra t . to d a y St r u c t u r e : Al l o w s fo r fl a t r a l e U N E - P w i t h ti e r e d u s a g e - F u l l No n - r e c u " ' n g an d 50 " T L A ' s a p p l y vs. no m i n a l c o n v e r s i o n ch a r g e No n c l a s . f e a t u r e s as pa c k a g e $2 . 80 1 I 1 n e - C l a s s fe a t u r e s al a ca r t e VM S DS L off e r e d al re t a i l Cu s t o m e r ge l s a c c e s s u s a g e da t a Re v i e w o f . s e r v i c e pe r f o r m a n c e Bu s i n e s s - la - Bu s i n e s s e s c a l a t i o n pr o c e s s : If ne c e s s a r y ci v i l co u r t d e c i d e s fln a l ou t c o m e "'0 tt I t: 1 3: : tT 1 Wh a t t h i s de a l de l i v e r s : Ke e p c u s t o m e r on - n e t - an d c r e a t e di s i n c e n t i v e to u s e o l h e r ca " / e r s Mit i g a t e s re v e n u e lo s s f r o m f u l l UN E - S e t t l e pa s t US W " UN E - bu s i n e s s po l l e y dis p u t e s an d nn a n c l a l l m p l l c a t l o n s w i t h cu s t o m e r s Pro v i d e s al t e r n a t i v e so l u t i o n f o r UN E C e n t r e x pr o d u c t Co s t a v o i d a n c e o f ex h a u s t i v e re g u l a t o r y pr o c e s s e s an d po s s i b l e B l h C i r c u i t Co u r t ap p e a l s w i t h cu s t o m e r Pr o v i d e s - 10 0 % no w th r o u g h " f o r 27 1 me t r i c Ac h i e v e s c u s t o m e r p a r t n e r s h i p on a d v o c a c y Re c i p r o c a l C o m p e n s a t i o n I s s u e s Ke y F i n a n c i a l I m p a c t s : ( S M ' IY e a r : 2 0 0 0 To t a l V o l u m e s Re v e n u e s Re c u r r i n g No n - Re c u r r i n g To t a l R e v e n u e Ex p e n s e Co n v e r s i o n C o s t s Pu r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g Ma i n t e n a n c e C o s t To t a l E x p e n s e Re s a l e ( 1 ) 29 4 , 00 0 11 0 Re s a l e t o U N E - Cu r r e n l Re g u l a l e d De a l UN E - UN E - 29 4 , 00 0 29 4 00 0 (2 6 ) (2 4 ) 13 9 (2 ) (3 3 ) (2 ) (3 3 ) (2 6 ) 10 5 (2 6 ) EB I T D A w/6 Pu r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g wl ' P u r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g 11 0 Pr l c e / L i n e l M o n t h Lo o p SW A C C To t a l . C o s U L l n e / M o n t h Ne t w o r k Wh o l e s a l e To t a l R e c u r r i n g $ 3 1 . 36 $ $ 5 . 13 $ $ 3 6 . 51 $ $ 9 . 50 $ 05 $ 1 0 . 55 $ 26 . 11 $ ( 5 . 27 ) $ 2 9 . 69 $ 90 $ ( 3 . 23 ) $ 1 . 90 $ 26 . 01 $ ( 6 . 50 ) $ 3 1 . 59 $ $ 2 5 . 96 $ 50 , 10 . $ 9 . $ 1 . $ 1 0 . Ne t R e c u r r i n g On e - T i m e C o n v e r s i o n (1 / I n d u d l l S W A C C fr o m I X C ' (2 / E I I d u d t l . C l A S S . O S l o V M S , A I N . D A . U . U n g . 17 . 4 6 $ ( 6 . 50 ) $ 2 1 . 04 $ 75 $ 5 . Pa g e 2 mc ; I e o d u n e d n ' l u m m e r y S ' - e 1 2 10 1 2 1 / 0 0 4 : 4 7 A M O E H AI I o m e y C l l o t l I I ' l t v U - .. . . ; tT 1 (/ ) rr 1 ;; U tT 1 .. . . ; .. . . ; . - . . -' : ' ? "'I , ' Y . : ' " " ' , , " ; " " ' . ' ' ' " ' :" ; ~~ ' "" ' ." - ;b " - ": ' f ' - : ~ ' :" ~ " f ": " ~ ~ ~ ti S Qw e ~ t . ~.. ~ . i ~ ' ; \: : :' F " , ' ' :' ' " , W o r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e t s , .. . L'. '" ' 0 tx 1 tT 1 Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : St n l t e g y : - S t r e n g t h e n bu s i n e s s - t o - bu s i n e s s r e l a t i o n s th r o u g h m u t u a l l y b e n e f l c l a l ar r a n g e m e n t s St r u c t u r e : Mu t u a l . Ta k e o r P a y . c o r r e l a t e d to gr o w t h Re q u i r e d g r o w t h l e v e l s m u s t b e m e t b e f o r e di s c o u n t s a p p l y Wh a t t h i s d e a l d e l i v e r s : - K e e p cu s t o m e r on - n e t . an d cr e a t e In c e n t i v e to us e e a c h ot h e r s s e r v i c e s In c e n t i v e to gr o w w o r l d - w i d e n e t w o r k s In i t i a l s t e p f o r w a r d to d e v e l o p so l i d b u s i n e s s bu s i n e s s r e l a t i o n s h i p s ' Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n To t a l , Ke y F l n a n c l a l l r i d l c a t o r s : I $ M ' 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 Mc L e o d t o Qw e s t - f~ 1 . ( 4J ; ; ' / J ,1 2 1 . 1 , . Pr o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 22 0 wl o NR C U N E - 17 5 wl o 50 % c o l l o c a t i o n 16 5 w/ o 5 0 % S W A C C 15 5 Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 28 % 24 % 17 % Ba s e /p r o e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - "T a k e o r P a y 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 % o f P r o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % Qw e s t t o M c L e o d I J ) C, ! " . . ~ Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " Ta k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s I' . . 1) .) f Y ' Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y ~ ~ Ti e r 1 I $ M ' Re v e n u e r a n g e s 1 7 8 - 18 8 f 0 1 - 22 3 2 2 3 - 25 4 Di s c o u n t R a t e 6 . 5% 1 6 ' 0% 5 . Tl e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Dis c o u n t R a t e i 1 8 9 - 19 8 ' 2 2 4 - 24 6 2 5 5 - 30 5 0% 0% 8 . ov e r 1 9 9 o v e r 2 4 7 o v e r - 8 0 f J 1 - 10 . 0% ! 1 0 . 0% 1 0 . - - - - Pa g e 3 mc l e o d u n e d e a l s u m m a r y S h 8 e 1 3 1 0 / 2 1 / 0 0 4 ; 4 1 A M D E H An o m O 1 C I I o n l P ~ v 1 J o g o .. : : ; . ; r ,j T :f) ~ ; i ' " ;" " : ,, , ' '" " . c . ; . ' :~ . :,- , + , - , Qw e s t ~~ i ' ~i : ; ~ ; : , . ... \ : " ' ;' W o r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e t s , QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L k r 1J - r f: ; j 9 \.1 ( . Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n To t a l 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 Mc L e o d t o Qw e s t - Be f o r e S D I l t R o c k ot h e r a c a u / s t l o n s Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 28 % 24 % 17 % Ba s e /P r o j e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 IP r e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " T a k . o r P a y 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 I % o f P r o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % .. , (/ ) .. , tT 1 tT 1 ;; 0 tT J -- J QW 8 s t t o M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - - " Ta k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e '" t 3 tT J -- J $M ' 20 0 1 17 8 - 18 8 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ov e r 1 9 9 a. . e d Mc l e o d ' 18 9 - 19 8 Ov e r 2 3 0 Ov e r 2 5 0 Pr o p o s a l 10 . 10 . to Q w e s t ov e r 1 9 9 Th e a b o v e l e v e l I s a n 10 . In t e r i m d e f a u l t l e v e l . B o t h Pa r t i e s a g r e e t o n e g o t i a t e fin a l r a t e s b a s e d o n ma r k e t c o n d t l o n s o n a n an n u a l b a s i s a n d f o r t h e In t e g r a t i o n o f S p l i t R o c k ot h e r a c q u l s t l o n s . At t o r n e y C l i e n t P r i v i l e g e 00 Q c o u n t e r . x l s S h e e t 3 10 / 2 1 / 0 0 2 : 4 7 PM D E H Fo r D i s c u s s i o n P u r p o s e s O n l y . D a t a E x c h a n g e d B e t w e e n Th e P a r t i e s Do . s N o t C o n s U t u t . O f f . r s . Q w e s t R . s e r v e s T h e Ri g h t t o R e v i l e / S u p p l e m e n t A n y T e R n o r C o n d i t i o n C o n t a i n e d H e r e i n (/ ) , - I rr 1(/ ) tT 1 :- 0 rr 1 ' ' ,. . ') 1'i 1 1 : 1 \ ' , , " , /" " f'; ~ ' " " f ; " ;" 5 " " :. ~ ' 17 . ) ' , " " " ,; " Qw e 1 ; t - ~: ; . f : ~ ~ ~ ~ ; \t ; : ; , ' , ' ' ' ", : :' " ' " . :; ' ' ' " " " , W o r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e t s "'; ' '" t J :? : : tT 1 Re s a / e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t Im p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ke y F i n a n c i a l I m p a c t s : t $ M ' To d a y IL E G Bi l l i n g Re s a l e 11 0 Co l l o c a t i o n ( N o n - Re c u r r i n g ) Ot h e r I n t e r c o n n e c t In t e r c o n n e c t 13 5 5W A C C / P L T 5 To t a l l L E G 17 0 Ou t - o r - Re g i o n IT o t a l Q w e s t 17 5 1 To t a l 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 Re v e n u e Hi g h 22 0 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 Lo w 22 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 CO G S Ma i n t e n a n c e 17 6 Co n v e r s i o n C o s t Pu r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g Ve n d o r P l a n Hi g h Lo w UN E - P P o l l e y D i s p u t e To t a l C O G S - Hi g h 25 0 To t a l C O G S - Lo w 20 8 EB I T D A - Hl g h wl o Pu r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g tC a s h ) 15 0 13 0 16 2 19 0 48 2 w P u r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g 18 3 15 0 18 7 21 9 55 6 Pa g e 1 An o r n e v C U e n t P r M l e g . Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : St r a t e g y : St r e n g t h e n b u s i n e s s . t o - bu s i n e s s r e / a U o n s vs . r e g u l a t o r y Ml U g a t e e c o n o m i c a n d r e g u l a t o r y r i s k r e l a t e d to " US W " R e s a l e t o U N E . P c o n v e r s i o n p o l l e y Gr o w t o p - li n e r e v e n u e b y k e e p i n g c u s t o m e r on - n e t " Re s o l v e 27 1 re l a t e d I s s u e s St r o c t u r e : - 2 s e p a r a t e co n t r a c t s Am e n d I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n a g r u e m e n t s f o r n e w UN E - P p r o d u c t Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n Wh a t t h i s d e a l d e l i v e r s : No o b j e c t i o n t o 27 1 . - wi l l d i s c u s s b u s i n e s s t o bu s i n e s s t o r e s o l v e Ad d i t i o n a l $ 4 4 M I n 2 0 0 0 re v e n u e - $1 1 M c a s h re l a t e d t o " US W " b u s i n e s s p o l i c y d i s p u t e s - 3 Ye a r re v e n u e a g r e e m e n t ra n g i n g f r o m ru q u l r e d m i n i m u m o f $ 4 8 0 M t o u p t o $ 7 3 0 M mc l e o d u n e d e a l s u m r n s r y 2 S h e e l 1 1 0 / 2 1 / 0 0 4 : 0 7 P M D E H )- -CI J , - I (T I CI J (T I it ' (T I )- - , ' ? , ~r! l c o l t i , ,- " - ,, , - "" ' ., , - c .': " ,; , "" ' ," ' j - ", - Qw e ! : t , ~. . :~ ~ r ; t ; ~ i " ' ' " ' , , W o r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M~ ~ k e l s , :, , , . Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : St r a t e g y : De v e l o p p r i c i n g p a c k a g e t o k e e p c u s t o m e r fr o m mi g r a t i n g f r o m r e s a l e t o u n r e a s o n a b l y lo w U N E - P p r i c e p r e s c r i b e d b y r e g u l a t o r s Ob t a i n I m m e d i a t e co s t r e c o v e r y fo r fe a t u r e s at T E L R I C b a s e d p r i c i n g v s . - fr e e - r a t e t o d a y St r u c t u r e : Al l o w s f o r f l a t ra t e UN E - P w i t h t i e r e d us a g e Fu l l N o n - r e c u " l n g a n d 6 0 ~ T L A ' s a p p l y vs . n o m i n a l c o n v e r s i o n c h a r g e No n c / a s s fe a t u r e s a s p a c k a g e - $2 . 60 1 I 1 n e Cl a s s f e a t u r e s a l a ca r t e VM S , D S L o f f e r e d a t re t a i l Cu s t o m e r ge t s a c c e s s us a g e d a t a Re v i e w o f s e r v i c e p e r f o r m a n c e Bu s l n e s s - to - Bu s l n e s s e s c a l a t i o n p r o c e s s : If n e c e s s a r y c i v i l c o u r t d e c i d e s f l n a l o u t c o m e "'t I c: :c: :3: : ('1 1 Wh a t t h i s d e a l d e l i v e r s : Ke e p c u s t o m e r - on - n e t - an d c r e a t e d i s i n c e n t i v e to u s e o t h e r c a r r i e r s Mit i g a t e s r e v e n u e l o s s f r o m f u l l U N E Se t t l e p a s t - US W " U N E - P b u s i n e s s p o l i c y di s p u t e s a n d f l n a n c / a l l m p l l c a t l o n s w i t h cu s t o m e r s Pr o v i d e s a l t e r n a t i v e s o l u t i o n f o r U N E Ce n t r e x pr o d u c t Co s t a v o i d a n c e of ex h a u s t i v e r e g u l a t o r y pr o c e s s e s a n d p o s s i b l e 8 t h C i r c u i t Co u r t ' ap p e a l s w i t h c u s t o m e r Pr o v i d e s - 10 0 ~ f l o w t h r o u g h - f o r 27 1 me t r i c Ac h i e v e s c u s t o m e r p a r t n e r s h i p on ad v o c a c y Re c i p r o c a l C o m p e n s a t i o n I s s u e s Ke y F i n a n c i a l I m p a c t s : ( S M ' IY e a r : 2 0 0 0 To t a l V o l u m e s Re v e n u e s Re c u r r i n g No n - Re c u r r i n g To t a l R e v e n u e Ex p e n s e Co n v e r s i o n C o s t s Pu r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g Ma l nt e n a n c e C o s t To t a l E x p e n s e Re s a l e t o U N E - Cu r r e n t Re g u l a t e d UN E - , 2 9 4 , 00 0 Re s a l e ( 1 ) 29 4 , 00 0 11 0 ES I T D A wi D P u r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g wi P u r c h a s e A c c o u n t i n g 11 0 De a l UN E - P ( 2 29 4 , 00 0 (2 6 ) (2 4 ) 13 9 (2 ) (2 ) (2 6 ) 10 2 (2 6 ) (3 3 ) (3 3 ) Av g . P r i c e / L i n e / M o n t h Lo o p SW A C C To t a l Av g . C o s t / L I n e / M o n t h Ne t w o r k Wh o l e s a l e To t a l R e c u r r i n g Ne t R e c u r r i n g On e - T i m e C o n v e r s i o n (1 ) l n c l u d 8 1 S W A C C ' r u m ' x c ' (2 1 E K d u d . . C L A S S , O S L o V M S , A I N . D A . L I . U n g . $ 3 1 . 38 $ $ 5 . 13 $ $ 3 6 . 51 $ $ 9 . 50 $ $ 1 . 05 S $ 1 0 . 55 $ $ 2 5 . 96 $ 26 . 11 $ ( 5 . 27 ) $ 2 9 . 69 $ 90 $ ( 3 . 23 ) $ 1 . 90 $ 28 . 01 $ ( 8 . 50 ) $ 3 1 . 59 $ 10 . $ 9 . $ 1 . $ 1 0 , 17 . 46 $ ( 8 . 50 ) $ 2 1 . () 4 $ 75 $ 5 . Pa g e 2 md _ u n e d e a l o u m l R l l r y 2 5 / 1 8 8 1 2 10 1 2 1 1 0 0 4 : 0 7 P M D E H AlC m l r C t l l n l P r M l o g . ). - CI ' J .. . , IT J CI' J IT J (' ) IT J "'0 tI 1 IT J Qw e s t ~' ? 1 1 1 ~ ' . . . . " .. ' . / . ~o r l J ~ j dJ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ t ~ k ~t ~ l ;~ : Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n To t a l Ke y F i n a n c i a l I n d i c a t o r s : ( S M ' 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 . . 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 Mc L e o d t o Q w e s t Pr o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 22 0 w/ o N R C U N E - 17 5 w/ o 5 0 % c o l l o c a t i o n 16 5 wlo 50 % S W A C C 15 5 Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 28 % 24 % 17 % Ba s e /P r o J e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - - - Ta k e o r P a y 15 0 16 Q 17 0 48 0 pe r C e s e y & F i s h e r % o r P r o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 76 % 65 % 59 % 66 % Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : St r a t e g y : - S t r e n g t h e n bu s l n e s s - t o - bu s l n e s s r e l a t i o n s th r o u g h m u t u a l l y b e n e f i c i a l af f a n g e m e n t s St r u c t u r e : Mu t u a l Ta k e or P a y . c o f f e / a t e d t o g r o w t h Re q u i r e d g r o w t h l e v e l s m u s t be m e t be f o r e di s c o u n t s a p p l y Wh a t t h i s d e a l d e l i v e r s : - K e e p cu s t o m e r " on - n e t " a n d c r e a t e I n c e n t i v e to u s e ea c h ot h e r s se r v i c e s In c e n t i v e t o g r o w w o r l d - w i d e n e t w o r k s In i t i a l st e p fo r w a r d t o d e v e l o p so l i d bu s i n e s s t o bu s i n e s s r e l a t i o n s h i p s Qw e s t t o M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " T a k e o r P a y . c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Dis c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e $M ' 20 0 1 17 8 - 18 8 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ba s s d Mc L e o d ' 18 9 - 19 8 Ov e r 2 3 0 Ov e r 2 5 0 Pr o p o s a l 10 . 10 . 10 Q w s s l ov e r 1 9 9 Th e a b o v e l e v e l I e a n 10 . In l e r l m d e f a u l l i s v e l . Bo l h P a r 1 l s s a l / r e e 1 0 na l / o t l a l e n n a l r a i n ba s e d o n m a r k l l co n d l l o n l o n a n a n n u a l ba s i s a n d f o r I h e In i l l / r a l l o n o f S p i l l R o c k ot h e r a c q u l s t l o n s . Pa g e 3 md e o d u n e d e a l s u m m a r y 2 S h e e l J 1 0 / 2 1 / 0 0 4 : 0 1 P M D E H All a m e v C l I e n t P n l t l l e ~ e , - J !T 1 tT I !T 1 t: I .', r? : ;~ ~ : _ :' , ' ' - ' :, . , ' , ' 1'J ! . : : : " : : ;" : l , o ~) ' /: ' - ; ~ ; ~ t ,j, Qw e s t ~ ~ ; i \ ~ a j Q ~ : : ' " ' ' " : ' , :" - - " " , ::' " - Wo r l d w l d e Wh o l e s a l e M a r k ~ t s ' i " Re s a J e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s Su m m a r y j,J 1 Mc L , e o d Ke y S e t t l e m e n t P o i n t s : , ' rJ - uP (). . . l,) . t- l , St r a t e g y : -v 1 ' ~\ L J - De v e l o p p r i c i n g p a c k a a e t o k e e p c u s t o m e r (" - ~" " ' - I - fr o 1 ! J m i g r a t i n g , fr o m ~o UN E la t f o r m St r u c ur e : .\ ) 0. 1 - r o o . ' I L . L l i\, ? ' ~ v: c Al l o w s f o r de e p s r T e s t d e di s c o t i nt Y' f I ' I S No n - r e c u r r i n g a n d T L A ' s a p p l y DI 4 /- 0 . I Y ' - \ No n c l a s s f e a t u r e s as pa c k a g ~ ~ . Uf J C! P : o J I ' u U J " Y t . . " - ' Cl a ss f e a t u r e s a l a c a r t e j, J . . ! ' ~ ' TB . Vi . J L VM S , D S L o f f e r e d a t r e t a i l '( f ! b ~ CL E C g e t s a c c e s s b i l l i n g t a p e f2 A 1 V! ) _ AM \ . lI ' " l Ke y P r i c e P o i n t s : to ~ ' ,) 1\ Ft u . ' I Re s a l e U N E Pr o p o s e d f C l . -& . Ke y F i n a n c i a l I m p a c t s : ( S M ' 30 0 0 40 0 0 To l a l 20 0 0 To l a l 20 0 1 LI n e Fe a t u r e s VM S DS L Re l a i l Re t a i l Kv . p Uy \ II I \ ! OV l Q cl . . w - " N. l . ' h . . '- U . . J l i . tw v l l CI l S Wh a t t h i s d e a l d e l i v e r s : Mi t i g a t e s r e v e n u e l o s s f r o m f u l l U N E Av o i d s n e e d t o d e v e l o p U N E Ce n t r e x t1 pr o d u c t w h l c / l i s n o t y e t r e a d y ?: ' tr 1 Vo l u m e s Re s a l e - 1 F R Re s a l e - 1 F B Re s a l e C e n l r e x To t a l V o l u m e s Re v e n u e s Cu r r fn t , R e u .. rn n g To t a l C r r e n t Fu l l U N E f 1 e v o n u 6 s Re c u r r i n g (I n c l . u s a g e ) No n - Re c u r r i n g To l a l F u l l U N E Pr o p o s e d R e v e n u e s NI 1 \ ( A . . . R e c u r r i n g (i n c l . u s a g e ) II N o n - Re c u r r i n g T o l a l Pr o p o s e d Ne t R e v e n u e I m p a c t Pr o p o s e d v s . F u l l U N E Pr o p o s e d v s . C u r r e n t Ex p e n s e Re c u r r i n g (I n d . u s a g e ) No n - Re c u r r i n g (c h g 1 0 m e r g a r ) EB I T D A i m p C \ c t Pr e - Me r g e r Po s t M e r g e r l' 3 l' 3 ,4 4 /) 4 9 / \ ./ L / " 24 24 49 11 3 (2 4 ) (2 4 ) (4 9 ) (1 1 3 ) ,- - -. t \ ~~ Z )c O ~ (4 9 ) ;J J~ ~ ) (4 9 ) ( 1 % i, j Q. L - ~ ( ? ' ft Y" e L ~ ' I D c , - . c. t t , l J . . i . i - . 4 o . . h . " " ~L - 1 . . i 0 0\ \ . : . . " U J . . . . " li . . . ' \ ~~ r " U . . ~ TL A ' ~V \ . . (2 4 ) (2 4 ) (2 4 ) (2 4 ) .. . . ; ;p o .. . . ; C; I ... . ; ;x . . o- j ;;J 11 1 r.n11 1 . . . . . . '" t 1 tt 1 '= ' II I ... . . 11 1 P:I ::I ~t . (' f Idaho Public Utilities Conliil'cision Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L (T r a d e S e c r e t D a t a B e g i n s Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n 20 0 0 20 0 1 To t a l 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 24 % 17 % 24 6 28 8 73 2 16 0 17 0 48 0 65 % 59 % 66 % Mc L e o d t o Q w e s t Be f o r e S o l i t R o c k I o t h e r a c a u ; s t ; o Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e 0% 28 % Ba s e /P r o j e c t e d r e v e n u e 15 5 19 8 Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r . - Ta k e o r P a y 15 0 % o f P r o j e c t e d R e v e n u e 76 % Qw e s t t o M c L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - - " Ta k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s c o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e NO N P U B L I C D O C U 20 0 1 17 8 - 18 8 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ba s e d Mc L e o d ' 18 9 - 19 8 Ov e r 2 3 0 Ov e r 2 5 0 Pr o p o s a l 10 . 10 . 10 Q w e s l ov e r 1 9 9 Th e a b o v e l e v e l i s a n 10 . In t e r i m d e f a u l t l e v e l . B o t h Pa r t i e s a g r e e t o n e g o t i a t e fin a l r a t e s b a s e d o n ma r k e t c o n d t i o n s o n a n an n u a l b a s i s a n d f o r t h e in t e g r a t i o n o f S p l i t R o c k " D A T A ot h e r a c q u i s t i o n s . $M ' ON T A I N S T R A D E S E C Tr u d e S e c r e t D a t a E n d s j At l o m e y C l i e n t P r i v i l e g e 00 a O c o u n l e r S h e e l 3 6 / 1 2 / 0 1 1 1 : 4 9 P M D E H Fo r D i s c u s s i o n P u r p o s e s O n l y . D a t a E x c h a n g e d B e t w e e n T h e P a r t i e s Do e s N o t C o n s t i t u t e O f f e r s . O w e s t R e s e r v e s T h e Ri g h t t o R e v i s e / S u p p l e m e n t A n y T e r m o r C o n d i t i o n C o n t a i n e d H e r e i n Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 36 Case No. QWE-06- AT&T (Trade Secret Data Bqiu kG-o/c:, JL:r- ~... tJ, ',, iJJ' n tt..v, /nL~tJ 42 l/C-02-1 97 DOC 08-212Trade Secret Attachment POLl 7/ h'L G- r-- /Ud cLU. 4J /D.A~f., jJUJAlGpw~ J. Lou.! Iurfi~ fC(A.b~p.;J" :,,, t-o ~\)e~ -- -.::::.-.. . -.. ..---'" Jtrn ShUAb-tvv\,,- 3/'1 q 18 7tJ s....-v/~ J ' ~VI~ 7' 611-15 (3/'1) !:27;8 --8/8 '3 9'1 J- 25 1..~It! I v...,e,u.!L l;ou/\. 0"\ 7. P j /h- 7S,l 1/4r Nt:) .t9J""Ml.m\Mvt- L(o fJuryJ~.,,- to !-l L'1 I . ~ D~3 J~ ('-wb k.tn\V\~)~II 4 ~ ~IL Ljeo v..j M.cfY\ M-\ NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA '-W ..t ~ Ma .JM.f7~ L~ ~Gl 11 of(;u- W, C-l AI~T L) Q -tA 3" ::L C-cvvII "U\ (~ cJ:l. ~..vt- .A..Ww IA..L 'r ..vv... $:, R... .t:~ 1ffi~ CVX '4,'/!fl.A./rnrJ + ~5 ::: c; I. 1 J1A /rv.. \J \. I. -:: 1/lJ. ~~ /J.e, c. ;~ 5;,;) W., t-- Sh~~(/l.-~) (j) 'f ;4~~ 5",- ~GoI'- mini '( 3~ k-/ YMV1\ t-k 1f~ lj/t )~ . SE(i3 'f ~~ ~~) ~c.ju-4 + ll,.'1~ ....IJ' 1 h)'\ , '- . .."-"' V"'- 12~/ of 300/'-G'D LJ 4/1 fL rJ~ ~h,b~ (G Ie-bel Is)l7~ 1/1111. 1"'1 -7 ,~!~ -u fJc...l.!j Lf3o ~ 1-; o..f/ .-Cetm m I ~t\ fUo rill/C ~ ~(:1~ p10e4~ J:u....-. ~.:'~-.".~, V'~ 'f ~, ' ~ .:z:+- f: ~) ;;;50, "ff'.fJ ~C7S NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT I~- ~vb .....uJ :Jot: CD 10 CAndfJ\- Lu..vt) 8) ~- ~~ /'13 CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA yi 'f 1(/ :..~.~;.tJV' ,~,- 4T.ZLf \' Qti:i i-::, l~i) - '- "" -" " , Tnde Secret Data Eads' Idaho PU~lic Utilities Cci"mission OffIce of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 37 Case No. QWE- T -06- AT&T DOC 332 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/CI-01-1371 and P421/C-02-197 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 07/10/2002 07/18/2002 REQUEST: Admit that the handwriting on Exhibit 10 to these requests is that of AudreyMcKenney. RESPONSE: The handwriting on Exhibit 10 to these requests is that of Audrey McKenney. Respondent:Audrey McKenney DOC 334 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/CI-01-1371 and P421/C-02-197 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 07/10/2002 07/18/2002 REQUEST: (TRADE SECRET DATA BEGINS Admit that the "Joe" referred to in the phrase "Keypoints to Joe" on the second page of Exhibit 10 to these request is JoeNacchio. TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS) RESPONSE: To the best of Qwest. s knowledge. (TRADE SECRET DATA BEGINS The UJoe-referred to in the phrase UKey points to Joe- on the second page of Exhibit 10 to these requests is Joe Nacchio TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS) Respondent:Audrey McKenney MPUC Docket No. P421/C-02-197 OAH Docket No. 6-2500-14782- MPUC Docket No. P42I1CI-01-1371 OAH Docket No. 7-2500-14486- Exhibit 464 Contains Trade Secret Infonnation '" ~ J5 (:s~ 0 Page I of) ) just finished a call with Audrey, Greg & Blake. This document now needs a bunch of new changes. It has several things now \III\\I:SOI, D(ICK leT ~O P.1:2 I :CI-O.:/ -/9'/Dol!.. 13-' 301 NON-IuSt-k l' ttIJi. ~l (! r l 4+Mi (TrDde secret data begins know are not the deal. m sending what I have anyway- But if you want to wait to rerumeomment~ should have a new one out tonight sometime and it will be much closer to where we need to be. (See attached file: QwestAmdmtDrftl 021 DO.doc) Please call me at (319) 247-5252 to let me know you received this. Tude serr..t data endsl NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT CaNT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA -.- 7/23/2002 ITrade secret data begins This Amendment Agreement ("Amendment") is made and entered into by and between McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. ("McLeod") and Owest Corporation ("Owest") (collectively, the "Parties ) on this day of October, 2000. The Parties agree to draft and file the following as an amendment to, and is intended to amend, all Interconnection Agreements ("Agreements" and, singularly, "Agreement") between them, now in effect or entered into prior to September 30 , 2003, which contains the provisions set forth below. INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT AMENDMENT TERMS . ..' . 1. Basis for Amendment: This Amendment is entered into between the Parties based on the following conditions, which ore a material part of this agreement: McLeod USA has purchased, as of the end of each of the last 2 calendar years at least xx,OOO local exchange lines for resale from Owest (throughout the 14-state area where Owest is an incumbent local exchange carrier). Owest and McLeodUSA currently have an agreement, on a region-wide basis. to enter into agreements for the exchange of local traffic on a "bill and keep" basis, which provides for the mutual recovery of costs through the offsetting of reciprocal obligations, for local exchange traffic which originates with a customers of one company and terminates to a customer of the other company. The Parties wish to establish a business-to-business relationship and have agreed that they will attempt to resolve all differences or Issues whiCh may arise under the Agreements or this Amendment under the escalation process in this section. The parties agree to utilize the following escalation process and time frames, and not proceed to a higher level of dispute resolution until completion of the prior level, and lu complete all levels before seeking filing a proceeding before any court or administrative or governmental body: Level 1 - Vice Presidents (Stacey Stewart/Judy Tinkham or successors) 10 business days Level 2 - Group/Senior VIce Presidents (Blake Fisher/Greg Casey or successors) 10 hllsiness days Level 3 - CEOs/Presidents (Steve Gray/Joe Nacchio or successors) 5 business days 3.4 level 4 - Arbitration according to the provisions of the Agreement. If these steps do not resolve the dispute, then either party is may initiate litigation in federal court. The parties agree the exclusive venue for civil court actions by McLeodUSA is the United States District Court in Denver and the exclusive venue for civil court actions by Owest is the United States District Court in Cedar Rapids. If any final order of dismissing a case is entered the court, and not reversed, then the party bringing the action shall be responsible for the reimbursement of attorneys fees Incurred by the other party. If any final summary judgment is entered by the court then the party against whom the judgment is entered shall be responsible for the reimbursement of NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA attorneys fees Incurred by the party who oblClined such judgment. In the event that either party files an action in court, the parties waive primary jurisdiction in any state utility or service commission and any contractual or tariff limitations on damages, andthe Agreements are hereby amended accordingly. Neither party, however, waives its right to take disputes unresolved after the arbitration level to the appropriate state or federal regulatory body for resolution. 1.4 This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the appropriate state commission, but the parties agree to implement the terms of the Amendment effective Ol;lober 1 , 2000. This Amendment extends the termination date of all Agreements that would otherwise expire: and ail effective 'amendments to those Agreements, until expiration of this Amendment. This Amendment and the underlying Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of both Owest and McLendUSA. In interpreting this Amendment. all attempts will be made to read the provisions of this Amendment consistent with Agreements and all effective amendments. In the event that there is a conflict between this Amendment and an Agreement or previous amendments, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall supersede all previous documents. Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreements shall remain In full force and effect. Neither the Agreements nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. This specifically excludes amendments resulting from regulatory or judicial decisions regarding pricing of unbundled network elements, which shall have no effect on the pricing offered under this Amendment, prior to termination of this Amendment. