HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070817Deanhardt direct, exhibits 1-8.pdf~~-BS~JNr ~ 0J~v.PW;ATTORNEYS AT LAW RECEIVE6 Molly 0' Leary znli1 t\UG t b 5: 01Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 moll yl1!' rich ards 0 na ndoleary. com O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, lD 83702 UTI tS'fi~~'j~t 'rM ~:l s to N 16 August 2007 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Via HAND DELIVERY RE: Case No. QWE-06- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please fmd an original and eight (8) copies of the following: DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CLAY DEANHARDT GREGORY W. NAGROSST AND ELLYCE BRENNER ON BEHALF OF AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. One of the above copies is to be considered the "Reporter " Copy, and I have. also enclosed an extra copy of each of the foregoing to be date- stamped and retumed to us for our files. Thank you. encl. Molly O'Leary (ISB No. 4996) RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 North 2ih Street O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: 208.938.7900 Fax: 208.938.7904 Mail: mollY(fYxichardsonandoleary.com Theodore A. Livingston Dennis G. Friedman MA YER, BROWN, ROWE & MAW LLP 71 South Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606-4637 Telephone: 312.782.0600 Fax: 312.706.8630 Mail: dfriedman~mayerbrown. com Dan Foley General Attorney & Assistant General Counsel AT&T WEST P. O. Box 11010; 645 E. Plumb Lane, B132 Reno, Nevada 89520 Telephone: 775.333.4321 Fax: 775.333.2175 Mail: df6929~att.com RECEIVED 70"'lilli MjG I b p 5: 0 un il E!ic;~;i(i1;r f ~s ION Attorneys for Complainant AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN ) STATES, INC. Complainant vs. QWEST CORPORATION Respondent. August 16, 2007 CASE NO. QWE-06- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CLAY DEANHARDT ON BEHALF OF AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. INTRODUCTION Please state your name, address and employer. My name is Clay Deanhardt. My business address is 21-C Orinda Way, #374 Orinda, California, 94563. I am self-employed, and have been hired by AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. ("AT&T") to testify regarding my investigation into agreements that Qwest entered into with Eschelon Telecom, Inc. Esche Ion ) and McLeod USA ("McLeod") that provided for significant discounts on purchases of telecommunications products and services by those companies from Qwest. What is the purpose of your testimony? In late 2000, Qwest entered into agreements with Eschelon and McLeod to provide them with discounts of up to 10% on every product and service purchased by those companies from Qwest between that point and the end of either 2003 (McLeod) or 2005 (Eschelon). In both cases Qwest deliberately concealed the agreements to prevent companies like AT&T from taking advantage of the same discounts. The primary purpose of my testimony is to: (a) describe these contracts and discounts, (b) explain how we came to discover that the agreements existed despite Qwest' ongoing efforts to conceal or deny them; and (c) describe the AT&T contract with Qwest that entitled it to the same discounts as Eschelon and McLeod. What are your qualifications to provide this testimony? In 2001 and 2002, I conducted the original investigation and analysis on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Commerce (the "Department") into the Deanhardt, Di- AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. existence and terms of more than a dozen undisclosed, secret agreements between Qwest and several Competitive Local Exchange Companies ("CLECs ), including Eschelon and McLeod. Later the Arizona Residential Utility Consumer Office (" RUCO") hired me to assist in their investigation of the same agreements. In the course of those investigations, as detailed below, I reviewed thousands of pages of documents, drafted discovery questions for Qwest and read their responses, interviewed the people who negotiated the agreements, witnessed the depositions of Qwest and McLeod witnesses regarding the agreements and reviewed the transcripts of those depositions. I testified about my investigation and my findings before an ALl in Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ("MPUC") Docket No. P-421/C-02-197 (the "197 Docket"), again in Docket No. P-421/CI-01-1371 (the 1371 Docket"), and before the Arizona Corporation Commission ("ACC") in Docket No. RT-00000F-02-0271. I also sat through every day ofthe hearings in the 197 Docket, read all of the testimony of witnesses for Qwest and the Department and attended the cross-examinations of those witnesses. Both the MPUC and the ACC agreed with my analyses and conclusions. In addition, I have reviewed the main body (i., not the attachments) of the AT&T interconnection agreement with Qwest in Idaho. Are there other aspects of your background that are relevant to your testimony? Yes. My resume is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-l to this testimony. I have been an attorney and a business person since graduating from law school in 1992. I Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. have extensive experience negotiating telecommunications contracts, including interconnection agreements. I have been a business executive in a start up company and served both as a member of and legal advisor to different boards of directors. Currently, I have my own solo law firm serving a variety of clients including technology companies for which I help draft and negotiate a variety of complex business agreements. From January 1999 through September 2000 I was Senior Counsel for Covad Communications Company ("Covad") and responsible for Covad's legal relationship with Qwest (at the time, U S WEST). While at Covad, I led the operational and business team that determined, for the first time, how to implement DSL line sharing across telephone lines carrying Qwest voice services. As part of that work, I helped design the network architecture for line sharing over copper loops. I also helped design the processes that CLECs and ILECs use for ordering, provisioning and repairing line-shared lines. After the completion of the line sharing trial ordered by the Minnesota PUC , I also led a group of CLECs in negotiating the interim line-sharing agreement and the first ever line-sharing interconnection agreement in the telecommunications industry. The negotiations for both the interim line-sharing agreement and the line- sharing interconnection agreement included the negotiation of pricing for unbundled network elements (UNEs), OSS enhancements and related services that were required for line sharing. As part of my preparation for those negotiations, I prepared (and Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. helped others prepare) business case studies on the impact ofline sharing on Covad' business and its ability to compete for residential broadband customers. From September 2000 through July 2001 , I served as COO, General Counsel and, eventually, President of Epidemic Networks, a start-up company designing communications and workflow software. In September, 2001 , I created Deanhardt Consulting - a sole proprietorship - to offer consulting services for business plan reviews, telecommunications and regulatory issues. I subsequently assisted the Department in its investigation of Qwest related to Qwest's Section 271 application and Qwest's failure to file a number of interconnection agreements with the MPUC giving testimony regarding the agreements, OSS checklist items, non-OSS checklist items and Section 271 public interest issues in the 197 Docket, the 1371 Docket and MPUC Docket Nos. P-421/CI-01-1370 and P-421/CI-01-1373. AZ RUCO subsequently asked me to assist in their investigation of interconnection agreements Qwest failed to file in Arizona, resulting in my testimony in Arizona Docket No. RT- OOOOOF -02-0271 Through Deanhardt Consulting, I worked under contract to AT&T of California, prior to its merger with SBC, as a regulatory attorney responsible for cost dockets, UNE issues and interconnection arbitrations. I returned to Covad as an Assistant General Counsel in May, 2005 to integrate its litigation group with its business and regulatory units. Having accomplished that task, I left again to start my own practice in May, 2006. My current practice focuses primarily on general business and intellectual property law, including corporate formation, the drafting and Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. negotiating of business agreements and IP licenses, alternative dispute resolution and other matters on an as-needed basis. What other involvement have you had with agreements between telecommunications companies? As I already noted, I was responsible for Covad's interconnection relationship with Qwest. That work required me to be intimately familiar with our agreements with Qwest, interpret them, and enforce them. I also was charged with negotiating amendments with Qwest when necessary, and with knowing when such agreements were not necessary (generally because the matter was already addressed in our interconnection agreement). In addition, I participated in interconnection negotiations with Southwestern Bell Corporation ("SBC") and interconnection arbitrations with Southwestern Bell Telephone ("SWBT") (in Texas and Kansas) and Ameritech (in Illinois). I also testified in Illinois ' consideration ofthe SBC / Ameritech merger regarding SWBT's conduct in interconnection negotiations and Covad's interconnection arbitration with SWBT in Texas. While working under contract for AT&T, I also advised the company on interconnection negotiations with SBC and prepared for interconnection arbitrations with SBC in Nevada and California. Can you please tell us about your investigation for the Minnesota Department of Commerce? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. In the summer of 200 1 , the Department began an investigation into whether Qwest was providing adequate wholesale service in Minnesota. In November 2001 the Department asked me to assist in that investigation. Among other things, the Department asked me to investigate whether Qwest had entered into agreements with CLECs that should have been filed for approval by the Commission but were not. The Department also asked me to help it investigate Qwest's compliance with the checklist items set out in 47 US.C. ~271(c)(2)(B). At the beginning of my investigation, I reviewed more than 75 written agreements between Qwest and a variety of CLECs. These agreements had been produced by Qwest to the Department but had never been publicly disclosed or filed with the MPUC. Among those agreements was Qwest's written agreement to provide Eschelon with a 10% discount on all purchases made by Eschelon between October 2000 and December 31 , 2005. I followed up my review of these agreements by helping the Department draft a series of discovery requests to Qwest regarding the various agreements. I then reviewed all of the documents and written responses provided by Qwest in response to those requests. I also conducted a series of interviews with CLEC witnesses including those involved in the negotiation of the several undisclosed Eschelon agreements. Based on my initial findings, the Department filed a complaint against Qwest for failing to file 11 written agreements with the MPUC. That complaint resulted in the 197 Docket. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. After the hearing related to the initial 11 agreements concluded, the Department learned that Qwest might have entered into an oral agreement with McLeod to provide it with a discount similar to the one Qwest provided Eschelon. On behalf of the Department, I began a new investigation into those allegations. This second investigation began with interviews of McLeod officers employees and representatives who had knowledge of and confirmed the existence of the oral agreement. I continued the investigation by drafting new requests for the Department to provide to Qwest seeking the information necessary to determine whether the oral agreement identified by the McLeod witnesses did, in fact, exist. I then reviewed all of the written responses and documents provided by Qwest to the Department in response to those requests. In addition, as noted above, I reviewed all of the written testimony and exhibits I submitted by Qwest in both phases of the hearings in the 197 Docket. I also sat through all of the hearings and cross-examinations of witnesses in that docket. What materials from your original investigation did you review again prior to filing this testimony? I reviewed my Minnesota testimony in the 197 Docket and the 1371 Docket including all of the exhibits attached to it. Those exhibits included Qwest discovery I Throughout my testimony, I refer to documents that I originally collected and reviewed for the Department in 2002. These documents were all included as exhibits to testimony I submitted in one or more MPUC dockets related to these agreements. In response to AT&T data request No. 25 in this Docket, Qwest agreed that AT&T could have access to these documents and treat them as if they had been produced by Qwest in this proceeding. It also is my understanding that these documents, many of which were originally designated as trade secret, have now been designated as public. Deanhardt, Di - 7 AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. responses, documents provided by Qwest and McLeod, the transcript of the deposition of McLeod officer Blake Fisher, and the affidavits signed by Mr. Fisher and McLeod employee Lori Deutmeyer. I also reviewed the transcripts of the hearings in the 197 Docket and the transcript of the deposition of Audrey McKenney, a primary negotiator of the agreements at issue. I also briefly scanned my Minnesota testimony in the other two dockets referenced above. Based on your investigations, what did you conclude that is relevant to this proceeding? As discussed in more detail below, I concluded that Qwest entered into agreements to provide discounts of 10% to Eschelon and up to 10% to McLeod on all purchases made by those companies from Qwest over agreed-upon time frames including purchases in Idaho and even purchases outside of Qwest's ILEC territory. It may be more accurate to describe these agreements as rebate agreements, since the discount was provided via rebate payments to both carriers. Qwest and Eschelon entered into a written agreement for the Eschelon discount and tried to conceal it with a sham consulting arrangement. The discount agreement between Qwest and McLeod was an oral agreement because Qwest refused requests by McLeod to put it in writing. In both cases, however, there are documents demonstrating that Qwest did, in fact, make the required rebate payments to each carrier and calculated the rebate amount by applying a 10% discount to all purchases made by those carriers from Qwest. II.THE DISCOUNT AGREEMENTS Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. THE ESCHELON AGREEMENT Can you put the Eschelon agreement at issue here into its historical context? Certainly. In the course of the Minnesota investigation, we found six agreements between Eschelon and Qwest that contained rates, terms or conditions that should have been made available to other CLECs. One of those agreements provided that Eschelon would receive a 10% discount on every purchase it made from Qwest so long as Eschelon met certain minimal purchase commitments from Qwest. In Minnesota, we referred to it as Eschelon Agreement IV because it was the fourth in the series of undisclosed agreements entered into between the two companies. That is the agreement at issue in this proceeding and is referred to in my testimony as the Eschelon Agreement. A copy of the Eschelon Agreement is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -2 to my testimony. Have you read the Eschelon Agreement? Yes. I read it many times during my initial investigation, again for the Arizona proceedings and again recently to refresh my recollection. Please describe the Eschelon Agreement. The Eschelon Agreement is a written agreement entitled "Confidential Amendment to Confidential/Trade Secret Stipulation" and is dated November 15 2000. The agreement holds itself out as a settlement of disputes between Eschelon and Qwest regarding Eschelon s ability to provide services to its customers using Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. UNE-P beginning in March, 2000. It is characterized as an amendment / addition to an agreement dated February 28, 2000 that was referred to in Minnesota as Eschelon Agreement I. The Eschelon Agreement memorializes obligations of Eschelon and Qwest including (a) that Eschelon purchase at least $15 million of telecommunications services and products from Qwest between October 1 2000 and September 30 2001; and (b) that Qwest make a $10 million payment to Eschelon by November 17, 2000. What does the Eschelon Agreement do that is pertinent here? Under Paragraph 3 of the Eschelon Agreement, Qwest was required to pay Eschelon a 10% discount on all "aggregate billed charges for all purchases made by Eschelon from Qwest from November 15 2000 through December 31 , 2005" so long as Eschelon met its take-or-pay purchase commitments from an agreement attached to my testimony as Exhibit Deanhard -3. In other words, Paragraph 3 created a concrete and specific legal obligation for Qwest to provide Eschelon with a 10% discount every purchase Eschelon made from Qwest between November 15,2000 and December 31, 2005 . That discount applied to all purchases, including access charges interconnection rates (including UNEs) and items Eschelon purchased from Qwest's tariffs. Paragraph 3 of the Eschelon Agreement purports to tie the 10% discount to a consulting arrangement with Eschelon. Did that change your opinion regarding the intent and effect of Paragraph 3? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Not in the slightest. My investigation determined that the consulting agreement was a sham agreement designed to help hide the 10% discount that Qwest had already agreed to provide Eschelon prior to Eschelon ever suggesting that it could provide consulting services to Qwest. I concluded, and the Minnesota ALJ, the MPUC and the ACC all agreed, that the entire "consulting" arrangement was a sham. Why do you suggest that the work Qwest claims Eschelon did under the agreement was not the legitimate quid pro quo for the 10% refund? Several reasons. First, the fact that the consulting arrangement was intended to hide a straightforward discount is evidenced by Exhibit Deanhardt-4 to my testimony, a November 5 , 2000 letter (sent by attached e-mail) from Richard Smith President and COO of Eschelon, to Jim Gallegos, Judy Tinkham and Audrey McKenney at Qwest. According to numbered paragraph 1 in that letter, Qwest agreed on October 21 2000 to provide Eschelon with a volume discount equal to 10% of its purchases from Qwest. Mr. Smith notes that the Qwest had not put the agreement in writing, and states in Paragraph 10 that he has an idea how to enter into the agreement with a "mechanism that makes it more difficult for any party to opt into our agreements." Qwest adopted Mr. Smith's idea when, ten days later, it entered into the Eschelon Agreement containing Qwest's agreement to give Eschelon a 10% refund on all of its purchases from Qwest in exchange for "consulting servIces. Second, the purported payment for these alleged consulting services had no rational relationship to the "consulting" services to be provided by Eschelon. Instead Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. from Covad performing that work. No company was paid for that work, nor would they have expected to be paid. Finally, there was no evidence from the time period contemporaneous with the agreement or my investigation to suggest that Qwest ever really wanted or used the consulting services" described in Paragraph 3. Qwest never produced any documents suggesting that it was in the market for such consulting services or that it had discussed the possibility of receiving such consulting services from any entity other than Eschelon. Moreover, Exhibits Deanhardt -5 and Deanhardt -6 to my testimony show that the list of purported Eschelon "consulting" teams that Qwest provided to the Department in response to discovery requests was actually a list of teams intended to work on an entirely different issue - an implementation plan that was the subject of another Eschelon / Qwest agreement described in a letter dated November 15 2000. (See Exhibit Deanhardt -7).In fact, the phrase "consulting teams" did not appear on the list for the first time until after the Department issued discovery requests to Qwest regarding the Eschelon Agreement on November 27 2001. What else, if anything, led you to conclude that the "consulting agreement" was a sham? In Minnesota, as discussed above, Qwest produced a list of the "consulting teams purportedly established by Eschelon under the Eschelon Agreement. 4 I reviewed that list carefully, and based on my experience working with Qwest to design its line-sharing product, I can say that these teams were really focused on 4 A true copy of Qwest's response to DOC 067 in MPUC Docket No. P4211DI-Ol- 814 is included as part of Exhibit Deanhardt -8 to my testimony. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. helping Qwest provide better service to Eschelon. Working with an ILEC to get your company better service was not a bad thing for Eschelon to do - quite the opposite but it was not something a CLEC ever got paid to do. After 1996, CLECs worked with Qwest every day, in face-to-face meetings, at change management meetings, and in regulatory forums to try to get Qwest systems and processes to work better. When I was at Covad, for example, we helped Qwest solve technical problems that were preventing Covad and other CLECs from being able to provision DSL under certain circumstances. Covad, not Qwest, funded the resources necessary to solve those problems. CLECs did this work for free because the business of CLECs was, and is serving end-users -- not consulting for ILECs. In fact, when I was at Covad, we were begging for the type of access and input that Qwest claims to have paid Eschelon for under this agreement, and usually we could not get Qwest to take it for free. Ultimately, a telecom company lives or dies based on its ability to provide services to its customers at a price that is higher than the cost to provide that service. If you are a CLEC, helping Qwest provide you with better service so that you can provide your customers with better service is just good for your business. It is not a consulting business. Did Qwest actually make any payments to Eschelon under Paragraph 3 of the Eschelon Agreement? Yes. In its supplemental response to data request 67 made by the Department in Docket No. P421/DI-01-814, Qwest admitted that it refunded $2 540 017 to Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Eschelon for the time period between November 15, 2000 and August 31 , 2001. A copy of Qwest' s response is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -8 to my testimony. What did the Minnesota and Arizona commissions determine about the consulting agreement" in Paragraph 3 of the Eschelon Agreement? In its 197 Docket, the MPUC affirmed the findings of its ALJ that Paragraph 3 of the Eschelon Agreement contained a discount agreement and not a consulting services contract. Specifically, the MPUC found that the alleged "consulting agreement with Eschelon was "a sham designed to conceal the discount that Qwest agreed to provide Eschelon.In the matter of the Complaint of the Minnesota Department of Commerce Against Qwest Corporation Regarding Unjiled Agreements ALJ Findings of Fact, Conclusions, Recommendation and Memorandum, 'il126 (MPUC Sept. 20 , 2002) Minn. ALJ 197 Order (adopted by MPUC id.Order Adopting ALl's Report and Establishing a Comment Period Regarding Remedies, 2002 Minn. PUC LEXIS 90 (MPUC Nov. 1 2002. The Arizona Corporation Commission similarly found that the Eschelon Agreement was a discount agreement, finding "(tJhe evidence shows that the (QwestJ agreements with Eschelon for consulting services and with McLeod for purchases which Qwest claims were not subject to Section 252 requirements, were shams designed to hide the true nature ofthe agreements. In the matter of Qwest Compliance with Section 252(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Opinion and Order (Decision No. 66949), at 38 (Apr. 30, 2004). THE MCLEOD AGREEMENT Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Please describe again how you conducted your investigation into the oral discount agreement between Qwest and McLeod. After the Department learned that there might be an oral discount agreement between McLeod and Qwest, I drafted discovery requests that the Department sent to both Qwest and McLeod. Those requests included interrogatories, document requests and requests that Qwest admit or deny certain facts related to the Department' allegations. I then reviewed all of Qwest' s responses, including every document produced by Qwest to the Department. When appropriate, I drafted follow-up requests to clarify the facts or to collect new information based on Qwest's responses. I also interviewed witnesses from McLeod regarding the alleged agreement. In addition, I was present at the depositions of Qwest's Audrey McKenney, McLeod' Lori Deutmeyer and Blake Fisher, a retired senior executive from McLeod. Who did you interview? On May 23, 2002 I interviewed David Conn, a lawyer from McLeod. Mr. Conn gave me an overview of the relationship between McLeod and Qwest and he confirmed that Qwest had agreed orally to provide McLeod with a volume discount on all purchases made by McLeod from Qwest. Mr. Conn, however, was not directly involved in negotiating the agreements. Therefore, on June 3 and 4, 2002 I interviewed Stacey Stewart, Lori Deutmeyer, and Todd McNally, all of whom worked for McLeod. Mr. Stewart was involved in negotiating the many agreements that Qwest and McLeod entered into on October 26, 2000, including the discount agreement. He confirmed that the discount Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. agreement existed. He also informed me that Blake Fisher was the lead negotiator for McLeod during the negotiations that resulted in the agreement. Ms. Deutmeyer was the person at McLeod responsible for verifying that Qwest paid McLeod the full amount of the discount owed to it. She explained how the discount was calculated. At my request, she also provided the Department and me with documents reflecting those calculations. I interviewed Mr. McNally because of his knowledge of issues related to aspects of the investigation I was conducting for the Department that were unrelated to the discount agreement. Mr. McNally had no information related to the discount agreement. On June 6, 2002 I interviewed Blake Fisher, who had retired from McLeod in May 2002. Mr. Fisher confirmed that he was McLeod's lead negotiator with Qwest for the various agreements that the parties entered on October 26, 2000. He also confirmed that Qwest had agreed to provide McLeod with a discount based on the volume of purchases made by McLeod from Qwest. How did you follow up on those interviews? To memorialize the witnesses' statements , I prepared draft affidavits for Ms. Deutmeyer and Mr. Fisher based on my interview notes. I provided those affidavits to McLeod's in-house counsel, and Ms. Deutmeyer and Mr. Fisher reviewed their respective affidavits for accuracy. Both made changes / edits to their affidavits and then executed them. Mr. Fisher s affidavit and its exhibits are attached as Exhibits 3 and 4 to the transcript of his deposition taken on June 27, 2002. A true copy of that Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. transcript is attached to my testimony as Exhibit Deanhardt -9. A true copy of Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -10 to my testimony. What conclusions, if any, did you reach based on your investigation? I concluded that on or about October 26, 2000 Qwest and McLeod entered into an oral agreement whereby Qwest agreed to provide discounts to McLeod for all purchases made by McLeod from Qwest. The discount ranged from 6.5% to 10% depending on the volume of purchases made by McLeod from Qwest over the course of a year. The discount applied to all purchases McLeod made from Qwest, not just purchases of the wholesale services Qwest is required to provide under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). So, for example, the discount applied both to McLeod's purchase of unbundled network elements ("UNEs ) under the Act as well as to its payments for switched access, wholesale long distance and tariffed retail services (including private line transport services). The discount applied to all purchases made by McLeod both within Qwest's 14-state ILEC territory and outside of that region. The discount was available to McLeod if it met minimum purchase volume commitments to Qwest. Upon what was your conclusion based? My conclusion is based on my review of documents provided by Qwest and McLeod; their written responses to information requests from the Department; the interviews I conducted on behalf of the Department; the depositions of Ms. McKenney, Ms. Deutmeyer and Mr. Fisher; affidavits signed by Ms. Deutmeyer and Mr. Fisher recounting the details ofthe discount agreement, and my participation in Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. the hearings regarding this agreement in Minnesota. My conclusion is also based on my own business experience, detailed above. Has your conclusion changed based on your subsequent experience or your most recent review of the material you collected during your investigation? No. Is there a single document that explains the discount? Yes. Exhibit Deanhardt -35 to my testimony, discussed in more detail below defines the level of discount Qwest agreed to provide McLeod and the purchase requirements McLeod had to meet to get those discounts. Exhibit 3 to the Affidavit of Blake Fisher, which is included as part of Exhibit Deanhardt -9 to my testimony, is substantively identical to Exhibit Deanhardt -35 and was confirmed by Mr. Fisher as containing the terms of the oral discount agreement. Please explain the context in which Qwest and McLeod entered into the discount agreement. Based on my interviews and the documents produced by Qwest and McLeod it became clear that two things happened in 2000 to precipitate this agreement. The first was that it became certain that ILECs were required to provide CLECs with access to some UNEs, including local switching, in a combined form. One combination of UNEs which included the local loop and local switching was Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. referred to as "UNE-P" or "UNE-.Platform.s Before UNE-P came along, McLeod' relationship with U S WEST / Qwest was primarily that of a reseller. That is, McLeod purchased services from US WEST / Qwest and resold them to McLeod's customers. Most of the services resold by McLeod were CENTREX services. McLeod recognized, however, that it could reduce its costs (and thereby increase net revenues) by immediately converting its resold lines to UNE-P lines and later moving as much traffic as possible off of U S WEST's network altogether. The second thing to happen was that Qwest purchased and merged with U S WEST, and the newly merged Qwest made overtures to McLeod that it wanted to establish a better business relationship with McLeod and treat it more like a customer than a competitor. 6 So McLeod and Qwest entered into negotiations in the late summer / early fall of 2000 to create a new business relationship that would be beneficial to both. The new Qwest, according to its representatives, wanted to keep and even increase McLeod's traffic on its network. McLeod, on the other hand wanted to reduce costs and increase service quality. The leading persons involved in these negotiations from Qwest were Greg Casey, Executive Vice President for Wholesale Markets at the time; Audrey McKenney, then Sr. Vice President of Wholesale Markets; and Arturro Ibarra, then Director of Business Development. (See Exhibit Deanhardt -, Fisher Affidavit, ~ 4). 5 In 2004, the FCC eliminated the obligation for ILECs to provide access to unbundled switching - and thus to UNE-P. But in 2000 the obligation was real, and ILECs and CLECs were still trying to figure out how to implement it.6 See Exhibit Deanhardt -72 to my testimony, which is a true copy of an e-mail produced by McLeod to the Department. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. From McLeod, the lead negotiators were Blake Fisher, then the Group Vice President and Chief Planning and Development Officer; Jim Balvanz, McLeod' Vice President of Finance at the time; and Stacey Stewart, then Vice President of ILEC Relations. (See Exhibit Deanhardt -, Fisher Affidavit, ~ 5). The negotiations resulted in six written agreements that the parties entered into on October 26 2000. The key component of those agreements was the creation of a new product called UNE Star (or UNE- M when purchased by McLeod). The UNE Star product was a flat-rated UNE platform product that, in essence, converted McLeod resold CENTREX lines directly to UNE-P. One of the six agreements McLeod and Qwest entered into on October 26 was the Eighth Amendment to their interconnection agreement, which publicly disclosed some ofthe terms and conditions for the UNE Star product. Two of the other written agreements were the purchase agreements between McLeod and Qwest that I discuss in more detail later in my testimony. Another of the six agreements was the document identified as McLeod Agreement II in the Department's complaint in the 197 Docket in Minnesota. The final two agreements were billing settlement agreements that moved substantial sums of money back and forth between McLeod and Qwest. In addition to the six written agreements, Qwest and McLeod also entered into two oral agreements. The first was the discount agreement at issue in this proceeding and was tied to McLeod's purchase agreement with Qwest. The second was Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. McLeod's agreement not to participate in proceedings considering Qwest's Section 271 applications. What did Mr. Fisher explain to you about the discount agreement? According to Mr. Fisher, McLeod approached U S WEST before its merger with Qwest about converting McLeod's resold lines to UNE-P. At that point, the parties began negotiations to create a new product that would leave McLeod' customers on the same physical telephone lines they already had but give McLeod the benefit of better pricing across US WEST's region. The parties , however, did not agree on acceptable pricing before the merger. Mr. Fisher explained that, once the merger happened, Qwest indicated that it wanted to improve its relationship with McLeod as a customer. McLeod and the new Qwest subsequently restarted their conversations about converting McLeod's resold CENTREX lines into UNE-Platform lines and, as I described earlier reached an agreement on implementation and pricing for a UNE-P product called UNE Star. According to Mr. Fisher, however, McLeod was not satisfied that the pricing was low enough for McLeod to keep its traffic on Qwest's network (as compared to installing its own switches and going off-network). Qwest and McLeod therefore negotiated an additional discount agreement whereby McLeod committed to purchasing specified volumes of Qwest products under a take-or-pay agreement, and Qwest agreed to provide McLeod with discounts if McLeod exceeded its take-or-pay commitments. A true copy ofthe McLeod take-or-pay agreement is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -11. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. I documented everything Mr. Fisher told me in his affidavit, attached as part of Exhibit Deanhardt - What is a take-or-pay agreement? It is an agreement that Company A (in this case, McLeod) will purchase a specified quantity of goods and/or services from Company B (in this case, Qwest) over a specified period of time. If Company A does not meet its purchase commitment, then Company A pays Company B the difference between the commitment amount and the amount actually purchased by Company A. Thus Company A will either "take" the goods or "pay" the difference. Take-or-pay agreements are used by sellers to secure a revenue stream / commitment. Buyers typically enter into them because they are getting something in return - generally a discount as compared to purchasing the same amount of goods and services without the commitment. What were the terms of the discount agreement? Qwest agreed to provide McLeod with discounts of either 6., 8.0% or 10.0% on all purchases made by McLeod from Qwest. The amount of the discount was determined by the aggregate dollar amount of purchases made by McLeod from Qwest within a given year. The table below shows, generally, how the discount worked. All dollar amounts are in millions. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. October 2000 through 2002 2003 December 2001 Aggregate Percentage Aggregate Percentage Aggregate Percentage Purchases Discount Purchases Discount Purchases Discount $178 -$199 -$199 - $188m $230m $250m $189 - $199m ?$199m 10.?$230m 10.? $250m 10. Mr. Fisher attested to the parameters ofthe discount reflected in the table above in paragraph 19 of his affidavit. These terms are also found in the document attached as Exhibit 3 to his affidavit, which is part of the document attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -9 to this testimony. As Mr. Fisher explained, the discount applied to all telecommunications products and services purchased by McLeod from Qwest inside and outside of Qwest' s 14-state ILEC territory. See Exhibit Deanhardt - 34:24 - 35:12; see also Exhibit 1 to the Deutmeyer Affidavit (Exhibit Deanhardt -10) and Exhibits Deanhardt -12 through Deanhardt -16 (discussed in more detail below). Why was the discount agreement not in writing? When I interviewed him, Mr. Fisher said that he had asked Greg Casey and Audrey McKenney from Qwest to put the discount agreement in writing, but they would not do so. Mr. Fisher confirmed this under oath in his deposition (Exhibit Deanhardt -9) at page 58 line 6 through page 59 line 9. Why would Ms. McKenney and Mr. Casey not put the agreement in writing? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. According to Mr. Fisher, they were concerned that other CLECs might feel entitled to the same discount if the agreement were written and made public. Mr. Fisher also confirmed this in his deposition at page 59 lines 10 - 24. Did Qwest propose an alternative to putting the agreement in writing? Yes. Mr. Fisher expressed concern over the enforceability ofthe oral agreement for the discount. Qwest suggested that it would enter into its own take-or- pay agreement to purchases products from McLeod. According to Mr. Fisher affidavit, the amount of the Qwest take-or-pay commitment was calculated by applying the 8% discount factor contained in the oral agreement to a projected amount of purchases by McLeod from Qwest. A true copy of the Qwest take-or-pay agreement provided to the Department by Qwest is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt - 17. After October 2000, did Qwest honor the oral discount agreement? Yes, it did. As Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit explains, Qwest made payments to McLeod for what Qwest called the "Preferred Vendor Plan" for October 2000 through September 2001. According to Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit, Qwest calculated the amount of the payment by applying the 10% discount factors to all purchases made by McLeod from Qwest during the relevant time period. One of the spreadsheets Qwest used to calculate the discount amount is attached as Exhibit 1 to Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit. As Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit indicates, Qwest created this spreadsheet. Qwest confirmed this in its 2002 response to Department data request DOC 209, which is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -18 to my testimony. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. I should also point out that there was another set of regular payments made by Qwest to McLeod in addition to those related to the discount agreement. These additional payments refunded to McLeod the difference between the amount it actually paid Qwest for UNE-Star and the amount it was supposed to pay under the Eighth Amendment to its interconnection agreement. These separate payments were necessary because Qwest's billing system was not able to bill McLeod the correct amount for UNE-Star. I refer to them in this testimony only because I will later distinguish the evidence of those payments from the evidence of the discount payments. Does the spreadsheet attached to Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit contain any other information to indicate Qwest's understanding that it was providing McLeod with a discount? Yes. The spreadsheet is in Excel format, which I am familiar with and have used on many occasions. The file name and the worksheet name are printed in the bottom right-hand corner of each printed page of the Exhibit. Here, the file name is vendor credit Q2 (2).xls" and the worksheet page is titled "MOl 10% refund." In addition, the heading on the "Resale" chart reads "MOl 10% True-Up Calculation and the first column on nearly every chart is titled either "10%" or "Sum of 10%. Many other documents I reviewed demonstrated that "MO 1" was Qwest's way of referring to McLeod. Did you confirm that the numbers on this spreadsheet were calculated by applying the 10% discount to McLeod's purchases? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Yes. Qwest confirmed this in its responses to a series of requests for admissions I drafted for the Department in 2002. Qwest was asked to confirm that the numbers associated with Minnesota were calculated by applying the 10% factor to the amount Qwest billed McLeod for the product or service indicated on the spreadsheet during the month indicated on the spreadsheet. In each case, Qwest admitted that the number was calculated in the way I just described. Qwest's responses to those requests for admissions, numbered DOC 257 - 292, are attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -19 to my testimony. Are there any other documents that confirm your conclusions and the statements in Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit regarding this spreadsheet? Yes. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -12 to my testimony is a true copy of a spreadsheet titled McLeodUSA Monthly Summary that Qwest produced to the Department in response to DOC 210. That request asked Qwest to produce all of Anthony Washington s files regarding McLeod. At the time, Mr. Washington worked for Ms. McKenney and was one of two persons that Ms. Deutmeyer dealt with primarily when obtaining McLeod's discount payment from Qwest. In 2002, I compared each of the figures found in the "Current Charges" column of the spreadsheet to the amounts in the "Resale" chart on Exhibit 1 to Ms. Deutmeyer affidavit and found that the numbers in the "Resale" chart are 10% of the numbers in the "Current Charges" column for October 2000 through March 2001 , rounded off to the nearest dollar. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Did you find any other spreadsheets similar to the one attached to Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit? Yes. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -13 to my testimony is a true copy of the spreadsheet I found that calculates the discount for October 2000 through March 2001. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -14 is a true copy of the spreadsheet calculating the discount for April 2001 through June 2001. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -15 is a true copy of the spreadsheet calculating the discount for July 200 I through September 2001. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -16 is a true copy of the spreadsheet calculating the discount for October 2001 through December 2001. Qwest produced all of these documents to the Department in response to requests either for the specific spreadsheet or for Anthony Washington s or Arturro Ibarra s files related to McLeod. Mr. Ibarra also worked for Ms. McKenney and was Mr. Washington direct supervisor. Were these files originally sent by Qwest to McLeod? Yes. As Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit indicates, Qwest sent these files to McLeod as part of the process of finalizing the discount payment to McLeod. In addition, I was able to tie Exhibits Deanhardt -14 through Deanhardt -16 to transmittal e-mails produced by Qwest that show those files being delivered to McLeod. Did Qwest pay the amounts indicated on these spreadsheets to McLeod? It did for all the discounts due through September 2001. As Ms. Deutmeyer affidavit indicates, she would compare the amount on the spreadsheet she received Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. from Qwest to her own calculation of the discount amount owed and, if the numbers were close, she would create and send an invoice to Qwest for the amount indicated on the spreadsheets. The invoices for October 2000 through March 2001 , April 2001 through June 2001 and July 2001 through September 2001 are attached to her affidavit as Exhibit 2. Qwest paid each of these invoices as evidenced by the wire transfer confirmations attached as Exhibits 3 - 5 to Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit. Did you uncover records from Qwest indicating that they made these payments? Yes. Qwest admitted to making the wire transfers referred to by Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit in its responses to Department data requests DOC 171 , 173 and 175, all of which are attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -20 to my testimony. In addition Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -21 to my testimony are three Vendor Payment Authorizations used by Qwest to authorize the payments to McLeod in response to invoices sent by McLeod to Qwest. Qwest produced these documents to the Department in its supplemental response to Department data request DOC No. 2220 in MPUC Docket No. P-4211CI-01-1371. Ms. McKenney confirmed her signature on the first two documents in Exhibit Deanhardt -21 during her deposition on June 11 2002. Is there anything else about these records about which the Court should take note? Yes. In the "Business Purpose" section of the authorization for the $10. million payment for October 2000 through March 2001 - which was signed by Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Audrey McKenney - someone at Qwest wrote "Refund per Vendor Agreement." This was authorization serial no. 501126547. What about the discount payments after September 2001? E-mails produced by Qwest show that Qwest provided McLeod with Exhibit Deanhardt -16 calculating the amount due for the fourth quarter of2001 (that is October through December 2001) in March 2002. As Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit explains, her calculation of the amount due for that quarter differed from Qwest's. As a result, McLeod and Qwest exchanged several e-mails trying to reconcile the differences to come up with a final amount that was due. They were still working on that task when the Department began making inquiries about the discount agreement. Subsequently, at an April 30, 2002 meeting, Qwest put the payment of the fourth quarter discount on hold for what Mr. Ibarra referred to as "undisclosed reasons" in an e-mail attached as Exhibit 6 to Ms. Deutmeyer s affidavit (Exhibit Deanhardt -10). I was unable to ever confirm what those "undisclosed reasons" were, although there are indications in notes that Qwest provided that Stephen Davis had become involved in handling this matter for Qwest.7 At the time, Mr. Davis was Qwest's Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Law, which suggests that Qwest recognized in the beginning of 2002 that continued payment of the discount had become a regulatory concern. To my knowledge, Qwest never made another discount payment to McLeod after the Department began its investigation. 7 See pages 13 an~ 14 of Exhibit Deanhardt -68 to this testimony. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. What other evidence demonstrates that Qwest agreed to provide this discount to McLeod? There are three categories of documents that further evidence the discount agreement. The first category is documents showing how the agreement was negotiated. The second is documents from Qwest's files where Qwest refers to the discount. The third category is post-agreement documents from McLeod that refer to the discount. Please describe the documents from the negotiation of the agreement that show the existence of the discount. These are the negotiation documents that I found, discussed in chronological order (to the extent possible): Exhibit Deanhardt -22 to my testimony is a set of documents created by Qwest that were stapled together when produced to the Department in 2002. The dated documents in the Exhibit show that they were created in the early stages of Qwest's discussions with McLeod in July and August 2000. Most ofthese documents show Qwest's consideration of the financial impacts to it of McLeod staying on a resale platform as compared to McLeod converting to UNE- The 15th page in the Exhibit, dated August 28, 2000, compares the two options from what Qwest positions as McLeod's perspective. According to the banner, the document was created by or for "Worldwide Wholesale Markets" for Qwest. It is titled "McLeod Resale/UNE-P Pricing Proposal." In this document, Option 1 for McLeod, the option to "Remain on Resale Platform , shows Qwest was already considering "Pricing points reductions to Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. TOTAL RESALE Billing" of between 10% and 20%. It also notes that the reductions would only be implemented if McLeod hit revenue targets for the time periods reflected for each discount, and that "Price reductions to be flowed back to McLeod as wire-transfer or quarterly or semi-annual basis based on actual billing for prior period. " The discounts finally agreed to by Qwest ended up being substantially lower but they also ended up applying to all products and services, not just resale. But the significant point is that these two concepts from this very early document were incorporated into the final agreement. Exhibit Deanhardt -23 to my testimony is a true copy of a letter from Mr. Fisher to Mr. Casey dated August 15 2000. In the "Overview of Proposed Deal Structure" in this letter, Mr. Fisher included the following bullet point: "Revenue commitment for a period of 24 or 36 months with percentage discount breaks above minimums. Exhibit 2 to Mr. Fisher s affidavit (part of Exhibit Deanhardt -9 to my testimony) is a true copy of a September 19 2000 term sheet that, according to Mr. Fisher, the parties created together. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -24 to my testimony is another copy of the same document that came from Ms. McKenney files. Item number 6 reads: "Based on the proposed commitment by M, within 5 business days, Q will propose volume and term discounts based on quarterly revenue targets, to be paid back to Mby Q on a quarterly basis. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Exhibit Deanhardt -25 to my testimony contains three different documents that Qwest created during the negotiations (and produced to the Department in 2002 stapled together). The first is a presentation titled "McLeodUSA Discussion 9/29/00" and says that it was prepared by Freddie Pennington at Qwest. On the second page of the document, titled "Overview " there is a bullet point for the McLeod UNE Platform that contains a sub-point for "Additional Resale Revenue discount" of 12% in year 1 , 14% in year and 16% in year 3. Another sub-point is "Out of Region Revenue discount TBD." The fourth page of the presentation touts "deeper discounts for long-term relationship," and the fifth page shows financial calculations that included the proposed discount. The second document in Exhibit Deanhardt -25 is an e-mail from Ms. Pennington to Ms. McKenney and Mr. Ibarra attaching a second presentation. This presentation is titled "McLeodUSA Meeting Discuss New Resale Pricing Plan" and subtitled "Resale Revenue Commitment Incentive Plan." The overview on page two begins with "Incentive discount plan for Resale finished services (lFR, 1FB Centrex)" and goes into further detail on how the discount would work. The fifth page of the presentation also touts "deeper discounts for long-term relationship, while the sixth page contains financials that show a five-year commitment proposal with discounts to increase over every year as revenue increases for Qwest. The final document in Exhibit Deanhardt -25 is another PowerPoint presentation attached to an e-mail sent to Ms. McKenney and Mr. Ibarra on September 18, 2000. This presentation contains a "Revenue Volume Term Commitment Unbundled Network Element Regional Year Plan." A handwritten note Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. on the second copy ofthe presentation reads "Global Volume Discount" in what Qwest has admitted is Ms. McKenney s handwriting. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -27 is a true copy of an e-mail that James Balvanz at McLeod sent to Audrey McKenney on October 18 2000 with McLeod' proposal for the discount. The McLeod proposal was based on quarterly revenues and contained finer gradations of discounts ranging from 5% to 20%. Exhibit Deanhardt -28 is a true copy of an October 20, 2000 e-mail from Mr. Ibarra at Qwest to Mr. Balvanz at McLeod attaching a file called "SummaryOfOffer 00.xls." The third page of the attached spreadsheet file is a worksheet titled DiscountSmmryForM01" in the bottom right hand corner. The tables on that worksheet are labeled "McLeod Growth & Discount Scenarios" and show Qwest's proposals for discount levels based on revenue generated by McLeod for Qwest. Later that day, Mr. Ibarra sent Mr. Balvanz a second e-mail attaching a revised version of the "SummaryOfOffer 10 00.xls" file. The subject of the e- mail was "Revised Summary." The e-mail says among other things "2. I added a not( e J on the "McLeod Growth & Discount" page to note that the discount will not exceed 10%." A true copy of the e-mail is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -29. The hardcopy produced to the Department in 2002 did not contain the attached file. Exhibit Deanhardt -30 to my testimony is what appears to be McLeod' counterproposal to the October 20 , 2000 offer just described. Item number four says The discount schedule will be as previously offered by McLeodUSA except that it 8 See Qwest's response to Department data request DOC 343 , attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -26. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. will be capped at 15%. In addition, the discount will begin 4th Quarter, 2000. It is our expectation that the discount schedule as well as certain other items will be reviewed on an annual basis. Exhibit Deanhardt -31 to my testimony is another group of documents that were stapled together when Qwest produced them to the Department. Based on the dates that appear on most of the documents, they were created between October 17 and 20, 2000. The first 17 pages of Exhibit Deanhardt -31 show different pricing scenarios Qwest considered for the UNE Star product. Pages 18 - 20 39 and 40 show Qwest's consideration of different potential discount rates in various documents titled "McLeod Growth and Discount Scenarios." Pages 26 and 29 are copies of the McLeod Growth and Discount Scenario" worksheet that contains the "Discount will not exceed 10% in any year" language referred to in Exhibit Deanhardt -29. The following legend appears in the bottom right-hand corner of pages 26 and 29: SmmryOfOffer 10 00 DiscountSmmryForMOl." Page 30 is another version of the same document, printed later in the day. Page 38 of Exhibit Deanhardt -31 is another version of the "McLeod Growth and Discount Scenarios" document. This one, however, contains charts identified as the "gCasey Proposal." In my review of the documents and investigation into this matter, the only person to whom that reference could apply is Greg Casey. The final document in Exhibit Deanhardt -31 is titled "McLeod Growth and Discount Scenarios - Saturday, 10/21/00, 12:10 p.m. Counter Proposal." It contains a Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. three-tiered proposal with discounts running between 8% and 10%, although the breakpoints are not the same as in the final agreement between Qwest and McLeod. Exhibit Deanhardt -32 to my testimony is another e-mail from Mr. Ibarra to Mr. Balvanz. This one is dated October 21 2000 and contains the subject line "Qwest Counterproposal." The counterproposal attached to the e-mail sets out a three-tiered range of discounts for McLeod based on the revenue it generates for Qwest. Exhibit Deanhardt -33 to my testimony is yet another e-mail from Mr. Ibarra dated October 21 2000. The subject of this one is "Counter Proposal." The e-mail header shows it was sent at 12:38 p.m. to Mr. Fisher, Mr. Balvanz and Randy Rings, a McLeod attorney. It contains a two-tiered discount proposal that differs slightly from the one attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -32. Exhibit 3 to Mr. Fisher s affidavit is a true copy of an October 21 , 2000 e-mail sent to him by Ms. McKenney with an attachment that laid out what became Qwest's final discount counterproposal to McLeod. It contains a three-tier discount structure tied to the amount of revenue generated by McLeod for Qwest. At roughly the same time Qwest and McLeod were trading the proposals and counterproposals described above, Qwest was working internally to determine what its counterproposals should be. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -34 to my testimony is a group of documents showing Qwest's internal deliberations over the amount ofthe discount to provide McLeod. Qwest produced these documents stapled together. The first document in the exhibit is an e-mail showing that the documents following it are Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. the business case associated with the McLeod negotiations." The e-mail is dated October 21 2000. The business case compares the results of various revenue projections under the "New UNE-P" (UNE-Star) against projections for McLeod purchases of regulated UNE-P products. The spreadsheets for "New UNE-P" show "Vendor Plan" as a COGS or "Cost of Goods Sold" for providing the new UNE-P to McLeod. The second and third spreadsheets show the amount of the Vendor Plan COGS equals 10% of the revenue for the year in which it appears, rounded to the nearest million. The Regulated UNE-P plan has no Vendor Plan COGS. Are you familiar with the acronym COGS? Yes. I have a businessperson s understanding of financial statements and business case analyses. In addition, when I was working to start up Epidemic Networks I created the financial plan that was part ofthe business plan. Based on that experience, I understand that COGS means the cost of goods sold - the costs directly associated with producing goods for sale. What else did you find in Exhibit Deanhardt -34? The seventh page of Exhibit Deanhardt -34 is a handwritten note from Audrey McKenney to Greg Casey. It appears to be the coversheet for a fax Ms. McKenney sent to Mr. Casey who, at the time, was her direct supervisor. Ms. McKenney wrote that "Attached is the proposed internal McLeod Summary that Arturro , Dan, Freddie & I put together. - I could not go to 12% for YR 2001 or any 4 Q'OO discount. (We end up with negative revenues year to year)." (Emphasis in document). Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Another note from Ms. McKenney appears on the tenth page of Exhibit Deanhardt -34. Here, she again writes to Mr. Casey, "PIs call me on McLeod. Their take or pay" level & Discount plan were unacceptable to us. Attached is their proposal and our counter!" (Emphasis in document.)9 The next document behind this note is a "Qwest Counterproposal" that proposes discounts for 2001 through 2003 that range from 6.5% to 10% depending on the revenue generated by McLeod for Qwest. The next three documents in Exhibit Deanhardt -34 are worksheets from a file named "mcleodunedealsummary" that was printed on September 21 2000. Page 3 of the file again shows the proposed discount schedule and, under the heading "Key Settlement Points , says "Structure: - Mutual "Take or Pay" correlated to growth- Required growth levels must be met before discounts apply. The next document in Exhibit Deanhardt -34 is another copy of the "Qwest Counterproposal" that is attached as Exhibit 3 to Mr. Fisher s affidavit (Exhibit Deanhardt -9). Handwriting in the top right hand corner of the document that appears to be Ms. McKenney s says "final Saturday 2:47 p." This is the same document that Ms. McKenney sent to Mr. Fisher at 2:46 p.m. on October 21 , as demonstrated by Exhibit 3 to Mr. Fisher s affidavit. The next three pages of documents in Exhibit Deanhardt -34 are labeled ResalelUNE Settlement Impacts Summary McLeod." The footer indicates that the 9 Qwest admitted in its responses to Department data requests DOC 338 and 340 attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -, that the handwriting on the seventh and tenth pages of Exhibit Deanhardt -34 is Ms. McKenney Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. file was created at 4:07 p.m. on October 21. These three pages analyze the impact of the overall deal agreed to by McLeod and Qwest, including the flat rate UNE- pricing and the overall discount given by Qwest to McLeod. The third page addresses the "Mutual Preferred Vendor Plan" and shows the application of the discount to revenues generated by McLeod. Under "Structure" there is a bullet point for Required growth levels must be met before discounts apply." In addition, a box in the financial calculations shows the final take-or-pay commitments that appear in the McLeod take-or-pay agreement (Exhibit Deanhardt-11), attributing them to "per Casey & Fisher. What other negotiation documents did you find that led you to conclude that Qwest agreed to provide McLeod with this discount? Exhibit Deanhardt -35 to this testimony is an October 22 2000 document titled "Qwest Counterproposal" that contains the tiered discount structure to which Qwest and McLeod finally agreed. I determined this by comparing it to paragraphs 26-27 and Exhibit 3 to Mr. Fisher s affidavit (Exhibit Deanhardt -9) and the discount contained on several post-agreement documents I discuss later in my testimony. Exhibit Deanhardt -36 is a set of undated, handwritten notes that appear from their content to have been written during the negotiation of the October agreements. The second page of the notes start with the underlined heading "Discount Structure. Number 2 under that heading says "All products contribute (Globals). $lm =)0 10% overall commitment By product mix." At the bottom of the page are notes for "Key Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. points w/ Joe (1) Bus to Bus (anchor client) (2) Bus. Important to Q." Qwest admitted in response to Department requests DOC 332 and 334 that the handwriting on these notes is that of Ms. McKenney and that the "Joe" to whom they refer is Joe Nacchio, Qwest's CEO when the notes were taken. True copies of those responses are attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -37. Finally, Exhibit Deanhardt -38 is a true copy of an undated e-mail and a document Qwest produced to the Department on July 23 , 2002. The document appears to be an early draft of the various agreements that the parties entered into on October 26, 2000, all combined into one agreement by Randy Rings at McLeod. This document is fashioned as "Interconnection Agreement Amendment Terms" and contains at paragraph 1.3 - 1.5 the same business escalation procedures that appear in what was identified in the 197 Docket as McLeod Agreement II. The following note appears at paragraph 1.8.2: "Jim - this is intended to address the price squeeze concern we have raised. Attachment 1.8.2 will be the rates and discount." Then, at paragraph 3.2, the following appears in reference to Qwest' commitment to supply McLeod with products: "I need help from some biz folks to do these attachments, but the concept is the same as suggested in your note. Consider whether the discount on the total can be in a side letter." Ultimately, the various agreements in this draft - including the discount agreement - were broken apart and entered into as separate agreements on October 26, 2000. Where were these negotiation documents located? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. The two documents attached to Mr. Fisher s affidavit were produced to the Department by McLeod. Exhibit Deanhardt -38 came from Stephen Davis' files according to Qwest. Otherwise, the documents all came from Ms. McKenney s files and were produced by Qwest in 2002 response to Department information request DOC 212 for Ms. McKenney s files related to McLeod. What did you conclude from reading these documents? I have negotiated many different business and legal agreements, both inside and outside the telecom industry. The documents I reviewed are consistent with the kind of documents I would expect to find for any heavily negotiated agreement. Based on the documents I reviewed, I concluded that, between July and October 2000, Qwest and McLeod entered into substantial negotiations over the scope of a discount that would apply to all purchases made by McLeod from Qwest once McLeod reached negotiated minimum revenue commitments. These negotiations were part ofthose that resulted in the series of written agreements and the oral discount agreement that Qwest and McLeod entered into on October 26, 2000. What documents did you find from your second category - documents from Qwest's files created after the agreement that refer to the discount? The first document is an October 31 , 2000 document Qwest apparently created to internally explain the complete deal it had struck with McLeod. A true copy is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -39 to my testimony. The document consists of six pages of spreadsheets. The first is titled "ResalelUNE Settlement Impacts Summary McLeod." It shows revenue projections based on whether McLeod hits Deanhardt, Di-41 AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. High" or "Low" revenue targets and shows the "Vendor Plan - High" as a COGS. The numbers in the "Vendor Plan - High" row are calculated by multiplying high revenues by 10% and rounding to the nearest million. The "Low" revenue projections do not have a "Vendor Plan" correlation because the numbers are too low for Qwest to apply the discount. This is consistent with the deal that Qwest and McLeod struck. The "Mutual Preferred Vendor Plan" also appears on page 3 of the presentation. Except for the title, page 3 is the same document that Qwest originally called the "Qwest Counterproposal" on October 22, 2000. You can see this by comparing this document to Exhibit Deanhardt -35. Other pages in this set of spreadsheets also refer to amounts associated with the "Vendor Plan " which can always be calculated by multiplying revenues by 1 0%. I also found a set of handwritten notes that is undated but appears from its content to have been taken in a meeting held shortly after Qwest agreed to provide the purchase volume discount to McLeod. The notes, attached as Exhibit Deanhardt - to my testimony, address the "Implementation Plan with McLeod.lo The second page contains the following notations: "(5) Reconciliation process 1 0% vendor payment " and "Discount 10% offtop." Qwest admitted in its response to DOC 345 attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -41 that Ms. McKenney wrote these notes. In addition, two sets of Qwest accounting documents that show Qwest understood both the McLeod and Eschelon agreements to be discounts. Exhibit 10 Qwest and McLeod agreed in another undisclosed agreement, dated October 26 2000 and referred to in the 197 Docket as McLeod Agreement II, to create an implementation plan. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Deanhardt -42 is a true copy of a printout of a file named "UNE DEAL REFUNDS.xls." The ninth page of Exhibit Deanhardt -42 is an April 3 , 2001 memo from Mr. Ibarra to Suzy Francis that reads "This is to reduce UNE-Star revenues for 10% discount that will be issued to Eschelon and McLeod should they meet they (sic) revenue/volume commitments per the UNE-Star contract." That same note appears on a March 5 , 2001 memo to Ms. Francis from Mr. Ibarra that is the 12th page of Exhibit Deanhardt -42. The same April and March memoranda are also part of Exhibit Deanhardt - which is a true copy of the printout of"UNE DEAL REFUNDS 2.xls." They appear as the 22nd and 25th pages of Exhibit Deanhardt -43 and differ only in that the dollar amounts missing from the April 3 printout in Exhibit Deanhardt -42 appear in the printout attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -43. Another accounting spreadsheet produced by Qwest is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -44. This sheet is undated, but appears to have been created in March 2001. The file name is "MOl UNE M details.xls." The following legend appears at the top of the spreadsheet: "THIS SHEET WAS USED TO CALC MO 1 10% DISCOUNT THROUGH MARCH." (Capitalization in original). As I previously noted , " MO 1" is McLeod. II As I discussed earlier in my testimony, Qwest also made payments to McLeod equal to the difference between the resale price McLeod paid for UNE-Star and the UNE-Star contract price. The documents in Exhibit Deanhardt -42 to which I refer in the text clearly do not relate to those true-up payments, however, because accruals for the true-up payments are addressed in separate memos included in Exhibit Deanhardt 42 that follow the ones to which I refer. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Exhibit Deanhardt-45 to my testimony is a true copy of an e-mail sent internally within Qwest containing the agenda for a meeting between Qwest and McLeod scheduled to take place on May 1 , 2001.' A handwritten note attached to the agenda says , " We have an agreement that they get add'110% off of billing by Q. This document comes from Ms. McKenney s files, and Qwest admitted that the handwriting is hers in its response to Department data request DOC 336, attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-46. Exhibit Deanhardt-47 to my testimony is a May 25 2001 e-mail from Stacey Stewart at McLeod to Ms. McKenney and others at Qwest. The e-mail contains an attachment of "the issue list we discussed yesterday." The third item on the issue list is the "Mutual Preferred Vendor Plan." Under the heading "Description " Mr. Stewart writes "As part of our UNE-M agreement, McLeodUSA is eligible for a customer specific quarterly override of 10% based on total expenditures with Qwest for the applicable quarter. Attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-48 are several e-mails exchanged between Ms. Deutmeyer at McLeod and Mr. Washington at Qwest addressing when Qwest will make its Preferred Vendor Plan payment for the third quarter of 2001. These e-mails are significant because both Qwest and McLeod refer to the plan payments as a discount. Thus, in a November 27 2001 e-mail, Ms. Deutmeyer writes to Mr. Washington "I figured out the $5.6 credit and you are right that was 2nd quarters preferred vendor discount. I am still researching the Sept. #'s. Do you know when you will have the 3rd quarter preferred vendor discount calculated?" Following up on November 30, Ms. Deutmeyer writes "Can you also tell me when you will have info Deanhardt, Di - AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. pulled together for the preferred vendor discount?" Mr. Washington replies on December 3: "as for the vendor discount we want to get this done before the end of the month - we ll see. I also found an e-mail exchange in which Mr. Fisher writes to Ms. McKenney that "Our people have not received information concerning the third quarter payment of the preferred vendor discount. Could you please check on the status?" Ms. McKenney responds on December 14 , 2001 as follows: "will do - I am not sure if it got caught up in a new wire transfer process that Robin, our CFO implemented." A true copy of this e-mail exchange is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-49. The remaining documents in this category come primarily from two sets of related negotiations between Qwest and McLeod that took place in the spring and summer of 200 1. The first set of negotiations grew out of an e-mail exchange between Mr. Fisher and Mr. Casey on April 25, 2001. A true copy of those e-mails is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-50 to my testimony. In his initial e-mail to Mr. Casey, Mr. Fisher proposes that a meeting be scheduled to outline a new deal. One of the points Mr. Fisher suggests for discussion in the new deal is to "Revisit our override discount. Two of the issues that Mr. Fisher s e-mail also addressed were rates for DSL and Voice Messaging Services (VMS). On April 25, 2001 , Freddie Pennington at Qwest sent Ms. McKenney an e-mail with a file named "VMS DSL Chronology.doc." A true copy ofthat e-mail and its attachment are attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-51 to my testimony. Under the date 2/16/2001 , the chronology Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. states: "Lowest rates available are ... 1 FB UNE-ST AR (10% discount applied all states). The negotiations that began thereafter centered on a term sheet and other documents that McLeod sent to Qwest on May 21 , 2001. A true copy of the e-mail and the proposal created by McLeod is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-52. The Proposed Term Sheet" contains item 3 , which reads: "In recognition ofthe preceding, McLeodUSA will provide to Qwest an increased commitment off revenue and term which includes an additional discount tier." The next attachment to the e- mail is the proposed "additional discount tier" which shows a higher level of discount and an additional year being added to the agreement Qwest and McLeod struck in October. On that document, the Tier 1-3 rows for the 2001 - 2003 columns accurately reflect the discount deal Qwest and McLeod actually entered into in October. Exhibit Deanhardt-53 to my testimony is a true copy of another copy of Exhibit Deanhardt-, but without the transmittal e-mail. This exhibit, however contains handwritten notes made by Audrey McKenney. 12 Beside item 3 on the Term Sheet, Ms. McKenney wrote "give a counter proposal." The second page of the exhibit is the new discount proposal by McLeod. Beside the Tier 3 row, Ms. McKenney wrote , " Today s contract" with arrows pointing to proposed Tier 4 that say, "New level given M&As." Again, the Tier 3 row to which Ms. McKenney refers accurately reflects the discount deal Qwest and McLeod actually entered into in October 2000. 12 See Qwest's response to Department request DOC 349, attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -54. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Qwest and McLeod met to discuss McLeod's new proposal on May 31 , 2001. Exhibit Deanhardt-55 is a June 2 2001 e-mail that Stacey Stewart of McLeod sent to Ms. McKenney and Mr. Casey, among others, summarizing the discussions. Item on the initial e-mail is "Qwest to provide a response to McLeod's tiered discount sheet by 6/11." Arturo Ibarra at Qwest responded to Mr. Stewart's e-mail on June 13. A true copy of the response is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-56. In paragraph 9 of the e- mail, Mr. Ibarra responds to the tiered discount sheet by saying, "On the tiered discount (Item #3), based on the documentation on our 10/22/00 weekend proposals we understood that both parties had agreed to negotiate final rates based on market conditions and for the integration of Split Rock and other acquisitions. If you would like a copy of this document, let me know and I will fax it to you." Mr. Ibarra goes on to discuss how Qwest was already accounting for companies merged into McLeod when it calculated the "Preferred Vendor Plan. The document to which Mr. Ibarra refers to in Exhibit Deanhardt-56 is the October 22 2000 Qwest Counter Proposal attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-35. Qwest confirmed this in its response to Department request DOC 320 , which is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-57. The language from Exhibit Deanhardt-35 to which Mr. Ibarra refers in Exhibit Deanhardt-56 is located within the 3- Tier discount proposal that was accepted by McLeod. It says "The above level is an interim default level. Both Parties agree to Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. negotiate final rates based on market conditions on an annual basis and for the integration of Split Rock / other acquisitions. The second set of new negotiations related to McLeod's desire to reduce the price of ISDN/PRI lines it purchased from Qwest. Gary Dupler, at the time a Vice President of Network Planning at McLeod, and Jim Shearburn, a Vice President of Sales for Qwest's Central Region, are the two individuals who appear to have done most of the negotiating on this issue. In the course of these negotiations, Qwest prepared a letter to Mr. Dupler setting out its proposed new ISDN/PRI pricing, which would reduce McLeod's cost to $667 per circuit resulting in approximately $1.27 million per month in savings to McLeod. On June 11 , 2001 Mr. Shearbum sent Ms. McKenney and several other people at Qwest an e-mail regarding the drafting of that letter. The e-mail asks "Has the 10% across the board discount been negated by the reference that no additional discounts apply? Are we still required to discount this price component by an additional 10% in a monthly rebate per the B2B deal?" A true copy of the e-mail is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-58. Later that same day, Mr. Shearburn sent the Qwest proposal to Mr. Dupler. A true copy of the transmittal e-mail, with the proposal letter, is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-59 to my testimony. Page three of the proposal letter says the following under "Approved Rates : " 4) Please note 'NO' Additional Reseller Discounts Apply to the $667 price. The rate for McLeod's ISDN/PRI services stated in this contract Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. does not apply to any other discounts and specifically, that the 10% Business to Business reduction does not apply to the services addressed in this Contract." The June 11 proposal letter subsequently went through further revisions at Qwest (even though it had already been sent to McLeod). On June 13 2001 , Mr. Shearburn sent an e-mail to Ms. McKenney stating "As to the discount issue. What is not clear to OMR or product is that this 10% across the board applies to all products. I asked that the ' carve out' language be inserted in order to set the expectation that this is the best and final price, candidly I do not think we need to go any lower, he is pretty happy with this, I think." A true copy ofthis e-mail is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-60. Then, on June 18, Mr. Shearburn writes in another e-mail addressing the ISDN/PRI proposal to McLeod: "Audrey needs to come up with alternate language dealing with the 10% B2B deal. We should not use the language we have in the proposal, too specific. We either use the alternate language, or reprice all components at a rate 10% higher, and remove the paragraph entirely." A true copy of this e-mail is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-61. What did you conclude from these documents? Based on my experience conducting business negotiations in a variety of settings and working with Qwest / U S WEST when I was employed by Covad, these documents are consistent with negotiation, deal evaluation and daily business communications. These documents indicate that Qwest understood that it had agreed Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. to give McLeod a 10% discount on all purchases and that Qwest considered how to account for that fact when negotiating new deals with McLeod. I also noted that Qwest never responded to any of the communications from McLeod about the discount by stating that the discount did not exist. I would certainly expect to see that kind of disclaimer if Qwest had not agreed to the discount. Did Qwest and McLeod enter into any new agreements based on the follow on negotiations you just discussed? Not any of which I am aware. Where did you find these documents? Qwest produced Exhibit Deanhardt-39 in response to the Department's request for all of Arturro Ibarra s files related to McLeod. It produced Exhibits Deanhardt-42 and Deanhardt-43 in response to the Department's request for all of Anthony Washington s files related to McLeod. Qwest produced Exhibit Deanhardt- 48 in response to Department request DOC 188, which asked Qwest to produce all e- mails exchanged between Anthony Washington and Lori Deutmeyer. It produced Exhibit Deanhardt-57 in response to Department request DOC 320. The remainder of these documents came from Ms. McKenney s files, and Qwest produced them in its response to Department request DOC 212 , which asked for Ms. McKenney s files related to McLeod. Please describe the documents from your third category - those created by McLeod after Qwest agreed to provide it with the discount. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. The first is the document that is Exhibit 4 to Mr. Fisher s affidavit (Exhibit Deanhardt-9). This is a printout of a March 1 , 2001 e-mail from Mr. Dupler to Mr. Balvanz in McLeod. Mr. Dupler asks Mr. Balvanz a series of questions about the discount agreement after opening his e-mail by saying "As I understand it there is a 10% additional discount on the prices we pay for all qwest services." Mr. Fisher affidavit confirms the accuracy ofMr. Balvanz s handwritten responses to Mr. Dupler s questions. Those responses include Mr. Balvanz setting out the conditions under which the discount applies. Those conditions are consistent with the October 2000 "Qwest Counterproposal" that is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-35. The second document is a March 28 2001 e-mail that Mr. Fisher sent to Stephen Gray, McLeod's President. Mr. Fisher s e-mail sets out "the beginning of a concept of a term sheet with Qwest on the next possible business deal." Item number six is "M gets revised discount plan (probably in a form of amended take or pay)." A true copy of this e-mail is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-62. Finally, the third document is a May 18 2001 draft version ofthe term sheet that ultimately went to Qwest on May 21 , 2001 (Exhibit Deanhardt-52). Item 11 states "In recognition of the proceeding, McLeodUSA will provide to Qwest an increased commitment in revenue and term." Handwritten notes on the side say Extend one yr, 180 take or pay for 2% more discount." A true copy ofthis document is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-63 to my testimony. McLeod produced all three of these documents to the Department in its response to Department Information Request No. 1224 in 2002. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. What did you conclude from these documents? Again, these are the kinds of documents created in the course of conducting business and preparing for business negotiations with a significant vendor. The documents show that McLeod was operating under the belief that it had a discount from Qwest on all of its purchases Has Qwest made any effort to try to explain this discount? My understanding is that, to date, Qwest continues to claim that it did not enter into a discount agreement with McLeod that its only agreements with McLeod are the written agreements, including the Qwest take-or-pay agreement. How does Qwest explain the Preferred Vendor Plan payments? In 2002 responses to Department discovery requests on that question Qwest claimed that the three payments were for "a calculated shortfall in purchases made by Qwest from McLeod and associated with" Qwest's written take-or-pay agreement to purchase products and services from McLeod (Exhibit Deanhardt-17). Qwest' responses in this regard are attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-64 to my testimony. Is this explanation consistent with the results of your investigation? No. To begin with, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Conn and Mr. Stewart all confirmed that the oral discount agreement existed. In addition, Ms. Deutmeyer confirmed that Qwest made payments under the oral agreement, the amounts of which were calculated by applying 10% to the amount billed by Qwest to McLeod. Deanhardt, Di- AT &T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Moreover, as discussed throughout most of my testimony, I found a large number of documents showing that both Qwest and McLeod understood that Qwest had agreed to provide McLeod with a purchase volume discount. Just as importantly, Qwest has acknowledged in discovery responses that it made additional payments to McLeod during 2001 for the telecommunications services it actually purchased from McLeod. These payments were separate from those made by Qwest to McLeod under the Preferred Vendor Plan / discount agreement. Exhibit Deanhardt-65 to my testimony is a true copy of a spreadsheet created by Qwest showing payments of$5 504 690 made by Qwest to McLeod for usage and private line services in 2001. The spreadsheets behind the summary page show the dates and check numbers for the various checks sent by Qwest to McLeod for these purchases.13 In its response to DOC 358 attached as Exhibit Deanhardt- Qwest admitted that the summary sheet at the beginning of Exhibit Deanhardt- shows payments actually made by Qwest to McLeod. The purchases reflected on Exhibit Deanhardt-65 are the types of purchases that would be covered by the Qwest take-or-pay agreement attached as Exhibit Deanhardt -17. If Qwest' s explanation for the Preferred Vendor Plan payments were correct, then I would have expected to see the payments Qwest made calculated by subtracting the total actually spent by Qwest from the amounts owed under the take- 13 On July 22, 2002 Qwest produced a supplemental response to DOC that included a spreadsheet in the same format as Exhibit Deanhardt-65 showing payments made by Qwest to McLeod for October through December 2000. A true copy of the document produced by Qwest is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-66. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. or-pay agreement. I did not see any documents reflecting that kind of calculation in any of the documents produced by Qwest to the Department in 2002. To the contrary, the spreadsheets Qwest used to calculate the Preferred Vendor Plan payments (See Exhibits Deanhardt-13 through Deanhardt-16) show that the payments were actually calculated by applying a 10% factor to revenues generated in various categories including "Resale , " Collocation" and "Unbundled Loops." In 2002 , Qwest did not purchase those kinds of services from McLeod, but McLeod did purchase those services from Qwest. In fact, as I discussed previously, Qwest has admitted that the amount of the Preferred Vendor Plan payments were calculated by multiplying the amounts Qwest billed to McLeod by 10%. That calculation is consistent with the discount agreement confirmed by Mr. Fisher and described in the many documents I have discussed. It is completely inconsistent with the claim in Exhibit Deanhardt-64 that Qwest was calculating a shortfall in purchases it was supposed to make from McLeod. Are there any other documents that led you to conclude that Qwest' explanation is not accurate? Yes. As I already discussed, Qwest created several business case documents that it used internally to evaluate various aspects ofthe McLeod deal as it negotiated with McLeod in the fall of 2000 (Exhibit Deanhardt-34). In those documents, Qwest referred to the Vendor Plan as a COGS, or cost of providing goods to McLeod. The Vendor Plan COGS for each year substantially exceed the take or pay amount set out in Exhibit Deanhardt-, the Qwest take-or-pay agreement. In 2001 , for example, the Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. written agreement called for a $15.84 million take or pay commitment by Qwest. The Vendor Payment COGS for the second and third spreadsheet for the same time period was $20 million. In 2002, the numbers were $18.32 million for the take-or-pay and $25 million for the spreadsheet COGS , and in 2003 the numbers were $19.92 million and $29 million, respectively. If Qwest were only obligated to meet its take-or-pay commitment, then the maximum it should have projected as a cost of providing goods to McLeod would have been the full value of the commitment for the given year. Did you find any documents supporting Qwest's explanation? I found only three Qwest documents (out of approximately eight boxes of documents produced by Qwest) that were consistent with Qwest's explanation. Two of them, however, were created only after the Department began investigating the discount agreement. The third was created by a person not involved in the negotiations and reflects a lack of understanding about the deal. All three documents are attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-68 to my testimony. The first document is an e-mail and spreadsheet sent by Mr. Ibarra to Anne Richardson and Ms. McKenney on May 31 , 2002. The spreadsheet, titled "McLeod Vendor Plan Summary" seems to compare the sum of the Preferred Vendor Plan payments and Qwest's actual purchases from McLeod to the amount that would have been due under the Qwest take-or-pay contract (Exhibit Deanhardt-17), finding an overpayment of $12 million. The second document is a set of handwritten notes from the April 30, 2002 meeting between McLeod and Qwest. The seventh page of the notes contains the Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. following "Will Q be making 4Q payment? In legal today. Will resolve in face-to- face mtg. $5m pymt in June 01 included 4Q2000 & s/n/h/been. Offset amount issue & substantially overpaid in error. McLeod booked this in 4Q. Randy had conversation with Steve Davis on this. The third document - and the only one created before the Department began its investigation into the McLeod discount agreement - is a January 16, 2002 e-mail from Steve Hansen at Qwest to Robin Szeglia, Qwest's CFO at the time , attempting to explain the request for the $5.9 million Preferred Vendor Plan payment to McLeod. Mr. Hansen refers to the payment as "a result of a take or pay commitment." Mr. Hansen, however, goes on to say that "We enlisted there (sic) support on regulatory, legal, 271 and other matters of consulting for a $48M take or payment commitment over the same period. ... We have a similar deal with Eschelon. Did you consider these documents before you reached the conclusions about which you have testified? Yes, I did. They did not change those conclusions, though. Both Mr. Ibarra spreadsheet and the April 30, 2002 meeting notes were created only after the Department had filed its complaint in the 197 Docket and propounded substantial discovery requests to McLeod and Qwest designed to determine whether they had a discount agreement. Thus they may have been created in response to the Department's ongoing investigation of Qwest' s unfilled agreements. All the day-to- day business documents created before then, on the other hand, consistently reflect the companies ' j oint understanding that the discount agreement existed. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. I similarly gave less consideration to Mr. Hansen s e-mail because it is factually inconsistent with Qwest's own description of its agreements with McLeod. Mr. Hansen, who was not involved in the negotiation or execution of the October 2000 agreements, describes the Preferred Vendor Plan payment as if Qwest had entered into the same "consulting" agreement with McLeod that Qwest claims it did with Eschelon. That is not correct, and Qwest never produced to the Department any agreement with McLeod that suggested there was a consulting arrangement similar to the one Qwest claims in Eschelon Agreement. Did you find any other documents suggesting Qwest's explanation may be correct? The evening before Ms. Deutmeyer s deposition, McLeod produced a document, attached as Exhibit Deanhardt-, entitled "Summary of Qwest agreement package." That document states that "Under a highly confidential agreement, we also received a revenue / purchase commitment from Qwest based on the following." The document goes on to layout commitments that correspond with Exhibit DEANHARDT-, the Qwest Counterproposal of October 22 2000. Did you consider this document before you reached the conclusions about which you testified here? Yes. Again, however, it doesn t change my conclusions. Ms. Deutmeyer explained at her deposition that this document was given to her by Joe Terfler. It does not appear that Mr. Terfler was involved in the negotiation of the October 2000 agreements. Also, the "purchase commitment" described in the document is not Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. consistent with the Qwest take-or-pay commitment set out in Exhibit Deanhardt- but it is consistent with the discount agreement set out in Exhibit Deanhardt-35. Moreover, Qwest has asserted on numerous occasions that it has no oral agreements with McLeod, suggesting that Exhibit Deanhardt-69 is not referring to a modified oral version of Exhibit Deanhardt-17. It would also be an odd "purchase commitment" since Qwest's commitment to McLeod is potentially unlimited and fluctuates based on McLeod's expenditures with Qwest. An agreement of that type would not be good business practice for Qwest because it commits Qwest to purchases for which it has no forecasted need. Therefore, this document reinforces the conclusion (also supported by Mr. Fisher s deposition), that the take-or-pay commitment by Qwest was intended to mask the discount agreement. If Qwest's explanation of its payments is correct, would that change your conclusion that the Preferred Vendor Plan payments were actually discount payments? Possibly, but not necessarily. The mere fact that Qwest made take-or-pay payments would not resolve the question of whether those payments were a disguised discount. Here, for example, we know that Qwest only spent $5.5 million with McLeod in 2001. Qwest's take-or-pay commitment, however, was $15.84 million- 14 I should also note that Qwest produced, on July 24, 2002, a new document it said came from Audrey McKenney s files that appears to be a draft agreement from October 23 2000 - the day after Qwest and McLeod reached the discount agreement. A true copy of the document is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt- 70. Attachment 3.2 to the document is a draft purchase commitment that mirrors the description in Exhibit Deanhardt-69. The parties never entered into this written agreement, however, further suggesting that Mr. Terfler s description ofthe discount as a "purchase commitment" is not accurate. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. or almost three times Qwest's actual expenditures. Those numbers are too far apart to be simply a miscalculation by Qwest of its need to purchase products and services from McLeod. Moreover, Qwest never provided the Department with any documents showing its projections of what it might buy from McLeod in response to the Department's requests for such documents. I would expect to see those kinds of projections from a company asa matter of course before it commits to a take-or-pay contract. Based on the lack of documents and the enormous real-life difference between Qwest's actual expenditures and the commitment amount , I would conclude (absent additional evidence) that Qwest's commitment was a sham intended to disguise a discount to McLeod. In fact, Mr. Fisher confirmed in both my interview of him and his deposition that Qwest and McLeod created the take-or-pay commitment only to insure that McLeod would at least receive a portion of the discount agreed to by Qwest. See Exhibit Deanhardt-, 34:17 - 39:5 and Fisher Affidavit ,-r,-r 21-23. If the Qwest take-or-pay agreement was a legitimate agreement for Qwest to buy needed goods and services from McLeod, would that change your conclusion regarding the existence of the oral discount agreement? No. There are simply too many documents created by both McLeod and Qwest referring to the discount for it not to exist. There is simply no way to explain all of these discount references absent a discount. Moreover, Qwest did actually Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. purchase needed services from Qwest, as reflected on Exhibit Deanhardt-65. It simply paid for those services separately from the discount payments it made to McLeod. Assuming that you are correct about this agreement, why did Qwest give McLeod this discount? The documents suggest two reasons. First, as Mr. Fisher explains, the new Qwest wanted to keep McLeod's traffic on Qwest's network , thereby insuring a revenue stream for assets that might otherwise go unused. Without the discount McLeod would have proceeded with its plans to move as much traffic off of Qwest' network as possible as quickly as possible. Many of the documents discussed earlier in my testimony contain references to this reason. Second, Qwest's acquiescence to the October 2000 agreements , including the discount agreement, was expressly contingent on McLeod's oral agreement not to oppose Qwest's Section 271 application. One ofthe most important things Qwest could do to improve and grow its business was to obtain the authority to provide interLATA services again in the areas where Qwest had to stop providing such services after the merger. The importance of McLeod's agreement on this point was noted in the September 19 2000 term sheet attached as Exhibit 2 to Mr. Fisher affidavit. The Section 271 agreement is also discussed in several other exhibits to my testimony, including the documents reflecting Qwest's internal consideration of the deal with McLeod. OTHER FACTORS Deanhardt, Di - AT &T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Did Qwest and Eschelon take any action with respect to the Eschelon Agreement in response to the Department's investigation? Yes. On March 1 , 2002 - just two weeks after the Department filed its complaint in the 197 Docket - Qwest and Eschelon entered into a "Settlement Agreement" terminating nearly all of the undisclosed agreements between them including the take-or-pay agreement and the Eschelon Agreement containing the discount agreement. A copy of the agreement is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt- 71. In exchange for agreeing to terminate these agreements, Esche10n received a payment, in the form of a credit against amounts it owed Qwest, for $7 912 000.00. Given that Eschelon had only earned a $2.54 million discount on ten months of purchases between November 2000 and August 2001 , this $7.9 million immediate payment seems like quite a benefit to Eschelon in exchange for foregoing future potential discounts. Did Qwest and McLeod also terminate the McLeod agreement before it expired on its own terms? No. Even in its responses to AT&T's data requests in this docket , Qwest still denies that the McLeod discount agreement ever existed. It would be impossible for Qwest to terminate an agreement that it says never existed. Are there any other factors that this Commission should be aware of that led you to conclude that Qwest agreed to provide the discounts you described to both Eschelon and McLeod? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Yes. There are simply too many similarities between the structure and timing of the McLeod discount agreement and the Eschelon discount agreement for Qwest to deny the existence of either agreement. In sum, those similarities are: The McLeod discount agreement and the Eschelon discount agreement were negotiated and entered into by Qwest concurrently, in October, 2000. The McLeod oral discount agreement was reached the weekend of October , 2000, and the written agreements were signed on October 26 , 2000. The Eschelon discount agreement was reached on October 21 2000 and the documents reflecting it were signed on November 15 2000. In both cases, the parties entered into a series of interrelated agreements, including take-or-pay agreements with purchase volume commitments. In both cases, one of the interrelated agreements was filed as an interconnection agreement amendment that gave the CLEC access to UNE- Star. The two UNE-Star amendments are substantially similar to each other in form and content. In both cases, one of the agreements extracted from the CLEC was an agreement not to participate in the consideration of Qwest' s various Section 271 applications. The same person at Qwest - Audrey McKenney - was intricately involved in the negotiation of both the Eschelon agreement and the McLeod agreement. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. In both cases, Qwest has attempted to hide the discount behind a sham agreement to prevent other CLECs from taking advantage of it. In short, there are simply too many similarities for this to constitute a mere coincidence in the real business world. What did the Minnesota and Arizona commissions conclude about the McLeod oral discount agreement? In its 197 Docket, the MPUC affirmed the findings of its ALJ that the McLeod oral discount agreement existed and constituted an interconnection agreement. Specifically, the MPUC found that the McLeod Agreement existed and discounts were paid and that Qwest's testimony to the contrary was not credible. Minn. ALJ 197 Order ,-r,-r 320-338. As noted above, the ACC similarly found that (tJhe evidence shows that the (QwestJ agreements with Eschelon for consulting services and with McLeod for purchases which Qwest claims were not subject to Section 252 requirements, were shams designed to hide the true nature of the agreements. In the matter ofQwest's Compliance with Section 252(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Opinion and Order (Decision No. 66949), at 38 (Apr. 30, 2004). III.THE FAILURE TO DISCLOSE THE DISCOUNT AGREEMENTS Did Qwest have any obligation to file or otherwise make the terms and conditions of the Eschelon and McLeod discount agreements available to AT&T and other carriers? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Yes. When Qwest entered into and tried to conceal its agreements with Eschelon and McLeod, Qwest had a statutory obligation under 47 U.C. ~ 252(e) to disclose and file with this and other state commissions the terms and conditions of any agreement for interconnection or access to unbundled network elements including specifically rates. Discounts, of course, are a part of calculating any final rate. What are the practical effects of Qwest concealing the discount agreements? By concealing the discount agreements, Qwest prevented AT&T and other companies from taking advantage of the "most favored nations" clauses in its interconnection agreements with Qwest to obtain the same discount. Thus, the legal and contractual obligation to disclose the discount agreements had a practical business purpose as well. As discussed below, AT&T had "most favored nations" (or MFN) clauses in its agreements with Qwest. These MFN clauses required Qwest to make available to AT&T the same terms and conditions that Qwest made available to other carriers. The only way to check Qwest's compliance with that provision is either by Qwest notifying AT&T of the agreements or, more commonly, through review of publicly disclosed agreements. By concealing the Eschelon and McLeod discount agreements Qwest intentionally deprived AT&T of the ability to take advantage of the same discount. Should Qwest have filed the Eschelon and McLeod Agreements in Idaho? Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Yes. There is no doubt that agreements that affect rates for interconnection and unbundled network elements must be filed with state commissions. By this failure and the lack of any other notice to AT&T, Qwest prevented AT&T from obtaining the same discounts as Eschelon and McLeod. IV.AT &T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS What is AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. The Idaho CLEC affiliate of AT&T, Inc. Do you know whether it had an interconnection agreement with Qwest in Idaho at the time Qwest entered into the Eschelon and McLeod deals? Yes, it did. Have you reviewed AT&T's interconnection agreement with Qwest in Idaho? Yes. Do the agreements contain "most favored nation" type clauses? Yes. It can be found in Section 2.1 of the main body of the agreement, which contains the "Terms and Conditions." A true copy of the main body ofthe AT&T interconnection agreement is attached as Exhibit Deanhardt- 75. Section 2.1 provides that: Most Favored Nation Terms and Treatment Until such time as there is a final court determination interpreting Section 252(i) of the Act, U S WEST shall make available to AT&T the terms and conditions of any other agreement for interconnection, unbundled Network Elements Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. and resale services approved by the Commission under Section 252 of the Act, in that agreement's entirety. After there is a final court determination interpreting Section 252(i) of the Act the Parties agree to revise this Section 2.1 to reflect such interpretati on. What is the purpose of an MFN clause? In general, MFN clauses guarantee one party (Party A) to an agreement that no other entity doing business with the second party (Party B) will get a better deal that the first party (Party A). If a third party (Party C) does get better terms, then the first party is allowed to also incorporate the better terms into its own agreement. In this case, the purpose of the MFN clauses at issue was to permit AT&T to opt into agreements Qwest had with other carriers that might be beneficial to AT&T. Here, the MFN clause would have allowed AT&T to opt into the Eschelon and McLeod discount agreements such that AT&T could have received the same discounts. AT&T's other witness here indicates that AT&T would have taken advantage of those discounts, which is not surprising given the substantial amount of money that AT&T could have saved. Are there any other provisions of AT&T's interconnection agreement states: that affect AT&T's ability to opt into the Eschelon and McLeod discount agreements? Yes. Section B of the part of the agreement labeled "Scope of Agreement" Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. In the performance of their obligations under this Agreement the Parties shall act in good faith and consistently with the intent of the Act. Where notice, approval or similar action by a Party is permitted or required by any provision of this Agreement (including, without limitation, the obligation of the parties to further negotiate the resolution of new or open issues under this Agreement) such action shall not be unreasonably delayed, withheld or conditioned. This language imposes two obligations on Qwest that, had Qwest lived up to them, would have given AT&T the opportunity to take advantage of the Eschelon and McLeod discounts. The first is the obligation to "act in good faith and consistently with the intent of the Act." There is no doubt that a primary intent ofthe act was that ILECs (like Qwest) not discriminate against CLECS (like AT&T) by offering favorable terms to some, but not others. Had Qwest followed this principle, it would have made the discount agreements available to AT&T. Second, in a situation where notice is required - for example, to effect the requirement that Qwest "shall" make available to AT&T the terms of other interconnection agreements - then Qwest must provide such notice without unreasonable delay or conditions. Instead of living up to these two obligations, Qwest actively concealed the existence of the discount agreements. Agreement Section 24.1 contains more language that required Qwest to make the discount agreements available to AT&T. It reads: "Each Party shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement." As I previously discussed, federal laws and regulations in 2000 and 2001 required Qwest (a) to disclose the terms of the discount Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. agreements by filing those terms with this Commission, and (b) to make the discount agreements available to AT&T. Again, instead of following the contract, Qwest actively concealed the discount agreements and prevented AT&T from being able to take advantage of them. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes, it does. Deanhardt, Di- AT&T Communications of The Mountain States, Inc. Q',:rf=/VEDr" ,,- \.J 0-' ' ZUDl /b P 5: 01 ~;;~:! j~1i2sI0N Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T Clay Deanhardt 21 'C' Orinda Way, #374 Orinda, CA 94563 (925) 258-9079 clay(Qjdeanha rdtlaw .com EDUCATION 1989 -1992 Harvard Law School Graduated cum laude with JD. 1985 -1989 Cambridge, /o.1A East Carolina University Greenville, NC Graduated summa cum laude from Honors Program with BA in Philosophy and English, with a concentration in writing. GPA 3.9/4.0. Completed first year s requirements for MA in English. WORK HISTORY 2006 Present Law Office of Clay Deanhardt Principal/Owner 2005 2006 2001-2005 2000-2001 Orinda, CA Provide outside general counsel services to small and emerging companies, including corporate formation, securities compliance, IP review and dispute resolution services. Draft and negotiate inbound and outbound commercial agreements including technology licenses and Internet service agreements. Draft and negotiate finance and purchase 1 sale agreements. Covad Communications Company Assistant General Counsel San Jose, CA Led vendor negotiations that eliminated a potential $30+ million software licensing liability in favor of a new license that reduced company expenses. Participated in inbound and outbound service and license agreement negotiation and drafting. Integrated Covad's litigation department with its business and regulatory goals. Managed legal support for labor and employment issues, including legal issues surrounding a national reduction in force (resulting in no claims being filed against the company). Managed customer relationships that had escalated to potential litigation threats. Directed all of the company s litigation matters, including antitrust and IP litigation, using both internal resources and outside counsel and achieving successful results in a wide variety of matters. Provided ongoing advice regarding SOX compliance and corporate communications. Deanhardt Consulting Principal/Owner San Francisco, CA Provided business and legal services to clients including AT&T, the Minnesota Department of Commerce and the Arizona Residential Utility Consumer Office. Epidemic Networks President General Counsel, member of Board of Directors Santa Barbara, CA Managed a start-up peer-to-peer software company financed by the Santa Barbara Technology Incubator, first as COOIGC and later as PresidentlGC and a member of the Board of Directors. Transfonned Epidemic Networks from a consumer Internet company with no revenue model into a business software company with a Fortune 500 pilot customer and three-year plan to profitability. Wrote the business, marketing and financial plans. Prepared and delivered business plan presentation for potential A-round investors. Recruited executive team including VP of Engineering and VP of Marketing. 1999- 2000 1996-1999 1993-1996 1992-1993 2/91-5/91 Managed software development team located in Santa Barbara and New Zealand. Covad Communications Company Senior Counsel Santa Clara, CA Led the cross-functional team that designed a new method for deploying DSL broadband services that opened the residential market to Covad, leading to wholesale relationships with major Internet service providers and profitability for Covad's DSL products. Negotiated and drafted agreements with incumbent local exchange carriers that allowed Covad to provide service across the United States. Managed Covad's legal and business relationship with US WEST (now Qwest). Developed the company s legal and regulatory strategy for western United States and contributed to the development of national legal strategies. Advised Covad on a variety of securities law compliance and human resource legal issues. Reviewed corporate communications for disclosure issues and compliance with securities regulations. Retained and managed outside counsel on regulatory and litigation matters. Graham & James, LLP (now Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP) Associate Palo Alto, CA Practiced intellectual property and general commercial litigation. Conducted all aspects of litigation and trial preparation for cases including patent infringement actions, software licensing disputes, copyright infringement actions, and commercial transaction disputes. Advised clients on intellectual property and general business issues. Brown & Wood, LLP (now Sidley Austin LLP) Associate Practiced securities, general commercial and banking litigation. Helped prepare a $40 million public financing as part of legal settlement in favor of my client. San Francisco, CA Dinkelspiel, Donovan and Reder Associate San Francisco, CA Practiced general commercial litigation, securities litigation and telecommunications law. Harvard University Cambridge, !vIA Teaching assistant for "Thinking About Thinking" taught by Alan Dershowitz, Robert Nozick and Stephen Jay Gould. BAR ADMISSIONS State of California; 9th Circuit Court of Appeals; Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern Districts of California. Idaho Pu~lic Utilities Commiss OffIce of the Secreta Ion RECEIVED AUG f 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 2 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T W CD - 4 .J3J:::II:J K; ~= 0:= :\1::,:/..;:= ~c:: CONr=ID=NT1~L Arv:=NDrv:=NT CON:=ID=NTI~.LIIRAD= S=CR=T STI?U!....!..:!':J/\ ' -;-'- "",;"""'-' . ::. r"' ":-- '-~i.::. c:..::.---. -' I - ' .-, I ;)/"",IUI":::I~~ ~1 ,:, """-'IU:::II~I: 1C:"'-"'-::::.~dpU,=,;J;-:~=!\' .'==:-', eno :::: W=::::T Aor':":'i'i'=nr is h=r-=jv Ci:~=~=:j iiltO k .::l ~ I "'~-';-- 001 -'-' - --'- 0 '-'J- --,- ~..... - ""'-'--'-"-', ("Qwesn. fCiii1:riy knov~n as U '3 VVEST . ' Iii:., em: ::s:h:bii Te!e:~:7"" 1:-.:.("::sch:!on~):fojiiier!y known a~ Advanc"::iT:!e::::;;';";l:m:::cti;:;:1s , ii1:.t.':J/=.' C=.:yCommun:~ations, Inc., Cady T:!e:nanagemeiit, liI~., Ai7ie;"i=anle!e~h:J:1eIc""nnolo "" ~!':"- T.:o. """ - 1i1 =ltc-:J:71 In- '::"":":"~ .::I :_-- ..: - ._~11 := ' _.,---""'. e. '~_"__II I"" ", _~':::;~~_ I:::I:::..e..,....as the MParties~ when !"eferred ,t-~ jo.:::!tly) ,on this ,i 5th' cay of Nqv-V1ber, :2000.~his :Amendment adds, terms to ih~ 'Coniide:1tialiTraoe Se=t~t ,St!~!.1!ati=~3et,..ieen ATI and, U S ..WSST c:ted F~l?ruaiY'28, 2000. The Pa.1'12"s " ackhowiedge the retita!s aile te;"ii1S 'b:)i1~air:=d in the Confldenlia"~i2:: Se:::-:!Stip,ulation 8et\vee!1 A TI and U 'S VIEST and seek to resolye ;~; eien=es IN;':::;' - . . =- -' ~-: "'= -,.; COil IilU - ,.. :: 4- - ' ,- "-" "-;:: exlS =,;: ~- W:::=II - , C::I ~ - :: I LII ' =~- , c: ~ I ~ I ~.., LII: ::c:~= - Agreement. iiicludin~ differences r~!ating to service ~u=Iity" ADDITIONAL R=':!7A~S Disputes have cr:s::i bet'YJ:=n the ?ci'.!e5 25 to tha e:-;e:::;ve dat~ ofEs::heion s ability' to piOvide s:iVi::es thiOugh the Ui1bundied n~twa~k e!eii1;nt .CUNS-) p~atforii1. Es,:heloi1 daifns that it was eligibIe to ie=eiv=O~~~~/oi1 t~s. asuf rJ\2rch 1 2000. "0 " , ': ,, ", . 0 ' , " Owest bi:!ieyes ~hat ::schelon ,,' ..a5 'J.,able to piovide ' 5~iVi::es .thr;Ju:::' the unbuiid !~d n~twaik- ~!~:71eii(u~=tf:J,iii as of Mai:::' 1 2000. " ' 3. Iii an attempt to fi:i3l1y resoiv: the !s~!..!es in dispute 2nd to avoid.oe:ay and costly litigatioi1, the Parties 'voluntarily :iiter into this'Goniidential , t,' ";= ":'::o-=t:: - -"",..: , liTIS ,..' =- c O ,"_ 'IL -- :::C - :-,'-'~::::::' II = ' -"" I::: - -= II_, IL_' 2S of th: date of this C6:1fid~iit(~I.?:gj-~eii1ei1t that re~cte to ih~ matters addiessedherein, 2nd Escheloii re!~as=s 0\'/e5t fm~ any ::~c1iil5 i=g3ijin~i U;e issue asdescribed herein. CON~ID=NT(A.L t.,GR==M=:Ni' , 1"The ?aities' ei1te~ into this ,g!'==:~;e;jt in =~)iisid:ration for the teriilSdesciibed below , and Ss::helon s r:!e2se of any c:a:ii'.s thatcai1 or :ould havebeen brought against Owest b:::aus: :schelon was providing ,servi::es through, resale of finished seiVices inst:ad bfproviding seryi=e through unbundlednetwork elements" EscheIon claims that it haj the right to =Ie:t p!atforiTI pri::esas of Mar::h 1 2000 . whiJ= Q\','est d:sa;::::5 with =s::he(on s claim, a s d=s=rib~dabov~. QII0041 - '. - - - - - ,-; :-. r") ;::~.::~ ' LL..i "" ~:~=- r", \ :.' ~'-- '"~ :: ,e;::;, ...::-:.:e;his a=;=e:;:~:-" :,V "" ':"'---- 00-.--\1_ -- '1..- r"-- -- -, '~. - ',.. "-" - ', . u.o/':: C:::::"--il":::IL =L v==.. LlI':: ~C'L!:::.:;), CII- '- L:: :71:.:1::;; (i:::=::"i :7i:d:::,done!"s or,te!:::a:nf71un::::2tioii 5e::""':::::5 a!"i: :;;,=:j:..::~s betw=-"..... ~....:...,.~ ~ ::r-., ' '-~.. ....~- -, ',--.- o...t"'~:"'oi 30 2001 In ~~jj i-i"'iaticr. fer ;: h=- """""- --- - ---.c-- ....; -;..-:-'- ,-- '-- '--- - -'-'., C::...:==...-.." "",,-..::: Durc:h:::ls~~ 2nd for "=" ;-' "'i 0"'" nd valua .,J !: --....-.::-:,;-- ':::' 7-~'- , '-., - -"~, - - ... - -100_"::'1__. _.,-..--"...., this 2gr==,m,nt 2nd do cu;;;=n;=d in Qw=sl's Nov";;;",,,-, 5 . 2000 "'i;;;,-, C w;;" __-:- -~c "" 510 """ III '_"""":"-""......:..--.- '"' ~I=- ::, ,= - ..1,- II ill II I:'-'LII:' u _1'0_:: I,'L.' ... resolve 21/ iss!.!es . 0~tst2ildina Uiiouoh the cat; vf exe:::ution vf t~:s ="'1":=:&:::-, - -' .-- = ,.Iata" 10 the UN ='platfo"" and swit=hed a==e'5," i' urthe" OWes! wili pa y ,=Eschelcn the rsv:lJl.!e Owest hille9 to."IXCs at Ow:st's esta~lished swi::hed. ace"ss rat". for Esehelon piatbrm end osars for osag" far th" month of C=roo,,:2000. Ow".t will p" Y th is ,,;"0"':'01 to , . Ssco"I.on ,Vithin 30 .0 a y. of. th" 2" t" Q,,;" 5t . .,""2iv2S WTN infO""2tion fa, ::s:ry210" ;6i all 0; 0:1002f2000, "":or any mont"(or p arti:1 month), fiOiil Novemb:r "2000 U0~inh~,mechai1;ze:j ;Jic:ess is inplac:, ouriilg which Owsst fails to provide.2c:~i=te ci:iiy us age jiif:Ji:T:atioi: for~5 eM:i 0'" 5 "." i" ailii" 9 "iitehed 2 ee:55 . OW:5! will 0': d i! 5 eM: ion S i 3. GQ (0:p~o ra~a portion thereof) per p~2jorm lii1:,pet month as long ~s 'S:s:heioil hasPio'vide:! th:' VvTN ii1foi;jjation to Q\vest. Af1:~'the me:~aili!ed p:-oc:ss' is Gi :)Ia=e ' =scheioii and 'Q'Nest wiil use the es!abiish;d es=alafion ~io:edt.'res if- " " oi.p:;ta a;;sos- Ow..! ",ill cra::ittha IXC aoo otoar co;npania. fa, d2ily CS2;,;aft,c to.t 0""'5/ Provid=s to ""cM"ion tc bill to 1M" IXC (to ";;"'in"", do~"",jil!i~lg), ,:...- -, =--:"'-"" ~-- r"" "'--- ';"" ';";- --~-=-, II III::::: -c: -.::0...,:::: "wI" "'= I ~ , -":::'::, --, , 1..,.::0 = ;", 11_111 ZilV (jth-sf a gi:;riient. S i 5 , 000. OOO~ 00" (fi.fteeil r.1iliiail, ~oJta:rS) in 't"J~=ommunic"lions ."",ic". "nd/o, prodo=ts ~iithiri tho Jim";""",- s:: brth:50\re ::sche!oii sha'/!, by De=:i7ibei 3). 200; . i7i:ke a pro iata refund of tii:;:iaYi'i:erit r:::~iv:d ircm QIN:St: 3. =s:::,sio~ shall Picv:deto"O':I:st c:msulting and net'.vork-iela!ejs:i\.'J.:es . including but r-;(jt liiiiitec'pro~~5s=S and ;Jio:::e::!uies rel;:ti:1g towhoissa!~S:iVics qua!iiy far !~:2! =x=hai1ge;s:iVi:e rSe;vi::es ). TheseS" rJi C"5 will .dd ,:55 n urn ",0 U 5 it';", 5 , inc!ud in 9 loop cutev" r "no cenv" r5 ic nrepair, billing and ather items agreed u~oon by the Fait':s. The Se:-vices rii2!iilcfude all lin!:!s of busiiless ail,: i7iethods of lo=al :7iark:t ei1try used by =s:iie!or. '-- Ion :=,..~ =-o- 'i:-i'"":-"" = - -i ""'I"\O~="""ooo! r"""~-ni1 ;..-'- '-"= , -::1"_-::' L I 1':"- " """::- =;" - OJ ... -"',.._. -.,--- ,.. -.::."", I = I , II; Ssfv.icss. ::s:h:lon fuiihei a~i=' es to assign, !.!pon isq!Jesl, u;J to two full iii7iej:p(eseiitativ;s dedi:ated to \"Iorkiilg wit~ the Qwest a::a!.!ilt te2f"i1 or othe!"Qw:st organizations tc facilitate handling or piOvisio:'1ing issues. The Part!:s2gree to m:~llogether (via tel=phon:live c:mf=:-enc:~, or othe:\vise) asileCessary to f2ciiit2t; provisioning ;jf ~he Seii/ices . t:Y.e:u.tives fiOii1 ooth=;:)mpailiss a9i:e to addi;SS end discuss 1h: piogr;ss of the S;rvi::::s at ~uarterly meetings to b;gin in.200, and c~ntin!.!; t~rougr-.th; ;nd of 2005. In=ansideratbn ;:)1 SS=~21.::Jn~s ;:~r=e~=:1t to ~i:;vide S~rvi:es and for such g~:Jda:1, j " e!l,;::::,ie ::::1S:d2i::i:;~1 5:t fqiih this agis=ment. Owest agr=ss to C;:v QIIO042 "'1- ~ ":: ::, , 0 . '-' w, ~=~::=:-,; I:I;::;;;":~ Ii::: =;;;-=;::::= :~~!::: :, -:~~;::5 ::-211. :.;';~::iias:s Eiia:= by ::.s:n:i:::i f~::-:; OW::5: iiC:T, N0":"'-'~=o, ~.:: ";00'- ~'-:i-"---,....,c- 1'\, ,=. =C:-;":::."" "r Ii 0 :.. ..r--' ""'~~; O_-' - '-, - .. ..._;::':"'-_ -_-.J, '--- 11- "y, II ,. -,- ..:.::.. ""-:::;, . , ~2' ... :7:=:-;,!S :::..:e ,.,' -:::f"' , "';::: o::: f'\ : "'" . nv"':-c ,.; :::~'" - ,~= =".....:.,~ ,;...-~ "':::; ",,~_::-,..:_':-::; ,--;...--- LII I -.J\,.i ""- '-'. I' - ../1_- '"'-,-. '111,- -,_,.. ,,'C, "'- '-..-.JIIII..;:""C , l,;,...,,=;::Aar =="'~= ' hc "':::':::':"";" -"; ":::. ":1- : : ..~=,.::~:::. "_. - - .' ,- -- "'- 1__"__1 - _11- "C'U '- I -;:) I L"- ':'_ 'i._u=~:c;: ,i1!S c=--.:::....'e: riil --'="'; -------... 1. :':"; f\';"---- =-, - - 0___ :__ 0_-r"\ - --"'- "L - - I, "C"-"'" . !-,c,c::'=:-,tI I I.., '-':::::::..1- '" c:!;:,:J ,=,..i",=~=,:::siii1ult:ii:Otlsly with t:iiiliiiatioil of that Co;;fid,:iit~2! ?:.1~:has: A:3~:::-;:=:i~ 2:1: -""""- --r-ic "'-' . o~;-'- ";--' -- : .:..- ,..:--::. ';. ' --0 _- , =11 ~:::;I - ,.. ",:::_- I;) :::'11. ""::~='C =:C:~'c::' IL::=~C~-c:::ji7:;":::, :,-", \,,J,be pramptly r:luined to Owes:. ,I,,::::mi:Jn :f =sch:b~.f~ils to ii1=:~ i~s ;J'..::-:;;=s;; ---~-"-~-.- unD -- -:::.-? ? 1 ? , ") " 0- ? ~ ",: .~- r '" -... '-..JI.II,,:..I~IL::' I :I ::'__ L'- , -,_. '-'--' ' -...'-'I~,. :,-, "!";:" I:::. ' " ur:::;~5: gr:e:T::!i1t , ~s::~: on 'NI, P~OiiiPL Y i::Uiil .:;:) I...!W:s, =iiY,P=YiL::i::5 ..: .. r",,-- ,,--'" ';..,;- ...c:...- l-I...I;:,..Cll oJ II..;: =- : "" , If th: ?arti:s'fai! 'to' fi~2ii i~;t~~~'lmpi:::::;fatlo~ ?!?ii ,by A;JfiJ 302001, as i:ouired bv the Parties' ::s:ata!ion p nJc:dL:::s Aai=~iT;~nt thev eCie:: . '---"'::"':. :::.1", " "".-..'. "':::".-:..--- ' A"' ~--- ilt ':"- =-"::::. " """ 0' ' - - L '"'":""0:_, ; :_""" :: 1:- , ,-".....:::::: : .~ ::::;"'- , ~~:= IlIlu-nLia ~11IiiS:ttlei:1ent Agr=::iielit. this Aill::iqi1:ent tD t~: fid:ntie!JTrade Secret' I-, ' = ='" ="'~r -:.Aor =="""':::.--":'" = '' ---... - -,... : d;JUI::::lOn - - ""cl_" I __,,, U!- - . :- " c."" t:-J-nl:"",u"":_d-.J~,gi:e:7iei1t AEii~nom:nt. ell o:t::d NO'/2r:nb:r 15; 2000 , and Coopeiate Ii, ;:JOCfaith t:J G:t:iiilin: and PiOii1PUy i:tUiii to e:::h oth:r art ;:Jf th: =::onomi=, b::ri'e~is.=:::0-;'" ~--I\i'---I :~ ';..,=---- """'I"":' : " f'\-- " -~==-- o- A""_ ",,";- -__II , ::- =... I" :: ~"- ;.. 11'::': "-- 'I ....' :::: ':,:,-_",:: Il;:'. ,1-,,- '-ali of t;-:: claims , ..vhe,th:: in law or i.; :~uity, that eith:!' Pariy r=I:=5ed'o: ~is=hc:~~== ii1 ihcs: ACi=::T:e;"its s;-,211 b: r:5iOi:d to ~h=m5. The Paiti:s wi!! :idd~~ss ;iri 'heir ~uai't;:iy fi1~:tinC!s '~D:Jiu~r1at: ... -'-; ,,-1,-,... , ' t"'~':.1~-- ' ;:;'-"::;';-":'-~;-, ,.;..:.-~~,-';- -.-;..,.:.~. . ,:;.,~;.: ,.../1_- =-)"' ;:'0" ,-illS T-.J' II - l_ ~_... :JI"'G1~_n.L.!O~;:, .1\ 1__ ;:) -, ,....: p, O-:..I_IS purc~_ ,-,...",...",, - :::""""':';-:;;::'-""_":'::~:'-;"':':'::"-""-:"" - -~ =5-lon cnd Qw_s~ I., Lh- ~1_-~?-!~g,qu='ll_ , . ' 'r-;"': "" con -;,..;--::=;,...~ -- ron :.,..; -:"'~\'" """ _ ::J, 'I - '-'='-11- I ;:),...;:. - ,-.JII ~I L I -""=- "'" - ' LI - -__ ~, 0:: ' ' C"'- :::- "" n= :::". "' ::::":;'=""':::; =:::o .........1_0'-- , ," ' 1_"__, C .U;- .- -''-". - - t_- ~ --- ar:ld forever dischaiQe O\-'.'est 2ndiis ::5suti=t=s~ mviie.;5. stockholders :::.t"'!:::.-~t"':.-- r ""'" -. 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I "'- - r- - ' .- 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 3 Case No. QWE- T -06- AT&T SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 408 \N~D-15 Confidential Purchase Afreement This Purchase Agreement ("PA") is made and entered into by and between Es:he1c::Telecom, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates C"Eschelon ) and Qwest Corporation and itssubsidiaries C"Qwest ) (collectively, the "Parties ) effective on the 1 st day of October 2000, The Parties have entered in to enter into this P A to facilitate and improve their businessand operational acti\rities, agreements and relationships. In consideration of the covenantsagreements and promises contained belo\\" the Parties agree to the following:1. This PA is entered into between the Parties based on the foI1owing conditions , which area material part of this agreement: This P A shall be binding on Qwest and Eschelon and each of their respectivesubsidiaries, affiliated corporations, successors and assigns. 1.2 This PA may be amended or altered only by written instrument executed by anauthorized representative of both Parties. The Parties, intending to be legally bound, have executed this PA effective as October I 2000 in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of whichshall constitllte one and the sam: instrument. 1.4 Unless terminated as provided in this section, the initial term of this PAis fromOctober 1 2000 until December 31 2005 ("Initial Term ) and this PA shall thereafterautomatically continue until either Party gives at least six (6) months advance written notice of termination. This is A can only be terminated during the t;rm of the agreement in the event a material breach of the terms of this Amendment which remains unresolved and uncompensated folIowing application of the dispUte resolution provisions of this agreement. All- factual preconditions and duties set forth in this PA are intended to be, and areconsidered by the Parties to be, reasonably related to, and dependent upon each other. 1.6 Ifeitm:r Party s performance of this PA or any obligation under this PA prevented, restricted or interfered with by causes beyond such Parties' reasonable controlincluding but not limited to acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism which reasonable precautionscould not protect against, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulation, direction,action or request of any unit of federal, state or local govemme:'H, or of any civil or militaryauthority, or by national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strike or work stoppage ormaterial vendor failures, or cable cuts, then such Party shall be excused from such performanceon a day-to-day basis to the extent of such prevention, restriction or interference (a "Force:Majeure 1.7 The Parties agree: that they will keep the substance of the negotiations and/orconditions of this PA and the terms or substance of this PA strictly confidential. The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing) ar in any way disclose the --- ------- \-.--.---- -.-----.--.- - Qwest _.____ ibjj;.lI._ SUDJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 40S substance of the negotiations and/or conditions of this s~ttl::ment and the terms or sllbsranc:: ofthis PA to any person , judicial or administrative agency or body,- business, entity or association or anyone else for any reason '\.vhatsoever, without th~ prior express written consent of the other Party unless compelled to do so by law or unless Eschelon pursues an initial pubiic ofI~ring, and then only to the extent that disclosure by Eschelon is necessary to comply with th~ requirementsof the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In the evem Eschelon pursues an initial public offering, it will: (1) first notify Qwest of any obligation to disclose some o-r all of this FA; (2) provide Qwest ",'ith an opportunity to review and comment Eschelon s proposed disclosure of some or all of this P A; and (3) -apply for confidential treatment of the P A. It is expressly agreed that this confidentiality provision is an essentialelement of this P A and negotiations, and all matters related to these matters, shall be subject toRule 408 of the Rules of Evidence, at the federal and state level. In the event either Party initiates arbitration or litigation regarding the terms of this agreement or has a legal obligation which requires disclosure of the tenus and conditions of this , the Party having the obligation shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature, scope and source of such obligation so as to enable the other Party, at its option, to take such action as may be legally permissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided in this P 1.8 Neither Party wi11 present itselfas representing or jointly marketing services withthe other or market its servic::s using the name of the other Party, without the prior written consent of the other Pany. : 1.9 Any claim, controversy or dispUte between the Panies in connection with this PA shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator engagedin the practice of law under the then cum:nt mles of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration shall be conducted in D::nv::r, Colorado, Each Pany shall have the right to seek from a coun of appropriate jurisdiction equitable or provisional remedies (such as temporary restraining orders, temporary injunctions and the lik::) before arbitration proceedings have beencommenced and an arbitrator has been selected. Once an arbitrator has been selected and the _. - - -- arbitration proceedings are continuing, thereafter the sole jurisdiction with respect to equitable or provisional remedies shall be remanded to the arbitrator. Any arbitrator shall be a retired judge or an attorney who has been licensed to practice fo. at least ten (10) years and is currently licensed to practice in the state of Colorado. The arbitrator shaH be selected by the parties within fifteen (15) business days after a request for arbitration has been made by one of the Partieshereto. If the Parties are unable to agree among themselves, the Parties shaH ask for a panel of arbitrators to be selected by the American Arbitration Association. If the: parties are unable to select a sale arbitrator from the panel supplied by the American Arbitration Association within ten (10) business days after such submission. the American Arbitration Association shall select the sole arbitrator. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.c. ~~ 1-16, not state law, shaH govern the arbitrability of all disputes. The arbitrator shall only have the authority to detennine breach this Agreement and award appropriate damages, bUt the arbitrator shall not have the authority award punitive damages. The arbitrator s decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Each pany shaH bear its 0\\11 costs and attorneys' feesand shall share equally in the fees and expens::s ofth~ arbitrator, except that the arbitrator shall have the disc:::tion to award r:asonabl:: attorneys' fees and costs in favor of a Pany if, in the ----.. u --_.-----------~-_.__...- .------.-------.-----.----.-----.-.-------- SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 40S opinion of th~ arbItrator, th~ displlt~ arose because the other Party was no~ actjilg in good fait?:. 10 This P A shall be int~rpreted and construed in accordance with tn: laws of the State of Colorado , and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party to this Agreement. 11 This PA constitutes an agre~m~nt between the Parties and can o::ly be chamred ina writing or ...vritings executed by both Parties. Each of the Parties forever \\'a1\.:s all riS!hi: to assert that this agreement was th~ result of a mistake in law or in fact. 1.12 This P A may be executed in counterparts and by facsimile.2. In consideration of the agreem~nts and covcnants set forth above and the entire group covenants provided in section 3, Eschelon agrees to purchase from Qwest, or one of itS affiliates during the Initial T~ml of this PA, at least $150 million worth oftelecommuni::ations, enhanced or information services, network elements, interconnection or collocation services or elements capacity, termination or origination s~rvices, switching or fiber rights (th~ "Products ). EscheIon fails to meet this purchase commitment, this agreement is temlinated and Eschelon will be required to pay Qwest a $10 million penalty. Subject to the provisions of this section 2, from January 1 2001 to Dec~mber 31200 1, Eschelon will purchase, under this agreement or any other agreement b:"ve:n the parties a minimum of 5 16 million of Products and in the event purchases by Eschelon do not meet this minimum, Eschelon agrees to make a pa)ment to Q\'est, no later than January 15 2002, in anamount equal to the di ffen:nce between actual purchases and the minimum. If Eschelon fails tome~t this purchase commitment, this agreement is terminated Clnd Eschdon \\'ili be required to pay Qwest a penalty of510 million which is the equivalent of63% of its 2001 annual revenuecommitment to Qwest. Subject to the provisions of this section 2, from January 1 2001 through D::cember 31 2002, Eschelon will purchase a minimum of 524 million of Products, and in theevent purchases by Eschelon do not m::et this minimum, Eschei"on agoe:::; to make a payment to Qwest, no later than January 15, 2003 , in an amount equal to the difference bc:~ween actualpurchase~ and the minimum. IfEschelon fails to me::t this purchase: coiilmitm~:lt, this agre::mentis terminated and Eschelon will be requin:d to pay Qw~st a penalty of S 1 a million which is the equivalent of 42% of its 2002 ,,-nnual r::venu:: commitment to Qw~SI. Subject to the provisions of this section 2 , from January 1 2003 through December 31 2003, Eschelon will purchase a minimum of 531 million ofProaucts , and in the eVent purchases by Eschelon do not meet this minimum, Eschelon agrees to make a payment to Qwest, no later than January 15, 2004 in an amount equal to the di fference be0veen actual purchases and the minimum. IfEschelon fails to meet this purchase commitm~nt, this agreement is terminated and EscheJon will be required to pay Qw:st a penalty of S 1 0 million which is theequi\'alent of32% of its 2003 annual revenue commitment to Qwcst, 2.4 Subject to the provisions of this s:::tion 2, fro:T1 Janua:y 1 200~ ihrough December 31 2004 , Eschelon will purchase a minimum ofS37 :nillion ofProaucts, and in the --~ ._--__~__m -- ------ ___"_ - 3- -~------------ - --------_..-----------._--------.------- Sl7B1ECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 405 ~v:nt purchases by Eschelon do not meet this minimum, Eschelon agrees to make a payment to Qwest, no later than January 15, 2005 , in an amount equal to the differenc~ between actual purchases and the mirJimum, IfEschelon fails to me:t this purchase commitment, this agr:em:n~is t~rminated and Eschelon will be required to pay Qwest a penalty ofS 1 a million which is theequivalent of27% of its 2004 al1I1ual revenue commitment ofQwest. Subject to the provisions of this section 2, from January 1 2005 throughDecember 31 2005. Eschelon will purchase a minimum ofS42 mimon of Products, ;nd in theevent purchases by Eschelon do not me~t this minimum, Eschelon agrees to make a payment to Qwest, no later than January 15,2006. in an amount equal to the difference between actual - purchases and the minimum. IfEsche:lon fails to meet this purchase commitment. this agre~mentis t~rminated and Eschelon will be n:quired to pay Qwest a penalty of S 1 0 million which is theequivalent of24% of its 2005 annual revenue commitment to Qwest. Eschelon s arumal and contract term purchase commitments will be reducedproportionally in the event Qwest sells any exchanges where it is currently the incumbent local exchange service provider, but only to the extent thc:lt any such sale materially impactsEschelons purchases from Qwest. Eschelon s annual and contract term purchase commitments will be adjusted proportionally and/or appropriately in the event Eschelon acquires, or merges with, or divests to,another company where such acquisition, merger or divestiture materially changes Eschelon market capitalization. size, markets or other similar measure, as mutually agreed. The Parties wil1 resolve any disputes pursuant to Escalation Procedures to be developed by the Parties. 3. In consideration of the agreements and cov~nants s~t forth above and the entir~ group ofcovenants provided in section 2, al1 taken as a whole, with such consideration only being adequate if all such agreements and co\'enants are made and are enforceable, Qwest agrees tomak: the Products available for purchase: by Esch~lon at such rates and on such tenns and conditions as agr~ed. (R~m2inde:i of page intentionally blank) ---------------------------------- --- - ------------------- - ------- 1' (" ",- , '-, - :r.":Q;,;:.