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendmenteffective as of October 1, 2000, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original but all of which shall constitute one amJ the same instrument. Unless terminated as provided in this section, the initial term of this AmendmentIs three (3) years ("Initial Term ) and this Amendment shall automatically renew for !';uccessive periods of one (1) year ("Successive Term ). This is Amendment can only be terminated in the event of: 1 a material change in the current percentage of lines purchase by McleodUSA is each of the various pricing zones of Owest; the average retail business rates across all Owest states fall to within 15% of the average of the rates offered 10 MeLeodUSA on attachment 1. (Jim this is intended to address the price squeeze concern we have raised. Attachment will be the rates and discount. ;:! material breach of the terms of the Agreements or this Amendment which remains unresolved and uncompensated following application of the dispute resolution provisions of this agreement; 8.4 a material change in the telecommunications industry not resulting from any actions within the control of either party; or NONPUBL/C DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA - 2. either party giving written notice of termination at lea3t 3ix (6) months prior to the end of the Initial Term or any Successive Term. In tll~ event of termination, pricing, terms, and conditions for all services and network elements purchased under this Amendment shall immediately be converted either other prevailing prices for combinations of network elements or, at McLeod USA's option, toretail services purchased at the prevailing wholesale discount. In either case no additionalconversion or nonrecurring charges shall apply to the conversion. If the amendment isterminated by Owest sooner than two months after it becomes effective, Owest shall pay to McLeodUSA $10 million. If the amendment is terminated by Owest more than two months but . less than six frioriths"aftefit becomes effective,Owest shan-pay t6McLe6dUSA'$5-ffiillion. 10 All factual preconditions and duties set forth in this Amendment are. are intended to be, and are considered by the parties to be, reasonably related to, and dependent upon eachother. 11 If either party s performance of this Amendment or any obligation under this Amendment is prevented, restricted or interfered with by causes beyond such parties reasonable control. including but not limited to acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism whichreasonable precautions could not protect against, storm or other similar occurrence, any law order, regulation, direction, action or request of any unit of federal, state or local government, or of any civil or military authority, or by national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, supplierfailures, shortages, breach or delays, then such party shall be excused from such performance on a day-to-day basis to the extent of such prevention, restriction or interference (a "ForceMajeure 12 Provision of Products (as defined below) in accordance with sections 3.2 and 3.4will be viewed by McLeod USA as compliance with the requirements the 14-point checklist of Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 2. "In consideration of the agreements and covenants set forth above and the entire group of covenants provided in section 3, all taken as a whole, with such consideration only being adequate if all such agreements and covenants are made and are enforceable, (consider whether there are other specific terms or provisions to add to this language to avoid pick & choose 1McLeodUSA agrees to the following: To pay Owesl $38.5 million for conversion fees and termination charges. To purchase, pursuant to the provisions of Attachment 2.2, from Owest duringthe Initial Tt:rm of this Amendment, at least $480 million worth of telecommunications enhanced or information services, network elements, interconnection or collocation services or elements, capacity, termination or origination services, switching or fiber rights ("the Products To maintain, during each 12 month period of this Amendment (with such periodsrunning from October 1 to September 30), no fewer than xx,OOO local exchange lines purchasedfrom Owest throughout the territories where Owest is currently the incumbent lor:al exchange service provider, for the purpose of providing service to McLeodUSA's customers. Forpurposes of this provision, local exchange lines purchased include lines purchased for resale and unbundled loops. This minimum line commitmp.nt will be reduced proportionally in the even NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA - 3 " Owest sells any excnanges wnere It Is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider. To maintain, during the term of this Amendment no fewer than x,OOO localexchange lines purctJa~t!d from Owest in each state wherc Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider, for the purpose of providing service to McLeod USA' customers. This minimum line commitment will be reduced proportionally in the even Owest sells any exchanges where it is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider. 2.4 To place orders for the product offered in this amendment, and for features associated with the product, using (at McLeodUSA's option) eithp.r IMA or EDI electronic interfaces offered bfOwest, tothe extent that thos interfaces adequately support the product: To remain on a -bill and keep" basis for the exchange of local traffic with Owest, throughout the territories where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider until---1whatever date we previously agreed to) or until this Amendment isterminated, whichever is later. To enter into and maintain interconnection agreements, or one regional agreement. covering the provision of Products throughout the entire territory where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider, except in those exchanges sold by awes!. 3. In consideration of the agreements and covenants set forth above and the entire group of covenants provided in section 2, all taken as a whole, with such consideration only being adequate if all such agreements and covenants are made and are enforceCiule, (same note above) Owest agrees to the following: To waives and release all charges and liability, other than those described in section 2.1, associated resale products purchased from Owest prior to the effective date of this Amendment or for converting or terminating McLeodUSA services purchased from Owest for resale to the UNE/switch port and loop combination product described in this amendment. To provide throughout the term of this Amendment the product described on Atlachments 3.2A end the Products required under the Agreements which are not inconsistent with Attachment 3.2A, at the prices provided on Attachment 1.2, which platform, products andservices will be provided in accordance with the requirements of the PID described on Attachment 3.28. (I need help from some biz folks to do these attachments, but the concept is the same suggested ;n your note. Consider whether the discount on the total can be ;n side letter. To remain on a "bill and keep' basis for the exchange of local traffic with Owest throughout the territories where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider until ---1whatever date we previously agreed toJ or until this Amendment isterminated, whichever is later. To provide (at McLeod USA's option) either IMA or EDI electronic interfaces to adequately support the product described in section 3. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA -4. McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Owest Corporation Authorized SignatureAuthorized Signature Name PrintedfTypedName PrintedITyped ...... .. Tille TiUe DateDate NONPU8L1C DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Attachment 2. (Consider whether this should be side letter. Subject to the provisions of this Attachment, during the period from October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001 , McLeodUSA will purchase at ($150j million of Products described in section 2.2 and in the event that McLeodUSA's purchases do not meet this minimum McLeodUSA agrees to make a payment to Owest. no later than October 15 , 2001 of Ule following year, in an amount equal to the difference between actual purchases and the purchase commitment. II.Subject to the provisions of this Attachment, during the period from October 1, 2001 to September 30,2002, McleodUSA will purchase at ($160) million of Products described in section 2., provided however that if the purchases during Lhe period described in paragraph I. exceed ($150j million then such .excess amount shall apply to the minimum . . commitment of this paragraph, and in the event that the combination of McLeodUSA' purchases and application of excess amounts, If any, do not meet this minimum McLeod USA agrees to make a payment to Owest, no later than October 15, 2002 of the following year, in an amount equal to the difference between actual purchases and application of excess, if any, and the purchase commitment. III.Subject to the provisions of this Attachment, during the period from October 1 , 2001 to September 30,2002, McLtmdUSA will purchase at ($170) million of Products dp.5cribed in section 2.2, provided however that if the purchases during the periods described in paragraphs I. & II. exceed ($210) million then such excess amount shall apply to the minimum commitment of this paragraph, and in the evenllhat the combination of McLeod USA's purchases and application of excess amounts, if any, do not meet this minimum, McLeodUSA agrees to make a payment to Owest, no later than October 15 2002 of the following year, in an amount eQual to the difference between actual purchases and application of excess, if any, and the purchase commitment. IV.The minimum purchase reQuirements provided in this Attachment shall be reduced proportionally for each of the following which occur: A reduction in the rates for any of the Products, by agreement or otherwise. Any of the Products are no longer offered. Any sale of current Owest exchanges. Any delay in the delivery of an ordered Product (which shall reduce the minimum dollar for dollar for Products ordered but not delivered). Any outage or state of .out of service" when Products have been ordered or requested. Release, sale, transfer or relinquishment of any current collocation back to awest. McLeodUSA's business is prevented , restricted or interfered with by a Force Majeure as described In section 1.11. Trade secret data ends! NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA .6. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 38 Case No. QWE- T -06- AT&T Page I of I I just finished a call with Audrey, Greg & Blake. This document now needs a bunch of new changes. II has several things ) now \II:'\\TSO '" f)UCf,E!' ~O P.121'CI.O.:J -/91'Dot!.. 13.. 301 NON -tlt6l- l' /7lJJ. (J Y +- 4fflJ (Tnlde secret data begins know are not the deal. m sending whal I have anyway. Bul if you want to wail to returncomments should have a new one oullonight sometime and it will be much closer to where we need to be. (See attached file: QwesIAmdmtDrftJO2100.doc) Plcase call mc 8t (319) 247-5252 to lct me know you received this. Tnde seer..t d"b endsl NONPUBL/C DOCUMENT CaNT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA -.- 7/23/2002 ITrade secret data begins This Amendment Agreement ("Amendment") is made and entered into by and between McLeod USA Telecommunications Services, Inc. ("McLeod") and Owest Corporation ("Owest") (collectively, the "Parties ) on this day of October, 2000. The Parties agree to draft and file the following as an amendment to, and is intended to amend, all Interconnection Agreements ("Agreements" and, singularly, "Agreement") between them, now in effect or entered into prior to September 30, 2003, which contains the provisions set forth below. INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT AMENDMENT TERMS1. Basis for Amendment: This Amendment is entered into between the Parties based on the following conditions, which ore a material part of this agreement: McLeod USA has purchased, as of the end of each of the last 2 calendar years at least xx,DDD local exchange lines for resale from Owest (throughout the 14-state area where Owest is an incumbent local exchange carrier). Owest and McLeodUSA currently have an agreement, on a region-wide basis, to enter into agreements for the exchange of local traffic on a "bill and keep" basis, which provides for the mutual recovery of costs through the offsetting of reciprocal obligations, for local exchange traffic which originates with a customers of one company and terminates to a customer of the other company. The Parties wish to establish a business-te-business relationship and have agreed that they will attempt to resolve all differences or Issues whIch may arise under the Agreements or this Amendment under the escalation process in this section. The parties agree to utilize the following escalation process and time frames, and not proceed to a higher level of dispute resolution until completion of the prior level, and to complete all levels before seeking filing a proceeding before any court or administrative or governmental body: Level 1 - Vice Presidents (Stacey Stewart/Judy Tinkham or successors) 10 business days level 2 - Group/Senior Vice Presidents (Blake Fisher/Greg Casey or successors) 10 husiness days Level 3 - CEOsJPresidents (Steve Gray/Joe Nacchio or successors) 5 business days 3.4 level 4 - Arbitration ~ccording to the provisions of the Agreement. If these steps do not resolve the dispute , then either party is may initiate litigation in federal court. The parties agree the exclusive venue for civil court actions by McLeodUSA is the United States District Court in Denver and the exclusive venue for civil court actions by awest is the United States District Court in Cedar Rapids. If any final order of dismissing a case is entered the court, and not reversed, then the party bringing the action shall be responsible for the reimbursement of attorneys fees Incurred by the other party. If any final summary judgment is entered by the court then the party against whom the judgment is entered shall be responsible for the reimbursement of NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA attorneys fees Incurred by the parry who oblained such judgment. In the event that either party files an action in court, the parties waive primary jurisdiction in any state utility or service commission and any contractual or tariff limitations on damages , andthe Agreements are hereby i:llTltmded accordingly. Neither party, however, waives itsright to take disputes unresolved after the arbitration level to the appropriate state or federal regulatory body for resolution. 1.4 This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the appropriatestate commission, but the parties agree to implement the terms of the Amendment effective Qt;lober 1 , 2000. This Amendment extends the termination date of all Agreements that would otherwise expiie:and ail effective 'amendments to those Agreements, until expiration of thisAmendment. This Amendment and the underlying Agreement shall be binding on thesuccessors and assigns of both Owest and McLeodUSA. In interpreting this Amendment, all attempts will be made to read the provisions of this Amendment consistAnt with Agreements and all effective amendments. In the event that there is a conflict between this Amendment and an Agreement or previous amendments, theterms and conditions of this Amendment shall supersede all previous documents. Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreements shall remain In full force and effect. Neither the Agreements nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. This specifically excludes amendments resulting from regulatory or judicial decisions regarding pricing of unbundled network elements, which shall have no effect on the pricing offered under this Amendment. prior to termination of this Amendment. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendmenteffective as of October 1, 2000, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original but all of which shall constitute one i:lIIlIlhe same instrument. Unless terminated as provided in this section, the initial term of this AmendmentIs three (3) years ("Initial Term ) and this Amendment shall automatically renew for ~uccessive periods of one (1) year ("Successive Term ). This is Amendment can only be terminated in the event of: 1 a material change in the current percentage of lines purchase by McLeodUSA is each of the various pricing zones of Owest; the average retail business rates across all Owest states fall to within 15% of the average of the rates offered to MeLeodUSA on attachment 1. (Jim this /s intended to address the price squeeze concern we have raised. Attachment will be the rates and discount. ::! material breach of the terms of the Agreements or this Amendment which remains unresolved and uncompensated following application of the dispute resolution provisions of this agreement; 8.4 a material change in the telecommunications industry not resulting from any actions within the control of either party; or NONPUBlIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA - 2 - either party giving written notice of termination et leest six (6) months prior to the end of the Initial Term or any Successive Term. In tIle event of termination, pricing, terms, and conditions for all services andnetwork elemen1s purchased under this Amendment shall immediately be converted either to other prevailing prices for combinations of network elements or, at McLeod USA's option, toretail services purchased at the prevailing wholesale discount. In either case, no additionalconversion or nonrecurring charges shall apply to the conversion. If the amendment is terminated by Owest sooner than two months after it becomes effective, Owest shall pay to McLeod USA $10 million. If the amendment is terminated by Owest more than two months but . less tha six months'afterit becomes effective,Owest shall"pay t6McleodUSA'$5-fniliion. . 10 All factual preconditions and duties set forth in this Amendment are. are intended to be, and are considered by the parties to be, reasonably related to, and dependent upon eachother. 11 If either party s performance of this Amendment or any obligation under thisAmendment is prevented, restricted or interfered with by causes beyond such parties reasonable control. including but not limited to acts of God, fire, explosion , vandalism whichreasonable precautions could not protect against, storm or other similar occurrence, any law order, regulation, direction, action or request of any unit of federal, state or local government, orof any civil or military authority, or by national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, supplierfailures, shortages. breach or delays, then such party shall be excused from such perfonnanceon a day-to-day basis to the extent of such prevention, restriction or interference (a "ForceMajeure 12 Provision of Products (as defined below) in accordance with sections 3.2 and 3.4will be viewed by McleodUSA as compliance with the requirements the 14- point checklist ofSection 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 2. "In consideration of the agreements and covenant~ set forth above and the entire groupof covenants provided in section 3, all taken as a whole, with such consideration only being adequate if all such agreements and covenants are made and are enforceable, (considerwhether there are other specific terms or provisions to add to this language to avoid pick & choose 1McleodUSA agrees to the following: To pay Owest $38.5 million for conversion fees and termination charges. To purchase, pursuant to the provisions of Attachment 2., from Owest duringthe Initial Terr" of this Amendment, at least $480 million worth of telecommunications enhanced or information services, network elements, interconnection or collocation services orelements, capacity, termination or origination services, switching or fiber rights ("the Products To maintain, during each 12 month period of this Amendment (with such periods running from October 1 to September 30), no fewer than xx,OOO local exchange lines purchasedfrom Owest throughout the territories where Owest is currently the incumbent lor.al exchangeservice provider, for the purpose of providing service to McLeodUSA's customers. Forpurposes of this provision, local exchange lines purchased include lines purchased for resaleand unbundled loops. This minimum line commitmp.nl will be reduced proportionally in the even NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA - 3- Owest sells any exchanges where It is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider, To maintain, during the term of this Amendment no fewer than x OOO localexchange lines purctJCI~ed from Owest in each stete where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider, for the purpose of providing service to McLeod USA' customers, This minimum line commitment will be reduced proportionally in the even Owest sells any exchanges where it is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider. 2.4 To place orders for the product offered in this amendment, and for featuresassociated with the product, using (at McLeod USA's option) eithf!r IMA or EDI electronic interfaces oHered bfOwest, to the extent that those. interfaces adequately support the prOduct. To remain on a "bill and keep" basis for the exchange of local traffic with Owest. throughout the territories where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider until---1whatever date we previously agreed toJ or until this Amendment isterminated, whichever is later. To enter into and maintain interconnection agreements, or one regionalagreement. covering the provision of Products throughout the entire territory where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider, except in those exchanges sold byOwest. 3. In consideration of the agreements and covenants set forth above and the entire group of covenants provided in section 2, all taken as a whole, with such consideration only beingadequate if all such agreements and covenants are made and are enforceault:: , (same note above) Owest agrees to the following: To waives and release all chClryes and liability, other than those described in section 2.1, associated resale products purchased from Owest prior to the effective date of this Amendment or for converting or terminating McLeodUSA services purchased from Owest for resale to the UNE/switch port and loop combination product described in this amendment. To provide throughout the term of this Amendment the product described on Attachment:! 3.2A and the Products required under the Agreements which are not inconsistent with Attachment 3., at the prices provided on Attachment 1.2, which platform, products andservices will be provided in accordance with the requirements of the PIO described on Attachment 3.28. (I need help from some biz folks to do these attachments, but the concept is the same suggested in your note. Consider whether the discount on the total can be in side letter. To remain on a "bill and keep" basis for the exchange of local traffic with Owestthroughout the territories where Owest is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider until ---1whatever date we previously agreed to) or until this Amendment isterminated, whichever is later.3.4 To provide (at McLeod USA's option) either IMA or ED! electronic interfaces to adequately support the product described in section 3, NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 4 - McLeod USA Telecommunications SorvicQs, Inc. Qwest Corporation Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Name PrintedITypedName PrintedITyped ...... .. Tille Title Date Dale NONPU8L1C DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA - 5- Attachment 2. (Consider whether this should be side letter. Subject to the provisions of this Attachment, during the period from October 1 , 2000 to September 30, 2001 , McLeod USA will purchase at ($1501 million of Products described in section 22 and in the event that McLeodUSA's purchases do not meet this minimum McLeodUSA agrees to make a payment to Owest, no later than October 15 , 2001 of Llle following year, in an amount equal to the difference between actual purchases and the purchase commitment. II.Subject to the provisions of this Attachment, during the period from October 1, 2001 to September 30,2002, McLeod USA will purchase at ($160) million of Products described in section 2.2, provided however that if the purchases during the period described in paragraph I. exceed ($1501 million then such -excess amount shall apply to the minimum commitment of this paragraph, and in the event that the combination of McLeodUSA' purchases and application of excess amounts, It any, do not meet this minimum McLeodUSA agrees to make a payment to Owest, no later than October 15, 2002 of the following year, in an amount equal to the difference between actual purchases and application of excess, if any, and the purcllase commitment. III.Subject to the provisions of this Attachment, during the period from October 1 , 2001 to September 30,2002, McLtmdUSA will purchase Elt ($170) million of Products dp.!;cribed in section 2.2, provided however that if the purchases during the periods described in paragraphs I. & II. exceed ($210) million then such excess amount shall apply to the minimum commitment of this paragraph, and in the event that the combination of McLeodUSA's purchases and application of excess amounts, if any, do not meet this minimum, McLeodUSA agrees to make a payment to Qwest, no later than October 15 2002 of the following year, in an amount equal to the difference between actual purchases and application of excess, if any. and the purchase commitment. IV.The minimum purchase requirements provided in this Attachment shall be reduced proportionally for each of the following which occur: A reduction in the rates for any of the Products, by agreement or otherwise. Any of the Products are no longer offered. Any sale of current Owest exchanges. Any delay in the delivery of an ordered Product (which shall reduce the minimum dollar for dollar for Products ordered but not delivered). Any outage or state of "out of service" when Products have been ordered or requested. Release, sale, transfer or relinquishment of any current collocation back to Qwest. McLeod USA's business is prevented, restricted or interfered with by a Force Majeure as described In section 1.11. Tradc sccret data ends! NONPU8L/C DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Idaho PU~lic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 39 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ke y F i n a n c i a l I m p a c t s (T r a d e St I C I ' e t D a t a Be g i n s ' " ' Ke y S e t t l e m e n t , Po i n t . : St n l t e g y : St r e n g t h e n b u s / n e s s - to - b u s / n e s s re l a t i o n s , v a . re g u l a t o r y Mi t i g a t e e c o n o m i c an d re g u l a t o r y r i s k r e l a t e d to . US W " Re s a l e t o U N E - P c o n v e r s i o n p o l l e y Gr o w t o p - l i n e re v e n u e b y ke e p i n g c u s t o m e r on - n . t . Re s o l v e 27 1 re l . t e d I s s u e s St n i c t u r e : - A m e n d In t e r c o n n e c t i o n ag r e e m e n t s f o r ne w UN E - P p r o d u c t Mu t u a l Pre f e r r e d Ve n d o r P l a n Wh a t th i s d~ a l d e l i v e r s : - N o ob J e c r t o n t o 27 1 . . wi l l d i s c u s s bu s i n e s s bu s i n e s s to re s o l v e Ad d i t i o n a l $ 4 4 M In 20 0 0 re v e n u e - $1 1 M c a s h re l a t e d to . US W " bu s i n e s s p o l l e y d l , p u t e s - 3 Ye a r re v e n u e a g r e e m e n t ra n g i n g f r O m re q u i r e d m i n i m u m o f $ 4 8 0 M t o up to $ 7 3 0 M 42 1 / C - 02 - 19 7 DO C 0 8 - 21 1 TR A D E SE C R E T A T T A C H M E N T .." " ' To d a y IL E C Bi l l i n g Re s a l e 11 0 Co l l o c a t i o n ( N o n - Re c u r r i n g ) Ot h e r I n t e r c o n n e c t In t e r c o n n e c t 13 5 SW A C C / P L T S To t a l l L E C 17 0 Ou t : . o f - Re g l o n . 5 IT o t a l a w e s t 17 5 + 4 5 N o n r e ~u r r in g = 2 2 0 To t a l 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 Re v e n u e Hi g h 22 0 19 8 24 6 28 8 73 2 lo w 22 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 48 0 CO G S Ma i n l e n a n c e 17 6 Co n v e r s i o n C o s t Ve n d o r P l a n - H i g h To t a l C O G S - Hi g h 25 0 To l a l C O G S - l o w 17 8 EB I T D A Hi g h 18 3 13 0 16 2 19 0 48 2 Lo w 18 3 10 2 10 1 10 1 30 4 UN E - P P o l i c y D i e p u l a '- : ' . E v a l u a t i n g f o r p o s s i b l e p u r c h a s e a c c o u n t i n g ! r e a l m e n ! Pa g e 1 mc l e o d u n e d e 8 I s U l l l l T l a r y 1 S h e e f I 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 8 : 2 9 A M D E H "" c , " , 'i i , ,0 . " 0 " " " C l l O n l P " " l e g o NO N P U B U C D O C U M E N T ca N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A ~; ' ! . : iw . ~t t ~ : a . . . ;~ ~ :" ' \~ ' , ' "" , 1~ : " ~ '; ; " :~ L , ; ' ,. . ' : .. , , ' , ' . ' Wo r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e l s Re s a l e / U N E S e t t l e m e n t I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Pr i c i n g I m p a c t s Pr i c i n on R e s a l e V o l u m e s Cu r r e n t Ye a r : 2 0 0 0 Re g u l a t e d De a l Re s a l e . U N E - UN E - To t a l V o l u m e s 29 4 00 0 29 4 00 0 29 4 , 0 0 0 Re v e n u e . Re c u r r i n g 11 0 (2 6 ) No n - Re c u r r i n g To t a l R e v e n u e 11 0 (2 4 ) 13 9 Ex p e n . e Co n v e r . l o n C o . t s Ma i n t e n a n c e C o s t To t a l E x p e n s . 10 2 UN E . P p o l i c y d i s p u t e o n e l i m e c h 8 r g e Av g . P r i c e / l i n e / M o n t h Lo o p 31 . 28 . $ ( 5 . 27 ) 29 . SW A C C 90 ' To t a l 36 . 28 . $ ( 8 . 50 ) 31 . Di s c o u n t o n r e . . ' e 23 % -1 3 % HI l l ) '5 3 l $ 3 . S 3 . Av g . C o s t / l i n e / M o n t h Ne t w o r k Wh o l e s a l e To t a l R e c u r r i n g ~n g On e - Ti m e C o n v e r s i o n S 9 . 50 S 9 . S 1 . 05 S 1 . $ 1 0 . 55 S 1 0 . $ 5 . $ 9 . S 1 . $ 1 0 . S 5 . r', l l l e r - SW A t X . " o m l a C - I 12 1 " , " e l u d e l C L A S S , O S l . V M S . M I , D A , l l l l . . g . Pa g e 2 AI I o I n o W C h o n l P" " . g o NO N P U B U C D O C U M E N T CO ~ T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A . m c J . o d u n e d M I s u m m 8 r y 1 5 h e e t 2 , . O I J ' 1 0 0 8 : 2 9 A M D E H ,: . " , ;~ ~ ~ ~ , j :,, !~ ? ) ; O I~ t H ~ : : ; ? : "7 - - , , ' :' . " ' " eJ : : t " .. . ~A ~ ' 1 t t 4 ! : ~ p . ';" " " " ,: , i. C " " ~ "; " , :: . ' , " . , . , ' Wo r l d w i d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e l s ' !J f : /1 ~ Re s a l e l U N E Se t t l e m e n t Im p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Mu t u s l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l s n , ' 'f' . Mc L to we s t Pr o j e c t e d R e v e n u e wl o N R C U N E - wl o 5 0 % c o l l o c a t i o n wl o 50 % SW A C C Pr o j e c t e d G r o w t h R a t e Ba s e lP r o J e c t e d r e v e n u e Pr e f e r r en or - - r . I I . O f I ' . V - - pe r C a . e y & F i s h e r '" of Pr o j e c t e d R 8 V 8 f ' I u . i~ ~ ; t., ! ' 20 0 0 To t a l 20 0 1 - 20 0 3 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 22 0 17 5 16 5 15 5 15 5 73 2 48 0 28 O A . 19 8 24 % 24 6 18 0 17 % 28 8 17 0 76 " 65 ' " 59 " 68 " Ow e s t to Mc L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - " ' f a k e o r P a y " c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m fo r dis c o u n t to ap p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Tl e r J Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e $M ' 20 0 1 17 8 - 18 8 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ov e r 1 9 9 Be N d Mc L e o d ' 18 9 - 19 8 Ov e r 2 3 0 Ov e r 25 0 I'r o p o n l 10 . 10 , 'a a w e s ( ov e r 1 9 9 Th . . b c I v . ' e v e " . . n 10 , In " , l m d e h o u R 'e v e l . l a t h '. r t l e . . g r . . t o ne g a O . t e nn . ' , . . . . b . . . . . o n m. , k e t co n c t i l l o n . o n . n .n n u . ' b. . ' . . n d r o r t h . In t . I I , . d a n a r S p l l ' R o e l l ' ot h . r . c Q u l l l i a n l . Pa g e 3 mc : M o d u M d M J s u m m e r y l S t . M 3 1 0 1 3 1 / 0 0 Il : 2 g l W o D E H /\ n 0 l " " , C l t e n ' P r i v i l e g o NO N P U B L I C D O C U M E N T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A ,:" , " ," , ~ :: ' ", "" " "" " ~: " , i ' ;, ' Fi n a n c i a l I m p a c t s S u m m a r y Mc L e o d Ch a n g e f r o m M a n d a t e d P r i c i n g P l a n H/ ( L ) T a l a I D e a l 20 0 0 20 0 1 Hi g h E n d : Re v e n u e EB I T D A NP V 14 1 Lo w E n d : Re v e n u e EB I T D A NP V 11 1 11 1 No n r e c u r r i n a : ": R e v e n u e " ' (T e r m . U a b i f i l y / C o n v e r s l o n P a y m e n t s ) On e T i m e C h a r g e (U N E - P D i s p u t e S e t t l e m e n t ) ':. ' , NO N P U B U C D O C U M E N T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A Pa g e 4 AI I o f n e y C h . " . P n v i I e g e .'! " " , , !i ' , , .' : ~f i J , :~ Sh e e ( J ( 2 ) 1 0 1 3 1 1 O O 8 : 2 9 A M D E H ; ' ;i , " ' :': " ' , , " ' .. .. " .. , , . . i: H ' 'i ' ' :~ i ; fij i i ; , tf i \ . : ~ ~ ~ ~ Y " ~:t " , ,) I!; )i . !~ l i ~~ , ;% ; t k ~i ~ ~ i ',; , l i i - 'i f 1 . " , ~l i i J i , :i l i l i u ; , , ;p " C! , , \ ; " " ' ': : i; ~ ) , ow ~ ~ t ~ ~i; " iJ ~ J " ,~ , L " ,: ; ~ , ~,, : ' H : ' ", . " , " " " , , . W o r l ~w l d e W h o l e s a l e M a r k e t s Ec o n o m i c A n a l y s i s Mc L e o d Hi g h R e v e n u e P r o j e c t i o n Mc L e o d U n d e r N e w U N E - P Mc L e o d U n d e r R e g u l a t e d U N E - 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 To t a ' 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 To l a ' RE V E N U E 22 0 19 9 24 8 29 9 91 1 2 RE V E N U E 18 7 ' 17 4 21 8 21 1 3 81 1 CO O S CO O S Ma i n t e n a n c e 31 1 21 1 Ma l n l e n a n c e 31 1 11 8 21 1 Co n v e r a l o n C o . 1 Co n v e r . l o n C o . t Vl l n d o r P l a n 21 1 Ve n d o r P l a n UN E . p P o l i c y D I . p u l e UN E . p P o l l e y D f . p u l e EB I T D A 16 0 13 0 18 2 18 0 83 2 EB I T D A 13 0 12 7 15 7 18 4 58 8 " D e p r e c i a t i o n , L o o p . 11 8 De p r e c i a t i o n . L o o p . 33 ' 11 8 Ea r n i n g . B e r o r e T a l l e . 12 9 10 4 12 9 15 1 51 3 Ea r n i n g . B e r o r e T 8 1 1 e . 10 9 10 0 12 4 14 8 47 8 Ta l l e 8 19 5 Ta x e . 11 5 18 2 Ne t o p e r a t i n g I n c o m e 31 9 Ne l o p e r a l l n g I n c o m e 28 7 Ad d b a c k N o n c a . h e l l p e n . e 11 8 Ad d b a c k N o n c . . h e x p e n s e 11 8 Ca . h l l o w f r o m o p e r a l i o n . 10 1 11 3 13 2 43 7 Ca a h n o w f r o m o p e r a l l o n . 11 0 12 9 41 8 Ca p l ' a l / n v . . ' m e n t . (8 7 1 (9 6 1 (8 4 1 (2 6 1 1 Ca p l t a " n v e . t m e n t . (8 7 1 (9 8 ) (8 4 ) (2 8 7 ) To ' a l p r o j e c l e d c . . h n o w 10 1 17 0 To l a l p r o j e c l e d cu h n o w 14 9 NP V ( 2 0 0 1 - 20 0 3 1 NP V ( 2 0 0 1 - 20 0 3 ) NP V ( l O D D - 20 0 3 ) 13 8 NP V ( 2 0 0 0 - 20 0 3 1 11 9 ): , :j '~i' ~ ' jH i \ , I!~ ' 1'\ :~ : : Pa g e 5 Mo r n e , C h o n l P r i v i l e g e NO N P U B U C D O C U M E N T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A '" , , ' i ' ;; : ; ",j ' , ~ , , 'i J / : V , , ( , :' : " ;~ ~ ' " ... 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B e f o r e T a x e . 12 9 10 4 42 3 Ta x e . 16 1 Ne l o p e r a t i n g I n c o m e 26 3 Ad d b a c k N o n c . . h e . p e n s e Ca . h n o w f r o m o p e r a t i o n . 10 1 35 0 Ca p l t a l l n v e . t m e n l a (2 2 ) (2 0 ) (4 2 ) To l a l p r o j e c l e d c a . h f l o w 10 1 30 8 NP V ( 2 0 0 1 - 20 0 3 ) 16 7 NP V ( 2 0 0 0 - 20 0 3 ) 23 9 Mc l e o d U n d e r R e g u l a t e d U N E - 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 To l a l 11 1 7 ' 13 2 14 1 15 0 58 9 15 4 13 0 10 1 10 8 43 3 10 9 34 8 13 1 21 4 71 1 30 2 28 0 13 8 20 3 Tr a d e S e c r e t D 8 t . E n d _ ' Pa g e 6 NO N P U B U C D O C U M E N T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A RE V E N U E CO O S Ma l n l e n a n c e Co r : - v e r . ' o n C o . , Ve n d o r P l a n UN E - P P o l i c y D I . p u l a EB I T D A De p r e c i a t i o n - L o o p . Ea r n i n g . B e f o r e T a x e . Ta x e s Ne l o p e r a t i n g I n c o m e : ' Ad d b a c k N o n c a . h a . p e n . e C. . h f l o w f r o m o p e r a t i o n . Ca p l t a l l n v e . t m e n t l Ta l a ' p r o j e c l e d c a . h f l o w NP V ( 2 0 0 1 - 20 0 3 ) NP V ( 2 0 0 0 - 20 0 3 ) ~" ' n e r C l i e n t Pr i v i l e g e I: : i ' , : i, , ;: i j ; t ; )H ~ J Ii " 1) ( ' :'~ : : i ~ ' ~f: ; , Li ~ , ~i, ;~ ~ ; ; ii ~ : i ~ ~i : ): ' ::" ;\ i i i ~ :r , j;" Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 40 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T j) CVI1 4. CL+I. A yo - - - -_ Mc.lteJ - - .$-~~ - ..$!4.)~ JL~ ~lv~;b; (Trade Secret Data Begins :I ~~ 11cv... --u) A.1c.Go4 7i~ / Sowd/c. . Nc:J--iUc.\.IL '/01 421/C-02-197 DOC 08-212 Trade Secret Attachment, P~I (;J L.U- ~ O'll)-.5tr.lflfGt. cJ.).... .. 1'3 . 1'I-u..c1 to /o(J1I.;- .-/AiJ l.cJ . Eke.. 10 e:-~c.. Fi Y1 Wrl WY\. U Nf"H) J~:.L.L-I-CJ vt '(" .nJA/J ID ANT rf"VeA ,-I Da..olfc. ..Lh\ h.t.'( L f.tJf~- M') b, T~IC.I"dJ.tJ-"'A IV:i .,..~ 10/ '..""tc L-f-I flw/~U, u. l. '-C .A.Lt.ar\ c.t..o 1.. cna' ~a.1J.. ~~ -k b./lI ' ~~ l...!) ~%,~ ~ M 0 tit .A.A..u-\ cl :. 1'"1\ j-o /.. D I\u...rn G(o if -1..1. ~CLLt 1 o..U lt~~ -, ~ ~ tlW\ /..() ~,~ -"'PaA4 AN:I" to d.t.~,~d 1- t I. . p dUt.;1.1. "'" AN "I.'" A.l.t...oJ\.~CN\ Y'LT.::o \1":) SW'~c:..- ~clL.u.d. .,. -\ ~ D'Y\'\ :C~c....... ~ okU""to f4o..*7-/:. cJY\ 0") (:0..,.-,.. 0 \V~aA-..u ~~f-~l:) L\~..~ ~ uN e:: - M.. 1t~~~-rlIY\ /"?~ NONPUJ;3LIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS :-RADE SECRET DA T ~ ~\ t\\'-4.0 If ob ..J.4,Q !A..U \ ~ Ci ~ 0 - fA.c. . ~"""'f - ~I II "- CID 01 ~ bat ~ 11 .1."(r\/J (!) fJ/!I bu.t. ~CU~ ~ ~ '-111, 0 ~ -r- nuLJ- (f!) L -:t.,:) I Iu Wj (J;; ~ ~ h..vY\~Oc.MA hi,." 1-At 10' AA-tr" -h w.- v..p L.u.N ~ .. ftV ) I..-'€M d4\.. -f1~ "A.,lc. .cw.~ M.. UY1 ~ J ltM.L ~ 4.A hc.......u".C'(. C1. .,l~o ..i4 ~L t- A lL&.. Co.v:t ~\'" !Z'/UQ L, Flc..JI:..r-oJ;;;J.. V I.ANE - ...w CtII\;t t-D -f() m "'-(. :r f::.. .." 0 A4-Q. fJl /, '/;b t-o-p . . Trade Secret Data Endsj NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS :RADE SECRET DATA Idaho PU~lic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 41 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T State of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Utilirv Information Request Docket Number:P4211C-02-197 Date of Request: July 10,2002 Requested From:Qwest Corporation Response Due: July 17.2002 Analyst Requesting Infonnation:Michelle Rebholz Type of Inquiry:( J m.. Financial ( J.....Engineering ( J '-m Cost of Service ( Lm Rate of Return ( L_..Forecasting ( 1---_- CIP ( L...Rate Design ( L... Conservation ( L... Other If you feel your responses are trade secret or privileged, please indicate this on your response. Request No. 345 Admit that the handwriting on Exhibit 16 to these requests is that of Audrey McKenney. Response by:List sources of information: Title: Department: Telephone: II'" ~. - - or..."" .. ..) I ..- IT'* ~- Data"'" -'.:~t. ~~- .- ;="';;:""'---=' JQN\, . N~~L .3 f3;xkbl..wI Ale-LAo". /S~IIJe. L) dol ? ') P-4211C-02-197 DOC 08-212 Trade Secret AttachmentPA:x " 0 u.t- ~ "~'f)o ~c. ~ E)crc. U)- --- .5f1:o - - .. - I11J'tA.a.LL - . ;- tI-ad to 10fJJ7 €! - - .."u LIJ F; J1lVnA,M,U N~~ :rf;t~\..U4 .b~ 4) ANI ,-I . baA\tc. ...tA'\ ttt.'K kltc-M) ~ T~IJ"cb.l.~.. ~... ./1.../10 L.fl f'1V~:u, C.& u:a .uLll\d..P ~. AdJ.. .~ lto ll,-J.,.,. ;~r~ ~ MA Il ..u...c.ncl" - nL~ to L. I) I\&.U'ac(o If - I.;'. ~ i GJ.J CR.o.t"4~'t, bt ~ ~ tln\ Lot) .hw/~ -') Pa,U AN~ to d.a.c.L.~~d 7-l !~~ Ie ~~ O-tI.L..1 "" A,N:t 811' eM ~c..T:' V':8 Sw~c... '" d..l.u.d. ,. -\ " t m,\ :t.)Co C-h ..u: , , II ~ ~ I-I ~ 1M \JQ") . . tcv.. ..&.UC tLD ,;",.. ;: G) \tJ~..u ~~t-~ (:) L,,;, I 1II:t u.N t:: - M.. (6) 1t~-r~ I":?~ NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA (J) ~\ \\\ If el"....t4A I.A.U \ ~ a.. ~ D - be. - ~'t\o\~ - ~I It ~ CID 01 !t bat 1r' .z..,.... oM\ IV\. AJ C!) ()b bal.. ~ ~~~ 'f. &r- lfAfc.o~ ~ ~f*"(e) L~ ,~If..J . - -, ... ..~ ~-------- .."--._---- --- J. -_. -'- ..-' ------ -. --- /M"'~/ '( ~_.~- f,w- c...p ~~ -Jt4.,) 10,/.ve..,~ .p~)~ t:-~lA ~4t. ! . - I Moun ~ 'J L..t-L ilIA -r I v..p -- . L..~I-c. ca. ~~a .lI W'r\.k. .J.X. c&.f .A J..,lo. f'Q.A.tt V;a. WlE .J.AJ a.u tc U, :r A """ D ,C4.Q. .if ~~~ 'ClI. 1;6 ;-c.p- rn II\A,. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS ~RADE SECRET DATA Trade Secret o.ta EDdsJ : ..:: DOC 345 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/CI-Ol-1371 and P421/C-02-197 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 07/10/2002 07/18/2002 REQUEST: Admit that the handwriting on Exhibit 16 to these request is that of Audrey McKenney. RESPONSE: The handwriting on Exhibit 16 to these requests is that of Audrey McKenney. Respondent:Audrey McKenney Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise. Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 42 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T ?:~t. ~~~ ~i;.~:~'~1g51Y~ ; : i'" :/~"~~~; ~~I~:~T . ;~/'~,.':;':'~:)~;~::', :~ :0. .MABDUlQ MABDULQ UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls06/24/02 11 :04 AM ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................"""" """"" ""'" ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....... """'" """"....................................................................................................................................................................... ................................. ............. """"'"..... .............................................................................................. 421/C-02-197 DOC 08-210 TRADE SECRET ATTACHMENT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... """"" """""............................................................................"""""""'".................................""""""'"............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................... ""'".........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................""""""" 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NONPUBL!C DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis From:Shanna Davis Date: June 1, 2001 (Trade Secret Data BeginsRe: Resale Revenue Reclass to UNE-Star Revenue cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis To reclass McLeod and Eschelon revenue booked in resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue USOAs RC: TBLOOOOOO Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 5240.5210 AZ.178 694 (778,694) 761 352 761,352) 898,667 (3,898,667) 481 307 (481 307) 169,572 (3,169,572) 58,905 (58 905) 801,687 (801 687) 337,577 (337,577) 210,244 (210,244) 478 993 (478,993) 559.994 (559.994) 647 999 (647 999) 803 492 (803,492) 628,375 (628,375) TOTAl 16,616 859 (16,616,859) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324. Thank you. NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT O:\TAINS TRADE SECRET DA TA UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 06:...01 Recla1;s 0"-00 No_'"Ole,,",J'n""0."'" ......,"."'"",y", Jun'"Jul"" ...."" 5.....,"07 .oJ.(7S.920)(7S,820)(39,937)(30,137) II) ("S,S72)"'S,S72) 118')(16') ('9,1!63) (19.1163) (65,'09)185,'09)w..(0,862) (4.162) TOUI (321,528)1321526) "01 A2.(8,123)1'2.292)(lU78)(31.7!)o)('3.721)(82.016)Iln.'89)(123.187)1138,895)(137.938)(128.1114)(2oo.55S)(209.919)(934.588)273.20S 270.288.887 298.'30 221.763 273,085 636,512(17.7!)o)(21.348)126.808)(35,585) (". 8001)(53.'75)"99.872) 1609.180)(631.3'7)(6".200)(630.339)(626.789)(631.023)7110.269)(120)(122)(209) ("')(",) (33S)088)538 28'812 82''0.I2S 7.399 S 7 .822(3S.119)(39. '68)(03.S4IJ)('7 171) ('.. 739)(110.911)(28S.7071"3)(3,935)17.286)(18.172)128887)(38.773) 192.2SSI(2.302)(3,138)(S,7'0)(9.167)CI2817)(18.886)(07.82',32.'82 32.948 300.208 3S.212 035 3...21 20UI'(110.918)C59.032)(113.685)(137'158)('56. "') ('66.19S)1604175)W..807)(21 SS5)127198)('3.!)o8)(S7.328)C67010)(23'.241) ToI8I (!)o8.589)1618.010)1653,093)(738.188)1888.72')(983.0S9)'86.02) T.... .oJ.123)C12.292)(17S78)(31,7!)o)('3.721)1'37.938)(7S1 8I0)(123.187)(138.895)C'37.93I)C'28.1'"(200.S55)(2'9.856)(97'538)273.205 270,'81 288,&47 296,'30 228.763 273.065 636.512(177!)o)(21.386)(26.808)(35.585)8001)(53.'75)('98.872) .... (609180)1631.317)(6"200)(630.339)(628.789)(753.995) (3,88S,881)1120)(122)(209) (",) (141)I33S)088)538 8.281 11.882 ",821 10.125 7.237 57-(35. "9'(39 168)(03.S93)('7 171)(09.739)C1IO.911) 1265.707)"3)(3.935)288)C'8.172)128.887)(300,773)(92.255)(2.302)(3.'38)(S.7")(9.167)(12.817)134.589)167487)32.182 32.081 300.208 35.212 34.D35 021 20l.BI1(SO,916)(S9 032)("3.665)1137'66)(156. "') (231608)1"9,568)W..1".607)121.(27 191)('U.'8)157.3261 (71.872)1238.1") Tala'1588,589)(818.0101 (853.093)(738.1158)(946.728)1'.308 985)807,8811 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT U"'TA/\iS TRADE SECRET D \1 \ UNf DEAl RfFUNOS~. 05 01 R..8G/I 110% DISCOUNT I Prior Month CurTanl Monlh Apr May Apr YTO Accrual True-up May Accrual Total May YTDEschelonAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTotalMay Accr AccrualVickiAZ.183.013 211 435 28.422 28.369 677 046 468 251 481Vicki389,860 393 141 281 59,526 59,602 62.883 452 743 Vicki 561 987 531 753 (30,233)48.175 057 78,232 998 609 985 296.587 298,288 702 20,090 22.795 886 44,588 341,174Julie Vicki 165,221 162 509 712)18,163 204 367 21,656 186,876Julie390446386070377).29,751 067 56.818 52,441 442,888 987,113 983,196 (3,916)204,074 97,877 301,950 298,034 285.147 McLeod Apr YTD Accrual True-up May Accrual Tolal May YTDAccrOnBksAccrPerAclsChangeResale Ad Other Est Tolal May Accr AccrualAZ.#REF!#REFI #REF!40.910 #REF!#REF!IIREFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 297.241 #REFI #REFI IIIREF!"REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 383,925 #REF!#REF!'REF!#REFI#REFI #REF!#REFI 40.715 #REF!#REFI #REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 256,095 #REF!#REFI "REFI 'REF!#REF!#REFI #REFI 934 #REFI #REFI #REFI "REFI#REFI #REFI #REF!76,655 #REFI #REFI "REF I "REF'#REFI #REF!#REFI 32,706 #REFI #REF!"REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 16,631 #REFI #REFI "REF!#REFI#REF!#REFI #REF!22,879 #REFI #REFI #REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 694 #REF!#REFI #REFI 'REFI#REFI #REF!#REFI 54,991 #REFI #REFI #REFI #REFI#REF!#REF!#REF!329 #REFI #REFI #REFI #REFJ#REFI #REFI #REFI 387 #REFI #REFI #REFI #REFI#REF!#REFI #REFI 409,091 #REFI #REFI #REFI "REFI TOTAL Apr YTD Accrual True-up May Accrual Total May YTDAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTolalMay Accr Accrual#REF!#REF!#REF!69,279 #REF!#REF!#REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 356,766 #REFI #REFI IIIREF!IIIREF!#REFI #REF!#REF!383.925 #REF!#REFI IIIREF!#REFI#REFI #REF!#REFI 40,715 #REFI #REFI #REFI "REF'#REFI #REFI #REF!304 270 #REF!#REFI "REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REFI 934 #REF!#REFI #REF'#REFI#REFI #REFI #REFJ 655 #REFI #REFI #REFI #REFI#REF!#REF!#REFI 32,706 #REFI #REFI 'REF!IIIREF!#REFI #REF!#REF!631 #REFI #REF!#REFI #REFI#REFI #REF!#REFI 42.969 #REF!#REF!#REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REF!694 #REF!#REF!#REFf #REFI#REF!#REFI #REFI 154 #REF!#REF!#REFI #REFI#REFI #REF!#REFI 079 #REFI #REFI #REFI #REFI#REFI #REFI #REF!387 #REF!#REF!'REFI #REFI#REF!#REF!#REFI 613,164 #REF!#REF!#REFI #REFI(707 185) #REF! (101,403) #REF!NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT 707185 #REF! 101403 #REF! . ess 3/30/01 Wire to A07 ess 4/27/01 Wire to A07 Current Balance CONTAINS TRADE S~~~~:~~lft:JDS.xls 05 0110% MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis From:Arturo Ibarra. Jr. Dale:June 1 , 2001 Re:Resale Revenue Recrass to UNE-Star Revenue cc: - . Bill Easton. Mario Mendoza. Shanna Davis To reclass McLeod and Eschelon revenue booked in resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue USOAs RC: TBLOOOOOO Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 5240.5210 631 348 (631,348) 444 761 (3.444 761) 779,828 (3.779.828) 332.984 (332.984) 923 295 (2.923,295) (223)223 731 412 (731.412) 316.536 (316,536) 122.377 (122,377) 383.216 (383,216) 533 886 (533 886) 852 851 (852.851) 665.936 (665.936) 059 373 059.373) TOTAL 15,777,580 (15,777 580) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324. Thank you. "JONPUBLIC DOCUMENT ONTAINS TRADE SECRET DAT. UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 05 01 Reclass Booked In Morch What &lh been booked Booking For AprilEachelonMcLeodTotelEachelonMcLeodTotolChangeEoehalonMeL-Totol Tolo' Rocl...264 798 lREA IREFI 412.432 412.435 IREF!262.936 409.101 672.038 IREF'541.916 IREA IREA 563.205 886.764 449.969 'REFI 563.205 972.407 535.613 IREFIMREFIIREFI894,877 894.877 IREFI 839.247 839.247 IREF!IREFI IREF!402.388 402.386 IREFI 407 146 407 146 IREF'489,348 IREFI IREFI 482.759 515,378 998,137 IREF'482,759 560.952 043,711 IREF!MREF!IRE A 812 812 IREFI 29.341 29.341 'REF'MREF!IREF!749.005 749.005 IREF!766.550 766,550 IREF'MREF!IREF!335.856 335.856 IREF!327.057 327.057 MREF'MREF!IREFI 165.460 165.460 IREFI 166.310 166,310 IREF!219 968 'REA MREFI 208,371 224 267 432.638 IREFI 208,371 228.788 437 159 'REF!'REF'IRE A 560,338 560.338 IREF!546.940 546.940 'REA59.163 'REFI MREFI t87 873 771,913 959.786 'REFI 187.873 549,910 737 782 'REF'282,788 .REA 'REA 292,190 414 402 706.593 'REA 292,190 443.286 735476 .REFI638.428 638.428 639 966 639.966 12.998.461)843.874 843,874 (2,154.587)857 983 'REFI IREFI 734.402 976.857 15.711.259 'REFI 897.335 090.908 16.088.244 IREFI Est:M... exell! AZ U.ed Feb This is en ac1uel bIt Mar was only 13 NON PUBLIC DOCLJ\H-::\ I lO\:T\I:\S TRADE SH fH! UNE DEAl REFUNDS ~. 0.01 Rodo" 0e1...Mo.'"0......J.n""F..",M.,...,A....,M.,..,Jun'"Jul""AuI""SI.""1'111A.'115.920)(75.9201 139.937)139.9371 MIl ("5.5121 1"5.572)1.11 f,e,)118') (19.683)(19.683) (85.40111 165.401) 082)14.8821 (32'.5261 1321.528) M.'f8.123)f'2.292)111.516)131.7")143.ne)182..,e)In5.481)(123.181)(138.11151 (131.938)('211.104)(2O0.SSS)f209.11S)1934.598)273.205 270.4e'294.841 296.430 221.183 213-1.6311.592(17754)(21.346)1211.808)135.5~)144904)153.415)(199.872) loIN IBO9.'ID)(63'.3111 16'4.240)1830.339)162e.1891 (638.423)13.7SO.21111hIT('20)('22)(2091 1'41)(141)(335)(1.CI8II)534 '.26'882 11.62'10.'25 7.JV9 51.822135."9)(39.168)(43.593)(41.111)149.131)ISO.I")(2SS.7D71(1.'03)13.035)(7.286)118.112)1211.1147)(34.113)(12.155)12.302)13.138)(5.114)(9.111)(12.111),'4.8H)141.824132.162 32.34,204 35.212 035 34.02'201.811ISO.9Iel 159.032)1113.665)(137.468)(15UO')1'66.'95)16M.n5)1'4 BO1)121.SSS)(21.'18)103.548)(51.32e)167.010)1231.241) Tol.'(54.549)(8'0.0101 (653.093)(138.'08)i94U24)1183.459)14.4".422) Tola'18.123)('2.292)(11 51e)(3'.7..)(43.728)1137.113&)(25'4101(123.1811 1130.0")1'37 U8)('28.'04)(20D.SSS)1249.8581 (174.538)273.205 27D4e,2".841 298.430 228.163 213.085 636.592 ",) (21.340)1211.800)f35.5aS1 144904)153.475)(199.172) 1609.'80)1631.311)(eI4,24D)1830.339)1628.1e9)11SJ.99S)13.885"')I.IT ,'20)('22)1209)1'41)('4')(335)081)6.534 8.281 1182 ".821 '0.'25 237 11.(35."9)/39.'88)143.593)(41 11e)141.7391 (SO.9",(285.107)(1.143)13.935)17.288)1'8.112)(2&.1141)134.113)112.255)12..JO1)(3.'3e)(5.114)(9.111)(12.el1)f34549)187"7)32.162 32.048 34.204 35.212 34,035 02'201.81'(SO.9'6)(59032)(113.665)(1374118)(156.90')(231.804)(149.584)&07)(21.555)127'98)143.5481 (57.32e)(11 8121 1238.'04) To'aI 1548.549)16Ie.DID)185H93)(738.1el)1948.720'(1.304.DO7"0) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET ()-\ ! \ UNE DEAL REFUNDS'" 04 01 RaloO;II MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr.From: Date: Re: April 3, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza , Shanna Davis This is to reclass McLeod and Eschelon revenue booked resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (CredIt) Stale 5001.4110 5240.5210 "2.#REF!#REFI #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REFI #REFI #REF!#REF! . MT #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REFI #REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REFI #REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! 638,428 (3.638.428) TOTAl #REF!#REF! Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRFT 1)\ UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 03 01 Reclass MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr.From: Date: Re: April 3, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reduce UNE-Star revenues tor 10% discount that will be issued to Eschelon and McLeod should they meet they re revenuelvolume commitments per the UNE-Star contract.Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5240.5210 4010.2199 A:l.#REFI #REF! #REFI #REFI #REFf #REFf #REFI #REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REFI #REFI #REFI #REF!#REFf #REF!#REFI #REFI #REFI #REFf #REF! #REFf #REF! #REFI #REFf #REF!#REFf TOTAL #REFf #REF! #REF! Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324Thank you. NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET OAT., UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 03 01 10% MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra. Jr.From: Date: Re: April 3, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton , Mario Mendoza. Shanna Davis This is to reduce resale revenues in order to align them with billing per the UNE-Star . contract with Eschelon and McLeod. Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. DebIt (CredIt) Stale 5240.5210 4010.2199 AZ.#REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REFI #REFI #REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REF!#REF! #REFI #REF! #REF!#REFI TOTAL #REF!#REF! Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. 0JONPUBLIC DOCUMENT UJNTAlNS TRADE SECRET DA T.I\ UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 03 01 RaleOiff ""D~C-' "'--'- "'m_'"-'I'Iw"", -.,.... _Ie. """'",.... .o.. .......-,...,,,- 111 .we ""~....." V..."10" ",.., JIM ".,..'",""""'" v..."UIO "'n:!'D,:MII ",.11 """ .... "'.-:1 "=-..."",." "8.1, It"'".U" ...'" ..,oo HMI "......"'. 127 ,..-"'. 111 '"'",...... ""'D3I ...... '.711"" "',"'""". 11" "".""'..,....- "'_"""'T......'mmWd..-'I' .........,=p--"y. r"", ,..."... ..EFt ..."'.."..",,.",,.", 'W. ..'"....",.."-.. .RE"7Af""U" .....'...,..",..'",.."..",,..", 'R'" ..." 'RE"IRm ........".... """.III ..",..." IIIEII ..... IR'"III "'" 'RE" ...." 'RE" ..,..-- ...... 'RE" .......",..." 'RE" ,""'"..",..."..."..",'.... IREF! .... 23.tAl" ..."...."..." 'RE" ..", ""13 ..." IR",'RE" ...., 'RE"'RE" "......'"...., 'RE" ..."..."..'""'.,...",..'"...... IIIEf1 'REI'.REF! ,.,,"" 'RI" ..." 'RE".REF!'RE" ........" IR'"".130 "" '.... 'RE". lID... ..", 'RE"'R'" ..", IR'"'RE" ,.,.......... III 'oo nD...... ""'-Ad _dO """"'...,...,", 'RE"'RE"'R'" ....,,.", IR",'.III""IR'" ..'" 'RE"'RE"IRE" ...",......, 'RE"IR'"IR'"'RE" ...., 'R'" """ IR,,''RE" .......'" 'R'"'RE" ,....... 'R",'RE"'R'" ..",,.." 'RE"..t tOm ..."...... 'RE"'REFt ..." IR'" ,..".....,..." 'REFt 'RE" ",....,..".....,.... IIIEII ....,'...."'"..." 'RE"'RE" '.."..." 'RE" """,......." 'RE"IR", ..." 'RE""tI"IR'"IR'" .....,..., ,.EFt IR", "', lilt ,.."'..",.... IR", ,.." 'R'" ,..", IR," ,.", 'RE"'RE" ,.... 'RE"'D.'R'"'RE" ""....""'",.'",.....,.'.",,.." 'R'" "'" 'RE"IR'" ..... I UN""""" 'W"'"_dOAl~CO ,,- .... ID "", , U1 ".I.. ':2111wr --;;;:;;;-""". _dO'Al ---;;;;;;--CO 'REF!IA 'IR'"10' ,.... ... '. ..... we. ,- , """.. ..." .... "IRE"DR 'REF!6. ,IR'" "' ..." W', ,...,wr ---;;;;;;-- 1Oi1l!""~- -'.""U",".- ..... .. --;;;u-,c. ...", " , MERII "MIll .. , ..."....,.. ....".. , " 1M.. , MOIlDR' ..."'D ....,u' ....,..,..------ _.~ NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET OAT" ---;;;;;;- UNE DEAL REFUNDS," ".","""'..... MEMORANDUM To; From: Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr. Date: Re: March 5, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reduce UNE-Star revenues for 10% discount that will be issued to Esche/on and Mcleod should they meet they re revenue/volume commitments per the UNE-Star contract.Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBlOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 4010.2199 (90,263)263 (217,229)217 229 538 118 (1,538,118) (14,835)14,835 095,407)1 ,095,407 (332)332 919 (59 919) (33,285)33,285 703 (9,703) (42 731)42,731 102 298 (102,298) (342 795)342,795 (64 120)120 383,732 (383,732) TOTAL 192 774 (192 774) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. 0IONPUBLIC DOCUMENT . O\iTAINS TRADE SECRET DA Th, UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 02 0110% MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr. March 5, 2001 From: Date: Re:Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reduce resale revenues in order to align them with billing per the UNE-Starcontract with Eschelon and McLeod. Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 4010.2199 177 157 (177 157) 028,854 (1,028,854) 608 040)608,040 115,470 (115,470) 297 820 297 820) 687 (687) (58 737)737 215,496 (215,496) 19,374 (19 374) 16,648 (16 648) 571 (3,571) 444 237 (444 237) 148,169 (148 169) TOTAL 800 705 800,705) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. NONPUBL/C DOCUMENT UNTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls 02 01 RaleDitf MEMORANDUM To: From: Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr. Date: Re: March 5 , 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reclass Mcleod and Eschelon revenue booked resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBlOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 5240.5210 AI.926 002 (926 002) 541 094 (4.541 094) 666 105 (3.666 105) 452.432 (452.432) 865.852 865.852) (139)139 780 302 (780.302) 361 064 (361.064) 168,184 (168.184) 223 716 (223,716) 551.874 (551 874) 249,831 249 831) 755 938 (755.938) 368,037 (2.368 037) TOTAL 18.910.291 (18.910,291) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. \JONPUBLIC DOCUMENT . ' ()NTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA UNE DEAL REFUNDS xis 02 01 Reclass '...DISCDUNT roo00.00 """"......, F.W' -..,"'"""'",...... ,""m n"," "", ""'71 Ot. "'" '10 100 liT ""',..,~" Val ... '21 '18 "'.:0''18.2.I",'OJ "". 1'0lIT .., lIE NIl ...... Of!200.111 110 ..,.... '.0"""'0'" ,",""'""'.',"" HI.liT.J11JII ....... 11.030 ......"", "'un "', 218 '......" 1.111 TI5 10'831 DOl :m, "", 185 "'L."OdOO """'"......, F...., -..,,............." 100431 200,JOt. ... '38,".II' ""' 121 '.J85.11'111, ,", 133.30' ""'" 11'2.1.,..... "'- II, "'~""'.,"....""'" 11\ ,"....,.."..""'" '01 ..."','-. 510.231 ,..,.....""..,., 13..101. ...'_, III ..,.....,."..., 54'181"17 In.J81 111""'"mm...."".82'331807 3SO "0"""0. ",- NIl II.017 .,...',," .u.. "". 413 ...-"'. '08 '18,721 ,...... Of!808".. ....... 5.,.51,"2.1" . ,"...."'.,'..,.. "U" "',......,"', 711 ",.." '08,3""0,'83, ......, 312.2\18 '.0'0,'01.0" """""""" 831"""".153 '.015 718 U......AIJ,151, ",.... ""21,187 13.."....82'.821 ......,""". J8A .. ...... TOTAl.D"'" -.....,...,...."....., T""IA,... ......,"',""" ""721 "7,321 ""W "', 11',II"",un, "'...... ..1"'"'-"...11 721,111 "'18"" "....... '.883"" ""...., "1,121 """ 71"111,11'11. ""'"".......".."',""'"'....""'.'", 11\ ,......,...... _171 '....""",....."..... IS' -'"""'"""', 117 '....".. _III 1', ""- lIT ........,"", 111"" ,-"..'",",. ""18III!In. ''' '14,'" '...... '71,271 -'" 187,3"NIl 7,111 '87 22,011 lI,m....2"'" ,,' 8I,TZ"OU "..... H',....m 187, "', 7211TII "',""'""',"', "'o ",.... lIt ",."', '",U2 "1,3"III 'M,111 "'2,"" "', 101 ""'"'",""'""', 2"""111 III, ..., IIUII 111 "', 111,'" ""', IJI ,.........."...,"", 111 m,su """, T"", """ UN h....." ..- Od"' """ eo.... ......, "w' ..".., cs:::J11'O8J 'U52 ""'" 873"57.IU" IIN ,...... 52'112.1" ,.....,. IIU15 ".........".... 'UO'' 30"'" ...... 28.740 "....,", 000 1OG 110' "". 210 .... u.. "'" ',251 ".840 '0','0','0'.'H.151 -;:;;u;o NONPUBLIC DOCUMENl ..".........."'-....... F.W' ....., L......!!!!'...AZ.' I.""50 "'" 18,311 11.183""'H "', 102 ".. IA , '10. ,.."", 7"'.CONTAINS"'U18' ",,-,"", 132"""132""" ...,..., TRA DE SECRET "..... OII '08 082 115.470IINIOA. "', 111,311 ,..""."..., ',,'UT, ..., '20 ,~' '18',OJ,II.III!,II 'II IIt).III.1S21 ",.512,'01.727) .., 31.111 017 ' 51, '" '"..,..... 138 1.322 ""'..... 'UTA ""' OIl 1I...iOS-113.'JOI "'. "0,,n,o,ol OTD),n.OTO'"."'70).0. .......'. 20''.32! "'. IA. ".... IIT '28.051 'U.. ,,'...."', .53..., '.'. 7"""157 -.:no:;;;-III..",TOTAL UNEw.......0"'" ...... Du'" ,....",.....,.."..,,-, lA",.Ln'2J8, ,.,"""...... ,..m "',,...... III ";'"' ,""'. P"""I I"', "", "'1 "", OIl. "". 08"10111,111 III '~"'......,..... ""0" .... 781.1"1"'.. . ""'~"""'" ',217,lIT "...., 187 ~"..., ,11.1121 I'UI",11" ,,'"'" "'1II' ,~... II, ",...."..... Nil "1''.s" ...... 'II """ . '.277, "'" TI,TI,17A ,1,1"1 "","' ...n"-'IS ...... II,'0"'" ""'"...", 282 32,'AI 'AI ",. 120 OIS,JIS "'.7" UNE DEAL REFUNDS,A" FebO1ICC118d"", 110~. DISCOUNT I Mar YTD Accrual True-up Apr Accrual Total AprYTDEschelonAccrOnBksAccrPerAclsChangeResaleOtherTolalApr Accr AccrualVicki180,721 172 038 683)10.974 10.975 292 183,013Vicki393047333.539 (59 508)56.321 56.321 (3,188)389,860 Vicki 388 459 478.888 90.429 48.276 34.823 83.099 173,528 561.987 197 405 255.402 997 20.837 20.347 184 99,181 296 587Julie Vicki 101,937 138,142 36.205 18,787 292 27.079 63,283 165,221Julie28586733449262429,219 26,736 55,955 104,579 390 446 541.437 712 501 165.064 173,440 101 172 274,612 439,676 987,113 McLeod March YTD Accrual True-up Apr Accrual Total AprYTDAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResale Act Other Esl Tolal Apr Accr Accrual#REFI 130,459 #REFI 243 279 43,522 'REF I 'REF I #REF!994.754 #REF!288,676 987 316,663 'REFI 'REF'#REFI 337.026 #REFI 389,488 23.694 413,181 'REFI #REFI#REFI 154 113 #REFI 239 588 827 'REFI flREFJ#REFI 745,137 #REF!251.538 54.532 306.070 'REF'#REFI#REFI 22.716 #REFI 381 304 685 #REF'flREFI#REF!476.380 #REFI 901 258 82,159 #REFI #REFI#REF!194.877 #REFI 33,586 938 36.524 #REF!#REFI#REFI 53.340 flREFI 16,546 131 18,677 #REF!'REF!#REFI 104,477 #REF!22,427 816 24.243 #REF!flREFI#REFI 354 968 #REF!56,034 698 60,732 #REF!#REFI#REFI 429.783 #REF!191 144 82.336 #REFI #REFI#REF!165.271 #REFI 440 (6,816)624 #REFI #REFI#REFI 774.920 #REFI 63.997 997 75.994 "REFI flREFI#REFI 938.222 #REFI 397.686 155,550 553.236 "REFI #REFI TOTAL Mar YTO Accrual True-up Apr Accrual Total AprYTDAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTotalApr Accr Accrual#REF!302.497 #REFI 244 13,254 497 "REFI #REF!#REF!328.293 #REFI 344,997 987 372 984 #REFI #REFJ#REF'337.026 #REF!389,488 694 413,181 "REFI #REFI#REF!154,113 #REF!40,239 588 46,827 #REF!#REFI#REFJ 224 025 #REF!299,814 355 389,169 "REFI "REFI#REF!22.716 #REF!381 304 685 #REFI 'REFI#REFI 476;380 #REFI 74.901 258 159 #REFI #REFI#REF!194 877 #REFI 33,586 938 524 #REFI #REFI#REFI 53,340 #REFI 16,546 131 677 #REF!#REFI#REFI 359.880 #REFI 43.264 163 65.427 #REF!#REFI#REFI 354 968 #REFI 56.034 698 60,732 #REFI #REF!#REFI 567,925 #REFI 95,979 13.436 109.415 #REFI #REFI#REFI 499.762 #REFJ 70.659 19.920 90.579 #REFI #REFI#REF!774.920 #REF!63.997 11.997 994 #REFI #REF!#REF!10.650.723 #REFI 571 126 256.722 827 848 #REF!#REFI(707 185) #REF! (101.403) #REF!~ONPUBLIC DOCUMENT 707185 #REF! 101403 #REF! ess 3/30/01 Wire to A07 ess 4/27/01 Wire to A07 Curren! Balance . ONTA INS TRADE SECRFurlietJEAL REFUNDS.xls 04 0110% No v ~ , , , De c . . QO ' "- ' Ja i l - Of . ~ ;: . :: . tr O , :M a t .: o 1 " ~ R E F ; r ' ; " ~ ' #R E F ! . #R E F I ' #R E F I : ' ;: : ' : # ~ E F I #R E F ! , #R E F I , #R E F ! ; ;; # R E E L ' : # R E F ! . ' ' , , " , , . . , #. R E F ! #R E F i , , # R E F J : ; ~R E j : : 1 ; #R E F I #R i O F ! . , ~~ E f l ' #R E F I ' #~ i 3 F ( \: ~~ E f l : : ! ' #R E F I #R E F I ; #. R E F i , ; ~ E F . I : c# ~ E F f : , . , #R E F I : ' #R E F ! . #R E F , ! " #R E F ! #R E F I , # R ~ F ! #. R E F ! , ~~ ! 3 F I #R E F ! #R E F I : :# R E F ! . ' #R E F ! , ' , " )# R EF , . jT ; ; Y t # R E F ! : ' ' ; ' t# . ~ E ~ H ; , ;~ : : f i '( # . R E ~ t ,~ ~ ~ : ; ;~ : ~ # R E F I Fr o m L S P ' , 'F i t i m ' lS p ' p' E s t i m a t e " :: ; :" E s t i r r i a t ~ " " :~ j l.E : S I l i j 1 I * i , :: ; j ;~ s U ! n a t e ' ;'; bc ; t ~ O O . #~ E F ! #R E F ! tt : J ;; 0 'J j t7 1 ;; 0 '-- " :; . :;. . UN E D E A L R E F U N D S . x i s MO 1 1 0 % r e f u n d RE S A L E B I L L I N G Cu r r C h g s St a t e 'N Y Gr a n d T o t a l Mo n t h Oc t - 40 , 52 6 33 1 36 0 72 8 52 3 11 1 85 7 34 5 . 52 1 20 2 70 8 , 78 4 22 4 43 7 81 3 54 5 . 72 8 34 2 , 73 9 07 6 85 7 82 8 35 1 39 4 No y - 61 , 89 3 26 4 29 2 84 0 , 08 9 13 9 82 8 40 9 , 16 2 19 8 71 5 , 82 1 29 2 , 83 0 79 0 53 , 02 4 54 3 , 10 3 39 2 , 88 4 12 3 , 17 4 89 7 28 9 74 8 . 37 7 MO 1 C U R R E N T C H A R G E S P E R L I N D A P I K E De c - O O 51 7 63 1 10 9 79 4 . 02 3 19 5 , 66 7 34 3 . 26 1 51 8 71 8 59 0 30 7 46 1 66 0 96 , 56 2 54 3 , 17 8 53 5 33 4 14 4 29 9 84 8 54 1 27 4 82 0 Ja n - 18 8 , 64 2 73 4 08 2 78 6 , 59 1 26 1 12 4 2, 4 2 6 , 4 0 7 72 3 , 04 6 32 3 64 9 37 5 14 2 93 4 54 8 . 81 7 63 6 , 25 5 27 9 , 53 9 88 1 90 4 13 , 01 7 40 8 NO N P U B L I C D O C U M E N T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A Fe b - 22 9 60 8 86 6 98 1 45 2 , 97 1 32 9 , 10 5 33 3 , 59 7 25 1 73 0 . 65 7 30 7 57 8 10 0 , 49 1 16 3 , 85 0 55 3 , 10 7 64 2 . 11 9 33 2 , 97 8 48 4 44 2 52 7 73 5 Ma r - 32 6 . 91 2 81 7 45 2 77 9 , 82 8 33 2 98 4 44 2 55 9 (2 2 3 ) 73 1 41 2 31 6 53 6 12 2 37 7 18 9 77 9 53 3 88 5 67 7 45 8 36 3 11 1 05 9 37 3 69 3 , 44 3 Ap r - 41 2 . 43 2 88 6 . 76 4 89 4 , 87 7 40 2 , 38 6 51 5 , 37 8 81 2 74 9 , 00 5 33 5 , 85 6 16 5 , 46 0 22 4 26 7 56 0 33 8 77 1 . 91 3 41 4 , 4 0 2 63 9 96 6 13 , 97 6 85 7 Ma y - 01 G r a n d T o t a l :\ : f l 1 I J t M a r c h 40 9 . 10 1 1 75 7 73 2 ~~ ; a : ? ' 9~ 6 ; 1 9 8 ~ 97 2 . 4 0 7 2 1 50 4 44 8 ::' 15 : 6 ' 4 5 . 27 7 ; ." . , " 1'; " ' , . . 83 9 , 24 7 3 0 , 11 5 , 14 8 " ,~ : 22 , 3 8 2 : 0 2 3 ' ; ~: : ; 1 :: ; ; H E ~i e e ~ . 76 6 , 55 0 5 , 84 3 , 86 4 j: : . At 3 2 8 . 30 9 ~! ~ i i ; ~ : ~ I ~ ; ~ 09 0 , 90 8 1 0 4 68 0 . 94 1 : :; ~ i 6; 6 J 3 ; , 1, 1 . 6 UN E D E A L R E F U N D S . xl s M 0 1 R e s a l e C u r r C h g s 'v O '\' PU B LJ DO C U \. ME N r I ' \ 1 \ RA D E S E e RE f D ,\ MO 1 C U R R E N T C H A R G E S P E R L I N D A P I K E UN E D E A L R E F U N D S . xl s M O 1 R e s a i e C u r r C h g s MOl BilLING FOR lABS PRODUCTS IProooCl leAlI) I Rev MonYr Slalo OcI-OO Nov-Oec-Jon-OI FetH!1 Mor-Grand 10lal1060)420)105)084)049)(5.139)(26.557)419,637 (68, I JO) (95.967)(142.795)(107 240)(45.803)(40.298)(118.107)117 760 (140,914)(98,537)(103.518)(86.078)(369,394)6271 (529)(419)1506)(2.126)(12,367)(17,572)(118.127)(115.327)(94 73B)(100.554)(121 995)(149.292)(700,032) (1,O6B)(B8-4)(30)(35)(597)(271)(2.88-4)(14 975)(5)222)(1.184)(9.838)(27 213)(4.645)805)(1,438)(2,497)(2.139)(1.377)(15.901)(3.6001 947)885)(2,348)(5.525)(6,890)(29,194)(14492)B24 916)(8,358)(9,36-4)(1~570)(~7 876)(36.076)(20,911)(16.282)(23.56-4)(20961)(23.850)(1~1,6-43)(6.216)(8,275)(17 11-43)(5.570)(5.889)(5.~17)(~7.271)(5)(~9)(1)(54)Grand T Olal 110.927 (58,618)(3B2.541)(390.118)(384,586)(360.954)~65,889) ~"'.. IPrOducl IPl 15 Roy ManYr 5'010 OCI-OO Noy-OO Ooc-Jan-Feb-il1 Mar-ol Grand 10131(43,521)(43.216)(39,2341 141,561)(46,38-4)/51.224)(265,142)(87 693)(126.029)(118,463)(116.370)(127.251)(151 536)(727 341)(316.322)(305.200)(338.136)(424 543)(433 455)(412.605)(2.230,260)157 876)(58.697)(56,602)(60,231)(60,618)(69.851)(363.875)(516.401)(503.9051 (468,B88)(516.558)(515 415)(555.153)(3.078,319) 173)(73)(73)(73)173)(73)(439) 117 474)(13.607)(9,212)(11 650)(8.H9)788)(69,480) (8.273)(10.060)(25.911)(34,772)(30.219)(33.206)(142.441)(5.3B5)(5,13B)567)968)(4.984)(6.602)(32 24.4)133,331)(34_098)(35 355)(33,489)(31.U4)(31 556)(198,973)(10,374)(10.989)(IV43)(11 875)(13,625)(182OS)(17515)(123,291)(l36.97B)(166.389)(143.933)(U8.240)(144,503)(863.339)(41.476)(41 514)(46582)149.508)(41.398)(50.134)(288,612)(5.4761 (5.176)452)(5,028)(5,091)801)(30.024)Grond Tolal 272,972) (1301 2191 (1.326,308) (1,454 560) (1 412.6-44) (1.538.240)(8.366.004) ~"'.. Ip'OduCI 'SWAGe J Rev ManYr Siale Ocl-OO Nov.QO Oec-Jon-01 Feb-Ol Mar-Grand TOl81 (192.915)(180.158)(206.936)(241.990)(188.233)(275,452)(1.285.685)(412.435)(369.018)(409.664)(369.131)(237 153)(640.334)12.437.736)(355,180)(337 820)(367 995)(128.089)(13.755)(275,722)418.562)(215,881)1207 929)(210.591)(202.952)(188,710)(182 256)(1.208.319)(195 915)(235.987)(245,256)(111 112)(204 ,482)(165.391)158.145)(6)(4)15)(41 (61 (8)(34)(24 961)(38.119)(37 281)(17 211)032)(26.004)(152,608)(29.415)(52.082)(37.225)(44 098)(23.713)(30.516)(217.049)(149.462)(123.400)(198.264)(112.917)(139 396)(153 381)(876.820)(I 64 ,4 JO) (171 752)1142.518)(161.052)(137 075)(168 805)(945.632)(116,966)(112.844)(107 345)(40.261)(29.468)(74 1!04)(481,676)(221 757)(221 795)(222,415)(209,628)(128,098)(224 690)228,38-4)(348.5-45)(317 871)(301 087)(282,012)(227 66-4)(279.807)756,985)\NY (27 547)(22.641)(22 647)(9,655)(12,810)(27 752)(123.046)G,and Tolal 455.417) (2391 422) (2509,275) (1930.113) (1539,594) 12.524 911)(13,350,680) 0612412002 11.08 AM CONFIDENTIAL NONPUBLlC DOCUME~1 CONTAINS TRADE SECRET \i' Trade Secret Data Ends) UNE DEAL REFUNDS -IS MOIIABprod$ Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 43 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T ~lfJ~1f~~~~;"~' ~l~~~~V~!!r~~~/':~ ;':~/~:. . ~' /i.;;\;~~~(W;i MABDULQ MABDU UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls06/24/02 11 :03 AM. ................................................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ii ill! 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OISCOUNT I Prior Month CurTent Month May June May YTD Accrual True-up June Accrual Total June YTOEschelonAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTolalJune Accr AccrualVickiAZ.251,481 241,724 757)28,554 735 30,289 20.532 272,013Vicki452.743 458 175 433 462 572 65,034 70,467 523,210 Vicki 609.985 599 928 (10,057)48,599 19,576 68,175 58,119 668,104 341 174 335,624 (5,551)20,605 16,730 335 785 372,959Julie Vicki 186 876 191 612 735 20.364 739 29,103 33.838 220,714Julie442,888 . 424.871 (18,017)28,877 925 38.801 20.785 463,673 . - 285,147.251 934 (33,213)208,461 6O,268,738 235~525 520,672 McLeod May YTD Accrual True-up June Accrual Total June YTDAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResale Act Other Est Total June Accr AccrualAZ.407,613 381 770 (25 843)40,910 21,305 62,215 36,372 443,985088317970810(117 507)297,241 660 364 901 247,393 335,710682,487 857 188 174 701.383,925 102,351 486,276 660,977 343,484465,365 439,260 (26 105)40.715 28,872 69,587 43,482 508,847042,238 599 854 (442,384)256,095 78,783 334 879 (107,505)934,73326,100 25,895 (205)934 (379)555 350 28,450672,193 678 430 237 655 446 88,101 338 766,531319,527 287 409 (32 118)32,706 182 36,888 769 324,296206,490 192.537 (13,953)16;631 276 907 10,953 217,443311461304834627)22,879 20.498 43,376 36.749 348 210563,472 586,992 23,520 54,694 21,900 76,594 100,113 663,585 873,089 778,723 (94 366)54,991 046 79,037 (15.329)857 760 551,338 519,885 (31 453)44,329 36,261 589 49,136 600,474967355967354(1)84,387 23,392 107 780 107.779 075.13415,177 045 590,939 (586,106)1.409,091 448,593 857,683 271,578 16,448,623 TOTAL May YTO Accrual1'rue-up Jun. Accrual Total June YTDAccrOn8ksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTotalJune Accr Accrual659,094 623,494 (35,600)69,465 23,039 92,504 56,904 715.998541060428,985 (112 075)358,703 71,232 429,935 317,860 858,920682,487 857,188 174 701 383.925 102.351 486,276 660,977 343 464465,365 439.260 (26,105)40,715 28,872 69,587 43,482 508,847652223199,783 (452,441)304 694 360 403,054 (49,367)602 83626,100 25,895 (205)934 (379)555 350 28.45067219367843023776,655 446 101 338 766,531319,527 287 409 (32 118)32,706 182 36,888 769 324,296206,490 192 537 (13,953)16.631 276 907 10,953 217,443652,635 640.457 (12 178)43,484 37.228 80,712 68,534 721,169563,472 586,992 23,520 694 900 76,594 100 113 663 585059965970,335 (89,630)75,354 32,785 108,139 18,509 078,474994,226 944,756 (49,470)73,206 46,185 119 391 69,921 064 147967355967354(1)387 23,392 107 780 107 779 075 13446219216,842,874 (619 318)617,552 508,869 126 421 507 103 18,969 295(707,185) 16,755,007 (101 403) 16,653,604 707185 18262109.77 101403 18160706. I ()NT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 01 10% ess 3/30/01 Wire to A07 ess 4/27/01 Wire to AD? Current Balance NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT Oct.........0 DocoOO Jln""f.....,liar""Apr"', "'."" Ju"",,'Ju,",,1 Aug...'S....,I'TDAOIOJ.(15.920)(16.0iI1)(18.520)1230.53&)(31.931)(55.'55)(59.585)(154.917) .... II) II' ... (115..112)(115.185)(116.625)(JoII.382) (III)(226)1221)(6") ('9.6113)(20.'15)(22.113)(82.81') (65.IIHI)(65.320)(61.BOI)(188.S30)14.162)11.1591 (11.0351 (23. TOIII (32'.5281 (339.911)13S0J6)OII.ITI)6.. Mil 18.123)112,292)(17.516)13'.154)(03.728)(62018)(82.1101)(251.J11)1123.117)('36.885)(131.&:11)1121. '04)1200.555)(201.11')/231.201)11.172_) .... 213.20S 270.2111.617 298030 228.183 213-188.811 '-. II)(11.7541 (2U'S)(211.101)(35.515)144_1 (53.115)182.315)(2112.111) (6091SO)1631.317)(611.2'0)(630.339)(626.7111)1831.'23)(613.'3~14.423.'20)1120)022)12091 ("') 1"')13351 (931)12.00II)531 261 11.1112 11.621 10.125 1.3!111 1111 62.691135.111)139."'1 (43.593)111.171)139)(SO.911)(54113)(320."'1N.."3)(3.935)11.2111)(11.172)(28.911)(JoI.I131 0")1139.(2.302)(3.'38)(5.714)(1.167)112.817) (". 816)('1.853)(lUll)32.162 32.011 31.201 35.212 34.035 34.021 33.1'1 235.500(SO.116)(59.032)(113.1165)(137 111)1158.801)(1111.195)1188.8111)1112.&:11) (". SOI)121.555)(21 11111 (13.&161 (51.3211)161.010)/63.315)(3".811) TOIII (bll.5I1)(811.010)(653.'13)(131. 188)1811.724)1983.'59)(1.211 822)15.728.244)13'10 13"2", ,.. 2'" To...A.2 (1.123)(12.292)(17..176)131.754)(03.128)1131.8361 1'58.007)(78.5201 (488.93111123.111)(131.195)(137ml)1128.104)(200..155)12'1.851)1293.863)(59..185)11.327.1831273.205 210.291617 298.'30 221.783 27J.08S 169.1.806.187(11154)(21.3411 128.SOI)(35.585)(44 901)153.475)(62.3151 1282"71 (&09.1101 (631.3111 1614.240)(630.339)(621.789)1153.9951 (718.311)(116.6251 770SO1)..1 1120)(122)(209)1"') (",) 13351 1831)12.006)531 281 11.812 11.621 10.125 7.237 '.620 (221)82-(35.111)139.1681 1'3.513)(11 1781 ('9.731)(SO.911)151.873)(320"")N..1031 (3.835)(7.288)1'8.112)128.911)131.773)(11.0")031.2H)(2.J02)(3.138)(5.714)11.117)(12.617)(34.541)(38.328)(22.713)1129.551)32.182 32.011 34.201 35.212 34.OJ5 34.021 33.111 235.500ISO.9111 (59.0321 1113.1137 "') 11511.801)(231.604)1253.985)IS7 SO1)11.071.389)&01)121.55.5)(27 1111)(43.516)157.326)(".812)190.53')01.035)1337173) "'" (518.5191 (611.010)1653.'13)(736.188)1911.72'1 3018151 511 710)(356.536)11.116,22'1 NON PUBLIC DOCUME\;1 \ONT AINS TRADF SECRET 1).\10\ UNE DE..... REFUNOS',~ 06 0' R..1IJfI 0...00 H...oo Dec.oo J.".o' ....., ...,.0,A.,.o,lIay.,Ju...o,Juo.ol Aug.,5...,Y"TDA07 (75.820)(7U2O)(3U37) (38.937) "'N (115.572),IIU72)"'T (IB')1'1') N'" (19.1513)(19.183) (65001)165.0")(0.1112)062) T....(32'.521)(32'~) "0'11.123)('2.2112)('7,571)13'.754)103.728)(12.0'B)(175019)1'23.117)/l3B.1195)('37 931)(1211.'04)(200.5S5)(209.911)(1134.598)273~2TO.2"'.841 291.030 228.113 213.085 , . 131.592(11.754)121.30B)(2&.101)(35.585)('4.104)(53.075)(I9U72) IIN 16011.'10)(631.311)(B'UoO)(630.33')(B2e,7B9)(&31.023)13.7SO.2811"'T (120)('22)(209)I"')('0')(335)(1.0811)1.534 8,28,11.882 11.82''0.'25 1.311 122(35. "') (3'.'61)(o.(07 171)(4'.731)(SO.911)1265.707)N'"("'43)(3.(7.266)('1.172)(2U41)(34.n3)(92.2551(2.302)13.1361 (5.7'4)11.'61)(12.BI7)('4 8881 (47.820)32.'12 32.041 34.204 35.2'2 34-34.02'20'.&8'(SO.9'B)(59.0321 (113.685)('37.468)1'5&90')1'&I.IIS)/684 175)1'0 107)(2'555)(27 '98)(03.541)1573211)(67.0'0)(231.24'1 T...,/541.54')(611.0'0)(153.493)(736.111)(946.724)(983.059)0".022) ...., 11.'23)(12.292)(17 57B)13'754)(03.721)1'37 1251.4'01II23.'BT)/'31.195)(137 831)(12&.'04)(200.555)(20UM) 1974.536)273.205 270.294647 2118.030 221.713 273.085 I38.5t2(17154)(2'316)(211011 135.565)(44 904)(53.075) ('89.672) .... (1109.'10)1631.317)(6'0.2401 (630.331)/621.711)(153.99S)/3.865.81') ... (120)('22)(209)('41)('0')(335) ('-) 534 1.21'882 11.12''0.'25 7.231 51-(35 "1)(JI.I68)(43.5113)f41 111)(41.731)ISO.9,,)/265.107)(1.'43)(3.935)(1.266)(11.172)(211.941)(34.n3) 192.255)12.302)(3.'38)15.7'4)(1.161)('2.B17)/34 541)(67.017)32,'62 32.041 30.204 35.2'2 34.035 34.02'20' .68'ISD,0'6)(50.032)('13.685)('37 486)(15&90')(231.804)(701.584)('o &Ol)(2'555)(27.111)/03.541)(57.326)(11.B72)(236. '04) TOIOI (541.54.)(1'8.010)(653.003)(736.'88)(1M6.724)('.304.ta5)14.107.941) ;\lONPUBLlC DOCUMENT n'\!T!\/NS TR.\DE SECRET D:\ T-\ UNE DEAl REFUNDS 2.~. DbOI R"0011 . C ( ) ' l c i ~ a t i oi ( ' Ii I " " n g . (~ . . \: O \ ' PU B L l C DO C U l \ ' lE N T ( J \ ' L\ I . \ S J R SU R E ) D' - UN E D E A L R E F U N D S 2 , xl s M O 1 1 0 % r e f u n d rH I S S H E E r W A S ~ D , CA l C " O I " " ' ~ D I S C O u , " , rH R U " A J i . ' , 3 2 0 " 0 6 ' , ~: " ~; ' '; ~ ' : ; ' " " " ' .' : : R . . O I . , ' C " .: ' ; ' : ' !' 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' - , , ~ , " . . - ' Re s a le f R $ , l t r " Ce n t r e x / P B X Co l o r a d o $4 7 2 , 77 9 $3 9 6 , 60 0 $5 2 4 64 4 $5 3 4 35 8 $5 3 8 10 6 $ 5 6 3 . 20 5 . 4 0 59 5 , 25 7 Re s a l e i R S I i i , :;; , , Ce n t r e x / P B X Mi n n e s o t a $5 2 6 , 60 7 $4 8 6 74 1 $4 9 4 20 2 $4 9 0 , 74 0 $4 8 5 90 7 $ 4 8 2 , 75 9 . 48 1 74 8 Re s a l e / R S I D , , i; . Ce n t r e x / P B X Ut a h $1 3 8 45 4 $1 5 0 17 8 $1 7 6 , 4 0 5 $1 9 7 74 2 $5 8 74 7 $ 1 8 7 87 2 . 18 1 63 3 $ 1 76 7 71 7 $ 1 71 5 37 9 $ 1 96 1 93 8 $ 2 , 00 6 86 6 $ 1 84 4 92 0 73 4 , 4 0 2 $ 2 04 0 73 6 ~d ~ i p . L i ~ e s , Ce n t r e x / P B X We s t e r n $1 2 , 26 0 $6 , 86 8 34 8 93 1 83 2 ~~ ~ : ~ ; t I 6 : : " ': ' o ' Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r a l / E a s t e r n $2 5 , 11 7 $2 4 53 2 $2 4 24 2 $2 4 80 8 $1 6 57 3 Ce n t r e x / P B X Or e g o n 02 9 $2 , 81 7 60 4 84 3 21 2 $3 , 13 1 34 7 ' ~ ; ;A c l i y l i r i ; L i n e s ' : : Ce n t r e x / P B X Wa s h i n g t o n 23 1 05 1 74 4 08 8 61 9 50 2 54 5 1: ~ : ~ : t: ~ : : ~ f: , Ce n t r e x / P B X Ar i z o n a $5 , 40 6 $5 , 28 0 21 8 $5 , 33 9 56 7 $2 , 75 3 59 4 Ce n t r e x / P B X Co l o r a d o ;A d i i i i n ; L i n e s Ce n t r e x / P B X Mi n n e s o t a $1 2 14 2 $1 1 85 9 $1 1 71 9 $1 1 99 2 01 1 $6 , 16 3 28 2 ,', Ut a h 56 9 39 3 30 6 47 6 99 5 $3 , 85 5 82 7 $3 7 37 6 . $3 1 , 4 0 0 . $3 0 58 9 . $3 1 73 9 . $2 4 40 4 . $2 0 , 4 2 3 59 5 Pr i v c ; l t e L i n e lA B S $2 3 6 20 0 $3 1 0 72 6 $2 8 6 , 78 7 $3 0 8 , 4 3 0 $2 6 1 06 9 ' . Pr i v a t e L i n e lA B S Or e g o n $3 9 68 1 $5 2 , 20 1 $4 8 17 9 $5 1 81 5 $4 3 85 9 $4 1 54 9 82 9 " " Pr i v a t S L i t1 ~ " lA B S Wa s h i n g t o n $8 5 , 26 7 $1 1 2 , 17 1 $1 0 3 , 52 9 $1 1 1 34 2 $9 4 24 5 $8 9 , 28 1 74 1 Pr i v a t a L i n e ' lA B S Ar i z o n a $2 4 75 3 $3 2 . 56 3 $3 0 05 4 $3 2 , 32 2 $2 7 35 9 $2 5 , 91 8 27 1 , ' ' , , 'P r i v . a t e L i n e , lA B S Co l o r a d o .. . . .. ' Pr i v a t e L i n ~ ' lA B S Mi n n e s o t a $7 1 77 7 $9 4 , 4 2 5 $8 7 15 0 $9 3 , 72 7 $7 9 33 5 $7 5 15 6 13 4 Pr i v a t e L i n e ' lA B S Ut a h $1 4 72 1 $1 9 36 6 $1 7 87 4 $1 9 22 3 $1 6 27 1 $1 5 , 4 1 4 53 4 $2 3 6 , 20 0 $3 1 0 72 6 $2 8 6 78 7 $3 0 8 , 4 3 0 $2 6 1 06 9 $2 4 7 31 9 30 8 51 0 Re t a i l Ce n t r e x / P B X Re t a i l Ce n t r e x / P B X Ba r t C o l o lA B S al l "\ ! O N P U B L I C D O C U M E N T ;" n ' T A / N S TR A D E S E C R E t DA T I \ PR O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N ES C H E L O N " CU R R E N T D U E " F O R T H E M O N T H S O F O C T O B E R FE B R U A R Y 2 0 0 1 Sw i t c h e ~ . ~ " . i ~ ~ ' Sw i t c h e d ' " . ' , U n b u n d l e d L o o p , . , ' (~ ~ ~ ~ J~ : : : ~ : t ~ ~ ~ ? ' Un b u r i a l e d l i d b p : , : i ' Un b ~ B d i J d l ~ q p ' : ; , ' : Un b L i n d l e d L O Q P ' , , , , (j r ) b U f t d J e d L o 6 ~ " , , , ' f " ' ~' " ; , , :, , ", . - 'U n b u n d l ~ 9 , Lo o , ' , : ' i. J n ~ ~ h ~ l ~ d ' Lb O p ' ~~ ! i " " UN i ; : - , U N E ; ; P ' UN E ~ p UN E - P , UN E ~ P , . Ba r t C o l a rO T A L e x c l C o l l o rO T A L j n e l C o l l a lA B S lA B S lA B S lA B S lA B S lA B S lA B S lA B S Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Ar i z o n a Co l o r a d o Mi n n e s o t a Ut a h We s t e r n Ce n t r a l / E a s t e r n Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Ar i z o n a Co l o r a d o Mi n n e s o t a Ut a h We s t e r n Ce n t r a l / E a s t e r n Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Ar i z o n a Co l o r a d o Mi n n e s o t a Ut a h Al l \U \ P L l : 3 L J C D UM E N T , ) \ . ;\ 1 . \ \ fR A D E SE C R E T DA T A Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X Ce n t r e x / P B X lA B S $4 9 69 6 $1 6 , 68 5 $1 4 6 $3 2 47 8 $3 8 6 $4 9 69 6 $3 2 0 19 9 $1 1 0 , 85 2 $1 6 8 04 2 $1 5 2 15 7 $1 5 06 8 $7 2 , 75 6 $2 3 02 9 $4 3 1 , 05 1 36 5 36 5 36 5 $3 9 , 4 2 7 $1 3 23 7 $1 1 6 $2 5 , 76 7 $3 0 7 $3 9 , 4 2 7 $1 7 3 05 7 $6 5 29 6 $9 0 , 82 1 $8 2 , 23 6 $8 , 87 5 $4 2 , 85 6 $1 3 , 56 5 $2 3 8 , 35 3 $4 , 69 5 69 5 69 5 $7 7 , 92 1 $2 6 , 16 2 $2 3 0 $5 0 92 4 $6 0 6 $7 7 92 1 $1 6 4 , 75 6 $1 6 8 57 4 $8 6 , 4 6 4 $7 8 , 29 1 $2 2 91 4 $1 1 0 64 1 $3 5 , 02 0 $3 3 3 32 9 $8 . 31 7 31 7 31 7 $1 4 40 1 83 5 $4 2 $9 , 4 1 1 $1 1 2 $1 4 40 1 $1 8 9 94 4 $2 1 5 27 9 $9 9 68 3 $9 0 26 1 $2 9 . 26 2 $1 4 1 29 5 $4 4 72 2 $4 0 5 22 3 $5 . 72 4 72 4 $5 . 72 4 $9 9 6 $3 3 4 $6 5 1 $9 9 6 $2 1 3 , 53 6 $2 0 7 38 7 $1 1 2 06 4 $1 0 1 , 4 7 1 $2 8 18 9 $1 3 6 11 5 $4 3 , 08 3 $4 2 0 , 92 3 $8 7 40 2 $5 , 4 0 2 52 9 , 4 0 5 $ 2 33 9 , 98 0 $ 2 69 8 88 3 $ 2 , 77 2 38 4 $ 2 55 7 80 2 $5 , 48 9 PR O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N $1 0 , 84 0 $ $0 $ $9 5 $ $0 $ $2 1 10 0 $ $2 5 1 $ $3 2 28 6 $ $1 1 0 , 47 3 . 4 3 $ $ 1 0 0 03 0 . 86 $ $ 4 1 , 4 8 0 . 54 $ $ 2 0 0 , 29 3 . 14 $ $ 6 3 39 6 . 24 $ $5 1 5 67 4 $ $8 7 $8 7 17 2 25 9 $ 3 9 1 37 8 . 55 5 , 36 3 $ 2 94 6 74 2 61 3 42 6 52 4 57 5 15 6 13 0 16 5 12 6 92 4 15 4 76 1 (5 3 , 37 2 ) 38 , 66 1 30 1 29 3 $ 5 67 5 $ 1 5 8 64 9 $ 2 , 69 9 , 96 5 $ 2 85 8 , 61 4 58 8 ES C H E L O N " CU R R E N T D U E " F O R T H E M O N T H S O F O C T O B E R FE B R U A R Y 2 0 0 1 ': . S: a l e / R S J S t , ; : : : : ) , R e ~ a l ~ / R S l r J j t ' " ; . ' " Re s a j ~ / R S I ( ) , ' ;: ! ' ' : , , , , " , R e s a l e / R S I D D : ' ~ ; " "" ~ ' , , " Re s i ! l e / R S I O ; : ; , , , "" " ' ,: , ": " ' :': . Re ~ a l e / R S I ( j ~ o : , , ; ; ,A . d r n i n : L i ~ e ~ ' , A d f T ) i n . L i n e s Ad m i n . L i r i e s , A d m i n . L i n e s ; Ad l ~ i i n . ; L i n e ~ " , , , , Ad h 1 i n ~ L i n e $ , , C , I " ' Ad m i n . L i n e s " , ' , ' , , , , " . : " Pr i v a t e L i n e , , P r i * i l t e L i n ~ , , P r i v a t e L i n ~ , ' , P r i v a t e L i n e : Pr i v a t e L i n e Pr i y a t e L i n e ' Pr i v a t e L i n e Re t a i l Re t a i l Ba r t C o l a 20 6 , 05 0 28 8 , 76 9 28 5 54 5 61 4 62 4 48 5 98 8 20 3 63 5 08 4 61 1 07 5 50 1 63 3 04 5 83 5 08 9 (6 7 4 ) (1 2 5 , 4 5 3 ) (4 1 50 5 ) 35 , 4 6 6 10 1 51 0 22 , 37 5 (8 , 28 2 ) \U I \ . ; P BL J C DO C U M E N ! i \ , "\/ ; \ i ~ n~ A D E SE C R E T DA T A PR O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N ES C H E L O N " CU R R E N T D U E " F O R T H E M O N T H S O F O C T O B E R FE B R U A R Y 2 0 0 1 Sw i t c h e q ' ~; : , . , ~' o \ I i t c h e d ; .: ; , . : ~: : : ~ K : ~ . ir i : ;~ ' i- . : , " ; , ;~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ' :1 : " , : , Sw i he d L: : ' S w i t c h e d " ," ' , $ Ul 1 b L i n d l ~d ~ o ( ) i ? , , Un b u n dl e d I. . ~ Q P ' l! q b ~ n ~ I ~ ~ 1 2 Q P : " U n b u h d l e d L 6 o ~ 31 ~ ~ t l ~ : ~ ~ ~ : Un b u ~ d l e d , L 9 R P . : Un b u n d l e d L o o p ' , U ~ R ~ ~ '. , , ' ~~ ; 1 ~ ~ t ~ ~I ~ UN E - P , , ' UN E . , - ' UN E - " ' . $ Ba r t C o l o TO T A L a x e l C o l l o TO T A l . . i n c l C o l l o 32 6 63 2 77 2 50 2 19 8 14 . 4 2 9 16 2 , 57 6 16 3 53 2 46 , 22 0 25 4 50 8 60 , 98 3 50 5 , 07 3 50 1 58 3 $ 2 62 1 , 50 5 $ 2 , 62 1 50 5 ,I i ' \ ~ I ,B I l l DO C U M E N T ~) \ i -\ / " \ S r ' R A D E S E C R E T D A T A PR O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N ES C H E L O N " CU R R E N T D U E " F O R T H E M O N T H S OF OC T O B E R FE B R U A R Y 2 0 0 1 " R e s a ! ~ l R S I q : ; ' ' Re s a l e J R S I D ~ ' , " , " , ' Re s ~l e / R S I . t ? , , ' Re s a ! e / R S I . D : , , , ' " o k , , Re s ~ ! e / R S I Q . / ; , R c i ~ a i e / R S i d ' : : : Ju l i e T i g g e s Ju l i e T i g g e s Vi c k i K e l l e r Vi c k i K e l l e r Vi c k i K e l l e r Vi c k i K e l l e r Ad m i n . L i n e s " , - ' ' " . Ad m i n ~ L i n e s : ' , i! t ~ ; :I ~ i ' ;; ~ Pr i , , - a t ~ L i n e . ~t i v ~ t e L ! I 1 ~ : Pr i v a t e L i n e , , ' .. ' " ' , . , :P r i v a t e l i n e ~~ ! ~ ~ t e - L i ~ e ' , .. P r j v . a t e L i n e . . , , P t i ~ a t ~ u ; - j g , ', ' Ju l i e T i g g e s Vi c k i K e l l e r Ka t h y F r a n c e s Re t a i l Re t a i l Ju l i e T i g g e s Vi c k i K e l l e r Ba r t C o l a An n e D u i n 'i O N P U B L l C D O C U M E N T I 1 ' : r ' \ I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A PR O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N ES C H E L O N " CU R R E N T D U E " F O R T H E M O N T H S O F O C T O B E R FE B R U A R Y 2 0 0 1 Sw l t c h e d , : " De b O s b o r n '~ J i ; ~ ~ j !