~,j-i.!l,i.r.. \ ;":,':.; (i';:~;::. :~' :::::: :4:~~. .'~~. ;~:~~:\C-. ~~::::::~?: SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDEl'\C~ 408 Made and entered into on th: c::ffe:::ti\":: date: writt-on :1bo\': by Es~h:lon and Qwcst. EscheJon Telecom, Inc.Qwest Corporation Authorized SignatUre d:Ji Name Printed/Typed Name PrintedIT)pcd Title E. V Title Date . Da.t: n-lS" ' .I' H;~OPJO2S00 - -~---.._----,----,------,-----,---,---.. ------,,-- ,,-'---.-. ---....--------------. ..---...._-- SUBJECT TO RULE OF EVIDENCE 408 . . Made and entered into on the effective date written above by Eschelon and Qwest. Eschelon Telecom, Ine.Qwest Corporation Authorized Signature (1...~~Ao(\ 4. S._ Name Printedffyped Name PrimedfTyped 2K!.~~~ ~...~ - c..r-.o Title Title ,\ / \ ...~;,......... Date Date H:Q"'~sIlMTOPIO2500 .. -"-"--'---'--'--=--y-;-----'---------.-..---... Idaho Pu~lic Utilltl OffIce of the :s CommIssIonR E eEl V ~~tary AUG 1 6 2007 Boise Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 4 Case No. QWE-O6- AT&T \f\JU) , -... To:Jim Gallegos (Owest)'. ~jhga"e(2)uswest.com;:' , .' Judy Tinkham'. ~jtinkha(g)uswest,com;:' - .' Audrey McKenney (Owest)" ~axmcken(2)uswest.com;:' , "' Laurie Komeffel'.~lkornef(2)uswest.com;:' , .' Judith Rixe'. ~jrixe(2)uswest.com;:' Ox!ey, J. Jeffery" ~jjoxley(2)eschelon.com;:' -cc: Subject: letter frol'!' Richard A, Smith - _Subject to Federal Rule of Evidenc 408 (Confidential) See attached letter -from Richard A. Smith on Subject to Federal Rule ofEvidence 408. ~cQwest Agreement - 11-S-00.doc~~ Original copy of the letter will be mailed to you:Jim Gallegos, Laurie Korneffel and Audrey McKenney (Fedx overnight)Judy Tinkham and Judy Rixe (U.S. mail) If you do not receive the original letters, please notify Richard Smith at(612) 436-6626. Thank you. Lori Wagner Eschelon Telecom, Inc.Business No. (612) 436-6492E-mail: lmwagner~eschelon. com - Owest Agreement - 11-00,doc --.--------------------------. _______. h________n _.._.- ----. ---- November 5, 2000 Mr, Jim GaIl egos Corporate Counsel Qwest 1801 California Street, Room 3800 Denver, CO 80202 Ms. Audrey McKenney Vice President - Wholesale Markets Finance Qwest 1801 California Street, Room 2350Denver, CO 80202 Ms. Judy Tinkham Vice President - Wholesale and Diversified Markets Qwest 200 South 51h Street, Room 2400 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Confidential- Subject to Federal Rule of Evidence 408 Dear Mr. Gallegos, Ms. McKenney, and Ms. Tinkham: (Trade Secret Data Begins The purpose of this letter is to communicate the key business issues associated with our work on the business tobusiness relationship that Eschelon/Qwest are attempting to construct on UNE- P and operating performance. We have reviewed the documents that Ms. Korneffel/Mr, Gallegos forwarded to us over the past two (2) weeks and there are numerous revisions that our respective legal teams can bring to conclusion , but the followingbusiness issues wiU take some discussion which I would like to conclude over the next two (2) business days(by EOD on Tuesday, November 7 2000): I. The volume discount of 10% that we agreed to on Saturday, October 21 SI, has not been explicitly statedin the purchase agreement. 2. The $ 13.00 per month per resale line payment that Qwest was to make to Eschelon effective October 1 2000 if accurate switched access records are not .delivered each month has not. been included as weagreed to on Saturday, October 21 , 2000. Sub issueS/questions are provided as follows: a) Can Qwest provide these records to Eschelon in the industry standard format? Our redline of theinterconnection agreement amendment contemplates that by January I , 2001 , Qwest will.be able todo this. b) Does Eschelon have to provide dai1~ ~esale line telephone number data to Qwest .given th~t Q..~estalready has this infonnation? NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA - ----.-----.-- ------ ---------.--.--....- - --.---..-------------.- -------------- -------..-.- -- ------.- - .----------------- Qwest'RicharcJ Smirh November 5, 200(; c) Would Qwest be willing to bill the interexchange carriers for switched access for resalelUNE- p linesand remit their payments to Eschelon instead of delivering the raw records? This may be simplerfor both parties. 3. Because our interconnection agreements start to expire soon, and because they are becoming datedEschelon requires the ability to continue to negotiate new agreements or to opt into the interconnectionagreements of others. 4, We need to confirm that Qwest will make DSL available to Eschelon at the wholesale aiscount , contraryto the language in the interconnection agreement amendment we received. We also need to confirm thatwe will be able to provide voice mail to our platform customers. We understand that we will not receivethe wholesale discount for voice mail. 5. Qwest needs to provide a list offeatures and Qwest's proposed TELRIC pricing of those features thatare not included in Attachment 3.2 of the proposed Interconnection Agreement Amendment Terms. 6. Eschelon will give up regulatory dispute remedies only if We can continue to have all legal remediesavailable to us as agreed to on Saturday, October 21 , 2000. Binding arbitration is acceptable as long as both parties agree. 7. The operating agreement/implementation plan is critical to establishing a solid business to businessrelationship with Qwest as "good economics" represent only part of a positive relationship. Without animproved level of service from Qwest - the economics do not matter. To accomplish this - we need tohave a date certain (April 30, 2001) in which we wiII have an operating agreement/implementation plan agreed to including any necessary arbitration of issues. Ifwe do not have this agreement, both partiesshould revert back to any/aU legal remedies or regulatory remedies, Regarding the last issue noted above (Item #7), we have ongoing ,concerns about Qwests ability toimprove service levels given the recent analysis completed by our Provisioning team for the period of October 17, 2000 to November 1 , 2000. During this time, 42.7% of the migrationslhot cuts completedby Qwest had customer effecting problems. I understand and appreciate the recent activity and resourcethat Qwest has recently put on these issues, but they are not fixed and without a solidoperating/implementation plan agreed to by both parties by April 30, 2001 , the only effectivealternative for Eschelon is to retain our regulatory remedies. If this plan is in place , Eschelon will be avocal proponent of Qwests Section 271 filings in aU your jurisdictions. The best and most enduring partnerships are those in which both sides help each other. So far we haveconcentrated on setting out how Qwest helps Eschelon economicaUy and how Eschelon assists Qwest inachieving its 271 goals. I think we need to consider how we might help each other become moreproductive. Eschelon has a solid provisioning staff. Recently, in the context of preparing for 271 ve been using our best peoples ' efforts to document problems with Qwest's wholesale service. Whatwe would really like to do is use these people to analyze, document, and team with Qwest employees toimprove our joint provisioning processesj I feel there is an opportunity to partner o~ prpcess;improvements. Ifwe can develop. this ldb, put some teeth into it and incorporate it ifitO ourinterconnection agreement and/or purchase agreement, We may also have a mechanism that makes itmore difficult for any party to opt into our agreements, NON PUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA -. d__... ,._u, .. . -.----...---.-- -.- -___.__n '________... h._._. QwestlRicbard Smith Novembc:r 5, 2000 At our meeting on Thursday, October 12 2000, in Denver, we agreed to complete negotiations and havedefinitive agreements signed by EOD Sunday, October 22 2000. We did not meet that commitment - wouldsuggest that we set another one for EOD Sunday, November 12 2000 and make that one e. have definitiveagreements executed by both parties. Once again, suggest that we sit face to face for one (I) day -believe thatwe can drive this to conclusion if we completed that session. WiU caU you tomorrow morning to establish. another negotiating session. . xc: . xc: xc: xc: Very truly yours Richard A. Smith President and Chief Operating Officer RAS:lw 1. Komeffel - Qwest J. Rixe - Qwest J. Oxley - Eschelon File - Qwest Trade Secret Data ~Ddsl NONPUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA J I . . 0_-0_' un. . Idaho p Ite Utilitie Oft/f t~e s ~n;iSSion I V E 0 .., AUG UI) Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 5 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T 0:D) - Original Message-From: Clauson. Karen L.Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 4:35 PMTo: 'jrixe(Q;)uswestcom ; ' Kevin SavilleSubject: Escheton Implementation Teamsllssues T~-~ Endosed is a revised version of the list that you requested of Eschelon s team members with their titles and departments. All of the teams have met internally and are preparing for tneir first meetings with Owest If we find that some issues are not being covered by any team, wecould add teams later, But. this appears to be a good start. It would be great if you could provide to us, at our meeting at 9am on Dec, 12th, a list of team members for Owest's corresponding teams, Also, in addition to the titles/departments, I have listed below some of the issues that the teams may address. While these are just examples, the issues should give you an idea of the expertise needed for the various teams, With the right people, the teams can reach business solutions to problems that can then be translated to an Implementation Plan and, ultimately, interconnection agreements, When reading the issues below, a few themes re-occur as to Eschelon s needs: issues. Vendor-customer relationship. with Owest explaining and supporting its products fully. Better access to more knowledgeable contacts for obtaining information and resolving Regular communication between both companies, Common sense, practical solutions, Streamlined, known, and reliable processes and procedures. Timeliness and accuracy. Project management for resolving large or one-time issues, ISSUES: Examples of issues that we would anticipate that the teams (including appropriate subject matter experts from both companies) address would include, for example: BILLING (CONNECTIVITY BILLING) DISCONTINUING CERTAIN BILLING: Our understanding of the agreement is thatOwest is not going to bill us for recip comp (focal termination usage on UNE Jines) and termination liability as of October 1 , 2000, Has, or will, Owest simply tum off the recip comp andtermination liability so that we no longer get bills? This seems like a simple thing that could bedone immediately. eveQ.,before our first meetings, (For example, Sill Markert has already asked his group to tum off CABs billing for this usage.) Please confirm if that is your understanding aswell and if this has/will be done, CREDIT: With rescect to the credit back to October 1 , does Owest have a plan as to how it will do this, If so, when will this payment show up and in what form? 0Ne hope to receive it soon and by BAN , etc,), Are there issues we need to discuss about how this will work beforewe will see a credit? SYSTEM .& PROCESS CHANGES: The issues raised by. Bill Markert in CICMP need tobe resolved, Can the companies address those issues here (or can Owest do so more quickly in CICMP)? The change requests are on Qwest's CICMP web site. at http://www uswestcom/whoiesale/cicmo/chanoereouesthtml, and include: CR#5043134 Populate all Billmate fields/columns CR#5043176 Better explanations of OCCs on invoices CR#5043187 Payment history information on invoices -- . -.----.--.- CR;:S043197 Identification of PIC code in BillmateCR;:SO43226 UNE invoice detail CR;:S11 04 7 4 Provide calculation descriiJtion of each termination penalty levied CR# S043086 Treatment of administrative hnes/featureslvolcemail CR;:S043149 Bi/lmate unifonnity CR;:S043233 Continuing changes to rules CR# 5043204 Rate change notification CR# 5043162 Calling Plans CR#5043209 Single billing platform CR#5043125 Knowledge of bill inquiry staff 000140 SUPPORT: We would like to estaolish a better process for using knowledgea:Jle contacts at Owest Currently, the billing points of contact do not even have access to, vr not familiar with. Eschelon-specific infonnation (e,g.. tariffs, bills). We need dedicated, knowledgeable Owest contactslreps for. (1) daily usage feeds from Owest (that we use to bill our customer); and (2) monthly bills from Owest (that we pay to Owest). For the first category, there is currently no Owest rep. Eschelon must call a help desk, at which the people are unfamiliar with the issues and Eschelon-specific information. For the second category. Owest has designated rep(s), but they are not knowledgeable and do not have access to, or not familiar with. Eschelon- specific information (e,g., invoices). The Owest reps who deal with us need to be able to access Eschelon-specific information and understand it. ADJUSTMENTS: Improved process for billing adjustments TERMINATION LIABILITY: We want to go over the agreement reach and confirm thatour understanding is the same as Owest's. With respect to customer termination liability penalties. they are too high. SERVICE LEVELS. REMEDIES: In our last meeting with Perry Hooks. we proposedthat, at least until other service level guarantees and remedies are available post-Owest' interLATA entry, at least the metrics and remedies relating to provisioning, billing, and repair that we agreed to in the MN merger case should apply in all states. After Owest's interLA T A entry, other metrics and remedies may be available, perhaps on an opt-in basis. At that time, Owest could not agree to this proposal. We would like to re-visit this issue, We need guarantees relating to service in all of our states in the interim, as well as after Owest enters the interLA T A market. COLLOCATION TIME INTERVALS/AUGMENTS: We have signed an amendment for 3D-day intervals for augments, and Owest .bas Indicated It will adopt the 90-day intervals for collocation (though il is asking for some exceptions). We are willing to work on reasonable exceptions. In many routine cases, however, collocations are taking too long. This is particularly true with respect to augments. Owest is requiring a 4S-day feasibility period and has forecasting requirements even for the simplest of augments. We need shaner time intervals (upon which we can depend). Perhaps the teams can identify different kinds of augments that do not require the longer time frames (or, conversely. shonen the time intervals and identify exceptions). Either way. simple augments should not take 45 + 30 days or more, EXAMPLE: We would like 10 bring more reality/practicality/flexibility 10 the collocation process. (If 45 days isn t needed. don t take 4S days,etc,) For example, we asked Owest to apply the 3D-day augment interval to 4 applications that were submitted on 10/19, after we signed the 30-day amendment but before Owest signed it. (The applications are for Seattle Mutual for APOT; Seattle Mutual for cage; Tacoma Fawcett for power and APOT; and Vancouver North for power.) We ve been told that this augment will take 120 days. even though Owest then signed the amendment. Given that everyone recognizes that an augment can be done in 30 days .---.---.- ---. - . or less. why can t these applications be processed earlier? If it is a forecasting Issue. we can Sl! down and talk about needs and priorities. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: After a time. the 30-day interval process should work better (because some of the pre-requisites will be met. e!c,). Once it is working more smoothly, some of the concems about delay should be reduced. Escneion cannot afford to wait, however, until then for existing collocation requests. Pemaps the issue of existing collocatIons can be taken aside and assigned to a knowledgeable Owest project manager to worK on these issues, Eschelon would sit down with the project manager with a list of existing projects, their status, and priorities, and work through the best way to address these collocations. Then, the teams could work out any adjustments to the process that may be needed on a going-forward basis (without bogging down the teams in the specifics of each collocation). Bill Fellman is helpfd, but we are unclear whether he has the decision making authority to o.:t as a project manager in this sense. He has also indicated that his job responsibilities ma~' cnange after the first of the year. CLEC-T0-CLEC: For CLEC-to-CLEC collocations, we understand (from the presentations in Denver) that Owest has a new .product: We would like Owest to explain this option (how it works, what it costs, etc.), In the meantime. Owest had indicated that we had to order channel terminations on the ICDF instead of doing a CLEC-ta-CLEC colla or ordering less expensive cross connections. Bill Markert has been following up on getting a bill adjustment for this. Going forward, we need to know the best, most cost effective method for these types of collocations. For that, we need an understanding of the different products/options that Owest offers, The information on the website is inadequate, Other vendors give us presentations and work with/train us on using their products. We would like to work toward that kind of vendor-customer relationship with Owest. ICDF/AL TERNATIVES: More generally, we would like Owest to explain use of the ICDF and other alternatives to the ICDF, such as going to the MDF or COSMIC, We understand thatuse of the ICDF is optional and would like to better understand Owest's other offerings (including cost), QUALITY: Quality issues (wiring problems. etc.): Improve the process to avoid, or better respond to, quality issues. SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above CUTOVERS TRIAUPROCESS: Owest and Eschelon are conducting a trial to address several issues raised by Escheton that generally fall into five categories: 1) Loop problems (e.g" no dial tone at customer premise after cut); 2) Cuts appear successful on the day of cut. but troubles occur the next day or two; 3) Cuts are scheduled, but Owest cancels them on the scheduled date (often without notice to Eschelon); 4) Cuts are held by Owest for facilities, but Qwest performs the translations disconnect anyway and customer goes out of service, Much time and effort is wasted restoring service; 5) Repairs are not performed or not performed adequately or in a timely manner, The teams will need to monitor the cutover trial and adjust, if needed, to issues that may arise, Initially, we need to resolve the issue that we have been discussing relating to our ability to contact the Implementer directly (for the trial). We agreed to accept the orders at a certain point based on the understanding that we could call the Implementer directly. Rather than re-visiting whether we should accept the orders, perhaps we can work something out with respect to Owest's need for a ticket while still contacting the Implementer. The normal process isn working, and we ve had serious problems again this week. So , we hope to resolve this issue soon. Ultimately, we need to assess whether the trial was successful and should be Incorporated into the Implementation Plan (and interconnection agreements). If not, we ll need to develop altemative processes. _u_ ------- - ------------ 0OOl~1. 000142 NON-TRIAL: The trial focuses, in many respects. on the day of cut. Therefore. it may not capture some of the problems that actually occur before the day of cut. If prOblems are occurring that are not being captured by the trial. they need to be Icentified and addressed. INTERVALS/OBJECTIVE: Although improving the process is critical, it is not an enc In itself. We need to agree upon achievable objectives, such as no more than 5 minutes per line of service disruption (including not only lack of dial tone but also an inability to receive inbound calls); on-time performance at rates at or above 90 percent: fewer than five percent of hot cuts resulting in service outages: and fewer than two percent of lines with reported installation troubles, Whatever the process, such goals need to be met so that we can rely on the process when dealing with our own customers, SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above DSL UNE-E WITH DSL: Eschelon and Owest have started discussions of specific issues that will allow Eschelon to evaluate Owest's UNE-E product (essentially the same as UNE-, except for price and availability of DSL and voice mail with the platform) (as a potential alternative to caVAD). As with any vendor attempting to market its product to a customer, Owest should provide enough information and training so that Escheton can properly evaluate, order, and use this product. The list of issues from yesterday's meeting is enclosed, (Although the title refers to Resale DSL: the references to resale should be references to .UNE-E. or .Platform: because we would be ordering per the agreement.) These are the types of issues that the teams will need to work through with respect to use of platform with DSL. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Platform with DSL may be another area for which a project manager would be useful to assist with actually transitioning to using Owest as a provider. The teams could work on the higher-level process issues for going forward, and the project manager could work through the day-to-day issues of the transition. ON NET: Eschelon will continue to provide on-net DSL (with Eschelon providing its own switching). Issues include better training for ordering and provisioning. When a loop is installed and the Owest tester and technician are on the line, they often do not seem to know what information needs to be communicated. We need to know what information is required for a basic install with performance testing, Owest should provide methods and procedures that all can follow consistentJy, including procedures for when test results are provided and which tests should be performed, One area of inconsistency is verbal acceptance, Some reps require it and others do not. This can affect whether Eschelon receives test results or not. Escheton also needs loop make up information. These are the types of issues that the teams will need to work through with respect to use of DSL for on-net customers. OTHER PRODUCTS: Eschelon would like procuct information training as to other Owest products, such as IDSL and SDSL. If Esche/on is interested in other products, processes would be needed to order them , etc, SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above HELD ORDERS (LACK OR RE-USE OF FACILITIES) PROCESS: Eschelon and Owest have been discussing held order issues. including issues relating to lack or re-use of facilities, for some time. A copy of a letter discussing these issues in enclosed. Also. Escheton has recently submitted four Change Requests under the new process. segment of CICMP relating to this subject. Can the companies address those issues here (or can Owest do so more quickly in CICMP)? Please identify the decision maker with respect to these issues. 0001. 43 The four CRs (which may not yet have been assigned CR numbers), plus one to be submitted for next month, are: CLEC-to-CLEC: Owest should change its process so that Owest will re-use facilities for CLEC-to-CLEC carrier changes. When an end-user customer changes carriers from one CLEC to another Owest has indicated to Eschelon that CLECs must order new facilities, because Owest does not allow a CLEC to request re-use of the same facilities used by the other CLEC to serve the same customer. In one situation, for example, Eschelon placed an order to change an end-user customer from the on-net facilities of another CLEC to the on-net facilities of Escheton. Owest indicated that E:;chelo:1 must orcsr !iew facilities and, whsn Escheten did so. Owest placed the order in held status. The other CLEC provid2c its paNs !o E:;chelon for that CLEC's disconnect of its toops, Eschelon re-submitted the order, identified the PONs, and requested re-use of those facilities. Owest responded that C:;LECs are not allowed to request re-use of CLEC facilities. Escheton cancelled the oreer and resubmitted it later. The order again went in held status. The order is still in held status. (Eschelon has provided the specific information for this and other situations to its account manager. Ordering new facilities. instead of re-using facilities. can result in delay, additional costs. and service disruption or downtime. Please modify Owest's processes so that Owest will re-use facilities for CLEC-te-CLEC carrier changes, LOOP RECLAMATION: Perform loop reclamation for CLECs and provide prior notice of Owest's loop reclamation, Owest has indicated that it will not perform loop reclamation to prevent a CLEC order from going into held status, In contrast, when Owest "winsback" a customer from a CLEC, Owest will perform loop reclamation and will do so without prior notice to the CLEC. For example, as shown in the example below, when Eschelon has placed a disconnect order on a UNE loop, Eschelon has received a rejection notice from Owest indicating that Owest has already disconnected the loop as a result of loop reclamation, Owest disconnected the loop without prior notice to Eschelon. Because of this practice. an order will be processed (and not go into held status) for a Owest retail customer, whereas a GLEC order would go into held status, The CLEC end-user customer would experience a delay (and possibly additional costs and service disruption), whereas the Owest end-user would not. Please modify Qwest's processes to perform loop reclamation for CLECs and provide prior notice of Owest's loop reclamation, INSTALLATION OF ADEOUATE FACILITIES AND REDUCTION IN NUMBER OF HELD ORDERS: Modify Owest's processes to ensure installation of adequate facilities and reduction in the number of held orders. Through recurring rates, Owest IS being compensated for expanding its network to account for new growth. Owest will build facilities for Its own retail customers, (In Arizona arbitrations, for example, Owest reported that it installs 3 lines per customer to anticipate growth.) However. Owestwill not do so for CLECs in similar situations. Owest has rejected orders from Eschelon for the stated reason that "no jobs planned in the near future for this area." (Examples of such rejections were provided to Eschelon s account team on August 30. 2000.) The orders are placed in held status indefinitely, with no date for completion. When asked about these rejections, Owest indicated that it believes it has no obligation to build. (This policy was confirmed by Owest at the last CICMP meeting.) As indicated. however. Owest is being compensated for such growth and would build for its own retail customer in the same situation. Please modify Owest's practices to build in these situations and to provide notice to GLECs as to when held orders will be completed. In the meantime, until such processes are in place, please Institute a process to provide to CLECs (perhaps through a website) a list of those areas for whlcn Owest has jobs planned , a list of 000:144 areas for which no jobs are planned. and a description of the nature of the jobs planned. Because Owest has access to this information for its planning purposes. panty reQUIres tna: CLECs also have access to the same Information for their planning purposes. FACILITIES AND PROCESS WHEN OWEST USES IDLC: Modify Owest's processes to provide facilities, despite Owest's use of integrated pair gain (IDLC). Currently, Owest's IRRG states: Unbundled Loops can only be established on copper or Universal Dicital Loop Carrier (UDLC). Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC) cannot be used for an Unbundled Loop service at this time, Owest has chosen not to unbundle IDLC because of the expense of providing equipment to -groom the DSO lines. During the Unbundled Loop facility assignment, an attempt will be made to Line and Station Transfer (LST) the IDLC loop to UDLC or copper. If there are no facilities available to complete the LST, the Co-Provider will be notified that the order has been placed into a held status. (Emphasis added, The FCC has said that .(t)he BOe must provide competitors with access to unbundled loops regardless of whether the BOe uses (IDLe) technology. . .. (BellSouth Second Louisiana 271 Order, ~187 and SBC Texas 271 Order, ~248.) The processes outlined in Owest's IRRG are not consistent with this requirement In some cases, Owest does not identify that IDLC is being used until the day of cut. When the discovery is made, Owest may not dispatch a technician. Instead, Owest delays the order or places it in held status. Owest does so for all lines, even though facilities may be available for some of the lines. Please modify Owest's processes to be consistent with the FCC's order. Also, please modify Owest's processes to identify earlier (before the day of cut) that IDLC is being used. If use of IDLC is not identified until the day of cut, ensure that a technician is available to resolve the issue that day (rather than delaying the order). If Owest indicates that it does not have facilities for all lines, change Owest's processes so that the lines for which facilities are available may be installed (when the line configuration supports doing so), UNIVERSAL DIGITAL CHANNELS C-UDCs ) (to be submitted): Eschelon will submit a process CR to CICMP asking Qwest to establish and distribute a process for UDC. including a process for using UDS as an alternative when Owest asserts lack of facilities, Eschelon will ask that Owest ensure that. if UDC is used, the customer will not experience a degradation in quality of service. If degradation in Quality does occur, a.J)rocess for removing the UDC and installing facilities is neeDed. SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above INTERCONNECTION TRUNKING/NEnVORK: CAPACITY SHORTAGES ORDERING: Owest cancels an order if the order form contains a minor problem instead of working out this issue, SUPPORT: The Owest network planner is spread too thin and appears insufficiently knowledgeable about the network, Website information is often out-dated and incorrect. A website can be a helpful tool but it cannot replace product trainIng and support, Owest needs to provide sufficient informatIon to allow Eschelon to make Informed purchasing decisions. 000145 SPOP: Eschelon and Owest are attemptIng to resolve an issue in Bellevue. If resolved satisfactorily, the teams may be able to work out procedures to avoid this issue going forward. SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above OPERATIONS SUPPORT SYSTEMS (055) The teams may need to discuss whether some OSS issues can not be dealt with on a company-to-company basis because. for example. region-wide system changes are neeDed, In such cases, perhaps interim solutions can be worked out. OSS issues include. for exampie: IMA-GUI UPTIME: Unplanned system outages and IMA downtime need to De addressed. IMA-GUI TRAINING: Training has been inadequate, Perhaps training tailored for Eschelon s needs could be arranged. IMA-GUI FUNCTIONALITY: Some of these issues have been raised in CICMP. They are listed in the CICMP Change Request log at htto :lIwww. u swest. com/wh ales a e/cicm etch a no ere ouest. html. EDI: Some of these issues have been raised in CICMP, They are listed in the CICMP Change Request log at htte:llwww.uswestcom/whoiesale/cicme/chanoereouesthtml.Also, theprocess is too manual. even when an EDI system will be in place, OTHER OWEST SYSTEMS: These indude issues relating to unplanned system outages(such as of LSMS) and access to information in Owest's systems. TROUBLE ADMINISTRATION/REPAIR: Database accuracy is a concern. LOOP DATABASE: Better loop make up information is needed (and needed in bulkform. not line-by-line). SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above REPAIR CONVERSIONS/MIGRATIONS: Many repair issues carry over from conversions/migrations (e,. conversions to Eschelon on-net), If these problems are resolvedearlier. they should not reach repair. POST-CUT: Post-cut issues include problems dealing with issues such as pair gain orthe distribution frame. Some post-cut issues are related to mOdems, fax machines, or credit cards. Eschelon needs to know the cause of these problems, For example, have pair gain levels not been adjusted or was the testing improper? SUPPORT: In addition to physical troubles, issues can relate to communication gaps. Eschelon needs access to knowledgeable contacts. If Owest has a large project (such as a bigswitch conversion). Owest should notify Eschelon and provide a special point of contact for that project. We need to know who to call and how to escalate issues. TOO MANUAL: Please provide information about electronic tools for repair. Forexample. if Eschelon could access information electronically, some calls and communication gaps could be avoided. If other CLECs are using less manual processes, please provideEschelon information about such options. ------------------------_-- 000146 TIMELINESS: Timeliness is a critical issue in re~air , - and improvement IS needed. SERVICE LEVELS. REMEDIES: see above UNE-P (NOW UNE- AGREEMENT: Because the companies have only recently reached agreement. Escheton believes it would be useful to get together and confirm our understanding of how the agreement works, For example, will we be assigned a different usee for ordering, or willorderil1g be the same as for resale, etc. We are developing and rolling out products based on our understanding of the agreement. and we need Owest to .inform us if it has a different View, Anearly meeting should be scheduled to walk through the specifics of the agreemen~ (vrdering, pricing, billing, etc.), wittt subject matter people who can address the nuts and bolts of Ordering,provisioning, and billing UNE- AIN: At that meeting, Owest could address AIN features under the new agreement. For the AIN features that Eschelon orders now with resale (such as Remote Access Forwarding), will Owest make them available with UNE.E and at what price. If not, how will AIN features be addressed for existing orders and on a going forward basis? SERVICE LEVELS, REMEDIES: see above SUMMARY: These are just examples of issues. They should give you a better idea, however, ofthe types of expertise needed for the various teams. See you on Tuesday morning. In'OIemenla.....- IIsLGac CSI.Quu.ons.GOC I'IeIGcra.Gac Karen L. Clauson Director of Interconnection Eschelon Telecom, Inc. 730 2nd Ave. South, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 612-436-6026 Fax: 612-436-6126 --------- --------------- -------- ---u_-- Es c h c 1 o I l / Q " , e s t 1 .J l e l l l e l i t a t i o l l T e a m s Bi l l i n Ah l e r s Cl a u s o n Ii o n n i i a Ma r k e r t tv l o f T i s e t t e To m l i n s o n Co n n e c t i v it y H I l l i n g ) T e De n n i s A h l e r s Ka r e n C l a u s o n El l e n C o p l e y H a n n i l a Bi l l M a r k e r t . G a r t h M o r r i s e t t e Me l i s s a T o m l i n s o n Se n i o r A l l o m c y Di r e c t o r o f I n t e r c o l l n c c t i o n Co s t & R e v e n u c A n a l y s i s M a n ag e r CA D S M a n a g c r Di r e c t o r o f CO A & N e t w o r k E c o n om i c s Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Ne l w o r k S e r v i c e s B i l l i n R M a n a g c r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e pa r t m c n t Ac c o u n t i n g D e p a r t l l l e n Ac c o u n t i n g D e p a r l m e n Ac c o u n t i n g D e p a r t m e n t Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i ~ y D e p a r t m en t Ma n a e . e m e n t I n r o n 1 l a t i o l l S v s t e m s Co l l o c n t i o n T e n m Ah l e r s Dc n n i s A h l e r s Se n i o r A l l o r l l e y Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D c p a r t m c n l Bo e k e Ge r r y B o e k e Di r c c t o r o f S w i t c h O p e r u t i o n s Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s Ga v i n El l c n G a v i n Ou t s i L l e C o u n s c l ul a t o r , L a w & P o l i c pa r t m c ~ .. .II a n s c r . I ' a u i l i a n s e r !~ c t o r o r S w a t c h E n g i n c c r l n g En g i n c c r i n g & N c t w o r k I m l l l c m c n t a t i o n K n n d e Da v c K u n d e EV P o f O p c r u t i o n s & E n g i n c c r i n g Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s Mo r r i s e t t e Ga r t h M o r r i s e t t c Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y' D ~ pa r t m c n t )v l l l t h u k k a r l i p p a n Re n g a M u t h u k k a r l l p p a n Nc t w o r k E n g i n c e r En g i n e e r i n g & N c t w o r k J ! ! . ! . J ! ! c m e n t a t i o n Ti w a r i Sa l i s h T i w a r i Vi c e P r e s i d e n t En g i n e e r i n g & N c t w o r k I m p l e m c n t a t i o n Cu I /1 1 o r Is ) T -- - Br u l s n l a Pa t r i c k B r u l s m a Di r e c t o r o f C u s t o m e r I m p l e l l 1 c n t a t i o n & Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s l! l H H t Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Di r e c t o r 0 r I l l t e r c o n n c c t i o n . R e g u l a t o r y , La w & P o ~1 0 c l i Ko r t h n u r Mu r y Ko r l h u u r Lo c a l S c r v i c c P r o d u c t M a n a g e r Ma r k e t i n EV P o f O pe r a t i o n s & E n g i n e e r l l l g .- - - - - - . - . K u n l l e Da v e K u l l u e Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s MO l r i s e l l c Ga r t h M o r r i s c l l c ul a t o r Co m p l i a n c e M a n a ul a t o r , L a w & l' o ~ 1 ~ L' J c p~ r t ~ ! ~ ~ Sc h i l l e r . T i n a S c h i l l e r Ma n a g e r o f T e s t & T u r n U p Pr o v i s i o n i n g - - - - - - -- - --- . !. Q ! 1 1 ~ )G - G2 4 9 tQ . ! ~ 1 4J G - (j O 2 G ~Q ! ~ ~ J( j - (~ ! ~ ~ 3G - GO - ~ (j I ~L ~ ~ () - G2 G 5 (i I ~) ~ ~ 62 2 ) G1 2 ) 4 J G - GG I G t~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G2 4 6 1 ~r ~ ~ (j - ~~ ! ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ Z 0 (~ ! ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ (, 4 ( ) (~ ! ~ 1 ~ ~ () - (i ( j l ) (~ ! ~ t ~ ~ G2 2 J (~ ! ~ 1 _ ~~ ~ : ~Q . (( ~ - ' - 2 J( , - ~ ( ) ( j ( ) -- . .- - - - - . . - - - .- - - (I i 1 2 ) 4 J ( ) - (, 2 ) ( ) -- - - - - - - - - - - (~ I ~ ~ ) . ~~ ~ i ~~ ) ( ! ~ ( (( i I 2 ) 4 ) 1 i - ( , ( J I ) ) -- . - - . I . __ _ _ n __ _ _ . _ - - . . (0 ! ~ ) ~ : ~~ - ~ ~ ~ I (~ ! n ~ . ~l i ~ ~ ~ ~ J -- - - . .J . UL ~ ~ ! , ~~ ! ~ ~ H . T c a l l l I , ci l l k r .. T e a l l l Lc a d e r f u r E D I . .. . T c a l l l 1 . c a d c r f o r ( j U I I / ' lO v i s i l l n i n g I J p d a l c d 11 1 1 1 1 / 1 ) 1 "\ J ;1 / 1 " I Es c h c l u l I / Q ' V c s t l IC l l l c l i C a t l u l l T c a m s US L T e a l l l Fl e m i n g . S t e v e F l e m i n g Pr o d u c t M a l l a g c r Ma r k e t i n g li P ) 4 3 6 - 64 5 0 Gi l v i n El l e n G a v i n Ou t s i d e C o u l l s c l li l a t o r , L a w & P o l i c ar t m c n t 1Q ! ~ L ~ G 6 - 78 7 6 Ko l i l r St e v e K o l i l r VP o f T c c l a n o l o II ' S e r v i c e s Ne t w o r k O er a t i o n s G 1 2 4~ G - 64 7 8 . Mo r r i s c l t e Ga r t h M o r r i s e l l e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a l l a g e r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t JG I 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 So l h r a c k St e v e S o l u r a c k Ex e c u t i v e V i c e P r e s i d e n t Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n 1Q . ! ~~ 6 . G4 Wa l h c r g Lo r e n W a l u e r g Di r e c t o r o f I I ' P r o v i s i o n i n g & T c c h n i c a l Pr o v i s i o n i n g (G 1 2 ) 4 J G - G4 5 J II c l d O r d e r s ( L a c k o r I t e n s c o f Fn c i l U i c s ) T e n l l l Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l i l u s o n Di r e c t o r o f I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m c n t iQ ~ 2) 4 C; - 60 2 J O h l l S O I i . U o l l l l i e J U h l l S O I i Ne t w o r k P r o v i s i o l l l l l g M a l l a g e r Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s iQ ! ~ 1 j ~ lJ ! - MO I T i s c l t e Gi l l l i a M o r r i s e l l e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g c r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e pa r t m c n t . . () I ~L i ~ ( ) - o2 2 J Po w e r s J: 1 ' ! l I 1 e P o w e r s V i c e P r e s i d e n t Pr o v i s i o l l i n an d N e t w o r k R c il i r 1~ . ! ~ ~ ) G - G6 4 2 Sc h i l l e r Ti n a S c h i l l e r Ma n a g e r o f T e s t & T u r n U p Pr o v i s i o l l i n g 61 2 14 3 6 - 64 0 1 In t e r c o n l l e c t i o n T r u l l k i l l Tc l l l I I Bo c k e ~~ r Uo c k e . D i r e c t o r o f S w i t c h O em t i Bu r d s a l l al B u r d s i l i l em t i o n s M n n a , W A & O R .F l o r e k Br u c c F l o r e k pc m t i o n s M i l n a g e r , P I I X / S L C ~~ r . . Do u g F r e y Ma n a g e r o f N c t w o r k F i l c i l i t i e s E n Ga v i n L~ l I c n G n v i n Ou t s i d e C o u n s e l ~. t o r r i s e l l e Ga r t h M or r i s , : ! l/ I i l t o r Co l l 1 li i l n C e M i l l l a ~l l I t h u k k a r ~I . l ! ~ l ~ ~ g a M u t l ~k a r u p Nc t w o r k l ~ n g il l e c r Na l i l l a k l l l l \ a r . K r i s N a n d i l k l l m a r !~ i r c c t o r o f N e t w o r k P e r f o r m a n c e E n . P ' ,l l e r s o n Ih v i J P ' ,l I e l " s o n Di r e c t o r o r R e s a l e O p e r a t i o n s Ne t w o r k O er a t i o n s C; ~L i 1 ~ Ne t w o r k O er a t i o n s (~ ! 1 ~ 1 - 7I ) J - 1J 5 7 Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (0 ~ ? 1 ? ? !! ? ~ En ' i n e e r i n & N c t w o r k I m lc m e n t a t i o n (l; 12 ) 4) c i - 62 1 1 ) Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & l ' o l i c l. . J) c p a r t lI c l l t (~ ! I ? j _ 78 7 e ) Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y O )a r h ~! l _ _ - (e ~ ! ~L ~ ~ 62 2 J En g i n e e r i n g & ~ e t w o r U~ l ~ lc m e " t a t i o l !.. - (l ~ ! ~t 1 ~ () - Q~ ~ 0 En g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k II I J L! ! ~ ! ! ! ~ ! ! ~ ~ ~ _ . ( () I 4J ( i - li 4 Fn g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k I ~ ~ ~ ~ "e n t a !! ~ ~ ! ! - ( ~ ! n _ J( j CiU n ) l e l U e n t a t i l ! ~ _ . (0 I 2 . l () - () ( , G -- - - - En g i n e e r i n g & N c t w o r k i , Ti w a r i Sa t i s h T i w a r i Vi c e P r e s i d e n t OS S T e a m -- - - - - - . .- . Cl a l l s o n Ki l l c n C i a u s o l l Di r c c l o r o r t l l t c r c o n n c c l i o n I~ c ll i a t o r l ! . ~~ _ ~~ ! ~ . c ! . lj ~ .- -- - - - - . V i c e P r c s i d c n t I n l u n n a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y ge / J I e . ! ~ l ) f l ~~ ! ! I I I ~ ': J l d h e r g .. . A I G( ) I ~~ ~ J J o l l n s o n .. . J c s s i c a Jo h n s o n Pr o j e c t M a n a g e r Pr o v i s i o n i n g Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a ~ c r Rc g u l a t o ry ! . . La w ~~ _ li ~ Mo l T i s e t t e Ga r t h M o l T i s e t t e -- - Pr o v i s i o n i n g a n d N c t w I I I Po w e r s Ly n n e P o w c r s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t -- . - . - - - - - - . . . - - - . .- - - . - - - - - - - u _ . . yl ~ l : P ; I ~ I ! I I l : ! l t ~Y ~ !~ I I~ _ _ _ _ . - . . . - - - - - - . . - - - n _ . (( I ~ ? ) 'I . l e , . ( , ( ! ? ~ j (( 1 ! 2 ) , ! . ~( I ' (l l ~ I (( d 2 ) 4 1( , . ( J e J 7 1 if ) i 2 ) ~ 1 ( 1 - (~ 2 2 . i ( . . . - - - - - - (r " 2 ) 41 ( ) (, ( , 4 2 ~ y ! ! ~ J ~ a ~ I ! ! ! C : ~ L _ . . k R c p ~ L r _ . _ - - . T e a m L e a d e r .. Te a m L e a d e r f o r E D I .. . Te a m L e a d e r f o r G U / l P r o v i s i o l l i l l g l' p d ; l l c d 1 2 / 1 t1 / 1 i ; I I : ( : Es c h c l u l I / Q \ V e s t I Ic l l l e n ( a t i o n T e n m s , T cu u l r ca m Ur o l s m a . P a t r i c k D r o l s m a Di r e c t o r of Cu s t o m e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n & Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (h 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 3 0 Su p p o r t Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Dir e c t o r of In t e r c o n n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (0 1 2 ~3 ( j - 6( ) 2 6 Ko r t h o u r Ma r y K o r 1 h o u r Lo c a l S e r v i c e P r o d u c t M a n a g e r tQ . ! 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 9 3 Ma r k e t i n g Ku n d e Da v e K u n d e EV P of Op e r a t i o n s & E n g i n e c r i n g Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s ~6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 9 1 Mo r r i s e l l e Ga r t h M o r r i s e t t e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t ~~ ~ ~ 3 6 - (j 2 2 ) Po w c r s Ly n n e P o w e r s V i c e P r e s i d e n t Pr o v i s i o n i n g a n d N e t w o r k R e p n i r 1C i 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 4 2 SI . P e t e r Ch u c k S I . P e t e r Se n i o r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s A n a l y s t Ne t w o r k O I J e r a t i o n s (G 1 2 ) 4 ) 6 - 66 8 5 UN E - P T e l u l l Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Di r e c t o r o f I n t e r c O I i n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y U e p a r t m c n t 61 2 43 Q . Ci 0 2 6 J u h n s o n Je s s i c a J o h n s o n ec t M a n a Pr o v i s i o n i n tQ . ! ~ 1 . i ~ ~ G6 7 1 Ma r k e r t Ui l l M a r k e r t Dir c c t o r of CO A & N e t w o r k E c o n o m i c s Ac c o u n t i n g D e p a r t m e n t !~ ! ? ~ ~ (j - (j 2 ( j Mo r r i s c l l e Ga r t h M o r r i s e l l e ul a t o r Co m li a n c e M a n a g e r ul a t o r , L a w & P o l i c ar t m c n t - ( ~ ! 1 1 4) ( j - (j 2 2 (( i 1 2 ) 4 3 0 - 60 4 9 \ Se c r e s t . J O I l 1 I l h a l l Se c r e s t Dir e c l o r of Pr o d u c t M a r k e t i l l g Ma r k e t i l l g . T e a m l e a d e r .. Te a m L e a d e r f o r E D .. . Te a m L c a d c r f o r G L J I I P r o v i s i o l l i l l g IJ p d a l ~ d Il l l i l / ! 1 1 ;1 1 ' (~ . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 6 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T lMD - ~--- ~ -- =-:a-:e :: :.::,:-.:-, !!s:-:a J!!?a=-:::Ie:: : " :=::-,::-, e===:~:V~~::V~ ?~:~~5: ?~2:/::-C:-::~ !::~o~~~~n Re~~~s~e= :===: Qw~s~ C==?c=a~i~:: ::::=~~ion ~~~~es~e: 3y::e=~~s=::,5ha=:::-:. 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I h~ ~ ! ! . _ - - - - - ~ fa l r! : ; ~ ) ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! _ - - - - - - - - Lu n d S ~ vi c c P r o d u c i M a n a g e r Ma r k e l i n G ~ ~ I ~~ ~ _ _ - - !! ! ! ~ E . -- -- - - - -- ! ~V P o f Op e r n l i o n s & E n ~ i n e e r i n Nc l w o r k O p e r a l i o l l s ~I - " " i ~ I I ' - - -- - - - ~! ~ " . i ! ! - ! " ! ! 1 ~ ~ - - - _ . . - !\ ~ G I' " r C ." ' p l i n " e , Mn " " ~ e r R' c , , ! n ' . ' . ! ' -- lo w & " . l i e y D ' p n " ' " , ~! ! ! E ~ _ - - - - - - - J: ~ ! ! iI S ~~ ! U ! ~ ! _ - - - -- - . . . -M ~ ~ ! ~ ~ g cr o r T e sl & T u n l UI ~ Pr o v i s i o n i n g Co l I O U l l o l i T C M I l I -- - - - - - Ah l e l s -- - -- - Hu c k e Cl a l l s l I l I -- - - Ga v i l l -- - - - -- - - - - ll a l l s ~ r -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ku n d e : -- ' -- - - MU l l i s e l l e -- - - - - - ~~ ~ ! ~ ~ kk i l ~P I ~ ~ ' I" i w a , j -- . -- - - - - - . 1 I ' .I I I I I _ ;, d ~ r -- - -- - De n n i s A h l e r s - _ Se n i o r Al l u !~ y ' Ka r ~ 1 I C l a u s t l n Di r e c l o r o f I l I l e r CO l i n e c l i o I I El l e n C u L~ ! ~ - C o s t & R e v c n u e An a l r . s is M i l l l a lt c r ~~ ~ ~ ! ! ~ ~ U _- - - !, B S M a l l a I B i l l M u l k e l t Di r e c l o r o f C O A & N e l w l I I k E c o n o m i c s . G a l l h M o i l i s c l l e g~ H l l l a l u r y ' C o l i l p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Me l i s s a T t l l l l i i n s t l n Nc l w o l k S e r v i c e s B i l l i n g M l l n a g e r 61 2 ) 4 3 6 . 62 / 1 J6 I 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 ( (lj J 2 ) 43 6 - 66 2 .') J6 1 2 ) 4J 6 - 60 r 61 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 6 5 ; 61 2 ) 4 3 6 - ~i (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 . 66 1 ( R~ G u l a l o r y , L a w & P o l i c y De p a r t m c n Re g u l a l o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p ar t m e n l Ac c o u n l i n g D e p a r t m e n l Ac c o u n t i n g D e p a r t m e n t Ac c o u n l i n g D e p a r t m e n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m en l Ma n a l ! c : m c : n l l n f o n n a t i o n S y s t e m s -- - - - ~ - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - . . - - De l l n i s ~! ! le r ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ Se l l i l J / A I I l ) !~ ! ~ Y - ll e ul a l o ry , La w & P o l i c an m e l l l ) 4 3 6 . ~' ) g~ ! ! r ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ _ - - - - - - - - - - . - ! ~ ~ " : ! l) r u f S w ld l t ~ l~ ~ ! i ~ ~ ' ~ . - . N e l w o l k O er a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 1 ~~ ~ E ! ! . ~J ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ' _- - . . - - - - - . . ir e , = - nl o f ' ll c r c n l l l l e c l i " Il e ul a l o r , L a w & P o l i c an m C : 1 I 1 (6 1 2 ) 4) 6 . li O 2 ~~ ! ~ ! . Q~ ~ ~ ! . - - - - - - - -- - - - - Q~ ! ~ ~ . t~ ! ! ! ~ ~ L _ _- ul a I O , L a w & P o l i c art l l 1 C : 1 I 1 (~ g ) 8 6 6 - Zt j ~J I ~! U ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ - - - - - - -- -- h - . ! ~ ! ! ~ - ~~ I r S w i l l : " E I I ~t L . -- . : . . - E n in c e r i n & N e l w o r k Il I 1 le m e n l / J I ! ~ _ )( ) - 6'1 ~! ~ ~~ ~ ~ - !' ; ~ ~ ~ _ . _ . . _ - - _ . - - - - - . - - - rV I ~~ r . 0 l ~ ri l in l l s & E I I L; i ! ! cc d !! ! . ; - . !' I C : I \ Y o l k O er a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 J 6 . 6( , (i . " ' I ~ I " ' ! i ~ c I I , , - - - - _ H~ I : ! ! ! ~ ~ ! ' r - 0" " lo ! ! ! ' ! ! C e 1~ , , ~ ~ -'I . ul . l o r . I . . w & 1 ' 01 i c ar t m e n l ~ n ) 4 ) 6 - It ~ ! ) U ~ _ l\ - I ~ ~ ! . ! ! ! . ! \. . k a ' ~! J l l ~ ! ! ! - . ! ' J . ~ ! ~ V ~ ! ! ~ _ :! I ~ ~ ~ ~ in e e r i n & N e t w o l k I m le l l 1 e n l l . l l i( ) l ~ . 2) 4 ) 6 - ~~ ~ , li s h .! 1 ~ ~ ~ j _ _ - - _ . _ - - - i~ ~ . ! ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - in e e r i n & N t l w u r k I m le m e n t a t i o n (6 1 2 ) 4 J 6 . 6( j ~ f ) -- - - - - - - - - - (6 1 2 ) ; 1 J 6 - (, ~ 1 ( 1 - . (6 I n. . : ! J6 - 60 2 12 ) 4J 6 - 12 ) 4J ~ 6 6 ~ !Q 1 2 43 6 - 62 2 1 . (6 1 2 ) 4 J ( j - (j ' ' j ,. I L ' . II I I I l ' ;u k . f i l l 1" I ) j I I ' 1 " , 1/ 1 1 1 I ;j i l L ' 1 f i l l I il l l / P I I I \ i ~ , i'" I I I I ! ' 1,, 11 1 0 ' / I ' I . " I Es d l l d o l l I l I I p l r l l l C l l l u l i o l l ai l e ! C I I 1 I 5 U l l i l i g T e a m s US ! . T c l u n CI I I I I S O I I Ka r ~ 1 I C i n u s o l l . F l e m i n g . S i e v e FI t : l l l i l ! I L _ - Gl l v i l l El l c n G a v i n -- - - - . . - - - - - Ko l i n Si e v e K u l a r -- - Mo r r i s c l l c Ga r t h M O H l S C l i t So l b r a c k Si e v e S o l b r a c k -- - - Wl I l l I e r g Lo r e n W u l h e ! l l Di r ~ c l o r o f I l I l e l c o l l l l e c l i o l l Pr o d u c t M a I H I B ~ r Ou t s i d e C o u n s e l VI ' o f T e c l l J l U l o II ' S e J \ l i e e s It e g l i l a t o r y C o m cl ! an c e M a n a g e r Ex e c u t i v c V i c e P r t s i d e n t Di r e c t o r o f I I - I ~ ~ x i s i o n i n & T e c h l l i c a l ul a t o ry , La w &. . P o l i c ar t m e l l t Ma r k e l i n gu l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t Ne t w o r k O er a t i o l l s ul a l o r y , L a w & P o l i c ar t m e n t Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n Pr o v i s i o n i l l 12 ) 4 ) 6 . 60 2 ( i 61 2 ~3 6 - 64 5 0 (6 1 2 ) 8 6 6 - 7 8 7 6 61 2 43 6 . 64 7 8 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 ) J6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 64 5 2 61 2 4 3 6 - 64 5 ) Ut i L I O r d e n Cl l u l s o n Jo h n s o l l ~1 ( ) l I i s c : l l e PO W C I S Sd l i l I c : r la c k o r UC U S I : o f I o ' l A c i l i l i c s I Te a m Ki l l e n C l a l l s o l l Di r e c t o r I I f I n l e r cl l l l l l t : C l i o J l .- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - . " o l l l l i e : J ~! ~ II I S ~1 1 ~ _ - )l o J e t w o l k P r o v i s i ( Ii J l ~ M a J l i l Ga l I h M o i l i s c l I ~_ - It e al l i l y- !~ ! J ! ~ ia l \ c e M i \ l \ a H~ ~ J. . : Y ll l l e . . U ~~ ~ ! ! . . . _ - - - - - -- - - Vi c e P r c : s i d c l l t -- - - - - ll a S e !~ ~ ~ ~ _ --- Ma l l i ~~ ~ . !! . L Te s ~ l l !. ! . ! ! . . ! ! p _ _ - It e g u l l l i o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 6 -- - - Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 J 6 . 62 I H -- - lt e ll l l i u t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 ro v i s i o n i n g D n d N ~ t w o r k n~ f J l 1 i r (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 4 2 I' r u v i s i o n i n J ! (6 12 ~ 64 ( ) I !! W t l ~.l ~ . J . !. ! ! . ! ! ~ " - ~ ! ! J: ! ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ ! ~ : l. T cl l !! ~ .. . - - - - - - - )' o d c = .9 ~ ! ! 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - -' - - - _ Oi r e c l o r o f S il ( !! ~ ! ! . ds a !l _ _- ~ ! ! ! ! l ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! L _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -- - QI ~ ~ io l U ~~ I ~ . ! . ! ~ I 1 ~ Cl a u s l l u Ka H : 1 \ C l i l l I S O I l Di r c L : I O r t l f Il l l u e o -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - . - . - - - - - -- - - - - - - - t~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - I\ C .! " " ! ~ ~ ~ , - - . . - - - . . - - - ~? p li o / ~ I i 1 !~ ~ ~ DE L _ _ - - _ _ u _ - - . - - - - ! ? ~ - '~ I ~ L r ~ ~ ) ' - - . . . - - - - - - - - - al l i l rN C I W O Ga v i l l 1: 1 1 & : 1 1 ( i i l v i l l Ol l / s i d c C O l I l \ S e I -- - - - - - - - - . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Mu l l i s c l h : Oa l l h ~ ' I I I I I is e l i C It c l l l l l i l i l i r y C t l l I ! J 1 1 l; i ~~ i i ~k k m l l l ! 1 ;a l \ . 1t t : 1 I H ! ' - ~~ ; E ~ ~ ~ ~ ; j ~ ~ - ~h ~ o , k E ! ~ g i l l c N. " I J a k l l l l l a r ~r i ~- ~~ , ~ ! ! ! ~ ! ~ ! : . . . _ - D i r e c l n r o f Nc l w o Pa l l C f S O I l Da v i J l ' a l l c I ~~ ~ ~ - - - - Di r ~! ~ f . Re s a l e : li w n t i Sa l i s h T i w a r i Vi c c P l c s i d e l l l -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - , . . -. . - - - - _ . _ - '- - - - - - - - - - - -- - IC r a l i t i l l S !' l e : t w o l k O er a t i o n s ~1 1 ~ ~ 66 1 -- - - r, \ V A & O l t Ne l w o r k O p e r a t i o n s i~ Q ) ) 7 9 ) - 1) 5 7 ( 1 Il I l c e l i o l l It e ul a t o , L a w & P o l i c Uc r . a r t m c n l J~ f 2 ) 4 3 6 . 60 2 ( , -- - r L II X / S L C -- - Ne t w o r k O p c r a t i o n s (6 0 2 ) 7 1 6 - 90 5 ) 1~ _ 'y a c i l i l i C : 5 E ! I 1 : : _ _ - - (; \ i l / c e r i n c & . N c t w o r k Il I I p l c l l l e n t a l i o l l ~! 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 1 2 g~ G . u l ; & t o r y ! L a w &. . Po l i c y D c p a l t m e n t ~!2 ) 86 6 - 78 7 / 1 ii l l l L : C t v l a l l a ! ; C I - ~ ( ; \ l I l a l o r y , L a w & Po l i c y D e p a r t l l l c l l t 16 1 2 ) 4 ) 6 - 62 2 ~ EI I in e e r i !! g & N e t w o r k I m p l e m c n t a t i o n ~! l ) 4) 6 - Ik " c : r f O l l l l i I l I C ! : En L En g i n e e r i n g & . N e t w o r k I m p l e m e n t a t i o n (6 1 2 ) 4 J 6 . 0 u : r a l i o l l s En g i n e c r i n G & . N c l w o r k I m p l c m c n t D l i o n !~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ Q ~ -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - El/ l ! i n c c r i n J ! lk Ne t w o r k I m p l c l l l c n i n l i l l i l (6 1 : 2 ) 11 ) 6 - 6( i ( ! ~ . I l ' il i l l I l ,l I k l .. I l ' il l l i l l . ' i l d L : 1 f . . . ri l l . , . I l 1I 1 I I l ' a d l " I; ' r ( i l l l i l ' ll I \ , ' il i l l i l l ! ' I " It L I I , I I ' I ' f "" OS S Tu m Es c h c l u l l 1 I l I I I I c l l l c n i a l i u n a n t i C l l n s u l l i n g Te a m s Cl a u s o n Kl l r e n C l a u s o n Di r e c t o r o f I n h : r c o n n e c l i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t il l 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 6 Go l d b e r g .. A r l i n Go l d b e r g Vi c e I ) re s i d e n l l n f o n n a \ i o n T e c h n o l o g y Ma n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 1 1 Jo h n s o n .. . J e s s i c a Jo h n s o n Pr o j e c t M a n n g e r Pr o v i s i o n i n g (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 7 1 Mo r r i s c l l e Ga l t h M o n i s e l l c I~ e g u l a t o ry C o m il l i a l l c e M a n a ~ e r Re g u l a t o r y . L a w & P o l i c y D d p a r t m e n t ~ 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 Po w e r s ~n l l c P o w e r s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t Pr o v i s i o n i l l l ! a n d N e t w o r k R e p a i r (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 4 2 Hc I I . i r T u m Ur o l s r n a . P a t r i c k U r o l s l l l a Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n K o r l h o u r Mu r y K o r l h o l l r K L I n d e Da v e K u n d e Mo r r i s w e Ga r t h M n u i s c l l c -- - - -- - Po w e r s ~y ~ ~ o\ Y ~- - - - - 51 . P e t e r Ch u c k S t , 1 ' ( I C r -- - - . - - UN F . - I' T u l I 1 -- - Cl a u s o n Ka r t : n C l a u s o n - - - -- - - - - - Ju h l l s u l l Jc : s s i c n J o h n s o l l -- - - - - - - - . - - - - -- - Ma d , c l t Bi l l M a l h l t tv l u u i s c l h : (j a r l h M u l l is c l l c : -- - Se c l e s t . o Jo n l l l h a n S e c l c : s t I~ i l l i l I O : i l t i C I .. I t : i l l l l l - t: i l l k l l i l l 1 1 1 1 Di r e c l o r o f C n s l u l l l c r I m p l e m e n t a l i o n & Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s Su p p o r t Di r e c l o r e l f l J er c n l l n e c l i o l l -- ul a l o . L o w & P o l i c or t m e n t Lo c a l S e l v i c e : I' H u l u C I M a l l n Ma r k e t i n EV P o f O p e r n t "n s & E n (i l i 'e e r i ' ~L - . Ne t w o r k O er a t i o n s .l t c g ui l l t o r Co ! . ! . ! I ~ l i a n c c M a ge r .. . ! ! ! cu l a to r . L a w & P o l i c ar t m e n t Vi c e P r e s i d e n t -- - Pr o v i s i o n i n an d N e t w o r k R e ai r Se n !~ r - ~ ! I\ I ~i c a t i u n s Al l i l l ~ _ - Ne t w o r k 0 er a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 3 0 61 2 43 6 - 60 2 6 (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 9 3 J6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 9 1 j6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 ) 61 2 43 6 . 66 4 2 61 2 4 3 6 . 66 8 5 -- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - 61 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 l! . Di f C : C l l i f t l f I l I h : r c u l I l I C C l i o n lt e ul a l u . L a \ \ ' & P o l i c Dc : ar t m e n t -- - ~e c t t \ l i l n a g c r Pr o v i s i o l l i l l C - j ( L l 2 ) o 1 3 6 - 66 7 ! Di l c c t t l r u f C O A & Nc l W o r J . E c o n o m i c s Ac c o u n t i n G D e p a r t m c n t ~1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 6 ~ lt c H l l l a y C o m pl i a l l c e M a n a . R e g u l u l o r ) ' . L a w & . I ' ol i c y D e p a r t m c l I l ~1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 ) Oi l c e l t l r o f P r u d l l e l M a r k e t i n G Mu r k e t i n l ! j6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 4 9 I I I I l a! 1 I I L : i h k . " 1 1 ( i l l l / l ' lI l \ i : . il l l l i l l ! ! l' d ; l I n l l . ' . ' I " "1 . 1 ' 11 " : Idaho PUblic Utilities CommissionOffice of the Secretary RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2007 Boise. Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 7 Case No. Q WE- T -06- AT&T - ." r = "7,,;. '-'. .~ : : 1:.. , - . WGD -3 , - E...., - -,- , Q W~:s.t u:e: '::Ue y ~ =.r -;' =-':-:;;"t'"Y::~ ~' :.:::~,::~~~, ;;'I:~~~~~::'" , ;C:'-"'"L' -"'"=~-"=: No,,' :::::':. 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' , " ~, ~f f il l i ( ( , : ' , I Ni i 9 . f : ~ i ; , ' ~: : : ' I~ ' :I ' '~ " N' ; ' /: ; : E. : ' "" ;: / ' , , :' , ; ,\ , 'i ~ : , ' , " , " : i , I ' , I : , ' .. . ~L . , ' ) ~(. : f! ; :' ' I ~ ! ~ j' , :0 ' , . . . - 4 ' ... - 4 1 Idaho PUblic Utilities COmmisSion Office of the Secretary RfECfElVEO AUG 1 6 2aO? Boise, Idaho Deanhardt, C. - Exhibit 8 Case No. QWE-O6- AT&T DOC 036 state Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST E'421/DI-OI-B14 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due~ Ferguson, Sharon 06/20/2001 07/02/2001 REQUEST: a. E'rovide aunderstanding the last five the Minnesotaentered into, list of every written contract, agreement or letter of between Qwest and a CLEC that operates or has operated inyears. However, do not include any agreement, etc. filed E'ublic Utilities Commission. Include each agreement, etc. whether or not it is still in effect. MN inwith E'rovide a copy of the items listed in part RESPONSE: Qwest obj ects to this IR because it is overly broad, unduly burdensome, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant information, and seeks - the disclosure of confidential agreements. Qwest resolves numerousissues - wi th CLECs on a daily basis and to provide every written memorialization of such agreements would require a review of all company interactions with each CLEC in the last five years. Furthermore, requiring Qwe st to disclose this information would discourage resolution of disputes on an informal basis and would be, therefore, contrary to public- policy. To the extent agreements have been reached that impact interconnection terms, those agreements have been fiied with the MPUC. Further answering, Qwest objects that the request is beyond the scope of the investigation the DOC explained to the Commission it was engaging: "there were five issues that were set out that we I re concerned about. I think it's page 10 of the staff briefingpapers. That I s the direction we re going. We I re not asking for this to be a general fishing expedition, we re looking at those five issues, we think that that sets it out.(VOL II p. 35-36) Responden t :Legal DOC 04451 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQOEST P421/DI-01-814 Inrormation Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Fergus~n, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQOEST: In paragraph of the "0 S WEST Service Level Agreement with CovadCornmunicationsCompany" (Q11010S - Q110107), 0 S WEST agrees to provide percent of Cavad's Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) dates within 48 hours receipt of a properly completed service request for POTS unbundled loop services. Please identify a~ least one rCA approved by the MPOC between 0 S WEST/Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide 90 percent of the CLEC's FOC dates within 48 hours of receipt of a properly completed service reques~ for POTS unbundled loop services. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA, RES?ONSE: As stated in the agreement that is the subject of this Request, Qwest' predecessor, U S WEST Co~~unications, and Covad Co~~unications Company agreed t~ a settlement of Covad's intervention and adversarial position to the Qwest/U S WEST merger in 2000. (See page QI10107: "ased on () S WEST' ccmmit~ent to meet these service ?erformance standards, Covad commits to withdrawing its opposition to the U S WEST IQwest merger. ). This agreement therefore stands as a settlement and business compromise of pre-existing disputes and of pending litigated actions. Sections 251 and 252 do notinclude wi thin their scope agreements in which a settlement of pre-existing litigated positions is the primary bargained-for term or condition. Further, the provision that is the subject of this Request is integrated with all its other terms and conditions, including the withdrawal of Covad's opposition of the merger. And, due to the integrated nature of and all of the agreement' s covenan~s, the agree~e~~ is u~ique to Covad and Qwes~. Wi~hout waiving any of its posi~icns, including ~hose addressed above, Qwest states in Response to this Reques~ No. 44 that the Eschelon and FirstCom interconnection agreements filed wi ~h and approved by the Minnesota Commission contain the following' provisions: Eschelon - approved by ~he Minnesota Commission on June 26, 2000: U S WEST will provide FOCs (?irm Order Commitments) to CLECs within a reasonable time, no later than 48 hours after receipt of complete and accurate orders. The ?OC assumes that there is sufficient network capacity to meet the request in the s~andard i~terval. The FOC interval for all other complex orders will be within a reasonable time, no later than 8 business days from receipt of complete and accurate orders. The FOC for ICE orders will reflect an ICE FOC date. FirstCom - approved by the Minnesota Commission on April 20, 2001: ~ ~ ~--~----- ~~---~---~--- ----------~--------~~ _--_ ~m~_u___-- -------.._---- ..-- 4 Qwest will provide FOCs to CLECs wi thin a reasonable 48 hou~s after receipt of complete and accurate orde~s forSimple Business end-use~s. !he fOC inte~val for all other be within a reasonable time, no later than 8 business days complete and accurate orders. The FOC for ICB orders willdate. time, no later tha~ Regular POTS or complex orders wil~ from receipt of reflect an ICE fOC DOC 04551 State Of Minnesota Depar~ment of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-Ol-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: . Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon. 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 1 of the "OS WEST Service Level Agreement with Covad Communications Company " (QlIOlO5 - Ql10l07), 0 S WEST agrees to notify Covad of any facilities shortage issues for DSL capable, ISDN capable and DSl capable services within 48 hours. Please identify - at least one rCA approved by the MPOC between U S WEST /Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to notify the CLEC of any facilities shortage issues for DSL capable, ISDN capable andDS1 capable services wi thin 48 hours. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA RESPONSE: Please See Response to Reques~ No. 44. DOC 04651 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P42l/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson; Sharon 11/27/200112/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 1 of the "0 S WEST Service Level Agreement withCovadCo~~unications Company" (Q110105 - Q110107), U S WEST agrees to provide 90percent of Covad's FOC dates within 72 hours of receipt of a properly completed service request for DSL capable, ISDN capable and DSl capable unbundled loop se~vices. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST /Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide 90 percent of the CLEC's FOC dates within 72 hours of receipt of a properly completed service request for DSL capable, ISDN capable and DSl capable unbundled loop services. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) fromthe identified ICA. RESPONSE: Please See Response to Reques~ Nc. 44. Dce 047:3: State Of Minnesota Depar~ment of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwesi Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested:Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 1 of the "U S WEST Service Level Agreement with CovadCommunications Company~' (Q110105 - Q110107), U S WEST agrees, as part of the72 hour FOC commitment referred to in the previous RFI, to dispatch atechnician to verify the existence of sui table facilities prior to providing Covad with an FOC date, Please identify at least one ICA approved by ~he MPUC between U S WEST!Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to dispatch atechnician to verify the existence of sui table facilities prior to providing ~he CL~C with an FOC date. Please provide a copy of the relevan~ page (s) fromthe identified ICA. RESPONSE: Please See Response to Request No.4 4. In addition, the Fourth .:rnen9.rn.en:: ~O the interconnection agreement with New 2dge Networks, filed wi~~ the ~i~~esota Commission on November 20, 2000 and app"roved on December 22, 2000, s:a~es the following: Section I, part C, para. 6. As part of the FOC process for 2-wire non loaded unbundled loop service where CLEC indicates tha~ they intend to use the 2-wire non loaded unbundled loop for the provision of SDSL service, ISDN-, OS 1- orDSL-capable (excluding ADSL-capable) unbundled loop services, when requested to do so by CLEC, Qwest wil! dispatch a technician to verify the existence of suitable facilities prior to providing CLEC an FOC date. CLEC is willing to limit the above provision to the following market areas: Vancouver, WA: Tucson; Omaha; Cedar Rapids; Albuquerque; Colorado Springs; Minneapolis; Boise; Salt Lake City (Ogden); Eugene; Salem; Spokane, and Des Moines. DOC 0485: State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-8l4 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 3 of the "0 S WEST Service Level Agreement with Covad Communications Company" (QI1O1OS - QllOl07), 0 S WEST agrees to reduce theincidence of. failure on new Covad circuits to less than 10 percent failure wi thin the first 30 calendaraays following installati~n~ Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST /Qwest and a CLEC in whichQwest agrees to reduce the incidence of failure on new CLEC circuits to lessthan 10 percent failure within the first 30 calendar days following installation, Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from theidentified rCA. RES PONS E : Please See Response to Reques: Nc. 44. DOC 0493: State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-B14 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information. Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 . REQUEST: In paragraph 4 of the "0 S WEST Service Level Agreement with Covad Communications Company " (Q110105 - 0110107), U S WEST agrees to complete line conditioning paid for by Covad within 24 days or less 90 pe~cent of the time. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPOC between U S WEST/Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to complete line conditioning paid for by the CLEC within 24 days or less 90 percent of the time. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: Please See Response to Reques~ Nc. 44. DOC 050S2. State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INfORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17 /2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 4 of the N U S WEST Service Level Agreement with Covad Communications Company" (Q11010S - Q110107), U S WEST agrees, in thosesi tuations where the end-user customer is served by digital loop carrier or pair gain, to notify Covad and provide it with the option of submitting aservice request for an ISDN capable loop compliant with TR-393 standards and U S WEST Technical Publication 77399. ?lease identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST/Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees,in those situations where the CLEC's end-user cust9mer is served by digitalloop carrier or pair gain, to notify the CLEC and provide it with the option of submitting a service reques~ for an ISDN capable loop compliant with TR-393 s~andards and U S WEST Te~hni~al ?ublication 17399. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from :he identified'rCA. RESPONSE: Please See Response ~o ~eques: No. ~~. In addition, the Fourth ;~en~~e~~ :0 the interconnec~ion agreement with New Edge Ne':works, filed witt, the 1~ir::1eso:a Cor:unission on November 20, 2000 andapproved on December 22, 2000, s~a:es the following: Section I, part C , para.5. In :hcse situations where. the end user customer is served by digital loop carrier or by pair gain, Qwes~ will notify CLEC of thatsituation and provide it the option 0: submitting a service request for an ISDN capable loop compliant wi:h :R-303 standards and Qwest TechnicalPublication 77399. Qwes: will, where technically feasible, either install anappropriate ISDN card for those e~d user Customers served by digital loop carrier, or provide another 15D~ o~:ion for those served off of pai~ gain.Where it would not impact a cUr~~~: :~s:cme~, Qwest will perform a line station transfer in order to ~r~~:~:o~ a CLEC service request. ;Joe os l.3: State Of Minnesota Departme~t of Comme~ce INFORMATION REQUEST 1?421/iJI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested:Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 4 of the U S WEST Service Level Agreement with Covad Communications Companyrt (QllOlOS - Q110107) , U S WEST agrees, in those situations where the end-user cus~omer is served by digit~l loop carrier or pair gain, and where it is technically feasible, to either install an appropriate ISDN card for those end-user customers served by digi tal loop carrier or provide another IDSN option for those served off pair gain in days or less 90 percent of the time . Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST/Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees, in those situations where the end-user customer is served by digital loop carrier or pair gain, and where it is technically feasible, to either instal: an appropriate ISDN card for those end-user customers served by digital loep carrier or provide another IDSN option for those ~erved off pair gain in days or less 90 percent of the time, Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: Please See Response to Request No. 44. DOC 0523: State Of Mi~~esQta Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-Ol-S14 Infor~ation Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By:Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, . Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 4 of the " 0 S WEST Service Level Agreement with CovadCommunications Company" (QI1010S - QllOl07), 0 S WEST agrees, ~here it wouldnot impact a current end-user Customer, to perform a line and stationtrans fer in order to provision a Covad service request in 10 days or less 90percent of the time. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST /Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees, where it would notimpact a current end-user customer, to. perform a line and station transfer inorder to provision a CLEC' s service request in 10 days or less 90 percent the ti~e. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identifiedrCA. RES?ONSE: ?lease See Response to Request No. 4 4. Dce J~JSl 5ta~e Of Mi~~esota Department of Cc~~erce rNFO~~TION REQUEST P421/DI-01-3 14 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 R:::QU:::ST: In paragraph 7 of the "Confide~tial/Trade Secret S~ipulation Between ATI a~dU S WEST" (QIIO035), U S W2ST /Qwest agrees that reciprocal compensation for terminating internet traffic shall be paid at the most favorable rates and terms contained in an agreement executed by USWC as of the date of tha~ agreement. Please identify at least cne ICA approved by the M?UC between U S WEST /Qwest ad a CL~C in which Qwest agrees ~hat reciprocal ccmpe~satic~ fot terminating Internet traffic shall be paid at the most favorable rates and terms contained in an agreement executed by U S WEST/Qwest. Please provide a copy of the relevant pages (s) from the identified rCA. ?E:SPONS::': : The entire provision refere~ced in ~his =ata re~uests is as follows: Cady has asserted ~ha~ USWC must ~ay reciprocal compe~saticn for ln~e=ne~ related ~erminating traffic under its Interconnection Agreeme~ts and under a~plicable s~ate and federal law wSWC has asserted that it has no legalcbl~ga~iQn to pay reciprocal =~~?e~sat~Qn for s~ch ~=affi=. ~otwithstand~~; these differences a~d wi~hou~ waiv~~g their positio~s, ~he ?ar~ies a~ree fer se~tlement ?urpcses that reciprocal co~pensa~ie~ for ~er~i~a~~~g i~ter~et traffic shall be caid a~ ~he ~os~ favereb:e rates a~~ terms c=~~ai~ec i~ a~agreement executed to date by USWC. The pa~ties will develop a f~ll i~plementation plan of =~ese recipr=ca: ccmpe~satic~ issues by ~a=ch 31,2000. =ur~her; the pa=~ies agree that for purposes 0: applyi~; ~~ese ra:esand terms and conditions they will work cooperatively ~o devalop a ~eans 0:by which IS? traffic will be broken cut i~ the least costly ~annerpracticable. Thus, the provision referenced i~ :~e Req~es~ is ane dependent ~ar: several compromises of legiti~a:e legal and fac:~al dispuces =e:~een :hepartie :, i"cl'..lc::.ing - ~is?l!tes re:ere!"..::ed t::r:;ugnout ~he a.;r-ee::ent. !t is a:'5:part 0:: a sett~ement of pas: disp~:es re:a:i~g :0 :he celi7ery 0: i~:er~e: related traffic, and Qwest submits :ha: i: is not within the scope 0: sections 251 and 252 of the ~eleccmm~n.ica~ions Ac~, as addressed i~ Gwes:' 5Respo~ses :o ~equest No.4 a and 44. wi~hout waiving Qwest' 5 positions en :~~5 matter as stated above i~ :~~s ~esponds, Qwest answers this ~e~uest ~y s~a~i~g tha~ A~! a~d US West ~eve= reached agreement regarding the ?er=e~~ i~terne~ usage discussed in :~is agreeme~t and ~herefore did net =eso17e :::is issue ~n:il a full implementation plan and intercon~ect~cn agreement amen~~e~t ~ere reac~ed ~n ~jcvemb"'-r 1.S, 2000. DOC 059S1 State Of Mi~~esota De~artment of Commerce INFO~ATION REQUEST ?421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraphs 11 and 12 of the "Confidential/Trade Secret Stipulation Between ATI and U S WEST" (Q110029 - QI10035), U S WEST/Qwest agrees to provide ATI with a dedicated provisioning team, located at ATI, to assist in solving provisioning problems. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST /Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide a dedicated provisioning team to the CLEC under the same terms. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: The dedica~ed provisioning team clause is integrated with the other covenants contained in this settlement agreement. Thus, please see Response to ~equests54 and 55. Without waiving Qwest' s positic~s o~ these matters as addressed above, Qwest responds to this Request by referencing the Minnesota DOC to the Esche1on amendment dated November 15, 2000 (Attachment a to Information Request No. 56), which states: 10 For at least a one-year period, Eschelon agrees ~o pay Qwest for the services of a Qwest dedicated provisioning team to work on Escheionpremises. DOC 060S1 S~ate Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFO~~TION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 14 of the "Confidential/Trade Secret Stipulation Between AT! andU S WEST" (Q110035), U S WEST/Qwest agrees to dispute resolution terms thatare "in addition to the dispute resolution mechanism provided under the Interconnection Agreement." Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between U S WEST /Qwes~ and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to the same dispute resolution mechanism as set forth in paragraph 14, Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: The dispute resolution prov:sio~s 0: the ATI/Qwest settlement agreement apply ~o non-25l or 252 business dispu~es that arise between the parties. ~~d, this dispute resrilution procedure is "i~ addition to the one that applies under the Interconnection Agreeme~t.Accor=i~gly, this provision is not applicable tointerconnection ser'rices a:-.d ne~wcrk elements, because the Interconnection Agreement applies to suc~ =ispu:es. This dispute resolution provisic:1 :s tailored to the specific corporate struc~ures and business interests 0: AT! and Qwest.. That is, the procedures match the corporate struc~u=es a~~ ~ie=a=chies of the companies and the methods by which they wish to resolve disputes among themselves. Further, a dispute resolution clause ~s not the provision of interconnection services or network elements. I: necessarily follows that this clause is not subject to Sections 251 and 252 0: the federal Communications Act ("Act And, Qwest has not submitted this agreement to the MPUC, because the Telecommunications Act does not require Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by its :er~s, requires the submission of agreements to state commissions for approval c~:y wi~h respect to agreements relating to interconnec~ion, services, or ne:~ork elements pursuant to section 251. C. ~ 252(a) (1); see also ~ 252(0) and (e) (1). Consistently, the FCC recognized that parties could simultaneously negotiate matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as no~-251 or 252 matters, and that such an approach to negotiations is co~s:s:ent wi~h the duty under section 251 tonegotiate in good faith.Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 11 FCC Rcd 15499, ~ 153 (1996), subsequent history omi t ted. Qwest suggests that any regulatory obligation to file this agreement and allow carriers who are not party to Qwest's and ATI's unique business relationship to opt-into provisions o~ the agreement would be contrari to public policy. Such obligations would preclude, or at the very least provide an enormousdisincentive and barrier to, .the ability of ILECs and CLECs alike to reach satisfactory and beneficial business resolution of disputes that are unique the settling parties. Qwest, as shown by this agreement, is commi ~ted to working collaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy the~=needs. And, CLECs should have the ability to determine whe~hEr such a~ agreement would be of greater benefit to their business interes~s. Qwest suggests that the Minnesota DOC should encourage, not discourage, the use of such agreements to allow Qwest to resolve such matters amicably and cooperatively with its wholesale customers. DOC 06251 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFO~~TION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: ferguson, Sharon 11/27/20 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In Section 2 of th€ "Confidential Agreement" set forth in a November IS, 2000 letter from Greg Casey at Qwest to Richard Smith at Eschelon Telecom, Inc. (QII0038), Qwest and Eschelon agree to hold quarterly executive meetings to be attended by representatives at the Vice-President or above levels. Please identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CtEC in which Qwest agrees to hold quarterly executive meetings, to be attended by representative at the Vice-2resident or above levels, with the CLEC. Please provide a copy of the relevan~ pages from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: The November 15, 2000 letcer from Greg Casey to Richard Smith was creaeed in the context of addressing "numerous proposals intended to better the partiesbusiness relacionship.These in=lude "implementation plan by which to mutually improve the ccmpanies ' business relations. The clause that is the subj ec~ of this Request, an agreement to arrange quarterly meetings to be ateendec by representatives at the Vice President or above levels, applies to business dispute that arise between the parties. This dispute resolution provision is tailored to the . specific corporate structures and business intereses of AT! and Qwest. That is, the procedures parallel the corporate structures and hierarchies of the companies and the methods by which they wish to resolve disputes among themselves. Further, a dispute resolution clause is not the provision of interconnectionservices or network elements. :: necessarily follows that this clause is not subject to Sections 251 and 252 of :he federal Communications Act ("Act And, Qwest has not submi teed t~is agreement to the MPUC, because the Telecommunications Act does no: require Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by les ~e=ms, requires the submission of agreements to state commissions for a~proval o~ly with respect to agreements relati~g to interconnection, services, or network, elements pursuant to section 251. C. ~ 252(a) (1); see also ~ 252(0) and (e) (1). Consistently, the FCC recognized that parties could simul:a~eously negotiate matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as Gon-251 or 252 matters, and that such an approach to negotiations is co~s:s~ent with the duty under section 251 tonegotiate in good faith.Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act cf 1996, 11 FCC Rcd 15499, ~ 153 (1996), subsequent history omitted. Qwest suggests that any regulatory obligation to file this agreement and allow carriers who are not ~arty to Qwest' s and Eschelon s unique business relationship to cpt-into provisio~s of the agreement would be contrary to public policy. Such obligations would preclude, or at the very least provide an enormous disincentive and barrier to, th~ ability of ILECs and CLECs aliketo reach satis factory and beneficial business resolution of dispu~es that are unique to the parties. curther, an inability to resolve matters that frequently arise and that are far removed from sections 251 and 252, such asdispute resolution provisions for non-251 items, would lead to unnecessary and voluminous litigation before the federal or state courts or before the MPUC. Qwest, as shown by this agreement, is committed to working collaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy their needs rather than proceeding to litigation. Qwest suggests that the Minnesota DOC should encourage, not discourage, the use of such . settlements to allow Qwest to resolve such disputes amicably and cooperatively with its wholesale customers~ In any event, the November 15, 2000 letter agreement arose in the context of interconnection amendments that were filed for approval with the MinnesotaCommission. The interconnection amendments allowed for combinations of network elements that were new Qwest wholesale products. Qwest agreed to develop a new UNE platform product, referred to as UNE Star, in order to provide an alternative to Eschelon, The terms and conditions of that new product were set forth in an amendment to the interconnection agreement signed on November 15 and filed with the Commission on December 6, 2000. Importantly, Section 1.3 of the amendment filed with the Commission set forth an understanding that the companies would work together on a business-to-business basis and develop escalation procedures. DOC 063S1 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In Section 3 of the "Confidential Agreement" set forth in a November 15, 2000 letter from Greg Casey at Qwest to Richard Smith at Eschelon Telecom, Inc. (Q110036 - Q1l0038), Qwest and Eschelon agree to new, six-level escalation ~rot~dures to resolve any and ~ll issues between them. Please identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between. Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to the same, six-level escalation procedures to resolve any and all issues between it and the CLEC. ? lease provide a copy of the relevant pag~s from the identified rCA. RESPONSE: Please See Response to Request 62. COC 064S~ State Of Minnesota Depar~ment of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-8l4 Information Requested from:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In Section 3 of the "Confidential Agreement" set forth in a November ' 15, 2000 letter from Greg Ca~ey at Qwest to Richard Smith at Eschelon Telecom, Inc. (QllOO38), Qwest and Eschelon agree, as part of Level 6 of new escalationprocedures, to waive "any tariff limitations on damages or any other limitation on actual damages." Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to waive " any tariff limitations on damages or any other limitatio~ on actual damages." Please provide a copy of the relevant pages from the identified rCA. i1.E:SPONS2: Please See ~esponse' ~o Request 62. Farther, the clause referenced in the Reque~t, a waiver of tariff limitations as part of Level 6 of the escalation procedures, reflects the specific corporate structures and business in~erests of ~schelon and Qwest. That is, the procedures match the corporate struct~res and hierarchies or the companies and the methods by which they wish to resolve disputes among themselves. DOC 06752 State Of Mi~~esota Depar~~ent of COIT~erce INFO~ATION R~QUEST P421/DI-01-8l4 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested 3y; Date" Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sh~ron11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In agreement paragraph 3 of the "Confidential ~~endment to Confidential/Trade Secret Stipulation " between Eschelon and Qwest (Q110041 - Q110048), Eschelonagrees to provide "consulting and network services " to Qwest in exchange foi an amount that is te~ percent (10 percent) of the aggregated billed charges for all purchases made by ~schelon form Qwest from November :5, 2000 throughDece~ber 31,2005." ?lease answer the following with respect to thisagreement:a. Describe in detail :ne na:~=e of the consulting services ac:uallyprovided oy Eschelon, including whether those services relate to issues outside of the provisionin~ of telecommunication services to Eschelon.b. Identify any other C~EC to which Qwest has offered the opportunity to provide ~onsulting services i~ exchange for bill in; refunds in Minnesota.c. Identify, by name ~nd tit:e, the consultants Eschelon has provided for Qwest.d. Identify, by name a~c ~~:~e, tne ;erson at Qwest charged with respcnsibili~y for the ~sc~elo~ c~nsul:ing relationship.e. Identify the amount 0: ~Q~ey paid ~a ~s~helon by Qwes~ :0 date under t~e terms of this agreemen:.f. Identify at least one rCA approved by the M?OC between Qwest and a CL~C in which Qwest agrees :0 provide ~he CL~C 1i~h billing refunds i~ exchange for services provided by the CL~C to Qwest. ?lease provide a copy or the relevant page (s) from the ide~ti:ied rCA. RESPONSE: ?lease see Response to " Request 66. :n addition and in response :0 the particular questions of Reques: 67:a. Es~helon has provided wide =angin~ cons~l~i~g services with respect to the creation of a UNE Star ;rcd~ct reflected in its interconnection amendment dated November 15, 2001. Development of this product involved substantial effort by Qwest, and Qwest has used consulting services from Eschelon in an effort to make this product useful to CLEC customers and to improve Qwest' delivery of this product. UNE Star is something that is included in Qwest' interconnection agreement wi th ~schelon and is available to any CLEC wishing to opt-in to all of its terms. Attached as 7rade Secret Attachment C is a list of consulting teams from ~schelon" that performed work from Qwest. Those. teams include: 1. OSS Team -- ~:sponsible fer :valuating and suggesting modific:~io~to operational . s~PPQr~ systems in connection with UN~ Star.2. UNE-P Team - Assisted and made reco~~endations for deli very anddetermining USOCs for features associated with UNE Star.3. Billing Team - Assists and makes reco~~endations to Qwest regarding appropriate billing for ONE Star products given applicableCommission orders and decisions in multiple states and assisting in resolvingissues associated with billing for ONE Star.4. Collocation Team - Assists and suggests modifications forprocesses for addressing collocation issues in order to improve thoseprocesses.5. Cutover Team Studied and suggested changes to customer processesin 6rder to decrease Qwest cutover times.6. DSL Team - Assists Qwest in developing processes and methods forproviding re-sale of OSLo7. Held Order Team - Worked with Qwest in an effort to evaluate Qwestprocesses to reduce held orders. 8. Network/Interconnec~icn Tracking Team - Assisted in working withQwest on issues regarding how (ra:fie is routed in the Seattle and Portlandmarkets. See the McLeod Agreement. Please see At tachment C. Kevin Saville and S::ve Shea~ane. Qwest is gatherinq this informa~ion and will provide it as soon as it isavailable.f. The consul ting arrangemen~ w::~ ~schelon uses bill refunds as asurrogate for hourly or ether pay~en~s ~hat migh~ otherwise be paid to aconsultant entering in~o an arra~gemen: wi~h Qwest. Accordingly, thisagreement is not an exchange of a billing refund for services provided by theCL~C. Because this invol ves cons~: :ing services as opposed to aninterconnection arrangemen:, :his agreement ~erm has no~ been included in aninterconnection agreemen: amen~men~ for ~he reasons set forth in response toRequest 66. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE 12/20/01: For the period of 11/15/00 :hrough 03/31/01, the amount due to Eschelen is$2,540,017. Ah l e r s De n n i s A h l e r s Se n i o r A l t o m e Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t 61 2 43 6 - 62 4 9 IJ o e k e Ge l T Bo e k e Di r e c t o r o f S w i t c h O er a t i o n s Ne l w o r k O er a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 1 4 Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Di r e c l o r o f I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 / 2 ) 43 6 - 60 2 6 -- . : . Ga v i n El l e n G a v i n Ou t s i d e C o u n s e l ul a t o r , L a w & P o l i c ar t m e n t 61 2 86 6 - 78 7 6 I' l a n s e r , . P a u l H a n s e r Di r e c l o r o f S w i t c h E n in e e r i n L in c c r i n & N e t w o r k I m le m e n t a t i o n 61 2 43 6 - 6l I 0 5 Ku n d e Da \ / c K u n d e EV P o f O er a t i o n s & E n gi n e e r i ng Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s 61 2 43 6 - 66 9 L Mo l T i s e l l e Ga r t h M q r r i s c l l e ~a t o r Co m li a n c e M a n a ul a t o , L a w & P o l i c ar t m e n t 61 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 : 1 .- M u t h u k J . : a r u Re n a M u t h L J k b n J ~r k E r .!: ' in t . : t . : r in e e r i n & N e t w o r k I m le m e n t a t i o n (6 1 2 ) 43 6 - 62 2 6 Ti w a r i Sa l i s h T i w a r i Vi c e P r e s i d e n t En g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k I r n p l e m c n / a r i o n (6 r 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 6 C ) Cu t o v e r ( L o o p C u l o v e r s / l l o t c u l S ) T e a m L - ' - -' - - " " ~ " " " " ' U I I \ I l I l le m C n t a t l O n I ( 6 r 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 6 - - - - - t . '- ' ~ " 'U ' L " " " I Br a l s m a Pa t r i c k I J r a l s m a Dir e c t o r of Cu s t o m e r I m p l c m e i l i a l i o n & Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 J 6 - 6n O Or l J( c g u j ;; ~ o ; ~ ' : ~ ~ ~ ~ - .x j ' ol i c y D e p a J 1 m e n t Cl a u s ! ) : 1 Kf l r c n C l a u s o n D: r : ' . c t o r o f J l 1 l c r c o n n e c l i o n (6 1 2 ) 43 6 - 60 2 6 Ko n h o u r Ma r y K o ~ t h o u r Lo c a l S e r v i c e P r o d u c t M a n a g e r Ma r k e t i n g (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 9 3 , Ku n d e Da v e K u n d e EV P o f O p e r a t i o n s & E n g i n e e r i n g Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s ~2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 9 / Mo r r i s e l l e Ga r 1 h M O r r i s e l t e Re g u l a l o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Re l ! u l a t o f Y , L a w & P o l i c y DC p a r 1 m c l l I ~1 2 ) l O 6 - 62 2 ~ Sc h i l l e r . T i n a S c h i l l e r Ma l l 3 g , c r o f T e s l & Tu m U p Pr o v i s i o J : 1 i n g (6 ) 2 ) 4 3 6 - 64 0 Di l l i n Ah l e r s Cl a u s o n Co p l ~ Ho n n i l a Ma r k c r t Mo n - i s e t t e To m l i n s o n Co l l o c a t i o n T e a m . T e a m l. L : a d ~ r .. T e a m l . ea l l e r f o r 1: / ) 1 "l l i l l / i . : , Es c h c J o l ) Im p l e m e n t a t i o n a n d C o n s u l t i n g T e a m s Do c k c t N o . P 4 2 ! / D I - OI - Do c - a; I - A ( ( f l c h r n c f l I I . r ~ i l m Lc a d c l ' I l I I ' ( i ( I j / P I O \ ' is i l l l l i l l ~ : I 1 1' d ; Il l ' . ! I , ~ I : , ' I I I DS L T e a m Cl a u s o n Fl e m i n Ga v i n Ko l a r Mo r r i s e t t e So l b r a c k Wa l b e r Es c h e l o n I m p l e m e n t a t i o n a n d C o n s u l t i n g T e a m s Ka r e n C l a u s o n . S t e v e F l e m i n El l e n G a v i n Si e v e K o l a r Ga r t h M o r r i s e t l e St e v e S o l b r a c k Lo r e n W a l b e r J , L a w & P o l i c He l d O r d c r s ( L a c k o r n e l l s e o f Fa c i l i t i e s ) T e a m Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Dir e c t o r of In t e r c o n n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 6 Jo h n s o n . B o n n i e J o h 1 1 s o n Ne t w o r k P r o v i s i o n i n g M a n a g e r " N e t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 1 8 Mo r r i s e t t e Ga r t h M o r r i s e u e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g c r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 Po w e r s Ly n n e P o w e r s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t Pr o v i s i o n i n g a n d N e l w o r k R e p a i r (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 4 2 Sc h i l l e r Ti n a S c h i l l e r Ma n a g e r o f T e s t & T u r n U p Pr o v i s i o n i n g (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 64 0 1 Ne t w o r k ( I n t e r c o n n c c t i o n T r u l l l d l l g , e t c . ) T e a l l ! Bo e k e Ge r r y B o e k e Di r e c t o r o f S w i t c h O p e r a t i o n s Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 1 4 Bu r d s a l l /- I a l B u r d s a l l Op e r a t i o n s M a n a g e r . W A & O R Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (5 0 3 ) 7 9 3 - 95 7 6 Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Dir e c t o r of In t e r c o n n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 " 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 6 Fl o r e k Dr u c e F l o r e k Op e r a t i o n s M a n a g e r , P H X / S L C Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 0 2 ) 7 7 6 - 90 5 3 Fr e y Do u g F r e y Ma n a g e r of Ne t w o r k F a c i l i t i e s E n g . En g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k I m p l e m e n t a t i o n (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 1 9 Ga v i n El l e n G a v i n Ou t s i d e C o u n s e l Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 8 6 6 - 7 8 7 6 " Mo r r i s e t t e Ga r t h M o r r i s e l l e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Re g u l a t o r y , L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 M u t h u k k a r u p p a n Re n g a M u t h u k k a n l p p a n Ne t w o r k E n g i n e e r En g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k I m p l e m e n t a t i o n (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 6 Na n d a k u m a r . K r i s N a n d ! l k u m a r Di r e c t o r o f N e t w o r k P e r f o r m a n c e E n g , En g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k I m p l e m e n t a t i o n (6 J 2 ) 4 3 6 - 64 4 J Pa l l e r s o n Da v i d P a l l e r s o n Di r e c t o r o f R e s a l e O p e r a t i o n s En g i n e e r i n g & N e t w o r k J m p l e m e n t a l i o n (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 0 3 Ti w a r i Sa t i s h " Ti w a r i Vi c e P r e s i d e n t En g i n c e r i n g & N e t w o r k I m p l e m e n t a t i o n (6 1 2 ) ' 1 3 6 - 66 6 9 Te a m I . L ' il l l c r ~. T e a l l l I . ea d n f o r 1: 1 ) / ~. . " OI I 1 1 I L ad n J i l r ( i l l f i P r l l \ is i ' \ l 1 i l 1 ~ pd ; I I , 'd I~ ' II I :I ! . "" " Es c h c l o l l h l l l J l c l \ 1 c n t a t i o n a n d C o \ l s u l l i n g T e a m s OS S T e a m . C l a u s o n Go l d b e r Jo h n s o n Mo r r i s e t t e Po w e r s Ka r e n C l a u s o n .. A r l i n Go l d b e r .. . J e s s i c a Jo h n s o n Ga r t h M o r r i s e t t e L n n e P o w e r s li a n c e M a n a ' e r . T cn a l r ea n t ll r o l s m a . P a t r i c k B r o l s m a Dir e c t o r of Cu s t o m e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n & Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 3 0 Su p p o r t Cl a u s o n Ka r e n C l a u s o n Di r e c t o r o f I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n Re g u l a t o r y . L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 6 Ko r t h o u r Ma r y K o r t h o u r Lo c a l S e r v i c e P r o d u c t M a n a g e r Ma r k e t i n g (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 9 3 (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 9 1 Ku n d e Da v e K u n d e EV P of Op e r a l i o n s & E n g i n e e r i n g Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s Mo r r i s e l l e Ga n h M o r r i s c t l e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Re g u l a t o r y . L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 Po w e r s L~ e Po w e r s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t Pr o v i s i o n i n g a n d N e t w o r k R e p a i r (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 4 2 St . P e t e r Ch u c k S I . P e t e r Sc n i o r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s A n a l y s t Ne t w o r k O p e r a t i o n s (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 66 8 5 -- - - - - .- - - - - UN E - P T e a m .- - . Cl a u s o n Ka r c n C l a u s o n Di r e c t o r o f I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n ul a t o r . L a w & P o l i c ar t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 2 6 Jo h n s o n Je s s i c a J o h n s o n Pr o ec t M a n a f . ! c r Pr o v i s i o n i n (6 . 1 2 ) y 3 6 - 66 7 1 -- - - . Ma r k e r t Bi l l M a r k e r t Di r e c t o r o f C O A & N e t w o r k E c o n o m i c s Ac c o u n t i n ar t m e n t . 61 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 6 5 Mo r r i s e t t e Ga r t h M o r r i s e l l e Re g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e M a n a g e r Re g u l a t o r y . L a w & P o l i c y D e p a r t m e n t (6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 62 2 3 Se c r e s t . J o n a t h a n S t ; c r e s t Dir e c t o r of Pr o d u c t M a r k e t i n g Ma r k e l i n ~ - ( 6 1 2 ) 4 3 6 - 60 4 9 . T c a l l l L ~ i l d e . . .. l e : l I l I I . ea d l . ' r 1' 0 1 ' U ) I ' 1 r e i l i l l l . e; l \ k r r i l l ' ( i l l l / l ' r u \ i: ; i o l l i l l ! ! pd ; l l L ' d I ~ . ' I ~ ' () I ;I I ' ' ; DOC 074S: State Of Minnesota Departmen~ of Commerce INfORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In a letter dated July 3, 2001 from Audrey McKenn~y (Qwest) to Richard Smith(Eschelon) (QllO150 - QIIO152), Qwest and Eschelon agree to an audit of theswitched access minutes reported by Qwest and Eschelon to determine whether Qwest accurately recorded switched access minutes on UNE~P lines leased by Eschelon. Please answer the following wi th respect to this agreement:a. Identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC that permits the CLEC to request the same type of audit. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified rCA.b. According to the letter, the parties agreed to use the results of the audit to negotiate the terms and condi~ions of any subsequent analysis or procedures to be followed and for resolution of future discrepancies in theswitched access minutes reported ~y Qwest. Please provide copies of any termsand conditions negotiated by the parties in acrod (sic) with this agreement.c. Identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC that contains the same terms and conditions, if any, as agreed to by Qwest and Eschelon for resolution 0: discrepancies in the switched access minutesreported by Qwest. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from theidentified ICIL RE:SPONS=:: : a. The contractua~ provision ~hat is ~he subject of this data request is one of the integrated covenants of an agreement the purpose of which was to settle potential litigation over alleged measuring discrepancies and underpayments,and similar matters that are not subject to Sections" 251 and 252 of thefederal Communications Act (n ct" ;. The provision for an audit of switched access minutes arose because 0: a dispute ~etween the parties to deter~ine the accuracy of recorded switched access minutes. The agreement is integrated; in o~her words, all of the terms of ~he agreement, such as the audit and Qwest ' S agreement to pay an interim amount,were necessary and inextricable ~arts of ~he bargained-for exchange. The agreement is unique to Eschelon and Qwes~ given their business relationship und~r the particular circumstances existing at the time of the agreemen~.. Further, the agreement, including the contractual provisions containing the audit commitment, represents compromises of legitimate legal and factualdisputes and a resolution of the partie"' respective negotiating positions regarding those billing disputes. This is a settlement of the calculation of switched acceS$ minutes, which relates to interexchange services, not local exchange services. Also, a compromise of the pa=ties ' posi~ions or a past billing c~spute in the con~ex: of a unique business relationship does ~ot consti~ute te=ms 0= conditions fo= the provisioning of an interconnection service or networK eiement within ~he scope of sections 251 and 252. It necessarily follows that the audit provisions and the agreement as a whole are not subj ect ~o Sections 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act. Qwest has not submitted this agreement to the MPUC, because the Telecommunications Act does not require Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by its terms, requires the submission of agreemen~s to state commissions for approval only with respect to agreements relating to interconnection, services, or network elements pursuant to section 251. S:C. S 252 (a) (1); see ~lso S 252 (b) and (e)" (1). Consistently, the FCC recognized that parties could simultaneously negotiate matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as non-251 or 252 matters, and that such an approach to negotiations is consistent with the duty under" section 251 negotiate in good raith.Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 11 FCC Red 15499, S 153 (1996), subsequent history omitted. Qwest suggests that any regulatory obligation to file this agreement and allow carriers who are not party to Qwest's and Eschelon s unique business relationship to opt-into provisions of the agreement would be contrary to public policy. Such obligations would preclude, or at the very least provide an enormous disincentive and barrier to, the ability of ILECs and CLECs alike to reach satisfactory and beneficial business resolution of disputes that are unique to the settling parties. Further, an inability to resolve disputes that frequently arise and that are far removed from sections 251 and 252, such as audits of a pending dispute, would lead to unnecessary and voluminous litigation before the federal or sta~e courts or before the MPUC. Qwest, as shown by this agreement, is co~~itted to working collaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy their needs rather than proceeding tolitigation. And, CLECs should have the ability to de~ermine whether an expeditious settlement would be 0: greater benefit to their business interests than a potentially lengthy litigation before a judicial or regulatorytribunal. Qwest suggests that the Minnesota DOC should encourage, not discourage, the use of such settlements to allow Qwest to r~solve such disputes amicably and cooperatively with its wholesale customers.b. Qwest and Eschelon have not reached a final =esolu~ion or the issue addressed by this agreement. ~. See Response to DOC 07551 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson; Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In a letter dated July 3, 2001 from Audrey McKenney (Qwest) to ~ichard Smith(Eschelon) (Ql101S0 - Ql10152, Qwest states that it has . been paying Eschelon an interim amount equal to the difference between $13.00 per line per month and the amount Eschelon was able to bill IXCs for switched access, per line,based upon the switched access minutes reported to Eschelon by Qwest. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC which Qwes~ agrees to make payments of the same kind and amount to the CLEC. Please provide a copy of the relevant page(s) form the identified ICA. RESPONSE: Please See Response ~o Request 74. In addition, this agreeme~~ was a ~empo=ary resolution of a billing issue, notan interconnection agreement term, and it was subject to a true-up once the audit was completed. Therefore, :he Request's characterization or thisprovision is not complete or accura~e. This provision has not been included in an interconnection agreemen~ amendment for the reasons set forth inresponseto Request 74 (A) . DOC 076S: State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Da te Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In a letter dated July 3, 2001 from Audrey McKenney (Qwest) to Richard Smith (Eschelon) (Q110150 - Q110152), Qwest agrees to increase the amount it will pay Esth~lon to the difference between 516.00 per line ~er month ~nd the amount ~schelon was able to bill IXCs for switched access, per line, based upon the switched access minutes reported to Eschelon by Qwest. Please identify at least one ICA aporoved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC in. which Qwest agrees to make p~ymencs of the same kind and amount to the CLEC. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: See Responses to Reques~s 74 and 75. DOC 07751 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/200112/17/2001 REQUEST: In a letter dated July 3, 2001 from Audrey McKenney (Qwest) to Richard Smith(Eschelon) (QII0150 - QII0152), Qwest identifies an issue relating to access records for Qwest 's intraLATA toll traffic terminating to customers served by. an Eschelon switch and agrees tha~, until the issue is resolved, Qwest willpay Eschelon $2.00 per line per month for such traffic. Please identi:y at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC. Please provide acopy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: See Responses to Requests 74 and 75. Further, this letter is a temporary resolution of a dispute that is ongoing between the parties regarding swi~ched access billing. The parties arecontinuing to negotiate i~ an attempt to resolve this issue. The temporary agreement has not been f:~ed for ~he reasons set forth in response to 74 (a) . DOC 082S: State Of MinnesotaDepartment of Co~erce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC containing the same terms as the Trial Agreement between Qwest and Eschelon (QI10153 - QII0166). Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: See Section 2.10 of the In~erconnec~ion Agreement Amendment signed on November 15, 2000 and filed with the Co~~ission on December 6, 2000. DOC 0865:" State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-OI-B14 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested:Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon" 11/27/2001 12117/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 2.1 of the" "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan " (Q110339 -Q1l0353), Qwest agrees to establish a service account team for Eschelon.Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and CLECin which Qwest agrees to provide a service account team with the sameobligations described .in paragraph 2.1. Please provide a copy or the relevantpage (s) from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: The agreement referenced in this data request includes the impleme~tation of service account teams for a wholesale customer. This agreement reflects theindividual business practices of Eschelon and Qwest and is unique to their cooperate s~ructures and their business relationships. It is standardoperating procedure for Qwest to establish some form of a service account teamfor customers. An agreement to provide a service account team is not a term or condition for the provisioni~g of an in~erconnection service or a network element - It necessarily follows that the agreement is not subjec~ to Sections251 and 252 of the Teleco:!\ll1unica:ions P-.Ct. Qwest has not submitted thisagreement to the MPUC, because the Teleco~~unications Act does not require Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by its :er~s, requires the submission of agreements :6 state commissions for approval on:"y with respect to agreements for theprovision of "interconnection, services, or network elemen~s pursuant tosection 251." 47 U.C. ~ 252(a)(1)i see also ~ 252(0) and (e)(l).Consistently, the FCC recognized that parties could simultaneously negotiatematters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as non-251 or 252 matters, andthat such an approach to negotia~ions " is consistent with the duty undersection 251 to "negotiate i~ good fai:h.!mplemen~ation of" the LocalCom!Jetition Provisions. in the Telecor:1.'TIunications P.ct of 1996, 11 E'CC i\cd15499, ~ 153 (1996), s~bsequen: ~istory omitted. Qwest suggests that it is in the public interest to allow companies such as Qwest and Eschelon to confer and agree on establishing business relationships that suit the particular needs and structures of their respective companies.Any regulatory obligation to file this agreement and allow carriers who arenot party to Qwest's and Eschelon s unique business relationship to opt-intoprovisions of the agreement would" be contrary to public policy. Suchobligations would preclude, or at the very least provide an enormousdisincentive and barrier to, the ability of ILECs and CLECs alike to reachsatisfactory and beneficial business resolu:ion of matters that are unique tothe parties. Qwest, as shown by this agreement, is cornrni tted to workingcollaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy their needs.Qwest suggests that the Minneso~a DOC should encourage, not discourage, the use of such arrangements to allow Qwest ~O work coo~eratively with i~s wholesale customers. DOC 0875l State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P4 211 DI -01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Respo~se Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: Paragraph 2.2 of the "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan" (Q110339 - Q110353)refers to ,, escalation chart and escalation process set forth in Attachment 2 to the Implementation Plan. Please Identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest provides the same escalationchart and process to a CLEC. Please provide a copy of the relevant page(s)from the identified ICA. RESPONSE: Section 1.3 of the amen~~e~t to :he interconnection agreement executed on November 15, 2000 and submitted for approval by the Minnesota Commission provides for the parties to develop an escalation process. It says: The Parties wish to establish a business-to-business relationship and have agreed that they will a~te~pt to resolve all differences or issues that may arise under the Agreemen~s or this ~~endrnent under an escalation process to be established betwee~ :ne ?ar:ies. The letter that is the subject o~ this ~equest letter sets forth the specificsassociated with that process. State Of Mi~~esota De~a=t~ent of Co8me=ce INFO~~TION ~EQU~ST 2421/0:;:-0:'-814 Info=mation Requested From:Qwest Co~~o=atio~ Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Cue: fe~guson, . Sha~on 11/27/2001 12117/2001 ~EQOEST : 21ease identify . Dana filio (referred to in pa~acr2Dh 2. of theQwest/Esche!o ~ Implement~ticn Plan " (QII03~9 -QliO353)). R.ES?ONSE:: Dana Filip is a Senior Vice President a~ Qwes~. '-.. J-S?:::.. DOC 09051 State Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-O1-B14 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27 /2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 2.3 of the "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan" (Qll0339 - Q110353), Qwest agrees that Dana Filip and/or her designee will meet with Rick Smith of Eschelon on a Quarterly basis to review the status of Eschelon I s service-r~lated issues. Please identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide a person of equal or greater title ~o meet with the CLEC on a quarterly basis to review the status if service-related issues. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from .the. identified ICA. RESPONSE: This provision xefers to an agreement to meet on a regular basis with the customer to confer about se=vi=e-rela~edissues. It serves the same purposes and is subj ect to the same analysis as the meetings addressed in Qwest' sResponse to Request 62. T~ere:~=e, ?lease see .Request 62. DOC 091S1 S~ate Of Minnesota Departmen t of Comme rce INfORMATION REQUEST 2421/01-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson; Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraph 3.1 of the "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan " (Qll0339 -Ql10353), Qwest agrees to calculate local usage charges associated with UNE-P switching in accordance with the procedures set forth in Attachment 3 to the Implementation Plan. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from theidentified rCA. RESPONSE: The contractual provision that is the subject of this data request is one of the integrated covenants of an agreement ~he purpose of which was to settle potential litigation over possible billing discrepancies. Furthermore,Attachment 3 constitutes a formula for implementing a process for measuringswitched access minutes based on ~schelon I s particular trafficcharacteristics. Such a calculation is unique to the business interests 0:Eschelon. Qwest has not submitted this agreemen~ ~o the MPOC because the Telecommunications Act does not require Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by its terms, requires the submission of agreements to state commissions for approval only with respect ~o agreements for the provision of interconnection, services, or network elements pursuant to section 251. f).C. ~ 252(a) (1); see also S; 252(b) and (e) (1). In contrast, F.ttachment 3~o this agreement address the procedures for calculation of access services,no~ local exchange services. The FCC recognized that parties could simultaneously negotia~e matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as non-251 or 252 matters, and tha: such an approach to negotiations consistent with the duty under section 251 to "negotiate in good faith. Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the TelecommunicationsZl.ct of 1996, 11 FCC Rcd 15499, ~ 153 (1996), subsequent history omitted. Not only is there no statutory requirement that Qwest submit. such settlement agreements for the MPUC's approval and make them available to other carriers,bu~ imposing such a requirement would be contrary to public policy. Such arequirement would make it difficult or impossible for Qwest to reach settlements of such matters and would lead to unnecessary litigation before the federal or state courts or before the MPUC. Qwest is comrni tted to workingcollaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy their needs rather than proceeding to litigation. Qwest suggests that the Minnesota DOC should encourage, not discourage, the use of such agreements to resolve disputes amicably and to address the CLEC's specific and unique businessinterests. DOC 092S: S~ate Of Minnesota Department of Commerce INfORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-8l4 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Informaiion Requested By:. Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraphs 4.1 through 4.3 of the "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan (QII0339 - QII0353), Qwest and Eschelon agree to track and report performancemeasures designed to monitor Qwest' s levels of service; hold monthly meetings to review and discuss the measurements; and develoD a j oint action plan tofacilitate improvements in service. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide the same level of performance measu~ement-related services to a CLEC. Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) for the identified rCA. RESPONSE: Qwest provides ~he same perfo~~ance measurement related services to CLECs in connection with the perfc~~ance :ndicator definitions it has developed throughthe Regional Oversight Corr:rnittee ~~ocess. Those materials are available byweb and available for anyone. Qwest is willing to meet with an~ c~stomer regarding performance measu~ements and to facilitate irnprove:nen::s :n ser:vice. Such willingness is not a term or condition of interconnection a~d has not been included in an interconnectionagreement amendment. See genera2.1y, Response. to Request 62. Information Requested From: Inrormation Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: REQUEST: State Of Minneso~a Department of Commerce INFORMATION REQUEST P421/DI-01-814 Qwest Corporation Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 DOC 094Sl Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwes~ a~d a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to track the same performance measurements thatwere developed as described in paragraph 4.1 of the "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan " (Q110339 - Q110353). Please provide a copy of the relevant page(s) from the ide~tified ICA. RESPONSE: See Response to Request 92. Joe 09iS~ S~ate 0: Minnesota De9artment of Commerce INFOR~.TION REQUEST P421/0I-01-814 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Res90nse Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/1712001 REQUEST: In paragraph 8 of the "Qwest/Eschelon Implementation Plan " (Q110339 - Q110353), Qwest agrees to coordinate UNE-P conversions with Eschelon. Please identify at least one ICA approved by the MPUC between Qwest and a" CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide the CLEC with the same services for coordination of UNE-P conversions. Please provide a copy of the relevantpage(s) from the identified rCA. RESPONSE: The agreement referenced i~ this data request includes Qwest' s practice to coordinate UNE-P conversions with CLEC customers. It is a coordinated plan in acc:::rdance with the specifi-= needs of the CLEC. This p-rocedure is not a termor condition for the provisionin; 0: an interconnection service or a networkelement. "Qwest has not s~bmitted this agreement to the MPUC, because the Telecommunications Act does ~c: re~~ire Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by its :er~s, requires the submission of agreements to state commissions for aFproval only with respect to agreements for the provision of interconnection, ser,ices, or network elements pursuant ~osection 251." 47 U.C. ~ 252 (a) (~); see also 5 252 (b) and (e) (1). Consistently, the FCC recogni=ed that parties could simultaneously negotiate matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as non-251 or 252 matters, and that such an approach to negotiations is consistent with the duty undersection 251 to "negotiate in good faith.Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 11 fCC Rcd 15499, ~ 153 (1996), subsequent ~istory omitted. Qwest suggests that it is in the public in~erest to allow companies such as Qwest and Eschelon to coordinate :,\;siness relationships that sui 1: the particular needs and strUctures c: :~eir respective companies. Any regulatory obliga~ion to file this agreeme~: and allow carriers who are nO1: party to Qwest's and Eschelon s unique busi~ess relationship to opt-into provisions the agreement would be contrary :0 public policy. Such obliga1:ions would preclude, or at the very least prc.ide an enormous disincentive and barrier to, the ability of ILECs -and CL~~s alike to reach satisfactory and beneficial business resolution of matters that are unique to the parties. Qwest, as shown by this agreement, is" commi:i:ed to working collaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy their ~eeds. Qwest suggests that the Minnesota DOC should encourage, not discourage, the use of such arrangements to allow Qwest to work coopera~ively with its wholesale customers. - --------- DC':0395: . State Of Minnesota DeparLment of Co~~erce INFORMJI.TION REQUEST P421/DI-OI-B14 Information Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 11/27/2001 12/17/2001 REQUEST: In paragraphs 3, 3.a, 3.b, 3.c, and 3.d of the "Confidential Stipulation Between Small CLECs and U S WEST" (Q110022 - Q110027), Qwest sets forth terms and conditions pursuant to which lL will permit the small CLEC parties to opt into the terms of any effective ICAs that were voluntarily negotiated and entered into by U S WEST and CLECs in any other state in U S WEST's operating territory. Qwest and the small CLECs further agree to implement these terms in ICA amendments to be filed on March 17, 2002. Please answer the following with respect to this agreement:a. Why do the terms of these ?aragraphs not become effective until ~arch , 2002?b. ~ave any ICAs between Qwes: a~d any of the small CLECs that are ~arties to this agreement been amended :0 :~=or?orate these pick and choose ter~s todate?c. Id~ntify any rCA approved t~ the MPUC between Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees to provide the CLEC wi:h the same pick and choose provisions as set forth in this agreement. ?lease provide a copy of the relevant page(s) from the identified ICA.d. Please produce any docume~ts in which Qwest agrees to provide, to a CLEC operating in Minnesota (other tha~ the small CLECs that. are party to this agreement), immediately 0= in Lhe :ut~re, ~he same pick and choose ~rovisions as set forth in this agreemen:. RESPONSE: a. The terms of this ?arag=ap~ b~=~~e e:fec:ive on March 17 , 2002, be~ause that is the date that ~he c~rre~: ~7&: interconnection agreement will expire. No. c. Please see Responses to Req~es: 99 (A) and (3). Pursuant to agree~ent of the small CLECs and Qwest, such a~endmen:s will be effective on March 17 2002, and will be filed with the Minnesota Commission on March 17 , 2002. Further, this is. a settlemenL agreement arising out of the partie. adversarial positions rela:i~g ;:0 ;:he Qwest/U S WEST merger. Provisi0ns agreeing to enter into an inte=~onnection agreement on a future date ~nd to settle pre-existing li;:iga:ion are not terms or conditions for the provision of an interconnection service or network element and therefore not subj ect to sections 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act. Qwest has not sub~itted this agreement to the MPUC, because the Telecommunications Act does nOL require Qwest to do so. Sec~ion 252 of the ~c~, by i ~S ~erffiS, req~~res the submissio~ 0: agree~e~:s ~C sta~e commissions for a~~roval only wit~ respec: to agree~e~~s rela~i~g :~ interconnec;:ion, services, or network elemen':s pursuan~;:o section 25. :;~ C. 5 252(a) (1); see. also 5 252(b) and (e) (1). Consis;:en;:ly, the :CC recognized that parties could simultaneously negotiate matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as non-251 or 252 matters, and that such an approach to negotiations is consistent with the duty under sec;:ion 251 tonegotiate in good faith.Implementation of the Local Competi;:ionProvisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 11 FCC Red 15499, ~ 153(1996), subsequent history omitted. Qwest sugg~sts that any regulatory obligation to file this agreemen;: andallow carriers who are not party to Qwest' s and the small CL2Cs unique business relationship to opt-into provisions of the agreement would be contrary to public policy. Such obligations would preclude, or at the very least provide an enormous disincentive and barrier to, the ability of ILECs and CLECs alike to reach satisfactory and beneficial. business resolution of disputes that are unique to the settling parties. further, an inability to resolve disputes that frequently arise and that are far removed from sections251 and 252 would lead to unnecessary and voluminous litigation before the federal or state courts or before the M?OC. Qwest, as shown by thisagreement, is committed to working collaboratively with its wholesale carriercustomers to satisfy their needs rather than proceeding t.o litigation. And,CLECs should have the ability to determine whether an expeditious settlementwould be of greater benefi~ co their business interests than a poten~ially lengthy litigation before a judicial or regulatory tribunal. Qwest suggeststhat the Minnesota DOC sho~ld encourage, not discourage, the use of suchsettlements to allow Qwes;: to resolve such disputes amicably andcooperati vely with its wholesale customers. None. DOC 121S1 State Of Minnesota Depa~tment of Cornrne~ceINcO~~TrON REQUEST P4211DI-01-814 Info~mation Requested From:Qwest Corporation Information Requested By: Date Requested: Date Response Due: Ferguson, Sharon 12/03/2001 12/14/2001 REQUEST: rn paragraph 1. d of the "Confidential Settlement Document" dated Ap:dl 25,2000 between US WEST and McLeodUSA (Q1l0100-QllOl04), US WEST and McLeodUSAagree that all interim rates, except reciprocal compensation rates, will be treated as finali that any final commission orders will be applied prospectively and not retroactively, and that neither party will not billeach other for any true-ups between interim prices and those ordered as finalby a commission. Please identify at least one rCA approved by the MPUC between US WEST /Qwest and a CLEC in which Qwest agrees that all interim rates, except reciprocal compensation rates, will be treated as final; thatany final commission orders will be applied prospectively and not retroactively, and that neither party will not bill each other for anytrue-ups between interim prices and those ordered as final by a commission,Please provide a copy of the relevant page (s) from the identified rCA. RESPONSE: As stated in the agreement that is the sub ject of this Request, Qwest'predecessor, U S WEST Communications, and McLeod USA agreed to a settlement of a myriad of billing disputes as well as McLeod's intervention and adversarialposi tion to the Qwest/U S WEST merger in 2000. This agreement therefore stands as a settlement and business compromise ofpre-existing disputes and of pending litigated actions. Sections 251 and 252do not include within their scope agreements in which a settlement ofpre-existing litigated positions is the primary b argained-fo~ te~m or " condition. Further,. the provision that is the sub j ect of this Request isintegrated with all of its othe~ terms and conditions, including thewithdrawal of McLeod's opposition 0: the merge~. And, due to the integrated. nature of and all of the agreeme~t' s covenants, the agreement is unique toMcLeod and Qwest. Additionally, the agreement is unique to McLeod and U S WEST given theirbusiness relationship under the particular circumstances existing at the timeof the agreement. Further, the agreement represents compromises of legitimate legal and factual disputes and a resolution of the parties' respective negotiating positions regarding various billing disputes. Qwest has not sub mi tted this ag=eement to the MPUC, b ecause theTelecommunications Act does not require Qwest to do so. Section 252 of the Act, by its terms, requires the submission of agreements to state co~~issions for approval only with respect to agreements relating to "interconnection,services, or network elements pursuant to section 251." 47 U.C. S 252(a) (l)isee also S 252 (b) and (e) (1). Consistently, the FCC recognized that partiescould simultanecusly negotiate matters subject to sections 251 and 252 as well as non-251 or 252 matters, and that such an approach to negotiations is consistent with the duty under section 251 to "negotiate in good faith. Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Teleco~~unicaticns Act of 1996, 11 FCC Red 15499, ~ 153 (1996), subsequent history omitted. Qwest suggests that any regulatory obligation to file this agreement and allow carriers who are not party to Qwest' s and McLeod's unique b usinessrelationship to opt-into provisions of the agreement would be contrary to public policy. Such obligations would preclude, or at the very least provide an enormous disincentive and barrier to, the ability of ILECs and CLECs alike to reach satisfactory and beneficial business resolution of dispu~es that are unique .to the settling parties. Further, an inability to resolve disp utes thatfrequently arise and that are far removed from sections 251 and 252, such asbilling disputes, would lead to unnecessary and vol~~inous litigation beforethe federal or state courts or before the MPUC.. Qwest, as. shown b y thisagreement, is committed to working collaboratively with its wholesale carrier customers to satisfy their needs rather than proceeding to litigation. And,CLECs should have the ability to determine whether an expeditious settlement would be of greater benefit to their business interests than a potentiallylengthy Ii tigat~on before a judicial or regulatory trib unal. Qwest suggests that the Minnesota DOC should encourage, not discourage, -the use of suchsettlements to allow Qwest to resolve such disputes amicably and cooperatively wi th its wholesale customers. Without waiving its ob jection~, Qwest states the parties filed the first amendment to their ICA on June 30, 2000 and the MPUC approved the amendment on September 13, 2000. BEFORE THE Mlj\NESOT A PCBLIC UTILITIES COf\;IMISSION Gregory Scott Edward A. Gafvl=Y Jrle! Jacub!-- Marshall JohnsclIl eRo) KoppendraYt r Chair C()mmis~ ioner Commis.,mner Cl.1mmis~lI)ner (\)l1lmi~:-.jl)ner In the Matter of the Merger (If' th,~ Parent Corporations of Qv..'est Communications Corporation . LCI International Tdecom Corp., USLD Communications. t nc , PhC1emx Network , Inc, and US WEST Communications, 1m;:';' ISSUE DATE: April 28. 2000 DOCKET NO, P 30()Q , 3052 , 5096,421. 301 7/PA-C)9-J 192 .',, ORDER AFTER RECONSIDERATION \VlTHDRA WING REFERRAL FOR CONTESTED CASE PROCEEDTNGS ROCEDURAL HISTORY March 7, 2000, (he CorIul1isSIOJl Issued a Norit:e and Order for Hearing referring (his merger petitit")n to the Office of Adminislracive Hearings f(lf contested case proceedings. The parrie~, at (hat lime were (he petilionns (t' S WEST!Qwest). the Minnesota Department (\f Commerce (the Denarrment).rhe Re:-;idcntial ;-lQd Small Busint:ss l"tilitjes Division of rh~ Office or.the AtrPmey General (RUn OAG), th..:. Northwestern BeiliU S WEST Retiree Assi)(;iation (the Retiree Asso(;iatinn), AT&T Communications ofrhe Mid\vest (AT&T), Rhythm" links,hK" CnvCiJ Clmmunicariom C(Hnran:," (Covad). Cady Tdemanagemenl. 111(- (Cad\; McLenclli"iA Telecoll1l11unic;:!Jon Sc-I'"ic~. file, (Melt.: J(IL and tCJlu1:lIpeli:I-e !t)L ,1 ,:I);J(i~l:l:arriers arnearing ,oinUy as SHull ('LF':' On March 17. 200t) , tf S WEST Q""est filed a rec!uest for recunsideraljon, ilrguing (lrat theissues in rhe case could be re5l)lvcd wi(hl1ut evidentiary hearings. Reconsideration \\'\S iJPIwsetihy rhe Deparlmcnt rhe Sma\! CI.EC,. Ih~ Retiree Ass\)ciation, McLec'(\; (\:\'ad. AT,l , ,till! (hi.' RUD-OA( On March 22, April 5, and J\prii 11. :201)0, the Administrative Law Judge js~,ued scheduling and rrehearin!! orders :iening filil1g ueadline~, hearing date~-. and disccvery prlKeJures. Bemieen March 2. 2000 and April 25. 200(), U S WEST!Qwest reached settlement agreements with alJ parties tl) the case except tile Retiree As~ociation. The Department, rhe- RUD-OAG. and lhepetitiooers reached a comprehensive joint settlement agreement. On April 25, 2000. U S WESl /Q\vest"s petition for reconsideration caffit~ before theCommission, At thar time the 'JI1I~ party sliJl opposing reconsideration was the Retirel' A~.sociation The other parties urged the Commission to reconsider and rever'it' its de(:J~,illn:;ending the .:ase to the Office d A,jministntive Hearings for evidemiar~ pnKeedings, J'INDI\GS AND CONCLUSIONS The Commission finds that there b no Gun en( need for e',juentiary hearings on the issue outJined in tile March 7 Notice am! Order "or Hearing. As the record 01 this case has lIevlloped , ,!IllS intervening telecl)mmunicatilJTl~ carrier, 11;;1.' found common t!rouJld with U S V.ESTiQ'vesc. They ha\e stipulated to the facts rele\;mt to thl~jr claims and havt-neg:otiateJ olltcomes acceptablL: both to themselves and U S WESTiQ\Vl'SI. One of the ma in purpl'ses l'f the evicentiary hearings - to probe rl1t':';L" panics' claims ti1at the merger ll1if~hl impa!r thelr anility to compete - is therefore gone Even more ~ignincaIltly, the tWI! puhlic agcncie~; charged with representing the public imerest and consumers ' interests in utility matter1' t1ave negobated a comprehensive setllement with U S WEST/Qwl:st. The agem:ies ;tate that this settlement adequately prote(:t~ and affirmatively" promotes th,;: puhlic ITIt~rest. CI)I1SI,mers . interesl:s , and the interests of the cl)lllpetitive l1ark~!. These agenl"ie~, (00, have stiplilatld (with US WEST/Qwest) tlJ the facls relev:lI1\ (0 '!,,~ir chirns. Finally, at hearing the Retiree Association clarified that its claims, although Imked with the proposed merger in '-\ practical sense , d(l n,Jt depend upon the merger for their validity I)r enforceabililY. ShoL.ld Commissil-n jurisdiction over the.;e claims be eslablished , it is possible that an indepemlem .nquiry WCiuld be a bener procedural vehicle for resolving them thail this docker. That i's,;ue 'v ill he examined after the lIo.a1 comment period referred (0 below Fe))" all thes'~: reasom. the Conlmis-;il 1n rec msiders and n:scinds its March 7 . 2000 OI'(I:r referring this case fe,l' L:Ontested C,ISt: proc.:edings. Bdole deciding the lIlefil~; df this JlH:rgl;r application. the Commission will,oiicil. \-y serarate noL Ct:, a finai rouml of '~ommel1l:-, fn,lTIl parties and interested persons, The Commission will ~~) orueJ . QRDER The Commission herehy reconsIder' its Order of March 7 , 2000, witlldr~lws its rdc:rral of this case to the Office of Admini~,trari\'e Hearings for contested case: rroceeding!-. illlJ rescinds its No)tice and ()rdcr fer f-karin~. By separate nt)tice the ( omJ11is~i(lIl will establish ,\ final comment peni!(\ on the I11cril~ or the mergt:r application. This Order sf,all Qecl1ITlG efi'ective j,nmecJiatcly BY ORt)):R OF THE COMtvllSSION --.....,' ".. / . ,:") h. ../i' ,.,z,.J/4- ' I.. II r. ,- , ' un'"lV, Haar Executive Secretary (~ E A L) This document can be made availahle m alternative formats (i.e., large prim IJr audi\) tape) by ::al1ing (651) 297-4596 (voice), (6511297-1200 (TTY). or 1-800-627-3529 iTTY relav service).