~ f Un b u n d l e d l O 9 P , :~ ~ : : : : ' t~ ~ t , Un b u n c f l e d L a . or ) Ju l i e T i g g e s Vi c k i K e l l e r ti ~ ~ ~ ~ : :; , (j N E ~ P ; " UN E - c ; UN E - P' .~ , . UN E ~ P , UN E - P , UN E - P , : : ' ' UN E - j: J ' Ba r t C o l a TO T A L e x c l C o l l o TO T A L i n c l C o l l a Ju l i e T i g g e s Vi c k i K e l l e r \' ( ) \ ' P l . \ : H . I C D O C U M E N T , , , ' . , I \ I N S fR A D E S E C R E T D A T A PR O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N LI n e V o l u m e s Mo n t h l y Li n e 5e p ~ 0 Oc t ~ O Av g Ra t e Re v e n u e 57 6 87 7 72 7 30 . 22 , 37 6 46 , 58 3 18 5 46 , 38 4 34 . 57 7 , 05 6 13 2 , 53 2 13 2 , 96 9 13 2 , 75 1 28 . 75 6 , 83 9 94 4 34 9 14 7 33 . 15 6 50 . 84 8 51 . 79 3 32 1 27 . 38 5 , 65 4 34 . 20 . 22 7 20 , 4 8 8 35 8 28 . 57 6 , 11 7 61 8 03 3 82 6 35 . 17 3 , 47 7 27 . 20 8 75 7 01 6 88 7 26 . 23 , 84 7 16 . 06 3 16 , 20 6 16 , 13 5 29 . 4 5 47 5 , 16 1 77 7 03 8 40 8 22 . 14 4 81 0 49 2 11 1 80 2 24 . 43 , 23 6 28 1 . 42 1 28 6 , 15 0 28 3 , 78 6 25 0 , 93 7 - l i n e v o l u m e s p e r L I n d a P i k e Oc t o b e r Dl f t No v e m b e r Da f t To t a l 40 , 52 6 (1 8 . 15 0 ) , 61 , 89 3 (3 9 , 51 7 ) ' ;;~ (5 7 . 66 7 ) 33 1 , 36 0 (7 5 4 30 4 ) 26 4 29 2 (6 8 7 , 23 6 ) (1 , 44 1 54 0 ) 3, 7 2 8 , 52 3 28 , 31 7 84 0 , 08 9 (8 3 , 25 0 ) : ; ~~ : (5 4 93 3 ) 11 1 , 85 7 (4 0 . 70 1 ) 13 9 , 82 8 (6 8 , 67 2 ) i + (1 0 9 , 37 2 ) 34 5 , 52 1 (9 5 9 , 86 8 ) , 2, 4 0 9 , 16 2 (1 . 02 3 50 8 ) J ~ I (1 , 98 3 , 37 6 ) 20 2 (2 0 2 ) 19 8 (1 9 8 ) ~ 9 (4 0 0 ) 70 8 , 78 4 (1 3 2 . 66 7 ) 0 71 5 , 82 1 (1 3 9 , 70 3 ) L A (2 7 2 , 37 0 ) 22 4 43 7 (5 0 , 96 0 ) 29 2 . 83 0 0, . (1 7 0 31 3 ) (1 1 9 , 35 3 ) ~ ~ ) 20 8 79 0 (1 3 , 58 2 ) \ ~ ~ : (1 2 , 37 4 ) ~ '. , . 81 3 (1 3 , 96 6 ) t , 53 , 02 4 (2 9 , 17 7 ) f i - . (4 3 , 14 3 ) 54 3 , 10 3 '; , (1 3 8 , 50 9 ) 54 5 , 72 8 (7 0 , 56 7 ) (6 7 94 2 ) : ~ ~ : 34 2 73 9 (1 9 7 92 9 ) . 39 2 , 88 4 (2 4 8 , 07 5 ) ; ; . (4 4 6 , 00 4 ) 76 , 07 6 (3 2 , 84 0 ) ' ' 12 3 , 17 4 (7 9 , 93 8 ) t ~ (1 1 2 77 8 ) 10 , 49 3 , 56 6 (2 , 24 2 . 62 9 ) 10 , 85 1 , 08 8 (2 , 60 0 , 15 1 ) ~ ( ~ 84 2 , 78 0 ) NO N P U B L I C D O C U ~ 1 E ~ T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T O . -\ ! . 110% DISCOUNT I Prior Month Current Month Apr May al True-up May Accrual Total May YTDEschelonAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTolalMay Accr AccrualVicki183,013 211,435 28.422 28,554 735 30,289 58,711 241 724Vicki389,860 393,141 281 462 572 65,034 316 458 175 Vicki 561 987 531,753 (30,233)48,599 19,576 68.175 942 599,928 296,587 298 288 702 20,605 730 335 39,037 335,624Julie -. .- . Vicki 165,221 162 509 (2,712)20,364 739 29,103 28,391 191,612Julie390,446 386.070 377)28,877 . 9,925 38,B01 34,425 424 871 987 113 983,196 (3,916)208,461 60,277 268,738 264,821 251,934 McLeod Apr YTD Accrual True-up May Accrual Total May YTDAccrOnBksAccrPerAclsChangeResale Act Other Esl Tolal May Accr Accrual173,981 310,169 136,188 40,910 305 62,215 198 403 372 384311,416 580,015 268,597 297 241 660 364 901 633,498 944,915750,207 391 150 640,942 383,925 102,351 486,276 127,218 877,426200,940 362,684 161,945 40,715 28,872 69,587 231,532 432,471051,207 197 272 146,065 256,095 78,783 334.879 480,944 532,15140122,951 (11 450)934 (379)555 (8,896)25,506558,538 590,894 32,356 76,655 11,446 88,101 120,457 678,99623140024485813,458 32,706 182 36,888 50,346 281,74672,017 162,167 90,150 16,631 276 907 115,056 187 074128.720 259,313 130,593 22,879 20,498 43,376 173,969 302,689415,700 513,763 98,063 694 900 76,594 174,657 590,357 512,119 679,839 167 720 54,991 046 79,037 246,757 758,876 199,895 430,050 230,155 329 36,261 80,589 310,745 510,639 850,914 034,857 183,943 84,387 23,392 107,780 291,723 142,636 10,491,458 780,183 288,725 409,091 448 593 857 683 146,409 637,866 TOTAL ess 3/30/01 Wire 10 A07 ess 4/27/01 Wire 10 A07 Current Balance .'fv;:, ~~:' :~,;2. ?:: :~':'ii,- ,':': Apr YTD Accrual True-up May Accrual Total May YTD AccrOnBks AccrPerAcls Change Resale Other Tolal May Accr Accrual 356.994 521 604 164,610 69,465 23.039 92,504 257 114 614,108701277973,156 271.878 358,703 232 429,935 701,813 403,090750,207 391,150 640 942 383,925 102,351 486,276 127 218 877,426200,940 362,884 161,945 715 872 69,587 231,532 432,471 613,193 729,026 115,832 304 694 98.360 403,054 518 886 132,079 34,401 22,951 (11,450)934 (379)555 (8,896)25,506558,538 590,894 356 76,655 446 88,101 120,457 678 99623140024485813,458 32,706 182 36,888 50,346 281 74672,017 162 167 90,150 16,631 276 24,907 115 056 187,074425,307 557,601 132 294 484 228 712 213,006 638,313415700513,763 063 694 21 ,gOO 76,594 174 657 590,357677340842,348 165,008 75,354 32,785 108,139 273,148 950,487 590,341 816,120 225 778 206 46,185 119,391 345 169 935 511850,914 034,857 183,943 387 23,392 107,780 291 723 142 636 -- ._- ---. . ~ 63,379 284,809 617,552 508,869 126 421 411,230 889 800(707 185) 771 385 (101.403) 669.982 707185 ' 16182615. NONPUBUC DOCUMlJ'. I .101403 16081212. - - - " REI 11. \ \ . I 'ONT AINS TRA DE S6~E' DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 05 01 10% MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis From:Arturo Ibarra , Jr. Date:June 1 , 2001 Re:Resale Revenue Reclass to UNE-Star Revenue cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis To reclass McLeod and Eschelon revenue booked in resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue USOAs RC: TBLOOOOOO Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 5240.5210 AZ.631,348 (631 348) 444,761 (3,444 761) 779.828 (3,779.828) 332,984 (332.984) 923,295 (2,923,295) (223)223 731.412 (731,412) 316.536 (316.536) 122.377 (122,377) 383,216 (383.216) 533,886 (533,886) 852,851 (852.851) 665.936 (665,936) 059,373 059,373) TOTAL 15.777 580 (15 777 580) Please call if you have questions - .303-965-4324. Thank you. NONPUBLIC I)()l'\ ir-o.H': ~ 1 ONTAINS TRADI- SFCRF \ i~" : UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 05 01 Reelass MO 1 C U R R E N T C H A R G E S P E R L I N D A P I K E RE S A L E B i l l i N G Cu r r C h g 5 Mo n t h St a t e Oc t - No v - De c - Ja n - O 1 Fe b - Ma r - Ap r - Ma y - Gr a n d T o t a l i'T h ! \ ! ; t . . ! a r C h J 40 , 52 6 89 3 88 , 61 7 18 8 , 64 2 22 9 . 60 8 32 6 , 91 2 41 2 , 43 2 40 9 , 10 1 75 7 , 73 2 :: f ; l : ~ ~ ? , 19 8 33 1 , 36 0 26 4 29 2 63 1 , 10 9 73 4 08 2 86 6 , 98 1 81 7 45 2 88 6 , 76 4 97 2 , 40 7 50 4 44 8 6: 4 ~ ; 27 7 72 8 , 52 3 84 0 . 08 9 79 4 02 3 78 6 59 1 45 2 , 97 1 77 9 . 82 8 89 4 87 7 83 9 . 24 7 30 , 11 6 . 14 8 : : ~ ; ~ ~ ~ , 02 3 ; 11 1 85 7 13 9 . 82 8 19 5 , 66 7 26 1 , 12 4 32 9 , 10 6 33 2 , 98 4 40 2 38 6 40 7 , 14 6 18 0 , 09 6 ~1 , 37 0 ' 56 5 ; 34 5 , 52 1 40 9 , 16 2 34 3 , 26 1 2, 4 2 6 , 40 7 33 3 . 59 7 44 2 55 9 51 5 , 37 8 56 0 , 95 2 19 , 37 6 , 83 6 20 2 19 8 51 8 25 1 (2 2 3 ) 81 2 29 , 34 1 14 2 70 8 , 78 4 71 5 , 82 1 71 8 , 59 0 72 3 . 04 6 73 0 , 65 7 73 1 41 2 74 9 , 00 5 76 6 , 55 0 84 3 , 86 4 22 4 43 7 29 2 , 83 0 30 7 46 1 32 3 , 64 9 30 7 57 8 31 6 , 53 6 33 5 . 85 6 32 7 , 05 7 43 5 , 40 3 79 0 66 0 84 , 37 5 10 0 , 4 9 1 12 2 , 37 7 16 5 , 46 0 16 6 , 31 0 68 1 , 4 6 4 81 3 53 . 02 4 96 . 56 2 14 2 , 93 4 16 3 , 85 0 18 9 . 77 9 22 4 26 7 22 8 78 8 13 7 01 7 54 5 , 72 8 54 3 . 10 3 54 3 , 17 8 54 8 81 7 55 3 , 10 7 53 3 88 6 56 0 , 33 8 54 6 , 94 0 37 5 09 6 34 2 73 9 39 2 , 88 4 53 5 . 33 4 63 6 , 25 5 64 2 . 11 9 67 7 , 45 8 77 1 , 91 3 54 9 , 91 0 54 8 , 61 2 :: ' ~~ ~ ~ 6 ' 7 / 1 9 . 07 6 12 3 , 17 4 14 4 , 29 9 27 9 , 53 9 33 2 97 8 36 3 , 11 1 41 4 40 2 44 3 , 28 6 17 6 , 86 5 ;; i : i~ ~ - 31 9 17 e ' 85 7 , 82 8 89 7 28 9 84 8 54 1 88 1 90 4 48 4 , 44 2 05 9 37 3 63 9 , 96 6 84 3 , 87 4 51 3 , 21 8 ~~ ~ 2 9 : ~ . 77 ' Gr a n d T o t a l 35 1 39 4 11 , 74 8 , 37 7 12 . 27 4 82 0 01 7 40 8 52 7 73 5 13 , 69 3 , 44 3 13 , 97 6 , 85 7 09 0 , 90 8 10 4 , 68 0 94 1 .'7 ~ j ~ : 1 3 , 17 6 1 NO N P U 8 L / C DO C U M E : - . . j ON T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T LJ - \ i - UN E D E A L R E F U N D S 2 . xl s M 0 1 R e s a i e C u r r C h g s -z .:z . (j )... . , rt 1 rf J rt 1 -'. MO 1 C U R R E N T C H A R G E S P E R L I N D A P I K E -z .-z . ., ; )!J j ;- : .- . UN E D E A L R E F U N D S 2 . xl s M O 1 R e s a i e C u r r C h g s Booked In March Whal8lh bltn booked Bookin9 For April Eschelon Mcleod Tolal Esthelon Mcleod Total Change Esthelon McLeod Total Total Recla.. 264.798 361.914 626.712 412.432 412435 (214.276)262.936 409.101 672.038 457 762 541.916 025.3611 567282 563.205 888.764 449.969 (117.313)563.205 972.407 535.613 418.300 390.698 390.698 894.877 894.877 504.179 839.247 839 247 343.426 431 480 431 480 402.386 402.386 (29.095)407.146 407 146 378.051 489.348 331 854 821.202 482 759 515.378 998.137 176.936 482.759 560.952 043.711 220.647 597 597 812 812 3.215 29.341 341 32.556 736.232 736.232 749.005 749.005 12.773 766.550 766.550 779.323 335.082 335.082 335.856 335.856 774 327057 327057 327.831 204.720 204.720 165.460 165,460 (39.261)166.310 166.310 127 050 219968 377,081 597.049 208 371 224.267 432.638 (164.411)208.371 228.788 437 159 272.748 847,379 847 379 580.338 560.338 (287 041)546.940 546,940 259.899 59.163 755.552 814 715 187.873 771 913 959.786 145.011 181.873 549.910 731.782 882.854 282.789 492.723 775.512 292.190 414 402 108,593 (68.920)292.190 443.286 735.478 6Ii6.556 638.428 838.428 639,966 639.968 (2.998.461)843.814 843.874 (2,154,587) 857.983 16.929,105 18,781 088 1.134,402 13,916,857.15.711 259 (3.075.830)997.335 090.908 16,088.244 13,012.414 ESI=Mar . ucpI AZ Used Feb bIc Mar was This is 8n BCluoI only $3 "o\'l~\)t\ L\C, \)0(\.\"'1"" \ . , \;SFC?'\- \\)"\. ' O~,r\ "n..\S \,Rt '\\) . - UNE DEAl REFUNDS ~.is O'Ot Oct-40 Noy'"0'0-40 J...."F.W'"..-4'A.....,".,-4,JU"-4'Jul-4'AU9-4',..-4,YTDAOI115.9201 115.920) (38.931)(39.1)1) ION /115.512)/115.572)lIT I'B')(III) Nil /'9.883)119.8831 (BU09)(85 0011 862)(4.11821 ToIoI /321.521)(32'.521) "0'(1.123)112.292)/17.51B)13'.150) ' 143.721)(82.o'B)(115.0111 (123.'111 (138.895)(131.(128, '04)(2OD.555)(2011.111)(1130.5111 273.205 270.294.807 2118.030 228.183 213.085 I .B38.592 (11.150)121.34B)(28.101)135.585)/",8041 (53.4751 1191.172) ION 1609.180)(63'.317)/B'0.2001 (830.331)(628.1B8)(83B.O23)13.150.2"1 lIT (1201 ('22)1209)(101)('0'1 (3351 11.1188) 1.281 882 821 '0.125 7.399 822 135.119)(39.188)(43.593)(Ol.HI)101.731)/50.111)(285.7011 ('. "31 13.8351 /1.288)(lB.I72)(28.947)(34.773)(112.255) 12.302)(3.131)(5."01 (9.'Bl)(12$17)(14.188)(01.120) 32.'12 32,041 ;W.204 35.212 34.035 ;W,02'20"" 158.91BI (59.032)(1I3.M5)1'31 088)(158.SO')/198.195)18M.1I5) 110&01)(21.5551 (21 1981 143.541)(51.32111 (97.010)1231.30'1 T...'(541.549)("""OlD)(853.493)(73B.'88)("'9.1201 1983.'59)4M.on) 70101 11.123)(12.791)(11.57B)/3'.7541 /43.12BI (131.838)12510'0) 1123. '"71 (UBA95)1131.93BI /128.1041 (200.585)(2.8.158)(914.5381273.205 270.294,841 2118.030 22B.783 213.085 1.836.5112 (11154)(21 346)(28.101)(35.585)904)(53.4751 ('". 112) .... (SOl. '"0)(631.317)(6".2.0)1630.331)(62B.119)(153.895)(3.185.88'1'17 (120)('22)(209)("'1 (I.')/335)11.08815.14 B.281 882 11.821 '0.125 1.237 51- N'E /35.1191 (39.1881 (03.593)(07 HI)(09.7J9)(50..11)1285.701) (1.143)/3.835)1'.28&)(lB.H2)(26.M7)(;W.773)(12.255) (2.302)(3.138)(5. ".) 19.'87)II2.B17)(;W.54.'(&1417)32.'12 35.212 30-34.021 201.A1 (58.9IB)(59.0321 (113.6851 /137.068)1'58.80')123'.8041 (70..584)1071 /2'.555)1211981 (43.54B)(51328)(71.812)123S. '04' ","""'. SO9)(118.0101 '653.093)(131.1")1916.7201 304.115)101 "") NONPUBLIC DOClIME!\1 \ ' ONTAINS TRADE SECRF r I). \!\ UN'E DEAl REFUNDS 2.0" 11401 R.oOII MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr. April 3, 2001 From: Date: Re:Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reclass McLeod and Eschelon revenue booked resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 5240.5210 AI.626,712 (626,712) 567.282 567,282) 390,698 (3,390,698) 431,480 (431,480) 821,202 (2,821,202) 597 (597) 736,232 (736.232) 335,082 (335 082) 204,720 (204,720) 597,049 (597 049) 847,379 (847,379) 814 715 (814,715) 775,512 (775,512) 638,428 638.428) TOTAL 18,787 088 (18,787 088) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. NONPUBU( DO( '\ IMEN' O'JTAINS TR;\DE SECREI IP,I " UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2,xls 03 01 Reclass MEMORANDUM To: From: Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra. Jr. Date: Re: April 3. 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton. Mario Mendoza. Shanna Davis This is to reduce UNE-Star revenues for 10% discount that will be issued to Eschelon and McLeod should they meet they re revenue/volume commitments per the UNE-Star contract. Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5240.5210 4010.2199 105,680 (105,680) 470,691 (470,691) 295.417 (295,417) 51,398 (51.398) 369,323 (369,323) (85) 78,088 (78,088) 33.034 (33,034) 22,265 (22,265) 90,006 (90 006) 134,089 (134,089) 997 (91 997) 186.575 (186.575) 548 209 (548,209) TOTAL 476.856 (2,476,856) TRUE Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. NONPt lBLlC \)0('1 j ~11- ~ I ONTAINS TRADE SECRI- I :,' UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 03 01 10% MEMORANDUM To: From: Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr. April 3, 2001Date: Re:Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reduce resale revenues in order to align them with billing per the UNE-Starcontract with Eschelon and McLeod. Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) Slate 5240.5210 4010.2199 i';L.50,080 (50,OBO) 250,204 (250,204) (315 290)315,290 36,817 (36,817) 003,958 (1,003 958) 387 (387) (11 781)11,781 56,427 (56,427) 10,654 (10,654) 485 485) (23,759)23.759 118,300 (118 300) 49,719 (49 719) TOTAL 235,201 (1,235,201) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. 'JONPt IRI j(" DOC 'j /Mr:~ I 'ONTA INS TR,\nr SFCIU- 1 i) . UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 03 01 RaleDiff '......."","' ,.no """'-""'-"'..-.... _0'EK- .........."'- ,oo "'""..."..,".... III ."'.",........",.".....',...,...,..."'...."'........... 224.233 ,.on '..'",............ 22U' ... OIl TO"'" '..... 10'" "',......."...""'""'" '13 '82 '0-".II,lIS, ... ,oo..,,..on 11- ""..'...........-"......'.'"""., '..,J112 "'-....."",..., WII- .... """"-.0'-Ew........ ...'".................- .,.,. ,oo ",..."....,,'...."',"'.' !7io ,....- m... ,......,.'....",'.......,........ III).. ~"'......",..,..." "OW ..... .:n-nno 'W...u" ...'........ 1.3"""pUll u.'.... ...-.......,,...... lit IUI "'-'"",.".."...,..-......p..."'- :n, ....,... n'.. ....,"'" _no '................ ""13 '10 """I onJ'" ..-.....",... "'.so' ..... "'./8 .......,.... 8U28 ....... 12.128 '............ ".'n , "PI' ... ,o."" "'-'"...,..........."""" II",., '...... 611. "'... s_...."'3IJ ...... s.....' ....... IIS 'u". ...,""....,,- III"" ......""""-'- E"""'", ...'".....,.,..........- ,oo ",-,,~'" 31'""""2 ....., '22.S12 '.....-'" 1)""" ......,...,... '.0" ..,."...,'.......",.,....-..,....,.,..'...'",.. 'UI' ,,~'",..."'........'....."'....,......,,....., "'28,182 222.811lit .........""..".....",."..... 11.:120 ,..- '10 ......"'- OI.18S ,..",..... n'" .....,,.."'...........,......",....",. IS, ...-,..."""' 'u.. "',,..... "'.310 .......",."'...'"',....,,~"""""..'",........... 10, ,"..,'"" 10'."IO' "'.... ,.121, ,"......."."...., ..om ""'. 1C8 m....II. "',.""'",.~,""',.... ".....,...... I ...-...... AZ -;;-",.co OJ"" ....... so """ V1 ...,.. WA J311 ... ----;;;:m- "..... "'0'' ----;;:n"co ' ,"",.. ",....., 10 ...","':, 831100,on' "- ""'""'"... ..,....' o. , .,... so .....r;IiV1 "."A ""2 --m-o. ' """'-,- '0'",""",.- ,....,..~ co ' ,', 7"'" .. p.","" , ID ,..""", .""...., NO 1","'1Nt """- '-, ,,",-.. """'I '" 111'-"A "WY '-;:rn:;;;;- ... NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA UHE DEAL REFUNDS ".~ """- MEMORANDUM To: From: Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr. Date: Re: March 5, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate Differential cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reduce UNE-Star revenues for 10% discount that will be issued to Eschelon and McLeod should they meet they re revenue/volume commitments per the UNE-Star contract.Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 4010.2199 (90,263)90,263 (217 229)217 229 538 118 538,118) (14 835)14,835 095,407)095,407 (332)332 59,919 (59 919) (33,285)285 703 (9,703) (42,731)731 102 298 (102,298) (342 795)342,795 (64 120)120 383,732 (383,732) TOi AL 192,774 (192 774) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENl , ONTA1NS TRADE SECRET D:\ I . UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.x/s 02 01 10% MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr.From: Date:March 5, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate DifferentialRe: cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza, Shanna Davis This is to reduce resale revenues in order to align them with billing per the UNE-Starcontract with Eschelon and McLeod. Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) State 5001.4110 4010.2199 177 157 (177 157) 028 854 (1,028,854) 608,040)1 ,608,040 115,470 (115,470) 297 820 297,820) 687 (687) (58,737)58,737 215.496 (215,496) 19,374 (19,374) 16,648 (16,648) 571 (3,571) 444 237 (444 237) 148,169 (148 169) TOTAL 800 705 800,705) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. :-..jONPUBLIC DOCUMENT ONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 02 01 RateDiff MEMORANDUM To:Suzy Francis Arturo Ibarra, Jr.From: Date:March 5, 2001 Accrual For UNE Star/Resale Rate DifferentialRe: cc:Bill Easton, Mario Mendoza. Shanna Davis This is to reclass McLeod and Eschelon revenue booked resale USOAs to UNE-Star revenue --- -. --.- Below is the state and account detail. Please use RC TBLOOOOOO. Debit (Credit) Slate 5001.4110 5240.5210 926,002 (926,002) 541 094 541 094) 666,105 (3,666,105) 452 432 (452,432) 865,852 (2,865,852) (139)139 780,302 (780,302) 361 064 (361 064) 168 184 (168,184) 223.716 (223,716) 551,874 (551.874) 249,831 (1,249 831) 755,938 (755,938) 368,037 (2.368,037) TOTAL 910,291 (18 910,291) Please call if you have questions - 303-965-4324 Thank you. NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT IONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls 02 01 Reclass ,.... DISCOUNT .........- CkUO -... Do.... "..",,."", II.'"To"" """""'"......,"', II' ......."', 115'"100 "',..."......."'. T.. """,... II. "', 101 ,...... '10,U'.'-'31,'03 """0liT ...................- '10 '04 17'2"""D'U"'0'= ,..., '31. "'. 171 171,'17.211. ....... II. .....,....","..." 211.211 3DU""'.2U'IN '17717 110,3"11' ...... '.201. ...,..,,.--.-------- IkL-0_ ...... ......"..","...,.....,""" II. "'. 137 2110.11'201.131.1" ....., T".n' "'"...."....-.... '3UII' ""'" 11'. ... 121.513 "'.820 "",. UI2.3S1 "'- ..".3.113 """T ,"....""", m.n,211.221 200.2" '-. 'DU17 ... "3.121 "'. 1'0 ""'.231 2.sn.2., ""'. 70:1 13.301.'.330".'31 ... I3t ."...,,,'.... 712.181 TI1.211 null ,_:zu 3......172"" "'..., "'.IOT ,..- "1,271 ,-", NIl nDIJ '".",. 23. "'. 111 '2.022 12'. ,..- IOJ.IOI III."'..n ......,"'. :IeI ""'"' 112.211 I2I"SO 212. "'."'. 211 511.021 no.'.IJI. """" '10.031 ""'" 211.21''12.211 0'0""'0"'" ...,"'. 211 "'. 112 131.210 "'-'.. U5-12,lI'12.22"'"'2.221. '"' IJ. "'. ""21.121 11.'0:1. "'. III --- 'OTAL Od...H..... ...... '...e, ,....,.....,,......".... "~no ,n.... ......."", 131 "',112'.m,"'12,18 ""'" 2.121.u...- '~""'"' _131 ... ""1,1"II'UII.UIUII "', lI,I""" '......."', 21"171 '"'.221 ........"""" ""17II. ""' HI""'...,n uo,m """'112 ""'" lIT '01 IJI It, "'..., ""5O' "','"' "7.117 ........,"-- 172, ,...",.., no.... "','.............,'...., lI,IUI'22.'"1""1 12'.111 ...........,.. 101,'",...on ......."'. 112, '...... "U" ""',,...",....-'......""'" 121.2"UII, "','", 132 "'111 .........,.... 101,1" "'. 721 '....., 'IN ",. ""12 It..... "', Ot.....13~'"'13 "', 11'"II', ""'..""',,~....",""'" U."'REIAL! CkUO ......""'"....., CE:J ".... 2I;OU "',..~.. .un 1'. ....,;"'. ION "'."', 12''12-IIUD "1.211 'IS. ..,.... "....".- JDI ".... ".12' ".... "'100 23"" ".... IIDWA.UII I.- ..-,.... W't 3D3.'53 '03.m;DU WoL-CkUO ............,"..., II.'".A2 102 'UII ..- 'U..III "". 112 "'. 171 ... ""UII,132'0lOI C22'_,. ,"". DID,.C321,DID,21.2J.2O1 ".... 01'ION .......""",."""" ,...2" "", DIJliT ".. 122 . ",.- ,.. 111 III'"1.1121 111,1'" '". 1",CItI")112 21,111 . """. 017 - ", '" NIl 111 '.222 U..UJO':rT1 ,.."'."' 12'OR. "'. IJO,ID.D'.'D'O'C3J.D'Di C".D'D'50, ..-"..."",.", OID 21""23.811 ,.- 'IN '".,...... "s. ,'"",..., TOUL UNh."""Odoll H.....00,..., .,...."...,...,.., TolII ... 31.211 3"'" "... '0,117,11' ......,'""""',,"""', 1.0".m,.(221,"11 12"'01",132',(221,0lOI III., ID '51 21.111 '..........."', '12 IIU"IIN "", "~'ro ......."', IOU..,.1.211, ",.,..,..,... 113~It,CI1II2I IIt,A',111;""III. '", C",n7)11'.. ...... 211,'SO 121 "" ' ,.2" """ 1,217 """ 121 ,~...""" C""" "." II;'" '"' 'DUll "'. 21,212 22, "', 'IN 22'0". """"--.;;;;;;;;- .". A...IA.... ......,"', III""I"""1211,221'";U" "", 111 '22.'" "',,""""~'"... (2221 "",""'" 132, 112 ""'" COJ,nI,III.'13"" "'..., (242 ""... '10,12" 12'"1m "', '",...... 120,""0 NUN PUBliC DOCUMENT . ' ONTAINS TRADE SECRET DAT. "".,.. (', "0' '.1"-'" '". II. "". "0' "..... II 10 Am . 0"," ..,..., 117. 011. "0'II~'" ""' III 7211 OIl II, fl. ..." '0' UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.IS FebO"wt8C11up I 10% DISCOUNT I Mar YTD Accrual True-up Apr Accrual Total AprYTDEschetonAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTotalApr Accr AccrualVicki180,721 172.038 683)10,974 10,975 292 183,013Vicki393,047 333.539 (59,508)56,321 56,321 (3,188)389,860 Vicki 388 459 478,888 429 48,276 823 099 173,528 561 987 NM 197,405 255,402 997 20,837 20,347 184 181 296,587Julie Vicki 101.937 138,142 205 18,787 292 079 63,283 165,221Julie285,867 334,492 48,624 29,219 736 55,955 104,579 390,446 541,437 112,501 165,064 173,440 101,172 274.612 439 676 987,113 McLeod March YTD Accrual True-up Apr Accrual Total AprYTDAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResale Act Other Est Total Apr Accr Accrual104642130,459 25,817 243 279 43,522 69,339 173,981743682994754251072288,676 987 316.663 567 736 311 418245814331026212389,488 23,694 413.181 504,393 750,207159.715 154 113 (5,602)40,239 588 827 41,224 200,940565,370 745 131 119,761 251 538 532 306,070 485,837 051,20719671622,520 381 11.304 11,685 34,205 401477718476,380 338)901 258 82,159 80,821 558,538197.078 194,817 (2,201)33,586 938 36,524 322 231 40046,010 53,340 330 16,546 131 18,677 26,007 12,017138,826 104 477 (34 349)22,427 816 243 (10 106)128,720346.283 354,968 685 56.034 698 60,732 69,417 415,700 361 960 429 783 823 77,191 144 82,336 150,158 512,119 156 682 165,271 589 41,440 (6,816)624 43,213 199,895031773774920(256.853)63,997 11.997 75,994 (180 859)850,914575,749 938.222 362,473 397,686 155,550 553,236 915,709 491.458 TOTAL Mar YTD Accrual True-up Apr Accrual Total AprYTDAccrOnBksAccrPerActsChangeResaleOtherTolalApr Accr Accrual285,363 302 497 134 244 13,254 497 631 356,994136,729 328,293 191 564 344,997 987 372,984 554,548 701,277245,814 337,026 212 389,488 23,694 413,181 504,393 750,207159715154113(5,602)40,239 588 46,827 41,224 200 940953,829 224 025 270,196 299,814 89,355 389,169 659,365 613.19319622.116 22,520 381 304 11,685 34,205 401477718476,380 338)901 258 82,159 80,821 558,538197078194,877 201)33,586 938 36,524 34,322 231 40001053,340 330 16,546 131 677 007 72,017336.231 359 880 23,648 43.264 163 65.427 075 425 307346,283 354,968 685 56,034 698 60,732 69,417 415 700463,898 567 925 104,027 95,979 436 109,415 213 442 677 340442549499,762 57,213 659 19,920 90,579 147,792 590,341031773774920(256.853)63,997 997 75.994 (180.859)850,91410,123 186 10,650,723 527,531 571 126 256,722 827,848 355,385 12,478,570(707 185) 9,416 001 (101,403) 314 598 707185 11771385. 101403 11669982, , (J\ I'\l:-JS TRADE SECRF-tJN1:'b~AL REFUNDS 2,xls 04 0110% ~ONPl.lBLIC DOCUMF!'n ess 3/30/01 Wire 10 A07 ess 4/27101 Wire 10 A07 Current Balance MOl BILLING FOR lABS PRODUCTS I'" ,";,., Rev ManY, Siale Ocr.Noy-OO Oec-OO Ja".OI Feb-Ol Ma,.Apr.()'May.Juo-OI Grand T o'a'13.24')13.311)(2.923)(3.031)(2.961)(2.664)(5.130)725)(SO.859)179.845)475.695 160.515)(15.368)(81.742)(83.959)(40.285)(22 561)(17 915)(20.2301)133 115(33681)(79.678)(107 951)(82.916)(96.143)(79.280)(52.066)(28.736)(38.499)(608.948)270)(388)13011)('46)(166)(2,697)(19.040)(12.889)i6.443)(43.381)(79.989)(98.639)179.577)(70.151)(110.548)(124 360)(169 422)(170. lOB) (184.587)OB7381) (60)(60)(222)1870)(24)(21)(596)453 (1.048)(3012)(327)(2.997)(5)(5)(143)(803)(6.518)(8.655)(6.360)(6.417)(28.895)(1.603)619)339)(1.073)414)114)(2.625)(3.011)(2.122)(15.920)752)(2.887)443)(1.826)(2.727)(2.3010)(2.925)(5.206)(3.305)(26.411). (12 150)4.323 (3.836)584)(6.704)(13.715)(5.990)(6.235)(6.3011)(58.232)(30.623)(20.540)(15.970)(15.691)(15.307)(21 652)(16.175)(21.400)(17.709)(175.068)(5.934)(5.196)(4.979)847)(5.307)584)(5.203)(5.036)(5.573)(46.660)(5)(49)(1)(35)(61)(107)Grand T alai 304.237 1269.325)(234.758)(269.219)(326.633)(298.757)(320.878)(283.025)(3012.4301)(2.040.791) fUN, EUR. fuu rev type""" one,l.,.."... ".... Produd RevType PLTS (All) Rev ManY, 5'0'0 OCI-Nov-OO Ooc-OO Jon.Feb-OI Ma,.Apr.()1 May.Ju".OI Grand To'o'(39.922)(42.086)(39.6.c6)(38.116)(44 429)(42.749)(SO.307)(56.978)(89.840)(444 072)(65 558)(110.458)(111 131)(107.544)(116.260)(122,881)(165.519)(158 307)(173.389)(1.131.048)(300.521)(282.439)(311.486)(3012.129)(414 463)(396.873)(3BO.491)(424 693)(389.941)(3.243.037)(57.922)(58.748)(53.439)(58.528)(58.107)(62.128)(86.175)(82.768)(80.891)(598.705)(444 96!)(478.753)(423,715)(473.935)(479.393)(477.068)(553.812)(572.827)(487.606)392.071)(73)(73)(73)(73)(73)(73)(73)(73)(2.217)(2.802)(6.478)(13.777)(6,246)(10.464)(8.403)024)(9.027)(13.917)(26.231)(102.568)16.645)336)(13,872)(28.970)(22.721)(29.201)(28.070)(24017)(23.994)(184 825)655)(5.738)588)968)984)(5.047)(6.265)(5.775)(43.663)(85.683)133.213)(32.326)(330487)(33.7SO)(31.397)(31.177)(32.212)(46.210)(44 375)(318.207)(11.738)(10,901)(11685)(12.188)(10.933)(18.090)(18.110)(54.257)(21.109)(165.011)(134 559)(110.997)(161 569)(140.384)(142.868)(142.955)(139.865)(153.573)(143.008)(1.269.778)(44 589)(45.583)(44 761)(48.680)(44 721)(49.303)'(46.358)(58.885)(97.911)(4BO.791)444)(5.176)(4.452)471)787)801)SOB)253)446)(41.338)G,and Tala'155.3J7)204 391)220.150)(1.304 200)383.540)388 369)(1.518.794)656.533)628.622)(12,459.936) ~"""'II \IONPUBL/(' DOCUMENT Rov ManY, '-. S'ale OCI-OO Nav-OO Cec-OO Jan-l)1 Fob-01 Ma,.AOI-oI May-OI Ju".O1 G,ond TOl8'(192.915)(t80.158)(206.936)(241.990)(188.233)(275.452)(224 241)(248.020)(268.332)(2,026.279)(412 435)(369.018)(409.664)(369.131)(237 153)(640.3301)(438.372)(387.666)(367 229)631 004)(J55.180)(337.820)(367 995)(128.089)(13.755)(275.722)(255.363)(275.709)(318.116)(2.327 751)(215.88t)(207 929)(210.591)(202.952)(188,710)(182.256)(217.693)(229.012)(215,494)(1.870.517)(195.915)(235.987)(245.256)(111 112)(204 ,482)(165.391)(132.312)(150.157)(211 938)652.551)(6)(4)(5)(4)(6)(8)(6)(6)(46)(24 961)(38.119)(37.281)(17 211)(9.032)(26.004)(20.974'(26.512)(24 647)(224 741)(29 415)(52.082)(37 225)(44 098)(23.713)(30.516)(30. ..,) (26661)(301.409)(308.560)("9.462)(123.400)(198.264)(112.917)(139.396)(153,381)(122.5541 (143.229)(178.198)(1.320.801)(164 430)(171 752)(142.518)(161 052)(137 075)(168.8OS)(150,844)(171 371)('68.466)436,313)(116.966)(112 844)(107 345)(40.261)(29 466)(74.794)(74 085)(76.340)197537)(729 638)(221 757)(221 795)(222.4'5)(209.628)(128.098)(224,690)(219.365)(200 385)(281 559)(1.929.693)(3018.545)(317 871)(301.087)(282.012)(227 664)(279,807)(375.3010)(436.301)(393.916)(2.962 541)(27,547)(22.64')(22,642)(9.605)(12 810)(27 752)(19.182)(20.280)(16.708)(179.216)Grand To'al 455.417)(2.391 422)509.225)(1,930,113)539.594)(2.524 911)12.280 772)12.391 650)(2,576549)(20 599651) AINS TRADE SECRET DA T..'\ Trade Secret Data Ends! 061241200211:07 AM CONFIDENTIAL UN~ DEAL REFUNDS 24" 1.10""'9"'00' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 44 Case No. QWE-06- AT&T !iHHii:i;niiBfH-fUUB -- ~~-~ - - - iHiHHHiHiB5B IIIUUii - - ~ - iii~ii;;IHiHil!!I!! !ilUil ~HiiHiH!:;~I!P! ;;!A:!!i ilia!iUiilil!!"! :Pli:! i;55:::HH'iI g:S H-;;Hi :HllSili5Hi~IiI! UAlU' Ii iil!"'H iii:ii~I"IJ! "'.-.a;e iiiHI"'iUHU!"'I!"I~ ee-.a;. IiUI"'HiHU'I"IJ! "e-'a;e liiil!"'HiHiI!'l!eeJ! "e-.a;e i!!.II-H~HHIJ- . .:-. .e"' If !lIUIHH;1; =ii :;-."11; 1!~~~-HiiH!! ! - - -! - !HI!I-"a;Ua;; p! ~. - i "a=J!a-eJ!;;U=: : - - ~ - 8IEU-B;iI!5H ~ - - - iaUIi-;ilJi!5I , -. - - Ir"-e--- .=- liI!ilHiHIiIllIIlIi-JCiilJlUJ :iI- .' .o- IHliiiHilHiiiHaull Ul!iiJli . -- I -iii!PUHU!I P~!i! EliaUH ;Hiii!"';!~~ !P! BaliU ~UUID"iI!l~U!II !I=~U& ... UUiiU" ,;I!Hs~=! U ou: ~8.1115i!fUi5~ ! ~ I ~ Ii; ~ Iia -- :i ii! ! . ! a ! . i i i!! ~ 2 . ,! ~- . I: ~ II ii ~ I - .; . .o . i ; J ~ i ~ i ~ J ~ ; e ! !.....,',...,-, . 'I' "";i'"' """' ..'.,""-'" :,:,! iJl~ \ .. ,:,;~, ,':c' T.Ac. .. 1 Tl'1Ide secret data ends! Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 45 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T eoJUSj.. / Qwest Meeting - May Is...rd Floor of the Hyatt - Royal Room Subject: McLeodUSA / Qwest Meeting - May 1st from lOam to 2pm on the 3rd Floor ofthe Hyatt - Royal RoomDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 11:23:51 -0600From: "McCann, Jill J" .qill.McCann~qwest.corn;::'To: "Cruciotti, Augie M." O:::::Augie.Cruciotti~qwest.com;::'Filip, Dana" O:::::Dana.Filip~qwest.com;::' , " Spohn, Wayne" O:::::Wayne.Spohn~qwest.corn;::'Kline, Carol" -::::Cxkline~qwest.com;::' , " Kline, Carol" O:::::Carol.Kline~qwest.com;::'Snider, Patricia" o:::::psnider~qwest.com;::' , " McKenney, Audrey" o:::::axmcken~qwest.com;::'Boone, Mark D." O:::::Mark.D.Boone~qwest.com;::'Galvin, Charlie" o:::::Charlie.Galvin~qwest.com;::' . " Pearcy, Linda" "::::Linda.Pearcy~qwest.com;::' , " Pearcy, Linda" o:::::Ijpearc~qwest.com;::'Anthony, Diane - USWEST" O:::::diane.anthony~qwest.com;:'CC: "Shearbum, Jim" O:::::Jim.Shearburn~qwest.com;::' (Trade Secret Data BegiDc5 The following attachment in Word is the standing agenda for the McLeodUSA / Qwest Meeting tomorrow, the first of May, in the "Royal Room " of the Hyatt.The second attachment in HTML is a forward sent from Gary Dupler regarding issues that concern McLeodUSA. Please take a minute to look these overprior to 10: OOam tomorrow. Thanks, and please feel free to call me wi th any questions or concerns youhave regarding this meeting. -Jill McCannAdministrative Assistant 303/992-2559 -----Original Message-----From: Gary E. Dupler (mailto: gdupler~McLeodUSA. comSent: Friday, April 27 , 2001 9:03 AMTo: Shearburn, Jim Cc: McCann, Jill J; Lori A. WinkleSubj ect: Re: rw: McLeod USA / Qwest Exchange jim, i appreciate the offer and i will have lori contact your secretary to makethe arrangements for our transportation and the exact location that we willland. as to any issues other than those we have been discussing i would be happy discuss if we have time. look forward to seeing you monday. Gary I--------+-------------------------~I "Shearburn, f Jim ~Jim. Shearburn~ II qwest.com~ 04/27/2001 07:45 AM P-4211C-02-197 DOC 08-212Trade Secret Attachment lof3 NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 4/30/01 1:19 PM Mc:"'eoJUSJ:.' Qwest Meeting - May ls...rd Floor of the Hyatt - Royal Room ------+-------------------------~~----------- --- --- -- --- -- - -- ---- ----------- - --- - -- --- - --- - --- - - -- ---- - -- - --- To:Gary E. Dupler/MCLEOD~MCLEOD cc:McCann, Jill J" '::Jill. McCann&qwest. corn:' Subj ect :FW: McLeodUSA Qwest Exchange Gary, We are looking forward to your visit next week. Here is a preliminaryagenda, please add subjects for discussion at you~ discretion. have attached, along with the draft agenda and lunch menu , a memo fromAudrey McKenney addressing some concerns Blake surfaced recently. . We can certainly expan9 the agenda to include Blake s issues, but ca~~tdly wanted to make sure you are aware of them prior to the meeting, and get yourthoughts. Again we look forward to your visit, we are prepared to have a limo meet youat the airport, understand you will arrive in a private jet. Will youland at DIA or Centennial? If you are unable to schedule a groundtransportation pickup due to flexible schedule etc, we will forego thatcourtesy, and expect you guys to arrange appropriate transportation to theHyatt. Let me know your thoughts on the inclusion of these most recent issues for our meeting. Please respond to Jill as well on additional agenda items, as she will be . including them in the formal agenda document. am on the road today, willbe available on cell, 314-568-8183 if you have questions. Thanks, JPS -----Original Message----- From: McCann, Jill Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:3.1 PMTo: Shearburn, Jim; Cruciotti, Augie M.; Kline, Carol; Filip,Patricia; McKenney, Audrey; Boone, Mark D.; Galvin, CharlieCc: Anthony, Diane - USWEST Subj ect: McLeodUSA Qwest ExchangeImportance: High Dana; Snider, McLeodUSA / Qwest Exchange NONPUBUC DOCUMENT Date: May 1st, lOam - 2prnMSTLocation: Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1750 Welton St.The Royal Room, located on the 3rd Floor. CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A 2 of3 4/30/01 1:19 PM Mt:"'eoclUSA.' Qwest Meeting - May Is...rd Floor of the Hyatt - Royal Room Lunch will be provided. Please make your selections from the attached menuprovided. ASAP back to me no later than April 27th. . Attached you will also find this meet ing ' s pending agenda.over and send additions and comments to Jill McCann by Friday, April 27th. Please look Qwest attendees include: Augie Cruciotti, Carol Kline, Dana Filip, Patty Snider, Jim Shearburn,Audrey McKenney, Mark Boone, Charlie Galvin McLeodUSA attendees include: Gary Dupler, Mike Edl, Eric Wilkens, Curt Gray, Larry Murphy Thank you in advanced for you input! Jill McCannAdministrative Assistant Qwest Communi ca tions303/992-2559 Name: May 1st meeting agenda.docType: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Description: Mac Word 3. Download Status: Not downloaded with message May 1st meeting agenda. doc Name: Re First quarter meeting noyes.htmarthtmType: Hypertext Markup Language (textJhtm1)Irs ermee m es. tab1nco 109: quo e -pnn Description: Internet HTML NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A 3 on 4/30/011:19 ~ I f c ~ p. 11 1 ~ / f - il 'A J ~ ~ - ~- - \; i ~ ~~ f j ' . 1- ~ f l i 1 V ) l . ~ ~ - ~ .. " ~ , . / \ . . . . \A - . ~ ~ ' f f~ ' " - - f _ "' " . \k i L l . _ . ", " "' . - , - AIe l ) ' 1 s f j 0 : 0 0 CU l l t o :0 0 p m NO N - P U B L I C D O C U M E N T Ol d B u s i p e s s CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A PR I D i s c u s s i o n - M c L e o d U S A m e e t i n g a l t e r n a t e p r i c e p l a n -- L o c a l a c c e s s c o n n e c t i o n is s u e - M c L e o d U S A P O P t o Q w e s t C O ( e x a m p l e = Ce n t r a l i z e d D i a l I P - s t a t u s WM S A s t a t u s Re s o l u t i o n o f ' Be l l S o u t h ' - l i k e t e n l 1 i n a t i n g v o i c e p r o d u c t Sp o k a n e ) l: ' ~ e w Bu s i n e s s - M c L e o d U S A pr i v a t e l i n e / l o c a l a c c e s s re q u i r e l n e n t s o n Q w e s t n e t w o r k . . Q w e s t p r i v a t e l i n e / l o c a l a c c e s s r e q u i r e l n e n t s o n IV l c L e o d U S A n e t w o r k . - I R U fo r 2 Q O 1 - C o r n r n i t I n e n t f r o r n lV l c L e o d U S . t ' \ t o d o s i . ln i l a r r r o c l u c l . , 00 0 qu i d p r o q u o de a l s . Ot h e r t o p i c s a s p r o v i d e d b y c u s t o l n e r o r i n t e r n a i p2 . I t i e s J: J G u . ~ '\ - \ 4 \C ; ~ dd - ck x \ t ttJ c u i 17 ; l L ) ' ! J y 1 P f f i OJ , ~P w 1 7 ~L ~ ~ In ~ 6 \ L (; f . . j J - , cJ - ' J'i ' J- ; QY J. \' 1 \ \ ' 1\ 1 ' \) - / , , . ~ --- ,! - Y' . , : ( \ f y. J .~ I; ) r 7 ,' f ' - , ~ \t ' u~ . ~ ~ ' ~ l) ' f' ~- 0: - ( ~\ J . ' v ~ (~ \ ~ l/ \ f, ':: ; : . ~ c r p- v -1 t l . r i , A , A . . ( Q. . - . ' l c ; $ . ~" - L. " ~ ~ , t . . . . . Hl A . 1 - - - t - I rf - - ~I tJ , / - . 9 ~( ) ..- -. - - -- - - v. - .. / h C v v - ( 0/1 " \ . () 7 ~ w . . v 1 - (, J I l / I L ~ " ~l SV L . - r' ~c - ~ .. . J . ; . , . r1 1 fJ I cP L - "I 51 1 A . bL t ~ ~ CJ r x - h / h .. . . , ( , J I "" Al r ~ NO N P U B L I C D O C U M E N T CO N T AJ N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A .. r - /" ' " ' . ). . . . Lv - v ? ;- - ) J c.' l (' -r ~.) "\\ - ; - - r . J I , o , . j" ' 7 p~ - - , 1~ l i J Y ~ Tn " l e ~ ; j : . ., t / ) H \ ! ) ~ : r - '! : ! Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 46 Case No. QWE-06- AT&T DOC 336 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFOR~~TION REQUEST P421/CI-01-1371 and P421/C-02-197 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson , Sharon 07/10/2002 07/18/2002 REQUEST: JI.dmit that the note (TRADE SECRET DATA BEGINS "We have an agreement that they.get additional 10% off of billing by Q" TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS) on the lastpage of Exhibit 11 to these requests was written by Audrey McKe~~ey. RESPONSE: The note (TRADE SECRET DATE BEGINS " We have an agregment that they getadditional 10% off of billing by Q" TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS), on thelast page of Exhibit 11 to these requests was written by Audrey Mckenney The note related to PRI discussions that were ongoing at thetime. Respondent:Audrey MCKenney Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 47 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T ",/ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Stacey D. Stewart (sstewart~McleodUSA.comJFriday, May 25. 2001 6:52 AM filip.dana(g)qwestcom; dult~qwest.com; axmcken(g)qwestcom: James T Stacey D. Stewart Issues List MINNESOTA DOCKET NO. P421/CI-Ol-1371 AND P421!C-O2-197 DOC- of3 - Z-( 2- ATTACHMENT: ITrade secret data begins Balvanz l!J Mac Word 3. Here s the issue list we discussed yesterday. I think it' s detailed enough, butif you still have questions please feel free to give me a call at 319-790-6140or Jim at 319-790-6052. Thanks and we ' 11 talk to you on' Wednesday. Have a good holiday weekend. Stacey (See attached file: McLeodUSA and Qwest Issues.doc) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T..; Confidential McLeodUSA and Qwest Operational and Billing Issues May 24th, 2001 1. ANI over T- Description: McLeodUSA currently utilizes dedicated 1-1 connectivity into their common blocks for the consolidation of long distance traffic to their preferred LD provider. We currently receive out LD bill without originating ANI because Qwest will not pass the ANI through the common block to the T-l circuits. McLeodUSA isforced to reconcile their LD bill utilizing SMDR records which are prone to error and inaccuracies. This coupled with issues related to account codes, we have 5-7% falloutof calI records that cannot be identified and thus are not billed to an end user, McLeodUSA loses revenue and is forced to absorb the LO billing.. This issue is o\'5 years old and continues to cause McLeodUSA a great deal of revenue not to mention customer credibility. Expected Outcome: McLeodUSA expects that Qwest provide the ANI over T -Ionall dedicated circuits identified by McLeodUSA and these would be limited to only those circuits currently supporting their LD efforts from Centrex resell common blocks. Justification: McLeodUSA is the single largest wholesale contract for Qwest and th~ UNE-M product is very narrowly focused and could easily be used to fence this service off from being offered to any other party. Additionally, it is difficult to understand how this issue would impact ANY other carrier within the Qwest ILECfootprint. Customers allover the country use LD carrier T-I circuits to their switchesto achieve a lower LD rate and we are doing nothing more than this. However. Qwest is the 'owner' of our switch and we need for Qwest to allow the ANI to pass through their (our) switch and to our selected LD company. 2. Ala Carte Feature Rates Description: Our UNE-M agreements calls for us to default all features, not includedin our bundled line rate, to published rates associated with each feature by state. We have spent several months trying to reach agreement on what these rates should be since many of these rates had noi been published in tariffs. We have used inteiconriection agreement rates where appropriate or we have defaulted to tariff rates when no agreement existed. In states with neither, we have used the cost worksheet provided by Audrey McKenney dated 9/14/2000. Qwest has proposed a flat rate, region-wide per feature rate however, when applied, this rate is substantially higher than the per feature/per state rate priced individually. McLeodUSA has provided a counterproposal using a flat rate scenario which, once applied, provides a total costequal to what would have nonnally been paid under the individual interconnection agreements or published rates. NONPUBLIC DOCUME!\iT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T. Expected Outcome: McLeodUSA expects to pay the 'going rate . for each featUre by state. If this can be accomplished through a flat, region-wide rate McLeodUSA \....ould support and this is what we feel we have proposed in our counterproposal. The rate should be exclusive of any overall customer discount. Justifications: McLeodUSA does not expect to pay any less (or more) for these particular features. We utilized the cost worksheet when originally calculating the impact ofUNE-M deal and we feel as though our comparisons to ONE-? would have included these individual rates. 3. Mutual Preferred Vendor Plan Description: As part of our UNE-M agreement, McLeodUSA is eligible for a customer specific qt+arterly override of 10% based on total expenditures with Qwest for the applicable quarter. There appears to be significant difficulties in reconciling these expenditures between McLeodUSA and Qwest. Expected Outcome: McLeodUSA would expect timely and accurate payment 0 f the customer specific override amount. As a result, McLeodUSA is recommending the following process. McLeodUSA will present Qwest with an invoice for the customer specific quarterly override. McLeodUSA will utilize the actual check register as a basis for determining total expenditures with Qwest for the quaner. McLeodUSA will add to the expenditures remedy credits that have been credited against Qwest invoices. McLeodUSA will make available to Qwest, at their request, this information for their review. McLeodUSA would expect a check or wire transfer of the override amount within 21 days of receipt of the invoice. Justification: It appears that Qwest has a great number of operating and billing systems making it impractical for Qwest to assemble of the 'paid' charges for a given month or quaner. The best means of calculating these amounts is directly from the amounts paid and this is easily derived from McLeodUSA's actual cash payments. These payments inherently adjust for the creation and settlement of disputes. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA 4. McLeod USA's logic for UNE-MR (Residential offering) Description: As part of the proposed term sheet provided to Qwest. McLeodL'SA isproposing a residential offering that would incorporate the 1 FR platform within Qwest while receiving many of the pricing benefits ofUNE-P. The McLeodUSAproposal would utilize the IFR platform region-wide as a delivery mechanism 'Withpricing benefits similar to UNE- In areas where UNE-P has a lower cost basis than 1 FR, a monthly true-up between the IFR price paid and eligible UNE-P cost. In areas where IFR has a lower cost basis than UNE-P. McLeodUSA will pay the I FR rate PLUS the forgone applicable Qwest access revenue. McLeodUSA will receive and bill all access minutes for.all WINs. All features to be priced and billed at UNE-P rates. Expected Outcome: McLeodUSA would expect that this pricing and platform solution be given immediate and serious consideration by Qwest. We would expect that Qwest would assist McLeodUSA in understanding the appropriate rate structure. Justification: We believe that this proposal is truly a win-win proposal since it allows: McLeodUSA and Qwest to operate on a single platform. Proposal would be access revenue neutral for Qwest Proposal could be revenue enhancing to Qwest based on deeper penetration for features, voice mail and DSL. Proposal would allow McLeodUSAto enter new markets and penetrate existing markets even further. McLeodUSA does not expand their residential plans without significant economic benefits. 5. Outstanding Minnesota Reciprocal Compensation Description: A $2.7M unresolved balance still exist in amounts owed by US West/Qwest prior to the effect date of our bill and keep settlement agreement which is comprised of two separate components. Minnesota commission ruled a new rate of $.00451 effective March 15 . 2000. USWest/Qwest has applied this lower rate on minutes prior to March 151 2000 but were invoiced on March 3rd, 2000. This accounts for$l.lM of the unresolved balance listed above and has been conveyed in letter to Tom PQntinen on May 9th, 2000. . The remaining $1.6M unresolved balance is related to unsubstantiated disputes of transiting traffic which is no longer an issue since McLeodUSA is now bill and keep with Qwest. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A Expected Outcome: McLeodUSA expects Qwest to pay $1.1 M for traffic properly rated prior to March 151, 2000. . McLeodUSA would expect Qwest to make a reasonable settlement proposal to put this issue behind us. Justification: It was agreed that we would have settled all outstanding claims and disputes as part of our settlement agreements from April 2000, however, due to timing issues these specific items were not addressed. 6. Outstanding Unpaid Access Charges Description: A $4.9M unresolved balance still exist in amounts owed by USWestlQwest prior to the effect date of our bilI and keep settlement agreement which is comprised of access charges billed by McLeodUSA to USWest/Qwesr. These amounts were disputed by Qwest. After review by McLeodUSA it was detennined that the actual charges to USWestlQwest should have been $160K. Expected Outcome: McLeodUSA expects Qwest to pay the re-rated charges of$160K. Justification: It was agreed that we would have settled all outstanding claims and disputes as part of our settlement agreements from April 2000, however, due to timing issues these specific items were not addressed. 7. Meet Point Tape Penalty Charged by Qwest Description: Qwest is demanding McLeodUSA pay $461 K related to McLeodUSA not supplying Qwest with tapes necessary for Qwest to bill IXCs. McLeodUSA . agrees that Qwest may be entitled to a share of the $461 K, however, disagrees with Qwest's application of all related charges. Expected Outcome: Due to the disagreement of these charges and since the problem has been corrected we would expect that these charges woul~ be dropped. Justification: In consideration of the larger issues facing our two companies and as a show of good faith. McLeodUSA expects Qwest to waive these charges including any applicable interest or late payment charges. 8. Facilities Issue Description: Qwest is disputing $744K in LIS trunking charges associated with McLeod USA's desired configuration at the DSllevel. Qwest believes that McLeodUSA should be passing these charges to them at the more cost effective DS3 level, however, this is not the way that McLeodUSA (or even Qwest) manages capacity. It is our betiefthat we have the ability to pass these charges on at the DS 1 level. In either case, Qwest should at least be paying the DS3 rate, which they are not. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA Expected Outcome: This issue needs to be resolved prior to our meeting on May 31 SI . McLeodUSA is prepared to listen to a workable solution that would correct this balance and agree to the methodology going forward. At a minimum, McLeodL'SA would expect that Qwest would pay charges at the DS3 level. Justification: LIS capacity has been and continues to be managed at the DS 1 level and it seems appropriate to bill these trunks at the DS 1 level instead of DS3. If DS3 is a more cost effective means of delivering these services then we would need to ensure that capacity is being managed at the DS3 level. 9. Netech Description: Neteeh (eie 0098) access minutes were delivered to McLeodUSA in our fIrSt batch of minutes, but have since disappeared. The crc for this company and billing address seems to be a Qwest CIC, but we cannot verify this nor have we been able to have anyone describe why these minutes have disappeared. This issue has been brought to Audrey McKenney and Perry Hook's attention but we have received not response. Expected Outcome: MeLeodUSA is seeking confmnation that Netech CIC does or does not belong to Qwest and a response as to why the minutes went from 200K minutes per month to zero. Justification: In order to ensure the integrity of the minutes being received by McLeodUSA we feel it necessary to 'scrub' these types of issue and to investigatethese types of abnonnalities. Trade secret d:lta ends) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Idaho P~lic Utilities CommissIon Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 48 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T ~e"e'yed ~'~I ".,r:: ~cr' :: ------'00.-- --- _00" --- - --- ------- - - - -.-- --'-_00_--.----.-- --- --.- --- --- ~~: tru.-u, :c:;""= :: , ~:, , ,oppi,cn,on'vn::"m.-exc.: No... :-,.pe ~:: :rue'u, Jc~;'...; ::x:,~'c,.c.c': Exee: .critsne., Er.eod,n",De,==,,:,c~,b"e'" '"""01":: Ex"e, ~- Subjec:, Re, True-up cred"Dilte, Tue. 2ij Noy 2~C: ,~ 5~ 5: -ijEC~From: "Lon 1., Deut..eye,.. dde...t..eyer~"cLeodUS1., carr"To, Ar.tbony ..o,h,ng:,,", ,,""."h! .,..u:, c=, Was the .',.e tho: ...e rec..ve~ loot weer, lor ~5,. or. the J...:y, ;'u9 .onc ~e~:true u~; Fro"" AAthon)' "OS~-'""'tO" '1X.'S~!" ""..:, c=, e" ::,15:;OC: :;, :: p", Te Lori 1., Deut",eyer:MC"_EODJM:-_E==e: 'Subject Re' True-u~ trod,: Lori. W. changed the uue-uF ~roeess. .::t" In. July:;'u; true-u~ and cn we .i:: no:thetotal. therefore ~:~ec" ..-ct.'t hI'" tc lend Owel: true-up debitl, Anthony" Lon 1. Deut..eyer" ""'0:0 , Thon~1 , Fr",,-, Antnony "uh,n",:o" .ox...huqwe.: e"",, or. ~2J09!2001 0~,5~ AI". , To, Lor iI., Deut..e," 'MC"_EODiMC1.EOO, ee, SubJec:, Re True-u~ cred::: , Lon. , We'll get the .:::0 to CU eorly ne~t wee' , You Ihould ",et Septeltbers numbers lner todol' , Anthony" , " Lon 1., Deut..eyer' wrote, , , W. ore good ..-ah thole numbers Let..e kno... when 0 CAn expect the ...eand , then, ,leon olio ge: bock to you .. to when "e w,11 w..e IIIOney to I'OU llac, , , Thonks, Lon , , Fren:, h.~thonr ....h,n",ton .oxw..h,..qwu: .eom, on 11/06::001 O' ,:3 PM, , To, Lor ;., Deuu.eyer IMCLEOo..MCLEOC , , ee, , , Subject: Re True-uF aed" , , Lori., . Atuched u the re""ed True.up, Alter tne chon",el were ..ode onIddinonol , . 56636 il . . Idded to the True.up. . , II you hove Iny quelnonl let me kno..' . , Anthony'See nuehed file, MCl true-up Jul1.ug 01.xlll , .. -.----. - - -- - _00 - - -..- ---_. - - - - ---... - -- --00_--- --. - - - - 0000"- -- - - - -.---,. MOl true-up Jul1.u", 0:....10, ,opplien,on/vnd....-exeel No..e MOl true-up JulAug 01.xllType Mlcrololt Excel ..orklhee: Enco(l1ng bo.e6.Delenpnon, M!crololt Excel ~7 SubJect, Re, True-up credl: DOt" Tue, 27 Noy 2001 Ij. 46:" - 0600From: .Lori I., Deut..eyer" o1deutmeyer""cLeodUSA.co""To: Anthony ....h,ngton cI...wolhi.qwelt. co.", I figured out the 55,6 cndn end you ore n",ht thot WAI ~nd quortenpreterred vendor dilcount. 1 om It ill re...rch,ng the Sept, ~ . , , Do you know when you vi 11 hove the 3rd quort er pre I erred vendordilcountcAlculAted? Lori FrOll: Anthony ....h,ngton .lxwuhH.qwelt, CO'h on 11/21/2001 10, JC AMTo: Lori A. Deut..yer/"~"CLEOCcc: SubjeCt:: Re: True'up credit Plgo 30 ~~CNPU8UC DOCU;/~:iT :Qt~TAINS T~4DE SECRET DATA Ler, . : be:',e--, t~~: tte !:.; ~.. t~e .relerre~ ve~ci:!r cre=~: -, 0;05 ~c:....:lysentb~cr,,~ 0:: Co.." "oc c~ec. the "a. date tc mar.. s~re' ":"he credle _.~S !cr the;.pr,;-,June :1';'0' per'c~ ~e:"e .noo; tne euc: ~mour.t.s= : c~n ..~:=~ ,:aguns:ou:recoras. )'o~r ;~, :'-l.u9 tn.e- u;: cre",: "t:: be sent f1 nt t~tn9 next w..etAloc.Ie:.... know i! you Mve an\' ...un wal: Sep:elllbe:'. t:u..-u;: data tha: ~O5 .enttwcweek.age. It not :'1: SUrt tne wue proce.. Rece,,'e.: Emu:'. !r= !.crt = tnan... 1.r.thon,' Lcr~ ;" De~tmeyer. -....::e , "05 the o;,.e tn~: "e :ecelvea :a.: veer. tcr $5.f 01". the .1ull'. ,\u9Sept. , true u;:' ana , FrO1ll' Ionthonl' "as!':tn9tc.., .axva.hl.'qV...t,cO1ll' 01". :1:15:.0(1 04,~; PI'.,Te, ~er,;,. Deut..eyer/M::LEO"",I'.;:U;CCcc.,Sub)ect, Rt. ,rue-u;: cree" , Lor,. , "e changed :he true-u;: proce.., vlth the .1ul\'/Aug true-up and o~ we willnetthe , to:.l. tneretore M:leed won': have te .end Owes: tn.e-up debUI. , Anthonr " , - Lon;'. Deut..eyer' "rote. , . Than... , . From. Antho~y N..hlngtOn .axw"h"'I"..t.c""" on O./O~ .Ot: 09,55 AM, . To, Lori I.. Deut..eyer fHCLEoj!)8"::LEOt., . cc, , , Subject' Re, True-up credlt , , Lert, , , We ;l get the ",re tt rou early next weer. , . You should get Septtmben numbers later today, , . Antheny " , ,, . . Lon I.. Deut..eyer. -YOtt. , , . , , We are good "ah the.e numbersvue and Let ... knov when 1 can expect the , , then , , , 1 can also ge: bacr. to you 05 to vhen we will wue ..onel' to you also. Thanka. Lori Froe, Anthony ...Iungton .ax~uhi"_at . COOl. on 11/06/2001 04,23 PMTo, Lor i ;,. lleutmeye:'MCLEOD"'CLEODcc.Subject, Re, True-up credit : : :. Lori. . , . Attached is the rev18ed True-up. Alter the change. vere made anadditional , , , $6616 ia added to the True-11 you have anI' qunuon. let lie kno.-. Anthony'S..e attached lilt. "01 true-up .1ulAug Ol.xl., ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Na..e, HOI tru...up .1ulAug Ol,xls . ., HOI true-up JulAug 01.7.15 Type, Hlcroaott Excel Worksh"..t, . ,applicat.on/vnd...-exctl, , . . Encod.ng. bUe64 Deacnption. Mlcroaott Excel 57 Subject, Re, True-up creditDate. P'ri, 30 Nov .001 14.06,35 -0600From, "Lori I.. Deut..eyer. cldeut...yeuHcLeodUSI.,col..To. Anthony .uhlngton caxwaah..qwesr. co,.. Se~ numbers loot. good. Let.... r.new when the wire will be .ent, Sorry ittook80 long,e.n you also tell ..e vhen you will Mve into rulle" tog.~lIer tor thepreterred Page Jl ~~CNPU8UC DOCUMENT ~ONTA/N8 TQADE SECRET DATA venac~ a15coun:'"ece:ve" Ern..:;. :~"". L.::~: C 7/U1l1T.s. Lcro Sub,ec: Re True-u: c~ed::one. ~or" : Ceo ;~i:: ::. :~. 1: -efC;Frail: .Lor:;.. Deut"'e\'. "aeutmeye"~cLeedtJS;..co""T..: Antnon)' Wa'h,n,t on c.&X....,r...'!"eo:, coC:o We need to get thll aone "alan one ne,,: wee" cr ,e DeCauoe ..e ..re..nt'cpn,ng by 12/31/01 we have rece,ved the ":re. Whn 00"" need tcdo to "Ie: this ..cc"""':15ned' From: Anthony Nuh:ngton cu"uh""""e.:. c"",. c" ;; I;:, 1:;0;): .; :; ;.y Tc. Lor: ft, Deutmeyerl"':::-_E=:Ji~:-_E::co.Sub)ec: Re 7~ue-u. c~e~:: 11 "Ie: tne ":re. C'~: r,' .e"nes~.y, u :c~ tne vena:r ducoun: ..e ..an: toget thLSdone bel ore the end e! the ",en:r, - we ;l lee Mthon)' :'ori ft. Deutmeye~' ..-roeo: . Sept numbers ;co. good.too, . oe long, . C..n you .be tell me ..hen )'cU ",:: ha"e 'nlo pulled together lor thepreferred . vendor dlScount' Let me ~.no'" ..hen :!'.. "'ue ",1: b. 'en:,Sorry,: . TlUln." Lc~: Sub;ect, R.: True-up credl: Date: Tue, 11 Dec 20a; 06:54 C. -060:Fro.. 'Len J. Doutmey.r. ddeut"'eyer.~cLeodUS;..co...To, Antnon)' Wa.h,ng:cn cax....n..q..".: ,com. Thank, ,How u the IJNEH true up com'ng? FrOOl: Mthony Washington cu""'h""!,,..t,com. on 1;:10/200: IC,O, J\I'I To: Lon 10.. Dout...y",IHC1.EDDiHCLEOrco: SubJect 0 Re. True-up credl: Lon, your .eptelllDer credIt u go,og OUt toda)', oorr;- lor tne dela)' AAthon)' Lori 10., n..ut_yer. "Tote, . we need to get thll done w'thln tne no,,: ""'e~ or 00 becau.. ... oreanticpat:ng . by 1:/31/01 "" have nreived tho "U. W/Ult do "e need to. do to get thu arc_pI ished? . From: Anthony Wuh,ngton ,u....hi...q..es: .com. on 1;10312001 11,1; ..... . To: Lori 10.. n..utlleyer IH::LEODiH::LEO: . co: . Subject: Re: True-up credit . I'U get the ":rei out by .ednesda)'. OS lor tn. vendor dLScount ..... ..ant tcget . thie . done before tn. end cl tho month - we'l. ..e, . Anthon)' . " Lori J.. n..utmeyer' "'rote: . . Sept n""'ben loo~ good. . took . . 10 long. . . C..n you ..bo tell me "nen you "'11 n..ve ,nlo pulled tog.ther lor thopreferred . . venllar ducount? Let me know when the ""e w,:: be lent.Sorry . . ThAnk.. Lon Subject: Reo True-upcrellitOne: Fri, 4 .:r.n 200~ 09:52: 10 -060CFrOOl: "n..utmeyer. Lori 10,cldeutOleyer....,cleodu.., com.To: Antnany WunlngtOn c"",ul1'.qves:, ro,.. Anthony, Hope you h.1I . nice holillily, I.... ..onllering if you have any ,nlo....."onput tOO8ther on the Oc1:, Nov. . n..c. monthlytn.. up iD1o? Thank., Lori Page 3. :~(,NPUBLIC DOCur/~;;T ~ONTNN8 TRADE StCR~ OATA Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 49 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T x-Mozi 11 a-Status2: 00000000 Message-ID: ~3CIAD3FD.12F224F3~qwest. com~Date: Fri , 14 Dec 2001 21:39:25 -0700 From: Audrey McKenney ~axmcken~qwest. com~ organization: U 5 WEST communications, IncX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 (en) (WinNT; u)X-Accept-Language: en MIME -Versi on: 1.To: "Fisher , Blake " "::Blake.Fisher~mcleodusa.com;..Cc: "Rings, Randall" ..::Randall.Rings(9mcleodusa.com:-Arturo Ibarra ~ai barra~uswest. com;.. Marti n, Gordon . ~gordon. marti n~qwest. com;..Ri chard corbetta ~Ri chard. Corbetta~qwest. com~ subj ect: Re: prefferred vendor di scount References: ~26BABD15CD90E14DA203F8288D1CB7F2040F16~i acedexchO1. mel d. net~Content-Type: mul ti part/alternative;boundary= " - -_n__- ----48DD3E3E9296130D449B5 ECO" ATI559480. txt MINNESOTA DOCKET NO. P4211CI-Ol-1371 AND P4211C-O2-197 DOC- ~- u'Z. ATTACHMENT: .s (Trade secret data begins ---- ~------ -- - 48DD3 E3E9296130D449B5 ECOcontent-Type: text/pl ai n; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encodi ng: 7bit wi 11 do - I am not sure if i t got caught up i n a new wi re transfe rprocess that Robin , our CFO implemented (Arturo p1s f/up .and let usknow. ) Blake - where are on your response to our settlement offer? Thanks Fisher , Blake" wrote: ~ Audrey, ~ Thanks, ~ Bl ake Our peopl e have not received i nformati on concerni ng the thi rd quarterpayment of the preferred vendor di scount.. coul d you pl ease check onthe status. NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential information and is intended only for the person(s) named. Any usecopying or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. Ifyou have recei ved thi s transmi ssi on in error , pl ease noti fy the sendervia e-mail. --- -- -- ~--- - -- 48DD3E3 E9296130D449B5 ECO content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encodi ng: 7bit ~!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en ~htm 1::-wi 11 do ~ I am not sure i f i t got caught up in a new wi re transferthat Robin, our CFa implemented (Arturo pls f/up and let us know.~~Blake - where are on your response to our settlement offer?..::br::-Thanks page 1 proces s NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA -cbr::-A -cp;:.Fisher , Blake" wrote: -cb 1 ockquote TYPE=CITE::- -cp;:.",font face=Ari a 1 ";:.-cfont si ze=-1;:.Audrey, ..c/fonb-c/font;:.-cp:;.-cfont face=Arial";:...:::font size=-1;:.Qur people have not received informationconcerni ng the thi rd quarter payment of the preferred vendor di scount.  cowl d you pl ease check on the status. ",/font;:...:::/font;:. -cp;:.-cfont face=Ari a 1 ";:.-c:::font si ze=- 1;:. Thanks, ..:::/font;:...:::/font;:.-cp;:.",font face=Ari a 1 ";:.",font si ze=- 1;:.Bl ake..c/fonb..:::/font;:.-cbr::-  -cp;:.-cb;:...:::font face=Arial";:.-c:::font size=-1;:.NOTICE: This electronic mail transmissionmay contain confidential information and is intended only for the person(s) named.  Any use, copyin9 or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If you have recelved this transmission in error , please notifythe sender vi a e-rnai 1 . ~/font;:...:::/font;:.",/b::-",br;:.  -c/b 1 ockquote;:.-c/htmh - - ---- - - -- -- - 48003 E3 E929613 0O449BSECO-- ATTS59480. txt Trade secret data ends) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA Page 2 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 50 Case No. QWE-06- AT&T RE: First quarter meeting RECD A PR 2 5 2001Sit bject: RE: First quarter meeting Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 09:51 :31 -0600 From: "Casey, Greg" -::::Greg.Casey~qwestcom;::' To: "'Blake O. Fisher'" -::::bfisher~cLeodUSA.com;:' , " Casey, Greg" -::::Greg.Casey~qwest.com;::'Cc: "McKenney, Audrey" -::::axmcken~qwest.com;::' Stacey D. Stewart" -::::sstewart~cLeodUSA.com;::' , " Filip, Dana" -::::Dana.Filip~qwest.com;:' (Trade Secret Data BeginsBla ke I thought we were doing well. My main reason is that our retail peo ple keep complaining about how well mcleod is doing. Shearburn has told me that he s had a number of productive meetings with Mcleod and that we are progressing. You are one . of our most important . customers, both for strategic arid revenue reasons. If you arent happy, then 1'm not happy. If 1'm not happy, then life will be hell for every body else I thought we were setting up a review. Let's doit next week. My wife is about to .give birth, can we do it in houston? Grecg -----Original Message----- From: Blake O. Fisher (mail to: bfisher&McLeodUSA. corn Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:24 AMTo: greg. casey&qwest . corn Cc: Axmcken&qwest. com; Stacey D. Stewart Subj ect: First quarter meeting Greg, I must start out by telling you I am really frustrated. 1. We created a business relationship last October and we met in Decemberwith the agenda shown below. had momentum on performance measures, but that has been at a standstill for 3weeks. We have made essentially no progress. I thought we 2. We have been trying to set up a quarter 1y review with you and your teamfor two weeks. Not set up yet 3. I asked Audrey for a favor on a consent concerning a Company we arebuying. She agreed in principle. Your lawyer will not return our calls. 4. No progress on voicemail, residential proposal 081, etc., etc, etc.. ........ 5. Your PR group calls us for a quote on your improved service levels. Ideclined because I have no evidence improvement. I do not feel li ke one of your maj or customers. Having said that I propose that we get a meeting to: 1. Review first quarter. 2. Get an action plan with dates that you agree to meet or tell us to poundsand. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT 421/C-02-197 DOC 08-212Trade Secret AttachmentIonCONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 4/25/01 10:24 AM ~: :'irst qua,:.~r meeting 4 . 3. Outline a new deal that addresses the following: For Qwest: A. Performance measures and remedies that we can both support in your271proceedings. B. Addi tional LO business C. Network links that we may want to buy.O. Additional local business, e.g. Residential, voice mail, DSL(although this may be too La te)B. For McLeod A. 1MT I s to replace PRI/ with better pricing"B. Residential pricing plan. C. Voice Mail discount plan D. 1MT pricing E. Network we sell to you F. Revisit our override discount. G. Wholesale performance measures and remedies (business critical)beyond what is in the regula tory filings.C. We should also both understand our differences in the legislative and regulatory arenas. Do you want to pursue an amended deal? ---------------------- Forwarded by Blake O. Fisher/MCLEOD on 04/25/200109: 40 AM --------------------------- Blake O. Fisher12/05/2000 01: 11 PM To: cc:greg. casey&qwest . corn Stacey O. Stewart/MCLEOD&MCLEOD, Randall E. Rings/MCLEOD~MCLEOD,Jamie .mayo~qwest. corn, Jan M. Rigotti/MCLEOD&MCLEOO, James T. Bal van z/MCLEOD&MCLEOD Subj ect : December 13th meeting Greg, 1 am including below a tentative agenda for our meeting on December 13th atyour office to begin at 2: 00 PM (Jamie this was a change Greg and I agreed to)and be done by 5 PM. I plan to bring Stacey Stewart also checking on the availability of our PR person. and Randy Rings and possibly Jim Balvanz. Randy asked if Steve Davis could be there so we could be sure we are in sync our regulatory and legal activities. Please let me know if that will workout. Below is a proposed agenda. I do not expect to resolve all of these, but we should be able to agree on who has responsibility and a target time frame. Agenda: 1. Discussion of organizational responsibilities and contacts for each company. Specific areas include A. Service implementation B. New products and pricing C. Regulatory proceedings NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A 2 of3 4125101 10:24 AM . , RE: FirstquQ..!"~r meeting D. Sale 0 Exchanges E. Escalation path Performance measurementsA. Establish measuresB. Reporting C. Escalation D. Consequences and standards Regulatory proceeding A. State 271 B. FCC C. Deayeraging D. Other 4. Forecasts Out of Region opportunities A. 10 B. Wholesale pipes C. Shared or exchanged facilities Additional local opportunitiesA. ResidentialB. OS1 C. Voice messaging D. Trunking E. Securitization of receivables Sale of exchanges 8. External releases Quarterly Reviews A. ScheduleB. Intermediate issue resolution C. Agenda Greg, please let me know who will be at the meeting and any comments on theagenda. Thanks. Trade Secret Data Ends) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 4/25101 10:24 AM Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T :/r~Lcq,si '/\1S / f . " l~rade Secret Data Begins Subject: McLeod VMS / DSL Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 13:27:16 -0600From: "Freddi Pennington" -':::ppennin~uswest.com;::'To: "Audrey McKenney" -.:::axmcken~uswest.com;::' P-421/C-O2-197 DOC 08-212 Trade Secret Attachment (See attached file: VMS DSL Chronology. doc) fifC'/) API? 2007 Name: VMS DSL Chronology.doc VMS DSL Chronolo doc T~e: Winword File (application/msword)Encodmg: base64 , Description: Mac Word 3. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 1 of 1 4/25/01 1:59 PM . . ., - 3/11/2000 1 0/2000 10/2000 11/2000 " 2/16/2001 3/1/2001 3/2/2D01 4/01/01 DSL is made available with Resale discount VMS Product Management gave Wholesale Markets permission to offer VMS to Resellers in those states where Owest has not been ordered to offer. Retail approved offering at 100% retail rates. VMS availability information given to Barry Huber at McLeod. UNE-STAR agreements executed Audrey presented Business Voice Messaging Volume plan to McLeod Stacy Stewart at McLeod requested a single voice messaging rate acrossall 14 states. Single recurring rates in place already, NRC are variable. Lowest rates available are 1 FR Resale (resale discount applied in lA, MT, OR, NO) other states$6_ 1FB UNE-STAR (10% discount applied all states) $12.75 - $8.93 (5 year qOO+ lines) Received request from Greg Casey and Audrey McKenney to provide Market Sizing information to Murray Smith to create a "GLEC DSL Offer" Provided DSL presentation to Stacey Stewart, Kim Lehman , Doug Dalby,Terry Mallard at McLeod. Provided Market information to Steve Bartholet with legal disclaimers. Trade Secret Data Ends) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: MINNESOTA DOCKET NO. P421/CI-Ol-1371 AND P421/C-O2-197 DOC- 08' Z11.- ATTACHMENT: (; Stacey D. Stewart (sste~McLeodUSAcom) Monday, May 21. 2001 3:58 PM greg.casey~qwestcom: Axmcken~uswest.com Blake O. Fisher. Stacey D. Stewart Term Sheet (Trade secret data begins Mac Word 3.Mac Word 3.Mac Word 3.Mac Word 3.Word 6.0 Windawsl Mac Greg, Audrey Attached is the Term Sheet detailing the negotiation items for our enhancedBusiness to Business agreement. The B to E attachment is the main document a:ldthe others are supporting documents for some of the items within the term shee:. Please call with questions. ThanksStacey (See attached file: B to B version 2.doc) (See attached file: Proposed PM andRemedies.doc) (See attached file: Qwest vmail.doc) (See attached file: ProposedQwest DSL Resell.doc) (See attached file: Qwest Testimony.doc) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA CONFIDENTIAL McLeod USA and Qwest Version 2 Business to Business Deal Proposed Term Sheet May 21st, 2001 1. Performance Measures and Remedies a) McLeodUSA will accept the Qwest P AP/PID with the exception of the attached document incorporating a Parity with a Floor concept on the most important 5 measures for McLeodUSA The effective date of these measures will beNovember 1, 2000. b) Qwest will provide the remedies associated with the PAP plus the remedies for the 5 Parity with the Floor measures in the attached document beginning with November 2000 performance. 2. Product and Pricing a) Qwest to provide McLeodUSA with a resell voicemail offering that includes a discount structure in exchange for a minimum commitment. See attached document. b) Qwest to provide McLeodUSA with a residential line program similar to our UNE-M offering. Assumptions and analysis to be sent separately. c) Qwest to provide McLeodUSA with a flat rate T-l offering similar to our UNE- M offering. d) Qwest to provide a region-wide PRI rate of $400 to McLeodUSA for all existing PRI's and any future PRl. This rate would be retroactive to November 1 2000. e) QWest to offer McLeodUSA their DSL VDP program with changes. See attached f) Qwest to provide a 30% discount on all intralata toll charges g) Qwest will provide Wire CarelWire Maintenance to McLeodUSA region-wide with our state specific wholesale discount. 3. In recognition of the preceding, McLeod USA will provide to Qwest an increased commitment of revenue and term which includes an additional discount tier. 4. Both companies to work toward completing the sale of IRU'5. Regulatory a) Qwest will provide a 'friendly' witness and testimony in support ofUNE-PIUNE-M in the SBC markets in order to help facilitate and prove McLeodUSA'g position that this type of conversion activity can be a billing change and requires minimal effort on the part of the ILEC and Qwest would be willing to communicate this position to the FCc. See attached testimony. b) McLeodUSA will support Qwest in their plans for 271 applications in all states within their ILEC footprint. c) McLeodUSA will encourage and participate in any settlement in Minnesota on Wholesale Quality of Service proceedings. NONPUBLJC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Discount Structure Tier 1 Revenue Discount Tier 2 Revenue Discount Tier 3 Revenue Discount Tier 4 Revenue Discount 2002 2003 2004 -- _... -'---'--.., .'- - "-'" -.. .' -'.. - $178-$188M Over $199M Over S199M Over S199M S189-S198M Over S230M Over S250M Over S270M 10.10.10. Over $199M Over S230M Over S250M Over S270M Over S220M Over S250M Over S275M Over S300M 12.12.12,12. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A Perfonnance Measures and Remedies Key Indicators: Out of several parity measures, only 5 measures, along with their corresponding sub- measures will be held to the "Parity with aFloor" concept. These 5 measures represent high customer impact. along with being business critical. The 5 measures are as follows: OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met OP-5 - New Service Installation Quality OP-6 - Delayed Days MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 hours MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate Floors: The following table represents the proposed "floor" for each respective measure: Measure #:Measure:Floor:OP-Installation Commitments Met 95% OP-New Service Installation Quality OP-Delayed Days - Non Facility Reasons 3 Business Days. OP-Delayed Days - Facility Reasons 5 Business Days. MR.Percent Out of Service Intervals c:: 24 Hours 95% MR.Repair Repeat Report Rate NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA T A Remedies: Qwest will be subject to per measure remedies that are based on a percentage of the McLeodUSA invoice for the applicable month and state that the performance was for. Percentages also increase if the performance did not meet or exceed the floorfor consecutive months in a row up to 3 consecutive months, where the 4th month and beyond, the remedy percentage is the amount listed under the "3+" columnshown in the tables below. Example of a remedy calculation (using fictional invoice amounts and performanceresults): State: Minnesota Invoice amOWlt: $ I ,000 000. Measure: New Service Quality Month: January 2001 Floor: 5% Performance result: 7.15% Remedy percentage fi"om table below: 0.75% Remedy: $7 500.00 ($1 000 000.00 x 0.75% = $7 500.00) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT Remedy Tables: CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Measure: OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met. Floor: 95% Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month 1 Month 2 Month 3+ ;::.= 95.00% ;.= 94.00%0.25%35%45% ;.= 93.00%0.50%60%70% ;.= 92.00%.75%85 %95 %;'=91.00%1.00%1.10%20% ;::.= 90.00%50%1.60%70% ;.= 89.00%1.75%1.85%1.95% ;.= 88.00%00%10%20% ;.= 87.00%25%35%2.45% ;::.= 86.00%50%60%70% ;::.= 85.00%75%85%95% .::; 85.00%00%10%20% Confidential Page 2 60,2002 Measure: OP.5 - New Service Installation Quality Floor: 5% Performance Remedy Remedy Remedv Month Month 2 Month 3+ .c::= 5.00% .c::= 6.00%25%35%0.45% .c::= 7.00%50%60%70% .c::= 8.00%75 %85%95 % .c::= 9.00%1.00%1.10%1.20% .c::= 10.00%1.50%1.60%1.70% .c::= 11.00%1.75%1.85%1.95% .c::= 12.00%00%10%20% .c::= 13.00%25%35%2.45% .c::= 14.00%50%.60%70% .c::= 15.00%75%85%95% ;::. 15.00%00%10%20% Measure: OP-6a - Delayed Days for Non-Facility ReasonsFloor: 3 Business Days Performance Remedy Remedy Remedv Month I Month 2 Month 3+ .c::= 3.00 days .c::= 4.00 days 25%35%0.45% .c::= 5.00 days 50%'60%70% .c::= 6.00 daYS 75%85%95% .c::= 7.00 days 1.00%1.10%20% .c::= 8.00 daYS 1.50%1.60%70% .c::= 9.00 dayS 1. 75%1.85%95% .c::= 10.00 days 00%10%20% .c::= 11.00 dayS 2.25%35%2.45% .c::= 12.00 days 50%60%70% .c::= 13.00 days 75%85%95% ;::. 13.00 days 00%10%20% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA 6/7.2002ConfidentialPage 3 Measure: OP-6b - Delayed Days for Facility ReasonsFloor: 5 Business Days Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month 1 Month 2 Month 3+ c:::== 5.00 days c:::= 6.00 days 25%35%0.45% c:::== 7.00 days 50%60%70% c:::== 8.00 days 75 %85 %95 % c:::= 9.00 days 1.00%1.1 0%1.20% c:::= 10.00 days 1.50%1.60%1.70% c:::== 1 LOOdays 1.75%1.85%1.95% c:::= 12.00 days 00%10%20% c:::= 13.00 days 25%35%2:45% c:::== 14.00 days 50%60%70% c:::== 15.00 days 75%85%95% ;::'15.00days 00%10%20% Measure: MR-3 - Percent Out of Service Cleared within 24 hours. Floor: 95% Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month 1 Month 2 Month 3+ ;:.= 95.00% ;:.= 94.00%25%35%0.45% ;::.= 93.00%50%60%70% ;:.= 92.00%75%85 %95 % ;::.= 91.00%1.00%1.10%1.20% ;::.= 90.00%50%60%1. 70% ;::.= 89.00%1.75%85%1.95% ;::.= 88.00%00%10%20% ;::.= 87.00%25%35%2.45% )-= 86.00%50%60%70% ;::.= 85.00%75%85%95% c::: 85.00%00%10%20% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Confidential Page 4 617"2002 Measure: MR.7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate Floor: 5% Performance Remedv Remedy Remedy Month 1 Month 2 Month 3+-::= 5.00% -::= 00%25%35%45% -::= 7.00%0.50%60%70% -::= 8.00%75%85 %95% -::= 9.00%1.00%1.1 0%20% -::= 10.00%1.50%1.60%70%-::= 11.00%1.75%1.85%95% -::= 12.00%00%10%20%-::= 13.00%25%35%2.45% -::= 14.00%50%60%70% -::= 15.00%75%85%95% ;::. 15.00%00%10%20% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA Confidential Page 5 617 2002 Vo l u m e V o i c e M e s s a g i n g P r o p o s a l (5 / 2 1 / 2 0 0 1 ) Nu m b e r of Ma i l b o x e s % D i s c Re s i d e n t i a l R a t e w i t h Bu s i n e s s R a t e w i t h Re g i o n - w i d e Di s c o u n t A p p l i e d Di s c o u n t A p p l i e d 70 0 0 - 8 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 24 % $5 . $9 . 80 0 1 - 9 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 26 % $5 . $9 . 90 0 1 - 10 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 28 % $5 . $9 . 10 0 0 1 - 12 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 30 % $4 . $8 . No l e I h a l l h e s e r a l e s a r e b a s e d o n nu m b e r o t m a i l b o x e s r e g i o n ~ w i d e ( a c r o s s a l l 1 4 s l a l e s ) . Mc L e o d a s s u m e s a s i n g l e r a l e a c r o s s a l l 1 4 s l a l e s . VM S I s o f f e r e d a l a s i n g l e r e c u r r i n g r a l e a c r o s s a l l 1 4 s l a l e s , I h e N o n - r e c u r r i n g C h a r g e s v a r y b y s l a l e . Re s i d e n l i a l V M S $ 6 . 95 / m o n l h Bu s i n e s s V M S $ 1 2 . 75 / m o n l h NO N P U B L I C D O C U M E N T CO N T A I N S T R A D E S E C R E T D A T A Proposed Qwest DSL Resell (5/21/20011 ;, Non Recurring end user rate not subject to Discount. Optional awest Technician installation not included. ;, Bandwidth Change Charge for DSL subscribers wishing to change speeds is $30.00. Total Qwest DS L subscribers in service 0::::15 000 15,001 to 30,000 30,001 to 60 000 Total monthly recurrina discount off of Qwest DSL crevailina Subscriber tariffed rates 25010 26010 27% 60,001 to 120,000 120,001 to 200 000 280 290 200,001 to 400,000 30% NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Key Points of Testimony Fag!: 1 at' 5 ILEC unbundling obligation Centrex service is comparable to UNE-Platform: loop, switch port and transport (either dedicatedor switched) Converting resold Centrex to UNE-P does not require a disconnection and reconnection of network elements by the ll..EC To effectuate conversion of resold Centrex to UNE-P merely requires a change in the wholesale billing tables for those lines and providing the necessary information to permit the CLEC to billfor access cost of completing billing table conversion should be minimal; standard per line non-recurring charges for such a conversion would not be applicable cost of providing tapes for CABs is no different from cost of providing information to other L.r~'Eproviders NONPUBLlC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DA Page 2 of 5Please state your name and business address for the record. My name is . My business address is On whose behalf was this testimony prepared? This testimony was prepared on behalf of McLeodUSA T elecomrnunications Services Inc. ("McLeodUSA" Please describe your experience with telecommunications policy issues and your relevant work history. Please explain your understanding of an incumbent s obligation to unbundle its local network. Section 251 (c)(3) provides that an incwnbent LEC must provide access to "unbundlednetwork elements in a manner that allows requesting carriers to combine such elements in order to provide" a telecommunications service. Do you believe converting Centrex to UNE.P constitutes providing access to acombination of network elements in a manner that allows McLeodUSA to provide a telecommunications service? Yes. ILECs are required to perform the functions necessary to combine networkelements that are ordinarily combined within their network in the manner in which those elements are typically combined. In addition. !LECs are also required to perform the functions necessary to combine elements even if they are not ordinarily combined by the ILEC in that manner, or those elements are not ordinarily combined in the incwnbent's network,provided that such combination is technically feasible, or such combination would notundennine the ability of other carriers to access unbundled elements or interconnect withthe incwnbent LEC's network. In this instance . the fact that SBC already combines these elements for itself in the form of Centrex service indicates that it can combine the elements as a lJNE-P combination forMcLeodUSA since such combination clearly is technically feasible. Centrex is basically nothing more than a combination of an unbundled loop, unbundled switch port and unbundled transport. Did McLeodUSA resell Centrex in Qwest territory? Yes, McLeodUSA began reselling Centrex Plus service, which I understand to be the technical equivalent to Centrex service in SBC-Ameritech region, in U S WEST territory NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA in January 1995.Page 3 of 5 Did McLeodUSA approach Qwest about converting its resold Centrex to a ONE- offering? Yes. McLeodUSA requested conversion of all of its resold Centrex Plus lines to UNE- How was this conversion accomplished? Qwest and McLeodUSA agreed that the most economical and customer friendly solution was to simply change the billing tables for the McLeodUSA account. This conversion was technically feasible and resulted in a combination of network elements that allowed McLeodUSA to provide a telecommunications service. Was this conversion process economical for Qwest? Absolutely. If we had tried to insist that' all McLeodUSA lines be disconnected and then reconnected as a UNEs, a significant amount of Qwest resources would have been required to accomplish this task within the time frame that we are required to provide UNEs to McLeodUSA Do you believe Qwest could have insisted as a matter oflaw that these Centrex lines be disconnected and reconnected to convert resold Centrex to UNE- No. Section 251(c)(3) requires the lLEC to provide access to network elements on an unbundled basis on rates, terms, and conditions that are just and reasonable. Based on this requirement, I believe the lLEC is required to make such conversions cost effective for the CLEC so long as the conversion is technically feasible. When the lLEC rejects a lower cost, technically feasible alternative that arrives at the same result in favor of a process that foists unnecessary costs on the CLEC, I believe that this is clear evidence that the IT..EC is exercising its monopoly power over the CLEC. Indeed, if sac did nothave a local monopoly, it would be unable to reject such a reasonable request from a very large customer such as McLeodUSA. Do you agree with McLecidUSA that using the billing table change to accomplish the conversion is significantly better for end users? Yes, this conversion process completely eliminated the chance for customer impacting sexvice issues. Anytime a disconnect and a connect order must be worked in sequence there is some opportunity for error in that conversion process. Converting the lines through a billing table change completely eliminates the need to affect the actual linesproviding service to end users. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Page 4 ot 5Did Qwest incura cost to complete the conversion of the billing table for McLeodUSA? Yes, but the cost was relatively minimal. rt took about hours oflabor to complete the process. Was Qwest entitled to assess a per line non-recurring charge to accomplish the conversion? Given what Qwest actually did to accomplish the conversion, we could not have justified assessing a per line non-recurring charge. The activity was done in bulk and the actUalnumber of lines converted was relatively inconsequential to the cost of converting the billing tables. Again, I believe that we would have violated the just and reasonable standard had we attempted to asses~ such a non-recurring charge on a per line basis. Also, I think is worth noting that much, ifnot all of the cost to establish service for each McLeodUSA end user was already recouped when service was first initiated as a resold Centrex line. Indeed, the non-recurring charge to initiate service (for retail or wholesale) typically recoups the cost of both (a) initiating (connecting) and (0) terminating (disconnecting) service. Since SBC is not actually required to disconnect the end user service to accomplish the conversion to UNE-, SBC has already been compensated by McLeodUSA for a cost that SBC will not incur - the cost of truly disconnecting the service of all those end users. Moreover, the fact that UNE-P was not available to McLeodUSA as a service offering when service was first initiated for those customers by McLeodUSA because ILECs were fighting this issue through the courts should not now mean that McLeodUSA is required to incur a second non-recurring charge per line to establish UNE-P service for the sameline. Such a result would penalize McLeodUSA for attempting to compete on a relatively ubiquitous basis using another service delivery method (Centrex resale) while this issue was sorted out through the appellate process. Other than changing billing tables, what else was Qwest required to do to permit theselines to be converted to UNE- P from Centrex. The only other required cha.!lge was to begin foIWarding the CABs information in Exchange Message Interface ("EMf') format so that McLeodUSA could begin billing for ,access. This is standard for UNE service that Qwest provides to any CLEc. Since therewas no unique activity associated with starting this process, Qwest did not attribute any unique charge to McLeodUSA to initiate this process. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Page I of 5 Kev Points of T estimonv ILEC unbundling obligation Centrex service is comparable to ONE-Platform: loop, switch port and transport (either dedicated or switched) Converting resold Centrex to UNE-P does not require a disconnection and reconnection of network elements by the ILEC To effectuate conversion of resold Centrex to UNE-P merely requires a change in the wholesale billing tables for those lines and providing the necessary information to permit the CLEC to billfor access cost of completing billing table conversion should be minimal; standard per line non-recurring charges for such a conversion would not be applicable cost of providing tapes for CABs is no different from cost of providing information to other UNE providers NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Page 2 of 5Please state your name and business address for the record. My name is . My business address is On whose behalf was this testimony prepared? This testimony was prepared on behalf of McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services Inc. ("McLeodUSA"). Please describe your experience with telecommunications policy issues and your relevant work history. Please explain your understanding of an incumbent's obligation to unbundle its local netWork. Section 251 (c )(3) provides that an incumbent LEC must provide access to "unbundlednetWork elements in a manner that allows requesting carriers to combine such elements in order to provide" a telecommunications service. Do you believe converting Centrex to UNE-P constitutes providing access to acombination of network elements in a manner that allows McLeodUSA to provide a.telecommunications service? Yes. ILECs are required to perform the functions necessary to combine network elements that are ordinarily combined within their network in the manner in which those elements are typically combined. In addition, ILECs are also required to perform the functions necessary to combine elements even if they are not ordinarily combined by the ILEC in that manner, or those elements are not ordinarily combined in the incumbent s network,provided that such combination is technically feasible, or such combination would notundermine the ability of other carriers to access unbundled elements or interconnect withthe incumbent LEe's network. In this instance, the fact that sac already combines these elements for itself in the form of Centrex service indicates that it can combine the elements as a UNE.P combination for. McLeodUSA since-such combination clearly is technically feasible. Centrex is basically nothing more than a combination of an unbundled loop, unbundled switch port and unbundled transport. Did McLeodUSA resell Centrex in Qwest territory? Yes, McLeodUSA began reselling Centrex Plus service, which I understand to be the technical equivalent to Centrex service in SBC-Ameritech region, in U S WEST territory NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONY AINS TRADE SECRET DA TA in January 1995.Page 3 of 5 Did McLeodUSA approach Qwest about converting its resold Centrex to a lJNE- offering? Yes. McLeodUSA requested conversion of all of its resold Centrex Plus lines to ONE- How was this conversion accomplished? Qwest and McLeodUSA agreed that the most economical and customer mendly solution was to simply change the billing tables for the McLeodUSA account. This conversionwas technically feasible and resulted in a combination of network elements that allowed McLeodUSA to provide a telecommunications service. Was this conversion process economical for Qwest? Absolutely. If we had tried to insist that all McLeodUSA lines be disconnected and then reconnected as a UNEs, a significant amount of Qwest resources would have been required to accomplish this task within the time frame that we are required to provide UNEs to McLeodUSA. you believe Qwest could have insisted as a matter of law that these Centrex lines disconnected and reconnected to convert resold Centrex to UNE- No. Section 25 I (c)(3) requires the !LEC to provide access to network elements on an unbundled basis on rates. terms. and conditions that are just and reasonable. Based on this requirement, I believe the !LEC is required to make such conversions cost effective for the CLEC so long as the conversion is technically feasible. When the ILEC rejects a lower cost, technically feasible alternative that arrives at the same result in favor of a process that foists unnecessary costs on the CLEC. I believe that this is clear evidencethat the ILEC is exercising its monopoly power over the CLEC. Indeed. if sac did nothave a local monopoly. it would be unable to reject such a reasonable request from a very large customer such as McLeodUSA. Do you agree with McLeodUSA that using the billing table change to accomplish the conversion is significantly better for end users? Yes, this conversion process completely eliminated the chance for customer impacting service issues. Anytime a disconnect and a connect order must be worked in sequence there is some opportunity for error in that conversion process. Converting the linesthrough a billing table change completely eliminates the need to affect the actual lines providing service to end users. NONPUBUC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Page 4 of5Did Qwest incur a cost to complete the conversion of the billing table for McLeodUSA? Yes, but the cost was relatively minimal. It took about hours aflabar to complete the process. Was Qwest entitled to assess a per line non-recurring charge to accomplish the conversion? Given what Qwest actually did to accomplish the conversion, we could not have justified assessing a per line non-recurring charge. The activity was done in bulk and the actual number of lines converted was relatively inconsequential to the cost of converting the billing tables. Again, I believe that we would have violated the just and reasonable standard had we attempted to assess such a non-recurring charge on a per line basis. Also, I think is worth noting that much, if not all of the cost to establish service for each McLeodUSA end user was already recouped when service was first initiated as a resoldCentrex line. Indeed, the non-recurring charge to initiate service (for retail or wholesale) typically recoups the cost of both (a) initiating (connecting) and (b) terminating (disconnecting) service. Since sac is not actually required to disconnect the end user service to accomplish the conversion to UNE-, SBC has already been compensated by McLeodUSA for a cost that SBC will not incur - the cost of truly disconnecting the service of all those end users. Moreover, the fact that UNE-P was not available to McLeodUSA as a service offeringwhen service was first initiated for those customers by McLeodUSA because ILECs were fighting this issue through the courts should not now mean that McLeodUSA is required to incur a second non-recurring charge per line to establish UNE-P service for the sameline, Such a result would penalize McLeodUSA for attempting to compete on a relatively ubiquitous basis using another service delivery method (Centrex resale) while this issue was sorted out through the appellate process: Other than changing billing tables, what else was Qwest required to do to permit these lines to be converted to UNE-P from Centrex. The only other required chaIlge was to begin forwarding t~e CABs information in Exchange Message Interface ("EMI") format so that McLeodUSA could begin billing for access. This is standard for UNE service that Qwest provides to any CLEC; Since there was no unique activity associated with starting this process, Qwest did not attribute any unique charge to McLeodUSA to initiate this process. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. NONPUBLlC DOCUMENT Trade secret data ends) CONT AINS TRADE SECRET DATA Idaho Public Utilities CommOffice of the Secreta 18510n RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 53 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T CONFIDENTIAL 421/C-O2-197 DOC 08-212 Trade Secret Attachment (Trade Secret Data Begins McLeodUSA and Qwest Version 2 Business to Business Deal Proposed Term Sheet May 21st, 2001 ..:;;;. . .. CD 1. Performance Measures and Remedies\J~d...~ a) McLeodUSA will accept the Qwest PAPIPID with the exception of the attached -tJ..Cl..!.I'rr- \So. document incorporating a Parity with a Floor concept on the most important 5% -t-I't-~fJ.... measures for McLeodUSA. The effective date of these measures will beOP~L Novemb~r 1 , 20?0. . . f\J ~ L. :)jcv.t J. (i\l~tII)I,J Qwest WIlJ provIde the remedIes assocIated wIth the PAP plus the remedIes for . . 2Pc, '" nr the 5 Parity with the Floor measures in the attached document beginning with tN.o..J!.U..w November 2000 performance. A.Uvv\.P~ 2. Product and Pricing . ' A)~.L I p..) ::: .d."" ~~ /" a qwest to provide ~cLeodUSA with a .~sell voicema!1 offering that includes ~~~~'" dIscount structure m exchange for a mmunum conmutment. See attached ,-",-,--,"'.~\ document. ~uft.v.,7 ~"""'P .J b) Qwestto provide McLeodUSA with a residential line progrnm similar to our ..u-f d... ""71- ~.. .. UNE-M offering. Assumptions and analysis to be sent S7P~tely. ,..c;A tt;..h" !Y' U'" s """"". c) Qwest to p' ~Ide McLeodUSA wHh a flat, e T.I offenng sund":!..\Sl 0", UNE. 5 ~ ~ l-:trnrnH-. M offering. ~"'1vu....:!.I""'- l1..4 .!.~ -ptOClA.O -- p~. rl~~~:r-t"-Y.:....';I,J.A 'td) Qwest to provide a region-wide Pro rate of $400 to McLeodUSA for all existing 6b~~nJ;.(hu.p/l.. ~ pro's and any future PR!. This rate would be retroactive to November 1 2000. L~cv.v"" . e) Qwest to offer McLeodUSA their DSL VDP program with changes. See attached 0- cG....~I.IM ~E, Qwest to provide a 30% discount on all intralata toll charges1) . g) Qwest will provide Wire CareiWire Maintenance to McLeodUSA regio ~idewith our stare specific wholesale discount. Lt5K Ci M.N, ~~-(tI. b~)3. In recognition of the preceding, McLeod USA will provide to Qwest an ~creased .commitment of revenue and term which includes an additional ~.. ~,. LdIscount her. 4. Both companies to work toward completing the sale of IRU's. .::r (jUL ~~ry a) Qwest will provide a 'fiiendly' witness and testimony in support ofUNE- PfUNE-M in the SBC markets in order to help facilitate and prove r' -- McLeodUSA's position that this type of conversion activity can be a billing change and requires minimal effort on the part of the ILEC and Qwest would be willing to communicate this position to the FCC. See attached testimony.b) McLeodUSA will support Qwest in their plans for 271 applications in all states within their !LEC footprint. c) McLeodUSA will encourage and participate in any settlement in Minnesota on Wholesale Quality of Service proceedings. ::JIM. f3~ ~ ~, ~J';) tJ\.\~ NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 2001 2003 2004r~T~~JqEiiX~i~Q~~iri;~~~LvJ~~:~ ~- ~'; ~Jto fi~~' :' :~"; . $1 ~9M1 Discount Structure 1f'c30 f..-tfJ I Y'rL ~CoO Tier 1 Revenue Discount Tier 2 Revenue Discount Tier 3 Revenue Over $199M Over $230M Over $250M Over $270MDiscount 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.Ti.r t; ifl~~~:~Dlk~~fli~j! ~fiT~k $2!%~- r&~~~QW~ $178-$188M Over $199M Over S199M Over S199M5% 8.0% 8.0% 8. S189-$198M Over $230M Over $250M Over S270M0% . 10.0% 10.0% 10. 17M..a.l1.. A- c. '" '=' fhM-- -~~ 0 f O-fL \) ;1 ~. Qli '1. , .r .;J r: \;(\lf ~~ ur 17. G:M L, ~ /0 fJ..(w/o :r~u. ) ~ 10 M t.~v.... =/ 7~I.lwt~J "';2/ e,tcd.(r ce , ~ J(~ 'LtLl.L!o ~~d nrw4-lLl fuJu! NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA To ~ , C-MnCl.J. J- tJ~- t.JJ" 1'1 ~ \10 (..,- /" - .,017\1J \17"'" ..::.'1 ft~r:.s;;5 f L...vr. ,; if/..( DcJu-h,"- 7~/"h. Q?-b~ , TG1.. 6JmW\ 'L"C Vo l u m e V o i c e M e s s a g i n g P r o p o s a l (5 / 2 1 / 2 0 0 1 j Nu m b e r o f M a i l b o x e s % D i s c Re s i d e n t i a l R a t e w i t h Bu s i n e s s R a t e w i t h Re g i o n - w i d e Di s c o u n t A p p l i e d Di s c o u n t A p p l i e d 70 0 0 - 8 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 24 % $5 . $9 . 80 0 1 - 9 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 26 % $5 . $9 . 4 4 90 0 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 28 % $5 . $9 . 18 . 10 0 0 1 - 12 0 0 0 M a i l b o x e s 30 % $4 . $8 . 93 No t e t h a t I h e s e r a t e s a r e b a s e d o n n u m b e r o f m a i l b o x e s r e g i o n - w i d e ( a c r o s s a l l 1 4 s t a t e s ) . ~ M c L e o d a s s u m e s a s i n g l e r a l e a c r o s s a l l 1 4 s t a l e s . - VM S I s o f f e r e d a t a s i n g l e r e c u r r i n g r a t e a c r o s s a l / 1 4 s t a l e s , t h e N o n - r e c u r r i n g C h a r g e s v a r y b y s l a l e . Re s i d e n t i a l V M S $6 . 95 / m o n t h Bu s i n e s s V M S $1 2 . 75 / m o n t h NO N P U B L I C D O c ; U M E N T CO NT A I N S TR A D E S E C R E T AT ), ? V " SV ... sv v I. ~ C J 5t ' D I co - - . I l i ~v J . v a- 0 c ; o . /; / '1 / '\ \ 0 ' \ . ~~ . \Y J ~\ 0 f\ \ fp \ ~j & ;\ J~ ' ) -: ; l " \ . ' ~osed Qwest DSL Resell (5/21/2001) Non Recurring end user rate not subject to Discount. Optional Qwest Technician installation not included. Bandwidth' Change Charge for DSL subscribers wishing to change speeds is $30.00. , ,,, " :':r\"" ':""----"-- I/' :~" - ',"7- - , -- ,,~ ' " :qtc;l:~WJi!~tcc _... .,- .. :- ota -moQ:.Yc-F.E;!curnng;- ",,,,-" ' su6s~ttb~is' 'in- discOliili'6ff"61dWestosi - se~\flbe - - prevail~Q~l9ubscriber :~::)~';-,:,, " tariffed-rates -:::15 000 25% 001 to 30 000 '\ tP,-"26% ..10 1;:, 001 to 60 000 \ \l 27% , 60,001 to 120 000 r5,,)28% 120 001 to 200 000 29% 200 001 to 400 000 30% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Perfonnance Measures and Remedies Key Indicators: Out of several parity measures, only 5 measures, along with their corresponding sub- measures will be held to the "Parity with a Floor" concept. These 5 measures represent high customer impact, along with being business critical. The 5 measures are as follows: OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met OP-5 - New Service Installation Quality OP-6 - Delayed Days MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 hours MR- 7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate Floors: The following table represents the proposed "floor" for each respective measure: Measure #:Measure:Floor:OP-Installation Commitments Met 95% OP-New Service Installation Quality OP-Delayed Days - Non Facility Reasons 3 Business Days. OP-Delayed Days. - Facility Reasons 5 Business Days. MR-Percent Out of Service Intervals c:: 24 Hours 95% MR-Repair Repeat Report Rate NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CaNT AINS TRADE SECRET DA T A Remedies: Qwest wiIl be subject to per measure remedies that are based on a percentage of the McLeodUSA invoice for the applicable month and state that the perfonnance was for. Percentages also increase if the perfonnance did not meet or exceed the floor for consecutive months in a row up to 3 consecutive months, where the 4 th month and beyond, the remedy percentage is the amount listed under the "3+" columnshown in the tables below. Example of a remedy calculation (using fictional invoice amounts and performance results): State: Minnesota Invoice amount: $1 000 000. Measure: New Service Quality Month: January 2001 Floor: 5% Performance result: 7.15% Remedy percentage ITom table below: 0.75% Remedy: $7 500.00 ($1 000 000.00 x 0.75% = $7 500.00) Remedy Tables: Measure: OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met. Floor: 95% Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month 1 Month 2 Month 3+ ;::.- 95.00% ;::.= 94.00%25%0.35%45% ~= 93.00%50%60%70% ~- 92.00%75 %85%95 % ;::.= 91.00%1.00%1.10%20% ~= 90.00%1.50%1.60%70% ;::.- 89.00%1.75%85%1.95% ;::.= 88.00%00%10%20% ;::.= 87.00%25%35%2.45% ~- 86.00%50%60%70% ;::.= 85.00%75%85%95% -c 85.00%00%10%20% Confidential 1ff. NONPUBU~~0CUMENT~~w4;,;p;., ;"~:;;;,:,,,-,",;,..... .;;.;.f/' CONTAINS TRADr! Sr!CRETDATA 06/12/01 Measure: OP-5 - New Service Installation Quality Floor: 5% Performance Remedy Remedy RemedyMonth I Month 2 Month J+ -c= 00% -c= 00%25%35%45%-c= 7.00%50%60%70%-c= 8.00%75 %85 %95 %-c= 9.00%1.00%10%20%-c= 10.00%1.50%1.60%1. 70%-c= 11.00%1.75%85%1.95%-c= 12.00%00%10%2.20% -c= 13.00%25%35%2.45%-c= 14.00%50%60%70%-c= 15.00%75%85%95%;:. 15.00%00%10%20% . Measure: 9P-6a - Delayed Days for Non-Facility ReasonsFloor: 3 Business Days Performance Remedy Remedy RemedyMonth Month 2 Month 3+..:::= 3.00 days ..:::= 00 days 25%35%0.45%..:::- 5.00 days 50%60%70% ..:::= 6.00 days 75 %85 %95%..:::= 7.00 days 00%1.I 0%1.20%..:::= 8.00 days 1.50%1.60%70% -c= 00 days 1.75%1.85%95%..:::= 10.00 days 00%10%2.20%..:::= 11.00 days 25%35%2.45% ..:::= 12.00 days 50%60%70% ..:::= 13.00 days 75%85%95%;::. 13.00 days 00%10%20% Confidential NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SE~ DATA ... '. '. "..,--....... 06/1 2/01 Measure: OP-6b - Delayed Days for Facility Reasons Floor. 5 Business Days Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month Month 2 Month 3+ .::::= 5.00 days .::::= 6.00 days 25%35%45% .::::= 7.00 days 50%60%70% .::::= 8.00 days 75 %85 %95 % .::::= 9.00 days 1.00%1.1 0%20% .::::= 10.00 days 1.50%1.60%1.70% .::::= 11.00 days 1.75%85%95% .::::= 12.00 days 00%10%20% .::::= 13.00 days 25%2.35%2.45% .::::= 14.00 days 50%60%70% .::::= 15.00 days 75%'2.85%95% ;::. 15.00 days 00%10%20% Measure: MR-3 - Percent Out of Service Cleared within 24 hours. Floor. 95% Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month 1 Month 2 Month 3+ ;::.= 95.00% ;:.= 94.00%0.25%0.35%0.45% ;:.= 93.00%50%60%70% ;::.- 92.00%75 %85 %95 % ;::.= 91.00%1.00%1.1 0%1.20% ;::.= 90.00%50%60%70% ;::.= 89.00%1.75%85%95% ;::.= 88.00%00%2.1 0%.20% ;::.= 87.00%25%2.35%2.45% ;::.= 86.00%50%60%70% ~= 85.00%75%85%95% .:::: 85.00%00%10%20% NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Confidential Page 4 06/12/01 . . Measure: MR.- 7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate Floor. 5% Performance Remedy Remedy Remedy Month Month 2 Month 3+ -:::- 5.00% -:::- 6.00%25%0.35%0.45% -:::= 7.00%50%60%70% -:::= 8.00%75 %85 %95 % -:::- 9.00%1.00%1. 10%20% -:::= 10.00%50%60%1. 70% -:::- 11.00%1.75%1.85%95% -:::= 12.00%00%10%20% -:::= 13.00%25%2.35%2.45% -:::;= 14.00%50%60%70% -:::- 15.00%75%85%95% ;:. 15.00%00%10%20% Trade Secret Data Ends) NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA Confidential Page 5 06/12/01 Idaho PU~lic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 54 Case No. QWE-06- AT&T DOC 349 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/CI-01-1371 and P421/C-02-197 Information Requested From: . Qwest. Corporation Information Requested By: I:ace Requested: Date Response Due; Ferguson, Sharon 07/10/2002 07/18/2002 REQUEST: Admit that Audrey McKenney wrote (TRADE SECRET DATA BEGINS "Today's contact" beside the row for "Tier 3" TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS) on the second page of thedocuments attached as Exhibit 18 to these requests. RESPONSE: Audrey beside of the ref ers MCKenney wrote (TRADE SECRET DATA BEGINS ~ Today' S contract"the row for ~Tier 3" TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS) on the second page document attached as Exhibit 18 to these requests. The noteto McLeod's statements regarding the take-or-pay.Respondent:Audrey McKenney Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit SS Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T . Action ~tems fr:.nm Meeting . \ Subject: Action Items from Meeting Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 07:59:35 -0500From: "Stacey D. Stewart" -c.sstewart~cLeodUSA.com;::' To: "Blake O. Fisher" o::::bfisher~cLeodUSA.com:;::'Randall E. Rings" -::::nings~cLeodUSA.com:;::'James T. Balvanz" .gbalvanz~cLeodUSA.com;::'Casey, Greg" -::::Greg.Casey~qwest.com;::' , " Filip, Dana" oCDana.Filip(8qwestcom;::.axmcken~qwestcom, cdohert(6Jnotes. uswc. uswest. com . CC: "Stacey Stewart" oCsstewart(8McLeodUSA.com;::. REC'O J UN O 4 2001 (Trade Secret Data Begins I 'velisted all action items coming from our meeting on Thursday below. If youhave any questions or I've left anything out please let me know. The expectationis that we can work through all of these outstanding action items the week of6/4 and then Qwest could provide an overall response to McLeod on the term sheetby no later than 6/11. ThanksStacey 1. Performance Measures and Remedies- Response Due by June 8th COB.- Audrey and team to provide a response to the PAP+5 proposal andassociated remedies. The response should include:- Acceptance of the proposal or a counter offer.- A recommendation on a settlement of past remedies for Nov-April (wediscus sed the $ 6M) - A recommendation on an interim remedy plan for May 2000 through themonth Qwest receives 271 approval. - A proposal on how to fence the Performance measures and remedies offgoing forward. 2. Product and Pricing- a. Audrey to re.view Vmail proposal and provide a response by 6/11b. Jim and Stacey to provide to Audrey list of markets/bundle ofservice/amount of toll on residential by 6/5c. Jim to provide an inventory of T-1 circuits to Qwest by 6/4 fordetermination of a T-1 UNE-M offering by 6/11.d. Audrey to send a copy of the retail PRI proposal (created in January) toMcLeod by 6/4. e. Audrey and team to work on DSL proposal and provide response by 6/11.f. McLeod to verify the originating numbers for intralata Toll charges by6/5. g. Audrey and team to work on Wire Care/Maintenance proposal and provideresponse by 6/11. 3. Qwest to provide a response to McLeod's tiered discount sheet by 6/11. 4. Both companies to work their respective buy/sell organizations to determinewhere the current IRU proposals are in the process. 5. Regulatory a. No action b. Qwest to develop McLeod and an associated c. No Action a list of 'wants associated with 271 advocacy fromvalue of these items. Due 6/11. 6. Other action items - McLeod to research to determine the need for ANI over T-1. Due 6/8 - Qwest to research the outstanding billing disputes and determine counteroffer. Due 6/11 - Followup conference call on 6/12 to discuss response and schedule anotherface to face later in that week. NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT 4211C-O2-197 DOC 08-212 Trade Secret Attachment 6/4/0110:36AMlof2CONTAINS TR-A..DE SECRET DATA Acion Items nom Meeting . \. Trade Secret Data Endsl NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA 2 of2 6/4/01 10:36 AM Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2001 Boise, idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit S6 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Fe-Jlow Up ell Action Items Subject: Follow Up On Action Items Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:42:14 -0600From: Arturo Ibarra Jr -::ajbarra~uswest.com? Organization: US WEST Communications, IncTo: sstewart~cLeodUSA.com CC: bfisher~cLeodUSA.com James T. Balvanz" ~ba1vanz~cLeodUSA.com;::'rrings~McLedoUSA.com, Greg Casey -::::Greg.Casey~qwestcom? ,Dana Filip -::::Dana.Filip(6iqwestcom? , Audrey McKenney -::::axmcken~uswest.com)o RECD JUN 1 3 2001 Stacey, (Trade Secret nata Begins In order to progress 6/2 email we need to They are as follows: further on some of the action items listed in yourget a few items that we have not yet received. 2b - For the 452 wire centers, they did not include estimated associatedvolume detail to assist us in determining a weighted average price.Additionally, no toll data was provided. FYI, as a result of our7/01/01 price filing, we are anticipating the weighted average CALCcharge for primary res and single line bus to increase from $4. 35 to$4.97; the non-primary res / BRI ISDN to increase from $6. 39 to $6.53;and multi line bus / centrex go from $8.35 to $7.87. 2c - An inventory of T-1 circuits for determination of UNE-M offering. 2f - Was your team able to validate the originating numbers for the intraLATA toll charges? 6a - Was your team able to determine if there is indeed a need for ANI over T-1? Additionally, Freddi is working with our product management team on thevoice messaging proposal (2a) and the wire maintenance proposal (2g).On the VMS offer, the top end of your proposal (10,001 - 12,000), anincrease of 600 - 3,400 mailboxes, translates into a 3% penetration.During our UNE-M discussions I thought McLeod believed they could achieve a 10% penetration rate. If this is true, then we may beafforded greater flexibility in developing a VMS offering more to your liking. Two final clarifying questions: are the volumes listed acombined bus/res figure or do they represent separate volumes for busand res? And what is the term (3 or 5 years)? With respect to your counter to Qwest I s DSL proposal (2e), we believethat our initial proposal is as aggressive as we can get on a pricingfront. On PRI proposal (2d), we are getting final volume and terms from SPR,and we expect pricing to be around $667 with a 1, 000 unit commitment, anincrease of eight spans from today. On the tiered discount (item #3), based the documentation on our 10/22/00 weekend proposals we understood that both parties had agreed negotiate final rates based on market conditions and for the integration of Split Rock and other acquisitions. If you would like a copy of thisdocument, let me know and I will fax it to you. At the time negotiations our base included only McLeod (IOR/IORL) and Ovation(OCB/OCBL). During our reconciliation efforts for the Preferred VendorPlan, Lori recently brought to my attention that I had omitted Access Long Distance (AMM), Dakota Telecom (DKI/DKIL), Cap Rock (SGY/SGYL) andTCI Communications Inc (TUC). The annual billing on these additionalACNAs is $28M. Further, Split Rock, post-anticipated discount is worthand additional $8M, and out of region is worth $ 7M. Adding in thesemissing companies brings McLeod's total 2001 anticipated invoice to NONPUBUC DOCUMENT 10f2 CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA r-- N .... 0'\ c:::...... N II) c:::00 ;::00- U U 2 """'.... c::; f'"\ -q;: "T ""-I aJ :.. a.. U II) CI:) II) r=; 6/13/01 9:02 AM Fo!low Up (':) Action Items $220M (excluding IRUs).As such we believe Tier 4 should become Tier Audrey and Greg are working privately with Blake and the attorneys on items I & If you and Jim want to talk, give me a call. Thanks,Arturo 303-965-4324 Trade Secret Data Ends! NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA of2 6113/019:02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 57 Case No. QWE- T -06- AT&T DOC 320 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/CI-O1~1371 and P421/C-O2-197 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 07/10/2002 07/18/2002 REQUEST: (TRADE SECRET DATA BEGINS In the July 3, 2001 e-mail from Arturro Ibarra toStacey Stewart attached as Exhibit 4 to these requests, Mr. Ibarra statesthat "based the documentation on our 10/22/00 weekend proposals we understood that both parties had agreed to negotiate final rates based on marketconditions for the integration of Split Rock and other acquisitions. If youwould like a copy of this document, let me know and I will fax it to you.Please produce the "documentation on our 10/22/00 weekend proposals" referred to by Mr. Ibarra. If Qwest has previously produced the documentation, pleaseidentify it specifically (including document type, date, title and/or filename, author and recipient) and identify the discovery request in response to which the documentation was provided. TRADE SECRET DATA ENDS) RESPONSE: Please see the Trade Secret Attachment for the referenced document. Respondent:Audrey McKenney QW E S T C O U N T E R P R O P O S A L 'T r a d e s e c r e t d a t i l b e g i " , Mu t u a l P r e f e r r e d V e n d o r P l a n 20 0 0 To t a l 20 0 1 - 2 0 0 3 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 -- - - - - - - - 'l i t R o k l a t h e r a c a u ; s t ; o n 0% 28 % 15 5 19 8 ~- - - - 76 % 24 % 24 6 'f 6 i i 65 % 17 % 28 8 17 0 ... . . . . 59 % 73 2 48 i i -. . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 % .Q . W e s t t o Mc L e o d Pr e f e r r e d V e n d o r - - ' Ta k e o r P a y ' c o m m i t m e n t r a n g e s Mi n i m u m f o r d i s C o u n t t o a p p l y Ti e r 1 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e Ti e r 2 Re v e n u e r a n g e s D/ s c o ! : n t R a l e Ti e r 3 Re v e n u e r a n g e s Di s c o u n t R a t e $M ' 20 0 1 17 8 - 18 8 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ov e r 1 9 9 Ba l e d Mc L e o d ' 18 9 - 19 8 Ov e r 2 3 0 Ov e r 2 5 0 Pr o p O S 8 1 10 . 10 . 10 Q W " I OY e r 1 9 9 Th e a b o v e l e v e / l s a n 10 . Im e r l m d e f a u l t l e v e l . B o t h Pa r t i e s a g r e e t o n l g o t / a t e nn l l l r a t e s b a s e d o n ma r l I e r c o n d t / o n l o n a n an n u a l b O l l i a a n d f o r t h e 'n l e g r a l l o n o f S p l i t R o c k ot h l l ' a c a u l s U o n s - A" o m e r . C J i e ~ 1 P r M l e g l NO N P U B L I C DO C U M E N T GO N T A I N S l" R 4 n r : t : ! r : f \ / J ~ ' \ . n A Fo r D I s c u s s i o n P \ l r p o s . . O n l y . t i l l ( ; l ' tX c H * r 1 l 1 i l l : B e c w e f . A T h e P a r t i e . Do e s H o t C o n s l l t u t e O f f e l l . Q w e l t RI s e r v e . T h a 00 a Q C O u n t e r . xl s S ' e e l 3 7 1 2 3 : 2 0 0 2 4 : 1 3 PM C R i \ j h l to Re v l s l l l S u p p l e m l n l A n y T e r m o r C o n d i t i o n C o n t a i n e d H a r e l n \ ~ ~ o ~O ' ; ) ~ o () ~ ( ' ) Z -7 " - .. . . . ~ r n n- : " : b ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -:; ; ::- - - . . \ b . ' ~? i ~ ; ... . . Tr a d e S e c r e t d a t i , e n d s l - - - -- - - -